#natalie celebrates 1.5k
njmphadora · 7 years
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url aesthetic for @lunalocegood
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lorelaigilmo · 4 years
🌻 also congrats on 1.5k!!!
Thank you nat!!! 💖
🌻 - a blog compliment
"number one stan of the hayley williams and taylor swift collab that doesn't exist" need I say more? Honestly when I found your blog I was so excited there was another person manifesting this except for me ahdhdjjd so you're my sister in arms now. But for real a+ content a+ personality no one does it like you girl
💚💕join my celebration💕💚
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isthisthingeven0n · 4 years
bitter : d.d
REQUESTS ARE CLOSED UNTIL MID AUGUST. Please do not send one in right now, as I can’t get to it sorry guys.
brief summary: after you and david break up, you return months later with another guy. yet david can’t help but feel a little bitter 
word count: 1.5k requested: yesss by one anon initially and then another gave me more inspo. love that i can use fletcher for this one, she truly is a babe   warnings: david being a lil bitch 
* masterlistin’ / masterlistin’ 2.0
(everything on my blog is my own writing. if it is shared on another page or website know it hasn’t been approved me unless specified. all rights reserved. - i have to start doing this as I had some shit on my other blog with plagiarism)
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With you, I thought things would’ve gone differently. You lit up an entire room with your smile, the way you could easily comfort me during stressful times with your fingers in my hair, it was effortless. 
Every time you came over, I could see that underlying look of lust in your gaze. You loved when the house was empty, a chance to explore and play games with me, not that I ever resisted. 
Yet, you brought it to an end. Out of the blue, you hit me with it. One moment, we’re lying in bed together, a sheen of sweat across your forehead as you run your fingers through your hair. 
I was still panting lightly, feeling your lips hovering above mine before you pulled away. 
“I don’t think I can do this anymore. I’m sorry.” 
Then you got up, I watched the silhouette of your body walk out of the room with clothes in hand, and you vanished for months. 
No one could find you, no one had seen you. And then you returned, three months ago you walked back into our lives like we hadn’t ever happened. You seemed fresh, but entered Scott’s home with a stale looking guy. 
I watched as we went on nights out how you sat on his lap, your arm around his neck as your fingers glided through his hair. You laughed at his shitty jokes as I remained on the sidelines, witnessing you fall for someone else. 
“Dude, let it go already.” Ilya muttered to me as we sat by the bar, my hand clenched around the glass of Pepsi they had instead of Coke. “She’s happy, just let her be.” He sighed, but I couldn’t let it go, not yet. 
You began to turn your body away from the bar, from our friends dancing together. Ilya watched alongside me as your body started to rock back and forth against his, your hips grinding. It was something I could make out as clear as day even through the sea of bodies grinding together, I could still see yours. 
“You know she was late arriving tonight, don’t you?” I told Ilya who merely rolled his eyes, but I continued on. “I could smell it on her, and he couldn’t wipe that dumb smile off his face.” 
“She’s moved on, Dave.” Ilya reminded me as I took another swig from the glass. “You should too.” 
It wasn’t that easy though, seeing you with him. Whenever you turned up somewhere, he followed you like a puppy dog. 
“Hey, you coming to Y/n’s tonight?” Natalie asks as I glance up over my laptop. 
“I’m invited?” I question, and Ilya sighs beside me. “What? It’s a valid question.” 
Natalie and Ilya exchange a quick look before she nods. “Yeah, we all are.” She states, crossing her arms. “I’ll let her know we’ll be there then, she’s cooking a meal, a special occasion she said.” Natalie shrugs her shoulder, leaving me with that lingering thought.
“Special occasion, huh?” I mutter to myself before trying to focus back on my work, but the only thing that circles my mind is the thought of what you’re celebrating with him. 
Standing in front of your apartment with Natalie and Ilya felt strange. I was so used to coming on my own, a bunch of flowers in hand after a fight or to just be with you for a few hours. Yet, I can already hear laughter inside, gentle piano through a speaker. This isn’t your influence, it’s clearly his.
“Be civil, yeah?” Natalie mutters over her shoulder to me as I keep my head down. 
The front door swings open, and I can hear your laugh already. “Hi guys, come on in, food won’t be too long.” You hug Natalie tightly, Ilya following suit. 
“Hey,” I try to force a smile, but unlike mine yours is genuine. “sorry we’re late.” 
You brush it off, kissing my cheek quickly. “It’s all good, Dave,” You tell me with another one of your smiles, but this one doesn’t reach your eyes like they used to. 
“Is that everyone, honey?” He, Blake, calls out from the kitchen, peering his head through the door as I stand by your side, remembering how good we looked together at events like these.
Moving away from me, you walk toward him. “Yeah, that’s everyone.” You comment before kissing his lips chastely. “Dinner in the oven?” 
Blake smiles as his hand rests on your lower back. “It’s all under control, babe. Enjoy yourself.” He reassures you as you turn on your heels, returning to a conversation with Carly who clearly gushes over your relationship with Blake. 
“How’re you holding up?” Heath pitches in as he passes me a beer, one that I gladly accept. 
I nod briefly, picking at the label on the bottle in my hand. “I’ll get over it. Least she’s happy.” I mutter, and Heath pats my arm supportively as he begins to tell me about the new truck he was looking at buying. 
As Heath talks in earnest about his car collection, my eyes wander over to you stood on the other side of the room. You’re always just out of reach, but Blake’s hand rests on your hip as you both talk to Zane, Scott and Erin. But then I catch it, you glance my way before quickly retracting as if it never happened. 
But I saw the way you looked at me, even if it were for a split second, I felt my heartbeat stutter like you did with your words. 
Sitting down for dinner, I can’t help but observe how the photos of us are no longer on display. You’ve replaced countless frames with ornaments along with the occasional polaroid shot of you with Blake. I want to comment on it, but Natalie hits my leg, cutting me off before I can. 
“So what’s the special occasion?” Erin asks as you begin to take the empty plates away. 
My eyes follow yours as you focus on Blake with a nervous smile. “We’re, we’re moving in together.” Blake states, and everyone speaks up at once. 
A series of excitement spreads throughout the room, but you’re waiting for me to say something, I just know it. 
“Congrats, you guys.” I add, and I watch as your shoulders relax as the tension releases from them. “Here, let me help.” I offer, taking a few of the dishes from you, following suit into the kitchen. 
“Thanks, Dave.” You mutter, placing the dishes in the sink as I hover by the door, slowly closing it over allowing us a moment. “I know what you’re thinking,” You start, a small sigh leaving your lips. 
“That so?” I comment, crossing my arms as you face me now, your arms spread out as you lean against the counter. 
“I know this all seems kinda fast, but I’m happy, I really am.” You laugh lightly. “I just want you to know I’ll always care about you, regardless.” 
Shaking my head, I step closer toward you. “I am happy for you, Y/n.” I rest my hand on my chest. “Cross my heart, I just,” Pausing, I’m in front of you, mere inches away from you. I can hear your breath haltering as you focus on my eyes. “there are some things I’ll never forget.” 
“What’d you mean?” You quietly ask, standing up taller in front of me as I smirk, edging closer until I’m leaning against you. 
“Things like this.” I mutter before lifting my hand up to the back of your neck, pulling your head toward mine as I kiss you passionately. 
Your lips mould against mine like old times, muscle memory clearly working as a small moan escapes you. 
“No,” You sigh as you push me away, your hands resting on my chest as you lower your gaze. “I, I can’t, David.” You admit. 
“That’s fine,” I reassure you, placing my hands over yours as I gently lower them. “but can you still taste me when you kiss him? ‘Cause I’ll never forget the taste of you on my lips.” I add, and you quickly take your hands away from mine, just as the kitchen door opens. 
“Everything okay in here?” Blake peeks his head through the door with a small smile, clearly noting the shift in your body language as you glide past me into his arms. 
“Yeah, David was just helping with dessert.” You tell him, and Blake focuses on me. 
“That I was, and trust me, it’s real sweet.” I chuckle, taking the cake left on the side and exit the kitchen past both of you, even if you’ll never be mine, doesn’t mean I can’t be a bit bitter. 
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unholyplumpprincess · 4 years
The 100 Times Gibraltar Says I Love You and The 1 Time Caustic Says It
Hi it’s a long title but I s2g it’s cute. I’ve been seeing art of Gibstic on Twitter and it was too cute of a ship! Opposites attract? Big chunks together??? Fan-fucking-tastic.
!!!Though this fic is SFW, this blog is not! Minors do not follow, but you can interact with this post!!!
Reblogs > Likes. It cost zero dollars to reblog the fics you like!
Fandom: Apex Legends
Relationship: Gibraltar/Caustic
Warnings: SFW, Caustic’s lack of empathy is mentioned and how he shows it in other ways, a little shout out to the peeps out there who don’t quite understand empathy and emotion I’m doin a peace sign at yall!
Words: 1.5k
If anyone were to ask how this relationship started, you wouldn’t get a straight answer from Alexander.
From Makoa, he would tell you that Alexander on the outside was callous and cold, but on the inside, he was nothing but a warm pile of pudding. In his own way, that is.
Makoa showed his love louder than the sun shone brightly down upon the various planets around them. He loved in ways you would expect normally. Often wrapping his arms around Alexander’s shoulders when he was reading, kissing his face, playing with his hair, offering dates, holding hands. He was touch oriented, emotionally motivated and wanted to show it through actions and words.
Whilst Alexander, most would see something different. Because what they saw was his grumbling when he was kissed on his face, the way he’d lean to the side and Makoa would chase him to kiss his face more. What could also be seen was how flushed his liver spotted, freckled face would get. Because Makoa knew, that despite his hard exterior and grumbling, that the pressure he felt on his chest was Alexander leaning in for more affection.
~Rest under the cut~
Alexander expressed his love differently. Empathy wasn’t one of the things he had learned- emotions were hard placed in areas he couldn’t quite grasp. He knew he loved Natalie like a child he’d never had, but he didn’t show it in an affectionate manner like hugging. Though he did allow her to wrap her arms around him, her bright beams getting rid of the tight hold of his lips to the point he’d be able to wrap one arm loosely around her and pat her back in a way she’d taught him.
For Makoa, his love was shown just as different. In ways that couldn’t be seen if you didn’t know him. Things such as making sure Makoa’s favorite coffee was in the machine and he had a cup ready just how he liked it in the morning. Or remembering Makoa’s likes and dislikes for media decisions and would recommend a book he would most certainly enjoy. To when it’s Makoa’s favorite snack or meal, Alexander will always ensure Makoa got the last bit of it, even if it’s off his own plate.  
To the quieter gestures, like telling Makoa that his hair looked nice when it was down. To making sure to purchase that super special, hard to find cologne Makoa liked to wear so much. Alexander was materialistic in his affections in that manner.
Besides, why do you think Makoa received a bouquet of various flowers at his compound’s door every week?
However, when it came to physical and verbal affections like Makoa liked to dish out- no. No, Alexander did not express his love in those manners. He knew what it should look like, what it should sound like- Makoa had shown him numerous times how it ‘should’ be. But, it was not how he showed his own affections.
“I love you.” Makoa murmurs, voice thick and full of sleep in Alexander’s ear in bed like he does every night. Alexander hums in response as he always does, feeling Makoa’s arms tighten around him and drawing him closer back to his chest. It was always a comfort to be wrapped up in Makoa’s warm arms, never once had Alexander let himself feel so...small before in his life.  
“Good morning, my love.” Makoa says when he gets up earlier than Alexander one morning and he feels the tips of his ears burn. Once more, he hums in response, letting Makoa kiss his forehead and push his unslicked hair back to smile bright as ever at him. Just like the sun, Alexander thinks when Makoa tilts his chin up so he can kiss his nose.
“I think I love you.” Makoa says one day when Alexander brings him take-out and a small gift. He says it with such a bright smile, stretching ear to ear and narrowing his eyes and showing off his deep dimples. Alexander’s heart skips a beat, but he grunts in response and rolls his eyes at the playful wording. The kiss he receives is excited and deep, fit with the smell of Makoa’s expensive cologne filling his lungs like the scent of home he’s so familiar with.
Every kiss is full of love and adoration that Makoa gives him. On his lips, his forehead, his nose, cheeks- anywhere Makoa can reach. Even in more intimate locations, Alexander always feels it beaming out of him as if he could shoot it straight into the scientist’s body like an injection.
And as always, Alexander responds quietly in the ways he knows how. Gifts, small gestures, memories.
Alexander did overhear a question Makoa received from Natalie, a curious little inquiry is all, “How do you know that Dr. Caustic loves you?” The same way she had asked Alexander if he was sure he loved her, if he even knew the feeling. Truthfully, he wasn’t sure how it SHOULD feel, just that he knew in the same way he knew he loved Makoa.
He doesn’t have to peer around the corner to know Makoa is smiling that shy smile he did when Alexander did something small. Where he’d rub the back of his neck and bashfully duck his head. He can hear the laughter, just a small chuckle. “Well...ya see, in the mornings, he always makes sure I got coffee waitin for me on the counter, made just how I like it. And ya know that cologne I always wear? Hard to find, ‘round here! He makes sure I always have it- never know how.”
Alexander’s face burns when he hears the adoration in Makoa’s voice, let alone the soft ’awww’ sound Natalie lets out. Followed by a giggle and her remarking about how similar a gesture her own girlfriend, Wraith, would give her in similar manners. Resulting in the two of them talking more about their partners and Alexander carefully stopping his snooping to go about his business as to not cause more heat to his face.
When Makoa’s birthday approaches, Alexander ensures that there are gifts prepared and Makoa’s favorite kind of cake is prepared in time. The other legends throw him a birthday party in the lounge room, fit with gifts from everyone all with thought involved. Bloodhound had whittled him a wooden version of his shield, palm sized and a charm for weaponry. Natalie had given him a picture frame, that later Alexander would discover had a picture of himself, Natalie, Makoa, and Wraith all on a small trip Makoa had wanted to go on. Elliott had given him some choice alcohol, and Ajay had excitedly embraced Makoa, kissing each of her best friend’s cheeks before offering her own gift of homemade cooking and the grandest gift of all: A new bike parked outside.
It’s safe to say Ajay won that round.
By the time the party is over, Alexander is leading Makoa back to his own room in the compound. Inside, there is already candles lighting up the room softly in a glow, the cake set with a bouquet of flowers in a vase, a few gift bags set to the side, and a vanilla cake with coconut shreds atop it. It’s a bit lop sided, as baking was not Alexander’s strong suit but perfection would be less than tolerated, but it looked good and near perfect.
Makoa, always a fan of even the smallest gestures, beams brighter than ever at Alexander and it never fails to make his heart skip a beat. “Didja have this set up this morning?”
“Yes. I figured the others would have prepared a celebration for you, as well. I assumed you would like something more...private for after the event.” Alexander coolly explains, as if he had not been grumpily waiting for the party to end just so he could have three seconds alone with his partner.
Once more, Makoa grins, his arms going around Alexander’s neck and resting his arms over his shoulders. Hesitantly, Alexander follows the motion, resting his hands comfortably on the dips of Makoa’s waist in an area he is familiar. “Thank you, baby. You’re always so sweet on me, think you’re getting soft.” A playful phrase, one that makes one corner of Alexander’s lips twitch up at the pet name.
“It is only because I tolerate you so much.” Alexander responds in his own playful fashion, though he does pause. He’d been practicing his next words for the past week, feeling more foolish by the minute. He lets out a soft sound, clearing his throat and leaning in to press a gentle kiss to Makoa’s cheek. ”And...because I adore you.”
Alexander had seen Makoa smile a million times, each time show stopping. But he’d never seen him smile like this. His entire face lights up, eyes narrowed to small slits and looking like a giddy teenager from just two simple gestures of verbal and physical. He’s immediately near about jumping onto Alexander to attack him in kisses, delightedly laughing and excitedly exclaiming his love for the scientist he’s currently covering in affection.
Well...maybe this...’physical affection’ thing wasn’t SO bad to give after all.
But only if Makoa would keep smiling like that.
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stressedkitkatttt · 5 years
Can you do something about them experiencing a new culture for Christmas? My family is Trinidadian, and the way we celebrate Christmas is quite different from a typical American Christmas. I just think it would be cute because they wouldn’t know what to do lol. It really doesn’t matter which boy is, so surprise me!
Okay so this request was very interesting and I really loved writing it! You are Jewish in the story(because I am fairly familiar with it but I am NOT Jewish, so I may not get everything right) and I hope that this doesn’t offend anyone. For the Jewish holiday I choose Hanukkah.
I have a second part that may include you and him spending Christmas together and may or may not have some smut 👀. The only difference being that you are Trinidadian(like the lovely person who requested this because a Trinidadian Christmas is pretty cool) and you travel to Trinidad. I can post that as well if y'all want it. Also I’ve never been to Miami soooo…….
Words: 1.5k
Warnings: Fluff. Fluff all around. Erick being awkward. Possibly tooth-rotting fluff.
Christmas. A time to spend with family and friends then wrap up in a fuzzy blanket in front of the fire and sip hot cocoa. All that would be nice except for two things. You live in an apartment, which has no fireplace, and you live in Miami. Winters in Miami are basically cool summer days. The coldest it gets usually somewhere in the 60s and of course it doesn’t snow. But you can look past all that. What you really looked forward to was spending time with your family and of course your boyfriend, Erick. You’ve dated for a little over a year now and you can say that he’s the sweetest boy in the world.
Last year’s Christmas was amazing. Erick took you to see his family in Havana, Cuba. You spent the night with him and his family: enjoying amazing Cuban food and the celebration mass that gathered in Havana. To say you were scared to meet the rest of his family was an understatement. But they loved you and with Erick, there to comfort you when your anxiety rose too high, it felt like you had a second home by the end of the night.
This year was going to be different. Your family had flown out to Miami to see you and boy were you shocked to see your mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, and some cousins show up at your door. You cried a little and when Erick came home from work, your family was all over him: telling him how adorable he was, how you and him made a cute couple, etc. You grew more and more excited the closer Christmas came because with your family here, you could indulge on your Christmas traditions and best of all? You get to show Erick some of your culture and traditions. You always talked about your mom’s traditional cooking and what your family used to do on holidays but now that you get to show him?
You're the happiest girl alive.
When you first told Erick that your family didn’t celebrate Christmas, he was a little shocked. Almost every year you guys had a Christmas tree and celebrated like any traditional Christmas. He was a little nervous because he didn’t know what to do, what to expect, what if he did something wrong and accidentally offended your family and they don’t want you two to be together anymore? On the night before Kwanzaa starts, you took him to your shared room and calmed his nerves.
“But amor, what if I do something wrong?” He asks, squeezing your hand and pulling you closer. “What if I do something wrong and your family doesn’t want us to be together?”
You laugh a little at how nervous he is. You take your hand and bring it to his cheek, turning his head to face you. “Erick, look at me,” you say softly. He slowly brings his head up, green eyes meeting yours. “Remember how nervous I was about meeting your family last year? You helped me relax and showed me how to do things?” He nods. “Well, I promise to do the same. I’ll show you what to do and if you do something wrong, my family isn’t going to be offended. Plus, they see how much you make me happy. And what makes me happy makes them happy.”
He takes a deep breath and nods, bringing his hand up to yours and leans into it. You pull him closer and kiss his lips. He melts almost instantly and brings his hand to your head, pulling you deeper into the kiss. Giggles from the doorway made the both of you jolt away and look to see two of your little cousins. With a hearty laugh, you spring from the bed and chase them down the hall, Erick letting out a chuckle of his own before following suit.
December 22: You had cleared off a small table and your mom brought over the menorah. Erick was puzzled to say the least and as your family brought out the necessary things to light it, he leaned down and whispered, “What is that?”
“That is a menorah.” You reply. “Hanukah celebrates the victory of the Maccabees over the Syrian-Greek army, who were trying to take over Jerusalem. In the Holy Temple, there was a menorah and one vial of oil. The oil was only supposed to last one day but instead lasted eight - hence why there are eight spaces for the candles. And the one in the middle is used to light the other eight.” You would go into more detail but you didn’t want to bore Erick with your tradition’s origin. That’s your father and grandfather’s job.
Just before the sun started to set, you began helping your mom and grandma make traditional fried foods to eat after the lighting of the first candle. Erick was on the couch with your dad and grandpa. You looked over at the couch from the small island in the kitchen and couldn’t help smile. Your mom appeared beside you and followed your gaze, smiling as well. She rubbed your back softly. “You two are so perfect together, you know?” You replied with a distant ‘Mhm’.
“Do you plan on getting married?” Your grandma asks from behind you. You whip around and stare at her with a shocked expression. Your grandma must’ve felt you look at her and she began laughing. She turns and looks at you, a mischievous glint in her eye. “I’m just messing with you, honey.” Before she turns and goes back to frying Latkes.
The sunset from the apartment is breathtaking and everyone watches it until it disappears and it’s time to light the first candle. “Natalie, would you do the honors?” Your mom asks, stepping away from the menorah after light the middle one. You stand up from the couch and walk over to menorah, some soft traditional music playing in the background. You take the helper candle and light the first candle. Your grandma and grandpa begin to say a traditional prayer while Erick sits on the couch awkwardly. You smile and walk back to sit down by him, gently rubbing his back as you lean against him. His hand finds yours and you squeeze it gently.
When the prayer is done, your mom gets the food from the kitchen counter and brings them over. You light up at the foods you haven’t eaten in years. “Okay, so these are latkes, which are fried potato pancakes,” you tell Erick while taking a bite out of one. You offer it to him and he takes a bite, letting out a small 'Mm’. You laugh and offer him something he’s familiar with - tostones; fried plantains. He was a fan of those to say the least.
When everyone had finished eating, your little cousins came up to you and Erick. “Do you guys want to play Dreidel?” You look at Erick and drag him to the floor. “Okay, so this is how you play,” your little cousin explained how to play. When the game started, he was a little confused but slowly got the hang of it. When the last day came to light the candle, you gave Erick the honors and he lit up at the now fully-lit menorah.
Over the next eight days you taught Erick more about your Jewish traditions and he slowly got more and more comfortable with your family, just as you did with his a year ago. And finally the day came and your family had to leave. You were sad to see them go and made them promise to call you when they got off the plane.
After you bid them farewell and closed the door, a pair of arms wrapped themselves around your waist and pair of lips found your neck. “Tengo un regalo para ti,” he mumbled against your skin. He grabbed your hand and led you to the bedroom. “Cierra los ojos, nena.” He said just before you got to the bedroom door. You giggle and close your eyes, hearing the door open and feeling his hand guide you to the bed. You straighten up and put your hands on your lap. Erick walks away for a few moments before returning and sitting down next to you on the bed. “Okay, open your eyes.”
You open your eyes and look down at his hands, seeing a beautiful necklace you had wanted from a few months ago. Your jaw drops and you almost tear up a little bit. “Erick, you didn’t…” You say in disbelief. He sets down the box and grabs the necklace. You lean forward and let him put it on. It fits perfectly. You squeal and run to the body mirror and check out the necklace. Erick comes up behind you and looks at you through the mirror. “I can’t believe you got this for me, Erick. Thank you.” You turn and peck him on the cheek. He turns your head and you look at him. He leans in and kisses you. “Te amo,” he mumbles against your lips.
“Te quiero también.”
Wow. Just wow. I almost died writing this because Erick seriously melts my heart. The other boys do too but something about Erick… Anyways. I hope you guys enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it. First post of 2020. Hope y'all had some good holidays! Was also gonna add some cheesy thing at the end like “You’re the best gift of all” but nah…..
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njmphadora · 7 years
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url aesthetic for @lilyevcnz
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njmphadora · 7 years
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url aesthetic for @aliciavspinnet
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njmphadora · 7 years
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url aesthetic for @nimphandoratonks
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njmphadora · 7 years
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“my wand, wormtail.”
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njmphadora · 7 years
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ron weasley: tropes // url graphic for @ronweascly
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njmphadora · 8 years
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"i love you louder than your demons can scream"
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njmphadora · 8 years
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URL AESTHETICS || @rvenaravenclaw
“there’s so much to explore there’s so much to absorb and then the atoms that you borrowed, they are returned to the cosmos”
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njmphadora · 8 years
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"You'll soon find out some wizarding families are much better than others, Potter. You don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort. I can help you there.”
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njmphadora · 8 years
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njmphadora · 8 years
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archive moodboard for @magicinourbones
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njmphadora · 8 years
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archive mooodboard for @hosgmeade
"for a moment a band of thieves in ripped up jeans got to  r u l e  t h e  w o r l d ."
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