#nate campisi
nofatclips · 1 year
Oh Wonder by Gaadge from the album Somewhere Down Below
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doomedandstoned · 1 year
Pittsburgh’s MELT Airs Astounding New Spin, ‘Replica of Man’
~Doomed & Stoned Debuts~
By Billy Goate
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Armageddon, religion, technology, shame and greed -- here's a band dealing with some heavy lyrical themes, and doing it with excellence. It's prog-stoner metal trio MELT from the Steel City, and today they're giving us an advance listen to the upcoming album, 'Replica of Man' (2023)
The album opens with narration from an interview long past from the incredible age of Pandora's Box tampering that the 20th century was: "The concept of the thinking machine has been man's dream for centuries, also his nightmare." To accompany this roving commentary on creeping technocracy, the bass slaps out a wicked jazzy stoner groove with vivacity and conviction. By the time drums join in earnest, it feels like we're in Prodigy territory, with metal vocals and doomy riffs. Recording engineer Nate Campisi takes great care in capturing a lusty sound from all of the instruments, and this serves as a captivating vessel for the message:
It fulfills the prophecy Unstoppable technology Steel has seized the upper hand We concede as it commands It’s too late to intervene Mating man with machine No forgiveness for the damned Heed the replica of man
Indeed, we are several chapters deep into a fledgling Technological State and already the human animal is being stretched and contorted in ways that are alien to his nature, but somehow pleasing to the great labyrinth of circuits that make up our computers and smartphones. It's no longer fodder for fun sci-fi blockbusters like Terminator, but an urgent question for our time as to what makes us truly thrive as human beings and how technology can assist us toward that end, not hurt us. Obviously, the band struck a chord with me straight away!
"It isn’t passive music," remarks frontman Joey Troupe. "It has weight, inertia and leaves a mark. We are writing the soundtrack to global annihilation. That includes elements of destruction, despair, gratitude and sometimes, hope."
Elsewhere on the album, the band conjures Lucifer's Friend vibes on "Problem Child" and "Skeleton Girl" exhibits an infectious nu-metal energy -- both captured within a cocoon of fuzzy low-end and performed with all the vibrancy of the garage experience. "Swamp Water" is a good, old-fashioned swampy stoner romp that would make a good companion to Weed Is Weed's "Alligator Crawl." And "Shame" would fit in great with the likes of Mudhoney and Coal Chamber.
The album closer is bathed in dank, watery shadows, with a grungy, forlorn bass groove. It's called "Hive Mind" and lives in the neighborhood of Black Sabbath and Electric Wizard. The song is about how the secrets of life evade us because we're stuck in rigid mindsets ("Sacrament is our demise"), and struggle to find a meaningful role in this artificial maze of concrete and asphalt ("Disguised by life, destroyed by time"). At least that's my interpretation. As I said, the lyrics are thought provoking -- but there's no mistaking the last lines of the track:
We all seek a higher mind So take your breath and blaze a fire Take flight. Ignite. Leave them all behind
Melt's Replica of Man is a virtuosic blend of influences, captivating themes, and crisp, joyful musicianship. Out Friday, July 7th (pre-order here). Stick it on a playlist with Snail, GoodEye, Rickshaw Billie's Burger Patrol, Null, and Deep Purple.
Give ear...
Replica of Man by Melt
Melt is a Pittsburgh-based fuzz rock band formed by Joey Troupe, J.J. Young, and James May – three seasoned musicians with a diverse range of experience in the music industry.
Joey Troupe (lead guitar/vocals) has played in various bands around the city since 2007, including Blackbird Pie, The Electric Pear, and Paddy the Wanderer — which released several LPs and EPs, toured regionally, and had a song featured on a Netflix series.
J.J. Young (drums) has played in or appeared with over 10 different musical projects, including Fortune Teller, Daisy Chain, and his own solo project, BITE. He is also a co-founder of Steel City Death Club, a Pittsburgh music multimedia collective.
James May (bass/vocals) started Aberrant Kingdom in 2008 and has also played with Spare Arrows. In July 2021, Melt released their self-titled debut and performed live for the first time, quickly making a name for themselves in Pittsburgh music for their lively stage presence and unique extraterrestrial-inspired aesthetic.
Since, the band has headlined shows across the region, been named the WYEP Artists of the Week, held a featured spot on the Deutschtown Music Festival mainstage, and opened for Silver Synthetic of Third Man Records. Their second studio album, Replica of Man, will be released July 7, 2023.
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americanahighways · 1 month
Song Premiere: John Calvin "Saint Innocent"
Song Premiere: John Calvin "Saint Innocent" @masquerademonday @rmcortes @americanahighways #saintinnocent #americanahighways #americanamusic #writtenbyahuman #songpremieres
John Calvin “Saint Innocent” Americana Highways brings you this premiere of John Calvin’s song “Saint Innocent” from his forthcoming album Greener Fields & Fairer Seas, which is set for release on Jan. 24.  The album was  produced by Nate Campisi, with art by Ricardo Cortés and photography by John Fusco.  It was recorded and mixed by Nate Campisi at Mr Smalls Recording Studio in Pittsburgh, and…
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nedlittle · 2 years
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i read a total of 16 books in june (95% of my total goal) and 4614 pages (106% of my total goal). my favourite was lady audley’s secret by mary elizabeth braddon and my least favourite was a botanist’s guide to parties and poisons by kate khavari
full breakdown of star ratings and reviews under the cut! 🖊📚
the mercies by kiran millwood hargrave 3⭐[historical, queer] [review]
a ghost in the throat by doireann ní ghríofa 2.25⭐ [autofiction, memoir, poetry] [review]
a fatal thing happened on the way to the forum: murder in ancient rome by emma southon 4.25⭐ [history] [review]
ayesha at last by uzma jalaluddin 3.5⭐ [contemporary, romance] [review]
sin eater by megan campisi 2.5⭐ [historical, mystery] [review]
lady audley’s secret by mary elizabeth braddon 4⭐ [classics, mystery] [review]
sister outsider: essays and speeches by audre lorde 4.75⭐ [essays, feminism] [review]
quackery: a brief history of the worst ways to cure everything by lydia kang and nate pedersen 3.75⭐ [history, science] [review]
velvet was the night by silvia moreno-garcia 2.75⭐ [historical, noir] [review]
when i grow up i want to be a list of further possibilities by chen chen unrated [poetry, queer] [review]
under the sea-wind by rachel carson 4⭐ [nature, science] [review]
nevada by imogen binnie 3⭐ [contemporary, queer] [review]
the tenant of wildfell hall by anne brontë 3.5⭐ [classics, romance] [review]
daughters of the deer by danielle daniel 3.5⭐ [historical, queer] [review]
how much of these hills is gold by c pam zhang 3.25⭐ [historical, queer] [review]
a botanist’s guide to parties and poisons [saffron everleigh mysteries #1] by kate khavari 1.75⭐ [historical, mystery] [review]
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m3t4ln3rd · 6 years
Riparian to release self-titled debut through Grimoire Records
Official press release:
Grimoire Records presents the caustic, eponymous debut EP from Pittsburgh-based outfit Riparian. Featuring the rhythm section of former outfit Wrought Iron, the band packs five tracks of totally grimy, weird, and filth-soaked death into a dense, twenty-five-minute release. The label has issued the cover art, track listing, and more ahead of the album’s March 1st release…
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lavoroconstile · 5 years
Crea il tuo network da zero
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Alcuni pratici consigli per creare un network efficiente ed efficace
Oggi voglio riflettere a voce alta con te su un tema che può avere risvolti significativi per la tua ricerca di lavoro o più semplicemente per lo standing e l’immagine digitale.Come scegliere sui social i contatti da aggiungere o meno alla vostra rete... È giusto essere selettivi? Quali criteri usare?Facciamo finta di iniziare zero la costruzione di un proprio network. Predisposto e definito il profilo e l'immagine che vogliamo rimandare ai nostri interlocutori o potenziali contatti puntiamo su una strategia.Facciamo finta di iniziare zero la costruzione di un proprio network. Predisposto e definito il profilo e l'immagine che vogliamo rimandare ai nostri interlocutori o potenziali contatti puntiamo su una strategia.
A chi chiedere con alcune brevi note di presentazione il contatto?
- A tutte le recruiter delle agenzie per il lavoro e le società di ricerca e selezione del tuo territorio di riferimento; - Se lavori in un settore di nicchia individua anche i recruiter specializzati che seguono progetti anche su scala nazionale; - Ai referenti dell’ufficio del personale di aziende in linea con le tue skills e potenzialmente interessate a un profilo come il tuo; - Ai responsabili funzionali che notando il tuo background potrebbero accorgersi di te; - Ai profili simili al tuo.Sei vuoi delle relazioni che possano rappresentare un’opportunità di arricchimento e crescita non puoi andare a caso indipendentemente se stai cercando o meno un lavoro. Come avrai potuto notare la tipologia di profili da contattare ed invitare è trasversale.Sei vuoi delle relazioni che possano rappresentare un’opportunità di arricchimento e crescita non puoi andare a caso indipendentemente se stai cercando o meno un lavoro. Come avrai potuto notare la tipologia di profili da contattare ed invitare è trasversale.Seguendo i professionisti delle risorse umane potrai rimanere aggiornato sui temi del loro settore, nuovi strumenti di selezione e tanti altri spunti per prepararti al meglio e renderti competitivo sul mercato. I responsabili funzionali e i “colleghi di mestiere” possono contribuire alla tua formazione personale e al tuo desiderio di approfondimento. Molti membri del social professionale per eccellenza sono attivi con condivisioni di contenuti e ricerche di personale. Non sottovalutare i gruppi. Alcune tra le community più solide e prestigiose sono nate proprio in questo contesto.
Ti ho convinto? Inizierai a prendere sul serio le richieste di contatto in entrata e in uscita?
E sì anche in entrata perché l’obiettivo non è la quantità ma l’affinità! Cosa potresti avere in comune con quella persona? Chieditelo e valuta. Se invece sei tu a sollecitare un contatto direi che vale la pena accompagnare la richiesta da una breve nota di presentazione dal taglio motivazionale.Tranquillo disponi davvero di pochissimi caratteri. Saranno premiate la tua capacità di sintesi, i toni sobri e adeguati alla situazione.Ecco alcuni esempi che, quando si può, sarebbe meglio tu personalizzassi.“Buongiorno dr.ssa Bianchi, sono Claudia Campisi sono una consulente di carriera e curo un blog personale www.lavoroconstile.it. Mi farebbe piacere poter entrare in contatto con lei perché reputo possa rappresentare un valore aggiunto per il mio network. Grazie”. Quando non hai alcuna connessione con la persona.“Buonasera Sandra, sono Claudia Campisi ho molto apprezzato l’attenzione e la professionalità con la quale ha seguito la mia candidatura. Mi farebbe piacere poter rimanere in contatto con lei all’interno della sua rete. Grazie e buon lavoro. Claudia”Come vedi sono messaggi brevi, autentici. Devi essere pronto ad accettare anche un rifiuto o dei tempi d’attesa piuttosto lunghi. Non è un problema. Vai avanti con la tua strategia ricordandoti che dall’altra parte ci sono persone proprio come te. Read the full article
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joycelow-blog · 7 years
A Family Affair: Spring - Mary Campisi | Contemporary |677253224
A Family Affair: Spring Mary Campisi Genre: Contemporary Price: $3.99 Publish Date: November 10, 2013 A Family Affair: Spring is a story of betrayal, forgiveness, and redemption, all wrapped up in the lives of the people we love to love, and even a few we love to hate. Harry Blacksworth is rich, handsome, the ultimate playboy with a killer smile and a clever wit. He's fought it, denied it, ignored it, but the damn truth won't go away: He's fallen in love. And just when he's accepted that fact, Greta Servensen, the only woman he's ever trusted, breaks his heart. Christine Blacksworth and Nate Desantro beat the odds when they fell in love and married. But staying married is threatened when the foundation behind every good relationship--trust--is challenged.  Gloria Blacksworth descends upon Magdalena in all of her designer-clad arrogance, determined to make Christine change her course and return to Chicago and her old life. It may take a well-planted lie or two, but Gloria doesn't plan to fail. When she finally confronts Miriam Desantro, the "other woman", Gloria discovers more than she ever wanted to know... or admit.  Angelo "Pop" Benito is The Godfather of Magdalena. Nothing happens in that town without his knowledge or approval. And Pop doesn't do anything without a long sit-down with his dead wife, Lucy, and a half dozen pizzelles by his side. He'll need a lot of lung power and a tray of his favorite treat to help Nate and Christine out of a real mess. And he may need the help of his checkers buddy and Magdalena's shining star, Lily Desantro.  Truth in Lies Series: Book One: A Family Affair Book Two: A Family Affair: Spring Book Three: A Family Affair: Summer Book Four: A Family Affair: Fall Book Five: A Family Affair: Christmas  Book Six: A Family Affair: Winter  Book Seven: A Family Affair: The Promise (TBA) Book Eight: A Family Affair: The Secret (TBA)
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dawnlindse-blog · 7 years
A Family Affair: Spring - Mary Campisi | Contemporary |677253224
A Family Affair: Spring Mary Campisi Genre: Contemporary Price: $3.99 Publish Date: November 10, 2013 A Family Affair: Spring is a story of betrayal, forgiveness, and redemption, all wrapped up in the lives of the people we love to love, and even a few we love to hate. Harry Blacksworth is rich, handsome, the ultimate playboy with a killer smile and a clever wit. He's fought it, denied it, ignored it, but the damn truth won't go away: He's fallen in love. And just when he's accepted that fact, Greta Servensen, the only woman he's ever trusted, breaks his heart. Christine Blacksworth and Nate Desantro beat the odds when they fell in love and married. But staying married is threatened when the foundation behind every good relationship--trust--is challenged.  Gloria Blacksworth descends upon Magdalena in all of her designer-clad arrogance, determined to make Christine change her course and return to Chicago and her old life. It may take a well-planted lie or two, but Gloria doesn't plan to fail. When she finally confronts Miriam Desantro, the "other woman", Gloria discovers more than she ever wanted to know... or admit.  Angelo "Pop" Benito is The Godfather of Magdalena. Nothing happens in that town without his knowledge or approval. And Pop doesn't do anything without a long sit-down with his dead wife, Lucy, and a half dozen pizzelles by his side. He'll need a lot of lung power and a tray of his favorite treat to help Nate and Christine out of a real mess. And he may need the help of his checkers buddy and Magdalena's shining star, Lily Desantro.  Truth in Lies Series: Book One: A Family Affair Book Two: A Family Affair: Spring Book Three: A Family Affair: Summer Book Four: A Family Affair: Fall Book Five: A Family Affair: Christmas  Book Six: A Family Affair: Winter  Book Seven: A Family Affair: The Promise (TBA) Book Eight: A Family Affair: The Secret (TBA)
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estherdel-blog · 7 years
A Family Affair: Spring - Mary Campisi | Contemporary |677253224
A Family Affair: Spring Mary Campisi Genre: Contemporary Price: $3.99 Publish Date: November 10, 2013 A Family Affair: Spring is a story of betrayal, forgiveness, and redemption, all wrapped up in the lives of the people we love to love, and even a few we love to hate. Harry Blacksworth is rich, handsome, the ultimate playboy with a killer smile and a clever wit. He's fought it, denied it, ignored it, but the damn truth won't go away: He's fallen in love. And just when he's accepted that fact, Greta Servensen, the only woman he's ever trusted, breaks his heart. Christine Blacksworth and Nate Desantro beat the odds when they fell in love and married. But staying married is threatened when the foundation behind every good relationship--trust--is challenged.  Gloria Blacksworth descends upon Magdalena in all of her designer-clad arrogance, determined to make Christine change her course and return to Chicago and her old life. It may take a well-planted lie or two, but Gloria doesn't plan to fail. When she finally confronts Miriam Desantro, the "other woman", Gloria discovers more than she ever wanted to know... or admit.  Angelo "Pop" Benito is The Godfather of Magdalena. Nothing happens in that town without his knowledge or approval. And Pop doesn't do anything without a long sit-down with his dead wife, Lucy, and a half dozen pizzelles by his side. He'll need a lot of lung power and a tray of his favorite treat to help Nate and Christine out of a real mess. And he may need the help of his checkers buddy and Magdalena's shining star, Lily Desantro.  Truth in Lies Series: Book One: A Family Affair Book Two: A Family Affair: Spring Book Three: A Family Affair: Summer Book Four: A Family Affair: Fall Book Five: A Family Affair: Christmas  Book Six: A Family Affair: Winter  Book Seven: A Family Affair: The Promise (TBA) Book Eight: A Family Affair: The Secret (TBA)
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leahbroo-blog1 · 7 years
A Family Affair: Spring - Mary Campisi | Contemporary |677253224
A Family Affair: Spring Mary Campisi Genre: Contemporary Price: $3.99 Publish Date: November 10, 2013 A Family Affair: Spring is a story of betrayal, forgiveness, and redemption, all wrapped up in the lives of the people we love to love, and even a few we love to hate. Harry Blacksworth is rich, handsome, the ultimate playboy with a killer smile and a clever wit. He's fought it, denied it, ignored it, but the damn truth won't go away: He's fallen in love. And just when he's accepted that fact, Greta Servensen, the only woman he's ever trusted, breaks his heart. Christine Blacksworth and Nate Desantro beat the odds when they fell in love and married. But staying married is threatened when the foundation behind every good relationship--trust--is challenged.  Gloria Blacksworth descends upon Magdalena in all of her designer-clad arrogance, determined to make Christine change her course and return to Chicago and her old life. It may take a well-planted lie or two, but Gloria doesn't plan to fail. When she finally confronts Miriam Desantro, the "other woman", Gloria discovers more than she ever wanted to know... or admit.  Angelo "Pop" Benito is The Godfather of Magdalena. Nothing happens in that town without his knowledge or approval. And Pop doesn't do anything without a long sit-down with his dead wife, Lucy, and a half dozen pizzelles by his side. He'll need a lot of lung power and a tray of his favorite treat to help Nate and Christine out of a real mess. And he may need the help of his checkers buddy and Magdalena's shining star, Lily Desantro.  Truth in Lies Series: Book One: A Family Affair Book Two: A Family Affair: Spring Book Three: A Family Affair: Summer Book Four: A Family Affair: Fall Book Five: A Family Affair: Christmas  Book Six: A Family Affair: Winter  Book Seven: A Family Affair: The Promise (TBA) Book Eight: A Family Affair: The Secret (TBA)
0 notes
elizabethrus-blog · 7 years
A Family Affair: Spring - Mary Campisi | Contemporary |677253224
A Family Affair: Spring Mary Campisi Genre: Contemporary Price: $3.99 Publish Date: November 10, 2013 A Family Affair: Spring is a story of betrayal, forgiveness, and redemption, all wrapped up in the lives of the people we love to love, and even a few we love to hate. Harry Blacksworth is rich, handsome, the ultimate playboy with a killer smile and a clever wit. He's fought it, denied it, ignored it, but the damn truth won't go away: He's fallen in love. And just when he's accepted that fact, Greta Servensen, the only woman he's ever trusted, breaks his heart. Christine Blacksworth and Nate Desantro beat the odds when they fell in love and married. But staying married is threatened when the foundation behind every good relationship--trust--is challenged.  Gloria Blacksworth descends upon Magdalena in all of her designer-clad arrogance, determined to make Christine change her course and return to Chicago and her old life. It may take a well-planted lie or two, but Gloria doesn't plan to fail. When she finally confronts Miriam Desantro, the "other woman", Gloria discovers more than she ever wanted to know... or admit.  Angelo "Pop" Benito is The Godfather of Magdalena. Nothing happens in that town without his knowledge or approval. And Pop doesn't do anything without a long sit-down with his dead wife, Lucy, and a half dozen pizzelles by his side. He'll need a lot of lung power and a tray of his favorite treat to help Nate and Christine out of a real mess. And he may need the help of his checkers buddy and Magdalena's shining star, Lily Desantro.  Truth in Lies Series: Book One: A Family Affair Book Two: A Family Affair: Spring Book Three: A Family Affair: Summer Book Four: A Family Affair: Fall Book Five: A Family Affair: Christmas  Book Six: A Family Affair: Winter  Book Seven: A Family Affair: The Promise (TBA) Book Eight: A Family Affair: The Secret (TBA)
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nofatclips · 3 years
Chili Packet by Merce Lemon from the album Moonth
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evelyngra-blog · 7 years
A Family Affair: Spring - Mary Campisi | Contemporary |677253224
A Family Affair: Spring Mary Campisi Genre: Contemporary Price: $3.99 Publish Date: November 10, 2013 A Family Affair: Spring is a story of betrayal, forgiveness, and redemption, all wrapped up in the lives of the people we love to love, and even a few we love to hate. Harry Blacksworth is rich, handsome, the ultimate playboy with a killer smile and a clever wit. He's fought it, denied it, ignored it, but the damn truth won't go away: He's fallen in love. And just when he's accepted that fact, Greta Servensen, the only woman he's ever trusted, breaks his heart. Christine Blacksworth and Nate Desantro beat the odds when they fell in love and married. But staying married is threatened when the foundation behind every good relationship--trust--is challenged.  Gloria Blacksworth descends upon Magdalena in all of her designer-clad arrogance, determined to make Christine change her course and return to Chicago and her old life. It may take a well-planted lie or two, but Gloria doesn't plan to fail. When she finally confronts Miriam Desantro, the "other woman", Gloria discovers more than she ever wanted to know... or admit.  Angelo "Pop" Benito is The Godfather of Magdalena. Nothing happens in that town without his knowledge or approval. And Pop doesn't do anything without a long sit-down with his dead wife, Lucy, and a half dozen pizzelles by his side. He'll need a lot of lung power and a tray of his favorite treat to help Nate and Christine out of a real mess. And he may need the help of his checkers buddy and Magdalena's shining star, Lily Desantro.  Truth in Lies Series: Book One: A Family Affair Book Two: A Family Affair: Spring Book Three: A Family Affair: Summer Book Four: A Family Affair: Fall Book Five: A Family Affair: Christmas  Book Six: A Family Affair: Winter  Book Seven: A Family Affair: The Promise (TBA) Book Eight: A Family Affair: The Secret (TBA)
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rubywilll-blog · 7 years
A Family Affair: Spring - Mary Campisi | Contemporary |677253224
A Family Affair: Spring Mary Campisi Genre: Contemporary Price: $3.99 Publish Date: November 10, 2013 A Family Affair: Spring is a story of betrayal, forgiveness, and redemption, all wrapped up in the lives of the people we love to love, and even a few we love to hate. Harry Blacksworth is rich, handsome, the ultimate playboy with a killer smile and a clever wit. He's fought it, denied it, ignored it, but the damn truth won't go away: He's fallen in love. And just when he's accepted that fact, Greta Servensen, the only woman he's ever trusted, breaks his heart. Christine Blacksworth and Nate Desantro beat the odds when they fell in love and married. But staying married is threatened when the foundation behind every good relationship--trust--is challenged.  Gloria Blacksworth descends upon Magdalena in all of her designer-clad arrogance, determined to make Christine change her course and return to Chicago and her old life. It may take a well-planted lie or two, but Gloria doesn't plan to fail. When she finally confronts Miriam Desantro, the "other woman", Gloria discovers more than she ever wanted to know... or admit.  Angelo "Pop" Benito is The Godfather of Magdalena. Nothing happens in that town without his knowledge or approval. And Pop doesn't do anything without a long sit-down with his dead wife, Lucy, and a half dozen pizzelles by his side. He'll need a lot of lung power and a tray of his favorite treat to help Nate and Christine out of a real mess. And he may need the help of his checkers buddy and Magdalena's shining star, Lily Desantro.  Truth in Lies Series: Book One: A Family Affair Book Two: A Family Affair: Spring Book Three: A Family Affair: Summer Book Four: A Family Affair: Fall Book Five: A Family Affair: Christmas  Book Six: A Family Affair: Winter  Book Seven: A Family Affair: The Promise (TBA) Book Eight: A Family Affair: The Secret (TBA)
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meredithandre-blog · 8 years
A Family Affair: Spring - Mary Campisi | Contemporary |677253224
A Family Affair: Spring Mary Campisi Genre: Contemporary Price: $3.99 Publish Date: November 10, 2013 A Family Affair: Spring is a story of betrayal, forgiveness, and redemption, all wrapped up in the lives of the people we love to love, and even a few we love to hate. Harry Blacksworth is rich, handsome, the ultimate playboy with a killer smile and a clever wit. He's fought it, denied it, ignored it, but the damn truth won't go away: He's fallen in love. And just when he's accepted that fact, Greta Servensen, the only woman he's ever trusted, breaks his heart. Christine Blacksworth and Nate Desantro beat the odds when they fell in love and married. But staying married is threatened when the foundation behind every good relationship--trust--is challenged.  Gloria Blacksworth descends upon Magdalena in all of her designer-clad arrogance, determined to make Christine change her course and return to Chicago and her old life. It may take a well-planted lie or two, but Gloria doesn't plan to fail. When she finally confronts Miriam Desantro, the "other woman", Gloria discovers more than she ever wanted to know... or admit.  Angelo "Pop" Benito is The Godfather of Magdalena. Nothing happens in that town without his knowledge or approval. And Pop doesn't do anything without a long sit-down with his dead wife, Lucy, and a half dozen pizzelles by his side. He'll need a lot of lung power and a tray of his favorite treat to help Nate and Christine out of a real mess. And he may need the help of his checkers buddy and Magdalena's shining star, Lily Desantro.  Truth in Lies Series: Book One: A Family Affair Book Two: A Family Affair: Spring Book Three: A Family Affair: Summer Book Four: A Family Affair: Fall Book Five: A Family Affair: Christmas  Book Six: A Family Affair: Winter  Book Seven: A Family Affair: The Promise (TBA) Book Eight: A Family Affair: The Secret (TBA)
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nofatclips · 4 years
Baby by Merce Lemon from the album Moonth - Animation & Direction: Josh Vredevoogd
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