azclie · 1 year
��𝐈𝐓𝐇: @nathalic
Poucas coisas causavam medo na Toussaint como a enfermaria, por isso sempre cuidava por conta própria dos ferimentos que obtinha ao andar de forma desastrada na floresta em sua província. Na Seleção não poderia ser diferente, principalmente se levado em conta que as outras selecionadas poderiam encontrá-la por lá. Azélie gostava de manter os pés descalços ou correr por alguns quilômetros, o que sempre causava hematomas e lesões que, muitas vezes, nem eram sentidas de imediato. Como a que conseguiu cobrir com o band-aid cor da pele e agora desenhava uma borboleta por cima. Normalmente, era uma excelente desenhista, mas fazê-lo com a mão esquerda era mais trabalhoso do que havia previsto. Inspecionava a própria arte quando percebeu a presença de uma selecionada, não escondendo o ferimento coberto. "Acha que isso parece uma borboleta?" Perguntou, sem virar-se, ainda muito concentrada no que havia feito. "Foi o que eu tentei fazer."
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borbonsg · 1 year
what’s your rush ? you’re missing all the flowers . ( nathalic )
˛ ⠀ ⠀ *   ⠀ ⠀ele não evitou de parar drasticamente com o comentário dela. o espanhol tinha um costume de passar pela vida, mesmo num lugar como versalhes, com certa pressa de estar onde deveria estar. sempre focado em seu destino e as vezes desatento aos detalhes. sua mãe já havia brigado muitas vezes com ele por causa disso. ah, as flores... ele disse baixinho, mais para si do que para ela, olhando ao redor sem muito interesse em específico. são muitos bonitas, não são? foi o que veio em sua mente, pois era algo meio óbvio de se dizer. eu não entendo muito de flores, você entende?
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bloomstars334 · 24 days
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*GAY *
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rainhafrozen · 1 year
⸻ ︰ ⧽ nathalie ; @nathalic !
⸻ ︰ ⧽ "𝘛𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘬 𝘪𝘴 𝘢𝘯 𝘢𝘤𝘵. 𝘛𝘰 𝘧𝘦𝘦𝘭 𝘪𝘴 𝘢 𝘧𝘢𝘤𝘵."
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A biblioteca exalava o característico aroma de páginas antigas e madeira bem-cuidada, criando um ambiente acolhedor e intelectualmente estimulante. Rainha Emilia estava absorta nas prateleiras repletas de livros, percorrendo com os dedos as lombadas gastas de obras que testemunhavam séculos de conhecimento acumulado. De repente, a voz suave de Nathalie Ménard quebrou o silêncio contemplativo. "Estou buscando, estou buscando. Estou tentando compreender", respondeu a rainha, seu olhar fixado em um antigo tomo de filosofia política. A frase capturava o cerne da sua busca constante por sabedoria e discernimento, princípios que guiavam não apenas suas decisões como monarca, mas também sua jornada pessoal de crescimento e entendimento. Emilia virou-se para Nathalie com um sorriso caloroso, admirando a presença da jovem selecionada naquele santuário do conhecimento. "E você, Nathalie? O que a traz a esta biblioteca hoje? Alguma obra em particular que tenha despertado seu interesse ou um tema que a fascine?" A Rainha ansiava por conhecer os pensamentos e inclinações da jovem, percebendo que cada interação como essa proporcionava uma oportunidade única de aprendizado mútuo.
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hittaceland · 1 year
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essa cena conta com เอซ & @nathalic no salão de jogos e lazer !
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Não tinha muito para se gabar na vida, fora seu título, Wachirawit não tinha nada de impressionante ou quase isso, porque era bom em alguns jogos específicos; quando se tem irmãos mias novos, parece obrigatório saber jogar algumas coisas e ele só podia agradecer aos três já que estava conseguindo se divertir naquele castelo, coisa que não vinha acontecendo desde sua chegada. A fala da garota que jogava consigo foi o suficiente para rir, tudo bem, estava rindo desde que começaram aquela partida já que acabaram de forma aleatória ali. — Viu? Eu disse que era bom nisso! — Comentou com um sorriso, levemente, convencido. — Mas... Ei! Você não tava acreditando na minha habilidade nesse jogo?
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eyes-of-laura-mars · 8 months
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princesasapatona · 11 months
starter for @nathalic
onde: paris.
Tony não tinha pensado em um encontro oficial da Seleção quando convidou Nathalie para passar a tarde em Paris com ela. Claro que ainda era um encontro, mas ela ainda estava incerta do que fazer para a competição em si e, se fosse honesta, não queria ter câmeras as seguindo e jornais noticiando cada passo que dessem juntas pela cidade... Não quando a intenção era se divertirem. Ou no caso da princesa, fugir da tensão que se estabelecera no palácio depois da situação com a última rebelde. "Você vai pensar que eu estou te preparando para ir à guerra comigo. Primeiro o videogame com pistolas coloridas, agora isso..." Ergueu as sobrancelhas quando elas entraram juntas no campo de paintball, uniformizadas e segurando as armas. Ela virou o rosto para a selecionada e abriu um sorriso. "A verdade é que eu preciso atirar em coisas para relaxar. E você foi uma ótima companheira de tiro no outro dia." Deu de ombros. "Então, pronta?"
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guntroupedition · 2 years
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solbenoit · 1 year
“ they  gonna  shoot  me ?  i  doubt  it . ” ( nathalic )
"Tomara que não, eu acabei de trocar minha camisa." Comentou de forma simples, erguendo a sobrancelha ao observar os guardas em treinamento do outro lado do pátio atirando em alvos perigosamente posicionados na mesma posição que ambas as selecionadas. "Você tem desejos suicidas? Existem formas menos dolorosas que essa, olha como eles são ruins nisso, no máximo vão te cegar." Levou a destra cuidadosamente até o cotovelo da ruiva, puxando-a delicadamente para a sua direção, quase escondida atrás de uma das grandes pilastras do local, ainda o suficiente para que não tivesse toda a visão coberta. "Não morra, por favor."
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annalsl · 1 year
♡⠀⠀⠀↝⠀⠀⠀𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒆𝒓⠀⠀with⠀⠀@nathalic⠀⠀𝒊𝒏⠀⠀salão das mulheres + 🍓 ;
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estava sentada em frente a um espelho, observando o seu reflexo e algumas das meninas que passavam atrás de si. perdia-se com facilidade nas mais diversas conversas que todas tentavam engajar, pois eram muitas opiniões a serem ouvidas que anna preferia apenas acenar com a cabeça e ficar prestando a atenção nas trocas que ocorriam. eram ocasionais as vezes que participava mais ativamente, e somente quando percebia que seu ponto não havia ainda sido levantado. estava tão absorta em seus pensamentos que sequer percebeu a menina ao seu lado. o que lhe chamou a atenção foi a movimentação, fazendo com que lile vira-se em sua cadeira.⠀⠀“⠀⠀o seu cabelo é belíssimo!⠀⠀”⠀⠀foi a primeira coisa que anna-liesel reparou na menina ao seu lado, bem como ela parecia muito jovem. isso trazia uma calmaria estranha a si própria.⠀⠀“⠀⠀eu sou a anna-liesel, é um prazer conhecê-la.⠀⠀”⠀⠀e realmente estava feliz em conhecer a menina. sentia que boa parte dos seus dias tinha outras coisas para fazer que não conseguia conhecer suas companheiras de seleção. não que ela se importasse, se fosse para ser honesta, mas ao menos saber os nomes e ligá-los as feições de cada lhe era importante.⠀⠀“⠀⠀se importaria se eu fizesse uma maquiagem em você? acho que conheço um estilo que ficaria incrível. é algo antigo, chamavam de strawberry makeup e...⠀⠀”⠀⠀percebeu que estava tagarelando como havia feito pouco desde que chegara em versalhes. do pouco acesso que tinha a internet, anna era fascina por maquiagens e produtos de beleza.
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imaginaryf1shots · 4 months
My Girls | Liefje
WC: 1.5K
Summery:(REQUESTED) Just Max being a girl dad
Warnings: None
A.N: Could be read as a stand alone or a part of the series.
Series Masterlist
Max Masterlist
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Nattie is the apple of Max’s eye. To Cecilia, sometimes it feels like Max is only with her because he loves her daughter. The smile he gets every time she calls him daddy.
Nathalie knows how much Max loves her. She felt it before she began calling him daddy. She's the one that asked him to call her daddy when he loved her like a dad would. When he treated her like a dad would. Nathalie, in her 20s, will always say thank you to Max for being the perfect dad that she always wanted the first few years of her life. Nattie knew her powers and her hold on Max the moment he'd do
anything for her even when her mum told her no.
One time Cecilia wouldn't let Nathalie stay up and watch a movie, she left the house for a girl's sleepover at Charles's house(he was kicked out). The moment Cecilia was out of the door, Nathalle turned to Mas and pouted and that's all it took for the girls to stay up and watch movies with Max.
From that moment they always did whatever Nathalie wanted. Max properly memorised every children movie ever made, from how much Nathalie would make him sit down and watch with her, because she doesn't like watching alone.
"Daddy" Nathalie shouted from her bedroom, Cecilia and Max were sitting together having some snacks with the TV playing, they were half paying attention half talking.
“Go on then, daddy" Cecilla teased and prepared herself to not have Max for the rest of the day.
"What's not my fault I'm the favourite Max teased his girlfriend kissing her cheek before walking off. Cecilia swats his butt the moment he turns around, making her boyfriend look at her over his shoulder and glare.
"Charles is still the favorite!" She calls and he disappears down the hallway, grumbling to herself how both her daughter and boyfriend prefer Charles. The moment Max is in the bedroom he knows what he's in for Nathalie has her toys all sitting on the small toy table in her room, there's a ‘teapot’ on the table with ‘mugs’.
"Daddy, it's a tea party" Nathalie exclaims and Max smiles at her, any idea of him trying to wiggle out of it is thrown out the window instantly, her excited face has him in a chokehold. "I’ll give you tea."
"What kind of tea is it?" Max said and Nathalie stops to think for a moment, a cute look on her face.
"What kind does momie love?" Nathalie whispers, leaning forward in her chair.
"Chamomile" Max whispers, and Nathalie frowns.
"Ch-cam" She says and looks up at Max with wide expected eyes.
"Good job! My favourite kind of tea "Max raises his cup for her to ‘pour’ some tea in, and thanks her before he 'sips' on the tea. "Hmm, so delicious, so much better than momie’s, just don't tell her I said that” Max raises a finger to his lips and Nathalie giggles and copies him.
Cecilia could hear the laughter from her place in the living room, smiling to herself.
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Max and Cecilia were scheduled to arrive at the track at different times, with Cecilia having to leave early Nathalie was to go with Max. The driver was given a car to drive for the weekend, Nathalie was strapped in, in the front seat, being old enough to sit in front now. The windows were down, the music was playing and Nathalie was singing to her heart's content, Max mouthing the lyrics with her to appease her.
The girly music is something Max will never be caught listening to, if Nathalie wasn't with him, but here he is arriving at the paddock with the music blasting for everyone to hear and they heard it, they had Nathalie singing and saw Max Mouthing the words.
Nathalie continues singing even when they're out of the car, she's in such a happy mode, she skips and dances as she walks, she even holds Max's hand for him to twirl her around. The driver is caught smiling as he looks at his daughter.
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Once more, Cecilia has a work function that is wrongly timed, Nathalie has a show in school. She wanted both her parents there. She asked Max first to come before HE reminded her to ask her mum as well. When she was told of the work event she wasn't the saddest, having Max there was more than enough for her, and they'd do the same show next week and Cecilia would be there, Max will be at both.
Max dropped off Nathalie earlier in the day, so the kids could change and get ready. The Red Bull driver arrived earlier than most to take a good seat to watch and film his daughter. The smile he had on his face when the curtain opened and his daughter was standing there. Nathalie's eyes ran over the crowd before they settled on Max's face, her smile mimored his, she gave half a wave before she remembered that she had to be acting.
When Cecilia was watching the videos, she heard Max giggling at her mishap and then cheering loudly for her, shouting her name when they bowed at the end of the show.
Max made his way backstage with a bouquet of flowers in hand, Cecilia's favourite, which also became Nathalie's favourite seeing as how it's the kind Max always buys.
"Thalia!” Max exclaims and the girl turns around and runs into his arms for a hug, the grin on her face permanent. "You did so good, liefje, I’m so proud of you.”
"Thank you daddy." Nathalie said and pulled back her eyes falling onto the bouquet, she looked up at Max with big eyes waiting for confirmation.
"Theses… are for you." Mas hands her the flowers and she squeaks taking them, a few parents standing around laugh at her cuteness
"Do you want me to take a picture?" A mother comes and asks Max, he instantly agrees, they take a few poses with each other and then he takes way more pictures of Nathalie alone. You best believe it's his lock screen photo for a long time, Cecile raised a brow at the lock screen, the one before it was her and Nathalie
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"Daddy!" Nathalie runs into the streaming room, before Cecilia could stop her, Max glances at her before he goes back to the game.
"What's up, did you guys do face masks?" Mas asked, seeing the green mask on his daughter's face. Cecilia told him they'll have a spa night.
"Yes! Momie, said I can't put some on you, but I want to, so can I please, please, please.” Nathalie begs, pouting with that look on her face that she knows will get her whatever she wants.
"Nathalie, he's streaming, we can do it later.” Cecilia stands out of the camera shot, wearing a robe to hide her bralette and short shorts underneath. Max looks between his girlfriend and daughter and before he could even say anything, Cecilia groans.
"Can you do it while I'm steaming?" Max asks Nathalie and she grins nodding.
”I can, I promise, I won't bother you, I swear" Max then nods and Nathalie nuns out of the room.
"You spoil her way too much" Cecilia could be heard saying before she leaves the room, Max shakes his head.
"They always put me in the middle, these too" Max tells the chat, and finishes the game, the rest of the red-line team tease him, but he ignores them. Nathalie comes with the tubin hand and the spreading tool, she carefully starts applying the mask on his cheeks, before making him turn to face her when he's between games. To her credit, Nathalie, didn't make a mess, she was clean and as precise she could "Thalia, when do I need to washi
"In 15 minutes, amour." Cecilia calls from another room, and Max glances at the time.
"You boys got 15 minutes of making fun of me, before I end the stream.” Max tells the stream, and Nathalie sits on his lap after she's done to watch him play, Cecilla comes for her when her 15 minutes are over and they leave Max to finish the stream alone
Cecilia walks in the bathroom to Max washing his face.
"Amour, you spoil her too much, really" Cecilia tells him and sighs, Max continues to roughly wash his face in the way men always do. "Why are you so rough? Slow down."
“I can't help it when she looks at me with those big eyes, that look like yours by the way, I can’t say no, and she says daddy in that tone, and it’s just game over for me.” Max explains and Cecilia rolls her eyes.
"You need to take some lessons from my dad." Cecilia says and sigh
"don't think it help, your dad isn't strong, it's you mum that stops him." Max says and Cecilia pauses before she agrees.
"True, but you got to say no, when I say no, I don't want her to grow up spoiled and feed to everything the wants"
"She won't." Mas finishes washing his face and turns to look at her
"How can you be so sure?”
"Because you're not." Cecilia smiled and pecked his lips.
"Your daughter wants you to tuck her in!” Cecilia giggles and leaves the bathroom.
@luciaexcorvus . @vellicora . @tpwkstiles . @belennasif . @eugene-emt-roe . @fanboyluvr . @fangirl125reader . @christianpulisic10 . @belennasif . @itsjustkhaos . @crashingwavesofeuphoria . @mynameisangeloflife . @mirrorball-6 . @skynel09 . @barcelonaloverf1life . @lilipiggytails . @rebelatbay . @christianpulisic10 . @ironmaiden1313 . @dark-night-sky-99 . @amalialeclerc . @bborra . @allsouls-emma . @buckybarns4life . @distancedss . @xoscar03 . @aquangxl . @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy . @theseerbetweenus .
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taminodaily · 6 months
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tamino performing at his show in guadalajara on april 11, 2024. photographed by kieko akoni nathal
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azclie · 11 months
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#、 ❪ ‥ ❥ ⋆ 𝐚𝐳𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐞'𝐬 𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐦 𝐮𝐩𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬 & 𝐬𝐤𝐞𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐢𝐢 ˙ ❫
𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡: @vivimartin, @nathalic, @mgwan, @thailahfm, @seraphineum, @solbenoit, @kannikas, @rosalindfisher!
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dreamrealmreality · 12 days
Started posting a rewrite for an old SW fanfic on A03!
(summary + link below the art ft. a scene in Chapter 1)
“Take care of it.” Nathale snapped. “I’m not going to be stuck in a ship with a crying baby.” —Nathale Grewood Chapter 1
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“Come on then. Pull the trigger. Kill me and live with the memory, kill me and tell the galaxy how you won.” Maybe if the Rebel had done so, the galaxy would be safer now.
Zheth's life was never easy, but it would be boring if it was. A rough childhood shaped her into the bounty hunter she became. The politics of the galaxy held no concern for someone who saw how even mighty empires fell and were replaced— history would only repeat again eventually. Raised to be loyal to the Empire however, she might already be long ensnared in plots from those in the shadows after its fall.
As she's drawn in by the idea of making some quick credits these threads start coming to light... as well as unwanted answers about her family.
"Armitage is a weak-willed boy. Thin as a slip of paper and just as useless." His father would roll in his grave watching such a 'weak-willed' bastard son take the First Order to such heights.
Ren was always a wild card to his plans. Hux hadn't expected nor desired a second one to land in the prison cells. Yet there she was, a new ally. Another tool to use against the Resistance goal, or that's what he tells himself.
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wajjs · 1 month
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lady-of-the-yarn · 9 months
Now they have been gifted I can post a picture of my friends Christmas presents! Really enjoyed making them even if there were a couple errors in the pattern.
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Pattern is Demon Slayer by Nathally Belmont on ravelry.
If only I hadn't forgotten to take pictures of everyone else's Xmas presents 😅
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