#nathan horton
jockcoded · 2 years
In honor of David Krejci playing 1,000 games here’s a bunch of photos I have of him saved, only some of which lucic is in
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jdsgothwife · 3 months
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final destination + assorted posts part 4 (part 3 here)
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sunshine-gumdrop · 19 days
They're so stupid, I love it, eh Sidney?
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icedbatik · 1 month
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Today in Cole Harbour ...
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The Pentas Family Encyclopedia
So, if you’ve been reading my more recent fics, then you’ve probably noticed how I can’t seem to shut up about [The Future Mob Project]. Although this project is going to take a very, very, VERY long time to actually complete, that’s not going to stop me from fleshing out its characters, environment, and lore piece-by-piece. I’ve already written a few stories for this, and plenty more stories are on the way. 
(Except for Murdock—and, to an extent, Two-Toes Johnny—every character/ego on this list is MY creation. If any art or other stories happen to be inspired by them, PLEASE make sure to tag/credit me as the creator. I haven’t been this motivated to write in a long time, and I put a lot of time, thought, and effort into my work. If you have questions about the characters or lore, feel free to send me an ask or a DM. I love talking about creative stuff!)
This mob has a lot of growing/developing to do, and I will ABSOLUTELY be making updates/reblogs to this post as new characters are introduced and new ideas are implemented. Please keep in mind that updates may be sporadic, because adult life is complicated and exhausting and I’m ScaredTM.
(Also: @sammys-magical-au​, I can’t thank you enough for all the help/advice you’ve given me with certain plot-points so far. You’re an amazing friend, and I’m so excited to brainstorm about upcoming characters/stories with you.)
Now, without further adieu, let’s get on with the infodumping. . .
This mob consists of several contract-killers, spies/informants, and Black Market merchants. The Boss will often assign the mob’s members to dispatch specific targets, but the aforementioned members are still able to take on hit-jobs if they’re approached by outside clients. 
They’ve long-since claimed the Cove Port Inlets (a quaint seaside city) as their territory. The Inlets used to have an expansive subway system, but those underground tunnels were abandoned due to a bad flood; thus, the above-ground stations were repurposed into varying shops/houses. However, each of those former stations are still connected to the subway tunnels via concrete staircases (which are now carefully hidden). The former stations have all been purchased by The Pentas Family—now, the mob’s representatives either live in or work out of them. As a bonus, the abandoned security offices/subway platforms are used as underground dens/hidey-holes, and the tunnels offer discreet movement beneath the city. 
There’s no enforced dress-code, but it’s still advised that Pentas representatives wear red. The red garments in question can be any type of clothing so long as it’s visible, and they can vary from shade to shade. 
In the event that the mob gains an ally (not a new member), that ally will be provided with an enamel pin designed to look like a poison dart frog. This dart frog pin will act as an identification device for Pentas members who somehow may be unaware of the new alliance; that way, the ally won’t be mistaken for an intruder. (The dart frog pin can also be used as a warning sign for unallied outsiders—basically, This person is under Pentas protection; screw around with them and YOU WILL REGRET IT.) 
The Boss [NAME TBA]
Who She’s Based Off Of: Pamela Horton (PamelaHorton13)
Red Attire: Collarbone tattoo of Egyptian star flowers, aka Pentas lanceolata
Current Stories: [TBA]
Murdock Mallory
Who He’s Based Off Of: Mark Fischbach (Markiplier)
His Method of Work: Honestly, he’s a jack-of-all-trades. Oh sure, he has an unhealthy amount of knowledge on different types of blades, but that’s just the beginning. Pretty much anything can be a weapon, depending on how creative (read: insane) you are. He also knows his way around firearms, but for...personal reasons, he only uses them when there are no other options available.
Red Attire: Turtleneck sweater (Currant)
He has a rare case of eye-misalignment. Specifically speaking, his right eye is turned to the right (as though he’s looking at something sideways). His left eye can move around in its socket as intended, but his right eye never follows along with that movement. According to him, the misalignment was caused by a traumatic accident he experienced before he’d joined The Pentas Family (apparently, it’s a miracle he wasn’t rendered half-blind). When he’s working on underground business, he wears his sunglasses. But when he’s keeping up appearances in normal society, he wears a white medical eyepatch.
Both his black-tinted sunglasses and brass necklace are trophies from his earliest kills. (Yes, I will try to go more in-depth with this idea in the future.)
He was the first official member of The Pentas Family, and has since earned a reputation for being The Boss’ right-hand-man. (Notice: I don’t have the backstory/relationship between the two of them completely nailed down yet. But what I do know for sure is that THEY ARE NOT ROMANTICALLY INVOLVED WHATSOEVER. NOBODY IN THIS MOB IS.)
He's a legit bird-whisperer. I’ve seen plenty other people post about him chilling with crows or ravens, and that’s already perfect, but I think adding more birds in general to the mix would make it even better. Chickens, ducks, sparrows, cockatiels, parakeets, pigeons, etc. Even GEESE tend to be calm around him (which could count as a sign of something being wrong with him). It’s not uncommon for him to spend his off-time at the park feeding the birds he claims to have technically adopted.
He lives out of a houseboat docked near the quiet part of the beach. He’s not above driving it long distances across the water when he needs to travel for his work.
If his scene in ISWM Part 2 was anything to go by, he enjoys making morbid jokes/puns. Ironically, he tends to get dissapointed or annoyed whenever other people make morbid jokes/puns. He and Caliban have gotten into arguments (with varying degrees of violence) over puns on at least three separate occasions.
He’s currently acting as a mentor to The Newcomer. It’s his responsibility to teach them and introduce them to the other Pentas members.
Current Stories: (Goretober 2022) Day 2: Cannibalism, Running on Empty, God, Being an Accessory to Murder is Exhausting, Update the Letter Board!, (Goretober 2023) Day 3: Broken Bones, (Goretober 2023) Day 4: Amputation, (Goretober 2023) Day 7: Needles, Bloody Tricks and Even Bloodier Treats
The Newcomer
Who They’re Based Off Of: The Reader (Y/N)
Their Method of Work: They haven’t developed a personal signature quite yet. As of right now, they’re content with just assisting Murdock and the rest of The Pentas Family. They’ve got a surprising/disturbing amount of competence, but they’re still a rookie; therefore, they still have some things to learn.
Red Attire: Leather gloves (Scarlet)
Current Stories: (Goretober 2022) Day 2: Cannibalism, Toxic Tutorials
Caliban Crawford
Who He’s Based Off Of: Matthew Patrick/MatPat (Game/Film/Food/Style Theory)
His Method of Work: He acts as one of The Pentas Family’s many body-disposal resources (if they disposed of bodies in just one way, they’d risk gathering concentrated amounts of evidence). His particular technique for disposal is good ol’ fashioned cannibalism.
Red Attire: Leather jacket (Crimson)
Aside from the body-disposal stuff, he’ll often help other Pentas members navigate the Black Market. He’s also invaluable when it comes to organizing certain trading events. He’s a cannibal, sure, but he also knows just how much of a pretty penny human organs can make. (Besides, not all body parts are safe for consumption; brains, eyeballs, intestines, and bones for example.)
Cannibal puns 24/7. The subtlety—or lack thereof—with which he delivers these puns can vary, depending on the situation he’s in. (“I’ve been told I have a great taste in people.” “If anyone’s a humanitarian, it’s me!” “I am what I eat, after all. . .” etc.) 
He has a pet leucistic hare named Snare (somewhat inspired by Matt’s childhood pet bunny, Sunny). As hares are proven omnivores/scavengers, it just makes sense for Caliban to spoil Snare by feeding him human fingers as treats (highly inspired by Monty Python’s Killer Rabbit).
He has an ENORMOUS collection of butcher knives and medical blades, because of course he does. His favorite of them all is a damascus steel cleaver, which he frequently carries in his jacket pocket as his primary weapon.
There’s a silver tooth cap in the place of his upper left canine. He lost said canine when one of his victims surprised him by grabbing his tenderizing hammer and hitting him in the mouth with it as they tried to escape (this also left a small, jagged scar on the left side of his upper lip). Obviously, Caliban recovered from this. But the person who knocked his tooth out? Not so much. . .
His house is located in the downtown area, and is connected to the abandoned subway tunnels. He’s basically turned the old security office into a basement-kitchen setup.
(If you’d like to see some awesome artwork of this character, please go here and show the artist some appreciation!)
Current Stories: (Goretober 2022) Day 2: Cannibalism, Running on Empty, God, Being an Accessory to Murder is Exhausting,  What’s That Saying About Cinnamon Rolls. . ?, (Goretober 2023) Day 3: Broken Bones, (Goretober 2023) Day 4: Amputation, (Goretober 2023) Day 7: Needles, Bloody Tricks and Even Bloodier Treats
Azalea Crawford
Who She’s Based Off Of: Rosanna Pansino (Nerdy Nummies)
Her Method of Work: She knows pretty much everything there is to know about poison. Toxic plants, venomous animals, man-made chemicals, you name it. The collection she keeps for hit-jobs and the like goes way, way beyond your typical arsenic. She even has a greenhouse full of deadly plants (including her namesake, obviously) in her backyard. When she’s on the clock, she’ll usually take care of targets by slipping poisons into a nice little baked goodie. Azalea’s not squeamish about needles, but this is easier and more discreet.
Red Attire: Headband (Cherry)
This lovely lady is Caliban’s sister, and shares a strong sibling bond with him. (In fact, she actually taught Caliban a lot of what he knows about cooking. Sure, it took a bit of trial-and-error for some recipes to work with human flesh, but it just be like that sometimes.)
She has a pet scarlet kingsnake named Cuddles. Scarlet kingsnakes are harmless, but they specifically evolved to mimic the coloration of coral snakes, which are infamously venomous. Azalea understands the irony of this perfectly. She also understands how easy it is for people to mix up the color patterns, so, of course, she’ll occasionally handle Cuddles purely for confusion/intimidation.
She’s the owner/head chef of Aftertaste, a popular restaurant/bar, in order to help keep up appearances for The Pentas Family. The building is connected to the abandoned subway tunnels. 
If any Pentas members decide to use poison for a hit-job, then they need to go to Azalea for help. She’s one of very, very few people who can be trusted to use such dangerous substances properly. (But sometimes, even mobsters aren’t immune to hubris. So, Azalea keeps a stockpile of antidotes/painkillers in order to fix certain mistakes.)
She’s the reason Caliban was able to adopt Snare. She found the hare in the basement of one of her past targets (who was the leader of an exotic animal trafficking ring); he reminded her of her brother, so she ended up giving him to Caliban as a present.
(If you’d like to see some awesome artwork of this character, please go here and show the artist some appreciation!)
Current Stories: What’s That Saying About Cinnamon Rolls. . ?, Update the Letter Board!,  Toxic Tutorials, (Goretober 2023) Day 3: Broken Bones, (Goretober 2023) Day 7: Needles, Bloody Tricks and Even Bloodier Treats
K.O. [Kaiser Oasis]
Who He’s Based Off Of: Ethan Nestor (CrankGamePlays)
His Method of Work: Whether he’s in the arena, defending himself and his peers, or extracting information from enemies, K.O. packs a major wallop. Not only that, but his stamina is roughly on-par with that of a mongoose fueled by a few too many Pixie Sticks. . . He was discovered by The Pentas Family shortly after The Boss decided to branch out into the underground fighting business.
Red Attire: Fluctuates between jeans for when he’s out of the arena, and boxing shorts for when he’s in the arena (Amaranth)
Despite being a mobster, he’s a surprisingly courteous fighter. Yeah, he pummels his opponents, but that’s literally what career-fighting is all about. Now, on the other hand: if you’ve personally wronged him or someone he cares about, or if he catches wind that you’re going to try and cheat your way through a match with him. . .well, I wouldn’t count on him having too much self-restraint. 
Ironically, K.O. also serves as a medic for The Pentas Family. It took some time and practice, of course, but he’s gotten pretty damn good at patching up stab/bullet wounds and resetting broken bones. (It’s not uncommon to get bumps and bruises in the underground business, and going to a normal hospital is typically a big no-no, since the staff there would likely ask too many questions about certain injuries.) 
While he only wraps his hands for his fighting matches, he’s still not above occasionally using brass knuckles—which he has affectionately named Francis and J.P.—for interrogation or message-sending assignments. 
Though he’ll sometimes travel for certain assignments, K.O. usually represents The Pentas Family at a place called The WormRoll: roller skating rink by day, hidden-in-plain-sight fighting arena by night. The building is connected to the abandoned subway tunnels, and K.O. has made his personal platform-office-den into a training room.
Before and after his matches, he wears a black robe with a picture of a peacock mantis shrimp embroidered on the back. (When K.O. first joined The Pentas Family, Murdock commissioned a sewing artist to make said robe as a welcoming gift for him. Yes, Francis and J.P. were included in that gift.)
He’s multilingual; he can speak English, French, Portuguese, and Italian on a conversational level. This obviously means a lot of foreign swearing when he’s frustrated/angry. He has no trace of an accent from any of those languages, and none of his peers know why or how he picked them up in the first place. K.O., being the gremlin he is, doesn’t plan to explain anytime soon. (Plus, he can’t not be a little smug about being the only Italian-speaking member of a mob. Just like how he can't not use that to tease Murdock.)
Y’know creepy-crawly lollipops? Yes, the ones that have a cricket or some other insect frozen inside. Those are K.O.’s favorite candy. Unless he’s in the ring, he’s almost always got one in his pocket. (On a slightly more humorous note: sometimes he’ll make a small show of pretending that the lollipop sticks are cigarettes.)
Current Stories: (Goretober 2023) Day 3: Broken Bones, (Goretober 2023) Day 7: Needles, Bloody Tricks and Even Bloodier Treats
Garret Wyre
Who He’s Based Off Of: Mick Lauer 
His Method of Work: If there’s two things to be said about Garret, it’s that he has a pair of big, strong hands, and he knows how to use them. You could argue that “Everyone knows how to use their hands, idiot.” To which I say. . .first of all, chill out. Words can hurt. Second of all, not everyone can make a career out of strangling people. But Garret most certainly has. That being said, he knows when to use other tools  (ropes, scarves, cords, stuff like that) to get the job done. He knows he can’t realistically rely on his hands for each and every one of his assignments. In any case, the day his grip isn’t firm is the day he’s not Garret.
Red Attire: Scarf (Maroon)
Garret brings a complex vibe to The Pentas Family. His disposition is stern, but he knows to be patient with the other members. Despite this, he’s always a bit. . .fidgety. Restless. He has a hard time sitting still, and an even harder time not giving people the side-eye or glancing over his shoulder. In fact, the only times he seems genuinely calm and self-assured is when he’s choking the life out of his targets. Sure, he still acts aggressively toward said targets, but there’s no denying just how soft and quiet his voice becomes when he taunts them.
His hobbies outside of mob work include knitting and sewing. It just seems to ease his nerves a bit. He even made the very scarf he wears whenever he’s working on Pentas business. This also bleeds into the fact that Garret is on the superstitious side. Half of his sewing/knitting projects involve making voodoo dolls of those who screw around with The Pentas Family. He treats said dolls a lot like stress toys, often patching them up after bashing their stuffing out only to do it all over again sooner or later.
He very much believes in the concept of luck. Quite ironic, considering he was born on a Tuesday The 13th (look it up; apparently those are even worse than Friday The 13ths). He doesn’t bother with all the chakra-crystal-incense stuff, but he does keep a glass Evil Eye charm in one pocket, as well a miniature horseshoe in the other. He never goes directly home right after taking care of a target. He avoids the number four like the plague. He makes sure his right foot is leading whenever he enters a room. Et cetera, et cetera. 
One of the few superstitions he doesn’t believe in is black cats being harbingers of doom. In fact, he adores black cats. Particularly Juju, a stray black kitten he adopted after a very last-minute, impromptu hit-job.
He’s the manager of Itchy Palms, a popular casino on the edge of The Cove Port Inlet’s uptown area. The building is connected to the abandoned subway tunnels. And it’s safe to say that Garret knows. His. Business. He knows how to play each and every game, as well as several ways to cheat at each and every game without giving said cheating away. His outlook on fairness is. . .unconventional.
Current Stories: [TBA]
Parker Thenope
Who He’s Based Off Of: Nathan Sharp (NateWantsToBattle/Give Heart Records)
His Method of Work: There are several ways to be adept in water. Such as holding a person under it until they stop moving, or drenching a person over and over again until they give up the information you need. Which is exactly how Parker earns his keep. His assignments often involve haunting the local beach—or, more precisely, the cluster of shallow sea-caves along the beach’s edges. But in a pinch, he’s willing to use pools/hot tubs/etc. to his advantage (it just means he’ll have to be clever with how he goes about the job). 
Red Attire: Face-mask (Carmine) 
Parker is the personification of “it’s always the quiet ones who snap the loudest.” Sure, he’s cooperative and understanding toward his peers in The Pentas Family, but underneath his chill, humorous, nonchalant veil lurks a bit of a ticking time-bomb. As a child, it was constantly drilled into him to camouflage his real emotions, to always appear calm and collected on the outside. If you’ve done something to majorly piss him off, then really, your only chance is to hide and hope he doesn’t find you. 
Fittingly enough, his hobbies include swimming. He learned at a very young age, so, it’s safe to say that he’s excellent at following the flow of water, holding his breath for generous periods of time, etc. And who can blame him? It’s a lot of fun, it’s great exercise, and it allows him to have the upper hand whenever he happens to also be in the water while taking care of a target.
When it comes to anything music-related, he’s incredibly skilled. Not only does he have a lovely singing voice, but he’s an expert on playing guitar, drums, and even the piano on occasion. Music is a very effective form of stress-relief, and he’s been using it as such long before he entered the underground business. 
He’s very familiar with Ear Caffeine, a music studio in the Cove Port Inlets. He works there as a songwriter/lyricist, as well as a session musician, though he’s now basically in charge of the place ever since its former owners disappeared into thin air. (The building is connected to the abandoned subway tunnels, and Parker was instrumental—pun vERY MUCH INTENDED—to The Pentas Family claiming it as part of their territory.)  
On top of that, Parker also owns Chord Craft, a combination of record store and instrument-repair shop on the side. He was the head-honcho over there before he was welcomed into the mob, and while he’s since hired more people to run it, he still cares for it. 
Even before he joined The Pentas Family, he made a point to wear a face mask every day (he sees the red one he wears now as an upgrade). He only ever takes it off when he’s swimming or sleeping. He doesn’t have any scars to cover up; he just finds comfort in personal anonymity. 
He’s learned to consider all the different ways decomposition can work in watery areas. Just because his signature is to drown targets doesn’t mean he can always afford to just leave their bodies floating. It’s not uncommon for him to seek out Murdock, arranging to take a ride on the hitman’s houseboat in order to dump certain bodies far out from the Inlets’ boundaries. 
Current Stories: [TBA]
Val Ocitie 
Who They’re Based Off Of: Lio Tipton
Their Method of Work: Tommy guns may be rare nowadays, but that isn’t a problem for Val. Their hidden arsenal is already impressive enough; you could say they have many, many neutral specials. Sure, they can see the appeal of blades and other deadly stuff, but guns are fast, efficient, and most importantly of all, devastating. (Especially if a silencer is involved. Ooh, does that help thicken the plot.) Don’t screw around with them or their family unless you want to cosplay as swiss cheese. 
Red Attire: Chainmail bracelet (Vermillion) 
Val has long-since learned to thrive in chaos, to the point of outright craving it. Sometimes they see underground business as a game. While their attitude is usually excitable around those they trust, their energy can turn aggressive in a heartbeat. They’re the type to get up in an enemy’s face, wearing a false, icy grin all the while.
Along with the hit-jobs they're assigned, Val is responsible for supplying The Pentas Family's firepower. Similar to how Caliban is an expert in organ-trafficking, Val knows the ins and outs of the illegal weapons trade. They've rearranged their personal gun collection several times now, selling and exchanging certain models to avoid leaving any patterns in their work.
Once upon a time, Val worked for a different mob; one that wasn’t exactly on good terms with The Pentas Family. Well, things ended up falling apart, and Val found themself at the mercy of Murdock and his peers. Of course, things were rocky at first. . .but somehow, Val eventually realized that they felt some kind of kinship with them. It took some time, but they were welcomed in, and are now following Pentas operations with strong loyalty.
They grew up somewhat rural, learning how to handle guns at a pretty young age. Though their family wasn’t poor, hunting game animals for food was still a big tradition that they helped to carry on. They don’t really do that kind of hunting anymore, but they still take monthly trips to shooting ranges in order to practice with clay pigeons. 
They’re the only Pentas member who doesn’t live in/work out of a building that’s connected to the abandoned subway tunnels. Instead, they live in a tidy cabin located in Reilpi Woods, a huge forest about a fifteen-minute drive from the Cove Port Inlet’s city limits. Not that Val minds, though; the area gives them nostalgia. While they can appreciate all the conveniences of more urban environments, they’ve always enjoyed being surrounded by trees. Besides, it’s not like they don’t know where all the secret entrances to the underground dens are.
They’re a natural when it comes to evaluating another person’s character. It’s an important skill to have in this line of work, especially considering how the work is question is very much illegal. Despite their uncertain start in The Pentas Family, it hasn’t taken much time at all for Val to learn each of the other members inside and out. . .well, except for The Newcomer. (For now, at least.)
Current Stories: [TBA]
Two-Toes Johnny [Johnathan Shine]
Who He’s Based Off Of: Bob Muyskens (Muyskerm)
His Method of Work: Though he’s not really a hitman, he still knows his way around interrogation and message-sending. His weapon/tool of choice is a baseball bat that was apparently an heirloom he just so happened to inherit as a teenager. It might not look like much, but neither will those who anger The Pentas Family (or their clients) after Johnny uses it to beat them black and blue.
Red Attire: Belt (Tawny Port)
Now, to address the elephant in the room: yes, he actually does only have two toes. The right big-toe and the left middle-toe, to be specific. All that’s left of the other eight are scars, and exactly how he lost them is a total mystery. Sure, he might vaguely rant about the incident(. . .s?) from time to time—usually after he’s had a few too many drinks—but it just seems impossible for anyone to figure out what the hell happened, as well as why the hell it happened. 
While he’s able to get tipsy or wasted, Two-Toes Johnny is nothing if not an experienced drinker. Working in the illegal alcohol trade will do that to you. When he’s not overseeing illicit spirits, he’s The Pentas Family’s primary bookkeeper, organizing all the money he and his peers rake in.
He’s the owner/manager of Liquorty Splitz, a (what else?) popular liquor store in the Cove Port Inlets. It currently supplies alcohol to Aftertaste, Itchy Palms, and several other joints. The building is connected to the abandoned subway tunnels. (He also has a friend-of-a-friend-of-a-friend type link to a place called The Robe. It doesn't fall under Pentas control—it’s basically an open secret in the criminal underground as a whole—but ever since Johnny entered the mob, he’s sort of paved the way for Murdock and the others to occasionally use their free-time to pay it a visit.)
He carries a very rough-around-the-edges demeanor. Sarcastic, blunt, quick to make snappy remarks or roll his eyes. It’s one of many survival mechanisms he’s learned over the years. Despite this, he still knows how respect and basic decency work. Earn his trust, and you’ll have an invaluable friend for life. (In such cases, the term “aggressive motivation/positivity” is an understatement.)
He’s a bookworm. His collection of novels is almost constantly threatening to grow bigger than his collection of vintage alcohol. He appreciates a lot of modern stuff, but he’s always had a soft spot for the classics. In fact, he always keeps a few books in his desk at Liquorty Splitz to read on slower nights. 
He has two tattoos on his face: a silvery little star just below his right temple, and the branch of a cherry blossom tree stretching along his jawline and ending near his left eyebrow. It’s not uncommon for him to trace the linework of either of them with his fingertips while he’s thinking. He claims that there’s no symbolism behind either of them, that they were the results of a couple drunken nights that took place a long time ago. (There’s a decent chance that’s true. . .but then, why does his expression occasionally turn soft and unreadable when he looks at these tattoos in the mirror?)
Standing at 6’4, Johnny is the biggest/tallest member of The Pentas Family. And he obviously knows how to use this to his advantage. As in, if he and his peers are in a violent situation, he’ll barely hesitate to pick said peers up by the waist/collar/legs and just. . .swing them in the direction of the enemy. Since the peers in question often have weapons on-hand, this method is shockingly efficient. It’s typically not appreciated, of course.
Current Stories: [TBA]
Phoenix Rhong 
Who She’s Based Off Of: Safiya Nygaard 
Her Method of Work: Playing with fire can be hard (depending on your perspective, at least), but getting burned is quite easy. Not so for someone who’s had as much practice as Phoenix. Where there’s smoke, there’s her. Pretty much a pro-gamer when it comes to plotting and coordinating, she’s the one to look for when riskier jobs need to be taken. After all, find an empty building in a very specific part of town, and voila! Instant Distraction—Just Add Fuel and Sparks! 
Red Attire: Ring (Garnet)
Phoenix serves as a semi-dirty lawyer. As thorough and calculating as The Pentas Family is, mistakes can still be made. Bad timing and unlucky coincidences are still a factor. In such cases, Phoenix is invaluable for keeping her peers safe and their work hidden. On top of that, it never hurts to frame or expose an enemy or two; that just means less attention on her family, as well as less competition to deal with. She knows how to discreetly sow discord among enemies, how to tamper with evidence (whether planting it elsewhere or outright destroying it). 
Yes, she’s addicted to watching flames dance and hearing them crackle, but she still understands that they’re much more brutal than they are pretty. To be clear, she’s made her peace with reducing the corpses of certain targets to ash, but. . .well, they’re corpses. Like paper or clothing or many other flammable things, they can’t scream or feel pain when they’re being disposed of. (Not anymore, at least.) Whatever her peers did to those targets beforehand is just how they earn their own keep.
She’s responsible for the ironically legal parts of underground business. Negotiating prices/terms, relaying important messages, that kind of stuff. She helps form the contracts that the other Pentas representatives use, and she’s almost always in the room when those contracts are being discussed with outsiders (clients, allies, etc.). 
She’s very savvy when it comes to flammable chemicals. How exactly they burn, what to mix them with for the best results, how long it takes for them to reach their peak. Sure, matches and gasoline can be pretty damn effective, but an inferno often has to be handled very specifically. Sometimes the flames have to burn slower or faster. Sometimes they need to snuff themselves out at a quick rate. Sometimes they have to leave burned imprints behind rather than devour everything they touch. It all just depends on the job at hand. 
As part of an under-the-table agreement, she’s the owner of Scattered Wishes, the one and only crematorium the Cove Port Inlets has to offer. The building is connected to the abandoned subway tunnels, and she uses her personal den to hide various forms of evidence until they’re ready to be loaded into one of the ovens. 
“Phoenix Rhong” is NOT her original name. It’s not a fake identity, either. How she managed to take the name for herself. . .well, I'll go into more detail about that later. 
Current Stories: [TBA] 
Miles C. Peyote and Howie Thetaxi
Who They’re Based Off Of: Lewis Dawkins (Dawko) and Ryan (8-BitRyan), respectively 
Their Methods of Work: When your reputation precedes you from all the way across the pond, you’ve definitely done something right! (Unless that was never your intention, in which case you’ve done something horribly, horribly wrong.) Remember the board game Mouse Trap? Well, Miles probably played it a few too many times in his youth, if the booby traps he sets up nowadays are anything to go by. Whether the goal is to kill or simply capture someone, his designs never fail to be. . .elaborate. Howie, meanwhile, doubles as a mechanic and driver. From ditching cops to running enemies off the road, he has more than enough skill to make professional racers envious. Never, NEVER forget the importance of seatbelts if you’re getting into a car with him. (Also, never put your feet on the dash. It’s rude.)
Red Attire: For Miles, a pair of leather boots (Oxblood). For Howie, a pair of gauge earrings (Carnelian)
These two got their start in The Marble Hummingbirds, a different mob based in the UK that  has had a strong alliance with The Pentas Family for years now. As part of standard underground affairs, Miles and Howie volunteered to relocate to the US and work more closely with Murdock and the others. The adjustment was a bit difficult (especially for Howie), but they both understand that it makes several aspects of business more efficient. They both retain a good balance of loyalty between their original crew and their new one. 
Miles is selective when it comes to speaking. He’ll talk freely when he’s among people he trusts or is in a place that he’s deemed safe/comfortable, but when he’s out in public, he’s just. . .very quiet. He’ll still talk a little for the sake of politeness or formality, but only a little. If an area is open or unfamiliar, he’ll usually prefer to use body language and the like. (This does absolutely NOT stop him from cackling like a maniac over his traps.)
Howie has no qualms about reckless driving. Swerving, speeding, staging accidents; he can do it all without batting an eye. Whatever it takes to get himself and his buddies (plus their cargo) from Point A to Point B without getting stopped or caught. However, this mindset only applies to his personal driving. When he’s casually out and about, he can’t stand other drivers who tailgate, block lanes, cut others off, etc. If you act rude toward him in traffic, he can and will make a side-quest out of finding a way to get back at you. And yes, this extends to when he’s on the job. It’s not at all uncommon for him to go back and forth between chatting with his passengers and yelling at idiots on the road in the middle of a high-stakes-chase.
Miles has a habit of collecting plushies; especially odd-looking ones. (For example: the creepy-yet-cute stuff you might find on Etsy.) But his plushies aren’t just for aesthetic or decoration. He’s modified each and every one of them to be soft little storage units. Some have well-hidden zippers in their backs, while others have their heads function as the lids to jars stuffed inside their stomachs. Miles uses this strategy to hide valuables, such as varying sums of money or the odd piece of jewelry taken from a target. 
Howie is miraculously conscious of animals on the road. That’s one of few exceptions to his typical stance on getaway driving. He will always, ALWAYS make sure to avoid hitting cats, dogs, raccoons, deer. . .or squirrels. As a matter of fact, one squirrel that he managed to spare back in the day seems to have pledged a life-debt to him. Seriously, he avoided hitting it while he was still working in the UK, and by now it’s followed him to the US. Wherever Howie is, the squirrel always seems to be somewhere in the background, just watching and waiting.
Along with all the getaway driving stuff, Howie has helped The Pentas Family to form its very own chop-shop. Whenever cars are stolen from targets or enemies, Howie will be there to dismantle or sabotage said cars. Legitimate parts are sold, and certain jobs involve filling a vehicle with counterfeit parts in order to frame its owner.  
Ever since relocating, both Miles and Howie live out of The Five Seasons, a hotel near the Cove Port Inlet’s city entrance. The building is connected to the abandoned subway tunnels, and the duo rotates between sharing the hidden den; Miles will use it to build/test his traps, and Howie will use it simply to store/tamper with various car parts. The hotel just so happens to be right across the street from the car repair garage (Oh, for God’s Brake!) that Howie uses for his day-job.
Current Stories: [TBA]
Jay Aienyouess
Who He’s Based Off Of: Thomas Sanders
His Method of Work: The Pentas Family can be thought of as many things. Well, if you were to think of it as, say, an anglerfish, then Jay would play the role of that bright, shiny lure. He can put on a Grammy-worthy act in the blink of an eye, whether to lead a target to their doom or to keep any potential witnesses away from a soon-to-be crime scene. 
Red Attire: Nail polish (Cochineal)
On top of con-games, Jay can also be quite stealthy if the job calls for it. Sneaking around enemy turf, setting up a sabotage or two, gathering information, spying on those who give off weird vibes during business negotiations. . .
Unlike most of his peers, Jay was raised in a comfortable, pleasant environment. . .or, that environment was comfortable and pleasant while he was a kid. Things changed pretty drastically after he became an adult; more specifically, after he came out. He ended up leaving his hometown behind, hopping from one motel to another. Though he worked various odd-jobs, he also quickly learned to pick pockets in order to survive. 
By the time he had a chance-meeting with a few Pentas representatives, Jay had already somewhat dipped his toes into the criminal underground. Mainly via listening to the hurried whispers of passersby, and then trading those memorized details for cash.
Despite what happened to him, Jay has never once questioned himself or felt ashamed of who he is. Even when he was offered a place in The Pentas Family, he was still very much intimidated by them at first. But the support and open-mindedness they showed was quick to seal the deal for him. This in turn led to him (along with Val) having a hand in making sure that any Pentas-owned businesses are clearly marked as safe spaces for queer people.
He is most certainly NOT immune to morbid fascination. True, he doesn’t do any actual killing himself, but. . .well, I wouldn’t put it past him to look over the carnage left after a hit-job, all curious and thoughtful. The cleanup crew has gotten pretty used to him hanging around while they work. 
He works at Bullskit, a theater/auditorium that serves as one of the oldest buildings in the Cove Port Inlets (it’s still in business; it was even freshly remodeled when Jay joined the mob). It’s connected to the abandoned subway tunnels, and Jay kinda just lives there after hours. During hours, however, he dabbles in a bit of everything: stagehand, greenroom tech, assistant to the directors, you name it. If a target or enemy happens to get on the stage, Jay isn’t exactly above looking the other way when his peers sneak in to drop sandbags, switch out prop weapons for real ones, rig the special effects, etc.
Current Stories: [TBA]
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Scott Horton  · Nathan Wright
* * * *
Indiana Republicans Inch Closer to State Funded Firearms Training for Teachers
On the anniversary of the slaughter at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida, Indiana's GOP is determined to flood Indiana public schools with loaded firearms... and to require all teachers to pack heat and go through firearms training... because guns inside the school house belong to the natural order of things in the mind of all Republicans.
[Scott Horton]
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trinka83 · 2 years
We Stan NateMac and the Dogg that he brings out. We do not stan racists
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aherowhowashappy · 4 months
sidney crosby??? you mean the tim hortons commercial actor??? no officer never heard of him *trips and coat flies open, scattering thousands of printed zoomed in images of sidney crosby locker room bj angles* woah who put those there-- *trips again and my rubber mask falls off, revealing nathan mackinnon*
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This idea came after the photos from Sid and Nate's commercial shoot came out last week. This blurb is set in the present and contains previously discussed spoilers for Never Ever Have I.
Warnings - None that I can think of
Word length - 2.5K (okay I am incapable of writing short blurbs- sorry/not sorry)
@pattiemac1 @penstxgal1968 @couldawouldashoulda50
Crosby Cottage - Nova Scotia
“Sid,” Nate MacKinnon yelled as he walked in the door to the cottage, not bothering to knock.
Evie emerged from the kitchen, drying her hands with a dish towel. She glanced upstairs and said, “Sorry, we had an incident with Cat pouring her cereal milk all over herself at breakfast. Sidney went to clean and change her.” Nate grimaced and looked at his watch. Evie took notice and offered a distraction, “Have you eaten breakfast? I have some fruit and avocado chopped.” He followed her into the kitchen.
He groaned as she made herself a slice of warm sourdough toast - complete with butter and homemade jam. “Why do you torment me?” he whined as he picked at his fruit.
Evie stared at him, “For the same reason I torment Sidney…..because it is fun.” Nate rolled his eyes. Evie leaned forward, “You know Nathan - I don’t mind you barging in my home without knocking but one day it may bite you in the ass.”
Nate tilted his head in confusion, “Bite me in the ass how?” Evie walked over to the coffee pot to pour herself another cup. She simply raised her eyebrow. Nate began to repeat himself when he caught her drift. “Evie!!!!” he yelped, “I do not need visuals in my head. Oh…. My…. God.”
“Then learn to knock,” she deadpanned.
Upstairs in Catherine’s bed room, Sidney held out two shirts for her to choose from. She adamantly shook her head back and forth, “No!” He glanced at his watch. Nate would be here any minute to drive him to the Tim Horton’s commercial shoot. He did not have time for a two year old tantrum over clothes. “CatCat, if you don’t want to wear one of these shirts, what would you like to wear?” he asked calmly.
“Princess dress…… Princess dress!” she exclaimed. Sidney quickly decided to let his daughter have the small victory. Quickly he put on a pink Cinderella dress on her. Sidney picked her up to take her downstairs and eliminate her painfully slow trek down the stairs. When they arrived downstairs, Catherine practically lept out of his arms. “Mackie!!!” she ran to Nate, “Mackie Cheesie - look at dress. Me pretty dress!”
Nate scooped her into his arms, “Catsup!” The curly haired brunette giggled at the nickname her “Uncle” Nate had bestowed upon her. He teased her, “Why are you so dressed up? Are you going to meet the queen while Papa and I work?”
Sidney and Evie both gasped out loud and Nate stopped in his tracks. Catherine had recently developed a several case of separation anxiety which resulted in meltdowns whenever her parents left her. Evie had hoped to distract her daughter while Sidney slipped out the door to avoid the inevitable chaos. Catherine turned to her father, “Papa work? Papa leave?” Her lip trembled as the realization set in. Then she turned to her mother who pressed her lips together and silently cursed Nate.
Sidney knelt down, “Yes, Papa is going to work with Mackie. I won’t be long though. I will be home after you get up from your nap.” Evie shot him a look. He might as well have told her that he was coming home at midnight. Not only was he leaving, he reminded her of her archnemesis - naptime.
“No, Papa stay. Papa stay. No Papa Go!” Catherine shrieked, “Papa stay! No Papa, no nap!”
Sidney and Evie exchanged a look and had a silent conversation with their eyes. Evie communicated to Sidney to bring Catherine to her to deal with the forthcoming meltdown. Sidney wrapped Catherine in his arms and hugged her tightly.
Nate sensed that he had unknowingly instigated the situation and scrambled to come up with an idea. “Hey Catsup,” Nate cajoled, “What if you came to work with Papa and me? Would you like that? It will be fun.”
Both Sidney and Evie spun their heads around as Catherine squealed, “I go! I go with Mackie Cheesie”
Sidney uttered under his breath, “I’m going to kill him.”
“Not if I get to him first,” she whispered back. He had committed the cardinal sin of asking a question before getting parental approval. Now there would be no denying the idea without Sidney or Evie taking the fall as the bad guy. Based on history, Evie knew exactly who would be the bad guy in this scenario and it would not be Sidney.
Nate realized his mistake and stumbled over his words, “Come on! It will be fun.” He grabbed Catherine from Sidney’s arms. “Catsup and Mackie Cheesie make a commercial. There will be donuts!” Sidney did admit to himself that the thought wasn’t TERRIBLE. He gave Evie a hopeful look.
“I am sorry, Nate, but I have plans today.,” she said as she went to grab Catherine.
“Noooooo! I go Mackie and Cheesie. I go Papa,” she whined.
“Remember CatCat? You are going to Grandma and Grandpa’s house for movie day? Momma has plans. ” Evie got down on her daughter’s level to explain.
“Noooooo! I go Mackie Cheesie. I go Papa,” she whined. “I understand,” Catherine smiled.
Nate interjected, “Come on Evie. Let her come with us. She’ll have a blast.”
Evie shook her head, “No, she will need someone to look after her.”
“I will look after her,” Nate countered. Suddenly he was invested in the plan.
“And while you are filming?” Evie responded.
Sidney’s head bounced back and forth between his friend and wife. Internally he debated the pros and cons of each scenario. Ultimately, he decided to be as neutral as possible.
“She can sit in my chair,” Nate suggested. He turned to Catherine, “You can do that, right? Sit in Mackie’s chair while Papa and I work? Right?”
Catherine, despite just being two years old, knew that she needed to agree to anything to get her way. She nodded her head enthusiastically up and down.
Evie looked at her husband and noted his silence. She knew that meant that he counted on her to be the one to deliver the bad news and crush Catherine’s heart. She didn’t want to give him the pleasure. “Okay CatCat, if Papa says yes, then you can go.” She turned to Sidney with a sweet smile as he blinked. So much for staying neutral.
“CatCat, do you promise to mind Papa and Mackie?” he bent down to his daughter’s eye level.
“I promise. I be good girl” she smiled her best smile.
Sidney gulped, “Okay, I guess you are going with us then.”
As they walked out to the car, Catherine jabbered to Nate as he buckled her into her car seat. Sidney whispered, “This is going to be fine, isn’t it, Evie?”
Evie just laughed, “Yes, what could possibly go wrong?”
Two hours later - Tim Horton’s Commercial shoot location - Halifax, NS
Sidney came back from the bathroom to find Catherine sitting on Nate’s lap as they touched up his make-up. In her lap, was a coffee cup filled to the brim with Timbits. She shoved one into her mouth as her father approached. “CatCat, how many Timbits have you had?” he asked sweetly, “I think you have had enough. Remember I got you some when we first got here?”
Nate’s jaw dropped, “Catsup! You told me that you were hungry.”
She smiled sweetly as she shoved another Timbit in her mouth as both scolded, “No more!”
The production assistant walked over, “Sid and Nate- we’re ready for the Zamboni shot set-up. Can we get you into place so we can adjust the lighting?”
Both nodded in agreement. Nate gently placed Catherine in the director’s chair that he had been sitting in. “You stay here, Catsup. You can see us from here.” Nate instructed the toddler. Catherine noticed the Zamboni for the first time. Her eyes lit up and she squealed with delight. Sidney looked over with a nervous smile.
“Zamboni!!!!” she yelled, “Cat ride Zamboni too!”
Sidney called back, “No, you sit and watch. We have to work now.”
Catherine let out an ear-piercing scream, “Zamboni!! Cat ride Zamboni too!” She stood up in the chair and screamed like a banshee.
Nate looked at Sid and Sid looked at Nate. “What do we do?” Nate asked.
“It was your brilliant idea to bring her. Figure something out,” Sidney huffed.
Nate hopped off the Zamboni sheepishly, “Catsup, come sit on my lap while they adjust the lighting and then you have to go back, okay?” She willingly complied.
After spending a few minutes with Nate, she switched over to her father’s lap. She rested her head against his chest, “Papa, my tummy hurts.”
Sidney looked down, “It’s probably the Timbits. Too many will make your tummy hurt. Don’t eat any more.”
When it was time for the actual shots, Catherine moved back to her spot on the director’s chair with Nate’s name on the back. The next hour flew by in a whirlwind of activity. Sidney kept an eye on Catherine who was the center of attention off camera.
Unbeknownst to Sidney, Catherine had managed to convince each new adorer that she was “starving”. She was rewarded each time with a handful of Timbits in exchange that she would not tell her father. She solemnly agreed each time. However, she was reaching her limit of time away from her father and began asking for him. “Just a few more minutes,” she was told each time. Her requests became louder and more insistent.
Sidney could detect her voice in the background. He paid close attention to the tone and waited for the inevitable. After asking five times, Catherine screamed in the middle of a take, “Papa!!! Papa!!!! Papa!!!” Action came to a screeching halt and Sidney sheepishly asked for a brief break. Nathan and he left the Zamboni and came to find Catherine. He knelt down and held out his arms. Catherine came running into them. “Papa! Papa!” she cried into his neck.
“Shhhhh, I am here CatCat,” he soothed.
“Papa leave. Papa leave. No more work” she insisted.
“Papa is almost done, CatCat,” he answered, “I am sorry it’s taking so long. Mackie Cheese keeps messing up his lines.”
Nate’s mouth dropped and he frowned, “That’s a lie, Catsup. Papa is messing up more.”
“No way,” Sidney countered, “It’s been you the last four in a row.”
“How about the seven before that,” Nate scoffed.
Catherine’s head ping ponged between the two men as they verbally sparred. She quickly lost interest and patted Sidney on the shoulder. “Papa,” she said in a whine, “tummy hurt.”
Sidney looked at her, “Your tummy still hurts? How does it hurt?”
At that moment, a production assistant approached, “Sir, we are ready for the next set-up.”
Sidney waved them off, “CatCat, I am sorry that your tummy hurts. Try sitting in the chair and breathing. I will be done as soon as possible.” Nate sensed the tears that were about to come and grabbed her swiftly. “I am not sure I would do that Nate,” Sidney cautioned as he watched Nate swing Catherine around in an effort to distract her.
“What are you talking about?” Nate laughed, “Catsup, you love when Mackie Cheese spins you around.” She didn’t respond so he threw her small body into the air.
“Seriously, Nate, this won’t end well,” Sidney started just as Catherine opened her mouth. Time slowed down for Sidney and Nate as Catherine vomited all over Nate. His face and chest was covered in puke and half digested Timbits. He brought her down and held her out in his arms. Sidney reached and grabbed her as the commercial production stood in stunned silence. Nate blinked and looked down at his jersey now soaked with vomit. Sidney turned Catherine to face him around just as the second wave of puke hurled out of her.
Sid set Catherine down as they were swarmed by people in a desperate rush to clean their stars. Catherine noticed the vomit on her Cinderella dress and began to understand that something was profoundly wrong. “Mama, Mama, Mama” she cried. As with all children, Papa was great for fun and games, but when shit got real (or in this case vomit), she wanted her mother. She wanted her mother and she wanted her NOW
“We need to call for reinforcements, Sid,” Nate whined.
“I am not calling. You can call,” Sid answered, “No way, I am calling. She’ll kill me.”
“Come on, Sid,” Nate pleaded as he stood stripped down to his boxers. Sidney stood firm. “Fine, I’ll text”
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Forty Five minutes later
Nate and Sidney sat silently as the film crew refused to make eye contact. Stripped down to their boxers, they waited patiently in uncomfortable silence. Catherine, wrapped her body around Sidney’s broad chest like a kangaroo and rested her head. 
Evie approached with a knowing smirk. “Well, well, well,” she teased as she reached them. She handed out the appropriate clothes, “Do I need to bother to ask what caused her to vomit?”
Nate, knowing the implication of her question, squealed, “I only gave her 5 Timbits. Not enough to make her vomit.”
Sidney interjected “Wait, you gave her Timbits too? I gave some when we got here.”  Nate glared at Sidney’s obvious attempt to feign ignorance.
Evie’s eyebrow raised, “Seriously, you think she barfed from 10 Timbits?”
“I swear,” the duo screamed. 
Evie turned to Catherine who grinned, “CatCat- did someone else give you Timbits?” She nodded her head yes gleefully. “Who?” Catherine pointed from person to person as each sheepishly looked to the ground. “Well, that will do it.” 
“That’s the last time I let Uncle Mackie be in charge of you, little one,” Evie said as she picked Catherine. She quickly dressed her and hugged her tight. Her daughter seemed to be fine considering.  
Sidney and Nate dressed without words. Sidney stole glances at his wife and pondered just how angry she was. He walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. She smiled softly in place, “Are you trying smooth talk your way out of this Crosby?”
“Maybe,” he kissed her shoulder and then smiled at Catherine.
“You smell horrible, but you are not in trouble,” Evie looked back at Nate.
Sidney smiled, “I’m not in trouble? Really?”
“No, but Nathan is,” she said firmly
Catherine laughed, “Mackie trouble….. Mackie trouble”
Hearing his name, Nate’s head popped up, “Wait, why am I in trouble?”
“I believe that your words were ‘I will look after her’ and look how well that turned out,” she deadpanned. 
“Wasn’t the vomit punishment enough?” he asked weakly. 
“Nope,” Evie grinned as Catherine rested her head on her shoulder. 
“What’s my punishment then?” he asked. 
“Babysitting for one date night,” Evie answered.
Nate tickled Catherine’s tummy, “That’s not a punishment.”
“One OVERNIGHT date night,” Evie upped the ante. 
“Fine,” he answered in defeat.
“And Nathan……” she squinted her eyes, “If you give this child sugar again……”
“What?” Nate challenged her. 
“I am going to have Sidney hold you down while I shove Timbits down your throat,” she threatened. 
“You wouldn’t” he said as his eyes went wide.
“Try me,” she laughed.
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jockcoded · 2 years
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the amount of people who said they saw this and thought of me does reflect how I feel here
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finald-pug12345 · 7 months
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Final Destination All Stars
Made By Me
Alex Browning
Kimberly Corman
Wendy Christensen
Nick O'Bannon
Sam Lawton
Clear Rivers
Thomas Burke
Kevin Fischer
Lori Milligan
Molly Harper
Carter Horton
Eugene Dix
Ian McKinley
Hunt Wynorski
Peter Friedkin
Terry Chaney
Rory Peters
Erin Ulmer
Janet Cunningham
Candice Hooper
Billy Hitchcock
Kat Jennings
Julie Christensen
George Lanter
Nathan Sears
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exhuastedpigeon · 11 months
Inspiration Saturday & Seven Sentence Sunday
Tagged by @wikiangela @thewolvesof1998 @daffi-990 @weewootruck @hippolotamus @loserdiaz and @devirnis
My NHL AU is inspired by a whole lot of homoeroticism between hockey players, but the Tim Hortons bit is inspired by a mix of a couple actual Canadian hockey players I know who are convinced (rightfully so) that Tim's is better in Canada than the states.
Also by Nathan Mackinnon and Sidney Crosby's Tim Hortons commercials and their promotional videos in general.
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“You know this coffee is bad right?” Eddie asks him as they walk back to the hotel, each holding coffees and Buck holding a 20 pack of Timbits in his other hand. The cold is biting, it’s December in Ottawa after all, but all Buck can think is how he wishes it was snowing instead of just the snow already dirty on the ground.  “Okay, sure,” Buck agrees, because Eddie isn't exactly wrong. “But I once watched you drink McDonald's coffee on purpose and Timmy’s is better than McDonald's by a kilometer at least.” “God I always forget that you’re fucking Canadian,” Eddie laughs, bright and unbothered. Buck can’t help the way his stomach swoops at the sound. He’s been on the same team as Eddie for less than four months and he’s already mostly in love with the guy. It’s a fucking problem, really, but Buck can’t stop it and when Eddie looks at him all fond like he is right now, he doesn’t want to.
Tagging (no pressure) @monsterrae1 @forthewolves @eddiebabygirldiaz @spotsandsocks @rosieposiepuddingnpie @butchdiaz
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icedbatik · 2 years
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Revisiting this ... and being charmed all over again ...
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goosemixtapes · 1 year
max's september 2023 reads
i have always been faintly jealous of the people who post little lists of the articles/books they read at the end of the month. lo and behold, i have realized this is in my power to remedy. i've also assembled a list of my favorite short stories and articles of all time :)
Vergil's Aeneid, book 12 (aeneid daily reread) (review)
the latter half of Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen (review)
Edmund Spenser's Faerie Queene, books 1-3
selections from Edmund Spenser's Shepherd's Calendar (review)
Shakespeare's Macbeth (for the fourth time now)
the latter half of Us Against You by Frederick Backman (review)
Gregor the Overlander by Suzanne Collins (review)
I Am Your Spaniel by Gislina Patterson (i have a[n author-sponsored] pdf of this if anyone should like it!)
Peerless by Jihae Park (review)
Twelfth Grade Night by Molly Horton Booth (review)
the first two episodes of What Happens Next comic
The Secret to Superhuman Strength by Alison Bechdel (review)
Why Centrism Is Morally Indefensible by Nathan J. Robinson (↳ musings on Tim Urban's book about polarization)
The Promise of Monsters: A Regenerative Politics for Inappropriate/d Others by Donna Haraway (↳ this was classwork and i understood maybe half. but the half was good!)
What Do We Owe Afghanistan? by Nathan J. Robinson and Noam Chomsky (↳ on the war in Afghanistan and the evils of the US military; cws for everything you'd expect)
What is a Woman? (A Response) by Julia Serano (↳ on the TERF's favorite question)
video essays
PragerU and the Politics of Pain by Zoe Bee (↳ do leftists centrally aim to avoid pain? and is that a bad thing?)
On the Ethics of Boinking Animal People by Patricia Taxxon (↳ ostensibly what the title says, but actually a detailed musing on the essential properties of furry media and the freedom of dehumanization; changed my life a bit)
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bbycats · 1 year
my first introduction to natemac was one of the tim hortons ads and my immediate thought was “i didn’t think there were any gay people in the nhl.” i deadass thought that he and sidney crosby were playing a gay couple.
my first impression of nathan mackinnon was that he was in love with sidney crosby and i wholeheartedly believed it.
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bostonflavor · 10 months
I’m old enough to remember when “Corey Perry fucked Bedard’s mom” was “Tyler Seguin fucked Nathan Horton’s wife”
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