#natural chew toys for cats
Astarion & Scratch: Compromising for Tav Affection
This idea is entirely from @nairil-daeris and it's so cute!
Despite what some may have believed, Astarion wasn't that against associating with animals. He was actually a fan of a few of them, cats mainly considering their penance for cleanliness and independence. Not to mention they were admittedly adorable. And stood as the one type of beast that Astarion never feasted upon.
So no, he didn't hate animals in principle. He only hated a select few, with reason. Like the type that could rip him apart with their claws and fangs. Or the ones that thought that rolling around in their own filth was a worthwhile pastime. All and all, creatures that Astarion didn't have to deal with on the regular. Or at least not until now.
But here he was, stuck in the middle of fucking nowhere, with his ragtag group of merry weirdos. It wasn't that he didn't appreciate his own acceptance into your little group. He did, immensely. By the look of things out here in this hellscape, he probably would have been murdered ten times over if he had remained alone. Or gods forbid, become a goblin's chew toy.
So while he had no intentions of leaving, he was still frustrated. Especially with the pretty little druid that quickly became their de facto leader. Astarion had been vaguely aware that druids had an intense love for nature and all of its creatures. But that hadn't prepared him for how unreasonable that love could be. It felt as though you would take literally every opportunity you had to speak to any lowly pest on the side of the road.
Not to mention your insistence on taking care of a damned owlbear cub, which was an objectively stupid thing to do. Something that he should have fought you on harder but... he wasn't made of stone. The thing was objectively adorable. Even if it was almost certainly destined to grow up and try to kill you all, Astarion kept his mouth mostly shut.
But then came the dog. That god-damned dog. How a singular mutt could make his life so damn difficult, Astarion wasn't sure. But he did know that he was trying to enact a well-thought out plan. Seduce you, foster a protective affection that was strong enough for you to always want him alive, perhaps use you to defeat Cazador if the parasites proved strong enough, and then effectively abandon you for a new life of freedom.
It was all very simple, and he had gotten a great head start. You had spent the last few weeks flirting with each other, always staying close. You gravitated towards each other, a fact that felt more natural than Astarion would have liked. But... he had found himself enjoying his time with you, genuinely. Not that it mattered, but it was definitely a plus for his plan. Being with you was far from unbearable. You were attractive, sweet, a little angel just begging to be corrupted. A job that Astarion was growing excited to start.
He had been so, so close to fully propositioning you, completely confident that you would agree. And then Scratch happened. He hadn't thought much of it when you came across the little mutt. Maybe it would stay with the corpse of its owner or it would be another hanger-on like the owl bear. He hadn't had a horse in the race either way.
But then he did show up to the camp, looking so sad and dejected that even Astarion couldn't be bothered that his arrival completely interrupted his first attempt at asking you to bed. He had watched you pet and whisper to him for the rest of the night, providing a comfort that only a druid could.
Which was fine. Or at least it had been for that one night. That one night that kept repeating. Because suddenly, that damned dog was everywhere. The quiet nights the two of you had together by the fire, talking about anything and everything with your thighs pressed together now included Scratch squeezing himself into the middle.
The orchestrated moves he would do to make you blush, like removing a non-existent speck from your cheek with his thumb or leaning in close to remove a leaf from your hair, were getting harder and harder to pull off. The damned mongrel was always there, and any attempts Astarion took to get close to you Scratch used as an invitation to jump all over him. If he had it to wash his face of dog slobber one more time from the crime of trying to hold your hand, he was going to go ballistic.
And there was zero reprieve. The thing went with you everywhere, even in the most perilous of situations. Worst of all, it actually proved to be useful. Astarion had no idea where the thing was trained, but it was incredibly smart. Smart enough to serve as a perfect distraction when needed, while being clever and fast enough to never get himself killed. He could even function as a spy, considering how you could make sense of all of his whining and barking. And worst of all, the little beast was amazing at thievery, with nothing more than his mouth. No one suspected the adorable dog to be the one stealing your coin purse right off of your belt. He was completely inconspicuous, perhaps even more so than Astarion. A fact that... was not sitting well.
How on earth was he being outclassed by a fucking dog? One that he had no valid arguments to leave behind at camp.
And to top it all off, you even slept with it. You slept with both animals, usually huddled up in a pile beneath the stars. How you managed to not stink of dog breath and owlbear saliva in the morning, Astarion would never know.
How was he supposed to make you fall for him like this? In the past two weeks since you'd attached yourself completely to the thing, doting on him constantly. He had only managed to sleep with you once. The night of the celebration over the goblin slaughter, and what a lovely night it had been. But that was only because Scratch and the cub had been sufficiently distracted by all of the enamored tiefling children. The next night it was back to the same.
And Astarion was not willing to let the night you had together go as a one night stand. Maybe it wasn't necessary. It had become clear that you cared for him, you cared for all of them. Enough to put yourself in danger for every party member's protection. A strong friendship would probably do him just as good as a romance. But... that didn't feel like enough. He didn't want it to be enough. For reasons that he was not going to start examining now.
No, for now he was just focused on getting past your slobbery bodyguard. But he knew better than to bring it up to you directly. You were far too infatuated with the pup to see his side of things.
Gale had made a singular comment on a slight frustration over having to wait around for Scratch to sniff nearly everything he came into contact with, and that had ended in you giving him a half-hour lecture on the importance of understanding one's surroundings. Shadowheart had mentioned, once, just once, that perhaps it was time to start looking for a more appropriate family for the dog, and that had led to you giving her the cold shoulder for days.
No, if he was going to get more time alone with you Astarion would have to try other means. Which had led him here, swinging back a Potion of Animal Speaking with a grimace. It tasted oddly grassy, like he had just swallowed blended up lawn shavings. But he didn't have time to grouse over the taste, not when you were thoroughly distracted with talking about druid mythology with Halsin, Scratch left conveniently alone to dig holes in the back of camp.
And that was where Astarion was going. Because if he couldn't reason with you, perhaps he could reason with the mutt itself.
Part of him could not quite believe that he had to resort to speaking with a dog to further this relationship, but here he was.
Astarion stopped in front of him, swallowing back a grimace at how the thing was digging dirt directly on his shoes. Instead, he smiled down at it, his voice only slightly strained when he asked, "Can you understand me?"
Scratch stopped his digging, opting to sit and stare up at him, an oddly humanoid voice answering, "Yes."
Huh, so that's how this spell worked. It was a little disconcerting to hear a human voice from a dog's mouth, but he would make do. Astarion cautiously sat next to him, perching on a nearby log as he tried to keep a pleasant smile on his face, "Good. How are you?"
Scratch stared at him, his head cocked, "The dirt tastes good here. I like that."
That was... Astarion didn't know. It was his own fault for trying to make small talk with an animal. He cut straight to the point, "That's great to hear. Now, would you mind doing me a favor tonight?"
Astarion had never had a dog narrow its eyes at him before, but that's exactly what Scratch did, "What is it?"
"Nothing serious," Astarion tried to reassure, "I was just hoping that perhaps you and the cub could sneak off for a night so Tav and I could spend some time together-"
"No," Scratch interrupted circling the ground three times before laying down, his eyes still on Astarion.
"Excuse me?" Astarion shot back, his true annoyance shining straight through his voice, "It's not exactly much to ask for! It's one night-"
"I don't trust you around them," The dog said simply, "I think you're going to hurt them."
Well that was just offensive. Ever since this little brat's arrival Astarion had barely had a chance to drink from you. And the times he did he was perfectly in control. Not including the first time of course.
"I'll have you know that not every vampire is some hellish demon with no self-control," Astarion bit out, only the slightest bit amused at himself for being reduced to defending his own disgusting kind, "And why pray tell, would I hurt one of the only reasons I'm still alive."
Scratch shook his head, one eye closed like this conversation was boring him, "Not that kind of hurt. The inside kind, that makes people cry. I don't want them to cry."
That was-Astarion didn't-how in the hells could a dog see through him that easily?
"I have no intention of hurting them," Astarion lied. Or at least he thought it was a lie. It felt... uncomfortably true when spoken allowed, "I just want to have a little fun, that's all. Don't you think they've earned that?"
"Not with you. You don't like them enough," Scratch sighed, "I like Gale more. Or Wyll. Karlach too. They can have fun with them instead."
That was it. Astarion was going to wring this little shit's neck. But before he could give into his more violent impulses, he could hear your voice, calling out to the current root of all of his problems.
Scratch bounded up, his tail already wagging as he started to trot over. But before he fully did he turned around, giving Astarion a once over, "If you can prove you like them, then I'll consider it."
And just like that he was off, running to your side while leaving a stunned Astarion in his wake. Did... did he just get verbally annihilated by a damn dog? How was he supposed to go on after this? Not to mention he was actually thinking about what the creature said. It sounded like a challenge, one that Astarion was suddenly pissed enough to take up.
If the little shithead wanted sincerity, then he would get it. And that's how Astarion found himself willingly opening up more. Even if it had to be in front of the damn dog. He told you more about Cazador, the horrors and tribulations he had endured through centuries. He told you of his regrets, the things he missed the most about being a mortal. He even told you the truth about that first night that you let him drink from your neck. That... that you were the first. How good it had felt to have what he had been denied for so long. And he was rewarded with his honesty. He got to learn more and more about you in turn. Your family, your home, where you incessant love for nature derived from. He was starting to slowly become a Tav-expert, suddenly hungry for every bit of information that he could procure.
They were long conversations, long enough to last well into the night. And for Astarion to be exhausted enough to just... fall asleep in the first available location. Which just so happened to always be in the pile of creatures you liked to sleep with. Though, Astarion had to admit after experiencing it himself, it was oddly pleasant to be surrounded by the warm, furry little headaches.
As for the two of you, things were slowly progressing in regards to his plan. A plan that he continually kept conveniently forgetting about. You were together now at the least, even if Scratch hardly ever let you have a night alone. But you cuddled and kissed, called each other pet names and the like. And... it was nice. Perhaps even too nice. Because Astarion was starting to... feel things that he'd prefer to not.
He was getting too attached, too close. The idea of sex didn't even seem to matter anymore, let alone the idiocy of trying to convince a dog to help him in that department. He was knowing too much of you, and the fact that he seemed to adore everything he saw only made it worse. And then the two of you managed to kill that demon, getting more and more information about Cazador. You risked so much for him, and were willing to risk so much more. He couldn't take it anymore.
He had told you the next night, everything. His plan, his past, how easy it was to revert back into new tricks. But he didn't want that with you. Maybe he never did. He wanted something real, and by the gods above you wanted the same thing. He had half expected you to dump him completely after that little speech. But... you didn't. Instead you hugged him, comforted him for trying and failing to betray your trust. It was a kindness he didn't deserve, but one that he would gladly accept.
Everything felt easier after that. Yes there were still countless horrors hanging over your heads but... he had you. And with you he was starting to think he could get through anything.
Even Halsin's insistent flirting. He was watching you both now as you helped him nurse a dying sapling to health, his eyes tracking Halsin's every move as he pretended to read. While he trusted you more than anything, fully aware that you would never stray, it didn't stop the paranoia. Just one other aspect of being in a real relationship that he hadn't seen coming. Turns out, it involved being terrified of losing it all. Especially to handsome, bulky elf druids.
But before he could fret over it any longer, he felt a tugging on his pant leg. He glanced down, his brow furrowing when he saw Scratch there, his tail wagging and his tongue lolling out.
"What the hell do you want?" Astarion asked, his words completely unmatching his actions as he scratched him behind the ears. Don't get him wrong, he still at least semi-loathed the creature but... he's also not quite sure he would have gotten to this point without his intervention. So a reluctant appreciation for his existence it was.
Scratch continued to paw at his leg, a low whine in his throat as he cocked his head to the right. Astarion followed the motion, only getting more confused when he realized he was trying to point to another potion.
Astarion sighed as he picked it up, “What? You want me to understand a new dressing down speech?”
Scratch continued to wag his tail, letting out a happy bark as a confirmation. As much as Astarion would prefer to not spend an evening getting lectured by a dog, he was more than a little curious to see what he had to say. 
He swallowed it down, grimacing at the taste as he wiped his mouth, “Okay, out with it. What do you want?”
"I like you now," Scratch said excitedly, prancing back and forth in front of him, "And they like you too. Do you like them?"
In moments like this, Astarion really did wish he had the heart of stone that he pretended to carry. Because the unexpected approval from a random pup was suddenly making him feel almost teary eyed. Or it was the bitter taste of the potion, but either way the innocent words were making his heart ache pleasantly. 
Astarion swallowed, smiling down at him, “I like them very much. More than anyone before. And I’m starting to think you might not be so bad either.”
Scratch sat in front of him, resting his head in his lap as his tail wagged, a goofy smile on his adorable face, “It’s because I’m a good boy. They tell me so all the time. Are we friends now? We are right?”
“Yeah,” Astarion smiled as he ran a hand through his white coat, his eyes drifting over to you. You were watching them, grinning ear to ear with a hand over your heart, nearly moments away from swooning. He looked back down at the dog, his smile only widening, “We’re going to be great friends.”
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gremlingottoosilly · 10 months
this has been on my head for like weeks now... and frankly, i think im going insane (slide 4 please) /jk
now, how about.. Poly! Weretiger! Horangi and Monster! König sharing the same human. Both feral men breeding her any chance they can get, and a very, very, high chance of her getting pregnant. Making her have either könig's eggs, and cubs of horangi's.
(i need therapy... goodness)
Such a horrible fate for such a fragile human( Horangi is always angry, frustrated, he has the mental characteristics of a feral cat who would rather bite off your hand than be soft with such a pathetic piece of human meat. He will be softer with you after some time, however, his natural desire to be touched in a soft and intimate way, his longing to breed such a pretty little thing will turn you into something more than just a toy - unfortunately, sex with him is always feral, aggressive, he is never soft in his monster form, and you feel like a chewing toy whenever he marks you with his teeth. He has slightly lesser chances of breeding you, always so angry about not having a knot or any other means to make plug his cum in your already bulging tummy( you will be curled in his nest, with his body constantly switching between monster form and human form, fucking you multiple times a day because he needs to have his litter of kittens with you!! He becomes even worse when you start lactating, your tits are constantly bruised and covered in teeth marks because he can't seem to get enough of your milk( Konig is even worse - he spends less time with you, of course, he has too much on his plate, but he is very on the humiliation aspect of making you his pet wife. You're dragged on the floor by a collar, the breeding sessions are usually coming with other monsters nearby - the colonel might suffer from social anxiety, but he has this feral need to claim you as his little breeder. You're having so many eggs inside of you, there is absolutely no chance you're not pregnant at this point!
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meowmeowriley · 5 months
So, have you considered that bun!Ghost's teeth just grow? Like rabbits teeth grow continuously throughout their lives. They have to do a lot of daily chewing and gnawing to keep them worn down to usable lengths.
And of course Ghost is just ridiculous at looking after his bun self, he constantly has watery eyes, loss of appetite and gum issues because he doesn't chew the right stuff. Soap gets him to smile ONE time and suddenly he's shoving hay at him! And what's with the chew toys!
Ghost chewing whatever random shit he can his his hands on. Pens, straws, cardboard. None of it is actually helpful, just curbs the urge to chew for a bit (and really fuels Soap's theory that Ghost is some sort of cat shifter) once again, upon finding out that he's actually a rabbit, Soap takes it upon himself to fix all of Ghosts bad habits. Now he's got all kinds of different wooden chews, all natural or naturally dyed. They find he likes pinecones a lot.
Rookies pick up on this and find pinecones and twigs and such and bring them to Ghost as peace offerings if they piss him off. He'll chew on them while appearing completely human, just to weird out anyone who doesn't know he's a rabbit shifter yet.
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ilovechuuy4 · 5 months
S/O gifting Chuuya a puppy for his birthday? ≧◡≦
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I Was Meant For You, Baby. Being With You Makes the Flame Burn Good. ✧٭*꙳
Warnings; none other than thicker paragraphs
Description; Giving your boyfriend a pet for his birthday!
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A/N; Sorry if this took so long! I wanted 2 wait till chuuyas birthday since it isn't too far from nikolai's! Hope you enjoy!! Also I was flooded out my house (literally) so please bare with me! (HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY BEAUTIFUL BEST WIFE!1!1!1!!1!2?2?2?2?1!1!1!1!) (F/N is friends name)
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You glance at the clock on the wall, 5:23PM a nice Sunday evening on the 28th of April. You had a day until Chuuyas birthday but you already knew what you were getting for his present, that's why you were sitting in a pet adoption center right now. There were dogs barking, cats meowing and other animals noises. Needlessly to say, it was loud.
You were waiting for a specific dog to come out. It was the perfect one for Chuuya. You waited a bit longer until you saw the door open that led to the animals and there runs a puppy, it was a golden retriever. The puppy's coat was this bright shiny golden blonde with these soft brown eyes. Maybe the energy of the dog was different from chuuya's but surely it'll mix well no matter what.
The golden dog's tail was wagging frantically as the employee let go of the small leash, letting the dog go as it jumped in your lap, licking at your face. You laugh softly, running your nails in the coat of the new fluffy companion.
You reach into your pocket and grab your wallet and take out the money; paying the employee. They take the money with a soft nod and fill somethings out before letting you go. You had to keep the dog at a friends house for only a day since chuuya's birthday wasn't until the next day.
You drop the entergetic animal off at F/N apartment for the day while you not only go shopping for a cake but for the puppy too. You make your way to the closest store, making your way to the small bakery built inside. You talk to the baker who was at the front, telling her exactly what you want and what time I'd be picked up, around 3pm tomorrow; Monday, April 29th. You watched as she jotted the details down and she nodded. "Alright ma'am/sir, that'll be around $20 (around 335 in pesos and 3,086 in Japanese yen.) tomorrow when you pick it up." The kind woman said with a thankful smile.
Once you pre-ordered, you scurry off through the market, grabbing chuuya a new fedora to add to his collection along with a nice red wine. You then make your way to the pet isle. There was a lot but you got the essentials; dog food, specifically wet food since it was only a puppy, chew toys, treats, bowls etc. Then you walk your way to check out spending around a good $150(23,197 yen or 2,557 Pecos) you sigh, the hat was pretty expensive, it was around 80-90 USD. You rub the back of your neck as you leave the store, bags in hand.
You drive home, entering the house but keeping the bags in trunk of your car. Once you are inside the house, slipping off your shoes and coat, you are met with a slightly upset blue eyed man, your boyfriend. His arms crossed over his narrow chest, his bright blue irises dangerously showing his mood of anger. "Where were you? You're usually home hours before I am, but I'm here hours before you are home?" Chuuya questions, he was very serious.
"Well I was uhm.." You stamppered, you couldn't make up a good enough excuse. "I was at my friends house, F/N? them?" You said, rubbing the back of your neck. You were obviously lying, nothing could get past the ginger even if you tried. "I won't push, doll. But you gotta tell me when you won't be home. I was worried." He stated, he never pushed you to tell him where you were, he wanted to it come out naturally with no force, he didn't like trying to push answers out, it felt odd to him.
Chuuya walked forward and embraced you, holding you close, hands holding your hips. "Let's go order some food and watch a movie, yeah?" Chuuya recommended, gently grazing your lips with his. You smile and nod as you follow him to the couch. The night grew and the both of y'all became tired. "Let's go to bed, darlin'." He said, gently lifting your to red body off the couch and into yalls shared bedroo, laying you don't and slipping under the covers with you.
As the night wore and the day grew you shirt confortably in the bed, waking up with a yawn. It was 2pm, Chuuya had let you sleep in since you were out so late last night doing god knows what (or at least he didn't know what you were doing.) You yawn, stretching your bones as they pop and crack, the sounds sending shivers down your spine. You yawn onces more before getting out of bed.
You scurry around the bedroom, taking a shower, drying your hair and putting on your clothes you were going to wear to pick up and cake and the puppy. Nothing big, something simple. You grab your bag with your wallet and walk out the house, getting into your car and driving to the same store. You were only a couple minutes early but that was always a good thing as you walked to the bakery section. The same lady greets you with a welcoming smile as he walks to the back, bringing back the cake.
The cake with a simple French vanilla. Thick, swirly dollops of icing, boarding around the top and bottom. The bottom layered with dark chocolate shavings, those also layered at the top on top of the swirls of icing. In black icing, a neat, swirly cursive wrote; "Happy birthday Chuuya." You take out your wallet to pay the kind lady with a smile before taking your card back and walking out the store.
Once leaving the store, you stop by F/N house and pick up the fluffy compainion. It was jumping around, barking and other nonsense in the back seat of the car as you pull up to your house. You reach back, putting the leash on the collar and helping the puppy out the car. It runs inside the house as you squat down to feed it, pouring the food into the bowl in the back room where you sadly had to keep the cute golden for a few minutes more before your boyfriend came home.
You put the fedora and red wine in a small bag and stuff it with tissue paper. You gently place it on the marbled counter top as you take out the cake from the fridge and placing it beside the gift bag. Before you knew it, you heard the rustingly of keys and the front door unlocking, the hinges on the door squeeking as it opened, and there behold your beautiful boyfriend.
"Doll, I'm home. How ar-" his sentence cut off, his eyes going to the gift and cake, a smile spreading on his face as he looked at you. "You know, you shouldn't have?" He said with a chuckle, walking towards you and wrapping you in a hug, hands going around your waist. "I uhm.. I have another gift for you." You said with a nervous giggle before you could say anything else there was barking in the back ground, making chuuyas eyes widen.
"You got a dog?! Where?" Chuuya exclaimed, his eyes wide but he seemed excited. You gently pull away from Chuuya, scurrying to the room the dog was confined in, opening the door. You watched as the puppy hopped and jumped, running around before going to the taken aback chuuya. His eyes widden in gleam as he squats down to pet it was a smile.
"You really got a fuckin' dog?" He said unbelieved, running his hand down the dogs thick coat of fur. "I mean yeah. I know you wanted one so, what do you wanna name her?" You ask with a smile. "Princess." He said, he was straightforward with it and he meant it, this dog's name was gonna be princess and you were well aware it was going to be spoiled like one.
"Mhm alright, princess it is." You say with a slight laugh. You watch as Chuuya stands up and walks over to you hugging you tight. "You don't know how much you; and this. means to me, darlin'. I love you so much." He murmurs softly, kissing your lips slowly, Princess directly between yalls legs.
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merakiui · 6 months
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[viii.] ᵗʰᵉ ᵇᵘᵗᶜʰᵉʳᵉᵈ
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serial killer!jade leech x female!reader cw: yandere, unhealthy behaviors/relationship, kidnapping/captivity, descriptions of murder/death, violence, strangulation chapter vii│chapter viii (you are here)│chapter ix
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Today’s Thought - As biology would have it, the moray eel is cowardly by nature. Somehow this facet doesn’t apply to a certain someone. What he lacks in cowardice, he makes up for in cruelty.
The three days that follow the first feel like a blurred eternity, and you only know it’s been three because Jade’s explained your daily horoscope thrice now. The first: Do your best and your days will be fortuitous. You’re walking the path to success. The second: You may feel gloomy with the shifting skies. Rainfall may evoke sadness, but the secrets you hide from that important someone will seem even sadder. And the third (today’s prediction): There’s a chance you might find luck in uncertain situations.
These horoscopes might have provided you with a shred of relief if it weren’t for the fact that your slumber has been mostly dreamless ever since that last obscure nightmare, and so you don’t have anything to compare them to. No jellyfish. No strangers sitting at dinner tables. No blue hues for you to contemplate.
You’ve read through A Hiker’s Guide twice in the span of forty-eight hours, committing fungi facts to memory as if they’ll serve any purpose while you remain shackled in captivity. But it keeps you occupied and smothers any morbid thoughts threatening to spill into your skull. Which is what you really need right now—the sweet sense of comfort and contentment.
Jade upheld his end of your bargain yesterday when he poked his head inside the bathroom, presenting the white suit coat Azul had worn the night he faux-proposed. You kept your complaints to yourself, silently scorning him while he draped it across your shoulders. It’s an expensive brand sewn from luxurious fabrics you’d never be able to afford no matter how many extra shifts you pick up at The Devil’s Delight.
Out of habit, you’re attempting to calculate how many times you’d need to sleep with Azul in hopes of convincing him to buy you an outfit of equal grandeur. Your logic tells you multiple times for every pretty button and precise stitch, but your heart tells you it would only take a simple question and a sincere smooch to string him along. He opens his wallet for you as easily as you open your legs for him. 
But that’s just part of the agreement, you remind yourself, petting the silky sleeve like it’s a cat. Stop thinking about him. Focus on other things.
You lift your gaze towards the door.
I wonder what Riddle’s up to. We were supposed to meet up on Saturday. He’s probably angry I couldn’t make it. Or maybe he’s worried I’m not showing up to work. Shaking your head, you scoff bitterly. No, he’s not worried. He’s Riddle. He never worries about distractions like me. He has everything laid out so perfectly. You toy with one of the exquisite cuffs on the jacket, twisting it between your fingers. I guess when you’re that meticulous you never have to worry about anything because, no matter what happens, you’re following a familiar schedule. So even if things don’t go to plan, you can just move to the next item on your list.
You slouch against the wall and sigh.
Maybe it’s better to live repetitive days. It’s boring, but it’s safe.
Before you can start weighing the positives and negatives to that thought, a noise from below resounds. You scramble away from the sink, mindful of your bandaged ankle, and force yourself flat like a pancake, your ear pressed against the tiles. The air is still, your breath is hitched, and then there are footsteps. Four in total. You assume he’s taking off his shoes because there’s a disconcerting quiet that follows. Seconds later, you strain to hear the door as it shuts and locks with a click. 
And then there is more silence. 
Something’s not right, you think, chewing your lip. Anxiety bubbles in your blood, volcanically volatile. He’s not coming upstairs.
You push yourself up onto your arms and retreat to the space between the bathtub and sink.
He always comes upstairs to check on me when he gets home. Right away. So why isn’t he? What’s going on? You shake your head and dig your nails into your arms. Don’t panic. Maybe he’s preparing another meal? But he usually eats before work. At least, that’s what he’s done with me ever since the first day. Maybe he didn’t have work. Maybe he went out to do something. But what? Cover his tracks? Kill someone? Make sure there are no witnesses from that night? Kill someone? Your grip on Azul’s jacket tightens. Relax. Take a breath and think about it logically. He can’t do anything rash. Not when he’s just kidnapped me. Someone must have made a missing report by now, so he has to be careful.
Your eyes slide about the room, inspecting the framed sketches once more. What if it’s the afternoon? He could make up any time he wants and I’d have no choice but to believe him. He could’ve gone out for lunch, or he met up with Azul for the daily walks we usually do. Right. Azul. He has to know something’s up. He has to… Wait.
The realization is glacial, stabbing through your skull mercilessly: He won’t suspect anything because disappearing like this is a routine he’s all too familiar with. In his eyes, I’m just—
Footsteps on the stairs shake you from your theorizing, and you brace yourself for the sight of him. You hope to shrink yourself to a size so small and imperceivable that no one, not even the most keen, cutthroat killer, could find you. You succeed in huddling in on yourself, a ball of tightened nerves just waiting to unfurl at the slightest hint of danger. Sweat beads on your brow and slithers down your spine. The hair on your body stands on end, as if expecting the swift strike of a terrifying tragedy.
Something’s not right.
The knob turns. There he stands in the sliver of space between door and bedroom, backdropped by dim lamplight. He’s dressed plainly in a black hoodie and sweatpants of the same color. It’s arguably the most casual you’ve ever seen him look. And in his arms, held bridal style and slumped like a boneless fish, is a woman. 
Your gaze is drawn to the way her shirt stretches tautly over her abdomen—over the rounded dome that is her stomach—and dread crystallizes your blood. Suppressing a shiver, you meet his stare. A smile slowly crawls onto his lips, and then he steps deeper into the bathroom, pulling the shower curtain aside and lowering the woman into the tub. Tape is plastered to her mouth, and her wrists and legs are bound with expert knots. Just looking at her and the state she’s in makes you sick with discomfort.
“Who… W-Who the hell is that?”
“A roommate,” he replies, all too smooth. “It’s only temporary, so you needn’t get so territorial.”
There’s no way. He’s actually planning to… 
Bile rises in your throat, and before you can stop yourself you’re leaning over the toilet to retch. Saliva dribbles down your chin, landing in the bowl below in a downpour of gross, acidic rain. A petrifying tremor shudders through your body, and you steady yourself against the toilet, coughing until tears gather in your vision and your throat aches. You smack your hand against the handle to flush the physical manifestations of your horror away. Down it goes, never to be seen again.
“Your little parasite doesn’t seem very fond of her,” Jade remarks, standing over you like a patient reaper of death. “There can only be room for one, no?”
You crane your neck to peer at him. “F-Fuck you.”
He smiles thinly, his eyes creasing with manufactured mirth. “It’s just a coincidence.”
“Coincidence, my ass.” With a dark scowl, you wipe the spit from your mouth with a shaky hand. You drag yourself away from the toilet, tasting residual vomit on your tongue. “You can’t hurt her. She… She’s pregnant, Jade. There’s no way you can—”
“She isn’t you. If I recall, I only agreed to keep you alive.” Jade slips his gloves off, drapes them in the basin, and then lathers his hands with soap. His movements are mechanically meticulous, as if these motions have been preprogrammed. Even the way he dries his hands is unnatural. Too prim. Too perfect. “As far as I’m concerned, she’s nothing like you.”
“Why? Because she didn’t kick your ass when you showed up to kidnap her?”
Jade exhales an amused breath. “Of course not.” His eyes frost over when he turns his stare on you. “She never got the chance. Besides, if my ass had been sufficiently kicked, you wouldn’t be here right now.”
“I hope you choke on a fingerbone.”
“That would be most unfortunate. I’ll be sure to eat carefully.”
Peering at himself in the mirror, he smooths his hair down. You didn’t realize it was tousled to begin with. Now that you’re looking, his entire person seems…messy. Even that stray strand falls on the wrong side.
He definitely didn’t go to work, you conclude, studying his features from behind. He’s too casual. It’s hard to imagine Jade in anything other than uniforms. Did he go out with that lady? Maybe not. He seems like the type to dress nicely for dates. So a sweatshirt and sweatpants… They’re both easy to move around in, and he’s wearing dark colors to blend into the night. Did he grab her when she was least expecting it? He said she wasn’t given a chance to fight back, so a struggle was nonexistent. 
You shake your head, unsatisfied with your deduction. I’m missing something. His appearance is messy, but he’s always so clean. So why is he messy? This isn’t making sense.
“How’d you find her? You must’ve planned this in advance.”
“I assure you I’m not seeing other women behind your back.”
“Like hell I’m jealous, you creep.”
He chuckles and leans against the sink, his arms folding easily. “A magician never reveals his secrets.” “Magicians and murderers are two different things.”
“Aren’t they skilled in making things vanish? Both captivate their respective audiences as well.”
“Do you not see how vastly different the two are?” Groaning, you rest your head against the wall. “Did you seduce her?”
“Someone’s curious.”
“What’s her name? Do you even know where she’s from or what she’s been through? You’re taking an entire life away, Jade.”
“Two, actually.”
“That’s even worse! Do you hear yourself right now? You’re insane!”
“Has it ever occurred to you that your morals might not have any influence on what I do?”
He’s doing this on purpose. He could’ve brought anyone home, but it just had to be a pregnant lady.
“You’re sick.”
“Do you truly think so?”
“No sane, healthy person would do this.”
Jade feigns a sad pout and wipes nonexistent tears from his eyes. “To hear you say such things… My heart breaks.”
I hope someone chops you up, you lunatic! Then you can know what it’s like!
“So what’s the plan? She’s stuck here like me?”
“Not for long.”
“You’re really going to kill her?”
“Is that not obvious?”
You glance at the tub. I have to do something. But what? You look around the bathroom, eyeing the frames, the sink, the toilet, the walk-in shower, the tiled floor… Can I kill him? Shatter one of the pictures, grab the biggest shard of glass, and then—
Jade bends down to your height. “You needn’t look so pensive. There’s nothing you can do, and if you try anything I’ll be sure to slaughter you in the most gruesome way at the end of these nine months.” He smiles like it’s not the most sinister threat. “And I’ll watch you bleed out slowly while I cut your skin away in delicate slivers. So if you value a quick, painless death, do yourself a favor and keep your hands to yourself.”
You drag your legs into your chest. You sick freak. His eyes crawl down your face to observe your bandaged ankle. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you.
“That should be enough of a reminder.”
“I’m not stupid. I’m not going to do anything. I can’t.”
I want to, though. I have to.
But there’s the shackle and the chain, restricting your movement and trapping you in the bathroom. There’s also the very heartless serial killer, who values your life as much as one does a meal. Voraciously. That’s as far as his sympathy extends. He doesn’t care about you or your nonexistent baby. You’re not even a person.
To him, you’re just supermarket meat plucked from the street. The most dangerous game he’s ever hunted.
“Good to know.” Pleased with your submission, he rises to his usual height and makes for the door. “Does it hurt?”
“A little.”
“Allow me to retrieve some painkillers.”
“If it puts me to sleep—”
“Rest assured. I have no intention of doing that. Too much and you may never wake again. That, and I’d prefer a meal without unnecessary baggage.”
“Then don’t drug me if you want fresh, healthy meat.”
He says nothing, merely smiling in reply, and departs through his bedroom. You listen to his retreating steps and then, after determining he’s made it downstairs, you drag yourself over to the tub. You yank the tarp-turned-curtain aside and peer down at her.
“Excuse me?” You reach in to nudge her arm. “Miss, are you awake? Please wake up.”
She doesn’t stir. Your gaze sweeps over her face. She doesn’t look bruised or battered. In fact, she’s in much nicer shape than you were when Jade took you.
It couldn’t have been a date or any sort of formal event. Not by chance either… So what is it? What am I not seeing?
You stare at her bump and frown. I’m pretending to be in her position, but she’s actually pregnant. If anyone deserves to get out of this alive, it’s her and her baby.
You shake that thought out of your head next, replacing it with something detached. You have to be logical. In tragic situations, it’s everyone for themself. What if your roles were swapped? Would she feel the same? You’d hope so, but maybe she’d be just like you—someone who’d do anything to survive, even if that was at the cost of another’s sacrifice. It’s not fair, but there’s nothing you can do. She’s doomed.
“Fuck,” you mutter, curling your fingers around the lip of the tub.
I can’t watch an innocent woman die. I have to do something.
Footsteps draw near. You scramble to your corner. Jade returns with two tablets and a glass of water. You down the painkillers in one gulp.
If it knocks me out, at least I won’t have to see anything.
You rest your forehead against your knees. “I wish Azul was here.”
Why am I saying that? Do I really want him here? Maybe Cater would be better. Or Riddle. Anyone but Azul.
“My apologies. The withdrawal must make you feel immensely itchy.” He peers at the tub. You realize you forgot to pull the tarp back to its original place. “Consider this the beginning of your detox.”
“You’re selfish, you know that? I have my entire life ahead of me. I have—” you rub the cold sapphire set into the ring on your finger— “I had a wedding to look forward to. Someone I was going to marry. A baby! And you…” Before you can stop yourself, the tears are falling. Weeks of pent-up emotions overflow. You wipe hopelessly at your face, feeling pathetic for crying in front of him when he could care less, but the rivers continue running. “Y-You fucking took that away from me! And I can’t—it’s all so you can feed yourself.”
You dig the heels of your palms into your eyes and weep like a child. The voice in your head soothes you: You have time. You can still get out of this.
When you pull your arms away, you find Jade gazing at you. “If I’m as selfish as you say, what does that make you?” He pulls his sweatshirt up and over his head, and then you see it. The dress shirt.
A pit opens in your stomach. You feel sickness scraping at your throat again, and the sensation persists when he shucks his sweats next.
All this time, he was in formal attire…
“I have no interest in your affair with Azul. Rather, I find the entire thing quite circular. You were loosely attached once, but now you’re engaged. And then what? Are you going to run away when he does something unfavorable? You have the makings of a most atrocious bride.” Casually, as if this is a conversation held over afternoon tea, Jade folds the clothes and sets them on the towel rack. “I suppose that is just the nature of love. You return like the leashed pet you are and you let him love you because you are just as foolishly fond.”
That’s not true. You’re wrong. I don’t love him. I’ve never loved him.
“Ah, but this is just mere speculation based on what I’ve witnessed.”
“Not quite. Do you know how many times I’ve helped you—drunk, dazed, vulnerable you—and you never thought otherwise? I put you to bed. I did your laundry. I stayed by your side and cooked breakfast in the wake of your hangover. For so many years, I’ve beheld the (Name) who thinks she’s loved by all because she doesn’t love herself enough.” At your horrified expression, he laughs. “You like to babble when you’re inebriated. It’s very entertaining… What was it you told me a few months ago? That you’re a nothing human with an empty, ugly heart who isn’t worthy of Azul’s boundless generosity. That you pawn it for lust disguised as love because you can’t afford the real thing. That you—”
He sidesteps the glass you throw at him. It hits the floor and shatters with a splash. Glass shards slide across slick tiles. He watches you silently, his countenance unreadable.
“Shut up!” Odium darkens your face. You inhale a ragged breath, collecting what’s left of your tattered ego, and add in a shaky voice, “You don’t know me. You’ve never known me.”
“Perhaps not.” Jade leans down to smile at you. He’s close, but he doesn’t touch you. You challenge him with a mean scowl. “But I will soon.”
Before you can question that, a soft groan interrupts your discussion. Your head snaps over in the direction of the tub. Jade does much the same, only he moves slower. There’s a pregnant pause, tension crackling in the air, and then there’s movement. The woman struggles in the bath, her screams muffled against the tape. You wince, understanding her horror.
I know what that’s like.
Jade helps her sit up. She resists, shaking her head desperately and shrinking away from his hands as if they’re something monstrous. They are, technically. Her eyes meet yours then. Even though it’s a wordless exchange, everything you need to know shines on her tear-stained face. Her brows are pinched together in stressed disbelief. She’s trembling.
“If you promise to be quiet, I’ll remove the tape.”
Upon hearing that familiar phrase, you shudder. It seems to have the same effect on the woman. She looks at him and whimpers.
“P-Please listen to him,” you speak up, nodding encouragingly. “Don’t fight. It’ll make it worse.”
She spots your bandaged ankle and gazes at Jade with new terror shining in her brown eyes. They’re very pretty. Big and beautiful, almost like marbles. To think the last things she’ll ever see with such doll-like eyes are a hungry monster and a hapless captive.
Jade peels the tape off slowly and, unlike you, she keeps her mouth shut. A wise decision. You don’t want to think about what he might do to keep her quiet.
“There. That wasn’t so hard, was it?” Jade sets the sliver of tape aside. “Now then, I believe introductions are in order.”
“I… I don’t understand,” she whispers, pressing herself against a corner of the tub. “Why am I here? You told me you’d take me to a doctor. Y-You said you’d help me—”
“He’s a liar.” You fold your arms over your chest and huff. The woman’s expression falls. “It’s not your fault. I thought he was good, too.”
“So then—I’m just—why am I here? W-Why are you here?”
Jade steps in front of you to block your view of the distraught woman. “(Name) is my housemate—”
“Not by choice.”
“Still a housemate nonetheless,” he continues. “You’re here because I’m in need of a meal.”
“You’re…hungry? Is that… You’re serious? Is that really what this is about?” She shifts awkwardly in her restraints. You feel bad for her, even more so when you catch the hope bleeding into her voice. “Then, if that’s the case, I’ll cook something for you and you can let me go!”
Jade shakes his head.
You peer past his legs at her. “He’s going to kill and eat you.”
He frowns at you. “And I was intending to bask in the suspense…”
“You’re the worst. Genuinely.”
“I don’t understand… You’re…” She looks between you and Jade. Her eyes gloss over with fresh tears. “You’re going to kill me…”
“Indeed. Ah, but don’t look so disheartened. So long as you continue being good, I’ll grant you a painless death.”
“N-No way… I… I don’t wanna die. Please. M-My baby—I can’t—”
She breaks off with a choked sob. You watch her crumble without a word. It hurts to see her shoulders shake with every rattling inhale. It hurts even more knowing you’re just as stuck but temporarily spared. You glance at Jade to gauge his reaction. Like always, it’s impossible to read him. He’s always been like that, even before you found yourself trapped here. Smiling so sweetly, as if he isn’t a murderer, he would speak to you like a normal person, tease you like a friend, care for you when Azul couldn’t. You were so certain he was your friend—not just by way of association through Azul either.
He hid it—this massive, life-altering skeleton—like an expert. How did you miss it? What did you fail to catch?
Nothing. Because he never gave any indication of what was locked up behind unassuming closet doors.
Now you know better. So does this woman.
“I won’t tell anyone. I promise I won’t, so please let me go. Please, sir. My baby…”
Jade remains unfazed. “(Name) already tried those lines. Care to guess how well they worked?”
Landed me nine months on death row. 
She hangs her head in defeat. “I can’t believe it… I’m actually… This is it.”
You rest your head against the wall and sigh. Jade stares a moment longer before striding to the door.
“I’ll give you time to get acquainted.”
With that, he shuts the door. It’s very obviously a test. He’s probably waiting on the other side, listening in to learn what sort of incriminating information you might share. Not that it matters if she hears it. She’ll take all of this new knowledge to the grave or, in more literal terms, Jade’s stomach.
“I’m sorry you’re caught up in this,” you murmur, tracing invisible circles into the floor. “What’s your name?”
You glance at her. “It’s beautiful just like you.”
“Oh. Well, t-thank you.” She offers you a shy smile. “My mother named me after the sea. It was her favorite place to visit whenever she needed inspiration. She was an artist, and the sea was her biggest muse.”
“That’s sweet. I wish I knew the lore behind my name.”
“It’s still pretty without the backstory.”
“I guess so.”
I never really put much thought into my name. Does it matter if it’s pretty or ugly?
“Actually… It’s kinda ironic. I don’t like the sea. It scares me, so I stay away from it.”
“The sea itself or what’s in it?”
“Both?” She attempts an awkward shrug. “There are scarier things out there, but there’s something unsettling about the ocean. Maybe I’m silly for thinking that.”
“You’re not. It’s normal to be scared of things we don’t understand.” Like right now. But you keep that part to yourself. “I can’t relate. I love the sea. The lost history, the creatures, the mysteries… It’s all so fascinating.”
“Really? You’re braver than I am!”
“I’m just way too passionate. That’s all.”
Am I? I said I’d be a marine biologist and that’s what I’ve been studying all this time. But…
Marisa sighs. “You’re lucky. I’ve always wanted to find something I could be passionate about.”
“I’m sure you’ll find something one day.” And then you pause. “Or… Um.”
She pastes another hollow smile on her face. “I thought I could be passionate about school, but I couldn’t do it. I dropped out and tried a few jobs. Everyone told me it’d be easier to get married instead of running around like a headless chicken, but that didn’t feel right. I thought I’d be passionate about things like motherhood and babies, but I dunno. I’m already so far along, but I haven’t felt anything yet. No excitement or anxiety. Just emptiness. And I know that’s a terrible thing to feel and think—we’re supposed to love the things we create! I don’t even think I truly love my boyfriend. I’m horrible—I know!”
“You’re not horrible. The truth is—” You stop yourself before the words can slip out. I don’t love Azul. I’m not even pregnant. “I don’t know if you’ll ever figure any of that out, but I know you’re a good person. You obviously care about these things. If you didn’t, you wouldn’t be so worried.”
Marisa sniffles. “Thanks…”
“I can help you find your passion. There’s so much to do in the city. I’m sure something will catch your interest. Oh! Have you ever been to Siren’s Heartache? It’s a karaoke place. My friend and I used to go all the time.”
“I’ve been there once!”
“It’s amazing, isn’t it? My friend would order the craziest stuff off their menu. He hates sweets, but he’d get all kinds of sugary drinks and snacks for the hell of it. Said it didn’t matter because it’d look cute on camera, so no one needed to know if he enjoyed it.”
“He did it for the pictures? That’s it?”
“Yep! He loves photography. He’ll do anything to make sure he gets the best angles and lighting.”
“Wow… I don’t think I could be that dedicated.”
“No? Then what about schedules? My other friend used to be on these super rigid schedules. I’m sure he’s still on them now, but back then it was really suffocating. He’s always been so organized, though. It’s impressive.”
“Isn’t that too restrictive? Doesn’t he have any time for fun?”
“Would that be better? A free life filled with ups and downs or a rigid life you can plan around?”
“Both sound just as bad.”
“Isn’t that just life?”
She breathes a sardonic laugh. “From a pessimist’s perspective, sure.”
“What kind of life would you want?”
“Is it bad to say I want something easy?”
“No fair. You totally stole my answer!”
“Then maybe we’re both bad.”
“Yeah…” You stretch your legs out and flex your toes on your good foot. If that’s bad, then I’m the worst. “I guess we are.”
She giggles. “You’re supposed to disagree!”
“Oh, oops. Sorry.”
“It’s fine. I don’t think it’s so bad to want an easy life. If it were up to me, I’d want it to be like one giant tea party. That way everyone can come together for tea and tiny cakes.”
“And you wouldn’t have to work, so who cares if you’re rich or poor!”
“Exactly! There aren’t any expectations. You can be good or bad. Empty like me or passionate like you. It’s all just conversation at the end of the day.” She gazes at you, and her features relax into a real smile. “I wish we could’ve met sooner. You seem like a fun friend.”
Am I really? I feel like I’ve been nothing but trouble for Riddle and Azul. Even Cater…
You hum your acknowledgement before nodding towards her belly. “Have you thought of any names?”
“Nothing yet. I’m not very creative and I don’t want anything basic either. Something memorable would suffice.”
“Like your name.”
“Right! Only nothing connected to the sea.” Marisa chuckles sheepishly. “It wouldn’t mean anything to me.”
“Maybe it doesn’t have to mean anything significant. As long as it comes from the heart and you like it, it should be fine. At least, I think that’s how it works.”
“I have no idea. This is my first time.”
You nod. Somehow it feels like I’m indirectly lying to her…
“You’ll find a name that sticks one day. When you do, let’s get together and celebrate.”
“At the Siren’s Heartache?”
“Wherever you’d like.”
She gasps. “How about a tearoom? There’s this really cute one just outside the city. I go there all the time. The owners are the nicest people I’ve ever met! If we go, we can have our own tea party. You can bring your friend who likes photography. I’m sure he’ll get lots of pretty pictures.”
That’s impossible. We both know there’s no chance of—
“Marisa!” She startles at the urgency in your tone. You look and sound as if you’ve just cracked a cold case. “That’s it!”
“What is?”
“Your passion! Tea parties!”
“I always thought that was more of a hobby…”
“You can be passionate about hobbies. I’ve never gone to a tea party myself and I don’t know what that involves aside from drinking tea and eating snacks, but it sounds like a good time.”
“Oh, it’s the best time! I love dressing up for it, too. On nights when I knew I’d be going the next day, I arranged my outfit in advance. What jewelry I’d wear, what makeup I’d put on, what purse I’d bring… I could spend hours trying on my clothes and picking different pieces. And their afternoon tea sets—they’re everything! You have to try it if you go! I love their egg sandwiches. Well, everything they serve is delicious.”
Your lips quirk up in a playful grin. “See? You’re not empty.”
Stunned, Marisa sits there in the bath. “You’re right,” she mumbles. “I never realized it, but I love tea parties. I love talking with people over food and drinks. I guess it came so easy to me and I did it so often that I didn’t think anything of it.”
“Maybe we can add ‘socialization’ to the list of passions?”
She laughs, her hair bouncing with the movement. It comes right from her chest—authentic amusement—and it’s a musical sound. You wish there was another way. Jade may have shown you mercy, but you’re certain it won’t be the same for her. Even with these unlucky odds, you’re determined to try. It’s the only thing you can do. Try and hope that something goes well.
You gesture for Marisa to turn around. She almost questions you, but you hold your index up to shush her. She stares at you, her lips pressed in a tight line, and nods her understanding. As quietly as she can, she shuffles in the tub until her back is facing you. 
“Hey, what’s this tearoom called again?” you ask as you reach for the biggest glass shard.
“It’s called Portobello.”
“Like the mushroom?”
“Mhm! It’s forest-themed. They’re famous for their chaga tea.”
Of course it’s mushrooms. You glance at the door. Do you hear that, you freak? Sounds like the perfect place for a mushroom fanatic like yourself.
“Do you like mushrooms?”
“They’re okay. I don’t eat them often. I have so many other foods I prefer…” You trail off as you saw through thick rope with the jagged glass. “Actually, there was this one time I got fried chicken from the city. I was stupid drunk and nothing was open, so my fiancé took me to a convenience store. It was cheap, but it was so yummy! I guess everything is when you’re that gone… Anyway, he was so mortified when I woke up the next morning wanting more. That was the only thing I remembered from that night.”
“Why was he so embarrassed? I think convenience store food is great!”
“Right? You understand it.” You sigh and shake your head, recalling that memory with startling clarity. “Azul is… It’s hard to explain.”
“But you’re engaged?”
“I’m crazy, aren’t I? Marrying a man who gets flustered over fried chicken from the convenience store. He ate it in a fancy suit, too. What a weirdo.”
“He sounds funny.”
“The funniest. It was our first year together as…contractual obligations. He was so determined to make a good impression that he banned junk food from his life. We broke that dumb rule that night. I think that was the first time I saw the real him. He’s cute when he blushes.”
“Contractual obligations? Why not partners?”
You cough awkwardly. “J-Just an inside joke. He’s a businessman.”
“Ah, that makes sense.” She flexes her fingers just as you manage to cut through the first knot. “That’s sweet.”
“You and him.”
“What about us?” Your hand hesitates, gripping the shard with new force. Any tighter and you might slice your palm open.
“You must’ve been so hungry, and he went out of his way to make sure you were fed even if it meant breaking his rule.”
“That was just—he hates having to owe people stuff. He was just repaying a favor.”
“My mother used to tell me a good man will visit for your best, but a great man will stay for your worst and everything in between.”
No way Azul likes me at my worst.
You shut your mouth and resume your previous motions. With her hands now freed, you lean over the tub to work on the rope binding her ankles.
“What about your boyfriend? You said you’re not sure if you love him?”
“I don’t know what I want. We’re happy being together without any rings or ceremonies, but I feel like that’s not enough. I feel like I’m not enough.”
“Maybe you should take your mother’s advice.”
“I will when you do.”
She giggles. “I’m kidding. I think… I’m glad you have someone who cares. It’s no fun being alone all the time. Sometimes it’s good to share your peace with others, even if that’s getting fried chicken from the convenience store with a weird guy on a chaotic night.”
You laugh, but it comes out choked.
Yeah, Azul’s weird.
And then the first tear lands on her foot. It isn’t long before more rush forth, blurring your vision. You manage to cut her free from the rope just before it becomes impossible to see clearly. When you meet her stare next, she smiles. It’s strained with sorrow.
Why are you crying? She’s just a stranger.
You throw your arms around her and sob quietly into her shoulder. She runs her hand along your back. It’s meant to soothe, but all it does is remind you of the limited time you have with her.
I’m crying because she’s a stranger. Because she’s someone I’ll never be able to know more than this.
“Escape,” you whisper as you pull away, pressing the shard into her hand. “And when you do, wait for me and we’ll have our giant tea party.”
She nods, her eyes shimmering with sadness. “You can count on it.”
When Jade returns, syringe in hand, it’s to a room of suffocating silence. You’ve no idea what its liquid contents are, but it can’t be very pleasant or safe. Regardless, you don’t intend to find out. He steps through the door, looks squarely at you, and smiles. Your skin crawls.
Calm down. It’ll be okay.
“You took your time.”
“Did I? My apologies if I kept you waiting.”
“Have you ever had mushroom tea before?”
He pauses. “Mushroom tea?”
So he wasn’t listening in. Either that, or he’s just hesitating for effect.
“I’ve never had it before, but I’d assume someone with your palate would’ve tried it.”
He laughs humorlessly. “Is there a reason for this assumption?”
“You like mushrooms. Sounds like something that’d be right up your alley.”
“You would be correct.” Jade taps the needle, eyeing the liquid within the plastic cylinder. “I’ve had it before, yes.”
“Was it good?”
His gaze drifts towards the empty tub and you panic. “W-Will you bring some for me to try?”
He blinks at you. An amused smile pulls his lips apart.
You can’t stop the scowl that forms on your face. “I can’t control what the baby wants.”
Just a little longer… Keep your eyes on me.
“I’d love nothing more for you to try it.”
“But there isn’t nearly enough credible information detailing whether chaga is safe to consume while pregnant. It would be very unfortunate if you injured your parasite on account of my negligence.”
“Someone did their research.”
“So what’s a good substitute? I want mushroom tea.”
“Pouting about it won’t fix anything.” He reaches to pull the curtain away, and you lurch forwards. The chain rattles. You pause with outstretched arms. Jade watches you with a frown. “Is something the matter?”
You lower your arms. “No… N-No, sorry. Nothing’s wrong. I’m just…hungry.”
“As am I, so if you could stop stalling for her sake I would appreciate it.”
A bone-chilling cold blankets the bathroom.
Your laugh comes out brittle. “Who’s stalling?”
It happens so fast you wish it was slow motion. Maybe then your reaction time would’ve been better. Marisa springs out from behind the door just as Jade turns to view her. She shoves him with as much strength as she can muster, swiping at him with the glass shard. Somehow she manages to drive it into his arm. Taken by surprise, he grunts and shakes her off. The syringe clatters to the floor and you dive to snatch it before he can. With Jade temporarily thrown off, Marisa flees from the room as quickly as she can. You look on with wide eyes, the syringe clutched in a tight fist.
She’s doing it… She’s actually escaping!
Jade curls his fingers around the glass lodged in his skin and rips it out. Blood spurts from the cut, crawling down his arm in a red slither. The chunk rests on the tiles in front of you, and it fills you with a proud satisfaction knowing he’s injured, if only partially. By the time you’ve blinked, he’s already hurrying towards Marisa. She’s about to wrench the bedroom door open, her freedom just beyond the confines of his home, but he seizes her wrist and yanks her away.
Just like the syringe in your hand, your heart drops.
She yelps and twists in his hold, flailing blindly. The scene is eerily reminiscent of your scuffle with Jade—the one you’d gotten into when he revealed himself as the intruder in your apartment. You were drunk then, wholly incapable of fending him off, but Marisa isn’t. She has a chance. She can escape. There has to be a way for—
You watch her fall, cringing at the resonating thud as her back makes contact with the floorboards. Jade’s hands are around her throat before you even know it.
“N-No… Wait. Wait, stop!” You lurch towards them, but the chain only allows you to go so far. You strain against the pull, grabbing at the door frame in hopes of breaking out of the shackle’s restrictive hold. “Jade—”
Marisa’s choked gasp cuts you off. You stare at her hands as they claw at Jade’s in animalistic desperation. Her eyes are so wide you see white; her mouth is open in a silent scream. With Jade on top of her, pinning her to the floor and squeezing her neck with ruthless precision, she can only kick her legs out and produce a haunting garble of sounds as she battles an impossible enemy.
“Stop! Let go of her!”
You grit your teeth and tug against the cuff. It digs into your skin and leaves you aching from the sting. Tears sprout along your lash line, and you cry out in pained frustration. Your agony doesn��t reach Jade’s ears. Or maybe it does and he’s just tuning it out. You’re unsure until you catch sight of his expression. A blank, empty slate—that’s what he is. There’s something murderous smoldering in terrifying two-toned eyes, but his lips are pressed in a firm pout and his brows are pinched together. Not from any sort of distress but, rather, from the physical exertion. His forearms flex, every muscle riddled with tense adrenaline, and his fingers dig into her throat to cut her circulation.
From where you stand, struggling against your restraints, you think his pupils are blown wide. He looks predatory. Unhinged in a feral sort of way. Like a wild animal who’s just pounced on his prey…
A wild animal. That’s what he is right now. Something unbound by human morals and law. A creature led only by instinct—by the intrinsic desire to slaughter and feast.
“Jade!” You give another determined tug to no avail. “Jade, please—you can’t do this! She’s pregnant! She has a boyfriend—a life! You can’t!”
Your voice is shrill, scratching through your vocal chords as if it intends to shred them to ribbons. You’ve never heard yourself sound so panicked before. Never known the crushing devastation of being so close and yet so powerless.
No matter how much you scream, Jade continues to strangle her. You can’t bear to watch any longer. Sinking to the floor, you lean against the wall and press your hands to your ears. You don’t want to hear Marisa’s wheezing breaths. You don’t want to see her struggle. You don’t want to see Jade as he kills her in front of you.
You don’t want to be a witness. You want out.
After minutes of torturous asphyxiation, her thread of life is snipped and she finally fades away. Moments later, urine soaks through her shorts and pools beneath her in a puddle. You look up just in time to see him release her and rise to his full height. Heaving a sigh, Jade tucks his dark hair strand behind his ear. Marisa lies lifeless, a husk of the once bright, bubbly woman you interacted with before this. Now she’s gone.
“Y-You’re a monster…” you manage through thick, anguished sobs.
He killed her. She’s…dead. Jade killed her. I just watched her die and there was nothing I could do and I…let it happen.
“This could’ve been avoided. I was going to give her an easy death, but you forced my hand.” Jade steps around you to pick the syringe up. “Let’s add another rule to our list. Seeing as I’m not allowed to touch you, it’s only fair that you keep your nose out of my work in return.”
Dead… She’s dead. Marisa is…
“Does that sound agreeable, (Name)?”
There’s a ringing in your ears—the warning tick of a clock or the foreboding chime of a death knell. Amidst every overwhelming sensation and haywire emotion, self-preservation echoes in your head: I’ve got to get out of here.
You blink through blurring vision. Are you crying? Numbly, you touch your face. The tears are there, wetting your cheeks in copious amounts. Something’s scratching at the back of your eyes. It’s not enough to feel like sleep, but it’s a familiar sensation. You’re certain you’ve felt it before. But when?
You can’t stop crying.
She’s dead. She’s dead. She’s dead. She’s dead.
You suck in gulps of air.
I should’ve done more. I could’ve done more! There had to have been something—logically. You have to look at it logically. She was doomed to die the moment Jade brought her here.
You dig your nails into your arms.
We were going to have a tea party. I was going to help her find more passions. We were going to be friends…
You watch Jade bend down to her height and press two fingers to her neck. Suddenly, there are two Jades and both are tilting. He glances at you, but his words don’t reach your ears.
I was going to save her.
Your head hits the floor with a thump. The world goes dark.
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Unlike previous times, the dream aquarium is bursting with life today. Moon jellyfish float peacefully behind sturdy glass. A manta ray glides smoothly through the water in laps. Fish of all colors and shapes are caught up in the current. The glow from the tanks dyes the hall in a cool ultramarine.
It’s quiet here. Safe. Comforting.
You’re lying on the floor, dressed in a clean hospital gown, and there is an entire galaxy of jellyfish above you. They’re set into the glass ceiling, their translucent bodies bobbing up and down in hypnotic patterns. You blink once and the blue brightens as if breathing alongside you. You blink again and this time a woman pokes her head into your visual field. Her milky-white eyes, though piercing, don’t frighten you. She blinks one eye at a time and her irises explode with color—now a vibrant green. Her long, black hair is tied back in a braid that sweeps over her shoulder. Tiny stars are twined throughout.
When she speaks, she has the same voice as the woman from the intercom.
“Today’s color is blue. As vast and wide as the sky and sea, as deep and dark as water’s soul, blue is the color of trust and sincerity. It is the color of bruises and sadness. It is the color of loneliness. It is the color that has finally led me to you.”
You stare at her, spooked speechless.
“Hello again, (Name).” She smiles and offers her gloved hand. “It’s been a while. Many years, in fact. I thought I’d never be able to catch you.”
You hesitate. Can you trust her—the woman you’ve spent so many dreams pursuing? There’s no one else here in this hall. She’s your only option. Swallowing your fears, you grab her hand and allow her to hoist you to your feet.
“My name is Marmoris. Ah, I must inform you that I’ve taken the form of someone familiar, so please note that this isn’t the current me. My true form is…not very pleasant. I wouldn’t want to startle you with it.”
“The current you? Your true form?” You draw away from her and bump into the tank behind you. Turning around, you gaze at the image slowly forming within murky waters. It’s…Jade’s bathroom. And there’s Jade, stooped over Marisa’s corpse. He’s looking at you next. You place your hand against the glass, but the scene doesn’t disappear. “W-What is this? What’s going on?”
Marmoris joins you at the tank. Her reflection warps with a myriad of aquatic traits. At one point, you think you see fins where her ears ought to be—shadows of wispy tendrils where her lab coat once was. “You’ll have to forgive me. There was no other way. You’ve already seen too much.” She shuffles closer to you. Her hands cover your eyes next. “Please don’t look. I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you.”
You squirm out of her hold. The picture presented in saltwater clouds in and out of clarity. “Protect me? I don’t understand. What do you mean by—”
“There’s not much time. I can’t keep you in here any longer than I already have.” She grabs hold of your hands and squeezes them. She looks sincere enough, but you can’t get past the fact that, though she claimed to take on the appearance of someone familiar, you can’t recognize this woman’s features.
She’s a stranger.
Before you can protest further, Marmoris leans in close and presses a kiss to your forehead. Her lips are frigid. The transient security of the desolate dream aquarium melts away, taking you with it.
“I promise I’ll explain everything the next time we meet. When we do, look for me. I’ll be waiting.”
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You jerk awake with a gasp. Your hands fly to your throat on instinct. Slowly, while catching your breath, you peer around the bathroom. Marisa has been moved to the tub and Jade’s in the process of cleaning the floor. He glances at you. His arm is bandaged.
“Welcome back.”
You shoot him a withering look. “Eat glass and die.”
“Wouldn’t that please you?”
“It would,” you whisper weakly, more tears spilling over. “It really would.”
For the first time in a while, you can’t recall any slivers of your dream.
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indagold-orchid · 8 months
Some things I wish I knew when first getting a rat:
You don't need to spend hundreds of dollars on a cage. Rat owners get so pissy over getting name brand fancy cages that can survive 12 world wars when you can actually just stack some cheap larger rabbit/guinea pig/ferret cages. I put a $60 dollar cage on top of my fancy ass $200 ferret one and my rats love it. No injuries or spontaneous exploding into smithereens like rat owners think will happen. I line the sides with cloth and it helps a lot.
If you're American, Oxbow is your friend. I used them with my rabbits years ago when I had them and they're great.
DIY decorations are fun but it gets exhausting after a while. If you want to play it safe, just using hides, hammocks and chew toys work!
All natural cages are cool if it's like an aesthetic thing but in reality they rot, get stinky and gross very fast. Very nasty and smelly.
Rats DO NOT like chew toys for cats or dogs. They love paper, wood, cloth, sticks, pumice, etc.
A rat injuring another rat is not by default always aggression. Only time I've seen it happen is either 1) They're sick/in pain, super grumpy and you need to get them to the vet or 2) You're still bonding them and someone got angry because they're still strangers. Best to rule it out both before neutering or seeking other options for aggression.
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purpleberiii · 8 months
"Sinners with a little sinner in MBCC"
☆Prompt: You are the youngest sinner in MBCC (about the age of 5-6). How would the characters treat you?
☆Warnings: None
☆Includes: Zoya, Anne, Nightingale (I know she's not a sinner), Chelsea, Caberent, Bai Yi.
Zoya's first impression of you was that you were smol and tiny but she felt you were strong.
Despite her scary nature, she was extremely gentle with you. Always carrying you around on her shoulders.
Zoya plays fight with you. She would throw light punches and when you throw a punch, she would dramatically fall to the ground saying you win.
Some nights, you would climb up on Zoya's lap and snuggle against her chest and fall asleep, soon after, she would as well, holding you close to her body.
Anne absolutely adores you. Your chubby cheeks makes you look like a baby in her arms.
Anne loves having you around whenever she takes care of others. She'd dress you in a little nurse outfit and give you small tasks like wetting a cloth and bringing it to her, throwing away unnecessary papers and stuff like that.
Anne also loves braiding your hair in her free time as well as reading books to you. She'd have you in her lap and a book opened up while she reads.
Eventually, you'd fall asleep, leaving her to tuck you in. Kissing you forehead and bidding goodnight is also a must.
You were the only sinner nightingale liked because you weren't constantly hogging all of chief's attention to you. Instead, you'd sit there and listen to her rant about her obsession with the chief even though your tiny brain can't comprehend any she says.
You followed her around like a puppy, whenever she has a task, she always made sure to bring you. If she sees one of the employees harassing you, immediately she will report them.
Nightingale loves feeding you. She loves watching the way your chubby cheeks worked to chew your food and while she remained calm on the outside, she was literally squealing on the inside.
Whenever you're feeling cold, expect her to wrap you up in her coat and place her hat on your head, she does literally everything to make you feel warm.
Chelsea spoils you. Literally with anything. She gives you new clothes every week, and even have the best shampoos brought in for you.
She made sure your cell was as clean as anything, even going long lengths to make sure your cell is designed however you deemed fit.
Chelsea had her tailor made matching outfits for you and her on occasions, for the chief as well, so you'd all look like a big family.
You're the only person she trusts with sitri and sometimes she even finds you sleeping on the big cat. She won't wake you, she'll take pictures.
You were scared of Cabernet no joke. The things she tell others had you thinking about it. "Will she really eat my soul?"
Once Cabernet realised this, she tried to be more gentle and loving around you and slowly, you warmed up to her.
Because of her wealth, Cabernet always bought expensive toys and books for you, also clothing.
There was always rivalry between her and Chelsea to see who you'd like more but in the end you choose them both, saying that you couldn't pick.
Cabernet always carried you around attached to her hip. Her favourite thing to do for you was to cook and believe it or not, she was a really good cook. She always looked forward to hearing your praises about the food.
She even went against the chief's orders and snuck a tiny bit of non alcoholic wine for you which made you all energetic.
Bai yi was your idol. You wanted to be like her when you grew up and you made sure she knew it. She was always so carefree and relaxed, making you think that she didn't have anything to worry about.
Bai yi was the one who'd go against all the rules for you, just so you could be happy. She has a weakness for you and everyone knew it.
She would take you on motorcycle rides at night, driving at a slower pace than normal. She bought you food and took you to a nice spot where you two sat down and admired the stars.
Eventually, she left with you sleeping peacefully in her arms, your head resting on your chest while her usually opened jacket was closed so that you fit snuggly in it.
When she returned to MBCC past curfew and while she being scolded by Nightingale, she would turn around and show them the position you were in and immediately they all would shut up. She never woke you up, she wanted you to sleep on her chest all night and you didn't mind as you fell asleep listening to her heartbeat.
A/n: you can clearly see who's my favourite from there. I might do another part with teenager reader.
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chaoticsnowykiddo · 1 year
Coping with uncomfortable emotions while regressed (some things that work for me) sorry for some being repeated there's just some that work for more than one of these
Anger: punch a pillow, scream into a pillow, tear up paper or crumble it up, squeeze a stress ball, tightly hug a stuffed animal, play with putty, slime, or clay, write down whatever is making me angry and possibly throw it away, cry a bit if needed.
Sadness: cry it out, snuggle up with a stuffie, watch cute or funny animal videos online, color a picture, play with my cat, read a lighthearted children's book, watch cartoons, play pretend with my stuffies.
Anxiety: chew on one of those chewy things, get myself a warm drink like tea, coffee, or hot cocoa, fidget with a pop it or another fidget toy, take a warm bath, hug my stuffies, listen to music, try to remind myself I am safe, cry if needed.
Trauma memories (TW): try to focus on something other than my body like a cartoon or video game, punch my pillow and imagine it's my abuser, let myself cry, remind myself that what happened wasn't my fault, hug my stuffies, listen to some music, color a picture, read something, drink a warm drink like tea, coffee, or hot cocoa, do some arts and crafts, take a bubble bath if I am comfortable doing so.
Grief: hug and snuggle my stuffies, watch things I associate with them (bluey and some Disney movies), play pretend with my stuffies, cry if I need to, drink a warm drink, color a nice picture and possibly hang it on my wall, remember that it's natural to feel sad over the loss of a loved one, know that they probably would have wanted me to continue living and to do my best even when they are gone.
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pinkieclown · 5 months
Cats The Musical Autism Headcanons
because these kitties are autistic okay!! honestly i think all the characters can be autistic these are just the ones i have specific ideaz for :3
mungojerrie & rumpleteazer (cause the twins definitely share some traits lol)
- the talking talkers… they’re both hyper-verbal :) while their chattiness can sometimes help with their schemes (they like to engage a friendly policeman in conversation!) but usually they just talk cat’s ears off cause they like talking
- always up in each other’s space, these two have very little sense of personal space and are always grabbing each other’s shoulders/arms or leaning on each other, snuggling, or generally being close to each other
- both love jumping up and down or running around to stim! sometimes they link arms and run in a circle for minutes at a time just to get their energy out
- they’re pretty spontaneous when it comes to their heists, usually jumping into it before fully working out a plan, but both can get very upset when something goes wrong/doesn’t go their way
- TERRIBLE with eye contact, he’s always looking at everything except the person he’s talking to. definitely adds to his kinda ‘shifty’ reputation
- loves oral stimming, usually chewelry or something of the sort, but will absentmindedly chew on p much anything in his reach (pens, plastic, teazer’s arm, etc)
- has poor volume control, tends to talk just a bit too loud or too quiet depending on the situation
- tends to accidentally interrupt/talk over others cause he doesn’t really understand their cues
- very touchy-feely… but only on her terms! she loves initiating snuggles hugs or play-fights, but if someone touches her when she’s not expecting/in the mood, she won’t hesitate to take a swipe at em (jerrie is usually the only exception)
- tippy-toe walks alllll the time. helpful for moving quietly when she needs to but will do it for no reason at all
- loves to give cats nicknames, but doesn’t understand how they work so just decides on random nouns to call her friends
- has a hard time understanding metaphors and sarcasm
- THE STIMMER!! she loves to stim! usually flapping her paws, tapping her toes, or bouncing in place, but pretty much any repetitive movement is a stim for her <3
- related to her stimming, she cannot sit still! she’s always moving around, playing with toys, or shifting from side to side even when she’s supposed to stay still
- loves to knit or crochet with jenny, since its repetitive and keeps her hands busy, plus she gets a cute scarf at the end!
- has echolalia, she often repeats words/sounds other cats say, usually just to feel it in her mouth
- non/semi-verbal, only speaks when he’s very comfortable or around certain cats (like victoria or tugger)
- loves to perform but is naturally quite shy and quiet, so tends to lean on his ‘stage persona’ to express his more dramatic and expressive side! when he isn’t in that mindset though he’s very aloof
- very diligent about keeping himself clean and tidy. he can feel when even one tuft of fur is out of place and it BOTHERS him
- has hypersomnia, he’s always sleepy and gets worn out pretty quick (especially after his bigger magical feats)
- has very specific day to day routines (wakes up at a specific time, visits the junkyard on specific days of the week, etc) gets really frustrated and stressed if they’re interrupted or changed
- he’s a house-cat, but refuses to wear a collar (he hates how it feels)
- didn’t speak for a long time growing up, but at like age 4 (in cat years) suddenly started speaking in full sentences. demeter was very surprised
- has a (terrifying) habit of slipping into this wide-eyed hundred yard stare when she zones out. it took a while for everyone to get used to that
- very sensitive to lights and colors, she’s the first to notice when the light shifts ever so slightly, and too-bright lights or colors are very overstimulating for her
- doesn’t like being touched except by her moms and sister (demeter & bomba and electra, respectively) and even then only in certain moments
- special interest is the night sky, she knows all the names of the constellations and can tell you the phase of the moon on any given night
- makes A LOT of eye contact
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yan-lorkai · 11 months
Hello! If I’ve understood correctly your requests are open. I would like to request the demon brothers from Obey Me! with a reader that just bites *everything*. Gentle love bites when happy, chomping in the air torwards a person in a ‘threatening’ manner if angry or upset, chewing random things when bored or stressed and so on. Thank you for reading this and have a great day and or night!^^
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.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ A/N: Yep yep, requests are always open so dw! I gotta say this whole rq is a big mood bcs when I was kid I always bit my friends, idk why tho lol. Oh and sorry for the little delay, hope you like this and have a good day / night as well!!! 〜⁠(⁠꒪⁠꒳⁠꒪⁠)⁠〜
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Warnings: Yandere content, can be seen as platonic or romantic.
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.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Devildom was completely strange, but Lucifer was used to its strangeness. What he wasn't used to was your peculiar habit of biting anything. If you were happy you bit him, if you were sad you threatened to bite him, chomping the air towards him. One way or another he got bitten and Lucifer, well, how could he stop you when you were so cute? He loves your little bites, he loves how you look so proud when you got to bite him.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Lucifer finds your behavior irritating when you two first meet. But as time passes and you get closer, he starts secretly hoping for more of your little bites and becomes incredibly frustrated if you don't bite him. However he will never admit this or the fact that he feels jealous if you bite one of his brothers instead of him. You should bite only him, little darling human. If you don't bite him then he's gonna bite you, harder.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ He does give you a little chew toy so you don't get anxious when you can't bite him or the others, though.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ While Lucifer doesn't care about your habit, Mammon feels he needs to be on constant vigilance to avoid being bitten. Or that's what he says to himself, because he's the easiest of the brothers to bite, so carefree, so funny when he gets scared and screams.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ The avatar of greed remembers when you first bit him. The soft smile that dominated your face as you approached him - he should have known something was about to happen, but how was he supposed to know? He didn't know you were actually going to bite him, he totally didn't expect a kiss from you only to receive a painful bite on the neck. But he can't stay angry, Mammon sincerely loves your little habit, this is how you seem to show your affection to him and absolutely loves it.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ And if you ever left marks on him, he would wear them with honor no matter who saw them, you are his and he is yours.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Levi is naturally more reserved and fearful, if you bite him he will get scared and hide in his room. He knows, after observing your habits for a bit, that it's something you do because you feel comfortable and express yourself that way, also because you really like to bite everything. So far he saw you bite into a pillow, your plate, Mammon's belly and you always seem to have fun.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ But he turns into an anxious mess every time you bite him or threaten him, chomping the air and making sounds with your mouth, when he is caught off guard by you and your sudden bites.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ The solution he found so he doesn't get scared and you don't get frustrated is to give you a chew toy to use every time you spend time with him. If you still want to bite him just let him know beforehand. He doesn't mind, your bite doesn't hurt, in fact it's kind of cute watching you bite his hand and arm, he blushes every time you do it.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Satan likes his personal space and having you invade it can be annoying, but more times than not he allows you to gently bite him, seeing your smile causes strange feelings in him. Plus, you remind him of a playful little kitten and he loves it, headpetting you while he reads to you and receive your littles bites. By the way I can see him buying cat ears and forcing asking very nicely for you to wear them when you spend time together.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Would encourage you to bite his brothers (mainly Lucifer) when all of you are in public, and later on he would shield you from any punishment that may come from his father older brother.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Asmo, well... Asmo prefers to receive other types of bites. Ones that last longer and stain his skin, if you know what I mean. But that's just what he prefers, Asmo naturally encourages his habit. He loves the attention he gets and you love having someone to bite, win-win!
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ I feel like he has several photos of you biting him compiled in a secret folder seen only by his eyes. Some of them he posts on Devilgram and laughs at the jealous comments of his followers who wanted to be you, others he shows to his brothers. After all, there are seven of them but he is the one you chose, that must mean something <3.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Beelzebub finds your habit a little strange and he thinks if every human is like that, but he doesn't mind it at all. In fact, he encourages you to bite him whenever you are happy or as an agreement, every now and then he challenges you to see who bites the most, however, Beel never bites you hard enough to break skin.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ He wants to make you laugh, not hurt you and he knows he could very well take your head off with the strength of his jaw. But he won't. He loves you too much for that, but the threat is implicit and you know that if one day you try to run away from him and his family or something, he could very well bite you and tear your body apart.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Belphegor finds your habit funny, just as someone finds a puppy learning to walk or bark funny. More times than he should, Belphie finds himself imitating your mannerisms, biting the air when he's frustrated or biting whatever is in his reach while he sleeps. He can't help but imitate you since he feels it makes you two closer, specially after what happened.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ The other brothers may like this and think it's cute, but it's Belphie who really feels his heart stop every time your teeth close over his arm, his neck, or even his cheek. Pink rises to his face and he pulls you closer, letting you bite him all over while he does the same to you.
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greeneldritchfurby · 4 months
yknow what... Here's a list of Hatchetfield Rarepairs that I think are neat!
Some l've thought up, some may already exist.. Either way I think about them constantly, and I need to share my brainrot.
23oz Chai - Paul 23 / Ted Spankoffski
- workplace crush but, plot twist, one of them is a clone
- Ted confesses, and Paul 23, even though he's unsure if the real Paul would go along with it, accepts anyway.
- everyone in the office reacts to it in shock, and they are convinced it is an elaborate prank. (Its not)
Cat Sweater - Charlotte / Melissa (Charlissa)
- Melissa supports Charlotte through her rocky marriage. Sapphic feelings ensue!
- They bond over their love of cats!
- Crazy cat lady and her sopping wet cat gf!
Dirty Boy - Mark Chasity / Boy Jerry
- Two repressed religious men grappling with internalized homophobia!
- A lot of gay denial and religious guilt in this one!
- Also, Jerry's nature rubs off on Mark a little. Maybe they go a little off the walls together!
Donnapiro - Donna Daggit/ Detective Shapiro
- They start out disliking each other, Shapiro not liking how Hatchetfield News reports crime and Donna despising Shapiro for getting in the way of their journalism
- Slowly, their competition becomes incredibly homoerotic.
- Enemies to lovers, reporter x detective yuri. Solving crimes and being sapphic!
Fast But Pricey - Barry Swift / Frank Pricely (Priceswift)
- I have little justification for this one but.. ldk, I think they would be fun together.
- Frank is just really lonely, let him have a gay lover.
- Their relationships moves fast. (Barry is in a hurry! And Frank is so alone he doesn't mind.)
Latte Bottay - Zoey Chambers / Emmdroid (Zoemdroid)
- They bond over a dislike of the real Emma!
- Zoey is surprisingly chill with the robot thing.
- This also works pretty well with 23ozChai. Paul 23 gets his work crush, Emmdroid gets her work crush, its a win win! bonus wlw mlm solidarity!
Nibblinda - Nibbly / Linda
- Linda treats Nibbly to fine meats and sweets. In return, Nibbly eats her dad and protects her. Overall, a pretty sweet deal!
- Perhaps, they get a little blood on their hands.
- Linda chews people out (figuratively), and Nibbly bites them (literally)
Plastic Cars - Gerald Monroe / Tom Houston
- Hear me out.. Divorced dads realize they are gay... for each other.
- Tim gets a new dad, instead of a new mom.
- Again, I must stress.. middle aged men in love!
Sheiloway - Sheila Young / Miss Holloway
- This is ooc as fuck but the enemies to lovers calls to me.
- They both get someone to confide to about the struggles of lord shenanigans and near immortality
- wlw witches!
Showstoppers - Henry Hidgens / Pokey
- Theater nerds who will murder at the drop of a hat.
- I mean, Pokey did include Show Stopping Number in Inevitable, so that's a little gay.
- They are both just.. really gay tbh.
Spoiled Cat - Linda Monroe / Charlotte Sweetly (Charlinda)
- I think pairing a mean rich lady with a sweet, but this close to losing it, lady is very fun.
- Tbh, I just think the day Charlotte dates a woman is the day her entire world changes.
- Also, I think Charlotte should be allowed to be a little mean for once. Linda would help her be more assertive.
Tentacle Bastard - Wiggly / Ted Spankoffski
- Wiggly steals his brother's toy, and gets more than he bargained for!
- Wiggly tries to scare Ted with his big scary octopus form. It does not have the intended effect!
- Wiggly keeps trying to terrify Ted, but jokes on him Ted is into that, and that flusters him. However, Ted's unabashed bastard confidence has an unexpected side effect: Wiggly catches feelings
Webworship - Webby / Karen Chasity
- Karen finds a new god(dess) to "worship"!
- Unsatisfied wife summons a goddess for some company, and the goddess doesn't mind!
- A little bit of religious guilt in this one, as Karen goes against her beliefs by beginning to "worship" a new god, but its still mostly wholesome!
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mtkay13 · 1 year
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So I made those as requested by abscess chemical on twitter and figured it may be fun to share them on tumblr as well. And you know what? Share a break down of my choices as well, because why not! I tried doing it seriously haha.
Zhou Zishu:
Intense - 6/10: He can be very intense, re the things or people he's invested in, but he also has a chill and detached quality to him, a way of being at peace with things that he won't blow things out of proportions.
Complex - 9/10: I think that he's a very nuanced, multi-faceted and deep character, but I guess I didn't go 10/10 just because there's also a very straightforward and easy to get part of him (esp. from WKX's perspective.
Fruity - 2/10: I think the guy's very gay but not the most bombastic about it LBR.
Angst-lord: although it's not as obvious in TYK, QY gives us some EXTREMELY tasty ZZS angst and a good look into how ZZS can process things through anxiety. It definitely got more lowkey post-QY canon, but...
Flavor container: IDK what that means really but I wanted to tick it
Soft and sweet: I actually didn't check it on the twitter version initially (but published an erratum). He is described as soft on the inside by too many people not to check it.
Braincell haver: self-explanatory, the guy's brilliant
Chew toy: literally!
Tragic backstory: if QY can count as a backstory, then everything that happened with Jiuxiao works.
Frequently violent: duh
Sidekick owner: WKX is ZZS's sidekick from everyone else's perspective (or vice-versa) and my opinion abt it won't change ever.
Pet stray animals: ZCL, for one, and for two we all know he pets cats and raccoons
Chronic insomniac: technically, in TYK, the nails do force the insomnia, but we know from QY that he had a lot of trouble sleeping at night.
Murderer: well
Just some guy 95%: clearly he's a natural-born NPC/side character
Too many thoughts 100%: he overthinks everything!!
Awful company 15%: I think that a goofy drunkard like him is fun but not the best company, especially when he goes all grumpy shifu/shixiong
Beloved by all 60%: most characters REALLY like him (and the others don't even know he exists) and often praise how sweet he is. Charming against his will and attempts at being invisible uwu
Trauma x1000 10%: again, I think that the Jiuxiao story left deep scars.
Helps others for fun 70%: pretty much the plot of TYK
Scary-smart 80%: I think he's really brilliant but then you have these moments where he's just clueless abt stupid stuff and clearly doesn't care/doesn't want to know or try so those 20% left are the deliberate goof I guess.
1000 weapons and tools 50/50: it's both!! every rock is both a tool and a weapon and he just keeps pulling random shit from his bosom--
At peace with life 48%: I think, for the most part, he is--at peace with both life and death, until he decides that keeping on living is just the best option in the end.
Break the rules 80%: I had no idea w this one but... in TYK he pretty much does whatever he wants, so---
Extra comments: The way the "evokes" ticks every boxes for me to various degrees of intensity... sigh It was difficult for the "want them to have" section since I think he has everything post-canon, but I tried seeing it from a mid!canon perspective.
Wen Kexing
Intense - 9/10: While WKX's feelings are generally cold, they seem equally intense to me, just like his eyes or his stare. He's intense about his love, about his revenge, about his plans.
Complex - 6/10: I've had interesting convos about how WKX is... nuanced, of course, but not as complex or deep as it may seem on the surface. That doesn't take anything from how interesting he is, but he is rather straightforward in what he is, ultimately.
Fruity - 8/10: I MEAN--
Enemy of the State: he's literally THE main Jianghu villain
Flavor Container: I still don't know what it means but it felt right once again
Braincell haver: the guy is EXTREMELY smart and outsmarted everyone in TYK so yeah
Tragic backstory: can hardly do worse than parents murdered in front of you, ate your dad to survive, took care of a child in the wildest, most dangerous part of jianghu, fought to reach the top while "serving" the previous master........ He scored it all!
Orphan: again, fully checks out
Frequently violent: yes
Has enemies: in SPADES
Sidekick owner: GX and ZZS are WKX's sidekicks 100%
Murderer: yes
The antagonist of life 70%: had to change from protag to antag because he IS the TYK antagonist (if TYK had been a traditional wuxia from ZCL's perspective...); of course it ends up being subverted but you know
Too many thoughts 75%: I think he's a big thinker as well
Awful company 85%: Let's be real guys
Hated by all 30%: I think he's too underestimated or not even really acknowledged enough to be hated, but I am pretty sure that more people dislike him than the opposite
Trauma x1000 60%: well.......... I think he has a bunch!
Sadistic for fun 15% : I doubt he's one to like helping and we know him to have those sadistic tendencies
Scary-smart 80%: same reasoning as for ZZS
1000 weapons or tools: mostly bare handed for everything save for the occasional whip or walnut shell but---
Enemy of god 35%: I have to be honest I don't really know what that means but I guess he's defied death a few times!!!
Break the rules 95%: WKX shits on the rules
Additional notes:
Mostly ticks everything in the "evokes" categories as well, but I unticked "symptoms of projection" because I don't feel like I project much of anything on WKX... maybe? (save for the ZZS lewding.. LOL) always hard to say, IG we always do a bit of that on every character, eh
and The Horny ofc because i'm kinda known for not really lewding my good WKX atp
I want a lot of things for him during canon, but again, all I can think of is how post-canon WKX really got it and then I gush and am simply happy for him.
That's it thank you for reading this mostly unnecessary breakdown!!!! Edit, following a comment asking for the sheet:
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freak-attorney · 3 months
Random Ace Attorney headcanons!!! :D
Feel free to leave ur own in the notes or if u agree/disagree!!
(Also please keep in mind that I'm basing these off of the first trilogy since that it all I've played so far!)
Feel free to ask/request any other specific headcanons from me :D
Phoenix Wright
Barely passed the LSAT
Used to have panic attacks in court (is now in therapy)
Always has a hair tie for Maya
Has learned how to do Pearl's hair for her
Chronically online
Finds millennial humor funny
ADHD undiagnosed
His hair ALWAYS has traces of gel in it
He's a dog person but loves cats
His suit is always a bit wrinkled
Survives on red bull and microwave dinners
*finger guns*
Love language is physical touch and acts of service
Falls asleep at his desk every night during a case
Needs 5+ alarms to wake up in the morning
Uses concealer to hide his eye bags
Doesn't floss
Sleeps like a starfish
Has sweat stains on several shirts
Naturally wavy hair but he straightens it
Miles Edgeworth
Always hours early to a case because he's very anxious about being late
Sometimes wishes he had a different career (outside of law) but never even considered it an option until recently
Very argumentative over silly things, eventually apologizes with a small gift or note
Love language is gift giving
Enjoys parallel play.. like he enjoys just having someone in his office while he's working even though he doesn't acknowledge them
Has good stamina from always using stairs over elevators
Can cook very well, enjoys cooking for others
Autistic (late diagnosed)
Has a collection of fidget toys that only a few people know about
Chronically OFFline
Enjoys animal crossing and other peaceful games
Has excellent hygiene
Started dying his hair grey as soon as he found one strand of grey hair
Makes a photo album for Franziska for her birthday each year
Has a blanket that he's slept with for 10+ years
Keeps every trinket that Pearl or Maya might give him
Has fresh clothes and toiletries at the office in case he sleeps there
Prefers gold over silver
Is a cat person but is okay with dogs (he thinks dogs are messy)
Has an ironing board in the wall of his office
Probably gay or somewhere on the aroace spectrum
Wears a full face of makeup to court (gatekeeps his sweat proof foundation)
Sleeps curled up in one corner of his bed
Maya Fey
Loves to do cartwheels (can't actually do a proper cartwheel)
Tries learning Japanese on DuoLingo (can't keep more than a 5 day streak)
Taught Pearl basically everything she knows
Love language is quality time
Is very good at rhythm games
Has "childish" interests like Sailor Moon, Hello Kitty, My Little Pony, etc.
Enjoys older arcade games like Galaga, Frogger, and Mappy
Wanted to be a veterinarian at some point but is a bit too squeamish for that
Is ALWAYS late even if she plans to be early
Sleeps with a night light
Has a collection of rocks that Pearl gave her growing up
Loves abstract art
Hugs very tightly
Since Mia's death her last words to anyone close to her when they separate for any amount of time is "I love you" just in case
Is naturally unorganized but started keeping a planner when she started working with Phoenix... she sometimes forgets the planner exists but she TRIES okay??
Dick Gumshoe
Love language is gift giving and acts of service for SURE
Would gladly give someone his umbrella in the rain knowing he'd get soaked
Doesn't know how to cook because he doesn't have the resources but he'd like to learn
Forgot to put water in his ramen once and almost burned his apartment down
Doesn't always shower because his water gets cut off
Smells pretty rank but Edgeworth gifts him nice body sprays sometimes
Always makes sure Edgeworth is up at a reasonable time for a case/trial even though he really doesn't need to
Always chewing gum
Dream car is a Jeep Wrangler
Memorizes little details about people to give them good birthday/holiday gifts
Gets very excited about fortune cookies
Loves buffets
Gives the BEST hugs
Is scared of thunderstorms and terrified of hurricanes
Really appreciates small gifts like keychains or trinkets
Lets Maya and Pearl paint his nails
Has really large and calloused hands
Sleeps all snuggled up hugging a pillow
Used to collect magnifying glasses
Bites on his pencils/pens
Franziska Von Karma
She wears press ons
Stalks the social media accounts of her clients
Sleeps in a grandma nightgown
Has two planners: one physical and one on her phone
Really wants a pet rabbit
Has so many decorative pillows on her bed and arranges them every morning
Hits people next to her when she laughs
Quietly gives gifts for holidays/birthdays without making it a big deal
Casually gives super expensive gifts
Plays Genshin
Forces Edgeworth to watch reality TV with her (Say Yes to the Dress, My Strange Addiction, ANTM, Jersey Shore)
Really likes horror movies but can't handle too much gore
Classically trained in ballet
Enjoys photography
Watches the Kentucky Derby every year
Basically raised Miles when Manfred didn't
Knows how to sew but doesn't have the time
Collects Monster High dolls
Likes dogs but LOVES cats
Finds dumb people really attractive
Needs complete silence when doing paperwork or she can't concentrate
Autistic (undiagnosed)
Doesn't plan on ever getting married
Probably one of the only characters that gets proper sleep
Prefers pleated skirts over pencil but wears them in court to look professional
Hates the texture of chiffon fabric
Always wearing a different pair of earrings
Has a couple small tattoos but covers them well
Has the sharpest eyeliner known to man
Fluent in a few languages including Mandarin Chinese, French, and Italian
That's all for now!!
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nobodylikety · 9 months
Fox hybrid! Hyein 🦊
Hyein fox hybrid ver. 🐾
ps: It's the same case as Cat hybrid!Haerin & Hamster hybrid!Haerin, because Hyein had otter BUT ALSO fox vibes! so I'll make both versions 🦦🦊
tags: fox hybrid!Hyein x gn!reader??, fluff, hybrid AU.
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Fox hybrid! Hyein is the youngest of Hybrid! New Jeans, she's literally a baby fox 🦊🍼
+ Baby foxes are curious and playful by nature. They explore their surroundings, investigate new smells, and engage in social interactions with their peers, and Hyein ALWAYS observes everything with big curious eyes
Fox hybrid! Hyein is very vocal, but really A VERY vocal queen 🔊 She is capable of making a lot of different sounds, like when she plays where she makes a sound called 'gekkering' which is a type of laughing noise, but she also barks, screams, howls, squeals and whines, so probably between her and Dani, you will not know what silence means. . .
Fox hybrid! Hyein has a VERY good sense of smell, she uses it to locate you or the members when she is separated from you
🦊 ، 𓃦 ゚。 [ Sniffer baby fox ]
When Hyein wakes up, clumsily opening her sleepy little eyes, she unconsciously reaches out with her hand, touching the empty space next to her. There doesn't seem to be anyone in the house. The night before, you and the rest of Hybrid! New Jeans were there for a sleepover, with lots of cuddles, laughter and silly jokes, movies and snacks. She vaguely remembers falling asleep curled up with all of you, like a cuddle pack.
But now the bedroom is empty, probably because you have gone shopping for groceries, or something else that is part of your daily routine, leaving the space unoccupied, although retaining its warmth and aroma for a while.
And to Hyein's advantage, her fine fox sense of smell helps her clearly distinguish the distinctive smell of both the members and you, which gives her a lot of comfort especially on the days when she misses all of you. So, in search of some solace in her still sleepy state, she clumsily brings the pillow closer to her face, sniffing it and relaxing as she feels the intermingled fragrance of her cuddle pack.
"Family," Hyein thinks as she presses her face into the pillow.
After sniffing her pillow for a while, feeling calm enough to get out of bed, Hyein leaves her room, walking without making a sound, since she has the habit of walking with her little bare feet, while wearing and dragging the oversize hoodie she borrowed from Hanni.
The house is vaguely mixed with the scents of Minji, Hanni, Danielle, Haerin and you, as if they were suspended in the air, and the fox hybrid takes in all the scents together, as she inhales deeply. She doesn't see anyone, but suddenly she smells intensely of someone, and she thinks she knows who.
So with her usual stealth, befitting her fox-hybrid nature, Hyein walks as the scent guides her, wagging her bushy orange/red tail behind her, until she reaches your bedroom. She pokes her head out, her ears pricked and twitching.
"I found you!" Hyein exclaims smiling. You are organizing your things a little, part of your own routine—something outside of the group routine, like buying groceries—when Hyein appears and the task of organizing and ordering your belongings takes a backseat.
“How come you always find me?” You ask, chuckling. Even if you know the answer, it's always fun to hear her say it.
"Because your smell. And of course, with the help of the best sense of smell in this house, which happens to be mine." Hyein grins widely. Adorably cunning, like the fox she is. 🦊
Fox hybrid! Hyein plays with Danielle's toys! Since dogs and foxes are very similar, they share and play with the same types of toys <3 only that they differ in that Danielle likes squeaky and chewy toys that she can play with while resting, and Hyein likes toys for mental and psysical stimulation like resistant balls and agility tunnels
Fox hybrid! Hyein has a habit of gently nibbling and chewing Hanni's floppy ears <3 if Hanni has her head resting on one side of your lap, Hyein is automatically on the other, to play and gently sink her teeth into those floppy ears 🐇 this kiddo loves to chew and nibble, don't blame her!
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cerastes · 2 years
Do not let Dorothy ever know about the seaborn for the love of god. Imagine if she gets any ideas again when she's exposed to their whole "we are all a kin that care for each other ;)" shit.
Pfffff I would LOVE to see a scenario like that.
Dorothy, in her capacity as a researcher and Operator, has a talk with Laurentina, the one Abyssal Hunter we know for a fact, thanks to her Files, that is pretty open about Aegir, the Hunters, and the Seaborn, and grows fascinated with the hivemind and sublimation aspects of the Seaborn, and she becomes to enthralled by the part where they live in perfect concordance with one another that she misses the part where Seaborn by nature live collective lives without any individuality (individuality being important to Dorothy.
Dorothy jumps off her seat with vim unrivaled, her next project pulsating through her massive brain, and runs off, leaving a letter saying "I'm going to have a talk with this Church of the Deep!"
The Hunters and Kal'tsit freak out and immediately assemble a task force consisting of the Hunters (the muscle), Kal'tsit (the negotiator), and Elysium (the chew toy with 2 torture scenes scheduled), but just as they are about to head out, The First To Talk is right outside their quarters, holding Dorothy by the scruff like a cat that misbehaved, and shoves her onto Kal'tsit, yelling "TAKE HER BACK, PLEASE, SHE'S TOO SCARY, WE DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH HER".
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i0veless · 2 years
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𖥻 SUMMARY ー [ best to eradicate rumours -  in style ] 𖥻 PAIRING ー [ kylian mbappe x fem! rapper/singer! reader  ] 𖥻 GENRE ー [ fluff, suggestive content?, texting au ] 𖥻 WORD COUNT ー [ 1.2k ] 𖥻 WARNINGS ー [ making out, long distanstance?, rumors, mentions of twitter - let me know if I missed anything ] 𖥻 AUTHORS NOTE ー [ anon requested, "could you, please write a story about kylian mbappe and a rapper reader who is like nicki minaj pls" personally, I loved this request and it got me listening to a lot of nicki's music again, and this was actually inspired by one of the queens iconic verses - so hope you like it. also sorry for the lack of posting I have been having major writers block and lack of inspo, hopefully I should get a lot more works out in the next 2-3 week ]
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The rumours were part of the job. Part of the job description is being a celebrity, and in many ways, it could both help and hinder you - especially if you were a woman. On the one hand, it could boost your career; on another, it could sink it faster than the Titanic. Y/N L/N, an influential rapper and singer, knew all too well the impact of having baseless rumours thrown at you. Her name was attached to everyone and anyone (at some point or another) with no rhyme, reason or proof. So it made sense that she chose to ignore most of them and focus on herself and her private life.
Yes, her private life was why everyone speculated, as people wondered who had stolen her heart. The rapper had stated that she was in a relationship multiple times but refused to specify with who as she wished for the relationship to remain private. But you know, the internet, they can't keep their noses out of other people's business. So naturally, the witch hunt began, and Twitter went up in flames every other day, trying to figure out who had captured the up-and-coming star's heart. No name was off-limits.
In the beginning, Y/N found all the hilarious speculation amusing, laughing about it with her friends (who were said to be possible love interests), but after a while, it started to get on her nerves. People were relentlessly holding on to the topic like a dog with a chew toy, and after six months and a discussion with her lover, she finally decided to put the rumours to rest - in style.
"Are you sure?" the rapper's close friend and manager Monica asked for the nth time of the night as they stood backstage. "I'm positive Mon. I've talked with Ky about it, and he agreed," the couple agreed they were going to reveal their relationship on one of the most important dates of the music calendar, the 67th Grammy Awards. But in a far more creative way than most normally would. As they say, nothing conveys emotions better than music.
"Now, welcome to the stage for her first-ever grammy performance Y/N L/N!" stepping out on stage, the air was heavy with tension as the crowd of fans and other music alumni were eager to see the artist who had been nominated for 5 Grammys preform. The lights dimmed, and the backup dancers got into their positions as the backtrack began to play.
"I never fucked Giroud. I never fucked Neymar. On my life, man, Fuck's sake. If I did, I'd menage with 'em, And let's eat my ass like a cupcake. My man full, he just ate, I don't duck nobody, But tape. Oh, and yeah, and by the way, my man's name is Kylian Mbappé." The audience was shocked at the freestyle rap, and the camera panned to the faces of other celebs to get their shocked reaction. The most notable one was that of the queen bee herself Beyoncé as she nodded in approval and bopped to the beat, while another memorable response was that of one of her best friends, Doja Cat, as she was losing it with laughter.
The freestyle then segued into her Grammy-nominated song Woman, as the flawless choreography and unforgettable spotlight moments made it one of the night's best performances. It ended in thunderous applause and multiple viral moments. As she walked backstage after the successful performance, she wiped off the thin layer of sweat from her forehead. She opened her phone to find it crowded with thousands of notifications, but the only ones she was only interested in were those from the love of her life - Kylian Mbappe.
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people are already talking lol by the way great performance mon ange your ass looked great on the carpet give me a private concert later?
Y/N only if you can keep up mon roi
KY KY you know I love it when you speak french ma reine
Y/N what can I say I have a great teacher
KY KY you know I can teach you so much more than french
Y/N really? I doubt it babe
KY KY come back home and I'll prove you so wrong mon amour
Y/N baby you know I can't I have press and shit to deal with
KY KY ik ik but a man can dream can't he
Y/N have fun entertaining yourself my dear
(5 photos attached) (2 videos attached)
KY KY your gonna get it when you get back
Another thing you should know about being a celebrity because it makes you an awfully good liar. Now there was no sinister intent behind Y/N lying to Kylian. The rapper just wanted to surprise him, so as she pulled into the new PSG training centre, she kept a relatively low profile as the new owner of five Grammys did not want to attract any unwanted attention. Walking to the reception, she was greeted by one of the coaching assistants and a few cameras. She had let them in on her plan to surprise her boyfriend, and in return for their help, they would get a video for their youtube channel.
As they walked towards the outdoor training area where the first team where hard at work, sure, they all looked hot, but Kylian was miles more than the others. Hot and sweaty, looking like some sex god rather than a Ligue 1 player. The number seven played a round of Tika taka with Neymar, Messi, Ramos, Hakimi and Veratti. He was oblivious to what was happening as Y/N slowly crept up behind him - placing a finger over your lips to tell his teammates to keep quiet after they noticed your presents.
"So Kylian, how's everything with your girl" Neymar, the little pot stirrer he is, had to milk this situation for its worth so that he could have something to tease his teammate with later. "Great man, I mean, god, she's perfect. I know it's a bit early to say, but I can see myself marrying her." safe to say everyone's hearts melted at the French player as he gushed over his girlfriend. Tried to hide, Y/N embraced her boyfriend in a hug from behind. "I love you too, Ky."
Turning around in shock, safe to say, Mbappe's eyes were larger than a football as he spun his girl in the air before kissing her. "What are you doing here? I thought you had work." the football star asked with nothing but love and affection as he buried his head in the crook of her neck. "I missed you. And I wanted to surprise you. Also, I lied." the rapper said, giggling at the look on his face. "Why you, little" With that, Kylian threw her over his shoulder and ran off with her as she screamed in fear and begged to be put down. Kylian refused.
As everyone watched the reunited couple get lost in their world, they couldn't help but smile at how happy the two made each other. "They are gonna get married," Ramos said, taking a sip of his water. "And I will be Kylian's best man," Neymar said jokingly. "Hate to break it to you, brother, but as long as I live and breath, that position is not available", Hakimi chimed in bluntly.
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