mansiyoga · 3 years
Would you like to get rid of roundness and have more defined cheekbones?
Mansi Gulati, the leading face yoga expert, shows you exactly how to do it.
Whether you want to slim down a round face, reduce bloating, puffiness or want to get sharp facial features, there is a solution. The solution is face yoga exercises.
Read the blog to learn more!
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themeissenman · 3 years
This will be the last climbing trees for a few days. Going to have to wait for better weather. The truth be known I’ve got to going to do some carb cycling and build up some energy reserves then try this again. #carbcycling #glyogenloading #calisthenicslife #shoulderworkout #naturalexercise #exerciseinnature https://www.instagram.com/p/CR_qit-jggH/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Bodyweight(vezbe sa sopstvenom tezinom)
Bodyweight, odnosno vezbe sa sopstvenom tezinom su vezbe gde kao teg ili opterecenje koristite svoje sopstveno telo. Na ovaj nacin se suprotstavljate Zemljinoj gravitaciji i tako stvarate opterecenje misicu na koje on reaguje.
Ove vezbe imaju jos i naziv streetworkout ili ulicni trening bas iz razloga sto mogu da se rade gde god pozelite. Niste ograniceni prostorom, ne morate da placate teretanu ili neku halu za vezbanje. Jednostavno izadjite u park ili sumu i vezbajte.
Ova vrsta vezbanja moze na mnoge nacine da pomogne vasem telu. Mozete da radite vezbe snage kao i u teretani, da vezbate balans, koordinaciju, izdrzaj, agilnost, gipkost i mnoge druge stvari. Telo ce da vam se razvija sasvim prirodno, svojim tokom.
Problem je sto mnogo ljudi ima zabludu o ovom vezbanju i smatra da nece mnogo da im doprinese ali problem je u tome, a najvise kod omladine, sto zele da imaju sto vecu masu a ne shvataju da sto telo ima vecu masu to postaje neefikasnije.
Prednosti ovog vezbanja su te sto telo ne moze da postane previse veliko, u isto vreme sticete i snagu i izdrzljivost jer morate da uradite sto vise serija sa sto vecim brojem ponavljaja da bi dobili zeljeni rezultat. Imate slobodu da sami stvarate, izmisljate, kombinujete sta god zelite da radite i na taj nacin postanete spretni.
Mnogo ljudi trazi laksi nacin za sve sto rade, nacin da sto brze dobiju ono sto zele i uopste nemaju zelju da se muce, trude i bore za ono sto zele. Dugo vremena vec vezbam na ovaj nacin, i za sve to vreme sam naucio da moram da budem uporan, strpljiv, vredan i da na kraju cu da dobijem ono sto zelim. Mislim, cak sta vise sam siguran da cete na ovaj nacin da postanete mnogo jaci i psihicki i fizicki. Zamislite samo sta cete da napravite od sebe i koje samopuzdanje cete da steknete kad zimi tranirate napolju dok ostali treniraju u toplim teretanama. Koliko cete jaci imunitet da steknete i osecaj da zapravo sve mozete. A niste ni svesni koliko zaista mozete uz veliku volju i htenje. Bicete prava zivotinja.
Vezbe koje se najvise rade kod ovog vezbanje su sklekovi, zatim zgibovi, propadanja, cucnjevi. Veoma dobra vezba za ramena kojom zapravo i razvijate snagu celog gornjeg dela tela su sklekovi koje izvodite kao stav na sake sa nogama naslonjenim uza zid. Veoma teska i efikasna vezba.
Ovo je samo moje misljenje i moje iskustvo. Vi odlucite kako zelite. Napravite od sebe fizicki sposobnu osobu.
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The Benefits Of Camping - #Campfire, #Camping, #ColorsOfNature, #Natural, #NaturalExercise, #NaturalTherapy
New Post has been published on http://justforustravel.com/2017/10/09/the-benefits-of-camping/
The Benefits Of Camping
saturated oxygen runs out
photo: mildnature.com
Yes, when we go into nature, we all would have much cleaner air and plenty of oxygen to guess. Our body, our lungs breathe, our blood will to clean he will. So, get oxygen to the brain.
you will get rid of the noise
photo: gadling.com
you’ll find out what the noise is. The bustle of the city, you will be away from the hustle and bustle. Honking horns, blaring ridiculous music, human voices… in short, you get a cool run and away from the noise of the city and the crowd.
runs out the saturated colors of nature
keep you from the grey of the city, opens. Yes, especially on this subject, I think we’re in for a crude awakening. I’ve read the scientific studies for us very pleasant and relaxing Yesil color according to the color, it’s like watching just the aquarium. Remember, if your work environment or office, and greens this kind of Aquarium you will see the benefits for sure.
refreshed your biological Clock
we can get into the natural rhythm of our body. Self-income and non-natural things, the impact on us and we enter into a process of renewal begins to fade. The natural order, we will be there. Thus experienced a reduction in related problems from external influences.
natural therapy
our minds relax. Or better move away from all the thoughts and our brains we’ll think rahatlatiri or not, I mean, sit there for hours, the mountains, the trees, or do anything else to follow the sea. I’m sure it will be very good. I don’t think you can enter into the existential question.
get rid of the screen
phones, computers,tablets, and screens of electronic devices such as televisions from harm to our eyes and we will be saved. Artificial lights also affect sleep patterns, sleep necessary to promote the emerging epidemicprevents promotional use.
  strengthened our relationship with Nature
The nature of our consciousness increases. We come from nature, but we’re not going to him. I mean, how often in nature, if we make it will increase our consciousness of that protection I think. Hopefully the plunder of nature we do not see good days, we get to animals We destroyed their nests. Also we shouldn’t fight with nature, we know that we need to adapt to it.
stress-free life experience
this actually is very important to me. I’m thinking, but I can’t find something that will give us stress nature. The animals I may encounter with a bear that he’s afraid of us, they will attack unless you push, I don’t think they’ll come after us. It’s not that our country is already here and there the month, Yellowstone National Park, we fear he will be released. I can’t find anything that will create stress in nature so that for those of us a wonderful thing.
Yes, sleep in the nature of another, that’s for sure. Already, how much I slept, I slept little to the course of nature, our body when used used to say is staying. When I had put so much effort in the Black sea mountains in any stream, river I’ll never forget the taste of sleep after entering and exiting. 7 or 8 in the morning, I woke up and the movement in spite of so, gram would not be insomnia or fatigue.
Inspiration, it can lead to new ideas
like I said or the thoughts get away from everything, or else all sorts of new things come to mind. As far as I know, is doing this especially for some groups. Dream Theater’s also work in a private chalet for a long time in advance of the album I know they did. So natural at the same time can be a great source of inspiration.
watch the campfire
this soothing many people, I think the thing that took a man’s head. Personally in the camp fire and the wood heat is always with me. Don’t worry folks, but he says no to me a great relaxing thing to do. PIN you to the mat it’s a weird thing to hear your voice and watch the fire for hours and hours. I would recommend to everyone.
Natural exercise
to me, nature can be regarded as an exercise in everything we do. Ultimately the car to go wherever you land I’m not talking about that you have set up camp. Find a suitable place to walk with a little bag and your camp I’m talking about. Afterwards, your hiking, even for small rides I’m talking about breaking wood for the fire. They are always moving, always workout
of corporeal pointlessness
how we realize that material things are meaningless. Even what money, or, we can say. In nature we can’t do what the money’s for. We’re going to pay for the fruit of the tree, a sulasak is enough. We give you the money or juice to the stream to drink, we’re going to clean just the prisoner’s. These examples can be increased. Sowhat do I think in nature most money, or, we can say.
what we’ll do with less
yeah, I guess, the calculations may indicate that actually we would be satisfied with less food and beverage. Morning, lunch and evening meal if he’s done enough to actually get their work or giving. Capsules are also eco I guess this is for the business.
we think of our lives
we may think we want to do in the future. I want to live in chaos in the middle of the city, or in nature, self-sufficient, sustainable lifestyle. Here is all of them comes to mind. And we’ll talk about the rest.
nature meets with Children
today, in fact it’s a tremendously important thing. Because nowadays the culture of the neighborhood kids they know what they are, nor from the house on the hill the potatoes fritters instead. Or if you have TV, computer, tablet, and phone. It is essential to really strengthen their relationship with nature.
you Sure you’ve seen and experienced the benefits of Camping in your own observations. I would appreciate if you share them with us.
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mansiyoga · 3 years
Mansi, being the Subject Matter Expert on Face Yoga, has taught the unique art of Face Yoga to thousands of people across the globe, and continues to teach them. She teaches how Face Yoga helps relax and rejuvenate the face and the entire body.
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mansiyoga · 3 years
Face yoga is the only way to sustain long lasting, naturally glowing skin.
Face yoga ensures that all muscles in the face are exercised. This promotes better blood circulation and reduced wrinkles.
Other benefits include: reduced sagging, tones face and cheekbones, firmes up jawlines, skin lifting effects without plastic surgery, reduced aging lines, better hair health and many more.
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mansiyoga · 3 years
Face yoga removes toxins and helps carry oxygenated blood.
Here are a few simple face yoga poses you can do to stay beautiful & healthy.
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mansiyoga · 3 years
Check out the informational blog and videos by “face yoga expert” Mansi Gulati and learn how to beat aging. 
Face yoga can help remove toxins from the body and promote better blood circulation. Which in turn helps get that amazingly glowing skin you’ve always wanted.
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mansiyoga · 3 years
Having practised Face Yoga from her childhood age of 9, she takes pride in helping people become more beautiful naturally, without using cosmetics or investing in expensive surgeries. 
She has received hundreds of testimonials from her students on how her teachings helped them tighten their facial skin and get a youthful look.
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mansiyoga · 3 years
Do you wish for a vibrant skin with reduced wrinkles and improved eyesight all at once?
Would you like to lose weight in the quickest time possible, naturally?
If yes, you need to join Mansi Gulati on her journey. Where she teaches people just like you how to live a healthier life with the help of face yoga. 
Face yoga is known to promote proper blood circulation which helps reduce wrinkles and give you that glowing skin you always wanted. It can also help reduce chronic headaches and control double chin. 
Become a member of the MansiYoga community and reap the benefits today!
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mansiyoga · 3 years
Commonly known as “Lady Baba Ramdev”, Mansi Gulati has been impacting lives with her unique face yoga techniques.
She has been teaching face yoga for years and has been showcased in most of the Indian national media. 
Mansi is accompanied by Raj Rajagopalan (Co-Founder & President) who is a seasoned Information Technology and Big Data Architect with 26 years of experience in this field. In addition to MansiYoga Corp, Raj owns another IT company DBAZONE, Inc since 2009 and serves as a President.
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mansiyoga · 3 years
Would you like to reduce weight, double chin and wrinkles all while having the skin of a goddess?
Would you like to know the secrets of vibrant skin and healthy life known only by the top few experts?
You can have all this and more, all thanks to Mansi Gulati.
Mansi is a yoga expert who has cracked the code to having and maintaining that amazing glowing skin you’ve always wanted. Not just that, she can help you out with reducing Chronic Headaches and improve eyesight. Mansi specializes in face yoga and is willing to let you in so you can live the best quality of life, without having to do all the work. 
Join Mansi and learn the secrets of yoga for glowing skin from the comfort of your home!
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mansiyoga · 3 years
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mansiyoga · 3 years
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mansiyoga · 3 years
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mansiyoga · 3 years
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