Lord Zedd: Sorry, so this - this goo i-is transgender?
Zayto: The goo is transgender.
Slyther: Isn't that incredible?
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aroaceaunt · 1 year
National Coming Out Day
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To those who are questioning their sexuality, gender identity or expression, your introspection in finding yourself is amazing. I am so proud of you.
To those who are in the closet, the bravery you show by knowing yourself while keeping your secret is fantastic. I am so proud of you.
To those who are partially out or newly out, the courage you show is powerful. I am so proud of you.
To those who are living their best lives, you are an icon. We look to your strength and are inspired. I am so proud of you.
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saffyink · 2 years
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a very personal comic about a very personal journey.
inspired by heartmush on twitter
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Happy National Coming Out Day to every single queer person out there!
No matter your orientation and no matter your gender, I hope you have the greatest day today! You deserve to be proud of who you are, and you deserve all the best in life!! ❤🧡💛💚💙💜
If you came out today, I am SO proud of you for doing that. I know it was probably super hard and really scary, but you did it and that is absolutely amazing!! You're so strong and brave!!
If you're already out? I'm still proud of you! It's so difficult to be out when the majority wants us to stay quiet about our queerness, so honestly, good for you! You're freakin' awesome!
If you're still closeted, that's okay, too; I'm proud of you as well!! Like I said, it's hard to be out. It can be incredibly difficult to say the words "I'm gay/queer/trans/nonbinary/etc." and be okay with that. It is hard to be us. But look. You WILL be out one day. You WILL feel okay enough to come out. And while I can't promise that everything will go right and that everyone will be accepting, I can promise this: You will feel so much better getting that weight off your chest. You'll finally get to be who you really, truly are, and that's all that matters. And eventually, the right people will be there for you, too, I promise. You will be okay 💗
And if you don't ever come out, that's fine as well!! You don't ever have to if you don't want to. Your identity is for you, no one else, so don't feel pressured to share it with anyone! Either way, I'm proud of you!!
Happy NCOD to you all! Have a safe and happy day, and remember, you are loved ❤
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idyllicdyl · 1 year
Happy National coming out day!
Shoutout to the first person I came out to (a few months ago) aka my best friend aka the only person irl that knows I’m trans
Good luck to anyone who plans on coming out!
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binarybreak · 1 year
Hey y'all not to be gay on the podcast channels, but I did natal charts for our characters and TODAY IS CATE'S BIRTHDAY! 🎁 🎉 🎂 🎈 ⚽
It's also NCOD. Funny coincidence, that.
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ayynikko · 2 years
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Less perfection, more authenticity. #thisisme
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faery-snow · 2 years
Happy Coming Out Day! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
My little sibling just came out to the rest of our relatives, all the conservative ones we hadn't told. I've been protecting her from blowback as best I can, and we'll see what happens. At the end of the day we have each other and the wider LGBT community. Send us good thoughts 💕
For all you, in the closet or out of it, I see you and support you!! 🖤🤎❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
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nyxsgrove · 1 month
Witchcraft and Sexuality
*Previously written in 2022*  Hello everyone! Hopefully everyone is enjoying their weeks so far. Today’s post is honestly going to be a little awkward and slightly difficult for me to write… I wanted to write about sexuality and witchcraft today. Especially because while I am writing this, it is currently National Coming Out Day.   For those of you that don’t know, National Coming Out Day is…
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islahappy · 4 months
👌Motivation Secrets for Happiness Seekers
Value your own worth deeply.
Persistence pays off, never quit.
Breathe, trust, let life unfold.
Inhale courage, exhale fear always.
Embrace flaws, they're part of you.
Free Present for more drive, Tap.😻
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emiscott · 4 months
🤩Daily Goals for True Happiness
Embrace tranquility, unleash inner strength.
Serenity inspires relentless determination, press onward.
Radiate joy, spread love abundantly.
Dance in rain, amidst storms.
You're worthy of all love.
Tap now for free gift, stay motivated.😻
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jtem · 4 months
Jussie Smollett
Anyone have a contact?
We'll pay for a hotel room if he'd attend the Screaming Ostrich International Film Festival.
There's only 3-star near the theater but if he could live with that...
If he had a short film, we'd DEFINITELY want to play it. Then he can do a Q&A. His rules. We can even require that people write out their questions in advance, if he wanted...
Would he be controversial? Of course. But not much. A whole HEAPING LOAD of controversy has cropped up since his troubles. And we're a small festival. So if there's a problem we're the place to have it, and if there's no problem then he's BACK!
October 7-11 & 13.
He can pick his night. I would not recommend Friday. It's National Coming Out Day and that might seem appropriate but, we booked the smallest theater for that night!
Oh we could like find something bigger if he really wanted to play October 11...
All dates flexible.
Jussie Smollett
Pass it along!
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ivygorgon · 1 year
National Coming Out Day
(it's ok if you're not ready.)
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A day to celebrate the act of coming out, founded in the United States by gay rights activists Robert Eichberg and Jean O' Leary on 1988 in Washington, DC, United States.
Text from NCOD wiki page;
National Coming Out Day (NCOD) is an annual LGBT awareness day observed on October 11, to support anyone "coming out of the closet".[1] First celebrated in the United States in 1988, the initial idea was grounded in the feminist and gay liberation spirit of the personal being political, and the emphasis on the most basic form of activism being coming out to family, friends and colleagues, and living life as an openly lesbian or gay person.[2] The founders' belief was that homophobia thrives in an atmosphere of silence and ignorance and that once people know that they have loved ones who are lesbian or gay, they are far less likely to maintain homophobic or oppressive views.
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If anyone needs any extra support today because they came out and it went poorly or because they can't come out, PLEASE send me an ask or a DM!!!
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lgbtally4ever · 1 year
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loganlynn · 1 year
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