#nct dream! yandere
neowonderland · 6 months
Pairings: Perv!Jisung x reader Warnings: 18+, smut, stalking Wc: 0.4k
Minor please DNI
Disclaimer: this is a work of pure fiction. I do not condone the actions of any characters in this story and the actions do not reflect the idols in any way.
Jisung has a hobby of keeping a piece of you with him.
Whether that be a strand of your hair, chewed up pieces of gum in the gum wrapper you tossed in the trashcan to your pencil you left after lecture, he always has a habit of keeping a piece of you wherever he goes. 
Jisung swears it’s harmless, he’s only collecting your things and creating a place in his room just for your things. It’s not like it hurts you when he takes things he’s sure you won’t miss. It’s not like you'll miss another pair of your underwear or the crumpled pieces of scratch paper you throw away. Jisung thinks he’s just making use of your trash. After all, another man’s trash is another one’s treasure. 
Of course Jisung makes use of his collection of your items besides just keeping them with them. Of course Jisung makes other uses of your items, holding your underwear to his nose with one hand while he gets off. Jisung can never last long, drooling over your items, painting his abdomen with streaks of white. Sometimes he even uses your underwear in his hand while he gets off, head filled with fantasies of him rutting against you with only your underwear on. Jisung even uses your old toothbrushes you throw away, running his tongue over the ridges and bristles, trying to imagine your mouth on them. 
As much as it comforts Jisung, sometimes keeping a piece of you isn’t enough. When he’s alone in his room with his thoughts, his mind drifts to you and how much he craves you. Jisung needs  much more, he needs to be closer to you and your presence. He needs to feel your sweaty skin against his, your nails racking against his back, and your hot breath fanning against his neck. 
Jisung knows he needs you in a different way, but he’s terrified of your reaction. He’s even terrified of the idea of you struggling against him, screaming, shouting at him, telling him you don’t want him as much as he wants you. So, night after night Jisung settles for hiding under your bed and crawling out once he’s sure you’re asleep. Jisung swears to himself that it’s not strange to watch you slumber, that it’s not strange to want to be in the presence of someone he loves. It’s not strange to place soft kisses on their face and it’s not strange to snap photos to remember the memory.
It's not strange because after all, Jisung just wants to be close to you.
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neonacity · 4 months
Limerence | Haechan x Reader (A Lucid Special Chapter)
Limerence (n) - a feeling of all-consuming longing or desire for someone.
Summary: After years of longing, can strangers find it upon each other to forgive and remember again?
Warnings: Note: This story will NOT make sense if you have not read Lucid. Haechan is aged-up and in his early thirties. There are mentions of torture, abuse, and kidnapping. Haechan and the rest used to be really toxic.
Disclaimer: This story is pure fiction. I do not claim any likenesses between the characters here and their real-life counterparts. I reserve all rights to this work and I post nowhere else but Tumblr.
And with this, the story finally comes to a close.
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“This room has more smog than a city center. How many packets have you smoked?”
A sigh from somewhere made Mark blindly turn towards the only lit part of the space. Peeking in between wisps of heavy scented smoke, a bronze plate with several burning sticks stood against the light of a yellow lamp. The apparatus was resting on a handsome oak table, puttering away silently to screen the figure of a dark-haired man sitting beyond it. Mark smiled wryly to himself before taking deeper steps inside the room. 
“It’s called incense, my uncultured big brother. It’s supposed to make you feel relaxed and inspired,” came the low but lazy drawl of someone. Mark stopped just a foot away from the desk, his hands buried in his pockets.
“Let me guess, Renjun gave them?”
The other shrugged before slightly frowning at the paper in front of him. It’s obvious that he is not much up for a conversation right now, but Mark didn’t fly 15 hours to Seoul just to be snubbed by his little brother. Slowly, his eyes dropped on the pages laid out on the table, noting the scribbles and crossed-out words there. 
“Let me make another guess. The smoke isn’t really cutting it for the ‘inspiration’ part?”
At that, brown eyes snapped up to glare at him, hidden behind the slight reflection of black-rimmed glasses. The next second, he had a balled piece of paper thrown straight at his face, one he easily caught with a light laugh. 
“Did you just come here to be stabbed by me?”
“Well that’s better than being ignored by you after a long flight. Jisung asked me to make sure to check on you before I go to South East Asia. He said you haven’t been answering any of their calls.” 
The other scoffed. “Since when have we been on daily calling terms?” 
“And since when have you been so against it? Or is the great best-selling author Lee Donghyuck too popular for his brothers now?”
Another piercing glare, then followed by a roll of the eyes. Mark laughed again, noting how the shoulders of the other just ever so slightly softened.
“Well… how are you, Haechan?”
Haechan placed the steaming pot of tea on the table without even bothering to pour one for his guest. To be honest, a visit from Mark was something that he wasn’t expecting tonight, and he would have for sure bolted if not for nosy Jisung making sure he didn’t have any idea about it until the last minute. Now he is cornered and has to deal with something worse than a creative block—a brotherly talk. 
“How’s the book going?”
He waved a hand towards the littered surface of his table before taking a sip of his once scalding coffee.
“It’s going swimmingly, as you can clearly see.”
In his peripheral vision, he saw Mark’s lips slightly tighten into a line. It was an expression he knew far too well, especially with him in the context. With an internal groan, he took another drink from his cup in an effort to hide his wince. 
“I don’t think being back in this place is helping you at all. This manor, of all places… I still don’t understand why you think being here will help you finish your book.”
“Would you rather have me camp out in Rosewood then? Because I would have. If only it hadn’t been burned down.” 
Great. The words were out before he could even realize what he was saying. With a frustrated sigh, he finally looked up to see his older brother with a stoic expression, one that only clouds his usually accommodating features every time their past was mentioned. Haechan looked away guiltily, but kept his silence. 
Ten years. A long time, but a short one all the same. Even now, mentions of their old home still feel like a strike of burning metal against their insides, a proof that sometimes, your ghosts can still catch up with you at the mere mention of a word or a slip of memory. He could see it on his brother’s face now, and there is no doubt the other sees the same on him. They were older now, but under the dim lighting of the room, they looked like the same boys who ran away from the nightmare that shaped up their younger years.
So much has changed… and yet so much has remained the same. 
Mark moved on to be the official heir of the Rosewood wealth, working hard to bring back public trust on their family after they were officially cleared of suspicions of kidnapping. He rarely visited Seoul, opting to jump from one country to another to make sure their ‘businesses’ run smoothly. 
Renjun moved to Paris to start an orphanage, which also doubled as a school for children who were abused or shunned by their family. It’s where he also continued his career in art, though he opted to keep his works anonymous and mostly hidden away from the public eye. 
Jaemin is a father now to a daughter—a chatty adorable girl that he met on a visit to Renjun’s school. Both relocated to London where he had built a career as a photographer under a different name and identity.
Jeno… None of them really knows where Jeno is, only getting letters from him every now and then from different addresses. He makes sure never to miss their birthdays though, sometimes even sending some trinkets that could only give the slightest hints of where he could be living his quiet life.
Jisung and Chenle both decided to settle in China, the latter having had the need to trace down his real family before he was taken to Korea. He found nothing but a sister who accepted him back to the fold and he had been in close relations with ever since. Finally, there's their youngest Jisung who also found family there but in a different way, now a happily married man—and a father soon.
As for him? Oh he had moved on too for sure, if you could call being an author hiding under a pseudonym that, at least.
Haechan tried his best. He really did. On his good days, he would wake up and feel like the wounds have finally closed and turned to scars. Writing helped him cope for the most part, because it was a way for him to escape reality and repent for things he could never grovel for in the flesh. It kept him sane. Grounded. But more than that, it made him still feel connected… 
To you.
Of course, he knew better now to even consider himself worthy of even remembering you. He hurt you badly, stole you away from the world, and left you wounded in ways that he’ll probably spend a hundred more lifetimes to repent. Yet in those dark days when he thought what he was doing was out of love, there were also moments when you two connected from the stories you both loved. In those slivers of time, he thought—hoped—that maybe, you wanted to be with him too. 
“You didn’t have to come back here. There’s nothing to come back to anymore.”
Mark’s voice was what he needed to pull him from his spiraling thoughts again. Hand stiffening, he kept quiet, because he knew his brother was telling the truth. 
Being in the same house in the middle of the woods where he shared the days with you is not going to heal him of anything. It was not going to give him forgiveness. 
Nor was it going to give you back to him. 
The slight sound of rustling made him look up just in time to see Mark pushing a long slip of paper towards him from across the table. He picked it up and frowned at the print there. 
“Come to Hong Kong with me. You can stay there for a few months, or weeks, I don’t care. You can try and finish your book there and decide what you want to do after. You can go anywhere, except here.” 
Haechan’s gaze didn’t leave the plane ticket. He was barely touching it, and yet it felt like it was burning the pads of his fingers. From across him, he heard the sound of a chair pulled back across the floor, followed by his brother’s voice before he closed the door. 
“I leave in two days. Think about it. I hope to see you in the airport, Haechan. I know it's hard... but it’s time to finally let her go."
“What are we going to say if they ask you for updates about your book? We don’t even have a publish date yet!” 
Haechan tried his best not to bash his head against the brick wall he is leaning on. He was currently on his third stick of cigarette, and yet the nagging of his publisher was doing more to his blood than the nicotine pumping in his veins. With a sigh, he pinched the bridge of his nose at the hopes of staving off an oncoming migraine.
Why the fuck did he even agree to do a book signing in the first place? And is it too late to bolt from here?
“Xiaojun, if you don’t shut up, I will walk away and not do this at all. Stop worrying too much.” 
The poor man pacing in front of him stopped and looked at him with eyes as big as saucers. If he wasn’t so irritated, he would have laughed at his reaction.
“What?! You can’t do that! There are already people waiting for you outside!” 
“Yeah? Well those people only know Lee Donghyuck, not my face. I can easily walk out the door without them recognizing me.” 
The threat holds true though. In his career, he had only held a few exclusive book signings that all required guests to turn over their phones and cameras. It was the only way he agreed to do them after Xiaojun finally cracked him down with his incessant pestering. Surprisingly, the man loved the idea, saying that his mysterious persona will add on to his popularity.
“Okay, okay fine. I’m going to stop and go back inside. But please, can you have that as your last stick? We’re about to start in five minutes.” The same man blurted out now, face pale. “You can’t ditch this. This is your first ever book signing in Seoul!” 
And probably the last, came his silent, sour thought.
“Just get in. I’ll be there on time. Make sure nobody takes pictures,” he said as he shooed the other one last time. With one last suspicious look thrown at him, he finally heard the clicking of the door. He sighed and took one last hit of his cigarette before crushing it on the bin beside him.
“Stupid Mark. This is all because of him.” 
“I love your book so much. I’ve been such a fan since the first one!” 
Haechan gave the woman a smile as he started scribbling on the copy of his book. He had lost count of how many people had said the same thing to him since the line started moving, but he accepted each one with practiced grace anyway. He might have lived as a hermit for the past few years, but that doesn’t mean he had lost his flair for charm for necessary situations like this. At least that’s what he can say from the way the guests, especially the women, seem to blush and look just a little disoriented when speaking to him.
“Thank you so much. Who is your favorite character?”
“Oh I love IL Bagatto! The Magician! I think he is so different from the rest.” 
He gave a slight laugh as he flicked his wrist to finish writing his signature. “Good choice. He is my favorite too. Thank you so much for supporting my work.” 
“Only five more,” Xiaojun mumbled quietly behind him as the man placed the final fresh batch of books on the table. As he waited for the next person to come, Haechan took the chance to reach out for his glass of water to take a sip. 
“Thankfully. I need a new pen. This one’s out of ink,” he grumbled back.
He had just uncapped the new marker he was handed when a shadow fell over his table. Like auto-pilot, he reached out for the top book from his pile when a soft voice stopped him.
“Oh. I’m so sorry… But would it be alright if I have my old copy signed instead?” 
It felt like the floor dropped under him with the way his lungs stopped breathing. Like the flip of a switch, everything around him fell silent, except for a heavy thudding that banged against his ears. It almost seemed like an out of body experience as he slowly looked up to meet a pair of eyes he had begged all that is holy to never let him see again in his living days.
You smiled at him, and all of a sudden there was a God that cared for the heavens again. 
“Yah… Hyuck… there are people waiting.”
He barely felt the slight nudge that Xiaojun gave him as he continued staring at you like you were a ghost. The world could be burning around him right now for all he cared. It was only when your smile slightly wavered did he snap out of his trance, your gaze hesitantly moving to the book that you have placed on the table.
“A-ah… it’s fine if I get a new copy. I don’t want to hold you back,” you said in the same voice that he remembered even after all those years that passed. Haechan felt his heart constrict as he tried to search for something else in your face. 
You… Do you remember…?
“Your name. What’s your name?” 
You looked a little worried yourself as you heard him croak a reply. Quietly, you answered as he blindly pulled the book towards him. It was only then that he realized it was not the same one as the title he is signing for today, but his very first story.
The Girl By The Window. 
The same book he was drafting when he last saw you in the hostel by the woods. The one whose pages you picked up and read under the dying light of the sun before he lost you again.
“I know this is just the start, but the way you wrote her makes me feel like you love her deeply as an author.” 
It took him his last strand of self-control as he heard your voice utter your name. Fingers shaking, he turned the battered cover of the book and flipped to the first page where his author dedication was. The copy was a soft cover version, and he noticed how well-loved it was from the yellowing paper and the earmarked pages. Shakily, he started writing there, barely aware of the words he scrawled. 
“That’s my favorite page. That dedication,” you said with a breathy laugh as you watched him sign. “To be loved is to be remembered. I think it’s a very beautiful quote.” 
Haechan looked up and felt himself drowning in your eyes. It only lasted for a few more seconds, but the way you held each other’s gaze felt as if every single day you spent apart came together as a singular unit in that moment. When he handed you back your book, he knew he had once again crossed a boundary he promised himself he would never tread again. 
“Can you wait for me to finish the signing? I want to talk to you… About this book.” 
He watched as your eyes rounded in slight surprise, before giving a slight nod to hide away what he just whispered from a curious Xiaojun over his shoulder. Without another word, you walked on, clutching the still warm book against your chest. 
He found you at the end of the classics aisle, silently reading a book opened on your right palm. The bookstore is mostly empty now, except for a handful who mostly stayed at the front of the shop where the new releases are. The aisle where you are is a long one, and he simply stood at the end of it in silence, giving himself a few seconds to admire you from afar.
You looked so beautiful that he almost wished he could spend longer to just stare at you from a distance. The vision of you standing there, content in your silence and peace sent a painful throb through his chest. You looked so… safe with yourself. So free. All of the things he had only seen in his dreams, none of which consisted of him. In that moment, Haechan realized what he was about to start the moment he takes another step closer to you. This couldn’t be right… It has been ten years. He can���t throw that all away and mess it all up for you again. 
He took a step back to walk away… 
But then you looked up and said the words that turned his world upside down again.
It felt like he had swallowed fire at that moment. Every part of him was burning—his hands that want to reach out to you, to his heart that seemed ready to burst out of his chest. He walked towards you slowly, as if afraid the image of you would disappear like an illusion if he approached you too fast. But you stayed there, resolved and unafraid. 
“You waited…” he whispered, breathless. You turned your body to him fully now, closing the book you were reading.
“You asked me to…” 
His eyes fell on the cover that you were holding and he felt his breath silently catch in his throat again. Shining in gold letters etched against the cover were two words. 
Wuthering Heights. 
“What do you want to talk to me about?” Your voice shook him back from his trance. You were looking at him so openly and yet he can’t read a single thing from you. Do you remember? Are you here to punish him? Or do you still not know him?
“How do you know my name?” It was not how he intended to ask the question, but it was the only thing he managed to push out now. You stared at him for a few heartbeats before finally giving a small smile and showing him the other book on your hand.
“You wrote it in the dedication you signed for me… Here,” blankly, he blinked at the page he just wrote on earlier, the black ink still fresh there. He didn’t even realize that’s how he signed.
Silence fell on both of you then. You patiently waited for him to say more, while he was right there, combusting and putting himself together again and again internally. He didn’t plan ahead of this. How could he? He was never even meant to see you again.
“I was just—I was surprised when you brought my first book out. It has been so long since I…” he fumbled now, at a loss of what to say. It’s not too late yet, a voice inside him said. She doesn't remember. You can still walk away.
“I wanted to know why you like it.”
No. No, I don't. 
“Ah…You must be curious as its author,” you said kindly as you looked at the copy fondly. “It just felt so raw and real. To be honest, I stumbled upon it at a low point in my life and it helped me a lot. I can see how much you felt for her… the character you wrote.” 
His throat felt dry. He didn’t know what to say to that. 
“May I ask a question?" you asked again when it seemed like he has lost his tongue.
Do you still feel the same?” 
His gaze snapped back to you. The way you stared at him was still unreadable, but there was something in the light of your eyes that made the chaos in him slowly quiet down. It was as if you took hold of a thread inside of him and slowly pulled at it to unravel him slowly. 
“Feel what…?” 
“Love her. Do you still love her, Haechan?” 
That was all it took for the rest of the world to fall away around him. Fear was replaced with something else. No, that's wrong. He is still afraid, but he is willing. 
“I do. It never changed,” he said softly as he took another step towards you. You didn’t move back, even when he slowly raised his hand to cup your face.
“And you? Do you still like the way I loved her?” 
“I do. And do not at the same time,” you paused, and for a moment he could see it. All the answers he was looking for as he gazed down on your face.
“You hurt her.”
“I know.”
“You abandoned her. All of you did.” 
“We did…”
“You didn’t come back after taking everything from her.” 
“We didn’t think we deserved to come back. None of us did.” 
“And now? What do you think of it now?” 
Haechan paused, allowing himself to review every right reason why he is wrong for you. Yet, for every mistake and every risk, he found an excuse to never let you go again.
“I’ll stay. Even if I spend the rest of my life trying to make it up to you… If you let me.” 
You watched him, thoughtful and doubting. He was ready to grovel to your feet at your denial. He'll beg you if you want him to, like the lost man he is.
But then you smiled.
“Even if I make you suffer for every wrong thing you did?” 
He stilled, surprised, before a soft laugh broke his silence. Gently, he lifted his other hand to cradle your face and tip it back. With a sigh, he leaned over to press his forehead against you.
“You can torture me every day of our life and I’ll still thank you at the end of it, noona."
This time, it was your turn to chuckle. You waited as he slowly dipped his face to yours, but stopped him just before your lips met.
“What’s your favorite story?” 
He smiled before finally meeting your lips together.
“You. Forever you."
Taglist: I only added those who were part of my taglist for Lucid previously (those who still haven't deactivated, at least!) @marijmin, @cabaretyun, @jhornytrash, @pukupukupawpau, @vsszn, @grandmasterslickfox @haoshitt , @furryllamas , @mindofthescattered @bettyschwallocksyee , @strawbunnyjaem , @huangberryyy
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neobomb · 11 months
give into things i (dont) want to [na jaemin]
academic rival! (yandere ish) prev! big ego!Jaemin x  reader, hints of library worker!math major!Jungwoo x reader Part of the give into things i (dont) want to series. Warnings: mature themes, toxic/inappropriate behaviour, masterbation, forcing??, implied slut shaming, MDNI, there will be smut in part 2 Word Count: 2.2k Summary: You learn about academic rival!Jaemin's biggest secret. © 2023 @neobomb. Unauthorized copying, translation, manipulation, or alteration of this work is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved.
Jaemin never viewed it as a competition, the rivalry between you and him. It wasn't about outdoing you. More than anything, he yearned for your attention. With time, he faced a truth he couldn't escape: he was deeply, hopelessly in love with you. He adored that confident smirk you'd wear whenever you believed you had the upper hand. The way you'd toss your hair back as you raced to claim your favorite study spot in the library, ensuring he couldn't get there first. Something about you got him filled with excitement. 
But for you, every interaction was tinged with rivalry. You hate him so much. With his stoic façade and that penetrating, icy stare, he stood apart. You've always had a distaste for those who appeared too perfect, and Jaemin epitomized that to a tee. Not only was he the top student at your school, but he was also incredibly handsome, rich and popular. The young boy wants to be a surgeon when he grows up. It's almost laughably cliché, like a scene from a cheesy rom-com. Boys wanted to be him, girls wanted to be his. 
Senior year of high school was poised to be the most pivotal year of your lives. The first significant exam loomed just after your 18th birthday. You don't regret skipping your birthday celebration, as securing the top score and outperforming Jaemin took precedence in your mind. It’s more important to stay on top, you thought to yourself.
You’re sitting at your favorite spot in the library, a secluded spot framed by expansive windows. You love to sit there because it's hidden and private. The sun rays from the windows fall on your cheeks, as you tap your pen lightly on your notebook. You stare intensely at a specific problem from a past lecture. 
“To tackle this problem, one common approach is to use the residue theorem. Consider the contour that is a semicircle in the upper half-plane, C, which is composed of the real line segment from −R to R and the semicircular arc of radius R in the upper half-plane, where R is a large positive real number.” You turned around, confronted by the insufferable smirk you knew all too well. Jaemin is standing right behind you with his hands behind his back.
“Nice try, Jaemin. I don’t need help from a pretentious prick like you.” You refocus on your problem sheet, doing your utmost to block out his irksome presence. 
“You just looked like you were struggling so much.” You brush off his comments. They hold no weight for you now. He'd thrown every insult at you, calling you every name in the book, and over time, you learned not to take them to heart. It was wiser to remain unfazed by the persistent negativity, or at the very least, to appear so. 
“I’m not listening to whatever you’re trying to say.” You slipped your headphones back on, signaling your intent to shut him out.
"Well, happy late birthday, loser." he remarks before retreating to his usual spot. He always chooses the table adjacent to yours, separated by a sizable bookshelf that obstructs his line of sight. But he'd subtly shift a few books, creating small gaps that allowed him to sneak glimpses of you, desperately hoping that you wouldn’t catch him in the act. He could observe you engrossed in your studies for hours on end. 
You have always been really pretty. Sometimes, when you would scratch your legs, making your skirt ride up higher, or when you would unbutton your shirt low enough for your cleavage to be exposed, he would unbuckle his pants, bring out his painfully hard dick, and jerk off to the sight of your delicate body like no tomorrow. He would only be able to bring himself to do such sinful acts in the late hours when only you and he remained in the library. 
Occasionally, when you would step away to use the restroom, Jaemin would quickly approach your desk and steal some of your personal items, ensuring he discreetly returned them to easily spotted locations the very next day. His favorite item to steal would be your cherry flavored chapstick. You never thought it was odd how your personal items would vanish, only to reappear by the base of your desk the following day. 
It was embarrassing to him, truly. It felt pathetic to be so smitten with someone who calls him a loser, an arrogant snob, someone who would likely never see him in a romantic light. 
For as long as Jaemin had been aware of you, you'd mostly been a solitary figure, steering clear of the limelight. A complete loner. During breaks, Mr. Johnny Suh from English Literature appeared to be your sole confidante, as you eagerly exchanged thoughts about your recent reads. Your eyes always lit up with passion when discussing a book's turning points. Occasionally, Jaemin would interject himself into your discussions, eager to catch your gaze. "Such a teacher's pet," you'd silently muse whenever he did that.
But recently, Jaemin noticed a new figure entering your orbit. Your growing closeness with the new library employee, Kim Jungwoo, had him curious about its origins. Jungwoo, a math major from the town's renowned university, and coincidentally good friends with Jaemin’s older brother, Jaehyun.
Always working the closing shifts, Jungwoo often assisted you with your math homework. In return, you'd stay late to help him tidy the bookshelves. Jungwoo, the comedian that he is, often left you bursting into giggles with his endless jokes. On occasions when you felt uneasy walking home alone, Jungwoo offered to walk you home, even though his apartment was on the opposite side of town.
It was clear that it all enraged him extremely. Jaemin is extremely jealous. He detested how Jungwoo would sit beside you in the library to help you with your homework, obstructing his view of you through the gaps of the bookshelf. Jungwoo would keep an eye on your desk whenever you had to use the bathroom.
Jungwoo had invited you over to his apartment for dinner, and you presumed it was a date. Your excitement was palpable. Over the recent months, you had developed a crush on him. He was the epitome of a gentleman, brilliantly intelligent, humble and undeniably attractive. Always, treating you with the utmost respect. 
As you neared what you believed to be his door, you quickly check your reflection in a compact mirror, touching up your makeup and hair for the hundredth time. Taking a deep breath, you then pressed his doorbell. 
In a swift moment, his door opened wide. "Y/N, you're right on time." Jungwoo greets you with a smile, ushering you into his apartment and gently shutting the door behind you.
"I brought your favorite snacks," you mentioned, just as he enveloped you in a warm embrace. 
As the evening unfolded, you and Jungwoo conversed for hours on a myriad of topics. He cocooned you in blankets and played your favorite tunes. Yet, you sensed something amiss with him; he appeared somewhat distant, as though something weighed on his mind.
“I feel like you’re holding back on something. Something that’s bothering you.” you voiced, attempting to diffuse the palpable tension. 
“I’m all ears. You can tell me anything.” You remind him. He scratches his head before taking a deep breath. 
“There is something I’ve been meaning to tell you. The exact reason why I asked you to come over.” He starts. “Since people have been complaining about lost items at the library, I was assigned to watch over some security footage…” He paused, letting the silence stretch.
“And?” you prompted, eager for him to proceed. “It’s Jaemin… I watched him beat his dick to you on the security footage… I think…” You're completely taken aback. The words don't seem to compute. Surely, you would have noticed if anything of the sort had occurred. You simply did not believe what you’re hearing. 
“I’m not totally sure since the footage is not of the best quality… But it seems like he’s watching you in between gaps of books on the bookshelf… And it would happen often, like… every other day and it would only happen when you’re there.” Jungwoo continued. He finally meets your gaze. The depth of concern in his eyes reveals just how troubled he is by the situation.
“There is also footage of him stealing your items whenever you leave your desk.” You had often pondered why, since spending time with Jungwoo at the library, your items never went missing or were left behind like it always did previously. 
“I never had the opportunity to tell you this because I always felt like he was watching us. Sorry for not telling you about this earlier.” He pulls his arms around you in a comforting hug. 
“Please, Y/N. Be careful. I can help you get a restraining order on him. I don’t want anything to happen to you.” Your face is buried in his chest. 
“Jaemin can be dangerous, especially if his ego gets hurt. I've known him since he was just a baby in diapers. Please trust me, Y/N.” Although uncertainty lingers about the whole situation, you trust Jungwoo. You take him at his word, believing he has no reason to deceive you.
It's been two weeks since you discovered Jaemin's unsettling perverted behavior. The library hasn't seen you since; the memories are just too unnerving. At school, you stopped talking to Mr. Suh. You refuse to put yourself in any situation that might lead to an encounter with Jaemin. Instead, you've done your best to sidestep him, believing it to be the wisest course of action for the time being. Hopefully it will keep you safe for now. 
It did not take long for Jaemin to pick up on the unusual habits of yours. Jaemin's anger is palpable. Something prompted your avoidance, and he's had his suspicions from the start. In his mind, it had to be because of Jungwoo. Who did Jungwoo think he was, effortlessly pulling you closer while Jaemin, ever so impeccable, felt sidelined despite harboring feelings for you all these years? It all seemed too orchestrated. He has to do something about it, he thinks and lets his anger completely take over. 
As you make your way home from school, nearing a narrow alleyway, a sudden sound catches your attention: "Why haven't you been at the library? Struggling to keep up with me?" Jaemin's voice caught you off guard as he stood casually in front of you, hands nestled in his pockets. Nervously, you tugged away your earphones, a look of unease evident on your face. The library had always been your sanctuary. Jaemin couldn't help but wonder if Jungwoo was the reason for your absence. 
"I... um... I have somewhere… uhm… to be," you stammered, attempting to move past him, but he obstructed your exit, moving awfully close to you. 
“Why have you been so nervous lately? You’ve been avoiding me, haven’t you?.” Jaemin says with an amused smile. ”You’ve always called me names. Pretending to be so cool. Now you can’t even look at me without shaking to your core.” he continues.
“It’s Jungwoo isn’t it? You like to play innocent but you’re not. You like playing around with older guys, don’t you Y/N? I wouldn’t be surprised if you tried to shoot your shot with mr. Suh." Jaemin's voice pierces the silence, sending a chill down your spine. "I... I don't know what you mean… We’re just friends." you respond, your voice betraying a hint of panic.
“You’re the worst liar, Y/N.” he says he pins you to the brick wall, holding a tight grip on your wrist. Jealousy was written all over his face. “Jaemin, please. What are you doing?” you plead to him. Terror gripped you. The menacing darkness in his eyes seemed to penetrate your very soul.
Jaemin swiftly put his lips on yours, pulling you into a deep and lustful kiss. Tears wells your eyes as you desperately try to release yourself from his strong grip. This feels wrong. So wrong.
Jaemin pulls back from the kiss to search your eyes. He recognizes that expression instantly - the look of defeat. The anguish that twisted your expression only seemed to fuel his satisfaction. He could tell he was causing discomfort, and your reactions confirmed it for him.
He goes in for another lustful kiss to then break away from it again. Jaemin sought your gaze, firmly grasping your face until you were compelled to meet his self-assured, lustful eyes. With each passing moment, his sense of relief grew, sensing your surrender. He could feel the weight of your defeat and the shame of realizing you were powerless against it. This was it. He had you exactly where he wanted you. Perhaps it had been a competition all along, and he had emerged victorious.
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writingzen · 2 years
CRAZY ♡‧ ⁺彡
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✧ Pairing- Mark Lee x reader
✧ Summary- making out with mark lee
✧ Warnings- kissing, suggestive grabbing, hickies, all that jazz
✧ A/N- In honor of me being obsessed with mark. Hope you enjoy, if you have any questions or just wanna talk, you can always message me. Thank you!
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Lips moving against eachother, slowly melting and fitting into one, like pieces of a puzzle. Something about kissing you was always so addicting, intoxicating. The way you get to make all the decisions, take full control, choosing the pace and the emotions that follow behind.
Choosing to take your precious time at first, peppering small kisses against his lips so tenderly not yet alluring him into the wonders of what his mind dreams of causing a sense of neediness to take over him as the seconds that feel like hours pass by. Little by little taking the flow leisurely as he grows impatient before allowing him to some control choosing a more passionate route.
Marks lips rush into yours, sucking and parting, granting access for his tongue to wetly slide in, only at your command. Feeling deprived, he can’t help but yearn for more while yet feeling relaxed as his muscles finally take a break, a feeling no rest day can construct for him. He honestly feels like a puppet going by your orders only.
Waiting for the opening to take you in fully instead of those teasing kisses, you gift him with. Your lips part, immediately longing for eachother as the air hits against your lonely lips that once held his. He takes the chance to turn his head slightly, hoping to gain more permission as his hand runs to the back of your neck drawing you in while his other hand tightens around your waist, kneeding the skin ever so lightly. Your arms wrap tightly around Marks neck, pulling him more intently and closely as you want, bodies pressed against one another. Though you both are close as you can get, the need to get impossibly closer is almost overbearing.
You hold back a smirk that fights to show on your face. It’s cute really, how his actions take control of him leaving his thoughts lost somewhere in his head not thinking twice as his body grows more desperate for your touch.
You lean back teasingly, craving to kiss more than just his rose plush lips. The butterflies in his stomach do back flips as you continue to lay wet kisses down his neck, sucking the sensitive skin in your mouth, marking him. Not forgetting to show affection to the mole on his neck you love so dearly as you make your way to litter kisses across the skin of his collar bone. Feeling overwhelmed from pleasure, it all makes the breath in his throat hitch. He can’t help but fall in love all over again with the lustful feeling that builds in his stomach taking over his eager body as he bites his lips harshly holding back any noise hoping for escape, letting only a soft whimper leave.
When your lips find their way back to his, he kisses you with more urgency, shoving his glossy lips onto yours as he straightens up under you. The once slow and soft kiss now completely gone, lost in the deep and stimulating yet quick pace that possess you both, having you huffing into each other's mouths. A shiver runs up your spine as his hands starts to firmly cup your waist holding you in place, stopping any unwanted movement from you, growing tried of your teasing that played him like a game. And though with this much control he still finds himself growing more small as your hands start to roam his body, drawing figures on his delicate skin, every touch being so sensual, so deliberate.
But even with everything you are both receiving that comes like a nicely wrapped present, you find yourself feeling not yet satisfied with what you are gifted, not until you get exactly what you want and more. A feeling he finds himself greedily obsessing with over and over again till he goes absolutely insane.
A smirk takes up his face as he pulls back, breath hitting against your now plump bruised lips,
“God you drive me crazy”
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dollfacedsl1ut · 1 year
7 + 16 + 48 = jeno
prompt + “Lemme see that pretty face” + “We were made for each other why can’t you see that” + “I’m sorry sweetie it was just a precaution I’ll warn you next time”
content : hair pulling, yandere things so yeah, face slapping (like twice), mentions of needles, drugging
a/n: I wrote this half asleep😭😭😭
Jeno finally let you out of his cold basement the room he made for you was finished he didn’t think he’d have to kidnap you so early in his one sided pining but you and your boyfriend were gonna go on a 2 week vacation he couldn’t bear thinking about what you guys would do maybe you’d end up knocked up he hated thinking about it knowing it wasn’t gonna be him but that’s all changed now
His tight grip on your arm he led you to a white door with a pink number panel you tried to peer over his shoulder glancing at the pin but he just pushed your head away harshly “even if you knew the password it wouldn’t do much for you” as gust of wind went pass you as jeno gripped you hair tossing you the bed his hands tying your hands to the bedpost the sudden manhandling caused fear to overwhelm you thinking of only one thought in mind it was he wanted you
You were already vulnerable but you didn’t want that to happen “jeno no don’t-“ he glanced at you with a confused face “what are talking about” at this point you realized maybe he tied you up for precaution hoping you didn’t escape “never mind” you turned your head away from him sitting by the post next to you he sighed deeply “I don’t know why you act like this I love you can’t you see” feeling anger rush through your body love him?? Oh please “you don’t love me I’m sure this is one of you fantasies and if you think I’ll love you you’re mistaken I have a boyfriend and he isn’t a creepy pervert like you” whilst you continued your rant you could sense jeno was getting angry his fists clenched as his eyes got darker you didn’t give a fuck about his emotions until a harsh slap was planted across your soft cheeks
“No way” your eyes widen as the aftermath of the slap tingled “im so sorry sweetie that was just a precaution I’ll warn you next time to never talk bad about me like I don’t have you at my mercy” tears rolled down your cheeks as he smiled your turned yourself away from him “y/n don’t be like that it’s your fault” he hummed trying your best to tune out his voice “y/n I will hit you again if I have too” you didn’t care you just wanted him gone his rough hands forced your face to look at him he left a harsh slap across your face messing your hair up more
Your eyes filled up hatred as he smiled at you “let me see that pretty face” pushing some hair away from you face he cupped your cheeks “we were made for each other why can’t you see that” you felt disgusted how could he hit you like this and try to be caring after, you looked at him with hatred he sensed it gripping his hold on your face it felt like he could break your jaw “y/n I can cause you worse pain than just slapping you around” his eye smile returned as he stood up sliding a brown box from under your bed pulling some gloves out he slid them on his thick fingers before pulling out a syringe, a long needle and a mini bottle filled with liquid that you would only see at the doctor
He attached the needle and syringe before sticking it in the bottle filling the syringe with the liquid he placed the box carefully on the floor as he slid it back under the bed “y/n you brung this upon yourself” he stocked the needle in your arm the soft pinch of usual spots caused you to jolt a bit he pulled the needle out of your arm as you began to feel tingly he placed the needle on the nightstand along with his gloves he patted your head leaning down to plant a kiss on your lips “I’ll see you when you wake up y/n” another kiss was planted on your lips as he stood up from the bed and walked out the room at this point the sedative took over your body as you blacked out
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fics-lovebot · 1 year
fic recs masterlist
Hello!, here I´ll be constantly adding recs to each m.list so make sure to check it out often for new stuff ;) btw, eeeeverything in here I recommend with my eyes closed and would 100% re-read so,, enjoy!
pls remember to reblog if you like any of my recs, luv you and thank you ♡ ྀི
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3rd gen
♡ NCT 127 / DREAM / WAY V
4th gen
5th gen
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yutanology · 2 years
minty breathe blew your right ear as he moaned your name, so whiny, so needy. your fingers tangled with his dark locks, giving them a tug everytime he hits that perfect spot that makes your walls clench around his cock.
he only moans louder. his mouth left agape as his drool leaks at the sides of his swollen lips. the bed creaked at his every thrust. both your legs shaking and your toes curling. it didn't take too long before you had reached your climax but he still didn't stop fucking you when he had already came for the fifth time.
you let go of his hair and wrapped your arms around his neck instead as he found his way into you deeper. his pace didn't falter at all but his thrusts were getting sloppier. you knew he wouldn't last long either.
you creamed around his cock again before you pushed him off of you. he let out a pathetic whine when his hard cock was exposed on the cold air. your half lidded lustful eyes met his teary ones. it's almost as if he's begging you to let him fuck you once more. you sat on top of him.
you slapped his cheek with the back of your hand. it wasn't that hard but it was still enough to make him feel the slight sting on his skin. your fingers gripped on his lower jaw, "aren't you getting a little too selfish, pet?" the change in your tone only made his cock twitch.
your other hand gripped on his cock, your thumb circled on his tip a few times before he thrashed, begging you to let him cum. "p-please! ahhh!" you let go of his dick, refusing his orgasm. frustrated warm tears dampened his rosy cheeks. "you think you deserve to cum after what you did?"
he did nothing but sob, reaching out for you to touch him again. but you're not planning to give him what he wants just yet. "cry all you want. I'm not letting you cum until you've learned your lesson." your thumb teased his red tip once again, earning another loud cry from him.
"this is what naughty boys like you deserve."
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maliciousblog · 6 months
NCT 127 as your saesangs
Taeyong ( The collector) ♥️
He would own every single album, photocard, merch both official and non, he would also have purchased any item you had a collab with, your group once had a collab with Pepsi he bought out the entire stock , of a store just so he could get the limited edition photocard that came with it.
He would also probably buy any item related to you or any item you used. The lip balm you used he would have a box of it, the book you recommended he would have read it twice, the perfume you used he would use to, the tissues you used in a vlive he would have, he would buy the same phone case as you too.
The man would basically have a shrine dedicated to you.
He would also manage to get into every single fansign.
He would also probably run an update account.
Taeil ( the cover) 🧡
Taeil wouldn't let his obsessive behavior show he would be mature and would be a loyal fan since day 1.
But in his mind he would imagine what it would be like to have a family with you.
He would also cover your songs and you had in fact noticed him quite a few times and you were quite impressed with his vocals and soon you found yourself answering his dms and slowly falling for him.
He had planned for this to happened in his mind this was what was best for you and you believed it too because to you he was a sweet caring man who loved you very much. What you didn't notice was how you slowly drifted away from everyone in your life and now it was just him and you and in all honesty you couldn't care less.
Jhonny (The Youtuber)💛
He was a youtuber with quite a big following he would mostly film vlogs and do reaction videos.
Whenever he did a reaction video to one of your groups it was quite obvious who his favorite was.
Given the fact that he has a lot of subscribers and that he was also a know fan of your group your company thought it would be a good idea for your group to collaborate with him.
Your group agreed and you both shot a collab , but jhonny wanted you to shine the most so when he filmed the other members he made sure to use bad lighting and angles to make sure you stood out the most.
He would also secretly let the cameras roll when you thought they were off, he would also have a camera in your changing room, which he would later use to black mail you.
Yuta ( The artist)💚
He would run an art page but most of the drawings were of you. It slowly started to become a fan art page of you. At first it was innocent and harmless, just a couple of normal  painting of you with cat ears or you as a Disney princess. He would always tag you and on a few occasions you had even liked and ever reshared a couple of paintings.
But soon as his obsession grew the nature of his paintings slowly started to change at first it was just slightly weird like paintings of you in handcuffs or with a blindfold, or ones with you with a little blood here and there. You brushed it off as most people make edits like this but soon they started to become more disturbing he started to draw paintings of you in a cage, you gagged and tied up, you in lewd positions. And various other sick fantasies he had.
Doyoung (The anti fan)🩵
He acted like he wasn't a fan, infact he acted like he hated you. He would always put you down. He would leave hate comments on your fan cafes even on your vlives.
One day you actually read out a hate comment he left he saw your face drop as you read it.
His heart went giddy with excitement you had noticed him, you were affected by him, he couldn't be happier. He continued to do it cause he enjoyed seeing you react he loved getting your attention even if it meant this is what he had to do in order to get it.
Would buy information from other saesangs and use it against you to get you to do whatever he wanted you to do.
Jaehyun ( entitled)💝
To him you were only meant to be his. You didn't have to do anything for anyone but him.
Your attention should be on him at all times these other people didn't deserve to get your attention.
At concerts he wanted you to only focus on him if he would notice you give attention to anyone else he would send you death glares.
You were once performing at one of your concerts and decided to go up to his section and you accepted a rose a male fan had given you when you turned your head you made eye contact with jaehyun and he shot you a look at that moment the were so terrified by the anger in his eyes you dropped the rose unconsciously and froze but soon one of your members dragged you to the center of the stage because it was time for the ending stage.
Jungwoo (lovesick)💖
A lovesick puppy. He would always have notifications on and would drop everything when you went live. You were his number 1 priority everything else came second even himself. He would be obsessed with you and would be in love with everything and anything you did. To him you were a godess.
He was so cute and cheering for you at your concert you shot him a wink and a flying kiss he nearly had a nose bleed.
To you he seemed like a harmless cute fan boy.
After your concert you were the last one out to get out off the venue but what you didn't know was that the paparazzi where waiting outside and began to mob you and you frantically searched for your manager who was waiting for you in the car. You saw a black car pull up and you got into it thinking that it was your manager as soon as you got out you noticed that the man driving didn't quite look like your manager before you could say anything you felt your vision black out.
Mark (Boy next door)💓
He was cute and charming and had managed to wrap your members around his little finger with his cute charm.
He would often show up at events which was normal and you would smile and wave at him like you would at any fan.
Soon he started to show up at private schedule's and on the sets of mvs or ads
shooting you thought this was a little weird cause no one was supposed to know about these schedules when you talked about this to your members they brushed it off by saying that it was probably the companies fault so you let it slide.
But soon you started to see him at places more often you saw him at the hair salon, you saw him when you took your dog for a walk, when you went shopping, he always kept his distance.
You were out with your friends at a cafe he was seated a couple of tables behind you when the waiter came with your drinks and started to flirt with you. You swore you could practically feel mark burn you with his glare.
Haechan ( quick wit)💕
He would always manage to catch your attention whether if it was by doing something cute or by passing a witty comment.
Soon things started to get out of control he always had to have your attention.
He would spam your lives, get into multiple fansign.
He managed to get your number and would relentlessly call and text you.
He would show up at your dorm.
You tried your best to ignore him until one day you saw a notification on your phone it was a picture of your room, then another picture of your mom on her way to get groceries, an other one of your little brother on his way to school, a text showed up.
"Reply if you don't want them to get hurt".
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mymoodwriting · 2 years
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Request for Anon (Yandere Sugar Daddy NCT U) 9k, assault, verbal assault, physical assault, slut-shaming, public humiliation, bullying, name calling, smut, unprotected sex, fingering, penetration, blowjob, handjob, creampie, gang bang, breeding, pregnancy scare, forced pregnancy, non-con, kidnapping, yandere, bad ending, blatant disregard for womens reproductive rights
“Leave me the fuck alone!”
    This wasn’t the first time you had answered the phone in such a manner. Screaming into the little speaker, hoping to blow out the eardrum of the annoying caller, and then hanging up. It was a very frustrating ordeal.
“Damn girl, what’s your problem?”
“It’s nothing, Mina. Just trying to get my point across.”
“Is someone bothering you?”
“Then why haven’t you blocked their number?”
“Oh I have, but obviously they still know mine. So whenever I get a call from a random number, I answer by screaming.”
“And how long have you been doing that for?”
“Uh… a little over a week now.”
“Seriously? And they still haven’t gotten the message?”
“You know, what if those calls are important?”
“I don’t have any jobs or internships or anything that I’m waiting to hear back on, so it’s highly unlikely that’s the case.”
“Maybe you should change your number.”
“That would mean spending money I don’t have.”
“Really? Says the girl who has paid her tuition in full and doesn’t owe a penny in student debt. All because of some mystery job she won’t tell me about or share!”
“Well, you know me.”
“Yeah, I do.”
    You and Mina were close friends, having met here at Uni your freshman year and sticking together through it all. Now you were at the start of your final semester, ready for one last ride before starting a new chapter of your life. Of course the campus was jammed back as new students were moving in, and freshmen were trying to navigate this new place and find their classes. It was a really beautiful day too, and you had yet to start any of your classes, so you were in a pretty good mood. You knew you probably wouldn’t feel the same by the end of the day, but it was best to make the most of it now. That is until you were suddenly yanked back, and came face to face with someone you really didn’t want to see.
“You’re such a fucken bitch.”
    Jeno’s words dripped with venom. To say he was pissed would be an understatement. He was also the last person you wanted to see right now.
“What the hell are you doing here!”
“Why aren’t you answering our calls?”
“Oh, I am answering. I just don’t wanna hear what you have to say!”
“That’s not solely for you to decide!”
“Yes, it is. If I want to end things, I can, and I have.”
“Without a proper explanation? You’re kidding, right?”
“Does it sound like I am?”
“You’re being ridiculous.”
“Leave. Before I call security.”
“We are not leaving until we talk.”
    You heard it then, the terribly familiar sound of a car engine, two car engines to be specific. You looked over and saw the vehicles pulling up, two gentlemen exiting each one, and making their way over to you. In the moment you attempted to run off, but Jeno grabbed your arm and dragged you towards them.
“There she is.” Ten teased. “Where ya been hiding love?”
“Fuck off! I want nothing to do with you! Any of you!”
“Yeah, we got your text. Now explain yourself.”
“What’s there to explain? I’m breaking up with you, period.”
“See that’s the thing.” Johnny grabbed your chin and forced your eyes to meet. “Where did that silly idea come from?”
“My head. Or is that too hard to comprehend.”
“Easy now, princess. You’re begging for punishment if you keep acting like this.”
“I’m not playing any games here.” You pulled away from Johnny. “We’re done, now leave.”
“That’s hardly an explanation.” Jaehyun hissed. “Do the last four years mean nothing to you?”
“Are you really all that dumb? Our relationship was just an exchange of goods and services, nothing more.”
“Is that so?”
“I’ve told you all about my dreams and aspirations for the future before. When did I ever include you in them?”
Yuta scoffed. “So you really just whored yourself out to us for four years so we could pay your tuition? And now that it’s all been paid off, you’re done with us?”
“Bingo. Maybe you’re not that stupid.”
“This was all just a fucken game to you?” Jeno yelled. “Four years?! A fucken game!”
“Not like you ever made a serious move, did you now? Any of you for that matter. So don’t come bitching to me about a broken heart or broken promises. It’s not my fault you caught feelings when I wasn’t sending you any fucken signals.”
“Yeah? What about all the nights out? The dinners, the trips, the clothes and accessories?”
“Dinners, and trips, you invited me out on. I never asked to go anywhere. As for the clothes and other stuff, that’s all at your place, isn’t it? I never kept any of the fancy expensive stuff you got me, did I? Nor did I ask for anything. I owe you nothing. You got what you paid for, more than that actually, but I’m fine leaving things as they are.”
    Your words had certainly stunned them into silence. And you also meant everything you said. It was certainly fun to be with them, to get a little slice of that kinda life, even if it was just for a while. You knew it wouldn’t last though, and that’s the mentality you kept, the one that kept you from falling for them. They were just rich guys wanting someone to mess around with, and now that their no-strings attached fuck buddy had left them, they were panicking. You said your peace, having to spell it all out for them. It was good to get it off your chest though, and with that you’d make you exit. Or at least that was the idea.
    As you turned around to leave, you felt a hand grab your arm and yank you back with enough force to drop you to the ground. You couldn’t get back up as they surrounded you. By then your whole argument had been noticed and a crowd of students and faculty had gathered around. Having this conversation out in the open was already embarrassing, and all the attention was making it worse. Although they were about to increase that exponentially.
“Whore.” Jaehyun spat. “Any money spent on you was clearly a waste. The only way you could think about getting through uni was to spread your legs. I bet you slept around with your professors too.”
“Excuse me!”
“Do you even have any brains?” Yuta questioned. “Or are you just playing pretend so you can wear a cap and gown, and show off some piece of paper.”
    You tried to get up but Jeno got his foot on your chest, pinning you down. You struggled to get him off, but he was putting all his weight on you. When your eyes met him you could see he was still pissed, and if possible, he was way more enraged now.
“You found someone else to spread your legs for, didn’t you!” Jeno yelled. “Whoring yourself out for whoever can benefit you the most!”
“Get off of me!”
“Why? Don’t you like having men on top of you?” Johnny kicked dirt at you. “Fucken slut.”
“Just do what you do best.”
    Yuta and Ten started yanking your legs apart, and you kicked and screamed at them. Although you stopped when Jeno put more weight on you and you struggled to breath. You were clawing at his leg, but he was relentless.
“What’s going on here!”
    Two officers from campus security approached and all the boys stepped back. Jeno moved away and you took in a deep breath, sitting up and coughing a bit.
“We’re leaving.” Ten smiled. “No need for an escort.”
“Hold on now, you can’t-”
“Just let them go.” You spoke. “I’m not gonna make a big deal out of this.”
    The officers didn’t do anything more, and so the boys walked off. Soon enough you heard those damn engines again, but you didn’t dare look over at them. For a moment after they were gone everything remained quiet and still, and then Mina came over to help you stand, the crowds starting to disperse.
“What the hell was all that?”
“Remember when I told you I got a sugar daddy…”
“Yeah, daddy, as in one, not five! Also, I didn’t believe you.”
“Well I wasn’t lying.”
“Clearly. And you couldn’t share any of them?”
“They’re not exactly easy to deal with.”
“Is that why you’d always ditch me? Disappear on weekends? Why we couldn’t ever really share a meal together? You were off with them.”
“You really are stupid.”
“Girl, when did you ever have time for yourself? Or anyone else in your life who was actually important? Here I thought you were just so focused on studying and busy working to pay off your tuition. I wasn’t wrong on the latter, but still.”
“Are you... mad at me?”
“No, not really. Just processing out loud... you did tell me about this, somewhat, I just didn’t think you were for real.”
“I know. If you had told me the same thing I wouldn’t have believed you either.”
“But you’re really done with them now?”
“Yup. I didn’t think they’d throw such a fit though.”
“A fit? I’d call that harassment, and assault. Shouldn’t you press charges?”
“There’s no point. They’d get good lawyers, and it’d just be a waste of my time. I don’t want anything to do with them anymore, so I’ll let it go.”
“Fine, but you are getting a new number after class. Got it?”
    That morning certainly killed the mood, but you went about your day trying to make the best of it. Of course your chest hurt pretty bad, but nothing some quick pain killers couldn’t deal with. Like you had promised, after all your classes, you and Mina went to change your number. Then you went about the grueling task of messaging friends and family to let them know you had a new number.
“Shall we go out for ice cream? You know, since you’re free now.”
“I could use something sweet.”
    You knew there would still be issues. If they made such a big show at your campus, who knows what else would happen if you met out on the streets. With that in mind you didn’t go anywhere off campus alone, and you didn’t visit any of their favorite places or usual hangouts. You thought you had it figured out, but there was something you couldn’t avoid. Everyone else.
    Word spread fast about that day. About how a girl got harassed by five guys, and all the slurs and insults that they threw her way. A few days later everyone seemed to know your name, and had an idea of the type of person you were. When you went to class all the others would purposely sit away from you, only Mina ever sat next to you. Then there were the whispers and chuckles. Every time you raised your hand to ask a question there was always some comment about you sleeping around with the professor. Regardless of who it was. It was frustrating, but you just pushed through. Although Mina certainly wanted to pick a fight with everyone.
“Just let it go.”
“How are you so okay with this?”
“I’m not, but it’ll die down eventually. As long as I don’t engage with them I won’t add fuel to the fire. So don’t pay them any attention.”
“They are slut-shaming you and saying all kinds of shit.”
“And I just have to make it through this semester. After that I can move forward and really build my life. I’m not gonna let some idiots who have nothing better to do ruin that. Besides, I’m sure they’re all just jealous I could actually get a Sugar Daddy, and five at that.”
“You’re not wrong there. Those people don’t just throw money at anyone.”
“I appreciate you ready to fight for me, but this ain’t worth it.”
Mina sighed. “Fine, but if you ever wanna start swinging, just let me know.”
“Will do.”
    You were right, in part. The teasing did die down, and you could go about your life like normal, but there were still a handful of dicks who found things funny. And one ballsy little fucker who decided to go a step further. As one of your classes ended, and you were gathering your things, another of your peers accidentally spilled their drink all over you.
“Oh shit, my bad. You must be used to getting soaked though.”
    That bastard and his friends snickered to themselves. You knew everyone got the joke, some chuckling too, but of course no one was gonna say anything or take your side. So you just did your best to clean your face, and then whipped around to look at your attacker. Of course it was a boy and his friends, although he got quiet now that you were staring at him dead on.
“Your mistake, right?”
“Yeah. I can be clumsy, you know.”
“Right. So then just pay up and we can call it even.”
“You said it was your mistake. So pay for it.” You held out your hand. “I think a hundred dollars should cover my hair and clothes.”
“A hundred dollars? You play around with some rich boys and now you think you’re worth all that?”
“So you’re not gonna pay me?”
“Fuck that.”
“Fine then, but we are gonna call it even.”
    Without missing a beat you swung at him and clocked him right in the face. He fell back onto his friends, and you noticed a bit of blood from his nose.
“My mistake. I guess we’re even now.”
“You bitch!”
    Not once in your academic career have you ever wound up in the principal’s office, this was the student dean’s office, so not the same but still. You had no problems with words, but things getting physical was crossing a line, and you weren’t going to sit still. You were still drying off as you sat in the dean’s office, listening to that jerk go off about how you were a monster and whatever. You weren’t going to apologize until he did, but that was definitely not gonna happen when his parents walked in. You couldn’t believe he actually called for help like this, and now they were demanding your expulsion. That someone violent like you shouldn’t be at such a place.
“Are you kidding? Are you even looking at me? Your son started this, and couldn’t apologize or pay up for his mistake!”
“A mistake isn’t met with physical violence!”
“He started it!”
“Please, everyone calm down.” The dean spoke. “We can resolve this without yelling.”
“I want that girl expelled.”
“That seems a little too-”
“Do you know how much we give to this school so-”
    The conversation stopped short as the door opened. You couldn’t imagine who else would join this conversation. When you looked back your eyes went wide, and you stood up.
“Sit down, baby.” Johnny said. “We’ll get you cleaned up later.”
“Who the hell are you gentlemen?!”
“Y/n’s sponsors.” Jaehyun smiled. “We heard there was a commotion involving her, and by the state she is in, I’m not very happy. What is being done to remedy this?”
“She hasn’t apologized for hitting my son!”
“Has he apologized for his actions?”
“Exactly who are you to be making such demands?”
“Ah, right. I’ve not introduced myself. I’m Jung Jaehyun. These are my friends, Nakamoto Yuta, Johnny Suh, Lee-”
“I know those names…”
“Good. Then apologize before you’re buried.”
“Or shall this be resolved outside this room?” Ten smiled. “I have no problem doing it that way too. I might actually prefer it.”
    You didn’t care much for an apology, you got to punch the fucker in the face, but getting one was the cherry on top. You didn’t apologize either and the situation was left at that. Now that you had a moment you wanted to go clean up, and the boys wound up dragging you into a gender neutral bathroom. Johnny locked the door, and leaned against it, guaranteeing privacy. You were ready to start screaming and fighting but Yuta turned the sink on, getting the water warm and grabbing paper towels. They weren’t saying anything, and you could silently be grateful for that. You washed up your hair, using the hand dryer to dry it off as best you could. Jeno gave you his jacket afterwards since your shirt was still dirty.
“Alright, what the fuck do you want?”
“We owe you an apology.” Yuta said. “For everything.”
“Go on then.”
“We’re sorry we attacked you the way we did that day.” Jeno began. “We were out of line and completely in the wrong for that.”
“Assholes. You know this is all your fault right? Everyone keeps calling me names because of you! And this was the first time someone dared to take it a step further.”
“We never meant-”
“Then what did you think was gonna happen when you screamed out that I was a whore in the middle of campus?”
“Good try, I guess.”
“You were right.” Ten admitted. “Four years is a lot of time, and yet throughout it all you never made a move to suggest you wanted anything more from us than attention and money. We never did anything to give you the impression that we wanted more from you either. I’m sure if we had, you would have said something sooner. So you were right, we had no reason to act the way we did. We’ve been seeing each other for a long time and you broke it off so suddenly. Our judgment became clouded, and we let rage overtake us when we should have been better. We can’t simply undo what we did, but we are sincerely sorry for our actions.”
“Hm… was it really that hard to take a moment and reflect?”
“Yeah…” Jaehyun added. “We’ve had such good times together, it was hard to believe you’d just leave us like that… but why was it so sudden? Why didn’t you just talk to us?”
“I… I wasn’t entirely sure how… we weren’t really boyfriend and girlfriend… and it’s not like we had agreed to anything specifically when we started this whole… thing… all I could think of was a break up text… I also didn’t think you’d explode at me the way you did… I mean, I always thought you had girls lined up that you played with or whatever… I didn’t think you’d care that much…”
“Well, as you can see… we care a lot…”
“Yeah… how did you even know I was in trouble?”
“We might have… been paying someone in the administrative office to keep tabs on you for us…”
“Yeah.” Johnny commented. “We’ve practically been with you throughout your whole academic career. You’re a good student, so we never imagined you’d get into any kind of trouble, but just to be safe. It worked out for us in the end. We’ve been wanting to talk to you, to apologize, we just didn’t really know how to approach you.”
“I see.”
“Which brings us to our other point. Do you think we can do this properly?”
“Do what?”
“We understand that you don’t see us in your future, but can we at least end things on a good note? We’ve been with you for four years now… we were all kinda hoping to see you graduate you know…”
“What exactly are you suggesting here?”
“One last dinner… one last trip…” Yuta mumbled. “That kinda stuff… let us see this to the end. We can just be another part of your Uni days and nothing more.”
“Can you at least give us that kinda closure?”
    You weren’t really sure how you felt about all this. You had already cut them out of your life, but they were clearly still hanging on. At least they had apologized, and did help you back there in the dean’s office. Truth was the way you handled things wasn’t all that great either. You had been worried that if you just talked to them they’d find some way to convince you to stick around, but that really wasn’t your life plan. Now they understood that, so maybe things could end differently. You also didn’t want to part ways with them on a bad note.
“Just until graduation?”
“We really wanna see you with that cap and gown.” Jeno admitted. “You’ll look so gorgeous.”
“Alright, we can somewhat continue as we were, but after my graduation, we’re done. Understood?”
“Got it.”
“Can we take you out to lunch then?” Ten asked. “Since you’re done with classes for the day.”
“You know my schedule too?”
“We were trying to figure out a way to talk to you…”
“Fine, let me just go change clothes first. I’ll meet you at my usual pick up spot?”
“That works for us.”
    It had been a while since you last hung out with the boys, so there was a bit of awkwardness. At least this was just lunch to ease back into things. They took you to one of their usual spots, getting a private room and ordering your favorites.
“So, you really just clocked him in the face, huh?”
“He could have paid up. I wasn’t going to let him do that without consequence.”
“Good on you.” Yuta cheered. “Although tryna get you kicked out, that’s ridiculous.”
“I can’t believe he called his parents. Such a momma’s boy.”
“Says the sugar baby.”
“I didn’t call you to come save my ass.”
“Ah, so you agree.” Johnny teased. “We did save you?”
“Well… I wasn’t entirely sure how I was gonna deal with that just yet…”
“We saved you. It’s okay to admit that.”
“You guys just wanna brag to my face.” 
“Is that so wrong?” Jeno teased. “Maybe you can shut me up with a reward.”
“You think you deserve a reward?”
“Don’t I?”
“Hm… what did you have in mind?”
“I have been missing you a lot.”
“Really? You? Or is it someone else?”
    Jeno had been at your side, and he was leaning in close asking for his reward. Now that you were teasing him back you leaned in too. You placed a hand between his legs, slowly moving it closer to his crotch. After breaking the ice, it was kinda easy to slip back into old dynamics. Besides, maybe you had missed something about them too.
“Oh… you want a reward out of this too, huh?”
“I’ve been good, haven’t I?”
“Easy now.” Jaehyun pulled you away from Jeno. “We’re just having lunch today, baby. Besides, are you still taking the pills?”
You sighed. “I stopped taking them when we parted ways.”
“Then we should probably get you back on them before we start playing. Don’t you think?”
“Yeah, yeah.”
“We still have some.” Ten offered. “They should work just fine, right?”
“It shouldn’t be a problem.”
“Excellent. I’ll throw in a pregnancy test or two, just to be safe.”
“Well, you took a break from the pill, just a precaution.”
    Things weren’t exactly like before. They were more respectful of your time. Before they’d always be calling, wanting every moment of free time you had. They’d pick you up Friday night from school, keep you to themselves all weekend most of the time. You only ever got a pass during exam time, and when you had the guts to ask for a break. Usually you didn’t, not wanting to upset them and possibly lose out on your tuition money. It was exhausting, but it was all for a better life. At least that’s what you told yourself. This time around they were more like friends, checking in on you, and asking how you were doing.
    They definitely wanted to see you, but on your own terms. So occasionally you’d go out for lunch, maybe dinner, but nothing too extravagant, as you knew they were gonna go all out for the last trip and dinner. At least with these little outings they always brought you back to campus unlike before where you’d spent the night with them until Sunday afternoon. Things were better this way, kinda making you wish the last four years had been like this too. Although you were actually surprised when they brought up the last trip.
“Spring break?”
“Yeah. Let’s have a blast and unwind before you give it your all for graduation.”
“Uh… well… the thing is…”
“You don’t like it?” Johnny questioned.
“I had already made plans with my friends for spring break… and I thought you’d want to go out on a trip like after my finals…”
“Ah, right. You didn’t intend for us to still be in your life by now.”
“Then how about we split it.” Yuta suggested. “First half of your break, you hang out with your friends. For the second half, we get you all to ourselves.”
“Hm… switch it.”
“You get the first half, my friends get the second half.”
“How come?”
“Cause you guys can switch your plans around easily, my friends can’t.”
“Fair. So we’ll pick you up Monday morning?” Jeno asked. “Or can we come get you Friday night?”
“Oh, wanna kick things off early?” 
“If you can handle it.”
“Sure. I’ll pack some things after my class.”
“Can’t wait.”
    Even if you were acting cool, you were excited for this trip. They always treated you so well, spoiled you like a princess. This wasn’t gonna be any different. They had been modest so far, but now was their chance to do things like back then. They picked you up in a party bus, starting off strong with drinks, and congratulating you on your midterm exams. Of course karaoke and good food followed, and you were out celebrating until early hours of the morning. Somehow you all made it back to the penthouse sweet. You had a few more drinks before you made it to bed, half dressed with the boys piled around you.
    The morning was a hangover times six, although some of them had it worse than you. Thankfully breakfast was brought up, and hangover cures, so you just had to get up and put food in your mouth. When that failed Johnny was more than happy to feed you, the one of the bunch that could really handle their liquor.  You also needed to get yourself together. The party had only just begun, not to mention all the plans you had with your friends later on in the week. For now though, you just needed to make it through breakfast.
“Had a little too much?”
“I’m good…”
“Your face says otherwise.”
“What’s it telling you?”
“You wanna throw up?”
“I don’t want a bad taste in my mouth.”
“Then some ice cream to help soothe your throat.”
“Ice cream for breakfast?” Jaehyun questioned. “Isn’t that a bad idea?”
“This week is all about bad ideas.”
“So what’s on the agenda for today?” You asked. “More drinks?”
“We want you sober for all the memories we are gonna make. So no more drinks, is that okay?”
“Just fine.”
“Good. We were thinking of some tourist attractions, and some trips to the museums.”
“Yes. The aquarium is on the list.”
    Once you were all better you headed out, taking a limo into town. You had a chance to relax now that you were on break, and really take it all in. This was one of the last times you’d be around here, planning to go home after graduation. The whole day honestly made you feel like a child, indulging in everything you wanted to do or eat. To many you looked like a little sister with her brothers, or maybe just a lucky girl with her friends, but either way, you were glad you didn’t attract any negative attention. Some did recognize the boys, but that never became a problem, so you had nothing to worry about.
    You got to have lunch in the aquarium, watching all the fishes swim, almost feeling like you were in the water with them. The penguins were great too, and the jellyfish, and dolphins. You totally walked out with two or three plushies. For dinner this time you returned to the hotel, having some quality food, but as said before no drinking. Jeno and Yuta still felt the need to embarrass you and make a toast to your health and success in school. They even had a dessert brought out with a candle to once again congratulate you on surviving midterms. Although once back in the suite you better understood why there was a drinking ban.
    As soon as you set foot in the penthouse Johnny picked you up in his arms, taking you to the bedroom. He saw you down and laid you back, his hand caressing your cheek. You could feel one of the others getting your shoes off, and you knew where this was going. It had been a while, but you had been waiting for this. Besides all the attention and money, there was another benefit to having five sugar daddies. No one could ever take care of you the way you did. Johnny leaned down to kiss your lips, his hands reaching down to your shirt, although you stopped him.
“I don’t think you asked permission.”
“I’m not asking tonight, baby.”
“You have any idea how bad you’ve been?”
“Breaking up with us.” Jeno hissed into your ear. “Hiding away and trying to leave.”
“I thought we-”
“Sh, unless you wanna cause more trouble.”
“Tonight you’re gonna give us everything we are owed.” Yuta added. “So you better take it all with a smile on your face.”
    Suddenly Johnny had your hands pinned above your head as Jeno pulled up your shirt. He reached over to unhook your bra and push it up, exposing your breasts. He kneaded them for a moment and you bit your lip. His hands were cold, but he knew how you liked his touch. Then you felt hands getting you out of your skirt. The second your panties were exposed there was a hand grabbing your crotch.
“It did always hurt that you never invited us back to your dorm.” Ten commented. “Didn’t want you getting exposed to your roommate?”
“She knew… about our arrangement… sort of…”
“I didn’t say you could speak, baby.” Ten slapped your inner thigh. “Bad girl.”
    You bit your lip, instinctively trying to close your legs but Ten pulled them apart. The boys stripped you out of your clothes, leaving your panties on for the time being. Jaehyun had taken to holding down your arms as Johnny started kissing down your chest, Ten’s hand squeezing your thighs. Yuta and Jeno were already shedding articles of clothing, getting you all the more excited.
“You’ve been a good girl and taking the pills we gave you, right?” Jaehyun asked, and you nodded. “Good. So we can have all kinds of fun tonight.”
    For as long as you had been with them, you had always taken the pill. They didn’t always take you raw, but it was better to be safe than sorry. You were also glad they didn’t play around with that kinda thing, wanting to be safe with you even if they were gonna fill you up to the brim with their seed. Tonight was going to be no different, you figured they’d be desperate to do so. Even if they wanted to tease, they couldn’t help themselves for too long. Soon enough you were all naked, and you were getting attacked with kisses from all angles.
“Who’s first?”
“The eldest.”
    They still cared to make sure you were nice and wet, Johnny stretching you out a good way before giving you everything. It had been so long for you too, abstaining from sex to focus on your studies. You also hadn’t slept with anyone else but them for four years, and weren’t entirely sure how to get laid anymore. Even if it hurt at first, your body was quick to remember this familiar stretch, and feeling. Johnny hadn’t forgotten your body though, doing everything just right, doing it just how you liked it. Not to mention the others knew what to do while waiting their turn. Playing with your tits, stealing kisses, rubbing your clit, using your hands or mouth to warm up. You were gonna wear yourself out long before them, and they really loved when you became putty in their hands.
    Even with all the distractions you couldn’t ignore Johnny as he was the one pounding into you. He was always so rough and precise with his movements, hitting your sweet spot just right. Of course you had been getting yourself off in your dorm, but nothing could compare to one of them taking you over to the edge. You could tell when Johnny got close, he got sloppy and so desperate, trying to hold out to make it all last, but spilling inside you was just as rewarding. The warm feeling between your legs was already making you head spin, but you knew Johnny lost a bit of his touch if he didn’t get you off. He wanted another go, but Jaehyun was already shoving him out of the way.
    His turn was spent and Jaehyun would take pride in finishing you off. He had no problem slipping into the mess that was becoming of your cunt, eager to add to the mix. Of course Johnny wanted to give you a taste too, having you use your tongue to clean him up. If you had taken him all at once you probably would have choked as Jaehyun was giving you everything. He was making it very obvious he had a lot of pent up frustrations he was taking out on you. If he made you feel this good, you wouldn’t mind him holding off more often. Although he wasn’t gonna get the satisfaction of making you cum either as Jeno started playing with your clit, pushing you over to the edge before Jaehyun was even close.
    You squeezed Jaehyun tight, feeling as you were leaking out cum, your head thrown back as your mouth hung open in bliss. You vaguely heard Jaehyun scolding the other boy for taking what was his, but it wasn’t so bad if he got to fuck you while you were so sensitive. He moved with your climax, trying to keep you riding that high for as long as you could, but as you started to come down he got relentless. You couldn’t help but whimper, but that wasn’t gonna make him go any easy. In his own desperation he got close, unable to hold back before cumming inside you, making you overflow.
“Such a messy slut, taking two cocks so well.”
“Let’s make it three.”
    Jeno wanted to go next, but Ten kicked him off. He stuck two fingers into your mess, swearing cum on your belly, and then sticking the digits in your mouth.
“How’s that taste?”
    He swirled his fingers around before pulling them out with a pop. He could be real mean, playing with you when he wasn’t even filling you up. Your whimpers were adorable to him, especially when you got needy enough to start shaking your hips. Now you were begging, and he was happy to give you what you wanted.
    Hearing those words outside the bedroom certainly wasn’t fun, but in the bedroom, even if it was said with the same level of vileness, you’d happily accept it. Four years, the same five dicks, you were certainly a whore for them. Ten was certainly on the more elegant side, working you over along with him, knowing how to get you on his level so you’d both climax together. Even being a little out of practice with your body, he could still play you like an instrument. He always held your hands when he had his way with you, wanting more than just your cunt to squeeze him tight, he wanted to feel the rest of your body shake. You’ve left him with marks before, and he’d happily welcome them now.
“At a girl, still know who owns you.”
    You swear you saw white when he made you cum, drool slipping down your face. It was only your second orgasm, but you knew they could get more out of you. As many as they pleased. There was a safe word in place, but in all the years you had known them, you never used it. They seemed to know your limits as well as you did. Before you could even properly come down Jeno was already kissing at your chest, sucking on your nipples as he edged himself inside. The noise that was heard as he pushed aside everyone else’s seed to get in, an all too familiar sound you did quite enjoy to hear.
“You’re already so full, baby, can you take more?”
“That’s what I like to hear.”
    These sheets were gonna need to be thrown out when you were all done. You were already creating such a mess, and it wasn’t much compared to other nights. At least not yet. Jeno was practically digging into you, pushing in as cum came out. They had all had their turns before, being first or last or in the middle, so they wouldn’t complain about what stage they got to you. There were five of them after all, so they had to be good about sharing. Jeno was eager to make you unwind, so he gave you plenty of attention elsewhere. Twirling around your clit with his fingers, seeing it get red and swollen, another hand on your hip, keeping you from escaping him. He did it well enough you came first, already so sensitive, and he soon followed.
    You felt so fucken full you swear you were gonna burst, but you were just out of practice. Yuta peppered you with kisses, telling you how well you were doing. His fingers dipped into your sloppy cunt, having you get a taste of it. You certainly didn’t expect him to kiss you after, but they didn’t just play around with you. They had each other after all. You were already so overstimulated and lost, Yuta was kind enough to give you a little break before taking what was rightfully his. He had no problem playing around with your cunt for a while before dipping into the mess. He fit in nicely, having a pretty good idea how to keep you happy despite your state. He was ruthless, just as frustrated as Jaehyun, taking it all out on you and sparking you back to life. You really missed them.
    Now either the orgasm or Yuta made you pass out, but either way, you blacked out for a while. When you came to you were lying on the floor with your legs up in the air, clearly having fallen off to the side of the bed. Although Jeno was happily sleeping on your tummy, sighing dreamily and clearly cozy. You giggled at the sight. Sometimes you really did forget they were all close to your age, and yet living such different lives. You let Jeno stay for a while before you realized this position was very uncomfortable. You poked Jeno’s face to make him open his eyes.
“Why didn’t you pick me up? Do you think this is comfortable?”
“You looked cute, almost like you were drunk.”
“But I’m not.”
“Well, maybe not drunk off alcohol.” Jeno giggled and got up. “We were all out of it.”
    You got up, sitting down properly, well aware that you were leaking cum all over the floor, but that wasn’t for you to worry about now. Some of the others were lying in bed, and you crawled up to join them, pressing lazy kisses to exposed skin. This was all a little break for everyone. The night was still young, and even if you were four orgasms in, it was just one for each of them. They were greedy, and would certainly get what they wanted out of you, whether you were conscious or not. Waking up with a cock inside you wasn’t new, but certainly something you could picture for a night like this.
    You didn’t actually wake up properly until the afternoon. After that you knew the next day would be nothing but a lazy day. Somehow you managed to get up and get into the shower, knowing you needed a deep clean. Although you dozed off until Yuta found you sitting in the tub. He had the energy to join you and help clean you up, which you were grateful for. You returned the favor as well, the two of you the first to eat lunch from room service, waiting around for the others. When you were well enough you stepped out of the penthouse so they could clean up, heading to a park to enjoy the weather and sun. 
    The rest of your little trip was like that. You had some more fun at night, but not too much. Besides, you’d be going off with your friends, and you didn’t need to be completely worn out. Overall it was a good trip, a good last trip, one you knew you’d never forget. When the time came they dropped you off back at Uni, wishing you well with your friends, asking you to let them know if you needed anything. You thanked them for the adventure, glad you could still have all that. It felt more authentic given that this was really you going out with them as friends, not getting paid for your company.
    Of course at some point your friends had to ask about your little trip. Anyone who knew you now knew about your sugar daddies, so there was no point lying about it. You spilled what you were comfortable with, and just enjoyed your time with them. You couldn’t believe this was your last spring break, but you were so happy to have them with you. It was hard to fall asleep Sunday night, knowing what awaited you the next day, but you had enough good memories to get you through the door. So come Monday morning, you weren’t actually dead as you got to class, unlike most of your peers.
    The professors weren’t all going to be kind, so it was back to work like before. This was the final stretch for you, focus and study hard, and you’d be graduating. A part of you couldn’t actually believe it, but you had to, you couldn’t fuck this up. So you put a lot off to the side, including the boys. You still texted them, but you couldn’t do any mini dates, and they were very understanding. Even if you were the one working your butt off, they were just as nervous and as excited as you were. Although all that focus distracted you from something that was just as important.
“Holy shit, I’m late.”
“I was due like last week. Fuck.”
“Aren’t you on the pill?”
“That’s not foolproof.”
“Fair. Are you sure it isn’t stress though? I’m pretty sure I’ve missed a period or two cause of classes.”
“I don’t think I have before…”
“Well you are gonna graduate in a month. That is if you pass your finals.”
“Don’t fucken jynx it!”
“I’m just saying. You’ve probably never been stressed like this before. Athletes wind up not having a period for months cause of the stress they’re under.”
“I’m not a professional athlete.”
“Then go buy a pregnancy test and see if one of your sugar daddies is gonna be a father.”
“I wouldn’t fucken tell them. We’ve always been careful.”
“Then it’s just the stress. Problem solved. Also, don’t you have class soon?”
“Fuck. I do. I’ll get a pregnancy test later.”
“Cool, see you later.”
    You really didn’t think you’d be pregnant. You were careful, for the last four years, and you were very sexually active. Mina had a point though, you were under a lot of stress with graduation, but you had to be sure. Thankfully instead of buying one you remember the boys had given you some when they got you the pills. After classes you returned and used one of the tests, relieved to see it came out negative. So it really was just stress, and you were quite amazed it could do that to your body. Regardless, that was one less thing to worry about.
    To a degree you did feel bad you couldn’t see the boys after spring break, it had been quite a trip considering it was the last, but your academics were important. They wished you luck with finals, and you were ready for the last major exams of your life. You waited anxiously for the results, overjoyed that you had passed, and you were going to graduate. You had to celebrate, doing so with your friends. It was only once things wound down that you called the boys wanting to share the news.
“So, how did it go?”
“I passed… I’m graduating!”
“I knew you could do it.” Jeno cheered. “Our baby is so smart.”
“We’ve got to celebrate.” Johnny added. “Shall we pick you up?”
“I’ve already been partying, and I’m kinda spent. Maybe tomorrow?”
“Nah, it’s okay, you should rest. Don’t drink so much, okay.”
“I haven’t had a drink, can’t risk becoming a drunk mess before I take the stage.”
“Can we take you shopping!” Yuta asked. “Get you a nice dress for graduation?”
“I’d love that actually. Perhaps the one thing you guys can get me that I’ll keep.”
“If we don’t rip it off you.”
“True. Tomorrow then, shopping day.”
“We can’t wait.”
    Shopping wasn’t something to make a big deal out of, but how could you all not be excited. You’d be walking across the stage in the outfit you bought today, it had to be perfect. Not to mention the five guys buying it might wanna destroy it later, so you had to get good pictures first.
“We were thinking, after the ceremony, we’d take you out to dinner.”
“The last dinner.”
“Of course.” Ten smiled. “If that’s okay.”
“Yeah. It seems like a fitting end for us.”
“You better not cry.”
“I won’t.”
“Hm, guess we’ll see about that.”
    The big day brought on a lot of nerves, you could barely sleep the night before. Although when the sun was up, you and Mina were already getting dolled up, and she loved your outfit.
“You look hot.”
“So you really can’t come with me for dinner.”
“I already promised the boys. It’s the last one. Besides, I wanna see what kind of graduation present they get me.”
“Oh, they’ll probably give you a lot of money. Maybe a house.”
“That’d be awesome.”
“You better tell me immediately.”
“I’m sure I won’t be able to keep it a secret from you, so don’t worry.”
    Even if you looked stunning, it was mostly hidden by the gown. Still, you looked incredible and you couldn’t believe you had made it to the end. When you headed to the ceremony you looked around taking it all in. Even if you wanted your family there, you knew things had come up so they couldn’t attend. It’s why you were so happy to see the boys, knowing they were there for you. Although they did embarrass you a bit, Jeno and Yuta having a big congratulations sign, the others swinging around noise makers. Of course it dragged to wait for your name, but when it was your turn up on the stage you had the biggest smile, finding the boys in the crowd to show off too.
    You had tears in your eyes, so happy that all your efforts hadn’t been in vain. The boys had made their way over to you, embracing you in their arms, congratulating you over and over again. They said your tears were cute, but they were very proud of you. They even had flowers and a graduation bear as a present for you. They wanted pictures too, so you did your best to get rid of the tears and fix your makeup. After celebrating with your other friends and seeing the ceremony to the end you headed off to eat. You weren’t really hungry from all the adrenaline, but it was your last meal with the guys, and a very important one at that.
“You looked so beautiful up there.” Johnny complimented. “Congratulations.”
“Thank you. I’m glad you could be there.”
“Us too.”
“So, what did you get me?”
“After you eat.” Ten said. “So be a good girl and have your fill.”
“I’ll burn a hole in your wallet tonight. Just watch.”
“I’d love to see you try.”
    There was something so peaceful about this meal, and exciting. They all asked about your plans going forward, what you wanted to do. Of course this was where you’d part ways, but you knew there was always a chance you’d run into each other again. Despite all the good things, you couldn’t help but wonder what your present was. After dessert they finally presented you with a little box. Now your heart was racing. It could be a key to a car or house, or maybe a card to a bank account they had made you. Still, you thanked them all and opened the box. Your smile faltered as you stared at the contents, dumbfounded.
“It’s… it’s a pregnancy test…”
“I… I don’t understand…”
“Well, you always talked about your future.” Jaehyun explained. “And how we weren’t a part of that. It really hurt, but you were right. So we figured we should include ourselves in your future.”
“I’m not… following…”
“You’re late, aren’t you?”
“Yes, but I took a pregnancy test already. It came out negative. The stress-”
“The one I gave you was fake.” Ten said. “It’s meant to come out negative.”
“What… what are you…”
“The best way to become a part of your future is for you to have our kid.” Yuta stated. “Of course we’re probably not gonna know which of us is the biological father, unless you had like quintuplets, but we can raise it together.”
“Of course we’ll cover all the expenses.” Johnny assured. “So you don’t have to worry about food, or a roof over your head, nothing. We’re gonna be a big happy family now.”
“You’re… you’re lying… you… I’m on the pill!”
“Those were also fake.” Jeno added. “A placebo thing, right? Like sugar.”
“You planned this!”
“How else were we gonna be part of your future?”
“Truth is we always imagined a future with you.” Ten admitted. “After about a year, we realized how great you were, how perfect you were for us. So when you suddenly broke it off, we couldn’t believe it, but you were also right. We never really let you know we wanted you, so that’s on us, but we’ve rectified that now.”
“You’re fucken lying!” You stood up. “You did not get me fucken pregnant!”
“Shall we go confirm that?”
    You were furious, and you hated that they were throwing this idea out so casually. You took the pregnancy test and stormed off to the bathroom. They had rented out the whole restaurant, so you didn’t have to worry about anyone else. You nervously used the test, scared to look at the results, but they were clear as day.
    The boys had followed you to the bathroom, cheering and letting off confetti poppers. You stayed frozen in shock, trying to process this.
“It’s wrong… the test…”
“You can try again.” Jaehyun threw more pregnancy tests on the floor. “Better to use more than one anyway.”
“You… you…”
“Even if there wasn’t a baby inside you right now.” Yuta explained. “We’d have plenty of time to impregnate you now that you’ve graduated.”
“No… no you’re all fucken nuts…”
    You threw the test in the trash and intended to leave, only for Johnny to grab your arm, holding you back. Jeno was all over your belly, grabbing it and making baby noises.
“Easy now, baby. Now that you’re carrying our kid, we gotta take special care of you.”
“I am not having this baby!”
“That’s not up for debate.”
“It’s my body! And you fucken-”
“You think you can just play with us for four years?!” Jaehyun grabbed your chin, making you face him. “Four years, baby doll. That’s a lot of time to fall in love with a beautiful body and the girl that inhabits it. We weren’t playing, and we’re not gonna let you either. Your future is ours.”
“Fuck you! I didn’t consent to this! I’m not-” Jaehyun’s grip got tighter. “Let go…”
“You gotta be careful baby, don’t want you hurting yourself or the kid. We have a nice place picked out where we can look after you.”
“Let go!”
“Listen closely, darling.” Ten had Jaehyun let you go, stepping before you. “If anything happens to that baby, you are going to pay dearly for it. And don’t get any silly ideas in your head, you’re still young and very fertile, we have no problem tying you up and breeding you every night if something happens. So be a good girl, and smile, you’re gonna be a mother.”
“You’re crazy!”
“And you’re very hormonal, must be the baby. We should get you home.”
“No, no! Fucken let me go!”
“I can’t wait for the pregnant waddle.” Jeno cheered. “You’re gonna get so big!”
“I wonder if it’ll be a boy or girl.” Yuta said. “Maybe there’s more than one in there!”
“That’d be so cool.” 
“We’re gonna be dads!”
“I can’t wait!”
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sooniessoulmate · 6 months
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🌹🌹𝔧𝔢𝔫𝔬 & 𝔥𝔞𝔢𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔫 𝔞𝔰 𝔶𝔬𝔲𝔯 𝔰𝔱𝔞𝔩𝔨𝔢𝔯🌹🌹
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𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔯𝔢𝔰𝔱 𝔬𝔣 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔪𝔢𝔪𝔟𝔢𝔯𝔰 𝔞𝔯𝔢 𝔠𝔬𝔪𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔰𝔬𝔬𝔫…
𝔚𝔄ℜ𝔑ℑ𝔑𝔊 : 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔯𝔢 𝔦𝔰 𝔰𝔢𝔵𝔲𝔞𝔩 𝔠𝔬𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔫𝔱 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔳𝔦𝔬𝔩𝔢𝔫𝔠𝔢. 𝔦𝔣 𝔱𝔥𝔞𝔱 𝔰𝔬𝔯𝔱 𝔬𝔣 𝔱𝔥𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔟𝔬𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔯𝔰 𝔶𝔬𝔲, 𝔭𝔩𝔢𝔞𝔰𝔢 𝔡𝔬𝔫’𝔱 𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔡
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neowonderland · 6 months
Summary: Jaemin is your guardian angel, at least that's what he says he is Pairings: Fallen Angel! Na Jaemin x reader Warnings: 18+, possessive behavior Wc: 0.5k
Disclaimer: this is a work of pure fiction. I do not condone the actions of any characters in this story and the actions do not reflect the idols in any way.
His name was Jaemin, at least that’s what he told you when you found him at your front door, brilliant white wings and halo gleaming when he greeted you with a charming smile. Jaemin was like a ray of bright light, so dazzling, warm and beautiful you could hardly focus on anything else. He said he was your guardian angel, watching over you and protecting you from all the cruel things in the world. 
You never questioned him and his motives for showing himself to you that day, at least not out loud. Jaemin didn’t let you either, pushing past you and welcoming himself into your home, touching your things and eventually falling asleep on your bed.
You really thought he would stay for just a day, but that day turned to two, then three, then a week, then a month. Jaemin’s stay at your home dragged on for longer and it didn’t seem as if he was leaving anytime soon. He was a nice roommate, always having a warm meal ready for you when you came back home, cleaning up your spaces until it was sparkling clean. He kept you company, talking to you and just staying by your side. But it was strange living with a random man, even if he was supposed to be your guardian angel.
The feelings you had towards Jaemin living with you were mixed. You felt bad for him, afraid that he wouldn’t find a place to stay besides your place, guilty for wanting him gone. He was kind and caring after all, which made your guilt all the worst. 
But, something tells you that Jaemin is hiding something.
You can see how Jaemin has changed over time, his affectionate and caring nature becoming overbearing. He’s touching you more, slithering under your clothes to touch your skin, stealing kisses that become longer and longer filled with an emotion you don’t want to decipher. When he does this, he always looks at you like he wants more, pupils blown wide but usually restraining himself. 
It doesn’t help that Jaemin tries to keep you with him at all times, always complaining when you leave the home, propositioning you to stay with him and joking that you should never leave his side. He always seems to know your location and who you’re with, criticizing the people you were with and the location you were at. It’s not uncommon for Jaemin to text you strings of messages while you’re out, asking when you’ll be back, complaining that he’s lonely, insulting your friends.
Visually, you can see him changing too. You can see his progression, his halo slowly becoming dull and some smaller, with spider-like cracks forming within the spotless surface, his feathers with speckles of black that have turned into splotches. Jaemin’s skin complexion looks less brilliant overall, more dull and gray compared to the first time you saw him. 
You don’t want to pry or push Jaemin to tell you, but the dimming of Jaemin’s light and warmth has you afraid of what Jaemin is slowly becoming. 
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yankpop · 1 year
Yandere NCT Masterlist
Be aware that these are fiction works made for entertainment purposes.
These are DARK/YANDERE works so READ THE WARNINGS at the beginning. I do not support any of these toxic behaviours.
Reader is always female. 
◼  You say you hate him ( Mafia! Taeyong )
You tell you captor that you hate him and that was not a good idea.
◼ You try to break up ( Johnny ) 
Your attempt of breaking up with your boyfriend doesn’t go so well.
◼ He cheats on you (Jaehyun) 
You catch your boyfriend Jaehyun cheating and try to leave him, but things take a surprising turn. (Requested)
◼ He meets you  (Jisung)
Short and older Y/N (Requested) 
◼ He breaks in (Haechan) + Part 2 
Haechan gets tired of waiting for you, so he breaks into your apartment.
◼ Sweet moment (Shotaro) 
Just a small sweet moment between you and Shotaro (requested)
◼ He’s an online stalker (Taeil)  + Part 2
You have a very dedicated online stalker and he’s not going anywhere.
◼ Voyeur Yuta 
Yuta has a thing for spying you from afar. (Requested)
◼ Hurting himself for your attention (Jeno)
You help out a friend who’s hurt by an accident, but little do you know that it was no accident.
◼ You go on a date with someone else (Jaemin) 
Your best friend doesn’t take it lightly when you lie to him about going on a date with someone else.
◼ OT6 (Dream)
Taeyong tries to get between you and the boys and that’s something they won’t tolerate.
◼ Overprotective during your pregnancy (Kun) 
Your “husband” wants your unborn baby to be healthy and for that, he’s willing to manipulate you until he gets what he wants.
College Universe 
◼ Bully Mark + Part 2 + Part 3 + Part 4 + Part 5 + Part 6
Mark wants to take you to prom and he won’t take no as an answer (Requested)
◼ ?
◼ You only speak English
◼ When you wear revealing clothes 
◼ You fake being sick 
◼ You lie to them 
◼ You ask them for a pregnancy test 
◼ You’re dating another member 
◼ Forcing you to marry them
◼ Fake chats #1
◼ You curse at him (Make a wish unit)
◼ You’re on birth control (Make a wish unit) 
◼ You hurt them to escape (Let’s play ball unit) 
◼ You want to become an idol (Let’s play ball unit) 
◼ You realize how toxic they are (90′s Love unit) 
◼ Other member notices his yandere behavior (From Home Unit) 
◼ Not wanting them to hold you 
MTL (Most to Least) 
◼ To kidnap you (Dream) 
◼ To become controlling fast (Dream) 
◼ To spoil his s/o (127)
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neobomb · 11 months
give into things i (dont) want to [lee haechan] - the sequel
bully! (yandere) stalker! Haechan x innocent! virgin! church girl!reader Part of the give into things i (dont) want to series. please read part 1 before reading this Word Count: 1.6k [Pt.1] [Pt.2] Warnings: dark and triggering content, mature themes, toxic/inappropriate behaviour, manipulation, forcing??, choking & breathplay?, hair pulling, unprotected sex, corruption kink, noncon, fingering, creampie, loss of virginity, MDNI, smut smut smut Summery: bully!Haechan is secretly in love with you and loves pulling your hair bc it feeds into his perverted fantasies. btw, donghyuk is haechan's real name. donghyuk, hyuk and haechan are all haechan. for the one person who wished to be tagged: @got-sum-badhabits © 2023 @neobomb. Unauthorized copying, translation, manipulation, or alteration of this work is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved.
“Please, Donghyuk, stop...” Haechan gently breaks the kiss, his eyes locking with yours in a tender gaze. His fingers delicately weave through your hair, brushing the strands that softly kiss your shoulders. Tears wells in your eyes as he tightens his fist in your hair, tugging harshly until you hiss through gritted teeth, your eyes looking up at him with the same innocence he is awfully familiar with.
“I stole your first kiss, didn’t I?” he says as his lips form a deranged smile. You find yourself in a state of paralysis, words eluding your grasp, unable to sculpt the sentence you so desperately seek. You muster all your willpower, attempting to dodge his lustful gaze by avertedly turning your head down. 
“Too bad you can’t take it back now.” he says, yanking your head up, letting a loud intake of air grace through your lips. His hands make its way down your shoulders and up to your delicate throat, his thumb brushing the wounded areas marked by his fingerprints. 
“It’s too easy.” he inspects his work on your throat, feeling how the skin gently rises as you gulp in nervousness. He is accustomed to your episodes of panic, especially when he would hold you up against your locker, but never had he seen it manifest quite like this.
“that I can just take your life away in a heartbeat if I wanted to.” His fingers intertwined tightly, securing a firm grip around your throat once again. He grins with delight as your eyes widen, your body shaking erratically from fear. 
“God, you’re so pretty like this” he says, tightening his grip around your neck. “Even with your short hair you look so fucking pretty.” Despite his dislike for your decision to change your haircut to suit Jaehyun's tastes, your beauty remains undeniable. After all, it was your radiant beauty that drove him crazy, making him go to immeasurable extents to gain your attention. Even with your life in his hands at play, deep down, Haechan knows that you’re the one in control. 
“Strip for me, baby” he whispers into your ears, making shivers travel down your spine. “If you want me to spare your life, you do as I say” he reminds you. You have no choice but to slowly bring your hands up to the collar of your shirt, undoing the buttons one by one. As your fingers graze the final button, a brief pause of hesitation halts your movements, but his tightening grip around your neck tells you to continue. 
You let your white button-up shirt drop to the floor, leaving you in your slightly see-through lace bra that compliments your skin tone perfectly. His favorite, he thinks to himself. Haechan pauses, taking the opportunity to truly observe you up close—a contrast to the distant glimpses through your bedroom window he's been accustomed to until now. His dick becomes painfully hard at the sight.
You slowly bring your hands to your back, struggling to find the hook of your bra clasp. Without hesitation, Haechan moves swiftly, his free hand goes behind your back to undo your bra before you let it slip off of your shoulders and down to the floor. You feel awfully exposed in front of him. Instinctively, you bring your hands up in an attempt to shield your body from his gaze. 
“Don’t hide from me, baby” Immediately, he brings your arms behind your back, locking them in place by your wrists. “Now, take off that skirt of yours without hiding from me.” he demands, releasing his grip around your wrists, letting you slowly push down your skirt and panties onto the floor in one swift move.  
He pauses, allowing himself to fully appreciate the breathtaking view of your completely naked body. He makes sure to scan every inch of your body with his eyes, making sure to commit every detail to memory with deliberate care. The feeling of your body so close to his will remain etched in his mind.
“Perfect baby, you look so fucking perfect.” he whispers before stealing another lustful kiss from your lips, hand still around your neck until this very moment. With his free hand, softly cupping your clit, brushing one finger up and down until your pussy starts to glisten from the wetness that forms. You desperately try to muffle your moans into the kiss while pressing your thighs together from the discomfort. 
“So pure, so untouched. All for me to destroy.” he whispers as his lips make their way down your body, ensuring that visible love bites mark every place his lips have visited. He releases his hands from your neck, restoring the rhythm of your breath to its natural, steady pace. To your relief, you’re no longer suffocating. 
Just as his lips were almost brushing against your clit, you gather every shred of valor and prepare to voice your thoughts. “You’re a pervert” Your speech stumbles and gets trapped in your throat while your chest begins to heave with quick, irregular breaths at the realization of his actions. 
“What a big mouth you got, baby girl?” he says, his eyes lift to meet yours, wide with astonishment. “I was about to go easy on you, baby. I wanted to make you cum with my lips.” Immediately, you regret ever saying those words, pressing yourself more firmly against the wall, wishing to simply vanish into nothingness.
“I won’t be gentle now” your eyes widen before he grabs you and pins you to your desk, leaving your ass up in the air for him to smack. For a moment, he stares at your naked ass, brushing his fingers over the red handprint he just made. He spits into your hole to lubricate it before leaning over you and lining his length up with your hole. Without any warning, he pushes his dick into you in one swift move. You sob, eyes tightly shut from the discomfort.
You feel tight, wet and warm around his cock. He can’t help but push until he settles balls deep inside of you, wanting nothing more than for you to feel every inch of him before he starts moving at an uncomfortable fast pace. He tips his head back to the ceiling, and moans your name.
“Fuck… Pussy so tight…” His voice was strained with arousal as your nails dig into your desk. Moans progressively loader as the speed of his thrusts increased. The contents of your desk cascade onto the floor as a result.
“Hyuk, it hurts…” you say in desperation. The sweetness in your voice gets him to rub circles on your clit, to which you force yourself to focus on rather than the constant painful stretch. His hips are still slapping into your ass loudly at a brutal pace, making you squirm below him. He is making it clear that he intends to show you no mercy. He wouldn’t be able to hold back even if he wanted to.
“Stay still.” he growls as he brings his hand from your clit to further press your upper body to the wooden surface of your desk. He feels your juices mixed with a hint of blood in a diluted reddish color, oozing out of you, coating his cock with every thrusts. Just from feeling your pussy pulse around him, he is certain of your growing ease.
“You want to be Jaehyun’s so bad, huh?” he hiss, knowing that his thrusts get sloppier. The pleasure has now turned you into a crying mess and you could do nothing but let him ram his dick into you. “What would Jaehyun think when he sees you beneath me like this?” he leans forward to tell you. Even though he is extremely close to reaching his own climax, he forces himself to keep the rhythm steady, determined to make you reach yours first.
“You’re mine. I’m gonna keep you like this forever.” he says. From the gratifying hum that just escaped your lips, he is convinced that you have surrendered to the thought. And with a few more thrusts, your eyes roll back as you grasp for something to ground you. He grabs a tight hold on your hips, nails digging into your skin to keep you from escaping your orgasm. 
He watches you come undone, feeling your walls clam down on his cock. He can’t help but completely stand still, observing your trembling body. He leans down and whispers “Don’t move”. 
You twist your head to catch a glimpse of him, your gaze awkwardly angled to the side. With each passing moment, his sense of relief grew, sensing your surrender. He could feel the weight of your defeat and the shame of realizing you were powerless against it. How pathetic, he thinks to himself.
“Look at you.” he growls as his hips start to move again, pounding his length in and out of you. 
“I can break you so easily” He released a deep, guttural groan. Soon enough, you feel his cock twitch against your walls as he starts to fill you, making certain that his cum is securely pushed in the depths of your womb. Slowly, he pulls his softening dick out with such precision that not a droplet dares to spill out of you.
"You belong to me now" Haechan remarks, his smile carrying an unsettling edge,  recognizing the helplessness in your eyes. The gleam of amusement in his expression was unmistakably genuine.
At this very moment, you have given into his deep desires. Haechan finally gets his way after all... like he always does....
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writingzen · 1 year
KISSES ♡‧ ⁺彡
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✧ pairing- dojaejung x reader
✧ summary-type of kisses with dojaejung
✧ warnings- kissing (obviously), suggestive touching, use of “good girl”, teasing, etc
✧ A/N- In honor of dojaejung debuting, here’s this. I know I’m really fucking late but take it anyway, please. Anyway, stream perfume and kiss by dojaejung, just stream the whole album. (Not really proofread)
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Doyoung- Passionate and sensual. Likes to take the lead and assert his control when he’s kissing. He definitely knows how to kiss too and puts a lot of feeling into it. He especially knows what you like and uses that to his advantage, making you as submissive as possible, a good girl if anything. He would want to take it slow at first and make every second feel absolutely surreal, kissing you tenderly, feeling every emotion he feels before speeding up while still having that sweetness to it, making you desperate for more, wanting you to crave him like he craves you. Sometimes he even wants you to try and take the lead, just so he can tease you and take it right back because he knows he always can. His hands cup your waist as your lips melt Into his, settling on his lap, slowly grinding as a groan plays off his lips. He smirks, before stopping your hips harshly, your mouth gapes, a gasp escaping as he bites in your lower lip. “What’s wrong baby? Can’t take it?”
Jaehyun- slow and passionate. I feel like jae takes his time with things, he doesn’t feel the need to rush. But not in a boring way, but In a he just knows he can satisfy you either way-way. So if he wants to keep it slow, it’s going slow. He knows how to keep you on your toes while making you feel more desperate for him as the kisses deepen, keeping you hooked, addicted. He’s also handsy, loves the feeling of his hands on you, touching you softly and harshly at the same time. His lips connecting to yours slowly, tilting his head to the side, gaining more access to let his tongue wetly glide in before parting, leaving to your neck where he slowly leaves rose pink marks while his hands cup your waist in place, stopping any unwanted movements from you. “Y/n” he breathes out, his lips coming to meets your again, lingering over your now bruised lips and though you are just millimeters away, he doesn’t lean in, he doesn’t even try to kiss you as you chase his lips. A smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth as he speaks again teasingly but softly “y/n~” repeating your name, taking it apart slowly, like he’s learning it for the first time, like he can’t think of a better word.
Jungwoo- I think jungwoo is the type to start off playful and sweet. Sharing small pecks and soft giggles before he takes the chance to speed up. Getting rougher and passionate as it continues. Hands roaming your body, touching you in ways you can only dream of as your lips move in sync. As he continues to speed it, the kiss quickly gets messier and messier allowing a fuck ton of tongue to happen and lets out the most lewdest nosies he can make. He’ll let you know how he’s feeling, let’s you know that he likes it and wants more. He 100% whines and rambles in between kisses as his hands pull you close, body against his, wanting you so much closer than possible, desiring every part of you. He pulls back, leaving wet kisses on your neck and collar bones, coloring purple marks against your skin before whispering sweet words as a whine escapes his lips, “please, more”
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When we watch anime, we encounter a rich tapestry of characters, each one embodying a specific archetype, a trait, or a stereotype. However, few character types have captured the imagination and morbid fascination of fans quite like the yandere. At first glance, they might seem like the ideal partner – loving, attentive, and utterly devoted. But, hidden beneath that veneer of affection lies a dark undercurrent of obsession, madness, and sometimes, violence. As we journey into the world of the yandere, tread lightly, for love here isn't just blind—it's often dangerous. Join us as we delve deeper into the psyche of some of anime's most iconic yandere characters, exploring the twisted love stories and the fine line between passion and possession.
1 Yuno Gasai from "Mirai Nikki" (Future Diary): Yuno's extreme love and obsession for Yukiteru Amano are central to the story.
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2 Kotonoha Katsura from "School Days": Kotonoha's descent into madness due to her love for Makoto Ito is one of the most memorable aspects of the series.
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3 Shion Sonozaki from "Higurashi no Naku Koro ni" (When They Cry): Driven to madness by her love for Satoshi Houjou.
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4 Rena Ryuuguu from "Higurashi no Naku Koro ni" (When They Cry): While not a traditional yandere, her intense behavior, especially in certain arcs, qualifies her for the list.
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5 Satou Matsuzaka from "Happy Sugar Life": Her obsession with Shio Kobe, a young girl she believes to be her one true love, defines her character.
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6 Kurumi Tokisaki from "Date A Live": Her yandere tendencies are especially evident when she's around the protagonist, Shido Itsuka.
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7 Ayase Aragaki from "Oreimo" (My Little Sister Can't Be This Cute): While more of a yangire (a character who snaps suddenly out of jealousy or irritation), her obsessive tendencies can't be ignored.
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8 Kaede Fuyou from "Shuffle!": Once the truth about her past surfaces, her yandere nature becomes clear.
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9 Misa Amane from "Death Note": Her obsessive love for Light Yagami and willingness to do anything for his sake place her in the yandere category.
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10 Sekai Saionji from "School Days": Her actions, particularly towards the end of the series, reveal her yandere nature.
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As we conclude our journey into the captivating realm of yanderes, it's evident that these characters are more than mere vessels of madness and obsession. They embody the age-old debate of how far one might go for love and at what cost. Their stories serve as cautionary tales, reminding us of the thin line between affection and fixation, devotion and domination. While the yandere archetype may be a product of fictional storytelling, their essence resonates with many, leaving an indelible mark on the anime community. We may not always agree with their methods or their motives, but the yandere's complex blend of love, fear, and fervor will continue to intrigue and haunt us long after the screen fades to black.
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fics-lovebot · 1 year
nct fic recs
main masterlist
· · ♡ · · tysm to the amazing creative minds of the writers for giving me sevaral moments of joy reading your creations
i´ll be constantly updating this list so make sure to check it out often for new recs ;)))
pls remember to reblog if you like any of my recs❤️
whats mine its yours - ft. the dreamies, haechan is tired lmao, an intervention needed to happen bc mark was doing the most, he´s just awkward and in love tbh, trying to be a real gentleman bc reader is drunk, they´re into each other a lot but mork is just a nervous drunk mess, cuteeee
sex ban - smut, mark it losing it fr dslfkjhlsdh "He wasn't sure if he was just thinking with his dick, but it felt like you were trying to push him to his limit." you deff were lmao
right where i left you - ANGSTY AFFF, cheating au, break up au, no happy ending, this made me cRY AT 3AM!!, it has 2 parts
pancakes - dad!jungwoo, pregnant!reader, just another everyday morning with his daughter, it´s cute
bus stop - fluff, love at first sight kinda, it´s short but it´s a sweet read
naughty boy - fluff, suggestive, established relationship, he is proud of his hickeys, goofy ahh
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