#need to draw a billion fanarts NOW
bimbusbobus · 8 months
I can see on your profile about things you like one of them is Deltarune chapter 1 but what about chapter 2?
Deltarune chapter 1 is an incredible, beautiful, and really cozy game that I have an extremely deep emotional connection with. It’s a wonderful story that just ticks every single box in my head, and I always get a nice warm feeling when I think about it. It has my favorite music. It has my favorite characters. It has Susie and Ralsei’s near-perfect chemistry (they work so well off of each other). It has SUSIE’S FREAKIN’ CHARACTER ARC. It has the freakin’ “Field of Hopes and Dreams” song, my favorite music track out of anything ever. Its story is something I constantly think back to, something that left me as a changed person by the end. Something that I will never forget for as long as I live. There’s so much more than that, and honestly, there’s just no contest. I know no one else in the world feels this way, but… Deltarune chapter 1 is my favorite thing ever.
Deltarune chapter 2 is a phenomenal game that I do not feel emotional about at all. It’s hilarious. It’s got Spamton, the Queen, Noelle, you name it. But none of these characters, nor the areas, nor the music, really made me FEEL as much as chapter 1 did.
That’s all I have to say about that, though. It’s pretty tough for me to ramble about stuff I’m not passionate about. Plus, if I talked any more it’d just be a bunch of half-hearted nitpicks, so…
Deltarune chapter 1 is love, Deltarune chapter 1 is life.
🎵Don’t forget… I’m with you in the dark.
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keeps-ache · 4 months
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okay, cool cool cool
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missmisnomer · 1 year
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i’ll not ever let anything hurt any of you, ever again.
Who's the real monster haunting the narrative? Find out for yourself: read The Lemonade Leak on AO3.
I believe this delightful little child belongs to you, @turtleinsoup?? 💙
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kc-art-stuff · 1 year
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shenhe's motorcycle riding opera singer gf smh
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fleouriarts · 1 year
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drew this cute little screenshot i had from feud 8... i really care them
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(I have been trying to write this post for a while, but it keeps coming out like a sob story, and it is really not that deep jkfdgkj
So I am just going to say it, bc you guys know I love to ramble for ages, and I need some opinions
1 year of this blog is tomorrow (or today depending on how long I take to write this kjldfg), and I really do appreciate you all being here - if you have been here since the beginning, or just followed recently - if you've sent an ask, liked, reblogged, shared with a friend, theorised, made fanart, or followed me to my art blog and watched me make (and continue to make) a billion clones, anything; thank you
I made this blog on a whim, only like a week after getting into Pizza Tower, and I had no idea it would turn into what it is now
Of course, in the beginning there were a lot of actual posts, like with backgrounds and multiple characters, and I'd post several times a day if I could - and while I was having fun, it was not ideal - I'd frequently post at 7am after spending all night working on a post then I'd pass out, I'd forgo eating or showering just to draw, and I had wrecked my wrist several times, and continue to push pass the pain just to post
It wasn't just hyperfixation, it was obsession - much easier to realise that in retrospect
I was also medicated at the time, I had been on antidepressants for 3 years, so around April (I think) I ran out of meds and was unable to get more due too third party issues/unable to get in contact with my doctor/etc (and unbeknownst to me at the time, the last two packs I had were expired) - so I am sure you can imagine the sort of affect suddenly going cold turkey on the med that make you not wanna die has on a person - I was not doing great to put it lightly
But I still wanted to continue - so many people had praised me on the frequency of posts, and how excited they were and all this validation - I couldn't let people down! (Also I was, and still am, a disabled shut-in loser with no friends, posting is like the only social interaction I had/have kdfgkgfd)
But I think I did - I intimidated myself out of drawing main posts with how much work they were, started the intermission even though I said I shouldn't, had no script or direction and that I was not 100% invested in to try to motivate myself back into main posts, and it was just easier to draw silly ooc posts than do the thing I really wanted to do instead
Of course, this is not any of you guys' fault - I have always had this issue of starting something, it getting way bigger than I can manage, crashing and then just unable to get going again - I have so many unfinished comics, half-done projects and abandoned askblogs it's not even funny - but it's also like, not the end of the world, if I don't finish things I start for fun - sure, I'll feel guilty as hell for a while, but life moves on
So that being said, I would still very much like to continue the story here - I have been working on some stuff in the background (I even updated Pep's reference in the last few days, with a ton of new stuff), but I still don't think it's gonna be soon - I am doing somewhat better than I was, and I actually have an appointment for with my doctor finally (I will probably have to do some reassessments since they can't just put me back on the meds, after not having them for almost a year, and then I'd have to probably get reaccustomed to side effects etc), so despite it all I am still here
I am not sure if I want to continue the intermission with Bean and Fiend at this time - I know a few folks enjoyed it (mostly bc Fiend kjsdfkj) - but as mentioned previously it was unplanned, unscripted, and I was quickly not feeling it, as I am sure some of you guys were too - the intention was for Fiend to give you guys another hint to the main story, but getting to that point was not fun - I might do a poll on this in a separate post
I also mentioned a while back that I would be cutting down the Big Post into smaller posts, and posting as and when parts were done - but once again, do not expect these soon - (although there is a very late Valentines post coming hopefully soon)
And I think that should hopefully be it for now - I know this is a huge post, and probably still a bit sob story-ish, but oh well - I also know that the hype for Pizza Tower had unfortunately died down significantly, but I'm still working on PT stuff on my art blog @smalltimidbean if you wanna see more silly things (and maybe some lore for here hehe)
It is also the first now, so happy birthday Pep
Okay, thank you, and see you later)
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hardwiredweird · 11 months
Can you explain how AI is different from human artists learning from other artists? Or why AI isn't okay but fanart is?
While these are super loaded questions, I will answer this as if you are asking in good faith.
Don't make me regret this.
So, these are two different questions with two different sets of answers. I will answer the second question first, because that is easy and very solidly anchored in the copyright law already:
Fanart, legally, is not okay. Literally, fanart is copyright infringement.
The reason why it is generally considered alright is two-fold:
One because the people making the fanart (so the ones taking the copyrighted characters and transforming them) mostly don't do it commercially and if they do, it usually is on such a small scale and in a way that there is no way that they would compete with the original copyright holder (all of these are points which are codified in the law under Fair Use).
And that brings us to two: While the copyright holder could STILL demand take downs they usually don't (even if it is their legal right) because most companies realise that fanart is free advertisement.
And there is the big crux of the matter: Artists ARE making use of their right as the copyright holders to demand that their copyrighted material is not used for a commercial product (because that is what most image generators are!) which directly competes with them.
Now, to answer your first question:
Even specialists in the field of machine learning will concede that, no, computers do NOT learn like humans. And everyone who says so is either grossly oversimplifying things or actively, maliciously misrepresenting the issue.
Ignoring the fact that the machine does not learn my itself, but that it needs humans to do the learning and classification for it, humans always interpret, while a machine can only ever make copies.
It's the difference between drawing yourself and making a photo collage with random snippets and pasting it roughly where it makes sense.
There is no interpretation, no INTENT behind any machine creation and the results are only given meaning by whoever looks at it. It's finding shapes in clouds.
Here, too, scale is a factor: I, as an artist who studies photos and other artists' works, can only do so at a certain pace. I'm fast, but not billions of images taken in and put out fast. There is no way a single artist, or even a small group of artists, will ever be able to study so many pieces and be able to put out so much work that it puts EVERY OTHER ARTIST out of work.
And that is the issue. It is a borderline monopoly issue that is based in a massive case of billions of copyright infringements.
When we say "theft" we don't mean LITERAL theft. The theft we're talking here is the same as wage theft.
Does an employer actively go in and steal the money out of their employee's pocket? No. But they are taking their labour without the intent of paying them for it.
That is the exact same form of theft artists are facing here.
Against our will, our works are used for a, and I repeat, COMMERCIAL PRODUCT that makes millions and billions of dollars and actively puts entire creative industries out of business.
If you don't see a problem with that, I don't know how to help you.
Image generators SOLELY benefit the already rich. It is monopolising art as a career into the hands of very few.
On the backs of our labour.
That's the difference.
That's the issue.
And we have asked nicely for our work not to be used. We have begged and pleaded with the companies. We have tried to explain the issue and they do not care. Even those companies who allow opt out make it nearly impossible to do so, putting even more strain on those people they have harmed.
The law is working too slowly, slow enough that by the time we have regulations the field of creative work might have forever changed for the worse.
And there really is no "just git gud" argument here, as many are implying. Because companies and the billionaires that run them really don't care about quality as long as they can get it cheap and fast. And no artist who wants to survive can put out enough art to compete with Image Gens. It doesn't matter that the generated pictures have mistakes or plain make no sense. If it's cheaper than a human, they will use it.
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vampiremeerkat · 10 months
I kinda need some advice (if you're comfortable giving), how does one keep their cool/sanity in the hellish atmosphere that is fandom nowadays? I really wanna get back to fanart and stuff as purely a hobby (and it was a huge part of my childhood) but considering how much of a warzone it is nowadays, I dunno if I can. Got anything?
Don't think I'm the right person to ask, I've not had that many entanglements with fellow fans throughout my online career. It's easy to assume that's because my overall viewership/online presence is low, but I've had the occasional semi-viral success and always enjoyed more praise than "criticism". I'd say fandoms in general are lenient and supportive, but every and any kind of community in the world has an insufferable minority. They shout and have alot of time on their hands, making it seem like you're dealing with a crowd, but that's never the case. Even if hundreds of people jump you, billions walk the Earth; it's not even a fraction of a percent you've displeased. But here's an actual answer to your question: In short:
Choose your fandoms wisely.
Don't overstay your welcome by sticking with one.
Don't join any online communities or participate in ongoing discourse. You're only here to draw.
Train yourself to understand that nothing in life fucking matters anyway. :(
In long: I switch my focus alot. If I attract fans of a particular fandom, but the next thing I show off is less likely to tickle their interest, most will leave again, and it's kinda protecting me from growing an unsettlingly invested fanbase. Praise and attention never motivated me to stick around with one series for long, because I know what's waiting around the corner and don't want to be known as "the <insert this one piece of media here> artist", anyway. Look at my nonsense and go away, I just want to die alone! I'm also not active at any online forums and rarely look up and comment on other people's work. Spares you alot of "who asked you"-styled responses. I might've not when I was younger, but agree with the sentiment now. Unless you come across something criminal, why intrude on someone else's fun. Grumble about it on your account if you must, but don't take it to theirs.. even though it's valid to argue that posting something online is an automatic invitation for others to critique it, especially when you don't apply any form of visibility restrictions. I don't really care to discuss ideas with fellow fans. Weird claim, since my Tumblr exists, but I started this account to post Deviantart stuff. People showed up one day and started asking questions about the fandoms I've been involved in (or haven't), but it's not my hobby to get deep about a fictional property. Without getting instigated, anyway. I think about a question's subject as I read the words, do my best to dissect the whole thing and not throw around one-sentence replies, but seldom have the answer ready in my head. The3Eds was the only forum I enjoyed myself at, and the things I talked about over there barely had anything to do with Ed, Edd n Eddy. In the end, no one will be able to offer you one foolproof strategy on this matter. There've been many artists in the past who minded their business and were slaughtered by strangers. You need to be the kind of person who doesn't take online verbal abuse to bed. That's hard to do if you're looking for validation. You could avoid large fandoms that are known to attract the overly defensive and offensive, but if you have to tiptoe through life for others, what's even the point. Know that the internet is a luxury you don't have to participate in. Log off for a week or so if you're feeling down, or alternatively, delete all comment notifications indiscriminately as you keep on doing your thing.. unless you insist on deleting negative comments, but I don't think you should. Why stop people from embarrassing themselves in public. I don't think I've ever deleted comments, unless it's copy-pasted stuff/spam, because what often happens is that the poster regrets and deletes it themselves. I suppose that has value too. Allow that shit to stay alive, so the poster may one day return to it and potentially realise they're better than that. It's easier to keep your calm when you humanize your critics, if you can. The way a person expresses themselves may be trash, but what is it they're saying, and can the reason be empathized with? Sometimes you're dealing with someone who's obviously a child. I struggle to get angry at people under the age of 20. But really -and more importantly- no one should waste their time on fighting fellow fans when it concerns an issue that's objectively not important, you have better things to do. Try to close your eyes for it, it's seldom personal, even if the attacks try to be. People can pretend, but they don't know you and never will.
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nanoa1foryou · 9 months
Tagged by @glamorousdrama <3 <3
Star sign: One of them.
Favorite holiday: Idk man. World children's day. Or women's day. Those are pretty dope.
Last meal: Vegetable noodle stir fry. Unfortunately it didn't turn out as great as the one I made before with chicken.
Current favorite musician: Currently? Käärijä, with Bess as a close second.
Last music listened to: Riivattu by Bess is in my head right now so I guess we'll go with that. I may have ended my cooking session on Portrait of a Blank Slate by Lovejoy.
Last movie watched: Pirates of the carribean 3: at world's end. I suggested pirates, sister suggested the third one. A team effort on that.
Last TV show watched: Hannibal. Finished it and then watched the first episode again.
Last book/fic finished: Hot damn, haven't finished anything in a while. Most likely some fic, but I'm pretty sure out of books it is some social work theory book. Wish I had time to read more of those, they're really interesting, especially anything from a multicultural perspective.
Last book/fic abandoned: Any of my academic books really. Just no time to finish any of it.
Currently reading: Still going strong on Nabokov's Lolita (have not read a page in months). Also started up on the tenth book in the Fazbear frights series. Friendly Face is promising but I'm scared (hah) something bad will happen to the cat, so I am mentally preparing myself.
Last thing researched for writing/art/hyperfixation: I spent like good while looking at dozens of pictures and gifs of Bojan Cvjetićanin to get the curve of his eyelids right. Drawing is fun like that.
Favorite online fandom memory: I look fondly back on a lot of my fandom memories. Though nothing has had quite the same effect as this past year with the Kääryleet. I'll say the mcytsexyman brackets. That was a good time.
Wait no, I just remembered! There used to be a weekly post on the Dice Camera Action subreddit relating to the newest episode. And I just loved how engaged and wonderful and welcoming that whole fandom was. The fics, the theories, the fanart! It was such a shame to see it get so abandoned when things got tough. I've been enjoying seeing the resurgance, now that the dust has had time to settle.
Favorite Old Fandom You Wish Would Drag You Back In/Have A Resurgence: All my old fandoms have dragged me back these past few years, from Jedward to Fnaf. What am I supposed to do now?
Honestly, I'm just waiting for mcc to pull me back in.
Favorite Thing You Enjoy That Never Had an Active or Big "Fandom" but You Wish It Did: Sekasin. It's such a good series, I love it to bits.
Tempting Project You're Trying to Rein In/Don't Have Time For: I have a picture of Bess on my desk waiting for me to keep drawing. And then my billion other hobbies that obviously also need to be picked up. Most of all maybe the lace bed spread. Fucking forever project, that one.
Tagging: @reunalordi @isapun @zomb1edude @darkerthanblack-666 @khihi @ominousmotion
No pressure, just having fun!
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ormspryde · 1 year
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So a while back I posted a series of progress pictures of this simple animated fanart of Sephiroth, and I had the thought of making a post with all the images together, but I never did. Now, it's four thirty in the morning and this is what I feel like doing apparently.
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So this is the still image I started with. Nothing really fancy, just simple blobs of color that I got a wild hair and decided to animate.
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I decided to animate four strands of hair, so I started by drawing guides for the simple animation I wanted to do. This was before I knew about the onion skinning feature in aseprite, which allows you to see the frame before and after the one you're animating. That would have been helpful to know before I started this project, but instead I used about a billion years of trial and error to get something that looked at least mildly flowy
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This next picture is after another billion or so years of flipping back and forth to see if the hair animation looked at least mildly smooth. Like I said, it would've been nice to know about onion skinning before I spent so long animating hair, but I kind of just jumped into this project with both feet.
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Here I added a larger blob of purple to serve as a guide so I could draw in the main bulk of Sephiroth's hair. I didn't bother making it very refined, since that could come later. (ignore the coat, I had to recreate this image later)
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My first attempt at animating the larger bulk of his hair. As you can tell, I had some editing to do; the hair keeps changing in length from frame to frame, and it also kind of wobbles on top of his head. From here on, it's just kind of refining the thing.
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This is where I edited the larger portion of Sephiroth's hair, both to keep it from looking like it's wobbling around on top of his head, and to try and stop it from changing in length. The smaller strands keep moving around on top of his head, so those need to be edited too.
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This is after I edited the strands to keep them in line with his head and thickened them up some so they didn't look like individual hairs being blown around.
After this, I animated the coat to make it look like the wind was affecting it too, which didn't take too long. (nice, since I was already dying from this project)
Overall I think it came out nice for something I made while having basically no idea what the hell I was doing.
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yisanged · 1 year
we have to do this big project in english which is to make a creative piece like a painting or song or something like that that showcases elements of existentialism. it's a bit of a weird project but i don't have time to think too hard about it it's worth a lot of points and it's due pretty soon considering the scale of it plus the ten billion other assignments she gives us every week. i think i might just draw meursault limbus fanart lol. while i'm still in a limby mindset for my seminar extra cred essay. we need to obviously display 3 out of 8 elements of existentialism we talked about it in class and just the basic ego image of meursault in his cell solidly covers 6 of them. all 8 of you twist and stretch a little. even the book he's from the stranger by camus was entirely about existentialism. dude is the existentialist poster boy. now i just have to figure out how to defend "fanart of a video game where characters that are heavy references to notable pieces of literature but there's also turn-based fighting and gacha" to my english teacher. also gregor based off metamorphosis is in limbus and we're reading metamorphosis right now it's the entire reason we're talking about existentialism. so that's kind of awkward that i'm not doing him. but it's ok
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nerice · 2 years
oc ask meme! 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, and 47!
*rolls up my sleeves all the fucking way* let me introduce u to so many freaks. also linking my oc page again here not everyone's on there but for refrance!!!! this got long so im actually using the humble readmore function for once but im gonna showcase one answer up here and that is:
has anyone drawn fanart of your ocs? if yes, maybe show a picture or two here (remember sources & permissions!)
i love all the art you n charlotte have drawn but this pic you did of reina. man (i cry everytime i look at it, she's SO BEAUTIFUL here you got her down better than i have ever drawn her <33333)
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first oc ever: a young girl who gets her throat taken out by a big cat at a circus performance; who is now a young boy called honey who gets his throat taken out by kizuna while he wanders the swamplands searching for his brother! :D
personal favourite oc: absolutely without any doubt or competition whatsoever this goes to sky lmao. rabbit daughter of my life <33333
have you ever adopted a character or gotten a character from someone else? nope! all organically grown ocs in my brain tbh i find the practice of adoptables etc a little weird but that's just bc it, for me personally, conceptually, just does not work at all lmao
if you could make only one of your ocs popular/known, who would it be? nightmare scenario that guarantees callout posts tbh but after reading a billion articles on traditional female villains for my thesis i am slightly tempted to blaze knowledge abt faye lmao. high femme lesbian villain (power armor notwithstanding) we need more of em <3
are your ocs part of any story or stories? only have story ocs!! if i think up a guy he comes pre-equipped with problems which i will somehow slot into the grander verse, i don't make the rules
sunshine oc: alissa!!!! tragic girl who dies too young but before then is the absolute light in the life of everyone she touches ;_; there is one au where she lives and aims to use the lifesong to help more people, in the process of which she becomes eliada's sworn enemy & also possibly romances damia. long story
troublemaker ocs: handsdown linn wins this category lol. always up to no good, a nsfw criminal menace <3
oc otp: YOU KNOW THE ANSWER TO THAT IS JUMIE/REINA. thank you for drawing them make out it gives me life <33333
introduce an oc that means a lot to you (and explain why): gestures at reina. gestures at sky. gestures harder *camera pans over i am now on the floor sobbing* yknow?
introduce oc that has changed from your first idea concerning what the character would be like: jumie used to be very mellow and leaned most strongly into the caretaking persona (it still comes out with sky a lot ;_;) but when i actually got around to writing her boy. oh boy. takes no shit and vibe checks every single person she comes across (for better or for worse) lawful good paladin behavior
which one of your ocs would go investigate an abandoned house at night without telling anyone they’re going? leah!!! unfortunate tendency to disappear on people bc of whatever piqued her interest & also knows no fear/loves freaky and spooky stuff. noah, her scaredy-dragon bodyguard, is as exasperated as he is close to a heart attack at all times
pick one oc of yours and explain what their tumblr blog would be like (what they reblog, layout, anything really) cait, avery, and jumie wld all run weapon aes focused blogs (swords, knives, spears&bows respectively) and would probably end up sending each other hatemail over their weapon preferences lmao
introduce an oc who is not quite human: kizuna!!! typical choice here lol but. fun-sized (bear shaped) omnivorous murder bunny who can shapeshift into the people she devours. has a little identity crisis from it eventually, its ok
do you have any certain type when you create your ocs? do you tend to favour some certain traits or looks? it’s time to confess: i dont set out to create ocs so much as they just show up unasked on the doorstep of my brain but i absolutely love 2 give ocs a truckload of extremely visible scars (and some hidden ones for funsies) face scars are one of the greatest honors i can bestow <3
has anyone ever (friendly) claimed any of your ocs as their child? various yeah most frequently adopted are leah (statistical daughter of all time) and belle+sky for trauma reasons lmao
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it-refused · 2 years
HI i am so sorry for the influx of asks this past month but i have genuinely so much questions and i'm really curious about small details regarding fired up and bone weary!! i was wondering if grillby's siblings are any different colors or if they're all just orange? maybe i need to backread a bit but for the past year i've defaulted to imagining braise as purple and i am not even sure if this is true to your canon of the story i'm mainly curious for art purposed and/or being able to have a better picture in my head of what they all look like together! also, from what i remember he has 2 sisters (one younger, one older) and 1 brother?
It's no problem at all! So long as you don't mind me taking a while to like...remember things.
My mental image of Braise is that he looked like a skinnier Grillby in a leather jacket and sunglasses. Even if I described him wearing something else, this was how I pictured him.
But the thing with him is that I am positive at various points in his life he's dumped chemicals on himself (potassium chloride for purple?) to turn himself different shades.  He’d definitely be into that.
Here’s a post I wrote ages ago with a story about Grillby’s family I knew I wouldn’t ever fully flesh out:
He has an older sibling (Fryen) who is always busy because they have a billion kids, Braise, and a younger sister (Barb) who wants to be a chemist.  
Here’s a post I wrote about what Searily looks like:
I don’t really physically describe my ocs, huh.  My mental images are: Searily: Morticia Addams except shorter and fire, Fryen: Square and solid and surrounded by children, Braise: james dean except fire apparently???, Barb: fuku-fire shaped, maybe in a variety of colors because chemist, Kindling: a literal campfire just walking around somehow, Grillby’s Grandma: she wears glasses.  Uh....Fryen’s other mom is a butch lesbian fire and the friend who helped Searily have Barb is physically kinda spindly and mentally kinda flighty though they became a more responsible person when they hit their fire equivalent of middle age.  
There was this whole family tree I drew out once, but I have no idea where it is now, lol  Honestly, whatever vibe you got reading is close enough and would be interesting to see.  
But if you do draw anything, please share it with me!  People drawing fanart for stuff I wrote was one of the absolute best things about writing for Undertale.   
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babe-in-red · 3 months
hi it's prev anon again!!
I don't think the story would get boring or repetitive tbh… I would eat up like, a hundred chapters of them doing domestic stuff, really! I do get your worry tho!!
But I also think your planned ending for it would be nice too :D I'm rlly hoping for those extra 2 chapters at the end since ending it right after the closure could make some readers feel like… “thats all?” (not me tho) (definitely not bc I wanna consume more of ur satosugu!!) (definitely don't wanna see the house either) no pressure tho!! /gen
whatever your plans are for the fic, we'll love it, trust!! or at the very least, one person will :-) (me)
I'm also v happy that you're happy u got to deliver him the way u want to!!! your satoru is one of the versions that's just stuck in my mind. he's just so unique in every way and there's so many nuances to his character, I fear I might like him than canon LOL. and again, the whole traditional Japanese stuff helped stick it into my mind… I've been thinking a LOT about: haori over a tank top satoru, envisioning his pet store, his little pond, and all that. so much that I've been meaning to draw fanart 🥹 but I get rlly busy and tend to forget, so I don't wanna promise</3
oh and I also wanted to ask how much research you do on the Jap stuff for this fic? or are you writing from personal experience/knowledge? I'm curious but u don't have to answer !
and I'm definitely going to read that fic while I wait patiently for the next chapter, thank u so much <3333
Hey there!
I don't mean to end the story with "And he finally could rest well." lmao. Of course not. It's the peak of the story so we'll go only down now. There will be no ups/downs after that. I don't know if it's a problem, but I could write them forever at this point. There are so many things to discover. They've been dating only for a week. I made it like that on purpose cause those two idiots have attachment issues and fall fast and deep.
But there will be more satosugu stories after this one. Not a pet store owner Satoru and criminal Suguru, but who knows? Maybe a swim instructor Satoru having billions of problems with his new colleague having long hair in the pool will be a good one too? (just came up with that shit)
If you manage to draw a fanart I'll be sooooooooo sjfalsfad. That would be amazing. Haori over tanktop Satoru with a folding fan is the TOP. Him pulling out random charms from his pockets. "Yo I've been in Nara recently."
I'd be so grateful for a fanart!!
How much research I do? Not that much since I follow JP culture closely. But I've spent a lot of time on google maps (cries). I did more research for my other ff since there's MUCH MUCH more of the culture references. And one has to be careful to not misinterpret anything. The last thing I'd like to do is to offend anyone.
I didn't know there were Kurazukari houses in the Edo period. I only googled fireproof houses in Japan and voila, see my surprise. As Satoru said, "this is Japan, everything is possible!"
I hope you'll keep liking the story since yesterday I just realized I messed up the whole new chapter I just wrote because I forgot Susu has his wrist sprained (help)
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I love comments because I'm an unhinged extrovert who needs to know everything about everything. I could talk forever, my domain si basically talking a hole in someone's head.
Right? THE FISHES. Because both google docs and grammarly had problems!! And I know why, those AI tools can't distinguish the context so they have no idea if I mean only one fish species or more! And google said it clearly! Fishes :)
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i Looove winston being romanced in the beach vacation episode of billions 😊💗✨
#if you're following me to even see this i presume you'd know this is Extremely not a real ep / scene but just in case. it's extremely not.#although lmfao you know what i haven't done in a while:#billions#winston billions#corned beef#no particular ship tag =) appropriately i was working on this before the finale so i Knew a v vague/general drawing would work no matter#what happened. and if i get going in earnest here abt all the ways it made me go ''wow. sooo'' abt Winston Material overall....#well it's 8am already and i need to take that nap lol so....#umm oh right i was puzzling over what to have him Saying and was like ''is 'really' too simple'' and then i remembered like Oh#what if it's like the ''...really?'' in A Guy That I'd Kinda Be Into (Reprise) and then i listened to A Guy That I'd Kinda Be Into (Reprise)#and then i immediately started crying (true)#real tee design here as brought up by soph...ingeniously uses two puzzle pieces suggestive of Insertion lmfao but god to draw that....#it would be difficult lol lot of precision / symmetry. just the Words and more room for some fabric draping over the bosom#funnily i think a beach vacation episode is all the more Actually possible now b/c prince Would make it a mandatory company event...#but go ahead and give us the musical episode instead thanks. meanwhile if riawin was just a joke then winston's never getting romanced lol#but that's straying into [if i get into how the finale was re: Wow. Sooo abt winston material....well then] territory already l o l hahahaha#an appropriately affectionate piece (as if all this niche fanart isn't self indulgent labors of love) like does it show at all
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cherphadetseuk · 4 years
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On behalf of this blog (robbieereyes) and @itsdanidee​ I would like to use this space here to shoutout some of the people that have made the year 2020 a whole lot better than it would have been. People have been doing those posts so I wanted to add my 2 cents as well. So, here goes *hides*
Most of you might not even know who I am with this tumblr blog because all of my content is posted over at my art blog ( @itsdanidee​ ) but I have been listening to kpop for a couple years now but only became a Stray Kids fan in January 2020 but even then I only just touched on the fandom. I was also in an art slump for pretty much 2 years or more, I don’t even remember. So, for the first half of 2020 I was just getting really into kpop and listened to a lot of music and I was trying many times to get into art and draw but whatever I started I dismissed again pretty quickly. It wasn’t until summer where I finally picked up a pencil again and tried to draw again because I was inspired by SKZ and especially Felix. Felix was the one who brought me into this fandom and with that I finally finished my first art piece again after what feels like a billion years. After that I finally found my muse again and I would like to say, that thanks to Stray Kids I’m back into art again which also made the start of me being a content creator in the fandom. So, first and foremost I wanna say thank you to Stray Kids for making 2020 a whole lot more bearable than it would have been. Kpop in general has been a big influence on my mood in this year and I was able to make myself busy while staying home all year. Literally.  Then of course with me getting more and more into the fandom I also started to follow more and more people on here who all are amazing and make amazing gifs and fanart and edits and my tumblr turned to a 90% kpop blog and with this I wanna say thank you to all of those amazing people, spending hours doing said gifs and edits or write awesome fanfic (which I’ve also read a ton in 2020). So, I would like to say thank you to the following people for making my dash awesome as heck and I hope all of those people will continue to make my dash awesome :) @cozychannie​ ¦ @hyunjinz​ ¦ @jjsungie​ ¦ @qwilt​ ¦ @realstraykids​ the networks I follow: @bystay ¦ @3rachanet ¦ @stayracha-net ¦ @hjsnetwork @seochangbinet ¦ @cb97net ¦ @danceracha-network ¦ @leeknownet ¦ @yongboknet ¦ @hyunjinnet ¦ @vocalrachanet ¦ @foryjn  then I wanna give a special shout-out to @ji-sungs and @maxsix because they don’t only create awesome content but also talk to me on a regular basis which is just really cool and fun and I hope that continues in 2021 <3 And of course, I didn’t forget you, I want to give an extra special shout-out to @moonlit-han. The one who doesn’t only talk to me but also talks really nice about my art in the tags and also looks over my wip’s and to whom I can go cry to if I don’t feel my art piece or just generally can cry to over SKZ. Who also writes awesome fanfic and is just generally an awesome person. Thanks for commenting on my Changbin drawing and for writing the Mixtape fanfic because without that I would have never written you that long ask haha <3 Last but not least I wanna give a shoutout to Monsta X who I’ve had an eye on before I even knew who SKZ were and who have been a constant part of my 2020 and even more since their recent comeback. (Yes I’m a full on Monbebe now) I need to dedicate more time to them in 2021 and follow more content creators but so far I wanna say thanks to the ones I already follow. Thank you as well for making my dash awesome! @psychemixtape ¦ @shownueats ¦ @monxgifs ¦ @hyungwon ¦ @monstaxrey ¦ @thekihyun ¦ @moistyshownu ¦ @aiems ¦ @wenees That’s it. Thanks again for creating awesome gifs and edits and art and write stuff. Y’all seem like really awesome people :) <3 Also, thanks to all my followers, especially on my art tumblr for reblogging my art and saying nice things in the tags. I read them all and they always make me happy :) <3 Stay safe and Happy New Year :)
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