#needed to flesh out this part of the backstory for my version of the pantheon
scaevolawrites · 11 months
FFF224 Torn Veil
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This was written for @flashfictionfridayofficial WC: 778
“She tore the veil from the evening sky and put it over his face, blinding the Sun forevermore”. So does the tale of Apollo and Artemis, once loving siblings, now scorned enemies end. But how did the two Gods become each other’s antagonists, that is the tale that will be told here. It’s the tale of a hunt, a tale of trust, and a tale of the fallibility of mankind - or in this case, godhood.
A beast had broken loose, and no one was sure what exactly this beast was. It was supposedly as big as a mountain and could swallow cows whole. It had also poisoned a well and taken away dozens of sheep. Even then the gods knew that man often exaggerated stories and told tall tales.
Nowadays some demigods would be set upon the task, but this tale takes place in that time before Zeus had started to lust after the mortal flesh, so there were few demigods to go around. Thus the twins Artemis and Apollo had been sent out to vanquish this ‘unknowable’ beast.
The beast in question turned out to be a manticore. Manticores were indeed known for eating and kidnapping cattle, even the bravest of dogs wouldn’t stand a chance against a creature that had the mighty body of a lion and the venomous sting of a scorpion. That explained the poisoned water supply as well. And the twins had to give it to the mortals: This particular manticore was indeed quite huge, but still a far stretch from being mountain-sized.
A manticore would pose an impossible threat for mortals, and a reasonable threat for a demigod or two, but for two Gods of Archery, one of which is the actual Goddess of the bloody Hunt, this would be a piece of cake. Or should have been.
Closing in on the manticore took some time, but as the sun set, they finally had the monster surrounded. Necessity is the mother of invention, however, and a cornered beast is the living embodiment of that wisdom. A hunt like this was routine for the twins and they had grown lackadaisical and accustomed to the routine of doing their father’s bidding. The manticore pounced, surprising both archers, and grabbed Apollo by the neck with the vice-like grip of its stinger.
The prospect of the manticore poison being injected into his veins was not a welcome one for Apollo. Even though he was immortal, his godhood would not spare him the burning and flashing pain that came with the sting. And like all men do when they are faced with something they cannot escape from, he started trashing. Begging his sister to shoot the damned tail, so he could free himself.
As a dutiful sister Artemis, put a poisoned arrow herself on the bow, and her breath steady, took aim. Looking back at that moment now, it was almost as if the Fates, or Chaos themselves, intervened. Just as she was about to fire her arrow, the clouds shifted, and the evening sun bathed her in orange light. As beautiful as this may have looked, as much of a blessing from her own brother this may have seemed. It was nothing but a curse. A curse that momentarily blinded and distracted her.
Yet the arrow did fly. It flew straight and true, not towards the vexing tail that had curled itself around her brother's neck, but towards his eyes, its new target. The arrow pierced Apollo’s left eye as easily as it would have an apple. And the scream of agony that Apollo released at that instant reverbed across the known world, every being from the depths of Tartarus to the peak of Olympus heard the cry of Phoebus Apollo.
Mortified at what she had done Artemis amended her fault and unloaded her quiver on the manticore, securing that it now was dead, and rushed towards her brother. But the damage had already been done. One eye was already blind and the poison of the arrow spread towards the other one. The last thing Apollo would see with his own eyes was his sister - his beloved, yet betraying sister - face twisted in anguish running towards him.
As his vision left him, the sun turned an angry, violent orange, bathing the world in blood. And as the darkness crept upon him, he uttered a final prophecy of his own making, aimed at the cause of his new fate: “Your arrows will never fly true, as long as the Sun basks the world in its light”.
That is how Artemis tore apart the sky and veiled the Sun forevermore.
[Taglist: @lazy-bumblebee @lexiklecksi Send an ask or comment to be +/-]
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catrectorauthor · 6 years
Character Creation Tag
Thanks to @gloria-russell for tagging me! It makes for a perfect distraction from other responsibilites ;D And also Cara sounds awesome! I can’t wait to hear more! I’m going to do Sigyn, because she’s one of the few characters that were created from scratch.  1. What was the first element of your OC that you remember considering (name, appearance, backstory, etc.?
The Why. Sigyn exists in surviving Norse Mythology as a bit of a trope. She serves a single purpose in a single myth, to hold a bowl over Loki’s head and prevent him from suffering. But why? She’s his wife, but we don’t know if it’s a good marriage or bad, or why she’s willing to suffer with him. I started writing because I needed to know more about her.  2. Did you design them with any other characters/OCs from their universe in mind? I had to. Almost every other character has preexisting character traits because it’s based on mythology. She couldn’t overlap too much with other characters or fit the stereotypes of other Gods. She had to be a realistic match for Loki in some way while still being an autonomous character that wasn’t built to just serve a relationship role. 
3. How did you choose their name?
I didn’t :D 
4. In developing their backstory, what elements of the world they live in played the most influential parts?
I ran through different versions of Sigyn through the drafts but the most consistent thing is that she’s always in the shadow of this Pantheon of Gods. How do you leave a mark next to the might of Thor and Freya? How do you carve out some glory for yourself?
5. Is there any significance behind their hair colour?
Not really, but also yes? In the Viking era, people used to wash their hair with soap that had lye in it, which would slowly bleach their hair blonde. Many of the Goddesses were/are imagined as blonde, so I wanted to go in another direction. There’s a whole tiny backstory about Sigyn’s mother being from ancient Egypt, so I’ve built her appearance around that. 
6. Is there any significance behind their eye colour?
Same as above
7. Is there any significance behind their height?
8. What (if anything) do you relate to within their character/story?
Her need to carve out something that’s hers, something that she earned. 
9. Are they based off of you, in some way?
I think all my characters take a trait of mine in some way. Sigyn probably has one or two XD 10. Did you know what the OC’s sexuality would be at the time of their creation?
I did. Loki could never be defined as straight and I wanted Sigyn to be able to understand that part of him. So she’s not straight either ;) 11. What have you found to be most difficult about creating art for your OC (any form of art: Writing, drawing, edits, etc.)?
What I find most difficult is that Sigyn is hard to write compared to the rest. Loki and Thor and Freya are somewhat prebuilt, while Sigyn is all my creation. Sometimes she doesn’t feel as fleshed out for the reason, or maybe that’s my inner critique talking. 
12. How far past the canon events that take place in their world have you extended their story, if at all?
Somewhat on either side. I know what happens before and what happens after, to a degree. But I also don’t know what her favourite meal was when she was five, so *shrug*
13. If you had to narrow it down to 2 things that you MUST keep in mind while working with your OC, what would those things be?
1. Be consistent! The story takes place over years and Sigyn of Day 1 is not Sigyn of Ragnarok.
2. Sigyn is not a plot point to move the rest of the characters along. It can be difficult when at least 50% of the plot is myths that need to occur in a certain way. But it’s also first novel issues I think, making sure the plot doesn’t drag her along kicking and screaming XD
14. What is something about your OC that can make you laugh?
Sigyn definitely isn’t the comic relief in this story, since she’s got Loki for that. But I get a chuckle out of her ability to deny herself things. Like girl just stop and let that wall down instead of running circles to avoid admiting it. 
15. What is something about your OC can make you cry? Her circumstances by the end of things. Phew.
16. Is there some element you regret adding to your OC or their story?
There are lots of elements I’ve added or removed over this long process. Ask me again when it’s published haha
17. What is the most recent thing you’ve discovered about your OC?
That she’s probably a bit too serious for her own good ;)
18. What is your favourite fact about your OC?
I love her tenacity. No matter what happens, she sticks with things. She’s been chasing her dream for much longer than I would have. Though whether that’s a good thing or a bad thing... who knows. 
I’ll tag @therska @cometworks @bookishdiplodocus and whoever else wants to do it!
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comicteaparty · 5 years
June 8th-June 14th, 2019 Creator Babble Archive
The archive for the Creator Babble chat that occurred from June 8th, 2019 to June 14th, 2019.  The chat focused on the following question:
What was the original incarnation of your current comic?  What has changed over the lifespan of the idea, and what has remained the same?
Nutty (Court of Roses)
My comic, Court of Roses http://courtofroses.thecomicseries.com/, was originally built around my first D&D character, a half-elf bard named Merlow the Rose. The comic was going to be strictly based on D&D, but as I started going gung-ho on the worldbuilding I started deviating away, making my own variations on races, making my own pantheon, and even formulating different magic rules and creatures. It's still largely inspired by D&D, and other fantasy works like Lord of the Rings, Elder Scrolls, etc., but I'm also trying to make the world my own, too!
My comic the Caraway Crew https://tapas.io/series/The-Caraway-Crew was originally based on my childhood friend group. Actually the very first incarnation I had with the Caraways was where we were all self-inserted into some large crossover fanfiction... it was pretty bad aha.(edited)
I just realized I said that twice oops
Draco Plato
The first incarnation of my comic....world was a Sailor Moon parody I believe. There was a boarding school and magical boys and girls that fought aliens or something. Firosofi was the "priest" of water and Affinity was the "priestess" of light (ironically her character hasn't seen the light of day in years). Apus was still around in that incarnation since Firosofi and Affinity were affiliated with it there too I think The initial premise still makes up the core of the Apus ideology I think; people fight in pairs against forces that threaten Earth. The focus since shifted to be much more character focused and on characters who were made much later (Damon and Lyall primarily). http://khyatix.com/
ErinPtah (Leif & Thorn | BICP)
But I'm A Cat Person http://bicatperson.com/ basically sprang into being (heh) fully-formed, but I pulled a bunch of the characters from earlier fanfiction incarnations. Jany and Kara Lynn got started in a Neopets RPG; Timothy was created as an OC member of Section XIII in Hellsing; Reseda and Cybele were from the same Sailor Moon exoplanetary team.(edited)
Leif & Thorn http://leifandthorn.com/ started as Colbert Report fanfiction XD It was so far removed from the source material that I spent years thinking "I should file off the serial numbers and try to publish this as an original work"...but it didn't click until I got away from the idea of doing a 1:1 adaptation of the fic's plot, and just used it as the foundation of a world where I could set all kinds of other stories.
My comic AntiBunny http://antibunny.net/ started out as an all pencil sketchy comic about depression. It experimented a lot early on artistically as I tried to tear down my old style and build a new one. As it's changed over the years I've built up a new art style, and as I've changed as a person I'd say it's become its own story driven by the characters. The protagonist's depression and anxiety is still important, but I think the significant thing is that I'm seeing depression from the outside rather than the inside, and my writing has changed a lot as a result.
Interesting topic. I might be unique in that my math comic started as a web serial (though I didn't know that's what it was at the time). Meaning text, but supplemented with drawings, because the point was that the graphs were character hairstyles: https://sites.google.com/site/taylorspolynomials/series/openbar
I gave it up after several years due to lack of interest, then brought it back as a web comic with many of the characters redesigned (parabola having twintails instead of bunny ears, for instance). http://mathtans.ca/ It then crossed over with the serial, meaning both sets of characters are canon and take place in the same universe. https://mathtans.blogspot.com/2017/04/math-character-bible.html
So the more it changes, the more it stayed the same? (As to plot, that tended to be whatever math concept I thought would be interesting, from archaic trig functions to fractals... I never knew where that'd be going.)
The original incarnation of Ingress Adventuring Company https://ingress-comic.com/ was, like many other fantasy comics, derived from a D&D campaign I played in. I really loved the character I played (Toivo), and the campaign had finished, so I decided to keep using him in more stories. While the basic idea of the character is the same, I completely removed him from the campaign that he was in so I wouldn't have any issues with having to ask my friends to use their characters. Toivo has essentially remained the same, but large parts of his backstory and the entire setting has been changed from the original game I played him in. And, since I'm no longer tied to D&D with a comic, the rules of magic are a lot more vague. Similar to what Nutty said above, my comic is still largely inspired by D&D and other fantasy staples, but at least I can deviate from them as I continue to make my comic.
MJ Massey
Black Ball http://welcometoblackball.com/ is a much more recent idea of mine and hasn't really changed too much in terms of the overarching story, though minor things have shifted such as Maude becoming more of a main character, giving her a brother who is also getting more involved in the plot, and changing the role of a future character. But it's always been Emily and Chester solving a murder mystery.
MJ Massey
The shifts have been so minor and over time that it's hard to find where the "first draft" ends and the "next version" begins. But I've been mentally shifting things as I go along and see that certain aspects of the story need more attention for the ending to pay off or for the character to get well developed
Who the murderer is has stayed the same and how it happens and why. Just the circumstances around it have been smudged and fixed
The OG plans I had for https://oiydcomic.com/ occurred after I was fiddling with twine to make a one shot short story, and an illustration series/zine project after having an intense dream. At first, I initially wanted to create it into an ero-romance comic about a woman having a one night stand with her dream lover, eventually living together after seeing each other for a few weeks. After thinking about it further (and some beta readers later lmao), I decided to develop into a romance-focused drama about acceptance and making life more than what is instilled in our dreams. I fleshed out Cara's (main character) modivations, her background in regards on courtship and romance somewhat seen in the asian-american experience (specifically Vietnamese-american rituals; some that retained after viet dispora came to the US in the late 80's - 90's and the effects on their children). Basically, from intense escapism to a general exploration on romance. With some common themes I've liked in 90's shoujo with some criticisms here and there.(edited)
Galebound (http://www.galebound.com/) started off as what was going to be a short story. I posted it up on deviantART just for fun, and I was totally pantsing the plot xD I had an idea of a magician who for some reason couldn't ask questions, and the stablehand he kidnapped when he wasn't getting a horse fast enough. The original idea was that Din was on the run from something? And Conan was that hapless stablehand the protags burst in on like "I need a horse!" before escaping $antagonist or chasing someone. Originally Din was supposed to be a good guy, for real, just...more of a trickster to Conan's straight-faced act(edited)
Since its inception, the plot got way deeper and a gazillion times more horrible I think at one point an Obligation wasn't necessary for magic, and probably wasn't even totally compulsory But then the Pascal Incident happened and making the Obligation compulsory suddenly became much more integral to the plot and world. And once that happened, Din's backstory got more fleshed out and his character got darker. I still really wasn't sure what to do with Conan at that point, though. That didn't hit me until like seven years after the original five chapter draft going up on dA, and knowing Conan better changed everything It's fun :'D
Super Galaxy Knights Deluxe R (http://sgkdr.webcomic.ws/) started off as a short film I made for an introductory film class in college (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ibRdxNLd3Q4). The film is about a fan of a really bad anime forcing his boyfriend to sit through an episode. The production quality of the film is honestly really bad in retrospect (still got an A though lol). At around the same time as I was making that film, I had just watched... I assume Food Wars, and I was on a real "you could make a battle series out of anything" stint. Like, I would just have a notes document full of ideas like "a shonen series about math olympiads". One idea I really liked was "a shonen series, but it's actually just The Wizard of Oz". After I had finished the short film, I wondered what the actual series that the "anime" took place in would be like, so I decided to build out a comic. I outlined five books, the first being based primarly off the Wizard of Oz. And... the rest is history.
The first incarnation of millennium (http://millennium.thecomicseries.com/) was pretty much a "chosen one" story where the main character had to go kill an evil space queen and was the only one who could do it. I made about 6 more stories that I later decided I could put together, and the easiest way for me to combine them all was a highschool space story, which I developed for quite a while... Later I changed them all to be adults and started building the current iteration of the story (which has also changed a ton)
My WIP comic (which has an ask blog: http://ask-a-warlock.tumblr.com/) started out as a video game idea incorporating Banjo Kazooie collectathon platforming with Ace Attorney trial mechanics....obvs I'm not much of a programmer or 3D modeler, so I went with skills that I actually know how to do: Write and draw(edited)
It had one incarnation where the characters run around all of Europe but it was much too much to develop within 250 pages so I scrapped that and focused on one standalone story, which I'm thumbnailing now and I'm hoping to get into the art stage by the end of the year
and now the page count is about 170 so hopefully that's an easier project to wrangle, when it comes down to it
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