#needlemouse luther
krisartsimp16 · 1 year
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natalee4everrr · 3 months
who let bro in the booth 😭🙏⁉️‼️
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multi-fandomsfreak · 1 year
Could you do needlemouse with a reader who is wheelchair bound
Needlemouse/Sarah with wheelchair user reader
This mostly going to take place before the whole murder incident so yeah (if you want some on after the incident then please message me and I’ll do a part 2) also I heard that the term wheelchair bound isn’t the best way to describe someone who uses a wheelchair and people prefer not to be referred to as that so i’ll just be using wheelchair user (if I’m incorrect then please tell me but as far as I’m aware of this is what i saw). ~Blaze/Dawn
Part 2
Pronouns: Not Mentioned
Warning: ⚠️Mentions of being discriminated against + slight reference to Sarah’s death⚠️
Requested: Yes/No
Characters: Needlemouse/Sarah + Luther + Michael + Martin
Proofread: ❌
Credits: Art by 789god on Pinterest + Banner by livyq_ on Pinterest
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- Just like her other friends Luther, Martin and Michael you two met some point before college or some point during your first year of college. I’d like to think that you two met and became friends because you were having trouble getting around on your wheelchair. When she came up to you and asked to help you, at first you were a little hesitant about wanting her help, not because you didn’t trust her, you just didn’t want to bother her. Eventually you let her help you since you didn’t really have a choice to which she did actually help you.
- Despite her being described to ‘walk all over’ people (whether this is true or not because on the wiki it said that either Sarah did actually do this while intoxicated/sober or Martin and Micheal said this when drunk themselves) she has been described as a genuine caring person when she was around Luther at least. I can possibly imagine her being the same around you. The reason why I can see this is mostly due to the setting they were born in the analog horror which was during the 1900’s - 2000’s which was known for people who are ‘different’ being discriminated against for example people who are apart of the lgbtq+ community (like Sarah) and people who were disabled. Although I’m not sure that Sarah has openly admitted to other people besides her friends that she was in a same-sex relationship, she has seen how people who were like her were being treated and she was concerned what might happen to her if people found out. Due to this I can imagine her having some sort of sympathy for you due to you being disabled and being shamed for being in a wheelchair.
- Adding on from the previous sentence, if she did see you being discriminated against she’ll stand up for you, although she may or may not get into full on fights with people but she'll definitely tell them off until they give up and leave you alone. After this she’ll go up to you to see if you're alright and apologise if she was too ‘loud’ to which you said that she was fine and that you appreciated her standing up for you.
- Since you were friends with Sarah it would probably be obvious that you are also friends with Luther, Martin and Micheal. I’d like to imagine that they are like Sarah in terms of helping you since they are friends with someone who is also in the same situation as you just in a different way and just like Sarah will stand up for you if you're being bullied for being disabled. Some might be more open to violence some not but regardless they make sure that whoever is hurting you stops.
- When it comes to doing other activities Sarah as well as the others will always make sure that you were included in whatever they were doing and not left out. If you ever need help with something they’ll help you with it and find ways to incorporate whatever they are doing in a way so you can join.
- Sometimes Sarah likes to take you to an isolating place with her (with your permission of course) and use this as an opportunity to chat about what has happened recently and relax for a while and maybe she'll tell you some stories from when she was a child or situations with her girlfriend. She might even have some things that both you and her like.
- Overall despite Sarah sometimes having her moments she is a decent person to be around well before the incident at least.
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darktailkin · 1 year
What day is it?
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thelinnmiser · 6 months
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Ramona: Hey Al... Is He Gonna Shut Up? Alastor: SHUT YOUR YAP! Gingerbrave: Okay! Thanks Alastor & bestie Ramona! (Limited, TAGS, okay?)
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chaselocalyanderefan · 5 months
Drawing Internet Horror Characters for a Year
Day 221:
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kittygamer2888 · 9 months
*chrisma-fies your exe*
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mercurymarine404 · 1 year
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xgingerx · 2 years
I’ve somehow fallen back into my Needlem0use phase.
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krisartsimp16 · 10 months
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Luther: Do it!
Sarah: No.
Luther: Now!
Sarah: No!
Luther: But it's necessary!
Sarah: It's not!
Luther: At least do it for me!
*Tom enters*
Tom: Hello dad and mom, have you seen- *he sees Luther and Sarah with red spots all over their bodies* ...*He faints*
Luther: I told you to put the lid on the blender!
Sarah: *Sigh* okay....
Luther: And he also revives my son Tom, who scares me to see him on the floor!
Sarah: Not that!
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wallflowergirl2006 · 3 months
Anyone remember this scene from The Needlemouse qna?
This scene in particular:
I have question [Anyone can answer it]
If you were there with the two of them what song would you pick and what would the reason be for why you picked it.
For me I would choose I’m not okay (I promise) by My Chemical Romance.. It wouldn’t be picked out of spite but to troll Sarah.
If I were to pick a song out of spite I would’ve picked Backstabber by Kesha.
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multi-fandomsfreak · 1 year
Needlemouse/Sarah with a wheelchair user reader pt2
I got a message that they would like a part two to my previous post on Sarah and wheelchair user reader so here I am. This time it will take place after Sarah’s death. Hope you enjoy it. ~Blaze/Dawn
Part 1
Pronouns: Not Mentioned
Warning: ⚠️Death + Murder + Slight swearing? + Spoilers for Needlem0use + Angst with happy ending?⚠️
Requested: Yes/No
Characters: Needlemouse/Sarah + Luther + Michael + Martin + Mentions of Lily and Kyle
Proofread: ❌
Credits: Art/GIF by 789god on Pinterest + Banner by ilupjmn on Pinterest
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- Today was no other. You were at home watching some tv when all of a sudden you heard your phone ring. You placed your hands on the wheels on your chair and went to your phone. As soon you picked up your phone you immediately heard a recognisable voice it was no other than your friend Sarah
+ “Hey, how's my favorite friend doing?” Sarah said in her usual tone “well hello to you too Sarah, what’s up?” You said slightly chuckling to yourself “I’m going to a party later on with my girlfriend and the others, do you want to come?” She asked as you can clearly tell she was excited for the party. You had a thought to yourself but eventually came to the conclusion that your rather stay home to which you said to Sarah “oh come on [NAME] you’ll be seriously missing out on a opportunity” “as much as I’d love to come out I rather stay home” you said sighing to yourself eventually Sarah accepted your decision “alright alright I won’t force you to go” Sarah said “alright hope you and the others have fun” “thanks i'll tell you all about it when it’s over okay?” She said promising you. As soon as you hung up you immediately headed to bed however unaware to you this would be the last time you heard Sarah.
- The next day you woke up excited to hear what the party was like. However, you waited all day for her to call you but you didn’t receive one. At first you thought the worst but you convinced yourself that she must have had a hangover and didn’t bother. Another day went by and another, now you were getting worried everyone was her girlfriend lily was calling you asking if you heard from her but unfortunately you had to tell her that you haven’t heard from her either. You were about to ring the others to see if they’ve seen her after all they were at the party as well. However you were beaten because all of a sudden you heard the doorbell ring. You went to open the door and saw Luther standing there looking nervous.
+ “Luther, what are you doing here? Do you know what happened to Sarah?” You asked concerned that’s when he sighed and asked to come into your house to which you did “your not going to like this [NAME] but Sarah’s missing” your eyes immediately widened…Sarah’s missing? But you were just talking to her a few days ago “what do you mean by that? Wasn’t she at the party?” “She was but after that night she went missing” Luther then placed a hand on your shoulder as a way to comfort you as you tried to comprehend what was happening. After a few minutes of comfort Luther returned home to which you decided to tell Sarah’s girlfriend the update to which she was understandably upset.
- a few years went by and you still believed that Sarah was missing but you never gave up on her search along with her girlfriend. However, what you didn’t know was that Sarah didn’t go missing, in fact she was killed by her own friends, the ones who the both of you trusted. You discovered this when you were chilling on your day off from your job when all of a sudden you saw what looked like a sonic game disc on a nearby table. You didn’t recall having a sonic disc when you went to grab it you saw a familiar person it was…Sarah?
+ “Sarah…is that you?” You said as a tear fell from your eye “of course it is [NAME] surprise to see me?” She said however something about the way she was speaking and appearing seemed off “I thought you went missing? What happened?” You wanted answers but when you said that the once calm Sarah appeared angry but not at you “didn’t you know? Those so called friends of ours killed me” your heart dropped when she said that “what do you mean? Luther? Martin? Micheal? They did this?” You refused to believe what she was saying you were told by Luther that she went missing…did he lie to you? “Believe or not but THEY did this” Sarah said as she slightly raised her voice as anger consumed her “THEY did this blame THEM [NAME]!” Her fist started to tighten as she was forced to remember what happened that night “but don’t worry I took care of that” she said as a sadistic smirk started to appear on her face “…what do you mean?” You said as you felt yourself starting to get nervous “how about you find out?” She said as she placed her hand on top of yours “don’t worry I’ll try to making it quick and painless [NAME] just for you” you tried to get a say in however before you were able to say anything all of a sudden you were hit with a quick sense of pain then it went black.
- Adding on for the previous point as much as would like to say that Sarah would spare you judging on how she killed Kyle who had nothing to do with her death and was just unlucky enough to get in contact with her cursed disc she would kill you and have your soul transferred into the game but she would try to have your death quick and painless.
+ “[NAME]…is that you?” You heard a muffled voice as you slowly started to open your eyes that sounded like Michael and Martin calling out to you. You immediately sat up as you saw what looked like knuckles and egg man “Michael? Martin? Is it you?” You said as you went to rub your eyes however you noticed you were wearing a glove, you then looked more at your body and saw clothes that weren’t yours…but these clothes seemed familiar. That’s when it clicked…were you Amy? “What the hell?” You slightly backed up surprised “looks like you fell for her trap as well” Martin said as he helped you up “what do you mean? Actually, don't you two have some explaining to do?” You said as your confusion suddenly turned to anger. Michael and Martin looked at each other before eventually telling you the truth.
- Now due to what the others caused that night you were forced to stay in what Sarah described as her personal hell and suffer all because you were friends with her killers. Although she claims that she’s less harsh on you, the pain you feel is still as bad as what the others are receiving. After a while which honestly felt years as there was no sense of time there Luther appeared as tails now all of the gang was here in ‘her world’.
- It was absolutely hell for all four of you no matter how many times you wished and prayed that this wasn’t real you were forced to realize that it wasn’t by Sarah constantly reminding you guys that it was all of your guy’s fault (excluding you). As more time went on her anger continued to get worse, luckily Luther was the only one brave enough to stand up to her and try to convince her to quit what she was doing. They even tried to get you to try to convince her to stop but even you, the person she was closest to beside Luther, weren't able to be convinced to stop. Although she still had some sort of sympathy over you from her past life after all you were lied to but still she told you that she has to do this she was forced for how many goddamn years in a void as a loop of her death constantly played in her mind. She’s not stopping until she is satisfied.
- Eventually after she captured Kyle her plan started to somewhat fail and after what felt like an eternity she was eventually forced to realize what she had done as well as realizing that she got what she wanted. She felt a wave of emotions going through her. She slowly realized that got what she wanted but still she felt empty. After all the fighting that has gone on with everyone Sarah was finally able to accept what happened to which everyone who was forced into the game were able to move on and be set free from the hell they were in.
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darktailkin · 2 years
A Song. (REMAKE!)
"Run away."
"The Needlemouse runs on her fleeted foot, and the Luther runs on his sharp legs."
"She ran as fast as the wind could take her, he ran as fast as the snow would track him to.. Her."
"The Luther jumps high over a boulder, the Needlemouse jumps high over the pines."
"The Luther ran as fast as the rain, the Needlemouse ran as fast as her legs can handle.."
"The Needlemouse loses track over him in the blizzard, but she still ran as fast as she can."
"The Luther had finally caught her tracks over the valley border, he followed the tracks while running like the strong wind~.."
(Melody slower and quieter)
"The Needlemouse was safe at last, her energy was low as the pebbles under her feet."
"The Luther pads quietly though the bracken, his fur bristling like the icicles--his...body..tensed up..."
(Echo+slowly aggressive melody:) "When he saw her!"
"The Luther leaps onto her shoulders, scratching her body, picking it apart!"
"He thrashes her over the rocks---into the lake---under the water!"
"The river rolled over her weak body, drowning her screeching, and preventing her breating...~"
(Melody slowing down with river sounds in the background)
"A piece of bracken had broke off, she tried swimming to her safety, but The Needlemouse knew...There was no running this time.."
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thelinnmiser · 6 months
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Man she was angry! At least I'm gonna meet Peppino next time!
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shmilestprower · 10 months
Luther x Sarah Headcanons because fuck it, they're cute together. because I ship them. One of two headcanons and universes where she dates Luther and a seperate universe headcanon, where she dates yours truly, Secret History Tails.
Sarah/Needlemouse Headcanons:
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Let's start with Ms. Henderson, shall we? And her headcanon in this relationship with Luther. She's bisexual in this universe, so it works.
- To describe her in a relationship, it's YANDERE. Much like me. Heh. And clingy!
- She ABSOLUTELY will do anything, and I mean literally anything to get Luther to notice her. And to love her.
- In this canon, Sarah never meant to torture Luther. And only brought him to the Sega game realm, so they can reunite. Shocking right?
- Sarah loves Luther in every way possible.
- They were a couple when human! Polyamorous with Lily, Sarah knew Luther accidentally killed her. And immediately when she became Needlemouse, forgave him.
- Shocking twist, Sarah is Thomas' biological mother. As Luther is 28 and Sarah is 32. In this canon. She ABSOLUTELY loves her son, and would give the world to him.
- She is ALWAYS by Luther's side. You never see him without her, she often switches between her Needlemouse and Sarah forms. But she always loves Luther.
- Sarah worships Luther, and will literally dedicate her life to him. Whatever it is he wants, Sarah gets it done.
- Always interested in her beloved's topics.
- She's very interested in history, and often enjoys talking about it to Luther.
- She is definitely one to rub Luther's X across his chest. Liking the feeling of it.
- In order to redeem herself of her torture of Luther, Sarah began protecting him. She's aware that his death could happen again so she's protecting him.
- If she accidentally hurt Luther. She would NOT know what to do with herself.
- She cares deeply for Luther, who means so much to her. Like he was her best friend, she cared a lot for him when they were human.
- She is paranoid about Luther's mental health, and always has to check up on him. She worries she may be the cause of it. So Luther has to assure her, she isn't. Sarah also often is close to having slight anxiety or panic attacks. But calms down.
- If she cannot be around Luther at the very moment for whatever reason, she'll probably stalk him. Which, kind of reminds me of myself. Sarah feels relieved when stalking Luther, that way she knows Luther is ok, and he isn't hurt, or cheating on her with another girl. Although she knows him too loyal and faithful to do so.
- Whenever Luther feels guilt, and begins to have either a mental breakdown or existential moment. He often sobs. Sarah will hug him tight, assuring him it's going to be ok, she hums to him to soothe him. She often switches between human and her Sonic form. But prefers the latter. As it fits with Luther as Tails.
It often shows even evil has loved ones.
Luther Jamie Artwright Headcanon:
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Ah, Luther. Sarah's senpai! Maybe my older brother? 👀? Shall we begin. Because the canon gets wild.
- Luther already has to go through the draining process of dating this absolute sadist, so he's often drained. And tired out of energy often. So Sarah has to check up on him constantly. If he slept well, how he's doing, if he's ok and if he took proper care of himself and maintaining an healthy diet.
- Mostly tired, like a lot. Because of how much energy he is drained of, from dating Sarah. Although it's not like Luther gives a shit. As he has suffered and endured worse. So being tired isn't the worst thing he suffered.
- Corny, but he's optimistic. And a very, bold and opportunistic person, willing to take risks for Sarah and Tom. Daring too. Apeshit also. But he's also somewhat careless.
- He's often one to try and keep telling himself that he never meant to kill Sarah.
- Luther is a extremely independent and bold person, but he's also a badass.
- He feels extreme guilt over Sarah's death. Blaming himself, and was close to committing suicide over it until Sarah rekindled their relationship.
- He's definitely the sort of one who cover Sarah with his cape. Picture it as a big blanket.
- He often is the one to make dinner, and is very gentle with Sarah and caring.
- Very loving and sweet, despite being a no joking guy.
- He often enjoys watching Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul or the Apprentice or Sopranos. Drags Sarah to watch it.
- Luther mostly has a protein diet, as mentioned. He is drained of a shit ton of energy from dating Sarah. So protein keeps his energy up. And he's not having the wind knocked out of him.
- Inherited slight insanity from the torture of Sarah (unintentionally).
- ALWAYS wants to spend time by Sarah and Thomas. Wanting it to feel like forever. Picture him as a family oriented man.
- If ever away from Sarah, and or Thomas. Luther would get shit done, fast as possible to be by his son's side. And his girlfriend's side. Since he loves them so much.
- Luther absolutely loves Sarah as much as she does with him, minus the yandere side.
- Sometimes, Luther does question the morality and the actions of what Sarah does. But still, nonetheless, he loves her.
- Luther has a slight Secret History Tails (me) part of him, where due to his slight insanity. The fox will murder ANYONE who tries flirting with Sarah. Luther's insanity is spawned from unintentional torture by Sarah. And much like Sarah, this little hypocrite will stalk her if he can't be around her for whatever reason.
- Luther does not love Michael, being only loyal and faithful to Sarah. He actually misses Lily, and tries his best to keep tabs.
It pays off the genuine love of the unexpected bond.
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