#neflix avatar
highfantasy-soul · 7 months
NATLA - Episode 1: Aang (1/4)
[Masterlist of my NATLA thoughts]
An explanation of what I'm doing here and my history with ATLA.
Of course, full spoilers ahead.
A word on the expositional dialogue:
That's always going to happen when you're being introduced to a fantasy world - it happened a lot in the cartoon, too. The viewer has no idea the political landscape, the rules of the world, magic system, governmental bodies, religion, how close or far the 'gods' are to mortals - and as shows usually don't have much world-building narration in them, dialogue is used to supplement that. I think people forget that and just automatically assume expositional dialogue is 'bad' when it's really not, we've just had the advice 'show don't tell' twisted and bastardized so terribly that we now have a visceral reaction to any 'telling' through dialogue even if it's totally normal storytelling.
Lets also not forget that a whole expositional monologue is given every 20 minutes in the animated version, so let's not pretend that being explicit about the narrative is something that needs to be avoided. You listened to Katara talk about Aang needing to learn all the elements and defeat the Fire Nation 61 times. I think the live-action can say it at least 3.
The show begins by showing some of the magic (bending) and clarifies this for new viewers with the dialogue "An earthbender!" from one of the fire-wielding men. This bit of dialogue is clarifying as it puts limits on the magic and lets new viewers know that that dude probably can only use earth magic - so the viewer isn't sitting there thinking 'why doesn't that dude throw some fire, too instead of just rocks?' or 'Why isn't he teleporting away?'
Also, it lets us know that having an earthbender there wasn't expected - the guard's tone lets us know that it's an unwelcome presence there.
The opening scene shows us a great look at the difference in bending styles - earth is slower, but more directly powerful - fire is quicker, but less forceful. Get hit with flying rocks, you're down and unlikely to get up - get hit with a firebolt, you'll get knocked, but there's not much blunt force trauma in it (fire/force damage vs bludgeoning damage in dnd terms)
Sozin explaining his plan fills 2 roles: characterization in that he likes to taunt his victims and he's overly confident, very sure of his importance and 'rightness'; and it lets the audience know what the political landscape of the world is like at the moment and how underhanded the Fire Nation is willing to be to win.
The redirection of focus from the Air Nomads to the Earth Kingdom is mirrored in the finale where the siege of the north drew eyes (we will assume other nations noticed an armada of Fire Nation ships sailing onto Water Tribe territory) while Ozai's real goal was to overtake Omashu - where the Fire Nation was keeping the Avatar's eyes on the north as well so he didn't rush off to help the Earth Kingdom.
The Earth bender asking Sozin 'why are you doing this?' also displays how such an act of war is inconceivable at this point in history - he genuinely has no idea why one might want to start a world war.
If you know the cartoon, or just real life, you know the reasons people have, so this dialogue might seem like its pushing for exposition, but it, in and of itself, is showing worldbuilding in the fact that while we might think 'yeah, obviously the Fire Nation is the bad guy bent on world domination', the people of the world at the time were wholly unprepared for such a war to begin.
Starting with the fire nation plan/attack was a strong choice to set the stakes immediately
Kids don't really care too much about stakes - they care about jokes and fun characters. If you want to make a story that appeals across the spectrum immediately, stakes are good things to start out with.
When you're gearing toward much younger viewers and the show is episodic - just coming on the channel randomly - it keeps kid's attention better when you start out with strong characters that are easy to grasp (see the animated version), but when you're addressing even a slightly older audience and it's in a format where you have specifically set out to watch this particular story, you start with the world and stakes, usually doing that through some minor or side characters (see Harry Potter and The Lord of the Rings).
This also allows new watchers to have the shocking reveal of Aang having been in the iceberg for 100 years at the same time Aang is learning this. There's no clear time jump from the Fire Nation's attack and Katara waterbending - so the new viewers don't know that's happened and the extra stakes shock really lands - it's not an eminent attack by the firenation, the war has already been going on and the fire nation is winning.
The time jump is hinted at with the wrecked ship Katara practices in, Katara saying fire nation soldiers haven't been seen in years, and when Gran Gran says Aang is an airbender (while he's still asleep), Sokka claims they haven't been seen in years.
These are all hints that there's been a time jump, but how significant of a jump isn't revealed until later - it could have just been 20 years for all we know so far
For those who watched the animated show, all this set up might feel tedious, unnecessary, or like the show is hand-holding the audience, but that's because you already know the story. For those who have never seen the animated show, all this is necessary - as shown by all the new watchers who are praising the exposition as it's a huge world. By the end of episode 1 of the live action, those who watched the animated would have heard the exposition 3 times already - by the end of the season, they'd have heard it 20 times - so you got the luxury of a lot of exposition, let the newbies get some too.
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kat-rose-griffith · 7 months
If they get a season 2 then I hope they get the og creators back (or just get better writers) because the people that are running it now don’t really feel like they are fans of the og show. Like I think that they watched it at least once but I don’t feel like the love is there. Honestly based on what I’ve seen so far it feels like the only people working on this show that are fans of the original are the people doing the effects/backgrounds and Gordon who plays Aang
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tbh I don't think making a lot of people blame aang for vanishing for 100 years is necessarily a bad thing. the problem is that the netflix show also changed it so that instead of running away, aang just stepped out for a walk and then the fire nation attacked. the original show let aang run away and it became something he comes to terms with help from katara. the netflix show instead makes aang deal with everyone telling him he's a coward for leaving when it's just something he only briefly considered and then got really unlucky with the weather report
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fedorahead · 7 months
watched atla episode 1 and here are my thoughts
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaok i'll watch episode 2
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miniaturehumanman · 7 months
Was I just supposed to find out that there was a live action Avatar the Last Air Bender series on Netflix or was someone at some point going to tell me!
Like the first 2 episodes are not that bad, there dope as hell!
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sokkabaddiebender2021 · 7 months
ok y’all i finally finished the neflix live action avatar and…….don’t hate me……..but i enjoyed it 😭 my standards for entertainment is honestly on whether or not it entertained me, so honestly i question my standards.
first off, the visuals and score was absolutely amazing. the fight scenes were well choreographed, and the bending, which i was super nervous about, looked actually amazing.
i think we can all agree the writing and dialogue was pretty choppy at times, and the delivery could be better at times. but i also think (most) of the energy of the original characters was captured well. katara honestly got done the dirtiest because why was she so…….not passionate??? i’m hoping later on she gets more so because that’s a key trait of katara. i was very disappointed with that :/
what they did to suki too……..i liked her being a little awkward and such because it makes sense but i felt like too much of her character was dedicated to her having a crush on sokka. like where is her attitude, her ferocity?
i think aang was played very well by gordon cormier, especially considering this is a child actor we are taking about. his line delivery isn’t going to be great and yes he is a real boy so he can’t be as cartoony as some would hope but i think he was absolutely adorable.
surprise surprise, i loved dallas liu as zuko. i think there were some pretty whack line deliveries but he really captured the anger and cringeyness of zuko well. his martial arts were also also incredible, his fight scenes were my favorite to watch. the scene with him crying quietly on the bed when ozai banishing him shattered me, his subtle acting is underrated honestly.
i have my beef with ian ousley as sokka mostly because of the controversy and such, but i can’t lie he did play sokka well. yet again, as for the last characters, some line deliveries were iffy but he was still a very believable sokka.
so for the writing, i have LOTS OF OPINIONS. there were things they cut that definitely upset me, and that was just because of their lowkey questionable pacing. as much as i hate the slimeball, i missed a lot of the interesting parts of zhao’s story that they cut like his agni kai, jeuong jeuong (aang’s fear of fire??), zuko SAVING him. i feel like they had something interesting there with building a fake alliance with him and zuko, and they didn’t build more off it. [edit] that so, the dude who played zhao had me losing my shit. his line delivery was hilarious and i just love that zhao just gives that manager no one likes/that one creepy math teacher in high school vibes (only combination i could think of y’all).
the additions to zuko’s story was something i absolutely loved. i found myself actually getting very emotional with a lot of the flashbacks, and the 41st division being his crew 🥹🥹 but then i find myself being upset that we were shown other flashbacks so early (like the death of katara’s mother??).
i actually hate the hate azula’s actress is getting. she’s playing a 14 year old……like a 14 year old?? she wasn’t even in season 1 in the og so ofc she’s gonna not be the same, i’m hoping this means they’re building up her up to her fierceness in season 2.
one last critique PLEASE GET A WIG BUDGET GOOD LORD THOSE WIGS WERE BAAAAD. and also a lot of their costumes looked fake or like plastic this was actually my least favorite part 😭
overall, not as horrible as people make it out to be, i had a good time but obviously the og will always be the higher quality product. i’m just glad the young actors seemed to really be passionate for the project :)
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misscammiedawn · 2 years
50 Days of HypnoKink - Day 49: Hypno in Media
My heavens... we made it to the finish line. Tomorrow is the final day.
I wanted to save an obvious one for the end because I do so enjoy MC in fiction so very much. So much, in fact, that I made a Twitter thread with 110 recommendations and never even came close to emptying my resources.
I know so many of these scenes, both that Twitter thread and this page are skimming the surface.
I'll be using some of those recommendations here but let's divide by category:
So let's get the obvious out of the way. You have
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A Danny Boyle thriller with a terrible plot and Rosario Dawson as a hypnotherapist trying to get hidden information from James McAvoy's mind. Silly movie but one that doesn't get brought up a lot. Dawson learned hypnosis to get into the role.
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Horror movie in which the director literally hypnotized the actress so any time she was being stalked by the titular killer she looked completely entranced. Link above is an interview discussing this.
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HORRIBLE movie on Netflix but Sleepyhead and I have hosted a number of watch parties and let me tell you, this is the PERFECT movie to watch with a bunch of rowdy hypnokinksters. The therapist is unethical to a laughable degree and his office looks like it's inside of the Death Star. He's a living breathing red flag. The movie does have a really hot freeze scene, a good ragdoll and the dollification sequence. It's just enjoyable because it's terrible. Check CWs first though, this movie has a bunch of things that can make it an uncomfortable viewing experience.
The Great Hypnotist
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This is a Not For Daja movie. A Chinese movie that doesn't get brought up a lot. Like Trance above it is a thriller with some twists and turns that I don't really want to spoil.
Stir of Echoes
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A visualization of a dissociation induction designed to make a person view events on a screen so they are separate from the memory. It's a remarkably well done scene.
Now You See Me 1/2
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The hypnosis in these movies is STUPID and I love it. The first movie has a punchline that every time Mark Rufallo's character makes a frustrated comment people who Woody Harrelson has hypnotized will start acting as if they're in an orchestra. Second movie has a twin Woody Harrelson as an evil hypnotist and he uses a pizza box as an evil induction. It's amazing.
Sherlock Holmes Woman in Green
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This induction is one of the coolest I've seen in a film and I try my hardest to channel the energy of this when I am doing a relaxation focused scene.
Charlies Angels
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This is bar none my favorite hypnosis scene in any fiction. The typewriter induction is amazing, the hypnotist has such a smooth voice, the entranced gazes are lovely. It's just perfect. Heck, the link above is "hypnosis scenes" from the episode and is 26 minutes long. From a single episode of television.
Doctor Who
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Sarah Jane gets hypnotized so often that I could make a list purely from her.
I just wanna link this one as it's one of those scenes that works so much better without context and the aesthetics are incredible. Plus who doesn't like Aubrey Plaza?
Quick Bonus Animation Round
Carmen Sandiego (Neflix) has a ton of mind control including the bad end to the interactive movie.
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Totally Spies is a meme for a reason
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And this one is a reason many of us are here <3
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DC vs Vampires
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I think the page speaks for itself. "Hypnosis isn't lying, Diana. It's speaking to your vulnerability."
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This sequence of Asami, brainwashed to hate the avatar, being deprogrammed is so good that someone on AO3 did an incredible fan-fiction which may well be one of my favorite hypnokink stories of all time.
Super Mario Comic
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I bring this one up as it was one of my earliest moments of "...oh... this is kind of making me feel some kind of way."
Video Games
A note that a full directory of video games featuring Mind Control can be found at mindcontrol.fun the MC Games Wiki, run by @soveryverytired
Nyx Gaming (Featured game: Enthralled)
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Nyx do incredible games which are designed to hypnotize the viewer and their consent practices are wonderful. They recently teamed up with Secret Subject to release a vampire enthrallment game and let me tell you, there is not a single word in that synopsis that doesn't make me happy.
Mind Melting Massaging Machine
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The best tool for VR hypnosis. Upload custom files and program spirals, subliminals and chose between static spiral or headtracking. I have had so much fun with this over the years. There's a desktop version too but VR is optimal for this experience.
Spiral Clicker
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It's such a simple concept. Click on the character and watch their will go away. Spiral Clicker is backed with a fun little universe, fun characters both original and community sourced, amazing art and a clever little gameplay loop that is quite addictive. Careful, the game features a constant spiral, you may find yourself falling in to trance. Don't worry. The game will wake you up. You can even ask the game to include suggestions for you :)
The sequel is being worked upon now and I cannot wait <3
Music Videos
Anna Soares - Hypnodoll (NSFW)
Straight up just a song and music video about hypnokink. If you click anything in this thread, click this one.
Little Big - Hypnodancer:
Silly antics but a fun music video.
Pharrell Williams - Hypnotize U
It's just Pharrell hanging out in a mansion with his hypnotized harem.
Grimes - We Appreciate Power
It's dronekink baby.
Andamiro - Hypnotize
Maid hypnotizes their employer.
I could do so many more in all areas. But the point is, media is hypnohorny. I never went over advertisements (UK ones especially), books, musicals (Phantom and Next To Normal for instance), anime (Sailor Moon) or manga.
But I write about a bunch more in my Twitter thread.
Day 48: Stealth Inductions
FINAL Day 50: Presentation
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And to the surprise of no one, the Neflix Avatar reboot crashed and burned with audiences. Even the Zytara crowd aren't happy with it.
Once again, I will say: It's Netflix. What were people expecting? 99% of their remakes/reboots are complete bombs, and even the few hits like Wednesday only worked because the lead actress basically forced to writers to stop treating the character as "generic, edgy goth girl" and instead see her as Wednesday Addams, a character that has existed since the 1930s - which is why the show's already less than stellar quality drops absurdly whenever she's not on screen.
I'm not even the biggest fan of Bryke, mainly because of the stuff they approved of post after the original show, but them walking out on Netflix should have made everyone go "Okay, abort mission IMMEDIATELY" both because of their credit as the creators and because of how horribly something has to botch ATLA as concept for the guys that approved of Korra to be upset at it.
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the-fandom-crossroads · 7 months
Netflix Avatar Spoilers (because those are a thing apparently now)
Totally not me trying to quietly sob while watching episode 4 of neflix's atla so as to not wake my brother in the other room. Ya'll I signed up for crazy king Bumi shenanigans. Not an orchestral version of Leaves from the Vine being used as a Lightmotif. Do these MotherFuckers expect me to hear that lightmotif every time Iroh and Zuko bond going forward and not sob??? Don't get me wrong they used it at exactly the right time and not just for cheap feels and that's why it fucking hurt man.
Leaves from the Vine is like the only song that can make me cry by just listening to it. So I'm not surprised I ended up crying. I just really did not expect them to work it into season 1 and the Bumi episode of all things.
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therese-lokidottir · 6 months
I saw movies reviews about neflix avatar while they like neflix design not far away from the origin but they very disappoint with well cast, acting and the characters.
It's not just about fat shaming (actually in my areas peoples gives comments.it is because the showrunners not prepared) also the acting is lack specially for azula, then well some viewers very disappointed that lack of flaws characters in neflix avatar like Sokka, in cartoon he is well kind sexist and need like a whole season for him to be better but in neflix they erasing that part.
And also in cave Omashu scene, in cartoon it's about love romantic but neflix change it into familial love and make viewers angry and well some said 'incest'. Even avatar get renewed into 3 season but if viewers low it will get cancell
You know I think producers need careful to make live action something because if they wrong step the money will gone.
The thing is none of these actresses are really overweight. They just have round facial features and they are young. Sadly are sociality is still fatphobic and can be practically awful to girls and young women.
From what I gleamed Omashu was changed to be about two women but it was still romantic.
I watched a few reviews from creators I like and from what I gathered, It's really not a bad show. It's clearly made with a lot of effort by fans of the original. But it's just not the original and not as fun or as balanced as the original.
But the thing is, it changes things, it compresses things, it lightens and simplifies things, and it really want to be taken seriously. All that stuff takes it father and father away from the original.
From what I gleamed the netflix doesn't have the silly lighthearted comedy or the spiritual and pacifist themes. It also seems like a lot of characters don't there flaws, Katara doesn't have her stubbornness and temper, Aang doesn't have his immaturity and they made a whole thing out of Sokka sexism. This is what I mean by they try to make they lightens and simplifies things. It doesn't want characters to have those flaws. Even though the point in the original was how the characters grew and changed.
When it came out something that popped up in my FYPs a lot was the to Bumi. To me I don't like the idea of the changes, but to be fair I have seen people make good arguments for it. But I do have to say if netflix changed Aang from running away to just stepping out for a bit with every intention to come back it kind of makes everything Bumi said pointless.
Also from everyone I heard, Zuko, Iroh and the fire nation tend to be the best done stuff. It's the thing the creators cared about the most.
What I got from all of this is that some things are not meant for live action and that ATLA can't be done twice. It'd just not something that can be recreated. I think it would be better to move forward with the franchise. Keep going with the avatar books, more comic continuations maybe even a show about the next avatar.
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browseret · 7 months
Netflix underestimated ATLA's pacing
i saw all the cool kids have unhinged rants, now it's my turn.
TL;DR the animation is just too fast and the live action can't keep up
Having binged the Netflix ATLA Live Action (Natlala? Let's go with Nala for short), i finished it thinking it was alright, or at least servicable. But i wondered why i felt like it was decidedly lesser than the original, even though I had no problems with the casting, the costumes, fight choreography or even the special effects. Despite the drama with Bryke leaving, it definitely felt like there was a lot of love the original show. (though i should note the guy who did the original fight choreography and developed bending as a martial art for the show did have a few critiques)
So yeah, that leaves the writing, which definitely feels rushed. The dialogue has a lot of exposition, a lot of the time characters will just tell the audience what they think. While to an extent that works to make the characters appear like the awkward teenagers that they are, it often gets a little too woody to feels natural. Some noted that it even felt like actors were rushing through their lines, like they were just trying to get the scene over with.
All that might sound like the Netflix version ran up against time constraints, which wouldn't be unusual for an adaption. Compare it to the Netflix's own One Piece Live Action (Nopla), which like Nala, consistented of 8 ~55 minute episodes which stopped just before Logue Town. The anime covers the same material in 45 ~20 minute episodes or 15 hours compared to Nopla's 7 and a third, over double the runtime. And while Nopla left fans pleasantly suprised, it rushing through some plot points and character development was hardly surprising.
The first season of Atla, however, at 20 ~20 minute episodes will land ya roughly 6 hours and 40 minutes. That's less runtime than Nala, which is compounded by the fact that the cartoon had to dedicate more time to opening, account for cuts to commercial and incorporate a fight scene in every twenty minute episode.
Meanwhile Nala cuts 4 episodes wholesale (those being Imprisoned, The Great Divide, The Fortune Teller and The Deserter) and slims down plot elements from various standalone episodes to weave into fewer, larger ones.
That isn't a critique, in fact i think incorporating things like Jet and his freedom fighters and the Mechanic into Omashu was, at least on paper, very clever, though the execution left a bit to be desired.
But that did make it that much stranger that live action felt so pressed for time. Until i saw Neflix put the Blue Spirit rescue mission out and i compared it to the original, which i think is emblematic of Nala's issues.
Now I think both are respective high points of both season 1 of Atla and Nala. The scene is also about as close to 1 tot 1 you can get with cartoon action and, well, Live Action. See for yourself below.
(As a sidepoint i wish they didn't reveal the blue spirit's identity in the title of the clip, the mystery adds so much to the first time viewing of the episode, it would be a shame to spoil anyone on that)
For the clips: note that, while both versions last about as long (The Nala one again slightly longer) a significant amount of blink-and-you-miss-it action sequences are cut from the original and there's barelly anything the Live Action offers in its place.
When the Blue Spirit puts his swords to Aang's throat in Nala. In Atla takes him 1. Whether through the inherit strengths of the medium or the worldclass writing and editing.
Atla simply isn't the type of show where a '5 minute fight' will take over 2 and a half hours of runtime. It communicates ideas at a breakneck pace and i don't think the Live Action showrunners were prepared for that.
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dawn101 · 7 months
You know what?
For the last 2 days, I have litrally been beaming and almost busting with happiness (something that rarely happens in the first place) because say what you want about neflix's avatar the last airbender but you can't deny explosion it hade made in the fandom and the story itself.
Theres love and hate for the new one, adorance for the original, people coming back to or joining the fandom to watch for the first time and suport the original, more people reading, writing and drawing and memeing and just more hype.
And have you searched for the music on spotify? Or youtube maybe. Theres the Samual Kim epics, some of the original tracks, newer official tracks, the music from the film (shit film, great music), the tracks from the netflix series and oh my god, the concert! The concert which is the first concert I actully really wanted to go to but couldnt. So much flipping music that just has me replaying scenes in my head and filling me up with that wholsomness that only Avatar can provide.
So yeah, im blooming happy at the moment and it would be realy nice if you guys felt it too.
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interclouds · 7 months
genuinely couldn't have even imagined how awful neflix avatar was going to be, it's like they were trying to make it bad on purpose
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tvsotherworlds · 8 months
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radyonabizcomtr · 8 months
Netflix, live-action uyarlaması Avatar: Son Hava Bükücü (Avatar: The Last Airbender) için yeni bir fragman yayınladı. Nickelodeon animesine dayanan yeni dizi, ikonik macerayı Netflix izleyicilerine sunacak. İşte Avatar: The Last Airbender fragmanı ve çıkış tarihi.Avatar: The Last Airbender ne zaman yayınlanacak?Avatar: Son Hava Bükücü için yayınlanan fragman, Netflix uyarlamasının şimdiye kadarki en ayrıntılı halini gösteriyor. Avatar’ın destansı dünyasının ve karakterlerin live-action yapımda nasıl görüneceğini ele alan fragmanda; ana kahramanlar Aang, Katara ve Sokka dikkat çekiyor.Avatar: Son Hava Bükücü, 2000’li yıllarda gösterilmeyen başlayan ilk anime dizisinden bu yana binlerce kişiye ulaştı. Yeni Netflix dizisi ise Aang’in elementlere hakim olma ve dünyaya denge getirme arayışını anlatacak. Orijinal yapımın üç sezona yayıldığını belirtmek gerekiyor. Avatar: Son Hava Bükücü 21 Şubat’ta Netflix’te gösterime girmesi bekleniyor. Yeni bölümlerinin ise haftalık olarak paylaşılması planlanıyor. Dizinin kadrosunda Gordon Cormier (Aang), Dallas Liu (Zuko) ve Kiawentiio Tarbell (Katara) gibi birçok genç oyuncu bulunuyor.Live-action uyarlaması, Netflix’in bu konudaki en büyük projelerinden biri. Örneğin, geçtiğimiz süreçte Shadow and Bone gibi bazı yüksek bütçeli anime uyarlamaları birkaç sezonun ardından iptal edilmişti. Netflix, Avatar’ın potansiyelini ortaya koymasını ve büyük bir kitleye ulaşmasını bekliyor.Ayrıca sadece birer sezonu yayınlanan animasyon komedileri Agent Elvis, Farzar ve Captain Fall geçtiğimiz aylarda iptal edilmişti. Temmuz ayında yayına giren live-action Glamorous’un da fişi çekilmişti.Peki siz bu konu hakkında neler düşünüyorsunuz? Görüşlerinizi aşağıdaki Yorumlar kısmından bizimle paylaşabilirsiniz.ShiftdeleteKaynak : https://shiftdelete.net/avatar-the-last-airbender-fragman
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