#neither but thank you for asking
sarcasticscribbles · 5 months
hey I’m just gonna make you think your asks are haunted real quick, do you want me to bang on the walls or stand ominously over your bed at night?
Statement of Soph Sarcasticscribbles Artschool Dropout, regarding a cursed tumblr askbox with vaguely yet considerable treating notifications. Original statement given April 18, 2024. Audio recording by-
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hypewinter · 7 months
Danny is reading peacefully in his new room at Wayne Manor when there's suddenly a commotion outside his door. Next thing he knows Bruce comes storming through the door.
"Danny did you lie to me about your past!?" he asked calmly.
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handthattakes · 2 months
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Her name……….. is Howdy. Howdy the cowboy vampire. Howdy says say happy birthday to my girlfriend or else
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reegis · 8 months
hi since you have out on the brain and i wont be inflicting it on you here's a headcanon of mine:
after nastya leaves, aurora stops talking entirely
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ariadne-mouse · 5 months
Prompt! Shadowgast dancing
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Essek is leading even though he is floating; he is talented like that.
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whatwouldmickeydo · 8 months
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(Accidentally deleted this ask while fighting for my life in the tumblr gif search but good thing I screenshotted this!)
You can’t keep a good hornball down! What's a little ass wound in the grand scheme of things?
And besides, Mickey told him to go easy on the injured cheek so that counts for something right? 😅
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(Gif credits to our lord and savior @mickeygifs for this one, we worship at your altar)
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elitadream · 9 months
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Basically the whole Mushroom Kingdom
Knowing how Mario and Peach “secretly” feel about each other must be exhausting😆
THIS. ☝️😭
Especially for Luigi, omg. >< I mean sure: Toadsworth, Daisy, Toadette and all the Kingdom's citizens would have a hard time keeping their mouths shut when watching Peach demurely clasp her hands together to make a wish - ever the same one, no doubt - and sigh dejectedly to herself in quiet longing.
But they wouldn't know what it's like to deal with a sibling who's literally lovesick. To enter a room and find their brother hunched over and grimacing in obvious distress, his eyes lost and imploring as he would turn and say: "I love her so much, Lou... I- it hurts," with pained and hopeless surrender. To listen to his enamored ramblings for hours on end, yet only have vague and constrained support to offer. To see him hurting so badly on some days, and somehow still having to refrain from grabbing him by the shoulders and yelling "She LOVES you, ebete!!" to his bewildered face. Oh, to just end that needless suffering... It would be so easy. But he can't. When all would be pleasant and bright, he wouldn't mind, and would even take some enjoyment from what he secretly knows... But there would also be times - disheartened and crestfallen - when that silent vow would be very hard for Luigi to keep. 🥺😣
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shepscapades · 5 months
okay i understand that we're going for comedy but i cant help myself here
so double life is the third life series, and in the canon of the life series, dl is the first time joel has gotten a partner and has not been alone (i could go on and on about how that affects his relationship with etho but we don't have the time for that)
but in dbhc, he gets what is essentially a robot as a partner, devoid of human affection and intimacies (at least for now), after 3rd life where he had no team, and last life, where his team was broken on the second episode
hes starting to wonder if he's not meant to have anyone after all
WELL!!!!! An in-depth analysis on Joel is really not what i was expecting here but you uh! you make an excellent point. that's um. yeah okay that's fine, i'm fine about that !!! <me when i lie
(rest assured, when joel finds out how jealous Bdubs is of him being partnered with etho, he goes from annoyed to delighted and finds many a way to have fun with Etho despite Etho not really being... himself. He at least has a good time because Etho is more or less there to agree with his plans and go along with whatever he wants to do DSFLKGJSDF)
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eightyuh · 4 months
I'd like to present you with a silly- AU where everything's the same except Glen got isekai-ed into their world. Just some dad coded man plopped into a fantasy adventure. I hope the thought gives you a giggle.
i thought "hmmm what sort of 'fantasy adventure' could i plop Glen into..." and thought of my DND characters!! <3 isekai'd "from one dnd game to another" ahahahaha ^^"""" ---
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Feopi (the satyr) would play rough with him and be excited to finally have her own blorbo to command bonus actions upon. Glen would barely tolerate her.
Mig (the verdan) would spiritually identify with Glen, and I think he'd see her as like ... a frail, mistreated little goblin girl worthy of his protection.
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kirby-the-gorb · 6 months
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s-aint-elmo · 9 months
I'm so glad I'm not the only one obsessed with the Marcille Laios Falin gang. Like they are a unit.... A team.... Even if the rest of the party fell apart they would stay together.... Idk it's just really fun to see all the different groups everyone falls into across the course of dungeon meshi and I love how you can tell that the three of them are a unit even as they are separated for most of the manga.
YEAH!!!! that day in the laughing wolf when falin first stopped marcille from perma-killing her brother that was fate in motion binding them together for the rest of their lives. (/hj but also i have a vague nebulous idea for a series of drawings of the toudens + marcille thru the years starting w the laughing wolf.) i love how we know that in both laios and marcille's ideal visions for the far future they are together with falin and that by the end they make it happen. i love that they both started off being connected only by the strength of their love for falin but eventually developed their own deep closeness that cemented their trio as a balanced whole.
i don't see laimar romantically the way i do farcille but those two for sure mean as much to each other as falin does to them. i love laios's strongest impression of marcille being the moment she gave it all to bring falin back. i love marcille speaking to laios's corpse with her cheek laid on his cold breastplate. i love laios looking out for marcille's comfort and enjoyment as the baseline for the party because she's the most expressive about her feelings. i love marcille always being the first to notice when laios is being dodgy as all hell and making him spit it out.
however it shakes out those three are family 5ever and we all know the lengths they'd go to if they were ever to be separated <333
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add1ctedt0you · 8 months
Novel quotes: wei wuxian having feelings/thoughts about jiang cheng
Under the cut because it's long
However, Jiang Cheng was gone. Holding steamed buns, flatbreads, and fruits in his hands, Wei WuXian felt his heart skip a beat. He forced himself to calm down. Even after he searched through the neighboring streets, he still didn’t see Jiang Cheng. He finally began to panic. Grabbing a cobbler on the side, he asked, “Mister, there was a young master about the same age as me sitting here. Did you see where he went?” The cobbler licked the thick end of a thread, “The one that was with you?” Wei WuXian, “Yeah!”
The cobbler, “I was in the middle of doing something so I didn’t really see. But he kept on spacing out, staring at the people on the street. And then when I looked up at where he was again, he suddenly disappeared. Maybe he left.”
Wei WuXian murmured, “... He left... He left...”
He probably left for Lotus Pier to steal the bodies!
As though he had gone mad, Wei WuXian sprinted immediately toward the direction that they had come from.
He gave himself a harsh scolding in silence—he was stupid, useless, ridiculous, it was bizarre, unimaginable. Yet, he was alone, without a sword or any tools, and on the other side of the wall there were thousands of Wen Sect’s cultivators, perhaps Wen ZhuLie as well.
He wasn’t scared of death. He was only scared that after he died, he wouldn’t be able to save Jiang Cheng and betray the trust that Jiang FengMian and Madam Yu left him. In such circumstances, the only one he could place his hope on was a person of the Wen Sect whom he had met only three times in total!
Wei WuXian’s gaze turned from Wen Ning toward Jiang Cheng, whose body was covered in blood and eyes were tightly shut. His fingers couldn’t help but clenched into fists.
Chapter 59 Poisons—Part Four
Jiang Cheng’s expression was rather strange. It was calm, almost too calm. He stared at the ceiling, as though he wasn’t at all interested in the situation that he was in, as though he didn’t care about where he was either. Wei WuXian didn’t expect him to react in such a way. Sadness, happiness, anger, shock—he had none of these. His heart skipped a beat, “Jiang Cheng, can you see me? Can you hear me? Do you know who I am?” Jiang Cheng glanced at him. He didn’t say anything. Wei WuXian asked him a few more questions. Arm supporting himself, he finally sat upright. He looked down at the mark of the discipline whip on his chest before laughing bitterly. If the discipline whip struck, it’d be impossible to wipe away the mark of shame. Wei WuXian comforted him despite this, “Stop looking at it. There has to be a way to get it off.” Jiang Cheng slapped him. His strike was so weak, so powerless that Wei WuXian didn’t even flinch, “Hit me. As long as you’ll feel better.”
If Wei WuXian were the one injured or if somebody else had saved them, he’d immediately say farewell and leave at once, full of determination. However, right now, Jiang Cheng was the one who had been injured. Not only was he injured, he had lost his core as well. He wasn’t in his right mind. No matter what, Wei WuXian couldn’t find any determination.
Chapter 60 Poisons—Part five
Out of the blue, Jiang Cheng spoke up, “Not to do what?” Wei WuXian paused in surprise, turning to him along with Lan WangJi. Jiang Cheng covered his wound with one hand, his voice chilly, “Wei WuXian, you’re such a great, selfless person. You did the best things possible, and you swallowed all the suffering and didn’t let anyone know. What a touching story. I should kneel down and cry in gratitude, shouldn’t I?” Hearing the mocking tone that lacked any courtesy, Lan WangJi’s face grew cold. Jin Ling saw the displeased expression and immediately stood in front of Jiang Cheng, scared that Lan WangJi would kill him with one strike, “Uncle!” Wei WuXian’s expression worsened as well. He never expected Jiang Cheng to make up with him after he found out the truth, but he didn’t think his tone would be as unkind as ever, either. With a moment of silence, he replied, voice muffled, “I never asked you to thank me.”
In the beginning, it was precisely because he didn’t want to see such a Jiang Cheng that he decided not to tell him.
He remembered every single thing he promised Jiang FengMian and Madam Yu—to help and take care of Jiang Cheng. If someone as unhealthily competitive as him found out about this, he’d be dispirited his whole life, too tortured to face himself. There’d always be something he could never overcome, reminding him that he could only reach where he was because of another’s sacrifice. It wasn’t at all his cultivation and his achievement. No matter if he won or lost, he’d long since lost the right to compete.
Afterwards, it was because Jin ZiXuan and Jiang YanLi died for him that he had no face to let others know. To tell Jiang Cheng after what happened then would be like shirking responsibility, hurrying to demonstrate that he’d contributed as well. It’d be like telling Jiang Cheng, don’t hate me, look I’ve contributed to the YunmengJiang Sect too.
Chapter 102- Hatred - Part Five
At this point, somebody on the side suddenly called, “Wei WuXian!”
Wei WuXian answered immediately, “What?”
Only after he answered did he realize that the one who called him was Jiang Cheng. Wei WuXian felt somewhat surprised. Jiang Cheng didn’t respond directly. Instead, he took something out from his sleeve and tossed. Wei WuXian caught it by instinct and looked, only to find a black, gleaming flute along with a crimson tassel.
It was the ghoul flute, Chen Qing!
As he felt the flute that he was more than familiar with, Wei WuXian didn’t even have the spare time to feel surprised.
Chapter 108: Concealment - Part Two
After a pause, he asked again, “How have Sect Leader Jiang and Jin Ling been?”
Lan JingYi pouted, “They seem pretty fine. Sect Leader Jiang is the same as before, always lashing out at people with his whip. Young Mistress’s temper has been getting better. In the past he could talk back thrice to his uncle after he scolds him once. Now he can do ten times.”
Hearing Lan JingYi say so, Wei WuXian relaxed slightly. In truth, he knew that these weren’t what he really wanted to ask. But as it sounded like Jiang Cheng and Jin Ling had been doing quite well, there was nothing left to say.
Chapter 116: Extra—Banquet - Part Three
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verenvuoto · 2 months
ur art is so slorpy
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corrodedcoughin · 1 year
Thinking about steddie future where they're both just average guys. No rockstars, no basketball players just two Normal men living a normal life because honestly? they deserve it. They deserve soft domesticity and happiness.
They both have jobs they like but don't love and they're happy with that. Eddie maybe becomes an electrician, working for someone else's company. His coworkers are chill, he gets to get out and work with his hands and that's more than he could have asked for. Steve is a physical therapist, or a manager in some business. He likes his team and the steady hours. He's not working for his dad which is a plus.
They buy a house together, that's not a mansion but it's not a trailer either. Steve does a lot of the dishes because Eddie hates it, hates the feeling of old food on the plates and cutlery. So Eddie will kiss Steve on the cheek and does the laundry because Steve fucking hates laundry. And sitting on the floor watching TV while he folds clothes is honestly sort of relaxing?? Love is doing the chores your partner hates.
Steve and Robin go out for brunch at least once a month, where they catch up and gossip for hours and hours and Steve comes home lighter with updates on Robin and Vickie. Eddie will have nightly phone calls with Wayne, where they talk and laugh and Eddie will eventually hand the phone over to Steve so he and Wayne can talk sports together. When he's in town Dustin will come over and stay in their spare room and they laugh and joke so much it's just like old times. They go over to Jeff's house for dinner on a semi regular basis, and it's nice having normal friends.
They adopt a very annoying cat who will climb all over them in bed and meow in their faces when they don't wake up to feed it breakfast in time. Steve will go for jogs on a Saturday morning, coming home to Eddie reading in bed. Some old western book Wayne recommended to him. There's a steaming cup of coffee waiting on their bedside tables that Eddie's prepared.
They take time off of work and go on a week long vacation because they can do that now. They do dorky touristy things and Eddie buys a mug to send to Wayne. Steve takes a lot of dorky photos of the two of them.
Idk they deserve to be normal and alive and happy with no upside down anymore <3
Oh I love this! I had actually been thinking about tradesman Eddie for a little bit I am so, so glad you’ve come up with this!
I can so completely see him learning a trade and just getting employed and put through his time by a small local employer! He has to go through his exams and that part of it worries him when he first gets the job but his team end up being really supportive and Steve stays up late with him, practicing circuits and wiring and quizzing him on currents and volts. Eddie returning the favour, letting Steve mark up his muscles and be a living anatomy dummy. Sure it gets a little sexy from time to time but more often than not it’s just them testing each other as Steve identifies bones and Eddie talks about parallel circuits.
The monthly brunches mentally and physically revive Steve after working extended hours with patients that he really does want the best for but a jobs a job and it can get pretty tiring. They joke that they rebalance each others chakras but they really do feel realigned after their meet ups. Eddie can see it to, sometimes he’ll come pick them up when it’s been a boozy brunch and delights in seeing them happy and light, clambering over each other to tell Eddie something about one of the waiters or an especially good dish they ordered. When he drops Robin home Steve sits in the front and looks at peace and Eddie feels the same way.
Their weekends are for them, sometimes that means staying home and cleaning the whole place between ordering food in and sometimes that means going on a day trip and taking Wayne around all the antique spots around the county and seeing what horrors they can uncover. Top spot currently sits with Wayne’s find of a doll whose limbs had been replaced with horse legs and had the head of a fish. Of course they bought it.
Every time they go on a holiday they make sure to send postcards to everyone, including themselves, seeing if they’ll get home before the postcard does. Steve keeps them in a photo album, each with a Polaroid of them next to it. Sometimes taken by a stranger, sometimes just a close up of their faces squashed together. It’s Eddie’s favourite thing to go through on their anniversary, or any day really, just loves being reminded that this is the life they get to have.
It’s mundane, dare say even normal, but they love it. Steve comes home every night, happy to put his scrubs in the washing machine next to Eddie’s uniform, happy to be where he feels loved.
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intheholler · 2 months
You were asking for warm feelings, so: When I was a kid, we visited the region, and the thing I remember most after woods like something out of Frost is the music. Not just Dolly Parton and Loretta Lynn, but the smaller folk music and dance performances we saw between national parks. (I still can't figure out how to make my feet move like that, and not for lack of trying!) I've always wanted to do it again as an adult.
I'm not from Appalachia, but reading your recent posts, I feel the same way about my own home that frequently tries to set fire to itself politically (Texas), and I find it reassuring and validating to read about your deep love for where your roots are. It's an increasingly rare thing, and while the scarcity of people of our frame of mind makes me sad, I'm also all the more appreciative of reading posts like yours when they come across my dash.
Way too often, when we talk about deterioration or instability in our homelands, we're told "just move." People don't understand how our souls are tangled up in the tree roots, echoed in birdsong, that we're part of the mist on the backroads and the rush of bats out of a cave like fucking Dracula. It takes a degree of bravery to let yourself become part of a place, even more to choose to remain that way--especially if you're vocal about it. So, rambling as this is, it's all to say hang in there, because your love for your land is a rare and beautiful thing.
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royboyfanpage · 4 months
Shaeks u violently. Do u have a favorite roy and ollie moment
*Rattling around like a box of nails* I'm incapable of choosing one of anything so here's a few:
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And its later parallel:
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I didn't like WF:TT that much BUT this is one of the sweetest Roy and Ollie moments ever:
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And then literally the entirety of the Archers' Quest storyline but these are my favourite moments:
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(Particularly love this one because it's SUCH a dad thing from Ollie):
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Anyway love this fictional father son relationship with all my heart <3
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