#neither realise the other is a mess
vani-ash · 7 months
Cam boy Chay AU where he wears a mask but hes well know for his happy personality and even if he covers his face he talks about himself a lot.
Cue Kim who had been stressed from working everyday, his schedule usually left him with only 1 to 2 free days where he really got to relax. He doesn't want to use Kinns escort service so he uses the internet and finds a cute cam boy who was so endearing and earnest when he spoke about himself that kim felt enamored by him
Anyway one day Chay does an unscheduled stream and kim is losing his mind cause his favourtie cam boy is wearing WIK merch and keeps talking about how he saw WIK live
and how had Kim not recognized him??? He had had to sign the shirt!
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if we're talking about fob songs and sorry it's locked, may I suggest "American beauty/American Psycho"
specifically the lines
"I think I fell in love again, maybe I just took too much cough medicine"
"us we were pity sex, nothing more and nothing less"
and "all those dirty thoughts of me, they were never yours to keep"
ooooooooooooo so trueeee, it works for so much of S,IL honestly, like there are some lines that work for Jay and Tim, some for Jay and Alex in uni, some for Jay and Alex during MH, like. Perfect
little lyric analysis thingy under the thingy bobber
"I think I fell in love again, Maybe I just took too much cough medicine" Like, this one feels like Jay and Tim, specifically how I first planned to write them getting together which was gonna take a lot longer, because Jay was basically gonna go the Alex route and refuse to believe he liked Tim (tho not because he didn't wanna be gay, just because he still felt really fucking hurt by everything that happened with Alex) like, he was gonna make all sorts of ridiculous excuses for ages about why he couldn't possibly like Tim in that way. And I did kinda keep that in a little bit in chapter 3 of S,IL i think, just not to the same extent as i had it in the original plan.
The idea of Jay blaming medicine for his feelings towards Tim could be so interesting though, especially with the whole thing about Tim sharing his meds with Jay after they ran into the Operator in entry 72 and Jay had his seizure. Like, idk it feels like the kinda straws Jay would grasp at (especially since he seems to resistant to getting professional help for anything) as another excuse he'd use to avoid going to the doctors to get medication of his own.
"I'm the best worst thing that hasn't happened to you yet, The best worst thing" This line is definitely Jay and Alex in uni, it just is. They are both the best worst things that have happened to each other. Nearly all their problems stem from each other and their relationships over the years, whether that's platonic or sexual or whatever. And like, yeah Alex would probably have ended up getting tangled up with the Operator no matter what, but I do feel like everything would have been different (in S,IL as well as the canon) if he and Jay hadn't been as close as they were/known each other. because without Jay rediscovering the tapes Alex gave him, the MH youtube channel wouldn't have happened and Jay would most likely have just gone on with his life none the wiser, same with Tim. Brian would probably have been the only one still in at least a similar situation.
Also "best worst thing" is a weirdly nice descriptor, it scratches my brain a lot. And "best worst thing that hasn't happened to you yet" is perfect for main series Jaylex because like, the best worst thing that will ever happen to Jay? Dying in Alex's arms (cos that's what i wanna happen in S,IL. I want Jay to die in Alex's arms with Alex crying and telling him he loves him)
"You take the full, full truth, then you pour some out" is just chapter 3 of If It Ain't Broken lol. Like, literally this is what happens in that Chapter (which i should be uploading tomorrow? Maybe tonight but most likely tomorrow). Jay talks to his friends and only really tells them half of the truth and keeps the rest for himself so that he doesn't look like a bad person. its great. he's such a little bastard man and I love him. "And as we're drifting off to sleep, All those dirty thoughts of me, They were never yours to keep" Just like Alex in general wasn't Jay's to keep, especially not after what I have planned for chapter 6 :DDDD but like, to me this feels like it just kinda ties in with all of the stuff Jay and Alex avoided. Like, they never fucked in a bed, Jay never slept over after they hooked up, Alex never used sweet pet names with Jay unless it's during aftercare where he can pass it off as 'just being a good dom' and not have to own his words etc. Like, idk why that lyric just feels like the same kinda thing as all those.
"Us, we were pity sex, nothing more and nothing less" is Alex downplaying everything that happened in chapter 1 of S,IL. Like, you now in chapter 2 where he tells Jay he only called him baby and stuff like that because he was pretending he was Amy? That. It's Alex pretending that them sleeping together again, in a bed this time, and Jay staying there overnight didn't mean anything when really they did. They meant a whole lot to him, but then he realised it had been a bad idea because it'd make Jay get attached to him again and make Jay even more dead set on finding out what's going on, so he had to scramble for something to drive Jay away all over again.
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ruthieafterdark · 1 month
Mutually assured corruption
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luveline · 11 months
𝐛𝐲 𝐭𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐬 | 𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐮𝐬 𝐥𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐧
remus’ touch after a long night prompts a tired confession (and a slew of clumsy kisses). 
requested here. modern au. fem!reader, 3.6k.
˚‧꒰ა ✮ ໒꒱‧˚
“I'm going to bed,” Sirius mumbles, scratching at his eyes as he gets up. “Don't let her sleep in her makeup. She'll get an eye infection.” 
Your eyes are getting sore, but it's hardly Remus' responsibility to make sure you wash your face tonight, nor Sirius’ to remind you. “I'm a big girl.” 
Sirius sends you a smile, ignoring your chiding. “Goodnight, my loves,” he says, waving you both away as he heads out of the living room and up the stairs. 
“Notice how he didn't do his dishes?” Remus asks, shifting beside you. 
He's sitting as he tends to, slouched in a way that can't be good for his back in the long run but is clearly comfortable short term. His chin is on his chest, his legs kicked out under the coffee table, which is decorated by the casualties of the night. Sirius’ dinner plate, Remus’ mug, James’ rarely used handheld console. He'd been playing a cutesy farming sim before he said goodnight an hour ago. Sirius stayed to mess with James’ crops and eat a late supper. You're surprised it took him as long as it did to admit defeat. 
“What time is it?” you ask. 
You're laying on the sofa with your socked feet tucked behind Remus’ back, of which he's yet to complain. His elbow brushes your shin as he brings up his arm. “Nearly one in the morning, now,” he reads from his watch. “Let's go to bed too, yeah?” 
“I don't want to.” You turn your face into the pillow behind your neck.
“Me neither,” Remus says, dropping his hand on your knee.
You watch another twenty minutes of TV together failing to summon the energy to stand, but the want for a glass of water grows too big. Your head throbs as you get up, offering your hands to the pretzel that is your favourite housemate.
Remus turns off the TV and lights. You lock the front door. He carries the dirty dishes to the kitchen and you fill up two glasses of water to take with you. It's all so… regular. A routine you share nearly every night, only to climb into your two separate beds. 
He ushers you out of the kitchen and down the hallway with his hand behind your shoulders, his touch a phantom as you ascend the stairs.
You're silent beside the creak of the old wood, too tired to speak. Remus is similarly quiet, though he does whisper, “Watch,” when you nearly kick the box of Halloween decorations waiting to be taken up into the attic. 
You leave your water on the towel box in the alcove and dance around one another in the bathroom. Sirius’ toothbrush lays on the sink still wet, but otherwise there's no signs of him. 
You're feeling very, very tired. You hadn't realised how bad it was until you're putting your toothbrush in your mouth, leant up against the window sill, a slot of cold air seeping in from the dark outside. Your eyes shutter closed. The scrubbing sound of Remus brushing his teeth is almost lulling. 
He swills out his mouth and washes his brush. “Here,” he says gently. You open your eyes just enough to see him beckoning you forward. “Dove, your necklace.” 
“Oh. Thanks.” You turn your back to him. 
His fingers are damp and cool on your skin as he unclasps your necklace. He often takes it off for you. It's one of the things you'll miss when you guys aren't living together anymore, the slow meander to his bedroom, the wood of his door jam on your cheek as you lean against it and give him a hopeful smile. Sometimes he's awake, reading a novel on his side in bed or listening to music at his desk, other times he's sleeping. On those occasions you spend too long lingering, stolen seconds spent staring at the rise and fall of his shoulder. 
“Thank you,” you say as he puts your necklace in the jewellery dish. It comes out missing vowels, lips stuck together as though honeyed. 
You spit pathetically in the sink, rinse your brush, and consider sitting down. “I'm tired,” you whine, wiping your lips. 
“I know,” Remus says, giving you a fond nudge. “Just wash your face and get on with it.” 
“You first. I'm going to nap standing up for a bit.” 
He puts as much of his hair behind his ears as he can and turns on the tap. This is just as familiar as brushing your teeth together. It's not quite as bad as watching James Perfect Skin Potter wash his face with bar soap, but you have to admit that Remus’ eight-nine pence face soap hurts your heart. He washes it off, pats his face dry, and takes the small bottle of bio oil out of the medicine cabinet to pipette onto his pinky finger. “Wash your face,” he says, smoothing the oil into his scars one by one. 
You shake your head. “M'gonna do it in the morning.” 
“That's why your eye was swollen a few weeks ago. You know yourself you won't.” 
“I might,” you say, letting out a big breath as you rub your sore eyes even sorer, “I'm too tired.” 
“Can you sit up, at least?” 
“No.” Remus takes you by the shoulders and forces you to sit on the edge of the bath. “Aggressive?” 
“Don't fall in,” he says, cupping your cheek briefly as if to make sure you've heard. 
You are hearing him, seeing him, even feeling the immensity of his touch, but you're tired, and you know you can let yourself relax completely with him. You'd be the same with James or Sirius, though neither of them could have your head feeling so dizzyingly light from a single touch as Remus can. You probably wouldn't let them persuade you into this, either, tilting your head back to watch through blurry vision as Remus soaks a cotton round in your facial oil. 
“Close your eyes,” he says. 
“Was that a dracula impression?” 
“I command you.” 
You close your eyes. The queasy feeling of oil drags against your lids as Remus wipes them, loosening the stiff tubes of mascara that coat your lashes. It's not a short process because he's very, very gentle, holding your face delicately as though you're a flower in need of coddling, and him the sun. It's the only metaphor that would ever make sense for you and Remus; he's like the sun even if it goes against every statement he's ever made about himself, or anyone else has, for that matter. People think he's a moody, sarcastic boy, and he is, but he's also a vestibule of sweetness, softness, and warmth. The kind of heat you'd only ever feel kissing your skin under the summer sun. But more than that, he's the relief that follows when the clouds come out. 
And his hands are all over you. Your head gets heavier by the minute, eased into dozing by his touch and quiet tones. “We're almost done. I'm gonna have to carry you to bed at this rate.” 
“I'm going to miss this so much one day,” you say. It's easier to admit when you're not looking at him. 
Remus turns on the tap. Hot water runs, you can tell by the sound as strange as it seems, and he wrings the dirtied cotton round before replacing it with a new one. He wets it, bringing it just that touch too hot to your cheeks to wipe you down. “What are you going to miss, dove?” 
“Us. You. I'm going to miss you.” 
“Where are you going?” 
“Nowhere, but one day I will be. James will finally have had enough of us and I'll,” —you swallow around nothing as a rivulet of water runs down your cheek, a cooling tear from the cotton round— “have to move out and we'll never see each other anymore.” 
“Don't be silly, you're not going anywhere.” 
“It's not about the going,” you murmur, peeling your eyes open tentatively as his dabbing follows down your cheek to your neck. “I miss you sometimes and we still live together. I can't imagine how much I'll miss you…” 
Remus puts the cotton round aside. He takes your face into his hand, and suddenly his touch feels raw, nothing like it had moments ago. Because Remus would wash your makeup off for you any day of the week, but his looking at you like this, so unshielded and unabashed, is a rarity. 
“You won't have to miss me. Even if we did move away from each other, I wouldn't let it be that far.” 
“Friends move away all the time. We don't speak to half the people we knew at school.” 
“I only really knew you and the boys,” he says. It isn't true but it is at the same time. Together, you'd been a happy lot, but your current housemates are the ones you'd known. “And see? We're still together.” 
“But for how long?” you ask. 
Remus brings his second hand, holding your face entirely. He covers your cheeks, index fingers sliding slowly under your ears. He's exceedingly gentle, and his eyes are soft. He holds you like you're made of glass, like you could break under a hint of pressure. Slowly, he tilts his head to the side as though he might lean in for a kiss. Maybe he doesn't know he's doing it, but Remus is a very purposeful soul. He'd do much worse to wind you up if you wanted him to. 
You sober up. It's like he has caffeine in his palms. 
“You want to go where I'm going, is that it?” he asks quietly. 
“Yeah,” you say, barely say, voice shame-facedly weak. Is he asking what you think he is?
“Do you want to start now?” 
You breathe out as one of his hands shifts down your jaw. “Yeah, I… I want to start now.” 
“Okay, dove. Then close your eyes again.” 
You hold his gaze for a second that feels infinitely long and short at once, your heart racing. Clarity has returned, a thrust into wakefulness even if your fatigue ties knots around your ankles. You look at him in his late night glory, his scars shining a pink-white like the petals of a young peony flower, and you know it's happening now. 
You shut your eyes. 
He steps closer, though the bath you're perched on is low, and he has to bend a considerable amount to reach you. The weight of his hands on you doesn't change, not even as he grows near enough to sense the heat of his breath against your lips. It's his nose that makes first contact as it slides against yours, and then his forehead presses down into you, his lips noticeably absent. Each contiguity between you thrums. 
A pit opens in your chest, cleaved by his voice as he says, “I'm going to kiss you, okay? S'that what you want?” 
Your hands don't feel like your own. Under the sickening nervousness twining its way through your ribs, you're excited. You're smiling, your voice shaped by it. “Yeah. It's what I want,” you say. 
“Good. It's what I've wanted for a while–” while pressed into your lips, all shaken up by an emotion you've never heard him speak with. He kisses you and you're frozen, and he waits and waits and pulls away to push back in. You remember yourself then, responding to his wading with some pressure of your own. Sparked back to life. 
It's so strange. It doesn't feel real. Remus Lupin kisses you heated and hard for just long enough to feel it in your teeth before he pulls away. “Sorry,” he murmurs, his fingertip running down your cheek, following that same path as your earlier rivulet. To think he saw it, really saw it, locked it away to remember and trace into your skin now… maybe he's seen much more of you than you realised all along. 
“Will you do it again?” you say under your breath. 
Remus must hear the thread of insecurity running through your question; you're afraid he'll say no, but he strokes your cheek again with that unfathomable softness and says, “Yeah, dove, of course I will.” 
“Do you want to?” 
And that's less insecurity and more selfishness, wanting the confession. He hears that, too. 
“I want to kiss you more than I've ever wanted anything,” he says, eye to eye with you, your head tipped up and your heart in your throat, twitching and fizzling like a firecracker. “Yeah? And all that missing me you've been doing? All your worrying? You don't need to do that. You've never needed to do that–” 
“I just never thought you liked me like that.” You and Remus aren't new to one another. “You've been the same since the day we met.” 
Remus’ hands get a little more solid where he's holding you. “Dove. Dove, are you mad?” 
“Maybe I have been the same, but did you really not notice that I–” He squeezes your cheeks playfully, almost in disbelief. “If you want me, I'm here. I'm not going anywhere without you. You're not going anywhere without me.” 
“So you like me?” 
“Yes,” he says, his eyebrows pinched together at the starts. “Of course I do.” He laughs. “That's what I'm trying to tell you.” 
“Oh,” you say, lifting your head. 
Remus shuts his eyes a millisecond before you shut your own and kisses you again. The second round is softer, his smile to yours and struggling to find purchase. His breath huffs out in a minty laugh, shockwaves through your mouth. 
“Stop laughing,” he breathes, his hands falling to your neck, your shoulders.
“You first.” 
Your lips part under his, a split-second of contact. He yanks away before things can get too heavy, and you're glad he does, but for a moment you feel the loss like a wave of vertigo. 
“Sorry, I'm going too fast, and you're tired.” His touch is ticklish behind your shoulder. 
“It's okay. Maybe it is a bit fast, but I'm not tired anymore,” you confess. 
Remus hugs you, cementing every feeling for him you have as he wraps his arms around you from over your shoulders, a deft hand cupped behind your neck. “That's not true. I can feel your back shaking. Let's go to bed.” 
“After that?” 
“What, are you worried it won't have happened in the morning?” he asks genuinely. 
You go limp in his arms as he takes your weight against his chest. Not worried, but rather not sure you can be away from him so soon. You ask him in a whisper if you can come and sit with him, not to sleep with him, not to do anything else, and he whispers back, Anything you want. You both entertain the lie that you won't fall asleep in his bed. 
Remus tenses as he hears the scuffling sounds of movement downstairs. It takes a train of thought awakening for him to realise it's only James, rising early as usual to put on a load of washing and prepare bits for lunch before he goes off for training. He can see him in his mind's eye if he tries, his friend dressed in the red and white rugby uniform, green socks up over his calves and white cleats scrubbed pristine for another ruck in the mud. 
Remus’ relaxes, stretching out in bed until his hand bumps into something rigid. 
He flinches. 
You're laying on the mattress beside him, your head slipped off of the pillows and your arm tucked beneath you. It doesn't look comfortable, and if it were any other morning he'd pull it straight for you, but. 
I kissed you, he thinks to himself, as though talking to you. He turns away from you until his back clicks and alleviates the ache in his hips, though he has to settle eventually, back on his back, no way of ignoring you. He doesn't want to ignore you. The opposite —why are you so far away? Can he hold you? 
What are the rules here? 
Kissing… not dating… You're here in his bed, you'd asked to stay. 
He takes your hand and pulls at your arm. Still sleeping, you mumble and move onto your back, releasing the pressure on your shoulder as he pulls you toward his chest. Your face is impassive, lax in sleep. 
He should let you sleep. 
“Dove,” he says, stroking up the length of your arm. 
“Mm?” you hum. 
“I need to ask you something.” 
You twitch awake with a small cough. Your eyes are red with a lack of sleep as you open them, blinking, and he wishes stupidly that he could make it better. He makes a sympathetic sound for want of more to do. 
“Why have you woken me up?” you ask, blinking at him. You gather that there's nothing urgent happening and push your face into his shoulder, practically nuzzling him. “It's Saturday.” 
“I just need to ask you something.” 
“So ask me,” you encourage through your sleepiness. 
The washing machine whirs downstairs. It’s an old machine that you often joke is taking off into orbit during the final spin, loud as anything. He can barely hear your sluggish breathing underneath it, but he can't miss the catch in it after he asks, “Can I be your boyfriend?” 
It's not the catch he's expecting. You laugh and readjust, wrapping your arms around him from the side and kissing the side of his neck clumsily. “Y'u asked me last night,” you say in a borderless run-on, sounding about as dopily in love as he's ever heard you. 
He thinks about it. Yes, he did, after he'd kissed you many more times than he should've and curled up in bed with you, hands held loosely beneath the blankets. He remembers the question, the answer. The last kiss that followed, and you falling asleep beside him. 
“I need a coffee,” he says, encouraging your head back so he can kiss your temple. 
“No, you need to sleep more with me. And maybe kiss me again. If you want to.” 
Sleeping isn't half as interesting as kissing you. He slots his nose against yours and languishes in the feeling of your lips, wondering if he's having a false start. He could still be dreaming. It would make sense. 
The door clatters open with a curse. James stands in the doorway with a folded pile of Remus' washing from the radiators in his arms, an apology on his lips, “Sorry, mate, the door got away from– oh my god. Oh my god?” 
Remus isn't an overly shy guy but he can't deal with this. “For fuck's sake,” he mutters, dropping his face into your shoulder. Your arm wraps under his neck, fingers splayed across his cheek. 
“James–” you begin, resigned to your fate. 
“This is flat-cest. This is the cardinal sin.” 
“We don't live in a flat,” Remus says. 
“That makes it worse. You can't even blame close quarters.” Remus peeks up to watch James in the doorway, still clinging to Remus’ washing, pure shock curdling his features. He shakes his head. “I'm telling Sirius.” 
“Please don't!” you say.
You slump back into the pillows as James leaves anyways. 
Remus hugs your soft abdomen. “Don't worry,” he says.
“I guess it's a good thing you've already asked me out,” you say. 
“Why, what can they do?” Remus asks, wondering if he's allowed to put his face on your chest or if that's too forward. You rake a hand through his hair and encourage him forward, to his delight. 
Frantic words. You and Remus loved up in bed despite it. 
“I'm chucking them out!” 
“James, they've been seeing for weeks. Can I go back to sleep?” 
You grumble into his hair. “That's not even true… Does everyone know, then? That I liked you?” 
Remus thinks of the shadow of you in the doorway, that sheepish smile you send his way before you ask him to unclasp your necklace before bed, or your face as he’d wiped the sooty stain of mascara from your cheek last night, half in love with him as you fell asleep in his palm. 
“I don't think so, lovely,” he comforts. “Don't worry about it. We'll clear it up at lunch time. James isn't even mad, he's just sulking thinking we didn't tell him.”
“How could you not tell me?” James asks on cue, rounding the door again, arms ever tighter around the bundle of Remus’ clothes. He assumes it's being kept hostage. “I thought we were best mates.” 
“James,” you say softly, all sympathy. 
Remus likes the feeling of your voice under his ear, and your slightly too-quick heartbeat. He could fall asleep here and now if it weren't for the company. 
“It's new,” you're saying, softness melded to a sweet pride. “Okay? I've barely told Remus how I feel, of course I was going to tell you. We were only talking about it last night. It really hasn't been weeks, Sirius is a stirrer.” 
Remus pulls the covers up over your heads and climbs on top of you in a rush, demanding that the both of you be left alone, to James’ great annoyance but your delight, your laughter loud in the shell of his ear. Your chest shakes with it beneath him. 
A great wad of fabric hits him in the legs. “Twats,” James says, seemingly stalking off. 
Your whisper sends shivers down his spine. “We're alone again. Do you have anything else to ask me while you're too tired to remember?” you tease. 
There's not a chance in the world that Remus would ever forget this. 
˚‧꒰ა ✮ ໒꒱‧˚
thanks for reading!! I really hope you enjoyed, it's been a little bit since I wrote for remus like this so I was actually a bit nervous and I hope it's okay :D <3
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litt1e-prince · 1 year
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i feel too tired i just DONT want to animate but i cant justify not doing smth related to school work- so uh. theres this ig.
#POINTS HARVEY DO U SEE HIM HIDING#yeah he would not do that#thats so fuckin out of character but for this??? i cant be fussed#i wanted 'father protecting son' moment even if theyre not related#you know what im having a moment because how ARE they related#theyre the 4 elements and rudy saw harveys mum as his sister but#oh fuck whats his name - the character thats based of engine? whateva- he doesnt see any of them as family related and more friends#and then the 4th who has no name sees them as enemies - it was really only rudy and flo who considered each other siblings just cause they#were like besties through childhood and went to war together and neither had any family so they jsut decided on each other-#ANYWAY i kept thinkin about how rudy + harvey are trapped in a water prison despite rudy literally having enough power to escape and water#being his biggest friend in this situation but how he like DOESNT. cause why wouldnt he??? major flaw in my part#that + the depression ive been hit with just kinda made me go 'he was overwhelmed with grief and easily manipulated - he hasnt even#connected the dots that he COULD escape yet or if it would be worth it cause hes just this emotional mess thats been wrung and twisted#like you know how ice expands or smth?? yea - after flo's death and harveys birth my man is so stunned and shocked he emotionally 'expands'#which oops bang he gets manipualted and mentally toyed with - harvey also being a key component in this manipulation despite the child not#realising it! tbh i think rudy just gives up completely until the 'Attack' happens and foster stumbles into the prison looking for a way ou#t - then hes like 'OH FUCK WAIT PEOPLE STILL EXIST?? WHAT U DOING HERE' and foster is like 'BFF RN ARE YOU THE GENERALS FATHER???'#mans goes from having one kid (assumed dead) and one child forced onto him (harvey) to 2 daughters (Jack + Marsha) and a son (harvey-) and#then becomes the BEST babysitter in the whole world retiring from war crimes to take 12 different kids along the world (spoiler: he loses#them all) man. i know harvey is my fav oc but rudy <3333#my art#smudgedart#OH ALSO IF U DIDNT KNOW HARVEY IS BASED OFF A FIELD MOUSE AND RUDY IS BASED OFF AN ARTIC FOX#<- FUN FACTS
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multapohja966 · 2 years
if you want to be a creator and not an analyst you need to accept calling unfinished finished. 
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sunshineandspencer · 4 months
Friendly face (Part 2)
A/N: I may have misjudged the amount of people that would love receptionist x hotch, and I never planned on a part 2 but I will always succumb to peer pressure.
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Fem!Receptionist!Reader.
Summary: Now that his favourite receptionist works on his floor (with absolutely no intervention from himself), Aaron finds himself almost as smitten as his son.
Word Count: 609
Warnings: fluff in a way that my heart hurts
part 1 here!! and part three!!!
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While working in the main reception had been interesting over the years, it was nothing compared to working on the BAU floor.
Firstly, the team had taken to her so well, and everyone absolutely adored her. Penelope especially, considering she now had someone that constantly stayed back just like her. Spencer, too, is an absolute sweetheart that she would probably die for.
Whenever they came back from cases, she always had a new batch of whatever she’d been baking just for them.
However, the team found out about her ‘first come gets two’ stipulation that she had, and didn’t like that it constantly went to Hotch. Plus he’d go on to get a third that supposedly went to Jack, but Morgan was convinced that he just eats it on the way home and his son doesn’t see a crumb.
Being accused of favouritism, especially with the Unit Chief, wasn’t something she expected, but she embraced it readily. Played into it, actually.
Absolutely adoring the way he would pretend that he hadn't ever taken two - “let alone three Morgan, get a grip” - but then made a big thing of packing two small paper-wrapped treats into his bag in full view of the team.
Accompanied by her soft giggles from the receptionist desk that she desperately tried to hide as they all walked out.
Although, her absolute favourite times at the BAU were when JJ and (especially) Hotch’s kids visited. They now swarmed her desk, asking so damn cutely for candy and treats that she’d happily sneak to them.
While Henry was adorable, Jack was absolutely her favourite.
Today, as she walked into the bullpen to sort out some files, she was met by the joyful giggles of the younger Hotchner boy running at her. Until she had a mess of blonde hair buried into her stomach that nearly ran her over.
“Oh~! How is my favourite Hotchner!”
The voice that responded wasn’t exactly the one she had expected.
It didn’t come from the muffled face buried into her pastel pink cardigan, it wasn’t high pitched and excited - moments away from begging for another candy - and it certainly didn’t belong to the younger Hotchner currently lolling his head back to look up at her.
Instead, as she looked up, she was met with the amused glance of Aaron Hotchner. A man who appeared far too smug for his own good.
Deciding to blatantly ignore the other agents as he walked over to them, ruffling his son's hair and talking softly. Easing the files from her hand.
“Don’t knock her over Jack, or she won’t give us biscuits anymore.”
The boy pouted and she knew she could never deny him anything, looking up to smack Aaron’s arm softly. Giving him a playfully scolding look.
“I would never deny my favourite Hotchner anything.”
“I should think not.”
Neither of them delved into whether or not she meant Jack or Aaron. Knowing it wasn’t worth getting into right now - he’d interrogate her over their dinner on the weekend.
With a gentle brush to the small of her back, Aaron slipped past her towards his office, and she looked back down to Jack. Smushing his little cheeks and leaning down to press a kiss to his forehead, leaving a pink smudge behind that left him giggling all over again.
Whispering down at him that she would never withhold treats from him, and sneaking him off to grab some more while his dad wasn’t looking.
Not realising that he was looking from his office, that gentle smile on his face to see his son so comfortable with someone else.
To be so comfortable with her.
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mapis-putellas · 3 months
Emotional support bunny
Pairing: Nat x you
Words: 1362
Warnings: none
Summary: you gift a stuffed bunny to Natasha on your one year anniversary. She adores it, names it, and promptly sleeps with it every single night. Well, that was until disaster strikes and bunny goes missing.
Notes: It’s been months. I have no explanation other than I’ve had some major writers block. I am, so sorry. And I hope this makes up for it.
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It was on your one year anniversary that you’d gifted it to her. A small, grey bunny adorned in a cute black t-shirt with the phrase, this is my emotional support bear written on the front. It was meant as a joke. At least, that’s how you intended it to be at first. She was Natasha Romanoff. The black widow. Why would the black widow want anything to do it’s something so childish?
But surprisingly, she’d been delighted, and she’d quickly given it a name. Tiny. Tiny the bunny. For the first few days, tiny had sat on her dresser next to a photograph of you and her together. Natasha would give it soft smile and fond touch as she passes, and that was that.
But then, tiny would appear in your bed. Just during that day at first, propped up against the pillows when neither of you were there. But then one night, after returning home from a mission with Yelena and Clint, you noticed tiny was neither on her dresser or propped up against the pillows.
Upon closer inspection, as you’d crawled into the bed next to her, you realised that the reason tiny wasn’t in either of his usual spaces was because he was held clutched to Natasha’s chest. Your heart immediately melts at the sight, and after pressing a soft kiss to her forehead, you’d laid down and pulled her close to your chest before too drifting off to sleep.
From that moment forward -with the occasional exception of course ;) - tiny was in your bed every single night. Sometimes Natasha cuddled him, and sometimes you would because Natasha liked him to smell of you. Natasha had never been too settled when it came to sleep. Insomnia, nightmares. You helped of course, but there was something about tiny that would settle her immediately. You guessed it had something to do with healing her inner child.
Tiny would soon start coming on missions too. Of course he remained safely hidden in her bag, out of sight and out of mind from everyone else, but knowing he was there often helped. A reminder of sorts that she always had a piece of you with her no matter where she went.
Everything was great. Until it wasn’t.
You see, Natasha had misplaced tiny before. Whether it be he’d slipped out of bed during one of her restless nights of sleep or he’d fallen to the bottom of her bag after forgetting he was there and unpacking everything but him. But she’d never completely lost him before. Or well, she hadn’t until now. And her reaction to losing him wasn’t anything like you expected.
You’d walked into the bedroom to see her clad in nothing but a shirt and underwear determinedly ripping the blankets off of your shared bed. The rest of the room was a mess too, and you furrow your eyebrows in confusion as you pocket your phone and make your way over to her.
“Nat?” You question, reaching out to touch her arm.
She startles at the touch as she whips herself round to face you, and you hold up your arms to show her you meant no harm as you take a small step backwards. “Baby, what’s going on?” You slowly lower your arms as you sit on the now bare mattress and give the shirt burying her small frame a gentle tug, coaxing her closer.
She steps in between your open legs, and you wrap one of your arms just beneath her rear end as the other one comes up to brush a messy strand of hair out of her face. Her eyes, you realise now, are bloodshot, bottom lip quivering as if she was doing everything possible to stop herself from crying.
You frown in concern as you give her thigh a gentle tug, coaxing it over your lap and against your hip. She complies, and you wrap an arm around her waist to keep her supported as she brings the other leg up so she was effectively straddling your lap.
She burrows her face into your neck, and your heart breaks when you feel hot tears beginning to stain your neck. “What’s going on my love?” You murmur, bringing one hand up to settle on the back of her neck.
Natasha shakes her head with a soft sniffle, and you frown as you give her a soft squeeze, not really understanding why she didn’t want to confide to you but happy to sit here and hold her for as long as she needed. It takes a while, but she does eventually sit herself up in your arms. Your arms move from resting against her shoulder blades to just above her behind, fingers slipping beneath her oversized shirt and grazing across soft skin.
“I can’t find tiny.” She whispers, one of her hands rising to cling to the front of your shirt as her face scrunches up and another soft sob escapes her lips. Your heart breaks, your hand rising up the bare skin of her her back and coaxing her back to your chest. She seems to allow herself to cry freely now, her body trembling as she clutches fiercely to the back of your shirt.
Some may think this was an overreaction to losing a measly stuffed animal, and maybe they were right. But this wasn’t just any stuffed animal. It was her comfort. Her safe place. And whilst that may seem childish to some, for Natasha, someone who had denied herself the most simplest of comforts because she was under the impression she didn’t deserve them; someone who didn’t have any ounce of a childhood, tiny was her everything and you thanked god she trusted you enough to let down her walls and allow you to comfort her.
“Is he in your bag?” You question as you begin the motion of gently rocking her back and forth in your arms.
Natasha shakes her head. “N-no. I looked there.” She manages to choke out, and you nod in understanding as you look around the room to see if there were any spaces tiny could have hidden himself in. When you come up empty, you attempt to wrack your mind for any more ideas.
“You looked under the bed?”
Natasha nods again as she sits herself up in your arms, hands rising to roughly wipe away the tears. You shake your head slightly as you gently knock her hands away, replacing them with your own and tenderly wiping off her cheeks.
You’re about to suggest looking elsewhere in the house for the beloved bunny until a familiar fluffy hand appears in your peripheral vision. You gently pat Natasha’s back to get her attention, waiting for her teary eyes to meet your own before pointing to the corner the room where a pile of clean laundry sat in its basket.
“Did you by chance change our bedding today?” You ask, rising to your feet before easing her down onto her own. Natasha doesn’t acknowledge your question as she all but sprints to the corner of the room, knocking that large pile of laundry to the floor in her haste to grab tiny from here he was hidden at the bottom of it before clutching him to her chest.
She lets out a quiet breath of relief, and you realise, as you make your way over to her and tug her into a hug, that she must have tossed him out of the way whilst changing your sheets this morning and had forgotten to put him back. Natasha’s arms rise to settle around your neck, tiny clutched in her hand, and you immediately bend to lift her up into your arms. Her legs loop tightly around your waist, and you place a single arm beneath her behind whilst your hand rises to rest against her back.
“He was hiding from you.” You laugh slightly, and you feel the way Natasha smiles against the skin of your neck as she moves tiny to settle against her chest.
As you stand there, holding your favourite girl in your arms, you thank your lucky stars that you’d found him before disaster totally struck.
@goldenempyrean - finally got something written 😭 @alotofpockets @natashasnoodle @widowsistersandfriends @widowbitessting
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bywons · 3 months
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━━━ ❛ 𝗉𝖺𝗋𝗄 𝗃𝗈𝗇𝗀𝗌𝖾𝗈𝗇𝗀 𝗐𝖺𝗇𝗍𝗌 𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝗀𝗂𝗋𝗅 𝖻𝖺𝖼𝗄
( 𝖠𝖱𝖳 𝓓𝖤𝖢𝖮 ) 𝗉𝗃𝗌 𝗑 𝖿!𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋 𖥔 𝖿𝗅𝗎𝖿𝖿 𝖾𝗑𝖾𝗌 𝗍𝗈 𝗅𝗈𝗏𝖾𝗋𝗌 ` ィ 𝗌𝗎𝗀𝗀𝖾𝗌𝗍𝗂𝗏𝖾? 𝗃𝖾𝖺𝗅𝗈𝗎𝗌𝗒 𝗄𝗂𝗌𝗌𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗆𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇𝗌 𝗈𝖿 𝖺𝗅𝖼𝗈𝗁𝗈𝗅 1334 𝑤𝖼 && CATALOUGE
✦ PLS REBLOG if u enjoyed !! | click me 𝑖𝗇𝗌𝗉𝗈
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“glad to kn-know i'm still relevant in your world,” jay pushes the door aside, stumbling to the side of your apartment door. back pressed against it with his head held high, he shoots you a smug smirk as he's almost about to slide down. “i knew you miss me, darling.”
he's drunk, it's clear as day. you don't miss out the little silver flask almost falling off from his hand and how he reeks of alcohol, who knows how many drinks he had this night. you don't even remember why you called him in the first place, it's 3 in the morning— both too early and late and scandalous to call a person, especially when it's your ex. especially when it's a drunk park jongseong.
“jay,” you sigh, running a hand through your hair, “what are you doing here?”
he chuckles, his laugh a mix of genuine amusement and intoxicated sloppiness. “you called, so here i am,” he says, attempting to stand up straighter but failing miserably. “couldn't leave you hanging, could i?"
you groan internally, cursing your impulsive decision. “fuck me,” you mutter. “come in before you wake up the whole building.” you literally drag him into your apartment before shutting the door close. jay collapses on the couch, a faint smirk still directed at you.
did you call him? everything in the past hour has been so obscure that you didn't even notice the dry tears on your cheeks until now, when a cool breeze caresses it, leaving an odd stretchy feeling against your dry skin. maybe it's a few glasses of wine, or a drunk call? maybe you called him to deal with the cockroach in your room which you know you can deal with yourself. or maybe it's the overwhelming loneliness that's been gnawing at you lately. regardless, calling jay at 3 in the morning wasn't your smartest move.
“now, why'd you call me?,” ah of course, now he will want to talk about your break up. he can barely make sentences, words overlapping each other in a somewhat coherent sentence, “3 am is definitely your timing.”
and the best way to ignore a drunk talking park jongseong? offer him water to sober down, because heck you can't understand anything. neither him nor this situation.
grabbing a bottle of water from the kitchen, you hand it to him, watching as he struggles to sit up and open it before finally taking a sip.
“why did you call me?" he asks, voice softer now. the redness of his eyes and the bravado in his voice fading. he looks up at you, only a hands’ distance away from where he's sitting.
“i need you to ah—,” shit. eye contact with park jongseong still has the same effect on you, “help me move some furniture. you know, crazy landlady.” you let out a chortle.
“moving furniture? at 3 am?,” jay narrows his eyes, gaze piercing through you, it's obvious he doesn't believe you, “do i seriously have the word dumb tattooed across my face?”
jay doesn't move an inch from his place, eyes lying still on yours, an unspoken connection that's been missed by you both, a connection so palpable and mellow that it's still a residue in this messed up relationship. you realise how much you miss his eyes— he moves your heart by them and he's still. you wish you could kiss him right now, does he want that too? after all, why wouldn't he want that? no man is willing to stumble to their ex's apartment at 3 in the morning in a drunken state. that too after just one call which could've been an accident? jay definitely wants you back.
“no, no at all jay, i'm really—”
“you were with heeseung last week,” jay doesn't let you finish explaining yourself— before he gives you another mishap to explain. his eyes narrow down even more, he catches his lips between his teeth, “...i didn't like that.”
“you should've closed your eyes and walked out of the bar then, jay,” you snap. it's quite insufferable for park jongseong to be furious over the consequences of his actions. you had to return home late at night, and with no car how could you? you don't trust cabs at that hour, but you do still trust your ex. and when even the last option opts out himself you're left with something out of syllabus— his best friend. you have to go home! “don't start with that.”
“fair, want me to start with fixing ’seung?,” jay's words are colder than the flask he's carrying.
“jay you better not—”
“oh i won't,” jay scoffs, evident jealousy laced in his voice, “i have better things to do.”
it's only a split second, and you don't know when or how you end up under him on the sofa, his hand softly clasping around your wrist and the other encircling your waist. jay entangles his legs with yours, an impossible knot to get out of. there's still a drunken reflection in his eyes as he pushes a strand of your hair behind your ear, hand caressing your cheeks. his eyes stunt yours, you're suddenly unable to speak as you feel his lips press down yours. they sloppily trace down to your cheeks to your jaws and neck. jay giggles in between, probably at your sudden silence, and the way he feels your hands pull his collar closer to you.
that's the most basic method to try and get back your ex. but you don't find yourself stopping him.
“so, this is the better thing?,” you scoff when you look up at him, jay leaves a final kiss on the crook of your neck before he hovers over you again.
his silver chain dangles from his neck, the coldness of it caressing the bridge of your nose, sending an electric wave down your spine. pairing up with his smug eyes and lazy grin is the deadliest combo ever, it's not good for you at all. should you really get back with him? kiss this better with him?
“the best thing,” jay whispers, “don't know why heeseung even tries,” he rolls his eyes, “you're mine, he should use his eyes.”
“am i really yours?,” you sigh, your hold on his black shirt's collars loosening as your eyes become glossy at the thought of something disturbing, “i saw you…with someone else too.” it felt weird somewhere to feel betrayed when you see some random girl clinging to your ex, even though you know jay probably brushed her off later but you didn't wait to see the scene.
“oh no no, love,” you expected jay to panic and chant ‘it was a mistake’, but you're glad he didn't live up to this expectation. he's confident about what he says, as he moves lower and closer to your face, tracing the bridge of your nose to your jaws, “i'm too busy being yours, there's no someone else.”
“aren't you being a little cheesy?,” a tiny smile hangs on your lips, threatening to turn into a laugh, as you play with his collars.
“can't even tell the truth now?,” it's his turn to grin, he takes your hand in his and places a soft kiss.
you can't help but let out a soft giggle at his words. it's only been a month since you two broke off, but jay still finds his way back to you, like you do too. at this moment jay's world is silent. this is the moment he's been waiting for. sober, with you, kissing you all over with a hope of a new starting. you are his vibrance, he can't afford to lose it.
“i could do anything for you. sorry i failed to make this clear earlier,” his smug expression is back on again.
“anything to come back to me?”
“anything i would die for you, fight for you,” jay confirms, and just like that his lips are back on yours again, “do you want me crawling back to you?”
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a/n — uuuhh can u guess this was kinda a hurried writing TT i'm not really satisfied with this but I hope u enjoyed it ^^ pleek lmk ^^
© bywons, 2024. do not copy, translate or upload any of my works without my permission.
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jealous hotchner because he can’t take his brother flirting with you so he shows you who you belong to 😘😘😘 (as in he wasn’t aware he liked you like that until he saw his brother with you and realised he didn’t want sean doing to you what he wants to do to you)
ps. you are an amazing writer and i love your work 🩷
༉‧₊˚. 𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐦 𝐛𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡 || 𝐚𝐚𝐫𝐨𝐧 𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐧𝐞𝐫
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— pairing: aaron hotchner x plus size!reader
— summary: things change thanks to the helpful youngest hotchner (or aaron's a little oblivious but then realizes he's jealous and you guys have sex in the bathroom at work).
— warnings: yet ANOTHER pwp, unprotected sex, vaginal sex, mentioned vaginal fingering, rough sex, doggy style, backshots, mirror sex, bathroom sex, dom!aaron hotchner, sub!reader, dom/sub dynamics, kind of mean dom!aaron, he's just being a little mean, but only 'cause he's jealous, the reader is enjoying every second of it though, a lot of dirty talk, teasing, ass smacking (like once), implied oral sex at the end (m rec), they just match each other's freak.
— wc: 1048
⋆ a/n: WOW EXCUSE ME WHILE I GO AND DISAPPEAR INTO A HOLE NOW!! this is just a whole mess if i'm going to be honest, but in like... a good way. i don't know if this aaron is ooc 'cause usually he's sweet in most of my fics, but this is just a whole different ball field!
masterlist | AO3
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You really, really had no idea how you ended up here, but somehow you were pulled to the side by your boss and found yourself tugged into the gender-neutral bathrooms.
Your lips were rolled between your teeth and your eyes were squeezed shut tightly in order to try to keep the sounds of pleasure from spilling between your teeth. Your hands curled into the counter of the sink, head hanging low. 
Aaron’s large palms gripped at the fat of your hips, your pencil skirt shoved up and over your waist, your panties pulled halfway down your thighs before they sat on top of your knees that were squeezed together. It was hard to keep yourself still in your heels, but you were determined to be good for him, just like he had asked.
One moment you were sitting at your desk chatting away with Sean, the youngest Hotchner brother when Aaron had come storming over, mentioning something about, “Leaving his Agent,” Alone. The tone was unfamiliarly possessive, but you would be lying if you said you hadn’t felt his brooding from atop of the stairs near his office.
You could always feel him near you, it was like your body was pulled towards the earth that was Aaron Hotchner. 
You could see it in Aaron’s face as he all but dragged his brother away from you, jaw set tight and eyes narrowed, arms crossed over his suit covered chest. They bulged out in the material and you had to keep yourself from moaning at the sight of them.
Sure, you knew Sean was flirting with you, but it was rare that men would show any interest in you, so you can’t blame a girl for taking advantage of a situation in front of her, though it wasn’t the brother that she wanted.
Anywho, that’s neither here nor there. All you know is, is that one moment you’re walking down the hallway after visiting Penelope’s cave to be dragged away by Aaron into the bathrooms and pressed against the door.
The way he peered down at you was dark and hungry, and he definitely had a goal in mind as you coward. He held you there with his body, large, broad shoulders pinning you to the metal as you peered up at him through fluttering lashes.
Your body fucking burned for him. You knew you would do anything he would ask you too.
Of course this was disorderly conduct, that it was inappropriate, and quite frankly taboo, with the way that he was your boss and you were his subordinate; and oh, you guys were currently fucking in the company bathroom.
If you were going to be honest – and nasty – that only added fuel to the fire that was your dampening core.
You had begged in a small voice, shaky hands raising to set themselves on his shoulders, fingers curling in the material to… steady yourself? Pull him closer? You didn’t know, but he just watched you.
“Tell me what you want.” The question was sultry and demanding and a shiver ran its way up your body, wracking it in its haste. “You.” You would go to whisper, gaze falling on his lips before following back up to his eyes.
He had bent you over the counter, fingering you open quickly before tugging himself out of his slacks and entering you.
“Mmf… fuck!” You couldn’t help but cry as his tip kissed your g-spot over, and over and over again. The stretch burned so good, and the coil in your stomach was tightly wound, but not quite there yet. You needed that extra stimulation and you didn’t know if Aaron was willing to give it to you.
“Shush.” He puffed harshly, the warm air hitting the shell of your ear before he tugged on it with his teeth.
“Oh God.” You whimpered, leaning back into his bites. “I need it, Aaron please… Don’t be mean.” You whined. “You’ll take what I give you. That’s the least you could do after flirting with my brother right in front of me.”
The mention of his brother caused him to punch back into you harshly, sending you forward slightly. You scrambled to tighten your hold again, another cry lodging itself in your throat.
“Nasty girl.” He growled. “What made you think that was appropriate, huh?” Another emphasizing thrust. “I – I didn’t think…” You mewled. “‘Want you only. I promise.” You said with a pout, resting your head on his shoulder.
“Yeah? Only me?”
He studies your face before leaning forward to join your lips together. Despite the awkward angle, he holds you steady, one of hands leaving your skin to run circles over your clit.
“Gah!” Your yelp is muffled by your lips, the man all but eating it. You don’t know which fountain of pleasure to chase, hips rocking forward and backwards constantly. 
“I… I…” Your words failed you, and your eyes squeezed shut again. “‘M gonna cum, Aaron baby, can I? Can I cum?” You beg.
He forced you to meet his gaze in the mirror, strands of his black hair sticking to his sweat slicked forehead. “Do you deserve it?” He asks darkly.
You think you could cry.
“Answer me. Do you think you deserve to cum?”
“You know I do.” You breathe petulantly, but he isn’t having it, the hand your hip slapping your ass instead. “Fuck.” You sigh. “You’re lucky we're running out of time, or I would be making you beg more, understood?”
“Yes, yes! Understood!”
The tight circles return and you keel over, teeth digging into your bottom.
“I wish I could hear you, my pretty girl.” He coos and you cry out as you cum. Your body trembles but he works you through it.
You’re breathing heavily by the end of it, your heavy eyes meeting his in the mirror.
“You think we're done?” He asks with dark amusement. “I haven’t cum yet.”
He maneuvers your body and turns you around, and by the pressure on your shoulders, he’s trying to push you down, and you understand what he wants. You follow his wordless instructions wordlessly, staring face to face with his dripping wet cock that’s stained with your creamy cum.
“You know what to do.” Aaron encourages, and you do.
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ೃ⁀➷ my lovely taglist!: @alina02 @louderfortheback @minervadashwood @their-love @fandomsarelifee @theendofthe70s @nomajdetective @mgg-theprettiestboy @phoenixblack89 @celtic-crossbow @hallecarey1 @bunnybabe-babydoll @alixwriter @dixonzzgirl @violettavirus @khxna
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nepenthendline · 7 days
you've corrupted the chief justice - neuvillette x reader (ft wriothesley)
summary: you and wriothesley have a full conversation about your sex life with neuvillette without saying a single word
a/n: this is neuvillette x reader but its mainly focused on wriothesley, wriothesley being a menance, neuvillette has no idea what the fuck is going on, complete choas, mentions of sex but sfw otherwise, no mention of gender, poor writing but oh well
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Once every few weeks, the 4 of you, which includes Neuvillette, Wriothesley, Furina, and yourself, finally get a chance where your schedules aline to relax together. These times are always held in Neuvillette's office with a table full of cakes, desserts, and teas to snack on as you catch up. Since your relationship with the Iudex began, you've grown close to those Neuvillette sees as family and look forward to these peaceful reunions.
You were all sat around the table, with Neuvillette on your left, Wriothesley in front of you and Furina on your right. Neuvillette and Furina had been discussing some recent trials for a while now - you nor Wriosthesley had much to add, neither of you had much involvement when it came to the trials, but you listened in whilst enjoying your desserts.
After a few minutes, you felt something nudge your leg under the table from in front of you. With furrowed brows, you looked up towards Wriothesley to see him looking back at you with a mischievous smirk. Oh, archons... you've seen this look a few times - when he's bored and thought of something to entertain himself
His eyes darted between you and Neuvillette, his finger subtly following, pointing at the both of you. Then, his index finger and thumb joined together to create a circle, whilst his other index finger poked in and out of said circle. With his brow raised, you could tell he was asking you.
You stifled a chuckle as his immaturity before nodding smugly to answer his question - yes, the two of you have had sex.
He nodded along, his smirk growing larger as if to say he knew, then pondered for a moment, looking at the Iudex next to him. Seconds later, he looked back to you, raising 1 finger, then all 10 whilst mouthing '1 to 10' and flashing his eyes at your partner.
You covered your mouth with your hand as if to be in thought, but truly, you were trying to stop yourself from laughing at his antics - discussing such activities in front of the Chief Justice and Archon. Despite having no experience or even desire before you, Neuvillette was quick to learn when it came to pleasuring you, and he was certainly enthusiastic. You held up all 10 fingers, close to the table, to not draw too much attention.
Wriothesley's mouth formed an 'o' shaped, slightly taken back by your rating of his boss, but seemed to get past it quickly. He leaned forward in his seat, pointed between 2 of the cakes on the decorated table, and then looked at you. Your head tilted, glancing between the cakes and the man in front of you, trying to figure out what he meant. Then, you realised the difference between the two desserts - one was vanilla and one was chocolate. You could only assume he was trying to decipher whether Neuvillette was a simple vanilla lover or someone more adventurous.
You blew air into your cheeks, slouching back into your chair whilst in thought. Neuvillette certainly wasn't what you would describe as 'kinky', in fact, even associating that word with him makes you shiver a little, but he was open to trying whatever you desired. There were more daring things that he liked, such as having his hair pulled, messing around in places where he may get caught, or having you take control. He was learning, after all, about himself, about you, and about sex in general, so who knew what undiscovered things he was into.
You held out your finger and wiggled it between the 2 cakes and shrugged - you couldn't really give a clear answer to that one at the moment.
The Duke slumped back into his chair, staring at you with a devilish look for what felt like minutes. You squinted your eyes at him playfully - what was he thinking?
A few moments later, his hands were held in front of him, parallel to each other as if... to measure something. You shook your head at him in disbelief, sucking on your cheeks to hold back a grin. His hands were probably about 5 inches apart - certainly not big enough for the dragon.
'Bigger,' you mouthed at him and watched as his eyes grew wide. His hands moved apart slightly, perhaps 2 or so inches further apart.
'Bigger,' you mouthed again, the smirk on your face breaking through your facade. His jaw dropped.
'Are you two quite alright?' A deep voice startled you both away from your intense discussion. You hadn't realised that the other two had stopped talking a while ago.
'Never been better actually,' Wriothesley piped up, finally taking his eyes of you to face Neuvillette.
'Were you... having a discussion?' Neuvillette tentatively asked - he's been trying to learn about humans for 500 years, but he had no idea what he just witnessed. 'You two look like crabs trying to communicate,' he added. It almost sounded like an insult in his blunt voice, but you knew he meant that as a fact.
'Oh yes, a very productive, important discussion,' Wriothesley trails off, looking back at you with his brow raised. You gasped quietly at his response,
'Don't you dare-' you threated before he cuts you off, speaking up again, but this time with a face of pure horror,
'Wait! Have you...in here?' His eyes darted around the room as his interrogation continued. You couldn't help but giggle as you nodded, not missing the pure confusion on Neuvillette and Furina's faces.
He let out a dramatic gasp, gripping the armrests on his chair, then pointed at you.
'Jail time,' he jokingly declared. You threw your head back in laughter at his statement, clutching your sides.
'Wriosthesley, are you insinuating my beloved has committed a crime?' The Iudex questioned, his face as serious as if he were in the Opera House. However, you could see the cracks of bewilderment come through.
'Yes - put them on trial for corrupting the Chief Justice,' Wriothesley demanded, standing from his chair and pointing at you. Your laughter grew harder at his performance.
'I have done no such thing!' You declared, almost yelled, back at him. You could see his chest shake from the giggles he was trying to hold back.
'You disgust me. He was innocent before he met you,' he spat out. His words were so forced and dramatised, yet he was smiling? This was making Neuvillette's brain hurt.
'Wriosthesley,' he warned, narrowing his eyes at him - no one spoke to his partner like that, not even his family. Between your laughter, you placed your hand on your partners thigh to comfort him,
'He's just joking, it's ok,' you could see Neuvillette's body soften at your words, although it didn't clear up anything that was going on. Wriothesley sat back down in his chair, shaking his head at you whilst grinning.
'You little minx,' he muttered, picking up his tea cup and taking a sip. The room died down for a few moments, but the atmosphere was thick. You looked towards Furina, who hadn't said a word yet, and saw her cheeks were bright red.
'Monsieur Neuvillette, I-I think they may have been discussing your...private activites with dear (y/n),' she stuttered, picking up her plate of cake and stuffing it into her mouth.
'Oh,' normally you could read your partner easily, but right now you had no idea if he was confused, calm, angry?
'I'm sorr-'
'You could have just asked, Wriothesley.'
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ellecdc · 1 month
babe I recently discovered ur account and now I'm obsessed!!!!! I have devoured ur masterlist! Also I'm new to tumblr so I'm sorry if I'm doing or saying anything wrong pls correct me! I just wanna hype u up queen! Also ok fic request! It's not smut it's smut adjacent! I imagine this with Remus but u can totally change it if u want! Imagine reader whose boobs get super sore before her period and may be Remus is trying to initiate sex like they r making out and he goes to touch her boob and she winces and he's like did I just hurt u? And she's like no no it's fine and may be he believes her but he touches her again and she flinches and he's just like what is wrong don't lie and it's that her ex never cared if her boobs hurt or sex sad painful before her period and just Remus love (sorry it's so long def self indulgent bc my boobs r super sore and sex kinda hurts leading up my period and I just want someone to understand and not make me feel guilty about it)
aawweeee so glad you found me! and thanks for the prompt, lovie <3
Remus Lupin x fem!reader whose boobs are sore close to her period [1.4k words]
CW: things get sort of steamy/lead up to smut with no real smut, sexual & non-sexual nudity, mature themes, 18+
You couldn’t help the smile that took over your face when you heard Remus navigating the hall in a way you could tell he thought to be quiet before his head of messy, tawny brown curls appeared in the crack of your bedroom door.
“Hi dove.” He murmured softly as if still unsure if you were asleep or not; his eyes were warm and sweet as honey as he smiled widely and unbiddenly at you.
“Hi handsome.” You greeted in return as you put your book down and invited him in which he accepted eagerly.
“Fuck, I missed you.” He moaned as he crawled up into the bed and melted into you; arms weasingly around your middle as he shoved his face into the crook of your neck greedily. 
“Missed me?” You laughed as you threaded your fingers through his hair. “You were hardly gone three hours.”
“S’too long.” He mumbled, earning him a giggle as you tried to pull away at the tickle of his breath against your neck.
He groaned somewhat hungrily as he pulled you in tighter, beginning to trace kisses up the column of your throat.
You tightened your grip of his hair which only seemed to spur him on as he shifted so he was hovering over half of you. 
“Didn’t you miss me?” He asked under his breath before bringing his lips to yours for an agonisingly long and slow kiss. “Hm?” He continued as if he hadn’t just impeded your ability to answer him. 
“I always miss you, Rem.” You murmured back as he began marking kisses along your jaw and trailing towards your chest. 
He made a sympathetic sound as he got to the top of the tank top you usually slept in, hooking his finger along the neckline and pulling it out of his way to expose your - quite swollen, actually - tits. 
“Neither of us should ever be allowed to leave.” He concurred, switching between wet, open mouthed kisses and sucking love bites into your exposed skin. 
“Don’t you think your friends would miss you?” You asked then, thoroughly enjoying the show as you continued to mess with his hair. 
“Tough.” He said simply before moving his hand to cup one of your breasts to lift it into his mouth, causing you to suck in a pained breath.
All movements stopped and Remus seemed to be holding his breath as his eyes flit up to yours. “You okay, sweetheart?” He asked cautiously.
You let out the breath you didn’t realise you’d been holding and nodded at him. “Yeah, sorry, I’m fine.” You agreed, trying to ignore how painfully sensitive your boobs were this close to your period as you encouraged his face back down to your chest.
With only a little hesitation, he continued his ministrations before moving over to your other to bestow upon it the same amount of care. 
You could feel him growing hard as he repositioned himself in your lap, and you tried to focus on that slightly warm feeling trying to grow between your legs (though not nearly as effectively as it had been the week prior) and his pleasure as you allowed him to take from you what he pleased.
But one more firm grasp of your tit had you wincing with a small whine and a flip was switched.
Remus was kneeling; his hands no longer on you which only made you wince in embarrassment rather than pain as he scrutinised you.
“What happened, dove? What’d I do?”
“Nothing, Rem, you didn’t do an-”
“Don’t fib.” He interrupted, his tone stern but his lip jutting out in a very dramatic pout. 
“I’m okay.” You murmured, though you did attempt to sit up and replace your boobs into the confinement of your tank top. Remus watched the action with rapt attention. 
“Did I hurt you?” He asked then, and his voice sounded so small that you actually wanted to cry.
“No! No, baby, I’m- ugh, I’m sorry, you didn’t hurt me, I’m just hurting.” You appeased, reaching out to stroke his arm in a manner you hoped to be soothing. 
He seemed to consider your form again as his shoulders sagged. “You’re sore.” He concluded. 
“Yeah, I… well, I get a little sore around this time of the month, you know?” You admitted, watching as Remus’ expression shifted from one of worry to one of abject horror.
“Dovey.” He chided as he stared at you wide eyed.
“It’s okay! I’m fine, we can keep going if you want, I-”
But you only seemed to horrify him even more as his head reared back in shock. “Keep going!? Baby, you are sore to the touch and you were just going to let me maul you?!”
You found yourself very much ill-prepared for this conversation as you shook your head in confusion. “Well, I just meant, if you wanted to we-”
But Remus was scoffing and waving you off before standing abruptly and moving towards the attached bathroom, scolding you along the way.
“Bollocks to what I want, dove. My desire doesn’t come before your comfort.” He explained before you heard water running and him muttering something in Welsh under his breath. 
You were having a hard time understanding whether you were in actual trouble or not before he came padding back out of the bathroom - still muttering to himself in Welsh - with a divot between his brows and a damp washcloth in his hands.
“Take this off, dove.” He directed; tone now soft and alerting you to the fact that there was no real heat behind his chiding.
You obediently shed your tank top and tossed aside as Remus guided you to lay back onto your pillows and placed the cold cloth on your chest.
“Poor girls.” He cooed as he situated himself beside you. “Was being s’mean to them, too.” 
He simply shushed you and placed a quick kiss on your nose before dotting a gentle one on each of your tits. 
“They’re gonna hate me; they’re gonna think I’m a monster.” He lamented woefully before standing up to change into his pyjamas. 
“They don’t know a damn thing.” You laughed as you let out a breath, relishing in the ease of your banter with Remus.
You weren’t used to it; things being easy, that is. Relationships always felt like hard work before.
Your relationship with Remus still required work, mind you, but it wasn’t hard; it was comfortable and patient and flexible and understanding.
There was no forcing puzzle pieces to fit when their edges didn’t match, there was no walking on eggshells wondering what sort of mood he was going to be in, and there was no stewing on conversations as you tried and failed to fall asleep at night wondering what in the hell you’d manage to do wrong this time.
No, Remus was easy; he was easy to get along with, easy to live with, easy to love.
He was just so easy.
You hoped he thought the same of you.
“Dovey.” He murmured quietly, now apparently kneeling on the floor on your side of the bed as he rested his chin on his forearms. “You know that, right?” He continued when you opened your eyes to look at him.
“Know what?” 
His mouth pursed again in a small pout before he leaned forward to press a kiss to your shoulder. 
“That what I want should never come before what you need; that my desires are nowhere near as important as your comfort.”
His eyes moved to watch as you pulled your lower lip between your teeth. “Okay.” You whispered.
He let out a sad breath as his brows twitched in sympathy, but you were thankful he opted not to comment on it. 
“I love you.” He offered then, eyes moving back up to yours as he used one of his knuckles to rub at your upper arm affectionately.
“I love you too.” You answered readily. 
He seemed appeased by that and stood to press a more assured kiss to your lips. “Do you want me to run this under cold water again? Or would something else help?”
You pretended to think about it before looking back up at him through your lashes. “Think we could cuddle?”
Remus let out a chuckle as he pressed another kiss, this time to your forehead, and pulled the cloth off of your chest. 
“It’s like you read my mind, sweetheart.”
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natsaffection · 2 months
Could you do a part 2 of Mine to Use where Natasha realises she's falling in love with Y/N and gets very protective. And something happens to Y/N and we see Nat being very comforting and caring but she's still incredibly stern to everyone else, like she's got a soft spot for only Y/N.
I hope this makes sense xx
Mine to Use. Pt. 2 | N.R
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Warnings: mentions of sex, complicated feelings, Angst to Happy
Word Count: 2,2k
A/N: Sorry Anon that it took so long, but it was a big challenge to rewrite a... Rough, careless person into a caring and soft one, and I hope this all makes sense and you all can follow my train of thoughts..🙏🏻
Part 1
Natasha watched you from her office window, squinting as she noticed you limping slightly. The previous night had been tough, and although Natasha didn't regret her actions, she couldn't shake the unease that nagged at her.
Shaking her head, Natasha tried to dismiss the unusual concern. She was a mob leader, powerful and feared. She didn't have the luxury of vulnerability. Yet, something about you kept drawing her in, making her more protective. She couldn't pinpoint when it started, but Natasha was always aware of Your presence, and your well-being became an unspoken priority.
Unaware of Natasha's inner turmoil, you continued her duties with a sense of quiet resilience. You had grown accustomed to the harshness and even found a strange comfort in it. But recently, Natasha's behavior had changed.
Suddenly Natasha noticed you flinching as you lifted a crate. Her eyes narrowed as she saw a dark bruise on your arm.
"Y/n." Natasha called, her voice a mix of command and concern. You approached, your gaze fixed on the ground, discomfort radiating from you. Natasha gently took your arm, her fingers brushing over the bruise.
"What happened?" Natasha demanded, her voice deep and dangerous. "I-It's nothing..“ you murmured, trying to pull your arm back, but Natasha's grip was firm yet careful.
"Who did this?" Natasha whispered deadly, her eyes not leaving your face. You hesitated, fear flickering in your eyes. "It was just an accident.“ you tried to deflect, but Natasha's expression darkened.
"Who?" Natasha repeated, her tone brooking no argument. You swallowed hard, your voice trembling. "It was Ivan. He..I had to swear not to say anything-“
She released your arm, her thumb possessively stroking your cheek. Natasha left the office, her footsteps echoing with determination. The confrontation with Ivan was swift and brutal, the complex buzzing with rumors about her ruthless efficiency. Ivan was quickly dealt with, his fate serving as a clear warning to anyone who dared to oppose her.
Back in her office, Natasha found you still standing there, confusion and fear in your eyes. Natasha's anger melted away as she approached, her demeanor softening. "Nobody touches you," Natasha murmured, her thumb gently stroking the bruise on your cheek. "Not like that."
You nodded, your heart pounding in your chest. You couldn't understand why Natasha valued you so much, but the possessiveness in her touch was unmistakable.
In the days that followed, Natasha's protective instinct only grew stronger. She became a constant presence, her behavior towards others becoming even more relentless while a subtle tenderness began to emerge in her interactions with you. During their intimate moments, Natasha's touch became gentler, a stark contrast to her usual roughness.
You noticed the change but kept your thoughts to yourself, fearing to disturb the fragile balance. Natasha's inner struggle was palpable. She was a woman who thrived on control, yet her feelings for you were something she could neither command nor deny. One day, as you walked through the complex, you overheard two men whispering.
"Have you heard about Ivan? He's not coming back."
"Yeah, She took care of him. Nobody messes with her, especially when it comes to her girl.." Your heart skipped a beat. You hadn't known the extent of Natasha's actions, but now it was clear. Natasha had eliminated Ivan because of you. The realization left you equally confused and touched. Why had Natasha gone so far to protect you?
That evening, as Natasha lay beside you after a session, you couldn't hold back your curiosity any longer. "Miss Romanoff, may I a-ask you something?" you said quietly, your voice trembling. „Go on.“
"Why did you do it? Why did you take care of Ivan?" Natasha's body tensed. She struggled to maintain her cold demeanor. "Because no one touches you except me,.“ she replied, her voice firm and possessive. "You belong to me, and only I have that right."
Your heart pounded, Disappointment gnaws at you "I.. understand.." you whispered, snuggling closer to Natasha. That night, as Natasha lay awake, she was overwhelmed by her thoughts. She realized with startling clarity that her feelings for you went beyond mere possession. There was something deeper, something she couldn't ignore.
Natasha's mind raced with the implications of her realization. Her chest tightened at the thought of losing someone like you. Again. She drifted into a restless sleep, her dreams plagued with images of you being taken from her. The nightmare felt so real that Natasha woke with a start, her heart pounding in her chest. For a moment, she panicked, forgetting where she was. Then she felt your steady breathing beside her and calmed down a little.
Natasha lay still, her body tense, listening to your gentle breathing. The nightmare had shaken her to her core. She could no longer deny it. She was deeply and irrevocably falling for you. Something she thought she would never experience again.
To clear her head, Natasha carefully extricated herself from your embrace and slipped out of bed. She quietly stepped onto the balcony, the cool night air a sharp contrast to the turmoil inside her. She lit a cigarette, took a long drag, and stared into the darkness, her thoughts a chaotic jumble.
She had vowed to remain tough back then. That nothing could hurt her again. Yet here she was, vulnerable and exposed because of another person. The realization that she could lose you scared her more than any enemy ever could. She smoked in silence, trying to calm her nerves, but the fear remained.
Back inside, Natasha found you still peacefully asleep. She sat on the edge of the bed, watching you for a moment, the emotions she felt battling with her instinct to protect herself from potential pain. In the dim light, Natasha's resolve hardened. She would protect you with everything she had. She lay back down, pulling you into her arms and holding you tightly.
Morning crept through the curtains, bathing the room in warm light. Natasha lay awake, her mind buzzing with the vivid nightmare that had woken her in the night. She looked over at you, still sleeping peacefully beside her.
Natasha quietly slipped out of bed again. She needed time to collect her thoughts for the day. She went outside for her morning run. The cool morning air bit at her skin, but it was a welcome distraction from the inner turmoil.
As she watched the city wake up, Natasha couldn't shake the feeling that things were changing. Her feelings for you were growing stronger, and the protective instinct she felt was becoming overwhelming. She knew she would have to confront these feelings eventually, but for the moment, she focused on the present and found solace in the fact that you were safe.
You woke up and noticed that Natasha had already left. You didn't see her at work either. Later that day, you met with your colleague Emma at a nearby bar after work. Emma had become a trusted friend, someone you could confide in. They found a quiet corner and ordered drinks, the atmosphere relaxed and casual.
"You've got a lot on your mind. How's it going with her?" Emma asked, taking a sip of her drink. You sighed and swirled your glass. "It's... strange. She's been... different lately, distracted. I think something has changed, but I can't put my finger on it."
Emma nodded thoughtfully. "You know, it's hard to imagine, but Natasha wasn't always like this. Tough and grumpy, I mean. She used to be softer, more open. That was before everything happened with her wife."
Your curiosity was piqued. "Her wife?" Emma took a deep breath, her expression turning sad. "Yes. They were very much in love. But she was killed in a gang war. It completely changed Natasha. She became colder, more ruthless, to protect herself from the pain I think.“
You felt a pang of sympathy and sadness. Now you understood why Natasha was so aggressive and protective these days. The pieces of the puzzle were coming together, and it scared you even more.
"That's why she's like this now.." you whispered more to yourself than to Emma. Emma nodded. "Yes. She's afraid of losing someone she might love again. Like you, Y/N... maybe she feels the same way."
Meanwhile, Natasha couldn't stop thinking about you at her penthouse. Impulsively, she grabbed her phone and texted you, her message leaving no room for disagreement.
Come over.
You sighed, feeling the weight of duty. "Speak of the devil. I have to go..." During the drive to Natasha's house, your thoughts were a whirlwind of feelings and emotions. The conversation with Emma had stirred something deep within you, and you could no longer ignore it. When you arrived, you knew you couldn't just continue as before. Maybe there is a little chance?
Natasha met you at the door, her eyes scanning you for signs of discomfort. "Come in." she said, her tone softer now that you were there. You followed her into the house, your heart pounding. You felt Natasha's presence intensely, but tonight it was different. You didn't want to be just a toy, not when your feelings were so raw and confused.
As they settled in the living room, Natasha reached for you, her fingers trailing along your arm. But you flinched slightly, pulling your arm away. Natasha's eyes narrowed, sensing the hesitation. "What's wrong?" Natasha demanded, her patience already thin. You looked down, biting your lip. "Nothing. It's just..."
"Just what?" Natasha's voice grew sharper, her frustration evident. "What did you and Emma talk about?"
The fact that Natasha already knew about your meeting made you a bit nervous and even more hesitant to reveal the conversation, worried about Natasha's reaction. "It's... it's not important. Really..can we-"
Natasha's eyes darkened, her anger rising. "Don't lie to me. What did you talk about?" You swallowed hard, your voice barely a whisper. "It's... it's not something you want to hear!"
Natasha's patience snapped. She moved closer, her presence intimidating. "Tell me. Now." Tears welled up in your eyes. "She told me about your wife!"
Natasha's face hardened, her eyes flashing with anger. "That's none of your business." Your voice trembled. "It is my business if it affects how you treat me..you've been different these past few weeks. Something is..wrong!"
Natasha's jaw tightened, her fists clenching. "You don't understand anything. How dare you talk about her?" Your heart raced, tears streaming down your face. You were afraid of Natasha's reaction, but you knew you had to stand your ground. "Do you think you know me?"
You trembled, tears flowing down your face. "I don't want to be just something to you, N-Natasha. I have... I think... I think I'm falling in love with you and I can’t made this undone!“ The words hung in the air, thick with tension. Natasha's eyes widened slightly, but she quickly masked her surprise with a cold, dismissive look.
"Don't be ridiculous.." Natasha hissed, her voice laced with bitterness. "You don't know what you're talking about." You felt your heart break at her rejection. You turned away, tears streaming down your Face, and whispered, "I'm sorry..I shouldn’t have..“ You left the room.
As the door closed behind you, Natasha's façade crumbled. She sank onto the bed, her head spinning. The fear of losing you was too much, and the realization of her own feelings terrified her. Minutes felt like hours as Natasha wrestled with her emotions. Eventually, she couldn't take it anymore. She got up and left the room, finding you sitting alone in the living room, still crying.
"Y/n..." Natasha's voice was softer, vulnerable. "Look at me." You hesitated, fear and hope warring within you. You slowly turned, your eyes meeting Natasha's. "I... I can't lie to you any longer," Natasha admitted, her voice trembling. "I care about you too. More than I ever wanted to."
Your eyes widened, your breath catching. "You do?" Natasha nodded, her gaze unwavering. "Yes. And it scares me. I can't lose someone again."
"I'm scared too," you whispered. "I thought... I thought you didn't care."
"I care more than you know," Natasha said, her voice full of raw emotion. In that moment, all the barriers between them crumbled completely. Natasha pulled you into her arms, holding you tight. The vulnerability, the raw emotions were overwhelming, but neither of you pulled away.
She pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead, whispering against your skin with a shaky voice, "Fuck, I love you too.." Your heart swelled with emotion. You snuggled closer to Natasha, feeling safer and more loved than ever before. Together, they lay in the silence, their hearts beating in sync. For Natasha, the darkness had finally receded, replaced by the light and love she found in your embrace.
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sunniepoo · 2 months
I NEED more of the obx/reader love islane PLEEK 😭😭😭 jj next pls pls pls
love island!jj
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jj is an og boy through and through, i have no clue why but something about him screams being in the original line up. the public love him from the moment he comes on, from his looks to his personality he already becomes a bit of a fan favourite
i feel like you would also be in the original line up however you wouldn’t be coupled together, i think it’d be a situation where the public chooses who should go together and honestly he’s gutted. his eyeballs nearly popped out when he saw you and in his head he’s praying that the public chose you to be with him but to his dismay it was not the case
but that doesn’t stop either of you, it was easy to fall for him with his jokey, playful manor but still that masculine presence that follows him - i think the moment where the two of you’d click is when your playing a game around the fire pit and you mention something about the ocean or surfing and it just clicks for him that he needs to get you in his bed as soon as possible
i think it’s only a matter of time before he’s pulling you for chats and slowly flirting his way into your heart, during one of the first recouplings he picks you and honestly that’s only the beginning for the two of you, it’s really sweet and romantic from there on and you become a public favourite quite quickly (sort of like lana and ron s9)
the main major stump between the two of you is when bombshells come in and neither of you have communicated well about that situation so when you see him cracking on with another girl that’s not you, it genuinely shatters your heart into a million
i feel like we see this in obx and i can see it translate into this very well is jj’s fear of intimacy and closeness, for him he could care less about the bombshell but it’s the idea that you and him have been getting so close it’s causing him to freak out and that’s how he finds himself flirting with someone’s name he can barely remember
and before he can even explain himself or even talk to you, everyone’s gathering around the fire pit and he’s being chosen leaving you single - he couldn’t hate himself more in that moment because the idea of you going home genuinely makes him want to leave with you but production comes through and you’re being sent on a date ( really pulling a mimii on this one s11)
following that it’s just a bit of back and forth of arguing and getting back at each other before he sits you down and just breaks, he starts pouring his heart out and you start to realise that whatever anger you have is not worth it
not to say it doesn’t cause a stump in your relationship but your connection with him is stronger than the anger you have. truly once you guys get over that it’s so so sweet and heartwarming
you’d 100% be the very loud, active couple like everyone else is complaining at how your going at it and he genuinely has no shame and doesn’t care - he’s eating you out under those covers with no shame
you guys going to the hideaway would go so viral just cause of how fucked out you look after (lowk like in love island usa when kenny and jaNa came out) hair is a mess and everyone is making memes about how he gives it good
casa amour is such a realisation for him at how much he needs you to keep his mood up because for the first time he is just so out of it and it’s solely because he misses you - the casa recoupling is so cute because you literally run to him and he’s looking at you so in love
like i said casa is such a realisation for him that it doesn’t take long for him to make you his girlfriend and drop the l bomb and if people though you were loud before, god were they not prepared
people have been rooting for you since like day one, when they saw his face when you’d strutted in so it was a very clear and obvious win, and all hell breaks loose when you announce your first kid a couple years later and all you can think is how this started from a silly show you went on for fun
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mxrccuryy · 2 months
one of the girls, part two
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part one | part two
♡ pairing mattheo riddle x reader ♡ summary mattheo thought that his life would be left unchanged after your departure from it. but oh god was he wrong. why did he see you everywhere? and why did he hate to see you flirting with others? why did he suddenly have the need to beat mclaggen’s face to a pulp after seeing him try to talk to you? ♡ wordcount 1445 ♡ warnings angst with a good ending, house not specified, cursing,  use of ’beautiful’ and ‘pretty, cormac mclaggen, cursing
♡ song somebody without you, oscar and the wolf
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“mate,” theo sighed at his friend sitting next to him. “you’re still looking at her? it’s been weeks.”
the dark eyes of mattheo riddle only spared the boy a glance before going straight back towards your figure. 
theo had been right, it has been weeks since you realised that mattheo had played you. and since he made it very clear to you that mattheo riddle didn’t do relationships.
“shut it,” mattheo grumbled, his eyes going even darker. theo scoffed at his friends' antics. 
he had always found you beautiful but for the first time he witnessed how beautiful you really were. you were different from the others. you weren’t the first of the flings that mattheo had that lingered in his brain. but in some way being deprived of your attention was killing him. since he left you that day in the hallway, he had seen you everywhere. his eyes, somehow, were always drawn to you. you were glowing. 
it was clear to everyone at hogwarts that those feelings were not reciprocated. you were over him. you strutted through the hallways with your friends and wouldn't even spare the slytherin a glance. 
maybe that’s why he found you so intriguing. all the others never just straight up ignored him. that was his job. he was the one who shut people down and moved on in a day, not the other way around. so how dare you now, sit there all pretty, listening to that guy. 
He rolled his eyes as he watched how said guys twirled a piece of your hair around his finger. he cracked his fingers as he glared even more when you didn’t stop the guy.
the guy was a certain gryffindor, who loved to annoy quite literally everyone in every house, but he messed with the slytherins the most.
“Out of everyone,” mattheo said darkly, his eyes still shot daggers at the gryffindor. “why him?
cormac mclaggen had set his sights on you. most of the student body thought that you were very good looking but once mattheo was spotted talking to you everyone promptly decided to leave you alone. and even afterwards, when it was obvious to a lot of people that mattheo hadn’t let you go yet, they left you be. 
only mclaggen had the guts to still try and chat you up. and you were living for it.
it was true what they said, you were indeed over mattheo, but a part of your brain wouldn’t mind watching him crawl back towards you. so when mclaggen started talking to you, you saw how mattheo’s eyes changed. and suddenly, it became a game.
you always wanted to be the one who changed mattheo. maybe you could make him so jealous that he’ll actually come back to you.
and so for the next few days, you played along, not a single bone in your body was interested in mclaggen but you enjoyed angering mattheo too much for you to stop. 
It wasn’t until monday, of the next week that you realised that the game you were playing was a dangerous one. mattheo riddle wasn’t just a guy from slytherin, he was the guy from slytherin. a player and a fighter, and damn good one that. or so people thought.
during potions that day with professor slughorn, you realised that neither of the boys were in the class.
“hey,” one of your friends whispered to you when they watched you search for them. “have you heard what happened this morning?”
“no,” you looked at them confused, “what happened?”
“riddle,” your face changed to concern.
“what happened to him,” you asked, finding that your friend wasn’t answering fast enough.
“he got in a fight with mclaggen,” they whispered, looking away to write down things that slughorn was saying. “pretty badly too, i’ve heard. he’s with pomfrey.”
“mclaggen?” you asked them.
“no,” they said looking at you, “riddle, that’s why it’s so strange.”
this was unheard of. riddle losing a fight? mclaggen winning one? not only were you confused, you were really concerned. for some reason you found yourself responsible for it all. 
you knew that you weren’t. you were a single person, you didn’t do anything wrong by flirting with the guy. mattheo had no right to get angry at you for that. but then again, instead of being the bigger person and talking to mattheo when you saw the impact you had on him you decided to continue on messing with him.
that in itself wasn’t the big problem either, riddle hadn’t treated you very well either. leading you on for weeks before leaving high and dry in some hallway. 
before you realised it, your feet had taken you to the hospital wing. 
“can i help you, mss y/l/n?” pomfrey asked you kindly and after giving her a bullshit answer as to why you wanted to see riddle, you were let in.
“cat got your tongue, darling?” mattheo greeted you. you stood in front of his bed unable to utter a word. you still had no idea why you were there in the first place. what you were going to aks him.
“you look horrible,” you ultimately said, slowly sitting down on one of the visitor chairs. 
“you don’t look too bad yourself,” he chuckled. even though he was battered and bruised, he managed to keep his smirk present the entire time. the thing that bothered you the most was the way he stared at you and the way he didn’t look away. the intensity of the look was so strong you couldn’t hold it. instead you opted to look at the painting situated right over his head. 
“yeah, he did a number on me, didn’t he?” mattheo asked after you had been too quiet for him. he had heard your voice when you answered teachers' questions or when you talked to your friends close enough to him to hear. but he hadn’t heard you talk to him. and god, did he not know how much he loved you talking to him until you stopped. now that he finally had it again, he wasn’t going to let it go so easily. suddenly he had the urge to ask you the dumbest questions for hours, if it meant that you would talk to him.
“why?” you asked him, finally letting your eyes meet. he sighed and softly smiled. it was so miniscule that you almost missed it. 
“couldn’t stand him,” he growled slightly, “couldn’t stand him being around you. touching you,” 
you could tell he was angry. he couldn’t look at you. mattheo stared at the sheets covering his legs.
“why?” you asked shyly.
“you mean a lot to me,” he said looking at your eyes. oh, how beautiful they were. again he didn’t know how much he loved them until he couldn’t look at them whenever he wanted. “i don’t know how to be somebody without you.”
you scoffed. slowly you shook your head as you looked down at your hands in your lap. he continued to explain.
“i couldn’t stand you ignoring me, i couldn’t stand it.” he shook his head. his eyes were focused on the sheets once again. you’d never seen him this vulnerable. you’d never heard of it happening to anyone else either. “seeing you everywhere, every single day. it was horrible.”
“you have no idea what i would have done to hear that a few weeks ago.” you bit your lip. “but instead you made it very clear what you wanted.”
for a second it was quiet.
“I know,” mattheo spoke softly. that moment had replayed in his head over and over again. in the moment, he was so proud. he thought that you would be the one crawling back to him. but now here he was. 
“please,” he said. “please, give me another chance.”
you leaned back in your chair, you crossed your arms as you looked at the boy. even with a blue eye and a busted lip, he still looked so pretty to you.
“i fucked up,” he leaned forward, trying to reach for your hand.
you gave it to him.
“please, give me a chance,” he repeated. “i promise, i’ll be better. i’ll treat you better.”
he squeezed your hand.
“just, don’t,” he pleaded some more. “don’t go for mclaggen.” 
you laughed slightly after his plea. he spat that name out with so much venom it was almost funny. 
“i wasn’t really interested in him in the first place,” you squeezed his hand back as you slowly smiled at him. 
“oh, really,” the smirk was back on his face, he had won you back. 
“so you played me, darling?”
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♡ taglist @leonesimp | @helendeath | @wxnterwidow333
♡ banner credit @/strangergraphics
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sweetiecutie · 10 months
you and childhood best friend Simon losing your virginities together on your birthday🥺
Pairing: childhood friend! Simon Riley x fem! Reader
Warnings: mdni, both reader and Simon are implied to be 19 or so, fluffy smut, lose of virginity on both sides, fingering, unprotected sex and pulling out as contraception (DON’T DO THAT)
A/n: god anon, that’s absolutely fucking ADORABLE!!! I enjoyed writing this sm! It turned out a bit longer than I originally planned but it is what it is.
You and your best friend Simon were sprawled out on your soft bed, soft pink sheet were rustling underneath your bodies whenever you moved. Some stupid show was playing on your laptop but neither of you paid much attention, chatting and laughing at each other’s stupid jokes, tummies full of delicious cake and aromatic tea cold and long forgotten on your bedside.
- What else does my angel want for her birthday? You know I’ll do anything you want, - Simon said quietly, his voice slightly raspy from chain smoking. Corners of his thin lips rose up in small smile, the one he reserved for you only; his hand came up to tuck a stand of loose hair behind your ear, gently pinching the apple of your cheek as he did so.
You just shrugged your shoulders meekly, smiling and blushing uncontrollably at this cheeky gesture:
- Nothing, just wanna be with you, - you said, looking up at Simon through long lashes, feeling your tummy flutter at the sight of his gummy smile upon hearing your words, those adorable dimples that you wanted to kiss so much showing on his stubble-pecked cheeks. You felt a sudden fit of courage simmering in your chest, so you added tentatively: - And maybe a small kiss?
You could hear your heart pounding in your ears as you watched Simon freeze, his body tensing for a few long moments after registering your words. Then his smile widened slowly as he sat upright from his semi-lying position, scooting over to be closer to you.
- I’ll give you as many as you wish princess, - he promised quietly, tip of his tongue running over his lips impatiently before pressing them against your own, big calloused hand coming up to cradle the side of your face. You hummed into the kiss contentedly, releasing long a breath you didn’t realise you were holding.
Your hands rested on Simon’s sides, crumpling soft cotton of his tee in between your trembling from nerves fingers, causing the hem to ride up, giving a glimpse on milky skin of his stomach.
Simon felt as if the whole world was spinning around and in the centre of it was you - gorgeous little you, all pretty and dolled up for your birthday, so pliant and soft in his rough hands. He couldn’t help himself from pushing his lips against yours a bit harder, small moan tearing through his chest upon the taste of your cherry scented lipgloss - god he’s been dreaming of this his whole fucking life.
Neither of you could tell how exactly everything happened - it was a mess of hot messy kisses full of tongue and shared saliva, hands raking up and down each other’s bodies, sloppily moulding and caressing, finally able to do so after years of yearning. You were laying on your back with Simon slotted cozily in between your thighs, his t-shirt off, button and zipper of his jeans undone, your greedy fingers cupping his hard-on through black cotton of his boxers, rubbing and stroking his throbbing cock. Blonde cussed under his breath, sucking another pretty mark on the side of your neck, his hands kneading soft pudge of your tits, pinching and tweaking sensitive nipples gently.
Simon didn’t hesitate to shift one of his hands lower, rubbing you through your pretty panties, cooing at the wetness seeping through them.
- Want you s’bad, Si, - you whined, bucking your hips against your best friend’s hand, feeling his cock twitch under your fingers at your words.
- Gotta work you open first, dearie, - he murmured and placed a small peck at the tip of your nose, doing quick work at shedding your clothes down, leaving you flushed and naked under him. Running two of his fingers over your slit he opened your folds, groaning at how fucking drenched you were for him. With his thumb rubbing and prodding at your clit a bit clumsily blonde carefully worked one finger inside of your fluttering hole, causing you to draw in a sharp breath. No matter how many times you stuffed yourself full of your fingers, everything felt tenfold better with Simon.
Soon he added a second, and then third fingers in, spreading you open on his thick knuckles, making you feel so full and needy for more. You synchronised the pace of your jerking on Simon’s cock with the his digits fucking in and out of you, eliciting a throaty groan from his.
- Can’t wait no more, I need to be inside of you, - Simon hissed, taking his fingers out of you, leaving you so cold and empty as he hastened to tear his pants and underwear off, crawling back in between your soft thighs. - Can I?
You nodded fervently, watching with wide eager eyes as your best friend pumped his cock a few times, spreading shiny bead of precum all over his brownish tip. Aligning himself with your awaiting entrance he met your eyes, making sure you wanted it still. Receiving a small yes that fell from your kiss swollen lips he pushed carefully, breaking into your virgin pussy. It stung still, even despite your pooling slickness and all the stretching. Simon hissed under his breath, head thrown backwards providing you with delicious view of his strong neck and chiselled adam’s apple, his face scrunched up as he fought the urge to bottom out inside your tight cunny, cumming shamefully quick.
Staying like that for a few long minutes to allow both of you to get used to completely new feeling Simon crouched down to pepper small butterfly kisses all over your cheeks and forehead, his affection melting your insides into a sparkly goo. Blonde took one of your hands and guided it down to where your sexes connected:
- Show me how you like to be touched.
And so you did, rubbing your clit in full circles, tight pleasure of it helping to ease all unpleasant feelings from first penetration. Simon cussed under his breath, feeling how you clamped down on his needy cock, pushing your hand away and taking over your clit, imitating the pace you’ve just shown him. With added stimulation you relaxed further into him, your walls declamping, allowing Simon to finally move.
His first thrusts were faltering and hesitant, not wanting to move too fast or rough to hurt your thus stretched walls any further. Slowly but surely picking up pace Simon soon was fucking you into your mattress, his cock brushing that one spot within you repeatedly, his thumb massaging tight figures eights on your swollen needy clit.
- That’s my birthday girl, so perfect for me. God you feel amazing, I could’ve cum right this instant, - Simon moaned, thrusting his hips against yours gently, fucking himself in and out of your needy cunny on slow sensual pace.
- Si, I think I’m gunna cum, - you whined out, feeling familiar heaviness settling in the pit of your tummy, your nerves aflame with newfound pleasure. Your hands gripped onto Simon’s buff biceps, seeking out some grounding; his hips faltered slightly, deep throaty moan rolling off his tongue - realisation alone that you were going to cum because of him was enough to push him right over the edge.
- Cum f’ me, pretty girl. Cum on my cock, let me make you feel good, - he encouraged, his thumb rubbing your clit more fervently, pushing you right into the pit of pleasure. Your body jolted as a wave of pure pleasure crashed over you like a tsunami, causing your eyes to roll back and toes curl. White dots were dancing before your eyes, white noise thrumming in your ears as you rode out your orgasm, your puffy pussy clenching and clamping down on Simon’s drooling cock, bringing him right to his limit.
- Ffffuuuuuck, - blonde gritted you, pulling his cock out and jerking it ferociously with his rough fist, a few pumps were enough for Simon to shoot his pearly cum onto your heaving tummy, staining your skin with milky ropes.
Crashing on the bed next to you Riley scooped you up in his tight embrace, holding you close to his heaving chest, thick fingers tangling themselves in between soft strands of your hair. Simon pressed soft kisses onto your hairline, making you giggle in post-coital bliss, snugging closer to your now lover.
- You can’t imagine how long I’ve been dreaming about holding you like that, - he murmured against your skin, inhaling lungfuls of your shampoo mixed with your favourite perfume. - God I’m not letting you get out of bed after that<3
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