#neji hyuuga fanfic
can i have headcanons of sasuke neji and naruto with a s/o who speaks another language? Like a language from their clan or something thanks and i enjoy your writing keep up the good work <3
A/n: 😭 thank you so much, I haven’t been doing too well, that means so much to me.
Warning/content: nothing, general fluff
Characters: Sasuke, Neji, Naruto
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Sasuke Uchiha
✭ When sasuke first met you, he was kinda unsure how to communicate with you but he very quickly learned that you were very good with hand signs kinda like sign language and knew how to communicate through that even without speaking the same language.✭
✭ After you guys got to know each other, he realizes you’re truly very interesting but he’d rather not speak again before admit he likes you. When you started learning the language they speak in Konoha Sasuke would be patient whenever you tried to speak in the language that wasn’t your own. He’s quietly correct pronunciation and help with spelling but whenever someone brought it up he’d adamantly deny that he cared. ✭
✭ One time, after you guys got much closer, Sasuke learned some of your native language in secret. He always would say “It’s just more convenient, don’t think much of it.” He wanted to learn part of your language to feel more connected with you, he trusts you which is very rare for the closed off Uchiha. He cares but he’d rather die than admit it. Once you guys were in a relationship, he was very patient with you and would tell off anyone who was being rude to you for not necessarily understanding what they were say.✭
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Neji Hyuga
✭ You guys met on a mission between your village and Konoha as diplomats. Neji had heard of your village and your language before but he had never met anyone who spoke the language. After he met you, he became very interested in your culture. Obviously you couldn’t communicate the traditional way and your translator couldn’t always be there so you started to communicate and tell each other about yourselves through drawings. ✭
✭ He found your language beautiful and was very honest about it but not in a flirty type way…..yet. He was very understanding when you were learning his language and forgot a word or maybe couldn’t pronounce it correctly. He liked helping you, it made him feel needed.✭
✭ Once you two got closer, he became interested in learning your language and went to the library to find books either written in your language or to find learning books. He’d say “I want us to communicate more efficiently if Konoha and your village will have a relationship.” You returned the favor when he was learning your language, you couldn’t help but find his embarrassment when he mispronounced something cute. Once he learned compliments in your language you were done for, that’s all he’d call you from now on. He’d say it quietly just to make you shiver✭
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Naruto Uzumaki
✭ To say Naruto was oblivious would be an understatement, when you met he thought you were just shy and didn’t like talking. But when Sakura told him you didn’t speak his language he was embarrassed for lack of a better term and sheepishly apologized for not realizing sooner not realizing you didn’t understand his apology.✭
✭ He started to learn your language and was very upfront about it. He’d always be asking for tips on how to learn faster and be more fluent without as many mistakes. He liked you, he really did and he wasn’t going to hide it. You were a very unique person to him and he wanted to make it obvious he liked you. You couldn’t help but laugh when he mispronounced a word and accidentally said something inappropriate. ✭
✭ Once you guys got together, much like neji he called you by nicknames in your language. The only time he really got serious was when people would cause you trouble, after all no one was going to give you a hard time when he was around. Whether it be someone saying something about how you “don’t listen for the life of you” or how your accent is annoying. Naruto would always be there on your defense. “Don’t listen to them, your language is beautiful!” He’d make sure to reassure you whenever he could.✭
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A/n: Hey! I hope you liked it! Feel free to send more requests, I barely have motivation so please give me something to work off of. Have a good night, love u <3
Tagging: @ssailormoonn @your-heavenly-messenger
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wing-ed-thing · 1 year
Unacceptably and Idiotically Reckless (Neji x Reader)
Synopsis: After a reckless— albeit cool— stunt on your latest mission, Neji has finally come to scold you.
Word Count: 0.5k
Tags/Warnings: Fluff, Vague Reader Injury
Notes: I hope the anon who requested this is feeling better :/
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He was the last person you expected to visit, not for lack of care, but more because you didn’t think he’d find out this quickly. But, well, judging by the expression on his face, perhaps lack of care shouldn’t have been ruled out so soon. Neji scowled in the doorway of your hospital room, his travel bag slung over his shoulder. 
“You have got to be kidding me.” He scowled. You beamed, offering him a thumbs-up and a wave from your hospital bed. Considering the bandages that littered your body, your cheery demeanor did nothing to quell the vexation that visibly seeped from Neji. “So what everybody has been saying is true. Look at you; your chakra network is absolutely wrecked.”
“Did you say everybody?” 
He stepped fully into the room, eyeing your injuries from the side of your bed. His jaw clenched as he tore his gaze away, pinching the bridge of his nose with a roll of his eyes and a groan. When Neji turned back to you, his tongue was already poised to scold you. You watched as he pursed his lips, his hand hovering in the air to accent the choice words he was already saying in his head. 
“How could you possibly think—” Neji’s hands waved curtly in front of him. —“That stunt was going to end well for you?” 
“Neji—” You moved to answer him, but you were swiftly cut off. 
“No, actually, I don’t want to hear a word from you.” Neji sat on a chair beside your bed, tugging his bag across his shoulder to pull it open. “The Hyūga have the best doctors in the village. I will ensure that your primary provider is switched to a trusted physician.” He set a few vials of different medicines on your bedside table before diving back into his bag.
“And this tea. I want you to drink this at least twice a day. It is a special blend of healing herbs, and it’s measured out to be a week’s worth, so I better not see this bag full.” He held it to your face before bopping your forehead with the sachet. You laughed, moving to sit up against your pillows.
“Neji, really—” You took his hand in yours, resting it against the blankets on your lap. A vein twitched just above his brow as he opened his mouth to speak. You held a finger up, shushing him with another light laugh. “Thank you for bringing me all these things. I know you must have been worried.” Neji scoffed.
“Me, worried? Please.” The tension in his shoulder dropped as he leaned into your touch. He stared out the far window of your room. You gently squeezed his hand and felt him squeeze yours in return. “Taking a swan dive out there in the forest? I could see how that unacceptable, idiotic, recklessness could make someone else worried.” 
You almost laughed again, leaning back onto your mound of pillows to rest your head. You finally got to meet his eye, and with another squeeze of his hand, you offered him a knowing smile and a nod. Neji visibly softened before sighing. 
“Will you let me show you the rest of the things I brought now?” 
You released him, and Neji dove back into his bag. Neither of you acknowledged the sentiment so clearly attached to it all, especially not the bouquet of flowers he arranged neatly in a vase next to your bed.
Thank you to all who liked, reblogged, followed, and supported. Your support means so much and is greatly appreciated.
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soulcialdent · 2 months
Day one: Saudade (portuguese)
The feeling of longing, melancholy, or nostalgia. A yearning for happiness that has passed, or perhaps never even existed.
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Some bonds are broken and others naturally fade away. Neji wasn't quite sure what his situation was.  It's been a number of years since he and Tenten have really talked. Started off, with her moving away for college and him staying to study at Konohagakure Top University. 
Keeping in contact over video calls, and frequent texts messages.  Even a few weekend visits. To gaped out phone calls and not being able to remember when's the last time they spoke. 
After their freshmen year, the distance between became grew even bigger. Tenten stopped coming home all together. Neji he assumed her new boyfriend had a lot to do with it. But he couldn't be sure.  But the thing he knew for sure was that he missed her. 
His Tenten? The girl he used to spar with. Go to school with. Share hidden smiles and touches with. The same girl who he got into a school yard brawl with in middle school on the rainiest day of typhoon season. The girl that gave him his first kiss before he knew what it was to care about another person who wasn't a familiar bond.  
Not this girl or rather women who cried and yelled at the mere sight of him. Tenten has once said standing next to Neji made her feel like she could take on the world. And he felt the same! 
There friendship meant everything to him. He knew this was something that needed to be fixed. He should have fought for it. This was hurting him.  Time just kept passing and the time to address it just never came.   
So here the Hyuuga was years later filled with regret and broken promises that he could never fulfill. Because death made most things impossible.  On the anniversary of her passing, all his convoluted emotions just hit that much harder. This year in particular, he found himself wanting to talk to her more than ever.  So just for this one time. He would! 
Earlier in the week, Neji had a conversation with his niece Himawari that really stuck with him. Made him wonder, if he too could send a paper plane high enough to reach the heavens. 
At this moment, he was drunk enough to actually do it. 
He pulled out a blanked piece of paper. And scribble some words on too.  Neatly folded it into a plan. Before giving it too much thought, Neji walked over to his bedroom window and threw the plane out.  It caught wind and took off into the sky. 
For the first time in a long time. Neji felt light. 
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bayetea · 2 months
100 Nights of NejiTen | Chapter 8 out now ♡
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summary — ; Neji thought that he and his girlfriend were, if nothing else, always in sync. He comes when she calls, she leaps when he says "Jump." For years, they have known and understood each other intimately. But when a mishap in the bedroom throws them off balance, he is forced to reevaluate his relationship, his perception of Tenten, and the unnerving, illicit desires that he's repressed for his entire life. warnings — ; explicit smut with plot and lots of feelings | romance | emotional | conflict | idiots in love | blossoming sexuality | sexual tension that will make you want to tear your hair out | smut for people who don't usually like smut ( Rated E for Explicit. Minors DNI/DNR. )
we're so back :^) I love this new chapter, I think it came out very well ♡♡♡ and the next one will be even better!
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cr3sswellsgf · 2 months
never both/pragmatic - nejiten week '24
day 1 - saudade (portuguese) The feeling of longing, melancholy, or nostalgia. A yearning for happiness that has passed, or perhaps never even existed.
Tenten was surprised when she got the dinner invitation in the mail. She supposed she shouldn’t have been, though. It was just about time for the Team Gai monthly dinners—the weekend of the 15th of every month. Every month, on the fifteenth (or the weekend that corresponded or was closest to it—for practicality purposes), Gai-han would meet up at a local diner and have a meal together. They’d catch up and discuss how their weeks were, complaining about mundanities such as an annoying grocery store run or the pipes being frozen again due to the harsh Konoha winters. They might even share the details of their last mission—with Neji being a newly appointed Jōnin, it delighted Gai to listen to his student, whom he’d nurtured from a cynical little twelve year old, constantly angry at the world and stuck in his ways, to a mature, level-headed young adult who had finally begun to have faith in life. Who had finally allowed himself to dream and hope and love and laugh and everything in between.
It delighted Gai even more so when he’d notice, through the little passing details in Neji’s stories, that the Hyūga had subconsciously adopted some of Gai’s ways when leading a team of his own. It got him thinking how it would be for Neji if he were to ever lead a squad of Genins, someday. How his own experiences as a Genin and how Gai’s tutelage might subconsciously pass on to that new squad. Out of the three of them—Lee, Neji and Tenten—Neji was the least likely to verbally express affection. He wasn’t particularly good with flowery words, and he often struggled to articulate such feelings, courtesy of his upbringing, so it was much easier for him to show affection through his actions. He was always willing to go out of his way to help, even in small, almost unnoticeable ways such as filling up an extra water bottle just in case someone forgot to fill up theirs (usually Gai, ironically enough). Buying candy for Tenten if he noticed (which he always did) that her mood was down. Making time to spar with Lee despite their packed schedules, if only to indulge in that nostalgia and spend time with his friend, in their own special way.
He was dependable. Kind.
Contrary to what some might think, Hyūga Neji was so very kind. He was undeniably good, and it showed in his actions. It bled through to his morals and how he conducted himself.
So for Gai to have his legacy passed on so tangibly, subconsciously no less, and to be able to see that with his own eyes… It was a feeling of accomplishment unlike any other. No amount of successful S-Rank missions or victories could trump the feeling of knowing you made a difference in someone’s life. Of knowing your influence on someone changed the course of their life for the better, even if only by a little bit.
This would be the first Team Gai dinner since Neji had died in the Fourth Great Ninja War.
This would be the first Team Gai dinner as a squad of three, not four.
Tenten looked at the invitation again. It was from Gai-sensei, inviting her to the local yakiniku place they’d been to so often in the past. Sometimes they’d go after missions, and Gai would treat them to reward their success, or even to uplift them after a failure; to remind them that there’s always a next time. Sometimes they’d go for celebrations—birthdays and rank promotions and such. And sometimes it was simply an excuse to see each other again, amidst all the responsibilities of being older, more dependable shinobi. Sometimes it was just an excuse to enjoy each other’s company and be together, if only for a night, like they’d grown so accustomed to in their earlier years.
It had been so long since Tenten had met up with Gai-sensei and Lee, outside of formal business of some sort. It was just too painful.
Over the past year or so after the war, Tenten and Lee alternated taking care of Gai. After the many months he spent bedridden in the hospital, during which they would alternate visiting him almost everyday, it was a given that one would see Gai strolling around the village in his wheelchair, accompanied by one of his former subordinates. It was like an unspoken agreement had been signed between Lee and Tenten: always one of them, and never both. It was easier that way.
When one of them was alone with Gai, it was easier to pretend that the two absent teammates were off doing their own thing. It was easier for Tenten to pretend, if only for a little bit, that Lee and Neji were off training at their usual spot, and it was easier for Lee to pretend that Tenten and Neji were taking a stroll around the village, or even hanging out at a tea shop, like they’d taken to doing at some point down the line. It was easier to ignore that gaping hole Neji’s death had left behind. That missing limb that overwhelmingly hindered the movement of the body as a whole. It was easier to ignore than to try and adjust to it—to the missteps and phantom pains and jerky movements.
Too soon after the war, shinobi were forced to take on new roles and responsibilities befitting the new needs of the village and the Allied Shinobi Forces as a whole, which put their grief on the back burner, and at some point, they eventually got too caught up with their own lives (which was, as much as Tenten hated admitting it, somewhat of a coping mechanism to deal with the loss of someone so significant) that they stopped seeing each other and meeting up. In the process of ‘dealing with’ (i.e. forgetting) and moving on from the loss of Neji, they ended up moving on from their bond as a team and all the memories they’d shared. It was easier to cut each other clean off and fully move on from team Gai as a whole than it was to try and pick the pieces back up and reconstruct it, this time wholly aware of the missing member.
That’s why, over the past year or so, Team Gai had let the distance get between them. They surrendered to it. Let it cause a chasm between them and then some. It was better for them to drift apart with love and goodness and grace and well-wishes in their hearts than to let the grief overwhelm them and drive a vicious wedge between them, like it had during those days immediately after the war. The way Tenten saw it—and she felt that Lee no doubt thought the same—it was better for Team Gai to dissolve naturally and amicably.
And for a while, that worked. Terrifyingly well.
The world had already begun to move on from the War, and the village was mostly rebuilt. People—shinobi and civilians alike— were rebuilding their lives and getting used to this era of peace. It was weird. It honestly still felt surreal most days. Tenten—any shinobi in general—was so used to being on edge all the time, and constantly preparing for the worst. Her fight or flight response was always either on edge or at the forefront, waiting like a dog poised to strike. But now, there was no war anymore, and though the effects of it could still be seen and felt everywhere, people were starting to acclimate. She didn’t need to conceal knives on her person anymore when going out. She didn’t need to sleep restlessly anymore.  She would be okay. She was okay.
At the last second, Tenten reached for her mascara again, unscrewing it and giving her lashes one last coat. She knew it was probably unneeded, but she did it anyway, and she felt better. She was still getting used to that—doing things for the sake of doing them, knowing they served no real purpose.
Tenten was… pragmatic. Very much so. And don’t get me wrong, that is a wonderful quality for a shinobi to possess, but Tenten found she no longer needed that. Well, not as much anyway. Her pragmatism had helped her solve countless problems successfully in the past, and it was one of the reasons she and Neji worked so well together. They were both sensible, if not a little hard headed at times, and they understood each other. To their friends, it always seemed like those two were moving in a rhythm inaudible to everyone but themselves. They were best friends, in every sense of the term. They somehow always knew what the other was thinking, and what to do. And part of that was because they were similar in that way—stubborn, sure, but willing to compromise when the situation called for it.
Which is why Tenten says her pragmatism helped her in the past, but she would be the first to admit that it also held her back from many things.
‘It would be too difficult,’ or, ‘Our backgrounds are too different.’ Or perhaps even the worst one, ‘We’re probably better off as friends.’
All things Tenten had said to herself in the name of being realistic. Pragmatic.
All excuses Tenten used to hold herself back from doing what she wanted to do, just for the sake of it. Shinobi fell in love. It was nothing unheard of—I mean, they were human after all. It was expected, even. Everyone was harrowingly aware of the risks being a shinobi entailed, and for most, quitting was not an option, so it was up to them to decide whether or not they would pursue a romantic relationship. 
It was up to them to decide which they were going to sacrifice: a chance at love, or their career. Because, in their world, it unfortunately had to be one or the other.
The choice was obvious. The pragmatic choice was obvious.
And both Neji and Tenten were pragmatic.
So they chose their careers.
When faced with the choice of being best friends and continuing to toe that line like they’d been doing for so long, or being lovers, and discovering an entirely new part of themselves—tasting an entirely new flavour they hadn’t even known existed—they chose the former. Because it was always one, and never both. And that was fine, for a while.
In fact, if that had been the end of it, Tenten imagined, perhaps terribly and selfishly, then maybe the aftermath of his death wouldn’t have been as hard. And maybe that made her a terrible person. Maybe she was terrible for wishing he’d never confessed and they’d never kissed. Maybe she was terrible for wishing he hadn’t given her a taste of what she longed for for so long, only to cruelly take it away before either of them were ready. And she knew it wasn’t his fault, but part of her couldn’t help but blame him. And maybe that made her a terrible person; she didn’t know.
But for now, she was content with doing small, pointless, impractical things like putting on another coat of mascara, just for the sake of it. She’d swallow the lump in her throat and put on a brave face and walk out, and she’d do things just because she wanted to. Just because it made her feel better.
They’d both shown up.
“Hey,” she greeted, once she’d spotted the two green-clad men waiting by the entrance of the restaurant. She’d gotten there a few minutes early, but here they were, arriving even earlier. 
“Tenten!” It was Lee.
While Lee had jumped at the opportunity of this dinner, craving the nostalgia like it were a physical thing, Tenten was a bit hesitant. Still, they had both shown up. She smiled. How very predictable of Team Gai.
Maybe things weren’t that different after all.
It was awkward at first. After exchanging pleasantries, they entered the restaurant and took their seats at the reserved booth. The thought of making small talk with people that were once so engraved in each other’s very being was unbearable. The view of the vacant seat at the table was also unbearable—it had been so long since they’d met up like this for dinner that, when Gai-sensei was making the reservation, he accidentally asked for a table for four instead of three. Force of habit.
But they managed.
“How have you been, Tenten?” Gai asked, voice mellow. Him and Lee had remained pretty close through it all, partly because of Lee’s self-imposed duty to care for Gai most of the time, and partly because those two had always had a special bond that not even Neji and Tenten could get between. Tenten shrugged noncommittally, replying with that customary reassurance that made it seem like she was very busy while simultaneously downplaying whatever it is she’d been busy with since she’d last seen them. He nodded kindly, and the three of them started chatting mindlessly about nothing in particular. It was obvious that they were ignoring the elephant in the room. Neji’s loss—his absence at this table—was so palpable it was almost taking up the space of the would-be conversation.
“I miss him,” Tenten sighed, almost bluntly. Flippantly. She didn’t know what reaction she was expecting, but the willing avoidance was getting suffocating. She knew everyone was thinking that, so why didn’t anyone say it?! Why couldn’t anyone give her that relief? Why was everyone—her included, she realised belatedly—so hell-bent on forgetting him, when he had been such a core part of who they were for so long? She missed him. She missed talking to him— about him. She didn’t like that no one brought him up anymore, as if he’d never even existed. He deserved to be celebrated and remembered, for God’s sake! That was the least they could do for him.
“Me, too,” Lee murmured, uncharacteristically resigned. “It’s unbearable, most days.”
Immediately, pressure built up behind Tenten’s eyes, and she vaguely regretted putting on more mascara. “Yeah,” she whispered, almost in wonder, “it is.”
And surprisingly, that was what broke the tension.
Or maybe it wasn’t surprising or weird or unexpected. Maybe that made perfect sense. Because Team Gai was never one for stuffy formalities or beating around the bush—they knew each other too well for that.
Gradually and ever so tentatively, the dinner took on an air of normalcy, and things were almost like the old times—almost. They were able to actually speak to each other again for the first time in what felt like a lifetime, without being snappy or short-tempered, or feeling like their words weren’t reaching through to the other person. They were finally able to acknowledge their loss together, and weirdly enough, it made them feel lighter than they had in ages.
“It’s getting late,” Tenten yawned, stretching her arms over her head. “We should probably go before we get kicked out.”
With a frown, Lee responded, “Yeah. You’re probably right.”
They, reluctantly, said their goodbyes. She’d originally thought this would be awkward, but she realised with a pang as she was walking away that she didn’t want to go. 
“Tenten!” Lee called out from a distance away, and she turned around.
“What is it?” she called back.
“Don’t be a stranger.”
Her breath hitched, and the only thing she could do was nod vigorously and hope he saw it.
She would be okay. They would be okay.
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atanxdoesstuff · 5 months
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nejisasu doodle! a universe where the hyuuga's slavery bs doesn't get ignored and Neji and Sasuke are better off for it (and also they're married)
#digital art#naruto fanart#artists on tumblr#hyuuga neji#uchiha sasuke#doodle#nejisasu#sasuneji#i personally have hit them with the aspec and qpr beam#but it can be read as romantic lol#sasuke is totally a huge ass brat in a happier world#but like in an adorable and funny way#i really wanted to draw sth digitally so i just went through my sketchbook and drew a scene i liked#also i experimented with brushes a bit because normally i start with a flat ass no texture colour layer#and i think csp did not like that because when i first exported the file it was like 21 fucking MB#like normally my pngs end up around 5 MB#and the canvas was the same size#i figure since there was no real continuous plane of colour more information has to be saved? anyway i scaled the png down by like 50 perce#this is inspired by an au of mine in fact the sketch i adapted was for that au but i decided fuck it#vanilla characers (-ish) it is#yall i cant fucking believe how the hyuuga side branch is treated in the series#and how sasuke is treated!! kakashi fr acts like hes a spoiled brat when his entire family was murdered and he was fucking tortured#and has been alone since he was like 7#yeah he is a bit of an ass but spoiled??#also kakashi fr saying in the prelims that the hyuuga are konoha's best clan like excuse me what dojutsu do u have in ur eyesocket??#its wild ive been reading naruto parallel to writing my fanfic for the first time and its certaintly... something#also the sandaime going like each person in the village is my preicous person uhuh each person except all of the uchiha apparently#and except the hyuuga side branch. and all the people sent on traumatising missions#and all the people he lets danzo kidnap and brainwash#and naruto who he let grow up all alone. and all the people he sends to die fighting for a perpetual cycle of violence :D fun stuff!
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okamirayne · 5 months
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Beautiful Art by Ysvel
Every time ❤️
So many ways to say those 3 unspoken words…
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itsdragonfire13 · 16 days
Ok so I’ve been looking for this Naruto time travel fanfic for AWHILE, but it’s been deleted and now I’m just wondering if anyone remembers what it was called so I could try the way back machine.
The plot
Jiraiya time travels back awhile after his death and watching over Naruto from the afterlife. (One of his goals is to make sure Naruto/Sasuke never happens, and I think he was going to try to set Naruto/Neji up). That said he time travels back a little before graduation OR just after.
He buys a house close to the Hyuuga compound, and this makes Naruto and Neji meet early, where upon Naruto kicks Neji’s ass and makes him see ninja Jesus(Naruto), and quickly gains best friends in the terms of team Guy. At one point I believe Team Guy(or at least Neji and Tenten) yell at Sakura & Sasuke for how they treat Naruto.
Does anyone else remember this fic??? It’s been bugging me for months 😩
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puzzleemerald · 9 months
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Because Amaterasu and Sesshōmaru don't have much further art at the moment, I decided to share another couple who are most dear to my heart. YCH by the lovely Antodonatella on Instagram & DeviantArt.
Please don't reblog!
Keep in mind I will be talking about the FanFiction version of Ayumu in this post! The version of Ayumu I roleplay is her own separate deal! When her bio is done and put up on my Master Post, I won't only RP Ayumu interacting with exclusively Neji writers, lol.
Neji Hyūga is already a very recognizable character, being one of my very first crushes when I started really getting into anime as a thirteen to fourteen-year-old. In fact, he's the reason I later bought and read the manga... all hundred-heccin'-something volumes of it. Much like Sesshōmaru, it was his long hair, elegance, intellect, and stoic demeanor that won me over at first. It also amused me to watch him just be cool; he always felt like the definitive head of his team. Even if Lee wasn't to be sneezed at as a fighter, I saw more leadership qualities in Neji that Lee lacked. I also felt that he had the most interesting plight among the Konoha thirteen as someone from a branch in his clan where he was basically expected to serve and protect the head family deemed "above" him on the social-political totem pole the Hyūga were built on. Despite his innate talent rivaling the daughters of the clan's head at the time, he'd always be considered lesser because of his birth. In ways, he felt like more of an underdog to me than Naruto did—though that also has a lot to do with Naruto's characterization as the "optimistic headstrong protagonist" Kishimoto had going. (I kinda wish Kishi had leaned more into Naruto having some resentment towards the Leaf, but that's a post for another day)
So what'd teenage me do? Tailor an OC to be another half for him because GDI this man deserves happiness, not getting skewered like a redshirt on an overgrown splinter. If they had to have someone, ANYONE, sacrifice themself for Hinata... tbh, I wish it'd been someone on her team like Kiba or Shino, so we didn't have to basically do the thing he was "born to do" according to Clan tradition asfdhjrhyud—
Deep breaths. I'm calm. Suppress the fangirl rage.
So, as a result, I created Ayumu! Who was, by every definition, a Mary Sue at first!! (It was bad... oh god, was it bad...) But after I ditched her for a few years when I lost interest in Naruto, I returned to her when I turned seventeen and completely rehauled her. Leading to the designs she has now.
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This is Ayumu's Part 1/Naruto Design. The Settei was done by a friend of mine on IG called Sento.OC, whom I commissioned.
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Then, we have Ayumu's Part 2/Shippuden Design, also by Sento.
When designing an OC for Neji, I wanted to go more complimentary than contrary. It just didn't feel like it'd make sense for Neji to ever be romantically interested in someone with bombastic energy like Naruto or Lee—mans doesn't have the patience to live with that on a daily basis, LOL! So I thought, "Hey, Neji's a pretty traditional guy; why not give him a traditional woman?" and Ayumu ended up as a very grounded, calm, and analytical person. A bit more on the conservative side, similar to Neji. All the while having occasional bursts of warm, thoughtful moments where she lights up but doesn't explode. She's very, for lack of a better term off the top of my head, "normal" compared to Naruto's big personality, Sasuke's broodiness, Shikamaru's laziness, or Temari's ferocity. It's why I imagine her getting along very well with people like Tenten or Kakashi, too, who tend to be the metaphorical straight man to the more comedic characters around them. Characters like Gai and Lee and Naruto can only be funny, after all, if they're offset by some typically.
Ayumu is also a close-range fire-style specialist with a Kekkei Genkai related to it, so her style compliments Neji's pretty well imo. They can be in a shoulder-to-shoulder or back-to-back situation and cover one another while knowing the other is nearby and safely under their wing. Both characters have some insecurity and neglect issues but for very different reasons. However, this means they relate to one another over their feelings and traumas, and neither really feels a need to "fix" the other. It's what makes them last, in my opinion. They just quietly comfort each other (also slap whoever tries to put the other down, lol), and that's it. ...They did kinda try to scratch each other's eyes out at first, but that'll be its own post! Once they get over their big hurdle and understand each other, they end up just being a pair of supportive friends to lovers 90% of the time. The other 10% is them getting fucked with by the plot around them because Neji barely gets any screen time in Shippudennnnnnn! ;-;
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team7-headquarter · 2 years
I'd love to read a Naruto au where the Konoha 12 (plus others) are participants of an interior design and house building program.
It doesn't have to be a competition all the time.
Imagine Naruto's house full of vibrant colors and artistic loud details and funny tricky corners for the whole family; stuff that breathes life into the walls until it feels like a home. It feels like anyone can live in there, like you'll find love and comfort among the declarations, that it is a safe place.
Or Sasuke's classical and yet innovating approach, whispers of traditions from all over the world that he has seen in his travels. They are carefully mixed but emerging in bold furious designs that make the house looks like a living being, not a building.
Or Sakura's practicality packed in affordable items and useful spaces, without ignoring the need for beauty and creativity in the day to day life. Nature based arrangements that merge gracefully and consider the mental and physical health of the owners, a place to heal in, to go rest in, to grow in.
There's so much I'd love to see explored, like Sai's favoritism for hand-painting patterns in the walls or Ino's exquisite flower arrangements that fill the house with their delicate fragrances. You have the dedication Choji always shows when it comes to cooking spaces like the kitchen and the barbecue place in the yard, Hinata making sure the house doesn't lack decoration for any formal occasion, even Rock Lee's preference for wasting money on house gyms and training equipment. It makes me so excited just to think about it skdnndndkdndksn
And what about Kiba insisting on including pet friendly setting and Shino changing the design to have minimum impact on the wildlife and nature around them? Or Shikamaru and Neji appreciation of home offices and peaceful gardens for the owners to relax and be productive? What about Tenten being the specialist when they need to decorate with fake or real weapons?
I don't know, it think is so silly and impactful and you can enjoy so much their dynamic in a safe environment... Really, best comfort fic.
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how would sasuke and neji feel about their s/o having some sort of facial scaring from their past that they are ashamed of how would they comfort them etc
A/n: Thank you for the request Anon, just keep feeding me requests and I’ll produce them lol. Anyway I’ll be more active so yeah.
Warning/content: Talk of physical violence, scarring obviously, use of beautiful in a gender neutral way, did I miss anything?
Characters: Sasuke, Neji.
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Sasuke Uchiha
❁ At first Sasuke didn’t say anything about the scar on your face because you never said anything and he mostly kept his thoughts to himself and thought it wasn’t his place to comment on your appearance, you loved you for you. Knowing himself he’d rather not make a comment knowing he might mess it up and hurt your feelings somehow. ❁
❁ He wasn’t sure how it came to be until you told him the story, you were on a mission in the middle of a fight when you were caught off guard and got slashed across the face. Ever since then you were insecure even on a subconscious level about your face, you were afraid that someone would say something nasty about it or think you were ugly. Sasuke didn’t let this slide and after he found out how you felt about your face, he’d subtly compliment you whenever he could.❁
❁ Now if someone made a unsolicited comment about your face, they better hope Sasuke wasn’t around to hear it or they might not be living much longer; he knows very well you can handle yourself however he can’t stand for anyone disrespecting you and will make them regret whatever they said to you.❁
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❁ Neji always found you beautiful regardless of the scarring on your face, whenever you guys were just lying together he’d idly rub his fingers over the scar, memorizing its shape and texture. He was always gentle with you and wanted you to feel loved. After al, he knows what it feels like to be ashamed of something on your face. Whenever you two talked, his eyes would track over your entire face multiple times throughout the conversation. He was never shy about it until you called him out and he got all flustered. ❁
❁ Neji never asked how you got the scar, he figured if you wanted to tell him, you would and he certainly wasn’t going to force you to tell him about it especially if it brought back traumatic memories; you decided that you finally wanted to tell him. The entire time you recounted how you got the scar, he listened intently wanting to make you feel heard. He’d tell you to take your time and that you’re not in a rush for anything.❁
❁ Now if anyone tried to insult you, much like how Sasuke would react that wouldn’t work out very well for him especially if Neji knew how insecure you were about your face scar. Neji can be *very* passive aggressive because he doesn’t want to get into any physical confrontation because the Hyuga elders would not be to happy about that. However he will make a quick jab at the person who was insulting you and would make a quick exit as to not escalate the situation further. ❁
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Okay, I’ll be fulfilling more requests over the next few days then I’m opening them up again, I hope that was alright and didn’t make you cringe too hard, anyway have a good day, love u
tagging: @ssailormoonn @your-sexual-curiosities
Edit: this flopped hard; maybe I’m just impatient but like-
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wing-ed-thing · 1 year
Rock Lee x Reader x Neji Hyuga Love Triangle Relationship Headcanons
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𓆃 Very funny! The worst! This is a love triangle that either extinguishes as soon as it forms or it lasts for a painful amount of time!
𓆃 Because Rock Lee will just... tell you. If he has feelings for you, he'll just... let you know.
𓆃 At that point, you can either accept or decline. Either way, the love triangle wouldn't be a triangle anymore.
𓆃 Out of the Konoha 12, Lee has always been one of the most in tune with his emotions. He's able to identify his emotions, feel them, and isn't afraid to express them with relative ease.
𓆃 And so Neji, who isn't one for outward expression of emotions, will be outperformed in a game of initiative each time.
𓆃 There's a chance Neji may still have some feelings for you, given that you and Lee enter a relationship, but he isn't one to pine and make moves when you (or your relationship) are vulnerable.
𓆃 If anything, his affection for you will dissipate as passively as it formed, and if anything remains, it's handled in the distant future.
𓆃 Unlike Lee, Neji grew up in an environment where his thoughts and feelings were repressed. It takes him a significant amount of time to warm up to people and an even longer amount to ease into expressions of his emotions.
𓆃 The sustaining of a love triangle would be tedious: either because you somehow think Lee is joking or because you're unsure about dating.
𓆃 You'll end up having very honest and outward moments with Lee and softer, gradual moments with Neji.
𓆃 The dilemma with love triangles in the first place typically stems from a mutually strong bond with both potential love interests, but due to Neji's tendency to take things slow and Lee's nature of springing for things as soon as he feels, it makes the dynamic uneven
𓆃 Neji is also one to stew. He would be very reluctant to interrupt any time you spend with Lee— for fear of appearing overbearing although he would be the only one with that impression.
𓆃 But given that Lee would want to spend a significant amount of time with you by his very nature, you're bound to get moments where Neji wants/needs to speak to you and feels like he can't. And that bottled up resentment ends up being taken out on you.
𓆃 Neji is the king of the silent treatment and oftentimes resorts to passive-aggressive comments.
𓆃 Lee, always one to push himself and others, finds it hard to take "no"s from others if they aren't stated directly as a no. Anything that doesn't sound exactly like, "I am not interested in dating you, Lee" is something he'll have a hard time processing.
𓆃 If you find yourself stuck between these two and struggle with even mild confrontation... good luck.
Thank you to all who liked, reblogged, followed, and supported. Your support means so much and is greatly appreciated.
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soulcialdent · 2 months
Day 2: Gezelligheid (Dutch)
A convivial, cozy, or warm atmosphere. The warmth of being with loved ones, or seeing a friend after long absence.
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Life has been kicking Neji's ass. It's always been rough between losing his both his parents before he could remember him. The constant tormoil between his family and losing so much of himself to a war. Also almost his Sensei and Then having to come to terms with his new reality. He could no longer be a Shinobi anymore.
It took him close to a year to be self-sufficient again. As much as his injuries would allow anyway. He was lucky to alive and for the longest time he just couldn't believe it. But one day, maybe he would. Today just wasn't that day.
Neji was exhausted. He was on his way home after having his monthly meeting with Hinata and Hiashi. To discuss clan business, which Neji has opted to step away from but as Hyuuga you can never really step away from. Then Hinata would ask him the same question. And his answer was always the same. He had no intentions of returning to the compound. She'd smile at him genuinely but he didn't miss the hints of sadness that lingered there. But she would never push back.
If that wasn't draining enough, Today was 3 year Memorial of the 3rd Great Shinobi War. While electricity's filled the air with mixture of pain, pride and other conflicting emotions. Neji was numb the entire time. Today was really long day.
Gai Sensei tried to convince Neji to come out and celebrate with him Kakashi, Yamato and the others but he kindly turned him down. He wasn't in the mood to celebrate or talk about the war. Especially not, without his best friend. He missed her.
They’ve always been close. They became even closer after his almost death. If possible … Tenten became a pillar for him or maybe….a crutch. He couldnt tell. Tryin to get answers to that question just made his head spin.
Neji sighed as he approached his front door. His latest migraine being to set in as he reached for thelock to his front door- but slowly opened
Strains a brown hair catch his attention. The door now wide open.
“Hey, I’m back” she smiled at him. “You look like shit. Is everything okay?” She shut the door behind him.
He shook his head. Tenten eyes him curiously, gentle patted him on he back guided to seeing his sofa in the living room. Before walking into the kitchen to receive the tea she made. She was back just as quickly.
“Hey, is there anything that I can do for youl?”
“I have a migraine” and my body is acting up. He decided to keep that to himself.
“Okay, the pressure points that help are in head neck right “
Neji nodded as he felt her cold fingers press up against the side of his face. She massaged the pressure points like she's seen him do a bunch of times. And on her tooo. He began to relax as the migraine slowly drifted away.
“So what have you been up to while I was away” Tenten asked threading fingers through his slightly damp and wirely hair.
Neji melted into her touch. This is the part he loved and resented at the same time.
“Gai Sensei and Lee came to visit a few times but now Lee's away on a mission. Hinata paid me a visit as well. But enough about me. I want to hear about you.”:
Tenten chuckled and sat down next to him. She handed him a cup of tea before she began talking.
“Well the Land of Iron is beautiful but very cold. The Weapons Master Mifune wanted me to meet with was so cool. I way they craft weapons out there is unlike anything I’ve seen before. The cold temperatures and mountain air does something to metals. It imprints on them and gives it this blue color finish. I can't believe I was able to train under him.
Neji couldn't help but smirk. Taking a sip of the tea finally. He grimaced, it was really bad. The Hyuuga couldn't help but chuckle. Somethings never change.
“Sounds like you're learning a lot. When do you need to head back?”
“The day after tomorrow unfortunately. But hey, I got you something”
Tenten pulled out a leather spring with a small sound pendant on the end. It has a picture of kunai and other side it was engraved with Team Gai’s moto. Stronger Than Yesterday.
“I have one too” Tenten pulled on the string around her neck. “So no matter where you go. We’ll always be there with you “
And I, with you….
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bayetea · 2 months
100 Nights of NejiTen — ;
— — — ( a steamy love story )
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summary — ; Neji thought that he and his girlfriend were, if nothing else, always in sync. He comes when she calls, she leaps when he says "Jump." For years, they have known and understood each other intimately. But when a mishap in the bedroom throws them off balance, he is forced to reevaluate his relationship, his perception of Tenten, and the unnerving, illicit desires that he's repressed for his entire life. warnings — ; explicit smut with plot and lots of feelings | romance | emotional | conflict | idiots in love | blossoming sexuality | sexual tension that will make you want to tear your hair out
a/n note: [ this chapter is steamy, but non-explicit. I consider it fairly tame. the next chapter on ao3 is decidedly not. minors dnr/dni. you have been warned. ]
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Chapter 1 - Kissing
Low lights shaded the dips and dimensions of their faces and the shadows fluttered in reverence of the moon, peeking through the curtains like a voyeuring white lantern. Breaths floated in the air, their loving whispers adorned by helpless little grins. Peck, peck, peck, heated quick kisses he delivered along her jaw, his lips at her neck, diving for the grooves of her collarbone to which she sighed and giggled.
Her hand surfed through his waterfall of silky dark hair, the other caressing his smooth toned arm, but then she tired of his attention focused away from the one place she really wanted him and touched the underneath of his chin. Fingers lured her lover to look at her face, instead of the rest of her body that followed his descent down towards her bra. Their eyes met.
Even in the dark, Neji could see so much love in those eyes. Pure, genuine love, the once-in-a-lifetime kind of love, the kind that proved the deep connection of every ounce of their beings, of their souls. He recognized this feeling without a shred of doubt, because he had never told nor been told by anyone that they loved him (except for one, a person long in the past) and this feeling was definitely unique. In his chest, his heart radiated a full, attractive warmth, just seeing those doe brown eyes return his gaze and pause, gods , he was so ineffably enamored with this woman. His body yearned for hers before he knew what he was doing.
There wasn't an electric shock or a show of fireworks erupting when they kissed, as this was not the first time—not by a long shot. But it was the first time in such a setting, the first time that kissing her tempted him to slide the strap of her tank top down her shoulders. He wanted to see more of her than he'd ever seen before.
Tenten was the one to deepen it. She let her back fall to the bed and clung to the soft fabric of his shirt, causing his body to fall with her. Supporting himself on his arms, Neji hovered over her, eyelids low, breathing softly, holding back a groan when she slid her hand under his loose white shirt and stroked his hard stomach. Her touch was warm and gentle, drawing a slow, deliberate path up to his neck, and she beckoned him closer below. Then, their lips graced each other again.
“Mmph,” she sighed into him, pleasure thick in her moan. Her lips melded with his, an exchange of push and pull with angled moving jaws growing more needy for furthered contact. He liked hearing her moan, it sparked something rare and unfamiliar in his body that he didn’t know could feel so tempting. And… unsatisfying. It wasn’t enough, and he wasn’t sure what more he desired from her or of himself, but he wanted to go farther. Feeling bold, Neji traced his slick tongue across her bottom lip, dyed reddish from kissing, and she shivered deliciously at the foreign new sensation. Blissful hot tidings spread from her delirious head to her curling toes; she opened herself up to him, widely embracing the feverish insistence of his lips onto hers again.
Even he couldn't withhold the heavy groan that escaped him when her tongue snuck past his lips and curled inside, lazily gliding across his own. He trembled. A dangerous desperation festered and swelled within his core, burning away every shred of coherency. Persistently, he motioned his tongue back against hers, creating a simmering hot faint pressure as their tongues lightly pushed and slid so salaciously, feverishly, and he was allowed only two short pants to breathe as he withdrew for air before she tugged on his hair and pulled him back to yearning lips.
Neji hadn’t ever seen Tenten like this. She was all over him, hands roaming his body everywhere she could reach, her eager tongue eliciting more labored groans from his chest. He was still not used to such intimacy, being touched by someone like this. His hips squirmed in the hold of her straddling legs around his lower half. There was that unmentionable discomfort he never cared to acknowledge straining against his boxers and for a very real moment, he felt nervous. She kissed his neck, his collarbone, and licked slow whorls on his chest. The temperature in the room must have risen fifty degrees because his body suddenly felt hot—especially that abhorrent place— and his breath left him in short hot puffs of air. Neji let his eyes fall shut and relished in her sinful adulations, concentrating on controlling that blood-engorged nuisance until soft fingers traveled below his waist.
Her hand was sliding down his pelvis.
His eyes shot open and recoiled from her touch. “What are you doing?”
“Huh...?” Her dazed expression could only be described as lustful and wanting, a sordid line of saliva running down the corner of her lip. “I… Oh, s—sorry!”
Neji didn’t miss the way her entire face blazed red. With lightning speed she removed her searching hand from his groin, profusely sputtering another apology. He closed his eyes again and wordlessly removed himself from her to sit on the edge of the bed. By the sinking of the mattress he could tell that she was sitting up as well, but neither said anything.
Why had he stopped her?
Over a minute must have passed and she reached out for his shoulder. “Neji, I—”
“I should go.” He announced, rising from the bed. “Hiashi-sama will be suspicious if I return to the compound late.”
“Oh…” The disappointment in her voice was tangible. It almost made him want to stay.  “Well… alright. See you tomorrow, Neji.”
She was watching him as he dressed himself, which sounded curiously sordid in his head. It was a conscious decision to not look at her directly, or else those eyes of hers might lure him back to the warmth of her mouth and the feel of her tongue, and he needed to leave as soon as possible, because…
Tenten stuttered just before he reached the door, “If—did I—If I went too far, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you feel…”
“It’s fine.”
He left her apartment in then and returned (though it felt more like a retreat) to his home, and all he could do was wonder what was wrong with him.
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Read the next chapters on AO3, here.
a/n note:
Hellooooo nejiten nation, does anyone remember this fic? I'm posting chapter one here, because I am working on an update! There are 6 more chapters available on AO3 to read right now if you follow through to the above link! Chapter 2 is... a doozy, to say the least. I've received lots of good feedback on it...!
Leave reviews/comments, let me know what you think!
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kiljoius-writes · 2 years
Uprooted - Chapter 1
Ao3 | FFN
Next Chapter
Chapter 1: Jump Up, Heart Sunk
Pairing: Sasuke Uchiha/Hinata Hyūga
Summary: All Hinata really knows is that she’s not quite fond of Fugaku's son. Her eyes land on Itachi, who is standing between the two men. No, not that son.
The other one. The one who is awkwardly sidled up in the opposing corner of the room. He’s always so aloof, as if he’s too good for everyone else around him. He just wasn’t the type of person she could find it in herself to respect.
Sasuke was no friend.
For the SasuHina discord server challenge: Arranged Marriage AU
Word Count: 4.4k
Rating: T
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Today, Hinata is 20.
It’s not the lavish birthday bash that Hanabi is destined to have, but it’s still quite a nice party.
“’Ey Hinata.” Kiba swings around her front, almost losing his balance. Hinata automatically grabs at him to keep him steady and he flashes her a toothy smile. “Think your cousin over there’d be interested in me?”
Hinata looks over her shoulder to find whom she recognizes as Hikari, a branch member with beautifully long, dark green hair. She looks back at Kiba and lowers her eyes at him disapprovingly. “Is my celebration a good time to pick up on women, Kiba?”
“Ah, c’mon—”
"She is right." Shino approaches him from behind, causing Kiba to instinctively throw his fist backward. Shino's quicker and knows Kiba well enough to catch it in his hand before it lands a hit. When he sees who it is, he lets out a groan of frustration. Shino releases the fist and pushes his glasses back up his nose. "It is what some might call 'inappropriate’.”
Hinata’s always found Kiba and Shino’s interactions to be some of the funniest.
“You guys are boring,” Kiba huffs childishly, folding his arms, “never let a guy have any fun.”
The group naturally settles in a corner of the grand hall they’re partying in. Even though it’s Hinata’s birthday celebration, it’s really just a façade for clan politics to take place. She doesn’t care much, it’s not like she really wants a party anyway. But, as always, father gets what father wants.
“You guys know why I’m single?” Kiba interjects, bringing a glass of sake to his lips to throw down his throat. He shudders and coughs slightly before setting it on the table next to them. “Women are intimidated.”
“Intimidated?” Shino questions quietly, and Hinata knows he’s blinking in disbelief behind those sunglasses. She smiles as she looks back at Kiba.
“Yep, by my power.” He thumbs towards his own chest, then swipes at his nose. “Guess I gotta tone it down a little.”
“Yes, please,” Hinata teases him gently and he glares at her, but she knows it isn’t serious. “No glaring. I don’t want you scaring the pretty ladies away with your power.”
"Ah!" Kiba barks a laugh, patting her roughly on the shoulder. She stumbles a bit but rights herself easily. "And what about you, Hina? You single cause all the men are intimidated by that crackling force in those palms?"
Hinata blushes at the over-the-top compliment, shaking her head. “No, I am single because I want to be.”
“Sure ya do.” He rolls his eyes, and her smile quickly fades to a frown.
“What do you mean by that?” she nearly snaps, but it comes out even and controlled.
“He means nothing by it.” Shino’s tone is warning and Kiba recoils from it. Hinata’s smile returns as she turns to lean against the wall with them.
The three quietly observe the crowd before them. It’s a typical Hyūga event, with Hyūga servants bustling around haughty clan leaders and politicians. She catches a glimpse of her little sister with her ear being talked off by one of those haughty clan leaders or politicians' sons. She feels bad for Hanabi, always expected to entertain whatever noble's son decides deserves to command her attention. But she plays the part quite beautifully, now. Just a few years ago, her byakugan would flash on and off as she internally debated whether to close any chakra points. Now, she's 14 and has fallen into her role well.
Then her eyes bounce to a man who matches her father in height as they speak, Fugaku Uchiha. It’s typical for the Uchiha to be here, the clans visit a few times a year, and an event like this is a perfect opportunity to ‘chat’. Hinata didn't like to concern herself with whatever that meant, it wasn't her place. Besides, she didn't really want to know, anyway. All she really knows is that there is both understanding and animosity between the clans, and that’s enough for her.
She also knows she’s not quite fond of his son. Her eyes land on Itachi, who is standing between the two men. No, not that son. The other one.
The one who is awkwardly sidled up in the opposing corner of the room, drink in hand, other arm folded over his chest, by himself. Hinata squints at him. He's always so aloof as if he's too good for everyone else around him. They'd been around each other plenty, and it was never particularly pleasant. At best, awkward silence filled the space between them. At worst, he was making snide remarks toward her and she would do her best not to let him know how little she thought of him.
He just wasn’t the type of person she could find it in herself to respect. People like Kiba, Shino, Naruto, Chōji, Tenten, Lee. Those were people she could respect. People who were kind without the expectation of anything in return. People who lifted others up, no matter what. People whom she thought of as friends.
Sasuke was no friend.
So, when his eyes cast up and lock with hers, almost immediately, she frowns and turns away. Kiba picks up on it and looks where she had been. She peers up from the corner of her eye to catch Kiba giving a mocking wave towards the Uchiha, then his hand flips around and his middle finger is up. She almost gasps and tells him to ‘put that away right now!’ but just as her eyes find Sasuke again, he’s glaring his mean glare back and his middle finger is up, too.
She almost laughs. Then Sasuke puts down his drink and raises his hands in front of his chest, flopping them around and sticking out his tongue like a dog panting. He’s mocking Kiba and it can go nowhere good.
It takes both Hinata and Shino grabbing both of Kiba’s arms to keep him from stomping up Sasuke. Both of them know Kiba’s no match for him, and to pick a fight at a Hyūga event would be disastrous for all involved.
“Fucking asshole,” Kiba seethes, yanking his arms out of his respective teammates' grasps as his temper cools, slightly.
Hinata breathes a sigh, reaching out to wipe at his jacket. “Control yourself, Kiba. Remember, that power.”
A laugh leaves him and that’s what gets him back to normal. His hand roughs through her hair and she swats at it.
“He’s approaching,” Shino informs them in a whisper, and Hinata whirls around to find that Sasuke is indeed strolling over to them.
It always has to be something, doesn’t it?
“Tell me, Inuzuka,” Sasuke says loftily as he approaches, his stride lazy as he carries his drink in an equally lazy way, “do all the members of the clan smell like dog, or is it just you?”
Hinata lets out a tired breath as Kiba’s face turns red enough to match the markings on his cheeks. “The hell crawled up your ass and died, Uchiha?”
“This sad celebration,” he deadpans and Hinata squints up at him.
“Can we help you, Sasuke?” she asks, hoping to redirect him away from her dear friend who is ready to explode.
Kiba’s resolve is admirable right now, though, she must admit.
"Yeah, I guess you could." He turns his attention to her, and she slowly takes a step back. She's pleased when his footsteps match hers to follow, and she continues luring him away as if he's her prey. He holds out his arm towards her and she looks at it questioningly. He points at a spot in his bicep that she recognizes as where a chakra point lies, and he taps it. "Close this one, then, hopefully, I'll black out and escape this terribly boring party."
Hinata sighs. She expects nothing less of bratty Sasuke. “Very funny, Sasuke. If you are so terribly bored, why don’t you simply…leave?”
Sasuke smirks down at her and she glares at it. “Don’t you think I would have—a long time ago—if I could?” She presses her lips together, unwilling to answer that. “No, the best I can do is entertain myself somehow. Your dog teammate is an easy target, and that’s his fault, not mine.”
Hinata finds that she can’t argue that point with him. Kiba’s always been too hot-headed for his own good. He is an easy target. But she won’t simply stand by and let Sasuke of all people bully him in her own home. So she darts her eyes around for a brief moment before they land on a main family member she knows for a fact is smitten with Sasuke, despite how Hinata has lamented her distaste for the boy. She smiles as she taps her on the shoulder. “Emiko?”
The girl whirls around to meet Hinata, then her eyes falter to Sasuke, and a deep blush takes over her cheekbones. She bows. “Oh, Hinata! And Sasuke! Hello!”
“How long has it been since you two have been acquainted?” Hinata questions in mock innocence, slowly taking a step back. “Emiko, Sasuke has been interested in finding the perfect sugar cookie recipe. Perhaps you may enlighten him?”
“Oh, really?” Emiko brightens up, stars in her eyes as they settle on Sasuke, who has a deep grimace on his face.
It suits him, she thinks. He rarely looks genuinely happy anyway, she thinks his face is frozen into a grimace often enough that it’s the default look of Sasuke Uchiha.
Another step back and his dark black eyes flash over hers, filled with irritation. “Not exactl—”
Hinata cups her mouth, and whispers to him, "her secret ingredient is cayenne."
This makes his grimace grow and she steps back again, Emiko set down the path Hinata had planned for her, and now she’s returning to her team.
“That—” Kiba points at Sasuke and Emiko, then looks back at Hinata. “That was devious.”
“Diabolical, even,” Shino agrees, tilting his head down at her.
She smiles, proudly. These are not insults from Kiba and Shino. They are compliments.
“Why, thank you.”
Nearly a week after her celebration (read: political meet and greet), Kō finds her while she’s shopping to summon her. She tilts her head curiously at her former caretaker. It had been a while since he's had to come to collect her for one reason or another, and she's actually interested to see what it could be for.
Nothing could prepare her for what she was about to be told when she was led to the Uchiha district.
“E-Excuse me?”
When Hinata lost to her sister in the bid for the heiress of her clan over 10 years ago, she never expected this.
“What she said.”
Hiashi and Fugaku shared a look briefly before looking back at their respective children.
“Do not act so surprised, Sasuke.” Fugaku waves a hand. “This is the way forward for our two clans.”
“But—” Hinata’s lips thin to a harsh line when her father’s eyes shoot into her like an arrow. The elder doesn’t have to say much to quiet his eldest.
But Fugaku isn’t as lucky as Hiashi, it seems. “This is ridiculous.” Sasuke pushes his palms onto the table before him, shoving his chair back. He begins walking away, and it’s Hiashi’s voice that recalls him. Hinata keeps her head forward, watching her father’s icy gaze bore into Sasuke’s back. “What is it, Lord Hyūga?”
“I would not be so eager to attempt refusing this proposal.”
Hinata’s teeth clench.
An arranged marriage.
“And what if I do?” Sasuke dares, and Hinata turns to find him looking over his shoulder, eyes squinted in a scowl at her father.
“It’s not up to you, boy,” Fugaku adds, and Hinata looks back at him. She can see him sucking his cheek in, something she’s noticed Sasuke do before, too.
Her head turns back to Sasuke when she hears him chuckle sarcastically. “What are you gonna do? Oust me from the clan? Go ahead, not like it matters to me anyway.”
Back to Fugaku. “No. I’ll simply have Lady Hokage revoke your title as jōnin.”
“Yeah, right, Tsunade would never—”
“Don’t test me.”
Hinata inhales through her mouth, exhales through her nose. She’s never been comfortable with tension, but she can at least deal with it if it’s between her and another. This tension is a whole new level of uncomfortable.
Now she’s turned back to Sasuke again, and she watches his head hang, fists ball up. Her own fists are curled into the fabric of her pants, too, her entire body feeling as tight as his looks.
“And what about you, Hyūga?” Her eyes find his when he looks back at her, eyebrows low. Her throat feels dry as she attempts some sort of response.
“Seems Hinata has more respect for her family than you do, Sasuke,” Fugaku responds on behalf of her.
Whether that was true or not is debatable. Hinata doesn’t have strong feelings one way or the other towards being ousted by her clan or losing her title of jōnin. No, the one thing her father does hold over her is the caged bird seal. She’s unsure of whether she’s willing to risk receiving it by defying him.
“Typical,” Sasuke mutters curtly, and he’s moving away now, concluding the heated interaction.
Slowly, Hinata turns back to the two men before her, two men who have always intimidated her for different reasons. Both of their eyes set on her simultaneously, and she’s surprised to see Fugaku’s mouth turn into a taut smile. “He’ll come around.”
“If I may…” Hinata ventures a question, trying to sit up as straight as possible and hold her head high. “What brings this on…now?”
Hiashi shoots her a warning look and she wills herself not to recoil from it. Fugaku speaks for them, “a contract signed long ago, around the time your title of the heiress was relinquished to your younger sister. With your 20th birthday passing, it comes into effect.”
Hinata swallows and nods. Her fate had never been her own, anyway.
Hanabi swings her legs as Hinata complains.
She’s been complaining for nearly an hour straight.
Hanabi inhales through the straw of her iced tea until that horrible sucking noise starts bubbling and Hinata stops to glare at her.
“I’m out,” Hanabi sighs, crushing the paper cup between her fingers.
Hinata’s glare deepens. “Have you no sympathy, sister?”
"Kinda hard." Hanabi shrugs, pulling the straw from the cup to put in her mouth, chewing. Hinata instinctively reaches out to pull it from her and Hanabi huffs, annoyed. "Elder sister! Look, it sucks, and I do feel bad. But, arranged marriages are fashionable right now, and lots of clans are doing it. And you know I’m in the same boat, right? Father’s gonna marry me off when I turn 20, too, and I have to be clan leader.”
Hinata softens. She hadn’t quite thought of that in the time she’d been ranting.
“At least he’s hot, right?” Hanabi wiggles an eyebrow and Hinata’s sympathy fizzles out, lips pulling into a purposeful frown. “What! It’s true. You know how many girls would be falling over themselves to be in your position?”
Hinata wants to make a snarky remark, as Kiba might make but restrains herself. "Looks are not enough for me, unfortunately."
Hanabi shrugs, swiping the straw out of Hinata’s hands. Hinata lets out an annoyed grunt and tries to grab it back, and soon they’re in a petty slapping fight over this stupid straw.
“Sisters shouldn’t fight,” a lazy voice drawls near them, a voice she’s becoming far too familiar with once more. Hinata lets go of the straw out of reflex, feeling a little ashamed that Sasuke’s stumbled on her in the middle of a squabble with her sister.
“Heyyyy Uchiha.” Hanabi chomps down on the straw and kicks her feet up on the table outside of the café they were enjoying tea at (enjoying being subjective, of course).
Hinata watches as Sasuke nonchalantly plucks the straw from her mouth, then grabs at her ankles to pull her feet off the table. Hanabi whines. “Don’t you have manners, little Hyūga?”
“Hey!” Hanabi huffs, folding her arms in a pout as Sasuke pulls up the chair between them.
“He’s—” Hinata catches herself. She was about to point out that Sasuke was correct in his assessment that she was being rude but can’t bring herself to say it aloud. At this point, his ego is the last thing she wants to encourage.
“Scram, brat.” Sasuke nudges his head to the side, and Hanabi laughs, loudly.
“Think you can talk to an heiress like that?” Hanabi quirks an eyebrow, daring him.
“Thought you didn’t like that title, Lady Hanabi.” There’s no humor on Sasuke’s face as he says it.
“Don’t be jealous,” Hanabi berates, leans forward, and wags a finger in his face, "'cause you're just the runner-up in your own clan. Runner up in inheritance, runner up in looks, runner up in power—"
“Hanabi!” Even Hinata can’t stand to listen to this any longer, because she sees Sasuke’s eye twitch, and it’s one of the few times she witnesses it. Her sister is one of the few people that can bring a rise out of him, and she doesn’t care to have it happen right here and now.
“Fine, fine.” Hanabi heaves a dramatic sigh as she slams her palms on the table, gathering herself to her feet. She shoots Hinata a look, eyelids low. “I meant what I said though…” She glances at Sasuke, who is looking at her with the faintest hint of curiosity. Then, she glances down at his lap and finishes in a cryptic fashion, “I heard the rumors are true…”
Hinata rolls her eyes as Hanabi begins skipping away, humming and oh so pleased with herself. Sasuke turns his body to her, rests his arm on the table, and looks at her seriously. "What rumors?"
“Oh, you know…” Hinata says, vaguely.
There were no rumors. It was just her sister playing with Sasuke. Hinata decides she’d like to play with him, too. It wasn’t her who started it, anyway.
With an irritated grumble, he shakes his head and it makes her smile. He waves a hand in front of his face. “Anyway, I have a plan.”
“A plan?” Her interest is piqued, now.
“To get us out of this ridiculous arrangement.”
Hinata tips her head up, then turns her full body to face him. She nods at him to continue, hands clasped in her lap, ready to listen.
“We go over the top.”
She blinks. “Over the top how?”
Her heart sinks. “Excuse me?”
“Like now.” He reaches out to set his hand on hers and it’s…uncomfortable. She automatically pulls it away and he rolls his eyes, annoyed. He grasps it again and slots his fingers between hers. Her face goes bright red and her mind goes cloudy. “Everywhere. Here, middle of the village, on missions, in front of our dads. Especially our dads.”
“I—I’m not understanding,” she breathes out, hand tugging from his. His grip tightens.
“Really lay it on thick,” he continues, “make them regret ever trying to pair us up. Basically, embarrass the hell out of both our clans.”
Her hand finally relaxes and she can focus on the way it feels. She’s surprised that his hand is actually warm, not icy like she’d imagined. Not that she’d ever really imagined what Sasuke’s hands would feel like…but it was interesting. Collecting her thoughts, she responds, “how do you figure that will make them call it off?”
“Think about it,” he responds, leaning in closer, “both our families are uptight. Having the children of the leaders acting ‘unbecoming’.” He pulls up his other hand to air-quote. "Neither of our dads wants us to be happy, not really. It’ll sicken them to the point they’ll have no choice but to separate us.”
Hinata ponders this plan.
It’s a ludicrous idea, she thinks, but she has nothing better to offer. It was like he could read her mind when he tells her, “feel free to throw out your own brilliant ideas.”
She huffs, looking away, eyes landing on their interlocked hands. It’s a very strange sensation to have Sasuke’s fingers interlacing with hers. “I have none.”
“Not surprised,” he scoffs, leaning away from her now. “Then you’re in?”
She bites her lip as she looks back up at him. He has a smirk on his lips, and it irks her that Hanabi’s right. He’s objectively hot (not the word Hinata would use) but his ego is far too big for his head and that is not hot (to her, at least). However, she can’t help but agree to this ridiculous plan. She truly had no better ideas, and she supposes it’s worth a shot. “Fine. We’ll try it, I suppose.”
“Good.” He nods approval and his other hand lifts to beckon her with his index finger. “Now kiss me.”
Hinata pales. “Excuse me?!”
“You’re in, right?” He raises an eyebrow, asking as if his command was as normal as telling someone to smile. She nods, reluctantly, and he curls the finger again. “So…kiss me.”
Hinata darts her eyes to the side. There are quite a few people around, many of whom she recognizes, and that makes her shudder. Unfortunately, that’s the point and that’s why he’s telling her to do it now. So, she sucks in a deep breath.
Hinata leans forward to press her lips to Sasuke’s. It’s a close-mouthed kiss, it’s short, and it is not romantic.
But then the hand that was beckoning her finds the back of her head and keeps her there, and a little gasp escapes her for it.
She does her best not to activate her byakugan, the overwhelming desire to close his main chakra point creeping up on her as his lips move against hers.
When she’s finally able to shove that urge back, she chooses to focus on how his lips feel against hers. She’s not the most experienced in kissing outside of a few clumsy moments as teenagers, but even she has to admit Sasuke might actually be…good at it. He’s not too rough in the way she feared boys would be, but he’s not entirely gentle, either. His lips move naturally against hers, and they’re soft, slick, and…strawberry flavored?
Does Sasuke Uchiha use strawberry-flavored lip balm?
The thought is quickly squashed when a panicked voice calls out. “HINATA?!”
Then Sasuke is being torn away from her, and her eyes fly open to find her cousin’s cascading, long brown hair towering over him.
“Neji!” she gasps out, eyes landing on his veiny ones, looking ready to seal each and every one of Sasuke’s chakra points.
“Just what in the hell do you think you’re doing, Uchiha?” Neji snaps, one foot coming to rest on Sasuke’s chest. Hinata whips her head around to see Tenten, mouth covered in shock, and Lee, who is quickly coming up behind Neji in an attempt to subdue the man.
Sasuke smirks smugly up at Neji, propping himself up on his elbows. “Kissing my fiancée. What are you doing, Hyūga?”
Neji stops at that, and Hinata swallows, chest feeling horribly tight.
"Neji…" Lee's voice calls him back, and Neji turns his head to meet his eyes with Hinata’s. The veins around his eyes relax, but he's still glaring.
“Hinata?” Neji’s asking for clarification, and she has no choice but to give it to him. Neji is aware of the marriage, but obviously has no clue about this plan Sasuke has concocted.
She clears her throat, and pulls her shoulders back, projecting confidence. "He’s right, Neji. I was kissing my…fiancé.”
With that Neji removes his foot, but not without shoving it into Sasuke’s chest briefly, causing him to groan and clutch at it. He moves away from Sasuke and turns his body to her. He comes closer and leans over her, in a hushed voice. “Really, Hinata?”
Her lips press into a line as she nods, quickly. He sighs, shaking his head.
“I didn’t think you’d cozy up so quickly,” he whispers, eyes darting to the side to catch Sasuke’s conceited look as he pulls himself to his feet. He returns to her. “Very well. Just…will you be a little less…”
“Horny about it?” Tenten interjects. Hinata recoils, not realizing she had flanked her from the other side. “Don’t give your poor cousin a heart attack.”
“I apologize.” Hinata bows her head, and she knows her face is beet red.
“Come.” Sasuke holds out an indolent hand for her between the two, and Hinata bites her tongue at his commanding attitude. No different than when they were children.
Neji tilts his head at Sasuke, his glare never leaving his expression. “Ask nicely, Uchiha.”
Sasuke clicks his tongue, eyebrow perked at the man. Then he looks back down at Hinata and her heart skips at his words, “come with me, Lady Princess Hinata Hyūga, loveliest, most breath-taking woman in the entire Land of Fire.”
Tenten laughs, loudly. Lee looks at him in confusion. Neji breathes an aggravated sigh.
Hinata’s jaw flexes as Sasuke continues, “please. Is that better?”
Neji doesn’t respond, nor does Hinata, but she takes his hand, regardless.
As he leads her away from Team Gai, she tries to control her breathing.
“Now where is it we’re going?” she asks, quietly, letting their fingers intertwine once more. She’s well aware of the questioning stares they’re receiving from the village folk.
“Dinner with the Uchiha,” he responds nonchalantly, not looking back at her, “time to become acquainted with the family again.”
Hinata’s stomach flips uncomfortably.
It had been a while since she’s seen his entire family together.
Next Chapter ->
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silentmagi · 3 months
Modern Ninja AU: Hinata & Neji & Hanabi in "The Wonders Of Duct Tape"
Duct tape has a light side, a dark side, and it holds the universe together. Just ask Hanabi as she's stuck while Hinata and Neji get their hair done.
The Stories Untold
If you want to write one of these, please just link me
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