#nellie's nest
bashzzey · 5 months
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I really love the note from devs that Nesting Guide secretly loves making blanket forts 💖
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hehe silly Nellie <3
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leafith · 4 months
I just realized I never drew the Nesting Guide, so I tried..
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Bonus with Judylia ofc
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roosterbruiser · 2 years
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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐄𝐧𝐝
𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞: 𝐅𝐮𝐜𝐤 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐰𝐨: 𝐅𝐮𝐜𝐤 𝐌𝐞 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞: 𝐅𝐮𝐜𝐤 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫: 𝐅𝐮𝐜𝐤 𝐈𝐭 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞: 𝐅𝐮𝐜𝐤 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐬𝐢𝐱: 𝐅𝐮𝐜𝐤 𝐎𝐟𝐟 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧: 𝐅𝐮𝐜𝐤, 𝐑𝐨𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫! 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭: 𝐅𝐮𝐜𝐤: 𝐊𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬 𝐄𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
𝐚 𝐉𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐧 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐀𝐊𝐀 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐡 𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐢𝐧 𝐅𝐮𝐜𝐤: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐔𝐧𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞 𝐅𝐮𝐜𝐤: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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The sun pinches your cheeks, filtering in through the steamed curtains and casting a golden glow over your bed. You groan, shifting just slightly, trying your best to keep your eyes closed; it’s the weekend. You’d do anything to sleep in past seven in the morning. 
But then there’s a familiar little palm pressed against your cheek, sticky fingers scratching your skin softly in an imitation of what you can only assume is your daughter’s favorite thing: cheek tickles from her daddy. And then, like clockwork, there’s wiggling beside you. You still try and keep your eyes closed, even when your daughter starts to poke your lips and giggle: her breath still smells like that awful bubblegum-flavored stuff Jake always buys them. 
“Mama,” she whispers. “The sun is hewe.” 
You peek at her through a cracked eyelid, your nose wrinkling. 
There she is--your sweet girl. She’s grinning at you, those little teeth still coming in and gapping randomly in her pink mouth. Her blonde hair, which only really came in the past year, is in a rat's nest on her head. Her cheeks are flushed with sleep and her little body is curled up close to you. 
“Good morning,” you whisper groggily. 
Eleanor softly strokes your face, just smiling at you. She’s a gentle thing and she’s mastered the gentle now! touch after you added Boots into the family--who is sleeping at the end of the bed between Jake’s legs. But Nellie just has eyes for you this morning, content in staring at her mama as you blink yourself awake. 
“How’d you sleep, Nellie-Belly?” You whisper, pulling her close to your body. She snuggles close to you and you relish in all that sweet, sleepy warmth as she toys with your hair. “Did you have good dreams?” 
“Uh huh,” she whispers. “Boots was thewe.” 
You hum, wrangling all those limbs and all that hair to hold her tight against your body. This is your favorite part of every single morning--you’re no longer the first one awake anymore, not since Eleanor and Harrison. But you don’t mind it, not one bit. Now, when you wake up, you get to ask your children what they dreamed about; it’s the best part of your morning. 
Eleanor explains her dream to you as you hum along, quietly detangling her hair as you listen. She always makes her dreams up as she goes and she’ll go for as long as you let her, building on and on absurdly. Like dreaming about Boots being the mailman and taking her into space, which she apparently dreamed about last night. 
“And we had to go home because-because we missed you and daddy and Sonny,” she tells you, sighing. “We saw the sun and it was big--and it was big and yellow.” 
“Thank God you came back,” Jake suddenly pipes up from across the bed, voice thick with sleep. You catch his gaze for the first time this morning--his eyelids are still heavy and his smile is lazy, but he’s happy to see you. He’s lying on his pillow still, but he reaches over and softly smooths his flat palm over Nellie’s bedhead. “Daddy would’ve missed you so much, Nellie! And I’d have to invest in an alarm clock.” 
You grin at Jake as Nellie turns around to give Jake a grin that could legitimately melt hearts. She’s so happy in the mornings--she definitely gets that from you--and she lets everyone around her know it. 
“Daddy,” she says happily, still whispering.
 Jake takes her from your arms and scoots her across the sheets, holding her against his chest, breathing in that apple-scented shampoo he likes so much and the maple syrup in her hair from last night’s breakfast-for-dinner excursion. He just lays there, listening to her breathe, holding her close to him. She plays with his hair, which is something else she inherited from you, and starts to softly tell him what she wants for breakfast--unprompted, of course. 
“Waffles and-and pancakes with stwabewwies with-with whipped cweam and sywup,” she lists absently, blinking at the portraits of your family on the wall.
“How about rhubarb tarts and red grapes and rosemary rice?” Jake asks, smirking. 
You laugh softly, pinching him. But you move closer to him anyway, snuggling into his side whenever he laughs and opens his arm up for you. 
“Yeah and-and whubawb tawts and-and wed gwapes and wosemawy wice,” Nellie echoes all the same, completely oblivious to her father’s chiding. 
“You’re bad,” you whisper to Jake, biting your lip. 
He kisses your forehead, his chest vibrating with a chuckle. 
“It’s so fucking cute, I can’t help it!” 
“Yeah, it’s so--it’s so fucking cute,” Nellie mimics again casually, not even raising her head to watch your reactions. 
“Isn’t it, though?” You mutter, shaking your head when Jake grimaces. “Nellie, that’s another dollar in the swear jar.” 
Nellie, as tranquil as always, laughs like you’ve said something funny. 
Jake teasingly pinches her sides and she giggles again, burrowing her face in his chest. 
“Kid, you’re not gonna have a college fund left at this rate!” He says. 
Then comes the other familiar sound--the little pattering of Harrison’s socks on the wood floors echoing down the hallway before he appears in the doorway. He somehow lost his shirt in the night and stands in the doorway clutching his stuffed chicken, blinking tiredly at the three of you on the bed with his eyes half-shut. 
“Good morning, baby,” you call sweetly, sitting up and holding your arms out towards him. “Come get in bed with us and tell us about your dreams!” 
He yawns--he’s only just woken up and it was because he noticed Nellie wasn’t in bed beside him anymore. Nellie’s been sleeping in his bed ever since the four of you tried to watch Monster House a few months ago. Sonny enjoys the company. 
Jake peers at Sonny, sitting up and holding Nellie against his chest still. It tickles Jake so much that Sonny looks so much like you--he’s thoroughly a Kazansky. He’s got the plump lips and the sweet eyes and the straight shoulders. In fact, Sonny stands up so straight that it pushes out his little round belly. Rooster always says that Sonny is going through life belly-first, which is also how you feel you’re going through life nowadays.
“Nellie, you left me,” Sonny whines, stomping up to the bed and climbing in uncarefully as you get him settled beside you. “That reflects poorly on your character!”
Sonny has been watching a lot of old movies with Uncle Bob recently. 
“Sowwy,” Nellie says, giggling.
“Morning, Sonny-Bunny,” Jake sings, leaning over and pressing a kiss to Sonny’s sleep-puckered face. “Morning, Lottie,” Jake whispers, pressing kisses to your taut belly. “Everyone say good morning to your baby sister!” 
Nellie detangles herself from Jake and crawls over the sheets to press her wet lips against your sweatshirt, giggling. Sonny presses some kisses, too, giving your belly a few taps. The baby’s kicking now--jostled from all the movement of your family. 
“She’s awake now,” you tell Jake, pressing your palm to the side of your belly where there’s an elbow or foot. “Good job, everyone.” 
Jake holds your belly, pressing his cheek where your palm was, rubbing your thigh softly. He won’t ever get over feeling the baby move--it still makes him giddy, even after three children. It’s his favorite part of pregnancy besides how unbelievably gorgeous you are genuinely all the time. 
“Lottie-Dottie,” Jake sing-songs, peering up at you as you stare down at him fondly. “What did you dream about?”
“Probably rabbits,” Sonny suggests, mirroring his father and pressing his cheek against your belly. “Stupid rabbits.” 
“Stupid fucking wabbits,” Nellie laughs, shaking her head. 
She’s had an issue with cursing lately and you and Jake have agreed that while it is hilarious, it’s probably time you two start cracking down on it before she starts preschool. 
“Nellie,” you whisper, shaking your head softly at her and pinching her nose gently. “That’s another dollar in the swear jar! It’s not even seven yet, baby.”
Nellie is sitting by the end of the bed now, petting Boots as he licks the leftover syrup on her face excitedly. She’s entirely aloof--just a bumbling, sweet little girl with the mouth of a sailor. 
Jake feels like his mornings have gotten better with age, which he never thought would happen. Sure, there were the tough mornings when Sonny and Nellie were little: running on fumes, only sleeping for an hour at a time, being covered in milk and spit up all the time, surviving colic. But now that Nellie is almost three and Sonny is five, the mornings are easy. They’re bright and exciting and sweet. There’s another eight weeks until baby Charlotte comes so the four of you are soaking in all this peace and quiet. 
“Mama, how can Lottie breathe in there?” Sonny asks. 
Him and Jake are still pressing their cheeks against your belly, feeling Lottie get her morning stretches in.  
“She has powers,” Jake answers for you. “You had powers, too, when you were in mommy’s belly.” 
Sonny’s brows screw together. 
“What happened to them?” 
Jake shrugs. 
“You lost them when you were born,” he tells him. 
“Not fair,” Sonny mutters, shaking his head. “Use them wisely, Lottie. The future depends on you.” 
“No more movie nights with Uncle Bob, kiddo,” you tell Sonny, sighing. 
“Damn,” Sonny sighs. 
As you ang Jake gape at him, he suddenly pulls a quarter from his pajama pocket and settles it on top of your belly. 
“Have you been preparing to cuss?” Jake asks, stroking Sonny’s hair. 
Sonny just nods dejectedly, pressing his chubby cheek against your belly again. 
“Yeah,” he answers. 
You and Jake catch each other’s gazes. Your kids are so fucking weird--and so unbelievably fucking perfect. Jake squeezes your thigh and you cup his cheek softly, pressing your thumb into his lower lip. 
“Love you so much,” you tell him, sighing. “But we made some weird little kids.” 
Jake grins. 
“They get it from your side,” Jake tells you, winking. “Let’s hope the third time’s the charm.” 
Later on, after a very sticky and drawn out breakfast and several baths later, you’re sitting on a picnic blanket in the backyard beside Bob and Natasha as Bradley, Javy, Jake, Mickey, and Reuben take turns going down the slide-n-slide with Nellie and Sonny. The backyard is brightly lit and it’s the first day it’s been hot enough to break out the water slide, so everyone is gleefully soaking up the sun. 
“So, movie nights are off?” Bob asks with a frown. “We just finished Humphrey Bogart’s filmography, though! We were gonna work our way through Fred Astaire next.” 
Natasha sighs as you laugh softly, bumping Bob. 
“You’re making my kid weird,” you tell him with a smile, pushing your sunglasses up your nose. “He’s already got Rooster as a godfather--we’ve gotta give the kid a chance, at least.” 
The three of you look over at Rooster, who’s doing deep-lunges in preparation for his turn on the waterslide. Just like she always is, Nellie is on his back, giggling something fierce as she nestles glasses of grass in his curls. 
“Oh, The Godfather! That could be a good one to have in the--!” Bob says. Natasha swiftly elbows him and Bob sputters a laugh, holding his hands up in mock defense. “Hey! I was joking!”
“No, you weren’t!” Nat laughs. 
You let your hand rest on your bump, smoothing your palm over the spot where baby Charlotte is kicking. She’s active these days, tumbling and rumbling. It’s a feeling you’re used to by now, with it being the third Kazansky-Seresin baby to bless this earth, but it never fails to make you feel like you’re doing something important. You’re growing a baby and you don’t have to do much except nourish it and sit back to let your body do the rest. 
“How’s the wee Seresin?” Bob asks, nodding to your belly. 
You smile. 
“Perfect. Quiet,” you laugh. “Don’t have to have a swear jar for this one yet, so things are going pretty well!” 
Across the backyard, Jake is watching you fondly. You’re sitting back on that tired picnic blanket your mom gave you a million years ago--the one you won’t retire because it’s the one you shared your family picnics on when you were little--and rubbing your belly absently as you grin at Nat and Bob. Sure, these days you’re a little less put together: your hair is always a little messy, your eyes are always a bit bleary, your socks almost never match. But having two--almost three--children has truly made you all the more beautiful. Your smile is brighter, your hips are wider, your heart is bigger. He loves what motherhood has done to you, for you. 
“Won’t be long now,” Javy says, clapping Jake on the shoulder. “Then you’ll have another tyke for us to indoctrinate.” 
Jake laughs, pulling his gaze from you and watching Sonny as he wrestles with Mickey and Reuben at the end of the slide. The background is a cacophony of noise: birds calling, children playing, the radio humming. He loves it. He can’t hardly remember what life was like before all this noise. 
“Can’t wait,” Jake says, sighing. He’s telling the truth--he truly can’t wait for baby Charlotte, which she’s been named from almost her exact moment of conception. “It’s gonna be so much fun!” 
“Wench Woostew,” Nellie calls, wrapping her arms around his throat tightly. For a moment, she chokes him--enough that his eyes widen and he sputters out a cough. But then he takes her hands and loosens her grip, catching your gaze as you laugh at him. “Take me to my mommy!” 
“Yes, Princess Eleanor Doc McStuffins Bluey Kazansky-Seresin,” Rooster bows, abandoning his turn on the slide and starting in your direction. The name, of course, was Nellie’s idea and she, of course, only responds to Rooster if he uses her full title. “I am indebted to you for my low-rank of wench.” 
Rooster is trotting along, humming a regent tune for Nellie as she giggles on his back.
“Princess Mommy Wisteria Kazansky-Seresin,” Rooster says very poshly, bowing so Nellie can climb off and into the grass, “may I present Princess Eleanor Doc McStuffins Bluey Kazansky-Seresin?” 
Nellie bows on cue, falling all over herself in giggles. 
“You may,” you answer primly. “What’s up, Nellie-Belly?” 
She grins at you, holding her hands on her hips. 
“I have to poop!” 
 Rooster barks out a laugh, giving her a fist bump. Nellie is pleased as a plum, keening at any attention from Rooster. 
Jake, who heard the entire ordeal, is laughing softly as he walks up to the lot of you. You’re starting to stand up with a bit of a struggle as Bob and Phoenix act as spotters. 
“This is a job for Princess Daddy,” Hangman insists, scooping Nellie up in his arms. “Sit back and relax, Princess Mommy!” 
Jake’s good like this--he’s always been a good father. He’s hands on and present, always stepping up to the plate and never disappointing you. He’s everything in the world to Nellie and Sonny--and you know he will be to Lottie, too. He’s everything you’ve wanted in a partner and a father, too. 
He is, remarkably and completely, like your own father in many ways. 
He notices every time Nellie gets her fingernails painted and takes special care to complement them. He never turns down a game of tag or hide-and-seek. He makes broccoli that the kids actually want to eat. He sings silly songs at bedtime and never says no when they ask for another book. He kisses ouchies and has never missed Nellie’s dance recitals or Sonny’s soccer practices. He’s offered to coach Little League every season despite his heavy workload. And still, no matter how worn out or touched-out he is, he tends to your every need at the end of everyday. 
He never thought he would settle down, not really. But he also never thought he would fuck Wisteria Kazansky in a shower on base. He certainly never thought he would buy you a Plan B after. He definitely was blindsided when you became friends. He was floored when you started seeing each other. You can imagine his surprise when he fell in love with you. As the years have passed, the shock has faded and been fervently replaced with gratitude and affection. He loves his life--every single bit of it. He can’t wait to get home from work every single day, even if he knows he’s about to walk into a hurricane of laundry and dinner plans and naked children and a very pregnant wife and the dumbest puppy on earth.
“What did I miss?” Jake asks, letting Nellie frolick back to Rooster as he settles in beside you. 
Nat and Bob are playing with the puppy in the side of the yard now so there is a rare moment of aloneness between you and Jake. 
You grin at him, pressing your leg against his. 
“Rooster wiped out,” you tell him. “Reuben had to give him a bandaid.” 
Jake laughs. 
“Monster trucks or Hello Kitty?” 
“Hello Kitty was all he could afford,” you tell him. “You know how stingy Sonny is about his bandaids!” 
Jake presses his palm against your belly, which he usually does when he is in close enough proximity to you. 
“What kind of bandaids is she gonna want?” He asks. 
You smile at the thought--your third baby, your second daughter. No telling what she’s going to be like, especially with the genepool lean that is yours and Jake’s DNA. 
“Hopefully the cheap kind,” you chuckle.
“I’m hoping for something cool. Like dragons or something.” 
You laugh, biting your lip. 
“I’m sure Charlotte is gonna be all about dragons, babe.” 
Jake sighs, content. 
“Hope she’s just like you,” Jake admits, pressing his lips to your temple. “Stubborn, smart, driven, sweet. Gorgeous.”
Your heart swells--but you roll your eyes and ignore the flush in your throat. 
“You know, you already got me pregnant. Don’t have to try so hard.”
Jake just kisses your temple again. You lean into him, your heart just about ready to burst. It’s quiet there between you on the grass, the wind gently billowing your hair. You’re watching your children get soaked on that terrible slip-n-slide with the people that mean the most to you in the world. Rooster has been roped into making a daisy chain crown and he is stumbling his way through it as Nellie bosses him around. Sonny is sitting atop Coyote’s shoulders, calling himself King of the Yard. The puppy is rolling around in the tulips you just planted and the baby is kicking your bladder--but you couldn’t be happier.
Not even if you tried.
It's sweet moments like this, when you can fill your lungs with fresh air and lean against your husband's shoulder and feel the sun on your cheeks, that you can feel your dad. He's here, in the blue of the sky and in the green of the grass and in the pink of your husband's lips. He's here.
"Wanna see if we can swing some afternoon delight?" Jake whispers to you, chuckling.
You sigh, glancing at the clouds drifting above.
Then you grin at Jake.
"Yeah," you answer. "Fuck it."
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Sonny when Jake tells him that he lost his special powers by being born:
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well...here we are! this will be the last traditional installment of Fuck: The Universe!!
I am very open to doing short dribbles and headcanons for Wisty and Jake and their little family!! anything between moving, marriage, babies, etc.! I would also be more than happy to do photos one shots/photo albums! Pinterest is my other love!
it's been a good ride. I love all of you!
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The Little Smiling Mermaid (Chapter 9)
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Thank you for reading the first nine chapters of TLSM, unfortunately I have to put the fic is on hiatus until around October because I got lots of art projects to finish! PS. please follow one of my buddies @bluebellcup, it would make us smile!!
TW: Gender Dysphoria + Unintentional Misgendering
Graham Nelly was out scavenging for breakfast as part of his daily morning routine in his own unique Graham Nelly way: he used his "grappling hook" to harvest the sweet and aromatic tropical fruit the island bore, although it would take about seven times to succeed in getting at least two or three of each type he was craving at the moment. He accidentally grabbed a nest full of eggs and one angry mother parrot, who proceeded to give the hapless mer-hippy the ol' stare-down of doom. Graham gulped, bearing what one would call a shit-eating grin and sheepishly wave hello to shake off any negative vibe. This friendly greeting was only met with the mother furiously squawking in his face and ferociously chomping his hand. So much for a balanced breakfast! Once the panicking Graham Nelly finally got away from that one pissed-off mama, he spotted a very familiar group he knew all-too-well. Graham called out: "Well, look at what the catfish dragged in!". It didn't take too long for Graham to notice something was up with his littlest cousin. "Say, There's something different about you, Pim! New hairdo? I can see you've been using your dinglehopper!'" Pim shook his head for "No", Graham placed his hand on his stubble trying to figure it out. "New seashells?" Same response from Pim, who was humored by his cousin's morning absentminded-ness. Graham shrugged: "Well, I'm stumped." Alan snapped: "HE'S GOT LEGS, YOU IDIOT!" Graham was taken aback by the rarity of the lobster losing his cool. "He traded his voice to some crazy sea witch for a pair legs! UGH!" as Pim was trying out his new legs by getting up to stand for the very first time, his friends further conversed; Glep summed-up the catch of the deal: "Eskabezawabowakishymwah!" Alan admitted in anguish: "And he's only got three days. That big yellow guy barely even knows Pim! This is a catastrophe! Okay, maybe there's still time for me to get your voice back-" Alan's rant was cut off by Pim tripping on a pebble and falling back down with a dramatic splash, cascading water all over the lobster who took it as a sign to chill out. Alan then crawled into Pim's hand, looking up eye-to-eye with a plea to reason: "Look, if I can call off the deal, you don't have to return to the palace BUT it can just be us exploring what else the sea has to offer! You'll be...." Alan quickly noticed that Pim's eyes started to shimmer with leaking tears. "...just be miserable for the rest of your life." Defeated, Alan agreed: "All right, all right! I'll try to help you out best I can." Pim immediately smiled, kissing Alan on top of the head before letting him go free. "Ugh, what a soft-shell I turned out to be." Graham spoke up, giving some helpful advice to Pim: "Dude, I'm tellin' ya, if you wanna be a land critter, the first thing you gotta do is dress like one!"
Charlie, his crew, Mipnessa and Mr. Boss all embarked on the newly-prepared ship at noon for some sight-seeing, as Dj Spitz served the party a light brunch of egg sandwiches and chopped fruit per Mipnessa’s request. Of course Charlie was still having an internal conflict with himself over recent events, but eventually decided to turn his brain off to properly enjoy his meal. Mipnessa asked: “I beg pardon but isn’t this fruit supposed to be chopped?” Charlie grinned and assured: “Wait for it…” Dj Spitz grabbed two swords behind himself, tossed a pineapple in the air to where his blade caught up just in time for him to quickly dice it into chunks, landing perfectly on the plate to which the impressed group gave Dj Spitz a well-deserved round of applause. Tomar complimented: “Hot damn, Spitz, you sure know how to make a spectacle out of a meal!” Dj Spitz replied, “All in a day’s work, man!” As he wiped the juice off the blades before returning them to their scabbards. “I do say, Charles, your friends are all charmingly eccentric, no wonder you’re so lively.” said Mipnessa, to which Charlie replied: “What can I say? They’re the wind beneath my sails!" Smormu, realizing the egg in her sandwich was in dire need of some seasoning, asked: "Say Chris, may you please pass the salt?” to which Chris obliged: “Sure thing.” but while reaching for the salt, he accidentally knocked over Lyle’s coffee and spilled it on Mipnessa’s gown! Boy did he ever thank the heavens that it had already been cooled off by the cream. “Shit!” Chris spat out as Smormu and Charlie quickly grabbed some napkins to help Mipnessa clean up as a groggy, crusty-eyed Lyle muttered: “Damn it.” while picking his mug up for a refill. The embarrassed Chris apologized over and over until Mipnessa replied: “That’s okay, I find bumbling, awkward men to be more unique and endearing...that’s why I find Charlie to be my ideal husband!” Tomar chuckled: “Oh that Mip, she's a real kidder!” while nudging Charlie’s shoulder as the latter's face flushed red in embarrassment; Eager to change the subject, Charlie broke silence: “How about my ol’ pal Tomar plays us a tune?", rummaging around one of his pockets to dig out his ocarina and placing it in Tomar’s hand to hastily request in a whisper: “Play us a good ol’ fashioned sea shanty, for atmosphere.” Tomar sighed, knowing he kinda had that coming. “I’m no Nicholson but I know The Golden Vanity by heart.” Charlie held his hand out to Mipnessa, "May I have this dance?”
“You look sensational!” Graham Nelly complimented Pim on the makeshift dress they collaborated on, Pim finding an old discarded sail and Graham providing the needle and thread. Alan put his claw on his chin, suggesting: “It’s missing something…” just then Glep swam up and gave Pim a familiar trinket he salvaged from the grotto’s ruins: Pim’s flower barrette he stashed inside his favorite music box. Pim kissed Glep to say thanks before placing the barrette in his hair, using his reflection in the water as a mirror to make sure the look was perfect. “I bet that Prince dude's gonna feel his jaw drop the ground when he sees you all dolled up and stuff, let's swim over to- Oh, right, you have legs now so it'd be a bitch for you to swim...luckily I have just the thing for that! See that big ol' platform with the fiddle-sticks over there? All that came with the island, now the platform itself is a little bit wear-and-tear but it'll still keep you afloat!" Pim walked up to the raft and with some help, he started pushing it out to sea. Before Pim could embark, he had to give Graham a big ol' hug to show his appreciation. Graham returned the favor by ruffling Pim's head, responding: "Love you too, kiddo."
All while the usual high-seas hi-jinks played out in the background, Mr. Boss was looking out for any sign of trouble with a spy glass, although he wasn’t behind the wheel at the very moment since the ship was anchored, he was still startled from the previous outing at sea. Just then he spotted what appeared to be a stowaway perched on top of a rock surrounded in debris from what he deemed a shipwreck of sorts. Mr. Boss took pity as he pondered just how long they sat on that rock, so the old man quickly rushed over to the dinghy with some lifesavers handy, catching Charlie's attention, asking “Woah, Boss, where’s the fire?” as he followed Mr. Boss, who replied: “We have a stowaway in need of our help!” Charlie’s curiosity peaked, asking: “...Is it a girl?” Mr. Boss spat: “There’s no time for sophomoric questions, boy!” as he lowered the dinghy to carry out the mission. …
Pim felt like an idiot who didn't know how to paddle to save his life...then again, he never really had enough experience to steer a raft, especially considering merfolk obviously didn't need anything like rafts or boats anyways. Nevertheless, his heart fluttered as Charlie gently helped him up, calmly asking: “You okay?”. Mr. Boss fussed in sympathy: “What a trooper.” Charlie carried Pim bridal-style over to the dinghy where he laid the beautiful stranger to sit beside him as Mr. Boss rowed back to the vessel to raise the dinghy upwards. …
Mipnessa was harmonizing her lute with Tomar getting the hang of Charlie’s ocarina to the rest of the gang's clapping rhythm. That was, until everyone sans Mipnessa's attention immediately turned to Mr. Boss, Charlie and the beautiful stranger they rescued. Chris, Tomar, Lyle and Smormu all stood stupefied in awe at the newcomer as Mipnessa ran to Charlie to hug him and fuss over how she wondered where he was while he was gone...for about at least 10 minutes. A sly Chris remarked: “Hello nurse.” only for Mr. Boss to chide: "Ladies prefer a man who minds his manners, Chris." Smormu piped up: "Aw sweet, more girls to relate to and bond with! Everything's coming up Smormu!" Pim started to frown, the double-disappointment of repressing his own jealousy towards Mipnessa honing in on his man and being unable to clarify his true gender, but in a case of Morton's Fork, he'd still be hesitant to come out right away even if he did have his voice intact. His frown did turn into a smile once Smormu walked up to Pim to shake his hand. "The name's Smormu, what's yours?" while patiently waiting for a response, she took notice of Pim's barrette and let out a girlish squeal: "Oh my gosh, what a cute hair clip! Say, is that a golden pearl in the center?" Pim's face flushed, responding to the compliment with a curtsy. Mr. Boss chuckled at the demure stowaway. "While all be! She must have come from a wealthy family, perhaps even royalty." Mipnessa piped up: "Oh, how beautiful indeed! In fact, it reminds me of one of my own favorite pieces of finery!" Mipnessa quickly removed her shawl to reveal a gold-chain necklace whose focal point was a large creamy-white pearl embellished with diamonds, impressing everyone around her; even Pim excitedly shook his hands while thinking of a way to express a non-verbal compliment. Charlie knew this had to be the mystery critter, right? For a girl with the most beautiful voice, she was literally speechless. Perhaps she had laryngitis, or maybe she reserved her voice for certain times? Either way, Charlie was feeling even more conflicted with himself now that he really did have two potential brides to pick between: The proper lady he was arranged with, or the wild and elusive beauty he kept bumping into?
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flightyalrighty · 3 months
How do the parasites work? Are they just nesting themselves into the host's brain? What happens to the host's body, and what is the general end stage of infection like? I'm actually really curious, as I assume it's tied to the Black Arms.
Woah nelly your icon gave me a fright lol (I'm arachnophobic)!
Yep they burrow in and use their tails to control the amygdala, but aren't limited to this. The parasites have plenty of tricks to keep themselves alive and fed.
I'd say the general end stage of infestation is an explosive one. Consider the state of the skeletons found in the cave.
As for whatever ties they may or may not have with the Black Arms...
... That's a big ol "Wait And See" :)
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pumpkin-bread · 10 months
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Born of Lilah, adopted daughter of King Valis, and her wife, Sunny. These little ones are royalty, technically - but what matters most is they are from a loving family and are sure to be little drops of sunshine to whatever lair they end up in.
The princesses and their family traveled from territory to territory, seeking out Lilah's sister, Helena.
After 6 long years, they found the lost princess, tending to her own small clan of dragons and treating them for various stages of shade infection.
Though Helena would not allow them close, they chose to settle there on the edge of the Hewn City. Not so close that Helena feared for their safety, but close enough to visit and speak with each other once more.
And so, finally with a place to call home once more, princesses Sunny and Lilah had their first nest in over half a decade.
Their five beautiful children were raised in a loving home, and adored by their grandfather, mothers, and even their distant aunt.
But now it's time for them to find their own clans out there in the world.
Delia followed in Sunny's footsteps as a healer, and grew quite proficient in it in time. She hopes to find a clan where she can help dragons in need, just like her mother did so long ago.
Nea found her passion in tending to animals, though there were few to care for out in the frontier. She hopes to run her own farm one day.
Orin always felt he stuck out like a sore thumb amongst his pearlcatcher siblings, though his family insisted otherwise. He still finds himself hoping he'll find a clan he fits into better.
Nellie found her home with her much older brother, off in the Shadow territory. Their moms are, of course, utterly thrilled!
And, last but not least, Prince Cashmere - Cash, for short, really, really wanted to become a warrior for good. He saw the pain his shade-touched neighbors went through, being shunned by society and so very fearful, and he wanted to do anything he could to help them and others like them. He's... really not sure how. But getting strong would surely help a LITTLE.
All are up on AH.
(Nellie went to my friend. I couldn't bear to sell her publicly. I almost kept her lol.
And it really has been SIX years since their last nest!!)
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the-leyline-directory · 3 months
||-Lion's Share-|| (Silvaire x Krile Drabble)
[[[[A technically short drabble of a Silvaire and Krile interaction! It's set right before Shadowbrings \o/ ((They don't admit to feelings till Post Endwalker/Dawntrail start! It's a very long con)) So this is a good point of showing how they get along and interact at the mid point/before Silvaire deals with all his Shadowbringers(Emet) trauma+history confrontation --- sorry for the long preface! I'm a nervous nelly!]]]]
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The quiet of Mor Dhona's dusk was always punctuated by those last few idle patrons coming too and fro below the balcony. It was never a nuisance, no, instead a common reminder of a living, breathing, world that was beyond the stone walls and wooden floorboards; A world where adventurers still braved the wilds, and the dangers that lurked within. A world where people - young and old alike - sought to better their lives through the honest work of their own hands.
A place that Silvaire often longed for - and a home he often missed when he lingered too long in the depths of memories.
It was a strange existence.
Twilight itself was peppered by those last few birdsong echoes that never seemed to die. As if there were some unseen nest somewhere within the cavities of old stonework - perhaps a pair of lovebirds continued to serenade each other in defiance of the oncoming night. The air was always cool with the distance from the lake - chilled winds pushed by the ghosts of war - that, even on a difficult day like this one, that temperate chill eased the burning hearts of many. Peppered rain had stopped a few hours ago, and the last traces of cloud cover now faded into the indigo sky, drifting wings of broken color.
Pages turned atop the table before him in the coming quiet, puddles had dried - soaked into the parched wood with greed - and now the gentle breeze left his mind calm and ready to continue the seemingly impossible task of studies; piles of tomes from his own collection brought to the Rising Stones in hopes to solve this unforeseen predicament of soulless husks-
Amber eyes flicked up below dark lashes when the sharp creak of unoiled hinges rang as an alarm to this broken isolation, snake slit pupils an empty black, now locked on the young woman who walked into the alcove (her expressive features crinkled with just as much disdain for the loud whine of the door as he), a faint dark hugging under bright blue as her gaze drifted across the way in her walk towards the railing - a tiredness clung to each part of the Lalafell as she came to rest against the cool granite with an obvious sigh of exhaustion.
For a few heartbeats, he said nothing. Stilled as the stone she leaned upon. Studying that peaceful quiet while the tippering of birdsong began to finally fade, watching how - even from the distance between them - the lord could feel the weight that burdened laxed shoulders.
“Any changes?”
The deep rumble of his voice snapped Krile from her solitary thoughts - a gentle gasp escaping with a clerical swear buried beneath decorum as she pushed herself from the lean - turning to the Elezen with bright eyes wide, yet settling with a visible lax of her posture as a gentle smile graced tired features. As if his presence held no threat to her weakened state.
“Unfortunately no, but they’ve gotten none worse either.” In the quiet din of the coming night Krile’s voice carried the obvious lilt of overburdened worry, tender fingers rising to brush aside a long strand of chestnut hair behind her ear - strands that had long come undone from the tail she’d pulled it into when the sun had first tasted the horizon. “Thancred seems a bit more pale than the others, but I hope it’s just my imagination…”
He hummed a note of acknowledgment, nodding in his farce of interest, before reaching for a teacup to drink; hiding behind the liquid in lieu of conversation as honeyed-amber glanced back to the pages he’d been skimming. Nothing here would undo the mystery of a hijacked soul, and neither would anything in this Eorzean language answer the question of aetherial rifts.
“Oh, you brewed tea?” Small footsteps neared and again he glanced towards her to watch the bobbing motion of those sewn cat-ears atop her hood. “What did you pick?”
Uninvited (No, he made no motion to stop her, or even hint at such discomfort) Krile moved to sit across from him, moving a stack of tomes to the side so she could better see him, tilting her head as she sometimes did while waiting for his answer.
He didn’t know. Taste had long dwindled in the mercy of a deadman’s tongue.
With a crooked brow and a half smile, he motioned towards the spare cup that had come with the set (He’d not expected company, yet he brought two) and gave his half truth.
“Feel free to indulge. I wasn’t quite attentive to the package.”
There came the slight furrow, her lips thinned as she studied his demeanor for a pause before beaming with that unabashed acceptance. No, from the glint of mischief across her stare it was a call of his bluff. A challenge to be toppled. A lie to catch.
Clinking porcelain paired with paper pages as they both went about their business. The woman’s mature voice offering comments here and there for the fact the temperature had long iced over of the tea he was drinking, the covered kettle itself being little more than lukewarm - though the warmth of her bright company seemed to ease the frigid winds that covered the balcony around him, enough so that as he tapped a forefinger to his temple he couldn’t help but glance anew to the Lalafell across from him as she settled into her seat with drink in hand-
Only for her expression to sour as she sputtered and coughed - careful and polite to place the teacup back to saucer despite the somewhat comical disgust.
“It’s so-!” Her lips were pinched as tight as her eyes, the locks of brown swaying in time with the reactionary shake of her head to and fro in abject denial. “-Bitter! By the gods Silvaire, how long did you let that steep?”
The Elezen’s palm slid down from his temple to rest his chin within it, tapping his pinky against his lip as he tried to deny the mirthful smile that pulled at it. He failed of course, as he often did whenever she caught him alone. “Too long it seems.”
“I’d think you a member of the forum with a dedication like that.” Small fingers pushed the offending cup from her side, obviously no longer interested in it as she sighed, silence once again draping between them as if the coming night.
He made no motion to break it this time, at least not at first, continuing his pretending attempt to study the novels he’d already memorized, content to let the calm lay in place of conversation as each page turned. Again, and again, and again.
Why hadn’t she left?
Turning his gaze from reading ink to reading her posture, he stared at his companion for a few seconds in study, glancing over the now more direct sight of her tired complexion - though this physical weariness was not the burden that the scholar seemed to hold. It was the way her own attention seemed find focus in the mirror of that discarded bitter poison.
As if answers to the unspoken lingered in her own image.
“I can find something else if you’d prefer.” A statement he’d not meant to speak. Compassion to ease the weight across her features.
Krile’s eyes darted to his own within a heartbeat, a flush rising across her features as the young woman forced a smile; pushing down the obvious debate that plagued her inner thoughts. “No, no it’s alright, I’m fine.”
She answered the unaired question without batting an eye. His lip rose with a halfhearted smile in turn; and once more spoke before instinct could bite his light-bound words.
“You don’t have to be.”
Why did he say such a thing?
Why did she look at him with that slight bafflement? Bright blues slowly caressing his features as he let her - allowed her to see the unspoken - that lingered feeling that made him swallow whatever words remained. Overstepping the boundaries of this limited companionship, that is what he was doing. Opening the door he doubted any would step through.
“…Ishgardian healers came by today. They’d come to offer their services for the Scions.” Her hands rested atop the oak, fingertips sliding across the cold porcelain. “Of course, I was thankful for their assistance, I can’t be the only one keeping our friend’s bodies intact - I’d be insane to think otherwise…”
“…And yet?”
Krile closed her eyes and inhaled a long slow breath, before exhaling sharply, now staring down to her own clasped grip as thumb ran along forefinger. “You might not understand this, but I can always tell when someone is looking down on me. Metaphorically of course - given my stature, nothing otherwise is expected.”
Her pause wasn’t long, but his silence was filled with patience, the tomes before him ignored in favor to watch those minute mannerisms as she continued;
“I’ve always had the disadvantage of being different, both from my blessing, and often in pair with not being seen as… ‘equal’ as it were. A child quite often in the eyes of others - and despite how many achievements I manage, how powerful I prove myself to be, I’ll never be completely free from the judgment of my heritage or what others believe they know of me.”
Silvaire spoke now with a quietness that rumbled the lower notes of his voice, as if speaking his question too loudly would scare her from an answer. “And these healers thought you lesser?”
A hesitant nod followed, and she sighed audibly before resting her head atop the table, her cheek atop crossed arms as she looked out to the painted horizon. “Perhaps I’m just overly tired. Or the way they all but pushed me from the room with that overly-sweet tone just… rubbed me the wrong way.” Frustration dripped across her words as thin brows furrowed with her frown.
It was an expression he didn’t often get to see on her face, and just as quickly as it had come, it was gone - replaced with another long inhale, exhale, and those bright blues were back to sitting straight and staring at him.
That tender smile easy on her lips.
“Sorry, sorry. I know you’re not the kind to listen to the woes of others.” There was a drift to her attention as those unruly strands were once more tucked away. “I’ll be alright. It’s something of a personal gripe.”
He hummed, glancing down to the pages under his palm (The words blank in black ink, the more interesting topic sat before him) he gave a moment of pause before amber rose again - then back down, as if to deny himself a thought. The lord’s tongue darted across his lip as he gave in to that clawing light and spoke;
“Actually I’m fairly good at listening.”
Curiosity danced across the sky of her eyes, that same tilt she’d once more used in their talks alone as Krile hummed almost a mirror of one of his own. “Really? That’s a trait I’ve not seen yet.”
Silvaire bowed his head as a soft laugh broke free, the silken black of his hair drifting across his shoulders as it pooled atop the novel - pulled back to curtain his eyes from the sunset as he straightened only enough to remain at an easy level for his shorter companion.
“There’s many things you’ve not seen of me.”
Now it was her turn to laugh - a bright sound, light and airy despite the exhaustion that plagued her - a musical lilt that felt keenly familiar within the memories locked in the dark.
Would he tempt to open that door again? Honesty for she who could read his lies?
Pulling his hair back across his shoulders as it had been, he inhaled (A false breath for a deadman) feeling the warmth of once stiff air fill his lungs before he spoke, a tone seemingly different than the short motes of conversation. A change that Krile caught with an academic’s attention;
“While I… personally, cannot relate to such a thing, I know someone who could.” Mannerisms long hidden attempted to surface, idle fingers running flat along knuckle, a sorrowful smile begging as the heart tightened in thought. “A young woman who, for her entire life, had been looked down on for her weaker stature, as well as the lacking weight of the ties of blood.”
In a world forgotten, those traits held as much importance as the kings who ruled them.
The wind drifted across the table to flitter pages across one another, and it was only with the patience prompting of his companion that he found the drive to continue.
“By all accounts, she could fell beasts far larger - and far more dangerous - than even those trained for a lifetime. Swift as a bow, with daggers sharper than any arrow.” That hollow lord didn’t realize his smile had escaped, nor the joy that painted his words as he spoke of this buried memory. “And, just as you, she was quick witted, kind, and very prone to playful conversation.”
The Lalafell leaned forward to rest atop interlaced fingers, cocking her head to the side with a bemused smirk. “And did you suffer that same judgment when you first met?”
Dark brows raised as pale features flushed, only for a moment before he nodded - not in shame, but in earnest openness. “Yes, I did, I thought her loud, brash, and somewhat invasive to my personal space. That she was immature, and the first few times we crossed paths I assumed she was out of her depth.”
“What changed?” The undertone of her words wasn’t lost on him. If she was similar to the woman he spoke of, did he feel the same towards her?
He answered. “I spent more time with her. Firstly only a few jobs here and there, but soon enough… my solitude turned into a group.” Those idle fingers moved to toy with the edge of that half-empty cup, similar to her own a few minutes ago. “I learned that beneath it all, behind that bravado, she was constantly comparing herself to what others thought she should be. That should she ever fail to measure up to the expectations - she’d failed her father, and all he sacrificed in taking her in. That no matter how much she did, she would never be enough.”
At this, any motion of brevity was swept with the cold, and Krile’s posture stiffened, hiding her frown behind those clasped fingers as she looked down to the table between them. Her voice was quiet as his had been once before, as if she feared the answer to be lost.
“How did she deal with it?”
“She bit back. Hard.” His reply earned those glassy blues to flick up to him, studying the faint smile on his lips as Silvaire tilted his head to better look at the young woman across from him. “She spoke up anytime those feelings threatened her, and stood up for herself whenever others dared to challenge her confidence. She learned that the only person who’d fault her, was herself.”
Silence once more fell between them. Thick as the books that towered around her, cold as the wind that drifted ink black hair over his pale features. Yet, it was not a harsh quiet. Serene and still, calm as if the mirrored edge of the lake that crested just out of view - a reality known, yet unseen.
“It sounds like I could learn something from her, I’d love to meet her someday…” The woman’s voice and smile faded slowly as her mirth met gentle realization as she watched his passive tells. “…Though, something tells me that wouldn’t be possible.”
“…No.” Short, but gentle. A sadness best left buried.
And Krile respected that, it didn’t take the power of an echo to tell the finer details of the pain that wrapped so cleanly across the Elezen’s person. Instead she asked for a kindness, to share the weight of this unspoken ghost. “What was her name?”
He smiled, a small thing that prompted just as quick a hand to wipe it away, dragged across the dark of his facial hair as the man cleared his throat to chain away the emotion that followed his reply. “Lion. Her name was Lion.”
Sunlight dance over the Lalafell’s features as her own expression beamed, bringing a welcome warmth to the coming dark. With a quick hand she motioned to the two cups that still sat between them and grabbed her own with a praising lilt.
“To Lion then-“ With a quick sip of that bitter tea Krile was once more reminded of the reason it stay untouched for so long. “Oh gods- I forgot-“
Whether the plight of sputtering was on purpose, Silvaire would never know, but nonetheless it did the job to steal a genuine laugh from him, sealing away any bridled fears that came from clawing memories - and with that same bravado, took his own half-filled cup and did the same.
“To Lion.”
Only once the young woman had recovered from her short ordeal (a mischievous grin on her lips as she studied him, as if victorious in some unspoken goal) did she stand from the table - night had now come to shower the balcony in starlight, and it was with a renewed sense of confidence that the Lalafell turned to look back to her companion.
“Well, that’s enough of a break for me. I’m going to go shoo that Chirurgeon out of my spot and get back to it. You’ll keep to your studies then?”
Silvaire motioned towards the sky. “Worry not, I’ll rest when I need.”
He could see how her echo caught his lie, yet she said nothing of it beyond that specific tilt she did every time she did. “You better. Else I’ll come back out here and drag you to the extra bed we have.”
The conversation ended not with a goodbye, but a nod, that little motion of acknowledgment as he turned that slitted gaze to the papers he didn’t want to read. The brash creak of that unoiled hinge gave way to earthly silence, and the hollow lord was once more alone.
He’d forgotten how cold it was outside.
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roppongi-division · 4 months
Hypnotic Summer (Sextet Squad Ver.)
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In the heart of summer's blaze, melodies rise, a story untold
Through the rhythm of the city, my legacy unfolds
Whispers of the forest, secrets in the light, a silhouette's quest
Chasing the echoes of a presence, in summer's warmth, I never rest
In the glimmer of the spotlight, a mysterious allure behind the fame
A masquerade of glamour, where intentions remain pure and untamed
From Kobe's vibrant streets, our unity resounds
Lovesick's rhythm, a symphony of summer's profound sounds
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In the summer's heat, a silent beat, melons rise to a strange feat
Fields whisper tales, in the sun's detail, where my stoic smile veils a trail
Glass sculptures catch the summer's fire, reflecting dreams that never tire
Wherever the stars may conspire, in Toyama's embrace, I'll just fly higher!
Summer's green, in lab serene, where life's elixirs are unseen
With a latte's flair, in the nature's care, my research dares
[ECO BooN:]
We're ECO BooN, summer's green in our monsoon
Under the same sun and moon, our lyrics bloom, a natural boon
[Sextet Squad:]
Oh! Yeah! Oh! Yeah! Oh! Yeah! Oh!
Quash the thoughts running through your mind
It's time for a burning hot show
We're survivors with a sudden burst of motivation
Fire that big flower into the starry sky
And let it bloom just like we planned
Those simpler days
Feel awfully precious now
Dance in the depths of disdain
But trying something new isn't so bad either
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BBQ's glow, football flies, beachside cheers
Summer's liberty, we conquer, with absolutely no frontiers
Beach's calm, sun's embrace, with love, no stress
Okinawa's charm, in summer's dress, we impress!
Bar's alive, cool sips 'neath neon's hum
Summer's patrons find solace, to Eagle's Nest, they come
[Liberty Guild:]
Red, white, and blue, our unity's song
In summer's embrace, Liberty Guild stands strong!
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Whiskey on ice, summer's vice, I watch over the crew
In Katsushika's haze, a father's gaze, guiding true
School's chains break, mischief's wake, with friends I'm free
Summer's spree, we roam, we see, in wild glee!
Summer's heat, I don't skip a beat, I do whatever the fuck I please
Fires catch with ease, in the scorch, that's where I find my peace
[Death Row Block:]
Katsushika's sun, our stories spun, in summer's flame
Death Row Block, we claim our name, in this heated game
[Sextet Squad:]
Oh! Yeah! Oh! Yeah! Oh! Yeah! Oh!
Quash the thoughts running through your mind
It's time for a burning hot show
We're survivors with a sudden burst of motivation
Fire that big flower into the starry sky
And let it bloom just like we planned
Those simpler days
Feel awfully precious now
Dance in the depths of disdain
Drowning in something new sounds nice
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In the dojo's silence, a tempest stirs, my spirit's alight
Summer's rhythm in my blood, a fire burning bright
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The beach's heartbeat syncs with mine, a perfect harmony
Summer's sentinel, in the tropical symphony
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In the embrace of the stage's glow, I weave summer's narrative
A tapestry of emotion, in each performance, I live
[Wild Shīnu:]
We are Wild Shīnu, with Naha's heart in our beat
In the summer's fervor, our fiery lyrics meet!
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Summer's narrative, in my hands, stories weave and laughter lands
Journalist's ink, family's link, in the sun's narrative, we sync
Guitar's hum, flirts come, in summer's beat, I strum
Stage's charm, arm in arm, in the heat, I spin yarn
Sun's caress, even 'zombies' confess, in the light, my tunes progress
Twilight's dance, a chance, in summer's song, I advance
Hamamatsu's heat, in summer's feat, our lyrics meet
City's tale, in the sun's veil, we sail, in the summer gale
[Sextet Squad:]
Oh! Yeah! Oh! Yeah! Oh! Yeah! Oh!
Quash the thoughts running through your mind
It's time for a burning hot show
We're survivors with a sudden burst of motivation
Fire that big flower into the starry sky
And let it bloom just like we planned
Those simpler days
Feel awfully precious now
Dance in the depths of disdain
We don't mind trying something new
Oh! Ey! Oh! Oh! Ey! Oh!
Oh! Ey! Oh! Oh! Ey! Oh!
Who needs cheap tricks when you have Hypnosis Mics?
Everything's mixed and shaken in this special take
Who needs cheap tricks when you have Hypnosis Mics?
Everything's mixed and shaken in this special take
Quash the thoughts running through your mind
It's time for a burning hot show
We're survivors with a sudden burst of motivation
Fire that big flower into the starry sky
And let it bloom just like we planned
Those simpler days
Feel awfully precious now
Dance in the depths of disdain
But trying something new isn't so bad either
@kobedivision @toyama-division @okinawa-division @katsushika-division @naha-division @hamamatsu-divison
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tiniestkitty · 3 months
big sibling caregiver Nesting Guide from Sky:tcotl moodboard ☁️🌼💕
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I really love playing Sky to calm down and for some silly reason I’ve developed a big attachment to the Nesting Guide so I decided to make a moodboard for them ໒꒰ྀི´ ˘ ` ꒱ྀིა🤍 I like to call them Nellie hehe ..
my bestest friend likes to plays too and we play catch with her fox stuffie and pretend we are mermaids together, it’s so very fun 💛💕 /lh
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kyri45 · 4 months
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cultofthewyrm · 2 years
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Spider nest by Nelly Amosova
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bashzzey · 5 months
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Some recent aggie arts!
I adore nesting guide a lot.. I like to call them Nellie 👉👈 Bonus Journey, Rain World and Death's Door fanarts from same aggie session :]c
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whimsicalmonstrosity · 6 months
Full Revenge For an Empty Trade
There was a procedure for when certain friends of Gamzee's didn't answer texts or calls in a timely manner. It wasn't that Gamzee was a fretting Franny or a nervous Nelly. Gam just had a bad habit of...bad habits and Gamzee put it on himself to help keep an eye on Gam. Not only that, but he had questions he had to ask before he forgot them.
After teleporting to Gam's front door, Gamzee sees a trail of purple from the opened doorway that leads directly into the sea. He quickly steps in, expecting the worst and unfortunately, this time, he sees what he feared. Gam is lying in a pool of black and purple blood, completely still. At first he wants to check on him, but the ones who did this are getting away and fast. He's conflicted and decides to do a quick and sloppy stitch job to at least hold his torso closed. just 10 minutes of work before he gets up and starts sniffing for the culprit. He finds a scent of sea water, old wood, fish, and gold. PIRATES.
The yellow of his eyes shift to orange, and then red as he angrily follows the trail, ripping his shirt off. His wings erupt from his back and he glides across the air over the ocean, eyes scanning the surface for anything. He KNOWS who did this and he just has to-- he spots a pirate ship heading the opposite direction and a growl emits from his throat as he descends. Just as the pirates are about to dock, he hits the deck with his heels. Before any of the crew on deck can act, he brings out one of his swords he never gets to use and starts slicing off limbs and thrusting the sword into throats. Is it really fair for him to kill 3 or 4 for one brother who might just get up again a day later? Leave the morality to someone else, this is business. What good are pirates for anyway? He paints the deck with blood, his wings having retreated back into him. He sniffs around, so angry that he's grinning. "Where's the captain? I JUST WANNA MOTHER FUCKIN' TALK." Another poor crewmate, who hadn't been smart enough to flee with the others once they settled at a port, stood their ground. "Get OFF OUr SHIP, C-Clown!" Their voice shakes as their nerves get the better of them. Gamzee has no remorse or concern and grips the smaller troll by the throat, flinging them off the ship into the water with relative ease. He glowers around the deck, "Now where's the runt running this raggedy run down romp slomp?" Then, he stomps towards the big door at the center of the ship and he snarls, it twisting into an ugly grin as he tries the handle. "OH- locked? WELLLLL SHIIIIIT, however will I--" He scoffs and punches the door in the same place 5 times in until his hand busts through to unlock the door. He sniffs through the new hole in the door and even peeks in. He can smell Gam's blood and the origin of the faint scent he caught near Gam's body. The captain glares at him, bloody spear in hand. She threatens him that she'll send him to his Brother if he doesn't back off. The door is kicked and Gamzee's arm is sliced by the broken wood of the door. Once he loosens himself from it, he doesn't stop the captain from stabbing him in the neck. In fact, he takes it by the handle and slips it in more, proving a point. He uses his still developing power of healing using his voodoos. He slowly heals the wound closed as she abandons the spear for her guns. He doesn't hesitate to bring his wings back out, which startles the pirate. As she tries ascending to the Crow's Nest of the ship, Gamzee flies up, trying and failing to dodge all bullets. He launches at her and knocks her down onto the deck once more, knocking the wind out of her. More insults and gunfire happens before Gamzee gets tired of this game. He keeps teasing her, saying when Gam gets better, they'll LAUGH at what a dumb bitch she was for going after a Gamzee Makara. It falls on mostly deaf ears as she just keeps trying to shoot him. The purpleblood scoops her up and flies to the Crow's Nest, weaving and shaking her to throw off her aim, which just makes her drop her gun. She uses her sword to swing at him and hits him enough to let her go. "ah fuck-" He dodges the sword when she tosses it towards him and watches her fall 80 feet head first onto her deck. Once he figures she's dead, he kneels and scoffs again. "Flimsy fragile motherfuckin' bitches." In his hand goes right through her abdomen, tearing her apart from the inside out. She taunts her corpse as he mangles and rips her into many pieces before finally ripping her head from her body, snapping it from her spine. He pikes it and stabs the sharp end of the spear he used into the board of the deck. "YA CAPTAIN'S MOTHER FUCKIN' DEAD, YO. COME GET THAT MONEY." He's past the point of revenge now, having not only slaughtered her, but humiliated her in the process. Gamzee slaps her cheek before licking up her face to clean her bronze blood off it. Was it an intimidation factor for those watching from the docks? Or was he just feeling a type of way right now? Who knows.
"DON'T FUCK WITH GAMZEE MAKARA CUZ THIS WHAT HAPPENS. think you can take me on? NO. you ain't shit." Gamzee ignores the pictures being taken and flies off, heading right back for Gam's hive, his chest heaving and his hands still covered in bronze blood. He swoops down and runs his hands into the sea water to clean them off a bit as he approaches the shore of the beach. Once back, he runs into the hive and drops to his knees, shaking as he starts putting Gam back together the best he can, seeing he's missing some organs. He hisses to himself as he tries his best using both physical mending tools and his healing voodoos. He continues until his head starts hurting. After a while, Gamzee finishes and frowns, concerned that Gam isn't stirring yet. When he lifts his head to see the mess around, there's another trail of purple and black leading away from Gam and into one of the rooms. He cautiously follows the trail and opens the door, frowning.
Laying there is someone he remembers from visiting the bubbles. Someone he wasn't EVER expecting to see while awake. A horrorterror Gamzee. He sees his leg is severed, yet it doesn't explain just how in the FUCK he was laying unconscious right there in person-- Gamzee glances back over at Gam's body, his ears drooping downward. This...wasn't going to be easy for anyone involved.
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mcgnagallsarmy · 3 months
Top 10 Nick x Charlie fics I’ve read (June 2024)
Don't Believe Him by 7ate9
When Charlie tells his study group he's dating Leed's rugby star Nick Nelson, they don't quite believe him. It's embarrassing to go with them to the rugby game, with their voices in his ears telling him he's mad, but Nick is always there to prove those voices wrong, even when he doesn't even know they exist.
first fluttering (of its silken wings) by thetomkatwholived [G]
What if the leaves were real? Charlie lives in a world full of Flutters, where his leaves follow him almost everywhere. Enter Nick Nelson, who hasn’t seen his Flutters in years.
Let it Out and Let it In by 7ate9 [M]
Nick was the last person to see Charlie Spring before he went missing. They spent the afternoon together, and Nick kissed him goodbye and watched him walk away. Charlie never made it home. In the wake of his disappearance, their friends and family have to deal with the fallout. Nick is holding out hope for Charlie to come back, because he doesn't know what he'd do if he doesn't.
look now, the sky is gold by kissmeinnewyork [T]
“Your mum’s been texting me.” Charlie can just about make out Nick’s bemused expression over his shitty student halls wifi connection. “She’s been doing what?” In the days after Nick goes to university, Sarah Nelson looks after Charlie like he's her own. (A collection of stories about found family, empty nests, house keys and Nick, Charlie and Sarah).
Narlie Waves by waveofyou [E]
A Heartstopper California AU where Nick (31) and the HS crew we know and love live in SoCal. Charlie (29) leaves his London office to work in San Diego for a year. Nellie makes a new puppy bestie. Nick is adorable teaching little first graders. Charlie looks hot playing the drums. Nick looks hot surfing. They…ahem…enjoy Nick’s pool…and shower…and balcony. The boys weirdly get snowed in at one point. In Southern California, go figure. Nick helps Charlie see that he's deserving of big, loud love from a certain golden retriever person. Charlie helps Nick to trust that his love is not conditional, that he's safe to fully express himself. A leaves falling, flower petals swirling story of queer love with a spectacular ocean view 🍂🌊🍂 ⚠️ This is NOT a slow burn. They feel the spark, follow it and make fire Any explicit sections are denoted with “🍂🔥🍂” Any triggering flashback, panic attack or detailed eating disorder moments with “🍂⚠️🍂” …so they can be skipped and the story still enjoyed- I’ve written it so no major plot is lost by skipping these sections Alternates between Charlie and Nick POV ♥️
now i've read all of the books beside your bed by thetomkatwholived [T]
Tara smirked. “Yes, Charlie Spring. Isaac is one of his best friends. He posts booktube videos.” “Booktube?” Darcy rolled her eyes. “Get on the internet, Nicholas! Youtube videos specifically about books. Isaac has a really great channel. Awesome queer recs.” She handed an earbud to Tara, and they both huddled around her phone. Or, Nick sees Charlie for the first time in years in Isaac's video and maybe that crush he thought was dulled comes back in full force. At least he can get all the recommended books at the new bookshop in town…
The Quarantine Chronicles by CJShips [T]
Inspired by the Heartstopper Mini-Comic: The Haircut, aged-up Nick and Charlie navigate pandemic life. I hope to make this a series of vignettes, but I wrote this first chapter as a stand-alone. Come on Charlie, just get here Nick begged internally, raising a hand to scrub his face. … Irrational thoughts that he’d been walling off for hours began to break through. What if Charlie’s flight had been re-routed? Or not taken off at all? Or what if the flight had arrived at SFO but for some reason, Charlie wasn’t on it? What if the United States sealed its borders and Nick became trapped in a different country from the most important person in the world? … For the first time since he and Charlie moved to San Francisco eight months ago, Nick wondered if it was a terrible mistake.
We Just Keep Going by agreatwave [M]
“Nothing’s wrong, nothing happened,” He reassures. “I just want to come home.” “Charlie - ” “I just really want to be with you tonight,” Charlie interrupts. Nick’s heart skips a beat. “Is- is that ok?” Charlie asks when Nick doesn’t respond immediately. This, more than anything, sets off an alarm in Nick’s head. It’s rare, these days, for Charlie to question things like he used to. OR When another long term couple breaks up, Charlie needs reassurance. Nick is more than happy to give it.
the wedding dance by steelknuckles [G]
Nick has two left feet, so he's lucky to have Charlie to guide him during their wedding dance. If love was a piano, it would be every note from top to bottom.
you only stay by peaceoutofthepieces [G]
“Ben talked to you at the cinema?” Nick interrupts, his voice shaking. His eyes are wide, and he grips Charlie’s hand tighter. “When did you talk to Ben?” “Oh.” Charlie looks down. “Uhm, outside, just before I left. After you’d gone back in.” He glances up in time to see Nick’s expression go pained, and he reaches his free hand over so he can grip Nick’s and squeeze back. “What did he say?” Nick asks quietly. “It doesn’t matter,” Charlie tries, but Nick’s kicked-puppy look only strengthens. “He just—it was the same thing about denying his feelings and being a dick about it. Telling me he never liked me, but I was pathetic enough for him to feel sorry for me. Usual Ben things.”
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preppy-lizity · 6 months
Top 10 evil things I would do as Salem in RWBY
BC unlike her, when they go low, I go to hell.
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No. 1 : traumatise the children.
You want to make schools that train children as young as at LEAST 13 to fight me? Cool, see if they want to fight after I make a metric fuck ton of Grimm bogeymen that hide in their closets and under their beds and terrorise them into never wanting to see another Grimm again.
Have fun wasting resources to hunt pacifistic horrors that hang around and look scary, fucko.
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No. 2: take advantage of the poor
She clearly has stupid amounts of resources. If I was her I'd set up numerous charities, get them in the good graces of the people (using some rich loser as the face of said charities) and then just as everyone in need is eating the food I provide and taking the shelter I offer? Grimm be upon ye. Grimm ichor in the food, Grimm crawling out the rafters. Aunt nelly is also a Grimm now cus it just sucks to suck.
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No. 3: tell the story from my perspective to anyone who will listen. LOUDLY.
Cus idk. If ppl heard that the gods punished me for wanting to see my dead husband by making me immortal instead of waiting 40 years for the problem to sort itself out? Then bringing him back anyway to leash me into doing what they want? Idk I feel like ppl would also hate the gods and that's a good thing.
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No. 4: hide apathy EVERYWHERE.
If I can make joy sucking, misery gifting bastard apathy Grimm you bet your ASS I'm seeing where I can hide them. In sewers, in trash cans, the cookie jar. Honestly the happier and more hopeful the place the more apathy I'm shoving in that place.
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No. 5: take prisoners.
Fuck killing Leo, bring him in. Homeboy was a trusted friend of Oz's. Watch that man cry cus his bestie turned his back on him. James too ig. But he's on thin ice. Only one sexy dictator is allowed here and that's ME.
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No. 6: waaay more experimenting on what kind of Grimm I can make
I would NOT just stick to the basic shapes. I'd be seeing what the limits are. If I can make shape shifting Grimm, Grimm that can impact other emotions? My personal passion project Grimm would be the Mild Inconvenience. A small Grimm that finds a nice little inconvenient place to nest until other Mild Inconveniences show up and suddenly it's a Big Problem. Salem did not have enough fun with the Grimm she made.
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No. 7: just letting Tyrian do whatever tf he wants.
Self explanatory, really.
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No. 8: send fake informants to my ex hubby just to scare him.
Bonus points if the informant actually believes whatever they're telling him. That's also not for any grand plan reason that's just to have a laugh at his expense.
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No. 9: scary second form.
I feel like if I'm gonna be a scary evil Grimm queen I should have a scary evil monstrous form to me. Being veiny and anaemic doesn't count as scary. We've seen Salem do weird freaky things with her body before. If I were her I'd see what I could do.
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No. 10: just make Grimm rivers... Everywhere?
She did it in atlas totally unnecessarily. Now that the 4 kingdoms are all stuck in vacuo I don't see why she doesn't just. Break vacuo into fractions via Grimm river left right and centre. I totally would.
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veiledpurple · 1 year
I've got some children of cpu miis thanks to tomodachi life and I am here to talk about them:
OK, I love cpu miis as my likes show. So I'd like to take a moment to appreciate some of the children that tomodachi life has given me- mainly, these two:
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I'd like yall to meet Anthony and Audrey- the children of Nelly and Shinnosuke. They're cute and it's quite obvious who their dad is but it's not all sunshine and rainbows. On my very first cpu mii island, Shinnosuke asked for divorce from Nelly twice in a 30 minute period almost as soon as Anthony left the nest. Audrey didn't even exist until my second go-around of a cpu mii island, in which my main goal was only to have Anthony be reborn, per say.
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It's been an inside joke with my friends that Shinnosuke is a complete jerk as I filled them in on his terrible behavior towards Nelly during Wuhu 1.0, my first cpu mii tomodachi life island.
Naturally, with such juicy drama within a family unit, I of course now consider Anthony and Audrey my favorite babies. To make things even better I recently started a Miitopia run with a lot of my cpu mii children stemming from tl! (The mage there is a oc x canon child I can happily ramble about later. If you guessed that Tommy is her dad, you're correct.)
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Anyway now you see that I absolutely love these babies and I have many more kiddos that the lovely cpu miis have given me through tomodachi life, maybe I will introduce you to the rest of them. But again, here are the lovely Benoit (the last name I gave Nelly) kiddos.
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