assassin-artist · 4 months
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more character outfit refs [OC]
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thedeafprophet · 4 months
the revival ending of nemesis i not 'mercy' in any way of the term, especially when the text directly says so.
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its a bargain. theres no mercy in any of this
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skullfacedlady · 1 year
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Overlord attacks the Nemesis! So far one of my favourite moments in the whole storyline. The tension... I loved it. This scene is for @emperor-kumquat 's Transformers: Mercy
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bizarrebazaar13 · 7 months
just finished nemesis. holy shit.
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squelchbug · 1 year
7kposting again . observe my Cyrus and Donella dynamic. they are best worsties . (Hugo and Nuru are also best worsties)
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i didn t draw everybody’s epic scars not because i forgot but because i am lazy . (it’s because i forgot)
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peligin-eyed · 2 months
I watched the Mean Girls musical (movie version) last night and realized Revenge Party is such a good Nemesis song
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Tag your OC and which two best friends are invited to their revenge party
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something really really interesting to me abt how arthur is a man who seems almost supernaturally destined to lose everyone he cares about, who introduces misfortune into other people's lives just via his presence, and now the person he cares most about in the world is someone who under most circumstances physically cannot be harmed or separated from him. yknow?
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I saw one fic. One Fic, that had Optimus with mild allergies to some antivirals and naturally this stuck with me bc mood.
This will lead to Ratchet having a harder time hunting him down when it comes time to refresh his antivirals. It will be hilarious.
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m4gp13 · 2 years
I know gods tend to have somewhere between half a dozen to a dozen kids at one time but I just feel like demigod children of Nemesis would be quite rare. The Titan War had been getting orchestrated for years before the events of tlt. Luke just happened to be the perfect candidate for Kronos' manipulation because of his social position in camp as well as his god-related trauma. So I don't think it would be unreasonable for Nemesis, a goddess whose whole thing is doling out punishments and rewards to the deserving, to plan to have a kid in time for the war so she could have a player in the game.
It would make her deal with Ethan make more sense. He went to camp, left, made the deal with Nemesis, and then later joined the army. The way I see it is that Nemesis had a kid in time for the war, sent him to camp to get some basic training, made the deal with him before most of the major events of the war could take place, and then sent him to join the people fighting on her behalf.
The only other child of Nemesis we know of is Damien, who is probably more in the age range of the demigods doing most of the work during the giant wars or the fighting against the triumvirate, which have both also been working in the shadows for decades, even centuries. Maybe Nemesis saw how much of a disaster her plan with Ethan was and decided to lay off with Damien, instead intervening directly (in the giant war) or letting the Fates run their course (TOA, although she is also the personification of the punishment of hubris so it could be interpreted that she is the embodiment of Apollo's punishment which resulted in the triumvirate being taken down)
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axellis-archv-2 · 2 years
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i just need to put these on my blog for science . ramram design evolution video is something
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memorys-skyscraper · 7 months
the yakuza series is truly just guys being dudes in the coolest ways imaginable
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leemotionalwreck · 2 years
💌 Send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome. 💌
i’m so sorry i’m just now seeing this i’ve been so busy lately but this genuinely means so much to me right now. like seriously you have no idea 💙💙
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emiko-matsui · 5 months
Okay, I just need to get something out of the way when it comes to the Kipperlilly conversation nobody's brought up yet, which I think is insane. Almost all of The Bad Kids would be more powerful if they didn't have their tragedy porn tragic backstories.
First of all, this doesn't apply to Fig and Gorgug because if Fig wasn't Gorthalax's child she would be a lot like Kipperlilly and not the ruler of hell. I wouldn't say Gorgug has a tragic backstory, he's got a pretty normal growing up experience with ups and downs.
Let's start with her #1 nemesis, Riz Gukgak. She's so jealous that his dad was murdered and that gives him an advantage in the adventuring life. To be crude, no, it doesn't. What would give Riz an advantage in the adventuring life would be living with someone who has a direct contact to all the government's inner workings and conspiracies. Now that would be an advantage. That gives you connections and clues that no one else can get. This is not what happened. What happened was eating cereal with water for breakfast, what happened was not getting an opportunity at college, what happened was a 9 year old who stopped sleeping, what happened was not your secret agent dad giving you an advantage in the school conspiracy because he's dead. Otherwise he fucking would've.
And now Kipperlilly's new #1 nemesis, Kristen Applebees. She was ostracised from her religion for her sexuality, she achieved sainthood, and raised a dead god back to life. None of this would've happened if she hadn't been raised in The Harvestmen. No, it wouldn't, but what would have happened if Kristen had been straight? Disgusting thought, yes, I know, but let's talk about it. A Kristen who never left Helio behind would have so many more fucking advantages than the one with Cassandra has. If she had followed her birthright she would be the only chosen one of one of the world's most powerful gods. Sol is the biggest god in Spyre and Helio is his son. Helio does not have a chosen one anymore because Kristen left. It's not a title that's just given out, it could only have been Kristen. You know what's an advantage? Being the chosen one of one of the world's most powerful gods, being a god's spoken favourite, and deified by all of that god's followers. Now that would be an unfair advantage. You know what's not an advantage? Being homeless at 14 and being at the mercy of your ex-girlfriend's uncle for housing, dying and having absolutely no one there for you so you're only option to survive is to trust your own abilities enough to raise yourself from the dead, and failing school because of biased teachers.
And what of Adaine Abernant? The Elven Oracle? Her tragedy porn tragic backstory is surviving an abusive home. Now I just have to imagine that Adaine would have it a lot easier than most students, an incredible amount of unfair advantages, if her old money parents paid for every wizard whim she wanted, kept her diplomatic immunity so she could do literally anything she wanted without consequences, and gave her a direct contact into the heart of the Fallinell government. Now that is what I would call an insane amount of unfair advantage. I would be furious at this rich kid who's never had to work for anything myself. This is not even close to the case. She's barely passing classes because she can't afford the material you're required, she goes to the guidance counsellor for panic attacks, and she's being hunted by her home government. I'd say that's about every single thing in her life working against her having it easy.
Fabian Aramais Seacaster. He's complicated since he is very privileged already. He gets 5000 gold a month just for existing. He's the captain of the Owlbears because he killed the previous one. He lives alone in a mansion. Yeah, that's pretty privileged. His parents are also so severely fucked up that if they hadn't been filthy rich they would've been absolutely horrible for him. If he had parents who unconditionally supported him and stayed with him through everything, then we could talk about perhaps the most powerful person in Elmville. In Solace possibly. The most feared pirate in history who single-handedly dismantled a monarchy and fights against armies on his own is at your beck and call, does whatever you ask him to, and loves you more than anything. The greatest swordswoman in the world, that bested the most feared pirate in the world, the daughter of one of the most influential elven families and immortal will do anything you ask her, loves you to bits, and would cheat any rules for you. To have that would just be insane. You can argue that Fabian already has unfair advantages because of his social status and inheritance. This is true, but this is also true within his own adventuring party. Now his parents aren't helping him with anything and are determined that he reach his legendary status on his own. Otherwise talk about a fucking advantage.
All this to say is that if Kipperlilly got all of The Bad Kids tragedy porn like she wanted she wouldn't have been better, but she would've made them better. There is an adventuring party out there in the multiverse that has a secret agent at their disposal, the only chosen one of a Sol religion, Bill Seacaster and Hallariel Lomenelda unprompted in their corner, and a seer with unending resources and diplomatic immunity. These would've been people you start a platform about adventuring not being fair for everyone because of. The people you went against was a homeless kid, a kid with an anxiety disorder, a trust fund kid, and someone with PTSD.
I've seen your posts about Kipperlilly being wrong for her validation, but right in the fact that The Bad Kids have been given larger plots and mysteries because of their families and circumstances and I don’t want to fucking see another one. When you make that I want you to think about the adventuring party they would've been without their backstories. The insanely powerful and privileged adventuring party that almost happened. Their life got made worse, not easier because their life could have been so fucking easy. Kipperlilly can take all the tragedy porn she wants and then maybe realise that that's not what makes the adventurer. That the reason she's mad at The Bad Kids is the only reason she can even tangentially compete with them.
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gallusrostromegalus · 2 months
Ta-Ashi Neko (Many-Legged Cat)
A fun little Yokai to live in AEIWAM's Spirit World. Warnings for: Long Post, Animal Death Mention, non-graphic discussion of Carnivory
Ta-Ashi Neko (多足猫) or Many legged Cat
The Ta-Ashi Neko is a Monstrous Cat that grows to enormous size and intelligence, and has multiple pairs of legs. It's more elongated and stoutly built than a domestic house-cat, with a thick and plush coat. While extremely rare, the Ta-Ashi that have been observed come in a variety of coat colors that also occur in Domestic Cats.
No one is quite sure what causes a Ta-Ashi to form but rather than the product of Ta-Ashi Neko mating, new Ta-Ashi are born in domestic cat litters. When born, the Ta-Ashi resembles an ordinary kitten save that it has no legs at all, and sort of wiggles around for the first 11 years of it's life, during which it will feed itself by suckling from any animal EXCEPT cats.
On it's 11th birthday, it suddenly sprouts a pair of legs- Like human handedness, 90% of Ta-Ashi sprout their forelegs first, and 10% their hind legs. It can now crawl around more effectively (or in the case of the hind-leg ones, walk about), and continues to do so for 22 years, when it sprouts it's second pair of legs, and goes about looking like a normal, if unusually large and somewhat elongated house-cat.
33 years after that, it's third pair of legs sprout in the middle. 44 years after that, the 4th pair, 55 years after that the 5th pair, and so on. As it develops more legs, it also grows: a 3-pair Ta-Ashi is about the size of a large dog or Lynx, a 4-pair the size of a Lion or other Big Cat, a 5-pair the size of a Horse, and a 6-leg the size of a small bus. Foreleg Ta-Ashi will sprout their 4th pair between their fore and middle legs, then their fifth between the middle and hind legs, alternating thusly. Hindleg Ta-Ashi alternate as well, but start on the middle and hindleg gap.
If a Ta-Ashi manages to live to be 1,001 years old, it will have 13 pairs of legs, and become a full Kami.
The Ta-Ashi is exceptionally intelligent from birth, and by the time they have 2 pairs of legs, they fully understand human speech, but usually don't talk before their third legs grow in. A Ta-Ashi with over 5 pairs of legs is at least 231 years old, and of superhuman intelligence, if peculiar feline priorities.
They are incredibly stealthy, and it's believed older ones learn to become silent and invisible at will, but the Ta-Ashi's greatest weapon is it's speed. Even a 3-pair Ta-Ashi can outpace a Shingami's Shunpo, and as it ages, it only gets faster and better endurance. Hayai Tatakai, a 6-pair Ta-Ashi that lives in the distant districts of the Rukongai, is said to be able to make a complete circuit around the outermost borders of the Rukongai in just under a month.
Ta-Ashi are exceptionally rare, due to both their apparently niche spawning criteria, and the fact that humans have a bad habit of 'mercy killing' what they think are 'deformed' kittens. Even if a Ta-Ashi makes it to Adulthood (The onset of it's third pair of legs), it still faces major challenges: Humans will hunt them out of fear, or for Trophy Animals, and it's diet is peculiarly limited:
The Ta-Ashi eats Other Cats and the Occasional Hunter.
It's a mystery* WHY Ta-Ashi only eat other cats and seemingly random game hunters, even to the Ta-Ashi themselves. Hayai described his desire for feline flesh and not hunger per se, but as an act of rage. The mere scent of another cat would send him into an irrationally furious fugue which would not be assuaged until he had hunted down, killed, and devoured his nemesis. In fact, he rarely felt hungry at all, at least not since he'd been weaned, but on the rare occasions he did, his craving was for milk and cheese, not catmeat.
This has caused some speculation that the Ta-Ashi is not a Cat-spirit at all, but a sort of ironic Vengeful Spirit against cats- not only does it's compulsion to devour include house-cats, but also big cats, bakaneko, two-tailed cats, catfolk, and in one particularly catastrophic incident, a member of the Shihoin clan.
(*The Secret is that Ta-Ashi ARE an Ironic Vengeful Spirit- When the Beast God of the Wilderkin cursed the Shihoin to live among the humans for killing for sadistic pleasure instead of having respect for their prey, the Beast God also created the Ta-Ashi specifically to antagonize them. The Shihoin clan took, and continues to take, immense pride in their strength and speed, so the Beast God created a Feline Yokai that would be faster and stronger than any Shihoin could ever hope to be, and that would spawn anywhere Cats or Humans were hunting without respect for their prey. Even if they don't originally spawn there, Ta-Ashi Neko are drawn to places with an overabundance of cats, or where trophy hunting takes place. This has lead to the peculiar phenomenon that Ta-Ashi are found in either the ass-end of nowhere where some idiot has introduce house-cats or taken a hunting party, or smack in the middle of cities where poor pet and livestock husbandry abounds.)
Despite their fearsome appearance and distressing diet, Ta-Ashi are surprisingly gentle and playful spirits. The vast majority of people living within the territory of a Ta-Ashi never notice and are untroubled by it's presence. Some like to rush by as a sudden gust of wind to tease unwary travelers, or play with laundry left out in an unattended line. When not being actively hunted, some have even proved to be gentle and protective of human children, going so far as to return lost children to the nearest village. They are notably fond of all canines, especially dogs.
Because Ta-Ashi are so stealthy and reclusive until they know they can trust the local humans, the strongest indicators that a Ta-Ashi is in the area are:
A sudden surge in the local population of songbirds, reptiles and frogs (the mice are no longer being hunted either, but the snake population also massively rebounded)
Sudden changes in weather including more intense storms and windy days (the Ta-Ashi traveling about At Speed)
Strange miasmas of absolutely rancid sour odors with no discernible source, especially on remote stretches of road (the Ta-Ashi Marking the borders of its territory)
Some exorcists have attempted to divine the presence of Ta-Ashi Neko by interrogating other local Yokai, especially Tanuki and Kitsune, who can be plied with Sake. However, this method isn't very reliable- given that Kitsune and Tanuki are both canine spirits that are often harassed by Bakaneko or Yokai Trophy Hunters, and often favorite friends of Ta-Ashi, they usually choose to keep the presence of their Good Friend Leggy Boi a secret.
If a Ta-Ashi appears in your area, the best thing to do is keep your cat indoors- Ta-Ashi are extremely reluctant to go inside of any kind of human construction, and it also limits how far the scent of your cat travels. Also, you should be keeping your cat indoors anyway have you SEEN the foxes around here? Not even the Kitsune, the regular ones!
Yushiro Shihoin used to love visiting his Uncles Jushiro and Kaname and going Birdlistening (on account of Kaname being blind and Jushiro being utterly hopeless with the binoculars, they rarely saw the birds, but did have a good time listening to their songs) out in the Greenbelt of old Noble House Land Holdings in the middle of the city.
He came to visit in the mid 1970's after several years away at school at Jushiro's word of improved bird populations, only to feel an awful, intense paranoia that he was being stalked by something. Concerned about assassins, the two captains quickly retreated with him from the wilder parts of the Ukitake clan holdings to the main compound. He hasn't been back since, and soon after even visiting Auntie Soi Fon's heavily forested 2nd Division training grounds gave him a similarly awful case of Heebie-Jeebies.
Unbeknownst to nearly everyone, Mayuri Kurotsuichi had commissioned the capture of a live Ta-Ashi Neko for analysis. In 1973, bounty hunters arrived in the city with a three-leg Ta-Ashi who went ballistic at being exposed to even the faintest hint of Shihoin Reiatsu, broke out of the cage she was being kept in, and has been lurking in the Greenbelt and 2nd Division training grounds since.
Since her return to Soul Society in 2001, Yoruichi thinks that she ought to bond with her Surprise Baby Brother, and that a good way to do that would be for the two of them to sneak into the Kuchiki Compound in the middle of the Greenbelt and camp there while pranking Byakuya until caught.
Kazetsumi, as she calls herself, is over 110 years old now. Her fourth pair of legs has grown in nicely and she has spent the last 27 years learning every. square. inch. of her territory.
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silverflqmes · 1 month
synopsis. in which a ménage a trois is had with the savior of the planet — otherwise, your boyfriend, and the calamity personified.
genre. nsfw
tw. threesome, sefikura ( yes, you read that correctly. so if you are not comfortable with the pairing, just click off now cuz this isn’t for you ), penetration ( vaginal for the reader, anal for cloud ), praise, edging, rough sex, virginity loss, false sympathy, choking, bottom-ish cloud ( if you’re uncomfy, again just leave pls. ), overstimulation, corruption.
disclaimer. uncomfortable with smut or younger than 17? please dni.
notes. tysm for 500 followers guys! it’s a little unreal to me still since i was only at 200 or smtn before writing for ff7 so like😭 yeah.. anyway, take this in return, aka me going completely out of what i normally do and giving into intrusive thoughts because some of you guys miraculously agreed with my 2am ideas..
sephiroth x cloud strife x fem!reader.
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“good, cloud..” sephiroth whispered into the shell of his killer’s ear, nuzzling into the blond, unruly locks that tickled his skin. “very good.. her wails for release are most pleasant, aren’t they?”
said male’s hips stuttered like his uneven breathing had at the praise, nearly spilling his load right then and there into your ever-welcoming heat.
gaia, he hated how much of a sucker he was for such, it was humiliatingly weakening, especially when it came from him.. but he couldn’t let go just yet. not with the series of explicit instructions he’d received beforehand.
instructions that echoed in the all-too-familiar velvety voice throughout the confines of his mind. hardly any different from every other time it spoke, had it not been for that sultry undertone this time around.
a timbre that was slowly beginning to get to the self proclaimed ex-SOLDIER. in more ways than one, he feared. "s-shut up!” he spat despite the betraying rouge coloring his freckled skin. “i know what i'm doing. i don’t..” a hitch. “need you to tell me shit.." he breathed out, watching through half-lidded eyes as your head lolled back into the pillow, grabbing fistfuls of cotton while you waited for release, too.
..because sephiroth said not yet.
cloud didn’t know how, nor did he want to know how, but the highly anticipated first time sex he was blindly walking into seemed.. to have invited a rather unexpected visitor to teach him a lesson on pleasure. a phantom guest, as one might say, who just so happened to have the potential to destroy the planet at any given chance.
otherwise, his greatest nemesis.
a nemesis that was now demonstrating on him how to fuck his beloved girlfriend, rather than ending her very life.
and what was your take on your boyfriend quite literally being made into a canvas?
“f-faster, please, cloud!”
well, it's not everyday you lose your virginity to the savior and threat of the planet all at the same time. it felt like a crime to refuse something so delectable.
so who were you to say no? a little risk and tension added that perfect kick to the whole experience. the cherry on top, and you were ready to savor it.
the planet would be fine, surely. gaia and jenova could hold their tongues for an hour or few.
tilting his head, the bringer of calamity offered a small smirk. "do you, now? your beloved seems to have a plea.. she might want to share how close she is..” came his hushed observation, paired with a particularly harsh jerk of hips into his rival’s rear. “how in need she is of finally letting that coil snap within her.." he added fondly, pleased with the choked gasp that entered his ears as his eyes caught your hazy stare. "isn't that right, y/n?"
a soft whimper was all that was able to leave your lips because it was true. besides, what could you say with an orgasm so close, yet so far away, anyway?
aside from cries for mercy, of course.
"'m really close..” you mustered after a few sharp intakes of air, shaking your head weakly. “c-can't hold on for much longer, though." you added quietly, fighting the urge to cave at the sight of those mischief glinted jades. part of you wondered how cloud was able to even resist the owner while being given that kind of look in battle. you’d probably throw in your weapon right then and there while waving that tiny white flag seen in old cartoons.
perhaps cloud was simply just.. used to it.
although, that didn't mean he didn't hesitate from time to time.
"poor thing.." sephiroth acknowledged in a soft coo, trailing a hand down your thigh in a feather-light manner that elicited shivers. even amidst the sweltering heat. "while i did say to hold out, i have reason to believe it will be more fun to take your rightful release from cloud.. he looks to be faltering by the second." he prompted lightly, holding your gaze whilst his lips traveled down the jugular of his rival to the curve of his shoulder. “perhaps you’ll fix that, hm?”
and as if to confirm his statement, the former hero dragged himself out completely before sheathing the blond again to the hilt. once more in that same, abrupt manner that now had a symphony of noises tumbling free of suppression from his lips.
each one more erotic than the last, somehow. so very lewd, as you’d never heard such pitiful sounds spill from your boyfriend's mouth.. but undeniably pleasing to the ears. a mellifluous string of gasps and moans you weren’t even aware he could produce. and sephiroth was pulling them out like it was just another tuesday.
no wonder he had wanted to hear cloud so badly during their fights.
spurred on by sheer fervor and curiosity, you found yourself feeding into the one winged angel’s suggestion, "how exactly would i.. ngh- be able to do t-that..?"
mako tinted emeralds sparked with intrigue. “oh, it’s quite simple, really-”
"s-sephiroth!" cloud cut through another groan, glowering warningly at his foe like an offended kitten. it was more adorable than it was intimidating, as were all the other glares thrown his way. maybe on the battlefield and with more clothes on, it might have been taken more seriously.
here, however?
it only earned him a snort.
the villain in question simply couldn’t be bothered by such, not with that contradicting flush adorning his killer’s cheeks. just who did he think he was fooling when his body evidently betrayed his words?
"hush now, cloud." sephiroth ordered softly, tapping his sunkissed throat with two leather clad fingers. daringly. "your manners are lacking considerably. y/n here has asked me a question, it is rude to interrupt your own significant other.” he reprimanded smartly, giving the lightest squeeze — which was apparently still fatal enough if that was in fact a whine that entered his all-hearing ears.
but not convincing enough. “you'll just have to wait your turn." the former general finished in his ear, nipping down on the cartilage before shifting his eyes back to your flustered self. "now then, where were we? ah, yes.” he chuckled, patting down on cloud’s thigh. “climb onto your lover’s lap."
“climb onto his..” heat rushed to your cheeks almost instantly at the suggestion. 
truthfully, it wasn't like you hadn't done that before, but seeing the pathetic state your boyfriend had been in now.. that quivering, whiny mess. you could only imagine just how far sephiroth was willing to go.
apparently, all the way.
his sapphire hues were practically glimmering with tears already from the simulation he was both giving and receiving. all he needed was to be ridden to come completely undone.
you swallowed unconsciously.
so this was the villain you were told of.
honestly, he was hotter than he was annoying or endangering, or however way cloud had described him.
although tempting, incredibly tempting.
that part of you that wanted to go easy on your partner and stay in the position you were in was practically swallowed up by the malicious glint in the calamity incarnate’s eyes. it pitifully won the favor of your other half with ease, coaxing you into sweet, delectable oblivion.
one that became increasingly difficult to withstand.
shuddering at the tremble in your legs, you pushed yourself up despite the burning sensation in your thighs, letting out a strained exhale at the stretch it caused. “sorry cloud..”
a stuttered noise left the blond's lips as he reclined against his enemy's front, rolling his head back against the plush, yet firm chest behind him. were pectorals meant to feel so cozy? or was it simply his fogged up mind?
regardless, the smirk on sephiroth’s rosewood lips seemed to grow at the nuzzle of gold fluff on his bared skin, and furthermore at your willingness. it was.. amusing, to say the least.
cloud, as it turned, was even more delightful up close. pink dusted skin, furrowed brows, watery eyes — truly a sight.
unable to hold yourself back, you brought your lips together for a chaste kiss, mewling into his mouth at the alarmed buck his lower half gave. it was sudden, without calculation, risky, and divine all at once; enough to remind you of your impending climax. but that, again, could wait.
it had to.
warmth brushed and enveloped your tongue, imploring you to suck down on it, which you eagerly did, peppermint flooding your senses. was toothpaste meant to taste this good?
breaking away, if only to keep yourself from diving right back in with the intent of never breathing again, you were allowed a second of air, and only a second.. before your appendages were claimed by a second pair.
and fuck.. they were as soft as they looked from afar. frigid, yet strangely passionate for the nemesis your lover had described him to be. your mind dared to call it delicate.. until it wasn’t. gentle seconds became half a feverish minute as your eyes fluttered shut, allowing yourself to melt to his flame completely.
icarus flew too close to the sun, well you flew right for the caller of meteor, and clung even as your feathers became ash. uncaring of the way he seared your lips with sin, liquid silver tickling your cheeks like a sheen of mercury.
sadly, your lungs did care.
before any worries of your life quite possibly being stolen and swallowed up by the darkness personified, his lips were torn from yours.. and roughly reclaimed by none other than your boyfriend’s.
it took longer than necessary to register the exchange, with you utterly enraptured by the sight of cloud so.. bothered and lustful, as opposed to his usual composed and indifferent self.
meanwhile sephiroth reciprocated the kiss in full, chuckling at the taste of his own ichor spilled across his bottom lip as his adversary drank like a mortal parched. in return, he gave his tongue a sudden nip, musing at the quiet hiss that allowed him a metallic flavored sample of his own. fair was fair, after all.
in his opinion, anyway.
a knowing look amidst the violent lip lock was your cue to regather yourself, bringing your clammy hands to the curves of the former merc’s shoulders. no going back now.
slowly, your hips lifted just slightly, never missing the twitch against your insides as you lowered them at that same pace with a sigh.
the moan that tore through cloud’s throat was pleasant — encouraging. it beseeched you to repeat your ministrations; faster, sloppier- if only to hear and feel more of your beloved.
sephiroth was no stranger and rolled his own front against the man his life became so intimately intertwined with, devouring every sound that entered his greedy mouth. “such a good boy..” he whispered after detaching from his crimson stained lips, nuzzling into the other’s neck. “taking us so well..”
“f-fuck, haaaahhh~ can’t-!” cloud gasped out, arching pathetically against the toned body behind him. “can’t..!!”
a curious brow lifted. “can’t what, cloud?” the silver haired male hummed out, flitting his eyes to yours. “ask him to reiterate, won’t you, y/n?”
vision blurred, you peered over at your partner through blurry eyes, barely able to hold even yourself together. the words came out somehow anyway, albeit spluttered. “s-say it clearer, cloud — fuck!” you cursed, throwing your head back. “please..!!”
and that was the final straw. as though in slow motion, the ex-SOLDIER gave a finishing thrust before a rush of warmth enveloped his cock, trickling between the mixture of limbs like liquid ivory. 
it didn’t stop there, however, as a chorus of pants joined the no longer withdrawn whines of your lover. meanwhile his enemy nailed his prostate with acute precision several more times before meeting his own climax.
sephiroth gave the smile of a feline satisfied with its work. cloud completely undone alongside his lover and the most satisfying of cries to fill his ears? it wasn’t the same as bringing the planet to its knees and under his rule, but the outcome was just as euphoric.
if not more, certainly at the sight of the his seed trickling out of the bruised hole of his dearest adversary. part of him was almost tempted to fuck right it back into him, but the night was young. time was bountiful.
especially for punishment. “mm.. that reply was no good..” the former first commented softly, tilting his head after a contemplative hum before allowing a smile to cross his lips. “but, not to worry.” he chuckled when the blond looked up at him like a deer in headlights, caressing his cheek ever so gently. “y/n and i shall keep going until you get it right, won’t we, y/n?”
willing your eyes to open, you glanced between the pair before falling back against the pillow, staring unblinkingly. “i’m calling in sick tomorrow..”
notes. my bad y’all this.. required a lot of brainpower as expected</3 but i hope it’s somewhat ok! i’ve been hella swamped w moving and orientation, so i’m a bit late on releasing this for the 500 followers gift.. but yeah! tysm again for your support<3
tag list. @demial4 , @rottingiron , @shibarinu0000 && ofc 🎐 anon if you see this<3
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dark-konohagakure2 · 2 months
Sephiroth obsessed with clouds little sister gets jealous and noncons her, maybe she's a virgin still too
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tw: noncon, age difference, size difference, revenge sex, dacryphilia, kidnapping, virginity loss, obsession, degradation
All characters depicted are 18+
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Sephiroth despises Cloud, but that doesn't stop him from having a twisted obsession with the young man, ever since he burned down Nibelheim and seemingly killed the boy's family, but when Sephiroth finds out that Cloud has a younger sister who survived the Nibelheim incident, Sephiroth knows that he's just found his newest obsession.
Sephiroth is the ultimate SOLIDER and a force of nature in his own right, so he can easily find the weak civilian girl who is living all on her own, without any big strong elder brother to protect her from whatever monsters might be out there looking for her.
His sudden appearance at her door is quite the shock to the girl, there isn't a single person in the entire world who doesn't know who Sephiroth is, so the fact he's now at her door greatly confuses and scares her, but before she can even ask why he's there, Sephiroth is already roughly grabbing the poor girl.
Sephiroth is an incredibly strong and tall man, towering over almost every human he encounters, so it's as easy as crushing an ant underboot for him to hold her down and tear off her clothes, and he'll let his intentions and reasons for what he's doing be known to her very quickly.
"Dying in that fire would have been a merciful fate for you, little insect. Now look at you, completely at my mercy, how sad..."
Sephiroth doesn't have a lot of experience with more human things such as sex and closeness despite his slew of admirers, he knows what sex is, but to him it's just a way to degrade and assert dominance over people, and that is exactly what Sephiroth is going to do to her.
The SOLIDER isn't the slightest bit gentle when he fucks her, why would he be? She's a bug while he's practically a god among men, humans like her only exist for his ends, and right now his end is getting off and hurting Cloud via his sister, a goal he won't lose sight of even when he's balls deep in the struggling girl and feeling his skin against her own.
Sephiroth isn't completely immune to arousal however, he is a man after all, and he can't deny the way his cock throbs and leaks inside of her at the sensation of her virginity giving way to his fat cock, or the way his hips speed up slightly when he catches sight of tears streaming down her pretty little face, he makes sure to commit all those lovely sights to memory.
He wants to degrade the young woman as much as possible simply for the crime of existing as his enemy's beloved sister, so he's going to keep her as his cumdump for quite some time, forcing her to fulfil the purpose that he believes all humans serve; being useful to him and his ends.
"You're pathetic, just like that dear brother of yours. But fortunately for the both of us, you're never going to see that useless boy ever again, you belong to me now."
Sephiroth finds himself rather entertained by his newest toy, especially due to her resemblance to his arch nemesis, but his amusement with her doesn't save her from his wrath, because Sephiroth will discard of her the moment she isn't fun to play with anymore.
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