#nerd humor
pointman74250 · 3 days
“Fuck, it’s hot!”
— Paul “Muad'dib” Atreides
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zee-rambles · 1 year
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Also, sign the petition!! And THIS ONE!
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dinosaurguy · 7 months
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Australia be like:
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other-fan-fiction · 1 year
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I really have no idea why I haven't seen this meme on the internet yet, so ...
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nerds-in-wonderland · 3 months
🎨🖌Classic Art Memes 🖌🎨
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refalthefairest · 1 year
Not a single bond nor a double bond but a secret third thing (one and a half)
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flavoracle · 5 months
Me, sitting on the bed as various items slide towards my sunken spot: “Man, I have a really attractive butt.”
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rawr-gorg-smash · 4 months
Chemist Stereotypes: Part 1
Bench Monkey: never wants to leave the lab. Brain never fully developed, but hands start turning solid gold. Life slowly turns into romcom titled, “Gollums and Their Chromatography Columns.”
Savior of the World: believes their big idea solves The Problem™. Usually in academia, but sometimes in business world. Research behaviors of Thomas Edison with personality of either Ted Bundy or a sand dune.
Savior’s Disciple: effectively designs entire research program and executes it without saying a word in public. Platinum hands meet diamond mind. Driven by pathological insecurity, crippling social anxiety, enthusiasm for paying karmic debt, or congenital case of Company Man Syndrome.
The Expanded Consciousness: obsessed with fringe psychedelics. Most likely to ignore lab safety, ingest manually purified alkaloids, and record resulting trips in lab notebook. Great to have a beer with, but never bring up fungi unless you want to hear all about them for the next 6 years.
Walter White III: starts as dead-end dissertation project, ends as small-batch artisanal meth brand. Most likely to wear orange for 7 to 12.
Escaped Convict: likes talking to people about more than HPLC gradients. Tunnels out of Fume Hood Penitentiary with a spoon and desperation, then goes on the lam disguised in an allied discipline. Makes twice the money for half the effort, but twenty years later, a faint whiff of paint thinner in their garage still cues a nostalgic mental montage of cleaning glassware while contemplating reaction mechanisms.
Kid with Expensive Toys: one of twenty world experts in NOESY-COZY-INEPTITUDE pulse sequences. Looks for jobs based on NMR magnet frequencies instead of paycheck sizes. Who needs to drive a 120k BMW when you can play with a $10M magnet? Bonus: most likely to wear cargo shorts and a Pink Floyd T-shirt to a black-tie award ceremony, and could happily set a record for hiking the Appalachian trail while bringing nothing but the clothes on their back and a dull Swiss Army knife.
Pyromaniac: ‘nuff said.
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smcadam · 1 year
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Finally finished my Pokemon Scarlet fanart comic.
I had my own headcanon as to why Koraidon can never be used in battle- because he’s perpetually between 1 and 31 HP from all the insane driving my character does. Cliffs are meant to be jumped off, for ADVENTURE!
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sjbattleangel · 10 months
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sylvanium · 8 months
Láska za časů státnic
on: "Učíš se ve stresu, tam budeš taky ve stresu, tak se ti to všechno krásně vybaví!"
já, na hraně zhroucení: "Proč zlehčuješ moje utrpení?"
on: "Nic nezlehčuju. Takhle to funguje, to jsou fakta."
já: "Takhle to rozhodně nefunguje, to je blábol."
on, zcela vážně: "Ne, to je ověřená Cimrmanovská úleková fixace."
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withloveyoursforever · 7 months
hi oldsport, wanna sit on the porch and stare at the green light with me until the green light turns into an unending void and we make out aggressively?
(gatsby rizz)
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haley-lana · 6 months
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nerds-in-wonderland · 1 month
TTRPG Sunday~~~ 🧚🏻‍♀🧝🏻‍♂🧙🏻‍♂
Dimension 20 Edition
~Alice 🌌
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ashleyfableblack · 7 months
A bit of graphite love for Big Mama Bughorse. Because If any creature knows how to get your nerd-girls motor running, it's gonna be Queen Chrysalis Sparkle.
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From the pages of "How To Entice Your Nerd Girl" by Queen Chrysalis Sparkle-
"...and never, I repeat myself, Never underestimate the value of both simple black thigh stockings and whether or not you are wearing underwear. Even among species with no concept of a nudity taboo or even a concept of gender, binary or otherwise. Take it from a creature who has literally been every species on the planet. Silly as it may seem this one technique will make or break your game at getting a hoof in the door.
Also- as absolutely ludicrous as this may sound, no matter what you do, learn which one they prefer before you say it- 'Trek-kie' or 'Trek-ker'. Open the conversation in a vague but energetic manner about your interest in the series. Mention 'The Lore'. Hint around it. Get them to talking, what cons they've been to, what fandom meet-ups they enjoy. Their opinion on what is or isn't canon. However you have to do it. Be as discreetly manipulative of the conversation as possible but make certain you hear them say whichever one they use before you do. It will usually be some version of "Well, I don't consider myself to be a Trekkie\Trekker per se but..." This one simple trick may save your life, much less your chances at romance."
The Eternal Courtship. Love never dies. It only changes form. 👭💚💜💚👭
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devleader · 2 months
Today's Programming Humor...
Roses are red, violets are blue ... .. . You're missing a semi colon on line 32
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