#nerve: i didnt know u knew that word. bitch
dejasenti99 · 5 months
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pre-order prey's newest album 'please?' today !!
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jokeson-u · 3 days
No offense and I don't mean any disrespect to you, but I'm sorry. Your sister is a straight vile and disgusting piece of shit and fucking cunt to be defending Ryan Murphy's portrayal of the Menéndez brothers, and suggest that the real life brothers are lying about being abused. She's part of the problem and the reason why abuse victims don't speak up. And then as you said, she has the nerve to claim she's woke and all that? If she's the type that accuses victims of lying, then I don't put it past her to also be the type to say that victims "ask for it" and deserve it, because they don't fit "the perfect victim" standard. Seriously, FUCK HER! In fact, you can show her this message for me and tell her I said so, so she knows just what a shit person she really is. I don't even know her, but this is enough to make say I hate her. Anyone that accuses abuse victims of lying or agrees with them being painted in a bad light in media gets no compassion or grace from me.
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NO DISRESPECT TAKEN AT ALL LMFAOOOOOO heres the thing. its not that she doesnt believe them NOW. its that shes so incredibly ignorant that, before watching the show, she somehow thought it wasnt public knowledge that they were victims. she thinks her bank of knowledge is the same as everyones. so shes acting as though ryan murphy 'showing they were abused' is some revolutionary act of justice. simply because she somehow never knew more about the case than 'crazy rich kids kill parents.' shes basically praising ryan for 'shining light' on their case..?? despite the actual facts already being out there?
so theres that ignorance. but then theres the part that really bugs me: her selective activism. bc my sister really does care about 'woke' things, but she'll look the other way if its someone she likes. or go out of her way to defend them. she likes ryan murphy, therefore any project he does shes gonna defend with 'well ryan murphy does things for controversy/shock!' I DONT GIVE A FUCK. he can easily do that by creating his OWN stories and not making a mockery of a real life tragedy. but she doesnt care! bc its ryan murphy and 'thats what he does.' SO WHY DOES HE DO IT??? like thats my issue. she gives half assed reasons like that without realizing that 'reason' is an issue too.
but her defense didnt end there! bc for some reason she realllly wanted to justify it so she spun this whole thing about what she 'thinks' ryan murphy is doing, which is this: "the first 4 episodes were super sensationalized and fictitious to represent how the press was depicting the boys and the case. and then on episode 5, things get serious and thats ryan bringing out 'out of the press' and 'into reality.'" .....what??? HUH? if that was what he was doing it would BE CLEAR. NOT SOME THEORY YOU WHIPPED UP AND ARE CLAIMING TO BE TRUE AS A DEFENSE OF HIS SHIT WRITING.
but basically. she does believe the boys were abused, but she believes what was in the ryan murphy show. AND she thinks this is all NEW knowledge that ryan is groundbreakingly showcasing. bc shes incredibly fucking ignorant. what she implied possibly NOT believing was eriks statement, as if he did it for publicity or smthn because 'he met with the actor the next day.' like how tf do those 2 things correlate?
anyways. my sister isnt one of those 'u were asking for it' people and she is knowledgeable about the concept of a perfect victim and why thats problematic. BUT, as i said, its selective in all aspects based on her knowledge. in this case, she had none, assumed no one did, and is taking ryans word for it (and spinning the non factual parts of the show it to make it look better in ryans defense.)
also there was a point where i said ryan shouldve named it 'monsters' and then the parents names instead, and she was like 'well that wasnt the name of the case' BITCH HES NOT MAKING A SHOW ABOUT THE CASE HES MAKING FANFICTION OF IT
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zuffer-weird-girl · 5 years
How u think kai will react if he raised his hand during argument&his s/o flinched thinking thst he will hit her? He didn't know but s/o was abused by her*hero*parents for being quircklss&went through inhuman experiments to activate it.They abandoned her in orphan announcing their*precious daughter*died while the truth thy didnt want her 2 bring shame 2 them.Kai discovered that latter bc those info are top hero secrets&she didnt tell him thinking kai will hate her if he found shes hero's daughter
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My god; he would be enraged, completely surrounded by hatred and desire of execution of these two worms considered to be your biological parents.
Discussions between you two were normal; you are a couple, it happens; but even knowing that Kai would never lay a finger to hurt you, you couldn't help but squirm in terror and guard youself with your arms at the moment he raised his hands to only emphasize his point in the argument.
He immediately stopped talking as soon as he saw your scared look; sadly, he knew that expression way too well; and ended the argument right then and there.
Hearing your back story was enough for making his blood boil in a way it never had before but he maintained his composure for your sake.
Now, really, you only increased like, 100x more his hatred for heroes... Congrats.
"They're all sick. This hero syndrome has to be cured, look at what happens when we let those verms in the street... Absolutely disgusting."
Chisaki would become a little more affectionate after this just for ease your nerves. But when he is certain that you're at peace again...
That's when the real show begins...
The hero entered his home completely exausted due to his busy day at the agency as he took off his boots and called for his wife. When he heard no response he went in allert; knowing that she had taken a day off, she must had stayed in home.
He called once again checking every room in his big mansion. When he entered the living room he went rigid when he saw, not his wife, but a man in a green jacket holding one of his extremely expensive cups looking at the window.
Frightening and cold golden eyes; that seemed to pierce his soul; found them qs he finally spoke
"You're late." He spited the words before the hero felt something strongly hit the back of his neck, causing him to pass out immediately.
The man awakened feeling extremely sore as he heard his wife pleading for him to wake up. When he finally got back to reality, he noticed that both of them were chained tightly with their backs against each other.
"W-we were kidnapped dear...!" She whispered in fear "Use your quirk to get us out before the raptors come back, hurry!" She pleaded.
"Alright don't worry, we will be out of here in no time."
Suddenly, a bullet came out of no wear and hitted him straight on his chest, causing the woman to scream if her husband was okay.
"I wouldn't move around too much if I were in your shoes..." spoke a man covered in a plague mask and white hoodie aproaching the trembling couple, never once lowering down his gun.
The man winced in pain before trying to use his quirk to attack the shooter.
Sickes bitch
"W-what?" The man spoke in shook "W-what happened with my quirk?! What ylu did to me your fucker?!"
"Language." Spoke coldly the man before merciless shooting the woman's leg.
The female hero cried in pain letting out a few curses at the stranger.
"For two heroes, both of you are completely useless and disposable, aren't you?" A hushed voice spoke in the shadows of the cold building.
"What do you want from us, damn villain?" Struggled the man in the chains.
The young yakusa boss lifted himself from his place on the dark and slowly walked toward the frightened couple; looking at them with murderous, wide, psychotic eyes; following right after them two mans with also plague masks covering their faces.
Actually now that they notice, there was eight in total... all of them around.
"W-wait a second-!" Said the woman in realization "You're that young leader of Shie Hassaikai! That young yakusa group, his name is Overhaul!" Chisaki didn't seem to even listened the woman, opting to look down in nothing but disgust at the quivering man in front of him.
"Despicable, you and your wife are just disgusting... Not only carry in your veins the hero syndrome but also did something that I can't just let slide..."
"We didn't even once got into the yakusa young man, I swear on all of my career-!"
"Your words are simply equal to trash to me so don't even need to spend your breath." Interrupted the villain, extending his open hand at his side.
A black thing that was on the shoulder of a much taller man gave it to him what seemed like an really old newspaper. When the young leader grabbed, he immediately oppen it on one od the pages, reading out loud.
"'Today, unfortunately, we announce the loss of our beloved, quirkless yet respected only child (Y/N) ... While we were just enjoying the few but precious family moments together, a despicable villain attacked us and took her life during the combat. We, with pure grudge and thirsting for justice, have put the evil factor in behind the bars, but still it does not fill the void that our beloved deceased daughter left us ... rest and peace my sweet (Y/N), we will always have you in our hearts.'" Chisaki read all of what was written in pure rage.
"You two are quite the actors, to have to say that on a jornal." The man wearing a white hoodie spoke coldly.
"Actors?" Laughed nervously the woman "Our daughter died during a villain's fight long ago... She was quirkless, couldn't even protect herse-"
"I don't even need to use my quirk to identify your lies woman." Spoke the man on Overhaul's side "Those are beautiful words but clearly false."
"You really think we are that dUMB YOU PUNks?!" Screamed Mimic in offense.
"What will be your orders boss?" A blond with green shirt spoke in pure sadistic exciment.
Overhaul raised his hand, demanding silence with his gesture, as he messed in his jacket pocket before pulling out a small picture.
He abruptly shoved both of the old newspaper; which had the photo of the supposed deceased child; and a picture that he had took it of you.
"Don't you verms think that these two are a A BIT too similiar?!" He couldn't contain his wrath and shouted at both at them making both heroes flinch in fear.
"Abandoned by you both in a shelter just because they couldn't reach your expectations of being what you two are..." Spoke coldly Chrono aiming his gun close to the womans forehead.
Overhaul gave the paper back to Mimic and right after, saving the photo back in his pocket.
"Usually I don't like dirting my hands, but you two are a real special case..." he started to lower his gloves down.
"Wait a second, please!" Pleaded the man almost tearing up "H-How about a deal? Me and my wife can give you all of our money we earned as heroes! Think about about it!" The woman gave her husband a glare due to his offer.
Greddy woman... despicable. They didn't remind him any of you... thankfully.
"How much you're willing to gave us?" Spoke in interest Mimic.
"Anything really! Just let us go and don't mention about... her to anyone." Chisaki wanted to rip this man's head out of his body at the way your "father" mentioned you.
"Give them all of your credits cards and you passwords. Now." Demanded the quivering man at his wife who hesitantly showed where it was in her purse.
Chrono took all of them, right after giving Kai a silently sign that it was real and he got them right.
"Everyone, except Chrono and Mimic, get out of here and wait outside." Commanded Overhaul which everyman respind with an "yes sir."
Right after Nemoto closed the door, Mimic unchained the couple, but just as them got up to their feet, Kurono headlocked the woman as Chisaki punched the man with all his force, making him hit the floor.
"HON-" Chrono pressed the gun in the women's temple.
"Shut your mouth if you don't want your brain to explode it with this damn bullet."
Overhaul marched his way and grabbed the man's collar shirt staring at him what only could be described as a death glare.
"B-but our deal-!"
"Yo punk, we accepted the money but we didn't say anything about letting you go." Said Mimic checking all of the credit cards while holding a phone.
"You didn't really think I would let go that easy did you?" Groaned Chisaki "After everthing you and your project of a wife did to my angel..."
"Y-your what-" the man couldn't even complete his question when Chisaki merciless touched his forehead and overhauled him on the spot.
The woman screamed in terror. Trying to get out of her captor's hold.
"Don't worry I didn't forget about you... disgusting." Overhaul muttered as he rubbed his hand.
"MONSTER! WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!" the woman shouted not even caring about the gun glued to the side of her head anymore.
"You really are just as dumb as your husband here. I will bring him back, his punishment isn't over..." he looked at her with threatening eyes "Monster huh? Look at both of you, damn hypocrites... Listen closely." He approached the woman who trembles in fear and hate at the villain.
"For every moment of pain; physically and emotionally; for every single tear that escaped from my angel's eyes due to your actions... I will kill; torture even; you both and bring you back over and over again until I am deeply satisfied..." the woman started to sobbing in fear as she pleaded for forgiveness and beged for let them go.
"Isn't it glorius? Feeling completely vulnerable, useless and totally submissive at the power at someone else's hands? I am not the person who you should be begging for forgiveness, but I guess you let that chance slip years ago, didn't you? What a great mother..." he spoke in pure sadistic sarcasm.
In a quick move Chisaki comanded that Chrono let go of the woman, making her hit the cold ground. And just before her eyes could've had catch it, he touched her face with all of his hand and overhauled her.
"Despicable creatures..." mumbled Chisaki as he saw the mess on the ground. He made his way to your once father when Chrono called his attention holding his cellphone for Kai to see.
"It's (Y/N), she's asking how are you doing and if we will take too long to come back. What should I respond?"
"Hey Overhaul? Isn't tommorow or after the day when you meet her or something?"Asked Mimic pointed one of the many credit cards at his boss. Subconsciously giving the young villain an idea.
"Tell her is going to take a little more than we expected, my job here isn't totally complete... But tell that I have a surprise for her so just be patient." Chrono nodded as Mimic snickered.
"Getting lucky with your partner Overhaul?"
"Shut your mouth Mimic."
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rebelliouslala · 4 years
Kim Namjoon
exams are coming up
and u
you’re a sophomore in college but that doesn’t help
u have one of the hardest teachers EVER
professor scott
that bitch
they want you specifically to write an essay
about s p a i n
theyve been trying to help you out for this internship but they also
get on ur fucking nerves
like 45367829 times than anyone else you ever fucking MEt
so now ur tired and honestly u just needed help finding the history of fucking spain
why spain like who the hell needs to know that columbus was high before he went to a place and ruined everything there
everyone knows that
so while u look like you could cause fucking arson
you go to one of the librarian TAs and tap their shoulder
“hey, where are the history books?”
the man turns around and you almost choke on your own fucking drool
His muscular figure was in a smart look of a loose shirt of of a teddy bear shirt and some jeans
His pretty dark eyes are slightly curtained by matching, shaggy brown hair, which he pushes back with his ease to reveal his amazingly smooth caramel skin and black frames
“oh, well, which era and what county? What’s your genre-?”
his voice was deep as
“you’re really hot”
did you just say??????????????????????????/
sure the only people youve seen is your roommate
who u usually saw asleep at 4am like a good child aHeM
and ur professor but
the man laughs and he nods, “Call me Namjoon, and I uh, get that a lot. if you wanted m number you couldve asked”
“im so sorry! no no, i shouldnt, just, can i get the history of spain?”
so he shows you, gently raising an eyebrow, “Ah, so you downgraded to the, meh history of Spain. Are you sure you wouldn’t like the history of Pompeii? That is pretty hot,”
you start laughig, and he cuckles
in his VerY deep as voice
okay so maybe u fell a little more for his dimpled ass
but like how can u not
so u do get his number
as a friend
this was after you gave it back, and he just was being nice
u didnt rly mind, hes funny, and being a friend is always good
#platonic relationships r bueno
he would help you out with studying, being in the same year as you
wow what a coinkie-dink idk how to spell
it’s just been regular hangouts, you and he would study in the library, even if he was supposed to assist
you listened to his music
to his poems
you shared yourself with him too, what you’re majoring in, what u passionate about
he’s been, nothing but supportive
he lets you meet his frat, the Boy Scouts
u always make fun of their name but they’re all rly fucking chill
ur only rly close to Joon tho
he was the leader, so often he was alone, meaning you both would just hang in his room
either doing like a light glass wine or like a couples glasses of soju and being crackheads
often doing karaoke at 3am and summoning ghosts of boy scouts past
OR you go to a poem cafe that he would often perform at you
he slams down some slams
but like he’s rapping this shit
you were maybe like the other only person who heard every word, so when he finishes, with a teeny, dimple shy smile
like uwu
kay sure y’all friends but ur heart did an oops and ack
you’re hopelessly in love
you stand up, snapping your fingers rapidly like an encore and he would blush
every day with him, you fell for him, and just loved being near him
you couldn’t imagine yourself without that
until one day it stops
you sit at your usual spot in the library
humming one of his songs because GOD it’s catchy
but he’s not there
you ask Jin, nope
Yoongi, who is also in his class
everyone close to him
even you, his closest friend, according to Jin
it’s like he vanished
you knew he had some poem thing before Jin graduated
one day you go to the frat, with Hobi, since he tried to cheer you up
he was rly sad for you, hugging you
there he is
wearing a tight black shirt so you can really see his muscular figure
that has somehow rly fucking brown over 2 weeks
he wears a blue suit jacket and suit pants, stapled with black shoes
his dark hair is gone, replaced with a sexy undercut and dark purple hair that is swooped to the side
he looks like a model
or some sort of fucking sugar daddy mm
“uhm, joon?”
he looks at you and you almost go weak at the knees
hes so
he takes your face and he gently leans in
and you can still see the same boy
the same music nerd
the same childish boy that loves to sing when he’s drunk
the same cute dimpled guy who stole your heart
that is now holding your heart
“I got into a music school, y/n” he smiles, laughing softly
you gasp and hold his hand, laughing a little
“and it’s all thanks to you; you told me that one song- well, just thank you”
he hugs you tightly, and you feel his lips near your ear as he whispers, “I cannot thank you, or love you enough, can I?”
you feel tears come to your eyes and you shake your head
“namjoon, are you-?”
“i think you’re really hot,” he chuckles and holds you closer
“i’ve been in love with you since you listened to my music. i never showed anyone, but you . .you made me confident enough”
“you’re,” you hold his cheek, and he shamelessly leans into your touch, “you’re not joking. . .?”
“never, i love you, and i think you’re WAY hotter than pompeii”
you feel your cheeks heat up
even in your wildest dreams
this would have never happened
“i love you too, kim namjoon”
you both just softly kiss, and hold each other closely, small chuckles filling up the room
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Hello💟Can u write something about this situation:2D and S/O always had a crush on each other and, one day, one of the collaborators appeard dating Paula and then Noddle suggests for 2D and S/O start pretending they are dating 'cause she knows that 2D would be feeling bad w Paula around the studio all day while they were recording. 2D and S/O make a deal and pretend they're dating,but with the time they real start dating without notice and, in the end,they didn't finish pretending.
The moment you heard Paula was coming along side some guy the band collaborated with, you looked at 2D. His face went from happy to something you could place as pure anxiety. He shook his head to Murdoc who just said the news. They found out due to a picture of the guy with Paula on his instagram and you thought 2D wouldn’t care that much, or at least you hoped. 2D just walked back in to his room and closed the door with a loud “bang!”
You sighed as you looked at Murdoc. The green guy had a smirk on his face and you pointed a finger to him.
‘Don’t you dare to rub this in 2D his face Murdoc’ you said. Murdoc shook his head as he looked at the picture of Paula sticking her tongue down the throat of the guy. 
‘I won’t love,’ he said, as he clicked off his phone. ‘Not this time.’
You raised an eyebrow, but let him be. If he wasn’t going to keep his word, he would find your boot up his ass. You saw how Noodle sneaked in to the room of 2D and you sighed as you fell on the couch next to Russel.
‘This is going to be fun,’ you mumbled. ‘I am wondering if 2D will even be able to be in the same room as Paula.’ The word “paula” came out of your mouth as a word that could only bring disgrace and Russel chuckled.
‘What?’ you asked as you faced him. 
‘Someone is jealous’ Russel stated and you huffed.
‘I am not jealous Russel,’ you said. ‘Just don’t understand why Paula switched in our pretty boy 2D for the ugly pickle standing over there.’
You pointed at Murdoc, who got an angry look on his face.
‘Watch it idiot’ he hissed as you started laughing. 
‘Y/N,’ you turned around to see Noodle her face coming out of 2D his bedroom door. ‘Could you come in for a second.’
You stood up and walked towards the room and came inside 2D his bedroom. You were here a lot to be honest. You always had movie nights with 2D and you would occasionally not make it to your own bedroom and just sleep there. Just you two guys being friends. Great friends. You sighed inside your head, but got serious again once you saw 2D sitting on his bed. You couldn’t really place his face expression, but one thing was sure. He was not happy.
‘I have a good idea and I need you to agree with it,’ Noodle said as she closed the door. ‘It might seem a bit crazy, but I think it will be a good idea.’
You sat next to 2D, placing a hand on his leg as you gave him a shy smile. 
‘As to wonderful Paula coming here,’ Noodle started. ‘I suggest we throw her off her game. I am not in the mood of her winning the break up, so Y/N. Would you act like you an 2D are dating?’
Your eyes became big as you looked at Noodle, then to 2D and then back to Noodle. 
‘You are way more beautiful then Paula will ever be,’ Noodle continues, ignoring your face. ‘So I think it will be great. You and 2D are practically a couple to the rest of the band, so it will not be weird to us.’
You tried to protest to the last part, but Noodle shushed you.
‘Are you in or not?’ she asked. ‘Paula and the guy we will be collaborating with will be here any second.’
You sighed and looked at 2D.
‘What do you think?’ you asked.
‘I already agreed to be honest’ 2D said, with a slight blush on his face. You grinned and sighed.
‘Well okay then,’ you said as you placed a kiss on his cheek, making him blush way more. ‘Lets do this.’
Having Paula here in the studio was really weird. 2D and Murdoc were a bit on edge and Paula just flipped her hair every now and then as she watched her new boyfriend recording his part of the song. Suddenly she turns at you and you hold on to 2D his hand even more tighter. You were sitting on his lap, leaning in to his chest. You actually hadn’t even noticed you were still sitting here, as you were distracted by the guy his voice.
‘So,’ Paula began. ‘How does it feel to date someone from Gorillaz. I mean, I know what it is like. But how do you feel right now?’
You found the question weird and just looked at her for a few questions. You felt 2D and Murdoc their eyes staring at you and a smile grew on your face. 
‘It feels good to date someone who actually cares for me’ you said as you smiled at her. A frown grew on her face and you saw that you got on her nerves.
‘What do you mean by that?’ she asked and you just shrugged your shoulders. You wouldn’t answer her. She knew exactly what you were talking about. Suddenly 2D got up, making you almost fall off and he walked out of the studio. Paula laughed softly.
‘He will walk away, mind my words,’ she said as you gave her one of the most angriest looks you had ever give someone. ‘Why do you think I left him. He has no backbone. Just ditch him already and find yourself a man like that.’ She pointed at the guy singing in to the microphone. You rolled your eyes.
‘Would love to get me some of that,’ you said. ‘Maybe I will do something like you did. Dump the cute guy and sleep with the first ugly person I can find.’ You nodded at Paula her boyfriend and stood up.
Murdoc started to curse at you, but you already walked out of the studio, running after 2D.
He was sitting in the hallway, hands covering his eyes. You kneeled in front of him and pulled his hands from his face. Why did he have to be so goddamn beautiful. Even when crying, he was gorgeous. You sighed as you grabbed his face and whipped the tears away with your thumbs.
‘I am sorry 2D,’ you mumbled. ‘I don’t want you to go through with this if you end up crying.’ 
He shook his head and grabbed your hands, still attached to his face. He rubbed his thumb over your knuckles and you swear, you could feel your heart drop. He looks at you and gives you a shy smile. 
‘It is not that,’ he said. ‘I just don’t want you to be in this mess.’
You started laughing and placed a kiss on his forehead.
‘Don’t be stupid Stu,’ you said. ‘I love being with you in a relationship.’
2D laughed and turned red again.
‘Now come on,’ you said as you pulled him up. ‘Lets get some snacks and make that little bitch jealous.’ 
When you two came back with snacks, you were laughing and holding hands. It seemed so natural, you didnt even think about it. Noodle pushed Russel and pointed at you two. Russel saw it as well. Something had changed. Paula was in the recording room with her boyfriend and it seemed like they were arguing. 
‘They have been fighting for over 10 minutes,’ Murdoc sighed as he kicked over a trash can. ‘I am so done with this.’
You and 2D laughed as Murdoc stormed in to the room and practically kicked Paula out. He just wanted this track to be done and Paula was only causing him trouble. Her boyfriend didnt even complain and just like that, the song was finished within a hour. 
Later on that night, you and 2D were sitting on his bed, watching a movie. You didnt really paid attention to it anymore, as you had almost fallen asleep on his shoulder. Suddenly you felt someone his lips pressed up again yours and out of pure surprise, you jumped back. This caused to let your head bump in to the head of 2D and you almost falling of the bed. 2D just caught you in time and pulled you back. Your faces were just centimeters away and you both were laughing as you rubbed over you head. But once the pain was gone, you felt how his hands were on your lower back and you sighed out. 
‘Stu what are you doing?’ you asked silently as you placed your hands on his chest. 
‘Well I guess,’ he mumbled. ‘Since we are dating, I thought it was okay to kiss you.’
You grinned and shook your head. You let him go and got up from the bed.
‘Stu I am not up for some stupid mind games,’ you said as you walked to the door. ‘We were dating because of Paula being there. You don’t actually like me remember.’
‘I do.’
Those two words made you stop dead in your tracks and you felt your fingers stiffening around the doorknob. You didnt dare to turn around, as you heard him coming off the bed and standing behind you.
‘But I would understand if you don’t want to really date of course’ he mumbled. You turned around and your hand went from the door knob, to his neck. You pulled him in and your lips crashed together. 2D got overwhelmed and pushed you against the door as he went in for the kiss. Once you two let each other go to catch your breath, you looked at him.
‘So…’ you said as you grinned up at the blue haired boy. ‘For how long have you actually wanted to date me?’
2D laughed and placed a hand on your lower back.
‘For some months now,’ he said. ‘But it was worth the wait.’
You started blushing and he laughed as he pulled you back to the bed. You were wondering if he wanted to have seks right away, but he just pulled you in against his chest again and placed a kiss on your forehead. 
‘Sorry for waking you up Y/N,’ he said. ‘Just go back to sleep now.’
You closed your eyes and snuggled up in to a beter position. 
‘I don’t mind you waking me up for make out sessions’ you mumbled, as you drifted off again.
And you were damn sure, that if you would open your eyes again. 2D would be blushing like the damn fool he was.
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heyekiel · 7 years
Many Questions Tag
rules: answer these 85 statements
tagged by @th7thsense thank u i love u !!
1. drink: tea 2. phone call: mom 3. text message: it was sephora jfbjfbn 4. song you listened to: ludovico einaudi - questa notte (this dude awesome check him out if you like classical) 5. time you cried: yesterday night? 6. dated someone twice: when i was figuring things out 7. kissed someone and regretted it: yeah i kinda regret everything but also dont cause i know better where i am now 8. been cheated on: nope 9. lost someone special: yes 10. been depressed: yes 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: not sure if it was related but yeah
12. black 13. white 14. deep deep red
15. made new friends: yes, i made a few here on tumblr !! bless yall ily 16. fallen out of love: nah love as yall hear it is a forreign concept to me 17. laughed until you cried: yup (thanks sis) 18. found out someone was talking about you: yes? i dont know? 19. met someone who changed you: nope 20. found out who your friends are: dont have friends 21. kissed someone on your facebook list: no
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life:  lol you rly think im gonna go count 23. do you have any pets: yep, i got 9 cats at the moments and farm animals (too much to count soz) 24. do you want to change your name: yes, it’s planned,, dont really know the legal proccess yet but,, its planned 25. what did you do for your last birthday: ate cake with m mom and sis and the twins i think? then went back to studying lmao 26. what time did you wake up: 6:30 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: crying lmao 28. name something you can’t wait for: death 29. when was the last time you saw your mom: when she dropped me off at the train station last night 31. what are you listening to right now: nothing im watching elijah and christine 32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: my cousin named thomas does that count? 33. something that is getting on your nerves: lol myself 34. most visited website: tumblr, yt and the uni webmail 35. hair colour: dyed black, natural brown 36. long or short hair: i have rly short hair like mark short? they used to be waist long lmao i cut everything at the same time 37. do you have a crush on someone: im ace/mostly aro 38. what do you like about yourself: my right hand nails hsbvsvjhfj (no but my eyes are rly pretty) 40. blood type: b- 41. nickname: my sis calls me ya (from mydead name) but @zhonqchenle calls me ez and thats it i have no friends lmao 42. relationship status: still ace/aro 43. zodiac: scorpio 44. pronouns: sigh genders,, but they/them (i dont mind he/his cause theres no neutral pronouns in french but,, the first im more comfortable with i guess) 45. favourite tv show: teen wolf is my shit ngl, sense 8 (still gotta see season 2), and bad guys (thats a drama guys check it out its a police dark serail killer one stuff shit i love it its so good) 46. tattoos: thats planned,, but im broke rn we’ll see later lmao 47. right or left handed: right handed 48. surgery: kidney stone removal (fucking drink guys that is NOT fun) and other stuff are planned for later 50. sport: i did artistic gymnastic for like 9 years, i danced for a while (i did modern, hip-hop, classical), i did natation i did a bit of aikido (im not sure thats how you write it thats a martial art),, but i dropped everything in the end (i do a bit of boxing tho) 51. vacation:  rn? lmao im in uni and we broke 52. pair of trainers:  addidas i think,, theyre from last year
53. eating: nothing 54. drinking: also nothing 55. I’m about to: study lmao thats all i fucking do 56. waiting for: the sweet release of death 57. want: learn to compose (have the time time for it who am i kidding) 58. get married: nope (id marry a friend tho lmao) 59. career: dream job? producer. actual job? i don’t now, either psychiatrist, comportementalist, legist, sound engeneer (i cant speel this fucking word i give up) ?
60. hugs or kisses: both (kisses dont mean romantic love to me id kiss a friend on the lips i dont,, care) 61. lips or eyes: both bitch 62. shorter or taller: it doesn’t matter to me idc 63. older or younger: also dont care 64. nice arms or nice stomach: what does nice mean lmao,, i dont really care 65. hook up or relationship: sigh 66. troublemaker or hesitant: both leaning over the first
I realized this was dating question kdfbjkdb LMAO so,, this is bout anyone im comfortable with jbkjbsjvsd /rly close friends and shit/
67. kissed a stranger: dont think so 68. drank hard liquor: lmao yeah 69. lost glasses/contact lenses: yeah but i found them 70. turned someone down: yeah 71. sex on the first date: i knew the dude but yeah 72. broken someone’s heart: yeah i guess 73. had your heart broken: yeah 74. been arrested: i dont get out my bed kjsbvss 75. cried when someone died: yes 76. fallen for a friend: thought i did,, ended up ruining myself
77. yourself: no lmao,, my ability to get through shit by really impulsive decisions?? yes 78. miracles: depends what you mean by that,, i guess it case by case 79. love at first sight: yall gotta stop putting your whole life and heart and trust in someone you know thats how you get murdered fucking stop 80. santa claus: stop what if kids see this 81. kiss on the first date: dont care none of my buisness,, it becomes if one of my  friends gets hurts or i witness someone get hurt 82. angels: why not gotta believe in something (im the angel i am ;))
84. eye colour: lOL theyre really weird but really pretty ive never seen it anywhere else ?? theyre bleue on the outside and turn grenn/grey-ish, then brown/gold ish in the middl its fucking wild istg. i didnt know what to put for the passport lmao (also pics dot take all of the colors?? thats a lil weird too idk rly) 85. favourite movie: imitation game,, enders game,, i forgot one i dont remember?? im tired
tagging: @jenolees @zhonqchenle @safetypillow
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iamthechocobabe · 7 years
A True Nightmare
I figured after the Episode Ignis trailer, we all needed some Ardyn getting his ass kicked a bit (though keep in mind there’s only so much poor Mallory can do). Don’t be put off by the creepy vibes at first of the chapter, Mallory’s gonna show this asshole who’s boss by the end (and NO, not in that way guys-NOT AN ARDYN LOVE STORY, ‘member?) 
Sorry that it’s a little long, but it’s been going way too slow for me and I wanted to get the story going already. Oh well, what’s done is done, I guess. 
Tagging the Senpais: @roses-and-oceans @bespectacled-girl @nifwrites @cupnoodle-queen @themissimmortal @gladiolus-mamacitia 
A True Nightmare
~Chapter 4~ SFW Word Count: 3,885
Mallory was trying her hardest not to appear cynical as Noctis looked at the car with a forlorn look; obviously, this car meant a lot to the crowned prince and his friends seemed to understand that, but Mallory was having a hard time fighting the urge to go up to him and yell 'it's just a CAR'. 
Boys and their cars, I guess-Mallory thought. 
A far off explosion lighting up the night sky got Mallory's attention and the realization hit that they had absolutely no idea where they were. Mallory had to drive a different route to get into Gralea and she only knew the one route, but how were they supposed to find their way through Gralea without a map? Mallory cursed herself for not going with instinct and packing a map with her, telling herself that she knew the way and that it was just a waste of space. It was a fucking piece of paper, Mallory, you had room. 
"Where to now?" Mourning was over, apparently and the three joined Mallory as she stared at a street sign, trying to get her bearings. As if sensing her confusion, Ignis spoke with a slight tilt of the head to better focus his hearing. "You do know where we're going, correct?" 
"That is an excellent question," Mallory mumbled, wanting to kick herself as she tried to piece together the last time she had been to Gralea and to Zegnautus. A piece of FUCKING PAPER, Mallory, what the hell is wrong with you?
"You didn't bring a map? What kind of an 'assassin' are you?" 
"Shut up for a sec, yeah?" Mallory didn't glance at Gladio as she fished out her disposable flip phone from her backpack, shooting a quick text. Got lost, am at Crysallis Ave., how do I get to Z. from here? Closing the phone, Mallory waited, hoping and praying that the response would be quick, partially because Mallory knew if it was that she got out all right. 
"You're texting? Who are you texting?" Noctis sighed exasperatedly and tugged on a few ends of his hair. "That's it, we're dead," 
"She's a friend, and if you want to go die in a corner somewhere, by all means, please do," Mallory was beginning to lose her patience with these guys (minus Ignis, who didn't really seem too judgmental of Mallory, just observant), but ignored it when her phone buzzed and a little mail icon showed up on the front screen where the clock usually was. 
Wait where r u plz dont tell me ur in Nflhm. 
Relief flooded through; the knowledge of one of Mallory's closest friends being safe was like a thousand pound weight being dropped off. But when Mallory read the words, a bad feeling began to grow in her stomach as she responded. Didnt u get my txts
No wait There was a short pause before the texts started flooding Mallory's phone, so fast that Mallory didn't have time to read a text before another one popped up on her screen. 
mal get out serisly shits bad u need 2 go chncllrs gone crzy mts & daemons evrywhr ppl r missing
Well, this was bad-people missing and MT's roaming the streets? Mallory sensed this was a bit more than a coincidence, blowing a piece of hair from her eyes and typed as fast as she could with the old fashioned phone. cant exactly get out now am stuck need 2 get 2 Z. help me out here
A few seconds went by, Mallory tapping her foot impatiently the whole time, when the phone buzzed again. 
u die on me Mal I swear 2 Gods go on crysallis til u get 2 casey dr. go right til u get 2 train tracks follow train tracks military entrnce thre
Mallory sighed, stress and oncoming panic dropping from her shoulders as she looked at the three with new found confidence about where to go. "Head down the road," She explained the directions before they all started following, Ignis occasionally faltering as they maneuvered the road designated for shipping containers. When they reached the railroad tracks, practically destoryed with train cars and shipping containers that laid askew around the tracks, Mallory shot a quick text. Thx Ky owe u
u wont owe me if ur dead b carful
Snickering, Mallory put the phone in her backpack just as they reached a stray train car carefully and barely propped on some debris with a small gap underneath that would give the four enough crawling space. Despite how the thing looked like it was the tiniest nudge away from collapsing, Noctis was already half way under there and Mallory quickly reached forward and pulled him back. She didn't necessarily mean to make the crown prince fall on his butt, but he glared all the same. 
"What?" Noctis stood up, dusting the dirt from his pants like a little kid with a grumpy face to match. 
"MT's are probably guarding the fortress," She didn't mean to sound snippy, but this was basic shit 101 and Mallory was starting to feel more and more like a babysitter every minute. Tired and irritated, Mallory went over to a broken side ladder on the train car before gesturing to Gladio. "Give me a boost and I'll see what we're dealing with here," 
"Isn't that dangerous?" Gladio asked the question, but maybe he figured there was no point in arguing with her because he just bent down and linked his fingers together so Mallory could boost herself up to the ladder and start climbing. 
"When are you assholes going to figure out that I can take care of myself?" Grumbling was always a thing Mallory hated to do, she hated sounding whiny and grumpy. People already thought she was a grouch because of the way she looked and her naturally stern eyes, she didn't need constant bitching to help her in that department. Working with these three, she was starting to remember why she preferred working assignments and stuff by herself, only occasionally teaming up with Aranea. 
Still, Mallory had bigger things to worry about, especially when she reached the top of the traincar. 
"How many are there?" Noctis called up, but Mallory couldn't find an answer. Confusion clouded her brain as she processed what was easily the most popular entrance into the fortress, aside from the main entrance. "Mallory?" 
Shaking her head, Mallory forced herself to respond, though it came out as choked as she was trying to piece everything together. "Nothing. There's no one here," 
No one. One of the most used entrances into Zegnautus, and not a soul was in sight, no one to guard the most heavily guarded megafortress in the world. The whole thing reeked of wrong, something definitely off, but what could it be? What reason could the fortress have to possibly leave itself defenseless? 
"What's going on?" 
She was so focused that she barely noticed Noctis popping up from under the train car-just as she shouted for him to get back, Noctis had accidentally knocked into a bar, which was apparently the only thing holding the train car up, as the moment it was loose the car decided now was the time to fall. Failing to keep her footing, Mallory soon tumbled down the side of the car, winding up stuck on the ground, separated from the others by derailed train cars and shipping containers. 
"Guys?" Mallory shot up to her feet, checking around her for enemies with her gun while calling out. "Anyone?" 
There was no answer, but Mallory swore she could hear vague yelling and running feet, so she continued to yell, hoping her words would reach someone. "If you guys can hear me, head into Zegnautus-on the thirteenth floor is a common area with a cafeteria. Meet me there!" 
"On the thirteenth floor is a common area with a cafeteria. Meet me there!”
Ardyn heard his own breath inhale rather than feel it-the same thing had happened when he saw Aryelle appear on top of the train car, hearing himself suck his breath in rather than feel it. The little trick he had when he showed Aryelle the memory of how they met didn't seem to phase this Aryelle, other than seeming to confuse her, but he was determined...of what, he still wasn't quite sure. Every time he saw her, despite how she was much more stern than the Aryelle he knew, he wanted to see her, to know her, to make her see him. 
And as he stood up to head to the common area in the megafortress, his promise of so many years ago rang in his ears. You will know my redemption. 
A furious kick to the stubborn vending machine gave Mallory what she wanted, a simple can of Ebony. While she hated coffee, despised the bitter taste, the past days of being on a train to Gralea with little to no sleep due to nerves was making her exhausted. She figured she needed the extra caffeine to keep herself on her feet, she just hated the fact that the stubborn machine ate up the last of her gil without giving her what she wanted. A little kick showed that machine what, though the stinging in Mallory's ankle was making her regret her rash decision. 
The bitter taste made her want to gag, but Mallory forced it down her throat before crumbling the can and disposing of it in a recycle bin (why there was a recycle bin in the most industrial place in Niflheim, Mallory would never know). She scooted up onto a picnic bench style table and tried to force herself to relax, though the blaring red light and the rustling of daemon feet in the hallways outside was making it difficult to do so. 
She had managed to clear out the common area fairly easily, as there were only a few daemons in the room when she got there. Mallory left the big metal doors to the common area unlocked, but she would still tense anytime a scurry of feet would approach the door, then sigh with relief as the feet scurried away. But it had been almost three hours of waiting and Mallory was starting to get worried. 
More footsteps-this time, though, the foot falls were different-rather than being hasty, or sloppy (depending on the daemon on the other side), these were careful foot steps and they were definitely human. But Mallory could feel, almost know that the prince and his entourage would not have been walking so lazily down the hallway and stop casually in front of the door, neither opening it nor locking it. Just stand there-whoever this person was, Mallory had a feeling they knew she was in there. 
Reaching for her gun once again, Mallory scooted off the table and carefully placed her feet on the floor. 
Only the floor was different-the common area had grating all throughout the floor, but the floor was now suddenly smooth, like marble. The texture (or lack thereof) from the floor caused Mallory to look down, only to see grey marble flooring versus the common areas grating that looked to some of the prison cells below. 
Naturally, Mallory looked up-only she wasn't in the common area anymore. 
Red blinking lights and sirens were replaced with a peaceful and calm hallway exterior, with the same grey, old fashioned marble decorating the walls. Paintings and ceiling high windows gave the place almost a homely look and now, Mallory couldn't help but feel panic growing in her stomach. 
Mallory had been so on edge, so on the run since the train that she honestly hadn't even had time to think of the weird vision of the barn and the red haired man. Now she was forced to face the reality that maybe the stress was making her lose her mind, maybe years of taking care of Ari and constant close calls with death had finally made Mallory's mind snap. 
Foot steps-again, only behind her. They brought Mallory out of the panic and she whirled around to aim her gun behind her, only there wasn't a soul in sight. There was only the peaceful hallway and...Mallory could hear it again. The humming. A four note lullaby, the same four notes hummed over and over again and it might have been peaceful in different circumstances. 
Walking carefully down the hallway, checking behind her back every few feet to make sure no one was behind her, Mallory shouldn't have honestly noticed the paintings. But there they were and the sight made Mallory stop, partially in awe and partially in fear. 
The paintings on the walls were all the same and they were all of...Mallory? 
No, it was someone who looked just like her. Mallory's hair was the same shade of dark black, but the woman in the painting's hair was longer, stretching down to her waist in long waves. Her facial features were the same, though, with her slightly pointed nose, her heart shaped lips and high cheekbones. Of course, the eyes-the same, mysterious and deep dark green, an almost unworldly color that had been in her family for years and years. 
Mallory instinctively backed away, the woman's eyes almost following her as she tried to leave when something stopped her dead in her tracks. Eyes widening, Mallory leaned forward, positive she was seeing things. 
On the woman's wrist was what looked like a soulmate mark...but it wasn't any mark. 
It was just like Mallory's on her left shoulder, the same shape with the same points, just in a different spot. 
That name again...looking over, Mallory saw the same red haired man again coming down the corridor, only this time he looked a little older-a little meaner too, with a confident and smug look versus the man from the barn, who was young with an easy smile who seemed almost naive. But when he met Mallory's gaze, his golden irises almost softened, though the smug smile he wore was still bitter and cold as he approached. 
When he came within five feet, Mallory instinctively back up and aimed her gun at the man, though he just chuckled at the sight of a gun aimed between his eyes. 
"How different you are now...I suppose it doesn't matter, does it?" With a long and deep sigh, the man turned to the painting and gazed with a wonder and love that only his eyes shown at the woman in the painting. "She was just like the soulmate mark on her wrist...a star. Beautiful to look at, but unattainable to the human touch," With the same look of fondness in his eyes, but still not in the rest of his face, the man touched the back of his fingers gently to the woman in the painting's face, gently stroking the canvas. 
Mallory shivered, swearing she could feel icy cold fingers against her cheek. "What's happening to me?" The whisper was more of a question for herself than anyone else, but the man turned his attention away from the painting to focus once again on her. 
"I promised that day that I would show you and everyone my redemption...at last, that day has come," With a grand sweep, the man knelt before her, his warm and loving golden irises in the cold face gazing at Mallory. She tried to shake the foggy feeling out of her mind, but she couldn't, couldn't fight the odd sense of longing in her stomach and the race of her heartbeat. She knew logically that none of this made sense, that she didn't know this man, but she still found herself crouching down beside him. She still felt her heart flutter like crazy when he grazed the back of his cold fingers along her cheek. 
"Aryelle," he whispered, inching closer and closer with each word he spoke. "My soul...my half...my star...my life..." 
He was so close that she could smell a bitter stench of cologne, could feel the hot stinking breath on her face, but she couldn't force herself to stand up. Couldn't force herself to think as he slowly closed his eyes as a single phrase chanted in her head. This is wrong. This is wrong. This is wrong. This is wrong. This is wrong. This is wrong. 
But she still felt her eyes closing, but was somehow able to fight the draw to close her eyes when a brilliant blue object appeared just over the man's shoulder. 
A blue feather? 
A biting cold and snowy wind almost knocked Mallory off her feet and onto her bottom, but she steadied herself with the palms of her hands as she stayed crouched. The man and the peaceful corridor was gone, but it was replaced by the whiteness of a snow storm, the cold biting into her skin and if she wasn't questioning her sanity, Mallory would have been relieved that she was wearing her winter coat. 
"What's happening to me?!?!" Mallory didn't even hear her own scream over the wind of the storm, but she was too frozen and panicked to care at this point. 
Because the image of Ari, alone in a cold and sunless world with no one to protect her, flooded Mallory's mind. The image of Ari panicking as daemon's surrounded her wouldn't leave Mallory and she screamed with no one but the wind to hear. Her sister, unable to function, now alone in this world, unable to defend herself...
Because of Mallory-her lack of sanity. While she always knew that her missions were dangerous, she always had the confidence to come back home to her sister. She figured if she did die, it would be because of a shot to the head. 
Not because she had lost her mind. 
Through the white blanket of snow and sleet, a sudden image appeared. The image waved and moved, almost like a window curtain flapping in the wind, but Mallory could clearly see snippets of something happening in the image. Almost like watching a TV, Mallory watched the red headed man make grand flourishes to King Regis, making promises of peace and tranquility, but going back to the Empire to signal the attack on Insomnia. Mallory cringed as the man bent down by the oracle with a cold and cynical look, sinking a dagger into her stomach as Lady Lunafreya's eyes went wide in pain and fear. Mallory wanted to claw her own ears out at hearing Ignis Scientia's screams of pain at being blinded by the man, his cold and smug look never once going away as he smiled like he enjoyed bringing so much pain to someone. She wanted to cry as she watched the man taunt and mock a young blonde boy as he sat on the ground and practically sobbed, though she didn't know over what. 
All that pain and misery...brought on by this man. 
A hand grabbed onto her left wrist, squeezing so tightly that the bones might snap underneath as the snow storm melted away and somehow, Mallory knew she was back in reality. The man was back, only he now appeared angry as he tightened the hold on Mallory's wrist. A blue, ethereal glow made his eyes look almost black as he tried to yank Mallory beside her, despite her resistance as she placed her palm on the cold, metal grating of the floor below her. 
"Aryelle," The man hissed, his voice dripping with the venom of a snake as a dark, oozing blackness started to appear from him. "Come to me," 
It was at that moment that Mallory realized that this man, the person from her visions, was a person of pure and horrific evil. She didn't know what he wanted with her and she didn't care, she only knew she had to escape. With quick reflexes she had learned over years of dangerous missions, she grabbed the switchblade out of her back pocket, flipped it up and sank the knife into the man's leg, right beneath his knee cap. A simple twist and pull popped the knee cap out of place, though the man didn't roar like others she had performed the trick on had. But he did flinch and hiss through his teeth, clearly in pain as Mallory left the blade forgotten in his knee and stood up to run away. 
"Mallory!" Gladiolus, Ignis and a young blonde boy, the one from the snow storm vision, appeared behind her, all of them out of breath as they looked at the man pulling the knife out of his knee. "Where's Noct?" Gladiolus asked her. 
Mallory shook her head, sure confusion was as clear on her face as it felt. "I thought he was with you guys," 
"We sent him on torwards the crystal," Ignis explained with his eyes cast ahead, not really focusing on anything due to his blindness. "We were surrounded-has he absorbed the power from the crystal yet?" 
"He's gone," 
The four turned their attention to the man as he straightened up, looking almost un-bothered now despite his knee being severely damaged. He turned and focused his smug gaze at the group, but he focused on Mallory, his body framed by the blue glow from the crystal behind him. "I'm afraid you won't be seeing your friend again for quite sometime," 
"What?" Confusion and whiplash from being jerked around from so many places in the span of what felt like less than ten minutes clouded Mallory's mind, but she didn't have time to react as Gladiolus summoned his broadsword and swung it at the man with a roar and the blonde boy shot him twice in the back, the man falling with his hat rolling casually away. 
"Die, motherfucker," The blonde boy whispered, his voice choked with tears. 
"He's not dead," the words left Mallory's mouth before she really understood them, not sure how she knew he wasn't dead. And sure enough, he wasn't, as he stood up with his fedora and placed it casually on his head before turning and looking at Mallory and she almost wanted to scream at what she saw. 
The man was almost daemon like now, the whites in his eyes now inky black and oozing, making the bright golden irises stand out in contrast. His face and skin was now pale and cracked in several places, like a broken china doll and he now looked as evil as he was. 
"You will know my redemption, Aryelle," The words were fueled with anger and bitterness, but he didn't stay to explain what it meant as he simply strolled to the elevator, leaving the four alone in one of the capitals of magitek industries. 
It felt like the air returned to the room the minute the doors to the elevator closed and Mallory gasped and began to pant, not realizing before she had been holding her breath. As she collected herself, she realized she felt something wet and thick on her hand. 
Mallory prided herself on being calm and collected even in the grimmest of situations, but when she saw the man's daemon like black and oozy blood covering her hand from where she stabbed him, the scream she let loose practically echoed throughout all of Gralea. 
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