#nessian's daughter x y/n
throneofsapphics · 11 months
Hiii can I request a Nassian daughter x reader where they've been dating for a while and she invites reader to the family dinner and she just gets bombarded with questions by the bat boys and gets approved in the end.
passing the test 
Nessian’s daughter x Reader
Summary: you meet your girlfriends family
Warnings: none 
A/N: thank you for the request!
To say you were nervous would be a vast understatement. You’d been dating your current girlfriend for seven months, not very long considering you were immortal, and you’d finally given in to her requests to meet her family. Honestly, you were honored she wanted you to meet them, but it was the identity of them that kept you reluctant. Her mother led the Valkyries, her father the Night Court’s armies, her aunt and uncle the High Lady and Lord, and so on. 
“They’re going to hate me,” you groaned, readjusting your dress in the mirror for the tenth time in five minutes. 
“They’ll love you,” she pressed a kiss to your cheek, “just as I do.” Warmth spread through your cheeks, down your neck, as she wrapped her arms around your waist, meeting your eyes in the mirror. “And no more stalling.” 
You huffed, rolling your eyes, but turned around in her arms. “And if they do hate me?” 
“They won’t,” she said with a confidence you wished you could replicate. “Come on.” 
You didn’t drag your feet, per say, as you walked arm in arm through the streets of Velaris, but you didn’t rush either. 
Less than an hour later, you sat at a large but cozy dinner table - not with her entire family, just the High Lord, her Father, and the Spymaster. The others had been called away on unavoidable business, and had sent their regrets at missing your visit.  
Her left hand splayed on your thigh under the table, a warm comfort against the chill set into your body, a permanent state of nerves, your mentals walls firmly built around you - not to hide secrets, but to keep you from turning into more of a mess. 
“So, y/n,” The High Lord, who insisted you call him Rhys, exaggerated your name - causing your shoulders to roll back, lifting hairs on the back of your neck, “what do you do for work?” 
“I’m an apprentice herbalist, at Ziva’s apothecary.” 
“Why not a healer?” He had a genuine curiosity in his tone, and it didn’t feel like an insult. 
“My magic didn’t lean that way,” and you would probably have terrible bedside manner, but he didn’t need to know that. 
His mouth curved up at the corners, “so you’re familiar with poisons?” 
All of the blood drained from your face, and your jaw dropped. Her father’s mouth tightened to hide a laugh, the spymaster’s face a wall of unbreakable stone and restraint. 
“Uncle,” she snarled next to you. 
“I’ve helped provide herbs to counter them on occasion,” you managed to croak - somehow feeling the need to spill details, “some children will eat just about anything.” 
He gave a short nod, “what do your parents do?” 
“They run a bakery,” you swallowed, rubbing your sweaty palm on your thigh. 
She was still inside with her family as Nyx led you out to the garden. He’s the reason you met her, after all, and he’d arrived halfway through dinner, putting an end to the extensive interrogation you’d gone through. Almost like they were planning it, they’d shot rapid fire questions at you, alternating with each other and barely giving you a chance to breathe between questions - and certainly not giving your girlfriend a chance to interfere. Only when Nyx arrived were you actually able to eat the food on the table, the conversation switching to topics not surrounding you. 
“They can be intense,” he apologized. You gave him a weak smile. 
“I learned.”
“I approve,” you heard the High Lord’s voice, loud enough you knew he intended for him to hear as well. 
“So do I,” the spymaster's cool voice added. 
“She didn’t need your approval,” your girlfriend snarled, and the door flung open. 
“We’re leaving,” she announced, grabbing your arm and narrowing her eyes at Nyx - as if this was his fault. He held up his hands in a placating gesture. 
“I had nothing to do with it.” 
She huffed, but led you out of the River Palace. 
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throneofsapphics · 9 months
stolen moments and chance meetings pt2
Eris’s daughter x Reader (Nessian's daughter)
Summary: nyx catches you in a compromising position.
Warnings: none
A/N: a little follow up drabble! (part one) (part three)
“So this is who you’ve been seeing,” Nyx said. 
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. 
You were currently pressed back against a tree, Cora’s body fitted perfectly against yours. Elegant as ever, she took a step back, brushing her hands off on her trousers. It probably wasn’t meant in a negative way … but you felt like she was wiping away something dirty. You. Her dirty little secret. 
Then … her arm wrapped around your waist, tugging you into her side. Your cousin tensed, but didn’t move. 
“Is that a problem?” She snarled, and you could feel the power rolling from her. 
Nyx’s flared to meet her own, even as he held his hands up in a placating motion, a shit-eating grin on his face. He was enjoying this. 
“Did you really follow me?” You sighed, trying to diffuse the tension. 
He ignored you. She ignored you, choosing to glare at each other. You glanced down at the floor, not wanting to get involved in their little standoff. 
“Let’s go,” he said to you, holding out a hand. For a good few moments, you stared at it, before glancing back at Cora. She kept her attention on Nyx, eyes narrowed, as if he might attack her at any moment. 
‘Leashed like a dog.’ Cora’s words from last week had floated in your mind more than you cared to admit. 
“I’ll be back later, Nyx.” Pride came from the female currently glued to your side.
‘Are you certain?’ His voice flooded in your mind. 
‘Yes. I’m perfectly safe.’ 
‘I’ll keep your secret,’ he promised, and answered your next question before you could ask, ‘no cost.’ 
“Hurt her, and I’ll see how many of your bones I can break before I turn you into dust.” Nyx disappeared before either of you could reply. 
“A bit dramatic, isn’t he?” Cora mused, glancing at you. “Where were we?” 
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throneofsapphics · 9 months
Ps: Love your writing! 🥳
-~Cherry Anon~ 🍒 🌸
stolen moments and chance meetings pt3
Eris’s Daughter x Reader (Nessian’s daughter)
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Summary: A stolen moment together leads to tough conversations and tense encounters. 
Warnings: none
A/N: ahhh thank you! I had to jump on this, I squealed when I saw it and my mind raced. (part one) (part two)
“Well. Isn’t this interesting,” a smooth and cold voice commented, dragging you quite rudely out of your brief escape.
That voice. You knew that voice. The High Lord of the Autumn Court. His daughter currently had you pinned up against a wall, and not with a knife to your throat. 
There wasn’t any getting out of this, any explaining it away. Cora stiffened against you, before taking a step back. Eyes still on you, filled with slight alarm - and … maybe a hint of relief. You took the brief pause to straighten yourself, squaring your shoulders back, but keeping your arms loose at your sides. 
Watching her mask fall in place, the cool and collected calm, she grabbed your hand before turning to face the small audience. 
The High Lord Eris, and your parents, as well as Nyx lingering in the background. 
Sorry, his voice slipped into your mind, I tried to keep them away.
It was bound to happen. He disappeared. The sound of the ball still came in the background, the scent of pine from the evergreen dragged into the court, festive music floating distantly through the space. 
Refocusing on the present, you found everything at a standstill. Time seemed to stop as all of the parties weighed each other. Nobody spoke. Cora was currently staring down her father, and with a harsh swallow you looked at your parents. Your mother looked amused, your father concerned and very on edge - actually, he looked ready to grab you and spirit you out of here. A hand, your mothers, gripped his shoulder - keeping him right in place. It was one thing for Nyx to know, but for them … well, it certainly made things more official. 
It was common knowledge Cora was a skilled courtier with a silver tongue and quick wit. Gods, they’d seen her throughout the years, ever since she began visiting Hewn City with her father, around five years ago. The two of you had never shown anything other than cordial acquaintance in public - only Nyx knew somewhat of the extent of your actual relationship, if you could call it that. 
The Winter Solstice ball at the Court of Nightmares. Maybe it was foolish of the two of you, but you’d gone so long without seeing each other that you couldn’t resist sneaking away just for a few moments. A silent conversation with Nyx, and he agreed to try and keep the attention away for a few minutes. Glancing at the clock beyond, a few minutes had turned into ten. It was too easy to lose track of time with her. 
The High Lord’s attention turned to you, and instinctively your wings tucked in tight. He tracked the movement, and his mouth curved up at the corner - briefly. In your peripheral, your father bristled, and Cora’s hand tightened around yours. Because of her father, or yours?
This male, you’d heard several versions of. According to Cora, he was an attentive - if not a bit tough, father. According to your parents … not quite as flattering, but not horrible either. 
He wasn’t speaking, and you’d be damned if you were the first to break the silence. Instead of words, you chose to squeeze Cora’s hand, taking a step closer to her and hoped your eyes conveyed the words you hadn’t actually spoken aloud to her; I love your daughter, mixed with a you’ll have to pry her out of my cold dead hands. He didn’t shift, not a flicker of emotion. Maybe you should try and master your mothers ‘slay your enemies’ look. 
Normally the portrait of smooth self-assurance, his pale face was stone cold. Unreadable, but the lack of the usual expression showed he wasn’t exactly pleased with this turn of events. Better than outright distaste, you supposed. Not by much. 
“Let’s go,” he reached out a hand for Cora. 
She assessed, paused, and turned to you, lips barely grazing over your ear - somehow speaking just loud enough for you to hear, “this isn’t over. I’ll be in touch,” and dropped your hand, confidently striding towards him, without a look back. In touch. That could mean so many different things.
Two heads of auburn hair retreated, two sets of shoulders held high and walking with every bit of elegance and power. 
As soon as they disappeared from sight, you couldn’t help how your face fell, back pressing in against the stone, head tilting up towards the ceiling. 
“I don’t want to hear it,” you said - before they could throw some kind of remark out there. Gods, if they tried to insult her … you fought down the bit of anger that surged at the mere possibility. 
Your mother approached you first, holding onto your hand, your father a pace or two behind. “Is she good for you?” 
“If she’s not i’ll -” you admired how easily she cut off your father’s words, just with a raised hand. 
“I think so.” Not a great answer, but the best you could give. Sure, she’d stolen your fucking heart, but there wasn’t a chance to really be together, not as a traditional couple could. 
While your mother was infuriatingly unreadable, you knew all of your emotions shone through at once, and sure enough she studied you to the point of uncomfortability. 
Shifting on your feet, you dropped her hand. “Won’t our absence be noted?” 
“Go back, Cassian.” With something like a grumble, he did, not before catching your eye first - a promise, we’ll talk about this later. You all but rolled your eyes at him. “How long?” She turned on you. 
“Over three years.” 
A slight widening of her eyes. “I knew there was someone,” her head tilted. “Maybe I should’ve asked a few more questions.” 
“I’m not going to ask for your approval,” you said - too quickly. 
The look she gave you almost made you shift on your feet, but her lips curved up at the corners and she nodded once. “Good.” 
“Good?” Your jaw dropped. 
“You’re aware of what you’re getting yourself into.” A statement, not a question. Were you? Maybe not, but you’re in this now and little would stop you from seeing it through. As far as Cora would let you.
“Yes,” you tried to imbue as much confidence as possible into that one word. 
Her eyes narrowed briefly, but she didn’t say anything else, turning back towards the ballroom, waiting for you. Gathering your skirts with one hand, you took a breath, stilling your mind, and followed. 
By the time you returned, Cora and her father were gone. 
Walking away from you, towards her father, was a different kind of misery. It took all of her not to look back at you. But, before she could figure the rest of this out, there was some damage control to do on her part. She didn’t care about her father’s approval, but she knew he’d be disappointed she hid this from him for so long, and once he asked she wouldn’t be able to lie to him. He always knew. The disappointment would sting. 
He winnowed them further away than he normally would, giving them a bit of time to walk. Away from prying ears and eyes. 
“How long?” He asked first. 
“A little over three years.” Three years, two months, and fifteen days if she was being exact - since the first time she kissed you. 
Her eyes met yours across the ball room. You were looking again, but so was she. She angled her head very briefly towards a side corridor, and slipped out - waiting to see if you’d take the bait. Of course, you knew each other casually - but this might be one of the riskiest things she’s done. If it actually worked. 
A few minutes later, you appeared, stopping just a few feet away. Cora stepped closer. Closer. You didn’t move or flinch. Later, she would be able to tell who moved first, but your lips met in a frenzy of passion and subtly built need. Sweet, gods your lips tasted so sweet.
“I’m impressed I haven’t found out yet,” he mused, his sharp eyes cutting to look at her. “You could’ve told me.” 
She paused, heels digging into the ground. “And listen to you call her a brute?” 
He had the good sense to choose his next words carefully. “Any daughter of Nesta Archeron could not be classified as a brute.” 
Her chin lifted, “I won’t ask for your approval. I won’t stop seeing her, unless she asks to.” 
“I’d expect nothing less.”
She raised her brows. “No arguments against it?” 
A short laugh. “I could give you hundreds of arguments against it, but I know which battles to pick.” 
“So you’re just … fine with it?” 
“I thought you weren’t asking for my approval,” he shot back at her. 
“I’m not,” she flicked auburn hair over her shoulder, “only expressing my surprise.” 
They fell into step next to each other, the rest of the walk in comfortable silence. He wasn't ‘fine with it,’ she knew that much. Not because it’s you, but he’d never think anyone was good enough for her. Besides, he’d promised her early on she’d never be treated as some kind of bargaining tool, unless she chose to. 
That was a dangerous word, an even more dangerous line of thinking. To be with you, she feared how much she’d trade. Perhaps too much. 
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throneofsapphics · 10 months
Oooo okay I love the idea of Tamlin's daughter and like Nessian's daughter or even like Eris or Lucian's daughter?
The Romeo and Juliet vibes ✨️
stolen moments and chance meetings. 
Eris’s daughter x Reader (Nessian's daughter)
Summary: You and Eris’s daughter run into each other. 
Warnings: none
A/N: i love this idea so much (part two) (part three)
Wandering was bad. You knew that, well aware it was a beacon for danger, but when you spotted the quaint little clearing, you couldn’t help yourself. Technically it was spring court territory, but with a quick sweep of the perimeter, there wasn’t anyone in sight for miles. Just over the border, easy enough to make a quick escape. Worth the risk. 
It would be a nice way to cool off, you’d been flying for hours, and despite the wind sweat was dripping down your spine, off your temples. A “conditioning flight.” You had a love-hate relationship with them. 
Landing softly on the moss, you sighed and rolled your shoulders back, heading right for the pond - a beautiful clear blue. Heading right for it, you cupped the liquid between your hands, splashing your face, letting the water cool your burning skin, and nearly moaned at the sensation.
A few gulps later, and you were feeling much better, and sat back on your heels. 
“Someone’s not where they’re supposed to be.” 
Fuck. You recognized that voice. How had she snuck up on you? Unfortunately or fortunately, it wouldn’t be the first time. 
“I could say the same to you,” you countered, standing and turning slowly to face her. Cora Vanserra grinned at you, leaning back against a tree, arms crossed over her chest, red hair glinting in the sun. Beautiful and arrogant in equal measures, but it’s something you liked about her. There was something a little untrustworthy about someone too humble, in your opinion. 
“What’s your excuse?” She asked. You pointed at the pond, giving her a look that said; are you that stupid? Her eyes rolled. 
“And yours?” 
“I was close to the border anyway, when I saw you.” 
You’re her excuse. “Miss me that much, Cora?” you let her name drag out, testing it on your tongue. How many times had you actually said it? You saw each other two months ago, at another ball in Hewn City, and stole a few wonderful moments together in the bathroom. Of course there were the letters … but you hadn’t been able to risk many of those, even coded. Not since Nyx snooped and saw you had a secret lover. On threat of a slow and painful removal of his favorite part, he kept it to himself. 
She crossed the clearing, in front of you in moments, hands gripping your hips as she tugged you close. Your wings tucked in tight as you took in her gaze, amber eyes digging right into you - as if they could see through every layer. 
Her thumbs brushed back and forth over your stomach, heat burning through your clothes. You fought the urge to look down and see if you actually were on fire. Instead, you reached up and brushed your knuckles across her cheek, delighting in how she leaned into you, before lazily winding your arms around her shoulders. 
Where are you? A voice thundered through your mind. Nyx. Shit, you were supposed to meet him. Supposed to be done with your flight by now. 
Took a break, you answered, focused on shielding your current location. 
Where? He sounded exasperated, I’ll come get you.
That’s the last thing you need, for him to smell her scent in here. You needed the wind to brush it off of your own anyway. 
No need, I’m on my way now.
“Who was it this time?” She sighed, seeing the glazed over look in your eyes. 
“Nyx. He’s about to come get me.” 
“Leashed like a dog,” she murmured.
“And you’re much better?”
Her shoulders rose and fell. “When will I see you again?” she deflected. 
This little clearing was rather nice. And spring was relatively neutral territory. 
“Meet me here in a week. Sunrise.” 
Her head tilted. Calculating. “So clandestine.” 
“Do we have any other choice?” Your teeth tugged on your bottom lip, her hands squeezing around your waist. 
“And if I don’t show?” 
Mother above, you always forget how much she loves her little games. 
Cupping her face with both hands, you leaned forward, pausing a hair's breadth away. Her eyes widened, breath catching, and you grazed your lips over hers. A mockery of a kiss, but it did the job - her heart rate rose, breaths coming faster. Stepping back and shrugging off her grip, you rolled your shoulders back. 
“A little motivation for you,” you said - barely above the wind. Flaring your wings once, twice, three times, you shot off into the sky. Leaving a still, and contemplative Vanserra behind. 
Stolen moments, that’s all the two of you were destined for, and never enough of them. 
The wind slowly stripped you of her scent, of nutmeg and the first day of autumn, as you tried your best to commit it to memory. 
Where. Are. You. 
Nyx was worse than your parents with the fussing. This time, you shared a view of your surroundings, just as you crossed past the border of Spring. 
Where the fuck have you been? 
You ignored him. There was still a flight home to think of a good excuse. That’s if he didn’t decide to come grab you mid-flight. It wouldn’t be the first time.
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