#nesu facts
factoides-yajan · 1 month
Factoide #4670
 (#4670) The Gashlycrumb Tinies (los pequeños macabros)
The Gashlycrumb Tinies (o los pequeños macabros en español) es un libro corto y macabro de Edward Gorey que relata las muertes de 26 niños pequeños. Estas se cuentan en 13 rimas narradas en verso. El libro se publicó en 1963 como parte de una colección de tres "Cuentos de advertencia" llamada The Vinegar Works.
En el libro en si, quien nos narra la historia es Gashly, un personaje macabro y algo malvado, que nos cuenta en verso la muerte de 26 niños basado en cada letra del abecedario.
A lo largo del libro, los niños se enfrentan a todo tipo de destinos extraños e inusuales, todos ocurriendo con poco o ningún contexto. Estos van desde cosas como caer por unas escaleras, atragantarse con melocotones, ser atacados por matones, ahogarse en lagos, ser atravesados con punzones, e incluso morir de aburrimiento.
Hasta el día de hoy, a pesar (o probablemente debido a) su tema, The Gashlycrumb Tinies es considerado el más popular y exitoso de todos los trabajos de Edward Gorey. Incluso después de 50 años desde su publicación, el libro nunca ha dejado de estar impreso.
Aporte de Nesu Beltrán
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Factoide adicional: En el manga My Hero Academia, hay un villano escapista del Tartarus cuyo nombre es Gashly y su quirk hace alusión al horror de estos niños.
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[Publicado originalmente el 26 de Agosto del 2024]
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ava-of-shenanigans · 1 year
Translating Nyarlathotep’s names, titles, and epithets into Middle Egyptian for funsies
Middle Egyptian is the version of the Ancient Egyptian language that was spoken from about 2000 BCE (4000 years ago) to 1300 BCE (3300 years ago). I’ve been learning it for several months now, but since I am still learning there are many epithets I just do not know how to translate yet (and I could be wrong even about the ones I think I do know how to translate). Also, I’m pretty sure that the lore around Nyarlathotep is that he was in Egypt in the Old Kingdom, when they spoke Old Egyptian not Middle Egyptian, but I don’t know Old Egyptian so fuck it, we ball.
All the hieroglyphs I’m going to show here should be read left to right, top to bottom. If you want to change them to be read right to left (which is how hieroglyphs were usually read), you just have to mirror reverse them so they face the other way. Hieroglyphs can’t be read bottom to top, however, so you can’t change that. Some formatting changes would be required to change the ones that are primarily horizontal to being primarily vertical, and vice versa.
First off: His name.
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Originally, I was going to start this post with a punishingly long explanation of exactly what all this means and why I have all these different variations of the name. I think an explanation like that is necessary to put somewhere on this post, but I don’t want to force people who just do not care to read all that, so I’ve put it at the very end beneath a “keep reading.”
Now for (some) epithets and titles:
“Mighty Messenger:”
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Transliteration: wpwty wsr. A way to pronounce it: Weputy weser or uputy user.
“Great Messenger:”
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Transliteration: wpwty wr. A way to pronounce it: Weputy wer or Uputy ur.
The “Black Pharaoh:”
There are two ways to write this one. The first is this:
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Transliteration: nsw km. A way to pronounce it: Nesu kem.
It means “black king” not “black pharaoh,” but I think it might make more sense to say it this way. The way you’d say “black pharaoh” is like this:
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Transliteration: pr-ʿȝ km. A way to pronounce it: Per a’a kem.
This literally means “the black Great House,” since the word “pharaoh” literally means “Great House.” This would be sort of like if Nyarlathotep appeared on earth today in the form of a United States president and we called him “the black White House,” or if he appeared as a Russian president and we called him “the black Kremlin.” The problem with this one is that I’m not so clear on if the rules for stacking adjectives would even allow for you to say this.
Also, fun fact, Ancient Egyptians considered black to be a good colour, since they associated it with the fertile soil beside the Nile. So this title would not be sinister to them. Like if Nyarlathotep appeared as a US president and we called him “the cool awesome White House.”
“Soul (of the Other Gods):”
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Transliteration: kȝ kywy nṯrw. A way to pronounce it: Ka keywey netcheru.
It’s hard to just translate “soul” directly into Egyptian because the Ancient Egyptians didn’t just believe in “a soul,” they believed in a bunch of different parts of a soul that all did different things. The part I’ve used for this translation is the ka, because I think it’s the closest to what we might think of when we hear the word “soul.” I think you could make an argument that since Nyarlathotep’s job is to go and enact the Other God’s will for them, he could be considered their akh, but the akh is a very distinctly Egyptian concept and has lot to do with being dead and getting to the Egyptian afterlife, so I don’t think it works well here. You might also argue that he could be their heart (ib) since the Egyptians thought that you did your thinking with your heart instead of your brain, and Nyarlathotep seems to be a lot more capable of thought than the rest of the “blind, voiceless, mindless” Other Gods, but hearts don’t go out and do things for you so I don’t think that one works either.
“Soul and messenger (of the Other Gods):”
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Transliteration: kȝ wpwty kywy nṯrw. A way to pronounce it: Ka weputy keywey netcheru.
“God of a Thousand Forms:”
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Transliteration: nṯr ḫprw ḫȝ. A way to pronounce it: Netcher kheperu kha.
Also, as a bonus, I noticed while I was looking for epithets to translate that Fungi From Yuggoth calls Azathoth the “Lord of All.” That’s an Azathoth epithet, so I don’t really have an excuse to translate it into Egyptian, but “Lord of All” is also a common epithet for the Egyptian god Horus. If I ever write that thing about Egyptian gods fighting Nyarlathotep then I will find a way to exploit this. Anyway, here’s how you can say “Lord of All:”
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Transliteration: nb tm. A way to pronounce it: Neb tem.
Nyarlathotep’s name is kind of a nightmare to try and spell with the Ancient Egyptian alphabet (good for him, he’d probably want it that way). Here’s my long ass explanation of why I chose to write it the ways I did in this post:
Why is his name spelled without vowels?:
In Ancient Egyptian writing, the vowels are usually left out and only the consonant sounds in words are written down (it’s a lot like Hebrew in this way). The Egyptians eventually did create a system for writing vowels, and that was used for words that Egyptian readers wouldn’t already know how to pronounce, like foreign names. Nyarlathotep, coming from outer space, would be pretty foreign to them, but the earliest vocalic writing is from the end of the Old Kingdom. I’m going to use that as an excuse to say it didn’t exist when he was around and just not bother with it, because there is no way to spell his name in any vocalic writing system that isn’t incomplete and/or confusing (there are two A’s in there and one of them is right next to an L and that is An Issue). The Is in the spellings of his names with the eye symbol in them do not count as vowels, because they are actually transliteration symbols for a consonant sound.
The L sound:
The L sound in his name is an issue because Ancient Egyptian languages might have had an L sound in them, at some point, but they might’ve not. Basically: If you’ve ever done one of those things that will tell you how to write your name in hieroglyphs, you’ve probably been told that this vulture glyph 𓄿 makes an A sound. That is only true in certain types of vocalic writing. The rest of the time it made a consonant sound. We don’t know what consonant sound, though, because the Egyptians stopped pronouncing it in the New Kingdom. Our best guess (based on it being used to transcribe words from other languages that we know had L and R sounds) is that it made a sound like L or R, which is why I’ve used it here for the L sound.
Why are there all those variations around the TH sound?:
Ancient Egyptian languages did not have a TH sound, and the Egyptian letter T and the Egyptian letter H did not combine to make a new sound like they do in English. They did have an F sound, so you could just spell it Nyarlafotep instead. However, “hotep” (transliteration: ḥtp) is an actual Ancient Egyptian word. It means “peace.” Many Ancient Egyptian names are the name of a god + ḥtp, for example “Amenhotep” which means “Amen is at peace.” That the Ancient Egyptians would have thought Nyarlathotep’s name meant that someone called Nyarlat was at peace is too deliciously ironic to ignore, and that meaning is lost if you spell it NYRLFTP. The two options to preserve that meaning are to make the T the bread loaf glyph 𓏏 (this would change the pronunciation to Nyarlat-hotep) or to try and keep the TH sound somewhat by putting the horned viper glyph 𓆑 in there (this would change the pronunciation to Nyarlaf-hotep).
What do the variations with the eye sign in them mean?:
The eye sign is a hieroglyph that makes two consonant sounds. These sounds are transliterated ir, but that i does not represent an actual I sound (except in vocalic writing). Usually, i made a glottal stop sound, but sometimes it made a Y sound. This means you could use the eye glyph for the consonants YR in his name (and this is cosmic horror, where we like eyeballs and put them on everything wherever we can). However, this might make the name even more confusing to read, because it makes it easy to mistake the Y in the name for a glottal stop.
Why is his name in a cartouche?:
The names of pharaohs (and only pharaohs) were written inside cartouches. And not just any of the pharaoh’s names. Pharaohs had several different types of names, and only the throne name and birth name were written in cartouches. This means it could be debated wether or not it would be proper for his name to be written in a cartouche. However, Nyarlathotep is not actually from Egypt, he’s from space, and at least one of the stories he’s in portrays him as a showman who uses aesthetic connections to Ancient Egypt as a gimmick to get people to come see his brainwashing prophecies of doom, so I feel like he would not care if it was proper or not and would use it anyway because it’s a very recognizable piece of iconography. But if we found hieroglyphic carvings by Ancient Egyptians that warned of the evils of the god Nyarlathotep, his name might not be written in a cartouche and instead be written with the determinative for god 𓀭 after it.
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eastern-lights · 2 years
(once again, english version follows)
(Link to part 1)
(Link to part 3)
Další random fakta, která jsem se o našem prezidentovi dozvěděla z audioverze jeho životopisu, za kterou jsem ochotně vysolila 300 korun českých:
páně prezidentův pan otec Josef Pavel zásadně odmítá, že by synovi v armádě poskytoval jakoukoli protekci. Jako plukovník měl ale kancl hned naproti kanceláři Petrova velitele, a tak se vždycky dozvěděl jako první, když neměl poručík Pavel správně uklizenou skříňku. Petr po čase otce obvinil z toho, že s takovou tam nevedou velitelství, ale spolek rodičů a přátel školy.
jednou měly jednotky obou Pavlů společné cvičení, přičemž Pavel junior a jeho výsadkáři hráli roli diverzantů a celou noc se v lese leželi v listí a číhali. Panu Josefovi se jich zželelo, protože byla noc a tma a hlavně 20 stupňů pod nulou. A jak sám přiznal, to, že tam mrznul i jeho Petr mu taky fuk nebylo. Zašel tedy za kuchařem, vzal několik termohrnců párků a teplý čaj a vyrazil za nimi. Na místě se mu dostalo vřelého přivítání v podobě tlupy z ničehož nic se objevivších umouněných paragánů, kteří ho okamžitě začali “píchat bajonety do ledvin”, načež se Pavel starší hájil slovy “Nechte mě, vy pitomci, nesu vám párky!”
během mise v Jugoslávii, když Pavlovu jednotku zajali Srbové, a hnali ji před sebou jako živé štíty až k přední linii, strávil tehdy už podplukovník Pavel celou cestu zpátky na Srbskou základnu (během které mu drželi u hlavy samopal) tím, že svému vězniteli sprostě nadával. Když dorazili na místo, zařval na onoho Srba “Dej už to do hajzlu!”, otočil se, odkráčel za srbským velitelem, po cestě odstrčil stráž se slovy “S tebou se bavit nebudu!”, a velitele zjebal na tři doby, že se nechovají jako civilizovaný národ, a že jestli se budou k mírovým jednotkám chovat takhle, tak všichni půjdou před válečný soud. Velitel nechal Pavla i jeho jednotku okamžitě odejít.
More random facts I learned about Petr Pavel from the audio-version of his biography, which I have purchased for 300 czech crowns:
Mr. president’s father Josef Pavel has categorically denied having provided his son with any protection during their time in the army. As a colonel, however, his office was right down the hall from the office belonging to Petr’s commanding officer, so he was always the first to know whenever lieutenant Pavel failed to properly clean his locker. After a while, Pavel junior accused his father of running a parent-teacher conference instead of a military command.
on one occasion, the two Pavels’ respective units had a shared military exercise. Pavel Junior’s paratroopers played the role of diversionists, so they spent the whole night lying in wait on the forest floor. Mr. Josef ended up pitying the boys, because it was the middle of the night, it was dark and, most importantly, negative 20 degrees celsius. And as he later admitted, the fact that it was his Petr freezing his butt off there also played a part in that. So he went to the field kitchen, got several pots of sausages and some hot tea and went to the “enemy’s” position. His welcome came in the form of a dozen filthy paratroopers appearing out of nowhere, who immediately “started pricking at my kidneys with bayonets”, at which point the colonel defended himself with the words “Stop that, you idiots, I brought you sausages!”
during the UNPROFOR mission in Yugoslavia, Pavel and his unit got captured by the Serbs. Having been forced to drive all the way up to the front line and ordered to turn back under croatian fire, the relatively newly minted lieutenant-colonel spent the whole trip back to the serbian base yelling profanities at the man holding an assault rifle to the back of his head. On arrival, he shouted at his captor to “Shove that thing up your arse!”, stormed off to talk to the serbian commander, shoved the guard out of his way with the words “I’m not talking to you!” and proceeded to dress down the commander for not behaving like a member of a civilized nation and tell him that if his men kept treating the UN soldiers as they had, they would all stand before a war tribunal. The commander released him and his men immediately.
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can you share some fun facts about jesman? is it true the king mpregged his ambassador?
The mpreg is fortunately (or unfortunately, depending on your preferences) not true, dear curious anon. I can, however, share some true fun facts about Jesman: The Grand Duchy of Jesman has some of the world's largest and most diverse rose gardens! Though some areas of the gardens are obviously private, you can tour the public gardens (as well as some of the larger greenhouses that are used for rose breeding)! The money from rose garden tourism is used to fund public services in Jesman. The composer of the Jesman anthem, Minje Valjir, was actually a prolific poet before composing the anthem. He also was a talented player of the lyre, the harp, the violin, the piano, and even the flute. You can definitely hear these influences on the anthem!
During the summer solstice festival in Jesman, it is common for friends and family members to not only exchange gifts, but also adorn each others' hands and arms with complex designs using prepared skin-safe dye. An entire catalogue of these designs and their meanings can be found in Nesus' Royal Library, but the most common - and easiest one for even young children to master - is the circle and dot in the middle representing the sun.
Did I mention Jesman also has a fully funded arts program, and an impressively high literacy rate?
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lostjudgmnt · 1 month
i nearly just oosted this plain but i at least still gave the mental whatever the fuck to put it under a cut sorry guys i’ll be normal in a minute cw for me having some sort of meltdown though idk. pretty intense shit
i love…………. this fucked up mental cycle im in where. im just having a really nasty mixed episode rn so im like. my sleep is so off im rapidly swinging from feeling completely fine to have violent fucking melt/breakdowns/shutdowns to being actually decently happy maybe to having terrible ocd spikes and spirals and its been months and i cant tell if its getting better or not and am pretty convinced in actuality faking the whole thing even though the worst of it is happening when im completely fucking alone and i cant tell if my thoughts are my own or if im pretending to be someone who isnt me and tbese “symptoms” are just me pretending im someone im noy but convincing myself its real or something i dont fucking know but im going fucking crazy but im not telling anyone but i feel like im in a pressure cooker and i feel like im under too mich pressure to be normal and okay and not kill myself even though its all too much pressure
like it sucks because the fact that i kind of feel like im completely fine but also like im going absolutely insane at the same time is not helping the fact that im convincing myself that my intrrusive thoughts and spirals and obsessions and whateber else i have going on are all fucking fake and im just putting on some sort of fucked up show for myself or something like im pretending to be someone else so i feel ~different~ and ~special~ and mentally ill because i guess its fucking fun qnd quirjy as opposed to literally so fucking miserable and preventing me from sleeping wnd locking my body up in uncomfortable positions that i can’t really move from but i can AOMETIMES so im just doing yhat to myself for FUN like goddamn. im not making any sense and part of me is telling me i should be correcting all these typos because godforbid i dont fucking sanitize myself because if it looks too raw its more proof that im faking all this shit and pretending yo look like im doing badly or whatever because im fine actually i feel fine!!!!!!!! what fuckung ever.
i actively hide that im actually driving myself insane from myself abd others because i feel like i have to at least pretend im doig well and then i get hurt when no one can tell im doing poorly as if its not ky own fucking fault and then convince myself that its not actually that bad and that its all fake actually and im making everything i experience up or exaggerating everything or what fucking ever when im having violent and geaphic intrusive thoughts about myself and compulsively beating my head against the floor when im completely alone and there’s sno one to see it like obviously thats fucking fake right. nesus chrisy
i shouldnt post this and maybe poisting it is hust another sign that this is all made up and im just doing it for attention i cant steas enough that im just calmly sitting in a chair at my best friend’s house alone in the dark whole typing this right now i literally feel completely normal but also i guess apparently absolutely insane at the same time but maybe i dont feel insanw. but also i was hyperventilating and slamming my head yo the ground qns could hardly move my body on the floor like i dunno 20 minutes ago and my head hurts. but maybe that was fakw too. i dont even know who’s thoughts are in my head right now
i dont know i guess i feel like i need to actually make some sort of record of this shit somewhere but i’ll ignore it if its somewhere completely private but i’ll want to kill myself even more if its somewhere like q diacord server for some reason so here’s the only place i feel i can go. i dont fucking know why. maybe because here someone can reassure me but i dont have to freak the fuck out of the people i actually interact with on w daily basis or something. i dont know. i dont know if any of this is actually me or if any of this is real and i dint even know if im gonna look at this later because maybe i dont want to know if its all real or not. i dont fucking know
im trying to will myself to take my LITERAL MEDICATION i got prescribed to treat my DIAGNOSED FUCKING BIPOLAR DISORDER that im convinced isnt fucking real and wouldnt becausing me to be insane for any reason. goddamn. im shit at taking it the way imsupposed to because im supposed to take it in the morning to but i dont do mornings and have no routine for the mornings at all. i need time figure that the fuck out and maybe it wilp fix me but maybe not because im probably fakung all this shit anyway and meds cant fix what isn’t actually there. jesus christ
i know i sound insane btw i still cant tell if thats “proof” of anything, authenticity or otherwise i dont fucking know. shit.
im moving in m getting up from sitting completely calmly in this chair and im taking my pm meds as diagnosed and im gonna go upstairs to lay down in the guest bed across the room from my best friend who went to bef almost an hour ago and im gonna sleep and im gonna wake up as a normal person and none of this is real and im being overdramatic and fake. good fucking night
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amilst · 7 months
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Scilla, Siberian squill.
Fist the snowdrops, then the crocus, then the Siberian squill. At least in our garden, these three are always the first to bloom starting in mid-February. It’s hard to pick a favorite of the three. For some reason, though, Siberian squill get the short end of the gardener’s stick.
Everyone loves the snowdrops as their numbers grow each year, and no one seems to mind that the snow crocus pop up everywhere year after year, not just in the garden but the lawn as well. But only the Siberian squill are called by that dreaded garden word “invasive.” In one garden guide, the author demanded in large letters “Do not plant these flowers,” advising the gardener to stamp on them so they would not rise again next spring. As Ezra might say “Stick it in your ear, garden guide.” I love these flowers. They are what is called Prussian Blue, the whole flower, pistils and stamens and all. They are in fact the bluest flowers to bloom all year.
Siberian squill are in the Scilla family, the same family as the Virginia Bluebells, much loved larger plants which bloom mid Spring. But these plants are barely 5 inches high with timy blooms.
Just about the whole plant is toxic. Most of the small early bulbs are eaten like candy by the squirrels, chipmunks, and mice. But the Scilla bulb contains the compound scilliroside, an ingredient in some rat poisons, so the rodents know to leave them alone. This gives the squill free rein to spread in the garden.
The plant’s family name derives from the mythological figure Scylla. She was the daughter of King Nesus of Megara, but betrayed him for the love of his rival King Minos. Minos rightfully was horrified by her act of patricide and rejected her love. In grief, she threw herself from the cliffs into the sea and was transformed into a sea monster shown below. The bitter Scylla spent her days destroying every ship attempting to cross the Strait of Messina. 
If I am not wrong, I think Starbucks chose her for its logo.
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In any event, the god Poseidon later managed to take her to what must have been a very large bed and, as a gift, transformed her into the beautiful cliffs off the coast of Sicily that bear her name.
Lastly, Asher may be interested to know, in hoodoo, practiced by slaves in the American south, placing squill in a container with one coin of each denomination draws in an abundance of fresh cash. 
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softer-ua · 4 years
This has been living my drafts for half a century and I just wanna get it out lol just a silly little self indulgent fully unfinished thought 😅
Two Left Feet, And One In The Mouth
“I’m not into that fucken nerd, I could have asked any chuckle fuck, it just happens to be that Deku was the first I ran into after Awizawa told me about the dance ceremony, I’d have just as likely asked god damn CopyCat.” Katsuki could feel his ears were almost as red as the dumb ass’s hair.
It’d been about a week and a half since Aizawa had roped him into some fundraising bullshit dance and the idiots hadn’t let up on teasing him for asking Deku to partner with him. Didn’t seem to matter to any of them that they were well out of high school and pros. They weren’t about to stop teasing him and he wasn’t about to sacrifice his pride and let anyone think he was weak and mushy over anyone. Especially not his hero partner.
Sure him and the nerd had grown even closer since graduating and debuting as hero partners. And ya he could finally identify more than 1 emotion now, and sometimes he could even articulate them. He could even admit that he had friends and behind closed doors with someone contractually obligated to keep his secrets he could admit that Deku was something different to him than that. But his therapist was a human, not genie and quirks only do so much, so no he was not going to admit feeling anything but annoyed at being dumped with this stupid UA fundraiser shenanigan.
”In fact I kinda wish I had asked anyone else. Between you losers acting like total dipshits and making it out to be anything other than a burden and Deku’s shitty excitement I get no peace, fucker can’t even dance… God damn it Shitty Hair what?!!! SPIT IT THE FUCK OUT ! ! !” Kirishmas had been gapping at him like fish for a good half the rant as he shook his head minutely, he even looked a little pale
Kirishima finally shut his mouth and gave his head a vigorous shake before dropping his head in his hands and grumbling. “Duuude why can’t you ever just shut the fuck up and take the teasing like a man?”
“Don’t tell me what to do you box of rocks,” Katsuki mumbled confused and irritated, wasn’t like Kirishma to swear. Had he gone too far in his haste to save his pride? He wasn’t really sure…he wasn’t watching his words...again, ugh if Deku found out he’d upset one the few friends he had the nerd was gonna flip.
A whole afternoon of awkward dancing in sullen silence and heavy disappointed sighs. Katsuki didn’t know if he’d survive it, he could handle yelling and anger but Dekus quiet disappointment felt like being lost in space and knowing your oxygen was running thin.
Denki, also uncharacteristically pale, gave him a rather annoyed look, “Kacchan, my dude,, you’re gonna wish You were an actual box of rocks when we fill you in on who just left the kitchen”
Bakugos stomach felt like it had filled with lead and dropped straight through it and out his ass to the center of the earth leaving behind nothing but a husk of dread.
“No.Fuck no. Do not tell me the nerd just heard all that…. Tell me it was one of the nerdsquad, and if I run I can kill them before Deku finds out I was more or less running my mouth.” Katsuki already knew by the sad pity looks Kirishima was giving him between his fingers the question was futile.
Maybe All Might had enough left in him to united states smash his skull in or maybe Nesu would want to set up one of those death domino puzzles and drop a skyscraper on him?
A cold monotone voice spoke behind him interrupting his morbid death wishes, “guess you’re gonna have to find some other chuckle fuck.”
Bakugo flipped around to blast IcyHot straight to the infirmary in one shot but Kirishima had popped up in time to grab him under the armpits with his quirk in full effect. “Dude you do not have time for a rage fit, stop with the petty pride, you gotta go get Midoriya and apologize”
“Then let me go so I can fucken do that” Katsuki was wriggling like a worm on a string, firing off mini-explosions trying to wipe that exasperated expression off that shitty half and half bastards face.
After a few seconds more he finally pushed off, using Kirishima looking like a springboard, and went full speed to the door only to lose his balance and slam face-first into a wall of ice.
“God damn it IcyHot I don’t have time for your shit.”
“You have nothing but time now actually”, came a voice seething with rage. Just as Katsuki realized he was in fact floating and that was probably what caused his lack of balance. The face-first into ice was just a fun touch added by the icy-hot bastard. “You give respect to people you care about, and unlike you, we respect Deku-kun and his wishes. He specifically asked us before leaving to not let you talk to him for the rest of the day” Fuck, gravity princess was here to save Deku.
Katsuki slowly somersaulted in the air as he tried to get his brain to work again but before any thought other than swears could filter through he was unceremoniously dropped on his back, knocking all the air out of him.
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thedailyspuf · 3 years
I Finally Figured Out Why I Do and Don't Like Destiny 2
I Finally Figured Out Why I Do and Don’t Like Destiny 2
I have a massive love/hate relationship with Destiny 2. It’s a game that I have drifted to and from, right from the start. Okay, sure, I never played Destiny 1. But when the beta came out on PC, aabicus and I played it, doing the one available strike on Nesus. While it was, well, alright, Destiny 2 didn’t really stick to me. In fact, many of the previous articles I have written about Destiny 2…
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torukemorkaius · 3 years
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Starting with caster for the redesigns. She is honestly the most revealing in my opinion, despite the fact that my other character Nesu is completely nude. I’m loving this pose. I just need to come up with a new wardrobe that looks good. #animeart #drawing #originalcharacterart #originalcharacter https://www.instagram.com/p/CQwaprRFWTW/?utm_medium=tumblr
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factoides-yajan · 2 months
Factoide #4642
 (#4642) Los pokémon de 2da generación fueron por 20 años el único trío de iniciales que poseía un tipo puro en su evolución final.
Esta racha finalizó con la llegada de la octava generación.
Aporte de Nesu Beltran
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[Publicado originalmente el 29 de Julio del 2024]
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travellerzpoint · 5 years
Places to visit in Bali, Indonesia
The Indonesian land is quite in trend these days. It has become a favourite destination spot for all travellers. The island is home to religious places like Uluwatu Temple. The island is popular for its meditation and Yoga.  Bali is one of the beautiful places in the world and comes under a must-visit category. Also, it comes under right under your pocket. This place is also one of the cheapest places in the world. Bali is a place where you could do almost everything. Mountain hiking, relaxing on the beach or just walking in the beautiful island will fill your mind with peace. Well, the fact is reading about a place isn’t better than experiencing it. Allow us to tell you about the list of amazing tourist places you can visit:
  1.Trek to Mount Batur
Starting your trek from the Serongga to the beautiful Mount Batur. Mind this, that trek is not for the light-hearted people. From the beautiful delights to the soft soothing bird chirping will fill your heart with peace. The view from above is serene.
    2.Bali Swing
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Located at Jalan Devi Saraswati, Bali swing is one of the highest visited attractions in Bali. Sitting on this swing will give you an amazing feeling. You’ll be able to view the whole place. It also gives an amazing backdrop for your pictures. Travel bloggers from all over the world featured this as one of the best places to visit in Bali.
  3.Goa Gajah Gianyar
One of the places in Bali with great architecture. The place is famous for its religious, historical and archaeological aspect.
The spot is famous for meditation and it is believed that it was built in the 9th century.
  4.Nesu Penida
If you’re looking for a place that is visually appealing, Nesu Penida is just the right place. Unspoilt nature with a beautiful surrounding. Best for photographers who are looking to capture the essence of true nature. The water colour is pure and blissful. Away from the tourist hustle, this place doesn’t offer any accommodations or eating spots. Hence, the reason it is unspoilt.
  5.Sekumpul Waterfall
One of the most visited places in Bali is the Sekumpul waterful. It’s a breathtaking view and you will not be able to control yourself from jumping into the water.
  6.Bali Zoo
One of the most visited places in Bali. Bali zoo is home to a diverse range of specifies. It offers an appropriate atmosphere for the inhabitants. One can encounter numerous animals and learn all about them.
    7.Tukad Cepung Waterfall
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Waterfalls give out the most beautiful view. It’s like a blessing of nature. Tukad waterfall is surrounded by high gorges from all sides with an appropriate amount of rays passing by. Visiting the waterfall will make you fall in love with Bali.
8.Kuta Night market
Well, after visiting such places, the Kuta night market is located in Jalan Blambangan, Kuta. It’s popular for the food it offers and you can also find a lot of people from different nations here.
Visiting this market is a great chance to try out the local food of Bali.
The post Places to visit in Bali, Indonesia appeared first on Travellers Point.
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barbituratas · 7 years
Apie žmones ir kvepalus
Šiaip fun fact: niekada nesu buvęs prie žmogaus, kuris per daug prisikvepinęs. Nu arba neužuodžiau. Labiau nervina, kai ne kvepalai, o prakaitas nosį muša :') @asmuo ar manai, kad pokemon go yra 10mečiams?
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factoides-yajan · 4 months
Factoide #4590
(#4590) ¿por que los juegos de gameboy clásicos tienen el código DMG?
El código "DMG" en los juegos de Game Boy clásicos se refiere al modelo original de Game Boy, lanzado en 1989. "DMG" es una abreviatura de "Dot Matrix Game", que hace referencia a la pantalla de puntos (dot matrix en inglés) utilizada en la consola. Esta pantalla tenía una resolución de 160x144 píxeles y era capaz de mostrar hasta cuatro tonos de gris, lo que permitía gráficos simples pero efectivos para la época.
El Game Boy original tenía una carcasa de plástico gris característica y fue la primera consola portátil de Nintendo que alcanzó un gran éxito comercial. Muchos de los juegos lanzados para esta consola inicialmente tenían el código "DMG" en su etiquetado para indicar que eran compatibles con el modelo original de Game Boy.
A medida que se lanzaron nuevas versiones de Game Boy, como el Game Boy Color y el Game Boy Advance, los juegos también se actualizaron para aprovechar las capacidades mejoradas de estas nuevas consolas. Sin embargo, los juegos clásicos de Game Boy con el código "DMG" siguen siendo recordados con cariño por muchos jugadores como parte de la historia de los videojuegos portátiles.
Aporte de Nesu Beltrán
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[Publicado originalmente el 7 de Junio del 2024]
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factoides-yajan · 4 months
Factoide #4574
(#4574) El excepcional boxeador mexicano Ricardo Martinez, personaje que aparece en el anime Hajime no Ippo, esta basado en el boxeador Ricardo "El Finito" López, el indiscutido campeón de peso mosca de méxico y del mundo
Aporte de Nesu Beltrán
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[Publicado originalmente el 22 de Mayo del 2024]
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factoides-yajan · 4 months
Factoide #4570
(#4570) Ricardo "El Finito" López
Ricardo "El Finito" López es un ex-boxeador profesional mexicano considerado uno de los mejores púgiles en la historia del boxeo en las categorías de peso mínimo y peso mosca ligero. Nacido el 25 de julio de 1966 en Cuernavaca, Morelos, México, López tuvo una carrera destacada en la que nunca perdió un combate profesional.
Conocido por su técnica excepcional, defensa sólida y capacidad de adaptación en el ring, López se retiró invicto, un logro raro en el boxeo profesional. Durante su carrera, mantuvo el título mundial de peso mínimo del CMB (Consejo Mundial de Boxeo) desde 1990 hasta su retiro en 2002, además de ganar títulos en la Asociación Mundial de Boxeo (AMB) y la Federación Internacional de Boxeo (FIB).
"El Finito" López es ampliamente respetado no solo por su récord impresionante sino también por su conducta deportiva y su habilidad para dominar a sus oponentes con una mezcla de técnica precisa y estrategia efectiva. Su legado como uno de los campeones más dominantes y técnicamente dotados en la historia del boxeo perdura en la memoria de los aficionados y expertos del deporte.
Aporte de Nesu Beltrán
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[Publicado originalmente el 18 de Mayo del 2024]
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factoides-yajan · 5 months
Factoide #4555
(#4555) En 'Vacas Vaqueras', Alameda Slim es interpretado por el cantante y actor de doblaje mexicano Jaime López.
Para la canción de 'Yodel adle eedle oo', Jaime logró cantar el falsete musical más complicado que existe. Lo hizo de una forma tan extraordinaria que los demás países donde fue estrenada la película pidieron prestado el falsete de Jaime para utilizarlo en los doblajes de sus propias naciones.
Además, en el doblaje original para la escena de dicha canción, se necesitó de 3 actores para lograrla, a diferencia del doblaje latino que solo necesitó del increíble trabajo de Jaime.
Aporte de Nesu Beltrán
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[Publicado originalmente el 3 de Mayo del 2024]
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