#netflix unstoppable
yzuposts · 2 months
i’m unstoppable, except when villains have sexy arms. then i’m stoppable
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Lockwood’s ego was too powerful; the universe had to nerf him with dead parents and Trauma otherwise he would have been unstoppable.
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princesserii · 2 years
Canon be damned I’m fighting in the trenches for Wenclair and no one is going to stop me!!!
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shinyspacepirate · 2 months
That Sweet Tooth ending huh
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But for real, this is what I mean when I want complete stories with real endings, not tv that gets dragged on with no purpose in mind. It was whole and it was beautiful and also imperfect and the characters had depth and relationships and growth and the end result had tears shooting from my eyeballs. What a show
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tay0la · 1 year
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Did I just finished watching 1899? Yes.
Do I want to share my thoughts? Yes.
That intro??? That was so good. I didn't skip it for the whole show.
The character writing? I could kiss the creators. & the actors for being perfect.
The mind fucking plot? 10000/10 (I don't get it but I love it)
I can't go on without spoiling (do not read further when you haven't watch the show)
Daniel, again. Like he is really out there suffering the most (suffering isn't a competition but you know what I mean)
The scene, where they all go jumping off, was hilarious to watch (the shots with the whole ship, ofc not the scenes with Krester and Lis mom)
Olek being a decent human being. 🥰🥺
I do think Maura's father is wrong when he tells Elliot that his father doesn't care about him. Daniel knows his son is dead (probably) so he knows he can only save Maura. He'd save him if he could. I am 100% convinced and you can't change my mind about this.
Did Krester really blame Tove for killing the man, that attacked him and abused her?😐 (Yes, killing isn't good but how dare he to be so rude?? Especially since he was the reason. It was bad reasoning from the man but still.)
Krester's mom out there testing and stressing me. (She threw a boy out of the ship because she thought he was the devil. The way she treated her children, especially wishing death on Krester?)
Clémence is amazing. I would die for her.
Also, everyone is like Eyk+Maura 🥰 —Well everyone except me because my man (Daniel) is out there awake for at least 16 days (he must have gone through 2 simulations at least) just to help his love, who does not remember him.
Also theory: if Maura created this simulation, she also created that Daniel would come to help her get out of it. Because she trusts him.
And now my sore hate against Netflix for canceling this show (we got so many Riverdale seasons???):
This show has so much potential for a second season. I mean come onnnnnn. The show was so so good and it only had 8 episodes. Robbed.
Did we got robbed of the hot villain brother that is keeping his sisters in simulations solely because he hates her? Yes. I'm convinced that we got robbed. (I do think he hates her, because on the envelope to Maura, he wrote Henry and Maura stated that he used to call her like that because he hated her.)
Maybe he doesn't want Maura to suffer but their father. (Wow, I just realized that could have been another option)
I do think the spaceship is another simulation because of the triangle in her eyes and (I might didn't notice) Daniel wasn't there and he said a minute before, he would be there if she woke up. Always.
I felt like everyone else was there except him (—and maybe that's because of my bad eyes—) which is fine because he wasn't supposed to be on the ships either.
I feel like we could have seen a traumatic flashback from her father and brother in the second season.
All I want is for Daniel and Maura to find peace again.
Also, I wanted Tove, Clémence, and Maura to team up and being absolutely badass. Got robbed.
Everyone did such a good job with this show, the actors, the creators, the camera staff, the post-production staff (special effects, etc.). Everyone except Netflix.
The plot is amazing and there is so much left to unpack and I'm really devastated that we won't see all that “glowing up” for another season. :(
Now a poll because I am finally able to make on😁:
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wittynsmug · 2 years
I come bringing more close-up turtle shots
Fucked up teef bros
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Leo has (had?) plants in his room???
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Details on the back of Donnie's Battle-shell
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He's definitely a carnivore. Lookit them fangs
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Raph's beak!!!
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And a classic sleep-deprived Donatello to finish this off
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vryfmi · 2 years
ok, back to overanalysing all the content that we have for now
first things first: rapier. not going to lie or sugar-coat it but i didn't like what we've seen. warding off a ghost looks absolutely nothing like fencing, not to mention it comes from Lockwood, a character famous for his swordplay, skill, different techniques like patterns and turns. non present.
anyway, can we talk about smears that they've added? what in cgi is this and why is this exactly what i had expected from them? all in good sense because it looks so dynamic, makes action stand out. especially the second example. Lockwood's not swaying it way too fast but there's still a clearly visible smear on the rapier.
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i have a feeling there will be more of such effects (fingers crossed for talents' visualisations being done like spider-sense).
secondly, Annie Ward's ghost either screams (with distortion and such) "Lucy" in the very beginning right after Netflix's logo or im going crazy which is also possible.
thirdly, characters are awfully underdressed for ghost-hunting where temperature usually drops to 5 degrees centigrade. i've already had a feeling that there'll be a ghost overhaul judging by Cornish’s interview:
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it seems like not only will different types have different approaches in dealing with, but also the classification will change. instead of two common types and the third being something of a legend there seems to be three main types in new ghost's taxonomy and one unclassified. or interview is very out of context and has some poorly interpreted information.
the cold that ghosts radiate could've been removed or made less extreme in favour of seeing more of actors and not a tone of clothing which not only limits acting and some action but also probably messes with on spot sound recording. alas, i really liked that aspect of books and ghost hunting, not to mention how effective it is in setting the other side.
fourthly, Lockwood and Lucy act a lot closer than their book counterparts. and no, i don't mean it in locklyle way. what has been striking to me about the books is how distant agents feel from each other. i always thought of it as a tragic reminder that these children die on duty and getting this attached to your colleges won't serve you any good. but here they cover one another, call for each other in distressed situation and even Lockwood giving his hand in Lucy's rescue makes their team look a lot more caring and adequate (at least until they burn a house).
in books as soon as ghost launched at Lucy, Lockwood started warding it off and pursuing once it's started retreating. he checked on her when the danger was gone but even their dialog was different. Lucy was angry with herself, how she dropped the rapier - the worst possible thing an agent could do in this situation. on Lockwood's questions about her wellbeing she answers briefly. where in the teaser Lucy got clearly very scared. not only she became a ghost's target but she was hanging over a few meters drop, and she's afraid of heights. now to Lockwood's question Lucy answers without spitting out the words, she tries to regain her cool and gives a bit of a sarcasm instead. and yet, it's not spiteful, it's more of a relief of tension with her feet finally firmly on the ground.
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thewhizzyhead · 1 year
can't believe it's been two damn years since I got into watt and yet with every damn reminder that watt exists, my head still goes haywire over ideas on how watt can be adapted/improved/put to netflix
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mossy-covered-bones · 5 months
Gods help me i am once again becoming consumed by Positively Ancient obsessions
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raccoonnutella13 · 10 months
people don’t talk about hilda (from the netflix show) enough and how absolutely insane she is. and by that i mean how she takes the Traditional Hero trope to the absolute extremes. she is filled with overwhelming whimsy; adventure is drawn to her like a goddamn magnet and absolutely NO ONE can stop her from pursuing it. and if they even try to get in her way then fuck them. this kid’s normal tuesday means possibly dying multiple times and fighting The Horrors. everyone around her is concerned for her and the unstoppable magical girl powers that she wields but she absolutely WILL be a little shit about it because she was pulled from her whimsical littol cottage in the woods where she played with trolls and forced to move to fucking Normal Non-Magic Town. turns out going to Normal Town is only a minor setback and soon she’s back on the befriending magical creatures (a GIANT TALKING RAVEN) grind. she’s so Magical Girl Protagonist that even her own mother is terrified for her.
put simply: hilda subverts the magical girl trope in such a way that makes her a threat to normal society. and i love her for that
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sparrowlucero · 7 months
The Last Airbender (2010) is better than the netflix adaptation because the art created by an unstoppable force (weird auteur director who's whole oeuvre is awkward, tongue in cheek horror movies) and an immovable object (studio execs desperately trying to crank out an inoffensive family fantasy movie to be their own bespoke harry potter) coming together to taxidermy the acclaimed 9.3/10 on IMDB source material into one of the most inscrutable films of all time is just inherently more worthwhile than a show that's primary goal is to meekly regurgitate the events of the original story in a roughly accurate and nostalgic way in the hopes that The Fans will think it's better than M Night Shyamalan
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lev1hei1chou · 7 months
"Hey, babe, you know what they say – love is like a cursed spirit. Unpredictable, sometimes dangerous, but always thrilling," Gojo grinned, his blindfold adding an extra layer of mystery.
You chuckled, not quite sure where he was going with this, but eagerly playing along.
"Now, imagine our love is like a special-grade cursed spirit – one that can only be defeated with the power of eternal commitment and---He drags out the last word while making drumming gestures with his hands ---a shiny engagement ring!" Gojo exclaimed, swiftly producing a small box from his pocket with a dramatic flourish.
Your eyes widened in surprise, and you couldn't help but laugh at his unique analogy.
"Of course, I've got a speech prepared. Brace yourself for the most heart-melting proposal speech ever," he winked, opening the box to reveal a dazzling ring.
"Dear Y/N, my love for you is like my limitless cursed energy – unstoppable and, honestly, sometimes a little overwhelming. I promise to be your unstoppable force, your protective domain expansion, and your one and only special grade sorcerer."
He paused, pretending to wipe away a fake tear dramatically.
"I vow to annoy you with dad jokes, steal your fries when you're not looking, and always be the one who insists on choosing the Netflix show. But most importantly, I promise to love you endlessly, like my collection of fancy sunglasses."
You couldn't help but burst into laughter. He was merging his charismatic, comedic nature with genuine emotion.
"Will you, Y/F/N, be the one to put up with my limitless antics for the rest of our lives? Will you make me the happiest, most powerful sorcerer in the world?" he asked, a grin spreading across his face.
With tears of laughter in your eyes, you nodded enthusiastically, "Yes, baby, I will!"
He slipped the ring onto your finger, his eyes gleaming with happiness.
"Perfect! Now, let's celebrate by grabbing some of those fancy desserts I heard about. Our love story deserves the sweetest interval, don't you think?" Gojo said, pulling you into a tight embrace.
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jennay · 3 months
My Best Friend
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Noah Sebastian x reader
Part Two
Summary: Reader goes through a break up and Noah does Noah things.
Master List
The gravel crunches under your shoes as you ascend Noah’s driveway. Your skin prickles, as if it’s trying to escape the confines of your body. The air feels heavy, suffocating, and you’re torn between wanting to kick something, hit something, or simply collapse into a heap of tears. It’s a symphony of emotions—anger, betrayal, and a dash of disbelief.
This wasn’t supposed to happen. You thought you were in a cozy rom-com, complete with candlelit dinners and shared playlists. But reality just pulled the rug out from under you, leaving you sprawled on the floor of your own heartbreak.
And the worst part? Everyone else saw it coming. They waved red flags like semaphore signals, but you were too busy dancing in the fog of infatuation.
You even told your friends, “It won't be serious and if it is we will move slow.” But Michael? He came with baggage—suitcases, trunks, and emotional carry-ons. A tortured soul with unresolved trauma, dragging dread behind him like a shadow.
As you stand there, staring at the door, you wonder if it’s too late to turn back. It was going to be embarrassing asking Noah if you could move back in.
You open the door and quietly enter the house stopping at the side of the couch where Noah sits. He looks up at you with a soft smile. “You ok?” He asks even though he knows you aren’t. He scrunches his face and pats the sofa next to him, “Come sit, tell me what happened.”
“He said he knew from the beginning it wasn’t going to work. We were both too damaged. He was using me to get over someone else and we’re better off apart,” your voice trembles with defeat. You hurl your phone onto the couch and collapse next to Noah. Tilting your head up, you drape your arm over your eyes, hoping to shield your vulnerability from him.
“What a dick,” Noah chimes in, his tone edged with anger. “And seriously, how does this keep happening to you? You’ve dated so many people.” He pauses, studying your face for any sign of reaction. “Not that it’s a bad thing, but damn, this was the longest relationship I’ve seen you in and it lasted—what, a year?” His brown eyes lock onto you, probing deeper.
You drop your arm, staring wide-eyed at the ceiling. Stupid. That’s how you feel. You craved love desperately, yet it seemed like nobody wanted to love you back. “I got attached to his kids like a fucking idiot,” you admit, your voice barely audible. Tears prick at the corners of your eyes, unstoppable. “Why doesn’t anyone want to love me?” The words escape in a soft whisper, your shoulders slumping as you gaze at the floor. A single tear rolls down your cheek, and you think it’ll be the last, but another follows, and another. You bury your head in your hands.
Noah’s hand rubs your back soothingly. “Dude, don’t cry,” he murmurs, inching closer. His thigh brushes against yours, and he wraps his arm around your shoulder, pulling your sobbing form into his chest. In that moment, his warmth feels like the only comfort in a world that’s left you feeling unloved and broken.
“I can’t help it…” you whine, attempting to wipe your eyes. “I know it wasn’t that long, but it was like a Netflix series—short but intense. Not the ‘binge-watching Stranger Things’ kind of intense, more like ‘accidentally watched a documentary on tax law’ intense. I mean, I loved him, but I also had moments when I wanted to throw his clothes out the window because I hated him.”
Noah takes a deep breath, and you feel your body rise with his. He leans in, ready to drop some wisdom. “Listen, I’m no relationship guru, but I’m pretty sure ‘hate’ isn’t in the official handbook. It’s more like ‘tolerate their weird quirks’ or ‘pretend to enjoy their cooking.’”
You pull away playfully, glaring at him. “Thanks, Captain Obvious. Next, you’ll tell me that water is wet.”
He chuckles at your comment. “So,” he pauses dramatically, “when should we go grab your stuff?”
You raise an eyebrow, “The breakup happened like thirty minutes ago. Give me a break,” you say with a soft smile.
Noah shrugs like it’s no big deal. “The spare room is still how you left it. I’m sure Jolly will help us move some stuff upstairs too. I could ask Folio and Nicholas, but you know how they are,” he teases.
You roll your eyes. “Yeah, Folio would probably turn it into a moving party, and Nicholas would just complain the whole time.”
Noah laughs. “Exactly!”
You stand up, sighing. “Yeah, but the last thing I need is Michael spreading rumors about how quickly I moved on to one of you.” You bite your lip. “Can I just borrow some clothes tonight? I’m not ready to face him yet.”
Noah nods, “He’s a mediocre middle-aged basic white dude. I didn’t think you’d be this heartbroken over him.”
You smirk. “Well, he did have a decent dick.”
Noah stares at you in horror. “What the fuck, dude.”
You chuckle. “Now, about those clothes?”
“Anything to get away from you at this moment. I need to go bleach my eyes…and burn that image out of my brain.” Noah starts for the stairs, pretending to gag as he walks up them. “Let’s go get some stuff tomorrow. The longer you wait, the worse it will be.”
You quickly follow behind him, rolling your eyes at his theatrics. “You’re such a drama queen.”
He grins over his shoulder. “And you love me for it.”
Walking into his room, he grabs a pair of shorts and a t-shirt from his dresser, tossing them at you. “Here, these should fit. They’re my comfiest.”
“Thanks,” you say, catching the clothes. You head to the room across from his. “Goodnight, Noah. I’ll see you in the morning.” You take a deep breath and open the door, feeling the weight of the day settle on your shoulders.
“Hey!” Noah slightly yells, clearing his throat. “Why don’t you stay in here with me tonight? It’ll make me feel better knowing that you can’t jump out your window.” He teases, but you can hear the worry in his voice. “We can watch a movie… My brain will be at peace, and if you need to cry, you won’t be alone.”
You pause, feeling a lump in your throat. “Let me change first.”
When you arrive back in Noah’s room, he has the TV turned on and the blankets pulled down. He’s already in bed. “Come on, get in here. I’ve got Bojack Horseman ready to go.”
You take no time crawling into bed and snuggling close to the blankets. “You know me too well,” you mumble, feeling a bit more at ease.
Noah smiles softly. “Of course I do. Now, let’s forget about Michael for a while and just relax.”
As the show starts, Noah doesn’t say a word, just watches your eyes slowly flutter, signaling you’re tired. He reaches over and gently squeezes your hand. “I’m here for you, always.”
You squeeze back, feeling a bit of the tension melt away. “Thanks, Noah. Goodnight.”
“Goodnight,” he whispers, keeping his eyes on the screen but his thoughts on you.
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netflix · 2 years
Seven warriors against one unstoppable empire. The Witcher: Blood Origin is now streaming on Netflix.
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illdowhatiwantthanks · 6 months
Alex Cabot x Reader Headcanons
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from my own wishful thinking & context clues & absolutely nothing else
Smart as fuck.
Loves brunch. Orders an omelet and a mimosa every time.
Grew up crazy rich. Trust fund baby.
New England law royalty.
Her favorite flowers are mums.
Would roundhouse kick anyone else who tried to hug her, but is super snuggly with you.
Eerily good at reading people.
Legendary speeches and closing arguments.
Would make an excellent politician, but doesn't like the ethically slimy things required.
Sees the good in you when you don't.
Stays up so late on weekends, then sleeps til noon. Even though you have told her time and time again that this is bad sleep hygiene.
Hot when she wears glasses and she knows it.
Chooses your outfits when you go on vacations because she wants the Instagram pics to be perfect.
Leaves you little love letters on sticky notes when she has to leave before you wake up.
Loves to Netflix and chill all weekend. With a big emphasis on the chill. 😉
Very hard to intimidate.
Not great about saving money, but she doesn't really have to be.
Spends an ungodly amount of money on omakase.
Doesn't let many people get close to her, but is very close to those she lets in.
Makes sure you're included in conversations because you can be a little on the shy side.
Ridiculously long nighttime skin care routine.
Has watched every single comedy special on Netflix.
Nearly unstoppable when she turns on the charm.
Makes you get to the airport 2.5 hours early, despite the fact that you both have TSA PreCheck.
A slut for cacio e pepe.
Will choose a hotel based on nothing but how the pictures there would look.
Her suitcase is always too heavy, and she always asks to put stuff in yours.
Has a parfait for lunch every day.
Cafe con leche supremacy stan.
Silk sheets only.
Sweeps you away on far-flung vacations as often as she can.
A gin-and-tonic is her Bad Day at Work drink.
Got in trouble all the time as a kid for playing with her mom's makeup.
Would 100% use her family's private jet if you hadn't convinced her it was socially and environmentally unethical. She hated that you were right.
Mulled wine on Christmas Eve. Always.
Will melt if you give her jewelry. Doesn't even care that she could buy herself better pieces.
Lets you get quirky and colorful with holiday decorations inside, but outside it's classic white lights and wreaths and candles only.
Would never ever admit it but gets pissed when you don't interact with her Instagram posts.
Favorite candy is Skittles, but she feels this undermines her badass bitch persona at work, so she'll only eat them at home.
Secretly likes to wind down with a joint on Friday nights after work.
Reminds you to wear SPF moisturizer. Every. Single. Day.
Holds your hand firmly in crowds so you don't get separated.
Takes so long in the shower in the morning that sometimes you have to get in, wash, and get out all while she's still showering.
Gets a facial and a massage every week like the bougie bitch she is.
Gives absolutely no fucks.
You do not want to be on the receiving end of an Alex glare.
The ultimate hype man. Believes in you so much that you actually believe in yourself.
Never not running late because it takes her so long to get ready. But somehow always gets there on time?
Compliments you incessantly. Like to the point that it flustered you at first.
Has to drink herbal tea instead of coffee after lunch or she'll be up all night.
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