#netflix whitey winn
the-fiction-witch · 10 months
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Media Godless
Character Whitey Winn
Couple Whitey X Reader
Rating SMUT
I made my way into town on horseback as the sun was setting. I tied my horse Maggie to the post outside the bar where she could drink. I turned and quickly spotted where I wanted the sheriff office.
I slowly approached seeing the lights on within. I stopped a moment just before the porch and I rubbed my eyes until they were red, and held my dress a little making sure to create the image I needed before going to the door giving it a few soft taps. 
“Come in!” The voice calls from within so I headed inside see the typical sheriff office set up and just a boy sat at the sheriff's desk. He had a small panflet in hand come comic or news of some sort but closed It and set it on the desk “Ohh- well Hiya ma’am, your ain't a Labelle lady I know it?” He said as he looked at me a smile growing across his lips 
“No, I was travelling it appears I've lost my way”
“AHH I thought I didn't recognize ya.”
“This is the sheriff's office correct?”
“That it is ma’am.” 
“Ohh you must be the lovely sheriff then” I smiled moving closer 
“you’d think that but unfortunately not, deputy whitey Winn, I am very pleasant to make your aquanitence” 
“Aww well I was hoping for some help Mr Winn” 
“Of course deputies have to help lovely ladies” he smiled getting up from the chair to stand at the desk 
“Well I was travelling” I began moving my dress a little slowly exposing my unstockinged leg which immediately got his attention his focus completely in me and my exposed leg that he didn't notice as I grabbed my pistol from my thigh holster “and decided to rob this little place”
He sent to reach for his gun but I clocked my own pointing it right at his head 
“Take off your gunbelt.”
“Ma’am please -”
“Take it off.”
“Alright -” he agreed keeping eye contact as he moved his hands to his belt buckle undoing it quickly and setting his gunbelt on the table 
“Both of them Mr Winn”
He looked angry and upset but did as I asked trying to undo the other the buckle at his back but immediately he struggled having to glance at it to undo it before finally sitting it on the desk 
“Good boy” I smiled “now get the keys and open up the cell” I ordered and he looked like he was gonna cry “do it.” So he took the keys and went across the office his face utterly frustrated and furious as he unlocked the centre cell and pulled open the door leaning on it “go on in then” I told him and begrudgingly he went inside knowing he didn't exactly have a choice so I quickly went shutting the cell door behind him and locking it tight “there perfect.”
“What are ya gonna do to me?”
“Nothing if you behave yourself” I smirked putting my gun away and still even in this state he still looked 
He came close to the bars grabbing them in his hands “I'm the law you can't just -” he began but I grabbed his shirt and kissed him for a moment he didn't kiss back but very quickly melted into the kiss kissing me back as much as I kissed him till I let him go “whoa-” he gulped “Hiya”
“Hi” I giggled
“I uhhhh I uhh I never got your name?” 
“Uhhh Hiya y/n. So uhh what's gonna happen now?” 
“What Indeed” I smiled pulling him into and kiss which he happily obliged with moving his hands though the bars to wrap around my waist his thumbs stroking the boning in my dress groans and moans in his throat as we kisses but as we kissed I slipped my hand down grabbing my gun and setting the barrels end on his chest “back up”
“Okay. Okay.” He nods moving back with his hands up
“Take off your shirt” I told him
“Ma'am please -”
“Now.” I demanded 
He grimaced but did as I asked removing his dark jumper with half buttons and of course his badge revealing a once white button down 
“Both of them” I demanded 
He sighed but slowly unbuttoned his shirt and tossed it to the floor o leaving his chest utterly exposed slightly pale where this skin never sees the sun. 
“Good boy” I cooed “take off your britches”
“What!’ he yelped already nervous crossing his arms over his chest 
“Your pants. Off. Now.” I demanded 
He knew he didn't have a choice so rolled his eyes and undid his pants pushing them off and stepping out of them leaving him in only his brown dirty boots and his off white cotton underwear 
“Happy now?” He glared 
“Very happy thank you whitey” I giggled 
“Well now what now you've completely humiliated me”
I smiled grabbing his arm and pulling him back into a kiss which he happily kissed back into slightly moaning into the kiss as I stroked down his body giving his underwear a playful snap 
“good boy” I cooed 
“Uhh yeah- so uh what uhh what's your plan for me then?”
I giggled tapping his nose secretly grabbing a pair of handcuffs from the desk and unlocking the cell going inside with him 
“Ohh… my my y/n” he blushed getting excited I smiled and pushed him against the cell bars and kissed him even more passionately he immediately melted wrapping his arms around me and stroking my dress often moaning into the kisses “ummmm y/n ummmmmm uhhhhh ummmmmm y/n- uhhh I can hardly contain myself for your kisses” he gasped 
“Good” I smirked grabbing his wrists pinning them above his head as locking them each into the handcuffs around the cell bar so he has no choice but to remain in this position 
“Oh god-” he gulped realising he was pretty fucked 
“Now you going to behave for me whitey?”
“Not like I really have a choice do I?”
“No but still”
“Fine I'll behave”
“Good boy” I giggled kissing down his neck leaving a trail of hickeys 
“Ohh uuuuuuuhhh! Oh my god-” he groans “uhhh uhhhhh y/n!” He moans feeling my intense kisses so I continued kissing down his chest leaving a hickey between his pecks “ughhh! You are vicious!” He smirked but I just continued kissing and biting as his skin leaving a hickey on his V “ooooohhhh holy- ohhh my god! Yes! Yes! Ughhhhh please I'm begging you!”
“What whitey?” I giggled
“ummmm you know what I want.” He smirked “lower. Please. Just a little lower please” he gasps 
“Awww well how can we deny such a sweet boys requests” I giggled moving his underwear down and immediately I giggled see how hard he was he blushed but I immediately began to kiss him 
“Uuuughhhhh! Uummmmm y/n” he groans biting his lip hard “more please!”
I giggled and took him completely in my mouth sucking gently as I moved my head 
“Oooohh my god- yes! Yes! Oohhhhh holy fucking- uuuuuuuhhh uuuuuuuhhh uuuuuuuhhh-uuughhhh uuhhhh yes! Y/N!” He moans and I had to move back as his erection twinged and softened the moment I moved back his jizz sprayed out across the floor leaving him to slowly soften as he gasped desperately 
“Ohhh my whitey someone was on a bit of a easy trigger” I giggled stroking his hair 
“To be fair.” He gasped “no girls ever did that to me before - and you are … one hell of a tease. I'm surprised I lasted that long” 
“Awww cute.”
“Now what exactly are you gonna do with me?”
“I've already done it” I giggled unlocking his handcuffs and giving him a kiss “see ya around whitey”  I smiled going to leave but he grabbed me 
“You ain't going anywhere darlin’” 
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4lxcxrd20 · 2 years
Thomas Brodie 💕
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meep-meep-richie · 3 years
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Thomas Brodie-Sangster || Godless S0103
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sangsterstiles · 4 years
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i’ve never been so happy in my entire life
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barcaavengers · 4 years
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thatonedeer · 5 years
Okay I love the show Godless on Netflix, HOWEVER I did not expect there to be so much thirst for Whitey MFing Winn
Like...he never bathes and has absolutely no common sense, he also doesn’t empty out his fuckin toilet, and this man is the one??? What??
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What ‘Godless’ Did Right Pt3
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ladyofvalyria · 6 years
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153 notes · View notes
komraekenkru · 6 years
Okay, but how did Whitey Winn go from the stupid, incompetent comic relief to the purest and best and most badass character in the history of ever?
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the-fiction-witch · 2 years
Cowboy Rule 48
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Media Godless
Character Whitey Winn
Couple Whitey X Reader
Rating Smut
Concept  Anonymous asked:Hello I understand stand if you say no but can you do an Whitey Winn x reader smut but it has the the cowboy rule. The cowboy rule is if a girl wears a cowboy's hat she rides or will ride the cowboy.Thank you if you do it. 🥰
Smut Playfull/ riding/ hikis/ kissing/ breast play/ fondling/ bj
I smiled as I finished lacing my dress for the day pulling the ribbons of my dress tight to keep it on me all day. I grabbed the pie cooling in the window and set it in my basket alongside some jars of preserves and a few bottles of honey wine. I picked up my now-loaded basket and headed out of my little house into the dust and dry dirt of Labelle. I glanced to the sky hoping perhaps to see some dark clouds on the horizon as we badly needed some rain but alas the normal dry New Mexico heat was all we received. I headed through town past all the little shops the ladies now ran in order to keep the town going giving the ladies building the church a wave as I went past, till I reached the town square heading over to the familiar building.
'Sheriff, Labelle, New Mexico territory'
Atop two four square windows. The porch with a couple of chairs and a large pile of logs for the burner inside. A small lamp light hung beside the porch steps just before the door.
I hopped up the steps and in through the unlocked door looking around the small office with its three cells lining the far wall. Sheriff Bill Mcnue's desk to my left was empty as per usual, the coat rack to my left alongside a small window, and In Front of me was the large gun cabinet full of shotguns, and pistols, the mirror lining the back of the cabinet. And In Front of the cabinet, the deputy's desk was lined with various paperwork, keys and coffee cups given he'd been on his own so long. And in the small wooden chair behind it laid a comatose deputy whitey Winn.
In his usual mud-covered brown leather boots, his borderline skin-tight jeans with a slight vertical striping in the fabric pulled up to his waist, his two dark brown leather gun Belts sat crossed over his hips so a buckle sat above his pants fly and the other just above his butt allowing him to have a 45. On each hip. The white handles guns sat there slightly moving with his breaths. His 'once' white shirt collar was only just visible, his slightly green half-button overshirt covering him from wrist to neck with a small breast pocket where his silver deputy badge hung. Any skin exposed had enough dirt to set potatoes, so much muck in fact under his nails I was almost convinced he was growing himself garden, his excuse for facial hair slightly graced the corners of his upper lip barely even meeting in the middle with maybe three hairs under his bottom lip and I don't think any on his chin, his hair thick with grease and dirt or slightly matting in sections where he runs his hand thought it but that was all. The familiar scent of sweat, dirt, warm leather and the unfortunate scent of a man who lives alone is eliminated from him like a pile of roadkill tossed to the gutter. His hat was on the desk, his hands on his stomach as he sat in his chair far asleep.
I couldn't help but giggle at the slight setting my basket down on the corner of his desk atop some of his gun magazines. I carefully snuck over to behind his desk leaning down to see him. I smiled and gently rubbed the tip of my nose against his own the first few runs bore no response but soon he began to move Against me too subtly of course until I move and pressed a small kiss to his lips which caused a wide smile across his lips
"Hi" I smiled
He rubbed his nose on my own a little before giving my lips a little kiss "hi" he smiled opening his eyes to see me "what are ya doin' 'ere?" He asks leaning back in his chair
"What? Are you not happy to see me whitey?" I pouted putting my hands on my hips as I stood up straight
He leant forward leaning his arms on his desk and his jaw on his hand "I'm always 'appy to see ya darlin'" he smiled giving me another little kiss
"Cute" I smiled tapping his nose "how have things been?"
"Quiet" he sighed "it's Labelle darlin' nothin' much ever 'appens 'round 'ere" he says leaning back in his chair
"You finished that paperwork bill asked you to do?"
"Jesus Christ y/n- I finished all that lot last week"
"It's alright. I don't think ya quite get just 'ow dull thin's can be 'round 'ere" he laughed
"I suppose not. Any news?"
"Course not. He'll get back when he gets back. As much as I know darlin'" he shrugs
"Alright, I just hope it's not too much longer it's not fair bill to abandon town for so long"
"It's nothin' I can't 'andle" he smirked
"Not my point. Just because you can doesn't mean you should have too. You only getting paid a deputy salary and frankly, you're doing all the work will bill gone so much" I explained
"I know what ya mean. Don't worry ya'self alright I'll 'ave a word with bill when he's back" he says getting up and giving my forehead a kiss "besides won't be long will bill packs it in, then I'll take over" he says as he wandered over fixing himself another coffee
"What makes you so sure he'll let you?"
"I'm his deputy y/n, it's kinda the whole idea" he laughed
"Then what makes you so sure he'll pack it in soon?"
"He has to at some point and he ain't gettin' any younger. He spends most of his time in the undertakers playin' chess anyhow" he laughed returning to his desk coffee in hand "what's in the basket?" He finally asks honestly I wouldn't be surprised if he hadn't even noticed it till now
"Presents" I smiled taking the basket and hiding it from him putting it behind my back
"Ooh? Let me see" he Cooes getting up but I moved back
"There a secret"
"Are they? Come on darlin' let me see"
"No" I giggled bolting across the office but he gave chase rushing around the office trying to catch me as I circled around the desks till he cornered me between the last cells bars and the wooden wall basket still behind me but his arms on the wall and bars so I had nowhere to go
"Let me see"
"Why not?"
"Come on darlin', please" he Cooes
"On one condition"
"What condition?"
I simply shrugged and his smile grew before he leant down capturing my lips in a sweet Intense kiss his lips slowly moving Against my own his arm moving from the wall to wrap around my waist his left hand on my left hip wrapped around my back, until we both pulled back for a moment he was breathless staring at my lips before glancing up to my eyes
"Ummm humm" I nodded
"Good" he Cooes rubbing his nose on my own and snatching my basket returning to his desk so I scampered back too. "Ooooh pie! What kind of pie?"
"Sweet potato pie" I smiled
"Aww ya always make my favourite darlin'"
"Cause you always ask for it" I smiled
"Thank you very much"
"You're welcome"
He happily unpacked the rest of the basket putting all the bits and bobs away in their usual place as well as having himself a slice of pie "ummmm delicious as always darlin" he says giving my cheek a kiss as he ate as he did I couldn't help glancing to his hat still sat on the table so I sneaking began to walk my fingers across the desk towards the hat but before I could even touch the rim he slapped my hand
"Oww!" I complained
"Don't even think about it" he warns sternly giving me a sharp glare picking his hat up and dusting off some dirt
"I just wanted to look"
"Look with ya eyes. Not ya fingers" he warns
"I only wanted a look" I pouted
"No y/n"
"Why not?"
"Breaks the rules"
"Fine. I'm heading home"
"Alright I'll be 'ere a bit longer, did ya want me to … pop by when I'm done?" He suggested
"It's alright whitey I'll be fine all by myself. Have a nice afternoon" I smiled giving him a little kiss taking my basket and headed out
"You too Darlin'" he smiled blowing me a kiss as I left.
I smiled as I scrubbed and washed the little pots and dishes that had mounted up over god only knows how long it had been since whitey did any dishes, christ some of mine were in here from pies and roasts I had sent over to the office for him. I was rather thankful whitey asked for my help in tidying his house as it so desperately needed it and I knew with my oversight he couldn't half-ass it and the place would defiantly be cleaned. While I was scrubbing and cleaning the dishes and bottles, Whitey knelt on the floor cleaning out the fireplace cluttering and clattering the fireplace with the little tools. "How old are some of these?" I asked slightly concerned
"Hum? Ohh No idea darlin' I stopped keeping track" he explained
"You need to learn how to take better care of this place"
"I know, I just don't get a lot of time workin' in the office so much. usually, a soon as I get 'ome I just kinda collapse and sleep"
"Wherever would you be without me" I giggled
"Humm I'd be lost without ya y/n" he cooes giving my cheek a kiss as he came to wash his hands and face given they were now covered in ash and soot from the fireplace.
"you need a bath" I told him
he sighed "I'll take a damn bath when the 'ouse is clean"
"Alright, you fix your bed I'll get started on the laundry" I smiled
"Alright" He smiled heading to his bed and stripping it off "ya know I don't really need to lean to upkeep the 'ouse" He says
"don't you?" I glared sorting his clothes into... well I tried to colours at least original colours some of which were very hard to tell, was this shirt ever white? or was it just grey? I don't know I don't remember it ever being white. "Why not?"
"Well what's the point in me learnin' all the 'ouse stuff. Might as well just get myself a wife"
"Ya know what I mean, No point me leanin' it all if ya just gonna move in a month later" he shrugs
I chuckled "whitey when we get married you're going to do chores too"
"Why?" he whines "I'm the 'usband. your 'ot sexy deputy 'usband." He cooes coming to cuddle me "Who works all day while his pretty wife makes nice dinner ready for him to get 'ome"
"Ummm, and cleans the house, looks after the children, all while the husband sits on his ass"
"Yeah" he shrugs
"whitey" I glared turning to face him crossing my arms "if you ever want me to be Mrs Winn, you better learn to do chores and take care of things. Or you ain't got a cat in hells chance of getting anywhere with me" I told him "and you can drop that attitude too"
"I'm just sayin' my little wifey would be the one at 'ome with the children. While I go to work"
"I know but you're still helping. I ain't raising our children, doing all the chores and taking care of you Mr" I told him as I sorted his clothes
"I'll 'elp. got to teach my little boys to shoot as good as their daddy"
"They still have to go to school whitey"
"Why? I didn't"
"My point exactly." I giggled
"fine" He sighed "this is good though, gettin' it all square now. then we'll 'ave no arguments about how we raise our babies when we get married" he smiled giving my cheek a kiss and going to remake his bed with the fresh bedding
"You're not abandoning them like bill does his kids"
"course I won't ya know I won't darlin' I just don't see the point in learnin' all the 'ouse stuff"
"Well you better. You can clean your own damn britches whitey I ain't your wife yet" I told him handing over the pile of laundry for him to do as I took  a hot pot outside filling up the steal tub grabbing a washboard from the wall and began washing his shirts and such
"yet" he smiled following me out with his own so we could sit together while we did the laundry "Ya would be if he wrote me back already"
"Still no news then?" I asked
"No, I wrote him over two months ago startin' to get a little worried"
"I'm sure It'll be through soon" I smiled giving his cheek a little kiss, Honestly I was a little worried too. A few months ago whitey penned a letter, with help. To my grandfather the last of my family still living for permission for us to get married but we had yet to hear back anything at all. Frankly, it was the only reason we weren't yet married, even if I'm sure if permission was denied he'd likely marry me anyways. I know he's getting impatient and I had to admit I was too it was such a small but inconvenient hurdle to get over before we could truly start our life together before the jokes and stories of us living together and raising a family could become more than simple tales.
"I wonder if Bill'll give me time off when we get married?" He pondered
"I'm sure he would if you asked nicely" I giggled
"Maybe as we are 'avin' to wait so long" He smirked suggestively
"You get no more than your kisses till after we're married whitey"
"Damn it" he sighed "Come on we've been datin' a year and a 'alf"
"So? not till we're married that's my rules," I told him as I took the clean laundry hanging it all over the line just outside his house. Once all done heading inside with the water pot, as I did I noticed his boots and jacket by the door so I grabbed the brush giving them a dust and a brush cleaning off his leather jacket I then reached for his hat to give it a dust off and a clean however he was just heading in and before I could even lift it from its place on the rack he snatched it out my hand
"No." he snapped setting his pot with my own by the fire
"No. no touchin' ya know that" he warns
"I was only going to give it a brush whitey" I complained
"Ya 'ave you're rules darlin' I 'ave mine. Ya don't touch my hat alright?"
"Fine" I sighed "Be like that" I pouted
"I will do. don't get all pouty with me just cause ya can't 'ave what ya want"
"Look who's talking"
"Funny." he chuckled giving my cheek a kiss "No, touchin'" He warns
I smiled as I stood brushing little buttercup, Often times catching whitey across the way taking care of his own horse ted brushing him, feeding him and generally taking care of him. "Eyes front Mr Winn" I told him
"Why? What's the matter little lady? you're not normally so grumpy with me"
"Well I'm working"
"as I am, Can't 'elp if my work's such a good view" he cooes
I finished up with buttercup and went over to help with out with ted "Maybe if you did more work, and not such on the view little ted would be finished up by now?"
"maybe so, But I can't 'elp it" he cooes coming around to pull me into a cuddle peppering my neck and cheek with kisses "ya too damn pretty"
"Am I now?"
"I can't resist ya. and ya know I can't say no to ya darlin'"
"So cuddly today whitey"
"Well I've been in the office all week I've barely seen ya" He complained "or cuddled ya. or kissed ya" he cooes
"True. Guess you've been busy" I giggled grabbing the rim of his hat and bolting across the stable
"Very funny darlin', give it" He says playfully
"Very sweet, very cute, now 'and it over"
"No, my hat now" I giggled cuddling it close to my chest
"I ain't playin' darlin' give it" he complained trying to take it but I moved around ted "This ain't funny y/n" He says now getting rather angry with me as whenever he tried to take it I simply moved though the stables to a point where he couldn't reach me. "Y/n! give it back!"
"Mine now" I giggled "Maybe I'll hop on buttercup take your guns and become a cute little cowgirl" I smiled holding the hat just above my head
"don't ya dare" he warns "Give it back y/n"
"awww do you not think I'd make a cute cowgirl whitey?"
"Ya would look adorable but give me my hat back"
"Humm I'm the fastest shootin' cowgirl in the west," I giggled playfully "Pew pew"
"I ain't playin' y/n give it back."
"its the rules darlin' "
"what rule?"
"Ya wear the hat ya better ride the cowboy" He smirked leaning on the wooden collum of the roof of the stable
"what sort of a rule is that?"
"The cowboy rules darlin'." he smirked "Rule 48 ya wear the hat ya ride the cowboy"
"You're making that up"
"No I'm not it's right 'ere in the cowboy 'andbook" he says getting a small book
"wh-where did you have that?" I asked "I know how damn tight your trousers are whitey where did you have that?"
"My pocket." he shrugs "see right here Rule 48 ya wear the hat ya ride the cowboy" he says setting the book in the bag in teds stable
"who made that rule?"
"Fellow boys sick of you girlies stealin' thin's" He says once again trying to take it but I moved back again "Darlin' give it. ya know the rules so 'and it over"
"So what if I was to sit this on my little head I'd have to-"
"Yes you would."
"That goes against my rules"
"its the cowboy rules dalin' been this way for generations. So mine ourways your's" he smirked "Give it."
"Or else what?"
"Else I'm bloody takin' it"
"Not if you can't catch me" I giggled bolting out the stable door and into the dust of town of course he immiedatly bolted after me I imagine the ladies of town likely thought we'd gone insane as we ran around labelled chasing each other like children until I bolted into his house and he soon caught up with me so I smiled and sat his hat on my head "Don't you think I look pretty?" I giggled
he smirked pulling the door shut and locking it behind him "ya shouldn't 'ave done that darlin'"
"I think I look cute"
"ya look very cute. but ya know the rules."
"Okay" I smiled
"I broke the rules" I shrug "Guess the town deputy should punish his little cowgirl correctly"
"humm come 'ere then darlin'" he smirked taking me in his arms pulling me tight to his skinny body leaning down to capture my lips in a kiss more intese then I had ever felt he slipped the hat off my head sitting it on his table as he pulled me closer his arms around my waist giving me utterly no escape from him our kiss so intense and lustful it was clearly the whole of his frustrations where coming out in this meer kiss even moaning into my mouth a little as his hand slipped down to grab my ass though my dress, he pulled back rather suddenly forcing me to his bed I went to lean or lay down but he stopped me kissing my cheek "Ah ah ah. Ya wear the hat ya better ride the cowboy darlin' remember." he smirked turning us around so he could sit on his bed "Ya ain't layin' on ya back to get this over with. You wanted this. Now ya gotta pay the price"
"I wouldn't dream of it whitey" I smiled climbing into his lap settling myself on his thighs the moment I did his cool smirking deminer stopped and his sharp excited breaths broke through as he glanced at my lips and then down biting his lip as he saw how close our bodies where, given after all court time together out privets had never been this close before. And given he had always wanted this even since our earliest courting days I can imagine he was excited. Infact I didn't need to imagine as I felt the shiftening close to my stomach and a sharply spoken sentence came from his lips as he hovered over my own
"We're really gonna do this." He said less stated like a question and more as a statement more as if he was reafirming it to himself
"You said it was the rules," I pouted
"It is! it is." he says "Sorry- I uhh I'm more nervous then I thought I'd be"
"Well, I promise to be gentle. So long as your gentle with me whitey"
"I will." he gave me a sharp kiss "I promise"
"Alright, how would my cowboy like me to ride him then?"
For a moment he seemed utterly shocked at the words coming out of my mouth but he didn't waste his time, kicking off his boots and throwing his belts onto his bedside table moving and getting settled down his bed so he could have his head on his pillow and I knelt fully over his hips with the sheets below us. I don't know why but even in my utter innocence I got a strange confidence from sitting over a nervous, overexctied whitey, that this big strong deputy boy reacted to my every movement, my every word, as if he was made of clay and I could shape him however I wanted. that even though my family had always explained it as being a holster for a boys loaded gun to settle when he pleased, I didn't feel that way at all. I slipped my hands down his shirt towards his pants feeling him stiffen below me more, his hips shifting to work into myu hands, holding his breath as I moved over his stomach. I felt powerful more powerful then I ever had before. he sat up a little and recaptured my lips as I reached the buttons of his pants so I happily kissed back as I slowly undid them each button I unbuttoned caused his lips to somewhat quiver against my own until they where completely undone which caused a soft moan where his tight pants released. he pulled back a moment but only to push his own trousers down as well as his once white cotton underwear down with them, I couldn't help my curiosity moving back slightly to see his much paler hips and prominate V a gracing of hair not to dissimilar to his upper lip, light, thin and patchy to say the least. and of course what drew the most of my attention his hard cock stood tall clearly at the point it couldn't get any harder he smirked a little leaning on his elbows glancing down at himself
"My little cowgirl like the look of her ride?" he smirked
"Ummm humm" I nodded stroking my finger up the shaft testing just how far it was from his base to his tip thinking how exactly he would fit inside me,
"Ummm" He groans biting his bottom lip hard watching me hand
"I'm not hurting you am I whitey?" I asked
"No, ya good darlin' ya fine" he says quickly
"alright" I smiled giving his lips a kiss before then kissing down his neck a little
"Ummmm darlin', you're stallin'" he smirked leaning his head back to give me more space to kiss
"We'll I just want to prepare for my ride," I whispered moving down at first he seemed confused but I pressed a little kiss to his shaft and he froze up his whole body going tense for a second his eyes wide so I gave him another kiss, and then another peppering little kisses along his shaft when I glanced back up his head was rolled back his mouth open "should I?" I began
"Ya fine ya good." he quickly snapped
"well I don't want to keep stalling if your waiting whitey" I giggled licking from base to tip
"Ughh! no no take ya time darlin' I wanna make sure my little cowgirls ready for 'er ride" he smirked
"I was thinking more making sure he was ready for me," I cooed "I thought he could need a little more... lubrication before we start riding"
"Ya could be right darlin', he's gonna need a little more then that then" he smirked
"you think so?" I asked licking from base to tip again which made him physically shudder
"Ummm hummm" he nods biting hard on his lip trying not to moan "please"
"what?" I giggled
"Please darlin" he whines shifting his hips in his desperation I smiled giving his tip  a little kiss before I slowly took what I could into my mouth I couldn't take all of it in my mouth so I settled my hand below my mouth to pump up into my mouth as I gently licked and moved my head back and forth slowly of course given I was so new to this but I don't think he cared - "Uhhhh! uuughhh! uuughhhrrr!" moans tumbled from his lips like a waterfall his fingers gripping his sheets his head rolling back "Ughhh! fuck that feels so good" he groans unable to control his hips shifting and working with me which I took as a sign to speed up both my hand and my head gently suckling on him as I did which caused his eyes to roll back and sounds out of him like I'd never heard animalistic I suppose he gave up to trying to keep himself up laying down on his bed writhing with his sheets always in response to my movements and changes in speed or style, it was adorable watching him utterly loose himself his calm strong deminer disappeared completely as he was left utterly at the mercy of my tiny movements even just a flick of my tongue or a squeeze of my hand was enough to force noises and reactions out of him utterly reveling in my new found power. Until I think I hit a breaking point in him as he almost screamed "Y/n! Please! baby stop please! I'm gonna cum!"
I pulled back giggling "You've never called me that before?"
"You've never done that to me before" he gasps
"Alright" I smirked
"Oh fuck I'm already learnin' that looks bad with you" he says slightly scared I smiled and took his hand giving it a soft little kiss letting him settle his hand on my head to gently play with my hair which eh happily did knotting his fingers in my curls until I returned to him taking much more this time as I slowly worked out how to relax my throat allowing almost all of him inside my mouth which caused him to grip my hair slightly guiding me "ughhhhh! stop! stop please!" he begs even if his hand continued guiding me clearly at a point his body was doing one thing and his head another, his head desperate for us to finally make love after all this time but his body already caving in desperate for release, I moved back letting him breathe a little as I climbed out of bed "hey! where do ya think you're goin'" He smirked grabbing my arm
"Just getting comfortable to ride" I smiled unlacing my dress he egarly watched me undoing my dress letting it fall to the floor as well as unlacing my corset, and pushing off my little undergarment shorts leaving me in merely my white underdress and nothing else the dress thin and almost see though my nipples slightly poking though the top of the dress I hadn't noticed given I was battling my dress but he had grasped his erection slowly touching himself to the mere sight of me precum now leaking from his head I giggled and pinned up m hair "shall we?" I smiled
"Absoloutely darlin'" he smirked offering his hand so I took it and he helped me climb back into the bed and ontop of him I got settled on his thighs a moment my little dress around us "I'll guide ya at first okay?" He asks and I nodded "Good, go on then be my cute little cowgirl" he cooes rubbing his nose on my own he held my hips guiding them up and closer for a second one hand left to check himself was in the right position, I held his shoulders a little nervously unsure how it would feel "Okay, down just like a saddle" he says
"Aren't I usually trying to avoid sitting on the hard pointy things on my saddle"
"True" he chuckled I slowly moved down his hands often slightly adjusting my hips until I felt the pressure of his shift cock under me for a moment I moved my hips a little trying to find the sweet spot it being much further back then I thought making me lean almost completely on him before we found it and his tip slipped inside me enough to make us both freeze up a little "There we are," he cooes I held his shoulders tight as I slowly moved my hips lower and lower feeling each inch of him slip inside me until I hit his hips and thighs meaning he was completely inside me I could feel him throbbing inside me with his heartbeat, it felt strange but very pleasurable just having him fill a space I hadn't ever felt filled before. it took a solid minute of us both just getting settled and used to the new sensation before I began to move my hips as if I was riding a horse his hands softly guided me that way too back and forth in small hip movements until I got a stable pace "fuck- I've waited so long for this" he groans his hands moving from my hips to my ass stroking and groping me as I moved "Ummm we on a leisurely stroll baby?" he groans kissing my neck
"I don't think either of us 'ave ever ridden this slow" he smirked
"if you want me to go faster just say that whitey" I giggled
"Alright, faster. Please baby" he cooes
I smirked and began moving much faster taking things at a pace that would pleasure me and clearly drove him crazy as he groped and kissed me intensely to hide his moans and groans of pleasure even if some still slipped through
"Fuck- Ughhhhhh! ughhhhh! y/n! Ughhhhhhh! you feel so good!"
"Ughhh yeah y/n?" he groans leaving hikis on my neck
"Does this-" I began moving up and down a little to slightly bounce as I ride
"UGHHHH! FUCK! Yes! yes, that's amazing!" he groans digging his nails into my ass helping to bounce me more now our pace rapid and merciless "Uuuuhhhh! uuugggggh! Please! Please... baby stop I'll-"
I immediately smirked getting a little faster and squeezing himself around him which made him moan "The cowgirl decides when we're done riding whitey. and not until" I smirked
"Y/n Ughhhhhh! please I'm so close" he groans "fuck I love ya so much"
"Ughh I love you too whitey" I groaned admittedly slowing down where I knew I was close too he even moved his own hips to work into my movements both of us groaning and moaning until I hit a wave of overwhelming pleasure that made he squeal pulling whitey's hair hard pulling him into my chest as my toes curled and my fingers gripped his hard hard "Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Whitey!"
"Ughhhhh fuck! fuck fuck!" he groans against my skin collapsing against me for a moment I just gasped trying to think straight, once my mind returned I glanced down and noticed I'd kinda forced whitey's head into my breasts a little
"Ohh sorry whitey" I giggled letting go of him but he didn't move
"I'm fine" He smiled nuzzling himself there
"Get out of there you" I complained pulling him out "sorry"
"It's fine, ya don't ever need to apologize for forcin' me into your boobs it's not a problem."
"Are you okay? you want me to-"
"Ohh I kinda- when ya were screamin'" he smiled slowly pulling out "That was amazin' darlin'"
"it was, maybe I should steal your hat more often"
"You're more than welcome" he cooes peppering me with little kisses and making me giggle until he all out flipped us over into his bed so we could kiss and cuddle "Ummm I love ya so much, I wanna marry ya so badly"
"You're only sayin' that cause you finally got to have sex with me" "no I mean it, I wanted to marry ya before, now I know just how amazin' it is when we have sex." He cooes playing with my hair
"Sweet, You probably want me out the-"
"No no you're staying 'ere tonight, I want my darlin' in my arms tonight"
"Awww okay whitey," I smiled giving him a soft kiss "Goodnight" I smiled nuzzling into his chest
"Goodnight darlin'" he smiled cuddling me tightly
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justauthoring · 6 years
Twiddling - Whitey Winn
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Request: Here’s a fun one for Whitey? How bout when he is locked in the cell, the reader takes this to her advantage. She won’t let him until he sings and she just stands there with the keys in her hand waiting for him to sing. In the end he gives in.
Please don’t plagiarize my work - I spend a lot of my time writing, copying and pasting destroys that. If you want to repost my work. please ask first - but even then I might say no.
“Come on, Y/N.”
You smirked, biting your lip as you continued to twirl the keys around your finger. Whitey sighed heavily, leaning against the barred gate that kept him from getting to you and the damned keys that would let him out.
Raising a brow, you took a step forward. You were just an inch away from Whitey being able to reach through the opening and grab the keys, and you were well aware of it. “I think I made myself perfectly clear, Whitey.” You grinned, licking your lips.
Cocking your hip out, you let your free hand rest against it, clutching the keys in your other hand. “Sing,” you paused for dramatic effect, “and i’ll let you out.”
“This is ridiculous,” Whitey huffed, letting his forehead fall against one of the bars. “And humiliating.”
You only hummed in response, turning around and making your way over to Whitey’s desk. You noticed his precious guns left on the gun belt sprawled across the top of the wooden desk, and your smirk grew wider, amusement flooding your gaze. “What’s this then?” You questioned, siding his gun out from the gun belt.
“These your precious guns?”
“Y/N,” Whitey immediately straightened out, his eyes going wide. “Don’t play around wi-”
“Why?” You questioned, amusement falling from your face. “Think I can’t handle myself?”
Whitey’s lips parted as he desperately tried to scramble for a response. “No, i-it’s not that. It’s ju-”
“Calm down, Whitey.” You laughed, setting down the gun. “I’m perfectly away how special these are to you, I won’t mess them up.... if you sing for me.”
“You’re evil,” Whitey sighed, “a new kind.”
You only tilted your head, waiting.
Whitey’s cheeks flushed, growing red as he paused, obviously thinking over what he’d do. Eventually, after watching you twirl the keys tauntingly before him, he sighed, shoulders slumping. “Fine, fine, i’ll sing.”
Your eyes twinkled.
The ants go marching one by one, hurrah, hurrah The ants go marching one by one, hurrah, hurrah The ants go marching one by one, The little one stops to suck his thumb And they all go marching down to the ground To get out of the rain, BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!
You smirked, clearly satisfied as you begun making your way over to the jail cell. “See?” You giggled, sliding the key into the lock. “Was that so hard?”
Whitey huffed, once again, stepping out with a frown. “Yes, yes it really was.”
You only laughed.
let me know what you thought? remember, reblogging always helps!
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I would like to say to the world that, in my migrained, sickened state, I was not prepared for THIS MOTHERFUCKER
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But he did, and it was beautiful and I don’t think I’ve ever loved TBS more than when he was stuffing food in his face, looking like a little smart ass with a cowboy hat.
I’ve been fUCkinG BLeSsED
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optimistic-ginger · 7 years
I’m only gonna say this once:
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mimi1503 · 7 years
Whitey Winn ~There you’ll be~ Godless (ft. Louise, Mary Agnes, Roy & Bill)~[Thomas Brodie-Sangster]
Fanvideo on Whitey Winn and his relationship with other characters in the serie. I really like this character. He is so human : sure of himself, talented but also innocent and clumsy. I think he brings a lot to the story.
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barcaavengers · 4 years
I'm watching Godless because I miss seeing Thomas Brodie Sangster and the series look quite interesting and so far I like it. Love how the ladies take care of the town and take nothing from the offers of men.
Now...Thomas as a cowboy deputy ��😍 He is so talented and in the series so far he is just so dorky playing with his guns in front od the mirror. I'm so weak for him.
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bumfuzzleaddiction · 6 years
Godless (Netflix ) SPOLIERS!
Let’s be honest, Whitey’s death was the most anticlimactic death but also the most saddest
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