nyckie · 2 months
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Hands you this.
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nethhiri · 3 months
Not sure if I'm doing this right. If you're doing the ask game, for kid and killer (heat and wire if you feel like it), what is a habit they have that others might find cute? And what do you think they smell like?
ooo this is a cute one
Leaves doodles everywhere. Sometimes blueprints for his machines come to him at random times so he grabs whatever he can to jot it down (napkins, scraps, Heat's back, etc.). You'll find them in random ass places.
Will run into things if they aren't metal. He's so used to moving things out of the way with his devil fruit, that he's taken by surprise when they aren't metal. He's run into doors, containers on deck, things on the ground.... Still hasn't learned any better.
Smells like weld smoke and metal. You know that smell on your hand after you hold a key or an old doorknob, kinda like that. Weld smoke is similar but with a hint of electrical fire smell.
Playing with his hair. Sometimes he twirls or braids it when he's bored or needs something to do with his hands.
Always licks the spoon after he bakes something.
Falls asleep with his helmet on when he's exhausted. He just forgets to take it off.
Smells like whatever shampoo he's using at the time. His hair traps the scent for a while so he has no need for other scents. He generally prefers clean scents to overly flowery or fruity.
Fidgets with the loops of his belt.
Before he had control over his fire breath, he would expel flames when he hiccuped or burped or coughed. He tries to hold these in or he goes outside to avoid setting anything on fire.
Smells like campfire. That smoky, sweet scent of burning wood. After a fight, it's a bit stronger, like burnt toast.
Ducks whenever he walks into a door, even if he can fit through it, since he's used to doing it.
Never brushes or styles his hair since it's always under his hood. Gets hood-hair and has to fluff it up if he does take his hood off.
Smells like musk, but a pleasant musk. There's a tinge of sweetness and earthiness to it. It's just his natural scent. He never has BO.
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sualne · 7 months
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new game, new wizard!
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dansnaturepictures · 2 months
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Two enchanting nature watching moments so far this year: Dipper at Nethy Bridge and Silver-spotted Skipper at Perham Down
At a sunny Nethy Bridge at the heart of our epic Scotland holiday in spring I was dazzled by darting Dippers along the exquisite rushing river. Seeing them flit from surface to surface, one leaving its aquatic footprints on a rock, sensing their joyous presence. It was fascinating to see the food in their bills with a nest nearby as we enjoyed splendid intimate views of one of my favourite birds.
Fast forward to high summer and after changeable weather almost a novelty to observe butterfly filled vibrant meadows. Fluttering through them a golden gem, the dainty Silver-spotted Skipper, sunset orange with open wings and deliciously and intricately marked with wings closed. An enthralling encounter with a wonder of nature, I revelled in taking a few moments to drink it in.
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nosnexus · 1 year
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More ladies. More poses. MORE FEATS!
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nairdde32 · 9 months
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You know I genuinely feel bad for them sometimes, do D&D players even like D&D at this point?
Anyways you know the drill by now
Happy Holidays
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iwoszareba · 6 months
Sorry if it’s a weird question, but how does Aqil reconcile his chaotic-ness with his devotion/dedication to his clan, god, and role?
Not weird at all! Chaotic neutral is an alignment usually associated with very specific archetypes and it did cross my mind that Aqil must seem a little unusual in that context, considering that faithfulness and dedication are some of his main traits.
The big part of the explanation is the kind of god he follows. 
Nethys fascinates me because he a) lands in neutral by combining both good and evil aspects b) rarely communicates with his faithful and that fact is celebrated c) even his holy text is described as full of contradictions putting the task of finding the answers on the person who studies it rather just granting them.
Aqil is chaotic neutral in a very philosophical sense. He believes in the need for balance of different elements but also in cycles and never-ending changes. And he applies these principles to individuals as well as entire societies. He will butt heads with very lawful types not because trying to establish any kind of order is bad but because holding onto it too tightly is unhealthy and ultimately futile because change will come no matter how hard you try to stop it.
Role of Meru ties into that idea of balance and cycles. First Meru was granted power by Nethys which introduced arcane magic into their very bloodline so now each new Meru is a repayment of that initial investment. Give and take. Blessing and a burden.
Idk if it’s a silly metaphor but if you picture destiny as a river you could try to argue that struggling against its stream is the chaotic option because you detest being led anywhere against your will, but perhaps letting it carry you where you need to go can also be seen as chaotic attitude, complete freedom is an illusion anyway and you may find wisdom in the flow of things.
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incandacence · 2 years
this is a reminder that all officially released content for pathfinder 2e is available here on archives of nethys, an officially sanctioned (and free!) database! that means it is literally everything you need to play! there is no reason to continue giving wizards and hasbro your money. if you find that you like the system enough to support it then by all means purchase some content of course but there is absolutely no investment of money necessary to play this game. please stop giving wizards your money for a mediocre system
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shiawasekai · 8 months
As I mentioned in passing, Nela is a very logic-driven person. If she has the time, she'll reunite all the information possible, ponder and study it, and then make the choice that better balances out the different priorities at that given point. She is very young mentally, but she is far from naive. Any naivete she had left was taken away by the brutality of the Crusades really fast.
She is a nice person who believes in redemption and values making the morally right choice, yes; but if she decided something is the wisest choice, she is sticking to it. It can make her ruthless.
Probably the biggest consequence this had companion-wise is that Camellia didn't survive Act 3. As far as Nela was concerned, she was unrepentant, out of control and the resources and mental energy to keep her in check made it not worth it. How would she even do it? She couldn't entrust the task to a normal soldier, less so trust her. Camellia wasn't doing anything other companions couldn't pick the slack on, so why even risk it?
Morality played a small part in the choice, but no more than that. It wasn't righteous fury, it was just practicality. She is perfectly aware people with similar motivations are joining the Crusades all the time. As long as they behave, she has no reason to drive them away. They're useful, but she stopped being useful the moment she proved herself unable to stay within bounds.
As a player I try my best to play all companion plotlines to the end, but I really couldn't justify it this time with this character. I'll probably let her live in a more naïve Azata run.
The one person capable of making her take choices she herself considers unwise with any level of consistency is Daeran, because love is one hell of a drug.
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pathfuckery · 9 months
New Year, New Deity, Day 12: Cleric of Nethys
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It's time for the deity for the patron of our beloved archives, but I promise this cleric does more than just keep the rules. It's time for a build for a cleric of Nethys, the All-Seeing Eye:
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The Cleric of Nethys not only replicates the duality of their deity, focusing on both restoration and destruction, but also seeks to replicate their deity's unending knowledge. The Loremaster and Wizard dedications, combined with Nethys' domain of knowledge and magic, give this cleric quite a bit of knowledge about all things, as well as the opportunity to dip heavily into the arcane to grant even more magical versatility.
Full Build Linked Here!
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some stupid scrunklies
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leavingautumn13 · 7 months
cassandra's preferred soda and method of fighting
orange cream soda, preferably in float form with vanilla ice cream
she prefers staying at range and keeping her opponents very far away from her with aoe spells. her damage spells tend toward lightning, cold, radiant, and force damage, and her status spells tend toward being sleep and dream related. she also has a knack for mental protection spells. if she's in a tight spot or can't stay at range for some reason, she'll cast monstrosity form and wreck shop as a purple worm before escaping.
sample of her spell list here:
first level: sleep, magic missile second level: glitterdust, radiant field third level: dream message, nondetection fourth level: nightmare, phantasmal killer fifth level: etheric shards, cone of cold sixth level: chain lightning, repulsion seventh level: eclipse burst, entrancing eyes eighth level: mind blank, dream council
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nethhiri · 3 months
For the ask game : What is your characters favorite form of affection? For Kil, Kid (you will get a cookie for Heat and Wire) 😛
I would literally do anything for a cookie.
I guess I'll do giving and getting bc it doesn't specify :3
Nuzzles! Both giving and receiving. He can't readily give kisses, but you can rub your face in to his chest or neck. He does it back but he's almost broken your nose coming in too hot before and has given you a goose egg on the forehead.
If he doesn't have his helmet on, he loves kisses. They're very special to him since he only shares them with people who are allowed to see him without his helmet.
Do I even have to say it? Ass honks. It's second nature. Any time he walks by, you're getting an ass squeeze. Judging by the honks, you can tell his mood. Soft honk=affectionate. Honk+rub combo=Do u wanna bang? Hard honk+hold=not letting go until you follow him to the bedroom. No ass? that's fine he can honk titties too.
Loves cuddles. Please give him cuddles. He's still trying to make up for lack of cuddles as a child.
Really enjoys giving massages. His body naturally runs hot, perfect for loosening muscles. He loves feeling your soft skin and hearing you respond to his skills.
Loves when you hold his hand. Something about not being afraid to be seen with him romantically makes him warm(er) and fuzzy inside. Means a lot to him when you are affectionate in public.
Watching you. Watches you sleep. Watches you eat. You feel eyes? It's him. It's his way of showing that he cares. It's creepy to you. To him, it's protective.
Hearing you complain/talk shit. He loves being the one that gets to hear all of your unfiltered thoughts. Doesn't say much back, but it feels special to hold your secrets.
Bonus: Will fuss about it but secretly enjoys when you huddle under his cape when it's rainy or cold.
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lexicals · 10 months
So bc of the new remaster that's now out, humble bundle is doing a pdf bundle of a bunch of the legacy books for pathfinder second edition if anyone's interested! It includes the old version of the core rulebook and a bunch of bestiaries as well as some APs and setting books
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dansnaturepictures · 1 year
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14th April 2023: Aberdeenshire 
Photos taken in this set: 1. Razorbills, Guillemots and Kittiwake in a wonderful seabird nesting colony fix right at the end of the Heatherlea Spring Into Scotland tour at Troup Head one of favourite places to be with some of the species I love best and captivate me the most. 2. Konik ponies I enjoyed seeing at RSPB Loch of Strathbeg I’ve heard a lot about them before. 3. View from Cairnbulg. 4. A Corn Bunting we saw extremely well including singing nicely at Banff, one of the revelations of the trip for me seen on the last day of it and a bird I love seeing. 5 and 6. Gorse dominated coastal scenes at Troup Head I did love the bright gorse of Scotland last week it was so good to take in. 7, 8 and 9. Fulmars, Gannets and Puffins respectively the other half of my super six seabirds alongside Guillemot, Razorbill and Kittiwake the birds that first inspired me and I first really took to my heart in my early birding days that it was a pleasure to see last Friday really heartfelt experiences seeing them and nice to see them at a colony further north than I ever had. The Fulmars were elegant wonders dominating those last two days of the tour, the Gannets were heartening to see and be immersed in after their struggles generally last year and the Puffin a bird I have such a strong connection to and love for was the surprise but perfect ending to our trip such charismatic and colourful birds to observe always. 10. View from Kinnaird Head on a great sunny visit there. 
That day I also enjoyed seeing Sandwich Tern, Pink-footed Geese, Marsh Harrier, passerine birds like Yellowhammer and Tree Sparrow seen well at Loch of Strathbeg and Skylark that day too, Hooded Crow, Common Seal, Roe Deer seen from my hotel room in the morning at Nethy Bridge, scurvygrass and lesser celandine. 
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localexperiment · 1 year
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drew @calzoneifornia's character Nethis as apart of one of those six character drawing challenges (this fucko is the first one six), and im really proud of it so please everyone enjoy reblogs heavily appreciated
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