jprincetunes · 5 years
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Places to see me beg for attention. . . . #netlight #tedtalk #worms #munich #silentsounds #egofm #lincolntheater #lillyamongclouds #wurzburg #freiburg #thinkfolk (at Munich, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4mmiUIiBuE/?igshid=3rz2jh6db3yb
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raahsafety · 3 years
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RAAH International - Frictape
RAAH - Frictape helideck nets are designed and manufactured by Frictape Net Ltd, an innovative family-owned materials engineering company from Finland. Nets have been installed on over thousand offshore helidecks across the world, with increasing demand.
Besides type approval certificates, ABS & DNV, our production is also ISO 9001 certified and approved for manufacturing of ATEX certified Ex-proof systems.
Our latest product is an innovative Circle & H lighting solution Netlight. Smart engineering means that with Frictape, you save 40-80% in your safety net costs vs traditional safety nets. With our high-performance nets, you can be sure that your operations run safely and smoothly.
RAAH International Authorised Distributors for FRICTAPE
Visit us https://raahinternational.com/                                                                Contact us at [email protected]
#RAAHInternational #Frictape #innovative #offshore #Safety #nets #Perimetersafetynets #Helidecksafetynets #Seagoingvessels #Costs #Safetynetscost #innovativenets #manufacturer #Offshore #Safetyandprotection #Distributors #Raah
RAAH International - Frictape
RAAH - Jaring helideck Frictape dirancang dan diproduksi oleh Frictape Net Ltd, sebuah perusahaan rekayasa material milik keluarga yang inovatif dari Finlandia. Jaring telah dipasang di lebih dari ribuan helideck lepas pantai di seluruh dunia, dengan meningkatnya permintaan.
RAAH - Jaring helideck Frictape dirancang dan diproduksi oleh Frictape Net Ltd, sebuah perusahaan rekayasa material milik keluarga yang inovatif dari Finlandia. Jaring telah dipasang di lebih dari ribuan helideck lepas pantai di seluruh dunia, dengan meningkatnya permintaan. Selain sertifikat persetujuan tipe, ABS & DNV, produksi kami juga bersertifikat ISO 9001 dan disetujui untuk pembuatan sistem Ex-proof bersertifikat ATEX. Produk terbaru kami adalah solusi pencahayaan Circle & H yang inovatif Netlight. Rekayasa cerdas berarti bahwa dengan Frictape, Anda menghemat 40-80% dalam biaya jaring pengaman vs jaring pengaman tradisional. Dengan jaring berkinerja tinggi kami, Anda dapat yakin bahwa operasi Anda berjalan dengan aman dan lancar. RAAH International Distributor Resmi untuk FRICTAPE Akses kami di https://raahinternational.com/ Kontak kami di [email protected]
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Check out the new website! Www.christmastreenetlights.com #christmastreenetlights #christmas #netlights #holiday https://www.instagram.com/p/BolIOp9AzTl/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=12rrtvv3h6fc8
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deedeesbeadies-blog · 7 years
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Use #netlights to #decoratingideas to a space
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mdjgroup5 · 5 years
Blogpost Linda
Hi my name is Linda and I am an Erasmus student from Stockholm, Sweden. I studying my first year of the masters degree in Media Technology at The royal institute of Technology, which is also known as KTH. In my masters I specialize within Interaction design, most specifically the visual communication part of it. Therefor I have experience with UX design and also UI design.
I am a big fan of everything that has to do with graphic design. I also work part-time as a graphic designer at a IT-consultant company called Netlight. So I am excited to beyond developing our game, work together with the fine arts students to make our game visually appealing.
When it comes to games I am not very experienced. I am very familiar with board games and card games but not so much with video games. Especially with the typical first perspective shooter or zombie games. I am not a fan of games where you need to control where you look and where you walk at the same time and that are very fast paced, mostly because I simply not used to playing them. However I am a big fan of either puzzle games or multiplayer games. I see playing games more as a group activity. Therefore, It will be very interesting to develop something that is very different from that. Rouge-like games is something very new to me and especially a mobile version of one. We got some feedback of having the same type of action for different features in the game which could be confusing for the players, which is definitely something that we need to discuss further and investigate about. Also taking a look on other advantages of using a mobile would be interesting, like the in-built gyroscope or microphone would be interesting to take advantage of.
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folhadefeira · 6 years
Internet fixa dobra número de conexões “ultra banda larga” e por fibra óptica
A Anatel divulgou os dados consolidados sobre a banda larga fixa em 2018. O Brasil fechou o ano com mais de 31 milhões de contratos ativos; o Grupo Claro (NET, Claro e Embratel) foi a maior operadora, seguida pela Vivo e Oi. A quantidade de acessos com velocidade acima de 34 Mb/s quase dobrou nos últimos doze meses, assim como o número de clientes usando internet via fibra óptica.
NET e Claro pedem para Anatel liberar franquias na internet fixa
Anatel quer trocar metas de banda larga por selo de qualidade
No final de 2018, a Anatel contabilizou 31,05 milhões de contratos ativos de banda larga fixa. O Grupo Claro detém 9,4 milhões deles (30% do total). A Vivo está em segundo lugar com 7,6 milhões de assinantes (24%). Enquanto isso, a Oi vem a seguir com 6 milhões (ou 19%).
Delas, somente a Claro/NET conseguiu adicionar clientes ao longo do ano; sua base cresceu em 5%. Enquanto isso, a Vivo ficou estável e a Oi sofreu queda de 5% no número de contratos ativos.
A TIM, agora com quase meio milhão de clientes, expandiu seu serviço de internet fixa para mais cidades ao longo do ano passado. Ela teve crescimento de 18% nesse período. Enquanto isso, a categoria “outras”, que reúne pequenos provedores regionais, disparou 40%.
Internet fixa ficou mais rápida com expansão de fibra óptica
Entre as operadoras em geral, o destaque fica para a velocidade. A quantidade de contratos acima dos 34 Mb/s saltou 89% em um ano, e agora é a segunda categoria mais popular; ela é considerada “ultra banda larga” no Brasil. A faixa de 2 Mb/s a 12 Mb/s ainda segue concentrando a maioria dos clientes.
Isso foi acompanhado pelo aumento de contratos de fibra óptica, que cresceram em 79% no mesmo período. Enquanto isso, a tecnologia xDSL — a mais usada no país — teve queda de 7%; ela usa fios de cobre e tem limites maiores de velocidade.
Outro destaque fica para a conexão via satélite. Apesar de representar uma parcela minúscula do mercado, ela cresceu 41%. Entre as empresas do setor, temos a HughesNet, YahSat e NetLight.
Você migrou para um plano mais rápido de internet fixa? Trocou para um provedor regional? Conte sua experiência nos comentários.
A quantidade de contratos acima dos 34 Mb/s quase duplicou no ano passado:
Isso veio acompanhado por um número 79% maior de acessos via fibra óptica:
Com informações: Anatel, Teletime.
Internet fixa dobra número de conexões “ultra banda larga” e por fibra óptica
O post Internet fixa dobra número de conexões “ultra banda larga” e por fibra óptica apareceu primeiro em Folha de Feira.
source https://folhadefeira.com/internet-fixa-dobra-numero-de-conexoes-ultra-banda-larga-e-por-fibra-optica/
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Welcome Fredrik Colldahl Scherstén!
Fredrik Colldahl Scherstén has a background in IT- and management consulting. His main areas of expertise include software development, project management, architecture and mentoring. Fredrik has a passion to build and improve both systems as well as organizations and its people, having a solid background in system development as well as extensive training in leadership and coaching. Having worked in different industries, with a wide range of technologies and in different positions, he is experienced and keen to constantly improve himself and his clients, his mentor adapts as well as himself, always staying on top of things.
"Building and developing are a passion of mine, probably the reason why I became an engineer. Seeing results and see something grow is amazing. But it's not only about technology - building and developing people, companies and myself are equally or even more rewarding. I am therefore very excited to join Reforce, developing the tools to help companies improve themselves seems like a perfect fit."
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Fredrik has an academic background with a civil engineering / master degree in IT and a minor in “Industrial management and economics” from Chalmers university of technology. Most recently he worked as a manager at Netlight Consulting AB. Besides a background in consulting, Fredrik really enjoys the start-up industry. For instance, Fredrik has been a part of developing concepts for the start-up "Digitalpost", making letters digital and accessible.
Welcome Fredrik!
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megajobsdbde · 7 years
Accountant (m/w) Bei Der Netlight Consulting GmbH München
Accountant (m/w) Bei Der Netlight Consulting GmbH München
Wer wir sind Netlight ist ein unabhängiges, werteorientiertes Beratungsunternehmen im Bereich IT und Management. Wir sind aktuell mit ca. 800 Kolleginnen und Kollegen in Europa tätig. Dabei haben wir Büros in Stockholm, Oslo, Helsinki, London, Berlin, Hamburg, München und Zürich. Seit der Gründung 1999 hat sich Netlight zu einem renommierten Anbieter von kompetenten Beratungsleistungen…
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rebuilderremodeling · 7 years
@Netlighting: 6 Green Remodeling and Renovation Ideas for Your Home - Decoration https://t.co/QY03Zl3ztf #decoration
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makeitnewio · 9 years
Gamification - Do you need an internal loyalty program to retain your employees?
Gamification is a word I hear all around currently, and I like it. For me personally taking everything far too serious gamification is a great tool to stay in balance with my stress. Hopefully it will help me last a few more years :-).
In services I use I also like gamification, who doesn't want a fun user experience showing there is some thinking and depth behind. Fun doesn't mean non-professional as it used to when I was a kid - meeting greyish robot-like-people at the bank or watching the news.
But what about your own company, could it gain from introducing a little more gamification? Will it make people more engaged and involved?
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Currently I hear about several companies introducing loyalty programs for their employees. As an employee you will earn loyalty points based on your actions and your result (I assume it's based on your team/group result so it doesn't make a nursery for individualism on behalf of creating together). I guess it will be used both as a carrot to change behavior as well as strengthening correct behaviour by rewarding it. Your loyalty points you can then convert to real value merchandises or services in the company internal web shop.
I can't really make up my mind if I like it or not. I like the fact that you challenge what is "normal" and that you care about your employees. I like the fact that you can promote and reward good behaviour. I love how you promote role models within your organisation and cement your values around those. That's how you build your culture - remember a company doesn't have values and culture, people do.
But what makes me hesitant is how you reward and when...and what you reward with. The risk I see is that you’re not getting the healthy incentives you’re hoping for if you don’t think it trough, so please do. Wouldn't it be better if the reward was made by the individual herself, feeling good about doing something great, and by the people close around? It doesn't really scale if somebody at top (now I'm guessing) do have to come up with anything and everything to award and how much it is worth. And what does that signal about everything that's not centrally set as "rewarding", isn't that worth anything? Should the responsible person and team not take care of those things? And who will be the judge deciding who deserves which reward? Will it be fair for all or will the situations of injustice be the ones remembered?
I just picture myself, raising up my children, promising them candy every time they do what I ask them. Yes they will probably be good children doing what I ask them, ie behave well (if they don't get too crazy from all the sugar). Or will they only learn about the rewarding game and not become healthy thinking and questioning human beings? Yes, most likely they will adapt to the system, do whatever it takes to get candy when they feel like it but never do anything else. Own responsibility?, hmm what is that?
Don't get me wrong, I love games and gamification but maybe we're simplifying things a little too much believing we can apply it directly on (work)life as a whole. For isolated areas I really like the idea as it brings an extra dimension of joy and meaning to many. Like social networks it works fine. To many it brings an extra level of excitement and meaningfulness counting your likes and your friends. But running your life only based on drivers like KPIs of likes, friends and followers will probably not be the final answer to happiness, or? Life as I know it is more complex than that.
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As I said I'm not really sure what I think. I love to follow the experiment of internal loyalty programs as just that, an experiment. Implemented correcly it might be a very good thing, but what I'm saying is I see risks. I love change, I think we in our modern companies need change over and over again to make sure we challenge ourselves and keep on growing professionally and personally. I love to try any ideas that come from employees for employees since they, me, we, are our greatest and only real asset. We all, as employees, have and share the responsibility to make sure work is fun. I have the responsibility to make sure I'm passionate about what I do. Just as in the life outside work (I think it's called free time) I'm sure you're taking responsibility. I'm sure you make sure to do the things you don't like as quick as possible and spend the rest of your time on things you do like, things that you think are fun or make you feel good. Complaining? - to whom and for what reason? Of course it's good to drain your feelings to friends now and then, but complaining doesn't do any real good. And same goes for work life, I believe. Complaining I see as a sign of you failing in taking responsibility, for some reason. And it's good to understand why and do something about it - that's taking responsibility.
So, do you need to have an internal loyalty program to retain your employees? Maybe it's a good idea but please think it trough with your employees and together understand what you want to achieve. If you think an internal loyalty program is the only way to retain your employees, unfortunately I think you're in big trouble.
Anyhow, I'm very interested to see the outcome so please share your experience if you have some.
Do I think it is important to keep employees involved and engaged - 100% yes. Do I like sharing company profit in any way - absolutely. Do I think people should have fun at work - where can I sign up?
What’s your thoughts, how do you design and introduce gamification within your company to increas engagement, committment, passion and keep all healthy incentives? What's your experience of internal loyalty programs?
After going arond for a day not getting the post out of my head I came up with the following idea of how to design a gamification model that might drive healty incentives and good behaviour.
What if all colleagues around you dynamically award each other points whenever they feel like you’re doing something good, something bringing value to them or others. Like a natural feedback thingie, just like you say tanks for helping or great work – may I call it “microrewarding”.
If you are engaged, if you show you care, if you take responsibility, if you have a good perspective bringing value around, if you have a big followership, if you are a natural go-to person then you will earn your points. The great thing with this model is that you don’t need a judge nor referee for the game. It will be self-managed, how life works already.
This model of gamification will probably help you better identify valuable people not only seeing the obvious ones knowing the right people or the ones in your closest network.
Scalable? Oh yes, this model will scale to infinity.
But what about the reward? I think it would be enough with the honor of being seen and promoted role model. Since the points you have will (should) reflect your contributed company value, it’s of great input during your annual salary review process. Doing a normal 360 tend to make us focus on the past month or so as that’s what we humans have fresh in mind. But with this gamification model, which more or less is a live ongoing 360, the whole period will count equally important over 6 or 12 months.
Of course the model will come with challenges; there are no shortcuts in building great companies - it’s all about hard work. In this case a lot of hard work must be invested in setting the guiding principles for how to behave, setting the culture. When and what to reward and when not to. How to treat all equal and give all the same equal opportunity despite gender, religion, skin color or culture.
Dangers? Actually, as we see with gaming, the constant rewarding and hunt for the next reward after that, might not be very healthy. For some it might become the uncontrollable heroine. But for the majority I think it would be a very interesting experiment to be part of. And I think it really will get the dialog and communication going about values, about what is good behavior and not. About how to spend your time in the best possible way. About how to take responsibility and being a role model. About how to build the great company of tomorrow.
What a an exciting and fun experiment to follow :-)
About the author
I’m Mandus Engman. I’m Partner at Netlight, I’m a Genuine Consultant, I’m an entrepreneur, I’m a father and I’m a believer. I meet many companies in different situations, different challenges and different opportunities, I meet the people. I’m a believer in the meaning I believe that together we can really make a difference. Together we can really achieve something and make the digitial future and the world a better place
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Folllow me on twitter: mandus_engman
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ledgenlighting · 9 years
LED Net Lights 240 lights 3 channel Red, Green, and Pure White
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LED Net Lights 240 lights 3 channel Red, Green, and Pure White
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netlightshelter · 4 years
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All this effort was initiated and supported by Mr @jlinares22 who had their crying voices and took them back to school to study. MEMO can now trace letters and can count from one to 10 he's soon making 4yrs. Sanyu is an HIV victim girl who also got sponsorship from Mr Javier plus all her monthly medication. Thanks you Mr Javier for your kind heart brother. You're indeed God's feet and hands 🙏 Please donate and support the NETLIGHT shelter in the link below https://www.gofundme.com/net-light-shelter-nelish https://www.instagram.com/p/CGsOIOIHMH9/?igshid=1s31zg1e4g13q
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megajobsdbde · 7 years
Accountant Bei Der Netlight München
Accountant Bei Der Netlight München
Du bist ambitioniert, kontaktfreudig, ehrgeizig, flexibel, engagiert und möchtest in einem jungen und dynamischen Team arbeiten? Dann wirst Du Dich bei uns sehr wohl fühlen! Wer wir sind Netlight ist ein unabhängiges, werteorientiertes Beratungsunternehmen im Bereich IT und Management. Wir sind aktuell mit ca. 800 Kolleginnen und Kollegen in Europa tätig. Dabei haben wir Büros in Stockholm, Oslo,…
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lumenergi-blog · 13 years
Lumenergi Wins Building Operating Management 2012 Top Products Award
Lumenergi, a leading provider of intelligent, network-controlled lighting management solutions has received the prestigious Building Operating Management 2012 Top Products Award.  This award recognizes the best manufacturers and suppliers of the year as determined by building and facility executives who were asked to select their choices for Top Products that met the criteria of innovation and usefulness to facility managers.
Lumenergi’s team has brought deep industry experience to its NetLight™ product line, which is recognized as the most technically complete and future-ready solution to manage commercial buildings’ energy use.  The Building Operating Management 2012 Top Product winner is NetLight Driver, an intelligent dimming ballast that enables smart fixtures with two-way communication for T5, T5HO, and T8 fluorescent lamps while performing dynamic demand response and independent load-shedding. NetLight Driver operates in DALI or 0-10VDC control modes and takes electrical inputs from 120V to 277V at 50 or 60 Hz.
NetLight Driver is a recent addition to Lumenergi’s NetLight system and provides a new level of versatility to enable the greatest energy and cost saving for large- and medium-scale intelligent lighting in office buildings and industrial applications.  Another recent addition to the product line, NetLight Switch, was featured in Building Operating Management’s December 2011 feature story, “Lighting Control Narrative A Powerful Tool for More Efficient, Effective Systems.”  NetLight Switch controls scene selections from one device and can be installed in a multipoint arrangement within any functional space, synchronize to the current scene, and update dimming levels to the last setting. It features a rocker switch, slide dimmer, and four-color scene indicator, allowing lighting levels to be easily adjusted.
Lumenergi’s NetLight™ product line is shaping the future of energy efficiency for commercial buildings. NetLight was designed with capabilities that anticipate the coming smart grid technologies. Equal product development priority was given to simple installation and logistics, making the entire process easy – whether in partnership with luminaire manufacturers to create smart fixtures, or with integrators commissioning an installation for a building owner. Lumenergi is sought for fast-track projects that require quick installation, deep energy reductions, improved light quality and increased worker productivity.
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netlightshelter · 4 years
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I just can't thank you enough for your kind hearts and giving hands. You've been a miracle to us, what your donation is doing, is to save lives and bring back hope to those who lost hope. Together with God and faith we can make a difference. Thank you friends of NETLIGHT SHELTER. I have faith that my God never sleeps nor slumbers. He is surely seeing your help and he will strongly reward your good wroks towards his kingdom. https://www.instagram.com/p/CDzaeUNHCzR/?igshid=12z4o5ssr3fu2
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