dhddmods · 2 months
Non-binary is an umbrella term.
It feels like a lot of people forget that non-binary is an umbrella term for anyone that is not strictly a binary man or binary woman.
Yes, it can be used as a lone identity, and people don't have to call themselves non-binary if they'd rather use their more specific label under the non-binary umbrella, but it doesn't really make much sense to us when people say they are "not non-binary" while also having a non-binary gender. Its like saying you are omnisexual, but not m-spec.
It seems some people even in the queer community itself are under the impression that non-binary is synonymous with androgyne or neutrois, when thats really not the case.
Fenby, galby, lunarian, menby, enboy, solarian - its all non-binary.
Androgyne, neugender, neufem, neumasc, neuwoman, neuman, neuandrogyne, neuaporine, neuxenine, neutrois, agender, gendervoid, genderless, maverique, aporagender, stellarian, outherine - its all non-binary.
Xenogenders, aesthetigenders, noungenders - its all non-binary.
Multigenders, bigender, trigender, quadgender, quintgender, hexagender, septagender, octagender, enneagender, decagender, pangender, genderfluid, mutogender - its all non-binary.
Genderflux, girlflux, femflux, mascflux, boyflux, androgyneflux, neuflux, neutroisflux, agenderflux, maveriqueflux, aporaflux, outherineflux, xenoflux - its all non-binary.
Demigender, demigirl, demifem, duskian/demilunarian, demiboy, demimasc, dawnian/demisolarian, demiandrogyne, demineutral, demineutrois, demiagender, demimaverique, demiaporine, celestian/demistellarian, demioutherine, demix/demixenogender, demifluid, demiflux - its all non-binary.
A lot of people seem to separate these genders from the spectrum, and as a result, misinform people about what non-binary means, and water down its meaning until its hardly comprehensible. Its counterintuitive to turn a catch-all term into a singular conceptual gender. It is not a word for one singular type of gender.
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LE BRACHYPTÉROLLE À LONGUE QUEUE, URATELORNIS CHIMAERA. TIMBRE VINTAGE SUR MONTAGE PHOTO UNIQUE. unique représentant du genre Uratelornis, Madagascar 1954, surchargé en rouge
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C'est un mignon petit oiseau qui vous est présenté :
de taille moyenne avec une silhouette dodue et une longue queue. Les parties supérieures sont brun foncé avec des stries noires tandis que les parties inférieures sont gris clair. La gorge blanche est bordée de traits malaires noirs et d'une bande noire sur la poitrine, et une bande blanche s'étale un peu en dessous de l'œil.
Ce timbre émis par Madagascar en 1954, surchargé en rouge par les TAAF en 1955 ; il porte le N° 1 et c'est un exemplaire vintage.
La vue No 1 vous présente le produit fini, après impression et collage du sachet protecteur où le timbre a été mis. L'impression est faite sur du papier photo de grande qualité (280 g au m2) et à séchage immédiat. Le tout sera mis dans une pochette plastique, puis dans une enveloppe en carton rigide pour vous être envoyé sous pli recommandé avec remise contre signature.
La vue suivante vous propose l'étape qui précède l'impression avec un repère pour le positionnement du timbre.
Les autres vues mettent en valeur le timbre, son verso et le sachet dans lequel il sera protégé. Pour toute information complémentaire, vous pouvez bien sûr me contacter.
Quelques détails :
Timbre neuf avec gomme d'origine
Qualité : neuf luxe
Très bon état.
Côté 22 € dans le catalogue 2018
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s-enby-s · 3 years
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tried my hand at making some genderflux flags in the style of the girlflux and boyflux flags? left is enbyflux, center is neuflux, right is xenoflux. 
neuflux would be a neutral gender that fluctuates in intensity, while xenoflux would be a xenogender that fluctuates in intensity.
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imoga-pride · 5 years
ive recently been digging into my gender a little better but im still confused, ive been iding as genderfaun but i guess i want to find something a bit more,, specific? even if its multiple ids that can help? i feel mostly masculine most of the time (like 75% to 50%) with neutrois being the other fluctuating part (sometimes even to 100%) what ids do you think fit me?
Magimasc (magimasculine: magigender masculinity), neutroisflux, demineutrois, demimasc (demimasculine), mascflux, neutromasculine, neumasc, neuvir.
Neumascflux wasn’t said yet, but I guess that works best. I don’t know a term for feeling a gender most of the time, except plerugender/domgender, then use plerumasc/dommasc (plerumagimasc/magiplerumasc or magidommasc/dommagimasc).
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Fluxous Pride Flag
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(Fl)uxousness, (fl)exous/ness or fluxine (fluxinity): a experiencing a gender quality with fluctuating intensities; a qualifier/identifier used to explain or define gender identities, expressions/presentations, and connections associated with genderflux/flexgender.
Can be an umbrella term for femflux, mascflux, angiflux/androgynousflux (gynandrousflux/gynandreflux), neutralflux/neuflux, outherflux/outherineflux (eliflux), linflux, minflux, finflux, ninflux, oinflux, uinflux, ainflux, aporineflux, aginflux, xenflux/xinflux, xenineflux/xeniflux, nullflux, etc. -Ap
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dhddmods · 3 months
Plural Gender Coining!
Hello! We wanted to introduce six new terms, as we have been unable to find them anywhere else. They are all plural-focused.
So, introducing terrafem, caelumasc, flumeneutral, ventrogynous, stellaxenine, & sidusoutherine! A way to describe your trans sysmate's innerworld/internal gender, vs the shared-body's appearance or sex.
Terrafem: A transfeminine sysmate in a shared-body that is not feminine. The body might be of a non-feminine sex, a non-feminine presentation, or both. How it is defined depends on the sysmate's personal interpretation of the body's appearance. Some examples of how it might be used:
-A lunarian sysmate in a shared-body that presents androgynously (androgynous haircut, style, body-type, etc.) Even if the body has a feminine sex, the sysmate feels as though the presentation does not match their individual gender.
-A fenby sysmate in a shared-body that is a cissex-endosex male. Even if the body has a feminine presentation, the sysmate feels as though the sex does not match their individual gender.
-A fingender sysmate in a shared-body that is cissex CTM intersex, and has a masculine presentation (haircut, style, etc.)
-A trans-woman sysmate in a shared-body that is transmasculine. (This also falls under Lapisfem.)
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The terrafem flag.
Caelumasc: A transmasculine sysmate in a shared-body that is not masculine. The body might be of a non-masculine sex, a non-masculine presentation, or both. How it is defined depends on the sysmate's personal interpretation of the body's appearance. Some examples of how it might be used:
-A solarian sysmate in a shared-body that presents neutrally. Even if the body has a masculine sex, the sysmate feels as though the presentation does not match their individual gender.
-A menby sysmate in a shared-body that is a cissex-endosex female. Even if the body has a masculine presentation, the sysmate feels as though the sex does not match their individual gender.
-A mingender sysmate in a shared-body that is xenosex, and has a xenine presentation.
-A trans-man sysmate in a shared-body that is transfeminine. (This also falls under Fulgurmasc.)
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The caelumasc flag.
Flumeneutral: A transneutral sysmate in a shared-body that is not neutral. The body might be of a non-neutral sex, a non-neutral presentation, or both. How it is defined depends on the sysmate's personal interpretation of the body's appearance. Some examples of how it might be used:
-A neutrois sysmate in a shared-body that presents masculinely. Even if the body has a neutral sex, the sysmate feels as though the presentation does not match their individual gender.
-An agender sysmate in a shared-body that is cissex-endosex (aka male or female.) Even if the body has a neutral presentation, the sysmate feels as though the sex does not match their individual gender.
-A neuflux sysmate in a shared-body that is cissex CTF intersex, and has a feminine presentation (feminine haircut, style, body-type, etc.)
-A stellarian sysmate in a shared-body that is transfeminine or transmasculine, in either sex or presentation.
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The flumeneutral flag.
Ventrogynous: A transdrogynous sysmate in a shared-body that is not androgynous. The body might be of a non-androgynous sex, a non-neutral presentation, or both. How it is defined depends on the sysmate's personal interpretation of the body's appearance. Some examples of how it might be used:
-A duogender sysmate in a shared-body that is cissex-endosex (aka male or female.) Even if the body has an androgynous presentation, the sysmate feels as though the sex of the shared-body does not match their individual gender.
-A bingender sysmate in a shared-body that is cissex CTM intersex, and has a masculine presentation.
-A lingender sysmate in a shared-body that is transfeminine or transmasculine, in either sex or presentation
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The ventrogynous flag.
Stellaxenine: A transxenine sysmate in a shared-body that is not xenine. The body might be non-xenosex, a non-xenine presentation, or both. How it is defined depends on the sysmate's personal interpretation of the body's appearance, and personal interpretation on what it means to be xenine. Some examples of how it might be used:
-An aesthetigender sysmate in a shared-body that is not-xenosex. Even if they can present the body in a way that they feel fits their gender, the sysmate feels as though the sex of the shared-body does not match their individual gender.
-A theriagender sysmate in a shared-body that appears "too human" for how they personally interpret their gender. (For example, they may wish for striped tattoos and animalistic body-modifications.)
-A noungender sysmate in a shared-body that is transfeminine, transmasculine, or transdrogynous in either sex or presentation.
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The stellaxenine flag.
Sidoutheric: A transoutherine sysmate in a shared-body that is not outherine. The body might have sex traits or a presentation that the sysmate personally interprets as non-outherine. Some examples of how it might be used:
-A maverique sysmate in shared-body that presents femininely.
-An ilyagender sysmate in a shared-body that is transmasculine or transfeminine, in either sex or presentation.
-An aliagender sysmate in a shared-body that is transxenine, in either sex or presentation.
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The sidoutheric flag.
Terra is Latin for earth. Caelum is Latin for sky. Flumen is Latin for river. Ventus is Latin for wind. Stella & sidus are both Latin for star. We used these Latin terms to follow the theme of fulgurmasc and lapisfem.
In all of the flags, the grey stands for neutrality, purple is for androgyny, pink is for femininity, blue is for masculinity, orange is for outherinity, and yellow is for xeninity. The brown stripes represent disconnect or dysphoria towards the shared-body. The black outline in the shape of a head represents the shared-body, with the colors on the outside representing the body's sex or presentation, and the colors inside the head representing the individual sysmate's gender in the innerworld/internally.
(Huge shoutout to our best friend TrashDem0n aka Starfact0ry for helping with the flag design!!)
These terms go along with these pre-existing terms:
Fulgurmasc (a transmasc sysmate in a transfem shared-body)
Lapisfem (a transfem sysmate in a transmasc shared-body)
Conuengender (a trans sysmate in a cissex or cis-presenting shared-body)
Azonosgender (a sysmate that is trans in the innerworld, but has the same gender as the shared-body's assigned gender at birth. For example, a headmate that is a trans-man in the innerworld, but the shared body is AMAB.)
Confudirgender (a sysmate that is cis in the innerworld, but has a different gender than the shared-body's assigned gender at birth. For example, a headmate that is a cis-woman in the innerworld, but the shared body is AMAB.)
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Neuflux Pride Flag
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Neuflux (neugenderflux), neutriflux (neutrigenderflux), neutflux (neutgenderflux), neutrgenderflux (neutrflux), neutreflux (neutregenderflux), neuterflux (neutergenderflux), neutraflux (neutragenderflux) or neutroflux (neutrogenderflux): When one feels mostly or all neutrally gendered most of the time but experiences fluctuating intensities of neutral gender identity.
Similar to neutroisflux, but in this case specifically with gender neutral identity. Can be specific combinations, like neutragender, neuter(gender), neut(gender), neutre(gender)/neutral, etc. -A-p
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imoga-pride · 4 years
Are there any terms that describe being both neutrois and girlflux at the same time? I’m looking for alternative terms rather than just using the two aforementioned terms
You can combine neu(tr(o))-, from neugender and neutrogirl, with -flux, from genderflux, adding -girl-, forming then neugirlflux or neutrogirlflux.
However, that would imply you're also neutroisflux (neuflux/neutroflux), it wouldn't work if you're genderslider, where your neutrois part is stable/nonflux (not fluctuating).
But nobody already coined it, as far as I can think, so feel free to use and define them, or create other word(s).
Many use demigender to mean the other part is neutrois, so if you use demigirlflux, you wouldn't be specifying neutrois-ness.
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