#never went far with it besides some concepts jfishdiw but I figured hey if nobunaga can have zekrom and hideyoshi can have reshiram
pierswife ยท 2 years
*points* You. You get it.
I still remember where we got my copy of Conquest, too!! My local target, as an end of the (school) year gift from my parents!!
My sister and I got Nintendo Power magazines back in the day, and let me tell you ... those things got us HYPED for Conquest. I still have every copy that ever mentioned the game--it's history, now. /hj
Anyway, my sister and I were super excited for the game and were out shopping with them, and we happened to see it at the check out aisle--a whole stinking display. We ended up each getting a copy.
My sister actually lost hers at one point in our old tent trailer, but it turned up again right before my parents sold the trailer--
I ended up getting super obsessed with it again once I stumbled upon Orochi Warriors 3 Ultimate and rediscovering the characters through their original source--legit got that game because of Hanbei (my beloved sleepy boy ... my ORIGINAL sleepy boy).
Then it spiraled into me discovering Dynasty Warriors and Samurai Warriors, and the rest, as they say, is history.
Greenleaf is my favorite kingdom (battle theme is soothing but also nostalgic as heck to me), followed by Chrysalia, Fontaine, and Avia.
Also my favorite Warlords were Motonari, Masamune, and Hanbei--
Sorry, this is just ... one of those special games to me. Wrote fanfic for it that will never see the light of day (it was a high school AU since I was in high school at the time, and I assigned all the DW9 characters their own Perfect Links ... even made lore for an entirely separate region that they lived in).
You think I'm bad about Project Moon? When I was a teen it was Conquest. /lh
~ librarian-lover ๐Ÿ“–
There was just a certain magic to Conquest! Especially waiting the months leading up to it. I remember every time I had a chance to be on the computer I was scavenging for any information I could get about it before release.
I'm so glad someone else got to have the Being Excited With Your Sibling experience about it because it's just so... specific is all I can think of to describe it. My older sister and I legit would not stop talking about it the days leading up to getting it and then while we played the game. I remember getting stuck on Ignis of all places and getting way too excited when I finally kicked Hideyoshi's ass.
Agreed Greenleaf and Fontaine are absolutely beautiful, but my other favorites have to be Spectra and Nixtorm! And for characters... Masamune, Oichi, and Motochika hands down.
Honestly whenever I hear about people getting into the Warriors games via Conquest, it just makes me so giddy!!! The Warriors games (specifically Dynasty Warriors) has had such a special place in my heart since I was a kid. You with Conquest as a teen was me with Warriors games from like age 6 to age 16 kfhqkdhwkwjs. If I wasn't playing pokemon or Etrian Odyssey it was usually a Warriors game.
And listen!!! There's nothing to apologize for!!! I LOVE hearing about everyone's interests current, new, and old!!! And also just... Love hearing the opinions of other Conquest fans as well!!!
And that fic concept sounds amazing and I'm honestly holding out on a small shred of hope the Koei and Gamefreak will team up again for a Dynasty Warriors version of the game.
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