#never written actual fiction for the fostered babes
final workshop of my degree is happening today :)
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saintqueer · 3 years
I need a female larry in my life you know what i mean? Like a lesbian couple I can actually identify myself to. Any ideas/recommendations?
I'm here obsessed about this male gay men constantly questioning my gender and orientation like, do I wanna be with louis or be louis or BE HARRY to be with louis¿¿?? Then I'm like nope I'm in fact a lesbian woman so WHERE ARE MY LESBIAN COUPLE REFERENCES TO OBSESS ABOUT.
Currently praying to saintqueer
first of all, love the "currently praying to saintqueer" so fckn cute. makes me feel like all my asks are prayers...love that
also, i get you babe! i think those things are totally okay to question but i get when you feel like you know yourself and just want to be able to identify that in media. but keep having fun with those gender and orientation questions because there's no harm in exploring!
for me, i can kind of see myself in so many different representations of queerness. and i tend to zone in on those that i see myself most in (which actually might not even line up with my chosen labels of bisexual and nb femme). if it's gay shit, it's my shit.
however, i totally get the need to see yourself represented as lesbianism is still very much shit on in popular culture. AND women are still so poorly written in media especially women in wlw relationships.
i've heard there are some EXCELLENT girl direction fan fictions out there where you can read about the harry and louis you know and love but they're girls! highly suggest looking into that. i know @homosociallyyours has written some amazing ones and they might have info on where to look for more!
also, there are plenty of queer women celebrities to tune into if you want more people to obsess over! i'll put a few names here: Kate McKinnon, Hayley Kiyoko, Megan Rapinoe, Ruby Rose, Kristen Stewart, Janelle Monae, Sarah Paulson, Cara Delevigne, Cynthia Nixon, Samira Wiley, Jodie Foster, among others!
additionally, there are a few tv shows that have reallyyyy good wlw relationships that are def ship worthy: Orphan Black, The Haunting of Bly Manor, Never Have I Ever, Dickinson (haven't watched yet but the gifs are 🥵), Killing Eve (this ship is to-die-for), Buffy the Vampire Slayer (tara and willow's relationship changed me 4ever), Sense8 (this one has a trans wlw relationship that makes me melt). im sure there are more but these are the ones i know and like. if anyone wants to add onto this, ill be sure to reblog!
gay women are so underrepresented and underwritten which is why so many queer women tend to gravitate towards gay male characters and/or celebrities. but i look forward to that changing in time because like i said if it's gay shit, it's my shit whether is male or female or nonbinary!
hope i was able to answer your prayers
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sgtbradfords · 5 years
A Chance at Happiness
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Pairing: Deputy!Dean x Reader; Dean Winchester x Reader
Warnings: Infertility, abandonment, language
Summary: One call could change everything.
This is part of my Occupational Heroes series! I do not have a Series Masterlist at the moment but you can read the previous and first fic here. A reminder that while some of what I have written is actual information, other is pure fiction.
Dean Winchester had just walked up to the one-story brick building, fixing to scan his county issued badge that allows him access into the Smith County Sheriff’s Department in the city of Lebanon Kansas to begin his shift when he heard it, the slight whimper of an infant. Dean looked around at the parking lot and towards the empty street, seeing nothing but rows of streetlights as far as the eye could see.
He rubbed his eyes and shook his head, thinking that maybe the stress of everything in his personal life was making him hear things. He pulled up the badge once again that hung with the keys on his duty belt, placing it onto the sensor by the door when he heard another whimper.
“Sheriff’s Office” he commanded turning around as his right hand undone the snap of the holster on his duty belt, pulling out his gun “Is there someone out here?” he asked, pressing the button for the flashlight.
The light illuminated the small concrete covered porch, showing the potted plants by the door, a medium sized cardboard box, the mailbox hanging on the brick and mortar…
‘Wait…’ Dean thought as he quickly moved the light back to the box, taking small precision steps forwards.
“Dispatch. This is 803, I need back up at the Sheriff’s office. Send me an ambulance.” He spoke urgently into the radio on his left shoulder.
“803. Back-up is en-route can you describe the situation?” The feminine voice spoke on the other side.
Dean knelt onto the concrete, holstering his gun as he lifted the flaps of the box, reaching into the box gently, pulling out an infant swaddled in a pink blanket.
“Hey, little one. What are you doing all alone out here?” he spoke softly, pulling her closer to his chest. “Looks like someone dropped you off huh?” Dean said, moving the baby around, looking for some kind of note attached to her clothes or in the box.
The infant began to stir more, opening her blue eyes as Dean was able to spot some writing on one of the box flaps, thanks to the rising sun.
“Aren’t you just a cutie?” he cooed, gently rubbing a hand over her head of brown hair, cautiously bouncing the baby.
“Winchester! Everything all right?!” someone yelled across the parking lot as they shut their patrol car door, quickly approaching the scene.
“Everything’s 10-4! Med unit on their way?” he asked turning around.
“Is that…” the person spoke.
“She was in the cardboard box next to the plants. She was whimpering in her sleep or else I would have never of seen her.” Dean said as the infant began to squirm, her arms flying out of her blanket as she stretched before relaxing into Dean’s hold.
“Box says she’s only a few days old, but it doesn’t give a name.” The other deputy said as the ambulance pulled up.
Dean smiled, swaying back and forth as she began to whimper. “Shhh… It’s ok baby, we will figure this out and get you a clean bottom and a full belly.” He promised.
Twenty minutes later and Dean was sitting on a hospital bed in the Emergency Room, bottle feeding the now clean and sleeping infant in his arms.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to feed her?” a nurse asked as they check in on them.
“When they took her for blood work and a newborn checkup, she screamed bloody murder until she was in my arms again. I don’t think I want to subject Mrs. Wallace three curtains down to that again.” He joked as he placed a burp cloth on his shoulder, before moving the infant into an upright position, gently patting her back.
“Looks like you’ve done this before.” The nurse smiled.
“Yeah, my brother.”
“Well Social Services will be by soon, I’ll leave you two be.”
Dean nodded his head in appreciation, continuing to burp the baby before he began moving around. laying her down onto the bed in between his legs. Dean sighed as he laid back onto the bed, pulling out his phone.
‘Hope your having a better morning than I am babe.’ Your message read.
Dean took a picture of the scene in front of him. ‘You could say that…’
“Alright Mr. Winchester looks like she is a perfectly healthy nine-pound eight-ounce baby,” Dr. Baker said as she pulled back the privacy curtain. “and judging by her height right now, she is going to be one tall little girl. Unfortunately, since we know nothing about the mother or father, we can only guess about certain things until the blood work comes back and even then, what we will know will be scarce.”
“When will the blood work be back?”
“I put a rush on it but they are testing for multiple things so it should be back tomorrow evening. I can tell you that she is not suffering from any withdraws and appears to have been full term.” She told him, observing the baby on the bed. “It makes your heart break doesn’t it? Wondering how someone could throw someone so innocent out like that…”
Dean took a second to speak the right words “Sometimes it takes heartbreak in order to get happiness. We don’t know what the mother’s home life is like, they could have killed her or done something so vile it would be hard to wrap our heads around but they chose to give her a better chance.”
“You sound like you’ve been through some heartache before Deputy.” The doctor observed.
“My wife and I… Let me just say the past few years haven’t been easy.”
“Maybe this could be your chance at happiness.” She said as before walking away.
Dean had just gotten up to stretch his legs when his cellphone rang.
“This is Dean.”
“You would not believe the case I was handed today.”
“Hey Sammy.” Dean smiled.
“This could be a career maker. I am talking making partner.”
“That’s great Sam. What’s the case?”
Sam spent the next few minutes telling his brother what he could about the case, “How’s things up North? You and [Y/N] good?” Sam asked as he was currently employed at an office in Oklahoma.
“Yeah, were good. [Y/N] has been running around like a mad woman trying to get everything in place before the get together this weekend and I’m babysitting.”
“I found a baby safe havened at the department this morning. I’m waiting on Social Services to show up to tell me what I need to do and all that shit.”
“Have you thought about-“
“Yes. And I’m not doing anything without discussing it over with [Y/N] first.”
“Well if you need me to look over any paperwork or write something up, I should be there tonight.”
“Thank you Sammy.” Dean acknowledge as the curtain moved, a frazzled woman standing there. “I have to go, I believe Social Services just got here.”
“Dean Winchester?” the woman asked, glancing down at her paperwork.
“That would be me.”              
“Clara Eden, Department of Social Services.” She said, extending her hand. “Apologies for running late, when you get woken up earlier than normal and have to remove a three year old from a home, it throws the rest of your day off. Now,” she said glancing towards the sleeping infant on the bed. “Who do we have here?”
“Well, she has no official name, but they are calling her Baby Girl Main. She was safe havened sometime around three this morning at the Sheriff Office.”
“I assume you have security footage on the premises?” She asked, taking a seat on the doctor’s stool next to the bed, pulling out a pen and notebook.
“Yes, and from what I’ve been told the mother walked down from Maple Street onto East Main, holding the box before placing it under the covering of the building before walking on down East Main onto Roswell.”
“Any identification on who the mother ir or maybe?” she asked, jotting down the information into the book.
“No, she wore a hoodie and kept her head down. We believe that she was late teens, early twenties.”
“So, there’s no way to identify her… Well Kansas as you mentioned is an infant safe haven for babies up to forty-five days after birth. Do we have an approximate date of birth?”
“Five days ago according to the information that was written on the box. We’ve sent the baby’s description to all local and surrounding county hospitals and clinics, but we have reason to believe that this was either an unexpected pregnancy or an at home birth.”
“What kind of information was on the box?” she asked as the infant on the bed began to squirm and cry.
Dean walked over to the bed, picking up the baby, placing her onto his shoulder, gently bouncing her up and down. “There was the date of birth and an apology.”
Clara looked up. “An apology? That’s unusual. What did it say?”
“Ok, somewhat of an apology. It just said, ‘Take Care of Her.’” Dean sighed, now rocking the baby back and forth, a smile appearing on the infant’s face as she fell back asleep. “What will happen to her?”
“Well Mr. Winchester, I will have to speak to the doctor or pediatrician before making any permanent moves but it seems as though she will be placed into emergency foster care.”
“Foster care? Is there not another option?”
“I’m afraid not Mr. Winchester, not knowing any of her immediate family, the only other option this short notice is emergency foster care.”
Dean sighed again, being tossed around from foster house to foster house was definitely not what he wanted for the child.
“Who would the foster family be?”
“I’m afraid I can not tell you that because I do not know myself, it would be whoever is next on the list.” She told him, standing up.
“What… What about another option?”
“Dean… I’m sorry but I just-“
“No. Me and my wife. We… we’re looking at fostering, we’ve taken the classes, had background checks and house inspections, we passed it all with flying colors. You can check. I promise.”
“Mr. Winchester-“
“Please… just… just give us a chance.”
The social worker studied him for a moment before letting out a sigh. “I will see what I can do. Since it seems as though she has already formed an attachment and you were the one that found her, your odds might be greater BUT I am making no promises.”
“Thank you, whatever we need to do, we will do it.”
“I will have to take it to my superiors, you should know something by this afternoon.” Clara told him, as she packed her belongings. “Here is a business card with the number I will be calling you from.”
Dean grabbed it, looking at the number before sticking it in my pocket. “What are we supposed to do in the meantime?”
“The doctor will probably release her within the next few hours. I suggest you get prepared and talk to your wife.” She smirked before walking past the curtain.
‘Oh shit.’ He thought.
*Readers POV*
You had just walked in the door from work when your phone in the bottom of your bag began to ring. You quickly dug through, not paying attention to the number of the caller.
“Hey babe.”
“Hey! I was just fixing to call and see what you wanted for dinner tonight, I have that pot roast in the crockpot but I’m honestly not even in the mood to fix anything else.”
“About that… I need you to come down to the hospital.” He spoke softly.
You heart dropped, thinking the worst as the wife of a police officer. “What? Why? Are you ok?”
“Yeah, I am. Will you just come, please?”
“I will be there in fifteen.”
“[Y/N] don’t panic ok, it’s nothing bad, I promise.”
“Ok. Love you.”
“Love you too.” He said as you ended the call.
You drove to the hospital, going only ten over the speed limit to get there, pulling into the parking lot ten minutes later. You parked, going through the sliding doors just outside of the emergency room. “Hi, I am looking for my husband, Dean Winchester?”
A woman behind the desk smiled. “He’s behind the first curtain on the left as you walk through the door.”
“Thank you.” You told her as you adjusted the purse on your shoulder, walking through the sliding doors that led you to the emergency department.
“Dean?” you asked pushing back the curtain.
“[Y/N] Hey.” He said standing, giving you a kiss on the lips.
“What’s going on? Are you ok? You’re not injured are you?”
“Babe calm down, I am fine. I am here for a whole different reason. Did you get my message from earlier?”
“I wasn’t able to check it, it was so busy after I sent you the first message that-“ you were saying as you were interrupted by a crying infant.
Dean turned, walking over to the bed sitting down.
“There’s a baby on the bed.”
“Where did… where did she come from?”
“Well you see [Y/N] when a mommy and daddy really- Ow! What was the hell was that for?!” he said rubbing his shoulder.
“Not what I asked dumbass.”
“Better wash your mouth out honey, there is a child around.” He laughed.
“Dean? Back to the story.”
“I found her this morning. She has no one.”
You sat down on the other side of the bed, looking at the infant in front of you.
“What’s her name?”
“She doesn’t have one.”
“Well someone needs to give her one… Where does she go from here?”
“Well… about that… I kind of said we could take her.”
You stared at him. “Freeze. Rewind. You done what now?”
“I told the social worker how we’ve been through the classes and everything that’s needed to become foster parents and volunteered us.” He sheepishly spoke.
“Yeah, ok.” You said understandingly.
“Wait. You’re not mad?” Dean asked in surprise.
“Dean honey…” you told him cusping his cheek. “I could never be mad about this. You know how long we’ve tried and failed to have one of our own and here opportunity is, knocking at our door. Who are we to ever turn down a challenge?”
“I Love you so much.”
“I know.” You laughed.
“We’re doing this?”
You nodded your head, “We’ve got so much to do. We’ve got to buy a crib and clothes and bottles and bids and a rocker and-“
“Breath honey. Let’s take it one step at a time.” Dean said, reaching for the infant on the bed, cradling her. “Step number one. Get the hell out of here.”
“Are we allowed to leave or are you just wanting to go because you hate hospitals?”
“All she has to do is pass the car seat test and we are out the door.” He smiled.
“Hey Dean?”
“You don’t happen to have a car seat in your back pocket, do you?”
“Son of a Bitch.” He grumbled. “Step number one, you need to go shopping.”
*That weekend*
“[Y/N]!” Dean yelled from the second floor of your home.
“Dean Winchester if you wake her up, I swear to God!”
“I need some help!” he yelled again.
You rushed up the stairs, walking down the hallway to the second door on the right. “What’s the prob- Oh my god what is that smell?!”
“Call the fire department, I need fresh air.” He said gagging, used wipes and a crying, naked baby laying on the changing table. “Oh my god what have you eaten! I will pay you money to stay still!”
“This. This is all on you Dean.” You said looking at your husband, slowly backing out the door.
“[Y/N]! Get back here!” he yelled as you hurriedly walked back down the hall, the doorbell ringing.
You began greeting your guests, your family, Dean’s family, some family friends of both, getting concerned when Dean had yet to show up. “Hey Sam, I’m going to go check on Dean and the situation from earlier.”
You took the stairs again, two at a time. “Babe? You ok?” you asked, checking the makeshift nursery finding nothing, heading to your master bedroom. “Dean?”
You pushed open the door, finding Dean in a different outfit, towel drying his wet hair, the baby laying on your bed in a new onesie, sucking on her pacifier, taking in her surroundings.
“Sorry we both had to take a shower, it was all over her, all over me. I’m pretty sure I used a whole package of wipes.”
“Well, you both smell better.” You joked reaching down onto the bed, picking up the infant. “And you missy, you are definitely giving us a run for our money.”
“Ready to do this?” asked Dean.
“Ready if you are.” You smiled, brushing a finger over her cheek.
Dean walked down the stairs in front of you, him reaching the bottom before you began your descent.
“Nice of you to finally show- Oh my God! No!” you heard Dean’s mother Mary say from the living room causing everyone to turn.
“Guys, we’d like you to meet someone. Say hello to Daniella Faith Winchester, Dani for short.” You smiled, even though her legal name at the moment is Baby Girl Main because of where she was found, you and Dean had both decided to give her an actual identity.
“You were pregnant!?”
“She’s so cute!”
“Why did no one tell me you were expecting?”
Dean cleared his throat. “She’s not ours, well biologically speaking. Not to get too personal but we are unable to have a child of our own. We- I found her earlier this week while on the job and most of you know we had just completed becoming certified foster parents, I guess you could call her our chance at happiness.”
“Are you going to adopt her?”
“Maybe someday, right now we are just taking it one step at a time.”
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sunyoonandstars · 7 years
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The very second you spot your boyfriend’s gleaming face in the crowded terminal you can feel your heart twist in your chest, tormented by guilt. For being the weak human you are and apparently actually starting to develop feelings of whatever kind for that soulmate of yours. That burden genetics had put on your shoulders. That parasite. That …
„Y/n!“, Jimin’s crystal clear voice echoes throughout the foyer, resonating with excitement.
Smile, you remind yourself. Smile for him.
And now that you forcefully push aside any remaining thoughts or doubts regarding the state of your torn heart, you can’t help but smile at the sight of Jimin dropping his bags in the middle of the hall as soon as he spots you, now literally flying towards you, arms open wide.
„I missed you so much!“, he exclaims, pulling you in for a hug so tight you’re afraid for your poor rips, unable to breathe.
„How is it that you have become even prettier while I was away?“, he smiles down at you, wrapping his arms around your waist to lift you off the ground and whirl you around.
„Yah, stop it“, you brush off his compliment, feeling your cheeks burn in embarrassment since people keep staring. Jimin was never one to be afraid of publicly showcasing his love for you. Something you used to admire about him when you were younger. These days, however, with both of you being in your early twenties already, you wish he’d tone it down a little from time to time. Or at least you pretend to be annoyed by his undeniable sweetness. Because, deep down, you love it, love being the center of his world, Jimin’s everything, his princess.
„I couldn’t have made it even one more day without you“, he now whispers into your hair after gently setting you down again. For a few precious seconds that seem an eternity, he merely looks at you, his deep, brown eyes sparkling with immeasurable fondness, shining with the smile that curves his lush lips now that he cups your face with both hands and leans down to kiss you ever so softly. Even after all these years the sensation of his lips on yours still sends the butterflies in your stomach dancing and tumbling.
„I’m glad you’re back“, you breathe, putting your forehead to Jimin’s, his hands entangled in your hair tenderly caressing your neck.
„Me, too, y/n.“
He pulls away only to place another quick kiss on your temple before he reluctantly lets go of you to fetch his bags.
„Did your hair get even lighter?“, you wonder aloud now that you take a closer look at your boyfriend having returned to your side.  
„You bleached it again, didn’t you?“
Shaking your head and biting your smiling lip, you pull back Jimin’s black hood, playfully ruffling the bleached, almost white strands.
„Yeah. I didn’t really have a choice, though. All the dancers had to, for the stage“, he admits, his eyes cast down abashedly. „It looks weird, right? You don’t like it, do you?“
„No. It looks cute. You’re my snow bunny now“, you reassure him, smiling so broadly your cheeks start hurting, once again unsure as to how you even deserve this precious, beautiful man.
„Here”, you gesture for him to stop. “Let me take a photo. The lighting is great.“
„No, jagi. I look like shit. I haven’t washed in … what? Twenty hours? And I’m so tired ... I’m sure it’s showing.”
„Stop it. You look as gorgeous as ever“, you pout, knowing exactly how to utilize your natural given charms to make your man forget about his concerns and insecurities.
„All right. Let’s do it“, he eventually caves in, just as expected, smiling, most obviously pleased by your loving flattery. 
Before he can change his mind you pull out your phone to take a quick snapshot. 
„Can I post it on Instagram to let the others know that you’re back?“
„Sure“, Jimin shrugs. 
„If I get to approve it first“, he then adds with a mischievous grin. 
„So, you’re telling me I need your approval now?“, you tease, arching a brow. „I don’t think so, Mister.“
„Oh, but I do.“

Your playful banter quickly escalates into a physical altercation consisting of tugging, tickling and sloppy kisses. Until a member of the airport personnel starts throwing you suspicious glances and Jimin finally hands you back your phone, previously procured by the means of biting your hand.
„You didn’t even see the photo“, you notice, still out of breath.
„It’s okay, baby. Post it if you want. All the photos you take of me always come out perfect anyway.“
„Maybe that’s because I love you so much.“
Smiling, Jimin kisses you on the lips once more before he goes on to straighten his clothes and picks up his bags.
„Come on, let’s go“, he says, taking your hand into his. „Let’s call a cab and go straight home. I desperately long for a hot shower and some takeout on the couch.“
„Sounds perfect.“
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Only minutes after having posted the snapshot of Jimin on Instagram, you can feel your phone buzz in the pocket of your bomber jacket.
„Sorry, babe. But could you please —?“, you ask, indicating a sleepy Jimin to lift his arm off your shoulder so you can sit up and get to your phone.
„Sorry, baby. Go back to sleep. We’re not even close to home yet.“
„Hmm, hmm“, he softly hums in agreement.
Smiling to yourself, your eyes still resting on his peaceful features, you take out your phone to find a facebook message from Taehyung.
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You can feel your eyes burn with tears. Not only because you were hurt by the harshness of the words written by this young man you consider your brother. But also, or rather mostly, because those very words helped you realize something.
That Taehyung is right.
And what you did, what you are doing, is wrong. So very, very wrong. And yet there is no way to undo it.
The link is made. For life. There is no going back now. And, sooner or later, you will have to take responsibility ... 
Linked || BTS Soulmate AU Series || You x !Soulmate! Yoongi | You x Jimin || Part 6
Text/Social Media/Narrative Series
Previous Part | Next Part
Pairing You x !Soulmate! Yoongi You x Jimin
‘siblings’, ranked by age: Namjoon, Jimin, y/n, Taehyung (you grew up living in the same foster home)
angst, fluff
Key you / y/n = sender (blue) Soulmate = receiver (grey)
Eventually, after years of successfully having avoided it, you have come across your soulmate. An ominous stranger of whom you know no more than the back of his head, his phone number and that he works as a part-time barista at your (former) favorite coffee shop. Having been pressured by a friend into contacting him, things start to get complicated. Because your heart already belongs to another. And the last thing you want is for your soul to find its one, true, destined mate …
“According to Greek mythology, humans were originally created with four arms, four legs and a head with two faces. Fearing their power, Zeus split them into two separate parts, condemning them to spend their lives in search of their other halves.”
― Plato, The Symposium
You had always dreaded the day on which the birthmark on your left wrist would suddenly start itching, whereas for most people the moment their one and only destined soulmate’s name was supposed to reveal itself, burning under their skin, couldn’t seem to come soon enough.
Foolish romantics.
Because once both sides acknowledge their destined soulmate, a connection forms which can never be undone. Not even by death.
Who in their right mind would voluntarily bind their soul to that of another for life? To share their every joy and hurt and be faithful until they take their very last breath without even having a choice? To suffer indescribable agony once the other one exits this life and be left in utter loneliness, so bottomlessly deep nothing will ever be able to fill it again, causing you physical pain and insanity?  
That’s right. Not you. Especially, because your heart already belongs to someone else …
Here you can find my Masterlist if you feel like checking out more of my BTS fiction!
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aion-rsa · 8 years
The 15 Weirdest Comic Book Swimsuit Specials
Although there is more diversity in the business today, comic books have traditionally been a male-dominated industry, and many female characters have been created just to look attractive and to appease their demographic. There’s never been a better example of that than the swimsuit special issue.
RELATED: The Horniest Heroes In Comics
“The Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue” is one of the magazine’s most popular issues, and it didn’t take long for other magazines to copy the trend. In the 1990s, a swimsuit edition became a popular marketing tool in the world of comics and a lot of comic companies began releasing them, regardless of whether they made sense. Some, like the “Latex Alice Swimsuit Special,” vanished without a trace, while others, like Marvel’s versions, became infamous legends and went on for years. Here are the 15 weirdest swimsuit specials CBR has seen in comics.
The first swimsuit comic we’ll consider on this list is actually the first ever, courtesy of “Amazing Heroes,” which started releasing annual swimsuit specials in 1987. Unlike the other entries on this list, “Amazing Heroes” wasn’t technically a comic book; it was a respected trade magazine about the comic book medium, edited by Michael Catron and later Kim Thompson. However, that distinction didn’t stop them from doing outrageous stunts like this one.
The first was actually issue #115, and included original artwork from publishers looking to promote different projects or just have fun. The issues featured a variety of characters like Reed Waller and Kate Worley’s Omaha the Cat Dancer, Disney’s Maleficent and Marvel’s X-Calibur. Another selling point was that (despite the name) the issues actually included nudity alongside the swimsuits. It ran for several years under the terms “swimsuit issue,” “swimsuit special” and “swimsuit collection.” Reportedly, the “Amazing Heroes” swimsuit issues inspired other comic publishers like Marvel to create their own.
Written and drawn by Michael Turner, the series “Fathom” debuted in 1998. It’s about a young marine biologist who discovers she’s a member of an underwater species of humanoids, known as the Blue, before then discovering that she’s really a member of their enemy, the Black. With the ability to manipulate liquids, change into a water being, produce energy blasts and breathe underwater, she’s a critical point in the war between the two species and the human race.
Given all the action above and below the ocean in the series, it actually kind of makes sense to have a swimsuit edition for “Fathom,” which may be why their first swimsuit issue debuted in 1999. Of all the comic books on this list, this one is the least weird, because the main character swims a lot and her first appearance was in a swimsuit. “Fathom” only produced one more swimsuit special in 2000. Lesser comics with less of a reason for a swimsuit special have gotten more mileage out of it.
Written and drawn by Fred Perry, “Gold Digger” is a series written and drawn in a “manga-style” that began as a one-shot in 1991. Revolving around an adventurer named Gina Babette Digger, the series spans magic and science fiction with a lot of pop culture references. Given the Japanese influence (whose manga and anime pretty much cornered the market on fan service), it shouldn’t be much of a surprise that Gold Digger has a lot of scantily-clad and curvy women, along with muscle-bound guys. It wasn’t too much of a leap to create a swimsuit special.
The first “Gold Digger Swimsuit Special” appeared in May 2000, and was released twice a year until 2010. After that, the specials came more or less yearly. Each special had dozens of guest artists, and included some original stories among the buxom babes, which included just as much scientific craziness and wide-ranging characters as the regular comics.
First published in 1987, “Ninja High School” is another manga-inspired comic book series, written and illustrated by Ben Dunn. In the series, a high school student named Jeremy Feeble became part of a love triangle between the heir to a ninja clan and an alien princess, both wanting to marry him for their own purposes. The comic features a lot of people trying to take over the Earth, and a lot of parodies of different properties such as Power Rangers, Harry Potter and Transformers.
In 1992, “Ninja High School” jumped onto the swimsuit edition bandwagon with “Ninja High School Swimsuit Edition.” A new edition was released every year until 1996, when a few years passed until it resumed in 2000, when it returned annually until 2002. Each issue featured a variety of artists, not just Dunn, and had a tongue-in-cheek approach to each pin-up. While it might seem silly to have a bunch of ninjas and aliens frolicking on the beach, the swimsuit editions were actually some of the less weird aspects of the series.
In 2005, Zenescope Entertainment began publishing “Grimm Fairy Tales,” an anthology series about Dr. Sela Mathers, a professor of literature who taught people morals through dark versions of classic fairy tales. Written by Ralph Tedesco and Joe Tyler, pencilled by Joseph Dodd and inked by Justin Holman, stories like Goldilocks and the Three Bears, Cinderella and Rapunzel were updated in twisted and violent ways. Eventually, Sela discovered she was part of an ancient war against an evil force known as the Dark One to conquer Earth and mystical worlds like Oz.
The artwork in “Grimm Fairy Tales” always leaned towards buxom women and brawny men to begin with, so the swimsuit edition wasn’t too much of a stretch. Zenescope started publishing them in 2010, and made the issues more than just “cheesecake” (a term used for explicit female sexuality in comics) by setting them in thin but still existing stories, like investigating supernatural events at “Coeds Gone Crazy” beach parties. Fairy tales? No, but still “sexy.”
“Elementals” was created and written by Bill Willingham in 1984, a dark and violent take on the superhero genre that upended a lot of comic book conventions. In the series, four humans who were killed by earth, air, water and fire were resurrected by the four elements with extraordinary powers. It lasted a long time, running well into the mid-’90s, and had a lot of angst and twists, considering the heroes were basically undead, and one team member quit to join their nemesis, Lord Saker.
“Elementals” has never been shy about showing skin. In fact, it’s one of the few major and critically acclaimed comic books that’s had an official series of erotica comics called “Sex Specials” featuring the main characters. That may be why “Elementals” has only had one swimsuit special in 1996, but they had a lingerie special in 1993, so they’ve had it all covered… or uncovered, as the case may be.
In 1995, the “Small Press Swimsuit Spectacular” was published by Allied Comics with Bob Elinskas as the project coordinator. Intended as a showcase of independent cartooning, it had a collection of pin-ups with lots of curves. What set this one apart from other swimsuit editions is that at least this one had a good cause behind all the drooling over girls; all proceeds from the sale of the issue went to the American Cancer Association.
The “Spectacular” featured a wide cast from some of the big names of the 1990s small press scene. Artists included Barry Blair of Aircel Comics, who drew a lot of erotica later in his career, and Fred Hembeck, who drew parodies of himself and other characters into his comics, spoofed Betty Cooper and Veronica Lodge from Archie. There were also pin-ups from Colleen Doran, Evan Dorkin, Matt Feazell, Brad Foster, Greg Hyland, Terry Moore and Don Simpson. While it was a noble effort, it’s still kind of weird to mix cancer with thongs.
In 1992, Everette Hartsoe first published “Razor” #1, with artwork and story by himself and additional art by Daniel Presedo. “Razor” was a series about a young woman named Nicole Mitchell whose father was killed and sister kidnapped, traumatizing her so badly that she ended up in a mental institution. Once released, Mitchell became Razor, an ultra-violent vigilante with blades on her arms seeking revenge for her family. Razor is best known for kickstarting the “bad girl” trend that swept the comic book world in the 1990s, and briefly teaming up with another popular independent comic, the Crow.
In 1995, numerous artists contributed to a “Razor Swimsuit Special.” This is another one of those series that wasn’t afraid to show nudity, so wearing a bikini and thongs almost made the women overdressed. Also, considering how hardcore brutal Razor could be, wearing bikinis wasn’t really her style. Then again, her regular skimpy costume showed she didn’t mind showing skin.
In 1996, Randy Queen created the comic book heroine Ariel Chylde, who could transform into monsters she saw in her nightmares in the form of DarkChylde, defending her town with fire powers and the ability to shapeshift. With artwork and story by Queen, “DarkChylde” became a huge sensation, especially among female fans, and led to a merchandising empire which included a bestselling comic, trading cards, action figures, lunch boxes, action figures and clothing. And of course, a swimsuit special.
With DarkChylde’s curves, she was a natural for a swimsuit special, and she got one in 1998. It kind of makes sense that she would need to get some sun after chasing nightmarish supernatural creatures in the dead of night through the streets of her town, and that tan isn’t going to work on itself. However, seeing DarkChylde with monster claws and wings, and then showing her bent over in revealing poses is a weird combo.
First released in 1987, “Street Fighter” is a groundbreaking fighting game series whose second game, “Street Fighter II: The World Warrior,” introduced a lot of the conventions like multiple playable characters, storylines and grappling moves we associate with the genre. “Street Fighter” has been no stranger to the comic book world as well with the first adaptation in 1993, written by Len Strazewski and drawn by Don Hillsman. However, the comics turned stranger, thanks to the “Street Fighter Swimsuit Special.”
“Street Fighter II” introduced female characters who were as deadly as they were beautiful, which was rare in the video game world at the time. Chun-Li and Cammy have proven massively popular and inarguably become pop culture icons. That’s why it may surprise you that the swimsuit edition didn’t get released until 2016. The comic was heavy on the World Warriors lounging around on the beach, taking a break from their usual schedule of punching and shooting fireballs at each other.
Artist and writer Steve Mannion created a four-issue anthology series “The Bomb” in 2006, featuring outrageous characters in wild stories. “The Bomb” had the chaotic zaniness of “MAD Magazine” with the punk apocalyptic feel of “Tank Girl,” and included the nerdy Nazi zombie hunter Fearless Dawn, and the prehistoric Jungle Chick and the Dinosaur. The series led to a “Fearless Dawn” comic series, and has been a darling of the underground comic scene.
We’re going to focus on 2006’s “The Bomb Swimsuit Special” here, written and drawn by Mannion. Mannion has a great retro artistic style where the women are always tough as nails with a touch of cuteness, so the swimsuit edition was a real treat for fans. Unlike the other series on this list, though, his drawings tend to be more down-to-earth with body parts that respond to gravity and other realistic details. For instance, this had the only swimsuit pin-up in history where the woman had a visible Band-Aid on her face.
Wildstorm was a hugely successful comic imprint founded by Jim Lee in 1992, named for two of its main titles, “WildC.A.T.S.” and “Stormwatch.” Wildstorm was a powerhouse of superhero comics that expanded into multimedia and merchandising, producing everything from action figures to animated TV shows. Wildstorm became known for the beautiful women hanging out on its pages (particularly in “Gen13”) and was deep in the throes of the 1990s publicity stunt phase, so a swimsuit special was a no-brainer.
The first issue appeared on shelves in 1994, just three years after Wildstorm first launched, and featured lots of characters from the imprint’s pages stripping off their leotards to bathe in the sun. A second issue was produced in 1995, and we probably would have gotten more if the imprint hadn’t begun its decline in 1996. Looking back on Wildstorm’s swimsuit edition, it seems like another attempt to grab onto the coattails of anything that might save the line.
In 1991, writer Brian Pulio and artist Steven Hughes created “Evil Ernie,” a comic series about an undead psychopath who wanted quite simply to destroy the world. He spent his time throughout the series trying to trigger a nuclear holocaust with an army of zombies, all for the love of one woman: Lady Death. Lady Death promised to love him forever in exchange for killing everyone, which drove his murderous rampages, but her curvaceous body was pure eye candy, which in the ’90s meant a swimsuit special was on its way.
With her distinctive white skin, voluminous flowing hair, voluptuous body and skull-themed outfit, Lady Death remains one of the most popular “bad girl” characters of the 1990s. What’s weird is that she’s technically a goddess of the dead who you wouldn’t think would spend her time lounging around in seductive poses. There’s also the fact that she already wears a bikini as her costume, so every issue of her is technically a swimsuit issue.
In 1985, the mech anime “Robotech” began airing in the United States. Set in a future where Earth reverse-engineered alien technology to fight an alien invasion, “The Macross Saga” brought a world of giant mechanical robots to US screens and captured viewers’ imagination. The series has continued in various sequels and spin-offs for decades, moving to the world of comics in 1984 with DC’s “Robotech Defenders,” and other comic adaptations quickly followed.
The one we’re concerned with is the “Robotech II: The Sentinels Swimsuit Spectacular,” published in 1992 by Eternity Comics, based on their long-running series “Robotech II: The Sentinels.” With art by John Waltrip, Jason Waltrip and Paul Mounts, the comic book had no plot, choosing to go with scantily-dressed characters from the series. Life in the world of Robotech was hard, with characters facing death on a daily basis, so it’s kind of weird to go from the heat of battle to lounging around for photo shoots.
With all those muscles and toned bodies in the Marvel Universe, there are a lot of characters for fans to drool over, so it makes sense that readers would jump at the chance for a swimsuit issue, which Marvel delivered in 1991 with “Marvel Illustrated: The Swimsuit Issue” and kept up for five years. Whenever anyone criticizes the swimsuit edition craze of the 1990s, the Marvel Swimsuit issues are usually right where they go. Marvel Comics has done a lot of crazy stunts throughout its history, but the swimsuit issues continue to live in infamy.
Part of the reason Marvel gets mocked is that they insisted on giving equal coverage to men, which is not what the intended audience (straight males) expected or wanted to see when they opened the cover. It’s just so surreal to see characters like the Punisher wearing a skull-shaped thong. Marvel also didn’t take it too seriously. One issue included Ghost Rider, who was nothing but a flaming skeleton lounging on the beach. That’s an image you’ll never get out of your head.
Which was your favorite swimsuit special? Let us know in the comments!
The post The 15 Weirdest Comic Book Swimsuit Specials appeared first on CBR.com.
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