#nevermind me it's 5 am and I'm just very up to put this somehow but at the same time  I really want to know whether this song was explained?
flamingplay · 4 years
@handsomeronnie I’m sorry I wasn’t feeling quite reflective or productive after working each time this whole week, tbh, and can’t get my head and hands to writing off stuff normally but I’ll do that for sure, also will emotionally gather up about this but...
At the same time I can’t sleep and started listening to a bit of Total Life Forever and stopped on repeating “2 Trees”... Just don’t know with whom else I can discuss this but have you ever had any clear ideas about both song title and the meaning behind lyrcs or was it ever spoken about by Yannis?
I have now after restless hours sudden feelings that it’s like... a narrative from a passed away person or a person who experienced a nearly lethal experience (“Open your veins in wet summer rain, go”) who couldn’t deal with emotions or pressure or depression and regretting doing this with thinking it’d be better to help others and maintain the strength for others? Because there’s like several ways of giving away the blood: the wasting taking life one and useful giving life to others? Like, you know, that’s why the title because of the 2 trees of Eden: the narrator both went through evil and good (gained some knowledge/wisdom but as an aftermath “Don't give up, don't let go. Grey clouds, they'll, they'll break up. Just breathe slow” because all bad stuff that’s happening to a person will be over, it’s just worth waiting and living).
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stuckwith-harry · 2 years
Jessie, it’s been a ROUGH week, do you have any fluffy hinny headcanons you’d be willing to share please 👀
coming right up! and i hope next week is kinder.
i'm still on my "hinny get married super late" kick because who really gives a motherfuck about being married? they live together, they have a family together, they know they're both in this for the long run. and i really like the idea of their kids attending their wedding. (when i finally write down my lily luna centric next gen fic ... then you will all see ...) like it is a truth universally acknowledged that james is an oopsie baby, you cannot change my mind on that, so after james is born they're engaged for a minimum of one decade, with at LEAST five proposals between the two of them and much good-natured bickering about who proposed first or who did it more often, etc. also there's probably a bet involved somehow. fuck, there's a fic draft about this that i've been promising to write for four years now!
the elopement conspiracy theory among the general public never fully goes away, though. various witch-weekly-esque publications (incorrectly) announce them having tied the knot multiple times over the years, and there is much confusion around their marital status, especially once they have kids. harry and ginny, ever the agents of chaos, never really bother to correct anyone. at most it goes like: (st mungo's hospital for magical maladies, circa early 2000s) "hi, i'm here to pick up my partner, gi-" "oh, hello mr. potter, that was a rather spectacular crash, wasn't it? but do tell your wife congratulations on that last goal - heard it on the wireless - i am such a fan -" "yes, i'll be sure to tell her, thank you, glenda." [...] "alright, we put your leg back together, you're good to go. your husband is waiting for you downstairs" "he's not technically my - you know what, nevermind. thanks glenda"
this also works vice versa because while my auror!potter days are behind me, thank you very much, i still imagine harry would find ways to get himself almost killed on a semi-regular basis. so ample opportunity for angst! but also: much banter at the sickbed.
quidditch themed innuendo is a love language
well, actually i think physical touch is a big love language for both of them because it's my headcanon, my primary love language, and my rules on this blog. also important due to busy lives including demanding careers and 3-5 kids: quality time.
the first place they share is ginny's flat in holyhead, where harry - i think never really officially moves in, it's more a "would you like to stay overnight? and would you like to stay forever?" situation. like he has a drawer and then a half of the wardrobe and then all his stuff is just miraculously in holyhead. teddy gets to stay over on the weekends, and harry gets to moan and complain and then go back to sleep when ginny has to get up horrendously early because that's the price you pay for quidditch stardom.
harry gets on famously with all the harpies.
they move into a nice little cottage in godric's hollow with a garden and apple trees and a tree house around the time james is born, but i like to think ginny keeps the flat for many years more, for work or when they're staying at holyhead over the weekend, something like that.
i haven't decided if they've got a cat or dog - i think both, at various points in their lives - but i DO know that once they've moved into the house and have a) a nice spacious garden and b) enough time, ginny keeps chickens. :-)
yes, the kitchen is indeed mostly harry's domain, this is the sole fact from c*rsed ch*ld that i will accept as truthful.
they have a fourth baby a little later in life.
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