muffingnf · 4 months
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sapnap welcoming his kick viewers with open arms whilst spitting on his twitch viewers whilst they’re laying on the floor bleeding out
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gallusgalluss · 1 year
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Loominbert's mama and Eoues'... words....
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gattoposting · 2 months
i shouldve been more aware of him im so sorry
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eric-sadahire · 2 years
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Time is Irish. The perseverance, the melancholia, the last name is O' Clock.
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daletrabr · 4 months
Confira a letra da música “Never Not” de LAUV
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daletraeng · 5 months
Lyrics for the song “Never Not” by LAUV
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So beautiful, so tragic
So I just wanted to share that I keep on playing Lauv's song called "Never not". I'll tell you what, every line of that song hits my entire body. it hits differently. Most especially if you are going through something at the moment.
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mechawolfie · 10 months
i thought transformers had abandoned us in recent times pre-earthspark. so foolish of me
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definitelyblues · 2 years
I would never not think about you~
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viscerast · 6 months
findinf out a mutual is a minor will neverNot scare me like CHILR JUMPSCARE
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this-should-do · 2 years
wait oh my god ive never seen when alyx gets kidnapped before,,, its at thevpart when u were spose to cross the bridge but theres no way across, i always just went yup gotta go down there theres a tunnel right there and just nevernoticed that alyx didnt come with or that she even said anything about thebgap?? cuz i just blazed a gotdang trail across everytime cuz no time to stop for a gap therell be a way across no problem
cuz npc followers will just no lt ckme with sumtimes and i figured she prob at sum point said oh yah u scout ahead ill find another way round like normal??
but no? i stead she get fucking kidnapped right infront of you??? at the top of a buulding shes parkoured her way up??? WHAT THE FUCK
so when barneys like dogs lookin for alyx he seems to think shes in the citadel im just like whyd she be in there? shes fine i was just with her guess it must have happened off screen kinda lame
BUT NO IT WAS SPOSE TO HAPPEN ON SCREEN im just too much of a dingus to stop for 5 gotdang seconds
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who-is-muses · 6 months
[ ask moved from prior blog] @.janeromeroshow | Nsfw/Smut Emoji Prompts
🔪 for philip and herman mayhaps?
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🔪 dangerous headcanon
Despite popular assumption, Herman is actually fairly responsible when it comes to sex. He has lines thay he will almost nevernot cross for everyone's sake, i.e. no metal jewelry and/or toys if his partner insists on using his powers (which he's also iffy about bringing into sex.) That's not to suggest he's a prude or against some really out there kinks/scenes- just that he's very much still in control even while wildly whipping pretty red lines all over his partner, for instance.
Philip is... Startlingly vanilla when compared to the other killers- albeit more for lack of experience than interest. He doesn't find any of the male killers particularly attractive, and finds the idea of having any kind of relationship with a survivor to be manipulative and unethical, thus he's often forced to take care of himself with only his imagination for company. An occasionally recurrent, admittedly shameful fantasy (that will never see itself put into verbal words) he has is for one of those bigger than him to abruptly pull him aside, to use him without any preparation for their own satisfaction.
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rhodesportfolio · 9 months
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Morana wears Patrycja Pagas dress. Photographed by Blake Rhode Vitalio. Shot in New York City, NY. In a brand new bespoke volume of TMRW, we exclusively get to know the woman, the myth, the legend - take a sneak peek here now.
She has her own clothing brand + her father’s couture house, and grew up on camera. For Morana, being influential is as natural as breathing, and she couldn't explain how she does it so well.
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Morana wears exclusive Richard Quinn set.
Morana talks about the pressure of being a good model in the face of cancel culture, while most of the time, she just tries to be herself. And she's a girl who values ​​time with her family, is a businesswoman, mother, wife and has a feed full of big brands.
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Morana wears DSquared2 pants, Ecke Faei top, Katya Zelentsova knit bra & Chrome Hearts rings and bracelets.
On Instagram, photos of dope fits, a closet full of leather bags, and her collection of wheels shared even more space with Morana’s routine with her children. She said that, despite being a an introvert, she enjoys spending time with her loved ones outside, wherever it is. That’s why we’re always seeing her out by any paparazzi around.
Morana also said that she feels like she's growing day after day, especially after motherhood. She grows, and along with her, projects that just need to be announced to gain the attention of social media grow too. There's no formula, the internet belongs to Morana Vitalio.
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Morana wears GCDS bodysuit, hat and boots and NeverNot Grab n Go My Sunshine Cocktails ring.
The Italian continued to reflect on life and motherhood, “Becoming a mom was the biggest change for me…I’ve grown so much as a person and I continue to grow every single day. I love learning and I’m trying to be the best person I can possibly be. It’s been such a challenging year but the silver lining was that I had so much more time to spend with my family.”
Morana is more than just a celebrity and businesswoman, she’s a mother that loves her family and just wants more time with her children. When reflecting on the past year she said, “My life went down to a completely different space I thought it would. I got married, and now I have two beautiful kids of my own, and I’m incredibly lucky for that.”
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Morana wears Patrycja Pagas dress.
When asked about having a normal life “I always wonder what [a normal life] would be like”, she notes, “but I’m really grateful for where I am today and the experience I had. I don’t like to have any regrets, if I could go back to my younger self, I would say not to care so much about what other people say, just to focus on you and what makes you happy. And work hard.”
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Morana wears Kenzo dress, Sterling King Joan Turquoise Earrings, Mi Manera Wave Ring and Jennifer Fisher Double Essential Ring.
However, the social media queen does admit that even she needs to take a break sometime, and will go a week without checking apps like Instagram. “It's important to disconnect and find that balance,” she explained. “Sometimes I have moments where it's been a bit much and I delete all my apps, have a week or so to detox. Social media is my job so I have love for it too, but I think it's good for everyone to have a break.”
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Morana wears full SC103 look.
The fashion mogul, who shares Jordan and Atlanta with racing driver Kyle Vitalio, also shares how she pictures her empire in the future leading to her kids. "I feel like Atlanta will definetely be interested in fashion. Jordan will definetely not, though, he’s so similar to his father; obsessed about cars and basketball,” she chuckles, “I don’t think he’ll be any interested in making clothes and fashion overall. I'm raising both of them to be smart and kind and driven. Maybe one of them will take over my charge one day? Only if they want to," Vitalio tells the magazine.
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jamescallahansr · 11 months
I’ve neverdone too much;that is, there’s so muchI’ve never done;never run with bulls,jumped from a plane,sheared a sheep for woolsor taken God’s name in vain;I’m nevergoing to do much,though there’s muchI could wish to do;never spelunking,ascending Mt. Everest,busy with danger debunkingor a preoccupied degenerate;I’m nevernot doing much,though much is whatI just won’t do;never thought wastedthis…
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Where did you go.
she flew away somewhere between yesterdays paper and her fourth cold cup of coffee she wasnt here and you nevernoticed— sometime between the seventeenth radio replay and the twentyfourth layer of windowsill dust —she was faraway somewhere between her landlord calling uniform shirt buttons and frayed shoelaces she fell through— sometime between the waterstains on her table and lull of…
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fullcravings · 2 years
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Apple Cardamom Hand Pies with a Rum Glaze
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