#new character intros
evil-ot3 · 2 months
I know I’ve been begging for ben to see a therapist for a LONG time but y’all kurt boggs is NOT the fucking therapist you go to fr 😭 I don’t care if he’s the most well-informed on their whole ordeal but it’s not worth it
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batbabydamian · 5 months
so, Batman #147… rambling about the difference in how Zdarsky portrays the two current Robins
this is a fantastic run for Tim, and very much written like a return to form of what plenty consider the best dynamic duo, but even more so "the best Robin". once Damian's introduced in this run, Zdarsky really makes sure you still know that lol
1. "We don't need anyone else" VS "I need my family"
#147 clearly exemplifies the contrast, so i'll go through it first. Damian, having fallen for Zurr's lie and accepted him as the real Bruce, goes so far as to say in the very first page "We don't need anyone else." it's cold colors, machinery, and hollow declarations of "father and son" for these two.
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towards the ending, Tim has deduced where the real Bruce is hiding and brings him food expecting Bruce's knack for self-neglect. it's all warmth, sunshine, and mutual understanding - also a cute back and forth of "Batman and Robin" between them. on top of this, where Damian isolates Batman & Robin from family, Tim is the one to remind Bruce about "helping each other." Bruce heartily agrees with "I need my family" for a weighty end.
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along with this parallel, from #138 Tim makes it clear that even in opposition, he's only ever trying to help Bruce. Damian was still on the wrong side with Zurr-induced-Bruce here at the time too 😭
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2. Tim's independence as both a hero and partner
Tim is written as the ideal Robin to Bruce's Batman, and has made Robin its own independent hero on equal footing rather than a sidekick - it's made in statements by both Tim and Bruce, and through the entire narrative. he takes initiative and tries to foresee what would ultimately help Bruce. beyond being great partners, there's many bits showing their emotional connection ("i'm scared of being lost, but i'm more scared of losing you, Bruce" hit me like a bag of bricks). tbh this almost could be a Batman and Robin run lol
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added the first panel from #126 of Tim declaring he's his own hero outside of Bruce, proven plenty especially in his backups in #131-134!! the other panels are a few highlights from #128, #130, and #135 of the partnership between Tim and Bruce
granted it's Zurr, but Damian is mostly seen following orders and given pensive looking panels when there's something concerning. While Tim continued to represent Batman's ideals during his own solo quest to find Bruce, Damian doesn't question or take action against "Bruce's" sudden shift in ethics
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Batman #134 Backup - Tim showing support toward Toyman VS Batman #146 - Zurr and Damian confront Harley as she pleads about her change of heart
another kiinda parallel in #147 is Bruce acknowledging Tim's hard work to become Robin compared to Damian who's out here going Batman and Robin/Father and Son. i don't think it's an intended parallel but just the state of continuing to show Tim in a better light - Tim put in the effort "to become the second-best Robin" while Damian is Robin because..."son." supposedly less effort on his part too, because LOA.
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second pic is from Batman/Catwoman The Gotham War: Scorched Earth, felt fitting to add since Tim mentions needing to "know everything" in both. and the humble brag. which ofc Tim believes Dick is the best!! but also. jic we didn't know Tim is the best current Robin sdfgh
3. Damian's blind loyalty as "Bruce's son"
there's a weight to the Robin title when regarding Tim, whereas Damian's "Robin" role is excess and counterintuitive. he's delegated to desperate sidekick to Bruce, as well as becoming an obstacle to the family. being Robin only seems significant to Damian in how it ties himself to his father, and his single Robin quality is a loyalty that's been written to an extreme fault. the only positive angle i could see this in is Zdarsky aiming to put Damian in a sympathetic light in how far Damian was willing to fall to stay by his father's side, hence, fooled by that nightmare story/confession. the problem with this is that we have not seen a single emotional connection between the two in this run, so why should we care about that relationship.
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also, Damian constantly bringing up his position as Bruce's son just makes him look entitled? since Bruce rightfully expressed his claim of having the others as his sons too (with the unfortunate exclusion of his daughter)! so it's like a "lol you're not that special" vibe when looking at it from the outside?? ykw concerning #138, Damian saying "You're the one trying to destroy my father" also could have been in contrast to Tim saying "We'll help our dad" at the end.
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Zdarsky seems to believe the only meaningful part of Damian being Robin is he's the son of Bruce, and not a single nod to any noble aspect Damian's achieved beyond that. we're constantly reminded of Tim's greatest hits as Robin, from taking on the mantle to pull Bruce out of darkness (#135, #138), mastermind a whole takedown (Gotham War: Scorched Earth), and always being on the same wavelength with Bruce etc. the entire run sings Tim's praise, and it's deserved!! my problem is how it's in stark contrast to Damian's portrayal of being the other Robin who's only special because he believes he's the greatest son and wants to be at Bruce's side.
so all this to say, if your fav is Tim YOU'RE EATING WELL!! personally as a chronic enjoyer of things, this has been an entertaining run! as a chronic enjoyer of Damian, it's definitely not for many of his fans at this point in time.
i did like this part!! his grin!!
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nmoroder · 5 months
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apart from two askblog roles i'm running currently (that being Meursault and Gregor), i also have a couple of guys in another projmoon askblog dubbed a 'horny ask'. i explained it in prev Meursault post but in a couple of words: it's an askblog made purely for having fun without any shame for your headcanons or ships or whatever. Meursault was the first role for this horny ask and i forgot to post his intro pic, though textless it's now here; Hokma is someone brand new and i'll post some stuff for him later as i translate it to eng (there's like. A Lot already.)
(for future navigation reference, my askblog tags don't have 'horny' in them and they combine posts for the same character from any askblog)
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guardian-angle22 · 2 years
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"You haven't changed a bit, huh."
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cobaltfluff · 2 months
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what is his deal ???
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macbethz · 4 months
Ok who is this man. Whose man is this. The fact that he stopped the machine when he saw 10s face. His backstory sounds like a companion’s. We don’t know his name. WHO IS THIS
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tending-the-hearth · 7 months
i love you reunion scenes in movies and books and tv shows i love you fix-it reunion scenes in fanfictions i love you reunion scenes where the entire world falls away from the person realizing the person/people they love most in the entire world is still alive i love you reunion scenes that have little inside jokes mixed in i love you reunion scenes with crushing hugs and sobs of relief i love you reunion scenes with joyful laughter and hugs that lift people off the ground i love you reunion scenes where you can see the person melting into the hug i love you reunion scenes that heal the bad that's happened during the time of absence i love you reunion scenes that show just how much people mean to each other
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tragedycoded · 1 month
seven deadly sins tag!
Ohhh shiiiit thanks @the-golden-comet! And bbgirl @sableglass!!
Rules: which of your OCs would you assign to which of the seven deadly sins and why?
With the caveat that everything about the seven deadly sins I know from watching the movie Se7en and I am using the Wikipedia page as an instruction manual, let's gooooo!
Greed: Technically it's Royston. Of my five main OCs, he's the only one who acquires more wealth than anyone could ever possibly do anything with (look up how far a dollar went in the 1870s if you want to have a minor heart attack.) He doesn't give back to the community, only shares his Knowledge with one person, and thinks it's cute that he has multiple bounties on his head. But he's not avaricious, bc one would need to not be a...
Sloth: ... which Royston also is. And there's a lot of overlap between his psychopathic/attention-deficit traits and what the Church considered slothful behavior so hmmmm. Second answer is Khalid based solely on the fact he's physically inactive and can't run in ALM2.0 because Reasons.
Wrath: After seeing Hofer's performance in the Bad Ending, I'm never calling Royston the trigger-happy one again. This man's emotional repression is lethal.
Gluttony: Royston is a "dainty" and "expensive" eater (Thomas Aquinas's words, not mine.) He has a legit survived-a-stabbing-to-the-guts reason for this. Thomas Aquinas doesn't give a fuck.
Envy: [huge sigh] He's also vain, has a high opinion of himself, and gets jealous of Molly, Sullivan's horse, no fewer than three times in one novel.
Lust: I'm giving this one to Sullivan. I know I rip on Royston for being a horny little bastard, but Sullivan wilds out a bit in Book 2 and I say GOOD FOR HIM HE EARNED IT.
Pride: I have to call him out for something besides being a skinny nerd: Khalid. And I can tell you why in one word. I'm not going to, bc I don't want to end up in the search engine. But you all know what word it is.
Tag, suckers! <3
@lychhiker-writes @cowboybrunch @finickyfelix @saturnine-saturneight
@ashfordlabs @autism-purgatory @noblebs @aintgonnatakethis
@the-golden-comet @asablehart @mauvecatfic @leahnardo-da-veggie
@sableglass @gioiaalbanoart @words-after-midnight
@lavender-bloom @jev-urisk @wyked-ao3
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jewishicequeen · 1 month
Okay so the whole FOP resurgence made me go back to my childhood dub
So first of all-
WHY is it so hard to find the official hebrew dub?? It used to be up on nick's site, what happened??
Second, i am in danger and if i keep this up Wanda WILL be calling Peri "chomed" in the fic i'm writing-
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jackiequick · 3 months
— The Invisible Beauty OC
— “With all due respect sir, i have to work twice as hard to prove myself for just a bit of recognizing respect. I may not be as smart as the other men and women here but I know my value. I understand that much.”
-> Juliette Florence
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Face Claim: Janelle Monáe
Full name: Juliette Florence Genesis Wilkes Wilson
Nicknames: Juliet, Flora, Flo, Fiona
Age: 28–32
Height: 5’3
Birthday: February 7, 1992 (Aquarius)
Relationship Status: Single
Occupation: Model, Actress, Secretary and Co-Navigator
Alias: Timeless beauty, The Model, Off-Line Agent
Florence has the timeless beauty of Janelle Monáe, with a striking presence that blends elegance with an adventurous spirit. Despite being from the 2000s, her fashion sense has evolved to match the modern era, seamlessly combining vintage charm with contemporary style. She tends to wear timeless clothes from her grandmother and mother from the 60s-70s, within her on her wardrobe now.
Standing at 5'0, she may be petite, but her confidence and determination make her a force to be reckoned with.
Personality: A Southern belle with a gentle heart, Juliette has a bark that's always thicker than her bite. She's a fast talker with a snarky edge, always ready with a quick-witted remark. Her mama always told her to be kind but to make sure everyone knows she tried her damn hardest at everything.
Powers and Abilities:
Invisibility: Juliet possesses the ability to turn invisible at will, allowing her to move undetected and evade danger when necessary. This power grants her a strategic advantage in both her personal and professional life, enabling her to navigate tricky situations with stealth and precision.
Teleportation: With the ability to teleport, Juliet can instantaneously transport herself from one location to another, covering vast distances in a matter of seconds. This skill comes in handy during her hectic schedule, allowing her to seamlessly juggle multiple commitments and obligations.
Force Shields: Juliet can generate force shields to protect herself and others from physical harm. These shields act as a barrier against external threats, providing a layer of defense in dangerous situations. Along with her ability to defend and hold her own, finding the strength to deepen her defenses.
— Backstory:
Juliet grew up in a small town, where she was always fascinated by the stories her grandmother told her about their heritage. Her interest in her roots led her to explore various artistic pursuits, including modeling and writing.
Like any artist, she wasn’t clear onto her goals in life, especially being a woman of color, she feared she wouldn’t get enough credit for her work. Especially due to the fact that she had zero experience whatsoever in the industry up to that point.
However she knew she wanted to model and dance like all the artists she loved to see on her tv screens. Such as Aaliyah, Beyoncé, Alicia Keys and others. She enjoyed their music and the fact that theses fine women were able to dance, as well as model for the next generation to come.
Still, she went on to that path and made a move to Hollywood a couple of years later. She did small gigs here and there, modeling for companies who would take in any kind of role to be the face of their products and services. She danced around on stage at cafes and pay the bills at the restaurant she worked at, where dancers would perform for the guests.
She even performed and made friends with a couple of girls, being invited to events and introducing herself to the crowd.
In the late 2000s a Hollywood film project wanted to explore the concept of space exploration and the roles of people in NASA so they sent actors and actresses to be introduced to the field, Juliet Florence was picked to go along being someone who wanted to development her craft from model to actress at the time, she wanted a hands on approach to the world she would be playing on in the film industry.
So she allowed the freedom to explore the space program with a visitors perspective along with the others that day. However certain curiosity got the best of her, as she found herself looking through the window of an experimental act taking shape before her eyes. During the critical test launch, an unforeseen incident occurred.
A powerful temporal anomaly was unleashed blasting past the walls across the door hitting Juliet as she fell asleep on the ground from such a terrible hit. She woke up in the hospital in a daze surrounded by doctors who questioned her health status after the incident but felt fine.
Bleeding a little from the wound she was given from the impact and a mild headache but other than that she was alright. She remembers the blue light from the source of the blast being the last thing she saw as she rushed for safety before passing out.
She was sent back home a couple of days later where she then discovered her powers in the kitchen as she almost got a jump scare from the lighting storm outside and once she looked at the her reflection in the toaster, she saw she turned invisible for a split second then back to normal. She gasped in shock almost immediately stumbling on her own feet.
Over time she noticed her skin was softer and smoother almost instantly creating her timeless appearance, like she was using some kind of makeup product. Or if she was using a new set of coconut butter on her body to make it almost shine bright like a diamond.
She knew she couldn’t tell anyone at the time, especially thinking they might believe her to be seen as freak or worse. She wanted to continue her career as a dancer and actress, if someone found out that she affected by this…she might lose everything she worked for.
It was hard enough being an African American woman in Hollywood, but imagine being one who had some freaky abilities.
She would be screwed…
- The Unexpected Rise Of The Beauty 
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After the incident at the NASA facility, Juliette Florence finds herself grappling with a new reality. Initially, she tries to dismiss the strange occurrences as figments of her imagination. The fleeting moments of invisibility and the odd sensations of teleportation, that appeared when she felt threatened—she chalks them up to stress and fatigue. 
But the doubts linger, casting a shadow over her already demanding start in Hollywood.
The Catalyst for Change
One late night, as she sits on her couch eating a fruit salad and flipping through channels, something catches her eye on the news. The screen displays rare footage captured on a phone of a tall, dark-skinned woman with bleach-white hair, commanding the forces of nature. The news anchor identifies her as Storm, a powerful mutant who uses her abilities to protect others. The sight of Storm—confident, unashamed, and using her powers for good—strikes a chord deep within Juliette.
For the first time since the incident, Juliette sees a reflection of herself in someone else. Storm's presence ignites a spark of hope and determination. If Storm can embrace her powers and use them to make a difference, perhaps Juliette can too.
Embracing the Unknown
The next morning, Juliette decides to face her fears head-on. She begins experimenting with her abilities in the safety of her home. Initially, it's a chaotic process filled with frustration, fear, and exhaustion. She practices teleporting from her living room to her backyard, learning to focus her mind on the target destination. She discovers that her invisibility is triggered by strong emotions—fear, frustration, and annoyance—and works on calming herself to control this power.
Each day, from Tuesday morning to Saturday afternoon, Juliette dedicates some time to understanding her abilities. She keeps a low profile, ensuring that no one outside her home learns about her powers. 
Despite the challenges, she persists, driven by the image of Storm and the realization that she, too, can harness her abilities.
Returning to Hollywood
After a while, Juliette returns to the movie studio. She realizes that the role she originally wanted no longer feels right. It's a painful reminder of the incident that changed her life. Instead, she speaks with her agent and decides to seek out roles that allow her more freedom to express herself—whether through singing, dancing, or acting in characters with depth and complexity.
Her determination pays off. She lands roles that not only showcase her talents but also allow her to draw on her newfound strength. Such as Iridessa in The Tinkerbell movies, Hidden Figures, Think Like A Man, Rio 2, Netflix’s Glass Onion, Bad Boys, and guest star in tv series.
Her performances gain a new layer of authenticity and power, captivating audiences and critics alike.
Fashion: Juliet has a passion for fashion, drawing inspiration from both vintage styles and contemporary trends. She enjoys experimenting with different looks and expressing herself through her wardrobe.
Music: A lover of music, Juliet finds solace and inspiration in various genres, from classic R&B and soul to modern pop and hip-hop. Music serves as a source of comfort and motivation for her.
Literature: Juliet has a deep appreciation for literature, particularly works that explore themes of identity, culture, and resilience. She enjoys immersing herself in books that provide insight and inspiration.
Dance: Juliet's background in dance fuels her love for movement and self-expression. Whether it's choreographing routines or hitting the dance floor with friends, she finds joy in the rhythm and energy of dance.
Societal Expectations: Juliet harbors resentment towards societal expectations that seek to limit her authenticity and self-expression. She dislikes feeling pressured to conform to narrow standards of beauty and behavior.
Prejudice and Discrimination: Having experienced prejudice and discrimination firsthand, Juliet despises injustice in all its forms. She advocates for equality and inclusivity, using her platform to amplify marginalized voices.
Betrayal: Trust is important to Juliet, and she dislikes betrayal or deceit from those she holds dear. She values loyalty and honesty in her relationships and is quick to distance herself from those who betray her trust.
Friends and Family:
Grandmother: Juliet shares a close bond with her grandmother, who serves as a source of wisdom and guidance. Their relationship is rooted in love and mutual respect, with Juliet often seeking her grandmother's advice in times of need.
Close Friends: Juliet's circle of friends consists of fellow artists, activists, and creatives who share her values and passions. They provide support and camaraderie, standing by her side through the ups and downs of life in Hollywood.
Struggles with Powers/Roles:
Secrecy: Juliet grapples with the burden of keeping her powers a secret, fearing the repercussions if they were to be exposed. This constant vigilance adds stress to her already demanding career and personal life.
Identity Crisis: The juxtaposition of her public persona and her hidden abilities creates an internal conflict for Juliet, leading to moments of doubt and insecurity about her true self.
Balancing Act: Juliet struggles to balance her various roles and responsibilities, from her career as a model and actress to her advocacy work and personal relationships. Finding equilibrium amidst the chaos of her life proves challenging at times.
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Who knows where Juliette will go next in her journey? Maybe she’ll meet the woman who inspired her to keep going. Perhaps she’ll take time off from Hollywood one day to explore this new side of her. 
The future is uncertain, and we can only wait and see.
Hope u guys like her!
Tags: @gaminggirlsstuff @missstrawbs2001 @t-nd-rfoot @yetanotherwells @sherloquestea @gcthvile @ohgodnotagainn @topgun-imagines @cherrysft @superspookyjanelle @xgoddessoffandomsx @rickb-chaos @ocappreciation @fototingobug @daughter-of-melpomene @savemewattpad
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Character Intro: Jayla Mahariel
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Once again using Marian Churchland's templates and @palipunk's Absolution tutorial to introduce you to: Jayla Mahariel, my Warden! Jayla is a Dalish rogue who doesn't know anything about human politics and doesn't care to. The image above is around the time of Absolution so she has had the corruption for about 15 years and it is starting to show.
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Her and Alistair have been reunited after Inquisition and she's just happy to be back with him so they can find a cure together.
She's a stabby sweetheart and I love her very much <3
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silver--scar · 7 months
TW: Mild blood and mentions of sensitive topics
Welcome to my first entry on this list! Inspired by @skenisasleb 's intro posts for their South Park characters, I realized that I wanted to do the same since I thought it would be fun! I will be following a similar format to theirs within this post and future ones to come. This is part one after all :D
So everyone put your hands together for my first ever South Park oc, Ashton Roscoe! (Below is his outfits during certain "episodes" or "b-plots", whatever you wanna call them. I'll be happy to explain them if there are questions, but I'll only go over a few in this post!)
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The Basic Life
Ashton Roscoe is an only child, living an average life in an average two-story home with average parents. They're maybe a little distant, but nothing too concerning.
He is one of the newer kids to South Park. Like, freshly new. He is left in a constant state of confusion with just how bonkers South Park can be and has yet to get accustomed into his new life. Otherwise, he has a pretty mellowed out mood with a hint of stubbornness.
He owns a massive cardboard fort deep in the woods of South Park. Who knows what goes on in there, and why he lays so many traps around the area? (It's role-play. It's literally just a place to keep his Stick of Truth items) And he likes to dig! But unlike Christophe, he digs for treasure. Bits and bobs. Doodads. Thingamajigs.
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There's nothing too special in Ash's bonds with his friends and family, and especially so being demisexual. He has three buddies, Lucio Connors, Robert 'Bubba' Hendrix, and Killian Manfred. Your typical, all guys friend group.
Out of everyone, he's most likely closest to Lucio due to them meeting when Ash moved in to the town. He helped Ash get around and learn everything there is to know with a kind attitude to boot, while Lucio greatly enjoys meeting someone who isn't a wackjob.
Bubba and Killian were already friends with Lucio before, so it helped Ash ease in quicker with the people around him. Bubba is the prankster who Ash tolerates. He always stands on guard around the guy, waiting for when he might strike with his next trick. It gets a bit mentally draining with it all, especially with the constant chatter about girls and dating or the next big prank.
Ash and Killian are a mixed bag. They get into arguments a few times, with who being in the right constantly switched around. But otherwise, they're tight knit, and they often defend one another during troubles. Ash appreciates Killian when they're on good terms and likes to listen to his conversations, but it wears thin when Killian gets zooted out of his mind and gets into his usual existential crises.
In terms of South Park? He tries his utmost to avoid the gang (i.e. Stan's and Tolkien's friends) and is pretty successful sometimes.
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Lore Galore
Since Ash was my New Kid while playing the South Park games, it's only obligatory to go with those first. His personas are Ashpatch the Thief and Ezkaton!
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These characters are something Ash put way too much effort in due to his affinity of escaping the world around him. He loves to play pretend.
Ashpatch is a thief class. He chose this because not only is he a natural at sneaking, he's an avid tinkerer. Most of his weapons, albeit rudimentary, are all handmade. He might put the things he nabbed to good use. At first, he just went by Ash, refusing to go by Douchebag but being too lazy to correct others around him. But later on, with his growing infuriation of Kupa Keep, Ash took the opportunity to switch sides the moment he saw it, donning the new name Ashpatch once he gained trust with the Elves.
He takes role-playing pretty seriously. As mentioned, he makes most of his weapons on his own out of objects he finds. If he wants something, he'll work his ass off to obtain it. Daggers, smoke screens, traps, you name it. Even though the other kids absolutely hate this, he doesn't care. He enjoys how it makes the games more authentic. And Ash even dressed the part, making an outfit to blend in the snow.
Ezkaton is his superhero persona, named after the word eschaton, meaning the final act of a divine plan. With a netherborn assassin class, Ash thought it was fitting to uphold an almost deity-like theme, and also because he's an edgy little boy... And also because he wanted to repurpose his abandoned Ghost cosplay, but he will never admit this.
His shawl is a Christmas tree skirt, and just like with Ashpatch, he crafts most of his inventory himself (aside the glowing scythes duh). He also works alone. The other kids don't really understand and think it's to keep up this 'bad boy' persona, but the real answer is that Ash doesn't want to end up getting others hurt. Especially with how they fight actual crime. He'll help out, he ain't a dick, but he works better without worrying that the villains' and his actions will result in an accident.
The other heroes make jabs for how over the top he is, or how he's a Mysterion clone, and to that he says, fuck you, because he'd also rather not admit he spent days coming up with an original identity only to be stumped. Plus, why be a superhero who isn't skilled at what he does? Ash is great at sneaking and traps. Why stop now?
"The Game Never Ends" (Assassin Ash)
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If there's one thing to know about Ash, he's a tad bit gullible. There are times where he's skeptical, but those moments are few and far between. After the gang plays a match of paintball with a bunch of other kids, Bubba offhandedly mentions that paintball 'is never really over.' There's a few laughs, but over time, Ash gets insanely paranoid. And so, he goes around town finishing the job, taking out anyone to achieve his victory. Don't worry, there's only two counts of manslaughter.
"The Crystalites" (Album Debut Ash)
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Ash loves music. It practically runs through his veins. If you want to find him, chances are he's in his backyard drumming it out in his dad's shed. He's debuting his first album for the town of South Park with his one man band, The Crystalites. However, it seems there are many obstacles he has to overcome, with that being money, gaining a crowd, organizing the event, and scrap bandits. People who are dismantling objects for an extra buck. So it's up to Ash to make his debut successful, and protected from grubby hands.
"Hardcore Parkour" (Parkour Ash)
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Parkour is the next big thing in South Park. Everyone's doing it (well, every kid is), but it seems for some reason, Ash can't get the hang of it! He used to be a master at running around and climbing the strangest things during games, so why can't he get this right? Determined, he tries to figure out the cause of his 'curse' and actually stick a landing while his friends go on to the big leagues of competitive parkour.
"Alive and Buried" (Grave Crawler Ash)
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Remember when I said his parents were not too concerning? Well it gets concerning. Every South Park kid has their traumas.
How does his family have the money to afford everything? Money laundering. And his dad is heavily in the business. However, a recent investigation showed that he was a suspect and CPS is threatening to take Ash away. With his mother being heavily distraught, the dad is blinded by the very thought of this and vows to keep Ash safe. He tries different things, but push comes to shove, and the poor boy is buried alive the last minute before cops arrive. Thankfully he managed to dig himself out, but his dad is arrested as he resurfaces. Now he has heavy claustrophobia and taphophobia. Ash would've liked to have kept all of this to himself, but news spreads around quickly in South Park.
"Supernatural Squatters" (Ghost Hunter Ash)
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Ash and Lucio believes ghosts exists, much to Killian's and Bubba's mockery of it. Wanting to prove them wrong, they make a bet for the four to stay overnight at an abandoned building rumored to be haunted. Geared to the teeth, the kids venture in and finds exactly what they were looking for. Drugged out squatters. Now they must exorcise them to free their souls.
Thank you all so much for reading! I'm certainly going to do more for the rest of my South Park ocs. I'll also post a bit more images that couldn't fit within this post. Thank you skenisasleb for the idea! 🙏
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skywriter97 · 23 days
Luna the Hedgehog 💕💕
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Hey guys! I wanted to introduce you to someone! This is Luna the Hedgehog, the official mascot of my blog! (She's also my profile avatar until I can get a commission for my 'sona.)
Luna is the sixteen-year-old daughter of Sonic the Hedgehog and Amy Rose, and the younger sister of @e-vay's OC Aurora the Hedgehog*!
My gorgeous girl was drawn by the wonderful @e-vay, MASSIVE THANKS!!!! I wasn't going to formally introduce her yet, as her story isn't quite ready for release, but @e-vay did too well of a job on her for me not to share!
Feel free to drop some asks in my box about Luna, but understand that I'm going to be VERY SECRETIVE with some answers, because I want you to enjoy her and her story in full when it's ready!
*Luna the Hedgehog is my own original character with her own original story of my own creation. Aurora the Hedgehog belongs to @e-vay, and I have been granted FULL permission to include Aurora within my AU as Luna' older sister after discussing it AT LENGTH with @e-vay. If you want to get SUPER technical about it, I've asked permission to blend my Next-Generation Sonic AU with E-Vay's and she has granted it. As such, everything with Aurora belongs to E-Vay, and everything with Luna belongs to me. So PLEASE do not copy, edit, or repost Luna, or use Aurora without E-Vay's express permission, because that's thievery and it is NOT COOL. Glad we could clear that up.
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allysilly · 3 months
I reaaalllyyy wanted to make an oc intro sheet and I finally did it! I’m starting to really like switching between traditional art and digital art. It definitely helps me not burn out of art a lot! This is also one of my first times doing a side profile. It’s not the best but for one of my firsts time I like it. I really like the main sketch of her in the middle. Sooooo everyone this is my oc Hallow and I hope everyone enjoys learning a bit about her :0!
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city-of-ego · 1 month
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Meet Nikolas the Lynx
Nikolas is a 30 year old Lynx and the older brother and roommate to Simon, who affectionately calls him "Nikki" since the two were very young (much to his annoyance). He doesn't meet the same daunting height as his brother, standing at a height of 5' 8" tall.
Upon first meeting him, Nikolas can come off as aloof and serious, if not a little awkward similarly to Jericho. Though, one will eventually find out that he has tendencies to be overly emotional, passionate, and protective. The Lynx has a hard time controlling his anger, especially when provoked or if his buttons are pushed.
Nikolas is a resident of EGO, though he tends to travel on occasion for fighting game tournaments. Fighting games (and video games in general) are his passion. It's easy to get Nikolas to break his serious disposition and talk if you ask him about fighting games... Though, be prepared for him to get carried away and spout a bunch of terms that you'll likely not understand. (He's prone to getting embarrassed and flustered once he realizes how long he's been rambling for.)
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stardestroyer81 · 27 days
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The Steam banner for Pizza Tower has been something I've always wanted to redraw for Star Tower, and while my first post of 2023 attempted something similar, this time I went all-in and included as much of Star Tower's cast as I possibly could all in one stylish banner! ⭐👾✨
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