#new illumanti
danihwang882 · 2 months
Hyunjin, enjoy the soul seeking and such with Buddha and Monks. Try to seek peace within. I will be waiting. I appericate the check in. I also need to go communte with ancestors thats how I am feeling. Hawaii really wanna go. You know when I aint angry I am mindful too just not when drunk. My self forcus has been all over the place. I am more forcused on you, but practicing self care. You know how I get when depressed. I tend to let that go.I have a very serious question, do you understand the judgemental talk and disbielf from my parents is causing me to behaviourially act out. They still dont believe me. Father doesnt belief its really you guys on bubble. Having a knights templar and free mason finincal wise one is a unique blessing that not many of us get. May his soul rest in peace. You wanna harm a fucking illumanti born lingage thats a whole other disrespect to Jesus Christ and God.
See why I am favored by God, Jesus, and ARCHANGELS. And can bring Divine Invention in modern fucking time.
You wanna know who's life I touched today. Elder Black woman named Kelly. I brought her fat boys, she only asked for like 7-8 dollars for food while going to Vons for her 8 kids by bus. She actually gave me my 10 bucks back when I said I needed it. She brought scatachers didnt win. Never buy lotto tickets, have higher chances to get stuck by lightening than that.
We are in a time where the humanity of humans can over throw the govenment. Only one good for us is Thump! He will fix everything in this world and perhaps save very many of us. He speaks truth like I do. The good die young. Just how it is. Jesus was one such people. Mary Madaline was another. The woman that gave birth to Jesus. Mary is in my linage as well. With Daniel.
i LOOK AT ALL THE CROSSES MY MOM COLLECTS AND I see that as Jesus demise and suffering. DEATH. REBIRTH. Matters.
fuck it will join to get access to linage knowledge and so much more. cant ever get out once joined unless you want groups of men to beat you out.
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pikkington · 1 year
So I got a new computer and I’m playing through Street Fighter 6, and even though some of these have been crushed, I want to share some Metro City headcanons.
Metro City is largely untouched by the two biggest criminal organizations in the series: the Illumanti and Shadaloo.  The reason for this is Mad Gear.  Their grip on the city was so absolute it kept the other two from establishing a foothold.  This is still true even to this day.
The Skull Cross gang isn’t actually a new gang.  It was made up of so many former Mad Gear members, people don’t consider them a different group.
That being said, a good percentage of the population has a criminal record.  This is so prevalent that it’s accepted as a prerequisite if you run for office.  A candidate without a criminal record isn’t going to get very far.
Businesses run by ex-members also don’t make anyone blink.  It’s why Abigail and Sodom have been able to thrive within the city despite being well-known gang members.
Metro City’s main park has a large pond in it, and has been taken over by very territorial swans.  It’s generally accepted you don’t visit the park, especially afterhours.  It’s so dangerous that if you even look like a tourist, you’ll have complete strangers telling you to avoid the park.  The swans have killed and won’t hesitate to do so again.
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mianmimi · 1 year
"if I saw that movie without any prior shipping shoes on I’d think that Mordo was in love with his Stephen, but that it was unrequited." Yeah, that's the vibe I got. 838 Mordo quietly, secretly, devotedly loving 838 Stephen from afar while Stephen chased after Christine. Imagine their relationship in that context, and then Stephen being alive and coming back, but coming back as a more mature man, with the knowledge that he just wasn't compatible with Christine and that Mordo was RIGHT. THERE.
The multiverse is infinite with countless timelines so this scenario is probably out there 🥺 Mordo loving Stephen in secret, devoting himself to him without any demands 😭 His love for Stephen is so unconditional he doesn’t even bring it up, letting Stephen pursue Christine because that’s who Stephen wanted. And yes it hurts, but Mordo cares more about Stephen’s happiness. So if that means having to keep his love a secret then so be it.
I just keep thinking of Stephen’s journey back home after getting killed/exiled. I love to imagine him thinking back to his life in 838 and why he’s fighting so hard to get back home knowing he’s gonna have to face his “friends” again. The same ones who will probably try to kill him again as soon as he returns. So why take that risk? Why not just leave for a kinder world? Start a whole new life with a clean slate?
Because Mordo’s still there. And with the rest of Illumanti around him, he’s in danger. He’s the reason Stephen keeps coming back to, and that’s when he realizes holy fuck. I think I love Mordo. And Stephen thinks back on everything Mordo did for him, and recalls some of their conversations where Mordo shares his fears of loving someone who doesn’t love him and it starts clicking.
And now I can’t help but this of “It Is You I Have Loved.” Yes, the one from Shrek 🤣
It’s no more mystery
It is finally clear to me
You’re the home my heart searched for so long
It is you I have loved all along
*sweet sigh*
Oh dear Nonny, in any form and any story, anything that gets Stephen back to Mordo will have my seal of approval. It’s all fantastic to me.
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chrishinxmcgee2 · 4 years
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writing-electrified · 7 years
I don’t write because I have a choice I write because I have more words than I do heartbeats
((day 40 something)) 
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xxskycrystalxx · 2 years
DS:MOM Thoughts [heavy spoilers beware]
I’m literally still processing the movie but here are just some jumbled thoughts of mine. (mostly of palmerstrange)
1. Defender Strange... you will be missed.
2. When I saw Stephen watching Christine get married in the trailer I thought yes, this is absolutely saddening and nothing could be worse than that (in terms of palmerstrange). Little did I know that that was only a fraction of how much harder Stephen took it in the movie. I mean just seeing him there and talking to Christine and wishing that things had went differently literally BROKE ME. Right person wrong time tbh.
3. America Chavez is amazing. The way people are hating both her and the actress is horrible and shouldn’t be condoned. She’s a great character and I can’t wait to see more of her in future movies/shows. Love how she and Strange really bonded, it was heartwarming. Makes me even sadder about him and Peter.
4. WONGGGGGGGGG THE OGGGGGGGGGG ; I had worries that they’d kill him off but he’s alright and being iconic as per usual.
5. Wanda. Dear Wanda. She was an absolute menace in the movie lol and I mean it literally. We knew she was as powerful as Sorcerer Supreme and just in general but damnnnnnnnnnn. I was legitimately terrified of her at certain points. I get why she became like that, I mean everyone should know. I feel for her I really do, but damn. Also... I’m pretty sure she’s not dead :)
6. Not Stephen’s significant memory being the one with him and Christine having dinner and Christine giving him THE watch. *crying in palmerstrange feels*
7. THE ILLUMANTI!!!!!!!! I was expecting the others (especially Professor X since we heard him in the trailer and Captain Carter as well as Monica Rambeau being Captain Marvel) but what really made me internally scream and pump my fists in the air was John Krasinski as Reed Richards. He was the perfect fan casting as him and I’m literally over the moon seeing him in the suit/character. I’m expecting him to come back in the new F4 movie and when he does I will literally lose it. Actually I’d lose it even more if they cast Emily Blunt as Sue Richards. Besides that, it was quite gruesome and sad that the heroes of that world were killed off so easily and brutally like holy crap. RIP
8. The music fight between the two Strange’s was just absolute *chef’s kiss.* 
9. “I love you. I love you in every universe. It’s not that I don’t want to care for someone, or have someone care for me, it’s just -- I get scared.” *cue the sobbing* I lost it when Stephen said this, absolutely lost it. I will never EVER climb out of the Palmerstrange hole I’ve dug for myself after this. I just can’t. Then the way 838-Christine caressed his face like Christine did in the sacred timeline in the first movie..... that was it for me. Rachel and Benedict. You guys destroyed me, but I’m entirely grateful for it. The fact that in every universe Palmerstrange were a thing but could never get the endgame they deserved hurts me sm that just thinking about them makes me want to cry forever. WHAT DID THEY DO TO BE TREATED LIKE THIS????????!!!!! On sidenote: I want someone to love me in every universe too.... 
10. The watch. THE WATCH. Seeing the watch Christine gave Stephen now will just be giving me trauma and heartbreak. I do like the fact that at the end they had Stephen fix the watch and put it away as a sign of him moving on. I mean there was always going to be a point where he moved on. I’m happy for him. But ofc, my sad Palmerstrange heart always had hoped for a happy ending for them. It is what it is now. 
11. They introduced Clea [pretty sure that’s her in the first end credits although the casting is not my favorite] so she’ll be a very important character in the next film (or whatever else she’ll be in) and will most likely be Stephen’s love interest [since yes they are married in the comics.... Clea Strange....], I don’t hate her. I’m looking forward to what her character will bring, but it doesn’t mean I’ve recovered from Palmerstrange and that Rachel/Christine should not be in future films. If they want to erase her when Clea comes in, sorry that’s not it. I won’t have it. If they can’t be a thing anymore fine, but at least let her still be in Stephen’s life as a close friend, a confidante even. It’s the least that could be done at this point. 
12. No cap but all the multiverse stuff made my head spin lol, but that sequence where Stephen and America were going through all the universes’ was really cool though, props to Marvel for that. 
13. Marvel really made me wait like 20 minutes to see the second end-credits scene and then proceeded to troll everyone by showing us that pizza-donut thing seller guy finally stop punching himself in the face. Thanks for that Marvel. 
Overall really great movie, I had a great time being in the theaters and watching it (seeing as how I haven’t been to the theaters ever since COVID started), absolute stellar performances from the whole cast, love them all!!! I have more rambles/thoughts about the movie but I think I’ll stop here and spare anyone who reads this from anymore lol. 
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ofcalculus · 2 years
@xagentcarter​ plotted starter.
He doesn’t belong in this universe, but they accepted him anyways. 
His world was destroyed by a woman he once thought was an ally but.. for once in his life it felt like Reed Richards had been drastically wrong.
The lab located in New York City belongs to the Illumanti, a big giant building scaling the entire city that is a headquarters for the members of the protectors of Earth to meet together, rest, and do whatever needed to be done to protect the world.
As of now, the man known as Mr. Fantastic on his world is currently working on a Quinjet prototype, a favorite of Captain Carter. What a discovery that was. That SIS, MI6 agent and SHIELD founder Peggy Carter replaced Steve Rogers as the super soldier that shocked the world during World War II. 
His blue and black suit has smooth textures, and the big bold number four on the center of his chest is a way of remembering what he lost not so long ago. The entire facility is mostly quiet, but Reed Richards never seems to sleep much. His body is stretched apart all around the hanger, working on the jet, grabbing tools and experimenting with whatever he could find.
Mr. Fantastic hears the hanger door open, only for the strong, tall, and muscular British captain to walk into the big grey room. The middle of his elongated body suddenly stretches in a reverse form, his limbs reconnecting together perfectly as he uses a hand to slick his black and grey hair back against his head. 
“Sorry if the noise was too loud Captain. I just figured I’d get her ready to fly. Never know when we might need her for a team centered mission.” he explains as he takes a few steps towards her, giving a soft and kind smile that only a man like Reed Richards could give. “I also.. wanted to say thank you. For everything you’ve done for me. You, Professor Xavier - everyone. You gave me hope. And I almost thought I had lost it.”
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rizumo-month · 4 years
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Rizumo month 2020 will commence on the 1st July - 31 July
Week 1
One Word Prompts:
Schlimqzl: A chronically unlucky person (Yiddish]
Cafune: The act of tenderly running fingers through someone’s hair
Absquatulate: To leave without saying goodbye
Zemblanity : the inenvitable discovery of what we would rather not know ; the opposite of serendipity
Tacenda: Things left better unsaid ; matters to be passed over in silence
Koi No Yokan: the feeling of meeting someone for the first time and knowing that you could easily fall in love with them
La douleur exquisite: the heartwrenching pain of wanting affection from someone unattainable ; literally means the exquisite pain comes from the medical term where morphine cannot dull; undescribable pain of being hurt by someone you love
Week 2
Accidentally singed your eyebrows off during cram class AU
Gas station AU: strangers meeting at 3 am
Modern neighbour AU: our balconies are right across eachother
Coma AU: from the comatose person’s viewpoint / nurse and patient AU
illumanti AU: “Please, don’t leave me alone.”
Anterograde Amnesia AU: is a loss of the ability to create new memories after the event that caused amnesia, leading to a partial or complete inability to recall the recent past, while long-term memories from before the event remain intact. *cheat have them keeping falling in love
Fireman!AU: where person A’s cat gets struck and person B comes to help * optional bonus izumo is the fireman
Week 3
Her blade pressed against my throat. “ Go ahead, kill me. Add another ghost to haunt you.”
“For a second, I thought she could actually see me...” The girl looked up and smiled. His blood ran cold. She shouldn’t be able to see him.
“I think i’m in love with you, and I’m terrified.”
“I’m sorry what were you saying? I keep getting lost in your eyes.”
“Has she asked about me?”  “yes, I believe her exact words were ‘what can i do to get him to leave me alone?”
“I’m not leaving you. Not this time.”
“You’re trembling.”
Week 4
x-  Nothing's Gonna Hurt You Baby - Cigarettes After Sex
x - Slow dancing in the Dark - Joji
x - The Last Time by Taylor Swift
x - Play Date -Melanie Martinez
x - Happiness is like a butterfly by Lana Del Rey
x - Repeat after me by the weeknd
x - True Love by Coldplay
x- Take me to Church by Hozier
X - 1
x - 2
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exposingsmgask · 6 years
so is the Illuminati real or just a conspiracy?
Okay so the illumanti is real in a sense. The illumanti is kind of a cover up to a lot. We’re not allowed to talk about this and go into detail but now we’re really stepping into serious territory but the illumanti is a distraction. The end of the world , the devil, new world order, all a distraction. I like to sum it up and say elite Hollywood. Hollywood elite has a bunch of different groups that run on two things: money and power. And once they have that, they want more. So forget what u know about the illumanti. It’s a distraction
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lovepeacefaithjoy · 3 years
#CHILD ,#MOLESTORS,#ROBBERS #THEIFS, #MASSCARE #PEOPLE #THAT #MURDER #MILLION TO #STAY #ALIVE THEY CAME TO #LADY #LAKE #FL TO #ROB THEM #BLIND AND LEAVE. #DEFILE #ALL THE #VIRGIN.THEY #DON'T #LIKE #ANYBODY #PURE.YOUR GOOD THEY'LL MAKE YOU EVIL BY THE TIME FR IS DONE WITH YOU. PUTTING COVIC19 IN EVERYTHING THEY CHOOSE. NOW THERE WORKING NEW THINGS TO #TERRIORIZE THE #WORLD. WITH THERE #WITCHCRAFT #VOODOO, #HOODOO #EVIL #RITUALS #ILLUMANTI AND COMBINING OF THOSE THINGS AND DOING IT TO THE WORLD .SO THEY CAN GAIN POWER TO FIGHT PEOPLE THERE THREATEN OF. LIKE WHERE SUPPOSED TO LISTEN TO FR. WHO DIED AND MADE YOU GOD OF THIS WORLD. WE DIDNT. YOU DONT RULE THIS WORLD AND YOU NEVER WILL. THIS AINT A #PLAY THIS IS #REAL #LIFE.when they #need #money they do #kidnapping. #Trying to #ask #our #family for 6 #million #dollars. When there #quadrillionaires ,#trillionaire #billionaire ,#millionaire ,#thousandAire. They're the ones that are turning people into #prostitute, #strippers, #gangbangers,#pimps,#drug #dealers, when #fr #impersonates your #family #kick #you out the #house at an #early #age.there doing this to your #children.they #meet #them #in #school and #thats #how #it #starts #but #there #not #our #age #if #you #check #blood #work.#dna #samples .and #etc.#tyler #perry
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The Illuminati in the World of  Deus Ex
Since it seems that most people here on Tumblr only played the Adam-centric games of the series, I decided to write a little post about the Illuminati, its structure and key-members. This post is more like a little overview for you guys, since  HR/MD only offer little info about them, and I won’t go very deep into detail. (Edit to myself: I lied.)
Officially, the Illumanti were founded by Adam Weishaupt in 1776, his goal was to create a new society, a “New Order” that is lead by individuals that are called “The Enlightened” (Illuminati is the plural of the Latin word Illuminatus, meaning  “enlightened”). This might be a reference to either Plato’s concept of the “Just State”, a society that is ruled by all knowing “Philosopher Kings” who were born to full-fill this rule and reign over the others. Another possible reference might be Thomas Hobbes’ theory of the Leviathan, a state that is ruled by a chosen “Sovereign” that can be either a single individual or a group of people acting as one where the rest of the citizens have no rights.
Those Individuals are defined as perfect beings, ahead of the rest of humanity and are in harmony with mind and body. To achieve this, there are certain requirements to be chosen as a suitable initiate, and every member has to go through certain ranks involving taking certain classes and undergoing tests. There is not much known about this besides the few references Stanton Dowd makes in Deus Ex 1, saying Bob Page never made it past the rank of “Master of Tyre” since did not participate in mandatory yoga lessons. In additions to this he mentions a special form of meditation that should lift the spirit and mind to a higher level.  
Furthermore, although the official foundation is dated to 1776, many patters and structures can be traced back to the Knight Templar during the Crusades (also stated by Dowd). So over the time, the Illuminati also “adopted” several other orders/organizations to their cause, utilizing them for special tasks. Besides the Templars, who function as the Order’s financial arm since they control most of the banks around the world, they also incorporated Majestic 12 in 1969, after the USAF closed down Project Blue Book and the organization was shut down as well. Since then, MJ12 operates as the Illumianti’s scientific and militaristic arm.
In general, you can say that the Illuminati don’t know any restrictions when it comes to achieving their goal, they are all about control, but ultimately they do one thing: They influence, they direct, they never act out directly and they think in very long term plans. They have boxes stacked into boxes, a machinery that works for them while keeping the puppet-masters in the shadows. They are not just a group of “evil rich people wanting to dominate the world”, they do not just simply beat up or kill people just because they want to. Everything they do is for the greater cause, and they don’t like loose ends. When someone is in their way, they make sure to completely destroy this person forever. Either through assassination (and they don’t back off from killing members of the Order for “The Greater Plan” as they wanted to assassinate Taggart to further fuel the Anti-Aug Debate) or through complete destruction of  one’s existence. They would never just leave a “warning” or harm someone out of fun or cruelty. The Illuminati are, in their core, completely finalistic and dedicated to their cause.
Now, after the fundamentals are clear, let’s take a short look at the members of the Council of Five, the ruling top with the highest ranked members of the order. The Philosophers Kings or the Sovereigns, if you want to see them that way.
Lucius DeBeers is the head of the Order, the only with the highest rank, the “Supreme Enlightened”. His background and true age are unknown since he keeps himself artificially alive, but it’s known he was already in charge back in the 1960s, as he ordered the assassination of John F. Kennedy in 1963. So pretty much everything we know about the actions of the Illuminati can be traced back to him. It’s clear that he seems to be obsessed with power, he refuses to give up his position as leader to his protége Morgan Everett and seeks a way to achieve immortality. He seems himself as the perfect being Weishaupt was talking about. In 2052, he is in a somewhat frozen state to halt his ageing, but he is still kept conscious to able to advice Everett who assumed the position of the Leader after Lucius was put into this state. 
Morgan Everett is the Second-In-Command and leader of Majestic 12. It is implied that he was born into the Illuminati, as he states he had close ties to the Templars in his childhood, saying “I once knelt in this chapel for communion, with two Rockefellers and a Rothschild. Since the time of the Crusades every leader in finance has prayed for the continued stability of Templar banks, founded on gold.”. During the events of Human Revolution and Mankind Divided, he is the CEO of the Picus Group, and thereby controlling the world’s media and news. He did not found it, it was Sir Martin Darrow (Hugh Darrow’s father) in 1985 -  it is unknown how Everett got into this position and what happened to Martin. Furthermore, Everett is in charge of various AI projects involving E.L.I.Z.A. and Morpheus (referred to as “M Initiative” in HR & MD)  together with his protégé Bob Page to control and monitor the public. In 2052, he took up the position as the Supreme Enlightened and controls the remnants of the Order after MJ12 nearly destroyed them during the 2030s. Although he is the acting leader, he keeps his former mentor in a state that allows him to still give advice and actively lying about the fact that Lucius could “be brought back to live” and using him as a tool. It is assumed that Morgan grew bitter about Lucius withholding him the possibility of becoming the Supreme Enlightened and now abuses his power over him. 
Stanton Dowd is the leader of the Knights Templar in 2029 and in control of most of the Illuminati’s finances and the world’s banks and therefore putting financial pressure on opposing parties. Although the Templar’s base is located in Paris, it is stated that Dowd is unable to leave New York City due to unknown reasons. According to Deus Ex 1, he was also born into the Order as his family had ties for generations. Little is known about the man, but it’s implied that he is a rather traditional man since he is the only one ever talking about the existing ranks and rituals and around the events of Mankind Divided, he led the Templar to a very powerful and controlling position. This concerns Beth DuClare who states she had to leave her home-town Paris because “Dowd’s Templar minions are the reason I stay away from Paris these days. I smell them on everything when I go back to the château. They act like they own  the city.” (quote from Black Light) and leading to the suspicion Dowd might try to overthrow Lucius and take over himself.  In 2052 Stanton is a poor man after MJ12 taking over the Knight Templars and destroying his finances and he is infected with the Grey Death. Besides his knowledge, he has nothing and is forced into hiding - powerless and defenceless.
Elizabeth DuClare, often only called “Beth”, is  millionaire philanthropist and leader of the World Health Organization in 2027 and 2029. Just like the previous members she was born into a very old and wealthy family tied to the Illuminati. This is why she claims it was her birthright to be “Queen of this World.” And again, little is known about the woman besides her public role. In 2027 she controls the distribution of the manipulated TYM chip that would later cause the Aug Incident, and in 2029 she works with DeBeers on several projects. Among them: Black Helix and The D Project. Her exact position/rank is unknown, but it is implied in Black Light that she might be the “true” Second-in-Command since she has a very close relationship with DeBeers and because of their collaborations. In addition to this it is implied that she is a highly skilled manipulator, especially regarding men, and it is implied she uses sex and “love” to achieve her goals. The groomed the carrier of  Philip Riley Mead, Florida’s Governor in 2027 and future President of the United States (2052), has a confirmed sexual relationship with Morgan Everett, is rumoured to be the mistress of the President of France Alain Bourges-Maunoury and talks derogatory about emotions like love and affection. She was assassinated by Majestic 12 prior to the events of Deus Ex 1. She has a daughter named Nicolette DuClare whose father is unknown and it is suspected that Nicolette is in fact a cosmetically altered clone. 
There is little to say about Volkard Rand, since he is only appears in Mankind Divided and the only thing we know about him is that he is a member of the Council of Five in 2029 and that he puts pressure on the UN council to pass the Human Restoration act. A very popular fan-theory sees him as the elusive Janus, leader of the Juggernaut Collective that was somewhat confirmed by the “Prima Game Guide” by accident.  But this is all speculation.
Robert “Bob” Page is not directly a member of Council of Five during the events of HR and MD, but has a high enough position to participate in most of their meetings. He is the protégé of Morgan Everett, who recruited him at some point before 2016 and due to his influence the young man managed to have an unusual career and rise up faster than he should (stated by Stanton Dowd). Page is the CEO of VersaLife (founded 1975), a pharmaceutical giant he acquired in 2016 and a subordinate to his company Page Industries, a venture capital/tech firm. He is the second leader of MJ12 alongside his mentor and is in charge of the Tyrants in Human Revolution (Codename Black, also referred to as “Commander” in The Fall) and overthrows the Illuminati during the 2030s in a Coup d'état, and takes over completely. In 2052, he is the richest and most powerful man in the world while still having an extremely positive public image, as people see him as generous, a philanthropist and he pretends to donate to good causes. He tries to become the “true Supreme Enlightened” by merging with the AI Helios. 
All of these character summaries are kept short and only mention the most important things, there is much more to tell but this should be enough to give a general overview about the canon information regarding the Illuminati. If you got any questions of wish that I got deeper into certain things, please let me know. 
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mianmimi · 2 years
My guess is that 838 Mordo wasn't in the battle against Thanos for the same reason that Wong wasn't in it in the 616 universe. Someone had to guard the Sanctum. As for this: "Given a choice between saving each other or saving the world, they’ll probably pick each other." It's giving Sailor Neptune and Sailor Uranus "a world without her isn't worth saving" and I love it. What if Mordo wants Wanda to kill the Illuminati and destroy the world, because a world without Stephen isn't worth it 🥲
I just see Mordo guarding the Sanctum fully expecting Stephen to return. Stephen hasn’t failed before and he manages to get out of every terrible scenario thrown at him. The certainty of Stephen’s return just makes the heartbreaking reality heavier. Poor Mordo would probably be in denial at first. Stephen can’t die. He’s Stephen. He said he would be back home, so he will.
The scenario you shared could easily be another timeline where Stephen’s execution becomes Mordo’s villain origin story. And it fits with the theme of experiencing betrayal by the hands of friends/loved ones before turning against them too *looks at 616 Mordo’s fate* Maybe it’s a shared Mordo experience. They’ll be betrayed by their closest friends/mentors/loved ones and that prompts them to change their life trajectory drastically. Maybe 838 didn’t want anything to do with the Supreme title at first until he realizes he can use it to get his revenge.
Hmmm maybe evil!838 dwells on how Stephen sacrificed so much to save their world but he was rewarded with death, meanwhile the Illumanti who condemned his actions are enjoying the results of those very same crimes. Like they’re all still alive and thriving. They have more power now that Stephen’s not checking them. They get to enjoy the world that Stephen saved but was denied to him. And maybe this alternate Mordo just marinades in bitterness and contempt. As far as he’s concerned every life is indebted to Stephen, and the Ilumanti are the true criminals for killing him in secret. Seriously the poor guy never got a trial or anything. They just decided to kill him there in that planet without absolutely no other witnesses. That’s shady as fuck. But anyways….yes, evil!Mordo preparing himself for ways he can avenge his boo. And of course Wanda comes along and it’s like a massive GO signal from the heavens. It’s the golden opportunity. It’s the jackpot. He can get rid of them in one fell swoop. And so he does.
Side note, I do appreciate how in the movie 838 Mordo knows how powerful the Scarlet Witch is. I mean he did exposition dump her lore 🤣 He was basically saying don’t fuck around with her also dream walking is very very dangerous, hey have some more tea 🍵 👀 It’s just interesting that he brings up dream walking and explains it like he’s super well versed in the concept. Perhaps from Stephen? Or perhaps he dabbled in it too? Either way it’s interesting. Also he was the only one in the Illumanti that didn’t underestimate Wanda. I like to think it’s cause he identified exactly what they were up against. And instead of going off to fight he stays in that room with Stephen, effectively keeping both of them out of the slaughter. I’m picking up diamonds from coal here 😆 I don’t think Waldron meant that. But I do enjoy how Mordo’s actions can be interpreted as a vengeful one where he manipulated things so the Illumanti can be killed. And what’s better is that no one’s gonna blame him. That place had cameras all over it and everyone’s gonna see Wanda massacring their heroes while poor Mordo was stuck and unable to help 🥺
This reply went off the rails there. It’s the late night New Year brain 🤣 Thank you sweet Nonny!
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pikkington · 5 years
Some rough planning notes/questions I had when I started writing Street Fighter fic.  Most of it went unexplored, but I liked it enough to publish it.  I think this is from...December?  Or January, whenever I finally finished up watching the cinematic story.
Some thinky thoughts about SF because it's easier to funnel this stuff someplace tangible than constantly mull it over.
1.How far can Dhalsim teleport?  Because in the story mode there's this weird time gap where it looks he teleports from Japan to New York City without any visible strain.  I know he can teleport short distances, and at the very least his max distance is a helicopter out of missile range to the ground without any effort on his part.
2.What purpose do the Illumanti stones serve?  Gill and Urien have one each, and they're high-ranked, but so does Charlie.  Do all he stones serve the same purpose?  Is it a fast-act regeneration for anyone who knows Resurrection to hurriedly revive their fallen high-powered leaders?  Does it help control ki in/output, since Urien and Gill's ki is tied directly to their souls rather than their body?  Does it have something to do with brain or soul preservation?
a.If it's the first one, then story mode confirms Kolin knows Resurrection to an extent since she makes reference to "touching souls" and can revive Charlie to a point with it, and Resurrection is a big, top-level thing the Secret Society has, and at this point Kolin doesn't really have it in with Gill, so how would she know it at this point?
b.Makes the most sense, as Charlie has ki-absorption powers that could be side effect of the stone.  Drawing ki to revive body also makes sense for Gill's move to work in-game, since you need full charge meter and can only be done once (risky?) and Charlie's body just draws it because his body is no longer living and has to rely on the outside environment for ki
c.Tied with b, possibly, but do all Presidential initiates get the stone, or is it put in later?  Why would Urien have it if he was passed over as Pres.?  Is it a designated survivor scenario where if the Pres is killed and the stone is retrievable, at least the VP's brain can be saved?  Side note: the Secret Society is weird.
3.If F.A.N.G.'s poison is potent enough to turn a human into dust, how can the sleeves of a normal fabric outfit keep him from melting everything around him?  I figure it's Plot(tm), maybe it was a special technique he had to channel since there was an implied time lapse.  Certain metals may react different to the poison, resulting in quicker burn times.
4.Yeah, hi, is Marz dead or not?  I guess I could say yes, since we don't see her anymore, but that means nothing in this series (unless you're Chun-Li's dad).
5.That said, biologically, how does F.A.N.G.'s poison work?  Can he funnel different variants out the same way the brain funnels out different hormones and crap?  Is it like the difference blood and stomach acid where it's just stored in different areas?
6.Is Alex just kind of stupid, he puts a hacker piece he received in the mail, with no return address or anything, in his van window like it was a solar-powered bobblehead for all to see.  Did it just not occur to him?  You know what, fixing it, he's just an absolute space cadet that didn't put two and two together that maybe this thing is dangerous.
7.Was the Psycho Bison apparition at the very beginning actually Bison astral-projecting, or was it some kind of ploy by the Secret Society?  At first I thought it was just Charlie hallucinating, but Kolin tries to stop him so maybe she sees him, too?  Full disclosure, I've only played on low-res mode because I'm afraid of blowing up my computer, but to me Psycho Bison seemed really...CRT projection-y?  His shadow was weird and his body had lines, so I don't know.
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slyandgarbles-blog · 6 years
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ofcalculus · 2 years
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The Beginning;
Born in a parallel universe of Earth-616 and Earth-199999, Reed Richards was considered the smartest scientist in the entire world along with being a polymath. After a space mission gone wrong, Reed was exposed to high levels of cosmic radiation aloing with his three friends Ben Grimm, Reed’s girlfriend Susan, and her younger brother Johnny Storm after their NASA approved ship collided with a mysterious substance in space. Reed and the others were mutated by the radiation, giving Reed the ability to stretch and mold his limbs to however he pleased.
Together they became the Fantastic Four, a team that specialized in fighting science based and multiverseal threats. Reed would go on to marry Susan Storm / The Invisible Woman and live out his life as a part time member of The Avengers.
The Beginning of the End;
When Wanda Maximoff lost her children during the events of Westview, she called upon Doctor Stephen Strange to teach her the spells so she could travel through the multiverse and find her children. Strange, sensing that Wanda was still grieving and needed help, resisted her request and offered emotional support to which Wanda denied.
Going to the Baxter Building, Wanda asked Reed Richards if he would be able to build a machine that would allow her to travel through the multiverse. Horrified that she would think of stealing children from another universe, Reed denied Wanda and offered to help her through her troubled times. 
Mentally broken from her losses, in a fit of jealous rage she would murder Reed Richard’s wife Susan Storm who was pregnant at the time with their unborn child, along with Ben Grimm / The Thing and Johnny Storm / The Human Torch, saying that if she couldn’t have her children, then Reed didn’t deserve his own. Leaving Reed alive to suffer, she then returned to Doctor Strange’s sanctum in New York. The Scarlet Witch attacked Stephen Strange and murdered him in a fit of rage before stealing his books on dark magic and the multiverse.
The Fall;
Richards arrived at the Sanctum using his teleporter but was too late. Wanda had already killed Stephen Strange along with various other Avengers who recieved his distress call. Reed, attempting to stop Wanda from using dark magic to enter the multiverse, was accidentally taken by Wanda inadvertently through her magic after he touched her during a ritual. Taken through the multiverse, Reed Richards would watch in horror as Wanda’s spell accidentally destroyed their entire universe. 
Reed, adrfit in the multiverse, would end up on Earth Prime. The original Earth. Wanda and Reed would be captured by an alternate version of Scarlet Witch who sensed a multiverseal breach. Taken to the Illumanti, this Earth’s version of The Avengers, Reed would plead his case on his Earth’s Wanda and how she needed to be imprisioned for her crimes. 
After investigating Reed’s claims, Professor Charles Xavier confirmed that Reed and Wanda’s Earth had been completely destroyed by Wanda’s dark magic. Reed’s Wanda would be imprisioned in the Dark Dimension. The Illumanti Wanda promised her alternate counterpart that if she ever escaped from her prison, she wouldn’t hesitate to kill her for what she did to Reed’s family and his world.
Joining the Illumanti;
Reed, as Mr. Fantastic, carried on the legacy of The Fantastic Four by continuing to wear his blue suit. He joined the Illumanti in hoping to help them keep their universe safe, and make sure that what happened to Reed’s universe never happens to another.
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mianmimi · 2 years
I agree. Everything about Earth 838 could be easily retconned/expanded upon in the future, as I hope they do, because 838 is an interesting earth with lots of potential. I don't think we got the real story about what happened to 838 Stephen. Maybe he never even caused an incursion. Maybe he never even used the Darkhold or at least not to that extent. I hope he's still alive and that he reunites with 838 Mordo. Stephen surprises Mordo by embracing from the back tearfully says "hi" in his ear? :')
Sweet Nonny, as I read your ask I kept thinking....wow...all of these would be a great season of What If. Literally, I could go for an entire season just exploring each possibility behind "maybe."
What if Supreme Strange never caused an incursion? Was there an incursion that even happened at all? But why would they want to get rid of Stephen? Unless they were conspiring something and Stephen disagreed and they just...did away with him. Now THAT's probably the darkest scenario I think. Having the Illumanti be the secret villains and poor Supreme Strange being the one to try and stop them but he either got banished to fucking who knows where or killed.
And now his poor husband is working with them. Is he in the complete dark about how shady they are? Or does he have these suspicions and he decided to work with them to get closer to the truth? Gaining more of their trust and gathering evidence against them? Talk about a cutthroat world!
When we lose someone we love, we either become stronger or weaker. There's no way you're gonna stay the same after such a huge loss. And in Mordo's case, I'd like to think he grew stronger. Like okay, I don't have Stephen here anymore to guide or protect me, but I'm gonna stand on my two feet and trust my gut, and damnit I'm going to survive and make him proud. And...just to leave this on a happy and hopeful note...maybe Supreme Strange is banished far away and making his way back to his love. He's lost everything, literally only having hope that he'll get back home someday. And he too becomes stronger for it. He knew he loved Mordo before, but the whole journey and determination to reach him again makes Stephen realize just how much he truly, deeply loves him.
And maybe one day, when Mordo's deep in thought and meditation he finds himself leaning against one of the cherry blossom trees. Closing his eyes he finally accepts that his Stephen is gone yes, but that doesn't mean he needs to stop loving him. He doesn't have to move on from the life he had with Stephen, because that's the life he has right now. Stephen will never truly be apart from him, even though they're physically not in the same realm. Their home is still his home, and their mission is still his.
And just as he accepts that he'll always love Stephen, through the grief of losing him and the joy of having loved him.... he feels someone embracing him. It's a terribly familiar embrace, the fingers moving in the pattern they always did, and trembling over his. A soft kiss brushes his neck and a tried, tender voice whispers that first word.
And suddenly it feels like a whole new life has begun.
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