#new tag for caleb because he's not up there with the ocs but i don't wanna use the regular tag for him
picnokinesis · 1 month
OC Ship Song Tag
Tagged by @gabeorelse - ahh thank you!! Okay this will be fun because I don't tend to talk about my ocs much here
Rules: list the ships of your wip (canon or otherwise!) and the song that "describes" your ship, or that would be used for a fan edit of the ship.
This is a bit complicated because actually a lot of my wip projects aren't exactly shippy, especially since I am trying to write predominantly aromantic stories - but Gabe said I could do platonic or single characters if I wanted to 😌 I think what I'm actually gonna do is songs for the characters who , if I had a fandom, people would end up shipping lol. I'm gonna do these for Onkalo because I think that's got the most to going on (and also the longest playlist haha) and actually I think it'll be funny to do this by how common or rare I think the pairing would be hahah
For those who don't know: Onkalo is my original tv series concept set in several hundred years after the collapse of our civilisation. It follows Peregrine, a grief-stricken father who dedicates himself to finding Onkalo, a mythological structure buried under the ground that is said to contain an item of great power. He believes that he can use whatever is inside to protect his son, Ash. On the flip side, Ash, who believes he has been abandoned by his dad, sets off to find him after a disaster destroys their community.
Harper/Reo or Harper & Reo - these two are basically my og spydoc - childhood friends who bonded in adverse circumstances, but then Harper manages to escape the Bad Situation, and Reo is left to suffer the consequences. Reo ends up becoming something of an antagonist, bitter and set on making Harper pay, whilst Harper becomes a semi-parental figure to Ash as he looks for his dad (she is absolutely terrible at it). But, eventually, Reo choses to help Harper, Ash and Connie escape, and sticks with them. It's not completely smooth going, but fundamentally they missed Harper and their friendship too much. If any ship is canon in this show, it's these two.
Songs: Go Down Together by Foxing or La Lune by Madeon for more shippy fandomy stuff, but Sink by Brand New is my song for them, and it's a lot angrier. However, in the show, I'm 100% intending to have the very intense sequence of Reo and the others escaping be set to The Bike Song by Mark Ronson and The Business Intl, because bikes are involved and I'm hilarious - so if anyone set a video to that song, they would absolutely correct.
Peregrine/Caleb or Peregrine & Caleb - the canonical-ness of this one is very muddy, because I'm fighting with my fascination over their dynamic and how they do or don't feel about each other, and my overwhelming desire for this show to be as aromantic as possible. As it stands, Peregrine is entirely driven by his grief and guilt surrounding the death of his wife, Heather, but if he wasn't, then he'd be open to it. I reckon Caleb has a hell of a crush but will take it to his grave. As it happens, they're super doomed by the narrative and almost certainly not going to survive anyhow. However, I reckon if there was a fandom, this would be one of the Big Ships because I know what fandom is like.
Song: Wild Country by Wake Owl
Peregrine & Ash - the relationship between these two is so mired with desperate, familial love and aching anger. Ash wants to hate his dad, but fundamentally he still travels across the country to find him. Peregrine is so driven by the need to protect his son like he couldn't protect his wife that he completely abandons his son to hunt down a folktale that ends up killing him.
Songs: Above the Clouds of Pompeii by Bear's Den, and Welly Boots by The Amazing Devil
Harper & Connie or Harper/Connie- I think anyone who ships this would be so galaxy brained, tbh, but Harper and Connie both travel with Ash and lowkey become his stand-in parental figures, but not in any standard sort of way. Harper is like, reluctant dad figure, and Connie is the only person with the braincell. I reckon the appeal of this one is that this is that they're both people who have been defined by their own communities and families, but in very different ways. I think Harper would learn a lot about what family can be from Connie, and Connie would learn to blame herself less from Harper. People who ship Harper/Connie/Reo would be even MORE galaxy-brained, but adding Reo into the mix would make the whole thing a bit more rancid, bless. I think Connie and Reo would actually be super interesting.
Songs: if it's just Harper/Connie, it's Hello My Old Heart by The Oh Hellos (this one also works really well for Peregrine and Caleb too). If it's Harper/Connie/Reo....ooh, it would probably be Soldier, Poet, King by The Oh Hellos, with Reo being the soldier, Harper being the poet and Connie being the king. Okay damn I lowkey love how that works, like non-romantically.
Connie & Peregrine or Connie/Peregrine- Peregrine actually meets both Harper and Connie on separate occasions earlier in the plot. The dynamic between Harper and Peregrine is lowkey hilarious to me, because I'm pretty sure they look at each other and go 'oh, yikes' and leave it at that. Connie and Peregrine actually get on really well, though, and hang out together for a long while. Peregrine is allergic to nice things though, and actively avoids making new emotional ties. With Caleb, he fails drastically - but he also fails regarding Connie too. Con actually wanted him to stick around, but he tricks her into getting left behind (because he's an ASS, but actually it's mainly because he didn't want her to die/get hurt. And it's a good thing tbh because by the next episode he's captured by an amnesia cult who try to lobotomise him, so....). Anyway, I think both Caleb and Connie are people that Peregrine could have learnt to overcome his grief with, in a different world. I think Connie and Peregrine in particular find common ground in how much their communities mean to them. They are both driven on journeys, spurned by grief and guilt - but for Connie, she still remains in orbit of her family, whereas Peregrine has isolated himself entirely. I feel like not so many people would ship this, but I'm soft about it
Ship Song: I Will Remain by Matthew and the Atlas
Peregrine/Heather - the only CANON ROMANCE, but I killed it lol because Heather is dead from the start. She haunts this entire series, but her relationship with Peregrine is SO IMPORTANT because it drives the entire plot. I love them both a lot augh
Ship song: You Are a Memory by Message to Bears
That ended up SUPER LONG and also won't make sense to anyone probably rip, but!! Here it is!
Tagging - this is obviously optional, and feel free to make this about fandom characters instead if you like! But! @taardisblue, @novantinuum, @chaoticacecryptid, @subducting, @agendergorgon (I think you have ocs? For worm?)
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The very kind and very talented @queenspinoodle tagged me in this writing game! 💖 ✏️ 💕 ✍️ 💟 (THANK U!!!)
1. What motivates you to write?
My love for writing does! ❤️ ✏️ As a writer, I have stories to tell and headcanons to share. I wanna make myself happy with them! Also, the works of others motivate me too. Whenever I see a really good fic or writing piece online, I go, "Wow, what this person wrote was SO amazing that I want to write my own amazing thing!"
2. A line/short snippet of your writing that you are most proud of; if not, share a line from someone else's work that you love (just make sure to give credit
Not only am I gonna share a snippet, I'm also gonna explain why I'm so proud of it.
Here it is:
... Brown eyes begin to sparkle at that fact. Caleb had no idea! He casts a smile down at his mother’s stomach, giving it a light pat.
“I’m so glad God decided to gift you to us, Philip,” Caleb “speaks” to his little brother.
The corners of his mouth soften.
“I can’t wait to see you.”
This is from the short, canon divergent story I wrote titled "A New Addition".
In this scene, a (I'll say 5 since I didn't state his age in the story, but you can tell he's a small child) year old Caleb has just been told by his mother where baby's come from. Heaven! They're gifts from gods (her words).
The reason I'm so proud of this piece is because I love how sweet and sincere I made Little Caleb at the end. He's just so grateful that God gave Philip as a gift to him and his family and he can't wait to see / meet him. 🥹
It shows how Caleb has always loved Philip (even in his unborn baby state).
3. Which OC makes you smile when you think/talk about them and what are they like?
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She's a hyperactive, carefree witch who's fun-loving and adventurous. She's also very kind and caring.
4. Which process of writing do you enjoy the most?
Coming up with ideas and writing them down.
5. Which part of writing do you think you're best at? (Stroke your own ego, it's okay)
I think I'm best at making my audience have a good time! My writing, for the most part, is always fun and exciting. You'll never be bored when you read my stuff.
6. What is something in the writeblr community that is most enjoyable?
THE POSITIVITY POSTS THAT PEOPLE MAKE!!! I LOVE REBLOGGING THEM!!! I love how uplifting they are. Whenever I'm feeling down about my work, I go back to read them. They kinda inspire me to maybe make my own writer positivity blog. Maybe one day.😌
7. A writing tool/device that helps you with writing (i.e. text-to-speech, a program, etc...)
8. A piece of world-building that you like in your own story (it could be the magic system, a particular place, a law, etc...)
I don't really create my own worlds, but I do like adding a sense of cartooniness / cartoon logic to existing ones lol.
9. What piece of advice would you give to encourage others to write if they are having a rough patch?
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No matter what. <3 I know I won't. 😋
10. Tag some people whose work you love/ have been your biggest supporters
@nightsoulvixen (I'm not sure if you write Roya, but you're always supporting me and I ❤️ you for that. <3)
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nikatyler · 2 years
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fuck it more raleb because i have never made a single decision in my life
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faccal · 4 years
Questions for an author! 
I was tagged by the amazing @simonxriley Thank you so much dude!
I'm tagging @ccgan @carl-sweet-serial-killer and anyone else who wants to do it, because I just can't think of anyone else right now, lol. Sorry.
Name: Caleb
 Top 5 Fandoms Written: (I don't know if this means the top five I've written for, or just my top five fandoms I prefer writing for, but either way I don't have many, lol. I'll just do the fandoms I have written for, in no particular order.)
Call of Duty Ghosts
Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus
Attack on Titan
Top 5 Fandoms You Want To Write For/More: 
I definitely want to write more COD. I just started playing Black Ops 2 after years of not playing it, and wanted to write something for that.
I also wouldn't mind writing things for the walking dead.
Definitely more COD Ghosts. I love that game so much.
Stories You Wish More People Knew About: 
I kind of wish more people knew about Breaking Point and Thorns and Roses. I really like where I'm going with these two right now, and am actually kind of proud of them.
Ship(s) Written The Most: 
Keegan x Logan
Rorke x Logan
Character(s) Written The Most:
Keegan, Logan and Rorke. I love these three so much.
How Many OCs Do You Have: I actually just finished creating a younger brother for one of my OCs, so currently I have between 7-12. I say that only because I always manage to forget a few.
How Many Series Do You Have: four, if we're talking about series on AO3, lol.
What Do You Do With Fic You’re No Longer Interested in: similar to @simonxriley if I have plans to continue it, I'll leave it up and make sure that I come back to it. Otherwise I'll delete it, like I just did with three or four of my fics recently.
Coming Soon: updates for my works such as And Then He Cried, Thorns and Roses, Breaking Point, as well as the first chapter for the Infatuation rewrite.
Line From A WIP:
Currently I've been working on one, so here's a few lines from chapter one of Infatuation.
"Dad?" Logan says after a moment, getting swatted in the head by Cala, who snickers evilly. He whines as he rubs the back of his head, moving away from her as he takes a seat at the bar.
Elias stands before him, flipping through his own magazine, this one about guns. "What's the rule about boys and girls being in the same room?" He asks calmly, not looking up as he continues to flip through the pages.
Logan looks to Cala, a can you believe this shit? look on his face as he grins. "Uh, yeah." He says, looking back at his dad. "Except, I don't like Cala like that, and besides-" he looks to her for permission. She nods once. "I'm not her type." He says, crossing his arms as he leans back in his chair, a calm yet cocky expression on his tan face.
"She doesn't like blonds?" He asks in confusion, looking at Calamity's blond hair curiously.
Logan snorts, rolling his eyes. "No!" He rubs his face. "She's a lesbian." He states firmly, snorting at his father's wide eyed expression.
"Uh.." he manages, earning a laugh from Cala.
"Yep." She says, popping the p. "I dig chicks, not dicks." Cala snickers, rubbing Logan's shoulder playfully.  "Don't worry, sir. We'll keep the door open from now on." She slips from the bar, swinging her arms as she enters the downstairs bathroom.
Do You Accept Prompts: I've never gotten any, but I'm sure I would of I did, as long as it was something I knew about and was comfortable writing.
How Do You Feel About Kudos: they're amazing and I always love seeing that people still enjoy reading my works!
Do You Read Fics As Well: sometimes. Every couple of weeks I'll go into the Keegan x Logan tag on AO3 and see if there are any new fics, and if there are I get really excited. I read some stuff for The Walking Dead and Supernatural as well.
I hope I understood these Properly 😂
Thank you again for tagging me, and hopefully I understood everything properly. Thank you so much!!
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