#newsies details
well hello there microphone
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wekiaam · 11 months
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"You wanna see a place I seen, huh?"
Dramatic lighting my beloved <3
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to-be-a-dreamer · 9 months
Hello Newsies fandom, for your casual viewing pleasure (and because apparently some people think headcanoning the Jacobs family as Jewish is antisemitic), here is the exact passage from the official Newsies novel that states Davey is Jewish and Jack is Irish :D
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It's not a headcanon, it's literally written in the source material and, even if it wasn't, this fandom has been headcanoning characters' ethnicities based on their names since 1992. They're street kids living in New York City in 1899, they're going to be a diverse group and the best thing we have to go on is their names. I know my group of mutuals headcanon at least two other characters as Jewish, somewhat if not entirely based on their names.
Like, I don't know how else to explain that headcanoning a character with a traditionally Jewish name isn't "stereotyping" it's literally just being like "oh hey, this whole family has really common Jewish names, it would be fun if they're Jewish" and then we all move on with our lives because it's also literally canon. Like, it would be bad if we were headcanoning a character as Jewish purely because they exhibit behaviors that are also associated with negative Jewish stereotypes but that's literally not what's happening here. Also I'm pretty sure it's mentioned in the non-dialogue parts of the script somewhere but I don't have access to that.
In conclusion, don't be weird about people headcanoning characters as minorities, it's not stereotyping it's literally just people existing.
(Also, I am not Jewish, so I do not at all claim to be any kind of authority on representation. If any Jewish bloggers want to weigh in I will happily read and be open to learning!)
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racetrackmybeloved · 4 months
i adore how quick the boys are to help crutchie when he needs it. no discussion, no pity, just support.
when morris pushes him over, it isn't jack (who is right there) who helps him up, neither is it race nor romeo, who we saw him interact with earlier in the song. it's albert who helps him up, and it's albert who carries him until he gets his crutch back. did they have a system? was it albert's job to carry crutchie when needed? was it because they're close friends, and we just never get to see it again? or was it that any of the newsies would have done it, but albert happened to be the closest?
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when the nuns hand out food, kid blink and smalls don't hesitate before hoisting him onto their shoulders. jack and specs both place their hands on his back to ensure that he doesn't fall backwards. it's so smooth, so natural, like they've done it a million times before.
and note: i don't think crutchie interacts with any of those characters (albert, kid blink, smalls) at any other moment in the musical.
conclusion: crutchie is so so loved.
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loving-jack-kelly · 4 months
au where jack and davey are both acclaimed professionals in separate fields to the point where they're like. niche celebrities for others in their field but not famous at all in the general population. people who know who davey is are not likely to know jack and people who know jack are not likely to know davey. they get recognized on the street by a different couple they don't know and pass by said couple arguing over which one of them is actually famous.
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I don't know who has already seen or posted this or if anyone even cares- anyways, i was trying to look something up and instead i got this. when you go to the website of the UK newsies and you click on cast, gallery, tickets or about then you get redirected to this. I mean, we already got the speech and all but yeah. thought i'd share it.
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jack-kellys · 1 year
ok i do have one question though
if anyone was there today, how the actual hell did jordan cover BOTH delanceys…?? was it just like “or could it be…. morris/oscar delancey!” like huh. and the cellar scene. and and and
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nyx-thedragon · 4 days
Newsies Thoughts Pt. 2
okay so I just watched newsies again and noted down some things that I didn't notice the first time, or thoughts I had while watching, so here's that list.
1- Davey puts himself in harm's way a lot for Jack even though they barely know each other. examples: going with Jack to try to break Crutchie out of the Refuge, going by himself to follow Jack when he's taken from the Refuge to see Pulitzer, kicking Snyder in the face during the fight in Medda's theater to protect Jack and give him time to run. all of these things could've gotten him arrested and/or beaten up if he was caught. yet he still did them. after not even knowing Jack for a week. is this down bad behavior? possibly
2- why did Davey bring Les with to try to break Jack out of the Refuge? he spends the whole movie making sure that Les stays out of the way when trouble comes and keeps him safe, so why did he bring him along when the whole group could be arrested if caught?
3- Jack almost immediately agrees to Pulitzer's deal as soon as Davey is mentioned, even before Pulitzer mentioned anything about him getting sent to the Refuge and how it would be Jack's fault, blah blah blah. also, his cocky smirk immediately drops when Davey's name is said.
4- Davey is the only person who's let through to talk to Jack after he took Pulitzer's deal. I did notice this my first watch, but I thought I'd note it down this time because like. why Davey, of all people? why not Race, or Mush, or any of the other newsies who've known Jack longer? logically, it's because Davey was the only one who wasn't trying to break through to get to Jack, but why was it written in the script for it to be Davey who got to talk to him? this is something I'm genuinely curious about; why was it Davey and not another newsie? what was the thought process to make that decision while writing the script?
5- why does young Christian Bale look kind of like Jeremy Shada? I noticed this a little bit my first watch, but I noticed it a lot more this time, probably because I had it in the back of my mind from the first watch.
6- at the end, Davey lifts Les up to break up Jack and Sarah kissing. I didn't notice that the first time and I think it's kinda funny.
7- Jack tells Roosevelt "I got family here" and the camera immediately cuts to Davey. why Davey and not Sarah, his love interest? why not Crutchie? Why not Race? why not any other newsie, who've been his family for years? why this guy who he's known for like a week? kinda suspicious... kinda gay... also the way they look at each other after Jack goes to talk to Davey and the little "headlines don't sell papes, newsies sell papes" banter (is that considered banter?) happens...
that's all that I noted down for this watch. I will probably notice more when I watch again, and if I end up noting everything down I will share with all of you. also, I didn't know that the newsies fandom on tumblr was so active, I love it!
alright, time for me to go to sleep now, cuz it's 12:30 in the morning and I have class tomorrow. goodnight, friends. stay cool
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bigmack2go · 2 months
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That ‘anatomy practoce’ that i was gonna do woth spralbert💀💀💀 i finished it—
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crunchie-morris · 1 year
I just had a Q&A with Ryan Kopel and Bobbie Chambers and I just thought y’all should know that Ryan Kopel made Davey a family tree 🥺
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sweets-the-newsie · 4 months
Thank God for straws, honestly.
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ivys-head-is-spinning · 5 months
Okay buckle up gang, it’s story time.
So last week I was sitting outside and talking to my friends cause my math teacher took us outside. For context he is one of my favourite teachers, he’s really fun and actually makes me understand math. He also reminds me of Spot Conlon. Don’t ask. Anyways so my friend, let’s call her Evie says she wonders what time of music spot conlon teacher likes right, so I’m like idk ask him. She’s like maybe later (we both have social anxiety lmao) so anyways a few minutes later her comes up to us and asks how’s it going so we are just chatting with him and Evie asks her question (he listens to pop). Then after he was done talking to us and walked away I said I wonder if he likes musicals and my friends said to ask but I didn’t want to idk. But when we went inside I decided to ask at the end of the day and he said that he enjoys them, not his favourite thing ever but he likes them. So I ask what his favourite is and he didn’t have one and he asks me mine and I obviously say newsies and he’s like I never heard about it what’s it about. So when I tell you it took everything in my power not to give a full retelling of the story. So I say “it’s about the newsboys strike of 1899.” He give me a look. I quickly say “I know it sounds odd but it’s actually so good and the dancing is incredible (that’s usually my main selling point) and he goes “sounds interesting I’ll look into it.”
So if he actually watches it, it’ll be the best thing ever.
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ratfreecog · 1 year
Becoming very interested in the differences between how the non Brooklyn newsies view Brooklyn and what they think it’s like vs what it’s actually like. Like Spot definitely really cares about his kids, would do anything for them and always makes sure every single one of them is taken care of. Outside of Brooklyn everyone thinks something like it’s this big scary thing and all the newsies there are to be feared, especially Spot. But anyone who actually lives there feels incredibly safe and protected, not because of the violent reputation they have, but because they all work as a team and take care of each other like an actual family.
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sparkedblaze · 1 year
[pulls up to the drive though window so fast my brakes screech] hello can i please get uhhhhh number 8 for the delanceys
Yeah, of course ^^ do you want that with extra angst?
8: "Please don't cry"
T/W: abuse, violence, cursing, Delanceys
Oscar tromped down the hill. The house sitting atop it was nothing special. Weather worn, two bedrooms, barely big enough for anything more than that. It was made to have the most room possible for the farm.
He made it to the barn, searching every nook and cranny, going through Morris's routine as he searched. He huffed, not finding him. Where would he be now?
He glanced up at the sun. Not quite breakfast time. Pa wouldn't be up yet, much less angry or upset. He had to find Morris before that changed.
He ran to the pond, knowing that the younger boy liked to play with the ducks, and tended to get distracted there.
He let out a sigh of relief, seeing Morris picking flowers near the sign bearing the family name.
Williams' Family Farm
Oscar frowned, marching over to Morris. "Morris, you's gonna make pa mad! Ya gotta get back to work 'fore him get up!"
Morris jumped, looking up at the sky, and scrambled for the bag of cow feed he'd set down. He silently started dragging it toward the barn.
Oscar rolled his eyes and huffed, picking up the other end of it. At Morris's surprised look, he just nodded toward the barn. " 'Fore pa sees."
Morris nodded, and together they lugged the bag of cow feed across the rest of the yard.
"You know I ain't gonna be able to help ya every day. You gotta get bigger and stronger so's ya can do it all by ya'self."
Morris nodded again, and Oscar sulked over toward the chickens to collect eggs for breakfast. "You ever gonna talk to me?"
He could feel Morris's eyes boring into him, could feel the weight of his stare and the movement of his shrug. He doesn't know. He never knows.
Oscar gets the feed bucket for the chickens, coaxing them out of their nests as he moves outside to spread the wheat middlings over the ground. He quickly moved back inside, going to the nests to collect the eggs.
"I gotta start cookin'. Don't take too long."
He made his way back up the hill, back into the little house atop it, and got two bowls and a cast iron pan out. He set the pan on the stove, and the bowls aside it.
He began cracking eggs, one at a time, into one bowl. He would then transfer the egg into the other, and repeat the process. Once he'd gotten through the eggs, he whisked them together and set them aside.
He got a third bowl out, carefully measuring out the ingredients to make biscuits. He didn't have much time, and he was working as quickly as possible to get this finished for when pa woke up.
He formed the biscuits in the pan, glancing in the oven to make sure the fire he'd started earlier was going strong. He let out a sigh of relief as he slid the pan in, moving back to his eggs, getting another pan out, lighting the stovetop.
He went through his checklist.
Jam, which had been made the night prior, was in the cabinets. Biscuits were in the oven. Eggs were in the works.
He'd forgotten to start the coffee. Shit. If it wasn't ready-and hot- when pa got up, he was in for it.
He scrambled for the pot, heart pounding in his chest as he heard the creaking of the bed, and the heavy footsteps of his father.
No. No no no no.
Pa rounded the corner as Oscar grabbed for the coffee beans and the grinder. He tipped the jar of beans too far, and it came crashing down around him. He scrambled back, pressing himself against the wall.
He didn't need to see his pa to feel the absolute rage radiating from him. He braced himself as the older man stalked closer.
"Look what you done!" he snarled, looming over Oscar.
Oscar could feel the air move as his pa raised his hand, and he braced himself.
He cried out as his hand connected, could feel his chest seizing and his breaths coming out in short, harsh wheezes.
"Please," pa scoffed out. "Don't cry. You ain't a lil girl are ya?"
Oscar said nothing.
"Answer me, son!"
Oscar shook his head, willing the tears to go away, begging and pleading to God that they would just disappear. "No, sir."
Pa nodded. "Good. Clean that up. Finish up the food. I'm goin' to make sure your brother ain't distracted again."
Oscar's throat closed around the thought. Please be doing what you're supposed to be, Mo. Please.
I hope that isn't what you expected Nox <3
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fireworkss-exe · 2 years
Can't stop thinking about one bootleg of Newsies I saw where Jack actually is about to jump from the rooftop at the "Captain Jack just wants to close his eyes and go" part of "Santa Fe," but stops himself at the last second
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loving-jack-kelly · 9 months
also hi hello modern newsies time. modern spot has absolutely perfected the separation between his work and personal life. he has one real friend at work who knows both sides of him but when the random guy who from the office who barely knows him runs into him at the grocery store he's like whoah. you have a septum piercing and dress like you belong at a punk rock show and are apparently funny enough to make the twink next to you laugh out loud every other sentence. and spot is like yes :| and what about it :| and never mentions it at work again
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