#newsies politics
ya-what--ya-erster · 2 months
Around this time the newsboys of New York went on strike. Not far from now, they won.
Their story has grown since then, when the strike occured in 1899. Now, in 2024, the story is one that many know and love with all their hearts.
This group of kid who had nothing and were nothing, only the newsies, but they won a strike against some of the most powerful men in all of New York because they stood together and did what they believed was right.
Upcoming is an election that will heavily affect the lives of so many people. Those of you who can vote, you get to choose if lives change for better or for worse.
You are adults, with power in your hands. If a group of dirt poor newsboys in the late 1800s could win without all that, you can win with it.
Vote blue, all the way down. Don't stand by and let us lose.
You have everything you need to be the hero. All you have to do is choose to stick with it.
I generally hate asking for ppl to rb stuff but please rb, you might inspire someone
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slopmasc · 2 months
Hi everyone!
KOSA is facing a serious senate state THIS TUESDAY. THIS VERY TUESDAY. This is the END GAME.
So, what does this mean? Well, given that on the 25th we saw an 86-1 vote for it to move past the debate stage and straight to voting, it means that if it passes senate ITS GOING TO HOUSE.
KOSA is a genuinely dangerous bill. For everyone. I mean, posting your ID if you wanna access anything on the internet? That’s DATA THEFT, STRAIGHT UP!!!
Do NOT lose hope.
You can do something.
https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1llqEDTn3WcTB4-KBZy58SD575jOmce2zjPQ2LUXY2ik/mobilebasic?pli=1 This is a megadoc of senator contact info. Call every last number. Email everyone. Not once, not twice. As many times as you can. Make them SICK of you. TELL THEM NO TO KOSA. TELL THEM TO TAKE THEIR BILL AND SHOVE IT!!! Queer people exist and if this bill will be passed, we will not disappear. We will carve a space for us in every surface of the internet.
Tomorrow, using the call script located on https://www.stopkosa.com you should call every last senator on that list REPEATEDLY. You should make it CRYSTAL CLEAR that you ARE AGAINST KOSA. Call MANY times. Leave MANY voicemails. We can all do our part. If you can’t call, email. But by all means, do NOT be complacent. Do not be silent. Blow their phones up. But above all, stay safe.
Drink water, fuck KOSA
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troythecatfish · 3 months
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sarahjacobs · 4 months
something that i think gets overlooked about david is how he's just as full of impertinence as jack is -- even at the start of the movie. from the moment david meets jack, he questions and calls him out at every turn, despite there being a power imbalance between them, in which david is the lowly new kid, while jack is equipped with much more experience in selling papers and influence over the newsies. and jack likes this about him! he likes that david's got some bite to him!
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but david's impertinence is tamped down by his pragmatism, which tells him that he has to think about his family, that there's no use being in struggle when it'll only invite punishment from the boss and the state, making it harder to survive -- it's what has him saying in hard promises that "yeah, [socialism] sounds good, but it doesn't put food on the table."
which is why jack is so good for david, i love them as a pair because they have such a good opposites attract, push-pull relationship that's grounded in their shared core values. in this case, they both have an anti-authoritarian streak to them, but jack is much more willing to take high risk actions, while david is low risk.
and i find that people are often low risk due to them not having experience, knowledge, and trust in other people, and as a result, they think every action that isn't state sanctioned will be crushed, dismissed for bad optics, etc. i see this in david, too, when he insists that in order to strike, they need to go through official channels to formally become a union, otherwise they're "just a bunch of angry kids with no money" -- to which i say, that's the beauty of the wildcat, you don't need permission! fuck liberal ideas of legitimacy! and all signs point to jack being of the same mindset ("even though we ain’t got hats or badges / we’re a union just by saying so").
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this interaction is just so special to me -- the way that jack pokes at david's boundaries, trying to see if he's got guts or if he's going to chicken out. and david does him one better; he issues a challenge right back, gives him as good as he gets. sends HIM off to an unfamiliar place to meet a scary authority figure, too.
which, you know, i think is kinda funny, i really enjoy how neither of them are nice (even if they are ultimately kind), especially not to each other. but on a more serious note, this kind of egging each other on is sooo important for political agitation. thinking about all the communiques and conversations had about this topic, a huge contributor to why people are able to be brave on the streets is that the people next to them are brave. and this shared bravery/terror/excitement feed into each other until it becomes a powder keg of emotion and action, blowing a hole into so called "normal life" and opening up a time and space in which something, anything can happen -- there's a lot of hope in this, too.
this is really just a long winded way of saying that jack's wild ungovernability is the spark of the strike and david's first foray into political action. that jack possesses a kind of charisma and conviction that david lacks, while david brings a much needed level headedness and political knowledge/intuition to the table. and they both have moments in which they're doubtful of the strike's power and unable to commit, but the other always pulls them back into the fray. they make each other brave.
and all of this is inextricable from their romance. there's one other moment i want to point out, when david tells jack what to say during 'the world will know,' fanning the flames of the strike, even though a part of him remains unconvinced that they can actually pull it off. and he's completely out of sync from the others, not singing or dancing, just an observer -- that is, until jack grabs him by the shoulders, telling him, "pulitzer may crack the whip, but he won’t whip us." it's only after this that david's relationship with the strike is reconfigured, in that he finally joins the crowd and sings along, now fully committed.
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this was david's quintessential oh moment. to me.
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badbirdnews · 6 months
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USA Today’s claim that President Biden has “clamped down on unauthorized border crossings”
is nothing short of a joke. The reality on the ground tells a completely different story. The border crisis under this administration has reached unprecedented levels, with a record number of migrants crossing into the United States illegally. It’s hard to believe that anyone could seriously argue that Biden has taken decisive action to control the situation.
The images and reports coming out of the border paint a grim picture of chaos and desperation. Thousands of migrants, including many unaccompanied minors, are making the dangerous journey, often at the hands of ruthless human smugglers. The overwhelmed Border Patrol agents are doing their best to manage the influx, but they are simply outnumbered and ill-equipped to handle the sheer volume of individuals crossing the border.
Despite the overwhelming evidence that the border crisis is worsening by the day, USA Today seems determined to spin a different narrative. Perhaps they are trying to protect the image of President Biden or downplay the seriousness of the situation. But it’s insulting to the American people who can see through the smoke and mirrors. We need honest reporting and a government that takes real action to secure our borders and protect our sovereignty.
The fact is that President Biden’s policies, such as rolling back Trump-era immigration reforms and signaling a more lenient approach to illegal immigration, have only encouraged more people to make the dangerous journey to our southern border. It’s time for our leaders and media outlets like USA Today to stop playing political games and start addressing the very real crisis at hand. Our country’s security and the safety of those making the treacherous journey depend on it.
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yourfaveiskenough · 10 months
Is Teddy Rosevelt kenough?
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Teddy Roosevelt from Newsies is Kenough!
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frogmanfae · 2 months
Every once in a while I remember that I invited people over for my 17th birthday and everyone cancelled last minute and no one's stories were the same a month later and I feel a desperate urge to inflict that upon a fictional character
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midnight-drip · 27 days
I don't understand people who are fans of a show but only like one cast?? (typically the original broadway cast, or whatever cast got the show popular) like... I love seeing different casts do my favourite shows! I love seeing how different actors characterize their roles!! and sure I can understand having favourites, that makes sense, but I don't understand when people go to a video or something of someone who's going in for a role and say stuff like "not my [character name]", or "well, they're okay but they'll never be [another actor who played the same character]" like???? they're not supposed to??? different interpretations of characters are so important and so interesting!!!!!
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piedoesnotequalpi · 2 months
"Please, Ellie"
"Don't call me Ellie"
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lemeute · 1 month
pinned heads up:
gonna be posting less politics on here and hiding more tags for a while. it's having a really strong suction on my ability to do the offline activism I'm already committed to. I want to prioritize building power in my local community, which for me is the most effective use of my skills & relationships.
I plan to still share some Gaza fundraiser posts, but won't have the ability to keep up with asks etc.
I'm hiding all stuff about the US election for now. yes, I am voting. no, I'm not putting work into convincing others to do so.
another way I'm hoping to reduce that suction: when I see messaging and tactics that seem ineffective or aim at a problem I haven't observed, I hope to let go of my frustration at other people in the movement by saying to myself
"I'm not always the target audience, and I don't have to fit into (let alone carry) every part of the movement ecosystem. I'm glad I don't have to work on that part, I hope it's being done as effectively as possible, and I am going to focus on my own work."
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I love how the Newsies fandom has unanimously agreed Elmer has Dumb Baby Syndrome
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spinningerster · 1 year
notes from last night (29/7 evening show)
fun random little things I wanna mention
• did matinee stage door and met so many cast members, they were all so lovely!
• mukeni was just casually walking around the foyer talking on the phone
• we got a bereal with him after the show
• also no joke I was sat next to mukeni's mum - she was lovely! we chatted a little before and after the show
• at stage door after the show archie went past on his scooter and everyone cheered
onto the show notes!!
• matthew gave me a cast pape 🥺
• was right up in the immersion (manhattan row P) and didn't know where to look at some points. like during WWK morgan was basically right in my face. damon was in front of me like twice. (fr would've worn my finch shirt instead if I would have known.) him, lucy & lillie were in front of me in once and for all and I didn't know where to look so just focused on michael on the stage 😂
• ryan went past me after kony but I didn't realise it was him until after nesim & bronte went past lol
• michael & matthew ran past me at one point (during carrying the banner iirc)
• three of them ran past me during seize the day (just before crutchie got arrested) but honestly I have no idea who it was 😂
• there was a bit (think it was just before jack, davey & les ran away from snyder) where matthew was just. laying on the floor?? like where the little banister is for the bronx
• morgan albert. LOVED him. he was brilliant. he killed it
• "that is not nice...morris."
• "and who wants brooklyn?" mark proceeded to spend 5 minutes putting a blindfold on. like the scene had moved on from that bit and he was still tying it
• "who's the big spender that ordered the seltzer?" morgan: starts drumming the table "OVA HERE"
• "two cents? for a glass o' seltzer??"
• bobbie was on vocal rest so no splint rip
• she was absolutely hilarious though. "have you seen this boss? these kids put out a pretty good...nope nevermind goodbye!"
• "and such language, which they should not be using -"
• "he doesn't do happiness, does he?" hannah chuckled which made the audience laugh
• hannah started a sing song when they were leaving pulitzers office
• during the fight scene someone jumped onto and then over the cart (think it was spencer but not sure)
• les: "buy a pape from a poor orphan boy." davey: "hey he ain't an orphan??"
• OH MY GOD RYAN. forgot how much I absolutely love his davey
• "your girl?" "YOU HEARD ME!"
• like act 2 davey was SO SASSY. "oooh, so what does that make you?"
• oh yes. above. flip. the. flip. fold. flip.
• him and jack were like a comedy duo in act 2
• "I'm told we once shared a carriage ride." "TOLD YA"
• damon finch my beloved <3 so happy I got to see him he was amazing
• josh blew some of his smoke into nun bobbie's face
• OH THE CUTEST MOMENT. at the end when jack is like 'we won!' specs immediately hugged ritz and then hugged a few other people it was adorable
• when jack told them to vote 'no' mack literally had to hold spot back it was so funny
• mike was the last person to leave after jack betrayed them at the rally and he gave jack such a dirty look
• matt threw the paper for bronte to catch in kony but she missed and it fell to the ground
• michael jack. my absolute beloved. he was so comedic like the way he said certain lines was so entertaining
• there were like two wolf whistles when jack & katherine kiased in stbi
• michael and bronte were so giggly in the start of the finale scene it was so cute
• final nesim performance. what a little star he is
• in the bit after carrying the banner when davey, les & jack are talking the delanceys (aka morris) was basically like just throwing the papers at the newsies
• officially in love with pips. she did a little star jump during brooklyns here it was so cute. AND HER OUTFIT?? obsessed
• background moments during the bows/curtain call: matthew didn't make the shot. morgan & owen did a funky lil dance. lindsay, lucy, sam, jamie and someone else (they were off to the side so couldn't see who it was) did the wave
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troythecatfish · 2 months
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sarahjacobs · 4 months
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multitude of spots + punk spot and goth sarah stuff 🫰
i also made playlists of the music i think they'd listen to :') you can listen to spot's here. most tracks fall under the hardcore subgenre, but there's also a good amount of ska and pop. generally has a chaotic, garage, and/or dated kind of sound, really wanted the stuff that scratches my brain in a specific, rough way
there's also sarah's playlist, which you can tell i'm much more immersed in punk subculture than goth just by looking at it haha but i tried! some gothic rock, mostly punkabilly and gothabilly. i feel like she'd be into music that has that campy slasher feel, so that's the overall mood i was gunning for
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jarviskingston · 15 days
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crystaltreebee · 2 months
y’all not a girl I really don’t like (she’s the obnoxious theater girl type) being HOMOPHOBIC and into NEWSIES
no girl stay away from my sillys. Those are my comfort newsboys.
anyways on another note, the band is having a Disney themed day on Monday so I think I’m going to buy a newsboy cap or steal my dads hat (more likely cause idk where to get a newsie hat that’ll be here in so little time) 👍
we’re also having a cowboy day so I think I’m gonna dress as 1992 Jack Kelly
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