#next post: farewell to the doctor
tkbrokkoli · 1 year
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l-in-the-light · 19 days
About pirates and their treasure (a theory)
You know what they say, right? X marks the treasure. Luffy has a huge X on his chest, where his heart is. Buggy has big crossbones painted all over his forehead. Chopper's hat bears the X mark. Strawhats used to have an X mark on their hands in their famous farewell scene with Vivi.
There are many really ridiculous theories trying to connect the X on Chopper's hat to the main treasure of One Piece, claiming it points towards Long Ring Long Land because the dots surrounding the X (post-timeskip) remind them of that island's shape. Don't worry, this won't be one of those theories. In fact, we're going completely different direction here, and by the end of this post you might instead start to vomit rainbows of happiness. Don't blame me if that happens :D
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Let's start off with this mysterious occurance. Both Chopper and Franky mistake the symbol for danger with that of a pirate flag. What's up with that? Do those two scenes have anything in common?
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Let's take a look at Hiluluk trying to explain the meaning of skull and crossbones. "This shows there's nothing a man can't do", "it makes man fight like a pirate", "it's the symbol of man's faith", "thanks to it the man rejects impossibilities". To understand this, let's take a closer look at history of Chopper's hat that bears an X, because it's for sure connected to this idea.
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Chopper got that hat as his first ever gift, from his first ever friend, as his very first peace offering. Triple first meaning. And he got it from his most favourite person in the world. That's why it's his treasure from now on. Both Chopper and Hiluluk have matching hats from now on.
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Hiluluk has his "treasure" symbol on his medical suitcase, because it's thanks to the specimens he keeps there that he can cure people (later it's the same for Chopper and his medicine bag, also bearing an X). Being a doctor and curing people is his treasure. Kureha is wearing a shirt with a cherry blossom image on it, just like on Hiluluk's flag. The symbol on the shirt is close to her heart. That's because Hiluluk was her treasure. That's why she picked his dream and took care of Chopper. Soon Chopper becomes her treasure as well.
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Kureha and Hiluluk bantered with each other all the time, but they also knew each other for ages. Hiluluk knew that Kureha isn't overly emotional, but that he can count on her. After all she always helped him without taking any money for it. Her actions are honest, unlike her words. who does it remind me of? Do you catch the drift?
Pirates love their treasures. But pirates are just people, and actually for most people their biggest treasure can be something like a memento, autograph or other object holding emotional value, but if we put it in the context of One Piece we have for example Chopper's hat. Obviously it's his treasure, but not because it's a hat, but because it's a gift from Hiluluk. They both wore hats from then on and it symbolically connected them together. That connection is what is Chopper's actual biggest treasure. The reminder of love and acceptance he received from the most important person to him.
Okay, let's switch to someone else:
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Did you know Nami and Nojiko wear matching bracelets? Those bracelets are cheap and worthless, the only value they carry is that they connect the two girls, no matter where they are. That's why those bracelets are their treasures, because they mark each other and serve the purpose of a symbolical connection between them.
Remember Vegapunk's broadcast when Nojiko declared she's not gonna listen to it anymore and instead went back to her tangerine groves? That's because she understood, in case the world is truly going to end, the least she can do is to take care of Bellemere's tangerines, because that's also a treasure for both her and Nami. And she for sure wants to keep those tangerines in top shape for her sister. All she can do to help her is just to do her best and have faith.
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Next stop is Brook and Laboon. This theory explains why Brook's afro is so important to him. It's his treasure, because it reminds Laboon of a whale/himself. Rumbar Pirates even mentioned that Brook's afro looks just like Laboon. That's literally what connects them together, again, no matter how far apart they are from each other. Brook safekeeping the music dial in his head is also quite symbolic, since it will be a present for Laboon, for keeping his promise. Brook's treasure is his afro, but his biggest treasure is Laboon; that afro serves only as a reminder of their connection.
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The talk about treasure always reminds me of Shanks and his strawhat. He claimed it was his biggest treasure when he handed it to Luffy, but later on Buggy is so perplexed: if it's Shanks's biggest treasure why would he just discard it like that, right? But Buggy is actually wrong. That hat means a lot to Shanks and is his treasure, but he has even more important ones. And in his case, it means the person he gave his hat to is his treasure, bigger treasure than the hat itself. And the funniest thing of all is, Luffy isn't even his biggest treasure. There's a person Shanks treasures even more.
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In the first flashback of Buggy and Shanks we see the red-hair jumping in the water to save Buggy, uncaring what happens to his strawhat, not even stopping for a moment to remove it, it just flies somewhere to the side. That's Oda's hint: for Shanks, Buggy is his biggest treasure. Other treasures be damned.
And what's the most ironic here is that this is mutual. Buggy was ready to give up on his dream for Shanks. Despite being so disappointed in him, later on Buggy still said things like "I'm not gonna tell you anything about Shanks, not even as a send-off to afterlife", he's still defending him. It's ironic because neither of them is aware how important they actually are for each other.
This paragraph will enter speculation territory. My suspcion is that Shanks earned his scar against Blackbeard because the other surprised him by mentioning Buggy. He probably thought he's the son of Rocks D. Xebec. Blackbeard's ship is called "Xebec" and I bet there is a connection here. Shanks probably did the same thing Buggy did - refused to say anything not to sell off any information about Buggy. Those two might have seperated ways because of a misunderstanding, but they remain each other's treasures and defend each other to this day. Despite Buggy's promise/threat that they will be enemies the next time they meet, they both avoided each other. They finally met at Marineford and they were not enemies back then either.
And then I realized, it's just like in real life. Pirates or not, people's biggest treasures happen to be usually other people. That's why so many characters have specific X marks on them. Like Luffy or Buggy, but not only that. Scars, tattoos, they can also serve for symbolically marking a treasure. And just like in real life, one person can have many treasures, but only that One Special Person in their life.
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For Shanks, he has this scar on his eye, while Buggy has crossbones on his face. X marks the treasure, their marks are kinda matching. Their jolly rogers also emphasize the marks around the eyes.
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Now let's take a look at Whitebeard and Ace. Both got defeated by blow to their hearts. Whitebeard's treasure wasn't money or fame, it was finding a family. It was the same for Ace. They have the matching family symbol on their back: jolly roger of the Whitebeard Pirates (we're never shown any other crew having those tattoos on their backs, or at least I don't think I saw it, but please correct me if I'm wrong). The last words Ace said: "Thank you for loving me" weren't meant only for Luffy, but also for Whitebeard and his fellow crewmates. They were all Ace's treasures. But he also had just one Special Person and it wasn't Luffy.
In the very first introduction scene of Ace we see his back with the tattoo and the tavern people presume Ace is dead which feels like a very symbolic scene. Last scene we see of Whitebeard is his mantle falling revealing his back tattoo, identical to Ace. That's the mark of their treasures and it's on the same place on their body! Sure, Whitebeard has his other children, and Ace also has Luffy and a tattoo in memory of Sabo, but all of this exposition actually shows us something important: this means their biggest treasure is actually each other. Whitebeard loved Ace the most (that's why he said he's just a man with one heart doting for one lad of the young generation and he meant Ace then) and Ace finally found the ultimate answer he was searching for in Whitebeard's love for him.
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Isn't it oh so curious that Law and Luffy share a mark in exactly same spot? They're matching. Luffy has a scar over his chest, marking his heart. Law has a a heart tattoo on his chest, in the middle of which there is a smiling face. Luffy rescues Law literally sitting on a Heart Throne. This is so straightforward it freaking hurts.
Of course Luffy has his crewmates and friends, they're his treasure. But after losing Ace Luffy earned himself a scar. It marked him. It shows us that from this moment on Luffy gained his most favourite person in the world, the Special Person. Who would that be? It would have to be someone who chose him over everything else, right? Because Luffy has serious abandonment issues. And what did Law do for him? He risked his life to get Luffy's ass out of the danger in Marineford, healed him and quietly sat there waiting for him to recover. So far significant people in Luffy's life always leave him (sometimes even his own crewmates, as sad as that is, and he needs to chase after them. Damn, even Ace finally left on his own, didn't he?), but this time this guy just appeared out of nowhere, he didn't even know Luffy well, but he was there in Luffy's lowest moment, and saved his life unconsciously fullfilling Ace's will ("live, Luffy!"). And that guy didn't even wait to hear thanks for that, leaving Luffy to do whatever he wants with the life he just saved. Like, how can we not think that Luffy would be all crazy about that person, knowing what we already know about Luffy?
As for Law... Law's novel puts it very nicely. His biggest regret and worst nightmare fuel is that he couldn't save anyone in Flevance. Not even one person. He helped quite a few people from then on. But many years later he managed to actually save Luffy's life, against all odds.
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The life of that rascal who also defended prejudiced fishman in Sabaody, indirectly defending Law at the same time ("don't come closer, you will spread diseases!", that sure reminded him of Amber Lead Syndrome trauma or maybe even triggered him), just like Law's other favourite person did before, Cora-san.
I don't think it's a stretch that for Law rescuing Luffy was a big deal if not The Biggest Deal, exactly because Luffy survived. Just by that fact alone he became his biggest treasure. After all, in that situation, Law was literally the only person in the world who was able to save him.
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Another potential "treasure" pair. After timeskip their eyes are marked - by a swirling eyebrow and a literal scar. We know that Kuina was the most important person for Zoro, she was his rival. Now that place is reserved for Sanji, he's Zoro's rival, and Zoro never misses opportunity to pick up a fight with him. And how are things from Sanji's POV? Perhaps all you lovely ZoSan shippers can tell me why Zoro would be marked as Sanji's biggest treasure. I know he must be the one, after all Sanji asks Zoro and not anyone else to eliminate him in case he loses control of himself thanks to Germa's suit. Sanji would never say it to just anyone but only to someone special, that much I'm sure of.
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Another possible pair. They have scars/tattoo running all over their face, one diagonally, the other vertically. It's probably not a coincidence. Considering both have the same goal of creating their very own armies, there is probably a story waiting here to be told. I doubt it's a happy story though, my bet is that their ways got seperated. They're kinda like Shanks and Buggy, constantly missing each other, at least that's my bet. I don't think this means automatically that Crocodile is one of Luffy's parents, sorry.
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Caribou and Coribou, they're also marked as each other's treasures. We learn from the cover story that their grandma told them to get along and not fight, because they're brothers and should support one another. Indeed that's exactly what they're doing as adults. They are each other's most important people.
Other possible treasure/special persons matchups: Franky and Franky's Family, Franky and Iceburg, Usopp and Yasopp and Usopp and Kaya, Page 1 and Ulti, Kid and Killer (maybe Killer will even earn a matching scar to Kid now after he took the blow for him against Shanks, who knows). And possibly countless others.
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Mr 3 and Bon Clay? Why not! But that's not why I chose this image. "Jolly Roger is not something to laugh at or shot at". Replace "jolly roger" with "treasure" and we get this: "You don't laugh at other people's treasure". And since we know now that the treasure is love, we get finally: you don't laugh at other people's love.
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For jolly roger/treasure/love one is willing to "fight like a pirate" which means "risking your life". It's a symbol of faith and a promise of life. All of that applies when thinking about "love" as well, you fight for your loved ones (all the freaking time in One Piece), you show unbreakable faith in them (also all the time, especially Luffy's crew for him but he always returns the favour as well), and it's a promise of life because what's the point if you die and leave your loved one all alone?
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Other possible indications that X marks the treasure on the jolly rogers. Bonney's favourite dish is pizza, Apoo's most favourite thing in the world is his music.
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If Shanks is right that scars don't make a man and there's always a lesson behind the scar that you need to learn, then that lesson in this context would be: to realize who is the dearest person to you and how much you're willing to risk for them. Only then you "earn" your treasure, because if you have love but can't treasure it, what good is it for?
Live action actually plays with this motif one more time when small Luffy declares proudly he ate the devil fruit because it was an important treasure to Shanks, and now Luffy has to be that treasure for him instead. Sneaky child!
Every pirate treats their treasure differently, right? Some tuck it away so others can't find it (Law tucked Heart Pirates at Zou to keep them safe... to keep his treasure safe), some just reach their hands for the grab and always keep their treasures close to them (Luffy - any time he finds a good person he just forces them to become his crewmate), and some just resign from reaching for it at all, thinking they're unworthy or because they don't think that treasure belongs to them (that's Buggy in a nutshell). Other people just let it go, like Shanks.
How does it all relate to One Piece's titular treasure? Well, if it was treasure left by Joyboy, then I assume it was very personal, something or someone he loved the most. The same way with Roger's treasure btw. That one? Most likely snatched by Whitebeard for himself heh. Yes, I think it's likely it was Ace. But it could also be Roger's whole crew, Rayleigh included. "My treasure? You need to search the whole world to find it", because indeed, those people are scattered all over the seas. "I left it all there" part still remains a mystery though.
Post dedicated to @tae-rambles because she claimed I interested her in the art of fishing. This theory is your fishing rod. All of you, please go fish! I want to see what treasures you can find!
This is the theory I used as basis for my Lawlu series of analysis posts. This is why I'm convinced Luffy and Law are Special for each other. You think this is going too far and there's no way Oda did a code like that in his pirate manga? But he always says, even in the SBS, that love is an important part of his story. "Love" was the answer to a question of how exactly Sanji's legs can ignite! Why do you think Sanji is constantly repeating "love is a hurricane" otherwise? Love is everywhere in One Piece <3
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bestfictionalplant · 7 months
Bracket reveal
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Text version under cut!
The tourney is split into 4 32 brackets, and the winners of each will go to the semi finals! I'll make a different post about HOW the tourney will run, and this will serve as a pinned post for round 1 :)
Bracket 1, Side 1
Peppino (Vampire Survivors) vs Winged Strawberry (Celeste)
Herb (Monster Hunter) vs Triffids (Day of the Triffids)
Gigi (Xiaolin Showdown) vs Silent Princess (The Legend of Zelda)
Breath of Evil (Wings of Fire) vs Thorn Thallid (Magic the Gathering)
Audrey II (Little Shop of Horrors) vs Farewell Flower (Mistborn)
Togemon (Digimon) vs Silverwood Tree (Witch Hat Atelier)
Golden Apple Tree (Greek Mythology) vs Potbelly (My Singing Monsters)
Sculk (Minecraft) vs MocDonald (One Piece)
Bracket 1, Side 2
Vida (The Promised Neverland) vs Glaze Lily (Genshin Impact)
Dr Brewer's Clone (Goosebumps) vs The Spring (Friends at the Table)
Kite Eating Tree (Peanuts) vs Zotoh Zhaan (Farscape)
Wheel Tree (His Dark Materials) vs Mushtree (I Was a Teenage Exocolonist)
Medusoid Mycelium (A Series of Unfortunate Events) vs Radial (Ooblets)
Chikorita (Pokemon) vs Blast Cone (League of Legends)
Gooloog (AAAHH!!! Real Monsters) vs Venus (Bug Fables)
The Thorian (Mass Effect) vs Yggdrasil (Norse Mythology)
Bracket 2, Side 1
Deku Tree (The Legend of Zelda) vs Blood Blossoms (Danny Phantom)
Hotblonde37159 (Angel: The Series) vs Vash the Stampede (Trigun)
Kinoko (Don't Hurt Me, My Healer) vs Wolfsbane (The Vampire Diaries)
Plant (Monster Rancher) vs Flower of Life (Mesopotamian Mythology)
Truffula Tree (The Lorax) vs Slurperon Enchantress (Internet Scam)
The Brain Tree (Neopets) vs Ginseng Baby (Scarlet Hollow)
Chompy (Bug Fables) vs Whispy Woods (Kirby)
Clavu (Overlord) vs Ivern (League of Legends)
Bracket 2, Side 2
Bulbasaur (Pokemon) vs The Trees of Valinor (Lord of the Rings)
Leslie (The Amazing World of Gumball) vs Hayzee Dayzee (Paper Mario)
Piranha Plant (Mario) vs Specimen 34/The Blessed Eternal (Wolf 359)
Potted Plant (Wander Over Yonder) vs Morbuzakh (Bionicle)
Jabe & the Trees of Cheem (Doctor Who) vs Black Mercy (DC)
Mr Plant (The World of Mr Plant) vs Feculant Gnarlmaw (Warhammer 40k)
Tree Rex (Skylanders) vs Flowey (Undertale)
Sundrop Flower (Tangled) vs Venus McFlytrap (Monster High)
Bracket 3, Side 1
Pinchley (Long Gone Gulch) vs Frank the Plant (Harley Quinn: the Animated Series)
The Venus (Hello From the Hallowoods) vs Nirnroot (The Elder Scrolls)
Food Fight (Skylanders) vs Paopu Fruit (Kingdom Hearts)
Phillogenous esk Piemondum (Rod Albright Alien Adventures) vs Plant (Wall E)
Tannot Root (Farscape) vs The Broccoloids (The Powerpuff Girls)
Rockbud (The Stormlight Archive) vs Sylvan Hound (Guild Wars 2)
Eldridge Johnson-Mayer (The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy) vs Hyacinth/Hyacinthus (Greek Mythology)
Selas Flower (Kingkiller Chronicle) vs Treant (Disgaea)
Bracket 3, Side 2
Dragonflame Cacti (Wings of Fire) vs Sunflower (Plants vs Zombies)
The Bioplant (The Rising of the Shield Hero) vs Turnip Boy (Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion)
Shambling Mound (Dungeons and Dragons) vs Mandrake (Shin Megami Tensei/Persona)
Cowplant (The Sims) vs Ebony Queen's Apple (Limbus Company)
Devil Fruits (One Piece) vs Donkey-Cabbage (Enchanted Forest Chronicles)
Oaktopus (My Singing Monsters) vs Field Dungeon (Rune Factory 4)
Mushroom Tree (Stardew Valley) vs Jumpkin (Cassette Beasts)
Undergrowth (Danny Phantom) vs Karzahni (Bionicle)
Bracket 4, Side 1
Dreamstalk (Kirby) vs Myconid (Balders Gate 3)
Stingbulb (Fablehaven) vs Treebeard (Lord of the Rings)
Stray Cat (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure) vs Peashooter (Plants vs Zombies)
Giant Turnip (Codename: Kids Next Door) vs Treasure Mushroom (Guild Wars 2)
Tree of Wisdom (Sonic the Hedgehog) vs Fire Flower (Mario)
Stump (The Angry Beavers) vs Groot (Marvel)
Maise (Oneshot) vs Konohana Tree (Okami)
Red Weed (War of the Worlds) vs Pod Plant (Fortnite)
Bracket 4, Side 2
Plantera (Terraria) vs The Grass Snake (Friends at the Table)
Breathweed (Warhammer 40k) vs Campestri (Dungeons and Dragons)
Neo Alraune (Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle) vs Kringlefucker (Homestuck)
Slimefoot the Stowaway (Magic: The Gathering) vs Gatfruit Tree (Space Station 13/14)
Sex Pollen Plant (Fanfiction) vs The Rumor Weed (VeggieTales: Larry-Boy and the Rumor Weed)
Dr Madley Radish (Papa Louie) vs Vervain (The Vampire Diaries)
Yatevon (OCTAHEDRON: Transfixed Edition) vs Echo Flower (Undertale)
Wither Rose (Minecraft) vs Hydramon (Digimon)
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lauriel816 · 1 month
I need everyone of you to read Manu's farewell letter to the germany nt fans 😭😭😭!!! It's so beautifully written and touching and the emotional impact is so powerful I think I may need a lot more time to recover than I do after watching a tearjerker
"Thankfully, goodbyes are easier when you have so many good memories."
"'Why am I making life so hard for myself? Is it really worth it?'
Yes, it was worth it. 
You did it for that feeling you got when you heard the final whistle."
Here is the full text:
Dear Germany, 
I don’t usually do stuff like this. I’m a very private guy. But now that I’m retiring from the national team, I want to write a little more than just an Instagram post. I want to explain to you what Germany means to me. What football means to me.
Because honestly, this decision was difficult.
I was torn between my head and my heart.
My heart was saying, “You will miss this so much. You will miss the pride of playing for your country. You will miss the feeling of being around the guys.”
But after speaking to my family, I feel that I am going out at the right moment. 
I would have loved to say goodbye by winning the Euros, but just being at the tournament and seeing everyone get behind a new generation of German football felt like an incredible victory. You have to remember where I was coming from. 
Just 18 months ago, I was wondering whether I would ever play football again. 
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At first when I broke my leg, I was thinking that it wasn’t such a big deal. The helicopter would pick me up, the doctors would do their thing and I would be back on the pitch. But when I got to the hospital, it became very clear that this was not just a normal fracture. My future as a footballer was in doubt. 
The hardest part was the worrying. One moment you are out skiing, the next you are staring into a hospital wall, thinking that this passion that has been part of your identity all your life can be taken away from you. 
I was scared. I think anyone would be. 
I spent a week in the hospital, and then the therapist and the doctor began coming to our house every day. I’ll never forget the relief I felt when they told me that I would be okay. And I remember Christmas that year, when I invited the doctor and his family to have coffee with us. After the treatment, we had a great afternoon all together at our house — his family and mine. The medical staff at Bayern were also a crucial part of the recovery process.
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After a few months, I was setting dates for a series of comebacks. 
First steps on my own. 
First time running again.
First training. 
First game.
Every target, I missed. 
But what I am proud of is that I never quit. I kept pushing. And with the help of my family members, friends and teammates, I returned to the pitch in October 2023, less than seven months before the Euros. 
When I was announced in the tournament squad, it was one of the proudest achievements of my life. 
A small miracle.
Of course, many people doubted that I could still be our number one. I was 38, and I had been out for nearly a year. But the staff gave me the assurances that I needed to fight for the spot, and I knew that I had been performing well. I even told myself that maybe my real age was 35, if you added up all the injuries I’d had — the time that had been stolen from me. 
When our first game started, I felt that thrill of competing in a major tournament. I blocked out everything. I was in my favorite place on earth….
Between the posts. Playing for my country.
And I remember feeling the enthusiasm from the crowd again. As a team, we had worked very hard to win back that feeling, you know?
That bond between the team and the people, that sense that we stand together as one country — we had missed that. At the Euros, we felt it again.
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We had already sensed it when we first met up at our camp. When we trained together, you could tell that every single one of us knew how much was at stake. And in our downtime, we had this incredible atmosphere in the group. You know when you are a kid, and school is finally over, and you get a whole summer to play around with your friends? That’s what it felt like.
We were playing poker and boccia and darts and table tennis. I think I beat almost everyone at cornhole, but we had a little problem, because I am super competitive — even for a coin toss, I fight to win — and we had this other guy on our team who literally refuses to lose. 
Thomas Müller.
He knew I was going to beat him at cornhole, so he simply refused to play. He said I was cheating. 
“You’re too good at throwing.”
That’s Thomas. What can you do?
Of course, it was a bitter feeling to lose the quarterfinal, but I believe that we started something new this summer. We built a young squad, with a clear identity and the support of the German people. 
We were a team, which we have not always managed in the past.
I hope we began a new chapter for German football.
When I went on holiday, I had a lot of positive feelings. Everyone had been happy about my performance, and I could feel that the emotional part of me wanted to continue. I would love to keep going with this team, because I believe in it, and I have invested so much in it. 
But if I had joined the team for this next cycle, I would have signed up for the 2026 World Cup, when I will be 40. At the moment, my body makes me feel very good, but nobody can look into the future.
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Five months ago, right before the Euros, I also became a father for the first time.
When I talked it over with my friends and family, the decision became clear.
This is the right time. 
Thankfully, goodbyes are easier when you have so many good memories.
Soon we will have the 10-year anniversary of the 2014 World Cup. It’s the one all us former players still talk about, and the funny thing is that it actually started badly. We beat Portugal in the first game, but Pepe got sent off early and we didn’t really play that well. And our training camp at Bahia was ... interesting. I remember lying in my bed and seeing rainwater drip through the roof. When I was trying to sleep, these wild, exotic animals were chirping and howling outside my window. I felt like I was in a nature documentary. 
Caww!!! Caww!!! Raaahhh!!!
Even the birds wouldn’t leave me in peace. 
After we had drawn our second game 2–2 against Ghana, I wrote a postcard to a friend back in Germany. Maybe I could have sent him a text message, but there is a certain charm to posting something by mail. The card had the beach and the sea on the front, and on the inside I wrote something like …
“ … I think we will leave the tournament very early. My feeling really is not the best. But we are working hard … ”
It sounds ridiculous now, you know? Football is a funny sport. 
But this was honestly how I was feeling. 
Then we got out of the group, got a few ugly wins, and suddenly we were in the semifinals against Brazil, who were missing Neymar and were under so much pressure. The 7–1 was a surprise to us, too. After the game, we hugged the Brazilians, because we knew them from our games in Europe, and we had a lot of sympathy for how difficult their situation was. Since we did our victory lap in a quiet way, out of respect for the hosts, I think we won over a lot of Brazilian fans for the final. One of my favourite memories from that tournament is how well they treated us.
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And that final ………… You know what my favourite part was? The same as my favourite part of any win. 
The final whistle.
Once the whistle blows, you can finally enjoy it. I remember that we all came together, hugging and laughing on the grass at the Maracanã. In Germany we call it a “shock moment.” It is when a couple of seconds feels like forever. 
Suddenly I got flashbacks to all these moments that had led me there. 
Like when I first walked out onto the pitch at Schalke at four years old, and no one else wanted to play in goal, so my coach said, “Manuel, you’re the keeper now.” 
Like when my mom had to replace our washing machine every two years because my clothes were so dirty from playing on this clay pitch, diving for loose balls and coming home looking like a dog who had rolled around in the mud. 
Like when I would play out in the street with my friends as a midfielder, so I could finally play with the ball at my feet. 
Like when I had to leave my family and friends behind to go to boarding school so that I could pursue my dream, and how lonely I was there, and how I would ask, “Why am I making life so hard for myself? Is it really worth it?”
Well, Manu....
Yes, it was worth it. 
You did it for that feeling you got when you heard the final whistle.
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Maybe I could have won the Euros, too, but I have no regrets. When my son grows up and people talk about his father playing for Germany, I hope that my legacy is that I played without fear, and that I helped my teammates be better players every day. 
If that is what they’ll say about me, I'll be happy.
Now I can focus on helping Bayern return to where we belong. At 38, I still have this childlike passion for football. If I see a ball lying on the grass 20 metres away, I have to run over and do something with it. Kick-ups, headers … something. I can’t let it sit there alone. It’s a crime against football. My coaches laugh, because I look like this little kid who has just discovered the game, but it has always been this way for me. 
The day I no longer run over to get that ball, I know it will be time to stop.
But as far as the national team goes, I will be watching my former teammates as one more fan. I appreciate all of you guys, for the work we have put in together, for the memories we have shared, for all the laughs and the jokes.
I’ll miss you. 
Keep building on what we started. 
Don’t lose that feeling.
Thank you for everything.
Your keeper,
— Manu
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mellowwillowy · 2 years
○ Senior ○
Yan!Dottore x Fem!reader (deity)
Can be connected to Specimen Girl
(You can read their meeting from my post with the title 'Greetings from the Doctor')
Dottore didn’t really regard you as someone important to him at all until he caught you doing something behind the academy’s building. Oh, what a surprise. Starting then, he started to see you as the kind upperclassman that everyone regarded you as. You had always been so kind to him despite his attitude and questionable experiments. That alone is not enough to make him bat an eye to you until his eyes landed on you doing something with your friend.
“ You’ll be moving out from here next week right, sister?”
You turned your head to him. He was mixing inserting some kind of fluid into the syringe, face stoic. True, you’ll be leaving this academy next week because of something urgent. In fact, you might be moving out tomorrow if the situation escalated sooner than you expected.
“ mmh, I‘ll continue my study somewhere else with my friend. Don’t miss me too much, okay?” You poked your head inside his vision, a grin plastered on your face. Dottore scrunched his nose while turning himself away from you. You simply giggled at his reaction.
A giggle that managed to make him shiver for a while.
“ I doubt I’ll miss you at all as a matter of fact” Oh he knew he’s a bad liar. His words didn’t match his face at all. He hated himself for not being able to convince you to stay. He hated the fact that he couldn’t do anything about your problem at all. He was powerless. He was only a student. A nobody.
You were only with him for 6 months and that’s all it takes to make him fall head over heel on you. Someone who finally acknowledged him as a human being. Someone who didn’t judge him. Someone who cared for him. Someone who held him. Someone who’s genuine about it all.
Dottore walked toward you, closing all the distances between you two. You can feel his breath fanning your face. Oh he knew what to do with his syringe.
“ … what’s wrong, boy?” you asked as he cupped your face. You returned his gesture. His red eyes gazed into yours as though trying to pluck out your eyeballs out.
“ Sister, aren’t you tired? Running around here and there?”
“ Wha-?” You were cut off by him. Something jabbed your neck. Something cold and sharp… they syringe. It took few moments before you finally dropped down in his hold. His face remained stoic as he laid you down on the table. Now, should he dissect you up? Or should he yank that eyes of your out? Either way, he only had less than 6 hours before your friend returned.
“ Senior…” Dottore leaned closer to your body as he placed his ear on your chest, listening to your steady heartbeats. Good. He placed a kiss on your lips and hand before he left the table to take all his tools out. He couldn't wait to dissect you up and stuff few lovely things inside you.
“ Let’s start it by drawing out your blood first okay?” and with that, he jabbed another syringe on you.
You woke up on your bed. Weird, you didn’t feel anything off with you at all. You rubbed your neck, searching for a wound or anything. Nothing. Was it all a dream? Your friend had returned with a luggage next to her. Ah, it seems like you had to depart sooner than you expected. Dottore wouldn’t be happy knowing this but that won’t stop you.
Just before you were about to leave the academy, you found Dottore standing by the gate.
“ Seriously sister? You didn’t plan to bid any farewell to me at all?” what a sly boy you muttered out in your head. You simply chuckled at him, opening your arms widely to hug him one last time. He hugged you back, resting his head on your shoulder. Your friend didn’t say anything the whole time despite the cold stares she sent toward him.
“ I didn’t expect you to skip your class just to see me off you know?” You cooed at him as you playfully ruffled his hair. He didn’t complain at all. Perhaps it’s because this might be your last meeting? You let go of him only for him to yank your hand.
“ We’ll meet each other again right…?” It sounded like a plead instead of a question. How adorable. You shook your head lightly while a smile remained on your face.
“ No comment” You answered before you gave him a light kiss on his forehead. And just like that, you left. You left the academy. You left him. And you left an outburst. Everyone was practically screaming, frantically running around. Oh what a sight. A dead body had been hung upside down. To top things even better, it’s not just a nobody but rather, one of the important figure in the academy.
Dottore took advantage over the situation, slipping himself into the headmaster’s office while rummaging the files inside his office. To be exact, the files about human trafficking. He had long known about this but didn’t mind it at all. It’s not like it was someone important to him that was sent away for the cadaver. It’s not like the eyeballs belonged to someone he held dearly. It’s not like it’s the brain of someone he cared for. Of course, the other students were not aware of this at all. How foolish.
He chuckled to himself as he found you inside the list. Nameless.
“ Well, looks like there’s still more for me to learn about you, Senior”
You were supposed to be one of the pitiful souls until that poor hung upside down man fell in love with you. How disgusting. For someone so impure as him to fancy you? No wonder you were registered as one of the students so easily. As if for your little friend, she was also listed in it. Well, you probably convinced that man to let her go too. How adorable.
Dottore ripped the pages about you and your friend before stuffing it inside of his pocket, casually leaving the office with a smirk plastered on his face. Not only has he obtained your blood, he has also obtained few informations about you. He was pleased with it although there’s only few lines about you.
Dottore walked himself to the place he once caught you doing something… adorable. He dug the dirt out before he chuckled to himself. A headless body. Judging from the tattered outfits, it’s undoubtedly the headmaster. He laughed to himself before he finally stuffed the dirt back again.
“ I really still have lots to learn from you Senior. Even the way you managed to intact his damn head back to a dummy without any marks is incredible”
And so, this whole tragedy was covered up the headmaster, preventing any words about this to spread even more. Nobody questioned your disappearance at all. Nobody knew where you went to. Not even Dottore himself knew.
“ Oh well, I’m certain we’ll meet each other again, sister”
True to his words, you did return. With both Sandrone and Childe escorting you to him. Kagami (Mirror Maiden) and Cicin stood behind you motionless. Where’s your little friend? Oh well, whatever.
His earring’s liquid glowed for a while. It’s reacting to the liquid he injected inside you years ago. Oh he could feel your blood inside him tickled him too.
We met again, Senior.
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meluisart · 11 months
I've been thinking about Liv's timeline a lot lately, especially because NDA: Flatpack and O&F: Time Lord Immemorial seemed to contradict one another. But, I think I cracked it today, so buckle up!
For the run of this post humanoid Liv is referred to by name, her synthetic duplicate is referred to as Liv2!
PSA: beware there be spoilers in the abyss, up to and including Once & Future: Time Lord Immemorial. Tread with care if you are not caught up!
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To make this post make sense it's important to establish Liv's timeline in chronological order as we know it.
Dark Eyes 1-2
Doctor Who: Short Trips: The World Beyond the Trees
Dark Eyes 2-4
Doom Coalition 1-4
Ravenous 1-2.1
The Robots 1-6
Ravenous 2.2-4
Stranded 1-4.4
The Eigth Doctor Adventures: What Lies Inside?
The Eigth Doctor Adventures: Connections
The Ninth Doctor Adventures: Hidden Depths 3.3: Flatpack
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The audio is heavily implied to take place during Ravenous, the question is where! Anything before Ravenous is off the table as the timeline is too packed, leaving no space for episode of the week style adventures. Helen is present in O&F: Time Lord Immemorial for a brief moment meaning she's been picked up from Rykerzon, as happens in Ravenous 1.4: Sweet Salvation. This eradicates the audio taking place during or after Stranded.
This however creates a tough spot. In neither O&F: Time Lord Immemorial or NDA: Flatpack does Liv recognise the Ninth Doctor. If introduced to him at one point, she would know him the next time as neither adventure involves a plot point where she is made to forget, yet, she does not. This is where Liv2 comes in.
Liv2 was created during Liv's gap year old Kaldor, so that Tula would not be left alone to fix the mess that was created after the range's finale. For the creation of her, Liv's consciousness and all her memories up until that point were transferred to Liv2. This means that Liv2 has all memories up to The Robots 6.3: The Final Hour and what happened on Kaldor and beyond.
My hypothesis is that O&F: Time Lord Immemorial takes place between Ravenous 2.2: Better Watch Out and Ravenous 3.2: Companion Piece as there is the most leeway in this section - still, it is a tight fit. This period would mark the moment that Liv meets the Ninth Doctor - her synthetic duplicate would then have no knowledge of him at all.
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Liv stays on Earth with the rest of the TARDIS fam during Stranded, afterwhich she leaves briefly in Stranded 4.4: Best Year Ever to have more adventures with the Doctor and Helen. When she returns to stay with Tania she appears a little more distant than previously, her dialogue reflects this, as she deflects any questions thrown her way. Nor is there a proper farewel for her, the Doctor and Helen - which always struck me as weird since they were practically family to her.
Tania: You came back? Liv: Yes, of course. I missed you. Tania: M-missed me? W-when did you leave? How long has it been? That wasn't as quick for you as it was for me, was it? Liv: Let's... let's... don't worry about that for now. Tania: The Doctor and Helen, are they-? Liv: Let's not worry about that either. I'm back and I am staying. For good.
Liv is deflective, and almost responds like she's only been told about what happened during Stranded, instead of having lived through it. We've known Liv to be evasive but she does not usually shy away from explaining something complicated. And yes, they were at the end of the runtime when doing this but it does not take away that the farewel felt off, and that the dialogue felt strained/forced.
It is this, combined with her odd comments as well as not knowing the Ninth Doctor in NDA: Flatpack that makes me believe that it is Liv2 who returns to Earth - for reasons unknown.
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As before mentioned Liv does not recognise the Ninth Doctor - the only Liv in the universe who would not in this case is Liv2.
Additionally, during Flatpack at one point there is a scenario where there are two of Liv at the same time. The following dialogue ensues:
Tania: I don't know if this is a dream or a nightmare. Liv: I'm not sure how to take that.
At first I took this as Liv thinking highly of herself and being mildly offended that her partner isn't too sure about there being two of her. Then the Robots 6 released and I assumed with there having been two Livs since then, she took mild offence to it combined with there genuinely always having been two of her in the universe for as long as she's known Tania for.
But then O&F: Time Lord Immemorial came out, and Liv not recognising the Ninth Doctor conflicted with everything we knew happened up until then. Why would she not recognise the Doctor in Flatpack if she had clearly met him before?
So, what if Liv responds this way because she is Liv2, because she is the duplicate? What if the offense is extra personal?
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There are a lot of unanswered questions in this. Liv2 stayed behind on Kaldor specifically to help Tula out, we don't know if and why she would return to Earth. We know how it would be because she woudl have been picked up and dropped off per TARDIS - presumably by the Doctor, though we know not which incarnation as we don't hear who drops her off. We don't know where human Liv would be in this scenario. She could be anywhere: on her own, off somewhere with Helen, stranded elsewhere, dead etc. There are limitless options.
Still, this was the only way I could figure out how canon would completely fit together properly without anything conflicting itself. I am aware that it is likely a writing/continuity error as the BTS of O&F: Time Lord Immemorial reveals it was Nicola Walker's (Liv) first time working with Christopher Eccleston (Nine), but I still wanted to see if I could make sense of it without it being an error.
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adventure-showdown · 10 months
What is the greatest Doctor Who story ever told?
from 625 down to a measly 128, things are getting tougher and tougher, as we go from a mixed bag, to just good stories, to just great, soon we will be down to the best of the best, and if you think the choices are hard now, think what it'll be like in the final
as before everything has been put into groups of 32 (as fairly as i can manage). Every day I will post the matches for one group, with Friday's off. At this round everything will be combined ans given their final seed (there isn't really a fair way to pair these guys up). That means the order the matches below are listed in has no baring on what they'll be against next round
You can still submit propaganda for posts here
Day 4
Time Crash vs The Nightmare Man
The Curse of Clyde Langer vs Old Friends
Children of Earth vs For Tonight We Might Die
Reset vs The Curse of Anubis
The Wedding of Sarah-Jane Smith vs The Mark of the Berserker
Shada (webcast with 8) vs The Temptation of Sarah-Jane Smith
Scream of the Shalka vs The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot
Farewell, Sarah-Jane vs The Death of the Doctor
The Curse of Fatal Death vs Shada (animated reconstruction)
Pond Life vs Merry Christmas Doctor Who
The Star Beast vs Detained
Doctorin' the TARDIS vs The Metaphysical Engine or What Quill Did
An Adventure in Space and Time vs Adam
Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang vs Captain Jack Harkness
Countrycide vs Nothing at the End of the Lane
Dr Who and the Daleks vs The Night of the Doctor
previous and future days under the cut
Day 1
The War Games vs The Curse of Peladon
Earthshock vs The Time Meddler
Genesis of the Daleks vs Spearhead from Space
The Time Monster vs The Enemy of the World TIE
The Mind Robber vs Battlefield
The Dalek Invasion of Earth vs The Robots of Death
The Daemons vs The Tenth Planet
Ghost Light vs The Caves of Androzani
The Curse of Fenric vs The Edge of Ddestruction
The Romans vs Enlightenment
The Three Doctors vs Horror of Fang Rock
The Keeper of Traken vs Remembrance of the Daleks
The Green Death vs The Face of Evil
Terror of the Autons vs Survival
The Five Doctors vs Inferno
The Mark of the Rani vs City of Death
Day 2
The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances vs Under the Lake/Before the Flood
Thin Ice vs The Magician's Apprentice/The Witch's Familiar
Dalek vs Flatline
Dark Water/Death in Heaven vs Blink
Midnight vs The Sound of Drums/Last of the Time Lords
Oxygen vs Partners in Crime
The Husbands of River Song vs Demons of the Punjab
Planet of the Ood vs Vincent and the Doctor
Heaven Sent vs Spyfall
Utopia vs Mummy on the Orient Express
Turn Left vs Smith and Jones
Face the Raven vs World Enough and Time/The Doctor Falls
Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead vs Hell Bent
The Waters of Mars vs Bad Wolf/The Parting of the Ways
The Pilot vs Fires of Pompeii
Father's Day vs Whatever Happened to Sarah-Jane?
Day 3
The Chimes of Midnight vs The Scarlet Empress
The Red Lady vs The Happiness Patrol
I am the Master vs Alien Bodies
Seasons of Fear vs Zagreus
To the Death vs Unnatural History
Camera Obscura vs Lungbarrow
Gallifrey IV vs The Natural History of Fear
Peri and the Piscon Paradox vs Doctor Who and the Pirates
Scherzo vs Interference
The Greatest Show in the Galaxy vs A Photograph to Remember
Mad Dogs and Englishmen vs The Marian Conspiracy
Rhys and Ianto's Excellent Barbecue vs Caerdroia
The Kingmaker vs Human Nature
The Holy Terror vs Storm Warning
Solitaire vs The Last Post
The Adventuress of Henrietta Street vs A Death in the Family
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mamadoc · 20 days
Ego trip much?????
Wow. Really?
I thought about not answering this at all because anonymous comments like this are cowardly, rude, and amount to social media bullying.
But just in case this anon bothers to look at my answer and decides to reconsider commenting like this in the future, I thought I’d take a minute to respond.
Nope. No ego trip here. But I am a hard-working full-time doctor and mom of four young kids who, after homework help, teaching my youngest to read and write, making meals, managing my house and gardens, studying new parenting/therapy techniques for my kids with ADHD, and trying to find time to exercise, will spend my precious spare minutes writing fanfiction.
Fanfiction writers spend hours crafting their stories that they post on a website where anyone can read them free of cost. Our only payment comes in the form of kudos and comments. We owe our readers nothing. Writing is a creative outlet, and posting our stories is a service, an act of love.
But thanks to you, anon, I may not be writing this weekend. Was that your goal, anon? Insult me and convince me of my worthlessness? Stop me from writing?
On second thought, maybe I WILL write because perhaps my decision not to write MIGHT actually be your sad, twisted goal.
I don’t know on what you decided to base your accusation. Perhaps on my post earlier about the strange comment I got? If so, please know that I take the time to respond to EVERY comment I get. But I’m not going to answer every question about my plot. I don’t give spoilers. And reading the story IS how you learn what happens next, not asking the writer.
So, anon, I wish you the best and hope that you will think twice before posting spineless criticisms to random people who you know next to nothing about.
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sailorsharky · 25 days
⚓️Journal of a Sailor V⚓️
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Terribly sorry for the long wait on this log, I've been quite busy with some personal matters once I got back home, along with resting up. My injuries have healed up well so far, my ribs just hurt a bit still. But through that time it completely slipped my mind to post this part of the log. Still, just know that I'm safe and sound and on the road to recovery. And once I am all healed up, I plan to return to sea once again. My deepest apologies for keeping you in the dark for so long. Fair winds and followin' seas to you.
----------------------------------------- -= Log: 2 =-
-= Day: 8 =-
-= Time of writing: 2041 =-
-= Weather conditions: Mostly sunny, occasional clouds. Wind and swell picking up toward the evening. =-
Hello again, dear logbook.
I'm afraid I don't have much news to report on for today, as my day consisted of the usual duties. Dredging is still ongoing and will take a while longer to complete. After which, we can pick up the last section of the rig and bring it back to port. But that won't be for a while longer.
-= Day 9 =-
-= Time of writing: 1702 =-
-= Weather conditions: Overcast with moderate wind. =-
Welp... It's one injury after the other.
I bruised my ribs earlier on, and that meant I was relegated to light duties. Even so, there was still some stuff to do here and there.
I had to shift the gangway and I did so with a ratchet strap. It all went fine until I started pulling the strap out once finished, and because of my ribs, I could only really pull with my left arm.
And that's when I severely pulled a muscle between my neck and shoulder.
I'm unable to do any more work because of this and so, my contract is coming to a close much earlier than I'd hoped for.
We'll be leaving for port again soon, due to upcoming bad weather here on the North Sea. Then I'm signing off and going for a doctor's appointment.
Still, it's not all bad news.
My colleagues do like the cut of my jib, and I'm free to return for a new contract once I'm fit again. So that's what I plan on doing.
But for the time being, my tour at sea is over because of these injuries.
-= Day 10 =-
-= Time of writing: 0609 the next day. =-
-= Weather conditions: Partially cloudy. =-
Nothing much to report on. Injuries are still just as bad.
We have lifted anchors and are underway back to port as the weather is taking a turn for the worse, so we cannot continue with decommissioning of the rig.
Chances are high that I'll be heading home once in port, as I'm of little use aboard at the moment.
I will return to this company once I'm fit again though. At least, that's the plan. Though given how long it takes for bruised ribs to heal, that'll take a few weeks.
That's all for now.
-= Day 11 =-
-= Time of writing: 1016 the next day. =-
-= Weather conditions: Cloudy, windy with frequent l rainshowers. =-
Nothing to do. Asked around if anybody had anything that I could help with. Deck, bridge, even the kitchen. Nothing.
Day's passing by slowly. Finished another of the three books I brought with me.
Will arrive in port soon, more on that in the following entry.
-= Day 12 =-
-= Time of writing: 1836 =-
-= Weather conditions: Overcast with occasional rain in the morning. Partly cloudy in the afternoon. =-
Paperwork is signed, the waiting is almost done and I'm sitting on the quay, waiting for transport back home.
It's a shame that I couldn't stick around for the full four weeks of the contract. I'm missing out on the most interesting part of the salvaging operations, but it can't be helped. What I need to do now is rest up back home and let my ribs, neck and back recover from the punishment I put them through by bad luck.
I've bid farewell to my crewmates, and was wished well and hopes for a speedy recovery, and I hope to see them again soon, as this vessel and her crew, for all the hard work and pain it gave me, was kind to me in other ways.
But alas, sometimes these things happen, and there's nothing you can do other than to try again at a later time.
So, with that, this log comes to an end, sooner than I'd anticipated, but with the hope of resuming it soon after recovery.
✨️May Polaris guide you always.✨️
End of Log V.
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to-myalphonse · 2 years
"I will never be good enough for you will I?"
Wanderee X Reader Angst
Wanderer is still called Scaramouche
Event : Farewell love @versadies event
I'm cutting it really close with this last fic lol.
I took me awhile to write this hence why I'm posting it late.
[Spoiler: 3.2 mentions]
Haypasia mentions, misunderstandings, arguing, implied reader death
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"Apologize !" He yells holding a broken plate. As your eyes met you saw his unbridled anger focusing on its next target.
Instead of hesitating, you sigh calmly explaining your point." All I'm saying is if she were a better mother, you wouldn't be as hurt as your are now." You quickly dodge the upcoming object.
"She's not my mother." He spat now riled up. He glares down at you holding another object to throw.
"You can't deny that she cre-." You were suddenly hit by the flying object not dodging quick enough.
"Shut up!" Your mouth falls silent at his demand. As you tried to blink into focus, Scaramouche quickly approaches you.
You felt your collar be pulled down. "What do you know about being abandoned huh?" You felt his tiny hands grip your collar tighter slowly constricting your airflow.
"Ei decided I wasn't good enough! Do you know how it feels? No you don't, because your family has always cared about you." 
He pushed you away roughly as he exits the room. Hearing the door slam causes a frown to appear.
You were just trying to help him through his trauma like Nahida said to do. You go through the doctor notes that Nahida wrote down for him.
Patient: Kunikuzushi
Info: Has trauma from Electro Archon
Separation anxiety 
Familial trust issues
Abandonment issues
Mother issues (patient reacts negative to mentions of Beelzebul)
Fatui (patient reacts negative to Inazuma)
Reacts kindly to Haypasia.
You pocket the list as you climb to your feet.You should apologize to Scaramouche for bringing up such an uncomfortable topic.
After a few hours, you had everything prepared. You made his favorite Inazuman cuisine, you got him small snacks you knew he would love. All that was missing was the doll himself.
As you waited by the door your vision began to get foggy. Going to the restroom, you noticed the redness and swelling around the eye that was hit from the object. 
Instead of putting ice on it to fix the swelling, you decided to put make up over it to look more presentable, when finished you  heard the front door open.
Rushing out of the restroom, you see Scaramouche with a teal haired woman in tow.
"Scaramouche?" He stops conversation with her facing you. The smile on his face fell as quickly as he entered.
"Oh? You're still here." He deadpan wrapping an arm around the teal haired woman.
"Who is she, honey?" You ask sweetly only to be ignored. Him and the teal haired woman venture further into your house entering your shared bedroom,closing the door.
You feel a burning sensation envelop, as you gasp for air. Your vision blurs as you fall to the ground in shock. 
You thought you were good enough. You listened to his problems and did your best to comfort him through the hard times.
So then, why would he replace you with her?
The struggle to maintain staying awake fails as your thoughts come to a conclusion
You will never be good enough for Scaramouche will you?
Wanderer exited the room smugly. As he entered the room where you were last seen he saw your limp form laid out on the floor. He rolls his eyes, bending down to poke your figure.
"Jokes over, wake up Y/N." He pokes again to no response.
This was kinda strewn together when I was half asleep. Hope you enjoyed this lil one shot I didn't edit.
Taglist: @teyvattales @pochipop @hikomisan @leftdestiny-posts [If you want to be taken off the tag list lmk]
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galaxyedging · 1 year
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Angelo (OMC) x f!reader, tiny bit of Nico x reader.
Summary: After some time apart, you and Angelo catch up. A purely self-indulgent fic set in the Kitten Universe.
Warnings: Smut. Rough P in V sex. Dirty talk. Daddy/Papi kink. Vaginal fingering. Mentions of M/M sex.
"Hey, Sweetie. How are you?" It has been a few weeks since you had seen Angelo. He and Owen had welcomed a new addition to their happy home. They'd adopted a slightly timid Boxer Terrier.
For the last ten nights, Angelo has slept in the living room while his new baby, Oisin, adjusted to his surroundings. Owen had doted and fussed over Angelo, making sure the anxious new parent was comfortable and actually sleeping. Rather than watching their new baby sleep.
"I'm freaking out. Owen wants me to meet Lily." Lily was the apple of Owen's eye, his granddaughter.
"Why are you freaking out? You've met his kids. They love you."
"Yes, but they are adults. Kids are brutal. They have zero filter."
"You mean they're honest, and she will honestly love you."
"But what if she doesn't. Now that we live together Owen wants her to stay over. What do four year olds even do? How do you even talk to them?"
"Angel, you're spiralling."
A deep breath blew down the phone. "Can we go out for lunch? A little retail therapy?"
"I suppose I could be convinced. I do have some good news to celebrate."
It was a warm day. The breeze blew pleasantly across your skin as you waited for Angelo to return from the bathroom. As he walked over, you couldn't help but admire the flash of his muscular legs under his skirt. The leather swished from side to side with the swish of his hips, giving you a tantalising glimps. 
"So you had good news?" He sat back in his seat, bringing another piece of his vanilla crown to his lips.
"Yes. I didn't mention it before because I thought it was such a long shot and I don't understand all the legalities but I'm going to get a settlement from all the work I put into my family's business."
Angelo's breath hitched in delight. "Oh, that is wonderful. Congratulations."
"Thank you. I can finish my degree. Afford a new place…."
"With Nico?" 
"Maybe." You grinned at the thought of the man you loved. "Not yet though."
"We've decided to take things slow."
"Sure, you don't want to rush things with a man that has already violated you in every way imaginable." He added a pastry muffled 'twice'.
"Funny." You rolled your eyes mockingly. "We're taking things slow to build a strong foundation. We want this to last. You know beyond the really hot violation of each other's bodies. Twice." You weighed up adding the next part for a moment. "We started to see a couples therapist."
"Really? How's that going?"
"We're only two sessions in. I think we've overwhelmed the poor man. He's mainly given us tips for communication."
"Well, good for you. I'm glad you guys are planning for the future. You both deserve to be happy."
"Thank you." It warmed your heart that Angelo meant that with all of his. "So Lily?"
"Lily. I'm thinking bribe her with presents and use Oisin as a social buffer."
"You're a very successful doctor, who makes life or death decisions, and you are terrified of meeting a child."
"Damn right. Medicine I know. Growing up with my cousins I was the little effeminate kid who read, while they were all rough and tumble outdoor kids. Until I was twenty-nine I was a gold star gay. I was in two long term relationships with men who didn't want kids. I wasn't good with kids when I was a kid and I never thought I would have to deal with them as an adult…."
"Spiralling…" you reminded him as you stirred more sweetener into your coffee.
"You're right." He lay a hand on your arm in thanks.
"Out of curiosity, what happened at twenty nine?"
"A post break up dry spell, coinciding with the farewell party of a beautiful colleague who was going back to Germany and a few too many two for one cocktails."
"So I have Appletinis to thank for having you in my life?"
"First of all, it was Cosmos. Second of all, no, you should thank Dr Meyer for showing me what I was missing. The alcohol just got me over my nerves."
"You? Nervous about sex?"
"Not exactly about the sex. I was living as an openly gay man. I had the odd crush on a woman but I'd never acted on it. It was the whole ramifications of if I liked it. It would open up a whole new side to explore, and as you know, with new things in my personal life, I tend to…"
"Spiral. I know."
"Well I'm glad you explored that side." You leaned in to kiss him. He hesitated to meet your lips. "What?"
"I'm just thinking about the couples therapy. Is this still okay? Us?"
"Yes. That part he was surprisingly chill about. It was more the self delusion and lying that he had a problem with."
"Well, in that case." He shuffled closer to lean in conspiratorially. "After we finish stocking up on bribes for a four year old, you wanna come back to my place?"
"I'm not a hundred percent on board with bribing a child."
"Please. Bebita. I need help to choose the right things."
Angelo pulled you into a half hug. As he did, your hand grazed rather high on his thigh.
"Are you not wearing anything under there?"
"What do you think?" His low tone and warm breath in your ear sent a shiver through you.
"That we'd be better going to the toy store on Third. There's a stationary store next door too. Kids love crayons."
Angelo's eyes creased adorably as he laughed. The two of you quickly gathered your things and left.
On the way home, Angelo ran a scenario that he was eager to try past you. As you entered the apartment, shoes were kicked off, bags were left in the hallway. Angelo pulled you lightly along to where he wanted you. Past the dog bed near the living room. "Puppy school." He offered as an explanation as to it being empty.
The balcony wrapped around their penthouse apartment. They shared the floor with one other apartment. A thin wall separated the individual parts of it. It provided a little privacy but not much. Voices would easily carry to the next apartment. When you were in reach, Angelo promptly pushed you up against said wall. His hands skimmed along your thighs, worrying the hem of your dress. His lips left red hot kisses on your neck.
During the last couple of weeks, you'd missed Angelo. You'd missed the easy, carefree relationship you had. He was your best friend here. Actually, he'd become your best friend, period. The new person you had become this last year didn't have as much in common with her old friends. She still loved them dearly, Angelo was just a better fit for the new you.
"Are you sure they're not home?" You asked nervously. Public sex was never your thing. The idea of accidentally violating someone like that if they caught you was a turn off. They'd be one time with Nico but that was more about the rush of being with Nico. The attraction and the power you had over each other. So desperate for each other that you didn't care who saw.
"You sound like Owen. I told you they are away for the week at the same conference. That's how Owen found this place. He works with the neighbour." He pressed a reassuring kiss to you temple.
"Come on. I'll keep the skirt on. I saw how you've been looking at me." He twirled his hips for effect, the fabric swishing from side to side, inching up to show more of his toned flesh. "I've been thinking the same about that little sundress." The flimsy sundress nearly burned off your body under the heat of his gaze. Those soft brown eyes turned predatory. "Do you have underwear on?"
"Of course." You laughed. The material was light, a good gust of wind would leave you exposed if you didn't.
Angelo sat himself down. "Take it off. The panties then the bra. Slowly."
"The bra?"
"I want to see if I can fuck you so hard that they bounce free."
Something about that tickled you and a laugh bursted from you.
Angelo laughed with you. "You're laughing? Don't you think I could? Come here…." A tug on your arm set you off balance until you landed in his arms. His large hands tickled just under your ribs. "Angelo!" You couldn't help but giggle. Angelo was always warm and playful. It was hard to imagine him at work being the very serious doctor man. To you, he was your sweet Angel. There were times when his intensity bled through but with Nico there, Angelo usually fell into a sub role. That gave you an idea. 
"Well, what if I want to fuck you in your pretty skirt instead?" The nudge of his rapidly swelling cock against your thigh told you he was more than okay with that. "Would you like that, Baby?" You rolled your hips, grazing his dick. "I'll fuck you so hard that my tits bounce out of my dress."
"Fuck the dress." Angelo did his best to strip it from your body. The top of it ended up hanging around your waist, he completely abandoned it at the sight of your delicate chiffon bra. His fingertips traced your nipples through the sheen fabric. As your nipples pebbled his tongue darted out to wet his soft lips. Before he could lean in and capture one in his mouth you stopped him with your hand in his hair. A sharp tug on his tousled curls stopped him in his tracks. The shift in the energy between you showed in his eyes.
"You didn't even ask, Angel. You should remember your manners." You chided. 
A shallow breath rattled in his chest before he spoke. "Please?"
The quiet desperation in his voice made you clench around nothing. The well toned muscles under his shirt strained under your palm as he waited for your answer.
"Go ahead." 
Suddenly, his lips sealed around one of them. His firm sucks drew out your moans like he was nursing on them. His thumb made sure the other nipple wasn't neglected before he swapped over. It took no time at all for your panties to be as wet as the sodden bra covering your nipples. While your nipples ached from over stimulation, your pussy ached from lack of attention. 
Another tug on his glossy curls was followed by an order. "Go sit down."
"Si, señora." He folded himself down into one of the large sofas. Stripping his shirt off in one move as he did. It was tossed to the floor where your panties soon joined it.
Angelo's well defined legs dropped open under his skirt. The leather rode up to mid thigh as they did. The sight has you on your knees and pushing the skirt up around his waist in seconds.
"Hmmm. I've missed this pretty cock." You told him before traces the thick vein underneath it with your tongue.
"Oh, fuck, yes." Angelo's head rolled back only to snap back to you when you stopped. "Wha..?"
"You don't get to be inside me, in any way, until you make me come."
"Easy." He pulled you into his lap. His large hands spread your legs either side of his before one of them came to your folds, only to be stopped by you.
"Not like that."
"Talk to me." You lowered yourself against his hard length, letting his thick shaft rub against your clit.
"Oh, I can do that. I can tell you how much I've missed you on top of me. I've missed your curves under my hands, the warmth of your pussy as it drips all over me."
"Mmmm. What else?" Your hips sped up as much from his words as from your needs for more friction.
"I can tell you that just from the thought of seeing you today, I had to jerk off this morning."
"I bet you looked so good doing that, Baby."
"I was naked on our bed, I came so hard at the thought of fucking you I painted my stomach with it."
There was something about watching your boys jerk off that just did it for you. Maybe it was the added naughtiness of viewing what could be a private moment. Or the fact that they could take themselves apart so easily, you were rewarded with the sight of them coming so quickly. The thought of his naked body glistening with his creamy release pushed you closer.
"Love watching you touch yourself."
"Maybe you could ride my thigh instead and you could watch me now?"
"Look at you trying to turn the tables by offering what I want. Naughty boy! I'm still in charge, you stop if I tell you to."
"Of course, señora."
With a little adjustment you were soon riding his thigh and getting closer than ever watching his large hand be dwarfed by his even larger member. His strokes were slow and firm. There was something so debauched about watching his first his cock that was peeking out of his skirt. It was a mystery to you how even after all these months of filthy, no holds barred sex that some things could still give you that type of thrill.
"Tell me how it feels?"
"Not as good as when you do it. Or when I sink into your pussy."
"I'll let you have it soon, I promise. Just be good for me. Keep talking to me."
"You know, the last time I sat in this chair Owen was sucking my cock." The lewdness of his confession made your hips stutter. A smirk played on Angelo's pretty lips. "He wouldn't let me fuck him out here though. He was too afraid of being caught. I wouldn't give a shit. I want the world to know how good he makes me feel. I had to settle for fucking him up against the window there. I took his ass while I pumped his cock. I talked so dirty to him I had him whimpering for me. He came so hard I had to clean the whole window." The mental image had you on the edge. Angelo could feel you tensing against his thigh. "So, señora, do you still want to be in charge or do you want me to fuck you hard?"
Being so close to climax had you needy and weak for him. "Fuck me."
"Oh, Cariño, you can ask nicer than that."
"Please, fuck me. Please."
The hand that had been around his cock, wrapped around your throat. "Who do you want to fuck you?"
"You…" A squeeze of his hand prompted you to remember. "You, Papi."
"Buena niña." His hand remained at your throat as he kissed you deeply. The passion that you had missed from him had his tongue swirling around yours like he was trying to lap you up. The entire time he guided you across the balcony, his lips barely left yours. When they did it was to spin you abruptly. When he stopped your hands automatically braced yourself on the brick wall of the balcony. The height of it allowing you enough cover to protect your modesty but your head and shoulders peeked above it, giving you a view of the city.
"Do you think people can see you from up here? Do you think they'll be able to tell that you are taking my cock in your tight little cunt?" He filled you as he spoke.
"Angelo!" He was pushing as deep as he could, making you take everything he had. 
"I want you to be completely full of me when you come. I want to feel every excited twitch of this sweet pussy." His fingers strummed your clit as kept himself pressed deep inside.
At this high you wondered if people heard your scream as you finally burst apart around him. 
"Sucia. Look what a mess you've made of me." His words didn't register as you were too gone from your orgasm. Absently, you let him turn you and push you down to your knees. He bunched his skirt up in his hand at his hip. "Clean me up."
Your tongue made quick work of the sweet fluid glistening in the hairs as the base of his cock and the top of his thighs before you moved onto his length, taking as much as you could into your mouth. "I said clean it, not enjoy it. Get up." His fingers caught in your hair. Dragging you up, he bent you over the balcony wall again. 
"Fuck!" He bellowed as he slid back into your now drenched pussy. "You've made it too easy to pound the fuck out of you." His hips moved languidly, teasing you with the ease of his movement inside you. "Papi is going to use this little cunt until he fills it. You are just going to take it. I don't want to hear you holding back any moans. I want to hear all of it. ¿Comprender?"
"Yes." A sharp slap to your chest served as a reminder. "Yes, Papi."
After that point, any thought of anything but Angelo left your mind. The tip of his cock slamming impossibly deep. The girth of him stretching you out. His fevered mutterings in Spanish and English, all of them undoubtedly filthy no matter what the language. The caress of the soft leather of his skirt against your ass. Your arms strained with effort to stop your delicate skin pressing into the rough wall. When he realised this, he pushed you face first onto the nearest sofa. The wood groaned under the plush cushions as he rutted into you hard and fast. Another orgasm swelled within you, it didn't come to fruition before Angelo's cock swelled inside you, pumping out every drop he had to give you. 
"Yes. So good for Daddy. Love this perfect cock sleeve." He babbled as he finished inside you.
After pulling out and wiping the sweat from his brow on his forearm he turned his attention back to you. "You were close for me. Let me see if Papi can finish you off while I stuff all my come back inside of you. I want to be so deep in you that Nico can still taste me later on."
Three fingers scooped his seed back up and rammed it back inside. You whined at the sudden intrusion. "Shhh, Bebita. Just take it like you took my fat cock. Come on, come for me." His thumb gently coaxed you towards your end as his fingers pumped his spend in and out. He could feel you close on his fingers. "That's it. You took me so well. Let me use your perfect hole to come. You deserve another orgasm. Come for me."
His sweet words pushed you over the edge. This time was even more intense. Your whole body lit up with it, chasing his touch. "Oh, Ang…Papi!" 
A satisfied smile played on Angelo's lips. "That's it, come for Papi." His fingers worked you until you begged him to stop. 
Happily exhausted, Angelo flopped down next to you, cuddling into your side. He intertwined his legs with yours, his softened cock pressing into your hip.
"Are you alright? I didn't hurt you, did I?" The softness returned to his eyes.
"I'm fine…Papi." You smiled.
"I know. It's such as fucking cliché but it gets me going."
"Everything gets you going! Why Papi in particular?"
"I don't know. You think young women are the only ones that can have daddy issues?"
"Maybe you should speak to someone about them? Our therapist suggested bringing you along."
"Therapy with you and Nico? I would do anything to get out of that."
"Anything?" You closed the gap between your faces. Stopping just before your lips touched.  "Then try talking to Lily before you try to bribe her. She will love you like we do."
"I love you too." A tiny kiss was pressed to the tip of your nose. "Well, come on then."
"I'll need your help to hide all the gifts before she sees them."
The gifts were hidden, Oisin was picked up from school, and the three of you spent a quiet night in.
Owen arrived home mid-afternoon. After Angelo and Oisin welcomed him home, with matching puppy dog enthusiasm, he exchanged pleasantries with you before he ushered you towards the door. "I know you want to get home to him. He did great. Take care." He gave you a warm hug before calling the elevator for you.
Owen's words repeated in your head. Nico had been so nervous about starting at a practice again. The conference had been his first big step. Oddly, it was nice to be the one being leaned on for a while. Nico had done so much for you even if he didn't realise it.
Before you knew it, you were home. "Hi." Nico beamed at you from behind the counter.
Freshly chopped herbs scented the air. Quickly washing and drying his hands, he came around to pick you up into a hug. "I've missed you. How was the weekend with Angelo?" He set you down but kept you close to his chest, rubbing circles on your back.
"I shopped. Played with an adorable puppy. Let Angelo fulfil his desire for outdoor sex by fucking me roughly. Watched a movie. Then, this morning, we went for a run. Showered together, and just before I left, he made sure to make an absolute mess of me for you to clean up. The usual." You casually remarked.
Nico responded by walking away and turning off the pans in the kitchen. "Let's go." He pointed in the direction of your now shared bedroom.
"What? But food! It smells so good."
"Oh, I'm still going to fed you, Kitten." He smirked as he spanked your ass.
Tags: @kirsteng42 @prolix-yuy @thegreenkid2 @hquinzelle @fangirl-316 @gracie7209 @jedifarmerr @doommommy @scorpio-marionette @sturkillerbase @harriedandharassed @aynsleywalker @mswarriorbabe80 @quica-quica-quica @rise-my-angel @adancedivasmom @kinda-nobody @movievillainess721 @munsonownsmyass @mandoloriancookie @faceache111 @elegantduckturtle @manazo @simpingcowboy @pedrit0-pascalit0 @yourcoolauntie @pedrostories @geekrenaissance @its-nebuleuse
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sl-walker · 1 year
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Ad Astra News - 5/21 - 5/27
State of the Archive
Currently the archive is up, running and stable on otw-archive.  Technical issues include: Links from e-mails not landing on the correct subdomain, so if you want to join up, you have to add beta.adastrafanfic.com/[insert validation link] in order to validate your account.  If you don’t want to or can’t, though, just hit me up and I’ll do it from the back end!  Another technical issue is that dates/times aren’t populating correctly on newly posted stories, but that’s a pretty minor thing.  If you see a bug, let me know!
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The original eFiction archive will become a static-only monument on September 1st, 2023.
Weekly Challenge # 6
On our chat server that starts with a D, the current challenge is New Homes; between 100 and 700 words of fic about new homes, be they literal places, new ships, new crews or people in general.
Stories Archived
Star Trek: Enterprise
By Jespah
The New House - G - Malcolm Reed/OFC
By @merfilly
The Unquiet End - T - Takashi Kimura/Hoshi Sato
Star Trek: The Original Series
By @beatrice-otter
Undiscovered Stars - G - James T. Kirk/Lando Calrissian (SW x-over) The One Great Choice - T - Cleante al-Faisal, T'Shael, Jasmine al-Faisal
By @merfilly
A Breath of Fresh Air - T - Emony Dax/Leonard “Bones” McCoy Dreams - G - Hikaru Sulu Feelings - G - Spock Introspection - G - James T. Kirk Diplomacy - G - Mara, Pavel Chekov Storyteller - G - Nyota Uhura Serenity - G - Leonard “Bones” McCoy, Julian Bashir (x-over with DS9) So Much - G - Montgomery “Scotty” Scott Enterprise - G Contemplation - M - David Marcus/Saavik Strong Ones - T - Una Chin-Riley/Nyota Uhura A Gift - T - James T. Kirk/Spock One Friend Lost... One Gained? - G - James T. Kirk A Shore Leave to Remember - G - Leonard “Bones” McCoy, Nyota Uhura Necessary - T - Leonard “Bones” McCoy The Sound of His Engines - G - Montgomery “Scotty” Scott Frayed - G - Christine Chapel Sippin' Time - G - Leonard “Bones” McCoy Complications of Empire - G - Kang Farewells - G - Christopher Pike Just One Man - G - Leonard “Bones” McCoy Change of Command - G - Christopher Pike, Robert April Points of Communion - M - David Marcus/Saavik She Would Have Known - G - Spock Acceptance - G - James T. Kirk, David Marcus Memories of Smoke - G - Nyota Uhura Assumptions - G - Spock, Sarek
By @sl-walker
'Cross the River - G - Spock Iron - T - Montgomery “Scotty” Scott & Spock Not Too Soon - G - Sarek, Amanda Grayson, Spock Maps, Rules and Moderation - G - James T. Kirk & Leonard “Bones” McCoy
Star Trek: Alternate Original Series
By @beatrice-otter
Those Left Behind - G - Christopher Pike, Sarek
Star Trek: The Next Generation
By @beatrice-otter
the simple secret of the plot - G - Guinan/Jean-Luc Picard Hope of Thee (The Zombie Remix) - G - Lwaxana Troi, Kestra Troi Processing - T - Data, Deanna Troi Reboot: The Chase - G - Jean-Luc Picard (x-over with Stargate:SG1) Reboot (Legacy) - G - Jean-Luc Picard (x-over with Stargate:SG1)
By @merfilly
Game in Town - G - Q Intimidated - G - Worf Admiral Compensations - T - Jean-Luc Picard Fell For Him - G - Beverly Crusher
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
By @beatrice-otter
Nerys and the Emissary - G - Kira Nerys & Benjamin Sisko In Due Season - T - Prophet/Joseph Sisko (Rape/Noncon) Ornament - T - Kira Nerys, Lupaza
By @merfilly
In a Different World - T - Elim Garak (Mirror)
Star Trek: Voyager
By @sl-walker
Idle - G - Kathryn Janeway, Chakotay
Expanded Universes
By LordMcCoveyCove
Communiques - G The New Threat - M - Tenth Doctor (x-over with Doctor Who)
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am0ng-us-sus · 1 year
Vocaloid castle AU: Before the story (Luka)
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TW: Abuse,assault,sexual violence,cults,homelessness,birth complications,blood,and near-death experiences mentioned!! They are not graphic whatsoever,but still be warned and be safe!! (I *did* say Luka didn't have it so easy in the comments of my last castle AU post)
Luka was homeless,traveling from village to village hoping to find a job,a house,some food,anything... But it just never worked out.
One day she was approached by shady men and kidnapped. They took her to a horrible horrible camp where they made her work as a slave for the leader of a cult. There were many other enslaved villagers there,of all different races,ethnicities and kingdoms... She was abused,beaten,assaulted,treated poorly,and among all the other woman,the cult members were sexually violent to her. She was assaulted in that way several times a week,and soon got pregnant from one of the cult members,though she couldn't tell who,as most of the men there had laid their hands on her at some point.
Eventually,some of the other enslaved villagers made an attempt to free as many people as they could,brave men and women sacrificed themselves by attempting to kill the cult leader. They failed,but that was actually part of the plan. They failed and stirred up commotion,so the many other enslaved people could try to make a break for it. Only a few got out alive,Luka being one of them.
She was exhausted from running while eight months pregnant,but kept on going so that the cult members couldn't catch her again.
The next day,she went into labour in the middle of the woods,and gave birth all by herself in a small clearing,this was a whole month early,probably because of all the abuse she went through. Luka experienced complications,but just barely managed to push her little bundle of joy,Kawane into the world.
Luka picked her up and shakily got to her feet,bleeding heavily. She wanted to get moving,as the blood on the ground was basically an invatation for large predators such as bears or wild dogs,who might attack her upon seekng her in a weakened state,covered in blood.
She hobbled herself to a village,bleeding out due to her complications,and collapsed on someone's doorstep.
An older couple opened the door and took her inside. They cleaned up Kawane and wrapped her in a warm blanket,and tried to stop Luka's bleeding.
They sent for a doctor,who managed to treat and stabilize Luka. She wasn't bleeding anymore,but she wasn't out of the woods yet.
Luka soon woke up to see the older woman rocking Kawane to sleep and giving her a bottle.
Luka fortunately made a recovery,though she still felt weak and exsausted for weeks after the incident.
At this time,Queen Solaria had heard about this,and sent knights to assassinate the cult members and leader,while also sending her personal bodyguard,known as the Blue Knight,to fetch Luka and bring her to the castle where the queen would provide her with a house,job,money,and food.
So Meiko sent out to get Luka. She had to take her own newborn,Sakine with her,as the journey was long and she couldn't leave Sakine with a wet nurse for days on end. So she took her with.
Once the wagon arrived,Meiko stepped out,and Luka was a bit intimidated and confused. Imagine the most prestigious knight in the entire kingdom,who is tall and has a strong build,muscular and carrying a five foot long sword,with intricate and expensive shining blue and golden armour,looking like she could eliminate an entire army within minutes,standing over you... And carrying the sweetest,cutest little baby girl in her arms.
The old couple bid Luka farewell,and Luka got into the front of the wagon with Meiko,who had a tiny basket sitting next to her that she put Sakine in,and kept one hand on at all times to ensure it didn't fall. She even provided one for Kawane.
Luka was hesitant to talk to the knight,but seeing the little baby made her less intimidated,as she seemed extremely gentle and caring towards her baby.
Eventually,Meiko stopped to feed Sakine and eat some dinner.
Luka,being the woman of Jesus she is,goes out of her way to not even look in the direction of Meiko's... Chest area... as she feeds her baby.
Kawa starts to cry,and Luka has no idea what to do. She's fed,she pooped literally fifteen minutes ago,she's not hurt... She tries her best to shush Kawane,but to no avail...
Meiko who,to Luka's horror,still isn't wearing her breastplate and has her tunic pulled up, then turns,and politely asks to see Kawane.
Luka isn't about to disagree with this woman,so she hands Kawa over. Meiko starts to burp her,and Kawane stops crying,though she does spit up onto Meiko's shoulder piece.
Meiko hands Kawa back and shows Luka how to burp her.
Soon,the four make it back to the castle,and Meiko is in charge of helping Luka get settled,and checks in on her every day,even when she wasn't required to check in anymore. She did this until she got the courage to ask Luka out,to which Luka accepted. The two courted for five years before finally getting married (Meiko proposed) and Luka could finally live a happy life with her babies and the woman she loved so dearly.
She's not afraid of looking at Meiko's chest anymore >//v//<
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frost-queen · 2 years
Across galaxies (Reader x Obi Wan Kenobi)
 Requested by: anon; Forever tag: @missmelodramatic​, @theletterhart​, @alex--awesome--22​​, @elllie-does-the-posts​​, @floatlosers​​, @merlieve​​, @queen-of-books​​, @glimmering-darling-dolly​​, @denkisclown​​, @wildieflower​​, @meyocoko​​, @bubblybrianna​​, @justanothercoco​​ @idkwhatmyusernameis​,  @subjecta13-thefangirl, @m-rae23​​, @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr​​  
Summary: (Doctor who x star wars crossover) R & the doctor travel to Coruscant where they stumble upon Obi Wan & Anakin. R & Obi Wan immediately hit it off. The day of order 66 comes leading the doctor and you to run for escape, but you wouldn’t. Not without Obi Wan. Trying to pursuade him to come along after finding him, you had set your hopes on a happy ending. Yet tempted, Obi Wan declines your offer, breaking your heart. Staying behind, you say farewells to your beloved doctor before reuniting with a shocked Obi Wan. 
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The TARDIS found sturdy ground. Landing gently. You walked around the panel, closer to the doctor. – “So which planet are we?” – you asked, leaning against the panel. – “Give me a second Y/n.” – the doctor responded, pulling levers, and pushing buttons. He gestured for you to move an inch to the side. You stepped back allowing him to do whatever he needed to do. He flicked his finger against a screen that wasn’t functioning properly to his standards. Not wanting to wait any longer for an answer, you walked up to the door. 
Opening it, you were greeted with a warm dessert wind. It made you cough, waving your hand before you. The doctor gave the screen a push, making it swing around for you to see. – “Coruscant!” – he exclaimed happily. – “So should I be worried or frightened of something?” – you responded, closing the door more. – “Not that I am aware off.” – he came running over, offering you, his arm. – “Makes it all the more fun.” – he gleamed with delight as you took his arm. 
The dessert wind was strong. Knocking you almost out of balance. – “There’s nothing around!” – you shouted trying to look around. Nothing but dessert sand stretching far as the eye could see. Quirking your eyebrow up, you watched as the doctor held his finger up in the air. – “That way!” – he said pointing. Shrugging your shoulders, you followed him through the dessert.
Soon you were huffing and puffing to catch your breath. The extreme heat being a killer. Your ankles ached and you were sure you had been sweating. – “Are we there yet.” – you whined not sure how much longer you could get going. The doctor as chipper as ever, stared at the horizon, standing a bit on a sand hill. – “Come along Y/n! almost.” – he told you, jumping down the sand hill. You groaned irritated wondering why you ever left the cool TARDIS for this heat storm. – “I swear if I don’t get some water in the next five minutes, I’m going to murder someone.” – you breathed out, mouth as dry as the dessert. 
“Just a bit further Y/n, chip up!” – the doctor said motioning for you to hurry up. – “Do not tell me to chip up!” – you replied frustrated, pushing through. You grunted half relieved, half in agony at the sight of a small town. – “Water!” – you called out kicking it up a notch. – “Y/n!” – the doctor had to run to keep up with you, waving his arms worriedly around. You slowed down in the town, looking curiously around. 
The doctor grabbed you by the shoulder, staring as well. You gasped when an alien walked past you. It startled the doctor as well. – “Maybe we should return to the Tardis?” – you whispered to him. It seemed none of the alien types that walked the town seemed pleasant in any way. – “Maybe we should…” – the doctor replied with a nervous swallow.
The doctor was about to pull you along by your shoulders when your eyes caught a human walking out of a tent. A younger teen with him. It made you freeze, standing still in place to stare. – “Y/n come along, let’s go home… or visit the glorious days of Shakespeare.” – he told you, trying to move you. You wouldn’t staring to intensely at the human. Your eyes widened when the man caught up with your staring from afar. He held your gaze till he whispered something to the young man. You freaked out when he started to make his way over. Panicking you turned to the doctor. – “Please tell me I don’t look like a disaster.” – you asked him. 
The doctor frowned, not understand why you wanted to know till he saw someone approach. – “I beg your pardon.” – the man spoke making you spin around to him, a plastered smile on your lips. – “I caught you from afar and it seemed like you could use a bit of assistance?” – he said, hands folded together. – “You sneaky little human.” – the doctor whispered in your ear. You chuckled nervously, pushing the doctor away from you. – “We just got here.” – you told him. – “and are clearly not from around here… I was wondering if you could give us directions to where we can find refreshments.” – you asked, hoping for the best. – “Of course.” – the man replied.
You started following him, seeing the doctor hold both his thumbs up over your shoulder. The three of you met up with the young teen, going inside an establishment. He gestured for you to take a seat while he would bring you drinks. It was a bit awkward, waiting at the table with the young teen around. The man reappeared giving you your drink first with a warm smile. You accepted it, noticing the doctor’s silly teasing expression in the corner of your eye. Elbowing him, you hoped he’s stop. – “So you must have been traveling long. Where did you park your spacecraft?” – he asked. 
The doctor and you sharing a nervous glance. – “Uhm… up all the way in the dessert…” – you informed them. – “That far from the locals?” – he questioned. You hummed loud. – “Like I said… never been here before.” – you said nervously. – “Master excuse me for a moment.” – the young teen said, getting up. He nodded watching his padawan leave. The man’s eyes went from you to the doctor beside you. You could tell what was forming in his mind, putting an immediate stop to it. – “Friend!” – you blurted out. The man blinked surprised; the doctor staring confused at you. You laughed nervously, taking the doctor by his arm. – “He’s a friend…I’m Y/n.” – you said to redirect the focus on him. You held your hand out for him to shake. – “Obi Wan Kenobi.” – he answered, taking your hand as his left hand rested on your handshake. It made you look bashful down.
The doctor smiling giddy at you with a funny point at your cheeks. You slapped his hand away. Obi Wan and you continued to talk while the doctor looked full of wonder around the bar. All of you got up when the young teen named Anakin returned. – “We should head back master.” – Anakin said, leaning into Obi Wan. Obi Wan nodded, clearing his throat. – “Should we escort you back to your ship?” – he said ignoring the confused glance from his padawan. – “It might save you the trouble of walking all the way back…” – his gaze lingering on you. You smiled in return. – “She would be delighted.” – the doctor interfered with a smirk. Obi Wan gestured for you to lead the way. 
You threw the doctor an irritated glance without the others seeing. Obi Wan and you walked beside each other, chatting. A strong wind picked up as it knocked you off balance, right against Obi Wan. – “Oh… I’m sorry.” – you said, holding onto his clothing. – “That is alright, the winds here a strong and unpredictable.” – he answered as you removed yourself from him. He offered you his arm as you took it. The spacecraft of Obi Wan was reached quickly. He held your hand, assisting you on board. The doctor and Anakin following right behind. He led you into the cockpit, offering you the seat beside you. Anakin puffed annoyed, crossing his arms that you had taken his seat.
The doctor gave directions to where your spacecraft stood. You flew low over the dessert land. – “Stop! We’re here!” – the doctor shouted. Obi Wan hitting the brakes hard as you nearly bumped your head. – “Are you certain you were right? I don’t see it.” – Obi Wan looked outside, not seeing anything. – “Yes, it is the right place, you just can’t see it because it is invisible.” – he addressed unbuckling himself. – “Come Y/n.” – he tapped you on the shoulder. You struggled to free yourself as Obi Wan offered his help. His hands close to your body, flustering you. He assisted you out of the chair by holding your hand. He went with you to say goodbye. For some reason finding the need for it. You set off with the doctor, suddenly saddened you had to say goodbye.
“Y/n we need to leave!” – The doctor called out in a panic. His body twitching startled when blasters hit the wall he was hiding behind. – “This is a war.” – he made clear, sticking his fingers in his ears. – “Best we leave before things take a more dangerous turn.” – he grabbed you by the shoulders, pulling you up. He dragged you with him back to the TARDIS. Something so sudden breaking out into a killing spree. Jedi running for their lives as their once trusted company went against them. Blasts were fired as the doctor pulled you just in time against his chest out of reach. – “We are leaving now!” – he ordered not wanting to endanger you. 
Numb to what was going on, you were handled by the doctor as he decided for you. Finally you arrived at the TARDIS as he opened the door, wanting to push you inside. – “Wait!” – you called out, grabbing the frame. – “There is no time to wait, you need to leave Y/n!” – the doctor using his strength to push you inside. You held your position, not wanting to enter yet. – “I…I can’t leave him here…” – you said worriedly. – “There is no time.” – clenching his jaw, he set more force against your back. – “I can’t!” – you cried out, stepping aside making the doctor stumble inside the TARDIS. 
“I…I won’t let him die… not like this…” – you breathed out. – “Y/n…” – the doctor said, shaking his head. He knew what you were about to do. – “I just can’t.” – you repeated taking a step back. You spun around taking a run for it. – “Y/n!” – the doctor shouted going after you. You ran around in search for Obi Wan. You simply had to find him and convince him to come along. Avoiding the chaos as all that mattered was him.
You ran around a corner, bumping into someone. – “Y/n?!” – Obi Wan called out, taking you by your hands. You gasped, wrapping your hands around him. – “What are you still doing here? It’s dangerous to be here.” – he told you. – “I couldn’t leave you.” – you answered looking up. Blasts came from behind making Obi Wan duck. He pulled you behind him, shielding you with his lightsaber. – “Why did you return?” – he shouted over the blasting sounds. You backed away, Obi Wan forcing you to do so. He pushed his hand forwards, making the droids fall back. 
“You were supposed to leave!” – he said angered with you, grabbing you firm by your hand. – “Why didn’t you leave!” – he wondered, pulling you once more behind his back as the droids rose once more. Your foot kicked against a fallen clone. Looking down, you picked up his blaster to defend yourself. You heard noises from behind you, pointing the blaster to it. From around the corner came another clone. You blasted a hole in its armor. Obi Wan gasped loud, turning around. The blast was so close, he panicked you had been shot. His eyes widened seeing the clone drop to the ground. He grabbed you by the shoulder, wanting to see for himself that you were unharmed. You gave him a weary smile.
Obi Wan took your hand, leading you away from the dangers. – “I’m taking you back right away!” – he said, pulling you along. – “No!” – you shouted, pulling your hand out of. Obi Wan stared confused back at you. – “Not without you.” – you said coming up to him. – “Please come with us.” – you placed your hand on his chest. – “I can take you anywhere in the universe, travel across worlds and time. I can show you the end of the universe and explore the beginning of it.” – you addressed to tempt him into coming along. 
“Please… come with me. You won’t be save here…” – Eyes swelling up at the sign of your upcoming tears. – “Please…I need you…” – you said as your heart broke. A few tears rolling down your cheek. Obi Wan exhaled deep, briefly tempted by your offer. Yet he knew it was wrong to accept. – “I am sorry Y/n…” – he spoke moving his hand behind your head. – “I can’t…” – he added, lowering his gaze. You stepped back, shaking your head in disbelieve. – “Y/n…” – Obi Wan attempted to reach you, but you kept backing away. 
Turning, you ran in the opposite direction. Obi Wan called out to you, hand stretched out, yearning for your touch. Crying uncontrollably, you ran back. The ground giving away underneath your feet as you sunk to the ground. Crying against a wall, wondering what even the point was of all of this. Obi Wan didn’t want to come with you. He’d rather risk his life to remain where he his kind is being hunted and executed.
Pain, you felt immediately ache in your heart. Knees pulled up to your chest, you cowered with heartache. – “Y/n!” – you barely lifted your head up hearing the doctor run over. He dropped to his knees, wrapping his arms around you. – “I’m so glad you are still alive!” – he breathed out, rocking your body in his embrace. You cried even louder making him pull worriedly away. – “What happened?” – he asked lifting your chin a bit up. – “He wouldn’t come…” – you cried. 
Cheeks red from crying. – “but I can’t leave him…” – you continued as the doctor gave you comfort. – “I know…” – he responded, looking pained away. – “You love him…” – he said out loud. You nodded, sputtering out a cry. The doctor pulled you close for a hug, taking a deep breath. – “That is why you must stay.” – he spoke with heavy hearts. You pulled away, wiping your nose dry. – “Who am I to stand between love?” – he gave you a pained smile. You took a deep breath, slowly nodding. – “I should stay…” – you said hesitantly, making up your mind. 
Remembering the day you met him. Longing for that day where things were simpler and where you had some of him. Now you had none of him, but you wanted all. The doctor helped you up to your feet. – “It has been a pleasure being your doctor, Y/n.” – he said blinking his own tears away. He sniffled loud when you touched his cheek. – “You’ve shown me so much, I am forever thankful to you.” – you answered, taking his hand.
The doctor reached into his pocket, revealing a sonic screwdriver. You blinked confused when he placed it in your palm. – “May it keep you save.” – he said looking into your eyes. You smiled faintly in return. Accepting the sonic screwdriver, you threw your arms around him. – “Don’t be a stranger.” – you whispered. He wrapped his arms tighter around you. – “I won’t forget you, Y/n. The girl who lives among the stars.” – he responded, smiling. 
You gave him a goodbye kiss on his cheek. The doctor walking back, your hand slowly falling out of his. Taking a deep breath, you watched him disappear, never to be forgotten. Turning on your heel, you ran to chase down Obi Wan Kenobi. You searched everywhere, coming into the hangar at some point. There you saw him trying to escape in a spacecraft. – “Obi Wan!” – you shouted as loud as you could to draw his attention. His head turned shockingly. Eyes widening at you running over. He stepped back down, staring shocked at you. 
You were supposed to leave so why were you still here? You ran up to him, Obi Wan opening his arms to catch you. You embraced him tightly, rocking a bit. – “I’m staying.” – you said with a warm smile on your lips. Obi Wan keeping you at arms-length. – “How?” – he asked brushing his knuckles over your cheek. – “By choosing you.” – you answered, staring lovingly at him. Your answer brought a smile to his lips, taking your hand as he helped you on the spacecraft with him. Together you escaped.
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!    
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mindyabusines · 10 months
has anybody made the same connection i have between The Ballad of Lucy Gray Baird and the Amy & The Doctor seasons? i mean hear me out:
“When I was a girl i fell into your arms” I mean seriously
“You went to the dogs and I lived by my charms. I danced for my dinners, spread kisses like honey” C’mon this line screams Amy! When the Doctor shows back up 12 years later, she’s a kissagram with a boyfriend. Everybody in the town knows her and calls her “dear”. And also reminds me of the scene in The Eleventh Hour where The Doctor says “you were a little girl 5 minutes ago!” and she says “you’re worse than my aunt!”
“We sang for our suppers, we drank up our money” Now this is not only quintessential traveling with the doctor vibes but also season 5 when they’re travelling just the two of them. They do so many things with happy endings and they have so much fun together!
“Cause I am the one who looks out when you’re leaping.” Okay so The Beast Below is next. Even though she doesn’t remember it, she looks out for him when she tries to avoid him finding out the truth about the Star Whale because she knows it will lead to him making an impossible choice. she shouldn’t have kept it from him, i get that, but still she did it because she wanted to look out for him.
“I am the one who knows how you were brave” The Beast Below as well because I think Amy shows a great understanding of what motivates The Doctor when dealing with the Star Whale. She knows how difficult it must be and how it’s made him kind.
“It’s sooner than later that I’m six feet under. It’s sooner than later that you’ll be alone.” It was definitely surprising that Amy and Rory’s farewell was right after The Power of Three, it caught us off guard just like it caught them off guard which i think was the purpose. And now The Doctor has gone from travelling with 2 people to none in an instant
“So who will you turn to tomorrow, i wonder? Cause when the bell rings, lover, you’re on your own” Now we’re in Post- The Angels Take Manhattan. Amy and Rory are building a life in the past and i’d imagine Amy wondering who’s with him now that his best friends are gone. Nobody could take their place but who’s keeping him company?
“I am the one who you let see you weeping. I know the soul that you struggle to save.” I think Amy and Rory would both know well by this point how much the past weighs on The Doctor and how much he struggles to still be a healer and someone who helps people. And what do you do with all that knowledge now that the other half of the equation is gone?
“I’ll take that and more when I go to my grave.” Now this I imagine being applied to all 3 of them. The Doctor knows even more about them than they do and now when he regenerates or eventually dies, he’ll still remember them. “I carry them with me. So even though they’re gone from the world, they’re never gone from me.”
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miaclemeverett · 2 years
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I posted 11,766 times in 2022
9,467 posts created (80%)
2,299 posts reblogged (20%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,261 of my posts in 2022
#youtube - 143 posts
#wilbur soot - 92 posts
#shubble - 57 posts
#lovejoy - 29 posts
#discourse - 21 posts
#tapl - 19 posts
#ash kabosu - 17 posts
#joe goldsmith - 15 posts
#tommyinnit - 14 posts
#jack manifold - 13 posts
Longest Tag: 122 characters
#ycgma is such a comfort album for me and “’i’ll keep making little distractions for you. be comfy :)’ makes me want to cry
My Top Posts in 2022:
Summary of Dream's livestream with Techno's father if people can't or are unable watch:
Most importantly, please support Techno's family and the Sarcoma Foundation by buying merch here: (You can also donate directly to the Sarcoma Foundation here)
Dream is streaming with Techno's father & staying with the family
Techno's father met Skeppy, for the Sarcoma Foundation Gala he asked for Skeppy's favorite video with Techno and Skeppy said it was the "skeppy tries to troll me but i troll him first" video
Techno's father has been intentionally pulling up memories and stories of Techno's whole life which was "a speedrun" and full of joy and happiness, rather than just focusing on the last week
When Techno and his younger sister were diaper age, she fell down the final 2 steps of the staircase (completely fine) and while their father was trying to explain to their mother what happened, Techno walked in and said "baby fall down CRASH"
The first message that Dream sent to Techno was trying to Trojan horse his way into Minecraft Monday by playing with Techno. Techno's reply was "maybe next time" and Techno kicked his ass in Dream's first MCM. Sapnap thought Techno was overhyped but then Sapnap watched the next Techno MCM and changed his mind
Techno's father didn't really watch or understand Minecraft, he watched Techno 1v1 tons of people without losing any hearts and asked him "Do the other players even know you're there?"
Techno vs. Dream $100k duel: Techno's father never saw him stress about anything in his career except for the duel. Techno's father was competitive on Techno's behalf like "who is this green smiling man gaining subscribers faster than my boy?!" Techno texted his dad as soon as he knew it was at least a tie and he couldn't lose.
Dream saw Techno release "death merch" and thought that was the coolest, most Technoblade thing he had ever seen
Techno's entire family loved the "no one took the news harder than my health provider. they're the real victim" joke
Dream did an elbow reveal in honor of Techno
Techno's father made a joke to Dream about getting ready to do his (Techno's father's) own face reveal
Techno's father made this joke: "This video today is sponsored by cancer, without which this video would not have happened" and Dream called him an idiot
Techno's father thinks Techno would have done a proper face reveal. There were a couple of months where doctors were saying the next step would be to amputate his entire arm and shoulder. Techno joked that it was going to be the most epic elbow reveal ever and that they'd "traumatize millions." Techno's father was as positive as he could be without being fake and he got Techno a present ahead of the surgery (which never ended up happening), a 1st edition printing of Hemingway's "A Farewell To Arms."
Dream and Techno teaming in MCC: This is when they really started becoming friends, before that they had been more rivals/frenemies. Techno also never said or joked about giving Dream his first MCC win.
Techno was whitelisted for way longer before he actually joined the server, back when it was just a few people (Tommy might have asked him to whitelist Techno).
Techno had a Minecraft account called "Whitelisted" when he didn't want to be recognized, just to make the joke "You can't do this if you're not whitelisted"
Techno's dad has GOTTA tell dad jokes
When Techno was young, he would always talk to his dad about being a gaming Youtuber and Techno's father would tell him "no one would want to watch someone else play a video game" lmao
When Techno was young and he'd be building for hours in Roblox and they'd have a power failure, Techno would complain to his dad about all of his work being wasted and Techno's dad would say "all of that PLAY wasted"
Techno talked to his dad about what circumstances would lead to him face revealing, he would have wanted it to be funny and memorable but he never had a clear plan for it
Techno had a front bedroom with a TERRIBLE desk. Techno's dad told Techno to come to the studio to pick out any chair he wanted, Techno went into his dad's office and picked his dad's chair LMAO. Techno's dad offered for him to work on a soundstage because their house had horrible acoustics but Techno said "eh." At 2am when the family was trying to sleep they'd hear him screaming and yelling, it was so annoying when it happened but so painful when it stopped
Techno's dad would text him a meme and Techno would call him a loser, he'd ask him to watch Hunter x Hunter together. Techno couldn't eat without watching TV at the same time
Techno's dad sometimes sees posts on Reddit and his instinct is to send them to Techno. Techno's dad has come close to making a reddit account, he said hello and thanks to Techno's subreddit and he reads their posts a lot when he can take it.
Techno's dad knew Techno had a big audience, but he didn't and still kind of doesn't understand how he meant a lot to people in ways that have nothing to do with PvP or funny jokes. He's proud of Techno and grateful to everyone. The executive director of the Sarcoma Foundation told Techno's family they haven't seen anything like this before with regards to fundraising, she told them that a little kid ran a lemonade stand and raised $150 for the Sarcoma Foundation in honor of Techno.
Techno's dad: "If we do the call-to-action (to donate to Sarcoma Foundation) 10 times, I should get 6 of them" (referencing Techno beating Dream in the duel 6-5). Dream: "I see where he got his humor from"
There has been a refresh today of the merch store so GO BUY THE MERCH!!!! Techno didn't like when there were delays in people receiving merch, so you can only order when it's in stock so GO BUY NOW
Dream will be signing some unreleased merch concepts to include as an extra in some orders
Techno's father thanked Dream and he appreciates everything Dream did for them, he also loves Skeppy
See the full post
4,257 notes - Posted October 18, 2022
wilbur calling the crowd “chat” - “you can take a boy out of twitch but you can’t take the twitch out of the boy”
6,699 notes - Posted October 30, 2022
See the full post
7,800 notes - Posted May 19, 2022
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8,710 notes - Posted October 7, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
how do the people walk around their house
sandals / chanclas / flip flops
shoes (wtf is wrong with you)
64,986 notes - Posted February 19, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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