#nfhs report
worldinyourpalm · 2 years
कम उम्र की लड़कियों से शादी करने वाले पुरुषों पर असम में शिकंजा | Men who have married underage girls face harsh penalties in Assam;
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असम में बाल विवाह (लड़कियों की शादी उम्र से पहले)
गुवाहाटी: असम कैबिनेट ने सोमवार को राज्य पुलिस को 14 साल से कम उम्र की लड़कियों से शादी करने वाले पुरुषों पर कार्रवाई शुरू करने और उन्हें पॉक्सो एक्ट के तहत गिरफ्तार करने का निर्देश दिया, जबकि 14 से 18 साल की उम्र की लड़कियों से शादी करने वालों को गिरफ्तार किया जाएगा। बाल विवाह निषेध अधिनियम, 2006 के तहत।
मुख्यमंत्री हिमंत बिस्वा सरमा ने कहा कि मोटे अनुमान के मुताबिक, राज्य में एक लाख से ज्यादा लड़कियों की शादी उम्र से पहले कर दी गई है।
राष्ट्रीय परिवार स्वास्थ्य सर्वेक्षण-5 का हवाला देते हुए
(2019-20) की रिपोर्ट में सरमा ने कहा कि असम में बाल विवाह की संख्या बढ़ रही है। उन्होंने कहा, 'हमारे अपने एक सर्वे में हमने पाया है कि राज्य में महज नौ साल की एक लड़की मां बनी है।'
चूंकि पिछली सरकारों ने राज्य में बाल विवाह निषेध अधिनियम, 2006 पर ध्यान नहीं दिया, इसलिए हमारी शिशु मृत्यु दर और मातृ मृत्यु दर देश में सबसे अधिक बनी हुई है।
यह एक ऐतिहासिक भूल है और हम इसे सुधारने का प्रयास कर रहे हैं। उम्मीद है कि अब से सालों बाद हम असम को बाल विवाह से पूरी तरह मुक्त कर सकते हैं, 'असम के सीएम ने कहा।
NFHS-5 सर्वेक्षण के अनुसार, 20 से 24 वर्ष की आयु की महिलाएं जिनकी शादी 18 वर्ष की आयु से पहले हुई थी, असम में 31% से अधिक महिलाएं हैं, जबकि 2019-20 में राष्ट्रीय औसत 23% से अधिक है......
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nithiyanantha · 18 days
How to Use Government Reports and Data for IAS Preparation
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Preparation for the Indian Administrative Service needs a strategic approach toward knowing a vast amount of information. Among the most valuable resources at an aspirant's disposal are government reports and data. These documents not only carry a wealth of information but also indicate current trends, policies, and issues related to the IAS exam. In this comprehensive guide, we will see how you can put the government reports and data to constructive use in order to give a boost to your IAS preparation, and we will also highlight the role of TNPSC coaching centre in Coimbatore in making it all easier.
 Understanding the Importance of Government Reports
Government reports are official documents prepared by different governmental departments and public bodies. These reports range from economic performance, social development, environmental concerns, and public health. During IAS preparation, this is considered a treasure trove of information that is detailed, credible, and updated about specific issues that come directly within the ambit of the exams.
1. Source of Authentic Information: Government reports are considered authentic sources of data. They are compiled in great detail and offer an accurate snapshot of various aspects of governance and administration. This authenticity is of essence for the IAS exam, where correctness of facts and depth of knowledge are highly prized.
2. Policy and Implementation-Related Insight: Most of the reports relate to the policy measures taken, their implementation, and the related outcomes. Relating this aspect helps the aspirant to connect the theoretical knowledge with its practical use, which becomes handy in attempting questions about governance and public administration.
3. Current Affairs and Trends: Government reports epitomize current trends and issues. Careful analysis of the same helps aspirants keep abreast of relevant current affairs, which constitute a big part of the IAS examination.
 Kinds of Government Reports Useful for IAS Preparation
There are several kinds of government reports that are particularly useful for IAS preparation. A breakdown of some of the key reports to focus on goes thus:
1. Economic Surveys: The Economic Survey, presented annually by the Ministry of Finance, gives a summary of how the economy of the country performed. It highlights information on GDP growth, inflation, employment, and other segments of economic performance. This report is important for gaining insight into the features of the Indian economy and guiding efforts toward the formulation of responses to questions on economic policies and development.
2. Union Budget: The Union Budget presents the government's expenditure and revenue. It reflects priorities of the government, fiscal policies, and the way resources are allocated. This document helps aspirants understand budgetary allocations and their impact on different sectors.
3. Annual Reports by Ministries: Various ministries issue annual reports regarding their achievements, challenges, and future plans. As an example, the annual report of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare covers public health issues, government schemes, and progress in healthcare.
4. National Reports: Reports like the National Human Development Report (NHDR) and the National Family Health Survey (NFHS) serve as a rich source of data related to human development indicators, health statistics, and social issues.
5. Reports on Economic and Social Research: Reports from institutions such as the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and the Planning Commission provide in-depth analysis and research on economic and social issues, equipping aspirants with comprehensive data and analysis.
 How to Use Government Reports in IAS Preparation
Using government reports effectively involves much more than just reading through them. Here's a structured approach to using these reports for your preparation for IAS:
1. Identify Relevant Reports: First, identify the reports that fall under the IAS syllabus. Give priority to documents related to basic aspects concerning economic development, social justice, environment, and governance. The TNPSC coaching centre in Coimbatore will guide you with regard to which reports you must concentrate on, considering recent trends and updates in the examination and syllabus.
2. Extract Key Information: While reading any government report, focus your attention on statistics, policy changes, implementation challenges, and outcomes. At this point, make summaries or point forms that capture the key information. This helps retain vital information and makes revision easier.
3. Relate Reports to the Syllabus: Relate information from the government reports to that in the IAS syllabus. For example, if a report talks about environmental issues, relate the same to the environmental management and climate change topics in the syllabus. This practice ensures focused and relevant preparation.
4. Data Usage in Answer Writing: Incorporate data and other insights from government reports into your answer writing. Suppose you are writing an answer on economic policies, just mention data from the Economic Survey or Union Budget to substantiate your arguments. This adds credibility and substance to your responses.
5. Discussion of Reports within Study Groups: Discuss the reports about the government in a peer group or study groups. Joint analysis and interpretation of the various viewpoints may provide one with greater insight into understanding them. The TNPSC coaching centre in Coimbatore regularly conducts group discussions and study sessions and participation in them may prove helpful.
6. Keep Abreast of Current Reports: Government reports are revised regularly. Make sure you are using the latest editions so that you stay informed about the latest developments and trends. This is very important, especially for the current affairs questions in the IAS exam.
 Practical Tips for Effective Utilization
1. Report Repository: Maintain a repository of applicable government reports. Label them according to subject matter or relevance and arrange them for easy access. This repository shall form handy reference material while you get ready to face different components of the IAS exam.
2. Study Schedule: Set out dedicated time from the study schedule to go through the government reports. Regular, systematic study will help you assimilate this information into your preparation effectively.
3. Highlight Key Sections: Use highlighting or annotation techniques to mark key areas of the reports. The important information will then be easier to find and study while reviewing.
4. Use Visual Aids: Include in your notes charts, graphs, and tables from government reports. Visual aids are helpful in comprehending and remembering complicated data.
5. Consult Experts: Take the advice of your mentors or other experts in the coaching centers that offer TNPSC coaching in Coimbatore. They will provide you with an idea of how to use the government reports along with smooth integration into the study plan.
Government reports and data are some of the important sources useful in preparation for IAS. They carry authentic information, aspects pertaining to policies, and updates on trends-all helpful in the main examination. Proper usage of these reports helps the aspirants develop insight into different topics, create better answers, and update their relevant current affairs.
The TNPSC coaching centre in Coimbatore now plays an important role in guiding the aspirants through the integration of government reports into their preparation schedule. Through their guidance, aspirants will know how to better utilize these valuable resources and thereby increase their possibilities of success in the IAS. Begin with these strategies and remain committed to your preparation schedule; soon, you'll be well on your journey to success in the IAS.
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khushi03hp · 30 days
Tackling mall nutrition in India
Malnutrition remains one of the most critical issues facing India today. Despite the nation's progress in various sectors, hunger and poor nutrition continue to plague millions. According to recent reports, India has the highest number of children suffering from malnutrition in the world. This article explores the severity of malnutrition in India, the efforts of Hamari Pahchan NGO to address this crisis, and how individuals can contribute to this cause.
The Malnutrition Crisis in India
Malnutrition is a pressing concern in India, affecting millions across the country. According to the National Family Health Survey (NFHS-5), nearly 35% of children under five are stunted, meaning their growth is significantly impaired due to chronic malnutrition. Additionally, about 32% of children are underweight, and 17% suffer from wasting, a condition marked by severe weight loss.
These statistics paint a grim picture of the nutritional landscape in India. The causes are multifaceted, including poverty, lack of access to nutritious food, poor maternal health, and inadequate sanitation. Rural areas and marginalized communities are particularly vulnerable, where access to food and health services is often limited.
Hamari Pahchan NGO: A Beacon of Hope
Amidst this challenging scenario, Hamari Pahchan NGO stands as a pillar of support. The organization is dedicated to eradicating malnutrition and improving the health of underprivileged communities. Here’s how Hamari Pahchan is making a difference:
Nutritional Support: Hamari Pahchan provides nutritious food packages to families in need. These packages are designed to address essential dietary needs and combat deficiencies. The NGO ensures that the food supplied is rich in vital nutrients to support the growth and development of children.
Health Education: The organization conducts workshops and awareness programs on healthy eating habits and proper nutrition. These sessions educate families on the importance of a balanced diet and how to make the most out of available resources.
Community Outreach: Hamari Pahchan actively engages with local communities to identify those most in need and to provide tailored support. They work closely with community leaders to understand specific needs and deliver effective solutions.
Monitoring and Evaluation: To ensure the effectiveness of their programs, Hamari Pahchan regularly monitors and evaluates their impact. This approach helps in refining their strategies and ensuring that the aid reaches those who need it the most.
How Individuals Can Make a Difference
While organizations like Hamari Pahchan play a crucial role, individual actions are equally important in the fight against malnutrition. Here’s what you can do:
Support Fundraisers: Contributing to fundraisers aimed at tackling malnutrition can make a significant impact. Donations help organizations like Hamari Pahchan provide more resources and expand their reach.
Raise Awareness: Spread the word about the issue of malnutrition. Share information through social media, participate in community events, and educate others about the importance of addressing hunger and poor nutrition.
Volunteer: Get involved with local NGOs and community groups working on nutrition and health issues. Volunteering your time and skills can provide valuable support to these organizations.
Advocate for Policy Changes: Support and advocate for policies that promote better food security and nutritional programs. Engaging with policymakers and participating in public forums can help drive systemic changes.
Undernourishment As of 2020–2022, the United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) reported that 16.6% of India's population was undernourished. This rate is higher than in Nepal and Sri Lanka but lower than in Bangladesh. By 2023, Worldometer estimated that 14.37% of India’s population was undernourished.
Stunted Growth According to the National Family Health Survey (NFHS) 5 for 2019–2021, 35.5% of children under five years old experienced stunted growth, indicating they are shorter than the average for their age due to inadequate nutrition.
Wasting The same NFHS 5 report found that 19.3% of children under five years old were wasted, meaning they are significantly underweight for their height.
Underweight The NFHS 5 also highlighted that 32.1% of children under five years old were underweight, reflecting insufficient weight gain for their age.
Anaemia The NFHS 5 data shows that 25% of men aged 15–49 years, 57% of women aged 15–49 years, and 31.1% of adolescent boys aged 15–19 years suffer from anaemia, a condition often linked to poor nutrition.
Contributing Factors Economic inequality and various social determinants also play significant roles in exacerbating malnutrition in India. In response, the government has implemented several initiatives, including the Midday Meal Scheme, the Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS), and the National Children's Fund, to address and mitigate these issues.
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blogaboutsomethings · 5 months
Title: The Growing Crisis: Obesity in India
Obesity, once considered a problem of affluence in Western societies, has now become a significant health concern in India. This report delves into the rising prevalence of obesity in India, its contributing factors, and the potential consequences for public health.
The Current Situation:
India is undergoing a nutritional transition, marked by a shift from traditional diets to more westernized, high-calorie foods. This transition, coupled with sedentary lifestyles and urbanization, has led to a surge in obesity rates across all age groups.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), India is home to the third-highest number of obese individuals globally, following the United States and China. A recent National Family Health Survey (NFHS) reported that over 20% of Indian adults are now overweight or obese, with the prevalence higher in urban areas.
Contributing Factors:
Several factors contribute to the rising obesity epidemic in India:
1. Changing Dietary Patterns: Traditional diets rich in fruits, vegetables, and grains are being replaced by processed foods high in sugar, fat, and salt.
2. Sedentary Lifestyles: Urbanization has led to decreased physical activity levels, with more people relying on cars and technology for daily tasks.
3. Genetic Predisposition: Certain genetic factors make some individuals more susceptible to weight gain, exacerbating the problem.
4. Socioeconomic Factors: Obesity is often associated with higher socioeconomic status, as access to unhealthy foods and sedentary lifestyles increases with income.
Health Implications:
Obesity is a significant risk factor for several chronic diseases, including type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, and certain types of cancer. The economic burden of obesity-related healthcare costs is also substantial, placing additional strain on the healthcare system.
Challenges and Solutions:
Addressing the obesity epidemic in India requires a multi-faceted approach:
1. Promoting Healthy Lifestyles: Public health campaigns promoting balanced diets and regular physical activity are essential to raise awareness and encourage behavior change.
2. Regulating the Food Environment: Implementing policies to reduce the availability and marketing of unhealthy foods, such as sugar-sweetened beverages and processed snacks, can help curb consumption.
3. Improving Access to Healthcare: Ensuring access to affordable healthcare services, including preventive measures and obesity treatment options, is crucial for managing the burden of obesity-related diseases.
Obesity poses a significant public health challenge in India, with far-reaching consequences for individuals, communities, and the healthcare system. Addressing this issue requires concerted efforts from government, healthcare providers, the food industry, and society as a whole to promote healthier lifestyles and environments. Only through collective action can we effectively combat the obesity epidemic and safeguard the well-being of future generations.
- World Health Organization (WHO) - Obesity and overweight factsheet
- National Family Health Survey (NFHS)
- Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) - Report on India: Health of the Nation's States
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mnmlawpartners · 7 months
Revealing the One Main Reason for Divorce in India (2024)
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These days, we're seeing more and more couples getting divorced in India. One of the big and Main reasons for Divorce in India is Domestic violence. Even though India has strong traditions when it comes to marriage, domestic violence is happening a lot, and it's causing many marriages to break down. 
Causes of Divorce in India: Finding the Root Cause
Leading Factors for Divorce
As research and strong evidence suggest, domestic violence stands out as a significant Root Causes of Divorce in India. According to a nationwide survey conducted by the National Family Health Survey (NFHS) in 2015-16, approximately 26% of marriages experiencing divorce or separation cited domestic violence as a Primary Reason for Divorce. Furthermore, a study published by the International Journal of Humanities and Social Science in 2017 revealed that in 87% of cases where divorce was granted on grounds of cruelty, domestic violence emerged as a major Contributing Factors to Divorce of the marriage.
The Main Reason for Divorce: Insights into Domestic Violence
The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005 (PWDVA), provides a legal framework to address issues related to domestic violence in India. Enacted to safeguard the rights and well-being of women, this legislation describes provisions for protection orders, residence orders, and monetary reliefs, aiming to mitigate the adverse effects of domestic violence on marital relationships.
Top 10 Tips to Overcome the Main Reason for Divorce in India (Domestic Violence)
The following are the top 10 tips to overcome the Main Reason for Divorce in India(Domestic violence)
Know Your Rights: Educate yourself about your legal rights under the PWDVA and other relevant laws.
Seek Support : Reach out to trusted friends, family members, or support groups for emotional and practical assistance.
Safety Planning : Develop a safety plan to protect yourself and your children from potential harm.
Document Abuse : Keep a record of instances of domestic violence, including dates, times, and descriptions of incidents.
Reach Out for Legal Aid : Seek assistance from legal professionals specializing in domestic violence cases.
Therapy and Counseling : Consider seeking therapy or counseling to address the emotional impact of domestic violence.
Community Support : Engage with community organizations and resources dedicated to supporting survivors of domestic violence.
Raise Awareness : Advocate for awareness campaigns and initiatives to combat domestic violence and promote gender equality.
Empowerment and Education : Take steps to empower yourself through education, skill-building, and financial independence.
Report Abuse : Report instances of domestic violence to the authorities and seek legal recourse to protect yourself and hold perpetrators accountable.
What are the Other Main Reasons for Divorce?
In addition to the Main Reason for Divorce in India (domestic violence), several other Factors Leading to Divorce in India and contribute to marital dissolution in India:
Lack of Emotional Connection : When couples feel disconnected, it can lead to dissatisfaction and ultimately, divorce. Communication breakdown, differing expectations, and unresolved conflicts often contribute to this.
Cultural and Social Pressures : Expectations from family, community, and societal traditions can strain marriages, especially when they clash with individual beliefs or values. Mixed-race marriages had a 41% divorce rate versus 31% for same-race marriages (CDC, 2002), showing cultural impact. 
Control and Power Dynamics : Imbalance in control or power within a marriage, whether due to gender roles or authoritarian behavior, can erode trust and intimacy.
Mental Health Issues : According to Section 13 of the Act, divorce or judicial separation is permissible if one partner is deemed "incurably of unsound mind" or has been afflicted with a mental disorder severe enough that living together becomes unreasonable for the petitioner.
Life Transitions and Stress : Major life changes such as job loss, parenthood, or caring for aging parents can impose stressors on marriages, impacting their stability.
Contact MandM Law Partners for Divorce Related Queries
For those seeking guidance and assistance with divorce-related matters, MandM Law Partners offers comprehensive legal services customized to address the unique needs and challenges of individuals navigating the complexities of marital dissolution. At M&M Law Partners, we have the best civil lawyers in Delhi who are experts in divorce-related matters.
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wotr123 · 8 months
NGO Working For Healthcare And The Need To Work On Maternal and Child Health Nutrition
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In India, nutrition and the health of mothers and children are crucial issues that must be addressed. The main health issues facing the nation have been poor nutrition, poor maternity and child health, and limited access to healthcare services. The NFHS-5 report states that 32% of children under the age of five are malnourished and that around 60% of women and girls in the 15–49 age range are anaemic. According to a UNICEF estimate, 46.6 million children under the age of five in India suffer from stunting, making it the country with the greatest rate of malnutrition among children worldwide. In India, maternal mortality is a serious problem as well; problems connected to pregnancy are thought to claim the lives of 35,000 women each year. Malnutrition has a well-documented negative impact on people and society, and its effects on economic development and growth are extensive. Thus, in order for India to achieve the aims of the Sustainable Development Goals, a comprehensive strategy to increasing nutrition and mother and child health is essential with the help of NGO working for healthcare. Read more 
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smartfeed · 2 years
Feeding smart right from start
According to the latest National Family Health Survey (NFHS), India has one of the highest rates of malnutrition in the world. Nearly 36% of children under the age of five in India are stunted, which means they are too short for their age due to malnutrition. Additionally, 21% of children in this age group are underweight, and 11% are wasted, meaning they have a low weight for their height.
The problem of malnutrition, stunted growth, and obesity among children in India is multifaceted and requires a comprehensive solution. One possible solution is implementing programs such as the one offered by Feed Smart . They provide a balanced diet of essential micro and macro-nutrients which are essential for the proper growth and development of children.
Feeding smart first foods to babies from the start is vital for a number of reasons.
First, it helps to ensure that they are getting the necessary nutrients for growth and development. Feeding a variety of different nutrients, including proteins, carbohydrates, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals, to baby boys and girls is important in order to grow and develop properly.
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According to WHO’s report on healthy diet - toddlers who eat a diet that is high in processed foods and added sugars are at a higher risk of becoming overweight or obese, which can lead to a variety of health problems later in life.
A good foundation of balanced eating can also promote good digestion, help to improve energy levels and overall mood and contribute to good sleep. Especially at this tender age, the importance of a balanced diet increases many folds due to the rapid development of their bodies.
Another important aspect of establishing healthy eating habits is that the child will continue to make healthy food choices as they grow older. Additionally, it is normal for toddlers to be picky eaters, and sometimes it takes multiple tries before they accept new foods. Also offering a variety of healthy options and encouraging them to try new foods in a positive, non-forced way can be helpful.
When introducing solid foods to a baby for the first time, it is important to start with foods that are easy to digest and not allergenic. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and World Health Organization (WHO) recommends starting with iron-rich foods, as babies' iron stores start to deplete around 6 months of age.
Some examples of first foods that are recommended for babies and promote baby-led weaning include:
Soft, ripe fruits such as bananas, avocados, and melons
Soft-cooked vegetables such as sweet potato, squash, and broccoli
Soft-cooked meats such as chicken or turkey
Scrambled eggs
Soft-cooked beans or lentils
Soft-cooked grains such as quinoa, couscous, and rice
Toast or bread
It's also suggested to start with one new food at a time and wait a few days between introducing new foods in case of any potential allergic reactions.
In addition, it is essential to note that breastfeeding should continue as the main source of nutrition until at least 6 months of age, and solid foods should be introduced as complementary foods while breastfeeding continues.
Consulting with a pediatrician or a registered dietitian is recommended if you are concerned about your toddler's diet or growth. They can help to ensure that your child is getting the nutrients that they need for optimal health and development.
Overall, feeding smartly  is an ongoing process that requires patience, knowledge, and consistency, with the goal of establishing long-term healthy habits that will set the foundation for a lifetime of health and well-being.
Also Read: Multigrain Atta Health Benefits for Families
For the latest Update visit our Instagram page
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75% with hypertension in India have uncontrolled BP: Lancet | India News - Times of India
75% with hypertension in India have uncontrolled BP: Lancet | India News – Times of India
KOCHI: Over 75% of patients in India detected with hypertension (high blood pressure) don’t have it under control, as per a study in medical journal The Lancet for 2016-20. The study reinforces uncontrolled BP as a significant contributor to mortality. It follows the Centre’s 2019-20 National Family Health Survey (NFHS-5) that reported a hypertension prevalence of 24% in men and 21% in women, an…
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znewstech · 2 years
75% with hypertension in India have uncontrolled BP: Lancet | India News - Times of India
75% with hypertension in India have uncontrolled BP: Lancet | India News – Times of India
KOCHI: Over 75% of patients in India detected with hypertension (high blood pressure) don’t have it under control, as per a study in medical journal The Lancet for 2016-20. The study reinforces uncontrolled BP as a significant contributor to mortality. It follows the Centre’s 2019-20 National Family Health Survey (NFHS-5) that reported a hypertension prevalence of 24% in men and 21% in women, an…
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tiapandayblogs · 2 years
World Food Day: Where We Are and What We Need
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World Food Day is commemorated worldwide to raise awareness about the need for proper nutrition that is still inaccessible to a significant part of the world. With development, our world has reached the utopia we dreamed of a few years ago, but some of the problems we faced have remained with us and are now even more severe. Hunger and Malnutrition are one such problem that needs to be taken care of before it becomes unavoidable.
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Many researchers and scientists are experts on the topic of the future, who claim that eventually, the problem will be solved as our future abilities will allow us to double the resources we have right now. But that is just a dream; if in the present, we can see that thousands of people in remote parts of the world are suffering and losing their lives because of a lack of food, then all the justifications fail.
Hunger and Malnutrition are global problems that affect millions of people every year, causing significant health problems and severe socio-economic effects. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), approximately 815 million people in the world are undernourished, of which more than 165 million are children below five years old who suffer from stunted growth caused by chronic Malnutrition and hunger. Without action, these figures may rise in the coming years due to climate change and increased population growth. To make things worse, Malnutrition also affects those who don't suffer from it directly.
What Needs To Be Done
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Hunger is a complex problem. Many don't even understand the cause of it, and yet there are only theories. If certain countries are facing food shortages, then does that mean that there really is a lack of food in the country, or does that account for the corruption of government officials?
We cannot pinpoint one thing altogether, maybe it is the corruption of the officials, or maybe there really is a shortage of food, even in the 21st century. What can be done, however, is all of us coming together and helping those who face these issues. Daily, we pass through hundreds of people on the streets who are suffering from food problems in one way or the other.
Thinking about people whose lives can be impacted by our actions should be our number 1 priority. If we pass through hundreds of people, who face the same issues as people in some other countries, where responsible government officials have failed in their jobs, then all our worries and concerns would be futile. So many activists and NGOs are fighting the food shortage in countries like Africa, but there is still no data on what resulted.
This is the reason to better understand where your help goes; you must help the ones close to you.
After seeing multiple reports and data that showed the decline in mortality rates in India, which was caused due to food shortages and Malnutrition, Child Help Foundation took various initiatives so that underprivileged children could be fed with warm and nutritious meals.
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Malnutrition contributes to nearly 35 percent of deaths among children under the age of five worldwide, which can be prevented by directing policy, program, and budgetary efforts on children during pregnancy and their first few years of life. According to India's National Family Health Survey (NFHS)-IV, 35.7 percent of children under the age of three are underweight. As a result, there is a pressing need to address childhood malnutrition.
Child Help Foundation started the to feed warm and nutritious meals to 1,800 underprivileged children daily. This act aimed to ensure that children have access to enough nourishment during critical developmental phases.
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With many of such initiatives and activities, Child Help Foundation tries to ensure that no child dies of starvation.
To fight this evil of hunger, all of us must come together and make individual acts of kindness in the lives of people that are close to us. The people who pass by us, the people who need our help. Only then, can we see that change that we want to see.
Source - https://childhelpfoundation.in/cii-blog/posts
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paullui2002 · 2 years
Sports Nutrition Market Business Opportunities, Application Analysis, Growth Trends, Key Players, Competitive Strategies and Forecasts, 2022 – 2028
Sports Supplements Segment to Hold Largest Share of Sports Nutrition Market During 2022–2028
According to our latest study on “Sports Nutrition Market Forecast to 2028 – COVID-19 Impact and Global Analysis – by Type, Formulation, and Distribution Channel," the market is expected to reach US$ 72,178.19 million by 2028 from US$ 41,683.48 million in 2021; it is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 8.2% during 2022–2028. The report highlights the key factors driving the sports nutrition market and prominent players with their developments in the market.
Sports nutrition products serve as a source of nutrition for athletes willing to improve their performance and speed up their recovery during strenuous workouts. Sports nutrition products can be consumed by athletes and non-athletes to increase their nutritional intake. Natural elements such as milk, egg proteins, vegetable starch, fibers, sugars, vitamins, minerals, and herbs are used to manufacture these products.
Get sample PDF Copy of Sports Nutrition Market at @ https://www.theinsightpartners.com/sample/TIPRE00006894/
In the global census undertaken by the International Federation of Association Football (FIFA), a sport’s governing body, there were 265 million individuals who play football, along with more than 5 million referees, which equates to 4% of the global population. Similarly, the Federation of International Basketball Associations (FIBA) estimated that at least 450 million people in the world play basketball, either recreationally or through structured competitions. The number of people participating in recreational sports, including high-impact sports such as tennis or soccer, is increasing in Western countries. According to a study published by the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS), the participation of high school boys in the US in soccer, wrestling, and tennis surged significantly during 2018−2019. According to the same study, sports participation in schools in the country was at its peak in the said academic year for the first time in the past 30 years. According to a study published by Stanford Children’s Health in 2020, ~30 million children and teenagers participate in sports annually in the US. Nevertheless, sports are popular among people of all generations. Such an increase in participation in sports is projected to contribute to the growth of the sports nutrition market. With the growing criticality of wellness and mindfulness, fitness has become a more relevant goal for many people. According to MuscleBlaze in India, ~40% of gym-goers consumed whey supplements in 2019. Physical exercises increase cardiovascular fitness and boost overall health by developing a mechanism for coping with stress, anxiety, and depression. As a result, with a surge in the number of people going to gyms and fitness centers, the consumption of health supplements has increased in recent years.
Glanbia Plc, PepsiCo Inc.; The Coca-Cola Company; LOVATE HEALTH SCIENCES; Clif Bar & Company; BULK POWDERS; Abbott; Yakult Honsha Co., Ltd.; MUSCLEPHARM CORPORATION; and GNC HOLDINGS INC. are among the key players operating in the sports nutrition market.
For more details visit here @ https://www.theinsightpartners.com/reports/sports-nutrition-market
The report segments the sports nutrition market as follows:
Based on formulation, the global sports nutrition market is segmented into powder, capsules, tablets, and others. The powder segment held the largest share of the market in 2021, moreover the same is expected to grow over the forecasted period due to the increasing demand for various flavored drinks.
Based on distribution channel, the global sports nutrition market is segmented into convenience stores, supermarkets/hypermarkets, specialty stores, and others. The convenience stores segment held the largest market share in 2021, moreover the same is expected to grow over the forecasted period. The easy availability of convenience stores and the expansion in retail channels drive the growth of this segment in the anticipated period.
Based on geography, the sports nutrition market is segmented into North America (US, Canada, and Mexico), Europe (UK, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, and the Rest of Europe), Asia Pacific (China, Japan, India, Australia, South Korea, and the Rest of Asia Pacific), the Middle East & Africa (the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Africa, and the Rest of Middle East & Africa), and South & Central America (Brazil, Argentina, and the Rest of South & Central America).
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khushi03hp · 30 days
Tackling Malnutrition in India: The Role of Hamari Pahchan NGO in Eradicating Hunger
Malnutrition remains one of the most critical issues facing India today. Despite the nation's progress in various sectors, hunger and poor nutrition continue to plague millions. According to recent reports, India has the highest number of children suffering from malnutrition in the world. This article explores the severity of malnutrition in India, the efforts of Hamari Pahchan NGO to address this crisis, and how individuals can contribute to this cause.
The Malnutrition Crisis in India
Malnutrition is a pressing concern in India, affecting millions across the country. According to the National Family Health Survey (NFHS-5), nearly 35% of children under five are stunted, meaning their growth is significantly impaired due to chronic malnutrition. Additionally, about 32% of children are underweight, and 17% suffer from wasting, a condition marked by severe weight loss.
These statistics paint a grim picture of the nutritional landscape in India. The causes are multifaceted, including poverty, lack of access to nutritious food, poor maternal health, and inadequate sanitation. Rural areas and marginalized communities are particularly vulnerable, where access to food and health services is often limited.
Hamari Pahchan NGO: A Beacon of Hope
Amidst this challenging scenario, Hamari Pahchan NGO stands as a pillar of support. The organization is dedicated to eradicating malnutrition and improving the health of underprivileged communities. Here’s how Hamari Pahchan is making a difference:
Nutritional Support: Hamari Pahchan provides nutritious food packages to families in need. These packages are designed to address essential dietary needs and combat deficiencies. The NGO ensures that the food supplied is rich in vital nutrients to support the growth and development of children.
Health Education: The organization conducts workshops and awareness programs on healthy eating habits and proper nutrition. These sessions educate families on the importance of a balanced diet and how to make the most out of available resources.
Community Outreach: Hamari Pahchan actively engages with local communities to identify those most in need and to provide tailored support. They work closely with community leaders to understand specific needs and deliver effective solutions.
Monitoring and Evaluation: To ensure the effectiveness of their programs, Hamari Pahchan regularly monitors and evaluates their impact. This approach helps in refining their strategies and ensuring that the aid reaches those who need it the most.
How Individuals Can Make a Difference
While organizations like Hamari Pahchan play a crucial role, individual actions are equally important in the fight against malnutrition. Here’s what you can do:
Support Fundraisers: Contributing to fundraisers aimed at tackling malnutrition can make a significant impact. Donations help organizations like Hamari Pahchan provide more resources and expand their reach.
Raise Awareness: Spread the word about the issue of malnutrition. Share information through social media, participate in community events, and educate others about the importance of addressing hunger and poor nutrition.
Volunteer: Get involved with local NGOs and community groups working on nutrition and health issues. Volunteering your time and skills can provide valuable support to these organizations.
Advocate for Policy Changes: Support and advocate for policies that promote better food security and nutritional programs. Engaging with policymakers and participating in public forums can help drive systemic changes.
Undernourishment As of 2020–2022, the United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) reported that 16.6% of India's population was undernourished. This rate is higher than in Nepal and Sri Lanka but lower than in Bangladesh. By 2023, Worldometer estimated that 14.37% of India’s population was undernourished.
Stunted Growth According to the National Family Health Survey (NFHS) 5 for 2019–2021, 35.5% of children under five years old experienced stunted growth, indicating they are shorter than the average for their age due to inadequate nutrition.
Wasting The same NFHS 5 report found that 19.3% of children under five years old were wasted, meaning they are significantly underweight for their height.
Underweight The NFHS 5 also highlighted that 32.1% of children under five years old were underweight, reflecting insufficient weight gain for their age.
Anaemia The NFHS 5 data shows that 25% of men aged 15–49 years, 57% of women aged 15–49 years, and 31.1% of adolescent boys aged 15–19 years suffer from anaemia, a condition often linked to poor nutrition.
Contributing Factors Economic inequality and various social determinants also play significant roles in exacerbating malnutrition in India. In response, the government has implemented several initiatives, including the Midday Meal Scheme, the Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS), and the National Children's Fund, to address and mitigate these issues.
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isbfedu · 2 years
Downward Spiral Of FLFP Rate - Women And Their Unpaid Work Amidst Power Dynamics Of A Patriarchal Society
Feminisation of unemployment, widespread informalisation of female labour force coupled with abysmally low wages and ever expanding gender wage gaps has become the reality of today.
Unlike the global trend, India has witnessed a secular decline in women’s employment rates over the past few decades. Even though we have progressed as the 5th largest economy in the world, the economic prosperity seems to be skewed against women which form over 48% of our population.
According to World Bank statistics, there is significant divergence in terms of labor force participation across males & females with FLFP comprising only 20.3% while men constituted for 76%.
This has been accompanied by a faster rate of rural women withdrawing from their jobs.
In an attempt to understand the falling FLFPRs, we have analyzed the role played by female literacy, education & household wealth and allocation by leveraging the findings of the latest National Family Health Survey(NFHS) followed by an analysis of the psychological aspect linked to the same.
Rising Literacy & Education levels accompanied by low FLFPR – why the paradox?
Literacy holds relevance in understanding the increase in unemployment rate as recorded in the NHFS data which highlights that 23% of women and 11% of men have no schooling, additionally 84% of men and 72% of women are literate. As observed from subsequent rounds of NFHS, there has been an increased percentage of sampled respondents completing higher levels of education coupled with a decreasing gap between women and men from 2015-16 onwards.
Apriori one can expect a positive correlation between higher levels of literacy and female labour force participation owing to educational achievements as an effective job market signaling tool, greater freedom to exercise choice, enhanced levels of awareness in terms of individual rights and greater agency over finances, assets and other resources. Then what explains the current observed paradox?
A research by Afridi et al (2016) empirically concluded that increasing education levels amongst rural married women and the men in their households are the most prominent attributes contributing to the decline in FLFPRs. They also provide suggestive evidence that there is a rise in more educated women’s returns to home production, relative to their returns in the labor market which translates to low FLFPR and thus results in a paradoxical situation of high literacy accompanied by low FLFPRs in India.
It has also been observed that there is a significant gap in the skills required for higher official positions and those possessed by women which might explain why unemployment still persists despite rising literacy.
This trend can also be attributed to the very dominant patriarchal society which leads to gender discrimination and crime against women, hence making workplaces unsafe for females. This acts as a disincentivisaiton mechanism forcing well informed, educated women to sometimes opt out of labor force due to wage gaps and safety threats.
Most importantly, work performed by women largely constitutes unpaid work which is unaccounted for in FLFPR calculations. The unpaid work in context refers to the daily chores of keeping the household intact and the caregiving aspect of it.
As per reports, women put in around 532 minutes of domestic work each day while men account for only 51.8. These numbers are concerning as 49% of women in India do not have work to be accounted for in GDP calculations as a result of the unpaid work not being considered.
The psychological aspects behind the decline
Second Shift in an employed female’s work schedule
The second shift primarily point towards working outside of the home and then doing household duties, this can mainly be attributed to the patriarchal structure of our society. This prevails throughout the different social classes and the different designations are irrelevant to the opposed societal standards. Considering women in Indian households are more accountable for household duties, they find it difficult to partake in mutual that inhibits them from taking time off to tend to do other domestic duties.
The motherhood penalty is also a considerable reason for the increase in unemployment rate as there is a disparity in pay, benefits and maternity leave. The Intersectionality of women from the diverse backgrounds in unskilled and skilled labor which can be directly correlated with the dipartites presented within the workplace. This can also be deleterious towards non-working mothers as they have to worry about future employment opportunities’ which in the end forces them out of the workplace permanently.
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The ever widening wage gap
The PLFS Statistics state that the rate of which men are paid 1.7 times more than women. This wage gap has witnessed a secular jump since 1983 as illustrated through the graph below. This wage gap can be one probable disincentive driving women out of labor force due to abysmally low wages in comparison to male counterparts.
Inspecting the wage gap from a sectoral viewpoint, it is observed that this gap is more pronounced in the rural areas vis a vis the urban ones as the rural-urban division is altered by the migration of labor from unskilled agricultural industries to greater productivity sectors like industry and manufacturing.
Table 1
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Moreover, the wage gap difference is not just restricted to sectors but is also seen across different levels of educational qualifications. As illustrated in Table 2, the Indian workforce is characterized by an adverse wage disparity for women regardless of the socio-economic parameters adopted with a sharp spike in the “Primary to Higher Secondary Category”.
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The problem of working long hours and traveling to work place
Safety concerns, increasing crime against women, caregiving as a demanding side hustle is often taken as invisible constraints limiting the choice set made available to women in terms of finding appropriate employment. For example, given the implicit safety concerns, women have to leave work early and thereby are unable to put out the same output as men, which decreases overall productivity and morale of the organization. For traveling jobs as well, there is presence of a glass ceiling limiting a woman’s flight professionally.
Occupational segregation
It is vital to talk about the facet of gender disparity due to the variance in benefits, pay and work conditions between two genders or their personal characteristics in order to understand the decrease in rate of unemployment among women.
Some of the reasons for occupational Segregation can be attributed to Individual preferences, Educational & Work disparities.
Individual Preferences
There are instances where women opt out of higher paying positions to prioritize spending time with their families. Sometimes women also do not pursue further career opportunities’ due to the Gender hierarchy and find it comfortable to stay at home to take of children and other family members.
2. Educational & Work Disparities
According to the 2011 Census of India, 82% of men can read and write where only 65% girls can do so. This creates an Imbalance in the opportunities’ that can be pursued in terms of career advancement. We can primarily attribute this phenomenon on local culture, poverty and the dominant patriarchal society present in rural India. Work disparities can be present in many ways in a workplace in the form of lack of work incentives, forcing them into lower paying jobs because of their gender and racial ethnicity.
As India progresses towards a more equitable society, we need to acknowledge how far we’ve come since Independence and need to recognize how far we need to go to be more accommodating to the opposite sex. As our honorable PM Narendra Modi has highlighted in his 76th Independence Speech about respecting and treating women with the utmost dignity and it is only then we can progress as a nation. Finding ways to account for the unpaid labor women do is a very significant part on the way we look at the work they do. There should be more efficient checks and balances for the implementation and the formation of economic reforms introduced to help women in their employment opportunities.
Written by-
Saniya Salunke : Saniya Salunke is an Economics & Finance enthusiast. She is a student at ISBF UoL and also the Secretary of the Student Council.
Roshil Kevin Jayakumar : Roshil Kevin is an Accounting/finance student at SIBF UoL. He is the founder of DoDonate and a finance enthusiast.
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forumwomen · 2 years
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harpianews · 3 years
UP, Bihar numbers encouraging: 8.7% rise in contraceptive use in 5 years, shows NFHS data
UP, Bihar numbers encouraging: 8.7% rise in contraceptive use in 5 years, shows NFHS data
Increased use of contraception across the country has been a major contributing factor in preventing unwanted pregnancies, and in turn reducing India’s total fertility rate to below replacement level, NFHS-5 data show. The data shows that the use of modern contraceptives for family planning increased from 47.8 percent to 56.5 percent in the five years between NFHS-4 (2015-16) and NHFS-5…
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journalistcafe · 3 years
देश में पहली बार महिलाओं की आबादी बढ़ी, प्रजनन दर में भी दर्ज की गई गिरावट
देश में पहली बार महिलाओं की आबादी बढ़ी, प्रजनन दर में भी दर्ज की गई गिरावट
आजादी के बाद ये भी पहली बार है जब महिलाओं की आबादी पुरुषों की अपेक्षा  1 हजार से ऊपर पहुंची है। यही नहीं, देश में प्रजनन दर में भी कमी आई है। है। नेशनल फैमिली एंड हेल्थ सर्वे (National Family and Health Survey) के अनुसार, अब हर 1,000 पुरुषों पर 1,020 महिलाएं हैं। इससे पहले 2015-16 में हुए NFHS-4 में ये आंकड़ा हर 1,000 पुरुषों पर 991 महिलाओं का था। गांव में बढ़ा सेक्स रेशियो: नेशनल फैमिली एंड…
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