#nft scam
sharklovespink · 3 months
(Pls reblog to prevent artists from falling for this scam!)
Hey guys. I know this isn’t the thing I usually post, but I’ve been texted by a NFT „buyer“. They offered me whopping $3500 for a random doodle. To me it was very fishy, the price, the artwork they chose, etc. So I did some research online and saw that this scam is very common. They dote on artists, because they know that artists don’t know about NTFs.
I don’t wanna call out innocent people, this is why I made some reasearch. The person on the picture they use as banner is actually an artist of the name Joanna Sokolowska, and I believe that it’s not the artist who owns this account. They forgot to crop the website tag out of the picture lmao.
The scammers @ is @legendaryobjectdelusion
Here are some screenshots to prove my claim:
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I suggest to block or report them if this user is dms you. If it turns out that this user is the person in the picture, and isn’t scamming artists, then I will take down this post. But until then, be wary!
I also found the artists website (the woman in the banner) Again, I don’t believe this artist Joanna Sokolowska is the scammer. I think the scammer used her picture to appear legit.
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Stay safe
your SharkLoves Pink
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galacticghoste · 2 months
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This might be me bringing nitpicky but why they say my illustration are perfect and that they like my art if they just now started following me and I dont belive they actually like any of my work.
This seems copy pasted responses to me.
Be careful everyone!
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Someone please explain why you think NFTs are a good idea and the future of art. I just received an email asking that I sell pictures of my quilts to this NFT company, for $150/each, and they'll turn around and make thousands of dollars. I just won't be able to show to photographs ever again because they're otherwise not collectibles.
Listen, it's easy as cake to "steal" an NFT. You take a screenshot or right click and then "save as." Anyone can do it. It's done to artists all the time by random folks who like the work they did.
Of course, I said no and sent a GIF of the Black man in The Office laughing so hard he's in tears (I never watched the show, but I know the GIFs very well). They said the the exposure alone would make up for me making only $150 per picture was more than fair.
If you see photographs of my quilts being sold as NFTs, please let me know. I will never agree to making those pictures exclusive to someone for selling digital collectibles. NFTs are nonsensical and ridiculous.
This is the fourth person/company/scammer who has tried convincing me to do this, btw.
If you would like to look at pictures of the quilts I've made, head over to my Ko-Fi page. My shop and gallery are both there.
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ixcham · 3 months
⚠️ NFT art scam ⚠️
Hello all,
I don't know if it's talked about a lot on this website, but (recently) the NFT art scam has spread to this platform. This was/is a huge problem in Instagram and other websites as well!
⚠️They are looking for artists that don't know much about NFTs and/or don't know how they work and they will try to exploit this! ⚠️
They will try to lure you in by giving you praises and compliments and promises of huge amounts of money (basically sweet-talking their way to your wallet & trust). After they will make you sign into some untrusty NFT-website and instruct you to make an NFT. Some will try to make you pay a thing called a "gas fee" (even though they are the one that are supposed to pay that), or they will try to get your personal info.
(❗I don't want anybody to fall for this scam, so please spread awareness by any means and let's stay vigil❗)
I was very recently contacted by an "art" account; claiming they wanted to buy my art. I tried to tell them that I wasn't willing to sell my already pre-made pieces but could take a commission.
They completely ignored me and proceeded to show me what pieces they were interested in: (offering $3500 for each). After that they revealed they were looking to buy them as NFTs and claimed they thought they could make a decent profit from them. I thought this was strange as they picked my fanart piece and others that didn't fit the typical NFT art types. (And from what I can understand, NFTs aren't very profitable nowadays).
After I told them I would have to think about it they started to blast me with more text messages saying they could recommend a "trust worthy" marketplace where they claimed to have been for a long time and have a "collection". The person started to give me instructions on what I would have to do to "sell them my artworks" even though I hadn't agreed to anything yet. Then they sent me a link to a NFT-website called artofmint.
Well I was a bit curious at that point and went to check the website out even though the whole thing was very suspicious and starting to reek like a scam. Well my suspicions were starting to look right. Even though they had stated that they had been part of that website for a 'very long time', the website had only been up for 2 months. And there wasn't any previous info about the website in question. Also some other sites claimed that that site was not safe.
After I rejected the offer the account in a desperate attempt to fool me started to show me "proof". After I called them out on this they went silent.
After I rejected the offer the account in a desperate attempt to fool me started to show me "proof". After I called them out on this they went silent.
But short story short, do your research before accepting an offer, trust your cut and spread awareness to others so they won't fall for something this cruel.
The best thing to do if someone like this starts to message you is to ignore them and report them, spread awareness to others so they won't fall for something this cruel.
Thank you for reading <3
(PS sorry for bad grammar)
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acrylicalchemy · 7 months
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krimsonkatt · 8 days
Been getting a lot of scams recently
Hey everyone. Recently I've been getting a lot of scams on this site. In the last 12 hours I've gotten two scams, possibly 3. (still fishing to see if the third one is a scam or not) 2 of them were likely scammers posing as palestinian refugees and linked a GoFundMe. When I checked their GoFundMe pages both messages, which both contained the same GoFundMe page, had an address in Indianapolis. Therefore, this whole "operation" is likely a massive scam, and these scammers already raised $5000! It's absolutely disgusting that these scammers are profiting off a terrible, tragic war and the lives of innocents ruined by the Palestinian genocide committed by the Israeli government. The third could potentially not be a scam so I won't mention it here, but what is with all these scams messages in such a short period of time? In only 12 hours I've gotten 2, potentially 3 scam messages. On Tumblr once you get to a certain popularity do you just start getting bombarded by scams? Is this Alterori the pedozoo's doing? If you see someone on your account trying to raise money for refugees in Palestine, DO NOT DONATE. It is most likely a scam. Watch out for scams everyone and always keep your guard up when being contacted by a stranger. Thank you.
Edit: Update, third potential scam was indeed revealed to be a scammer trying to do an NFT/crypto scam. Can't believe those are still a thing. Didn't the market crash like, 5 times or something? NFTs worth millions in 2021 are now only worth like $5 today due to the multiple etherium crashes. I told them to fuck off and reported and blocked them. Good riddance.
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wiyenoistell · 4 months
NFTs scammer on Tumblr trying to scam me.
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I got this on my art blog @wiyenois . It is not normal to ask the artist to sell as NFTs. Seems force. I am the artist. Don't tell me to do this or that to my artwork. Their user is as in the screenshots.
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spamreports · 1 year
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Scam ETH BEN fake profile wallet drainer twitter
Twitter verified means nothing now when anyone can buy it.
Another example how the “verified” status fuels scams at the moment!
✅Real twitter­.com/eth_ben ❌Fake twitter­.com/ethers_ben
🎯 eth_ben - target being impersonated 🎭 ethers_ben - scammer
the fraudulent link is freshly registered
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not sure who is ben eth but at this point they would do the best for the community if they delete all their accounts lmao
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Daria is art and art is life
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The NFT community and the like will probably start to realise the non value and memeable self perceived worth of NFTokens, when ai can just make any image it wants. lol what a beautiful self imploding system NFT’s are, it’ll be a spectacle to watch🫣
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retrocanvas · 2 years
A Crypto Traders Guide on How To Avoid Being Scammed in NFTs
#Web3 is a dangerous place that can be intimidating to newcomers; thus, the more #securitylayers you use, the more difficult a target you become. We are all constantly learning and absorbing new information due to the ever-changing nature of #space.
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View On WordPress
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mask69youtuber · 2 years
EXPONIENDO una ESTAFA NFT - Twitter nickelodeon nft
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the-muppet-joker · 12 days
I have resorted to creating an NFT factory through the unpaid labor of various volunteers. For those who I took payment from who are complaining that I have taken over $100 from them without giving them an NFT yet, please shut the fuck up before I go God Muppet Mode and gun shoot kill you to death!!!!!!!!
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caffeccino · 1 year
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Cotton Candy trying a new grift!
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moghedien · 1 year
Once all of the Forsaken are running around in the show, imma really need them to have a in-show reveal of what all their AoL careers were so that show onlys understand how truly ridiculous of a group they are
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acrylicalchemy · 8 months
PSA: NFT Scams 🤖
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gabriestat · 4 months
the way armand is essentially a 500 year old crypto scammer
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