#ngl this cheered me up significantly
valtheimm · 2 years
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absolute carnage
(made 4 liters of cranberry jam my beloved)
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decaffeinatedworm · 5 months
I feel like my switchy side has come out so much more recently and my oh my how the conse's have quenced 💀 2 irl tk stories incoming - both helping in and then later being the victim recipient of gang tkling...
okay so first story happened about 2 weeks ago and the second happened a few days ago.
so I had my friends over at my place and our friend E (yes same E from my previous story) had had a pretty bad day and we were trying to cheer him up. we were sitting around on my couch, with E laying on the floor, and my friend next to me, "A", goes "you know Bug, I know one way we could get E to smile". now, we have previously tag-team tkled E before, because it takes two of us to stand a chance against him lol. so when he heard that, he immediately broke into a nervous grin and put his hands up in preparatory defense saying "i dont know about that,, thats not necessary,,," etc. but it was too late the idea had already taken hold. he stayed where he was laying on the ground while I grabbed his hands and tried my best to hold them as A grabbed an ankle and started tkling him. ngl I spent most of the time trying to keep my hold (he has over a foot of height on both of us but also definitely was not fighting back in earnest) but I did get a few squeezes in 😇. it only lasted like 2-3 minutes but once we stopped he had the giddiest smile after. he was significantly in a better mood after that, and for the rest of the night every time he seemed to be too in his head A would threaten that we'd wreck him again (it was honestly more flustering for me than it was him LOL)
OKAY SO that was pretty much it for a few days but the other day I had the tables turned on me (i did a whole lot of finding out with minimal fucking around). honestly it was a super similar situation to start - we were at E's house and I had a horrible day and i spent the whole day trying not to cry and eventually it all came tumbling out. after a really wholesome crying sesh and genuinely being comforted by my friends I was feeling way better. I was sitting on the floor, back resting on the couch, in between E and A. E then turns to A and is like "I think Bug could really use a smile right now" and without warning starts fluttering his fingers all around my neck, causing me to scrunch up and start frantically grasping for his hands. A then joins in and starts doing them same for like a full minute as I'm desperately giggling and half-heartedly reaching for them. they then move to my sides and belly (which was very illegal might I add) for like at least another minute. by the end I was so flustered and half delirious from tkles I couldn't even solidly grab their hands so I just hugged myself trying to cover spots as they moved to new ones. once they stopped I was so giggly for like the next 5 minutes it was so unfair. but I felt so loved and it was so gentle like no hard wrecking it was just light giggly tkles which was so nice after such a heavy day.
I think the tk bug bit our friend group after that because we literally ended up all piling into one big heap under blankets and literally every member of the group (cause there were more than just E, A, and me) got tkled at some point 🙈
it also ended up with E and A both learning about me liking to be tkled and both individually threatening to note that information for later (one of which has already used it to their advantage several times since then🫠)
anywho - that's all I got for now. but fr idk how I got so lucky to have a friend group that is so openly tkly. like I probably get tkled at least every other day which is great at setting a perpetual Lee mood lol. I'll share more soon:)
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radios-arcade · 3 months
pssst hi hello it’s your turn to receive asks now :D can you tell me about your ocs?? i’ve been intrigued by them since i saw your artfight profile, literally all of them look so cool… do you have complete stories in your head for them? :0
omg hello :3 oh gosh there's a lot of them JKLGHLK. They do all have stories! some completed some in the works, it fluctuates over time lol. I should *probably* write it down at some point other than in my friends dms lol. I'll go from least serious story to most serious :333 The cats are Mune, Bea, Jake, and Marvin. Their story is basically just a classic band story but with cats lol. mune and bea are childhood best friends, bea plays guitar and mune sings. They met jake while trying to find someone to play drums for their band. He's the middle child of six, he's used to being pretty quiet until you get him talking about something he likes (like drums, he's a very one note man/pos). Marvin is a friend from school, really very much the impulse control so they need him around lol. Bea knitted him fingerless mittens for the winter so he could still write with them on and now they all call him mittens. (he's a sphinx) hmmm one fun fact about all of them just to round it off (dont want to go overboard lol) Bea: loves to skateboard, knit, room is covered in local band posters Mune: into goth fashion, boba, yoga, and girls/j Jake: likes drums. Likes animal crossing. great with kids Marvin: enjoys colorful patterns, bugs, and swimming the mers are part of a story where mers are just kind of integrated into the natural world, they just exist, but theyre not well studied yet. elhadi is a shark mer, sheyyu is a ray, and spec(pronounced spess) is a deep sea mer, which at this point in evolution has branched off significantly from more shallow water mers(who moreso rely on mimicry). Sheyyu is the oldest and most protective, elhadi is the youngest. They live in the harbor of a small fishing town, all the locals know and respect them. All of them can shift into a semi-humanoid form, although with varying results. Okay snippet of fun fact for each :3 Elhadi: can never stop swimming! she will die :3 likes humans the most. the two braids in her hair represent her two siblings who have died. despite these descriptors she is the most cheerful and friendly lol. Sheyyu: does not like humans except for maybe two. has a scar from a harpoon. strongest of the group, knows how to herd fish. Spec: was experimented so has quite a few scars from that. Likes to swim with elhadi at night to keep her company. likes soft textures okay last one jSKLGH would take a v long time to explain ngl but the JIST of it is scooby doo series turned actual horror, mixed with gravity falls. I'm sure that's not confusing at all/j. We have Logan and Cassius, they're siblings. Logan has visions of the future and Cassius is able to see anyone's 'true form'. that means if you've made a deal with something, if youre something in disguise, ect ect. you cant really hide from him. Ghost is their guy in the chair, he lost his leg in their first expedition out and decided to stick to computers after that. Woke up with no memories one day in the wrong family, still wrestling with that. M has lived in the town it takes place in her whole life, has ties with a lot of the creatures that live in the woods there. okay one fun fact about each sjdkglh Logan: favorite color is pink, has a cat name shadow, shortest in the group Cassius: has a girlfriend named Mickey, dyes his own hair(although not very well lol), tallest in the group Ghost: has a service dog named Juniper, likes making collages, the calmest in the group M: has a creature her family cares over she calls Brother who is vaguely fae adjacent, knows the town like the back of her hand, strongest in the group tysm for asking that was nice to get o ut of my system lol
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boonsmoon · 9 months
Be Your Inspiration
Request: Do more about Crimson(from Ragna Crimson) with reader fluff pls 🙇🙇
Happily😋BTW I'm on winter break everyone!! I've been made aware the anime is out; however, I have no idea how far along it is, so just incase manga spoilers
Request Masterlist Crimson x f!reader Genres:🎉🌸💞🧪
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You're not sure how long you've been teamed up with Crimson, what you do know is you have been around long enough to know Crimson like the back of your hand. And recently he seems to be having some trouble that is going unspoken.
The new recruit shouldn't be to blame, he couldn't have known, but you can't help but associate some blame with Ragna. I mean, Crimson hasn't looked this stressed out since never!
Taking out the winged bloodline is proving troublesome, and the recent lack of progress must also be the cause of all this stress. But! Instead of theorizing on the various reason for Crimson's behavior, why not just ask?
A terrible idea really, I apologize for suggesting it. As expected, he avoided all your subtle hints, even changing the topic completely to get you to stop your interrogation.
Let's start again at square one, shall we? Crimson has a problem, but won't tell you the reason to that problem directly. So, how about this, you get the new and very valuable recruit to aid you in your quest by causing absolute mayhem.
After some convincing and cheering from Slime, Ragna agreed to cause trouble if the end goal made Crimson better. That poor boy is so gullible for being your bait, please apologize to him later.
Yeah he needs that apology right now, Crimson is giving Ragna the scolding of a lifetime. But luckily for you, Crimson is now ~vulnerable~ and definitely more willing to talk in this state.
Upon questioning him once more, you are hit with the sad reality of what it means to be leader. You did not expect this much venting when inquiring about recent trouble, but you're too deep in now.
"That idiot keeps ruining my plans! We're more than likely set back another 5 years at this point!" Yikes, Crimson ain't happy. Though it was the next line you heard that really broke you.
"Why do I even keep fighting at this point?" He looks down in shame, "if nothing goes my way and I can't even fix it, why bothering reaching for my goal?"
Oh no, no no no, we can't have the leader give up and lose motivation now. "Because it is your destiny to win, to let the world know who defeated the Dragon God."
"What if it's not? And this fool is a testament to put me in my place?" Crimson rebukes.
"I know it's not, because I've seen you and your abilities, and I know you can become more than you are right now. I'll help you find that flame that started your journey, and believe in you until the end of it." You were gripping Crimson's shoulders and looking into his eyes.
For a second you could've swore you saw him tear up before turning around. "We'll work on a new plan against Artemisia tomorrow."
Some sacrifices were made, but at least you got your Crimson back.
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ngl i struggled with the plot for a hot minute
if yall can't tell the ending was inspired by Find Your Flame :)
this also feels significantly shorter than the last fic but less cringe, why can't i pick a struggle
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cassifiction · 2 years
Guarded - ch. 13: dinner date
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links to chapters in pinned post ♡
Pairing: Sevika x female reader
Warnings: food and eating, mentions of alcohol
Summary: Sevika got impatient and had some fun with you in her office in the previous chapter. This time, she finally buys you the dinner she promised you three months ago.
Word count: 1.3k
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Notes: It’s been a hot minute (2 weeks to be precise). Job interviews take a lot of time and energy. Ugh. ngl, I’m having a bit of a writer’s block. Probably because I haven’t been writing regularly. I hope I can get back into it soon! Anyways, enjoy this significantly less nsfw chapter. Next one might have smut again.. no promises 💋
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“Alright, we’re here.” Sevika said, looking down at you holding on to her by her arm. You could hear cheerful music coming from the building you were standing in front of. Through the windows you could see that it was a busy evening in this restaurant, the space filled with people talking, laughing and enjoying food together. It was nothing too fancy, a nice place to enjoy some dinner with a group of friends or family. But by Zaun’s standards, this was about as good as it could get without crossing the bridge to Piltover.
Sevika held open the door for you. Music and loud voices greeted you as soon as you entered, along with the delicious, familiar smells of Zauns cuisine, something you had deeply missed during the three months you were gone. Sevika gave a nod to one of the staff, getting their attention without having to speak as much as a single word.
“Table for one?” they asked.
You stood half hidden behind Sevika, still feeling a little out of place after not having been in an establishment like this in so long. Still not saying a word, she lightly pushed you forward with her hand on your lower back, maintaining eye contact with the staff.
“Table for two.. Good! Please follow me.”
You were both promptly led to a table near the corner of the restaurant, right next to a window overlooking the street. A candle placed on the middle of the table was lit once you sat down. You were relieved to finally rest your legs a little bit, still feeling a bit unsteady after your little adventure with Sevika in her office. While you took in your surroundings, Sevika ordered you both some food and drinks.
“Did you miss this?” she asked, following your gaze around the restaurant. “Zaun’s food and ambiance?”
You had to lean over the table a little bit to hear her over the noise of the other patrons.
You nodded. “Yes, but I kind of have to get used to it again. It’s been a while.”
“I know.”
“It’s nice to be on a.. date again, though. Can we, uh, call it that?”
Sevika looked away for a moment.
“If you want. It’s more of an apology, if anything.”
“Apology for what?”
“For getting you sent away. My fault, remember?” she said with a wry smile.
The waiter returned, holding a bottle of wine that looked way too expensive to be served in a place like this. After they poured you both a glass, the bottle was left on the table for you to finish later.
“You already apologized in your letters.” you said, reaching out for your glass to catch a whiff of the strong smelling, expensive drink. “Which I really liked, by the way. I’m not mad anymore, you know that, right?”
Her wry smile morphed into a more genuine one as she also grabbed her glass and took a sip. Seeing Sevika drink expensive wine was quite different from her usual casual whiskeys. She looked so classy like this, even though she wasn’t dressed up nor were you two in a fancy establishment at all.
After a bit of small talk and sipping the exquisite wine, the waiter arrived back at your table within minutes with two plates of delicious smelling food. You looked up, surprised by the fast service. Sevika noticed.
“One of the perks of having a reputation like mine.” she said, “It’s not just bad reviews they’re afraid of.”
“Oh, I bet.” you giggled before taking a nice big bite of the food in front of you.
The taste instantly made the out-of-place feeling that had been lingering in the back of your mind disappear, instead replacing it with a deep sense of belonging. This tasted like home. This tasted like Zaun. No, not like dirty streets, drunks and polluted air, but like comfort, familiarity and simple joy. And potatoes. With gravy.
“God, I’ve missed this.” you said with your mouth still full. “Sev, this is great. Thank you.”
“Was it the romantic dinner you were expecting?” she laughed, also taking a bite. She didn’t seem quite as hungry as you, though.
Well, she did just eat like half an hour ago.. ahem.
“It’s a bit loud for a romantic dinner. And busy. But I still really like it, any time spent with you is good.” you smiled, reaching out over the table to touch her hand, gently holding it in your own. “This is so nice, Sev. Thank you.”
She gave your hand a light squeeze.
“Good. I’m not the best at romance, but I’m glad you’re having a good time.”
“You’re probably better than you think.” you smirked, “Sending me letters while I’m gone? Taking me out to dinner? All the cuddling we did before I left? That’s pretty romantic!”
“I hadn’t even considered that.” she chuckled.
“I don’t think the whole office sex thing counts as romantic though. Not to say I didn’t enjoy it.” you blushed a little when you realized that the people around you might be able to hear you.
“Better get used to it.” she grinned, clearly not at all bothered by discussing this in a public setting. “We still have a lot more catching up to do.”
That sure was something to look forward to..
As you chatted the evening away with Sevika, you couldn’t help but notice just how normal it all felt. You had been gone for three months and within just a few hours, Sevika had made you feel like you had never even left. Everything felt familiar, like home, from the taste of the potatoes on your plate to the conversation, flowing as easily as the fancy wine, with the beautiful woman in front of you. Like you belonged here and only here, with her, and nowhere else. With no one else.
As your “romantic” dinner was nearing its end, you started to feel the effects of the long and tiring day, which was slowly coming to its end. Traveling home had been exhausting on its own, but your reunion with Sevika in her office had been as well, albeit in a whole different way. Your legs still felt a bit shaky, but the thought of doing it again was incredibly appealing. Maybe even tonight? Who knows how soon Sevika would want to play with you again. You hoped you had enough energy for it.
Still talking about everything that happened during your time overseas, Sevika and you walked back home together. Despite the fact that you both lived in the same building, it occurred to you that you had never walked home together before. And when the cool night air made you feel just a little too chilly, Sevika wrapped an arm around you and held you close to warm you up. It was so comfortable, she felt so good and warm against you. You had missed everything about her. Her touch, her voice, her smell..
Making your way up the stairs of the building, you wondered if you wanted to go back to your own place or go up to Sevika’s. You had never seen her apartment before. Now would be a good a time as any.. right?
To your slight disappointment, Sevika let go of you once you reached the floor your apartment was on. After digging though her pockets, she tossed you a set of keys, which you luckily managed to catch. Your home keys, that you had given to her for safekeeping.
“As you requested.” she smirked.
“Good, I probably would have lost them on the beach somewhere.” you laughed.
You fiddled with the keys in your hands. Sevika and you looked at each other for a moment while you debated with yourself. You didn’t want to say goodbye for today just yet. Sevika hadn’t left yet. Did that mean that she..
“I know that look.” she spoke up, her deep gray eyes boring into yours.
“You want to come upstairs, don’t you?”
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Note: at one point I thought “wouldn’t it be funny if Sevika just like, pulled several candles, rose petals and other assorted romantic objects out of her pockets during the dinner” but I decided against it for obvious reasons. I still think you all should have the mental image of Sevika pulling candles out of her pockets like a magician pulling rabbits out of a hat, so here you go.
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rayofsunas · 4 years
s/o trying on the boys clothes.
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A/n: I hope everyone’s day is going alright, as good as these days can be :( this was requested by an anon. thank you so much for your cute idea anon! also can I just say, I love scaramouche’s hat so much? it’s so pretty!?!?! sorry childe’s is so short, I don’t have much exposure to him ngl. these could be read as g/n, but I did have a female reader in mind, it’s more noticeable in xiao’s.
Summary: s/o trying on the boys clothes.
Parings: Scaramouche/Reader, Childe/Reader, Xiao/Reader
Warnings: fluff, swearing
Word count: 1.2k
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You knew the minute you put his hat on he’d be angered to see you wearing it. But how could you not, when it was just sitting on the back of the wooden chair, begging to be worn.
Your lover had abandoned it for once, but you assumed he hadn’t gone far if he’d left it behind. It was like a signature of his, he never left without it.
If he wasn’t here, he wouldn’t notice you wearing it, so it wouldn’t hurt anybody if you tried it on for just a few minutes. The curiosity was getting the better of you, and before you knew it, you were padding across the room to pick up the hat.
It slipped easily on your head, but you quickly noticed how heavy it was, the weight of the two ornamental accessories weighing it down significantly.
“Jeez, Scara... how do you wear this?” You muttered to yourself, approaching a mirror in your bedroom. You stared at your reflection for quite a while, appreciating and admiring the small intricate designs and details on the top of the hat. It was truly beautiful.
A nervousness bubbled in your stomach when you saw your lover come into view in the mirror, his eyes pointed in a heavy glare.
“What do you think you’re doing,” It wasn’t a question, more like a statement. One that could have held malice behind it if you were someone else.
Despite being nervous, you gulped and confidently announced, “Hello Scara.”
“Take that off.” You weren’t shocked by his demand, not at all.
“But it’s so pretty,” you whined. Scaramouche’s eyes rolled as he strolled forward, standing behind you with a finger on his chin. He was so close you could practically feel the best emitting off of his body; he was... irked.
“It’s design isn’t pretty.” He stated harshly.
“Hmm, I suppose you’re right because it’s not on your head! Here.” You whipped the hat off at the speed of light and were quick to plop it on top of navy hair.
The ornaments continued to jingle even when the hat was secure on his head and you were left staring at an unreadable face.
“Better...” you whispered shyly. “You look like a King now.”
He stayed silent for a long time, it makes you feel uncomfortable and awkward under his gaze.
“Considering you like it so much. Maybe we should have one made for you...” he said thoughtfully, easing away all of your nervousness with just one unusual thoughtful comment. Your face heated up, burning like Jueyun Chili’s, you were excited.
“Really?! You would do that for me! Aw you’re so sweet Scara-”
“Only because I don’t want mine stolen all of the time.”
You frowned, but you would take the previous statement as a compliment. He wanted to match with you, that’s what you decided to conclude.
“Two-faced bastard... just let me have this moment, okay?!”
A rare smile formed on his pale face. “Aw, is someone upset?” You glared.
“Don’t whine like a baby; you’ll get yours in due time.”
You eventually did get your custom hat, designed to accommodate you perfectly. You wore it out of your house proudly, despite passing by travelers commenting on how odd it looked on you due to you looking “normal”. It didn’t bother you, you’d continue to wear it and strut it like a peacock with beautiful feathers. Let’s just say if Scaramouche hears anybody saying that to you, death. 🔪🙂
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Childe LOVES that he caught you wearing his grey jacket, he could not thank the Archons enough, that he got to see such an image this morning. It was a great start to his day. 
“Oh, you’re wearing my jacket, how cute of you, girlie.” He continued to say as you walked through the streets of Liyue. Ever since you had stepped out of your house this morning, and Childe had spotted you wearing his jacket he hadn’t been able to let go of the flirtatious and prideful comments. 
“I didn’t have anything else.” You admitted, kicking rocks at your feet.
His tongue clicked, mockingly. “If you wanted to wear my clothes sweetheart, all you had to was ask!” A long arm gracefully slipped around your shoulders, pulling you closer to his side. You huffed. 
“It’s not like that, I didn’t have time to wash any suitable clothes this morning-”
He only hummed with the shake of his head. “It’s okay, we’ll keep this secret between us.”
“It’s not, ugh whatever...”
You truthfully hadn’t had any suitable clothes left to run to Liyue Harbor in and hadn’t had time to wash them at the river near your home. Hence the reason you were wearing his jacket. You should’ve known he would not be able to drop it as soon as you stepped into his line of vision. 
Although the teasing was annoying, especially so early in the morning after already starting your day stressing about what to wear, you did like the warmth the grey jacket gave you, and you probably would consider wearing it again. 
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“Please, Xiao, please.” You whined, begging at your knees in front of your husband, hands cupped together in a pray-like form. 
The pale man tried to get you to stand, but you would not, “I do not see why you want to wear my clothes.” He exclaimed, standing tall above you.
“Because, they’re pretty, are they not?” 
He stayed silent, clearly thinking. “I’ve never associated them with the word pretty.” 
You hummed, eyes glistening with false tears, he concluded. You sure did know how to get your way. Without much thought as to what he was saying, the man suddenly mumbled, “Fine, if you must.” 
You cheered excitedly and loudly as if you had won a battle. Xiao watched with curiosity, as you abruptly stood, leaned in to kiss his cheek, and then ran off towards his wardrobe in the corner of the room. 
You whipped the wardrobe open as if you were starving and began stifling through his clothes. Most articles were similar to his everyday attire, you could see signature teals, purples, and golds; immediately you gravitated towards one of his sleeveless shirts, although this one was a faded gold, with a light purple collar and intricate white detailing closer to the bottom.
Despite your husband still in the room, completely tinted pink from your previous cheek kiss, you threw your top off and began slipping his shirt on. It fit weirdly since you had breasts, kind of snug, you thought. You had to adjust it a few times, but you loved it. It was quite comfortable, almost like a tank top.
“What do you think?” You asked, turning around to face the Adepti. 
He stared. Eventually, he spoke up after seeing your awaiting gaze. “You look beautiful, darling.”
You felt your face heating up, glad he liked how it looked on you, despite being extremely tight up top. 
“Can I wear this more often?”
“I’m not sure-”
“Please.” You whined once again. 
He just could not say no to that look on your face. If he let you get your way more often though, you just might end up with his closet as your own...
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1.16.21, rayofsunas
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upat4amwiththemoon · 3 years
Kate Bishop X Fem!Reader. It’s an Avengers movie night and YN picks a romance movie. The other avengers slowly leave one at a time. (YN has already talked with them about her plan to sing the movies love song to Kate as a cheesy, romantic way of confessing. NGL this is 100% something I would do.) anyway, the song comes around and KATE starts singing! Turns about she had arranged the SAME THING! The two end up kissing and the other avengers come out a cheer.
Real life rom-com
Summary: When real life imitates a movie.
Pairing: Kate Bishop x female!reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 479
a/n: hope you enjoy :)
Tags: @thought-of-you-and-me @rafecameronswhore
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Y/N wipes her hands to her pants. The movie has been going for an hour now and the common room is significantly emptier than it was when they started it. It wasn’t uncommon for them to leave during a cheesy romance movie that Y/N usually picks, but this time it’s on purpose.
Y/N glances at Kate. If she has notices everyone leaving one at a time, she hasn’t said anything about it. Her eyes have stayed on the movie the whole time, somehow looking a bit more nervous than usually. But Y/N ignores it, blaming it to her own nerves.
Natasha is the last one to leave, which means it’s Y/N’s time soon. As she passes her, Natasha winks at her. Y/N smiles lightly, readying herself. Her hands are shaking and she is taking deep breaths to calm down. Just a few more lines.
The background music starts. Before Y/N can fully stand up, Kate jumps up to stand in front of her. Y/N opens her mouth to speak, but Kate beats her by singing the song.
Y/N’s eyes widen as she watches Kate singing her heart out in front of her. She is singing the love song to her. Kate grabs her hand to pulls her up, not once stopping. She twirls her around before setting her hands to her waist, moving them around to the beat of the song.
The songs starts slowing down. Kate sings the last words and smiles. “Y/N, I really like you and I was hoping you’d be my girlfriend.” Y/N throws her arms around Kate’s neck and kisses her. The other Avengers come back into the room, cheering at the two. “Was that a yes?” Kate mumbles as they back away from the kiss.
Y/N laughs. “Of course it’s a yes.” She leans her forehead against Kate’s. “I was supposed to do that, you know?”
“So I heard.” Kate grins, glancing at the other Avengers. “I was just faster.”
“Were you guys in on this?” Y/N turns to look at the others, who still look extremely happy the pair finally confessed their feelings to each other.
“We were.” Natasha smirks. “She asked us a few days before you did. It’s so disgustingly sweet how your minds are the exact copies of each other.”
Y/N and Kate laugh. It’s true. The two have come up with the same ideas one too many times for it to be considered normal. The Avengers weren’t sure if it was cute or scary, but right now they’re just happy they don’t have to listen them whining after the other.
“Girlfriend.” Kate whispers, making Y/N look at her. “I won’t be able to stop calling you that. Girlfriend, girlfriend, girlfriend.” Y/N giggles, silencing her by kissing her again.
“You better not stop.”
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sockori · 4 years
The Akatsuki But. Pokémon (1)
Not trainers, not preexisting Pokémon- but Pokémon themselves. I mean, Kishimoto’s original plan for them was to all be monsters- so why not reimagine them as pocket monsters?
(Notes: - Covers Pein, Konan, Zetsu, and Obito.  - All have at least one ability made up by me (except Obito). - Uses it/its pronouns to reference canon Pokédex descriptions. - Stat totals were written down- but removed to save up post space. Replaced with general description. - I added Mega Evolutions to this for fun, but not the other generation gimmicks. - I don’t have any designs atm, so just uh... imagine they’re something cool. )
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(The God Pokémon)
(The Sage Pokémon)
Type: Psychic
Abilities (1): Pressure (classic legendary ability)
“By putting pressure on the opposing Pokémon, it raises their PP usage.” 
Hidden Ability: Almighty Push 
“Raises base power of spread moves by 30%.”
Pokedex Entries (1,2):
After the strange disappearances of the Pokémon Nagato and Yahiko, this mysterious but godly presence took their place. Alongside the serene Konan, it guards the sacred lands of the Rain, acting as leader of a mysterious group of Pokémon.
This legendary Pokémon possesses the bewildering power of controlling attractive and repulsive forces in the natural world. These powerful Psychic abilities are destructive- able to wipe away entire cities with just one push. 
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Mega Evolution
Pein has no Mega Evolution. Instead, it takes on various different forms, like Deoxys can. These forms are the Six Paths of Pain, of course, all with various types according to the Path (all with the base type of Psychic). Pein’s base Deva Path form can only be changed outside of battle, and remains permanent within it.
I’ll be very brief with it. I tried not to repeat type combos but it was super tough.
Deva Path: Psychic; Sp. Atk + Speed Offense
Asura Path: Psychic/Steel; Physical Defensive Bulk (defensive, but slow)
Human Path: Psychic/Ghost; Special Defensive Bulk
Animal Path: Psychic/Normal; Atk + Speed Offense
Preta Path: Psychic/Dragon; Sp. Def + Def Wall
Naraka Path: Psychic/Dark; Atk + Sp. Atk Rounded
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(the Angel Pokémon)
(the Origami Pokémon)
Type: Psychic/Flying (Really wanted to make her fairy type ngl. Pastel goth. But Psychic suits her powers.)
Abilities (1): Serene Grace
“Boosts the likelihood of additional effects occurring when attacking.“
Hidden Ability: Paper Veil
“Protects self and ally Pokémon from weather damage.” General Stats: Emphasis on Special Attack and Special Defense.
Pokédex Entries (1, 2): 
This mysterious Pokémon dutifully protects the lands of Rain, vowing to guard the territory with its life. It brings beauty and prosperity to the region, as well as terrifying power- eliminating those who disturb it without mercy.
Konan is idolized in the lands of the Rain for its haunting grace and intelligence. It has an unusual power involving paper, able to bend it and shape it however it pleases. It uses this strange, versatile paper as a deadly weapon in battle.
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Mega Evolution
Type: Psychic/Flying
Mega Ability: Gale Wings
“Gives priority to Flying-type moves.”
Stat Boosts: Speed is raised significantly. Special Defense and Special Attack receive additional but smaller boosts. 
Pokédex Entries (1, 2):
The Pokémon harnesses its Psychic power to its full potential, causing it to materialize into paper, sprouting large, angelic wings out of its backside. It becomes partially indestructible, easily reassembling itself from paper after taking a serious attack. 
The sheer Psychic power it harnessed mid-transformation causes it to hover off of the ground by will of flight. The large, angelic wings are a shield as well as a weapon, able to rain sharpened paper feathers down on the opponent in just one gust.
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(The Split Pokémon)
(The Mutated Pokémon)
Type: Grass
(Could’ve added Psychic or Dark but. I like pure grass for him.)
Abilities (1): Regenerator
“Restores a little HP when withdrawn from battle.”
Hidden Ability: DNA Transfer
“Upon fainting, the Pokémon transfers its stat changes to the next Pokémon sent out.” (Guaranteed Baton Pass.)
General Stats: Highest in HP. Centered around Defense and Special Defense.
Pokédex Entries (1, 2): 
An odd combination of two minds, this strangely mutated Pokémon was extracted from a large, mystical tree thousands of years ago, now aiding the mysterious Masked Pokémon with their deeds. It is said that the White side is friendly and chatty, whilst the Black side is stoic and quiet.
This split-personality Pokémon generally wishes to stay outside of battle, much preferring to aid its allies than join in on the combat. It can pass on its strange regenerative abilities to its team by attaching itself to them physically. Rumor has it that it can also drain others of their power too, devouring them whole.
Mega Evolution
Personally, I don’t see Zetsu having a Mega Evolution- mostly because of its main role as a support (Mega Evolutions are usually reserved for offensive power). Also, Zetsu is commonly seen attached to other fighters in the series, which really doesn’t make any sense in the context of a Mega? Maybe it has a variation where it's one of those Duel Pokemon forms- like Spectrier/Glastrier and Calyrex. I’ll leave that up to you.
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Tobi / Obito
(The Masked Pokémon)
(The ????? Pokémon)
Type: Ghost/Normal
Abilities (1): Prankster
“Gives priority to a status move.“
Hidden Ability: ?????
General Stats: Large emphasis on Speed, slightly on Attack. Defenses are relatively low.
Pokédex Entries (1, 2): 
A happy-go-lucky Pokémon that lives in the shadow of the Rain region. It takes its sweet time annoying the Explosive Deidara, following them around nonstop, much to the Pokémon’s dismay and anger.
A relatively cheerful face against the more solemn Pokémon of the group led by Pein. Its optimistic nature is certainly infectious, though there’s just something... A little bit off about it. Just a little bit.
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Mega Evolution
(The Vengeful Pokémon) 
Type: Ghost/Fighting
Mega Ability:  Infiltrator “Passes through the opposing Pokémon's barrier, substitute, and the like and strikes.” (Obito was tough to create an ability for. If you have any fancy ideas, feel free to share.)
Stat Boost: Massive increase to Attack and Speed. Minor increases all around, Defenses going up just a bit higher than the others.
Pokédex Entries (1, 2):
The once happy-go-lucky mask is removed, revealing the secrets beneath: a torn, Vengeful Pokémon once thought to be gone, looking to bring the end of the world. A phantom of the past, it radiates a strong, ghostly energy that is vindictive, bitter- and sorrowful.
Unforgiving of the past, this reawakened Pokémon passes from dimension to dimension organizing its plan to end the world using its strange ability to manipulate time and space. It summons black holes, drawing in anything in its path- where everything ends up is widely unknown.
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ddarker-dreams · 4 years
hey im ngl i was having an awful day, saw a post by you, and decided that i was in a yandere mood. i am now 44 pages deep into yr blog, reading old pieces i havent seen before (44 pages deep = early last november), and feeling significantly better. thank you for writing, yr works are wonderful and youre a cool person.
aaa anon i’m sorry about your day,, i’m glad to know that reading my stuff cheered you up!! i remember all the times i accidentally stumbled upon a blog that wrote for series i liked well and ended up reading all their stuff so it makes me happy to know you did the same for my stuff!!! ♡ ♡ ♡
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