#nice to irma: Casey Calm
threestripeslider · 2 years
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classroom doodle‼️they‘re the cool kids now
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starlightshadowsworld · 6 months
Son of Saki Part 4
Part 3 (and pink to full fic on A03 because I can't find the other parts.)
April took a deep breath, she knew she needed to be calm. Casey was counting on her, he'd be able to keep the Krang at bay for a while.
What she needed to do was focus on getting help. April looked at Irma, and softened seeing her terror. Of course, Irma must be terrified.
April knew all to well the feeling of feeling completly out of your depth. She'd thought about what introducing Irma to the turtles would be like. But, much like with Casey, it didn't go as planned. 
Such was the life of April O'Neil.
"Irma, I know this is a lot and I swear that'll explain it all later. But right now I need you to trust me." Said April, she knew she was asking for a lot.
"I trust you" Said Irma though she was eyeing the manhole cover anxiously. April smiled, hoping it looked reassuring. Before climbing down into the sewers, beckoning Irma to join her.
Irma did so, gagging as she went down which made April laugh. "Ugh, how are you fine with this. I think I'm gonna vomit." Said Irma with a grimace.
"You get used to it" Said April, and wasn't that the truth. "And... I know they might look scary, but they won't hurt you. They're my friends."
She knows the guys won't be happy. But that they'd understand, they wouldn't hurt Irma. Not if April told them the truth like she intended too.
"Alright" Said Irma, and April really wanted to know if she was taking in any of this at all. Because if so, she was taking this better than she and Casey did. 
'Casey....' She thought, reminded that he was still out there fighting those Krang bots. April quickened her pace, luckily Irma caught on and caught up.
The lair was pretty quiet, which to April was never a good sign. But maybe this meant she could sneak Irma in without being caught. 
"April! Who is that?!"
"Leo, hey! What's up?" Says April, in her best most chilled out voice. Her attempt to distract him fails miserably though.
"Who is this?! What are they doing here?!" Demands Leo, his gaze locks on Irma and it's icy cold. 
Irma looks away, very much afraid. April stands infront of her, not because she thinks Leo will attack though.
The fact his katana's remain sheathed at the sight of an intruder speak volumes for the trust he's got in April. She'd feel honoured if things weren't so tense.
"I'm sorry" Said April, her earlier anxiety rushing back.
"We were out with Casey and we got attacked by Krang. We split up and I came to get help, but I couldn't leave her there." She explained before looking from Leo to Irma.
"Her name is Irma Langinstein, she's one of my best friends." Leo eyes Irma with a frown before his posture relaxes slightly.
"Alright, but I'm watching her." He gives a polite nod "I'm Leonardo." Irma nods, not at all sure what to say. Luckily, that's when Mikey darts over with a grin. 
"What up, April's friend. Nice to meet ya any friend of April's is a friend of mine. I'm Mikey."
As friendly as Mikey was, there was a sense of nervousness in his voice. It may have been a distant memory know, but everyone knew of the Chris Bradford incident.
To his suprise and relief, Irma giggles at his antics. "It's nice to meet you too, I'm Irma... Is that pizza?" She asks, seeing the slice in his hand.
Mikey grins "yup, with algae, mushrooms and ice cream." Everyone around him gags but Irma looks at it curiously. 
"You want one?" Asks Mikey seeing her look and she nods. Mikey excitedly hands it over before anyone can intervene.
Irma takes a bite and grins "this is amazing! Did you really come up with this yourself?" Mikey practically glowed at the praise. 
"Sure did! You wanna see the rest of my recipes?" Irma nods, and let's Mikey drag her away excitedly rambling about pizza toppings. "Huh... Well I hope you said goodbye to your friend April." Said Donnie, amused. 
"We sure she's not just humouring him? Because no one, no mutant or human on earth can eat Mikey's werid pizza with a smile." Said Raph, very confused. 
April chuckled "if anyone would it's Irma. When we met she was eating strawberries with hot sauce. She's, a werid one." Raph snorts before turning to Leo "I'll go head out than, I'll be back soon enough."
Leo frowns "Raph you're not going anywhere, didn't you hear Sensei? The invasion is close by we can't afford to go out and be seen in the daylight. Especially with the Krang out there."
"I know that, but you heard April. Casey's still out there. I'm not leaving him to the Krang just to keep hiding in secrecy. I'll be back before you know it." Said Raph, firmly.
Leo scoffs "oh please, the second you go out they'll all be alerted by you're fighting."
Raph glares at his older brother, feeling his anger stirring. "... Are you saying I can't be stealthy?!" Leo folds his arms, defiant and stubborn. "That's exactly what I'm saying. You'll go and they'll all come running." 
"If I may" interrupts Donnie "Raph and I could go head out in the Turtle Mech." Raph grins, glad someone's on his side. "See, you heard Donnie. We can go in the Turtle thingy and be back in no time."
"We are not taking that hunk of experimental junk out there! Casey can hold his own for a while and get back here." Said Leo, putting on his 'listen to me in in charge voice.'
A voice that has never worked on his brothers.
"Hunk of junk?!" Yells Donnie, immediately diving into a whole monologue defending his precious mech. All the while Raph argues that for as great as Casey is, he can't fight the Krang on equal footing.
"He's insane, but he's not... Even we struggle against the Krang so he definitely will." Said Raph, he doesn't want to talk badly about Casey's skills.
Because the boy was talented and skilled, but a ninja he was not. And the longer they left this, the more worried and angry Raph became. 
April watched their exchange, knowing there was no way she could get a word in.
She understood where Leo was coming from. But she was firmly on Raph side, Casey wouldn't last much longer if he was alone.
Casey may act like a tough lone wolf but he wasn't. He needed a team, both on and off the ice. Casey needed people, she'd met him when he had no one. And April refused to leave him alone again.
She tried to ignore the way her head felt like it was going to split in two. But the wave of dizziness that hit her made her almost fall over.
What was happening? April had never felt so unwell in her life, and all in a matter of seconds. 
"Raphael is right." Said Splinter walking in from the Dojo. He didn't notice April's plight, as his attention was focused squarely on his sons.
"But Sensei." Leo's words were cut off as Splinter held up his hand. "I agree that caution must be exercised, especially with the Krang making their moves." 
He gives his sons a stern look "however, that is not a good excuse to leave a Casey Jones behind. He is a part of this team, we don't leave anyone behind. No matter how terrifying the odds may seem."
Leo looks down and Raph grins. It was rare for Leo to be on the receiving end of one of Splinters lectures. "Than it's settled, I'll go head out." Said Raph, he turned around to do so.
And paused. 
"... Er guys?" 
They all followed his gaze and were stunned by the sight. April was holding her head and she was glowing. Her body began to rise and glowing portals started appearing around the room.
Portals that Krang started pouring out of. "What's going on?!" Asked Leo, ducking for cover as blasts started raining down on them. 
"April was the key! They must've done something to have her powers to activate without her noticing. They're using her to start the invasion." Explained Donnie, taking out the Krang bit beside him. 
He ran to April's side, talking to her and begging her to come back. April blinked, falling to the ground and Donnie helped her up. Her powers deactivated but the portals remained opened.
"Oh God... No... No. I didn't... I didn't mean.." Said April, horrified as she took in the situation.
"It's not you're fault" Said Donnie. "Yeah this all these idiots doing." Agreed Raph. April leaped over to grab her tessen and began fighting back to back with Donnie.
But a Krang bot managed to knock her over. "April!" Yelled Donnie, going to help her but he had to deal with another bot close by.
"Get away from her!"
A blast echoed throughout the room as the bot on April was blasted to the other end of the room. April looked up, bewildered as she got to her feet and saw... "Irma?!"
Irma stood there but she was different. What had once been her left arm now resembled that of a purple canon, blasting pink beams that looked just like the Krang's.
"Well well it isn't the traitor known as Krang Subprime. Does the Krang known as Krang Subprime have anything to say?” Cackles one of the Krang, advancing towards her.
Irma glares, she runs towards them. "My. Name. Is. Irma!" Irma kicks the Krang upside the head. Flipping them off with one hand and shooting them with the other.
"You might've upgraded me but I am not one of you sick freaks!" She yells. Her anger dissipates seeing the confused looks from everyone. "I... I get that this is a lot but I swear I'm on your side." 
Irma looks at April, terrified and pleading. "Just, please trust me." April, still reeling nods her head and gets up to fight. "Well... I was right, no human nor mutant could stomach Mikey's werid pizza." Said Raph, nodding slowly.
Irma snorts "cyborg, actually. My parents were scientists who made first contact with Krang who entered this planet. They exchanged their tech for information." She explained, all the while beating down the Krang around her.
"I got into some freak accident. They panicked, and begged these guys to save me... Hence the robot parts." The Krang glare at her "we improved you and you betrayed us."
Irma glares, punching them hard. "You killed my parents and than tried to raise me to be a killing machine. Fat chance of that, luckily I managed to escape. And I've been in New York ever since."
April frowned, sympathy in her eyes because she can tell how hard that was Irma. She herself can't imagine surviving in a strange place all alone.
"So you knew about us the whole time?" Asked Donnie, dodging as Mikey charged past him to attack some Krang.
Irma laughed "no actually. I found out after the Rat King incident. See, me and Casey were trapped in the same cage and try as he might I knew immediately it was him."
Even with the tense situation of facing what was basically a home invasion, everyone laughed.
"Of course he did" smiled April. "Heh yeah, and well I saw you guys show up. And put it together with the strange happenings going on and yeah." Explained Irma.
"But, if you knew why not say anything? Why not help us?" Asked Leo, slightly distrusful. Irma looked down, ashamed.
"I... I was afraid if I did I'd be caught by the Krang again. And I was afraid if April knew what I was, she wouldn't want to be friends anymore."
April looked at her, seriously. "Irma, I can move things with my mind. And I'm best friends with 4 teenage mutant ninja turtles and Casey Jones. You are by far the most normal person here." 
Irma laughed "that's true" she said making April smile. "I don't care what you are, human, mutant, or cyborg. You are one of my best friends Irma, nothing changes that." 
Irma felt a weight lift off her shoulders, how could she ever thought April would reject her. "And hey, you're here now fighting with us." Grinned Mikey "that's what matters." Raph blinks "Huh... He's right."
"Say it again, I need to record it." Said Mikey, cheekily. Splinter coughs, getting all of their attention. "I am proud of you for sticking together and overcoming personal hurdles. However, this conversation can continue later. Less talking, more fighting."
They all looked appropriately chastised and focus on fighting. Splinter looks at Irma "the Krang will not harm you again. On that I swear it. So long as you remain a loyal friend to my children, I will ensure your protection Miss Langinstein."
Irma blinks in suprise, a tear in her eye. "Thank you... Erm... I didn't catch your name." She said, embarrassed. "Hamato Yoshi, but call me Splinter." Irma nods "as long as you call me Irma, Sensei Splinter."
He nods in kind and the two face off against the Krang together. Irma smiles to herself, she had always wanted a family.
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nrrrdgrrrl2002 · 2 years
How I’d rewrite the 2012 love triangle
Donnie is still over obsessive..
At first.
With stuff like stalking and having weird pictures of april as his wallpaper, he quickly gets caught and called out for this.
He stops at first due to embarrassment, but realizes that, yes, that was creepy.
Throughout season 1-3, he slowly calms down with his crush.
He still pulls stuff like romantic gestures such as gifts and overplanning ways to hang out with april.
But once him and april start casually hanging out more, he slowly stops and realizes that these plots of his are dumb.
By late season 3, he’s only really giving april nice compliments and small gifts when it comes to romantic gestures, finding that just hanging out with her is all he really needs right now is to be her friend.
The two actually develop a bond through season 4 and if they DO get together, it would probably be right after earths last stand, if at all. With Casey have moved on from his crush at this point.
When Casey and april first meet, Casey is flirty to her. This freaks her out, until she sees him trying (and failing) to flirt with Irma and realizes he’s just like that.
The two become friends and april finds Casey is surprisingly comforting to talk to. She ends up telling him about a lot of issues she’s dealing with (trying to keep certain details secret since this is pre Casey meeting the turtles.
Casey develops an actual crush on april but after hearing about what she’s dealing with, he decides it’s better if he doesn’t act on it.
He’s still flirty towards her but april is fine with it, thinking he’s just being typical Casey and doesn’t think he actually likes her like that.
Donnie finds Casey suspicious upon seeing him for the first time, but once the turtles meet Casey, both april and Casey make it clear they’re just friends
so while Donnie doesn’t like Casey because he’s, well, Casey, he’s not very antagonistic towards him, treating him like he would his brothers.
They do develop an actual friendship in race with the demon.
I probably wouldn’t make capril endgame, having Casey eventually move on from his crush, but if I did, it’d probably be after owari where Donnie would be hurt at first, but ultimately happy for them.
Other than that, maybe make her more visibly anxious towards romantic gestures.
Not just because romantic gestures towards you can be awkward, but because she genuinely thinks nobody would like her like that, thinking she’s not pretty enough or has a personality someone would like like that.
Maybe this makes it so she struggles to say when she’s uncomfortable cause “she should be glad a boy likes her” so she tries to use non verbal cues to relay to Donnie she’s uncomfortable, not realizing Donnie’s not picking up on it.
But with some guidance, she slowly starts to realize she needs to be straightforward and to put her foot down sometimes.
Whether she likes Donnie or Casey back or not, I feel like she’d be very accidentally confusing cause she legitimately isn’t sure how to handle the situation and is scared to talk to almost people around her for various reasons.
Ta da!
Hope y’all enjoy!
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heyheydidjaknow · 4 years
For anyone who is wondering why I deleted the chapters, I was very tired and forgot what tenses were, so I had to go back and change it all, and that is a pain on Tumbr. Tumblr also, apparently, either has a character or word limit, so this is our first 2 parter. I know I could just separate them into chapters, but I feel weird about making a whole chapter devoted to a date, so.
Edit: Who was gonna tell me I misspelled Casey?
Chapter 6 Pt 1
Leo sighs. “Okay, the fact that this will be the second creepiest stunt you’ve pulled this week says a lot.”
“Relax.” Donatello draws another line. “If she has a map of the foreseeable future and showed it to me, it obviously makes sense that I should answer in kind.”
“But,” Raphael points out, “this is the most desperate thing he’s done this week.”
“Zip it.” He caps his pen, holding his diagram up and walking off to his newly obtained whiteboard. “Besides, it’s not a comprehensive flow chart—attempting to list every possible conversation thread would be futile. It's simply a visual aid to remember the general actions I should take in any given situation.” Although you have been promising to “teach him a thing or two” about plot structure one on one, a part of him thinks it appropriate to make the first move. It appears to be the gallant thing to do, anyhow.
Mikey hops over the table, following one of the paths with his finger. “How come you have a shark on this one?”
“Oh,” he nods, “that’s in case she decides to go to the beach and gets attacked by a shark.”
“And why are there these Xs on this one?”
“That signifies the end of one of our lives.”
“And the hearts?”
He blushes. “I’m not answering that.”
Raph shudders. “Man, this just feels gross. I can already feel the secondhand disgust.”
“Raphael,” Donatello sighs, “love is a complex enigma that, if not thoroughly considered and tailored, will crumble before your very eyes. I cannot and will not destroy what little relationship we have by being reckless. Besides,” he scoffs, “in what other possible manner could I ask her out?”
“Hey, Y/N,” Leo offers, “let’s hang out.”
“See, that’s too pedestrian.” He gestures to the poster. “Trust in the—”
You slam through the door. Donnie, apparently panicked, flips the board over with fumbling hands. “H-hey, Y/N. Hey.” He stands up properly, clearing his throat. “Hey.”
You point at him. “How do you feel about busting a corrupt disgrace to the title of scientist?”
“Good!” He peaks at his board, trying to steal himself. “Where are we headed?”
“A neuroscientist by the name of Rockwell got mutated.” You start heading out. “Asshole in question is Victor Falco, AKA Feral Falco, AKA The Rat King if we don’t haul ass. He’s at Rockwell’s lab.”
“Awesome. Let’s go.” He runs after you, shooting a thumbs-up back at his brothers.
You are going to murder a man tonight. Probably. Hopefully not. Depends on how hard it is to wreck his shit. You have been stalking the Channel 6 news for about a week now, waiting for the jackass to show up, and now that he has? You are not about to let him become the monster you knew he could and would become.
“So,” Donnie startles you, lost in thought, “how was your first day of class?”
“It was fine. Met Casey, avoided Irma like the plague, all that jazz.” You turn a right.
“Casey Jones. Hockey player, real bad at math.”
“A guy?” He seems interested in this subject for some reason.
“Yup.” You reach into your bag, wrapping your fingers around your kitchen knife, hands already shaking. If you must kill him, you will make it quick. “My age.”
“Oh.” He sighs. “That’s… nice.”
‘Can I just take him to the police? I don't have any evidence. This is breaking and entering.’
He clears his throat. “Y/N?”
“We’re here.”
You look up at the building, sigh. “So we are.”
He moves in front of you, moving to meet you at eye-level. “Is there anything I need to know before we go in?”
You take a deep breath. “The man in the lab coat is the perp. We need to take him down, first and foremost. He may act a fool, but he’s accountable for the mutation of his partner. We either have to incapacitate, convict or, if necessary, kill him.”
He swallows. “This guy is that bad?”
“Not yet.” You start pulling the knife out properly as you push the door open with your clothed arm. “But it’s best to pull a weed out from the root.”
He follows you closely.
You look down at your phone to double-check that this is the offending room. “Here.” You back up, gesturing to the door eccentrically, heart pounding in your chest. “This is the room.”
He approaches you, brow furrowed. “Y/N,” he asks cautiously, “don’t take this the wrong way, but you look sick. Are you alright?”
You nod. “Nervous is all. Haven’t done this sort of thing before.”
He offers a reassuring smile. “Don’t worry.” He gives you a thumbs up. “I’ll be with you every step of the way, alright?”
Your knuckles go white around the grip as you try to release some tension. ‘Don’t choke. That’s his job.’ “Yeah.” You return it. “Oh, are you free tomorrow night? I still have to give you that lesson.”
His face lights up. “Y-yeah! Totally!” He grins eagerly. “Should I go to your place? At what time?”
“We’ll hash out the details on the way back.” You look prominently to the lock. “Now, I take it you have some gadget or gizmo to help us open this bad boy?”
He kneels, pulling a device from the utility belt on his hip and sliding it into the card reader. “Of course.”
The door lets out a harsh buzz, the light turning green. You pull your sleeve forward onto your hand, pushing the door open.
The room smells like metal and mold and decay, a certain lethality hanging in the air when you enter. You stay close to the wall, pulling down a lever to illuminate the harsh laboratory in an even harsher light. And there, caught frozen as he pockets a vial, is Victor Falco.
His eyes flicker towards the door.
You tackle him to the ground, shifting your weight back onto his legs, and pin his arms above his head. “Donnie,” you call, stopping his struggling with a knife pressed against his neck, “would you be so kind as to find a few things for me? I can tell you where they are in the room, but I’m a bit preoccupied.”
“Uh, sure.” His voice sounds strange to you. Tight. Nervous? Confused? You ignore it for now.
“What is the meaning of this,” the scientist bellows from underneath you. “I demand you give me an explanation!”
“Oh be quiet, traitor.” You press the blade against his skin. “We both know the crime you’ve committed against your partner.”
His eyes widen.
You keep your eyes locked on him at all times. “The first thing you’re looking for is a container of mutagen. When you get to the desk, you should see 2 stacks of drawers.”
You do not hear his footsteps. “Mhm.”
“The bottom left drawer has a false bottom. If you pull it up, you’ll find a canister of mutagen.”
You hear the drawer slide open, the shuffling of papers. “Got it.”
“Fantastic. Now, on the desk should be a flash drive belonging to Rockwell. Grab that.”
“How could you possibly know?” You feel his wrist tense as he clenched his fist. “I was so thorough.”
“I’m psychic,” you lie, smiling coldly. “Be happy I met you here and not in your home.”
“Anything else?”
“Whatever is in his pockets, besides car keys and a wallet. You’re getting new chemicals.”
The doctor does not seem to like that idea. He starts writhing underneath you.
“If you don’t stop moving,” you sigh, bringing the knife up and down quickly, hovering over his left eye, “you, a neuroscientist, will have the pleasure of discovering firsthand if what people say about losing your depth perception is true. See, I’ve always heard that it settles, but I’m more than happy to see it happen firsthand if you’ll indulge me.”
“You wouldn’t.”
“You aren’t sure.” You chuckle darkly, fingers wrapping tighter still around his wrists. “I don’t need to be a psychic to feel your shaking.”
Out of the corner of your eye, you see a green blob crouch down, pulling vials from his pockets.
“You’re a child.”
“And yet I’m the one holding a knife to you.” ‘Why am I so calm?’ “You’re selfish. You’re prideful. You won’t try anything because I know you to be cowardly, and you won’t say anything,” you nod, “because, if you did, you would have to admit to breaking into your missing partner’s lab, and deal with the backlash regarding me and my associate bringing that hard drive to the police and letting them connect the dots.” You smile sweetly. “Donnie, would you be so kind as to get some distance between you and Mr. Falco?” You do not look over at him, focused on the current task. “If he pulls anything, you need to be able to bring that to the police.”
“Got it.” A few seconds pass. “I’m by the door.”
You slide the carving knife in that general direction. “Goodnight, Falco.” You grab his hair, slamming his head against the ground once as you leap to your feet. You grab the knife, sprinting towards the door. “And that is our cue to leave.”
Donatello, who is having interesting feelings about the whole thing, appears to have been snapped out of some sort of trance. He nods, and the both of you exit the scene.
You wipe your mouth on your sleeve, shaking as you rest your chin on the edge of the dumpster. “T-thanks,” you smile shakily. “I appreciate it, really.”
“Not at all.” He let your locks fall from his hand. “I imagine it’s hard, what with having hair and all.” He helps you down from your perch on a stack of crates. “Are you feeling alright now?”
“Besides my mouth tasting like stomach acid? Never better.” You sigh, rubbing your face with your hands. “Sorry. The nerves just kinda…” you trail off, cheeks dusted pink. “Well, you get the idea.”
“It’s alright, really.” He smiles fondly. “You were really bold in there. It was really cool.”
“I don’t feel cool. I feel the opposite of cool.” You start down the alleyway. “But at least we stopped a ton of problems in its tracks.”
You hear a primal cry as a large primate lands in front of you.
You look him in the eyes, already tired of this episode. “Good evening, Dr. Rockwell.”
His eyes snap to Donatello, who was already unsheathing his bo staff. You look over your shoulder at him. “Chill out. He’s cool.”
“He’s a giant monkey!”
“Dude, he’s a well-esteemed scientist.” You turn to face him properly, holding his arms out to get some proper separation. “Put the effin stick down.”
“But—” He stops, takes a deep breath, and sheathes the staff. “Alright. I’ll trust you.” He seems almost disturbed by your apparent ease.
You turn back to face him properly, smiling. “Doctor,” you nod, “your partner will be of no concern to you from this point onward. Rest assured; his research has been halted.” Your tone is politely respectful.
The wild eyes of the primate calm. He seems to at least sense the general sentiment. He nods once, leaping up onto the nearest rooftop and disappearing into the night.
You nod in satisfaction, looking back at the stunned Donatello.
“He calmed down so easily.”
“He has a human mind, for the most part.” You shrug, continuing down the alley. “Let’s head back. Man, if you dad knew the kind of trouble I just got him out of.” You giggle at his dumbstruck expression, walking backward to keep facing him. “Well, are you just gonna stand there lookin pretty or are you going to come with?”
His face goes red. He nods once, hurrying after you.
You two walk quietly for a little over a minute. “Hey, uh, can I ask you something?”
“Totally.” You decide to bite the bullet and pull of the manhole cover. “What’s up?”
“Why do you call him that?”
“Call who what?” You start climbing down.
“You know, not call him Master Splinter.” He pulls the cover back on, landing beside you. “You always call him my dad or Yoshi or Mr. Hamato.”
“Well,” you shrug, “he’s your dad, right?”
“I’m not saying it’s a problem,” he clarified, “or that’s it’s incorrect, but most people—myself included—refer to him as Master Splinter.”
You start walking with him. “Don’t take this the wrong way, Donnie,” you sigh, “but, if I can help it, I honestly hope I never have to call him that.”
“Why?” He walks beside you, eyes tracing your figure subtlety.
“Didn’t I already say?” You nod back in the direction you guys came from. “You saw how I acted back there. This is only episode six or seven. The trauma I’d have to go through as a ninja here would kill me,”
“But you have the guts for it.” His voice is certain. “You’re strong enough, mentally, to be a ninja.”
You pause, your throat catching. You wonder if he would still think so if he had seen how you had spent your nights.
He clears his throat, blushing again. “I think you are, anyway.”
You wrap your arms around his neck, burying your face in the crook of his neck silently. You feel him seize up under you. “Thank you,” you mumble.
He slowly relaxes, snaking his arms around your waist and pulling you closer. He rests his head on top of yours gently. Slowly, he buries his hand in your hair. He is always so warm— he makes you feel oddly safe. This is only the second time you have been this physically close to him, but you don’t think for a moment that he would try anything.
You back off, clearing your throat as your cheeks catch fire. “Sorry,” you smile timidly. “I’ve just been… I’m not usually this clingy.”
He blinks out of his stupor, looking down at you. “Huh? Oh, don’t worry about it.” He grinned giddily, almost drunk. “Y-You are all good.”
You swallow. “I’ve gotta do an introduction type project for school, so I gotta get back home.” You walk back in the direction you two came. “Come to my place at about seven tomorrow. I’ll order food.”
He nods, body relaxed. “Seven. Got it.” He does.
You wave, walking back to the ladder. “Then I’ll see you then.”
He stands there, watching you leave. As soon as he hears the sliding of the manhole cover back into place, he takes a moment to celebrate the victory before starting to walk back to the lair.
‘I got a date!’
Table of Contents
Chapter 5
Chapter 6, Part 2
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submerged-tmnt · 6 years
Submerged AU rising from the dead because @rhi-draws-things needed some good good content of Casey and the boys.
(Refresher: gist of the AU is that the Kraang accidentally flooded the earth prior to canon and made it unusable for terraforming. Now NYC is mostly underwater, everyone lives on boats, and most days are spent peacefully diving/fishing or getting up to regular teen shenanigans.)
AU Karai ref. AO3 version.
Casey hefts the bucket of fish bones, balancing it on his hip so he can unlatch the door and push it open. The cool nighttime air gusts inside as he steps out, and Casey walks away from his home towards the other end of the dockway. The buoyant path linking all the surrounding houseboats rises and falls subtly under his bare feet, the ocean calm tonight.
Casey hums as he reaches the edge, holding the bucket out and tipping it to spill the bones into the dark water. Except something suddenly surfaces right where he’s aiming the bucket.
“Casey!” exclaims Leo, and Casey yanks the heavy bucket back just in time that he avoids dumping fish gunk on his friend. Unfortunately, the bucket is heavy and his luck isn’t having it tonight. His grip on the slimy plastic slips and fish bones spill onto the dockway.
“Uh oh,” says Mikey, joining Leo in poking his head out of the water. Donnie and Raph emerge as well, clear eyelids blinking away the saltwater in their eyes.
“Guys- c’mon!” Casey says, shaking a skeleton off his foot in disgust. “What the hell, I’m gonna have to clean that all up!”
“Sorry,” Leo apologizes sincerely, “but you were the closest person and we really need help.”
Casey forgets the fish bones for a moment, coming back to the edge and kneeling down. “What’s up?” he asks, a bit worried despite his casual tone. Then he frowns, seeing the dockway lights shining on cuts and bruises the brothers have. “Hey, you guys look a little rough. Something happen?”
“We, uh… well,” Leo starts, looking sheepish. “It’s a bit complicated.”
The water underneath the dockway suddenly rises, making Casey wobble a little. “How so?” he asks, steadying himself with a hand.
“It’s not complicated,” Raph interjects before Leo can continue. He’s got a serious shiner and an annoyed scowl. “We got basically spent the whole day getting beat up by a snake.”
“Wh- a snake? Like, a mutant one?”
“The fuck other kind of snake could do this to us?”
“Jesus,” Casey says. “That’s pretty kickass, I guess. If no one got hurt, right?”
“We’re fine,” Mikey assures him, giving a bright smile with a split lip. “Just sore and hungry.”
“Are you here for food? ‘cause we got some leftovers inside,” Casey says, jerking a thumb at his family’s restaurant houseboat behind him. The dockway rises and falls sharply again, which is getting kind of annoying and worrying. Maybe there’s a storm on the way? The clouds are wrong, though…
“Food would be good,” Mikey sighs longingly. “I’m starving.”
“Pen and paper is needed first, though,” Donnie says seriously.
“Uh, why?”
“Our friend needs it so she can tell us her name,” Leo explains, which doesn’t explain much at all.
Casey raises his eyebrows in interest anyway. “You guys make a new friend before or after the snake fight?” he asks, smile quirking his lips. The brothers could use more friends, seeing as they’re only willing to interact with Casey and April, and neither of them has managed to convince the four turtles to show themselves to the population of New York. Their phobia of people is a stubborn one.
“After!” Mikey cheers. He grabs Leo in a side hug, splashing Casey’s knees. “Leo sweet-talked her into it.”
“I didn’t s- sweet-talk her, jeez,” Leo says in a mumble. His brothers chuckle and elbow him, teasing their teal scaled sibling.
“So, where’s this lady of yours?” Casey asks gamely, grinning at Leo’s embarrassment. The dockway surges underneath him again, forcing Casey to steady himself with both hands and triggering a weird feeling in the back of his head. A shivery ‘something is wrong’ feeling.
“She came with us,” Donnie says, as the water around him and his brothers churns. And as he delivers that calm statement, something big rises out of the water right behind them.
Casey gapes for a moment at the giant fucking snake his friends have brought to his doorstep. Then it opens its mouth and hisses viciously and Casey yelps, scrambling backwards from the edge of the dockway.
“Ah, it’s okay!” Mikey calls out. “We told her you’re our friend! That’s just how she talks. Kinda.”
The giant sea snake makes another hiss, followed by a sound that seems like it wants to be an actual word, but can’t fully form into one. Casey’s lifetime of being taught to fear a sea snake’s bite is rearing its head, causing sweat to bead his brow and his heart to race.
“You shitting me?” he asks, staring at the snake mutant. It- she stares right back, luminous green eyes pining him with a gaze that’s got just an edge of feral. Kinda like the ones the brothers sometimes have.
“If only,” Raph grumbles, leaning on the dockway with his elbows. “This’d be a lot simpler if it were just a prank.”
“I second that,” Donnie says with a longsuffering sigh.
“Um, Casey? I know it’s a lot,” Leo speaks up, “but could you skip being shocked and just go get a pen and paper? We’d- well, she’d like it if we could call her by her actual name, instead’ve just saying ‘you’ or ‘Miss Snake’.”
The snake mutant, though she still looks pissed off, bobs her head once in agreement. Casey runs a hand through his loose hair, feeling its long strands tangling after a hot and sweaty day.
“Uh, sure,” he says, shaking off his shock about the whole situation. “I’ll. Just go get those…”
The brothers are sitting on the dockway when Casey comes back, legs folded and scales glistening with seawater. Their usual weapons are present, but- Donnie’s spear has been broken at the tip, Raph is definitely down a couple knives, Mikey is missing his fishing net, and Leo seems to have lost one of his swords. Plus, with them out of the water, Casey can see the full extent of the injuries they garnered fighting with the snake mutant looming over them all.
Of course, the snake herself looks a tad banged up, too. Looks like the damage was all very mutual, until things got worked out.
“Okay,” Casey announces, sitting down next to his friends. “I hope you guys use my dad’s notebook wisely, ‘cause paper isn’t cheap.”
“We just need one page,” Leo assures him, taking the pad and pen. He turns his head, looking up at the serpent with jaws big enough she could swallow a small child whole. Leo smiles at said serpent. “Alright, like Donnie explained, I’m going to go through the alphabet letter by letter. Hiss, or, do whatever you want to whenever I hit a letter of your name in order. Ready?”
The snake mutant huffs impatiently.
“I figured,” Leo chuckles. He clears his throat, touching the pen to a blank page of the tiny notebook. “A, B, C, D …”
It goes on like that until Leo hits K, and the snake mutant hisses loudly. Casey’s arms have goosebumps and his heart is skipping all over the place, and it’s kind of great. She’s wickedly scary, teeth designed for piercing, a deadly bite to boot, and a long sinuous body that’s powerful enough to shake the dockway as she gets excited over the first letter of her name- god damn. There aren’t many mutants around this size or strength. Casey would not (totally would) want to be the guy caught in the water with Miss Snake or whoever she is.
(He would probably die trying to take her on, but fuck. What a way to go, battling a giant seas serpent.)
“K?” Leo is saying excitedly. The snake mutant bobs her head yes. He writes the letter down hastily, and keeps on going with the alphabet for the next one.
Five letters later, and the snake shakes her head vehemently as Leo tries to start again. Leo looks confused for a moment, then lights up with a smile. “Oh! Is that it? Is this your name?”
The snake bobs her head.
Casey then ends up shoving slickly wet limbs out of the way so he can see the notebook, too. Leo gets squished by all four observers crowding in, little growling clicks coming from the back of his throat with his irritation.
“God, guys, I was gonna read it out!” Leo snaps, elbowing everyone he can reach. Casey is shoved away, just like the rest of the brothers, but not before he sees what Leo has written in tight, painstakingly careful boxy letters.
“Karai,” Leo says aloud, still smiling at the snake leaning over them all. “That’s a really cool sounding name. It’s nice to meet you, Karai.”
“Hey, Karai!” Mikey tacks on, as Raph mutters a, “Hi, again,” and Donnie adds politely clipped, “Hello.”
“Sup,” Casey says, waving a hand. Karai regards them all with her wide green eyes, examining them for something, and then huffs.
She makes a softer hiss than any of the ones she’s made before, followed by something that’s nearly a word. Casey is pretty sure it’s supposed to be a hello. He grins.
So cool. Four quirky turtles who are weirdo recluses, and now a giant deadly sea snake. Casey’s friend group hasn’t ever been this colorful before, even with April and Irma as buddies.
“So, hey, Dee?” Casey asks, catching the attention of the least occupied brother, while the other three are focused on Karai. “How’d you all meet anyway?”
“Oh yeah, I don’t think we got a chance to tell you or April.” Donnie crosses his arm, letting out a resigned sigh. “We interrupted a deal between pirates, mostly on accident, since we were tracking a shipment of mutagen. It was supposed to be an in and out operation, but SOME PEOPLE-” he says loudly, shooting a look at Raph, “-can’t be damn well bothered to remember common manners!”
“We live in a tunnel system!” Raph protests snappishly. “How was I supposed to learn that shutting doors is what’s polite when we don’t have fucking doors?”
“It didn’t even matter if it was polite, you left the door wide open, which was unusual for a tightly knit band of pirates who always kept that door shut, which in turn alerted them to our presence and ruined the whole plan!”
“Shut up! Leo already bitched at me, you can’t, too!”
“So where’s Karai factor into all this?” Casey asks in a bemused voice, because Raph and Donnie are literally just hissing at each other now and that’s always hilarious. Donnie snaps something clicky and sharp and definitely turtle-speak for something or other at Raph. one last parting shot, then smooths his metaphorical ruffled feathers, clearing his throat.
“She was the leader of the pirates looking to purchase the mutagen,” Donnie says. Casey raises one eyebrow and glances up at Karai.
Snake mouths aren’t really meant for scowling, but Karai is somehow pulling the sullen look off anyway.
“And in the chaos of you being discovered,” Casey says, filling in all the gaps, “Karai got a dose of mutagen?”
Karai flashes her mouthful of sharp teeth, hissing balefully. She turns and dives into the ocean, black and white body vanishing into the depths. Leo winces and then sighs.
“Try not to talk about it too much,” Leo says, rubbing the back of his neck. “She’s only been a mutant for a few days and she’s still adjusting. We only just got her to calm down and listen about how we didn’t drop that canister.”
“It was just the guy I punched,” Mikey says, shrugging. “He totally wiped out and then the canister went rolling all over the place and people kept kicking it, which was majorly stupid, wow, and it ended up getting shattered right on Karai. Total accident, totally not our fault.”
A wave abruptly crashes down all them all, courtesy of the tail smacking against the surface of the water. Casey spits out seawater and curses, trying to sort out his now soaking hair, which is sticking everywhere and making it feel impossible.
Raph wipes his face off, flicking the water away. “An accident, yes. Don’t mean she’s gonna forgive us for interrupting her black market shopping spree just yet.”
“At least she’s not trying to kill us anymore?” Leo says with a weakly light tone, to which his brother roll their eyes. Casey drags a strand of hair off his face and flicks it backwards, huffing with a grin.
Never a dull moment with the brothers. Casey can’t wait until April gets a load of this new misadventure. It has teeth, a pissy attitude, and is apparently pirate related, too.
Casey definitely wants in. But first.
“Okay, great talk everyone, fun sharing session,” Casey says, standing up, hands on his hips. “Now who wants the good broom and who wants the shitty broom? Because you’re definitely helping clean up the garbage you made me drop, plus since you just ruined my dad’s notebook.”
The brothers groan, but mumble agreements to the return of a favor. The water by the dockway swells with a long dark shape moving underneath it, not straying too far, but unwilling to surface right now. Casey takes the dripping notebook from Leo to set out to dry inside, and heads in to get the brooms as well. Practically whistling, despite the fact that he’s dripping wet.
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rayman-25 · 7 years
Podcast 2017 Épisode Spécial Halloween
Hello everyone, this is Rayman20 and today, we meet for the Special Chapter Halloween Podcast 2017. And so without further ado, we will start the fanfic
I'm still waiting for the first two chapters of GemTurtles if he's finished or not. Good reading
I do not own characters from Gravity Falls, Phineas and Ferb, The Loud House, TMNT, and Youtubeur (Moketo, Squeezie and Kirbendoworld) With the exception of John, Dark John, Jonathan, Alison, Mark and Alice.
Podcast 2017
Épisode Spécial Halloween
Music « Shining Force II ~ Dwarf »
In the sewers of New York, turtles are preparing for the halloween party. Mikey is impatient for Mabel to bring some friends to meet them at Gravity Fall.
"I can not wait to see what Mabel's friends look like," Mikey thought.
"Michelangelo! Splinter said, calling his son "I can talk to you privately, please."
"Right away, Master Splinter," Mikey said, running to the dojo.
"You want to see me Sensei ? "
Mikey, my son when you were younger ...
"Hey, but you call me by my nickname! I believe that you call me by my first name Michelangelo "
Splinter tapped him with the stick
"Can I talk now? "
Mikey does not say anything
"Well, as I said, when you were younger, you dream of going door to door with your brothers. But I forbade you to go out into the sewers. People above, did not understand. Even if they thought you were disguised. That's how you had Halloween in the sewers.
"I know it was 3 years ago master" says Mikey
"Today you are going door to door with your brothers. 3 "
Mikey was very happy that Splinter allowed him to go out with his brothers. He kissed her on the face and went to see her brothers
Leo and Raph we find a dvd from the horror movie "Paranormal Activity 4"
"Mikey we're back," says Leo "and we find a horror movie"
Mikey ran in to his brothers and told them good news:
"Guys you know what? Master Splinter allows us to go out to New York City to go door to door. "
But Leo said to him:
"Mikey" he breathes "I'm sorry but, Halloween is for us"
Mikey was amazed:
"What? Halloween is passing? but why do you say that Leo ?! "...
"Because we are teenagers and we do not go door to door," said Raph
"We're getting you girls," said a familiar voice. The turtles looked and they saw Mabel with a Japanese girl and another huge girl. Mabel was happy to see her friends in disguise.
"Hi guys, I'll introduce you to my friends I met during the summer vacation in Gravity Falls," Mabel says.
"Mabel, are you your friends talking to us? Says the Japanese girl
"Absolutely, Candy. The girls I present Leonardo, Raphael, Michelangelo and where is Donnie? Mabel asked.
"Donnie uh ... he's at April he's going to come to the bench at midnight," says Leo
Candy and the obese girl did not believe their eyes: "Mabel, this turtle speaks" when they heard the voice of the obese girl, Leo said to Mabel:
"Your girlfriend has a weird voice. She would not be sick? "Who, Grenda? Yes, but it's also my other best friend, "says Mabel," so you're ready to go? Leo and Raph looked at each other and said to them, "Sorry girls, we are teenagers and we do not do things like door to door, disguised where to throw eggs"
" Guys ! Mikey shouted "If you do not want to come with me, I'll go with the girls to go door to door! "
"Um Mikey," Mabel said, "do not you want to call Irma? Mikey had forgotten April's friend he phoned Irma with his tiphone
"Hello, Irma? Yes it's me Mikey. Look, do not you go door to door with me and the girls? At the end of the line, Irma in April's room replied:
"Sorry Mikey, maybe another time"
Mikey turns off his tiphone and tells the girls that Irma will not come to door to door. Mabel approached Mikey and said:
"Do not be sad, Mikey. And then there is Dipper, Irving, Clyde and Linky on our side "
Suddenly, they heard footsteps. Mikey runs to the entrance of the landmark with Mabel, Candy, Grenda and her brothers. They saw Leatherhead and Mondo Gecko on his back. Mikey and Mabel are happy to see them again
"Michelangelo" says the giant crocodile "it's nice to see you and you too Mabel"
"So these two creatures are your friends, Mikey? Asked Grenda
"Yes Grenda these are Mikey's friends. Leatherhead and Mondo, I introduce you to some friends I met during my vacation in Gravity Falls "she introduced them:" Leatherhead and Mondo here are my friends Candy and Grenda "
"I think your girlfriend Candy has a weird voice" says Gecko "It's Grenda not Candy" "Sorry. So guys, are you going to have a Halloween party with us? Leo and Raph explained to Mondo that they do not come with them for a party on the surface. Mondo tells them:
"Oh it does not matter we're going to have a walk around the little town to see if we're doing skateboarding. Go guys we're not going
They ran in front of the entrance, but Master Splinter intervened.
"Wait! You do not know who you have to do”
"Oh you must be their majors," said Candy
" Yes. But I'll have to talk to my son. "He approached Mikey and said," Mikey, take care. You do not have to do to the ninjas, Jeremy's henchmen or the purple dragon, but children who will ask you if you wear a suit "
"Do not worry, master I'll be careful. And then there is Leatherhead »
"Sorry Michelangelo, I do not come with you," said Leatherhead, "and then ... someone has to watch Splinter and your brothers"
"Oh, it's serious. Good luck guys, "said Grenda and they left the Hamato clue. 
Music “FNAF World OST - Don’t Open the Door Extended”
In Lincoln's house, Lincoln, Clyde, Irving, Marc, and Dipper waited for Mabel, Mikey, and the others to go door-to-door. Suddenly someone opened the door to enter it was Father Lincoln and he said to the children, "So you're leaving? "
No, dad not now. We're waiting for Mabel, "said Lincoln. Suddenly, they see a silhouette in the distance. It was Mabel and the others. Mabel approached Dipper and said, "That's Dipper, mission accomplished. We bring Mikey and Mondo to Lincoln and oh good evening Mrs Loud, nice day you can not find? "
"Lincoln, who are these guys? These are your friends? asked Lynn Sr.
"Yes, dad it's my friends Michelangelo and Mondo gecko" says Lincoln
"And pretty children's costume"
"Uh, if I'm going to allow these are not disguises, but mutant Mrs Loud" says Dipper
"Mutants ?! "
"Yes, Mrs we are mutants," says Mikey
"And they speak more ?! "
"Yes, but daddy, do not be afraid they are not mean they are with ..."
"Goongala! A familiar person shouted "Oh hi guys what are you doing? "
Lincoln said, "Oh Hi Casey, we were finally waiting for you" so Casey asked himself, "Wait where is Leatherhead and Fan number 13?" "
Mikey says to him, "Leatherhead stayed in the landmark with my brothers and Fan 13 is at April"
Lynn Sr asked herself a question "wait, two second time out. You know each other ? So tell me how are you met? "
"Dad," says Lincoln, "my friends and I will explain everything in my room"
In front of Lincoln's house, Albert, his mother, John and the others saw strange creatures entered the house of Loud
"Mom, I told you there is one of the ninja turtles in the house of Loud. Come, before he gets out of bed "but his mother says to him:
"Albert, please stop with your stories about mutant turtles that make ninjustsu. It does not exist ! All this in your head! "Your mother thinks you're watching a movie or series or playing Metal Gear Solid V with me, Thompson, Squeezie, Wendy and Alice or ..."
"Shut up! John "
"Sorry," John said
come on mom, come in and you'll see that I told you so, "said Albert. They entered the house and they saw people. Wendy heard noises coming from the first in the room. They went up the stairs, Albert opened the door and they saw Lincoln, his father, his brother and the others talking with Mikey and Mondo:
"Oh, uh ... hi Mom and Albert ... so how cool was your evening? "
"Irving kind of bastard ..."
"Albert Du Bois! Said his mother angry "watch your language when you talk to your brother! "
"Calm down Mrs du Bois, it's not your son's fault, it's our fault," said Mikey. Nathalie when she heard this creature speak, she shocked. But his son and there to tell him
"Listen mom, these creatures are Lincoln's friends. The turtle is Michelangelo and the gecko is Mondo »
"So if I'm allowing Michelangelo to a name of Italian?”
"Not at all, Mrs Du Bois," said Clyde
Music “Inside the Castle - Mario Party 3 Music Extended”
After a top secret discussion, Nathalie Du Bois began to understand:
"Ah, if I understood correctly, it was Michelangelo's father who gave him that name? "
"Exactly," says Mabel
"And he can do ninjutsu? Asked Lynn sr
"You just saw Mr Loud," said Albert
"Well, we have to go," said John, "we're going to watch a horror movie with Kirbendo and Mousse"
"And what are you planning for food? Asked Grenda
"Well," Wendy said, "popcorn, coca sherry, sweets, mars chocolate bars and pizzas"
When she said the word pizza, Mikey stunned, "Did you say the magic word? "
"Popcorn? "
" No "
"March chocolate bars? "
" After that "
" Pizzas ? "
" Right answer ! Mikey shouted
"Do you love pizza? Lynn said, "yes! Pepperoni pizzas "says Mikey
"Uh, sorry for spoiling your party at this time, but we should skate in the city," Casey said. He took Lincoln, Mikey and the others and headed for the exit.
Arriving at the exit, Marc tells them "Sorry, guys. I'm going to see Raph Leo and Donnie again ... "
"He's at April," Mabel says
"OK good guys guys and be careful before crossing the road"
But in a car, Tiger Claw, Fishface, Razhar, Bebop, Pyronica, Gideon Rocksteady and Jeremy watched the kids:
"Are we following them Tiger Claw? Says Fishface
"No, wait," said Jeremy, "we're not going to follow them like this! Otherwise, their parent will think that we are no spy »
"So what are we doing," says Razhar
"We follow them, but turn around"
Bebop, back off the car and rolled
Music « Shining Force II ~ Dwarf »
Meanwhile at the Loud someone knocked on the door. Lynn opened and saw his wife and daughter in disguise.
"Hi darling and happy halloween," says Rita
"Happy halloween too dear," says Lynn Sr.
Lisa asked herself a question:
"Dad, tell me, you would not have seen Lincoln? "
" No I do not know. Maybe he left with his friends in the city to go door-to-door with his friends, "says Lynn
" Ok I see. Well ... we have to go see you later dad, "says Leni.
"They did not notice that Lincoln went skateboarding with Michelangelo and Mondo," thought Lynn Sr.
"Ah, I know where Lincoln is! He's gone to ride! Said Lola
Lynn Sr was shocked.
"No, he's probably at Irving," says Lana
"Unless he's at Dipper's and Mabel's," says Lucy
"Okay girls go to Dipper and Mabel or Irving," Rita said, and she went to the garden to prepare the decor
Lincoln sisters split into two groups Lori, Leni, Luna and Luan go to Dipper and Mabel, while Lynn and Lucy go to Irving.
At Mousse, John, Wendy, Albert, Alice, Thompson, Tambry, Robbie, Squeezie, Thomas, Moss, Jonathan, Birgitte, Dana, Dark Jean, Laecy, Vanessa and Alison watched their horror movie "Chernobyl Diaries" with pizzas , cocoa popcorns and mars. Albert is still waiting for Bled'art to make a halloween party. Suddenly someone rang the bell.
"Can someone open for me? I'm going to the kitchen to call Bled'art, "Albert said and went into the kitchen. John volunteered and opened the door and he saw Lori, Leni, Luan and Luna. Leni asked him:
"Hi John, do you know where Linky is? "
Music “Kevin MacLeod ~ Marty Gots a Plan”
"Hello," said Albert in the kitchen "yes we are watching a movie, my boy. I'm not on the plane. What do you care about my mouth? Fuck the fuckers. We did not have October 31st! October 31 is not complicated "
Wow. It does not have the area of decoyed that one "says Leni" what did he want already? "
"Yeah he's good this one bought some halloween guns.
"He talks to whom Albert to his sister ah ah ah! Luan laughed
"Albert does not have a sister and shut up Luan" says John "Well, what are we talking about Linky? No, maybe he's in the sewers of New York with Mikey "
"Ah, I see," said Lori, "Happy Halloween John," and he closed the door and sat down between Alise and Robbie. Albert came out of the kitchen and asked John:
" Who was it ? "
"It was Lori, Leni, Luna and Luan" says Jean "They asked me if Linky is here"
Shadow Madness Soundtrack - [Mountain Pass]
Meanwhile at Irving, Lucy and Lynn rang the bell. The door opens and Nathalie sees Lucy and Lynn disguised:
"Hello kids, do you want sweets? "
"No thanks, Madame du bois," said Lynn Loud, "we're looking for Lincoln, have not you seen it?" "
"Lincoln? Oh yes he is with my son, Mabel, Dipper, Clyde, the two girls and two strange creatures he introduced to me "says Nathalie
What did these creatures look like? Lucy says
"Say that the first one was an orange-striped turtle disguised as a fly and the other a gecko with a black shirt and trousers"
"Mikey and Mondo !!! Lynn and Lucy yelled.
" You know them ? " "Yes they are with Lincoln! Where they are ? Says Lynn "I do not know maybe they are in the park" "Thank you ma'am, we're going to warn girls," Lucy said, and they ran to see Lily, Lisa, Lana, Lola, Luan, Luna, Leni, and Lori.
Music “Dino Crisis Ost 8 - Set you at easy”
Meanwhile in the New York district, Tiger Claw drove to the search for the kids. He stopped in front of a house and Gideon to an idea: "Who wants to accompany me to door-to-door? Not everyone agrees with Gideon's idea. "Listen to me all! Jeremy said, "If Mickey is going to say or hide Splinter, tell Shredder. But wait, who will accompany Gideon? " Fishface and Bebop exit the van and tell Jean "We are with you, little Gideon! " "Ok Xever and Bebop, you come with us but no bullshit and not a word"
Music “Kevin MacLeod ~ Marty Gots a Plan”
Fishface and Bebop agreed and they arrived in the house Gideon rang the door and a woman opened. Gideon shouted:
« trick or treat ! »
The woman gave the candies to Gideon and Jean Fishface Bebop and Gideon returned to the van to tell them:
"Guys, and if we go door to door in the city? Tiger Claw, Rahar and Rosckeady accepted the idea and wait for the foots to send them
Music “The Black Eyed Peas - Let’s Get It Started”
Let’s get it started (ha), let’s get it started in here. Let’s get it started (ha), let’s get it started in here.
Let’s get it started (ha), let’s get it started in here. Let’s get it started (ha), let’s get it started in here.
Meanwhile on the roof of the city, Lincoln and the others, fun jumping on the roofs as each other. After a few minutes, they went into the forest to find the secret hiding place where there are sweets. Lincoln says to them:
"Guys, here's the hiding place where there is a bag full of candy"
"Uh ... Linky," said Grenda. "You're going to find vanilla, chocolate, strawberry candies ..." "Linky! Continued Grenda "Wow and if after the sweets, we can bring them home? Says Mikey " shut up Mikey " says Casey " Guys !!! »Cira Grenda "What Grenda! Lincoln shouted in turn "Is it normal if the hole is empty? " "The hole is empty of what you ..." And he saw that there was nothing left in the hole.
Music “Lost Eden Soundtrack Uncut 16 - Morkus Rexs Lair”
Lincoln says to them: "I know who are behind all this. It's Hawk and Hank the two candy thief and I know where his hidden candies are. Follow me, friends » Lincoln and the others went in search of candy Clyde told them: "I know where he's stamping candy" They followed Clyde and they arrive in a cabin. They entered the cabin and they saw that black they turn on the light, when suddenly they heard voices: "Alert we hide they are coming," says Mabel Everyone hid except Casey and said "Casey Jones, never hide. He prefers to ... "Dipper puts his hand in front of his mouth and he says "The Casey Farm" The two boys came in and they saw that someone or something is coming in here. The first had brown hair, a dark green t-shirt, blue pants and white sneaker shoes. The second had brown skin, black hair, a purple shirt, a white t-shirt, blue pants and white sneaker shoes: "It's them, Hank and Hawk" says "It's the rough ones? Asked Mondo "Yes I remember the day as if it were yesterday" says Mikey "this sound ... oh yes it's true, you can not know them Mondo" Hank the brown-skinned boy, black hair, purple shirt, white t-shirt, blue pants and white sneaker shoes told his boyfriend: "I can not believe the Loud family scared us" " You know what ? The next time we see Lincoln and Clyde, we'll lock them in a bin with a lock. That way it will not bother us anymore "says Hawk " And also ! You know they are giant turtles that can do martial arts in New York? " "Yeah and also the teenager who thinks he's a shitty bag hero" "Bag hero to shit? Says Casey "No Casey, calm down," says Dipper Casey came out of his hiding place and shouted: "Goongala! " " Still you ! Hawk said. " And US !!! Says Lincoln and his friends Lincoln, Clyde, Mabel, Dipper, the girls, Irving and the turtle, whose name escapes me by the name "says Hank Mikey bewildered asked them, "What? you do not remember me and my brothers? " Hawk says, "Your brothers, yes. There is Leonardo, Donatello and Raphael. By cons you, I know who you are, but I do not remember your name » Mikey got angry and told them, "Michelangelo !!! my name is Michelangelo !!! it's clear the minus! Oh oh " Hank and Hawk, got angry with Mikey and ran to him. But Lincoln went straight ahead and told the two bully
Tekken 7 FR OST: Abandoned Temple Final Round
"Do not hold your hand on this turtle, or you'll have to do it to me!" The two of them ran to Lincoln, but he whirled and hit them one by one. Mabel used some Casey's Puck and threw them on Hank and Hawk. The two brutes returned to Mabel and began to attack. Then it's Candy's turn to attack Hank and Hawk. He uses some kung fu attack in front of the two brutes. Then it's Irving's turn to attack with some karate and shoruken. Mikey with the shuriken, Casey with the baseball, Dipper with his fists, Clyde with a speargun and Grenda pushed them to the door of the cabin and the two brutes, screamed. Dipper tells them: "It was awesome guys. " Mondo left his hiding place and their: "You guys are amazing. And you know what ? We say go see Lincoln's father and say that Lincoln teaches ninjutsu " "Good idea," said Mabel, very happy. And they came out of the hut and left the forest to go to town. But what he did not know, some dark football disguised as Freddy and Jason watched them. They started using their smoked bomb.
Meanwhile, in front of the door of a young man, Tiger Claw, Razhar, Jeremy and Gideon, watched the candy. Tiger takes the candy and Jeremy says: "I think it's by far ... the most pouted candy I've ever seen" except the weak spot of the kids here "and he threw it into the young man's candy bag. and this one closed the door "Well, I think they have a problem," said the tiger. " No no. Gideon is going to have a problem, "added Razhar "Guys, we disappointed Bill Cypher and Shredder. Have you seen in an ice cream? " "If the turtles get on my way, I shoot them like a sniper," Tiger Claw says. Jeremy looked at his phone and he saw a message where he had written "The turtle with the orange headband, knocked two boys in the woods and his friends the gecko and the humans go to the Loud: " What is it ? Gideon asked. "The opportunity we are waiting for," said Jeremy.
Music « Shining Force II ~ Dwarf »
Meanwhile in the New York sewers, Marc, Raph, Leo and Leatherhead, watched the horror movie "Paranormal Activity 4." Suddenly Leo's tiphone rang. He turned on to see who called him. It was Mikey: "Leo, you did not go to the Loud's house! " " To do what ? Leo asked "For the surprise of Tiger Claw, Razhar, Fishface, Jeremy, Bebop, Gideon and Rosteady. But do not worry, I'll be in the bench at 22h " "Ok, Mikey, I'll tell Marc and Raph first to come back" Leo hooked his tiphone and said to Mark and Raph:
Music “Lost Eden Soundtrack Uncut 16 - Morkus Rexs Lair”
"Guys, let's stop the ..." And he saw that the movie is over. "Are you listening to me? " "Yes we are listening, Leo," said Raph. "Mikey said we're going to Loud's house" Raph and Marc were amazed: "What but you are stupid! What will happen if Lincoln's parents see us like this? Asked Raph. "Do not worry, Raph. And then there is Marc by our side, "said Leo. "Go ahead without me, guys. I'll stay here to wait for Mondo and watch your master, "said Leathrhead. Marc, Leo and Raph left the marker and went to the Loud's house.
Music “Inside the Castle - Mario Party 3 Music Extended”
In the podcast house, John and the others arrive at the end of their film. "That ..." said Jean "It was ..." said Birgitte "Terrifying ..." said Thompson " I told you. This film will make you wet in your pants, "says Thomas. And at the same time he talks, Thompson pee in her panties. Everyone (except Alice and John,) made fun of Thompson. Suddenly someone knocked on the door in the garden. Mousse opened and he saw Raph, Mark and Leo. "Hi, Soos is what Jean and the others are here? Leo said. Soos called Jean and the others: " guys !!! Leo and Raph are here !!! " John and the others, ran in front of the kitchen door and they saw Mutant turtles. "Ah, it's you! Albert said, "what do you want? " "We need help! Come all in the house of Loud » "I'm sorry Leo, but it's no! " "Come on Albert it's just a ride," says Wendy "Okay, but be careful, Leo and Raphael not a word!” Albert said Leo and Raph bowed their heads and everyone went to the Loud's house.
I'd rather you stay here and watch the van, Bebop, "Jeremy said. " Why ? The warthog asked "Imagine that the van has disappeared, what will Tiger Claw say? " "It's okay, I've got the thing, man."
Music “FNAF World OST - Don’t Open the Door Extended”
In the living room, the Lincoln sisters were angry. Lori says: "If ever Lincoln enters his room, we'll break his mouth" "Yeah, well said !!! Say his sisters Suddenly, someone entered Lincoln's room. The sisters ran into his room. Lincoln Loud this time you are ... "Behind them, Rita watch them "Greet the girls" says Laecy "Leo and Raph? !!! Say the sisters of Lincoln. "Who are they a friend of yours? Rita asked in front of Raph and Leo. " Who ? They there? Not at all, "said Lori," they are not our friends, they are Lincoln brothers and friends. " "And he wears beautiful turtle disguise and happy halloween. As for me, I'm going to get candies, do not move! " As she went for some candy, Lori and Leni took Raph and Leo and stuck them behind the wall: "Listen to us, ninja turtles! Said lori "here, I'm the boss. If you do not say where Lincoln is, I and my sister are going to ... " But John came up behind Lori and said, "Lori, calm down." Lori pushed him. "Okay, we understand ... but please let us go," said Leo. Lori dropped him and said to his sister, "The girls, if Lincoln arrives, tomorrow, we're going to ruin his life. "Talk about Linky," says Robbie, "he's with Mikey, Mosquito, Mabel, Casey, Irving and Mondo, Grenda and Candy in the ..." Lori approached the latter: "He's not in the park. So where is he? " "Mikey sent a text message," says Jonathan, "and he says we have a meeting with you, the foot clan surprise." "Ah," say the sisters of Lincoln Leo closed the door and said to everyone: "Come near. First… "
Music “Slendytubbies III - Night theme”
In the corn field Tiger Claw, Razhar, Fishfadce, Jeremy, Gideon, Jeremy's henchmen, the foots and Rocksteady, walked in front to the garden. Birgitte, well hidden, says to the others: "Here Birgitte Dracula, you reserve me for yourself. The target is entered. Bamboula, turn off the lights. " Thompson aka Bamboula, turns off the lights "Michelangelo, I can see very well in the dark," says Tiger Claw. "Yeah, me too," Razhar added. "Well not me," said Fishface, "I have to admit it annoys me
Music « Michael Jackson – Thriller »
But one thing did not know is that they saw Robbie and Luna put a music from Michael Jackson
Robbie : Darkness falls across the land
The midnight hour is close at hand
Creatures crawling in search of blood
To terrorize yours neighbourhood
Fishface and some of Jeremy's homes are caught by an oak tree. " It was what ? So what are we guys doing? Says Gedeon
Luna : And whosoever shall be found
Without the soul for "getting down”
Must stand and face the hounds of hell
And rot inside a corpses shell
A head of a young woman moved alone Rocksteady took fright: "Oh niet, niet !!! And he runs
Luna et Robbie : The foulest stench is in the air
The funk of forty thousand years
And grisly ghouls from every tomb
Are closing in to seal your doom
And though you fight to stay alive, your body starts to shiver
For no mere mortal can resist
The evil of the thriller.
Tiger Claw raced past Robbie and Luna, but Raph stopped him from being killed "No touch, naughty kitty," said Raph with Lola, Mark, Jonathan, Lucy, and Lynn. Razhar tried to help the mutant tiger, but he was blocked by Lori his mother, John, Albert, Wendy, Thompson, Alice and Squeezie. The oaks hang on the arms and jaw of the wolf. The oaks that hold Razhar, his Lana, Luan, Laecy, Dana, Dark Jean and Tambry. "We're holding you, Bradford," says Tambry Laecy, in turn says: "we will be able to have fun with the ugly little dog with razor head" " The head ? You do not want to say Mozart's head? Ah ah ah ah "Luan said with some joke. But suddenly, Razhar scooped the child and teens and threw them into a cornfield. "Gideon, you have to go back to the van," said Jeremy. Gideon ran away from the garden of Loud. Jeremy when he is hit by the head that moved by the mother of Lori "Go away, Akatsulose," she said. Jeremy laughs: "Ah ah ah. A dance "he approached her but Leo and Lori prevented him from advanced jeans used his hands and struck them. He walked over to her and made her dance "Call me Deidara and you have to make young adults the most fascinating," he says. John ran to him, but Jeremy pushed Rita in front of him. Leo meanwhile, took conscious and he Tiger Claw use his weapon
Music “Boss - Dark Gaia (Running) - Sonic Unleashed Music”
"Ready, Lynn? Marc asked. "Like in a movie," she says Lynn used her chainsaw to try to scare Tiger Claw. Except that he had heard the noise of the chainsaw. He shot at him, but he did not notice that Marc went over the tiger hit him on the sex
Music “Spectacular Finale - Paper Mario: Sticker Star Music Extended”
Leo and Lori get up and huddle. Lori and Leo tell everyone (except Rita) "John, Luna and Lana yours to play," said Lori. "Robbie, Leni, Lisa, Lily and Squeezie, take care of you from Bradford. Says Leo Robbie and Leni took care of Razhar's sex while Lisa and Lily pushed him with the kangaroo costume. "Luan, Lola, Thompson, Dark Jean and Wendy, against Jeremy," says Lori Dark Jean hit Jeremy on his face, while Lana, Lola, Thompson, and Wendy ran before him to scare him. Jean left the garden to join Gideon, Rocksteady and Bebop. Soon, there are more than two "Lori," says Leo Leo says Leo
Music « Sonic Forces OST - Double Boost”
"Tiger Claw !!! DOUBLE BOOSTE !!! Shouted the two leaders They ran in front of the tiger to scare him. The terrified tiger, do not know what to do he began to attack ...
Tiger Claw woke up in the van and said, "What happened? " "When you had lost consciousness, Razhar would find you and bring him back here," Jeremy said. "Where are we going? Asked Tiger Claw "At Gideon, I'll stay at his place until tomorrow, and I'll see Master Bill and Pyronca. And you ? " "We go back to Master Shredder and tell him that the turtles beat us," Fishface says.
Jazzy NYC 99 Sunset Remix
After defeating the foot clan, Leo and Raph return to the sewers. Jean wondered: "What's happening to Dipper, Mabel, Irving, Candy, Grenda Mondo, Mikey, Linky, Clyde and Casey? "
Music “Radiowar - Intoxica (Donkey Kong Country 3 OC ReMix)”
"It's two brutes can not do anything against our martial arts fights ..." Dipper said and when they arrive they saw all looked strangely "Hey, welcome everyone! Says Casey "So, there is not a fish and a rhinoceros for Grenda and me? " Lori asked Casey: " Where you were ? " "At Woody's, to eat pizza," says Lincoln. "Good since we're talking about food," said Rita, "who wants a pumpkin cake? " All ran to the door of the house to eat the cake.
Music “Resident Evil Remake Save Room (Safe Heaven) 1 Hour”
Meanwhile in the gravity fall forest, Jeremy walked past the bill statue and he said: "Soon Master Bill, you're going out of this hell" And he turned in front of the camera with a demonic smile and yellow eyes. END
Notes from the author: This Fanfic takes place between Arc 1 and 2 Tiger Claw the character that should appear in the arc 3, appeared alongside Jeremy and Gideon This episode is based on the halloween episodes of Loud House, Gravity Fall and Phineas and Ferb Fishface and Razhar are the only two characters they appear in this episode Donatello is the only one he does not appear in this episode. Noted that April is not present. Bobby, Ronnie Anne, the purple dragons, Agnes Johnson, Lee Chaolan and the reporter are missing in this episode I'm going to do the special Christmas podcast episodes that will be available on December 25, 2017 That's what I have to say to you. I can not wait for Gemturtles to complete the 1st and 2nd chapters. As for chapters 3 and 4, I wait until perhaps arrived in 2018.
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