#niche as hell but it’s fine
the-holy-ghosted · 3 months
its all fun and games until suddenly you have to draw the background
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kurokoros · 4 months
still mad that we didn't get Vecna possessing Steve. haha silly Steve who asks stupid questions and everyone dunks on as if he's not an athlete and one of the better combatants in the group. Steve, who knocked out a trained soldier at 19. Steve, who has been beaten to hell every season and gotten right back up afterwards. just goofy old Steve.
but what if Steve wasn't actually Steve anymore?
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starredforlife · 9 months
THE goal for holidays 2024 is to show up to the family jacked and tatted like I’ve wanted to for the past 2 years
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yohankang · 7 months
no but seriously WHERE is my 10+ ep long homoerotic yakuza drama 😐
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friendofthecrows · 7 months
Finished my 31 page long forensic anthropology final exam the page count of which does not include the three full-length and ridiculously in depth essay questions. It took twice the estimated time and I've been looking at a screen so long I feel like one of those bog bodies with extensive adipocere formation that look weirdly preserved and yet exactly like you'd expect someone who was submerged in a bog for an extensive period to look. Maybe a 20 year PMI.
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itwoodbeprefect · 1 year
incident: found a decade old unfinished angsty draco malfoy/OFC fic complete with dramatic black and white faded overlay cover that i don't remember abandoning let alone starting but is very much still up on the web under a username people associate with me to this day. ego dead, brain injured.
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4unnyr0se · 4 months
❥ librarian | chuuya nakahara
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warnings: fem! reader, meet cute, chuuya is a flirt bc i said so, wined and dined, unprotected sex, multiple orgasms, bedroom sex, hickeys, making out, hair pulling, oral sex (f! receiving), fingering, rough sex, whiny chuuya, corruption kink(?), reader does not know how to dress to save her life, sugar daddy(?) chuuya, unironic lip biting, chuuya is one hell of a chef, dirty talk, reader reads smut, semi-proofread
MDNI | 18+ content
word court -> 4.7k
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“Excuse me, could you keep your voice down, please? It’s a library…” was something that you said more often than you would like to admit. Sure, you only took the library job because of how insanely introverted you were, but that was neither here nor there. You thought that people would have more respect for a place that let you borrow as many books as you wanted, but nope. It was either filled with screaming children, teenagers kissing in the nonfiction section, or the elderly who didn’t know how to open their email accounts, bless them.
Other than the constant shushing (and the resulting glares you get from people you’ve shushed), the library job was nice. It was comforting, it had decent pay, and you got to keep some of the books that no one wanted to check out anymore. Hell, you even got hit on once or twice by freakishly tall men. Then again, all men were freakishly tall in your eyes. You fit the tiny librarian stereotype quite well, which your fellow librarians found to be adorable. 
Standing in the true crime section, your heeled feet stood on a step stool so you could better organize books about mafia activity in past decades. It wasn’t a very popular section by any means, mostly because the locals that frequented the library thought that true crime a was bit too niche. You didn’t mind really, it just meant that you got to be on the opposite side of the building and away from the screaming children. Often you wondered what it would be like to be a witness to a mafia hit, how the adrenaline pumping in your veins would make you feel. Lost in your train of thought, you neglected to notice that you were slowly slipping off of the step stool, the backings of your high heels teetering off the edge. It wasn’t a steep drop by any means but it would hurt pretty damn badly if you fell. 
Taking an ignorant step back, the back of your heel found nothing to land on. Yelping slightly, you spread your arms out and waved them back and forth in what was probably the world's weakest attempt at flying. “Oh shit-” you closed your eyes shut and braced for impact, hoping that you wouldn’t land on the sharp metal bookshelves behind you.
The impact never came. Instead, you felt a warm embrace of someone holding you. You opened up one eye carefully, your baby hairs covering your forehead. 
“Hey, you okay?” A deep and raspy voice snapped both of your eyes open, your gaze landing on a head of ginger hair. The man smirked at you and let you down, making sure you didn’t have any scratches by scanning your body up and down. Or maybe he was checking you out, who knows?
“Uh, yeah. I think I’ll be fine.” You nodded, dusting off your pants. No scuffs on the expensive fabric, thank God. “Thanks for making sure I didn’t hit my head, by the way. Not everyone would do that.”
The man crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow, giving you a questioning look. “You must work with some real assholes then. In my line of work, ladies don’t get treated like crap. At least the ones who everyone respects.”
“Seriously? Damn, that seems like a really good job.” You smiled at him, tucking a lock of your hair behind your ear.
“Eh…it has some setbacks. I won’t get into it now, too much bullshit to unpack here.” He bit the inside of his cheek, holding out his hand for you to shake. It was gloved, he seemed like a gentleman. Or maybe he just really didn’t like getting dirt on his hands.
You smiled and eagerly took his hand, looking into his subtly blue eyes. They really complimented his ginger hair and pale complexion, hell, he even looked like the main character in a popular romance novel. 
“Chuuya Nakahara, at your service.” He smirked once more, letting go of your hand. He noticed that your hands were smaller than his own, in fact, you were actually smaller than he was. And that was rare, considering he was in close competition with most middle schoolers in the height category. “What’s your name? I wanna know the name of the women I saved from eating absolute shit.”
You giggled and told him your name, putting your hands in your pockets. Chuuya thought your giggle was sweet, like a song bird. It was a welcome sound in his life. After all, Chuuya was used to gunshots and screams instead of the giggling of a cute librarian with a name that fitted her oh so right. 
“You got a cute name, y’know. Hope you don’t mind me sayin’ that.” Chuuya placed his hands in his pockets as well, fiddling with the lintballs in the corners of the expensive fabric. 
The silent was quite awkward between the two of you. Chuuya, a secret mafia boss who’s experience with women was tainted with expensive red wine. And yourself, a librarian who was so introverted that the world could end and you’d jump for joy. 
And yet, something brought the two of you out of your own little worlds and into each others? Was it love, perhaps? Unlikely. Chuuya thought that love at first sight was for suckers, and you thought that love at first sight only existed in movies.
No, there was only unspoken desires between you both. Heart rates quickening, blushes forming on your faces. Chuuya’s mind was racing, his thoughts plagued by images of you. He just met you but god were you sexy. That fucking thrifted turtleneck sweater contrasted hard with your expensive designer jeans that were no doubt a Christmas gift from a wealthy relative. You had no idea how to dress and Chuuya thought that was the most precious thing. Were you really that innocent, locked away in your own little world? You probably had no idea that your sweater hugged the curves of your tits perfectly, that your pants showed off your thighs so expertly. God, it drove Chuuya wild.
What did your lips feel like, so plump and perfect? Where they untained, fresh as snow? Or were you just putting on an act, secretly a vixen behind that innocent and soft stare? Chuuya didn’t know, but he just had to find out. The redhead had only just met you but holy fuck, you were simply perfect. He had to get a taste, even if it was the last thing he did. 
“So what’s a pretty thing like you workin’ in a place like this? Do they pay you well or somethin’?” Chuuya asked, leaning against the metal shelving that held the American history collection.
You shook your head and sighed, placing a hand on your hip in frustration. “Unfortunately no, I could really use a raise.” You sighed, running a hand through your comically messy hair. “The only reason I can afford my apartment is that my parents left me quite a bit of money when I said I wanted to live on my own. I’m a lucky person, I guess.” You chuckled at the last bit, flashing Chuuya a smile that drove him crazy. He faked a cough to hide the obvious lump growing in his throat, a tinge of pink dusting his freckled face. 
“Yeah, you really are lucky.” He took a step foreward, placing his thumb on your chin, tilting your head up ever so slightly so his eyes met your own. “And you’re really fucking pretty.” He whispered, taking his hand off your chin. 
“O-oh, thank you.” You stammered, fidgeting with your fingers as you looked down at your feet. The Mary Jane’s you wore wree slightly scuffed, they always have been. It adds a bit of character, one could say. Chuuya smiled softly and adjusted his hat, taking a step back to give you space.
“Listen, I have work that I gotta get back to or else my boss will kill me. Can we meet up at your place after that. Y’know, only if ya want to. I’m no pusher.” He blushed at the last part, rubbing the back of his neck to avoid making direct eye contact with you. It was strange, Chuuya has always been smooth with the women he met in bars. So why were you making him so flustered? Maybe it was because unlike the girls he picked up before, you were innocent. Pure, like fresh snow. 
You were taken aback by his flirtations, though they weren’t unwelcome. You stopped fidgeting with your fingers for a moment, biting down on the plumpness of your lower lip.
“What, cat got your tongue or something?” Chuuya grinned, proud of himself for his little joke.
N-no, well not exactly.” You mumbled, sucking in a deep breath so you could look at the devilishly handsome man in front of you. “I’ve, God this is embarrassing, I haven’t been on a date since college.” Sighing, you stared at the bookshelf next to you. “It’s pathetic, I know. I get if you aren’t interested in me anymore.”
Chuuya frowned and took his hands out of his pockets, crossing his arms over his chest. “I don’t give a fuck if you’ve been on zero dates or a million of them. That doesn’t matter. I asked if you wanted me to come over so I can fuckin’ cook for you.”
“You can cook?”
“What kind of world are you living in? Of course I cook, what kind of man can’t cook?” Chuuya pinched his temple with his fingers, silently cursing all the worlds incompetent men that drove the standard to decency so low that it was practically in hell. “Sorry, didn’t mean to shout at ya. Old habits.”
“Don’t worry about it, I deal with screaming children all day. You’re fine.” You smile, taking out your phone. “Here, put your number in and I’ll give you my address.”
Chuuya shook his head, a bead of sweat dripping from his brow. “Actually, um, my phone is broken right now. How about you just write it down for me, dollface?” He couldn’t risk putting your information into his phone, what if Mori was going through it? He could deem you a security risk and then only God knows what would happen. Chuuya wouldn’t risk it, he had to make sure you were okay with his…business before he did anything too personal like give you his contact information. 
“Oh, sure. I guess giving you my number is too personal, sorry.” You awkwardly chuckled, leading him to the main library desk. You ripped off a sticky note from the pad and wrote down your address in pretty cursive letters. Chuuya smiled to himself as he saw your handwriting, it was the cutest fucking thing. You were absolutely a librarian, no doubt about it.
“So, see you at seven?” He asked, shoving the sticky note into his jacket pocket.
“Seven’s all right. What will you be making me?” You asked, beginning to type away at the library computer.
“It’s a surprise.” Chuuya winked at you, turning around and walking away. You blushed and resting your cheek on your hand. In your mind you were dancing in happiness, finally having landed a date. And such a good looking one at that. Who the hell cares if he’s short, he’s tall to you. Height doesn’t matter anyways.
Your shift ended and you practically skipped out of the library building, clutching onto the messenger bag that carried your erotic novels. The library didn’t carry anything erotic, you just disguisted the books with false covers about local history and lore. No one would be into that shit, so it was the perfect plan. The stories consisted of fantasy romances with sections that were so arousing that you couldn’t read it without thinking that you were committing some sort of sin. 
Stepping up the stairs to your apartment, you opened the door and shut it quickly as to not attract any unwanted pests. Mostly bugs, they’ve become a real problem. What would Chuuya think if he saw a bug in your apartment? Your mind was speeding, anxiety building up in your belly. This was your first date in a while, what if you fuck it up somehow? Or worse, what if it goes too well and he wanted to have his way with you. Chuuya was too handsome to refuse sure, but what about you? You couldn’t even remember the last time you had sex, let alone kissed somebody? Oh God, what if that turned him off and he never spoke to you again?
“Dammit, snap out of it!” You slapped yourself across the face, hissing slightly at the pain. Putting yourself together, you strode over to your bedroom and pulled out a dress from way back in your closet. It was a decent length dress with spaghetti straps, your fanciest piece of clothing. The rest of your wardrobe consisted of sweatpants, tank tops with cartoon characters on it, the occasional designer jean, and several thrifted sweaters that had absolutely been worn by a grandfather. 
The dress slipped onto you no problem, like a glove. You didn’t bother wearing any tights or stockings, the dress covered your legs up nicely. You decided to just leave your hair as it was, draped nicely around your shoulders. Light makeup here and there, if you could count mascara and lipgloss as makeup.
Exiting your bedroom, your hands dropped to their sids as you sat down on your living room sofa. There wasn’t anything good on the TV, and reading an erotic novel before Chuuya got there would have probably ruined the mood for you. Was getting ready too early a mistake? Maybe.
Your eyes watched the clock, your pupils going in circles as the second hand made its rotation over and over again until it was about 6:55PM. A knock was heard at your door, snapping you out of the cycle of clock-looking. 
Squealing quietly, you speed-walked over to your door. Taking a deep breath in, you opened the door and there Chuuya stood, holding a bag of groceries in one hand and a singular red rose in the other. “Hey there pretty girl, mind if I come in?”
“O-of course, Chuuya. Uh, sorry.” You stammered, shutting the door as he let himself inside. Chuuya stood in the foyer of your apartment for a moment, quickly noticiny the hundreds of books the lined the shelves. “I don’t know why I’m so surprised doll, shoulda known you’re a huge nerd.” He chuckled, handing you the rose. His outfit was not too different from that afternoon, only the hat and the jacket were missing.
“Thank you, it’s really pretty.” You blushed, placing the rose in a nearby empty vase. “So, um, what are you making me tonight? I’m starving.” You led him into the kitchen, helping him set down the groceries on the counter.
“Kobe beef,” Chuuya said nonchalantly, looking around the kitchen. “Where are your knives? Don’t see em anywhere.”
“In that drawer right there- did you saya kobe beef?” You gasped, taking a step back. “B-but that’s really expensive! This is just a first date y’know, I would have accepted take out!” You stammered, not used to the treatment. Did he really just buy kobe beef for you? How much does he get paid?
“Yeah, what about it? You a vegetarian or something?” Chuuya raised an eyebrow, opening the beef from its luxurious packaging and placing it on the simple wooden cutting board. 
“No, it’s just that…well kobe is really expensive and this is a first date! It’s not even at the nice restaurant or anything, it’s my fucking house!” You whisper-yelled at him, walking foreward so your face was inches away from your own. Your shyness was replaced with anxiety, anxiety that you really had no excuse to have.
Chuuya smiled and patted you on the head, rubbing on your hair with his gloved hand. “Don’t worry about that princess, just have a seat and let me cook for you, yeah?” He assured you, gesturing to your kitchen table. “And besides, you’re dressed up like a five course meal, so shouldn’t you be treated to one?” He smirked, finishing up the chopping of the beef. He figured out how to work your stove pretty quickly, placing the beef in a pan with a little bit of truffle oil. The stove roared to life as the beef began to quickly sizzle, a wonderful aroma that smelled like luxury filled your apartment.
You blushed at Chuuya’s comment, sitting yourself down in the chair. You watched him cook, his brows furrowed in concentration.
The beef was done cooking after a bit, being carefully plated with an array of incredibly looking vegetables. Chuuya sat across from you and took your hand in his own, kissing the back of yours tenderly.
“Bon appetit, princess.” He grinned at you, his eyes hiding a lust that was so extreme Asmodeous himself was jealous. He observed how you ate the beef so carefully, so tenderly. You savored each and every bite, sighing occasionally as the flavors hit your tongue over and over again. Chuuya bit his lip as he watched you eat, barely touching his own dinner. You looked absoltuely succulent in front of him, oblivious to how you were making him feel. Chuuya wanted to shove everything off the table and fuck you right then and there, but he decided to be a gentlemen about it. Dine you, maybe wine you, and only touch your pretty body if you wanted him too. 
You finished your meal quickly, frowning to yourself at Chuuya’s full plate. “Are you not hungry or something?” You asked, ignoring the bits of beef resting at the corner of your mouth. 
“I’m hungry for…something else.” Chuuya smirked, grabbing your dirty plate and placing it in the sink. He stepped over to you and took your hand, hoisting you up from your chair. Carefully, his arm wrapped around your waist so he could pull you in closer to his own form, his fingers running up and down your hip bone. “If you know what I mean.”
You blushed and slowly nodded your head, noticing how his perfect blue eyes seemed to have fireballs igniting within the azure pools. “I…I do. I just…I haven’t had sex in a while. Kind of goes hand-in-hand with the whole dating thing.” You awkwardly laughed to yourself, hoping a joke would lighten the tension.
“I could change that for you dollface, if you want me to.” Chuuya purred, tilting your chin up to his lips were just hovering above yours. “Just say the word sweetheart, and I’ll make you see stars.” He whispered, his hot breath touching your trembling lips.
You thought for a moment, your mouth still agape at Chuuya’s boldness. “...okay.” You breathed against his lips, mere centimeters away.
With your consent, Chuuya crashed his lips against yours. With one hand clutching ont your waist, the other cupped your face quite gently. His kiss was rough and passionate, groaning into your mouth at the sensation that he had so long been craving.
Your hands flew to grab onto his hair, tugging at the longer part. Chuuya moaned slightly at the sensation, squeezing the fabric of your dress. He pulled himself away slowly, choosing to instead attack the delicate flesh of your neck. His lips found your sweetspot and sucked harshly, your lips producing the cutest little moans which only made his cock harder. A bright purple hickey formed in no time at all, definitely going to last a few days. 
“You wear turtlenecks, right? Shouldn’t be a fuckin’ problem then.” He growled against your neck, trialing molten kissed down until he reached your collarbone, playfully licking it.
“M-maybe we should go to the bedroom? Comfier.” You managed to squeak out, softly moaning as Chuuya continued to nip and kiss at your collarbone. He pulled away, grumbling at the loss of contact.
“Good idea dollface, smart.” He lifted you up bridal style, chuckling as you squealed. “You’re so fuckin’ adorable baby, y’know that?” He asked, kicking open the door to your bedroom. He practically threw you onto the bed and pounced, pinning your wrists above your head quickly. Chuuya slammed his lips against yours once more, shoving his tongue down your throat as your teeth clashed for dominance. 
Taking a break from the onslaught of tongue-on-tongue, Chuuya gently stroked your face with his still-gloved hand. “Fucking good mouth you got, sweetheart.” He purred, shifting himself so he was looking at your hips. “Now tell me,” His hand reached to his mouth, peeling off his gloves with his teeth. “Do you want my fingers or my tongue first, princess?”
You gulped nervously, your face feeling like it was going to explode at any moment from how fucking horny you were for this man. Your legs were practically shaking under him, how was it possible that one man could make you feel euphoria without fucking you?
“B-both, please…” You whispered, not daring to look into his aflamed blue eyes that burned for you. Your aroused pooled in your belly, just waiting to be taken care of.
Chuuya nodded approvingly, lifting your dress up to reveal your panties that were soaked in your arousal. “Fuckin’ dirty girl, so perfect for me.” He whispered, hastily removing your panties and tossing them into some corner of your bedroom. He shivered at the sight of your glistening core, admiring how otherworldly it looked in the dim lights of your bedroom.
“Shit,” Chuuya groaned, gathering some of your slick on his fingertips before carefully inserting his index and middle finger inside of your sobbing cunt. He wasted no time in curling his fingers inside of you, thrusting them back and forth swiftly.
“Oh fuck, oh my God!” You cried out, throwing your head back even further into the soft pillows beneath you. Your legs wanted so badly to wrap around his hand, trapping him there for a while. 
“That’s it baby, scream for me. Fuckin’ scream for me princess.” He growled, his lips sucking on your clit roughly. His tongue lapped and sucked at your desperate folds, fingers pumping in and out of you like he was in a competition. He could feel your walls sucking him in, knowing your orgasm was close. 
“Fucking cum for me baby, lemem hear those pretty moans of yours!” Chuuya demanded, eating you out like a starved man.
“Oh fuck, Chuuya!” You screamed out his name as your orgasm finally hit, the knot in your belly becoming undone too fast for your own liking. You wish that moment could last forever instead of mere moments. 
Gasping and panting, you propped yourself up by your elbows to be greeted with a chuckling Chuuya, licking off your cum with his expert tongue. “You taste so much better than anything I’ve ever fucking had before princess.” He spoke, his voice low and sultry.
Chuuya briefly got off the bed to take off his pants and boxers, gasping as the air of your bedroom hit his throbbing cock. He relished in your shocked expression, your mouth left hanging wide open at the sight of him.
“What, never seen a big dick before?” He chuckled, getting on top of you once more. He lifted your legs up so they rested on his shoulders, giving him the most perfect angle to fuck you seneless. 
“Not in a while, no.” You retorted, offering Chuuya a smirk of your own. That one simple movement of your facial muscle was all it took for him to align his cock with your entrance, slamming it inside of you.
“That was so fucking hot babe, do it again.” He demanded, pounding himself into your core without giving you any time to adjust to his length or girth. His hands gripped the undersides of your thighs, occasionally smacking the subble skin.
“Ngh, h-holy fuck! Chuuya, shit! So fucking big, oh my fucking God!” You cried out, your hands making desperate motions to grab onto anything. Chuuya bent down, pushing you into a mating press so he could better hold your hand.
“Shit, fucking scream my name babygirl. Fuck, you’re squeezing on to me so damn tight!” He groaned into your ear, his balls snapping against your ass over and over again. Your cheeks were flushed, mouth gaping open. All that left your lips were wanton moans and cries of pleasure as Chuuya’s cock hit your G-spot over and over again, the pleasure once again pooling in your belly.
“Shit! Shit, shit, shit, I’m close! Chuuya, fuck!” You screamed, slamming your lips upwards onto his own. He happily accepted the kiss, biting down onto your lower lip as he felt your cunt contract around his soaked cock.
“Fuck, can you hold out just a little longer baby? Wan’ cum with you, yeah?” He whined against your lips, furiously meeting his hips with your own as the scent of sex and longing filled the bedroom. 
“Don’t stop, don’t fucking stop!” You cried into his ear, not sure how much longer you could stand to not fall into your orgasm.
He growled against your neck, his thrusts becoming staggered and desperate in a relentless tempo as Chuuya’s own orgasm approached him. “Shit, gonna fucking cum. Cum with me yeah, please fucking come with me!”
A silent scream left your lips as euphoria enveloped your body, wave after wave of ecstasy hitting you as your orgasm finally came. Your arousal squeezed and coated Chuuya’s cock, sending him over the edge.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, oh my God! Fuck…” He gapsed into your neck, his ministrations slowing down until they came to a complete stop. He collapsed onto you, lazily kissing your neck and the hickeys that covered it. 
You smiled, peeling the sweaty hairs away from your face as you embraced Chuuya in your arms. “That was…just like the books I read.” You chuckled, running your fingers through his mess of red hair. “Almost exactly like those books, actually.”
Chuuya looked up from your breast and raised an eyebrow, flipping you around so you were now embraced in his arms. “You read porn?”
You nodded, gesturing to your nightstand. “Yeah, I try to keep it a secret though. My coworkers would never let me live it down if they knew the truth.” You gave him a crooked smile, curling further into his chest. 
He nodded in understanding, kissing your forehead. “Well, we gotta do this again princess. Because that was…well it was fuckin’ amazing. Who knew the cute little librarian was so dirty?” He joked, poking your cheek teasingly.
“I literally just let you finish inside of me and you’re making jokes?”
“Hey, I’m allowed to be funny. I’m a fuckin’ sex god.”
You sighed and kissed his lips, feeling your eyes grow heavy with sleep. “Y’know, I don’t have work tomorrow if you wanted to stay the night…” You yawned, embracing the feeling of coziness and warmth.
Chuuya was a bit shocked by your words at first, smacking his lips together. He smiled down at you, ruffling up your nest of a hair that was no doubt caused by his body moving against yours for a good twenty minutes. “I’d really like that, princess.” He assured you, grabbing his phone from your nightstand to type something in. “Just lettin’ my boss know I’ll be late for my assignment tomorrow.”
“What if he gets mad at you?” You asked, your sleepy voice filled with just a pinch of concern. 
“Well, he can suck my dick for all I care. Although, I’d much rather have you do that.” He winked, throwing the covers above your sweaty forms. “So, are you going to get changed or are we sleeping in our date night clothes?”
“Mm, date night clothes. I don’t think I’ll be able to fucking walk after what you did to me.” You laughed, pulling Chuuya closer. You rested your head on his chest, feeling his heartbeat through the expensive shirt he wore. “Have sweet dreams, okay? And…pleae be here when I wake up tomorrow.” You whispered the last part before drifting off, the cutest little snore escaping from your parted lips.
Chuuya sighed and kissed the top of your head, admiring how innocent you looked in your slumber. “I promise beautiful, I’m not going anywhere.”
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I’ll forever be annoyed that Malevolent doesn’t stop to recognize the significance of a PIANIST choosing to bite off part of his PINKIE FINGER. No matter the hand, the pinkie is maybe the second most important digit for piano playing, behind the thumb. (Second and third fingers, SIT BACK DOWN.)
Your pinkies are hyper-attuned to hit the right notes in a root chord, pick out an overall melody while the rest of your hand is playing a harmony, hell, it’s the start of most scales. As a pianist, I’ve put years of procedural memory into training just my pinkie fingers to do their jobs and if I lost part of one I would be devastated, even as a hobbyist.
There’s so much symbolism potential there, too! I love that John in general has control of Arthur’s left hand, which on piano controls the low notes, the accompaniment to the melody, and the root and stability of almost anything you play. It mostly supports, though can sometimes intertwine with the right hand or branch off into cello-like melody of its own (chopin does this a lot it’s great). That conceptually fits John SO WELL. Not to mention the idea of Arthur being so guilt-ridden with Faroe’s death that he distances himself from being a pianist at any opportunity, only to be reeled in by an Eldritch force that explains EVERYTHING to him as piano… the possibilities make me scream.
…Unfortunately though, I don’t buy the ‘the symbolism is there’ argument for this one, it’s FAR too niche to expect the average audience to know what exactly a professional pianist would value (besides the ~oooooo no don’t break my hands~ beat that every pianist character in a thriller/horror/action story ever seems to have gone through at some point), and malevolent goes out of its way so often to explain symbolism.
I think my frustration is that Arthur having trauma surrounding piano, losing direct control of his left hand, and losing/replacing his top pinkie joint, doesn’t have many narrative consequences. (Didn’t even talk about how a wooden pinkie would probably fundamentally change the sound/timbre of your playing, which would be cool to see reflected.) Arthur seems to be able to play piano fine even with John controlling his hand, and enthusiastically does so at several points post- starting to process Faroe’s death in the dreamlands. It’s fine as a narrative choice, there’s a story to tell after all, but I’ll always miss the character intricacy that could come from exploring these consequences and backstory specifics.
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starchilddante · 9 months
It is now my personal goal as a writer to create queer stories for all the major stereotypes
Like come on, how have we not had a gay Christmas romance? (I'd sure as hell watch cheesy hallmark Christmas movies if they were gay lmao)
Or a cliche coffee shop meeting between two lesbians?
Or two aroace royalty in an arranged marriage trying so hard for a romance to please the other until they're like oh, dang, we just realized the other is aroace, let's rule this kingdom as best friends instead
Or a transgender princess/prince who is so insecure but turns out their fairy tale lover adores them as they are?
We get the same cliches reprinted over and over with straight cisgender people and while that's fine I want to see diversity in those cliches
I want to see queer normalized
I want in every crevice, every niche because it belongs
Because we belong.
That's my dream as a writer.
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cryptidghostgirl · 6 months
Drawing Down the Moon (Alastor x Ancient Roman!Witch!Reader)
Pairing: Alastor x Reader
Warnings: I don't think there are any? Please correct me if I am wrong. The subject matter is a little niche.
Description: Alastor reencounters an old friend.
Word Count: 2,871
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Alastor Master List 
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A/N i’ve been reading about roman magic laws for school okay?? don’t judge me. Maybe one of the nichest things I've ever written (except that one Akutagawa x Reader fic I have on my Wattpad where I made them talk to one another in ancient Greek and Latin (its called Leo, Leonis and tbh, that fic slaps if I do say so myself)). Won't be surprised if no one reads or likes this one but I don't care. This will be a monster of a fic, she's been lurking in the recesses of my mind for a hot second now.
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"Why would she lie for so long? Does she think I wouldn't accept her?" Charlie was animatedly talking at Alastor as they walked the streets of Hell, "What about me, ME, says un understanding... misunderstanding?... Disunder- Wait, w-where are we?"
Alastor sprung to life as Charlie finally asked a question he had an answer to. Theatrically, he stepped into her curious line of sight, his arms held wide.
"Cannibal Town!" respectfully, Alastor turned and took Charlie's arm in his own, "There's a friend of mine I think you should meet."
"In Cannibal Town?" Charlie doubtfully asked as Alastor began to lead her towards a crowded shop entrance, "But it's... it's... surprisingly nice here."
"Isn't it, though?" Alastor proudly replied, "And it is all thanks to a very special someone."
Alastor opened the stained glass doors to the emporium, allowing Charlie to walk through them before he followed in her wake. The store was full, packed to the brim with cannibals of all sorts, all of whom seemed to part respectfully in the face of Alastor, allowing him to approach the front counter with Charlie trailing after him.
"Ah, Johnny my good fellow." Alastor hummed to the cashier, leaning casually on the counter.
The demon seated behind the table looked up with a wide smile.
"Mister Alastor, it has been quite a while since we've seen your face around these parts."
Charlie watched the interaction in mild surprise. It wasn't often she had the pleasure of meeting someone Alastor knew who didn't hate him or want him dead. Curiosity clouded her mind as Alastor waved the man off.
"I don't mean to be rude but, we're in a bit of a rush." Alastor said, politeness pooling delicately around his words, "Rosie wouldn't happen to be in, would she?"
"Ah, well, you see, Mister Alastor..." the demon seemed slightly uncomfortable, scratching at his ear slightly, "She's a tad... preoccupied at the moment?"
"A guest?" Alastor asked.
"A guest." Johnny reluctantly confirmed.
"Well, no matter. Is she in the back?"
"Yes," Johnny got to his feet, leaning forward as Alastor linked arms with Charlie once again, leading her behind the counter, "but I really don't think it's a good idea to... and they're gone."
"Wasn't that rude?" Charlie asked as Alastor pulled her behind the curtain that separated the main store from the backrooms and Rosie's apartment, "Oh no, is that guy going to get in trouble? Because of us?"
"Everything will be just fine my dear, don't you worry." Alastor patted her hand reassuringly as they came to stop before a door.
Letting Charlie's arm fall free, he straightened his jacket just the slightest bit before knocking on the door. There was a moment of silent anticipation before a voice from the other side called:
"Who is it?!"
"Alastor, Rosie." Alastor replied calmly.
There was a rustling of fabric, a handful of hasty footsteps, and the door swung open to reveal a woman. She was tall and beautiful in her long dress and her wide brimmed hat.
"Oh my stars!" she exclaimed with a bright smile, "Do my eyes deceive me? Alastor? Alastor! Where have you been? These halls really lost some of their sparkle without your lively presence and-"
The woman, Rosie, trailed off as she caught sight of Charlie standing beside her dear friend.
"Oh, who's this you brought with you? Come now, Alastor, she's much too young for you. Oh, I'm just kidding. But where are your manners, Mister? Introduce us, why don't you?"
"Ah, yes, Charlie, this is Rosie: the most darling, delightful, and dangerous Overlord this side of the pentagram."
At his words, Rosie smiled, giving a perfect curtsy. It was as her form lowered that Charlie caught sight of the interior of the room, and the strange seated figure it housed. Alastor seemed not to have noticed and as Rosie straightened herself up again, she laughed slightly.
"Oh, always such a charmer."
"And Rosie," Alastor continued, "it is my pleasure to introduce you to Princess Charlie Morningstar, daughter of Lucifer and heir to the throne of Hell."
Charlie smiled weakly, waving slightly at the imposing and nearly off-puttingly cheerful woman.
"How do you do?" she asked awkwardly, "I am very sorry for interrupting your meeting, I tried to get Alastor to wait but..."
"Oh, yes!" Rosie suddenly exclaimed, almost as if she had forgotten about her previous guest in all the excitement, "Come on in you two, I'm sure she wouldn't mind."
Charlie was about to protest when Rosie grabbed her by the arm, dragging her into the room. Alastor followed, turning his back as he shut the door behind them. Charlie's mouth fell open slightly as her eyes finally saw the truth of Rosie's guest.
She was tall, probably tall enough to rival Alastor or Rosie herself. Skin tinged slightly blue, she seemed to be covered in a faint gold dust that clung to her draped, toga-like dress and skin in equal amount. Heaps of gold jewelry hung on every inch of her as well, wrapping her wrists, her neck, her ankles, her fingers, even braided into her hair. Resting atop her head was a crown of gold with a half moon on it, her feet were bare. With wide, white eyes that nearly seemed unseeing, the woman watched Charlie carefully.
"Can I offer you something to eat?" Rosie was asking, but Charlie could barley hear her, unable to break eye contact with the woman, "I'm sure I have a leg around here or something..."
"I am afraid were not here for food." Alastor thankfully stepped in, turning to Rosie with closed eyes and a wide smile, "We happen to be in need of some help."
"Alastor?" the woman spoke and her voice resounded in itself, loud yet soft at the same time, singular and yet somehow plural.
"Well, aren't you fresh."
That was the first thing she had ever said to him. Alastor had been wandering Hell, minding his own business when he had heard that voice say those words and felt a fire ignited in him. Slowly, he had turned around to see a pair of towering demons. Overlords, he realized, and big ones at that. Alastor's smile sharpened at its edges as he began to formulate a plan.
Charlie turned at last, as if whatever spell the stranger had cast on her had broken at the sound of her voice, to look at Alastor in mild confusion. She heard his breath hitch in his throat. The man in question was frozen, his ears twitching wildly, his eyes now wide open.
"Is that you?" the demon asked again.
Alastor somehow seemed to reassemble himself before their very eyes. Slowly, he turned to the room's only occupied chair.
"Who are you?"
Alastor feigned innocence, looking up at the titan herself as she took a step forward. In an instant, she stood at his height, looking him dead in the eyes.
"An odd one too." she hummed thoughtfully, white eyes tracking the stars, reading his future it almost seemed, "Most people go with what before who."
Alastor was unsure how to respond to that one. The titan chuckled, a grin flashing across her face. It was unexpected, disconcerting. Alastor hadn't thought her face capable of any expression save solemn disinterest. She turned her head slightly to the side, looking back over her shoulder to her companion.
"Zestial, cara mea?"
The spidery demon took a step forward, meeting her eyes.
"Don't you have something you need to be getting to?"
Alastor may have been dumbstruck, but he wasn't stupid. He heard the order as clearly as if she had not bothered with the formalities of disguising it. It shocked Alastor to his core. This might be his first time encountering Zestial but, he had heard the demon's name before. Most frequently, it had been spat at him by his victims who claimed that one of Hell's oldest and most respected demons would come for him. So who was this other overlord, the titan? Sure, he'd heard of her before but enough that such blatant disrespect towards Hell's most respected made sense? No. Not at all, in fact.
Zestial paused a moment before bowing his head slightly.
"You're quite right." he hummed, "I will be seeing you presently I expect?"
"Perchance." the titan lazily replied, her gaze having long since switched back to Alastor, set on analyzing his features, "I'll let you know."
With another polite bow, Zestial had turned and began walking in the opposite direction. The titan held an arm out for Alastor. He looked at it curiously before meeting the demon's eye's again. She laughed.
"So suspicious. I thought you we're the one killing overlords, not me."
His eyes went wide.
"How do you..." he cleared his throat, "how did you know?"
It was a stupid question and he knew it. There hadn't been any secret keeping, not really. Sure, he never outright said he was the Radio Demon who broadcasted screams but he supposed there couldn't be many Radio Demon's out there really. It didn't matter that he had only been going after overlords for a month or so now, she was one. Of course she would know.
"Let's go for a walk, shall we?"
All it took was one look. Suddenly, he was new again, spat fresh out of life on Earth and in to Hell's gaping maw. One look at her, and he dissolved at the edges, forming and reforming his own ability to speak and comprehend the world around him.
"It is." the woman hummed, a wide smile breaking across her face, revealing the blackness of her teeth, her mouth.
Alastor soon formed a bit of a soft spot for the inhuman overlord. It was that first meeting, that first walk. He had asked, hunting for information to wield against her, about her life on Earth and in Hell. It was her fault really, for answering. That's what had him stuck.
Y/n had laid her life out for him like a freshly pressed table cloth. She had been raised on the streets of ancient Rome and executed as a witch. She was perhaps the oldest demon remaining in Hell, the exterminations having eventually wiped out even the strongest members of her times. Just as Alastor had been reborn as a deer due to his death, so too was she reborn as what they had accused her of. Every ritual, every spell, prophecy itself all worked for her. It was then Alastor understood the interaction he had witnessed between Zestial and Y/n, then he understood the respect.
He found himself drawn to her more and more and, somehow, he always seemed to be able to find her when he went searching. He assumed it was some strange magical nonsense she controlled. Alastor didn't question it.
Y/n showed him Hell in a way he had never seen it before. She taught him where to gather herbs and how to use them, how to bend the earth to his will, how to spin iunges and call down the storms, the rain, the moon. Alastor devoured, fed by her hand.
It was odd, Charlie had never seen a demon like her before. The white eyes, the teeth black with what seemed to be darkness, the gold. All of it was off putting yet somehow, captivating. Alastor seemed to be acting weird, his eyes flitting wildly across the woman, taking in her every detail. Charlie wasn't sure what to do about that.
In some sense, Alastor seemed to be scared. In another, he was in an overjoyed state of disbelief. Charlie wasn't sure which was more disconcerting, or how to respond to either and so, she simply watched.
"I have a question, mea ocella."
Y/n announced one day and Alastor turned from where he sat spinning stories into his microphone at her feet. That was what she had called him, her little eye. She told him it was a term of endearment. Alastor had no reason to doubt. The red grass swayed slightly in the breeze as he looked up at her, immediately bringing a halt to his broadcast.
"What is it?"
"You've been so set on ending all us overlords for so long now," she hummed, "wouldn't you like to do something different?"
"Something like what?"
"See from the other side of the glass."
Her white eyes glowed blue, the gold on her skin shining out into the world around like stars. Alastor sighed.
"You're prophesying again."
She nodded in agreement. Y/n had never seen the point in lying, she had never known its use. Not since before she could remember, back in the times she lived. They were so distant now, so immaterial and unimportant she rarely payed those memories much mind.
"So, what is it you see me doing?"
"Simple riddle or play on words?"
The two types of prophesy, the two options. Alastor put a finger to his chin, humming in thought.
"Simple riddle. Please, not in dactylic hexameter if you would, decoding that always gives me a headache."
"But that has been the meter of prophecy since Justice herself sat on the Delphic throne, mea ocella." Y/n retorted in surprise, meeting Alastor's eyes.
"Yeah, well."
Y/n laughed lightly, looking back out blankly toward the future.
"As you wish, ocella. Just this once. My gift to you."
Alastor hummed his non-comital thanks, turning his gaze back out the the skyline of the city as well.
"One will be two, two will be four, when that number comes be ready for more. Seven years past under grim sudden stress, four becomes ten, I'll tell you what happens next. Help one bright star to the top, not too far, and you will be free from the one not the three."
"Rhymes? Really?"
Y/n looked down at him, the glow fading from her as their eyes met and the future vanished from the scope of her vision.
"You asked for no hexameter, I still get to have fun."
"Yeah, yeah."
The pair fell into a comfortable silence. Alastor ran the words of her fortune in his head, trying to gain any semblance of reason from them.
"They don't sound very... avoidable."
"That's because it's not one of the ones you can change."
Y/n pulled herself to her feet suddenly, her chiton swirling around her. Alastor watched in awe as her image flickered in the air for a moment between the image of herself just a head shorter than him, the one who loomed around nine feet tall, and some three headed monster at what must've been five stories. Leaning, she held a hand out for him to grasp. It took Alastor a moment to realize, shaking his head slightly as he at last accepted Y/n's help and got to his feet.
"Where are we going?"
"I've decided you are going to be an overlord, mea ocella."
"I think it might help you down the line."
It had been years since Alastor had seen her. Long before he had taken his so called seven year sabbatical, Y/n had vanished. Alastor knew she wasn't dead, he would have been able to tell if she was dead. Surly the world would have shifted in some new and strange way to lose the goddess of the crossroads, the titan, Hekate made flesh and blood. Nothing like that had happened and so he knew she was alive, just not where or how.
Y/n's prophecies were always accurate. Standing here before her now, Alastor recalled her words from all those decades before.
One will be two, two will be four. When that number comes, be ready for more.
One had been just him. Two? When he had died and met his shadow. Alastor realized now that three had been Y/n herself and that the fourth important person who had come into his afterlife was the very person who owned his soul.
Seven years past under grim sudden stress, four becomes ten, I'll tell you what happens next.
Seven years he'd been gone, indeed under an unexpected and disastrous situation. When, after seven long years, he had returned to Hell, he had gone to the hotel. It was at the Hazbin Hotel that he not only met Charlie, Vaggie, Angel, and Sir Pentious but that they became vital parts of his life along with Husk and Nifty who before then had mostly existed on the periphery. Those six, plus the original four, made ten.
Help one bright star to the top, not too far, and you will be free from the one not the three.
All along, all those years ago, she had known. Alastor had always respected Y/n, always harbored a soft and disconcerting love for the witch. Never before now had either felt so overwhelming. Alastor took a trembling step forward from his place at Charlie's side. The world closed in, she was the only thing he could see.
Y/n smiled as he sunk to his knee before her, his head bowed.
"Mea ocella." she happily hummed, lifting his head up gently with the tips of her bluish grey fingers.
This fic will probably have a part two.
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motelsnleatherseats · 1 month
Sam finally got invited to his first party, and Dean couldn't be happier for the kid. For too long had he had his nose buried in books, for too long had he hid his shy and somewhat awkward gaze towards girls behind hair too long. Dean was always wondering when he'd finally dive into a social life instead of just pining for one, and it was comforting to see Sam get excited about the prospect of making friends and meeting girls.
Until it wasn't.
Watching Sam spend too long in the bathroom getting ready made Dean feel a little unsettled. His baby brother had never invested so much time in his looks before, he had never tried to impress anyone outside of tidbits of specifically niche information he could recall off the top of head in some geeky spiel that would only excite the equally nerdy. But now he was combing his fingers through his hair, brushing his teeth just once more before he'd be ready to go, splashing just a little bit of aftershave on his neck despite never bringing a razor to his baby-faced complexion.
Dean was dragging his feet while Sam was impatiently trying to rush him out the door, complaining about being late.
Are you sure you know enough people going? Ugh, yes.
Do you have your blade with you? Seriously Dean, can we just go, please?
You sure you don't want me to go with you? Yeah, cause I really need a chaperone.
Maybe Dean took an extra back road, maybe just drove a couple miles per hour under the speed limit, looking for any excuse to keep Sam by his side a little bit longer. He couldn't help but think tonight would be the night that some cute little thing who barely developed tits over the summer would find Sam just too adorable not to sink her teeth into, and the thought made him stomach-sick.
Once they had pulled up to the party, Dean watched with a frown as Sam checked his reflection once more in the rearview mirror, making sure one hair wasn't out of place.
Don't drink too much. Dean--
Seriously Sammy, just be careful. I'm always careful.
Call me if you need me, okay? I'll be fine.
One more thing.
Dean reached over and curled his hand at the back of Sam's neck, pulling him in to press their lips together, much to Sam's shock and dismay. He gave a petulant whine and even moved to wipe his lips with the back of his hand as he stared at Dean incredulously with a 'what the hell was that for?'
Now when someone asks you if you've ever kissed someone before, you can say yes. You're such a creep, I swear to God.
Dean watched as Sam scoot himself out of the Impala, a disgruntled look on his face as he stormed off to the party, but Dean smirked. No one got to lay claim on Sammy before him.
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lily-fics-11 · 7 months
The Girl Next Door: Chapter 1 (Hazel Callahan)
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The Girl Next Door
Fic master post here (feel free to comment to be added to tag list)
You hadn’t been close with your neighbor Hazel for a few years. But you find her beat up in the locker room after fight club and all of that changes.
Chapter 1
You reunite with Hazel and clean her up after fight club
CW: mentions of blood and injury, allusions to violence, cursing, not beta read
You make your way to the locker room after staying behind at school to work on a group project. You forgot your hoodie in your gym locker, so you are grabbing it quickly before heading home. 
While you are at your locker you hear the door open and close. Someone else has entered the locker room, but you don’t think anything of it. 
As you go to leave you walk past the bathroom and you see someone standing in front of one of the sinks. She is facing the other way but you can see her reflection in the mirror. You notice that there is blood on her face and dripping down her shirt, paired with a swollen eye. You are obviously concerned and stop to take a closer look. Upon further inspection you realize that it is your neighbor.
“Hazel?” You call as you approach her. She sees you in the mirror and turns around. Why does she look amused?
“Hey!” She greets you like the circumstances are normal. 
“What the hell happened to you?” This wasn’t the best school, but you would never have thought someone would get attacked like this. 
“Oh this?” She looks down at her bloody shirt and shrugs. “I was just in fight club.”
“Who are you? Brad Pitt?” You are a little angry, what the hell is fight club and how did someone sweet and innocent like Hazel end up in it? You can’t help but feel bad for thinking that she looks kind of hot like this. 
“No, no, of course not. Some of my friends have started a self defense club, we call it fight club because we learn to defend ourselves by fighting eachother.”
You sigh and decide to save your questions for later and give in to your instinct to take care of her.
“Why don’t we get you cleaned up?” You suggest to her.
She shifts uncomfortably and scratches the back of her head. She avoids eye contact by looking at the floor.
“You don’t have to do that. I’m fine, really,” she protests. 
“I can’t just leave you here like this. I know we aren’t close anymore but that doesn’t mean I don’t care about you.” You mean every word. Hazel started to distance herself from you towards the end of middle school. You never knew why. You settled in with the popular crowd and Hazel settled in to her own niche. But it hurt you so badly and came right as you realized you had feelings for her. You have pushed those feelings down over the years, you’ve even had a girlfriend. But seeing Hazel like this, your old feelings are bubbling up to the surface. 
Her eyes just widen, surprised, as if you had been the one to push her away. She tries to hide it, but a smile starts to creep across her face. “I guess I could use some help cleaning up. It doesn’t usually get so messy, I swear.”
“Oh believe me, I’m going to need to hear more about this fight club. But right now we need to do something about all of this blood,” your voice is tender, you are not sure exactly what she’s been through today and you want to be delicate. 
You put your things down and grab a paper towel. You wet it and get closer to Hazel. As you reach towards her face she takes a sharp breath in. You aren’t sure why though, you haven’t even touched her yet. 
“I promise I’m going to be as gentle as I can, but it’s still going to hurt,” you explain. 
Hazel just nods and closes her eyes.
You begin to dab the wet paper towel on her face and the blood starts to come off. She winces with pain and says “ow” every once in a while, her eyes still sealed shut. 
“Why don’t you talk to me? It’ll distract you from the pain.” You are suggesting it for her, but also for you. You’ve really missed talking to Hazel.
She opens her eyes to look at you with a tense expression.
“Right, right. Good idea. Um… how have you been?”
“Well I haven’t been punched in the face recently, so better than you,” you laugh a little and she does too. 
“Fight club is great, for real. Yeah we get a little banged up, but it’s a safe space.”
You can’t help but laugh more as you echo “safe space.”
You expect her to continue to defend her new venture but she quickly changes the subject instead. 
“So, how’s your um,” Hazel pauses to clear her throat, “girlfriend?”
That takes you by surprise. You didn’t really talk to Hazel at all but you guess that it makes sense that she would know which lesbians are in relationships with each other. 
“Oh, we actually broke up. Last week,” you tell her shyly. It’s weird discussing your love life with someone that has your old feelings for her creeping up on you. 
“I’m… sorry to hear that.” Does she sound relieved? It wasn’t a secret that your ex wasn’t exactly the nicest to you, so that must be it. 
“It was for the best. Things weren’t exactly good between us,” you admit.
“You deserve so much better than her!” Hazel blurts out unexpectedly.
“I… thank you. That means a lot to me.” She just nods her head. 
You take a step back and her eyes widen, seeming to think it was her fault. 
“I’m done,” you tell her and you see a wave of relief come over her.
“What are we going to do about that shirt?”
“I’ll just change when I get home.” Hazel tells you. 
“No, no.” You protest and pick up your hoodie. You offer it to her “take this.”
Hazel’s eyes dart around nervously. “That’s, um, okay.”
“You are going to get your little fight club disbanded” you warn, “if anyone sees you walking around with blood all over you like that. It’s bad enough that you’ve got a black eye. Plus everyone is still freaking out about that girl getting beat up by the Huntington football player.”
Hazel takes a nervous breath and starts to pull her shirt off. Your eyes widen and you know you should look away but it’s hard to when she reveals her toned stomach and sports bra. “What are you…” you begin to question frantically. 
She cuts you off, “I don’t want to get any blood on your sweatshirt.”
You nod and finally peel your eyes off of her. You look away but leave your hand out so she can take the hoodie. 
After a moment she clears her throat and you look back at her. You can’t help but smile a little bit seeing your hoodie on Hazel. 
“I better get going,” she says and she starts to walk away. You step in front of her.
“Your eye is practically swollen shut. You can’t drive like that. I’ll give you a ride home.”
She freezes like a dear in headlights. She looks like she’s about to protest but she knows you are right. 
“But my car? How am I supposed to get back to it, get to school tomorrow?” She asks nervously. 
“I’ll just drive you to school tomorrow,” you tell her with a smirk. You can’t help it. The thought of getting to spend more time with Hazel excites you. She looks a little intimidated by how forward you are. She avoids eye contact. “I guess I’ll grab my stuff.”
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noneorother · 5 months
The art director & the Good Omens book cover tier list of doom, part 3
Part 1 l Part 2 l Part 3
I am your resident Art Director/Good Omens enthusiast, and welcome to my completely meta-free book cover tier list. Listen, making a book cover is HARD. I should know. But while we salute these artists for their hard work and time, I think we can all admit that once in a while, the vision is just not on. And on very rare occasions, publishers seemed to have managed to commission the cover art directly from hell... here's where we left off last time:
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21. Labas zīmes, Latvian cover
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Our boys are back! And they are so ready to join the Dead Boy Detective agency. I would say that Latvians don't wear much tartan, so Argyle might seem like a similar print, but it just seems so... not Good Omens. Much like Crowley's flying purple people eater tail and Aziraphale's Conan the Barbarian sword, we're straying into niche AU fan fiction territory here. I mean, it's not *wrong*, but it certainly ain't right, either.
Tier: Does the Job
22. Bons Augùrios, Portuguese
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Let me start by saying this cover is so close to being in the blessed category. The layout and spacing are divine, the imagery is simple and whimsical, it reflects the humour inside the gravitas to give you an idea of the *feeling* of reading Good Omens. So few of these covers have gotten this aspect of good design right. Honestly, I would slow clap if it wasn't for that random FLAME JIZZ stuck to the bottom right hand corner of the book. Who's idea was that? Dagon's?
Tier: Great
23. Semne Bune, Romanian cover
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I admire two things about this cover: 1) Their utter commitment to a clean 3-colour palette and comprehensible layout. 2) Symbolic demon giving a principality head joke RIGHT ON THE FRONT COVER. This designer had balls. cotillion-sized balls. Now, does Aziraphale's sword have a sentient rooster tassel that watches said head-giving in horror? I sure hope not, but I don't see how that could be allegorical so, I'm torn. I feel like this goes in two categories for completely different reasons. And seeing as I'm in charge around here...
Tier: Great & Not so Good (Omens)
23. Semne Bune, Romanian cover cont.
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Compared to the last cover's gigantic double-entendre, this feels so tame and logical. The text is centred and balanced. There's breathing room, and we have wing symbolism! I've never seen a cover try to split Terry and Neil's names like that, which is a fun twist but BY GOD that center line is not straight near the right end of the feathers and it is sending this cover straight down to Does the Job. It's grounded there forever.
Tier: Does the Job
25. HYVIÄ ENTEITÄ, Finnish cover
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In this list, having something actually *relevant* to the main plot of the book and not mangling and main characters really puts you in rarefied air. All the motorcycles are book accurate which means somebody read something! Would I have ever picked the empty parking lot of Famine's restaurant as a subject worth a cover? Absolutely not. But the sick 80s lightning tips it into "fine" territory. The text is yellow. It's pretty.
Tier: Does the Job
26. Head ended, Estonian cover.
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My face after staring at this cover for ten minutes and finally realizing that this is Hastur and Ligur waiting around for Crowley to pull up:
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The artist's face after watching me do that:
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Do I even need to rate this? It's called HEAD ENDED. I don't know how to be funnier than that.
Tier: WTF
27. Dobry Omen, Polish cover
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Some good points for trying to be original with the layout of the title by drawing a custom pitchfork "Y", but the heinous kerning and the fact the whole text block is not even centred kind of makes me take all the points back. I feel like we're pretty heavy on the demonic, extremely light on the angelic in this take. Maybe it's because on his death bed the lead guitarist of White Snake will finally admit to having designed this cover in his spare time.
Tier: Not so Good (Omens)
28. Good Omens, Hungarian cover
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If I told you this designer did not read the book, and instead just watched the trailer of The Omen (the movie) and vibed this heinous brown carpet swatch into existence, you would one hundred percent believe me. I can't even talk about the faux belle-époque font right now. I am irrationally angry.
Tier: WTF
29. Good Omens, Bulgarian cover
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WHO. IS. DADDY. WIZARD?? Is all I can think when I look at this cover. Aziraphale & Grommet are recognizable enough, and you could make the case for telescope monkey being Adam, but I need to find this cover designer and shake them until they tell me who this deranged Gargamel is supposed to be. I must know.
Tier: Bad
30. BELAS MALDIÇÕES, Portuguese cover
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After all we've been through on this list so far, this truly sucks. It's not even weird. It's just puce text layered atop text to create a great yawn of a cover. Shout out to the designer of the Diablo PC game font, I hope you got paid.
Tier: Bad
Part 3 roundup:
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tpwrtrmnky · 3 months
How would you call the PTMYG universe? It feels wrong to call it the "pills that makes you green", since that's really not the most pressing issue in their world. Immortal jeff world? Torment nexus world? Hell portal, strasboug, lithuania world?
I think it's fine to call it the pills that make you green universe since that's sort of the central thing that the story is focused on, even if for a random person in this world the fact that those pills even exist is some niche identity thing they haven't looked into much
Like this is one of those stories that would look very different on a lore wiki compared to the source material, and that's on purpose because I want that "there's other, way more important stuff going on that you could get involved in, leave us alone you weirdos" vibe to be baked into it
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oraclemoontarot · 30 days
Was not planning on sharing my opinion on this, but I've seen it circling around a bit, and honestly, I find it absolutely absurd, silly even. If people want to know who their future spouse is, how their crush feels, hell, even what a celebrity would think of them, it is fine, more than fine. Especially if it's not invasive, disgusting, or an uncomfortable topic, it isn't an issue.
Tarot is fun, it's interesting, it provides insights when needed as well. Let people ask and be curious about things, let them enjoy things. In the nicest of ways, it's genuinely not deep.
For a tarot reader who provides personal readings, imagine previous 'clients', for lack of a better word, who have bought such readings only to see this sort of response? Why shame people and assume things about them? Not everyone who asks love questions or questions surrounding celebrities are delusional or insecure or uncaring about their self and unaware of what needs to be improved within themselves. We only see what they show us, nothing more, nothing less. It is unfair and frankly, disrespectful to place such assumptions and look down on those who are interested in fun, probably not as insightful or deep, readings. If it makes them happy and isn't hurting anyone, especially themselves, let it be. It's tumblr, it's tarot, and there are more pressing things in this world and within our lives to place focus on.
Plus, everyone is in different stages within their lives, some have already worked on themselves or know what steps they need to take, so why would they be interested in a reading that would only tell them what they already know?
Other people want things to look forward to, or a way to escape from certain thoughts or an environment, or they're excited at the possibility of who is coming into their life. Whatever the reason, we're all curious by nature, albeit for different things. You may be interested in self-care readings, finances, career, family, health, love, celebrities - everyone has their own thing or multiple things. And, for tarot readers who have both paid and pac readings surrounding topics you 'shame' or look down on others for being interested in, I find it somewhat hypocritical and hurtful to those who have purchased such readings from those readers who say such things.
I want to end it with, if it's something you want to see more of, or something you place importance on and value, then nothing is stopping you from posting such readings of your own. Some tarot readers have their own niche. Some focus on solely celebs, self-care, sex, relationships. And that is more than okay. If you feel like there needs to be more variety, you can be the reader who provides that. It would be more than welcomed, it would be a good thing, especially as, again, it's insightful, helpful, and a guidance some people are in need of.
Alright, end of rant 😭 just in case, this was a response to multiple comments and blogs I've seen, it does not specifically target the original post (as that was mainly aimed at tarot readers), as some people had stated they found people requesting certain readings as delusional, immature, and insecure. Which was just baffling to me and an assumption that does more harm than good.
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sadhours · 1 year
this idea is rlly niche so if u don’t like it that much that’s fine l!
billy having an oral fixation, just managed to quit smoking but he’s still irritated. Maybe it’s night, ur reading a book and he just comes over and latches onto ur tits. But it’s like so messy, because he just keeps sucking/licking and it gets to the point where it’s too sensitive and you have to beg him to stop. So he just goes over to ur other tit and does it all over.🧎‍♀️
I LOVE THIS IDEA!!! I hope you love what I’ve done with it ♥️
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It’s been a long fucking day. You were swamped at work, which was not typical for your office job. Usually, you had time to read your book or flip through a magazine but today, the phone was just ringing off the hook and your boss had so many memos for you to type up. By the time you got home, you’d gathered all the energy you had to cook dinner and shower. Once you were done with those, you collapsed on the bed and pulled the novel you’ve been attached to up to your face to read.
Your boyfriend, Billy, was busy with something that was actually pretty noisy but you couldn’t tell what it was. However, he’d just recently quit smoking so Billy was rather agitated more often than not. Which meant he did tasks a little louder, taking out his frustrations on whatever he was doing. You were proud of him for quitting and eager to help, you read many pamphlets in search of ways to ease the process. You’d read that the oral fixation was the hardest habit to break, so you’d bought him a ton of gum and even this little plastic contraption that was supposed to mimic the shape of a cigarette. Billy chewed on it for about a week before he grew frustrated and chucked it out the window of the Camaro.
When he walks into the bedroom, the frustration is etched all over his features. Lip curling, eyebrows furrowed and jaw clenched. It’s almost adorable, he looks like an angry little puppy. You fight the urge to giggle and keep reading your book. He’s loud in the bathroom as he gets ready for bed and he takes longer than usual, but once he’s climbing under the covers, he’s clinging to your side.
“Rough day, babe?” you ask, petting his head gently and smoothing your hand over his curls.
“Yes,” he says, cheek squished against your shoulder. It’s so cute you lean down to kiss the crown of his head.
“Tomorrow will be better,” you say before going back to your book.
You can feel Billy’s eyes flicker from your face to the book before he scoots himself lower on the bed and pushes your t-shirt up over your breasts. You lift your book and watch him curiously for a second, he’s just smoothing his hands across your stomach and looking at your chest. Again, you return back to your novel.
Then you feel Billy’s warm, wet tongue circle around your nipple.
At first, you tell him to stop, you’ve been wanting to read all day and haven’t had a chance.
“Keep reading then,” he says, “Don’t mind me.”
Well, if this gets his mind off of smoking, then you can’t really protest, can you?
Your eyes follow along the words, trying hard to understand them while he licks against your tender skin. Billy’s fully aware of how sensitive your nipples are. Hell, you have to have some kind of attention on them to cum at all. So comprehending the words you’re reading is a challenge to say the least, you’ve read the same sentence three times now. His tongue is unrelenting, lapping at the bud and you can feel his saliva coating your entire breast. You bite your lip hard and read the sentence again, determined to understand it this time. You get the first three words down and then Billy sucks your nipple in between his lips, causing a throaty groan to escape from you. You can feel him smile against your chest and you huff, starting the sentence over again while he continues mouthing at you. You’re gonna read this chapter, whether it takes you all night.
You finally get through the paragraph but you’re panting, fingers shaking as you turn the page and it’s starting to be too much. It’s starting to hurt with how sensitive you are and how messy he’s being. The sheer sound of his mouth slurping at your perked nipple makes your legs quiver and you toss the book down.
“Billy,” you whine, pushing his head away gently, “too sensitive.”
You look down to see his plump, pink lips turning up into a smile and his tongue darting out to flick against your nipple.
“Billy, I mean it,” you whimper.
He grabs the book up again and hands it to you and for a second, you think he’s finished. You hesitantly take the book and find your place again. Then he’s leaning to the other breast and licking broadly against it. You stifle a moan, eyes falling shut but you want to keep the illusion that you’re still reading. He laps at you, sloppy and loud, his hand planted firmly on your side. It’s almost already too much, your pussy is aching and you’re sure you’ve soaked through your thin underwear.
“Christ,” you exhale, feeling a shiver rush down your spine as Billy sucks on your right nipple.
He chuckles softly before biting the flesh just under your nipple. You let out a squeal, back arching at the welcomed assault. Again, you toss the book, knitting your fingers into his hair as you watch his mouth at your breast once again. It’s sinful sight. His lips shiny, swollen just like your nipple. His eyes lock onto yours while he swirls his tongue against your perked bud.
“You’re so pretty,” you blurt out and he laughs, mouth open against your chest. His breath fans against your nipple and you squeeze your thighs together, aching for some kind of relief down there. Billy grabs a hold of your breasts and pushes them together, licking and biting the sensitive skin.
“Your mouth is fucking sinful,” you tell him, sighing softly.
He chuckles again before licking a broad stroke between your tits. You exhale and he hooks his fingers in the waistband of your shorts, inching them down your thighs as his mouth descends, licking every inch of skin in his wake. He bites along the thin skin across your hipbone. You gasp, watching him carefully as he soothes the bite with his warm tongue. You ache all over in anticipation, he’s dangerously close to the place you desire him most. He pushes your thighs open, scratching at the flesh as he grabs it.
“Fucking,” you gasp, “Fuck…”
He smirks up at you, spreading you apart with his fingers and letting out a pleased, low laugh.
“You’re soaking…” he observes aloud, moving his fingers around as he peers between your legs.
“S’all your fault,” you admit, honestly as you roll your hips up.
“I wanna taste,” he purrs before dipping his tongue down against your fluttering hole.
A sharp gasp pushes past your lips as you spread your legs even wider, knuckles white where you’re gripping the bedspread tight. Billy chuckles softly at your reaction and delivers experimental licks around your entrance. Hot white euphoria erupts in your stomach when his tongue slides inside of you. Billy takes his time, licking up through your folds to circle your clit before penetrating you with his tongue over and over.
“Goddamn, Billy…” you pant out, “more…”
He pulls back and bites at the flesh of your thigh, pressing his palm against your core as he does so. He applies pressure with his hand but doesn’t move it at all, sucking a sizable hickey into your skin. It’s the complete opposite of what you’ve asked for but you’re not complaining, it feels amazing too. He decorates your thighs with a handful more love bites before he removes his hand and puts his mouth back where you need it. He’s more persistent this time, hungrier in his actions as he laps at your heat, grunting and humming.
A moan tears out of you and you knot your fingers into his hair, pushing his face further between your legs if it’s possible. You’re so glad he’s quit smoking, he’s so much more eager in this moment.
“Holy… fuck,” you cry out when he slips two fingers inside your hole easily, curling them up as he pumps them in and out. You swear you can feel him smile.
His tongue circles around your clit before he sucks it between his lips, pulling a choked cry from you because it’s a little too much yet not enough at the same time. Your back arches and you move a hand to squeeze at your own breast before pinching your nipple between your fingers. Billy’s stunning blue eyes meet yours and you bite your lip, chest heaving as you stare down at him. The sight of him is an absolute dream. It pushes your climax further along, you can’t help but feeling like the luckiest girl in the world.
“Billy,” you whine, tugging on his hair gently.
He pulls back slightly and licks his lips, “Yeah?”
“Need you,” you gasp.
A smirk spreads across his lips, his fingers haven’t faltered for a second and each time he thrusts them up, the tips stroke against your g-spot. “Not yet,” he purrs, “You haven’t came yet.”
He flicks his tongue against your clit before going back to work, completely putting his mouth on you and your head falls back against the pillow. Your orgasm creeps up on you fast, you don’t even realize it’s happening until it does. Your legs snap shut, trapping his head between them as you jerk your hips up and cry out. Billy’s making a pleased sound against your core, working his fingers faster as you ride out the waves. You fall limp against the mattress, hands falling to your sides as your legs release your lovers head. Billy pulls his fingers out just to slide them between his lips and suck them clean.
As your catching your breath, you watch Billy shove his briefs down and his cock springs up against his stomach, the tip flushed and leaking. Your whole body vibrates in anticipation, ready for more. He leans down and presses a bruising kiss against your lips. You grab onto him, weighing against him impatiently.
“Ready for my cock, baby?” he asks against your mouth.
You nod, “I need it.”
“Yes, you do,” he grins, reaching between your bodies so he can grab a hold of his cock and slip it inside you. The remnants of your climax make it so slick and delicious it has you both groaning out in pleasure. He presses his forehead against yours, panting softly as he rolls his hips slowly.
Your fingernails scratch down his back, urging him to go harder and faster. You need it so bad, you feel like an addict.
“More, need more,” you plead, voice trembling.
Billy exhales a short laugh, you can feel his breath against your lips and nose. “So desperate,” he tsks, grabbing a hold of your face when he pulls back so he has better leverage.
He moves his other hand to your hip and holds you down, pounding into you relentlessly now. A collection of moans, cries and groans flow out of you every time he thrusts into you. It’s intoxicating the way he holds you down and chases his high, taking you completely. You’re fueled from it, clinging onto his back, his skin is sticky and cool with sweat.
“Billy,” you babble out, the force of his hips jerking your body.
“S’that feel good, baby?” he says with a pout, his voice slow and little condescending.
“Mhm,” you whine, “So good, Billy… love it so much.”
He grins down at you, “yeah? You look so pretty stuffed full of cock.”
His filthy words make you feel on fire, your second orgasm zeroing in on you fast. It’s always like this, Billy can pull them out of you so quickly once he knocks the first one out. His record in five in one session but you were exhausted afterwards, you slept like twelve hours and felt like you were in a haze the whole next day.
“Gonna cum,” you tell him, voice already wrecked.
“Already?” he teases, moving his hand from your jaw to play with your nipple.
That seals the deal, you’re coming again with a cry as you thrash around beneath him. Billy allows you to ride it out for a minute before he’s grabbing onto your hips and slamming into you brutally, totally focused on his own orgasm. He teaches it quickly, pulling out and coating your stomach in white ropes. He rests his palm on the mattress and closes his eyes as he catches his breath. He reaches for his briefs and uses them to clean the mess up before laying beside you and pulling you close, pressing kisses against your shoulder and neck.
“Now, I really need a fucking smoke,” he complains with a laugh.
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