#niche comedy only 3 people will get
cuties-in-codices · 4 months
Congrats on the bachelor’s. Ang good manuscripts about justice, torture and execution? Its for my end of studies project lol
sure! it kind of depends on what you're actually looking for though. i could point you to hundreds of manuscripts that portray gory martyrdoms, torture in hell, fictional executions etc. in some shape or form (see my latest compilation of isaiah being sawn in half!). those aren't necessarily indicative of real-world practices/norms of justice though, if that's what you're interested in. anyways, here's some stuff i had to think of that might or might not be relevant to your question. keep in mind i'm not an expert on the contents of these manuscripts, i just collect images. :)
1.) the livre de la vigne nostre seigneur (france, 1450–70) is, imo, the place to go if you're looking for cool depictions of hell, demons torturing sinners etc... as for real-world methods of execution, scenes like the one on fol. 30r might be somewhat insightful (christians being persecuted and tortured by the antichrist in various ways):
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Oxford, Boudleain Library, MS. Douce 134, fol. 30r
2.) as for justice, i had to think of the sachsenspiegel, which "is one of the most important law books and custumals compiled during the holy roman empire" (wikipedia). here are some impression from a 14th c. edition, one of the first/original ones. every page is composed of the legal text on one side, and matching illustrations on the other. so, for example: at the bottom of the first image here (12v), there's an illustration for the law that said that pregnant women should only be penalized/tortured in a relatively mild way (penalties "on the skin and hair"):
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Heidelberg, UB, Cod. Pal. germ. 164, fol. 12v and 20r
3.) here's another manuscript that contains illustrations of henchmen of the antichrist getting creative with torturing people (bavaria, c. 1440):
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Berlin, SBB, Ms. germ. fol. 733, fol. 6v and 7r
4.) now this one's niche, but i personally really really love this 15th century (bavarian) series of images depicting ways in which various sinners/sins receive different eternal punishments in hell. each miniature is dedicated to a different cardinal sin or violation of one of the ten commandments. to give you an impression, here's a selection of sins and their punishments:
unchastity and gluttony:
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envy and wrath:
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adultery and false testimony:
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Nürnberg, STN, Cent. V, App. 34a, fol. 114r-123r
regarding medieval ideas of justice, i feel like this series illustrates the same concept that can be found in dante's divine comedy: "the punishment of souls by a process either resembling or contrasting with the sin itself" (see contrapasso).
so those were just some manuscripts that came to mind -- maybe some of this was useful to you, either way best wishes for your project. :)
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ladyswillmart · 3 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Spread the love ❤️
Hey wow, thanks for the message! I actually had to think about this one quite a bit. I'm not always the biggest fan of my own work, but in recent years I have published a few fics that I ended up liking. These... might be in some particular order? Eh, I dunno! Anyway, here goes:
5.) "It's Up To You" (Portal). The one where Doug Rattmann is trying to repair Grady. This is the last Portal fic I did and probably ever will do (though, never say never, right?). I'm not sure why I envisioned Doug as a fan of Ricky Nelson but it kinda works. Like the rest of my Portal stories, I put a lot of heart into this one, but in the end it felt like a bit of a waste. Oh well, I still like how it turned out.
4.) "Fish is Also a Four-Letter Word" (Gensou Suikoden II). It's sort of a screwball comedy where Jillia kind of asks Klaus to use his strategist super-powers to kill her brother. This was one of those magic stories where it all just brilliantly came together in a matter of days, footnotes and all. Rarer still, it's a story I can re-read and go "oh, that was cute", without cringing!
3.) "Malus" (Soul Blazer). The tiny fic in the tiny fandom that could! The first story I've ever done that was narrated by a goat. It's such a sweet and gentle tale, and I still think this setting is really interesting. There are not a lot of fics for this old SNES game, but I guess it is kind of a niche title. I got about halfway through a follow-up (narrated by a dormouse) so maybe I'll finish that one some time too...
2.) "A Difficult Business" (FF14). Originally a shitpost on Tumblr, which should tell you everything you need to know, if you don't want to actually read the fic summary. It's the one where Y'shtola bribes Nero Scaeva to deep fry Nidhogg's eyeballs in the fry vat at the Husting Strip Galleria food court's Ol’ Mistbeard Fish ‘n Chips.
1.) "Mog House" (FF14). In here, there is only Mog. And House. Huh, this one also involves Nero in some manner of bribery (only this time he's the one doing the bribing).
Ironically (?), my actual #1 pick isn't something that I can link to because it hasn't been published anywhere yet! It's called "Ancient History" and it's a 16-chapter work of Ultima VII (Serpent Isle) fanfic that's going up on my Neocities. For whatever reason, I made the boneheaded decision that it would be the FIRST thing to go up on my website, along with a complete (read: way too verbose) timeline and character profiles and little pictures, the works! All of this is still under construction, HOWEVER the bulk of the actual writing/markup of it is DONE and has been for some time. It's really just down to the getting the formatting just right, plus some light revision and last-minute edits.
Oh yeah! I still need to write the epilogue. Hah!
Unfortunately, it looks like Dawntrail got in the way as it's currently taking up my "writing" time slot. 😅 However, I'm also making my way to the end of all that so I expect I can get back into finishing my website pretty soon as well.
It's something I don't really expect people to be interested in so I'm not putting this story on AO3 or anything like that. I'm really proud of the work I put into the website and the story and the little AU world I crafted around it, but in the end, it's something I did just for me. 😛
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nicomrade · 10 months
i said id maybe make a post about my faves i was rereading this year so here it is ^-^ the other ones i reread i already talked about in my 2022 reads post lmao... so heres 3 comedy high school mangas that i love so dearly. none r really niche i will admit but i dont read school life much
Skip To Loafer - Takamatsu Misaki (2018 - Present) a seinen romcom about this country girl moving to the big city and making friends :) its honestly so refreshing and a mature, nuanced look at interpersonal relationships and growing up. i love every character in this? i will not lie the romantic arc IS there but its also kind of not the point. or its equally the point as everything else?. relationship hierarchies are explicitely discussed in the manga actually which i wasnt expecting. uhm "rep-wise" mitsumis aunt is a trans woman and this is also treated seriously without being the only thing going on with her and i am getting lesbianbaited soooooo bad. read skip to loafer and remember that we are all the same people deep down
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Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun - Tsubaki Izumi (2011 - Present) the thing about nozaki-kun is that it understands perfectly the 4koma format. every page is its own bit, with a punchline every single time. nothing happens in nozaki-kun if its not funny- which means that all the romance development that happens, happens because its funny. i really need to emphasize this 1. nozaki kun is really fucking funny 2. there ARE developments in the character relationships, it is not a static manga and 3. each page has a punchline. read some mediocre 4koma and then understand how fucking good nozaki-kun is. its about this guy who is a shoujo manga author and this girl who has a crush on him and all the weirdos who know (or dont know) that nozakis a shoujo mangaka. that manga panel with the guy saying "read some shoujo manga and develop some emotions"? from nozaki-kun. just read it and understand the strength of 4koma done well.
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Yugami-kun has no friends - Sakura Jun (2012-2019) what if i told you this school life shonen about a friendless guy and the girl who befriends him is not a romance? what if i told you yugami is autistic and treated with respect? what if i told you yugamis special interest is in rakugo? and what if yugami-kun was also really fucking funny. do you understand why this is one of my faves. the point of the manga is that social norms are fucking stupid and half the time you think someones rude its cause u are trying to force them in a situation they dont wanna be in. its fundamentally about meeting people halfway- one of the subplots is literally about how horrifying it is to have to keep up polite text conversation w someone you only vaguely know and how much both sides wish they could just stop texting without being "rude". and it transmits its deep love for rakugo better than [title censored for privacy] just read yugami-kun ok?
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moorishflower · 2 years
hi!! im absolutely astounded at the amount of depth and heart thats in all your fics, and im also very floored at the amount at which you write—im at a cross between admiration and maybe jealously lol!! I wanted to ask, are there any fic of yours (sandman or not) that you think are underrated/deserves more attention?? super excited for everything you ever write!!
asdfg anon thank you <3 So I have a Problem where I have a lot of anxiety about what I create, and when that's writing, if I am not writing The Next Great Novel, then I need to sate the brain demons SOMEHOW, and writing a LOT is the easiest way to do that. I want very badly to please people, and fortunately it's not a hardship for me to write the amount that i do, though I AM trying to consciously like. Take breaks if I need? Take a night off? Keep it healthy looool. But that I'm able to write things that people are consistently finding value and meaning in is a continuous and beautiful marvel to me so thank you, thank you very much!!!
So I read your second part of the ask wrong at first and had gathered uh several fics which I think are underrated that are NOT mine
One Half of a Whole by @violetequus8 - Absolutely REMARKABLE post-apocalyptic literature. Equus captures an entire world and history in 4000 words. There are sentences in this fic that rewrote my brain chemistry.
The entire like this slumber that creeps to me series by @tobrokenstone - THIS. This is survival the way I fucking LOVE IT. Bleak, stark, hard decisions, lasting consequences, surprisingly tender cannibalism (this last may be...specific to me and a few select others lol)
Once again repping the point-set-triangulation series by therm0dynamics, which is singlehandedly the series that got me into Hob/The Corinthian (it's about MIRRORS it's about PARALLELS)
And at this point I realized that you'd asked about which of MY fics I think are underrated, and I was just so caught up in the thought of repping my friends that I lived in a world where I did not write for a moment loool
Salt and Rye is the result of a prompt on tumblr. I wanted to try and capture that feeling of recreating a parent or grandparent's recipe and failing, because it's SUCH a disheartening moment, but I wanted to make it lighter, because Hob has someone there to share the comedy of it with him.
Here there be dragons is my latest fic in the Siren AU and I do think that people who aren't into scifi in general will be more likely to give it a pass, but I'm very proud of it, and very proud of the emotions it evoked in ME, and I promise it's not hard scifi like The Martian or even really pervasive scifi like Star Trek! I just tried to think realistically about what our planet would look like and feel like in 1500 years, and how we might need to leave it. Also, Dream's still a carnivorous octopus man.
an act of faith is the vampire fever dream that struck me at like 3pm on a Saturday and I blacked out for like two hours and this was what I'd written during that time. I enjoy writing obscene levels of devotion and you can't really get much more obscene than "willing to tempt death year after year even though no one's asked you to in order to prove to YOURSELF that your lover loves you"
Honestly I don't think many of my fics are underrated! They're all written at different points in my development and my understanding of myself as a writer, and they range pretty widely in terms of theme and genre sometimes, so some, statistically, are going to be kind of niche! And that's okay! I guess the only thing I'd say is that even if you think something isn't your jam, unless the tags are specifically triggering you give it a try! The worst thing that'll happen is you get a paragraph in and then back out again. An extremely smart person (it was @xx-vergil-xx <3) recently said something along the lines that part of healthy interacting with art is also knowing when to put it down, but it's also important to give different things a chance so that you learn more about yourself and your preferences. I myself am trying to expose myself to and write more angst? Because it makes me deeply uncomfortable to do so! But that's a valuable feeling to know and recognize! Idk i just think we all get different stuff out of writing and it's just nice that I've been able to provide something to so many people <3
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zukkaart · 10 months
10 characters | 10 fandoms | 10 tags
Thank you @fanfic-gremlin-ft-trauma for the tag ily 😭 and I love talking about my faves so here we go 🤸 *long-ish post*
1. Sokka: A:tLA: Okayyyy so as someone who is Inuk she whole S/NWT meant so much to me as a kid and still means so much to me now but Sokka just hits on a different level because he’s the oldest sibling (as am I) and therefore charged with everyone else’s safety in one way or another. He also is the one who deals the killing blows bc the others can’t or won’t stomach it which I relate to hevily
2. Bolin: LoK: He reminds me of my husband what else can I say? They think he’s a pretty, strong, stupid, earthbender/ which to an extent- he is. But he’s just smart in different ways than others and genuinely has a heart of gold and just wants to give everyone endless love
3. River Song: Doctor who: we have the same hair so immediately yes. She also has one of the best and most heartbreaking arcs in cinema history and I will fight about it. She destroyed the universe to save her husband then said “I don’t do weddings” and honestly…I get it bc same
4. Castiel: Supernatural: MY SON DESERVED BETTER. He lost his home, his family, his faith, everything he had known for THOUSANDS of years because he fell in love with humanity Dean. He constantly tried his best and yes messed up but was always treated so harshly as if he didn’t have to LEARN how to have human morals and the only people he had to base off of was the boys who are in no way a good bar to measure that by
5. Amber: House of Anubis: oooh pretty ditzy blonde girl comic relief character- but she becomes one of the most fully fleshed out deep characters and ends up being the reason they solve most of the riddles and find the artifacts. She loves her shopping and texting but when the heat is up she always rises to the challenge and shows out. Queen of my heart
6. Flame Princess: Adventure Time: raised to be evil but falls in love and has to learn how not to harm people even though it 100% goes against her nature. And even after all that she is still treated like a villain by everyone but Finn basically. I have ASPD and I constantly feel like I also have to be something I’m not in order to not harm the people around me and the ones who let me be me are few and far between. She is me I am her
7. Sherlock: See above lol, he has ASPD (sociopathy) and so do I. Plus I’m studying to be a CSI. Seeing a character with my same illness shown in the real raw form and not like the “yeah they’re a sociopath but their character arc is learning how to be a good person!” Ew. They let him be cruel and clever and just authentically HIM. Of course he’s checked when necessary but ultimately no one ever tells him he needs to be fixed because of it bc they understand that part of him can’t be changed
8. House: kind if similar as above. I don’t super love the drugs but he takes no shit and dicks around because he knows he’s the best there is. Endless pranks, self destructive tendencies, smartest person you’ll ever meet, what more could you ask for? It’s also super awesome to watch a character/show that isn’t so focused on being “politically correct” that it forgets how to make good jokes.
9. Sejanus: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes (book): People say Katniss is Lucy’s revenge but NO she’s Sejanus’ revenge, and so is Peeta. Sejanus was the one who hated the games, tried to actually help the tributes and districts and stop the games. He wanted revolution way back when Snow was a teenager and didn’t even live to see it. The only difference between him and Everlark is the fact that they had a whole rebellion ready to back them. He should have been alive to take the place of Coin/Snow and I stand by that.
10. J.B. Merlin: Bundle of Joy: this is so crazy niche if anyone knows it DM me immediately I’m begging you. An absolute icon this entire movie. The center of a comedy miscommunication trope. Has no idea what’s going on but refuses to let his son walk out on his baby (that’s not actually his but he thinks it is), immediately assumes the baby was named after him, then delivers the iconic line “I don’t care who the father is! I’M the grandfather” homie wanted a grandkid and didn’t care what he had to do to get one 😂 10/10 wholesome character
Now for tags. Sorry if you’ve been tagged already! And if you haven’t please participate if you so wish
@avatar-lorra @judebellinghamswifereal @momos-servants @chitsangenthusiast @dancergirl131 @zukosasukelovebot (I think you’ve been tagged already but ily 🤟) @picnicbitchsokka @your-royal-momoness @oldpotatoe @bisexuallsokka
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nimuetheseawitch · 9 months
20 Questions For Fic Writers
Thanks for tagging me @marley-manson!
No pressure tags: @hero-in-waiting, @spurious, @sparrowsarus, @dedkake, @logicgunn, @colonelshepparrrrd and anyone else who wants to do this :)
Everything is under the cut because this is going to be long.
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
36, although one of those is a playlist for the SGA Songfest.
2. What's your total Ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I have written for Good Omens, MASH, Stargate (SGA and SG-1), Person of Interest, and now Top Gun: Maverick.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
walking alone at 3am (TGM), The McMurdo Chess Club (SGA), Autopilot (SGA), I would never dare (Good Omens), and Class A's (MASH)
5. Do you respond to comments?
I very much try to. I love responding to comments.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Angst-wise, I think it's Dear John (SGA), although it almost doesn't count because I wrote a follow up sequel that fixes the angst. There's no one I would rather be lying beside (SGA/SG-1) is definitely the saddest though.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Oh man, most of them have pretty happy endings. I think maybe my favorite happy ending is You Can't Go Home Again (MASH).
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I haven't. People seem to be pretty friendly.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes. Some of the smut is just incidental to the plot, but I also do a few that are just smut. I guess I tend to write mostly m/m (although I have some f/f and want to write more of that) with a little bit of kink, usually some d/s dynamics and light bondage. I'm trying to get more comfortable with it in general. I keep on meaning to do some kinkmeme fills as practice.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Technically, my SGA/SG-1 fics are crossovers, but I don't think that really counts, since it's very much the same universe. Which makes I've bit my tongue too long to hide the blood I'm covered in (SGA/POI) my only true crossover. And definitely the craziest. Very niche fic that absolutely no one asked for, but I love it.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not as far as I'm aware.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Oh, that's so hard to answer. I feel like I have different answers for this depending on the day and the context. But it might be John/Vala (SGA/SG-1).
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
My SGA fic where John dies while Rodney is back on earth with Jennifer and Rodney comes back and slowly starts to lose it, seeing John everywhere. I have so many SGA fics that will take priority over it, and it's just sad, which is harder for me to feel motivated. It was also shaping up to be long, which I struggle with. I also haven't come back to SGA yet - I'm still thoroughly ensared by Top Gun at the moment.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Recently, I've discovered I may actually be good at fluff. Either that, or the TGM fandom is just really, really nice (or both). On the more nuts and bolts of things, I usually only write something when I feel I have a good handle on the character voice, and my grammar is generally really good (although when I'm tired I fuck up tenses and have had to go back and fix that too many times to count). I also think I do a pretty good job with making romance sweet but not over the top.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Comedy. I occasionally write some funny lines, but it's very hard for me to write jokes if I'm intending to do so. Also, as previously mentioned, I will sometimes switch between past and present tense without noticing and have to go back and fix that. And I really struggle with writing long fics (I just run out of steam). Which is why I've mostly moved to writing series of shorter fics instead of multi-chaptered fics.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Depends. Usually, I'm not going to bother. I just put some Hebrew in a fic because a character was celebrating a Jewish holiday, but it wasn't a whole passage, just a phrase that I think can be worked out from context (although I'm going to put in an end note to help give some additional context for anyone who isn't familiar with that particular Jewish holiday). But I'm not going to ever do anything more than that - I think it makes things a little harder to read, and generally, I think that you can say things like 'Radek muttered in Czech' if you want to bring in another language.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
First fandom I posted in was Good Omens, but I recently realized that I should count the comic my friend and I made in 6th grade, where we essentially put all of us and our friends into the Sammy Keyes universe (and also, wow, my character went by a man's name and dressed like a guy but still used she/her pronouns but didn't mind he/him and was essentially aromantic, and hindsight is 20/20)
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Again with the hard choices - I love so many of my fics. But right this moment, I think Autopilot (SGA) is my favorite. It's the only one I wrote longhand, and I wrote it because the SGA server was doing a challenge to write a 15-sentence fic. It was super fun to write, and I think it turned out really well.
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burr-ell · 1 year
while I've been a cr fan for a while now, i've only recently started to interact more with the fanbase after completing campaign 2 and starting to go through campaign 3(i will hopefully catch up before it concludes but who knows lol) and man is the fandom strange. never have i seen a fandom have both a toxic positivity problem as well as a toxic criticism problem at the same time. people both viciously defend the show and attack it depending on the time of day it feels like lol. that being said I do want to know about what you enjoy about the show? I feel like most of the posts i've seen of yours are meta/takes about the fandom, which i do enjoy don't get me wrong, but i'd love to see things you like, especially if they're niche things! sorry if its a question you've been asked before! much love from another, what i would say, sane critical role fan ahhah
ah you want to see me be annoying. bless you anon <3
-mr lord percival de rolo and ms lady vex'ahlia de rolo and their sister/in-law ms lady cassandra de rolo and their bear son trinket de rolo and their baby quarter elf de rolos and their bear grandson charles de rolo and
-listen, i don't know what made me such a lunatic about perc'ahlia and their family but i am, that will never change, they've both suffered so much loss and they could have gone dark so many times but they didn't! they both chose the light and each other and chose the light because of each other and they have a FAMILY, whitestone is a city of rebirth and i want to gnaw on something every time i think about it
-i also just! love vox machina as a whole! it's classic, archetypal fantasy adventure stuff and that's why i love it. i love the chroma conclave arc especially, i really enjoy the stakes and the traveling across the world and the absolutely ridiculous moments that grew out of it. vox machina is, in the metanarrative, the living legend—the group that started it all and began breathing life into the world of exandria, and i've always enjoyed those kinds of stories.
-EXU CALAMITY. if you haven't seen it you absolutely should, i highly recommend it. it's an amazing story, the characters and setting feel so realized and alive in the four episodes they were around, and the actual players are incredible. i love the lore it introduced, i love the specter of vespin chloras over the narrative, i love how much presence asmodeus has and how well brennan plays such a master manipulator. and the INTRO??? why isn't the intro released as a single it's so good
-i've only had fy'ra rai and morrighan for a day and a half. if anything happened to them i'd kill everyone in the crown keepers
-i love the kinds of concepts and narratives that taliesin considers for his characters and how deeply he thinks through their presence in the world. he's thought so much about whitestone and both what it used to be like and how it's changed since C1, and while i've only watched the m9 twoshot, lucien/molly/kingsley is such an interesting idea (and i just really like kingsley). ashton is also an absolute joy to watch, and i'm so curious about their backstory and lore. taliesin has a knack for portraying characters who have very strong moral and personal beliefs but would rather coexist in a world with others' than enforce their own, which is probably why i like percy and ashton so much in particular. i also really enjoy his sense of humor; it's very dry and snarky with just the right amount of gothic whimsy.
-simply put. Travis Good. even back when he was playing grog, who is on paper a pretty simple character concept, he just couldn't help but give him a compelling and interesting backstory—and when he had to show off his acting chops, he DELIVERED. the depth that he gives his characters and the enthusiasm he has for the lore of the world are so burr-coded. cerrit in particular was an absolute tour de force and just watching travis go for whatever decisions he's going to make is incredible. he's also absolutely hilarious and his comedic timing is underrated. i mean, southerner to southerner, game recognize game.
-laura bailey!! i'm so fascinated by her consistent narratives about masks and coping mechanisms, and i love the fact that she's willing to make her PCs unlikable. she embraces their flaws and their virtues and just plays them so naturally. you have to read between the lines sometimes with her characters or you risk falling for the fronts they put up, and i love that kind of subtlety! she also doesn't feel the need to walk anyone through those choices, which i also appreciate; she simply plays them as they are, and however you react to that is up to you. i admit i'm interested in the alternate universe where laura played a character in calamity—marisha absolutely nailed it as patia, but i'm also interested in what laura would have done at that table.
-welcome to tal'dorei? oh my GODS that album is spectacular, especially the title track
-lastly, i genuinely enjoy the fandom experience! i've met some really cool people and made some really good friends here, and i love the creativity, especially of fanartists. i've learned so much about narrative and storytelling from reading different people's analyses, i've learned more about art from the fanart community, and overall i feel like the people i've met and the experiences i've had have helped me grow as a person.
anyway thank you for encouraging some positivity! i enjoy writing meta and critical analysis is really fun for me, but it's nice to take a step back and remember all the things i love. <3
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ticklishraspberries · 7 months
hiii, what fandoms are u into rn?? and maybe tell me about them, if u wanna?? use this as an excuse to ramble.. in desperate need of something new to be obsessed over HAHA hope ur having a good night 🫶
hi hi!! i love to yap so you have asked a dangerous question!! i do have a whole page of my fandoms on my carrd but i'm gonna try to sell you and my followers on some of my more niche ones rn lol
baldur's gate 3 has some of the most compelling characters of any video game i've ever played. i will admit, it isn't a game for people who don't love games, it can take like a minimum of 80 hours to finish the game, it's kind of difficult, and it's all based on dnd so the combat and stuff might be confusing for people, but the ROMANCE and friendships and characters are so fucking incredible. i have only actually romanced astarion but shhh.
barry is a t.v. show on max that i think is one of the greatest shows ever made, and not just because i have a huge crush on bill hader who writes, directs, produces, and stars in it. it's a dark comedy about a hitman who hates his job and wants to become an actor instead. there's a great gay couple (i will not lie and say they have a happy story though) and one of the best written female characters ever imo. it's a star-studded cast, 4 seasons, but the episodes are only 20-30 mins so it goes by fast. if you don't mind violence, this is genuinely a 10/10 piece of media for me.
death note is my favorite anime of all time, one of my top fav shows, and i have a manga panel from it tattooed on me. it's a masterpiece that mixes supernatural horror, crime-solving detective drama, insane homoeroticism, and existential/moral dilemma. it's not very long and people say it gets bad after a certain episode and i genuinely wish all those people a very get well soon because are you kidding me??? i think it's a great intro to anime.
saltburn was such a good fucking movie and i know you've probably seen the memes and everyone talking, but i genuinely loved this movie and would love to write a felix/oliver fic lol. it's pretty disturbing and has a lot of things that the average viewer would be freaked out by, but i am genuinely not that shocked/grossed out by most things in media so i just love this movie, i gave it 5/5 on letterboxd and so did my partner.
the great is a show on hulu that is a historical comedy (that is self-admittedly not historically accurate, so if that would annoy you, this one's not for you!!) about catherine the great, empress of russia, and it is genuinely one of my favorite shows ever. it's got incredible female characters, some pretty good queer rep, doesn't use the time period/country as an excuse to not have representation. it is so funny, heart-breaking, sexy, and just so goddamn good. it did unfortunately get cancelled after season 3 but i think they knew it would be cancelled and left it off in a decent place (from the spoilers i know at least, i'm still watching). there is a lot of vulgar content (sex, sexual humor, gross humor, swearing) so if that's not your vibe, don't even bother, lol, but if you like enemies-to-lovers, period dramas, or watching elle fanning act like a fucking psychopath, plz watch and then talk to me about headcanons.
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rescue-ram · 11 months
How would you rank all the popular mash ships?
Ooh, thank you for this beautiful shiny bat, I can't wait to swing at the hornets nest! (⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧
I mean, the real question is what counts as a popular MASH ship because by most metrics it's just BJHawk, TrapHawk, Everyone Else. And some ships I like or find fun to think about are insanely niche lol. So I went on AO3, excluded all the platonic ships and BJ/Peg until I got the 10 "most popular" MASH ships, and I'll rank those :3
TrapHawk THE ETERNAL OTP. Like, truly my One True Pairing, I've loved these little guys for over half my life, they have great chemistry, they're great friends, they're flirty and sweet and you can go angsty or fluffy with them with ease. Many potential story angles, great fun. I ship a lot, and find many MASH dynamics fun to explore, but they are definitely my number one.
Hawkahy Admittedly this is 90% Quordle's fault lol, but they are interesting to me. Little bit of a quieter ship made up of many small moments, but even in the movie they are drawn to each other and have some cute moments. I'm kind of obsessed with the angle that, after Radar leaves, they are the two old timers at the 4077th, that Mulcahy is the only one who's been there longer, that Hawkeye is the first responder and Francis is the last... Many fun parallels, pleasingly contrasting personalities, great humor between them, and some good chemistry. The biggest obstacle is their differing ideologies, but I think that could be explored in an interesting way.
SidHawk Some really great moments between these two, good chemistry and humor, I think they'd be well matched and very sexy/fun to read or write about, with some fun messy angst potential as well.
BJHawk Oh many complicated feelings on these two. I ship them in a very angsty, dramatic, messy kind of way. Would love to see a slowburn that really got into all the obstacles to this ship. I think their relationship would necessarily change quite a bit outside of the war in a way that would be messy but fun to explore. Overall my take on this is very different from the most common takes on them, which often ignore other people in their lives, characterize BJ in a way that's much calmer more mature than how I see him, or use tropes I'm not fond of, but eh. I think there's many interesting angles to work with them, I have many ideas I'd like to explore with this ship, but they're not my end game or OTP.
FrankMargaret Not sure I ship them, per se, but I think they are the most sexually compatible couple we see in the show, their neuroses are so perfectly aligned. Great chemistry on multiple levels, they unfortunately bring out the worst in each other, but they're such a good duo and a lot of fun, and I KNOW the sex was amazing and I love that for them lol. The ultimate crazy4crazy hand in unlovable hand ship to me.
HouliHawk Most of the boomers/Gen Xers I've talked to ship this lol. I like them a lot, their relationship has an interesting arc, and I think they're well matched in many ways. Don't really ship them, I prefer them both with other partners, but I fully get this one and think there's some good chemistry between them.
CharHawk Good comedy between these two with some sweet moments in canon to build on, I have a few ideas that I'm nibbling on, but I think if they had met outside the war they would never ever think about getting together, they are just so different, I have a hard time seeing sexual or romantic chemistry between them. Many obstacles for this ship to overcome.
DonnaCharles Complete neutrality on this one from me.
CharKlinger GOD FUCKING BLESS that one guy who has written over 400 fics for this pairing, cut me off a slice of that creative energy!! A genuine and sincere tip of my cap to stateofintegrity. The fact they've singlehandedly gotten their rare pair to within spitting distance of the second most popular ship in the fandom is astounding, if they actually lap TrapHawk I WILL go fully insane and dedicate my life to writing drabbles until TrapHawk is ahead again, but I don't like this ship and have no interest in it.
BJHawkPeg No ❤️ I think this would be a disaster- potentially a very funny/interesting disaster to read or write, but no ❤️
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thepodcasthoard · 8 months
The Ultimate Guide to Starting A Podcast [Checklist]
Part 1 l Part 2 l Part 3 l Part 4 l Part 5 l Part 6 l Part 7 l Part 8 l Part 9 l Part 10
The eleventh article Sydney gave me is an actionable list. The writer- Lestraundra Alfred- said she started a podcast in ten days by following it.
Determine your niche.
I know. Some of you who have been reading all the posts in this series are probably groaning right now at the repetition. I admit, as I was reading through them I was starting to almost be able to say the words in my head before I read them, like how I can quote movies I've seen a bunch of times.
But this is important- I mentioned before that it's better to be in the top ten of a smaller niche than top twenty of a broader one. But it's more than that- sites like spotify and apple podcasts use the niches you provide to categorize your show, and that categorization brings your podcast to those who are actually looking for similar things.
The article lists popular categories- comedy, news, TV shows and movies, and sports among them- so you can find inspiration in them and narrow your focus.
2. Identify your ideal listener
The article talks about going super specific with your listener avatar- age, job, education, income, other interests, hobbies, and where they live. This will let you think about what your perfect listener will think about your ideas and help you refine them.
3. Name your podcast and make a launch date
For the name, make sure you look it up a few times with variations so you don't accidentally use the same name as some other brand.
For the launch date, make sure to give yourself some time to do your preparations and recording, but not too much time that it's just procrastinating.
4. Format and schedule
There's a variety of formats, each with their own pros and cons. Interviews, co-hosts, and solo shows are just three.
The most common frequencies of publishing according to this article are weekly, bi-weekly (which I assume in this case means once every two weeks, not twice a week), and monthly. But the article also says consistency is key- don't do weekly for three weeks, and then not upload for two months.
5. Podcast host
Again, this is necessary because of internet jargon. An RSS feed is needed to upload to the actual directories where people can listen. The article lists a few via links which- as you all can probably guess by now- I won't add because I want to preserve their commissions. Plus, you'll probably want to read the article in its entirety to get all the details because I'm glossing over them to keep the big picture in sight.
6. Artwork
This article is linked, and it has a more in-depth guide on how to make artwork with examples. But this article recommends just browsing through your podcast listening site of choice and just looking at artwork, thinking about how yours will fit in.
7. Equipment
This article goes into the topic more in-depth, with specifics about what they personally recommend, but really a microphone, a computer, headphones, and recording and editing software are all you really need.
8. Create a trailer
Ah, finally, I can hear some of you think. A new step.
A trailer gives a new listener a chance to find out what your podcast is all about. So be sure to make it engaging and interesting.
9. Submit to directories
You'll be able to do this through your hosting site.
10. Start with three episodes
Another new step, yay! Not only does this give more content for listeners to really see if your podcast is a good fit for them, but it'll let your podcast get listens and other statistics more quickly. That means that the directory will read that and go 'oh! People really like this show. Let me move it to the front so more people can like it.' Your trailer shouldn't count in those three episodes.
11. Show notes
Yet another new step! Hooray! Show notes are basically really short blog posts that are under each episode and tailored to that specific episode. They're a good place for SEO (search engine optimization), and a way for avid listeners to follow the podcast on different sites, like your social media.
12. Get social media handles
Speaking of social media, you'll want these before you launch. This way you have them and can actually use them to promote yourself and the podcast. Domain names are included in this step.
13. Upload and schedule your three episodes
Once everything is edited and done, it's time to stick to your launch date you chose in step three and schedule through your hosting site to launch.
14. Market and celebrate
Now it's time to get the word out. You've worked so hard on this project, congratulations! An aside from me is to actually take time to celebrate. Don't rush right into more work, take the time to soak in your accomplishment, because it is an accomplishment.
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content954 · 9 months
The Do's and Don'ts of Copywriting: Common Mistakes to Avoid
Are you tired of your copy falling flat and failing to grab reader's attention? Do you want to avoid those blunders that put off businesses and prospects away from your brand? Well, you are in luck! Read this article and I would teach you all about the do's and don'ts of copywriting to ignite your brand's growth.
The Do's
1. Do you know your audience: Don't try to sell snow to penguins. Understand your target audience, their needs and their language. Speak into their language and watch your brand garner engagement.
2. Do focus on benefits: Instead of listing boring features, highlight how your product or service can solve your readers' problem. Remember, people are more interested in what it is for them not technical jargons.
3. Do keep it simple: Avoid using big words in your copy. Keep your copy clear, concise and easy to read. If your readers need a dictionary by their side when reading your copy, you have officially lost them.
4. Do use humour: Inject some laughter into your copy. A witty joke or a clever pun can make your readers crack a smile and remember your message. But don't go overboard. It is copywriting not a stand up comedy routine.
5. Do edit and proofread: Spelling mistakes and grammatical errors distract readers from your messages. Double check your copy, use grammar tools or get a fresh pair f eyes to review it. Trust me, it is worth the effort.
The Don'ts
1. Don't be generic: Avoid generic phrases like "Revolutionary", "cutting edge" or "world class". They are cliches. Be original and outstanding from the crowd.
2.Don't use excessive jargon: Unless you are writing for a niche group of experts, keep the technical jargons to a minimum. Simplify as possible.
3. Don't ignore the call to action (CTA): Never leave your readers hanging. Clearly direct them towards the next step in achieving your brand's wants: whether it is clicking a button, signing up for a newsletter or subscribe to a channel.
4. Don't plagiarize: Copying someone's else work is a big no! Not only is it unethical but also damage your credibility. Be original, be authentic and let your own voice shine through.
So there you have it, the do's and don'ts of copywriting to ignite your brand's growth. Remember, keep practicing and you would make progress.
Good luck!
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hua-fei-hua · 2 years
Hi Huaaaaaaa I'm in your askbox :3
10, 19, 23, 45 for the Fanfiction Questions, I simply must know
hiii naviiiiii we are hanging out on my blog :33
totally forgot i rb'd those things hehe but anyway~
10.  Is there a fandom you read fic from but don’t write in?
at first glance, my thought was no, bc i don't really fandom-ize every bit of media i absorb, just a few special ones (i can be normal about things!! for real (not clickbait)!!!)
that said, there are a few fandoms i've read fic for that i've never written for! going all the way back to my roots, i read so much mlp fic, n although i technically wanted to write mlp fic back in the day (n have like. two paragraphs of an ancient pitch rotting in my gdocs), i never really committed to it.
nat made me read some pokespe fics too back in the day, so i've read a couple of those too despite never really reading a ton of the manga. one pokespe author also recommended some kingdom hearts fic that i ended up reading, despite having never played kh or knowing anything about it really!
i also used to read a lot of miraculous ladybug fic (once in a blue moon i'll also get update emails for some of them c':), n although i had some ideas for mlb fic, i never wrote any of them.
i think the most recent fandoms i've read but never written for have been the adventure zone (balance), since i'd read taz fic as it crossed my dash after i listened to the podcast, and princess tutu, bc i had a mutual who got into it, so i started w/their fic after i watched the anime, then poked around the archive a bit hehe
19. Is there a ship which you wished you could get behind, but you just don’t feel them?
hmmm i'm honestly kind of a "once a hater, always a hater" kind of person, so it's kind of hard for me to think of a ship that i see around, know the basic appeal of, but don't really Understand in a way that makes me more proactive or picky w/seeing them portrayed.
that said, i would love to read some kokosara meta that elaborates on how a relationship btwn them would further kokomi's character, why sara is the only character who would be able to push her in that particular direction
23. Name a fic you’ve written that you’re especially fond of & explain why you like it.
oooo that's tough, since i'm very fond of p much all my fics for various different reasons, even if i don't think their writing is particularly up to my standards anymore.
like, even tho jjk was technically a while ago for me now, i'm still obsessed w/the idea of a constellation au (zenith); and the diner at the end of the night is still easily one of the most well-written high-energy comedies i've ever pulled off.
it's also really hard to pick out of my genshin fics which one holds the most specialest place in my heart bc most of them hold niches in my heart!!!
typically, though, i pick disjunct bc during the writing process, it was the first time where i really felt allowed to give a character Mixed Race Struggles(tm) wholesale w/o feeling like i was just making them mixed for the sake of it. i'm also really happy with the way it ended up resonating w/people on a core level, and the experience of artist-viewer connection n just having an Art Moment(tm) that resulted!!
45. What is your all time favourite fanfic?
i used to say A Miscellaneous Tale of Night and Day, which is The 200k word pokespe fic nat made me read when we were in high school that hasn't updated since 2012 that has effectively inoculated me against "abandoned fanfiction sadness", and the plot n premise are still a ton of fun, but i've been rereading it a bit as of late, and you can feel the early 2010s casual transphobia and misogyny in it lol. i'd say that it helped shape my comedic tastes/ability to just write self-indulgently, so for that, i'd categorize it under "influential fics"
honestly my favorite fics tend to be long multichapters, but there are honestly so few that line up with my tastes and have an ending in genshin, n i didn't read enough in jjk to have any longfics to really be fondly subscribed to. thinking about it, i genuinely think my fave fics are just the ones nat n i make up together over discord until five in the morning LMAO
in terms of fics that exist(ed, at least at one point), i'd say the now-deleted snk fic tower of babel would probably qualify as one of my all-time faves, n i can say that's not just the nostalgia glasses bc i do still have a copy on my hard drive lol. the premise is that five girls, each hiding their own secrets from each other or the world, end up renting one apartment together, n they learn to trust each other enough to communicate n rely on one another. there's also a bit of romance happening in the bg, but it's not the biggest aspect of the fic, n i really liked that!!! also the way it dropped the title in the end, basically stating its main theme as "it's a lot easier to fix your problems if you communicate abt it" CHANGED MY LIFE the first time i read it lol
ANYWAY YEAH that's all of them hehe thanks for the ask~
fanfiction questions
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too-many-rooks · 2 years
Tag people you want to get to know better
Thanks @strangesoulmates for tagging me!
Three ships (As I’m writing this out I’m realising they all have pretty similar themes, I guess I have somewhat consistent taste, this is all just reminders of humanity, enemies to lovers, trying to kill each other and excuses to cover my blorbos in blood.)
1.) Alex/Yassen
Can I be controversial and admit this one took a lot of convincing? Originally I was expecting the fandom to be more into ‘unlikely parental figure’ Yassen (which is a trope I’m an absolute sucker for.) but any way these two characters interact is interesting to me, and I’ve definitely come round to it from a perspective of this is only ‘healthy’ because it’s them and no one else can really understand them like the other can, and if it’s not ‘healthy’ it’s all dubious and quite fun. Big sucker for the (sort of one sided?) enemies to lovers, borderline obsession, as character foils of each other, with Yassen kind of representing Alex’s future and the dichotomy of like... sunshine puppy and murder kitty vibes. Then there’s the loyalty to each other before their ‘side’, different worlds and different morals but a unique understanding of each other.
(Also worth mentioning that I like Yassen with basically any Rider - I don’t see John/Yassen as anything but unhealthy hero worship/daddy issues/manipulation but that itself is still interesting, and I’m a huge sucker for Ian/Yassen, either as like an old married couple or people who have a few brief, but very intense encounters throughout their lives. I feel like there’s been a bit of a ‘Yiannaissance’ recently that I’m really enjoying. Do we have an official ship name? Yian? Iassen? Neither seem great.)
2.) Jonathon Reid/Geoffrey McCullum.
Peak different sides, enemies to lovers, vampire hunter and powerful newborn vampire in 1918 London in the grip of a pandemic, great gothic industrial vibe. I played this game obsessively during lockdown. (Can’t imagine why.) Themes of duty and purpose and humanity and horror, the game sort of rushes you into a forced romance with one of the female characters but the chemistry between these two is insane they are kind of obsessed with each other and the fight that happens when one of them tries to kill the other is just TEEMING with homoeroticism.
3.) Villanelle/Eve Polastri
First two seasons of Killing Eve are some of the best television ever created. The theatricality of the murders, and the comedy contrasted with some just devastating moments, the OUTFITS. That ending really took the wind out of my sails with this one and kind of spoiled it for me but what was there with the themes of mutual obsession, both trying to kill each other, Villanelle drawing out this dark side of Eve that has always been there, Eve drawing out this humanity that also been in Villanelle, just the whole vibe of being the only people in the world who could possibly understand the other properly and hating that so much you try and kill each other before realising they can’t be apart.
First Ship - I think the first one I really went insane for was Morrigan/Warden from DA:O. Morrigan helped me realise I was a lesbian I was so in love with her. Still am tbh.
Last song - ‘King’ by Florence + the Machine, I went to her concert this week and she ran right past me it was amazing.
Last Movie - finally got round to watching Everything Everywhere All at Once, so incredible!
Currently reading - chapter 3 of ‘The Viking Diaspora’ by Judith Jesch for my seminar tomorrow. (I really want to read more novels this year!)
Currently watching - His Dark Materials, interspersed with weird niche YouTube video essays, and mildly embarrassing amounts of Bluey.
Currently consuming: last thing I ate was some cinnamon raisin bread with one of the fancy jams I got in the jam advent calendar I bought myself. Now I need to figure out where I can find pineapple and yuzu jam bc I want to eat it forever.
Currently craving: supermarket bakery chocolate chip cookies, and some sweet and spicy fried chicken.
Tagging @countessrivers and whoever else fancies!
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triumphantfury · 1 year
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox of the last 10 people who reblogged something from you. Get to know your mutuals and followers❤️
Yay! An ask!
Okay, so I could give predictable answers, of course. Things like cupcakes or time with friends/family definitely make me happy, as they should. Still, where would the fun be without a wee bit of challenge? Lol
Hmm… 5 things that make me happy? Let’s see 🤔
1) Walking in the snow. Not just like a regular stroll in the winter, though. I mean going out for a walk when it’s really late at night while it’s actively snowing. A lot. You get that curiously empty yet totally surrounded feeling as fat, fluffy bundles of cotton fall from a completely blacked out sky to blanket your whole little world in white. I love the way the fresh snow seems to muffle the sounds of the footprints you leave behind like a breadcrumb trail, and how you don’t really even need the streetlights to see your way since the snow makes everything seem so bright and new. I don’t even really notice the cold at times like this because I just feel so happy for absolutely no real reason except that the water cycle exists and I live in a northern climate.
2) Things sounding a way you wouldn’t expect makes me weirdly happy for some strange reason. Like, when I honk the horn of my work truck and it sounds more like a clown car than a full sized pickup. I go from serious professional to hysterical weirdo so fast when this happens. Especially if that odd or unexpected noise also makes other people look around in confusion or smile/laugh. Absolute comedy gold.
3) Just being calmly out in nature somewhere. Not in a park or campground, but somewhere far away from all artificial noise. A place where the only sounds are of the natural variety. Like, if you sit quietly on the shore by a mountain lake long enough that you start to hear the calls of birds (especially loons) and the splash of fish jumping as they try to catch that jewel-like dragonfly buzzing over the surface of the water. Or maybe the soft rustle or buzz of wings in the trees around you. The delicate lapping of tiny little ripples breaking near the shore. When you swear you can almost hear the clouds moving overhead. So peaceful.
4) This one is a little niche, but I’m in the Training Department at work so bear with me. I love it when I’m teaching someone a new skill and it suddenly clicks. Like, I’ve been out for days with a trainee, working through problems and explaining the same thing over and over in as many different ways as I can come up with, but then suddenly… Bam! They just… get it! It’s hard to describe just how gratifying it is to see that smile on someone’s face when they are finally able to do the thing they’ve been struggling with. Their whole posture changes and they get this remarkable burst of energy, like they now want to keep doing that thing a million times over right now, if only to prove to themselves that They. Can. Do it. I’m on an emotional high for about a week afterward.
5) Lastly, seeing my cats do something silly. I know this one is super cliche, but it’s true. No matter how bad my day is going, when one of my cats acts like a total dork, it never fails to brighten my mood.
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Dino Watches Anime (Nov 5, 2022)
I gotta start putting the year in these things because I've been on Tumblr for too fricking long.
Anyways, I've been getting back into anime which is why my doctor is very concerned (I'm not even joking about that one).
These sequels are good (obviously)
Pop Team Epic
Honestly, the last few episodes have been mediocre. For one, I expected more out of Asanuma and Toyonaga's bit. Second, the writing, like all comedies, is extremely hit or miss. Pop Team Epic in particular is niche to many memes that people haven't even heard of. I'm watching it for the seiyuu and the bad jokes. Yuuma and Enoki's 3B part is what puts it under the "Yeah, I'll keep watching this" category.
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Spy x Family Season 2
Yeah, it's good. Wholesome stuff right here. This is the type of content that's okay to put on your search history. Yor is also one of the few characters that Shonen Jump can sexualize without being put on a watch list. Not that they need to. We all show up for Anya.
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Mairimashita Iruma-kun Season 2
My only complaint is that there isn't enough Clara antics. I have already written a post about this show. It's good. Go watch it.
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Mob Psycho 100 Season 3
Takahiro Sakurai scandal? What is a "Takahiro Sakurai scandal"? For real, that scandal did kind of rock my enjoyment of the show, and I really wouldn't want Reigen to be played by anyone else, but that's up to the people involved with the show. Either way, this season has already been recorded. I just don't see how they can top that previous season with Reigen's revelation arc. Just remember kids, separate the artist from their work. Sakurai is just a small part of what makes Mob Psycho 100 good. There's also some controversy with the dub cast too, so don't think that watching dub will protect you from that.
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Recently finished
Koi wa Sekai Seifuku no Ato de
The fanservice interferes with this show. Honestly, I've been watching anime for quite a while, and even this show really sticks out for some reason. Besides that, it's a cute love story that doesn't diverge too much from the usual "Romeo and Juliet" type fare.
I was really surprised about some of the casting decisions for this anime, but I think it worked out for the most part. I don't think I've seen Yuusuke Kobayashi play a meathead before.
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Heaven's Design Team
Okay, this is the one show where it genuinely doesn't matter that the cast is never developed because it isn't that type of show. It's ecology mixed with creationism, and even though you'd think those two would never mix, it leads to an almost theistic brand of evolution, and I think that's okay. Just enjoy it for what it is. I watched it for the seiyuu who made the show fun. It's a nice watch, but I can't say it's mindless because you do actually need to pay attention sometimes.
Also, I accidentally watched this out-loud on a VC and still cringe every time I remember that. It was during one particular scene too. Ouch.
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Shinchou Yuusha
I pretty much watched this for the voice actors. For one, Aki Toyosaki was really funny in the clips I've seen. Second, I got it spoiled for me and wanted to see the build-up for said spoiler. It was alright. Not a complete waste of time, but it still wasted time if you get what I mean (I watched it on 1.5 speed). I should've been productive. I feel like some of this stuff could've actually been abridged. Besides the two main characters and a few gag characters, the cast is extremely forgettable. It's almost like they made them forgettable on purpose. The fanservice interfered with the show a lot. I could not sit a minute without having female MC's boobs hanging out.
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Romantic Killer
Yo, I made a post for all the reasons you should go watch this show. You should go do that. Quit reading this and go watch it. It's good. I like it. Makes the little dino in my brain boogey.
(also a comment on that gif: If this was your normal average harem with a male protagonist, MC would've definitely accidentally groped someone. Anzu never fall on their ball sack. I appreciate that it just stops with a kabedon and her accidentally stomping the crap out of him)
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Akuyaku Reijou nanode Last Boss wo Kattemimashita
I just realized that I may have watched too many anime with Yuuichirou Umehara as the lead, and the funniest part is that all of the three characters in the past three anime I've mentioned have the exact same voice. It wasn't a whole "voice actors have such range" kind of thing. Umehara does have range, but I swear the past three entries have had him to do the exact same or extremely similar voices (closer to his natural voice). He was also in Heaven's Design Team where he did give the character a different voice. So yeah, he's been in four of the anime I've watched lately, and I think it was done by choice? I don't know. He happened to align with a lot of my stuff on my "watch later" list. Meanwhile, Rie Takahashi has given such range as Anzu and the MC of this anime. Man, I have slept on how good she is.
Anyways, this anime is alright. Honestly, go read the manga which covers the first four episodes. From episode five on, the anime goes at a snail's pace compared to the first four episodes which adapted at light speed. Bro, choose your pace then STICK WITH THE PACE YOU CHOSE.
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Chainsaw Man
You know, I thought this while reading the first few chapters, but man, it feels both refreshing and insulting to have a straight-forward pervert as the protagonist. Thanks for being honest with us and what you want to project, but man, I am not part of the crowd that would relate to this (asexual). It beats all of those "I'm a good guy who just happens to grope women in my spare time" MCs, but man, how am I supposed to get behind Denji as a main character? Also, screw those people who dislike the casting. I strongly like this cast. Tomori deserves support and so does that trombonist playing Denji. Also, RIP to all of them peeps who are falling for the Makima x Denji stuff. We all know how that's gonna turn out given the tone of the show... and the manga readers screaming spoilers at us from 100 kilometres away.
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dalekofchaos · 2 years
AEW is not gonna last
This is just going to be my opinion, no one lose their shit over what I have to say or send death threats over my stance on AEW
I wanted AEW to be good, but it's clear this is Tony Khan and Dipshit Meltzer's dream e-fed bullshit. An American-based NJPW and not anything resembling a WWE competitor. This is not going to last. Barely anyone has character. No stories, no moments that define the company. Idiots like Moxley, Jericovid and The Elite run the asylum. It's a niche product catering to the small internet wrestling community lead by head marky mark Meltzer. Any chance they had at growing there audience went bye bye with Punk. Now its the Jericho and Friends comedy show and even Saraya is there to stink up the joint.
Wrestling is not about the matches or the moves or the star ratings. It's about the story, bigger than life characters and moments. When I look at AEW, all I see is a promotion obsessed with constant false finishes, high spots for the sake of high spots in throw away matches even if it leads to serious injuries, it's all for the sake of getting their shit in and wrestlers who don't have personalities who will do anything for a 5 star rating from Meltzer. It's like Cornette said "I remember when the marks were outside the ring."
And now Tony thinks he's a competitor to WWE when all he does is kill any chance of actually being a competitor and just being a giant man child. He's basically the Herb Abrams of AEW.
AEW doesn't generate millions of viewers, it drives them away and only manages to keep 800K. Last week's Rampage only generated 260K. That alone is sad and pathetic. How long until AEW All-Access loses it's audience? AEW refuses to grow it's audience. It's a promotion run by marks for marks.
People mention the $100 million gross revenue, but if the company is spending at least $25 million on just 10 wrestlers then you know it is not profitable based on production, touring, video game development and the rest of the wrestlers and staff.
Here's another thing about AEW that doesn't work. MJF. MJF used to be the best thing about AEW, but now he’s repetitive and stale. Let me explain. MJF has had the same character for 3+ years with the SAME story with every feud he's in. EVERY MJF FEUD IS THE SAME! He puts barriers in front of his opponent before they can face him. Cody, Jericho, Wardlow, Punk and now Bryan. It's lazy booking, but even worse, this is supposed to be the feud which is holding Dynamite together. MJF is failing as champion because he's doing the same schtick he was doing 2-3 years ago with no progression. Cheap heat("This town sucks, but I'm contractually obligated to appear) The AEW World title feels stale and less special in my opinion and honestly it disgusts me everytime the guy uses the tombstone as a spot. If you’re not gonna use it as a finish, then don’t fucking use the tombstone piledriver. MJF needs to evolve or he’s just gonna be doing the same old thing.
And I don't like to use the term "vanilla midget" but if Tony Khan wants to push Yuta and Garcia regardless if they hurt ratings, well if the shoe fits.
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It relies on blood and profanity on a weekly basis. Exposes the business like there's no tomorrow and when ratings are down, NEW SIGNING! Ratings still down? TONY HAS A BIG ANNOUNCEMENT! The stories are dreadful. Jericovid as Tony's coke dealer is given tenure and allowed to do whatever the fuck he wants at the detriment of the homegrown talent. The Elite have pretty much fucked the one person who held that company together and their biggest money drawing attraction out of the company. Almost any move that is legitimately a finisher in any other promotion is now a high spot and a false finisher in AEW. F5? Piledriver? Tombstone? Fuck that, you're getting the lamest finishes possible and you're gonna like it! The top guys like Moxley are having competitive matches with jobbers. We can't get attached to anyone because they are either being fed to Jericovid or we never see them again. The women's division are always pushed out in the death slot and it's abundantly clear Tony doesn't care about women's wrestling and Saraya is hellbent on killing the division with the shit she thinks doesn't stink every week, he'd rather snort another load so Jericovid could blow himself every week. Starks? Hobbs? Miro? Fuck them, we're getting Garcia and Yuta whether we like it or not! Moxley would've gotten WCW kicked off Turner Broadcasting as soon as he uttered fuck and bled buckets of blood on a weekly basis. Moxley bleeds in throw away matches that mean absolutely nothing with opponents that aren't even on his level and the idiot actually got caught blading live on TV. This is what happens when the promoter would rather be the wrestler's friend instead of the boss.
So how long will AEW last? They don't draw new fans and practically chase the ratings away. The more I look at AEW, it seems more like Tony's dad is basically paying a bunch of Wrestlers to hang around with Tony and be his friend. I just look at what I see every week and I see a crumbling promotion that would rather play war with WWE instead of focusing on themselves. How long will TBS/TNT tolerate the low ratings, constant blood and profanity? How long will they tolerate 0 dimes being drawn? I'll be generous and give it till 2025.
I just can't seeing this promotion as a long term investment if they keep drawing low ratings and announcing things on the fly that don't even matter.
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