#nick said he walks it on a 3 and its not a competition but i had earlier walked onba 1.5 so i tried 2
kawaiianimeredhead · 2 years
We got a treadmill for free from a friend/my boss a week or so ago, and I had a lot of weird energy today so I decided to test it out. Walked for some time (I wanna say it was like 25 min but I don't remember) and then hours later still had the weird energy and walked another 20 min
And idk how much I'll keep it up but it did seem to help today at the least
Legs do feel a bit like I've been walking too long on the moving sidewalks at like universal or airports...
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tammyfeabakker · 1 year
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Welp I was minding my own buisness... I have been on some strong allergy meds... put my music on.. start my workout. I heard in my head .. Bunny's up (my nick name). Low and behold my phone rings. Its him could you please walk down here I need to ask you something. I said sure rolled my eyes got up. Went down there. Let it rip he asked me bout the property line. Could of asked that over the phone. The dynamics definitely changed. I was not chatty like I usually am. I jus wanted to leave actually. Because it ain't getting anywhere. I know whats gonna happened...( the picture above is as close as I can to what his ex looks like) she's works 2 days a week on disability... no sooner she gets off work goes down there. Why does this tick me off? I'm not egotistical... I jus worked really hard to maintain my body and youthfulness.. money sweat 25 years.. I still have a six pack at 59. I have pride in myself I'm stylish as well. She is a grandiose narcissist... she feels like she's being challenged. Now your gonna run down there thinking your better then me. Now she's copying me she's out there in workout gear on she has 2 plants it took her 3 hours. I'm out all day I love being out. Any temp I'm outside. Her hair is in a bun use to be a ponytail. I put my up in a bun. I'm not saying I'm attractive I often wonder why. Men will do my beckon call. I have beautiful eyes though I'm almost 6ft long legs. I carry myself with grace and confidence and style I ooooze sensuality I have a beautiful soul. It pisses me off that she thinks he will jus melt in her presence after he sees me... bitch he will hunt me down. Why does he hunt me down? is beyond me. Because if this is what he spent 15 years with its beyond me. He is definitely attracted to sexy women. And he could get anyone he wants for sure. I seen how the women get in dollar general they get tickled pink when he walks in. I use too now I don't. The guy ain't fixing my car for free because I'm nice. He definitely doesn't expect anything in return. I could make him a very happy man. I'm jus simply over this bitch over it. I'm not in a competition. I'm trying to fight back going over there and saying something to her bout it. Why do you go down there after I jus was there? Do you have a fucking problem with me? Do you actually think your fucking better then me? In my eyes nobody is better then anyone. I'm not competition to you. You will never win. Because he will hunt me down. I don't want to be involved at all. I havtah get a oil change and my pullies looked at. I sat there fighting myself back going there to make an appointment. Oh a reason to see him. Nope because I'm over it. Its no reason to start shit but it bothers me it does. When she comes back to her house she's all I'm so great he is all about me. I don't wanna be the cause of her greatness or subject myself to yuk please dear universe just stop it jus stop burning my eyes . How the fuck do I get myself involved in this bullshit? because I'm gonna explode on her. Your not me stop acting like it!!! Just stop!! Him just leave me be jus leave me be. I'm going there today to make an appointment I'm dreading it. Because she will jus run there again... and its going to piss me off. I leave my car he will expect me to stay and I am because I'm hoping she will come down there when I'm there. I'll catch her giving me a dirty look and she has I jus let it roll off my shoulders not this time. I will fuck her up because I'm looking for a reason now.
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booksandseventeen · 4 years
Characters with a bigger s/o and who has more of an appetite
Bigger s/o need love too! <3
Kyotani: (Mad Dog needs more love!)
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This boy does not help with your food cravings
whatever he’s eating, he’s offering you a bite or two
and if you like his food, you can just have it all
he’s not shy about grabbing your waist and thighs in public
and if you ever feel down about how you don’t have a thigh gap or that you’re not as skinny as the other girls, well buckle up buttercup 
he’s not good with his words but he’ll RAVISH YOU, i’m talking all day body worship 
he’s taking you to all your favorite restaurants/bakery’s/cafes
date nights are junk food and movies
and if he ever catches someone eyeing you up and down with distaste, he’s tucking you under his arm and grabbing your ass.
“I cant keep my hands off you.”
“Kyo~ stopppp.” you whine when your boyfriend comes up behind you and grabs you around the waist, nicking at your neck.
“what? I can’t touch you during school or during practice so what else am I to do?” he grunts 
“well, not in the middle of the grocery store is one i’m adding to the list!” you wiggled out of his grip and reach towards the highest shelf, your favorite cookies were back in stock but they were just out of your reach.
then you feel him behind you, pressed up against your butt and back as he reaches over you to grab your snack.
“Kyo! you did that on purpose!”
he takes his sweet time stepping away from you, one hand on your snack and the other still on your waist, squeezing lightly.
“you’re such a tease.” you said and blushed, snatching your snack from his hand. You go up and down the aisles, Kyotani making every excuse to rub on your body until you’re a blushing mess and he’s smirking like he won the national title.
“this is why I don’t take you shopping.” you said when his hands rub down your side. But when you look up and see the last item on your list on the highest shelf you sigh when he gives you a knowing look and presses his body against yours to reach it.
You smile, “but it’s getting harder to complain about.”
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At first you were shy because Tsuki is one the top 3 players that eat the least
but that doesn’t stop him from always nudging you into your favorite sweet store because he watches you look at the store from the corner of his eye
“I know you want it, just take it.” he says and pushes his unfinished food to you.
low key loves the way you smile when you take your first bite of dessert, he could watch you do it all day
in public he’s not much into PDA but when it’s just the two of you, he likes it when you sit on his lap
the type to watch you do a little fashion show just for him when you get done shopping
“but i’m heavy!” you always say when he grabs you and sits you on his lap
“tch, you think I can’t handle you?” he responds and rolls his eyes, grabbing onto your thighs and squeezing
always has a snack in his bag for you when you’re hungry
if you ever feel down about yourself he gets sooooooo mad!
“tch, who cares. I like you for who you are. Besides, I love the way you fill my hands
He pushes his unfinished bento towards you and you push it right back at him. Tadashi and Tsuki both give you a weird look. It isn’t like you to just push your food around your plate and also not take a bite from your boyfriends. 
Then Tsuki hears the snickers and poorly covered laughter coming from a table behind him. He watches you glance at the table and look down ashamed.
“come on.” he says and grabs your hand while Tadashi goes to give that table a stern lecturing. No one laughs at his best friends girl.
“where are you taking me?” you ask while you struggle to keep up with him.
“to that bakery shop not far from here.”
“b-But we have school! and you have practice.” 
“Tadashi will cover and we’ll be back before I start practice.” When you reach the bakery he orders for the both of you but when you still nudge your dessert around he grabs your wrist.
“I don’t care if you eat all your food and mine. You know I don’t have a big appetite, does that bother you?” he asks.
“of course not!” you shot back.
“well i’m not bothered with anything you do either.” he runs his hand up your arm in a rare show of affection and you nod. You can’t help the smile that overcomes your face when you take the first bite.
“so good~!”
“I’ll be making you say those words under different circumstances later”
*cue you choking on your dessert*
“That won’t be the only thing you’ll be chok-”
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Always giving you food even if you really are not hungry
“you need to keep your body fed”
“Toshi, this is the 4th meat bun you’ve given me.”
loves to feed you
he is also a great body worshipper if it’s just the two of you
when its cuddles, he likes to be the big spoon because he loves the way his hand dips over your curves, they fit perfectly in his hands
surprises you with your favorite meal
he’s a big boy so he thinks that anyone skinnier than you will just break under him
when you go through you closet and complain that nothing fits you and when you’re close to tears he’ll lay you on the bed and kiss you everywhere.
“you want to go shopping? I know Tendou will come.”
“shopping just means i’ve gotten bigger!” you whine
“no, it means there’s more to you to love.”
You blush, “that’s SO cheesy.”
“Toshi quit, seriously.” 
You wave away the meat bun he brings in front of your nose. He frowns and waves it under your eyes.
“I dont want it!”
Frowns harder, waves the meat bun faster.
“fine!” you snatch the bun from his hand and take a giant bite, “you happy now?” you asked around a mouth full of food.
“yes, I know that’s your favorite snack.” he says and takes a bite out of his own snack.
“but that doesn’t mean I have to eat 7 all in one day.” You finish your snack and lick your lips, his eyes never straying from your mouth. You smirk and lean forward slightly and open your mouth, “feed me.”
He freezes. You think you might have actually broken him until he slowly brings up his hand and places a piece of bun in your mouth, his fingers brushing against your lips. 
“feed me! feed me next!” Tendou sits down across from you and opens his mouth as wide as he can, you laugh and get up slightly from your chair to lean over and put the rest of the bun in Tendou’s mouth. 
But when you go to sit back down, you’re the one to freeze. Ushijima had moved over so that when you sat down you were sitting on his lap.
You look behind you and smirk, “is that a banana in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?” you tease.
“no, it’s this weeks Shonen Jump” he deadpans and whips out the comic book.
“GIVE THAT BACK!” Tendou screams
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you two practically eat the same amount
You want slice of cake? he’s feeding you the whole thing
Competition on who can eat the most 
Akaashi is always standing nearby with a cup of water in his hand when one of you starts choking 
your date nights consist of trying new places to eat and new food
he is so good at always telling you how good you look in your clothes that you hardly ever feel down about yourself 
but when you do, he gets sad with you, telling himself that if he only tried harder to make sure you know how much he loves you that you wouldn’t be feeling down :(
so it’s up to Akaashi to make sure you BOTH feel better, so that means SLEEEEEPOVERRRRRR AT AKAASHI’S PLACE AND HE MAKES YOU BOTH YOUR FAVORITE FOOD
he’s your hype man 24/9
loves it when you lay on him for naps on the couch
squeezing you in random places
loves to watch you walk out the room
You both glare at each other from across the table. Your fork is poised over the last bite of cake and he has his spoon crossed with your utensil so that you’re both grinding against each other to reach the last piece.
“You had the last piece last time.” you gritted out.
“yeah but I paid for it.” he growled and pushed down harder, you clenched your teeth and fought back.
“You’ve had enough I think today.” Bokuto says but then instantly regrets it when he sees your face immediately fall and you take away your fork. 
“I get it.” you say and rub your arms, “I knew I was eating too much today.”
Bokuto is on the verge of tears, “I didn’t mean it like that!” he jumps up and comes to your side of the table and grabs you around the waist, pulling you towards him.
“you’re absolutely perfect. I don’t care if you eat it all babe, you know I love how your body looks. I wouldn’t change it for the world.” 
You turn slowly towards him, the last piece of cake on your fork and a shit eating grin on your face. You pop the last piece of cake in your mouth and sigh with pleasure.
“You tricked me!” he exclaimed, you shrugged but then shrieked when he suddenly grabs you and kisses you hard on the mouth. 
“you had a little icing on your lips.” he said smiling. 
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when you two starting going out he’s so happy because he is now a father of two (a/n I will never stop making this joke)
No matter how many times you need reassurance, he’ll always give it to you
it’s 2am on a school night and you dont like how you look? he’ll facetime you and make you laugh until you cry
 he’s whipping it up in the kitchen on the daily when you’re craving something thats not open on the weekends
constant battle of intercepting Kenma giving you his food when he thinks Kuroo isn’t looking
You happily help Kenma eat his food despite the lashing Kuroo gives you two
he definitely incorporates food in the bedroom.
whipped cream is his favorite 
If you sometimes feel like working out he’s totally for it 100%
but if you feel like lazing around all weekend and play games then he’s there 100% as well
he’ll never let anyone make you feel like you’re less than beautiful 
ice cream dates are a MUST
You two are cuddling on the couch, your body laid on top of his and you can feel his muscles shift when he moves and you sigh in content when he runs his hands through your hair and up and down your curves.
“would you still love me if I was 2 million pounds?”
“of course.”
“would you still love me if I was on that show my 600lb life?”
“I’d drive you to the doctor’s appointment myself.”
“would you still love me If i told you that Kenma’s been sneaking me his pudding cups that you pack for him for after practice snack and that he was scared to tell you so now he’s making me and in exchange I get the rest of his Bento tomorrow at lunch when he’s done eating.”
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
Friday 10 April 1835
6 35
11 ½
no kiss fine morning ready in ¾ hour F50° now at 7 25 am at which hour went out for near ½ hour - breakfast at 8 5 and  till 9 ¼  read from p. 164 to 181 Dr. Philip on idiopathic fever - out at 9 ¼ - saw Throp in the low fields came across from the house to meet me - had him sometime in the walk - brought his bill £26.11.5 ½ - stood talking ½ hour - will turn off the man that came here drunk the other day - no! did not wish him to do that on my account - but would not have him here anymore - long talk about ministers - Throp said if I began to be frightened that would have more weight with him than anything - but I shall give up talking politics - no hope of gaining people over such is if spirit abroad for innovation - then with Richard Woodhead and his son railing off Wellroyde wood - then meaning to go to old Wilkinson’s about some allowance being made for the road-walling at Staups met Joseph W- just under upper brea and walked with him to the Place and he shewed the Lower brea water and its old or natural and present course – i.e. the course it has run in since my grandfather made the drain in which it now runs - said I was glad of his making skin pits for Dewhirst if he did not spoil the  water  
- said I would go to York about it anytime and we needed not be the worse friends for that - I thought I had a right to the water and if he spoilt it or did any cause for me to bring an action perhaps it would be well, for we should thus get the matter settled - told him about not keeping his promise in coming to Shibden to settle the matter 2 or 3 years ago - he said he only he only wanted what was reasonable - I said that was all I wanted and certainly if we could agree about the thing without law it would be better for us both - I said he had better think the matter over again - he blamed his uncle and his uncle blamed him - they must settle first between them what to propose and then I would consider whether to consent to it or not -asked what rent he asked of Dewhirst - £15 per annum - I thought that very fair - not dear - for upper brea in point of road a better situation than Mytholm - to be sure D- had a nice garden at M- in addition for his £20 per annum - no garden nor an inch of ground at upper brea - JW- spoke as if he was all against Stocks - I said I had nothing against Mr. S- JW- once thought of bidding for the Stump x Inn -  but it was fixed who was to have it - I denied this and explained and said JW- should have had quite as good a chance as anybody - explained the Staups road walling business and thought the town ought to allow something - JW- said he would do all he could in behalf of it - I asked whom else I should name the thing to - he mentioned Mr. Dean of Pule nick as a proper person - said old Mr. Wilkinson seldom went to town’s meetings - told me Mr. Stocks was always at him for ground to build a public house one opposite to the Stump x Inn - but he (JW-) always refused - did not like competition of this sort - one house would spoil the other and neither would do any good - S- meant to transfer the licence from the shoulder of mutton in Northowram - returned by Lower brea - called for a few minutes to ask Mrs. Robinson if she had not said she knew of a gin horse - no! but William Hanson of Norwood was a likely person to inquire of - then went to Hannah Green for change for a £5 note - staid about ½ hour - mentioned having been at upper brea - it seems it’s she who had some anxiety advised that JW- should not spoil the water - then went into Mytholm holme - John and William spreading about mole hills etc and had the old mare ready to dredge (i.e. drag a large thorn up and down the field) - the dam leaks - there must be a drain cut all round it - home at 1 - wrote the above of today till 1 50 - at accounts till 2 35 - out with A- at 2 ¾ and back at 6 ½ - had gone with A- to her Bramley Lane fields and parted at the Leeds and Whitehall turnpike at 3 35 she going to Cliff Hill  and I to Norwood Green to inquire of William Hanson, horse dealer and cow doctor.  about a gin horse -came home at least as far as the hut and sauntered a little in the walk - then returned for A- met her near Whitehall and we got home at 6 ½ - dinner at 6 ¾ - ¼ hour with my father and Marian - coffee - asleep - read tonight’s paper - a short but good article on the resignation of the ministers en masse respected even by their adversaries - ½ hour with my aunt till 10 ¼ -  wrote the last 6 lines - then wrote as follows ‘Shibden Hall Saturday 11 April 1835. Gentlemen - hearing nothing from Mr Jonathan Gray in answer my letter of last Sunday evening, begging him to let know if he would be at home on Monday the 13th instant I conclude he is not in York, and shall be much obliged to you to let me know, as immediately as possible whether he will be returned by the 13th or not -  I am,  gentlemen etc etc A. Lister’ to ‘Messrs. Gray and son solicitors Petergate York post paid’ meaning my letter to go by John early in the morning for it to be received tomorrow evening that I may have an answer on Sunday evening or Monday morning - fine day - F50° now at 10 ½ pm.
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rmtndew · 4 years
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Begin Again ~ Chapter 2
Summary: Walter Marshall is a dedicated homicide detective doing his best to balance his work life with being a single father to a teenage girl. Fiona Sparks is a woman doing her best to take care of everyone and everything around her, except for herself. Neither has had the best luck with relationships, but once they meet, they’re willing to give it another shot, this time with each other. (It’s basically just romantic fluff) 
Pairing: Marshall and OFC.
Rating: PG
Warnings: Mentions of death, cancer.
A/N - This is a sequel to ‘All I’ve Ever Known’. I started writing this because I needed an escape for some personal stuff going on and my coping mechanism included giving Marshall all the love that man needed, and imagining him being the softest boyfriend to me, then passing those details on to Fiona (my OFC).
I also made a Spotify playlist for this story, if anyone is interested - Begin Again Playlist 
Tag list - @hollydaisy23, @alyxkbrl, @onlyhenrys, @omgkatinka, @speakerforthedead0, @gearhead66,  @thethirstyarchive, @oddsnendsfanfics, @littlerinoa, @agniavateira, @aaescritora, @justaboringadult, @beenthroughalot, @seriouslygoodlookinggents, @xxxkatxo
If you want to be added/removed from the tag list, let me know!
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7
I made it home just a little after five. Darcy and I had been on track to finish up at four with the prep on the next day’s order, but her nephew Nick decided he could do the last batch of bread for us. I wasn’t sure what he did wrong, but three of the five loaves came out burnt, and the other two were so misshapen that they were unusable for sandwiches. I stayed over to help Darcy bake replacements and even though I kept my eye on the clock, I couldn’t bear leaving her in a panic just because I had a date.
When I got to the house, I went to find Mom and let her know that I was going out. She was in the living room talking on the phone. I could tell that it was my aunt June because she was loud enough for me to hear, even with the phone to Mom’s ear. I didn’t want to interrupt her so I kissed her on the head, letting her know I was there, then went up to my room to change. Amidst the bread drama, I’d gotten covered in flour. I was halfway up the staircase when my phone rang. I pulled it out of my purse. It was Marshall. 
“Hello,” I answered. 
“Hey Fiona, it’s Walt. I’m leaving work right now. I should be there at half past five if you’re still up for dinner.” 
“I am. I just got home myself so I’m going to get cleaned up and I’ll be ready when you get here.”
I could hear a door shut and it sounded like he was getting into his truck. “Do you want to try for Italian again or put it on the back burner for the moment?”
“Back burner, if you don’t mind,” I said, reaching the top of the stairs. 
“I don’t. Maybe we can try for it again if…” He paused. 
“If you don’t get bored with me before then?” I joked. 
He laughed, making my heart pound in a lovely way. “I can’t imagine getting bored with you,” he said. “I was actually thinking if you didn’t get tired of me.”
I smiled. “We both clearly have poor insight into how we view one another.” I opened the door to my room. “I can’t see how I would ever get tired of you when talking to you keeps me from getting tired of everything else right now. You make it so much more manageable just by existing in my life.” He was quiet and panic crept up again. “Sorry, that was a lot to put on you. I didn’t mean -”
“No, that was...I feel the same.”
“You do?” 
I heard him huff out a short laugh. “You made me excited to stay at my desk and do paperwork, so...yeah.” 
“Good, because I -” I screwed my eyes shut and took a deep breath. “I really like you, Walter.”
There was another moment of silence and I tried not to panic that time, but I couldn’t help how my heart pounded. 
“I really like you, too, Fi,” he eventually said, his voice soft.
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After changing and cleaning up, I went back downstairs on another search for Mom. I could hear her talking and thought she was still on the phone until I heard a very distinctive, very loud, laugh, and knew that in the twenty minutes since getting home, my aunt June had come over.
I went to the kitchen where I could hear them and stood in the doorway for a moment. They were cooking. “Are the two of you up to any good?” I joked.
“Not in the slightest,” Mom said with a laugh. It died in her throat as she looked over at me. “Are you leaving?” 
“Yeah, I am. I was going to tell you earlier, but you were on the phone.”
“You’re not going back to work, surely. Darcy can’t ask you to stay over and then have you come back in. Her nephew is the one who made the mistake; not you.”
I shook my head. “It’s not Darcy.”
“It must be a hot date then,” June teased, laughing. 
She’d obviously meant it as a joke. I hadn’t even so much as entertained the idea of dating since Dad died. That was tragic enough, but added to it was my ex-boyfriend Ezra breaking up with me right after I’d found out about Dad’s accident and the desire to jump back into that fire had been long gone. But Mom took one look at me and she knew. The irritation she’d worn thinking I was going back to work melted from her face as she smiled at me. 
“Did he ask you out again?” she asked me quietly. 
I nodded. “Today when I made my delivery. We’re getting dinner.”
“I’m happy for you, Bird.”
June stopped stirring what looked like red sauce and turned towards me, wooden spoon still in hand. The movement was so sudden it slung a trail of sauce in its wake, looking like blood splatters. “You’re actually going on a date?” she asked, her voice jumping octaves seemingly with each word. 
I knew my aunt well enough to know that I had to give her a few choice pieces of information if I ever wanted to escape that kitchen without her trailing after me to sneak a peek at Marshall. 
“I am going on a date. It’s someone I just started talking to recently. It’s nothing serious,” I said. “But he’s getting off work early today and asked if I wanted to get dinner.” 
“What does he look like?” June asked. “Is he better looking than that weaselly boy you used to date?” 
“He’s far better looking than Ezra,” Mom said. “Very handsome.”
“And way more of a gentleman,” I said. 
June finally turned back to her sauce, stirring it again. “Well, that’s not much of a competition, honey. A brick wall would be considered more of a gentleman.” 
Mom and I both laughed. The doorbell rang, interrupting us. I looked at her and she smiled. “Go have fun, Fi.”
“I will.” I walked over to her and kissed her head. “Love you,” I said, then told her and June bye.
As I left the kitchen, I found myself half jogging to the front door, eager to open it. I took a deep breath before I did, trying to keep from looking childishly excited to see Marshall, but I don’t think it worked. When I opened the door and saw him standing there, his back straight, his hands clasped behind him, like he was standing at attention, like waiting for me was something to be done respectfully, I couldn’t help the automatic grin that took over my face.
“Hi,” I said. 
It was like that was his cue to go ‘at ease’. His hands fell to his side as he returned my smile. “Hi,” he said back. “Are you ready?”
I nodded. He stepped aside as I left the house. When we turned and began walking down the path, he gently placed his hand on the small of my back. Even through my coat and sweater, I could feel the heat of his hand. I let myself drift closer to him, up against his side, and his hand shifted slightly, resting right above my hip. My heart soared at the tender act. 
When we reached his truck, he kept his arm around me and opened my door with his free hand. I stepped away to climb into his truck but surprised even myself when I spun around on my heel and reached out with both hands to hold his face, and pressed a soft, quick kiss to his lips. When I pulled back, I covered my mouth, shocked by my boldness. 
“I’m sorry. It just sort of...slipped out,” I said, a small laugh escaping my throat. 
He smiled wide, teeth and dimples showing. He softly took hold of my wrist and lowered my hand from my mouth. “Feel free to let it slip out as often as you want,” he said, his voice gently teasing me as he brought his mouth closer to mine.
We kissed again, both of us laughing as the kiss became all teeth, our lips spread too wide into smiles to make much contact. It ended quickly and I let my forehead fall to his shoulder, still laughing. He kissed the top of my head.
“We’ll keep practicing,” he said, his laugh a glorious rumble in his chest.
“I think that’s a good idea.” I looked back up at him and the smirk he had on his face made me laugh again.
“What?” he asked. 
“I don’t know. You’re…” I shook my head, trying to find the right words. I couldn’t, so I just blurted out my thoughts. “You’re the most attractive man I’ve ever met and it blows my mind that you want to kiss me.” 
He traced his thumb over my bottom lip. “I do want to kiss you,” he whispered, replacing his thumb with his lips. “And I want to take you to dinner.” He kissed the corner of my mouth. “And hold your hand.” He kissed my cheek. “And spend time with you.” He brushed my hair back from my ear before nuzzling into it. “And get to know you as much as I can.”
My knees felt like putty, weakening under the weight of his words. I had to hold on to his shoulders to steady myself. I could feel the pounding of my heart beating in my ears, the blood rushing fast as it beat hard enough that I wondered if Walter could feel it as he stood closer to me. I felt dizzy and borderline high from him. 
I kept one hand on his shoulder and moved the other, placing it on his cheek. I ran my fingers through his beard, then down to the line of his jaw, skimming them over to his chin. I used my hold there to turn his face towards me. “That’s exactly what I want, too.” 
He smiled and leaned forward slightly, not trying to rid himself of my grasp, and placed a soft kiss on the bridge of my nose. “Then we’re on the same page, Miss Sparks.”
I giggled despite myself. “Yes, we are, Detective Marshall.” 
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Walter and I went to a place called Hungry Vintage. “I used to come here all the time. Especially in the summer,” I said as he pulled my chair out for me. I thanked him as I sat. He sat across from me and I pointed out the window, even though it was too dark to see anything. “My apartment was just a block and a half away, so I’d walk here a few times a week.” 
“You moved after your father died, yeah? So your mum wasn’t alone.” 
I nodded. “Yeah. She’d never lived on her own before and didn’t think she could do it in their house. I had a few months left on my lease but I had a really great landlord. I explained everything to him and he let me out of it early,” I said. “It ended up being a good move, though, because my old job let me go a couple of months later. I wouldn’t have been able to afford it on my salary at Waverly.” 
“Where did you work before that?” 
“Regency Interior Design. I interned with them in college and they offered me a job as soon as I graduated,” I said. “Dad always told me that I was lucky, that that didn’t happen for everyone, but I didn’t realize what he meant until I tried to get a position at another design firm after Regency.” I shook my head. “It was nearly impossible to even get an interview.”
He looked a little embarrassed as he asked, “What do interior designers do, exactly? Do you decorate, or…?”
I laughed. “Yeah, some decorating. I mainly worked with clients who were flipping houses, so I would help them figure out how to redesign a room so that it served the space better, but still stayed within building code regulations. Then I’d help them source materials and when construction was done, I’d help them paint and furnish everything to make sure the house was cohesive. It could be tiring, especially when clients were pressuring me to work faster, but it was fun, too,” I said. “I like the routine and predictability in my current job, but I miss being creative.” 
He tilted his head slightly, pressing his lips together in a thin line. “Would you -” He stopped and shook his head. “Never mind.”
“No, I want to know,” I said. “Would I what?”
He played with a salt shaker on the table almost nervously. “Would you ever consider taking on a private client?” he asked, not making eye contact.
I smiled. “Do you know someone who might be in the market for one?”
He chewed the side of his mouth for a moment. “My house, it’s functional, that’s all. I sleep, shower, and eat there. Not much else, so how it looks doesn’t bother me,” he said. “But Faye’s room… She deserves something nice, you know?” 
“Do you want it to be a surprise?”
He looked at me, then nodded. “Her birthday is in the middle of next month. Would that be enough time?” 
“Do you only want it redecorated and furnished more? No construction?” 
He laughed slightly. “As much as she’d probably like me to knock a wall down to make her room bigger, I don’t have the space to do it,” he said. “So yeah; no construction.”
“If that’s all, then I don’t see any reason why it couldn’t be done by her birthday,” I said. “Do you have a picture of her room?”
He shook his head. “No. Do I need one?”
“Not right now, but when you get the chance to take one, you can send it to me. Just so I can get an idea of what it’s like.” 
“Would it be better if you saw it in person?”
“Honestly? Yes. But I didn’t want to invite myself over,” I said. 
“Then I’ll invite you,” he said. “How about Saturday? I could pick you up. You could take a look at her room and give me an estimate, and then I could cook for you.”
I raised my eyebrow at him. “An estimate? Like for what I think you should buy for the room?” I asked. “I would help you with ideas, but I’d let you decide the budget and work with what you can spend. It honestly doesn’t have to cost a lot.”
“I mean for your fee. Or do you have a set price that you charge clients?”
“Walter, I’m not going to charge you. I’m more than happy to do it for Faye. I think it’s sweet that you want her to have a nice room.”
He looked guilty. “I didn’t ask you so you’d do it for free.”
I smiled. “I know. That’s why I don’t mind doing it,” I said. “Besides, you said you were going to cook for me, so that can be your payment.”
His face became soft, his eyes giving me a puppy dog look. I was weak for it. “If that’s the only payment you’ll accept, then maybe I’ll plan on cooking for you every week until it’s finished.”
My smile grew. “Well, if you’re a good cook, I just might accept that offer.”
He leaned in towards me over the table and smirked. “And if I’m not a good cook?”
“I might heavily suggest takeout. I’m quite fond of Chinese food.” 
He nodded, his smirk turning into a full smile. “Noted.”  
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After dinner, Marshall and I drove around town for about an hour, not wanting the night to end, but eventually it had to. We both had work in the morning. When he drove me home, it was the first time since moving back in with Mom that I wished I still had my own place. I wanted nothing more than to ask him in but that was off the table while Mom was there. Not to mention my aunt June, who, judging from her car, was still visiting. 
He parked on the street in front of my house and I took advantage of what small bit of privacy we had in his truck. He was holding my hand, and with my free one, I took my fingers and lightly traced over his knuckles, then gently brushed over the top of his hand. When I reached his wrist, the movements turned into a light scratching as I ran my fingers up and down the part of his forearm that was exposed. I didn’t know what I was doing, just that I wanted to touch him. Goosebumps raised on his skin, something I wasn’t sure he experienced much with the heat he gave off, and when I looked up at him, I knew that he didn’t care what I was doing, just that I was doing it.
His other hand came up quickly, going straight to the base of my neck. He was gentle, even in his urgency, guiding my face towards his, kissing me. I clutched at his sleeve, feeling like I needed something to hold on to. He wasn’t rough but his kisses weren’t the soft ones we’d shared previously. Eventually, I grew bold enough and moved my hand from his sleeve to the back of his head, burying my fingers in his soft curls.
Each press of his lips seemed to erase all ability to think, until the only rational, fully formed thought left in my mind was that I wanted to spend the rest of my time on earth kissing this man. 
When he finally pulled away, I was left feeling like I was drunk for the first time: Warm, slightly dizzy, and giddy. It took me a long moment to compose myself. He pressed his forehead to mine, our noses touching, our mouths mere centimetres from each other’s, passing breath back and forth as we tried to catch our own. 
I couldn’t imagine a time where kissing him didn’t make me feel some kind of way.
“I think our practice is starting to pay off,” I joked. “That wasn’t half bad.”
He laughed. “No, it wasn’t.” He kissed my lips again softly, then my nose, then my forehead, letting his lips linger for a moment. I let out a contented sigh and felt his lips smiling against my skin. “But perhaps we should keep practicing, hm?” 
I smiled as I looked up at him. “I think that would be best,” I said. “Maybe we can fit it in on Saturday?”
He nodded. “I’ll try to work it into the schedule.” He moved his hand, his fingers brushing along my throat as he did. “What time would work for you?”
I let my own hand drift from the back of his head, down to the nape of his neck. I scratched lightly at his scalp. He closed his eyes and leaned back into it. I rewarded him with a few more scratches. It was his turn to sigh happily and I filed that info away in my mind for later.
“Anytime works for me,” I said, removing my hand and placing it in my lap. He opened his eyes and again and looked more relaxed than I’d ever seen him. I couldn’t hold back my smile. “Maybe...maybe a little early? In case it takes a while with Faye’s room?”
He nodded. “What about four? Or is that too early?” 
I smiled wider. “You could suggest six in the morning and I’d be up for it,” I said. “So no; four isn’t too early.” 
“Then I’ll be here at six a.m.,” he joked. “I’ll bring you coffee. You like creamer but no sugar, right?”
“Yes. You have an excellent memory, Detective.”
“Only when it’s worth remembering,” he said. He adjusted himself in his seat to better face me. “But you’re really okay with that time for Saturday?”
“I really am. I’ll bring all of my stuff over. You can help me measure everything and then I can use one of my design programs to make up a few different options. Whichever one you pick, I’ll help you figure out how to get it all done.” 
“Thank you.” He raised my hand that he was still holding and brought it to his mouth. He kissed it, warm and gentle. My heart continued to melt for him. “Would you let me walk you to the door?”
I nodded. “Of course.”
He got out of the truck and came around to open my door for me. When we were standing side by side, he reached for my hand, lacing his fingers through mine. As we began walking towards the house, I held onto his bicep, leaning my head on his shoulder, tucking myself as close to him as I could. If I’d had any doubt over whether he was comfortable with that much touch, it was squashed instantly when he slowed down, taking his time in getting me to the door.
I hesitated to let my feet touch the doormat, feeling like that was the final step before he left. I wanted to hold on to him longer. So that’s where I stopped. He seemed to sense my hesitancy, or maybe he shared it because as we stopped, he turned towards me and ran a hand over my hair, his thumb finding my cheek and stroking it lightly. I let go of his hand and wrapped both of my arms around him. He stepped into my embrace, one arm locked around my waist, the other around my shoulders. I buried my face in his neck and fought the strange desire to cry. I’d suspected early on that Marshall would be a good hugger - he just seemed too much like a teddy bear not to be - but I hadn’t anticipated the overwhelming feeling of safety that his arms would hold. I found myself squeezing my eyes shut tight and clinging to that feeling with all I had. It took a few moments for me to realize that I wasn’t just clinging to the feeling; I was clinging to him. I felt embarrassed and loosened my hold on him, but I felt his hand come up to cradle the back of my head. I felt his lips pressing on my temple. 
I knew at that moment that this man was going to ruin all other men for me. And there was nothing else I wanted more. 
We separated slowly, one touch at a time. My hands moved from the broad plain of his shoulders, down his back, then, as I took a step backward, they rested on his sides. His hand that had been cradling my head gently smoothed over my hair, ghosting over my shoulder, then rested at his side. His arm holding my waist moved, his hand going to my hip. Like earlier that evening, I could feel the heat radiating through the layers of fabric. I inhaled his scent before moving my face from the crook of his neck. I caught his eye, noticing him watching me, as I moved my head back to look up at him. 
“Thank you for coming out with me tonight,” he said. “I really enjoyed it.”
“I did, too,” I said. “You’re doing a pretty good job of making Wednesday my favorite day, you know? Between seeing you on my deliveries, and coffee dates, and dinner dates, even the weekend is losing the competition.” 
His eyes were bright and smiling. “So does that mean I have to work extra hard Saturday to impress you?”
“No. I’m already impressed by you.”
He smiled, then raised his free hand and took my chin between his thumb and forefinger gently, lifting my face, then gave me a soft, chaste kiss that made my heart skip a beat and my toes curl in my boots. 
“Goodnight, Fi,” he whispered against my lips.
“Goodnight, Walter.”
He took a step back. He was still close but no longer touching me. I had to suppress a whine and the urge to burrow into him for the rest of the night, or my life. I’d never missed someone standing right in front of me before, but there I was. 
“Can I call you tomorrow?” he asked.
“Absolutely. Yes.”
“Good.” He rubbed his neck, his eyes drifting away from me towards his truck for a moment. When he looked back at me, there was a sense of shyness on his face. Something about it made him seem impossibly boyish. “I don’t…” He paused. “I don’t know if I could wait until Saturday to talk to you again.” 
My arms automatically crossed over my stomach, hugging myself, like I was trying to hold back the multitude of butterflies I felt trying to take flight. “You don’t have to wait, and you don’t have to ask. I would love for you to call whenever you want,” I said. “Because I think waiting would be hard for me, too.” 
He nodded, taking another step back. “Then I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”
“I’m looking forward to it.”
He took a few more steps back, looking at me for a moment longer, before finally turning and walking away. I stood, watching him until he got into his truck. The interior light lit up the cab and I could see him. He waved at me. I waved back, then, with a heavy sigh, went inside.
I closed the door and pressed my back against it. I could hear my mom and aunt talking, but it all sounded like white noise. I placed a hand over my heart, feeling how it pounded. My veins felt like electricity was running through them. My whole body was buzzing. Walter Marshall was under my skin, and I wouldn’t have changed it for the world.
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agreateryesterday · 4 years
Stucky - ABO
Inside the Lines
Settling in the Lines
Little Bumps in the Lines
A Little Outside the Lines
Way Outside Those Lines
Picking a New Color
Back Inside the Lines
Bold, Wiggly Lines
Scribbles and Broken Crayons
Somersaults and IV Lines
Broken Noses and Coloring Lines
Family Ties and Signature Lines
The Lines are Closer Than Ever
Past Lines and Future Loves
Little Wonders by Avengers_Whore
“You’d look amazing with a pup on yer hip,” he murmured, startling Steve. The blond sat up slightly and looked at him, brow furrowed. “Buck, you know I can’t-” “Yeah, yeah, Stevie, I know, but we can adopt! Just like Sam and Rhodey did with Wanda,” the alpha told him, smiling wide as he looked up at his mate. He was feeling giddy just at the thought of having a pup in their home. “Plenty of kids out there who would love to be part of our family.”
“Waffles, p’ease,” Tony murmured, laying his head on the omega’s shoulder. Steve smiled and nodded his head, carrying the little omega into the kitchen. He settled the pup onto the table and poked his nose gently, enticing a soft giggle from the boy. “Steeb, can we have choc’late chips?”“Of course honey,” the blond man said, gently tickling the boy’s side.
“Poor kid just fell down and seized right there in the exam room, totally scared the shit out of me.” Steve bolted upright, his eyes wide with panic. Tony whimpered at the sudden movement and curled into Bucky more, his little face scrunched up. The alpha tightened his hold on him and gave his omega a look.
“I wish you could be my brother, then you could stay forever,” the young pup murmured, moving around the table to hug onto Harley. The blond teen looked down at the boy with wide eyes before wrapping his arms around him and holding on tight.
“Stay away from my pup,” Bucky snarled softly, placing himself protectively between Howard and the small group of three still clinging to each other. “So you’re the one who took on my greatest failure,” the other alpha commented with a sneer. Bucky’s eyes narrowed dangerously and he got even closer into the older man’s face. “Walk away before you say something that gets you seriously hurt,” the brunet growled.
“Edward.” A shake of the head. “Benjamin.” Another shake. “Joseph.” “You’re not even trying,” Tony accused, crossing his arms over his chest. “Benjamin’s nice though. That can be his middle name.” “Oh well since you’ve already decided."
“Why do we even try to keep up with you people?” Sam grouched as he helped Steve put away everything in the kitchen. The beta was putting the glasses away in a cupboard, careful as he unpacked them from the box one by one. “Three kids and a house, I’ll never catch up.” “I don’t think it’s a competition, Sam,” Steve told him with a smile.
“You act like you’re not going to be supervised by an adult,” Harley said, cuffing the younger’s ear and smirking when the omega yelped. Since Tony was incredibly young to be in college, they’d put him in Harley’s apartment. The alpha would be able to watch out for him and since they were actually siblings, he wouldn’t be bothered by Tony going into heat. “Why do you have to crush my dreams like that?”
“Boyfriend?” Bucky asked, a growl lacing his words. “Oh stop. His name is Ty and he’s a very nice, charming alpha. Just wanted you to know before you got a whiff of him and got all rutty,” the omega told him. “Do not embarrass Tony.”
“Boyfriend?” Bucky asked, seemingly materializing out of nowhere. The brunet alpha was immediately up in Loki’s personal space, trying to intimidate and size him up all at once.
“Boyfriend, hm? A good one this time hopefully?” Steve asked, crossing his arms over his chest. “The best. Harley-approved and all,” Tony told him, biting his bottom lip as he watched Loki and his father.
He looked up and came face-to-face with icy-blue eyes. The alpha had a white coat on, meaning he was a doctor.
“I-I am so sorry, I wasn’t looking where I was going,” Tony stuttered, his face turning red the longer he looked at this alpha. The man smiled slightly and handed over some of the books before helping the omega up. “Not a problem, I was too busy looking at my phone,” the doctor told him. “Dr. Stephen Strange.”
“You have my blessing.” “Stevie!” Bucky protested. “Oh hush. You always get like this, Wade’s not even allowed in our house because you think he’s going to molest Peter,” the blond scolded his mate, swatting at the alpha. “What?” Peter asked, his voice cracking from the shock.
“You’re pregnant?” Steve exclaimed, immediately off of the couch and running over to hug the three of them excitedly. “I’m gonna be a grandma!” “Well, yes and no,” Loki said with a chuckle. “Anthony isn’t pregnant.” “Then what do you mean?” Peter asked, his brow furrowing. “Riri, you can come out now, darling,” Stephen called. Everyone watched with wide eyes as the little alpha girl came out of the kitchen, running over and hiding behind Tony’s legs.
“Honey! Babe, I’m home,” Steve called as he entered the apartment, tossing his keys onto the table by the door. He closed his door with his foot and carried the grocery bags into the kitchen. “Brock?” “Yeah, Steve, I’m comin’. I was in the bathroom,” Brock answered as he came around the corner. The omega giggled as he started pulling everything out of the bags to start putting away. He purred when arms wrapped around him from behind.
“You- You hit me!” Peter exclaimed. “You never hit me!” “I didn’t mean to! You wouldn’t get off’a me!” “‘Cause you won’t talk to me! Wade, I’m your best friend, why won’t you talk to me?” Wade growled in frustration and pulled his hood further down over his face when he caught Peter trying to look at him. He smelled of angry, anxious alpha over his unique taco and iron smell.
I'm not making any promises. by Ohlookitsabi, Stucky_Barnes
(Last updated Sep 7, 2018) 3 chapters
steve and Bucky are together, They are happily inlove... but what happens when SOMEONE tries to get in their way? (this is my first fic so I'm sorry in advance)
Popping by himawri45 (kotaka_kun)
*Finished* 2 chapters
Steve and Bucky are expecting (again, or it could be their first), and Steve hasn’t taken the changes to his body so well and with each new change, he grows more self-conscious and embarrassed of his new appearance. The latest change, he noticed one morning, is that his belly button has popped. This makes him super embarrassed not only because of how apparent it looks, but it also is very sensitive and to make matters worse, he gets razzed about it by Bucky, their kids and/or his friends.
Splintered Beginnings by angel_with_a_nuclear_bomb
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HYDRA gave up on human experimentation after their 500th subject failed. They theorized that if they changed the original form to something more substantial, the project could survive. Their first subject was immensely successful, vicious yet obedient. Their second subject.... That's a little bit of a different story. But what happens when the Avengers intercept their first subject, and HYDRA's house of cards slowly begins to to fall? *STARRING* Bucky as a chunky wolf Steeb as a tiny wolf and Bucky as a traumatized human Steeb as an even more traumatized human
It's been a long day without you, my friend by AyeeItsJaee
(Last updated Nov 24, 2019) 1 chapter
Packs are the most important thing to Steve. Ever since he was a child he believed he would form a pack with Bucky. And then the war and the serum happened. the two hardly got to even speak. Bucky fell off of the train and Steve crashed in the ice, he thought he was dead. He sometimes wished they never found him. He didn't have his Alpha. Everything changed when hydra attacked Nick Fury and Steve found him again. Bucky was alive. He was alive and taking care of a fourteen year old while is aunt was in the hospital.
Date Night by himawri45 (kotaka_kun)
*Finished* One Shot
“You feeling okay?” “I’m fine,” Steve assured him, “Just Braxton Hicks.” Bucky looked surprised at that. “I’ve been having them off and on all day, it’s no big deal.” “Is it bad?” he pressed. “We can go home if you’re not comfortable, y’know.” “I’m fine, Buck.” Steve squeezed Bucky’s hand. “Really, it’s okay. Just means my body’s getting ready and all. It’s nothing to be worried about.” Bucky looked unsure but dropped it once Steve began looking over the menu. Steve was glad for it - he didn’t want Bucky to have to spend their night together worrying himself over Steve. Steve could take care of himself.
The Same Star by Annaelle, dolarhyding, Juulna
*Finished* 6 chapters
The year is 2117—nearly 100 years after the Third World War and 50 years after the discovery of the Alpha-Omega gene mutation—and the United Research Space Agency has landed its first manned mission on the recently discovered tenth planet, named Gaia. On this planet, there are now seven souls—that they know of—led by URSA’s finest, most driven Captain; an Omega named Steve Rogers and his loyal Alpha, Bucky Barnes. The mission—a dream mission, a mission the entire population of Earth follows with bated breath—will soon become a nightmare for all involved. The mission is hastily aborted when a freak storm of unimaginable proportions hits suddenly, forcing the team to leave the surface of the planet—all but one. Bucky Barnes is left behind, assumed dead by all, even his grief-stricken Omega. The vast distance between them increases every minute, and it might be more than he—and his mate—are capable of handling. With such distance, it is only a matter of time before Separation Sickness takes them and makes them lose control—the one thing Steve, leader of the Gaia Exploration Crew, cannot afford to lose.
Remember Dreams by Stuckylover4ever
(Last updated July 22, 2020) 11 chapters
In a world where Beta rules the world, Alpha's and Omega's are trying to survive. Going to a college would be hard enough for Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, and Peter Parker if they weren't dealing with being Omegas in a world where Omega's aren't allowed much. Each one of them is dealing with a pregnancy on top of Steve's health issues. As much as Tony Stark loved his daughter, he didn't want to be a stay at home dad. While he didn't mind it, Tony wanted to have a good education as well. Beta's are known to be given everything while being allowed to do what they want. Alpha's, on the other hand, are required to go to college, get a good job, then settle down. Omegas are only allowed to have families. Going to college isn't allowed for them, and if they do go, then they are looked down upon. Follow them as they learn to love, dream, and change the world. Each one of them has a story to tell, and they want to tell it. Life is hard, but when you are told what you are supposed to do, then life get's harder.
honestly thought i’d be dead by now, but what you can trust is that i need your touch by moonythejedi394, raynaki
*Finished* 17 chapters
Bucky is 37 years old; he’s unmarried, hasn’t had a Sub of his own, is definitely not ripped, comfortable at his job as an Advanced Practice RN at Brooklyn General ER, and just got his Five Years coin from AA. Steve is 26 years old; he’s unmarried, his last and only Dom has Alzheimer's, he's worryingly muscular, uncomfortable in his job as the government’s poster Alpha for masculinity and strength, and worries more than he should about his BMI. Unfortunately, Steve and Bucky meet initially in a not-cute moment. Bucky’s tired as shit thanks to the sudden alien invasion that shook New York and Steve is tired as shit because he hasn’t slept more than 20 minutes at a time in – well, since 1936, probably. Bucky’s Alpha instincts get irritated at the sudden presence of another "Alpha" into his territory and Steve’s suppressed submissive tendencies latch onto this grumpy bachelor Alpha and he only suppresses it further. Bucky’s grumpiness and Steve’s duckling impressionism aside, both of them are a mess. But since both of them are a mess? Their messes seem to fit pretty well together.
Fairy Tales Are Lies We're Told So That We Keep Dreaming by Fallen_Ash
(Last updated June 20, 2019) 5 chapters
This is a story about a group of friends, who came together in the most unlikely of situations, to battle for what they believe is right.
So the Story Says by monsterradio
*Finished* One Shot
A prophecy once said that a warrior with scales for skin and fire for breath would tie with a prince of a kingdom so vast it spanned half the land. Alpha King of Dragons, James, thought it was just a story whispered around a fire until a crow came from the kingdom of Shield, hailing the coming of age of their Omega heir.
What the Doctor Ordered
Conflict of Interest
In Equal Measure
Be Your Alpha if You Wanted
Coming to Terms at the Turn (of the decade) by sarahyellow
*Finished* One Shot(s), 4 chapters
Steve is a sickly adult omega who lives under the custody of the state in the 1940's. He's always insisted on riding out his heats alone but after the disaster that was his last cycle he is forced to choose: pair with one of OmegaHouse's support alphas, or undergo a therapeutic procedure to fulfill his heat.
Much to Steve Roger's chagrin, a handsome new alpha is assigned to his hall at the Brooklyn Heights OmegaHouse.
Things in the House haven't changed too much in the past year and a half. Well... some things have. Steve's turned eighteen now, he's started courses at the community college. Alexander Pierce has been elected the 33rd president of the United States. Oh, and James/Bucky? He's Steve's hall alpha and he's kind of growing on him. Until he isn't.
Another look into the lives of Steve Rogers and James (Bucky) Barnes at the Brooklyn Heights OmegaHouse. Steve and Bucky are still diametrically opposed.
Things've been confusing between them ever since his heat. Bucky had given Steve what he’d needed, and Steve’s been feeling indebted to him ever since. He’s got newfound respect for Bucky. And… maybe something else. He hasn’t put a name to it yet, has been too afraid to. But it’s been plaguing his thoughts. According to House rules it’s probably inappropriate, but neither one of them knows what to do about it.
Post: Part 4
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Little Phoenix
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Title: Little Phoenix. Warnings: None. Pairing: Klausxoc (no name) Mentions of Elijahxoc. Setting: Season 3 TVD. Notes: The Oc is a vampire.
She sat at her desk in her bedroom staring at her journal as she held her pen between her pointer and middle finger tapping the paper with the ends of it. So far all of her friends had gotten invites to the Mikealson’s ball, but she sat alone in her pajamas while everyone else was getting ready. It was probably for the better anyway. Damon would be there protecting Elena because eventually everything becomes about Elena.
Deciding to just go to bed early she lifted the covers and was sliding into bed when she heard the door bell ring. So she headed to the door and pulled it open. No one was there. "Hello?" She called and took a step out to look around, but her foot kicked something. She looked down to find an off white dress box tied closed with a white satin bow. A envelope was tucked under the ribbon.
Curiously she picked up the box and brought it inside and up to her room. After setting the box on her bed as if it were a ticking bomb she pulled the envelope out and loosened the red wax seal that was stamped with an M. "Please join the Michelson family this evening at seven o'clock for dancing, cocktails and celebration." She read aloud as a small smile spread over her lips. A nervous bubble grew in her chest as she untied the box and took off the lid. The dress inside took her breath away.
Champagne silk covered by rose gold lace filled the box and when she lifted it out she saw it had an off the shoulder sweetheart neckline. She laid it on the bed carefully then looked in the bottom of the box to see matching lace gloves that hooked onto the middle finger and champagne satin heels. Realizing what time it was she hopped into action getting ready.
She arrived a little late, but she didn’t care because someone cared enough to invite her and she had the sneaking suspicion that it was Elijah. "Hey." Elena said, shocked to find her at the ball, much less in a dress that made her look like a fairy princess, her hair in a beautiful messy bun of curls while several lose ringletts hung around her face. "What are you doing here?"
"I was invited." She answered and held up her invitation as Damon walked over taking her in with wide admiring eyes. "Careful Damon, you might get drool on your tux. Wouldn’t want to make precious Elena jealous." She commented coldly as she walked past them into the party.
She was looking through the crowd for Elijah when a different accented voice hit her ears. "Looking for someone, love?" She turned to see Klaus behind her. "One of my brother’s perhaps?"
"I was hoping to speak to Elijah." She replied holding the silver clutch in her hands that rested in front of her.
"I hope you don't plan on thanking him for that dress you're wearing." she gave him a confused cock of her head. "It is from me, love."
"Why?" She asked with a shake of her head as her eyes found Caroline who was looking their way with a curious look on her face. "I thought you were into Caroline these days."
"Take a walk with me and I'll explain." He offered her his arm and a charming smile. So feeling like she had no option she looped her arm through his and let him lead her outside.
"So, explain." Katie told him as they started walking along the path that led through the beautiful garden that was the back yard.
"Elijah doesn't love easily and he doesn't let people in." Klaus told her and she nodded knowing this to be true. "You've managed to get him to do both." Her thumb fiddled with the latch of her clutch. "He didn't invite you because you asked him to give you space and he listened because he's Elijah." Katie smirked a little. "I however know that when a woman asks for space there's a fifty-fifty shot that she really doesn’t want it."
"So you bought me the dress and invited me for Elijah?" She asked and he nodded.
"Yes, but I did it for myself too." He told her making her give him a questioning look. "You are a very beautiful woman with a fire in your eyes like I've never seen. You're strong and you don't take crap off of anyone including me. I can see why my brother fancies you." She felt herself blushing at his words. "If he fails to treat you the way I think you should be..." they stopped walking and he stepped in font of her then cupped her chin gently in his hand, "then I just might have to step up."
"Wow." she laughed and looked out across the back yard.
"What?" He asked a little amused.
"Nothing." She looked down at the ground with a smile still on her face.
"No, tell me what's so funny." He told her with a smile of his own.
"Is the great Klaus Mikealson actually interested in me?" She asked with a smile.
"Why do you find that so hard to believe?" He asked with a confused smile of his own.
"Because you're a powerful hybrid and I'm well...me." She answered then looked around and spotted a bench. She walked over to it and made sure it was clean as not to mess up her dress then sat down. Klaus sat down next to her. "I get how you could be interested in Caroline. She's beautiful, poised, organized and a natural born leader as well as a plethora of other amazing things. But me? I don't get it."
"It's not for you to get love." He told her.
"Okay at the risk of sounding completely insecure and like I'm fishing for more complements I'm going to ask you a completely hypothetical question."
"Okay ask away." He told her with smile that suggested he was worried about what might come out of her mouth.
"If I was never involved with Elijah who would you be pursuing more right now? Me or Caroline?" She asked knowing she shouldn’t, but she couldn’t help herself.
"You want me to choose between the two of you?" He asked with a cocky smile.
"Hypothetically and neither of us can ever tell Caroline I asked you this." She said then dropped her eyes to her clutch that she held in her lap. "And answer honestly."
"Can't I choose both?" He asked making Katie look up at him through her lashes. "That’s a very tough question. You are both such wonderful women."
"Okay. Then don't answer." Katie pushed herself up from the bench and started walking away.
"Katie!" He called and whooshed in front of her. "It's not a competition."
"Then why does it feel like Elena and Caroline always win?" She asked as she managed to keep her over the top feelings suppressed. He just blinked at her looking like he actually felt sorry for her. "I know Elijah loves me, but...I can't put my heart in someone's hand for it to be inevitably thrown away again when something better comes along." Klaus placed his hand on her cheek and opened his mouth like he was going to say something, but he shut it again not knowing what to say. "I can't be with him. For the past year I've been dating someone. First Damon then Tyler then Damon again. I've been with Damon since I turned...I need to figure out who the hell I am without being tied to someone." She placed her hand over his that was still on her cheek. "Thank you for the dress, it's...gorgeous." she said with a smile down at the dress then took his hand from her face to place it on the curve of her waist and placed her hands on his chest. "You know, you can be sweet when you're not on a murderous rampage." He smiled at her and almost blushed when she stood on her tip toes and placed a kiss to his cheek. "Good night, Niklaus."
The next morning she sat up with a yawn and was headed to her bathroom when a canvas leaning against the corner of her desk facing away from her caught her eyes, a note was taped to the back. "To my Little Phoenix. Do not let the ashes from which you emerge weigh you down." It was signed Klaus Mikealson. "P.s. careful it may still be wet."
She picked it up carefully and turned it around. On a white background a beautiful red and black, Phoenix with touches of blues and greens throughout it soared upward with its wings flared and tail swishing as its head looked down. She never would have thought of herself as a Phoenix, but after talking to him last night she understood his new nick name for her.
With a feeling of renewed spirit she stepped up on her bed and took the picture that hung over her headboard off the wall then grabbed the painting from Klaus and hung it in its place.
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multimetaverse · 4 years
Jamie Johnson 5x05 Review
If you were a fan of Andi Mack or Doafp you should check out the pretty great British show Jamie Johnson which just launched a coming out story line for one of its main characters and covers a bunch of other important issues. Let’s dig in!
My reviews will feature spoilers from throughout the series and if you’d like to watch the story from the start there are only 3 eps in the 1st season, 10 in the 2nd and 3rd, and 13 in the 4th and 5th with casting and writing already underway for a 6th season. All the eps are available on the CBBC website if you live in Britain or have a VPN. You can also contact @tkstrand for access to the eps (just don’t tell Scotland Yard). A big thanks to Mike for introducing me and so many others to Jamie Johnson and single-handedly starting the fandom. I highly recommend watching all the eps from the start; Jamie Johnson is a very charming show that tackles a lot of important issues in the guise of being a show about soccer and the show has gotten better each season and the writing shows no signs of stalling or declining. The acting does start off really rough in S1 but has improved markedly and some of the actors are very talented though overall the acting is closer in quality to a show like GMW or No Good Nick than Andi Mack or Doafp. In fairness, a big reason for that is that the show has to spend so much time on soccer games and practices and the kids are actually pretty good players; so good in fact that for S4 the actors actually entered the 2018 Gothia cup in Sweden and did extremely well. Jamie Johnson is in many ways a British Andi Mack but with a British Gary Marsh who is much less of a censoring shithead and a British Terri Minsky and crew who are better and more consistent writers
Tonight was a big night for reformed bully and star soccer player Dillon Simmonds. He’s the closest analogue to TJ Kippen the show has though unlike TJ he’s a main character and has been in the show right from the pilot; in some eps he even gets the 2nd credit after Jamie. 5x05 was in many ways a callback to 4x05 which was the first ep that had subtext for gay Dillon. 4x05 also introduced most of the characters who will play a big role in Dillon’s coming out story line: Ruby Osborne, her biological sister Alba, her foster moms who are a married lesbian couple, Dillon’s younger brother Liam, and Dillon’s father. S4 is really when Dillon Simmonds becomes a hashtag good boy and his arc is focused on him getting out from his Father’s incessant pressure to go pro though there is some delicious gay subtext in eps 4x11-13
The show’s always been good at setting up plot points in advance, like Dillon’s diabetes, Wozza’s ADHD, and Duncan Jones’ shadyness, but those plots were set up and then addressed all in the same season. I don’t think it’s that surprising that the gay story line is the exception. It’s very likely that the writers didn’t intend Dillon to be gay until they set out to write S4 and they likely didn’t have full permission to go ahead with it until S5. It’s also likely that their original plan for exploring Dillon’s sexuality was going to involve Ruby trying to act on her crush on Dillon; 4x13 set that up and then in 5x01 Ruby tells Zoe out of nowhere that she’s over Dillon and only sees him as a brother and wouldn’t you know it, she doesn’t even think Dillon looks at girls in a romantic way!
Thankfully the show is going in a much better direction with the introduction of Elliot. He’s already been fleshed out with a personality and hobbies like astronomy and magic (for his next trick he’s going to make Dillon’s heterosexuality disappear). I was shocked at how flirty the Delliot scenes this ep were, not just because they were gay scenes but also because the show really has not had these kind of scenes before for any of the straight characters either. Even Jamie hasn’t had more than pretty clear hints that he likes Jack and wants to be with her. I don’t know if it’s because the show is targeted towards an audience of young men or if there’s a cultural difference across the pond but there’s consistently been very little romance of any kind throughout the series. If this had been an American series, there’s no way that Jamie wouldn’t have had at least one girl he went on a date with or something, even if it was only a brief thing. It’s refreshing in some ways and it means that the show has to look elsewhere for drama and angst
Dillon is obviously drawn to Elliot and thinks he’s cool but he has quite the reaction when he learns that Elliot is gay. He runs to tell Ruby that she needs to cut it out with Elliot because he’s gay which is clumsy writing because Zoe had just told him that Ruby told her that Elliot is not in fact her new boyfriend but is her new gay foster brother. They obviously needed to show Dillon’s strong reaction to the news but also needed a way to come off as kind of homophobic but my own theory is that Dillon wanted to make sure Ruby didn’t waste her time pursuing a gay guy like Sienna Jones had wasted her time trying to pursue Dillon in S4. As the show hasn’t really focused much on romance I’m not expecting much to come of Delliot especially since they have a built in escape hatch with Elliot only being in care until his mom is out of hospital but I am looking forward to what happens with them this season and what will happen with Dillon in the remaining seasons this show has
I think this was the least that Jamie has been in any ep. One thing I really like about this show is that they’re not afraid to have main characters miss an ep or two unlike American shows that usually have to have mains appear in every ep even if there’s no actual story for them. From the S5 trailer it looks like Jamie will get really into e-gaming while his broken leg heals after he was accidentally run over on his 16th birthday by his deadbeat dad Ian Reacher. I would assume that Jamie eventually gets back into real soccer but it does promise a lot of drama between Jamie and grandpa Mike who has always been Jamie’s staunchest supporter
Duncan ‘’Big Dunk’’ Jones, former pro soccer player turned silver fox and head of Phoenix FC, took a big step forward in redeeming himself for trying to scuttle Jamie’s career with Hawkstone by appointing Jamie’s mom Karen as the new head of wellness which fits with the CBBC announcement that S5 would in part focus on mental health
Alba once again lost her cool during a game. It’s clear that a lot of her anger issues stem from feelings of abandonment as well as the constant uncertainty and rapid changes she’s experienced as a foster child. The show has always been good at showing how what’s going on with the children in their home lives affects them at school and on the pitch, like Jamie acting out because of his dad walking out on the family and Dillon being a bully to try and fit into the role his dad wants him to play. It’s very interesting that they’re now bringing back Liam Simmonds to begin his redemption arc as he was the first to make Alba lose her cool by attacking her foster moms at his father’s instigation way back in 4x05
To the show’s credit, they’ve always been firm in showing how awful bullying and homophobia are and all the soccer teams in the series have shown a zero tolerance policy for it. It’s a different world in many ways from North America, I couldn’t imagine an American show about football or even a Canadian show about Hockey that would plausibly show a zero tolerance policy for bullying and homophobia
Looking Ahead:
Next ep features Liam’s return to Phoenix FC after Alba accepts his apology for his homophobia. His redemption arc will be interesting to watch especially as it;s certain to tie in to Dillon having to face up to his father who is the avatar of toxic masculinity and homophobia. Perhaps it will take Liam defending his brother to make his father see the errors of his ways
Not sure who will take over coaching the U14′s now that Mike has said he’ll be stepping aside
Zoe faces another talented black player who she clearly does not respond well to. Zoe has always been hyper competitive and worried about losing her place to another female player which in part stems from the stress she’s under as her ill mothers primary carer. Good for Zoe for getting through to Howard Royle about Hawkstone lacking a women’s team
5x07 looks like it will be a huge ep for Dillon and Delliot and it seems likely that Dillon will snap after realizing that Ruby and Elliot think he’s homophobic and will come out to Elliot. Should be good
Until next week Jamie Johnsoner’s
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blackmissfrizzle · 5 years
Summary: They boys find out about the reader’s true lineage. Based on episodes 2x21 & 22
Characters: Dean Winchester x black!reader
A/N: So, I’m basically doing a series rewrite of my favorite episodes. This is is based on the the reader’s and Dean’s relationship through the years. Its based on A Match Made in Hell Series.  I’m not doing this in a linear order, but I’ll make a separate masterlist for this series and put the fics in order
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One minute you were in a diner with Sam, grabbing Dean a pie and the next you and Sam were in some ghost town with the other psychics like Sam. Most of them were freaking out and getting on your nerves. One even died because of her stupidity. She tried leaving and a demon killed her for it. Now you were stuck with Ava, the girl who had similar powers to Sam and been missing for weeks; Jake, the super strong dude; and Andy, the pothead who could control people with his mind.  
Finally, you were able to find a house and set up camp there. To make it easier, you and Sam decided to switch off on keeping watch. So, while he and Jake were on the lookout, you took a little nap.
“Wake up, sleepy head.” You heard. Opening your eyes, you saw yellow eyes staring back at you. Immediately, you called for Sam, but when he didn’t come running to help.
“This is a dream, isn’t it?” You asked. Your dad would do this all the time with you. He knew if he talked to you in person you would attack him, so visiting you in your dreams was the safest option.
Yellow Eyes or Azazel as you knew him outstretched his hand to help you get up, but you slap it instead and got up on your own. “Oh, look at Ms. Independent.”
“What do you want Azazel?”
“Uncle Azazel,” he corrected you.
“I’m not calling you that.” You brushed past him, going outside for some much-needed air.
Azazel followed you outside mumbling about how disrespectful this new generation is. “How’s our boy, Sammy doing?”
Giving him the evil eye, you replied, “Fine, despite being kidnapped!”
“Kidnapped? Sweetheart, this is a competition!”
“For what?”
Yellow Eyes turned to dramatically and waved some jazz hands. “For the best and brightest soldier!” He continued to tell you that he just needed one of these psychic kids to lead his demon army not multiple like you and the boys thought. And to top it off, he was rooting for Sam. The demon went as far as killing sweet Jessica because Sam was getting soft.
“Okay, only the strongest win. You know if I really wanted to, I could kill all of them, so what am I doing here?” To you it made no sense for you to be there. Sam and the others may have demon blood in them, but you were half-demon and much more powerful.
“My sweet girl, you’re not here to compete. You’ll work with the winner. That’s why I’m going for Sam. You two are a well-oiled machine. Both of you have the brains and the brawn.” In the middle of cussing him out, Sam woke you up, telling you that Ava was missing.
Eventually, her screams alerted you and you and Sam found a dead Andy, but something wasn’t right. Why did Ava go out of the house? Why was the salt line by the window broken?
Ava tried her white woman tears, but they weren’t working on you and Sam. Soon, as she stopped the fake crying, she admitted everything. She wasn’t missing for 5 months; she was here the whole time killing others. What a fucking psycho!
Jake snapped her neck just as she was conjuring a demon to kill you and Sam. But now he was tripping as well. Azazel got to him and told him only one of them could get out and for some strange reason, he believed he was the one.
“Listen dumbass, Yellow Eyes is not to be trusted. Come with me and Sam, and all three of us can kill him!” Behind you Sam put his knife on the ground as a sign of good faith and never in your life had you wanted to slap Sam silly before this. In your gut, you knew you couldn’t trust Jake and here goes Sam being all kind-hearted. “Sam, don’t,” you cautioned him.
“Its all good, Y/N/N. Look,” he pointed to a Jake putting down his own weapon. But as fast as he put down the weapon was as fast as he knocked you and Sam across the yard. Damn, that nigga really was strong.
Luckily, for Sam he wasn’t as hurt as you and was able to fight off Jake. You on the other hand got a piece of the broken fence piercing your side.
The fight didn’t sound like it was going too well. Bones were cracking and they weren’t Sam’s. You got up in time to see Sam standing over a knocked out Jake. He had the crowbar in his hand, ready to deliver a fatal blow, but he decided to let him live.
Sam walked to you and let you lean on him even though he was injured as well. “You good, Y/N.”
You lifted your shirt to show him your wound. “It’ll be a bitch to pull out the splinters and I’ll probably need stiches, but other than that I should be good.”
“Sam!!! Y/N!!!!” Dean’s voice called out to you. Sam and you traded looks, and hobbled towards the sound of Dean’s voice.
There he was with Bobby. Both looked ragged, but happy to see you and Sam. “Dean,” Sam said with a sigh of relief.
“Sam, Y/N, look out!” Dean warned, but it was too late. Jake stabbed Sam in the back and by the sound of it, it was fatal.
Surprisingly, Jake didn’t try to fight you. He threw you over shoulder and ran, and in your state and his super strength you couldn’t fight him off.
The last thing you saw was Bobby running after you and behind him your dead best friend being held by his heartbroken brother.
My eyes never left the colt since Azazel gave it to Jake. The very moment he said it could kill him, you had to restrain yourself because Azazel threatened to kill Jake’s family. Even if you hated him, you couldn’t endanger his family.
The whole walk to the middle of cemetery was Jake practicing his powers, which he was picking up incredibly fast. Ava was right the learning curve is insane.
Clicking of guns caught your attention when you and Jake reached the crypt. Finally, the cavalry was here.
“Sam,” you questioned. It was impossible for him to be alive…unless Dean did the unthinkable. One look at him and you knew he made a crossroads deal. Fucking idiot! This family doesn’t know when to stop sacrificing themselves for each other.
Being too focused on Sam’s resurrection left you unaware of the conversation going on around you. Jake was prattling on about how Ava was right, but you couldn’t focus once again because your eyes caught the crypt.
Almost instantly you knew what it was. A damn gate to hell and the colt was the key. Luck wasn’t on your side, but when was it ever? Jake forced Ellen to put the gun to the side of your head while he ran to unlock the gate.
“Forget about me! He’s opening a damn hellgate!” Dean and Bobby wrestled the gun out of Ellen’s hands while Sam went after Jake.
Sam was able to kill Jake, but not before the gate opened. Though with Jake dead, you, Bobby, Ellen, and Sam were able to close it.
*Dean’s POV*
He’s here and so is the colt. I may be going to hell but imma take that yellow-eyed some of bitch with me.
“I got to thank you. You see, demons can’t resurrect people unless a deal is made. I know- red tape, it’ll make you nuts. Right, Y/N/N?” With a snap of his fingers, Y/N was beside him.
Thing is she didn’t look even one bit afraid and seemed too familiar with the demon. “Thanks to you Dean, I got the perfect pair.”
“What in the hell are you talking about?” I yelled at him. He put his dirty hands on Y/N, who was begging him ‘please don’t.’
“Sweetie, you didn’t tell him?” He asked her, almost as if he cared. “Well, Dean-o, thanks to you I couldn’t have done it without your self-loathing, self-destructive desire to sacrifice yourself for your family! But I also, many years ago I have to thank the beautiful conception of a lovely human woman and one of the best damn demons to make this beauty.” His hands framed a Y/N’s face.
The tears on her face confirmed it was true. “You lying bitch!” I couldn’t believe I trusted her.
My thoughts on how Y/N betrayed us overcame and I didn’t notice that Yellow-Eyes was about to kill me, but Y/N stopped him. He slammed her to the ground, before he could incapacitate her further, a soul from hell grabbed him. Not just any soul, dad.
Dad gave me the jump I needed. Yellow-Eyes was distracted enough for me to put a bullet in him. It was finally over; we got the demon that ruined our family. Now I just gotta deal with one more demon bitch.
*Reader’s POV*
You were fucked. Dean had to have told Sam the truth about you. You slipped away while they reveled in killing the monster that took away their family.
“Where you going, bitch?” The rage in Dean’s voice made no effort to hide.
“Dean,” Sam tried to reprimand him. He knew in his hearts of hearts that you had a good explanation. Yeah, it hurt that kept a secret and lied, but none of your behavior ever hinted to you being a danger to the brothers.
Lifting your hands in surrender, you turned around to face the boys. “I know you’re pissed, but this is the last time that I will allow you to call me a bitch.” Dean could be mad all he wanted to, but you refused to be disrespected. Especially, when he didn’t know the whole story.
Sam made an effort to get closer to you, but Dean pulled him back, as if you were a danger to him. “Y/N/N, why? Why lie to us?”
“Doesn’t matter why. She still lied.” You tried pleading to Dean with your eyes, but it wasn’t working. His anger blinding him from listening to you. “The only reason, I’m giving you a head start is because you tried to warn us about the gate and helped with Yellow-Eyes. You got to the count of 3 and if you’re still here I’m putting a bullet through you.”
Dean didn’t give empty threats, but you tested him anyway. Standing there firmly until he pulled the trigger of his gun on 3. In the nick of time, you teleported back home before the bullet could pierce you.
In the comfort of your solitude, you broke down and cried, letting a crowd of emotions run through. In a day, you found your best friend alive only for your other friend to make a deal; the hellgate opened releasing a slew of demons; Azazel revealed your secret and died; and probably the most heartbreaking you lost your best friends.
Tags:  @titty-teetee @cocooned-butterfly @nervouspetsonanime @thefaithfulwriter @meishaabae @dannixchristian @blacknthemix @mml232
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whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years
Friday 10 April 1835: SH:7/ML/E/18/0015
6 35
11 ½
No kiss. fine morning ready in ¾ hour F50° now at 7 25 am at which hour went out for near ½ hour - breakfast at 8 5 and  till 9 ¼  read from p. 164 to 181 Dr. Philip on idiopathic fever - out at 9 ¼ - saw Throp in the low fields came across from the house to meet me - had him sometime in the walk - brought his bill £26.11.5 ½ - stood talking ½ hour - will turn off the man that came here drunk the other day - no! did not wish him to do that on my account - but would not have him here anymore - long talk about ministers - Throp said if I began to be frightened that would have more weight with him than anything - but I shall give up talking politics - no hope of gaining people over such is if spirit abroad for innovation - then with Richard Woodhead and his son railing off Wellroyde wood - then meaning to go to old Wilkinson’s about some allowance being made for the road-walling at Staups met Joseph W- just under upper brea and walked with him to the Place and he shewed the Lower brea water and its old or natural and present course – i.e. the course it has run in since my grandfather made the drain in which it now runs - said I was glad of his making skin pits for Dewhirst if he did not spoil the water
- said I would go to York about it anytime and we needed not be the worse friends for that - I thought I had a right to the water and if he spoilt it or did any cause for me to bring an action perhaps it would be well, for we should thus get the matter settled - told him about not keeping his promise in coming to Shibden to settle the matter 2 or 3 years ago - he said he only he only wanted what was reasonable - I said that was all I wanted and certainly if we could agree about the thing without law it would be better for us both - I said he had better think the matter over again - he blamed his uncle and his uncle blamed him - they must [settle] first between them what to propose and then I would consider whether to consent to it or not -asked what rent he asked of Dewhirst - £15 per annum - I thought that very fair - not dear - for upper brea in point of road a better situation than Mytholm - to be sure D- had a nice garden at M- in addition for his £20 per annum - no garden nor an inch of ground at upper brea - JW- spoke as if he was all against Stocks - I said I had nothing against Mr. S- JW- once thought of bidding for the Stump x Inn -  but it was fixed who was to have it - I denied this and explained and said JW- should have had quite as good a chance as anybody - explained the Staups road walling business and thought the town ought to allow something - JW- said he would do all he could in behalf of it - I asked whom else I should name the thing to - he mentioned Mr. Dean of Pule nick as a proper person - said old Mr. Wilkinson seldom went to town’s meetings - told me Mr. Stocks was always at him for ground to build a public house one opposite to the Stump x Inn - but he (JW-) always refused - did not like competition of this sort - one house would spoil the other and neither would do any good - S- meant to transfer the licence from the shoulder of mutton in Northowram - returned by Lower brea - called for a few minutes to ask Mrs. Robinson if she had not said she knew of a gin horse - no! but William Hanson of Norwood was a likely person to inquire of - then went to Hannah Green for change for a £5 note - staid about ½ hour - mentioned having been at upper brea - it seems it’s she who had some anxiety advised that JW- should not spoil the water - then went into Mytholm holme - John and William spreading about mole hills etc and had the old mare ready to dredge (ie drag a large thorn up and down the field) - the dam leaks - there must be a drain cut all round it - home at 1 - wrote the above of today till 1 50 - at accounts till 2 35 - out with A- at 2 ¾ and back at 6 ½ - had gone with A- to her Bramley Lane fields and parted at the Leeds and Whitehall turnpike at 3 35 she going to Cliff Hill  and I to Norwood Green to inquire of William Hanson, horse dealer and cow doctor.  about a gin horse -came home at least as far as the hut and sauntered a little in the walk - then returned for A- met her near Whitehall and we got home at 6 ½ - dinner at 6 ¾ - ¼ hour with my father and Marian - coffee - asleep - read tonight’s paper - a short but good article on the resignation of the ministers en masse respected even by their adversaries - ½ hour with my aunt till 10 ¼ -  wrote the last 6 lines - then wrote as follows ‘Shibden Hall Saturday 11 April 1835. Gentlemen - hearing nothing from Mr Jonathan Gray in answer my letter of last Sunday evening, begging him to let know if he would be at home on Monday the 13th instant I conclude he is not in York, and shall be much obliged to you to let me know, as immediately as possible whether he will be returned by the 13th or not -  I am,  gentlemen etc etc A. Lister’ to ‘Messrs. Gray and son solicitors Petergate York ppd.’ meaning my letter to go by John early in the morning for it to be received tomorrow evening that I may have an answer on Sunday evening or Monday morning - fine day - F50° now at 10 ½ pm.
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elejahfanfic · 4 years
The Vampire Files/3
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Part 3
AU crossover story with tvd characters
Elena  Gilbert and Nick Amaro
are FBI agents, investigating paranormal activity and all different strange cases involving demons, witchcraft, vampires.
There will be other tvd/to characters in it, as well as characters from other fandoms -
ft. Joel Goran from Saving Hope
warning: smutty, 18+
ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ✩‧˚
_gifs are not mine *
tags_ @miguelsbrat​
thanks so much for reading. I hope you like it. xoxo
✽-( ˘▽˘ ❁)/✽
Days after
Bonnie Bennett finished with her report, sending a copy over to the FBI. Elena's remark about the amulet and mentioning the name of the monster that was out there killing women, who were not random women, but fellow witches, rattled her. This was not just an Agent, Bonnie thought.
FBI Headquarters
Washington, DC
Was Elena just an Agent? Nick wondered. He now took his tablet and opened the Elena’s PhD-'Vampires and Folklore'. Such a simple title to a very extensive read.
He read, 'Throughout history, these beings have resided alongside man. Myths and folktales from all points of the globe speak of beings that feed on the living. From the Japanese Kasha to the Irish Dearg-Du and the Tlaciques of the Mexican Nahautl Indians and the Arabic Algul they exist.
... In closing, the interesting thing to note is that although the creatures of mythology largely contradict the popular view of vampires, they do exist. They exist at all corners of the world and in nearly every culture known to man. Although they exist as superstition and folklore, they persist in appearing in the dark shadows of humanity.’
Nick put the tablet down. This definitely gave him a further insight in his new partner. To Elena this world was very real. They were not catching ordinary criminals.
Although he didn' believe in demons, vampires, curses or any of the superstitions, he had to admit all was very intriguing. She clearly resented the fact that he was assigned to be her new partner. Their effort to bond over pie and coffee didn't go all too well, but it was a step forward in admitting they had a job to do and that was enough. He poured himself a glass of Bourbon.
"I guess they assigned you there because she needed someone who is cool-headed," Camille said to him as they talked earlier on the phone,"maybe they are testing you-"
"Or- they are testing me, all right! And the cool-headed thing- you are too generous- I shot the deputy."
"And you were cleared. He happened to be in the line of fire. Shall I come over?" Camille reminded him.
"No. I have tones to read. Familiarize myself with the demon files she has given me as homework."
"Have fun." Camille said hanging up.
He had no desire to read anymore so he took his car keys and got out of the office.
Elena waited for a man in the Rock Creek Cemetery
"Do you have it?" she said as he finally got to the .meeting point
"Here" Klaus passed her a little box.
"When is the Initiation ritual?"- Elena asked.
"March 23rd- full moon" the attorney said.
"Right" Elena said.
"You think this is connected to Jackson's murder?" Klaus said.
"Yes," Elena said putting the box in her bag,"and it had nothing to do with the investigation we were on. The witches wanted him dead. And they will cover it up."
"Why do you what you do then?"
"Why are you?" she posed a counter question.
"Maybe there is no real answer." Klaus said.
"Maybe to brings some order in all disorder?!" Elena said and without any goodbyes she walked away.
Klaus took his phone and dialed a number.
******* At Rebekah's house, that evening
Rebekah and Caroline sat down for supper.
"No answer" Caroline said trying to get hold of Elena again.
"Have some more wine," Rebekah offered,"She told me she will come"
And not long after, Elena rang the doorbell. And so the three friends sat down for meal, to chat and unwind. All of them had several crappy months behind them. And this little get-together was to give one another wind beneath the wings.
"Joel has accepted to work at Jeffersonian" Rebekah said looking at Elena. Namely, Joel was her ex-boyfriend.
"Good for him" Caroline said taking a sip of the cocktail, her eyes also swaying at Elena. Caroline noticed that yet again she was there physically, but mentally she was somewhere else.
"So, how is he really?" Caroline asked Elena.
"How is who really?" Elena looked at her friend somewhat absent-minded.
"Your new partner. Come on- spill!" Rebekah said impatient to hear what Elena had to say about Nick.
"Ok. He is different, that's for sure. He is very text-book. We have a job to do. Catch the twisted criminals!"- Elena said in a sarcastic under-tone.
"This doesn't sound like you're a match made in heaven" Caroline then said.
"We don't have to be. We just need to be focused on the one thing and apply team-work," Elena said,"ok- now what is this thing with you and Stefan?"
"Didn't you say you are never going back there?" Rebekah now looked at Caroline.
" I know I said - and it was just sex" Caroline said following a deep sigh.
"Why are you doing this to yourself?" Rebekah didn't understand why she could not draw the line once and for all. "He is never going to give you more- he said so- he is in love with this -whoever she is"
"Don't I know that" Caroline said taking a sip of the drink again.
"Love- who wants it- so overrated anyway," Elena said thinking of Joel.
Rebekah now gave her a look that would kill. "You're not helping!"
"Come on- seriously. Look at us. When do we have time for love? And then if maybe we find the guy- it all just goes to blows" Elena suddenly stood up.
"Where are you going?" Rebekah said surprised she was acting like nothing mattered at all to her.
"I don't know. I just can't sit here and -everything inside of me feels like a ticking bomb- and I can't talk about it with you cos of the investigation." Elena said quite agitated.
"Is it that bad?" Caroline now stood up as well.
"It is that bad," Elena confirmed," I might get suspended or even worse- lose my job."
"It is only a job!" Rebekah then said,"and a wretched one. Dealing with such difficult cases all these years no wonder you are breaking."
"I am not breaking! I am good at what I do. I love this job. I- sorry guys- but I have to go-" Elena took her coat and went out.
Rebekah and Caroline stayed behind speechless for a moment.
"I have never seen her like this. She is always so -" Caroline said not knowing how to label Elena’s behaviour.
Rebekah finished her sentence, "Messy."
Messy, maybe was right, but much deeper, Elena felt like her other life was consuming her entirely. And she was on the brink of spilling it all out to them. I am not the person you think I am. I, Elena Gilbert am a demon hunter. My family. My mother was a demon hunter. My grandmother. My life....my life is not my own. Elena's head throbbed with a horrific sensation that she might fold.
And why was she on the breaking point right now and not before?
A couple of months ago
In Alabama
Jackson came to the designated place Elena had gave him directions to. She hopped into the SUV and they took off for Washington.
"So, you found it?" Jackson asked.
"Yes." Elena unfolded the cloth and showed him the dagger.
"Are you sure this is the demon soul dagger we are looking for?!" the Agent asked.
"Positive," Elena answered,"you know that my dreams are not just peachy dreams of walking down the beach."
"What about the curse?"
"That is something I still need to figure out."
"The lawyers released the shaman." Jackson said.
"Well, with this, they will lock him up forever and throw away the key."
With the thoughts of that night, Elena drove to her apartment building. As she got into the garage, she got her phone out.                  
"Nick?" she said as he answered the call,"can you come down to "George's?- yeah- see you-"
She got out of her SUV and walked into the bar she would frequently hang out. Nick arrived some fifteen minutes later.
"Hey" he said as he sat down next to her on the bar.
"Hey-" Elena said back.
He played it cool, but he was amazed that she called him out so out of the blue, and it had nothing to do with a case.
The bartender asked him what he wanted- and he saw Elena drinking beer, so he ordered the same.
"So, after hours, beer?!" he joked a little.
"Hate the stuff, but sometimes, I need its bitter taste to make the sweet taste better." Elena said.
"Right" Nick uttered. More weirdness, he thought. Head she summoned him to share something or just to hang out? Whatever it was, he was ok with whatever. They can just drink beer and she could just be silent. Or they could play a game of billiards, which he suggested.
"Yeah, haven't played like in forever, but I have to warn you- I used to kick ass at the Academy" Elena said.
"Well, I did the same."
They ordered a couple of more beers.
Nick, as well as her were playing as if it was some kind of competition. And he won. Twice. Just barely, but still he won.
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"I am really out of practice" Elena said putting the cue stick aside.
"You really hate to lose?!" Nick remarked.
"Well, yeah. But I am not a sore loser. Really, I am not." she walked over to the bar asking for another beer.
"Ok, so - are we going to talk about it now or tomorrow?" he said wanting to know why she had actually called him out.
"I don't feel like talking. Can we just hang and drink beer?"
"Of course we can." Nick said.
"I need someone who will be there and not ask me questions," she now looked at her partner curling a sour smile on taking a silent breath," I ran away from my best friends tonight. People, who care. I don't know why at one moment- I just could not stay there with them.And they have always helped me go through anything. It's just that I want to spare them from dumping my pain on them. They already have enough of their own shit making their lives miserable."
"But- isn't that what friends are for? Tell them any shit?" Nick said.
"Yeah- you're right. And it's true. But, ahm- I just didn't want to suck them into my darkness." Elena tried to reason about her decision to abandon the party.
"But a partner can suck up anything?!"
Elena gave him another serious look, which confirmed what he had said.
"You are also in the darkness with me," she said to him,"sitting in the shadows"
Nick was quiet. The way she said it was like she reached down his soul reading it like a book.
"Don't mind me. Just get so morbid at times. Tomorrow, the sun will be up again and I will be ready for anything, partner," the brunette then said,"I’m gonna head home.”
"Me, too” Nick said getting up.
"See you tomorrow," Elena said,"thank you. And I want a rematch!"
"Anytime, partner," Nick said,"see you tomorrow."
Jumping into her car, she drove off to the University Hospital. She was too weary, and home was the last place she wanted to be.
“Hey, Sophie” Elena said as she walked in the special ICU where the coma patients were held.
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“I so need you to wake up - things are not good,” Elena muttered to the witch inhaling deeply,“I need you. They killed Jackson. But to kill it, I need the angel blood. And even when I find it, I can’t do it without you. There is one good news. I have found the Salem witch.”
Elena now went to tell her friend and curator of the Smithsonian museum a little bit about her new partner, as well as her current state of mind. Some half an hour later, she made her way to the car, stumbling at her ex, the dashing doctor, Joel Goran at the elevator.
“Working late” he said.
“I - went to see Sophie.” Elena said.
“Ah” Joel uttered adjusting his backpack, keeping to his side of the elevator.
“I hear that you are going over to the Smithsonian? Had enough of being a rock star surgeon?”
“No - my hand is - I can’t do surgeries anymore. My hand still has tremors and - yeah. So, I’m going to join the Bones team.” Joel replied.
“Right - sorry about your hand” Elena said.
“I’m sorry about your - partner.” Joel said sympathetically.
“Thanks” Elena nodded a little.
And then there was the look. The one that spoke more than words. The one that blurred all the lines.
Half an hour later, in Joel’s apartment, the blurred lines became even more blurry.
Elena pushed him back on the bed and straddled his hips and sank down on his cock, taking him as deep as he would go.
His hands wrapped around her waist, pulling her down, with a hoarse groan.
She melted against him, taking him inch by inch until, at last, she had accepted all of him.
“You feel so good,” he whispered, looking up at her through heavy eyelids., 2so good.” His fingers traced paths up and down her spine, coaxing soft moans from her. Lifting her hips and grinding downward, gyrating to stimulate her nub. She used him for her pleasure, ignoring his needs. She just wanted to get off, and he didn’t seem to mind. She took him faster, rotating slightly with each downward stroke. His hips rose off the bed to meet her strokes. He bit his lip, his head tossed back.Watching his expression was almost better than the waves of pleasure coursing through her own body. He could feel her trembling, and the way she arched back, he knew she was nearly ready to crash. He now flicked over her nub with her thumb, making her orgasm spiral out with a shuddering cry. She fell down on him, breathing against his mouth, “I so needed this.”
She pulled away from him off him and rolled her onto her back in the center of the bed, taking a small breather.
Elena was not a selfish kind, and she now pulled him to her, streaming her hands down his abs, wrapping her hands around his cock. She sat up, ready to take him int his mouth, but Joel stopped her. “I want to feel you - I need to be inside you “
She had not objections. Kissing her, he pushed her soflty back onto the mattres, he climbed on top of her and slid inside her. Her eyes drifted closed. Her back arched, rubbing her belly against his. He grunted under his breath, latching his lips onto hers as he pushed in slowly. The brunette closed her eyes and concentrated on the perfect rhythm of his long and deep strokes.
His quiet gasps in her ear sent her lust spiraling out of control yet again. Her hands moved down his back, digging into his flesh as she bucked her hips against him. His strokes shifted, becoming faster and harder. She felt like heaven and he lost himself now completely. Wrapped up in her warmth, he quivered and shook against her.
His gasps grew shaky and punctuated. Moaning softly his name, she soon brought him over, and he shuddered violently, groaning hoarsely against her shoulder, holding tight, till his spasms stilled.
Pulling out, he collapsed beside her, eyes closed, breathing hard. “This was - so amazing. I missed this -”
“It was.” Elena said getting up from the bed.
“Where are you going? Come back.” Joel sat up.
“I can’t stay” Elena said and disappeared into the bathroom.
Joel crashed back on the bed, taking a deep breath.
_to be continued
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seongbyeol · 5 years
Predator || P.N. & A.S.
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
Note: I took forever to make this, so sorry about that. This is based of episode 3 from season 2, so obviously spoilers ahead. I really like writing this, even though I took forever. It was mostly because I didn’t have any idea what to write it about. So the idea was the one that took most trouble. When I had the idea, all it took was to write it, and yea. Here we are. I hope everyone enjoys this. And before anyone asks, (spoilers ahead) the reason why I’m putting Night and not Blackwood, is because after the hole thing with father Blackwood, she kind of dropped the name. I think... I don’t really remember. But with how the season ended, I’m sure she definitely changed her name back. I didn’t know what to call this part. So sorry if you think the name is a bit... weird.
Request: Could I request a poly relationship between prudence, Ambrose and a soft girly reader? If not that’s alright!!
Warning: Spoilers, a smut scene is implied. I don’t do smut. There are however some touches and kisses and like always, grammar errors, I suck at writing.
Word count: 2841 (this is a long boy)
Fandom: CAOS
Pair:Prudence Night x Reader x Ambrose Spellman
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It was hot, being surrounded with bodies upon bodies of horny teenagers grinding next to each-other while the music blared through the speakers.
It was hot.
Sweat danced it's way down my neck, but it didn't seem to bother Ambrose, who at the moment was leaving kisses on my neck. It also didn't seem to bother Prudence. I think she found it kind of hot seeing me this way. And the way she was looking at me, I couldn't say it bothered me. We where young kids in love, full of lust and never ending excitement. And that's one of the things I liked about them.
"We're just getting warmed up for Lupercalia." I heard Prudence tell Sabrina while I made my way back from my bathroom break.
"That's tomorrow, isn't it?" I say, getting the attention of everyone.
"My Love." Says Prudence, grabbing my hand, and pushing me toward the already cramped up sofa, making me seat on her lap.
At this, my cheeks turned a bit pink, I was embarrassed of the eyes around us. "Prudence." I mumbled.
"Are you embarrassed love?" Said Ambrose, pulling on my shoulder to make me stare him in the eyes.
But before I could say anything, Prudence answered. "There's no need to be, not with how you where behaving yourself out there." Said Prudence, pointing to the dance floor with her head.
Before I could get more embarrassed than how I was, Sabrina spoke. Making me give her a small smile as a thank you.
"Lupercalia is witches valentine's day. Right?" She asked. And she almost hit the jackpot.
"Lupercalia coincides with mortal Valentine's Day, yes. But in my opinion, it's just a lot of hype." Responded Nick, who was sitting next to her in the sofa in front of us.
"Oh, please, Nick. Sabrina's not so naive and innocent as all that. No one is after signing the Dark Lord's Book of the Beast." At this she game me a look, reminding me of the day I signed the book. Reminding me of the pulls, touches and moans of that day inside my empty house.
This was the first event, the Matching, In which witches are supposed to be paired with warlocks. And since the only warlock in our relationship was Ambrose, who was not participating, Prudence decided to take that place instead. To be honest, I believe she just wanted to see me dance. It was a problem, with father Blackwood, and I don't want to know how she convinced him to let her, or if she convinced him at all. But I'm glad my match is secured.
I stood by Ambrose and Prudence, both of them holding me by the waist. When Father Blackwood spoke.
"Welcome, one and all, to Lupercalia, the Festival of the Wolves. Brother Ambrose." At this, Ambrose pulled away from us, and Prudence grabbed my hand, taking me to a seat.
"All right, fellas, take your places for the Matching!" Prudence handed me a red ribbon, and then sat on the seat in front of me. She stared at me like a hungry wolf ready to take its prey, and I like it. But I couldn't help my self to feel a little embarrassed. Which made me look away. I heard prudence chuckle, but my gaze was on Sabrina, who currently stood on my right, holding a black ribbon. We gave each other a small smile, before I was looking back at Prudence.
"All right, ladies, you know how this goes.
When the music stops, take a seat on the warlock, or witch-" Ambrose directed his eyes at us. "closest to you."
Ambrose started playing a beautiful melody that I remember he practiced sometimes while we had our home dates. And I dance, the practiced danced everyone learn, and I could tell I was doing it perfectly. I could feel Prudence eyes on me, and if Ambrose eyes weren't covered, I know he would've been staring at me too. Folds, and twirls, and touches. With some glances here and there. I was enjoying myself. But before this could go any further. There was a sneeze, and the music stopped.
I had no competition, I was the only one in front of Prudence. Not that if I had it would have made any difference. I don't think Prudence would have allowed that. So taking my time, I walked towards Prudence, and sat on her lap.
"Oh, sorry, Sabrina." I heard Dorcas say from across the room. Me and Prudence both looked, seeing Sabrina laying on the floor, disbelieve written all over her face.
I was a little confused, I knew she wanted Nick, but Nick currently sat patiently next to me.
Sabrina walked around, towards the last empty seat. Nick's seat. And with a smile, she sat on his lap. Both of them looking behind towards Dorcas. Who without believing it looked at the guy on her lap, not so happy to find out it was Melvin. Apparently Nick had payed him to wear glamour. And I thought if Prudence or Ambrose would go to such lengths to have me. And after thinking about it for a second, I came to the conclusion that they would. They would do that and more.
"Witches. Warlocks. Congratulations, you have been matched." Said Ambrose, I was currently helping Prudence hand the anointment baskets. "Tonight, you and your paramour shall go into the woods and re-enact the Courting. What that means is that each couple shall go into the woods and disrobe and anoint themselves and lie under this blessed Lupercalian moon, absorbing the potency of the Goddess Selene Herself. Abstinence is encouraged" At this everyone booed. "In anticipation of the powerful release that concludes Lupercalia. However, should couples be moved to unite," Ambrose locked ayes with me. And then With Prudence, who winked, and then with a smirk looked my way, to find me already staring. "Well, I'm sure the Dark Lord would not oppose."
"The milk and blood are for the purification." Prudence started saying. "The oysters and figs are for fertility and virility." She handed her last basket to Nick. "The cherries are for..." She got close to Sabrina, "popping." She said close to her face with a pop. Making everyone laugh. I didn't.
She grabbed my unoccupied hand, and took me with her towards Ambrose, who grabbed me by my waist. Holding both me and Prudence close.
"A word or two of caution." Said Father Blackwood, taking everyone's attention. "Each couple must stay together the entire night. And, above all, do not stray from the path. All manner of lust-filled creatures stalk the woods during the Lupercalia. Now, with the Dark Lord's blessing, let the Courting begin." Right after that message which only left me a little worried, Ambrose rose the horn he was holding, and blew on it, officially starting the Courting.
After everyone left, we where the last to start our walk through the forest. It was dark, and quiet, aside from the far away giggles of the other witches and warlocks in the area. But before long, we where all alone, and we had set our little camping space. After I helped Ambrose put down the blanket on the floor, we all sat down and slowly took out the contents of the basket. But my nervousness almost made me drop the glass bottle of milk, which Ambrose grabbed in time.
"Nervous?" He asked me. It wasn't like we had never done it before. But doing something like this, out in the woods worried me. And after Father Blackwood's comment about the lusting creatures in the woods, I got even more worried.
"Yea." I Said not wanting to lie. "I just, I don't know. I don't feel comfortable out here."
"My love, there's no need to feel insecure. We're here to protect you." Prudence said, placing her hand on my thigh.
"But if you don't want to take it too far, then we won't force you." Said Ambrose this time, placing his hand on my cheek. His warmth making me lay my head on it.
With a smile Prudence took my hand, and placed it between her lips. "I'll do this, get comfortable you two."
Ambrose looked me in the eyes, as If asking for permission, which with a small nod, I gave. He slowly helped me take off my leather coat, setting it aside. I did the same to him, which made a small smile grow on his face. My black long sleeve turtle neck was next, he pulled it from under my skirt, and over my head, and I just followed his instructions. I laid slightly back, and let him take off my shoes, and socks. And to help him get it over with, I unbuttoned my denim skirt, and helped him bring it down. He folded every piece of my clothes, and when he was done he looked back to stare at me. I was wearing a black lace wired bodysuit, that accentuated my curves. Ambrose seemed to like it.
"Now, now. What have we here?" Asked Prudence. Her eyes never leaving my body. "Looks like my pure little girl isn't so pure after all." At this my cheeks turn red.
"You wanted to look good for us didn't you?" Said ambrose.
"Of course I did, I always do." I say. "Well? Why am I the only one without clothes on?" I don't know where this confidence came from. I think having them look at me the way they where was making me feel gorgeous. Powerful even, or it could be the moon that rose high in the sky, shining brightly over us.
"Bossy." Prudence said, and those words came out dripping with lust. I slightly arched my back while breathing in.
"Where is my little (Y/N), and what have you done to her." Said this time Ambrose, not taking any time to take off his clothes. At this I slightly chuckled. And soon Prudence was doing the same.
They slowly walked towards me, both like predators ready to eat me. They had shown a lot of their predatory senses in the last few weeks. I could have blamed Lupercalia, but this is how they usually are. They each took one of my legs, lifting it up to their mouths, and starting with my toes they made their way up slowly. Without taking their eyes off me. It was getting to me. My breath was getting faster, harder to maintain it self in a pattern.
Once they reached the border of the slip, Prudence pulled it up slightly, tracing her fingers through my skin. Ambrose however he rose, taking his dominion up to my lower belly over the slip. Before he could go far however, a howl could be heard in the distance. We all rose at the same time, looking into the woods to see if we could see anything, anything at all. But we saw nothing. At least, I saw nothing.
"Was that—?" I was cut off by Ambrose before i could finish.
"A wolf." The anxiousness I fell before any of this had started had come back, and slowly but surely I started to shake. Prudence noticed.
"Love? Love?" She called, but I didn't answer. "(Y/N)!" she said once again, grabbing me by my shoulder, making me look back towards them, meeting two pairs of worried eyes. "Are you ok?"
"Can we get out of here?" They both kept on staring at me, wanting to know if I was alright. But they didn't ask any questions, and before I knew it we where dressed and out of the woods inside the academy.
"After the Hunt, all I can say is, poor Melvin. He doesn't know what's in store for him tonight." Said Agatha. We where all getting ready for the Hunt, the final event of Lupercalia.
"Can you imagine? A virgin, at his age?" Said Prudence, who at the moment was putting up my socks for me. Her fingers gently gracing my legs. "You'll be gentle with him, won't you, sister?" At that,she tugged my knee high socks a little tight, while staring at me right in the eyes.
"And afterwards, we'll all share. It's been ages since we had a virgin." Was what Agatha said, and I couldn't help but look at Prudence, just for her to slightly move her head as if telling me she wouldn't partake in such things.
I remember when Agatha and Dorcas argue with Prudence over weather to share me or not. Prudence was fully against it. She's mine, don't you dare touch her. She had said. Which filled me with pride. It still does. The fact that she let Ambrose take some of my heart from her without ripping his throat out surprised me. But I'm glad she didn't. We make a good trio.
"Unfortunately, you're too late." Dorcas interrupted me from my thoughts. "I initiated Melvin the night of the Courting."
Prudence was already putting my cape over my shoulders, when she hear Dorcas, making her turn around. "You didn't abstain?"
"Of course not." Dorcas instantly Said. "Did you?"
"A girl doesn't kiss and tell." At this her index finger touch my chin. Giving me a wink. The girls giggled. Prudence took her cape, putting it around her shoulders, I stood up to help her."But hurry, sisters, it's time to assemble outside. A fruitful Hunt to us all." She grabbed my hand and started walking towards the exit of the dorms when I spotted Sabrina.
"Are you coming, Sabrina?" I asked, stopping, and making everyone else stop with me.
"I still need to take my berries of phylaxis. Go ahead. I'll catch up." I gave her a small smile, and fixed my velvet black slip, with lace on the borders.
And so we walked outside into the cold night. My hair loosely bouncing while we walked through the woods. Finally reaching a clearing where witches and warlocks waited patiently. The other girls wore outfits just like mine, a slip socks, and cape. The boys however, they wore jeans, and shoes, just not a shirt, with some wolf skin hanging from their heads safely wrapped around their necks. It literally felt like we were recreating little red riding hood. Only that, instead of the wolf hunting the little girl, the little girl hunted the wolf.
Ambrose wasn't wearing any of that. He wore a black turtleneck, with a leather black coat, and like the boys some jeans and shoes. Even tho he wasn't showing off his body, like the rest of them I prefer to look at Ambrose. Though I wouldn't have complained if Ambrose stood beside me with some wolf skin around his neck.
"Welcome to the final night of the Lupercalia. Hoods hunt wolves, witches hunt warlocks. The outcome of the Hunt shall determine the year ahead. Will it be bountiful or barren? Fruitful or fallow?Tonight, we hunt and are hunted, releasing our blessed magicks into the night." You could see the excitement in some of the girls, even Prudence was glowing today. "Warlocks, are you ready?" All of the boys let out a loud howl, just to be followed by Ambrose blowing onto the horn. Being done with that, he turned towards the girls. "And, witches, are you ready?" I howled as loud as I could, while holding onto Prudence. And following that, Ambrose again blew on the horn, and everyone started to run.
You could hear the yells, screams and giggles everyone was making. My hold on Prudence was strong, while we made our way through the woods. The girls where jumping on the guys, some even going to the ones they weren't match to. One of those was Dorcas. I wasn't Surprised.
In an instance, Ambrose passed by us, running like only he could do. Fast and free. Without knowing it, I was a giggling mess like everyone else. Running after the ones they were looking for.  And before long, Ambrose stopped, and I was in between his arms. Our lips met, and I don't know if it was the night, or the Adrenalin inside me. But I wanted him. I wanted them both.
The kiss was rushed and deep. But before long I was without air. Ambrose let go of me, so I could be able to catch my breath, and instead he kissed Prudence. We dumbly made our way into a safe hidden place, where the capes where thrown to the side, and the clothes made a bath to the place we where hiding. I was currently kissing Prudence. While Ambrose kissed my neck, slowly making his way down onto my chest.
We where hungry, full of lust, and it was hot. The cold night changing temperatures because of how close our bodies where. More clothes where being dispersed onto the floor and before long we where all naked.
Our bodies United.
And we were all one. Like it was supposed to be from the start.
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antman-56 · 4 years
The Long Night Pt. 23
“Everyone ready.”
Team BLAD was outside of  “The Club” in a party van. They were wearing all black light body armor and had different weapons.
All of them where sitting in the back of the van. From checking equipment, looking outside the van or just contemplating what they were about to do.
Ben was checking his sword, that could turn into a assault rifle, for any nicks.
Damien was loading a metal backpack connected to a minigun.
Damien (cigarette in mouth) : We have 3 more hours before The Pack and The Sons show up. 
Alvin was loading a shotgun with explosive dust rounds.
Alvin : Mann said he keep the cops from showing for 4 hours. He really doesn't know how a gun fight works.
Lenny loading his body armor’s pouches with ammo for his pistols.
Lenny : Well use his incompetence to our advantage.
Damien : Were trained huntsmen against thugs with guns. They don’t even have Aura or a semblance. It’s going to be easy.
Ben : Damien take the Kanabo. In case the minigun jams.
Alvin passed it to Damien.
Ben : That goes out to all of you. Get a secondary weapon if you run out of ammo. Remember no survivors.
Lenny grabbed two military knifes and Alvin went for the stun grenades..
Alvin (waving his hand and covering his nose) : Damien put that out man we have to be in here for 3 hours and I don’t want to smell like smoke when I ask her out.
Damien : Dude it’s been 3 days. The last time you were close to her you flaked out.
Alvin : Shut up.
Ben : And after that life plan you made.
Alvin : Shut up!
Lenny : And to imagine all the half babies you two would’ve had. Lets see . . . 
Alvin : Shut up!!
Ben : If its a boy Julian and a girl . . .
Damien : Brooklyn.
Alvin sunk down his seat and was now laying on the floor, covering his face.
Lenny : Live on top of a hill, next to a lake.
Damien : And they would live happily ever after.
Alvin was slowly reaching for his pocket knife until Ben stopped him.
Ben : Relax. You know were teasing.
Alvin : You think she hates faunus?
Ben : Don’t know. Why don’t you ask her.
Damien : Hey! We have the Pack coming in from the west and the Sons coming from the north.
Ben : Alright boys, masks on. 
They put on their masks, all of them resembled a skull. It was simple and basic, no need for anyone to know who they were.
Within 5 minutes The Club was shooting at The Pack and The Sons.
Ben raised his fingers up and put his hand on the handle.
3 ... 2...
When he opened the door, Lenny and Alvin opened fire on two members of The Pack.
The Pack wore blue and black shirts, bandannas, jackets or hats. Anything with those two colors. Some members had tattoos of a Grimm beowolf.
The Sons wore yellow and red skirts, tank tops or bandannas. They usually had a sun tattooed on their foreheads and/or right hand.
Ben and Alvin were the first ones out. They split up and were taking out everyone that was in front of them. 
Damien ran out and laid waste to “The Club”. Bullets were going through the foundation and hitting anyone who was unlucky enough to be inside.
Lenny ran out last and used Damien’s distraction to run to the Sons covering from his onslaught. Lenny was shooting anyone who poked their head’s out.
At the west side of The Club, Alvin was busy blowing up the heads of the Pack. He only stopped to reload. 
Ben was at the north, taking caution when firing at the Sons. He made sure he was taking out the ones that could shot Lenny since he was on a war path.
Ben was distracted by keeping Lenny safe that a Son took the chance to hit him with a bat.
Ben staggered and slowly back away from the Son. He transformed his assault rifle into a claymore  He lunged forward and drove the sword right through the Son’s chest. He pulled out forcefully and as the Son was comprehending what happened Ben swung the sword right through his neck.
Ben went back to the assault rifle mode and resumed to provide support.
Damien was still firing at the foundation and whatever sparks of gunfire created to retaliate were quickly snuffed out by the never ending barrage of bullets.
Lenny was jumping on the cars that were parked or the ones the Sons used as makeshift cover. He was killing the Sons in rapid pace but was running low on ammo. 
When he heard an empty click produce from his guns he sheath them and took cover. He took a couple of breath and ran at the machine gun nests the Sons made. 
He landed right in the middle of them  and it took them a second before they realized where he was. One Son ran up to him hoping to hit him with the butt of his rifle. Lenny pushed him away and ran to the guy who was next to him. He grabbed his rifle and threw out of the circle.
Another aimed their rifle at him and just as he was about to pull the trigger, Lenny threw one of his knifes at him. The blade pierced the Son’s heart before he could let out a single shot. 
The other two members who were more fortunate and took aim.
Lenny used the now unarmed Son as a human shield and ran towards them.
When he was close to them he threw the now deceased Son at them and took out his other knife. One of them was buried under the dead Son but the other was able to get out in time. Lenny took out his last knife and threw it at the Son who was still standing. He looked down to see the last Son struggling to get the dead corpse off of him. Lenny brought his foot up and smashed it down onto the Son’s face.
One car began to start and was desperately trying to escape.
Lenny saw this and took out a grenade from his pouch. He threw it at the car and waited.  
The car was now a smoldering reek of metal and flesh.
Alvin was dealing with the last of The Pack. 3 members were left and desperately shooting where Alvin was at.
Alvin closed his eyes and listened to where they were shooting him from.
Alvin took out his stun grenade and with near pin point accuracy to the last stand.
Within seconds Alvin pumped his shotgun and ran to them.
The first one he saw he he aim for his head.
He jumped over the car and aimed for the second guy.
He fell over and fired blindly, killing his friend and grazing Alvin’s Aura.
He regained his senses after the gun was empty and the first thing he saw was the end of a shotgun barrel.
Ben (  I  ) : Took you long enough.
Alvin (  I  ) : Fuck you.
Ben (  I  ) : Lets go inside.
Lenny (  I  ) : How long did that take.
Ben (  I  , checks watch) :  5 minutes.
Alvin (  I  ) : Wanna tell Damien to stop.
Ben (  I  ) : Damien enough. Lets head inside.
 The minigun slowed down with steam lines coming out from the barrels. 
They began to walk into the establishment without a care in the world.
The carnage inside was what everyone expected. Windows were broken, tables destroyed by bullets, limbs, guts and blood sprayed all over the place.
All that was left was one goon slowly crawling towards the emergency exit.
Ben walked over to him and flipped him over.
Ben (grabbing his collar) : Where is Butch?
Goon (coughing blood) : Go to Hell!
Ben punched him.
Ben : Where?
Goon : Fuck you!
Ben dropped him and stretched his hand for Lenny’s gun.
Ben shot the goon’s hand. The goon screamed in agony.
Ben : Where? And you die quickly.
Goon : Fuck you.
Ben : You have two knee caps left.
Goon : I don’t know.
Ben : Bullshit.
Goon : He left. Told us . . . . to guard the place.
The goon bleed out and looked more peaceful.
Ben : Searched the place. He must have left something. Set your watches for the last 30 minutes then we leave.
***Willow’s Dorm***  
Willow : Tea’s ready!!
Willow rushed to the table with a steaming tea kettle and 2 cups.
Terra : Careful or you’ll burn yourself!!
Willow set the kettle down and cups.
Terra : Not used to serving your own tea.
Willow : That obvious.
Terra : Yes, now dish girl, is it James, Turbo or Qrow?
Willow (blushing) :  WHAT?
Terra : Kill, Marry, and Fuck?
Willow : You first.
Terra : Kill Turbo, marry Qrow and fuck James.
Terra pours the tea into the 2 cups.
Willow : Well kill Turbo ....
Terra : Obviously!
Willow began to hesitate on the last 2 choices.
Terra : Willow, don’t tell me you...
Willow began to blush.
Terra : Oh!My!Gods!
Willow began to hide her face.
Terra : It was usually it’s James, now he has competition. Dish girl.
Willow : Well James is nice, sweet and ... 
Terra : Old and their. But Qrow?
Willow : He’s . . . 
Terra (teasing) : Special, handsome, lost, a poor soul born into the wrong life.
Willow : Terraaaaa...
Terra : You know I love you.
Willow : Yeah, but I don’t know how to say it but he’s like me. 
Terra : How exactly?
Willow : He is trying to defy his own fate.
Terra says nothing and just sipped her tea. She had know her friend since they were in kindergarten and she has yet to be wrong about someone. I mean James, Freya, An Mai, and now STRQ. She just hoped they would be enough to save her from her fate.
It was black.
I can’t see anything.
Where am I?
“Your safe.”
Taiyang turned around to see Beacon’s biggest mystery sitting on a park bench.
Tai : Oz?
The void turned into a blushing forest full of small cute critters and trees that seemed to never end.
Ozpin : Yes it’s me.
Tai : Am I dead?
Ozpin (chuckled) : No, just sleeping.
Tai blinked and saw that Ozpin now had a mug on his right hand.
Ozpin : Please sit.
Ozpin gestured towards the empty spot next to him.
Tai blinked again and found himself next to Ozpin.
Ozpin : Your going to wake up soon, so please do remember.
Tai : Huh? What are you-
Ozpin : When the snow angel rises beware of not the dark, but the light. 
Tai : I don’t . . .
A bright light engulfed Ozpin and was growing brighter until it covered the entire void.
Taiyang abruptly opened his eyes and started to breath heavily.
Tai : What the fuck!?!?!
***Beacon Headmaster Office***
Ozpin opened his eyes and saw the lights of his school.
He put his right hand over his right eye and sighed.
Ozpin : Children, please ... be careful.
A silent tear fell down his face.
“I can not fail again”
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redgillan · 6 years
Missed Chances - part 3
Steve Rogers x Reader [// Bucky Barnes x Reader for now]
Summary: 13 Going on 30!AU - Steve Rogers is crazy about you, but he’s afraid his feelings are only one sided and being one of your best friends, he doesn’t want to ruin your friendship… On his 13th birthday, he makes a wish and wakes up in the body of his 30 year old self. The problem is, you’re no longer a part of his life.
Word Count: 2,725
Warnings: None I think?
A/N: Okay, here we go! I’ll reblog with the tags when I’m home. This chapter is mostly from Reader’s point of view. I hope you like this part :’)
Missed Chances - Masterpage
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Bucky woke up to the smell of freshly brewed coffee, a smile on his lips and his eyes still closed. He listened to you move around the room while you were getting ready for work.
Your studio apartment was small and not ideally situated, but it was home. You had turned the open kitchen into an eat-in kitchen thanks to a simple breakfast bar. To save space, you had bought a Murphy bed and used the decorative fireplace as a mini library.
Bucky let out a content sigh and stretched out starfish style. He grinned lazily at you, the sheet tangled around his waist.  
You rounded the counter and crossed the living room. He greeted you with a soft ‘hey you’ and watched you take a seat on the edge of the bed, your hands wrapped around a cup of coffee.
“I hope this wasn’t the last K-cup,” he slurred, then groaned when you made an apologetic grimace. “I need coffee.”
You rolled your eyes while brushing his hair back from his forehead. He pouted for a second before he pushed himself into a sitting position and kissed you. He tried to pull you down onto the mattress with him, but you were already late for work.
“I gotta go,” you mumbled against his lips. He made a sound of protest. “Seriously, if I’m late again, Natasha’s gonna fire me.”
You had barely had enough time to place the mug of coffee down on the floor before Bucky wrapped his arms around you and flipped you both over until he was on top. You let out a giggling shriek and tried to push him off.
He kissed you again, slowly, tenderly. You really wanted to call in sick and stay in bed with him, but that was a luxury you couldn’t afford. Bucky pulled back enough to playfully rub his nose against yours.
“You know,” you spoke, “it’s amazing how you just don’t care about morning breath when you’ve been with someone for ages.”
He dropped his head and sighed, a hint of a smile curling his lips. “We were having a moment.”
“I know, sorry, I really have to go.”
You gave him a quick kiss and climbed over him to get out of bed. You put your coat and your shoes on and turned to him.
“Tell you what, you can keep the last cup of coffee. I’ll grab something on the way to the office.”
“Yesss!” he beamed, pumping his fist in the air in a victory gesture.
You grabbed your bags and keys from the counter and blew him a kiss before you left.
It took you over half an hour to reach Hearst Tower, which housed some of the world’s most famous magazine publishing companies. After receiving your master’s degree in journalism, you had applied to work as an editorial assistant for a fairly new magazine called Honeysuckle.
The competition was tough and your numbers were not good. Your editor-in-chief even used the word redesign, which, in this industry, was a death sentence.
This meant that you had to work longer hours to get the results the company needed. You didn’t mind since Bucky never came home until well after eleven.
Meeting deadlines was always challenging and you thrived on that adrenaline rush like a junkie.
You barged into the tower and passed through security before you took the elevator up to the offices.  As you exited the elevator, the usual office noises greeted you and you tried to make yourself as small as possible while you walked to your desk.
The cubicles stretched all the way down the open-plan office with no pillars or walls to isolate you. There were offices on each side of the room; one for the editor-in-chief, an art room, a fashion closet and a few others for the senior editors.
You had just draped your coat over your chair when someone sneaked up behind you and whispered in your ear.
“Romanoff’s looking for you,” your cubicle mate said, startling you in the process.
“Jesus, Scott, you’re gonna give me a heart attack!” you replied, placing a hand over your racing heart.
You leaned back in your chair and watched him take a few folders from his desk before he walked away. He turned and walked backward for a moment, meeting your eyes when he said, “FYI she looked pissed.”
“Yeah, what else is new?” you mumbled to yourself.
At this moment, the features editor, Natasha Romanoff, exited her office and looked over the sea of cubicles until she saw you. Her high heels made no sound on the carpeted floor as she approached your desk. Without slowing down, she asked you to follow her.
“Ms Romanoff, I-”
“You’re not in trouble,” she cut you off, casting you a sideways glance. “Nick wants to see you.”
You managed a weak smile and tried to look nonchalant. An impromptu meeting with the editor-in-chief wasn’t a great way to start your day.
Natasha opened the door and motioned you inside. Nick Fury was enjoying the view of the New York City skyline while lounging in his leather desk chair. He swivelled his chair in your direction and greeted you by name.
He waved you to a chair in front of his desk while Natasha stood next to his desk, looking as stoic as ever.
“Do you remember last week’s meeting,” he said, resting his forearms on his desk.
Of course you remembered that meeting. He basically spent two hours telling everyone that unless someone came up with a brilliant idea to bring up the numbers, you’d all lose your jobs.
He gave you a small smile when you replied in the affirmative.
“Here at Honeysuckle, we want our reader to feel like they matter. We want them to close the magazine with a smile on their faces, we want them to feel good about themselves.”
He took a moment before continuing, his expression thoughtful.  “I’ve read your proposition and you’re right, this magazine has lost its true identity.”
Before you worked for them, Honeysuckle was one of your favourite magazines. You didn’t particularly enjoy reading fashion magazines because they all had the same articles: a new diet each month and strange relationship advice.
But Honeysuckle was different. They were more inclusive than any other magazines, choosing models for their talent rather than their gender, age, body type, skin colour or religious preference.
Somehow, it changed over time. They continued to promote diversity, but their models became more sombre and less joyful. The colour scheme changed, too; it went from soft greens, whites and yellows to bold colours.
You knew they were selling you a fantasy, but it wasn’t important as long as they encouraged women to focus on their inner beauty. You had cancelled your subscription after the senior editors gave you your first diet story.
“Now,” Nick said with a hopeful smile, “it’s time for Honeysuckle to change. I want us to get back to the roots of our business. Will you help me?”
You sat up straight. “Of course, sir!”
“I’m glad to hear that,” he said with a nod. “I want to hear your ideas.”
Emboldened by his response, you sat on the edge of your seat. You were also relieved that he wasn’t going to fire you for being late.
“I think we should put life back into the magazine!” you exclaimed, gripping the edge of the desk. “We should talk about real women. Women who are smart and pretty and happy to be who they are.”
Nick studied you while he rested his chin on his fist. “You’re saying we should focus on the so-called ‘normal’ women, uh.”
“It’s not an insult,” you quickly replied. “Women are complex and beautiful; we all have different passions, different interests, but a lot of us have a job, we go on dates, we hang out with friends, and all that. We should talk about these women. We should talk about us.”
“I agree,” Nick replied after throwing a quick glance at Natasha. “I have a question for you. Are you a normal woman?”
You shrugged. “Yes, I think I am.”
Nick leaned forward on the desk and laced his fingers in front of him. “So if we wanted to talk about you,” he paused, “you wouldn’t have a problem with that, would you?”
You weren’t sure what he meant by that. Did he just say he wanted to write an article about you?
“I’m not sure I understand, sir.”
He stared at you with a strange expression before he reached sideways and opened a drawer of his desk. His hand fumbled for something in it, then he slammed it on the table.
It was a gossip magazine with Steve Rogers on the cover. You were standing in front of him, and even though Bucky wasn’t on the photo, you could see his arm around your waist. Paparazzi must have followed Steve when he ran into you and Bucky in front of the restaurant.
“Oh, god,” you whispered as you picked up the magazine.
“You never mentioned you were friends with Rogers,” Natasha said, her arms crossed over her chest. “He isn’t a random celebrity. He’s one of the most influential people in the world and he happens to be a fashion designer.”
“I don’t really know him,” you sighed, throwing the magazine back on the table. “We used to be friends when we were kids, but we grew apart. I ran into him the other night when I was out with my fiancé.”
“I’m not going to beat around the bush,” Nick said, straightening his posture. “Rogers is the kind of celebrity we need to bring up our numbers.”
“We also need an emotional story to attract more readers,” Natasha chimed in.
You sank into your seat, suddenly nervous. She sat cross-legged on Nick’s desk, ready to present her new idea.
“We want you to share your wedding journey with our readers.”
You looked at her with wide eyes. “I’m sorry, what?”
Unfazed, Natasha continued, “Wedding TV shows are extremely popular, it sells. This might be the boost we need. Our readers will follow you through every step of the way. Including, and that will be the climax of the series, how your former childhood friend created your own wedding dress.”
You held back a laugh. “Steve Rogers will never agree to do that.”
“He will,” Natasha replied in a tone that made it sound like she had already thought this through. “The dress’ a way for us to get noticed, to join the big league. Imagine this: superstar Steve Rogers designs a glamorous wedding dress for his long-lost friend. And this long-lost friend is you, a normal girl.”
They gave you a minute to let that sink in, but it wasn’t enough. You had no idea what to say. It was insane. Organising a wedding was complicated enough and you didn’t want to share everything with potentially millions of people.
Sensing your hesitancy, Nick tried to soften the blow. “If you accept, we’ll help you financially with your wedding. In addition, if our numbers improve, I’ll promote Natasha to associate editor. This means, you’ll be our new features editor.”
“And if I refuse?”
Nick let out a small sigh. “You’re allowed to say no, and if you do, we won’t hold it against you. But quite frankly, this is the deal of a lifetime. People would kill for that.”
He was right, but it didn’t change the fact that you had to talk to Bucky. It wasn’t just your wedding, it was his, too.
You were also iffy about working with Steve, should he accept their offer. Seeing him again after all this time brought back bittersweet memories.
The last time you had seen him before that, Steve had kissed you passionately one night and disappeared the next day.
“It’s a generous offer,” you agreed, choosing your words carefully. “I think I should talk to my fiancé first.”
“Absolutely!” Nick beamed, shooting Natasha a wide smile. “You and your guy should do some thinking over the weekend.”
You were visibly shaken when you returned to your desk after that bizarre meeting with your boss. You sat there for a moment just staring into space.
“So?” Scott rolled his chair closer to you. “Did you get fired?”
You shook your head. “They want to pay for my wedding and give me a promotion.”
Scott stared at you, his eyes blinking in shock. He opened his mouth like he was going to say something, then thought better of it and rolled back to his desk. For the first time since you’d started working with him, Scott Lang was speechless...
Steve called in sick for the second time that week. To his relief, Brock texted back that he’d take care of everything.
He opened every cupboard, every cabinet door searching for something other than fruits and vegetables.
After a few minutes, he found a cupboard full of sugary snacks; including boxes of Lucky Charms and Cap'n Crunch, Hersey bars and cookies, Twizzlers, Starburst Jelly Beans and a huge box of Cracker Jacks.
He carried everything into the living room and settled down on the white sofa, ready to drown his sorrows in sweets.
Steve was famous, rich, talented, loved by everyone and he lived in an incredible apartment, but there was something missing. He was a womanizer, an addict, a liar. He lived a frivolous, pointless life and he wanted to know how he ended up so messed up.
He called at home to talk to his mom, but the number had been disconnected. He figured that she’d changed her number in the last seventeen years.
He couldn’t even talk to you or Bucky because he didn’t have your numbers and because you were no longer friends. It hurt to know that he had cut all ties with his best friends –or maybe his friends cut ties with him... he honestly had no idea.
The people he loved the most were gone and Steve might have looked like an adult, but he was just a kid.
“Ma’am,” he asked the A.I. “Is SpongeBob still a thing?”
It was an odd request and it took F.R.I.D.A.Y. a few seconds to react. He only watched the sports channels, but nonetheless the A.I. turned on the television and Steve relaxed into the cushions when the familiar pirate appeared.
“Steve,” F.R.I.D.A.Y interrupted him after an hour. “Ms Carter is in the lobby.”
Steve let out a grunt. “I don’t know her. Tell her to leave, I want to be alone.”
“She’s already in the elevator.”
Annoyed, he left the blanket on the sofa and padded to the front door. He didn’t want to see anyone, he wanted to be left alone with his junk food and forget everything.
When he swung the door open, he found a woman in a dark blue suit standing there. She was tall, had dark curly hair and wide, expressive eyes.
She glanced at him, raising one perfectly arched eyebrow when she saw his dirty pyjamas, and Steve shuffled his feet as he began to feel self-conscious. She was sophisticated and he clearly wasn’t.
“Goodness, Steve, it’s past two, what are you doing in your pyjamas?” she asked, but before he could say anything she raised her hand to stop him. “You know what, I don’t want to know. I’m late, you were supposed to pick her up this morning.”
Upon seeing the confused look on his face, she began to tap her foot impatiently.
“You fought me for joint custody, now you stick to our schedule,” she continued. “I'm not at your beck and call.”
The sound of someone repeatedly hitting the elevator button caught her attention. She turned around and asked the little girl standing by the elevator to stop fiddling with the button.
Panic rose in Steve’s chest. He steadied himself against the door frame as he locked eyes with a little girl with messy dark blonde curls. Her face lit up when she saw him, a toothy grin spread across her face.
She was halfway across the corridor, tottering towards him on unsteady legs, her arms outstretched. She crashed into his legs and wrapped her small arms around him before she glanced up at him, her big hazel eyes beaming.
Part 4
Forever tags:
@reginaphlanageadams @imboredsueme @coley0823 @nobody-worth-mentioning @milkywaybarnes @honey-bee-holly @ballerinafairyprincess @waywardpumpkin @jordanlahey @valhalla-ally @fabicchi @vashanatasha @berjhawn @kjs-s @breezy1415 @theblueinyour-eyes @i-ship-it-ironically @vvienersoldier  @odinhson @abovethesmokestacks @chewie-danvers @aslavicshadcw @catlingcatsthatcantcat @lostinspace33 @maefisher2003 @pineapplebooboo @thisismysecrethappyplace @racheltheclumsy@marvelellie @queenoftrash97 @wantyoubackpeter @moonstar86 @fairytalepincess8314 @freightcarcap @buckyswinterchildren @ldyhawkeye
Steve tags:
@lostinthoughtsandfeelings  @teamcap4bucky
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mx-3nglish · 5 years
Pirates Treasure (Pirate AU) Part 7
Part 1 ~ Part 2 ~ Part 3 ~ Part 4 ~ Part 5 ~ Part 6
Summary: A young pirate captain by the name of Anthony Lockwood manages to stumble across a mermaid. After a while, he starts to get attached to the enchanting creature against his best friend - George Cubbins- advice. As if that wasn’t problem enough, rival pirates want the glory of finding a mermaid all for their own. What is Captain Lockwood going to have to go through to keep the mermaid he calls “Lucy”?
In the end, Captains word is law. Therefore, the mermaid had become a member of the crew. Months were spent teaching Lucy basic language and basic human social aspects (such as wearing cloths). Over time, she became a pirate like the two men who had taught her, along with the occasional help from Skully. It begrudgingly helped her understand basic language and certain reasons why she could and couldn’t do certain things. She became a pretty convincing human. The only thing that differed her was when she came in contact with any form of water. This made storms a big problem.
Over the coarse of these months, George and Lucy had actually formed a mutual friendship. They supplied each other with information. She had told him what he wanted to know about the sea and other potentially real creatures. In return, he told her about the human world and all of its nick knacks. Throughout their social link, they learned a lot about each other and their respective worlds.
Though despite George doing all of the research on her, Lockwood remained the most interested in the now pirate.
Her past, her home, her family, her thoughts, her wishes, her hopes, her likes, her dislikes. The pirate captain wanted to know everything. After all, she wasn’t human.
George’s biggest concern remained that Lucy was charming Lockwood. She was using some sort of magic on him to make him favor her. And more than once had that gotten the two into an argument.
One thing that Lucy knew to be true about her own kind was that her songs were dangerous. If she sang and someone heard it, they would be drawn to her, but only if she sang of something they wished for. For all of this, she never sang. She just didn’t want to risk it. It was better to be safe than sorry.
Lucy sighed, looking at her captain as he ordered the men around the deck. It was dusk and everyone needed to secure the ship before going to bed.
Lockwood was strong, and often helped the men who were having troubles with heavier artillery. With the extra body heat produced and the hotness of summer, he didn’t have his trademark long trench coat on. He wore his light attire; a white, loose-fitting shirt, light fabric paints and his normal boots. His hair was slightly messy, but it never seemed to harm his appearance. He had his sleeves rolled up past his elbows to allow him more mobility, and somehow make him more attractive.
Lucy gazed at the man, admiring him from afar. She just couldn’t deny that this man was beyond handsome. And he was a respectable gentleman, not to mention just how talented he was. And his smile...
His smile had this ability to melt Lucy where she stood. It made her question if he wasn’t some sort of creature rather than a human. But they way the sun seemed to reflect off of his perfect white teeth; they reminded her of pearls. And the way that the rest of his face seemed to just carry on with the smile. His eyes light up and overpower the sun, his pale face makes everything else strangely distant. No matter what, when he smiled, Lucy believed that they could succeed.
Lockwood looked up to her from where he was working. He smiled his dazzling smile and waved at her. Lucy smiled and waved back, her face feeling hotter than before.
“Oh? What’s this?” A raspy whisper called out in her mind. “Could it be you are...”
Lucy looked to the floating decapitated skull in the jar. A ghostly face appeared, overlapping the skull. Lucy looked at it with a baffled expression.
“What are you talking about?” Lucy asked it. The pair were situated on the main deck by the helm. The jar was rested on the railing of the ship while red, pink, orange, green, blue, and purple tints graced Lucys’ form.
It chuckled. “You’re fond of the captain, aren’t you?” Lucys’ cheeks lit up and she scoffed, looking away, muttering insults to it.
“You are! You are! You love the fool, don’t you?” It answered its own question. “Well, you are the only female here, so it doesn't seem like you have any competition.”
“Lucy!” Lockwood called to her. She turned to see him running up to her. When he raised his eyes to her, worry filled the normally happy brown orbs.
“Lucy, are you okay? Do you need water?” He checked.
‘Do you need water’ was code for allowing her some time to just soak in water to let her tail take form. Lucy had stated time and time again that walking, no matter where, felt like she was walking on shards of glass. The pain caused her to barely ever change out of her mermaid form before she was caught. To save her sanity from the pain, Lockwood and George had the code implemented when the pain became to unbearable for her.
“No, I’m fine...” She didn’t want to look at his worried eyes. They would surely make her admit what the skull just told her. She grabbed it off of the ledge and began walking to her quarters. Because she was the only woman on board, she needed a different room away from the men for her to change, sleep, bathe, and soak in.
“Are you sure? You’re red.” He pointed out. “Come on. Perhaps you need to cool off.”
The ghost in her arms chuckled.
“‘Cool off’. Of anything, I think you’re only going to get even more heated up!” It laughed. She ignored it.
“No, I’m fine.” She repeated. He looked at her and relaxed. 
“If you say so.” He placed a hand on her arm, beginning to guide her from the deck. His hand traveled from her arm to her back, gently guiding her aimlessly around the deck. The ghost in her arms traded snarky and very unhelpful comments.
“Oooh, a nice stroll around the ship? Could this be a sort of date?” It snickered. Lucy tried to ignore it.
“We’re going to be arriving at a nearby town in about three months.” He mentioned, making small talk. 
“Town?” He peaked her interest. Of course, it made her slightly nervous. Some humans weren’t as nice as her captain was.
“Have you ever been to a town?” He questioned. She shook her head.
“Aw, poor Lucy. It might be a bit different from life on the ocean. It would be best if you stick close to your boyfriend.” It taunted. She was starting to think it would be best to just toss the jar overboard.
“Then you might want to stick with me. Some men can be quite rude when they see beautiful women.” He smiled at her. She melted before him, his dazzling smile had her almost enchanted.
“Ha! What did I say? Sure you get all pissy with me, but the moment your precious Lockwood says anything-” She had enough of the skulls’ sarcasm. Her face turned sower as she violently began shaking the jar up and down.
“And why don’t you learn to mind your damn business!” She let out a literal growl. Lockwood quickly took the jar from her.
“Luce, calm down! What did it say?” He asked. He didn’t get a coherent response. She was too busy trying to steal the skull back to chuck it overboard.
He gave up trying to figure out what the skull said that made her so mad after a few minutes. Lucy had a bit of a temper on her and it was always best to let her cool off before trying to talk to her again.
“Lucy.” He tried getting her attention, “Why don’t I keep the skull tonight? That way it won’t bother you while you’re trying to sleep.” She growled again while the skull snickered at her. She gave up after trying to jump up to reach the skull a few times and failing miserably. She crossed her arms and let out a huff of air.
“Fine. I’m going to bed then.” She turned briskly and left. For a moment, Lockwood wondered if she was mad at him and not the skull.
He turned the skull to look at him, the ghostly face still very prominent.
“What did you say to her?” He asked. It simply gave him a devious smirk before fading back to wherever the ghost went.
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