#nick x bree
brianakane · 4 months
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Okay, no need to call me out like that 😭
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massiveladycat · 2 months
Lbc theory you believe most in being/becoming canon? (Can be a popular theory or one that has never been spoken out loud), no headcanons, actual theories.
ooh, this is a really good question!! in all honesty, i think selnickbree has a really good chance of becoming canon because tracy's already heavily implied it (from what i've heard) and i can probably see it happening, but only when nick and sel start to genuinely respect and appreciate each other because right now their relationship is pretty toxic from both sides
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delightfully-loud · 10 months
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ashalightwood · 2 years
Hey Legendborn fandom! Nick and Sel don't need to date each other to end up in polyamory! Polyamory is having romantic relationship with more than once person! Bree can date both of them without them dating each other. Do I think this Will happen? No, I think there's some things that hint that the three of them will be toghether unless a tragedy happens but that doesn't change the fact that If Sel and Nick can't have a romantic relationship, doesn't mean Bree can't end up with both.
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A Random Assortment of Thoughts about Nick
I feel like Nick doesn't get as much attention as he ought to as a character, mainly because he's Not Sel lol, but also he's basically MIA for most of Bloodmarked. I personally don't really get why he decides to not go with Sel and Bree when they risk their lives to save him (shame maybe?), but I have some thoughts and theories about his character and where it could go.
Nick as a love interest
I’ll be honest, when I finished Legendborn and Bloodmarked the first time, I couldn’t so much as tolerate the thought of Bree ending up with Nick and not with Sel. That enemies-to-lovers arc has me in a chokehold! However, upon re-reading, I’ve really come to appreciate Nick and Bree’s fast-burning, friends-to-lovers story. Nick comes across as very emotionally open and warm, but he’s not boring at all - he’s very flirtatious and even passionate towards Bree (seriously, go back and read some of those kissing scenes, especially the one at the Gala 😍🔥🥵). He boldly, openly loves Bree in a space where people reject her. He stands up for her, and I know he would eviscerate the Regents if he found out how they tortured her. I was actually kind of sad at how little we end up seeing him in Bloodmarked when I re-read Legendborn.
Nick as a person
Sure he's sunny and charming and golden, but WOW Nick has baggage - for good reason. A recap:
- He was trained so ruthlessly as a little boy, it was basically abuse :(
- The one person who saw his value as a human being and not just a future king was very cruelly removed from his life (Mom)
- He had a strange magician boy thrust into his space/life in a very invasive way (still love you tho Sel)
- His relationship with Sel is fraught with tension, jealousy, and bitterness on both sides. They at least settle into a form of acceptance in Bloodmarked, because they both love Bree.
- He discovers that his entire life has been a lie, watches the girl he loves get possessed by a medieval ghost, sees his father speared to death, and then has to come to terms with his own cold-blooded murder of Max (even though Max deserved it! ⚔️)
All of the above create a very complex, traumatised character who suppresses his rage to keep up appearances, but when we do see him lose it, he really, really loses it - e.g. when he punches Sel, and in book 2 when he beheads Max. There’s a ruthlessness in Nick that is driven by pure rage, and I really hope that gets explored more in the 3rd book.
It does make me worry about where he and Bree are headed, because Nick hates the Order (for good reason) and he is kinda self-righteous, so I’m wondering if he’ll feel compelled to kill Bree, even though he loves her, with the goal of ending the lines for good. I can somehow see him following that line of thought and feeling justified in doing so. He is, after all, the Scion of Lancelot - betraying Arthur in some way is kinda his destiny!
Nick as a Zodiac Sign
Don't know if Ms Deonn has given him a sign already, but I get strong Leo vibes from Nick - the golden hair, strong sense of justice, the way people look to him for leadership whether he likes it or not, the self-righteousness, the loyalty towards Bree...
Edit 2/6/23 - change my mind. He's inspired by Steve Rogers, who is a Cancer boi, and honestly it fits. His ability to navigate his and other people's emotions, the association with the colour blue, his fierce defense of those he loves... Very ♋
Nick as an AI-boi
Kept imagining a stereotypically cute blonde dude for Nick, so I tried to recreate it in AI art.
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rebelcracker-s · 2 months
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sweetdeerart · 1 month
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Did I forget to mention Im just as much a Sel x Bree person 😭💙❤️ (as I am Nick x Bree?) I really cant choose ! Anyway Had fun drawing this hope to draw more Legendborn fanart in the future!
You can find my art on IG, Twitter(x) & TikTok
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starfallkaz · 5 months
More Selwyn Kane Thoughts
Back on my Legendborn bullshit — I already made a post talking about how Selwyn’s love language is canonically physical touch (I don’t make the rules). And how it all stems from the fact that for as long as he’s known, his touch has been something intrinsically tied to power and violence. It was never seen as something that could be given out of affection and care for one another, only as a display of power and as a threat. Likewise his use of aether was always in violent necessity. I’m rereading Bloodmarked and there’s a scene in Volition where Lu allows Sel to use the aether on the grounds that got me thinking and hurting (a lot).
Sel looks between us, a bright light in his eyes that I don’t expect. I’ve never seen him cast something just because. From the look on his face, I don't know if he ever has. "Thank you, Lu," Sel says.
When he rotates his wrists, light rises around us overhead, stretching wide like a cloud — and then bursts, raining down like blue embers. Tiny freworks sparking and exploding into nothing before they hit the ground.
Lu claps. "Impressive light show. And I thought Merlins were only good at making weapons."
Sel’s head is tilted back, a slow smile on his face as the aether falls round him, "So did I."
Did I cry rereading this? Absolutely. This is the first time we see Sel realising and experiencing his power not in the context of fear and violence. It’s the beginning of him understanding that he could use his power for joy - for something as simple and loving as entertaining the girl he likes. It felt like a big, yet understated, moment for him.
And I think in a way, that permission from Lu and Bree meant more to Sel than allowing him to use aether in that specific moment. It was also the acknowledgement and encouragement that he could use aether for self-fulfilment and pleasure - that he could allow himself that. Sel was always constrained by his role as Kingsmage or his own self-imposed standards brought about by a crippling fear of not being enough, but this felt like a liberating experience for him.
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New to tumblr so humour me if I screw up.
So when I started reading Legendborn and Sel got introduced I was like 'right, so this is the guy' and I was so sure he was gonna be Bree's "babysitter" so when some random dude called Nick texted her I was staring at the page going 'who the fuck are you and what are you doing in place of tall dark and asshole?'
Then throughout the rest of the book I was awaiting the inevitable end of the sexually charged rivalry between Bree and Sel, and kept waiting for Nick to turn evil.
Now I've finished Bloodmarked, and I would like to formally apologise to Nick. However, I am proud of my ability to smell romance from death threats!
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fandoms46011 · 2 months
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Do think sel is jealous of valec
im hella late in answering anon this is in my drafts for like days and i forgot this one was asked I'm so sorryyy and i also don't have my tablet rn so i cant ss the specific parts but nvm imma just quote them
oh absolutely haha he's hella hella jealous and I've got proofs
so the main one where sel alsolutely is jealous
Sel shakes his head. “Don’t listen to him, Briana. He’s trying to convince you he has use here. He’s made up some reason to give you information, hoping it’ll turn into a debt you owe him.” Valec’s had enough. “You getting close to the edge again, kingsmage? Jumping to the worst-case scenario first. Assuming I want to tie Bree to me beyond the bounds of this conversation. Keep her for myself?” “Don’t you?” “Well,” Valec considers, smiling with not a small amount of fang. “Yes.” A minute tilt of Sel’s chin. “Watch yourself.” Valec’s smirk blooms wide. “The difference between you and me, Kane, is that I am a transparent sort, who’s happy to say out loud all that I desire.” Brown eyes flicker to red and back. “You want the same, you just can’t come out and say it. Not really.” Sel’s answer is a stunned silence. William flushes pink, and Alice looks downright disgusted.
i would also love to point out that sel was silent but William blushed. now i am so so so sure that their talk in the car on their way to volition?? bro i wanna know what they talked about because William sure as hell knows what sel and bree have going on, he definitely does. he's gonna be the kenji here i swear.
also, the balcony scene yall asdfghjkl like who's gonna say he's not jealous he is two steps away from killing valec whenever he says shit like that lmaooo
"Merlin's thoughts were harder and sharper than my own. Vicious in their clarity." Sel grimaces. "I wonder if it is because, unlike me, he was a half-human, half-demon... just like-" "Just like Valec." The tension in Sel's jaw tells me that my guess is right. Nick looks between us. "Who's Valec?" Sel's expression sours. "A rogue cambion and demon power broker with Rootcrafter ties." Nick's brow furrows. "Is he after Bree?" "Depends on how you define 'after'," Sel drawls. "Valec isn't trying to kill me," I clarify for Nick. "So that's refreshing." Sel snorts. "Valec flirts with you enough that it might kill me." Nick's eyes widen. "A demon power broker flirts with you?" He turns to Sel. "Who does this guy think he is?" "I can handle Valec," I say, rolling my eyes. "He is half demon, and apparently the balance makes him at peace with his demon side."
also the fact that nick said nothing about selwyn's feelings about someone flirting with bree. idk if this is poly confirmation or the fact that nick's plan includes him going somewhere and leaving bree and sel together but yall this is hilarious
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brianakane · 1 month
what are you most looking forward to in oathbound??
Literally everything 😭 I'm actually really looking forward to Bree becoming more powerful and physically stronger if that makes sense? I'm hoping Erebus is gonna give her a bunch of training and I'm hoping that she's gonna be able to control and summon (is that the word???) her own aether as well. Not that she's already powerful, it's just she doesn't know how to properly control everything that she can do without Arthurs help as all the other legendborn still have a shit load of training she missed out on.
I'm also hoping she's gonna have a break from the two white boys since ngl she deserves it 💀
Also, I'm curious as to how it's gonna end as knowing Tracy I'm guessing there's gonna be a massive showdown or fighting scene in the last 50 or so pages. We've had that in the previous 2 books (the fight at the ogof y ddraig & the blood walk) so I'm assuming we'll have another plus a cliff hanger or plot twist to keep us going until book 4. Considering this will be the last cliff hanger until the final book it might be a big one so I'm preparing myself for if that does happen 😭😭
Thanks for the ask!! I'm so sorry I started ranting I sincerely apologise 💀💀
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massiveladycat · 2 months
so i just found out a lot of black readers are annoyed by the fact alice chen knows how to braid bree's hair because she was taught by bree's mom (or something, idk i forgot about how to be honest with you).. as a black reader i'm not that offended it actually didn't get on my bad side at all in all honesty i'd be so touched if a friend learned how to braid hair to help me braid it, and being mad at tracy for making alice know how to braid bree's hair because she was taught how to honestly feels like gatekeeping (in my own opinion) but im just wondering, other black readers of the legendborn series, what's your opinion on that?
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I know people think Nick's gonna go evil n shit and I know Sel was very insistent that he wasn't in love with Nick but-
nah the three of them in love, sorry bout it
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ashalightwood · 2 years
Let's talk about mother's! We ALL know that mother's are very important in this story. From Bree's mom, to the mother's of the past and to Nick and Sel mom's.
Our loved trio has this sad thing that connected them: they are children's without mothers.But I think there's a chance that Nick and Sel get theirs back, while this isn't possible for Bree.
Anna was mesmerized, but we saw that there are ways to broke mesmers especially with Bree on the equation. Perharps this isn't possible or perharps Anna build a new life that Nick won't want to interfere with It ,making him gave up having his mom back, but it's a possiblity.
Natasia is very much alive and very herself, so the problems here is the circunstances and safety. She has a LOT to say and tell. She has informations that can be useful and a part of Bree's mom's story that only she can tell our protagonist. I'm pretty sure she'll be very present and important on the next book. The thing is : Will she want a relationship with her son? Does she regret leaving him?
Faye is dead and there's no coming back from that. If the boys get their mom's back I'll be so happy but so sad at the same time. It's going to bê Very bittersweet.
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justbrainrot · 2 years
Okay. I’ve seen posts with google translations of the blood walk convo Sel & Nick have, but here’s some analysis by a human person lol!
(Disclaimer: said human is not a native speaker but they were raised by a linguist & love research so I’m pretty confident that this is closer to perfect than what google spits out)
Sel: "Mae hi'n brydferth." (She is beautiful.)
Nick: "Ydi, mae hi. Yn dragwyddol." (Yes, she is. Eternally.)
Sel: "Mae hi'n gweld dy eisiau di." (She misses you.)
Nick: "Mae hi'n gweld dy eisiau di hefyd." (She misses you also.)
<lit. “she sees the need of you” but if someone wanted to say that exact phrase they’d probably say it differently to avoid the idiomatic translation>
Sel: "Mae gen i ofn amdani, Nicholas…” (I’m afraid for her, Nicholas...)
Nick: "Dwi'n hyderus y medri di gadw hi'n ddiogel.” (I’m confident you are able to keep her safe.)
Also, not that it matters, but “Mae gen i” is a Northern construction, and “eisiau” is a Southern spelling. I don’t know how much fluidity there is with speakers, especially in border areas (and Wales is actually considered to have 5 main dialects, which is ridiculous). The Southern “I have” construction would be “Mae ofn amdani gyda fi” and the Gog spelling of “eisiau” is “isio”. This language is bananapants.
(The Welsh word for “banana” is technically “ffrwchnedd” but no one says that, they say banana.)
@paigeagainstdamachine @mediumbloodcrafterscion @ashaligtwood
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