#nineth enby bluesky crosspost
thegayestofagendas · 6 months
Me, weeks ago: I'm just gonna write a straight forward fic where reader/I fuck Astarion since I can't seem to get him to fuck me in the game.
Now: 7k words fic, about half of it is set dressing probably. I would never read this if I came across it on ao3 because I likely wouldn't know ahead of time if it actually pays off or if it's not my thing, but it is exactly my thing since I wrote it.
It's probably also other people's™️ thing I guess so once I'm done I'll get in the ao3 account waitlist I guess, but I refuse to post it unfinished because I don't want to post it in bits and I want people to be able to just skip to the sexy bits if that's what they want.
I think it should be a more common practice when posting "porn with a plot" to tell readers "but if you think the plot can sod off just skip to this part"
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thegayestofagendas · 6 months
I have a few things I think could be better with bg3 in regard to gameplay, but understanding the heartbreaking world of tech limitations, I reserve this conversation to offline.
However one thing I will say is I wish I could toggle undergarment top on and off.
Unless I've made a mistake, my character is flat-chested. Their chest looks flat at least. But they have a bra with their under garment. Even if they had boobs, I think it's be cool to let ppl decide to have them free.
Overall, it's a small thing, but it really made me sad because I could choose the body that made me happy, but it feels like it still gets the "female-presenting nipples" treatment and the kicker is I play a dragonborn, they've got no visible nipples!
I'm probably never gonna get HRT or top surgery because I know that no matter what it probably won't give me results that would satisfy me and why fight for it and risk of for such a low possible personal reward?
So I live it through RPGs, and how wonderful that RPGs increasingly have diverse and flexible customisation! And don't get me wrong bg3 did great on everything else for me. But when it's so good, the little things, the small oversights, they still sting.
So anyway, fun fact, my current bg3 character doesn't wear underwear because it makes me feel terrible whenever I see them with a bra on.
And I guess since I talked about them, here's a screenshot. I guess you can tell me if I made a mistake and I accidentally gave them imperceptible tits. To me their chest looks flat with and without a shirt on.
Tumblr media
(Ps. I posted this exactly as a thread on bluesky yesterday, if you see it there, it wasn't stolen, it's my thread and I figured tumblr was also a good audience for it)
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thegayestofagendas · 4 months
Getting "regular" status at my local Greek take-out place.
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thegayestofagendas · 5 months
writing is all fun and games until you put characters in one situation and you want to place them in another situation and you have to find a way to move them from the first situation to the next.
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thegayestofagendas · 6 months
remember when there was a bunch of like business magazines or whatever when we first moved to "work from home" with headlines like "Employees are watching porn and having sex during work hours"? good times. I think we should go back to doing that.
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