#nineth enby plays video games
thegayestofagendas · 7 months
So apparently according to my boyfriend I completely passed up a whole character because I said "yeah, I know better than to touch an unknown portal"
It is what it is I guess.
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thegayestofagendas · 5 months
The most frustrating thing about playing baldurs gate is that you try to get good approval rating from specific characters and then it says they "disaprove" to what seems to you like a completely neutral action at worse or actually seemed like something they'd like and you yell out "how the fuck do they have a problem with this!?"
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thegayestofagendas · 6 months
I have a few things I think could be better with bg3 in regard to gameplay, but understanding the heartbreaking world of tech limitations, I reserve this conversation to offline.
However one thing I will say is I wish I could toggle undergarment top on and off.
Unless I've made a mistake, my character is flat-chested. Their chest looks flat at least. But they have a bra with their under garment. Even if they had boobs, I think it's be cool to let ppl decide to have them free.
Overall, it's a small thing, but it really made me sad because I could choose the body that made me happy, but it feels like it still gets the "female-presenting nipples" treatment and the kicker is I play a dragonborn, they've got no visible nipples!
I'm probably never gonna get HRT or top surgery because I know that no matter what it probably won't give me results that would satisfy me and why fight for it and risk of for such a low possible personal reward?
So I live it through RPGs, and how wonderful that RPGs increasingly have diverse and flexible customisation! And don't get me wrong bg3 did great on everything else for me. But when it's so good, the little things, the small oversights, they still sting.
So anyway, fun fact, my current bg3 character doesn't wear underwear because it makes me feel terrible whenever I see them with a bra on.
And I guess since I talked about them, here's a screenshot. I guess you can tell me if I made a mistake and I accidentally gave them imperceptible tits. To me their chest looks flat with and without a shirt on.
Tumblr media
(Ps. I posted this exactly as a thread on bluesky yesterday, if you see it there, it wasn't stolen, it's my thread and I figured tumblr was also a good audience for it)
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thegayestofagendas · 6 months
Just casually thinking about how Astarion hasn't had sex for his own pleasure in centuries and like... he probably has a lot of self-exploration to do to even remember what he liked before if he even can and what he likes at this point in time. You gotta take it slow in a situation like that.
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thegayestofagendas · 7 months
Astarion said he doesn't want to fuck me specifically, but I'm sure he's just playing and acting all tough and like he doesn't want my sexy dragonborn body to rile me up and make me want him more. Trying to make me let him drink my blood more in hope that this will soften him. It's working tho. I'll do it and I will bang this miserable little man in my computer mark my words!
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thegayestofagendas · 7 months
I had not played Disco Elysium in many months.
Within 5 minutes of getting back into the game I got shot. (And survived)
10/10 game.
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thegayestofagendas · 3 months
I'm playing cities in motion 2 again and I wish it handled the idea of mass transit as a public service. I don't want to make my transit profitable. I want to make it convenient.
Also the idea of the missions requiring to make a single line connecting two locations without transfers is often so fucking unreasonable.
Like I love the concept of the game and I generally like the gameplay, but the execution feels like it's done by people who don't understand how mass transit works.
Is there a game out there similar to cities in motion that doesn't have the problems cities in motion has?
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thegayestofagendas · 6 months
One of my favourite video game issues to encounter in my casual video game time is when I play a game and think "wow, they made some bold creative choices with the visuals in the game" and then it turns out something went wrong when you installed the game and you did not experience the game correctly at all.
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thegayestofagendas · 6 months
Anyone who says Wyll is boring as the reason why they dislike him is a fool! Wyll isn't boring! Wyll's character is a well-crafted, interesting, complete archetype.
My personal read of this archetype is probably very much influenced by my being raised Catholic. To me Wyll is reminiscent of this kind of Catholic who takes "Catholic Guilt" and "Catholic Suffering" extremely seriously. The kind who will take punishment for not only his but other's wrong. One who will justify the suffering inflicted on him as punishment for his imagined wrongdoings and who will also manufacture punishment upon himself for them. He has a very "someone has to suffer for this world, and that someone should be me," mentality paired with a subtle but not subtle "it is painful to be a Saint, but I must" attitude as far as my interpretation goes.
If I was to analyse it some more I can probably link it back to extreme expectations from his father paired with his life beginning in misfortune and going downhill from there and him finding comfort uniquely in the familiar suffering, but knowing that that's pretty fucked up putting on the heroism front to clumsily cover it up.
So no. Wyll is not boring. You're a fool who refuses to look at the man if your think he's boring. He is a well-crafted character who has an interesting story and a deep psychological component to his character. And for his excellent characterisation, I cannot bring myself to respect him or particularly like him.
But maybe I can fix him in a next playthrough.
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thegayestofagendas · 6 months
In hindsight after a full night sleep and the drive to work, I actually regret having been lustfully tempted by Mizora, but I did too much progress since doing it that I don't think I can just reload.
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thegayestofagendas · 7 months
I feel like I've not seen enough ppl talking about Karlach's teddy bear. And how heart breaking it is that I cannot give her more stuffed animals.
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thegayestofagendas · 7 months
Something I've not seen (yet?) in baldurs gate 3 is a bathing scene in the camp.
Not every camp site has a lake or riverside so it goes to reason, imo, that when the opportunity is there, the party bathes.
I want to have a relationship progress scene where we are casually bathing, no big deal, and a party member of interest joins, no big deal, but then something of the flavour of "you've missed a spot" comes and now we are bonding over a bit of washing each other's back which may or may not lead to more.
I just think it'd be neat to have something like that.
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thegayestofagendas · 7 months
Because I refuse the read I think I vastly missed out on a lot of inspiration points for my character in my current baldurs gate 3 run, but at this point I'm too far in to consider wiping this one. I think I could have made my rapport with Astarion a lot better earlier on if I had bothered reading.
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