#nishiya talks
notisland · 2 years
i dont know if my priv blog (this one) is contaminated as well. so im not going to use it until i know.
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rainisawriter · 10 months
Hello there! I’m quite new to your page, but so far I’m really enjoying what I’m reading. I was wondering if I might ask you a question? You know of the fake blonde with the scar, the one who confronts Rao’s Faction when Fujio leaves? He has a friend with glasses, slightly long dark hair, quite loud and boisterous personality? Your Ito fic, for your flufftober, I noticed you put a name called Yoksuke? Is that the Blondes’ name? I’m having trouble finding both of their names, to be honest, but I just noticed that and wanted to ask you.
Have a wonderful evening! 💕
Hey, sorry it took so long to reply, I've been a bit MIA due to personal issues. Are you talking about this guy?
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If so, I believe his name is Nishiya. Not much information was provided in the movie, but I do believe he might be a character in the Crows Zero series as he came in with Suzuran (and that's where they are from.)
And his friend, Komagata:
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yukii0nna · 1 year
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Miru Tanaka
Age : 12
Birthday: 6/9
Voiced: Catlin Glass
Occupation:U.A students, Fairy Tail wizard
Quirk: Scale beast(mutant); Has hard scales, sharp teeth, and good hearing
Magic: Sound magic
Style: I rock girly and Tomboy clothes!!!
Flaws: People say I'm a reckless person. Can't say they're wrong but Izu's way worse than me.
Pet Peeves: Bigots talking bull!!
Favorite subject: Math is my jam!!!
Least favorite Subject: Music club ironically, It's just the same boring music
Favorite food: Rice bowl and chicken!!!
Least favorite food: Bitter foods are not my thing
Hobbies: Playing with my band, exploring and skateboarding!!
Miru is an energetic girl with a love for life and music. Her passion is infectious but reckless concerning. She can be pretty clever though. Her has thick skin, both figuratively and literally.
Guitar player: Is pretty good at the strings, taught by her mom
Sounds magic: Can manipulate sound to her liking
Yuga Scarlet
Izuku Midoriya
Ako Nishiya
Taro Shinon
Trans MTF
Named the band "Trash Candy"
@punkeropercyjackson @insomniac-jay @writing-heiress @liviavanrouge
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queentheweeb · 2 years
Yandere Edgeshot X Reader
A/N: Blood, gore, violence, and character death
You were running trying to lose him. It was kind of hard to try to outrun the number 4 hero. You managed though because your quirk allowed you to turn invisible including your clothes. He got sight of you while he was getting interviewed by reporters and fans asking for pictures and autographs. The moment the two of you made eye contact you bolted. You had managed to escape him once and you weren’t sure you were going to be that lucky this time around. When you deemed yourself far enough you turned invisible avoiding alleyways and shortcuts. You knew taking shortcuts and alleyways was the worst thing to do at this moment, so you decided to stay in the crowded streets. You chanced a look behind you and saw from down the block that he was still busy, so you stood to the side avoiding crowds. The crowds would make it obvious too considering they’ll make a space big enough for a person which is something you didn’t need. You walked faster wanting to put as much space between the two of you as possible. You had PTSD and nightmares from the first time.
Flashback starts
You had always admired Edgeshot. He was your favorite hero next to All Might. You had managed to get an autograph and picture with All might and now your next goal was to get one with Edgeshot. You would see him sometimes with Kamui Woods and Mt. Lady patrolling and showing them the ropes and you would politely wave to them. You noticed that the more you frequented the area the more you ran into them and honestly, it was the time of your life.
“How often do you guys patrol this area.” You were talking with Kamui while Edgeshot and Mt. Lady had their own conversations.
“Not that often but, when we do, we always run into you so it’s not all bad.” You weren’t sure if in his own weird way he was trying to compliment you but, it worked. You giggled nudging him with your shoulder turning to see that Mt. Lady was talking but Edgeshot wasn’t looking at her. No, he was looking directly at Kamui Woods almost glaring at him and it was a bit weird.
“Edgeshot?” That seemed to have snapped him out of his daze. He looked at you his eyes softening a bit but, still having that hard edge to them
“Oh, don’t mind me I got kind of lost in thought there.” He tried to placate you by doing an eye grin but, it dropped as soon as it appeared. He glared at Kamui again making him squirm before turning his attention back to Mt. Lady. You glanced over at Kamui who looked at you and simply shrugged. He was just as confused as you as to what just happened but the both of you dropped it. A few days later you kept bumping into Edgeshot by himself without his two companions and it was a little weird. He happened to be at the same donut shop as you, the same library, the same grocery store just everywhere. Everywhere that you went he was there and at first, you thought it was that you had good luck, but it began to get weird. You reached out to Takeyama and Nishiya about their mentor
‘Hey, guys is it me, or has Edgeshot been acting weird?’ You waited for a reply that came from Kamui first
‘He has been. Lately, he’s been harsher to us for no reason. Especially if we were to bring you up. His whole mood and personality would do a 180 and he becomes this person I don’t even recognize.’ Takeyama
‘Yeah, I agree with her, he gives us harder tasks and expects us to finish them in half the time and always asks if we saw you. Of course, we lied because his infatuation with you is borderline obsessive and honestly, it’s concerning.’ Nishiya
‘You guys are right, also, for the past couple of weeks every single day no matter where I was, he was there. I go to the donut shop he’s there, laundromat he’s there, grocery store he’s there, walking to work he’s there. At first, I thought I had a lot of luck seeing him all the time, but I noticed he wasn’t with you guys, so it was weird. Then he would tell me stuff that I never even told him. He knew my middle name, where I lived, my age, how many siblings I have, my parent's name and age, what schools I attended, and stuff about my ex-boyfriend like it’s just weird now. He’s scaring me.’ Y/N
‘I think we should confront him, right?’ Nishiya
‘yeah.’ Takeyama
‘Yes’ Y/N
Flashback Ends
If you knew what was going to go down after that conversation you wouldn’t have said anything. The next day you, Mt. Lady, and Kamui Woods confronted him and in two seconds the two of them were dead. They were dead. Mt. Lady was split evenly down the middle blood spurting and guts flowing out. Kamui Woods was next to her with his head missing. Blood spurted from his severed neck body convulsing and his eyes continued to blink. You knew it was the severed nerves making him, the body, do that but you absolutely freaked. You let out an ear-piercing shriek choking on spit and vomit. You just kept screaming hoping someone would hear you. You didn’t want to be around this monster any more than you needed to be listening to his lies trying to say they were in the way of his affection for you. Unfortunately, no one did and in one second you registered pain and your world went black. You had woken up in a place you didn’t recognize. You were strapped to a table and around you were torture items that he liked to call his toys. He is a freak. You were stuck there for a month and one day when he got too careless you got away. You could confide in no one and you had to watch horrified the death of Mt. Lady and Kamui Woods was caused by a villain who hates heroes. Yeah, right. The murderer was a hero who went full-blown psychotic.
“I’m almost gone.” You just needed to get home and get your bags. You cleared up everything in the last month and decided to move to America. You wanted to be far away from him as possible. Your apartment was empty only your two suitcases and duffel bag was left. You made it home grabbing your stuff and handing your keys to your landlord who lived next door. You went outside and hailed a taxi. You got in directing him to Tokyo’s airport. It was a half an hour's ride and you were determined to try to relax. You put in music and watched as you passed by Edgeshot who was still talking with people and you could have sworn you felt eyes on you but, it was just your imagination. In no time you made it to the airport giving the taxi a hefty tip the last of your converted yen. You walked into the terminal and saw you had 30 minutes to board. You sped walk going through security and grabbing an expensive snack for the 13-hour trip. You made it and just before you boarded the lady tapped you pointing behind you. You did as instructed looking behind you to see him. He just stood there waving at you. You mustered a grimace waving back to him before quickly boarding the flight leaving him to get hoarded by fans. You didn’t care. He can have them. You were ready to start a new life away from here. You showed your ticket and got your seat not having to wait long for takeoff. You had the window seat and watched as the plane got higher and higher until you were above the clouds. That’s when you took a breath and leaned back in your seat. You were safe. You were going to be okay. He may have gotten away with Nishiya and Takeyama’s death but, he won’t have you. He will never have you.
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bnhaobservation · 7 months
BNHA Observations, speculations and assorted info: The facts taking place during BNHA second year: October & November
So, in order to write my fic, I spend much time observing canon scenes, comparing the manga and the anime version, take note of details, translations and info in them as well as finding out how are some things called.
Since what I noticed/speculated/found out can be of use for other fic authors I thought to share as well.
You might notice a special focus on the Todoroki family as all their birthdays and statuses are listed. That’s because this timeline was originally meant to focus solely on them and then I included info about the other characters.
BNHA: “Boku no Hero Academia” manga.
UArch: “Boku no Hero Academia Ultra Archive”
SB: “Boku no Hero Academia: U.A. Hakusho (僕のヒーローアカデミア 雄英白書 Lit: “My Hero Academia: U.A. White Paper”)” called in English “My Hero Academia: School Briefs”
OCTOBER (A FEW DAYS LATER): Sasaki Mirai/Sir Nighteye’s funeral. Work studies are put on hold. Eri regained consciousness. Aoyama Yūga/Can't Stop Twinkling starts feeding Midoriya Izuku/Deku with cheese. [BNHA Chap 167]
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OCTOBER (THE DAY AFTER): Past 1.00 AM. Aoyama peeks at  Midoriya while the latter is pretending to sleep from Midoriya’s balcony and leaves him a message written with cheese which says ‘I know’. During class Kaminari Denki/Chargebolt informs everyone Kamihara Shinya/Edgeshot, Takeyama Yū/Mt. Lady and Nishiya Shinji/Kamui Wood are teaming up, forming “The Lurkers”. Class A is then asked in the afternoon lessons to continue working on their ultimate moves. As Aoyama feels sick, Midoriya approaches him to help him and ask him explanations on his behavior and learns that he knows about how his Quirk isn’t suited to him and that they’ve this in common. This helps them to become friends. It’s probably around this time the commissioner-general of the national police agency visits Nezu asking him not to make the school festival. [BNHA Chap 167-168, 173]
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OCTOBER: U.A. starts preparing for the school festival. During supplementary classroom Aizawa Shōta/Eraser Head informs his students Eri wants to see Midoriya. Class A decides they’ll do a dance club with live music. Tobita Danjūrō/Gentle Criminal uploads another video. During supplementary classroom Eraser Head says Eri asked to see Midoriya and Tōgata Mirio/Lemillion. [BNHA Chap 169 No info about how much time went by is given]
OCTOBER (POSSIBLY THE DAY AFTER?): Tōgata and Midoriya go visit Eri and plan to bring her to the school festival. Aiba Manami/La Brava uploads a new video of Gentle Criminal as he deals with J store on that same day. The police realizes a new video is being uploaded and tries to pinpoint the location from which Gentle Criminal’s videos are uploaded. [BNHA Chap 170]
OCTOBER: La Brava reuploads Gentle Criminal’s videos. Bakugō Katsuki hears General study students being displeased by how Class A claims to want to have a concert ‘for their sake’. Gentle Criminal decides his next video will show him getting inside U.A. Class A decides the roles for their performance at the school festival. [BNHA Chap 171-172. Exactly a month from school festival. Traditionally, most schools hold festivals on or around Culture Day (November 3), a Japanese national holiday. Normally it is held on a Saturday or Sunday; sometimes even both. This means we're pretty early in the month]
OCTOBER (THE DAY AFTER): 1.00 AM. All the roles for the school festival are given. Midoriya talks with All Might and they start training together so as to help him develop long range attacks. [BNHA Chap 172]
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OCTOBER (SATURDAY): Eri visits U.A. Midoriya learns if the alarm goes off during the school festival the whole school will get evacuated. [BNHA Chap 172-173. A month still to the festival]
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OCTOBER (ONE WEEK AFTER THEY STARTED PREPARING FOR THE FESTIVAL, LIKELY ON MONDAY): Midoriya is told he’s out of the dance group. [BNHA Chap 173-174]
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OCTOBER (SUNDAY): The students continue to work for the school festival. Shinsō Hitoshi of class C of the General study is helping his class prepare "the Labyrinth of Doom" when he feels a little fearful he won't manage to get in the Hero course and so he starts wandering through the place looking what the other class are doing. Once he is back he's determinate to tell his class he'll get transferred to the Hero course. [SB4]
OCTOBER: Second midterm exams. [Usually during the last full week of October]
END OF OCTOBER BEGINNING OF NOVEMBER: At night the league attacks the Creature Rejection Clan. Once they’re back at their base, they’re found by Gigantomachia and then Garaki Kyūdai/Ujiko Daruma summons them in his lab. He promises the League his help if they can tame Gigantomachia. Todoroki Tōya/Dabi claims he doesn't want to get involved and mentions having found a good potential ally, likely referring to Takami Keigo/Hawks, meaning they should have gotten in contact already. Garaki insists Dabi has to help him test his High-End Nōmu. Shigaraki Tomura begins to fight Gigantomachia while they’re in Nīgata. [BNHA Chap 219-223 One month after Kurogiri was captured [who was captured at the end of SEPTEMBER], one month and a half prior to mid DECEMBER, when the League will go to Deika, but also prior to the Hero Billboard chart. We don't know at which hour the attack at the Creature Rejection Clan took place. For my own personal comfort I'll assume it was past midnight so that I can place everything as happening in the same day but it's entirely possible it happened before midnight so what happened afterward happened in the day after it]
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NOVEMBER (NIGHT BEFORE THE SCHOOL FESTIVAL): Midoriya is chosen to buy a new rope. [BNHA Chap 175]
NOVEMBER: Hatsume Mei gives Midoriya new equipment. School festival. Gentle Criminal  tries to disrupt the festival but he’s stopped by Midoriya which causes both him and La Brava to be arrested. [BNHA Chap 171, 175-183 The school festival is one month after class A decided what to do during it]
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NOVEMBER (FINAL DAYS): Eri moves into U.A. dorms. Wild, Wild Pussy Cats and Izumi Kōta visit class A. 2nd Japanese Hero Billboard chart of the year. Todoroki Enji/Endeavor becomes number 1. [BNHA Chap 184-185 Three months since All Might’s retirement]
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NOVEMBER (THE DAY AFTER): “Meta Liberation War” by Yotsubashi Chikara/Destro is back on print. Dabi goes on Hidamari Kindergarten with Garaki and check a High-End Nōmu. Todoroki Natsuo and Todoroki Fuyumi visit their mother, Todoroki Rei, at the hospital. Endeavor goes in Kyūshū, likely in Fukuoka to meet up with Hawks and ends up fighting with the overmentioned High-End Nōmu, defeating it. At the end of the fight he meets Dabi but their fight is interrupted before starting by Usagiyama Rumi/Mirko. In the evening Dabi and Hawks meet. Hawks then goes visiting Endeavor thinking at how the HPSC ordered him to infiltrate in the league. Dabi remembers who Higawara Sajin/Snatch was. [BNHA Chap 186-191 Also it has been 3 months since the Kamino nightmare]
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NOVEMBER (TWO DAYS LATER): Shūzenji Chiyo/Recovery Girl heals Endeavor then the man goes back home and finds Todoroki Fuyumi, Todoroki Natsuo and Todoroki Shōto waiting for him but argues with Todoroki Natsuo who leaves while Todoroki Shōto tells him he wants to see which kind of father he can become. That same day Midoriya dreams the vestiges of the previous users of One for All and of the discussion between All for One and his brother. [BNHA Chap 192-193]
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NOVEMBER (THE DAY AFTER): 6.30 AM Midoriya goes out for a run then, later in that day, talks with All Might about his dream. They then meet Eraser Head who’s with Shinsō Hitoshi. In the afternoon class A and class B have a joint battle training at which Shinsō Hitoshi also take part. At the same time Endeavor tries to contact Todoroki Shōto. Todoroki Shōto’s team will have a draw with class B Team. Midoriya loses control of his Quirk unleaching black wip but then regains it. All Might and Torino Sorahiko/Gran Torino talk at the phone. It’s decided Shinsō Hitoshi will join the Hero course at the start of the second year. 7.00 PM Midoriya, training with Bakugō, tries again to unleash black wip but can’t. Todoroki Shōto sends a message to his father telling him he wants him to teach him Flashfire. [BNHA Chap 194-217]
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NOVEMBER (THE DAY AFTER): The other teachers agree to move Shinsō Hitoshi in the Hero course. Monoma Neito/Phantom Thief visits Eri but, when he tries to copy her Quirk, he can’t use her power. [BNHA Chap 217]
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NOVEMBER: Mera Yokumiru goes to U.A. to require them to send their students on a 'practical hero work recommendation project'. [Movie 2. One month before the U.A. students are on Nabu island, which takes place after the birth of the paranormal liberation front]
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msanimedolphin · 1 year
~Back In The Game~
~Chapter Nineteen~
-Series Masterlist-
What happens when a girl who loves volleyball joins a boys' volleyball club? Does she find love? Will she relive her past or move forward? Join (L/N) (Y/N) on a journey with fun twists and turns.
I don't own Haikyuu or any of the characters.
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-Last Time-
        “W-Whoa…” Hinata says while standing in front of Nishinoya.
        “What’s wrong Hinata?” Suga asks. ‘Oh boy. I think I know where this is going.’ You think.
        “Holy crap!! He’s shorter than me?!” ‘Knew it…’
        “Say wha?! Hey, you! C’mere and say that again!!” Nishinoya yells.
        “Easy,” Tanaka says calmly, putting a hand on Nishinoya’s shoulder.
        “I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” Hinata apologizes. “But um…”
        “What?!” Nishinoya yells.
        “Is it okay to ask…how tall are you?”
        “I’m 5’3”!!”
        ‘He’s shorter than me!’ You and Hinata think.
        “W-Whoa…” Hinata says with stars surrounding him.
        “Huh? W-What…” Nishinoya says.
        “This is the first time since I joined this team that I got to look down on someone.” Hinata explains while crying tears of joy. You facepalm at this.
        “Stop crying stupid tears of dumb happiness!! It’s not by that much!!!” You hear someone walking toward you so you turn around to see Kiyoko. You walk up to her.
        “Hey, Kiyoko.” You greet her with a smile.
        “Hello (Y/N).”
        “Heading to the gym?”
        “Oh, well, be careful, they are pretty rowdy right now.”
        “Thank you for letting me know.”
        “No problem.”
        You both walk up to the door and let Kiyoko go first to be polite. She has one foot in the gym before you both hear someone yell.
        “KI! YO! KO! SAAAN!! I came to visit you!” By now she’s entirely in the gym. When you see her get into a surprised stance you peek around her to see why. You’re shocked when you see Nishinoya flying toward the two of you. His eyes widen when he sees you. Before you can even react, Kiyoko slaps him and he’s lying face-first on the gym floor.
        “Come on (Y/N).” She says as she gently pulls you away. As she does you look back at the boy only to see him staring at you. You smile at him before looking ahead again.
        “Ryu…” Nishinoya starts.
        “Yeah?” Tanaka responds
        “Who is she?”
        “Ah! That’s (Y/N)! She’s our new first-year manager! Isn’t she an angel?!”
        “YEAH, SHE IS!”
        “So! Where’s Asahi? He’s back right?!” Nishinoya asks after getting up off the floor. You, Hinata, and Kageyama stand next to each other looking confused and wondering who Asahi is. You look to Daichi and Suga for answers only to see they have their heads hung with sad faces.
        “...No.” Daichi finally answers.
        “That spineless wuss…!!” Nishinoya exclaims angrily.
        “Noya! Don’t talk about our Ace that way!” Tanaka reprimands.
        “Shut up! Ace or no, a wuss is still a wuss!!”
        ‘So this Ashai is our ace…” You think.
        “Gawd, Noya, c’mon! Wait!”
        “I already told you guys! If Asahi-san doesn’t come back, I’m not coming back either!” Nishinoya exclaims as he walks out of the gym, slamming the doors behind him. As Kageyama asks Tanaka a question you notice Hinata leaving the gym so you follow him.
        “Please teach me that receive!!” Hinata yells as he runs after Nishinoya with you behind him. “Nishiya-san, you’re a libero, right?! The defensive specialist position…”
        “My name’s Nishinoya. And why do you think I’m a libero? Is it ‘cause I’m short?”
        “Huh? No. It’s because you’re good at receiving serves.”
        “He’s right.” You say causing the two to jump. “The libero position isn’t played by someone just because they’re short…”
        “They get to play it because they’re good at defense. Right?” Hinata interrupts, earning an annoyed but proud look from you.
        “Um…Right, sir?”
        “So you guys do get it.” Nishinoya finally responds.
        “Oh! And the captain called you Karasuno’s Guardian Deity!” Hinata proudly announces. Nishinoya becomes flustered and starts fidgeting and stuttering. ‘Cute.’ You think as you smile.
        “Um…did he say that?” Nishinoya asks.
        “Yep!” Hinata replies as you nod your head. The libero becomes flustered again and begins mumbling to himself. Hinata starts to say something but you stop him by whispering to him.
        “Hinata. You’re about to ask him for help, right?” He nods. “Don’t forget to call him ‘senpai’.”
        “Right.” He says before turning his attention back to the libero. “I still really suck at digs and bumps and stuff. Those are some of the most important skills in the whole game. So…please teach me how to do it right…Nishinoya-senpai!!” The libero leans back in shock as if he just got pushed. 
        “You…after practice…I’m going to buy you a Gori Gori Ice Pop.” Nishinoya says with a blush on his cheeks.
        “After all, I…am your senpai!!”
        “I’m still not coming back to the team though! I’m just gonna teach you the basics. That’s all!”
        “Thank you!”
        As the three of you approach the gym Hinata runs ahead, Nishinoya goes to follow him but stops at the sound of your voice. 
        “Thank you.” You say causing the boys to look at you.
        “Thank you for agreeing to help Hinata. I don’t know what the situation is with Asahi, but I appreciate that you’re willing to help Hinata. I know you don’t know me much, or even at all, but I love this team and want to see them succeed and grow stronger. So, thank you so much Noya-senpai!!” You finish with a bow. Noticing that he isn’t saying anything, you stand up straight only to see his face is beet red and he’s frozen. 
        “Um…are you okay, Noya-senpai…?” The said boy falls to his knees but before you can check on him you hear your name being called from inside the gym.
        “Coming!” You respond. You look at the boy hesitating before walking into the gym. You stop to say something to Nishinoya. “I’ll do everything I can to help the situation involving Asahi.” You continue into the gym, leaving Nishinoya still on his knees.
        “She…called…me…senpai…” He whispers to himself. “SHE CALLED ME SENPAI!!” He celebrates before calming down as he remembers what else you said. “I wonder what she meant by that…”
-In The Gym-
        As the boys are practicing you’re helping Kiyoko until you get distracted watching them. Kiyoko notices and walks toward you.
        “Are you okay, (Y/N)?” She asks.
        “Yea. They’re just a bunch of goofballs.” You explain with a chuckle and smile. “But something’s missing.”
~To Be Continued~
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ao3feed-toshinko · 6 months
Re-Enter The Midoriya Patriarch
by Challenger2K1
The greatest threat so far has been eliminated. In a world flooded with heroes, it can be hard to stand out, but returning from the United States is one civilian in particular–Hisashi Midoriya. This is the beginning of his next chapter… not necessarily the best one though.
… (An original My Hero Academia crack fic that picks up after the canon events of the story OR… Hisashi Midoriya finally returns with the milk. 😎 )
Words: 6739, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, Gen
Characters: Midoriya Hisashi, Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Inko, Midoriya Izuku's Family, Uraraka Ochako, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Ashido Mina, Jirou Kyouka, Asui Tsuyu, Hagakure Tooru, Yaoyorozu Momo, Todoroki Shouto, Takeyama Yuu | Mount Lady, Nishiya Shinji | Kamui Woods, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Fukukado Emi | Ms. Joke, Eri (My Hero Academia), Kirishima Eijirou, Kaminari Denki, Original Male Character(s), Kamiji Moe | Burnin, Usagiyama Rumi | Miruko, Original Female Character(s), Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic
Relationships: Midoriya Hisashi/Midoriya Inko, Midoriya Inko/Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Midoriya Izuku/Uraraka Ochako, Todoroki Shouto/Yaoyorozu Momo, Nishiya Shinji | Kamui Woods/Takeyama Yuu | Mount Lady, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Fukukado Emi | Ms. Joke, Kamiji Moe | Burnin/Original Male Character(s), Usagiyama Rumi | Miruko/Original Male Character(s), Ashido Mina/Kirishima Eijirou, Jirou Kyouka/Kaminari Denki
Additional Tags: Post-Canon, Post-Final War Arc (My Hero Academia), Post-My Hero Academia: World Heroes' Mission (Movie), Crack, Alternate Universe - Crack, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Crack Treated Seriously, Fluff and Crack, Humor, Attempt at Humor, Divorced Midoriya Hisashi/Midoriya Inko, Established Relationship, Background Relationships, Homecoming, Divorce, Post-Divorce, Texting, Memes, Meme, Todoroki Shouto is a Dork, Parental Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead | Dadzawa, Parental Fukukado Emi | Ms. Joke, SPY x FAMILY References, Family Guy references, Barbie References, Minor Ashido Mina/Kirishima Eijirou, Minor Jirou Kyouka/Kaminari Denki, Funny, Ashido Mina is a Little Shit, Pokemon, Kaminari Denki is a Dork, Breaking the Fourth Wall, Third Year Class 1-A (My Hero Academia), Sassy Asui Tsuyu, Minor Bakugou Katsuki/Utsushimi Camie, Pro Hero Original Character(s) (My Hero Academia), Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic is scared of bugs, Drinking, Drinking & Talking
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ao3feed-izch · 6 months
Re-Enter The Midoriya Patriarch
by Challenger2K1
The greatest threat so far has been eliminated. In a world flooded with heroes, it can be hard to stand out, but returning from the United States is one civilian in particular–Hisashi Midoriya. This is the beginning of his next chapter… not necessarily the best one though.
… (An original My Hero Academia crack fic that picks up after the canon events of the story OR… Hisashi Midoriya finally returns with the milk. 😎 )
Words: 6739, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, Gen
Characters: Midoriya Hisashi, Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Inko, Midoriya Izuku's Family, Uraraka Ochako, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Ashido Mina, Jirou Kyouka, Asui Tsuyu, Hagakure Tooru, Yaoyorozu Momo, Todoroki Shouto, Takeyama Yuu | Mount Lady, Nishiya Shinji | Kamui Woods, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Fukukado Emi | Ms. Joke, Eri (My Hero Academia), Kirishima Eijirou, Kaminari Denki, Original Male Character(s), Kamiji Moe | Burnin, Usagiyama Rumi | Miruko, Original Female Character(s), Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic
Relationships: Midoriya Hisashi/Midoriya Inko, Midoriya Inko/Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Midoriya Izuku/Uraraka Ochako, Todoroki Shouto/Yaoyorozu Momo, Nishiya Shinji | Kamui Woods/Takeyama Yuu | Mount Lady, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Fukukado Emi | Ms. Joke, Kamiji Moe | Burnin/Original Male Character(s), Usagiyama Rumi | Miruko/Original Male Character(s), Ashido Mina/Kirishima Eijirou, Jirou Kyouka/Kaminari Denki
Additional Tags: Post-Canon, Post-Final War Arc (My Hero Academia), Post-My Hero Academia: World Heroes' Mission (Movie), Crack, Alternate Universe - Crack, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Crack Treated Seriously, Fluff and Crack, Humor, Attempt at Humor, Divorced Midoriya Hisashi/Midoriya Inko, Established Relationship, Background Relationships, Homecoming, Divorce, Post-Divorce, Texting, Memes, Meme, Todoroki Shouto is a Dork, Parental Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead | Dadzawa, Parental Fukukado Emi | Ms. Joke, SPY x FAMILY References, Family Guy references, Barbie References, Minor Ashido Mina/Kirishima Eijirou, Minor Jirou Kyouka/Kaminari Denki, Funny, Ashido Mina is a Little Shit, Pokemon, Kaminari Denki is a Dork, Breaking the Fourth Wall, Third Year Class 1-A (My Hero Academia), Sassy Asui Tsuyu, Minor Bakugou Katsuki/Utsushimi Camie, Pro Hero Original Character(s) (My Hero Academia), Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic is scared of bugs, Drinking, Drinking & Talking
source: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55089841
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sero-pairo · 2 years
My Hero Alternative.
by TAS1001
Helloooo, Ao3! It's been almost 3 years since i ever used this for more than a quick glance, but i never stopped writing! This is just something i wrote in private to talk about with my friends, but i've decided to post it publically. I'm completely open to feedback, in fact that's one of the reasons why i'm even putting this up, to see flaws in my writing and to improve, as well as getting more motivation to write this whole thing more consistently, lol.
While there isn't anything to really describe this fanfic in one phrase like a "What if X was X?!", this is basically my own take on the core concepts of MHA, i don't mean to put down the original work, again, just my own take. There will be very noticeable differences you'll see along with similarities, such as Midoriya having lost his hope of being a hero before meeting All Might, his hair being black and starting with a emo cut like his concept artwork, U.A's exam being vastly different, the friends and team he makes as he goes on, and many, MANY more, pretty much growing in quantity as the story progresses! I hope that you'll enjoy reading as much as i had fun writing this piece.
Words: 19182, Chapters: 4/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/M
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Inko, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Jirou Kyouka, Kaminari Denki, Iida Tenya, Uraraka Ochako, Bakugou Katsuki, Sero Hanta, Kirishima Eijirou, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Sludge Villain (My Hero Academia), Asui Tsuyu, Nishiya Shinji | Kamui Woods, Class 1-A (My Hero Academia), Pro Heroes (My Hero Academia), Aoyama Yuuga
Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku/Uraraka Ochako, Midoriya Izuku & Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Class 1-A & Midoriya Izuku, Jirou Kyouka/Midoriya Izuku, Iida Tenya/Uraraka Ochako, Iida Tenya & Midoriya Izuku, Ashido Mina/Sero Hanta, Bakugou Katsuki/Sero Hanta, Ashido Mina/Kirishima Eijirou, Ashido Mina & Bakugou Katsuki
Additional Tags: BAMF Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku Has One for All Quirk, Midoriya Izuku is a Mess, Out of Character Midoriya Izuku, kind of, He's the same but different lol, Teamwork, Friendship, Iida Tenya is a Good Friend, Kirishima Eijirou is a Good Friend, Canon Rewrite, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Strategy & Tactics, Canon-Typical Violence
from AO3 works tagged 'Ashido Mina/Sero Hanta' https://ift.tt/0V7Qv9X via https://ift.tt/utYjVGH
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stxrry-dxys · 3 years
The Lurkers Family Hc's
thimkin about,,, the lurkers and their honorary children,,
yuu who always adored children but worries she won’t have time for any of her own
shinji who just naturally takes on a paternal role for anyone young he comes across (it’s part of his charm as a hero)
and shin’ya who doesn’t really understand how kids work but is still somehow adored by everyone 13+
so when they take on four hero course kids for a work study?? oh they’re all over that
factor in that two of those kids have estranged home lives? it’s a recipe for a new family
ibara’s the first one taken under their wing.
her dad is,, not present in her life. and her mom is a pro-hero. so while they get along, she’s never really home.
it’s not much of a problem it just,,, left the girl feeling lonely. she never really learned how to interact with other people.
honestly i don’t think she had much of a drive to be a hero when she was younger. mostly cuz she saw how tired it made her mom, and she wanted to be able to take care of her
plus she wasn’t sure how useful her quirk would be.
but one day there was a villain attack at her school, and who saved her?
none other than our very own kamui woods
she saw how calm he made everyone feel. and how well he used his quirk even though he was a relatively new hero at the time.
he quickly became her idol.
so when she gets the chance to work with him, she has a little more trust in him than the rest of the work study kids. not that he minds
he can tell she’s nervous around him at first so he works to calm her down and keep her loose.
shinji tries his best to remember as many hero incidents as he can, especially ones involving kids so when she tells him that he inspired her to be a hero when he saved her,,,,
instant bonding moment, of course he remembers!
the longer they work together the more he becomes a trusted confidant for her, and the more he focuses on helping her grow.
he gladly takes on a father figure role for her, willing to help her with things outside of hero work as well.
shinji just wants the best for her, and he’s going to help guide her there.
he’s not the only one she gets along with of course!
she’s very much shocked by yuu’s energy. but she’s even more shocked by how hard she tries to keep her emotions in check.
iba always tried to remain rational but moving to ua had caused some,,, anxiety and temper issues. she didn’t want to be spiteful but she just felt overshadowed by her peers. it was scary.
yuu felt much the same coming onto the hero scene, and she too had to learn to control her jealousy and anxiety.
so when she picks up on ibara’s struggle she sits her down for some good old fashioned advice.
and yuu keeps an eye on her in the field, pulls her aside when she needs to calm down and regroup. always makes sure to tell her when she did a good job on something. points out how she’s improved.
it helps a lot.
shin’ya also helps iba out.
ibara has a lot of issues grappling between her morals and what is “required” of a hero.
she doesn’t like hurting people. she just doesn’t want to. she believes there’s more peaceful ways to subdue villains. that adding fire to fire only creates more fire.
shin’ya would get that best i feel.
while i don’t think he’s above throwing some punches, i think he also understands that often the best thing to do is to take as peaceful a route as you can. just so long as you’re prepared to defend yourself.
he helps iba come to terms with the fact that she doesn’t have to beat someone to a pulp to be a hero. but she is also well within her right to fight back if the villain starts to hurt her.
of course he shows this to her by doing fight practice with her and pushing the girl to her limit.
like i said,,, he doesn’t know how kids work
however it does actually help. the longer they go the more ibara learns tricks to avoid fighting, how far she can go without punching back, and how to do minimal damage when she eventually does.
by the end of the work study she goes from reserved and hiding behind the loud boys she came with, to joking and having normal conversations about her day with people who truly feel like they want to be involved in her life.
hanta is the next one snatched into the family.
honestly he never really meant to get as close with the lurkers as he did, but the man was having a bad day and it showed.
some context on him: he’s another one who was never super close with his parents
they travelled a lot for work so they were never home very often. and when they were home they,,, didn’t really get along.
unlike ibara tho he did have someone in the same situation as him: his older brother.
he had four years on hanta and always tried his best to take care of him. but there’s only so much the kid can do
so yeah he never really had the most positive feelings towards his parents. he loved them!! but he couldn’t help but be upset at how little they were there
this gets about a million times worse when he moves to ua and is hit with the news of their divorce
he’s not upset about the fact that they’re leaving each other- he’s honestly grateful it finally happened. he’s more pissed about why they’re separating, and what happens as a result
yuu is actually the one to pick up on his bad mood. he came into work just a little too quiet, a little too slow for it to be normal, so she pulled him aside.
she asked what was wrong and when he hesitates to tell her she just reminds him that no matter what it is, she’s not going to judge. she just wants to make sure he’s taking care of himself.
someone?? checking in on hanta??? this is completely unheard of
so he jumps into a rant
tells her all about how his mom cheated on his dad and now the man is depressed and hanta had to stay up on the phone all of last night calming him down and trying to assure him that his sons DONT hate him and that his life ISNT falling apart, and apparently now that he’s away from hanta’s mother he was finally able to transfer to a department that keeps him local which really pisses hanta off because he COULD have done that years ago and actually spent some time with his kids but he couldn’t say that because he was worried about setting his father off-
yuu just sits there and listens to him ramble about everything. he somehow drifts the conversation from his family to school to his friends and he’s about halfway through his kirishima rant before he realizes how much he is dumping on someone who is supposed to be his boss
she doesn’t mind tho, she can tell he’s been needing to say all that.
she steals him for patrol that day and they walk to places in their segment that can give the kid a break. she takes him to get ice cream to “energize him”, leads him through an outdoor vendor area to “keep in touch with the community”, and takes him to a park so they can “properly survey the area”
it’s not much different from her normal path but he can tell she’s going a little slower for him
she tells him he can always come to her if somethings wrong, that keeping things bottled up doesnt do anyone any good. and she’ll always find a way to take his mind off his troubles.
and he does! she makes sure to check in on him more often from that day forward and she’s the first person he goes to in a crisis. eventually it evolves from telling her about what’s wrong to just telling strange stories that happened since he last saw her, gossiping, etc.
of course yuu isn’t the only one taking care of him.
shinji is constantly having to keep hanta and denki in check from doing something completely reckless
has to remind them theres a time and a place for it which is,,, strange for hanta
no one ever really stopped him for doing anything growing up so it’s odd having someone watch over him
shin’ya on the other hand is actively causing trouble with this man
as soon as he finds out hanta has a smart mouth it is just constant sass wars, the two of them do not stop
shin’ya is the uncle of the group can you all tell yet
KAMINARI AND MINETA (+sibling roles)
these two actually don’t view the lurkers as parental figures but i can’t just not mention them
they have no need for smo to fill the role of their parents but they still lean on the adults as their mentors
however with hanta and iba? different story
the longer the four of them work together the closer they get.
after the initial “get denki and min to realize ibara is not interested” phase they do actually get along pretty well
i think ibara would be a really good influence on the three little pervs cuz let’s be honest, they need it.
she is the kick off to the minoru character arc we so desperately need.
she is very loud about her contempt for his actions, much louder than anyone else ever has been.
yuu helps with that too, she is more than willing to help stomp out that behavior.
i think the two of them would accidentally get through to denki first. he already was slightly better than min but he definitely starts to tone it down more thanks to them
minoru doesnt completely get it right away but he definitely starts trying to learn.
anyways hanta and iba get along best
hanta is actually like,,, a functioning human being who is smart enough to know when to bite back sexual comments so she just,,, gravitates to him a little more
they’re both science and nature people in my mind so i feel like their starting point is some conversations about plants
the longer they work together the more they poke into each other’s school lives and friendships and eventually they get along well enough he’s able to convince her to give the other two a chance
they’re more careful now about what they say to her. and hanta ever the good boy is sure to keep them in check
iba is actually able to have a conversation with them about why their behavior is bad and together the four of them work on improving, cuz iba sure isnt perfect either just in very different ways
they have a gc
they should not have a gc
min and iba will be up at 2 am having a very thoughtful conversation about the state of the world and hanta and denki will interject with some stupid meme they just made
oh god and the minute they find out iba has a crush on smo?? immediately the boys enter wingman mode
keep in mind none of these children are good at flirting, let alone giving advice on flirting
the adults are definitely watching them with much amusement
iba actually listens to them which is a terrible decision on her part really
she actually ends up using the boys advice to get denki and hanta together instead cuz she may not be great at relationships but they’re so obvious it hurts her
if the other two were to ever end up dating anyone oh my god the other three are jumping on that person
they’re immediately entering protective sibling mode and they’re all surprisingly scary
basically iba is the boys’ younger sister and they’re all dedicated to teasing each other
small hc that denki and hanta’s relationship kind of mimics yuu’s and shinji’s
we’ve already established that hanta never had a good model for relationships growing up so i think he’d really try and take after yuu and shinji,,, he’s a sucker for love and they’re the epitome of it to him
especially when it comes to denki, because he wants to preserve their friendship above all else. and yuu and shinji are very open about being best friends first and partners second
denki doesn’t really try to emulate their relationship he just,,, kind of does
he’s very similar to yuu i think so its no wonder he falls into a similar dynamic with sero who resembles shinji
this is just a ramble but i just really think they’d prioritize their friendship above their romantic relationship and it really keeps their dynamic healthy and they entirely got the idea from yuu and shinji
which btw yuu and shinji adore denki, yuu especially because she just really wants her boy to have smo to help him take care of himself. and no one does a better job of taking care of hanta than denki
i love they <3
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notisland · 2 years
tumblr give canadian desktop users tumblr live you cowards. im not downloading a vpn and the fucking tumblr app just to watch people go insane on stream
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deleteddewewted · 2 years
Could you do Male readerx Mount Lady x Miruko Sweat and sour. R is tired of Yu publicly denying that she is in a relationship because of her "brand". When she is confronted, Yu asked how people would react that she is sleeping with a quirkless nobody. R gets upset and leaves to his friend Rumi's house. She comfort him and suggests they make a sex tape as payback. Maybe end it with a, "He's mine now, bitch." (Could the smut be from the perspective of Yu watching the tape?) Thanks.
Sweet and Sour: Revenge Tape
Mirko x M! Reader x Mount Lady
❤️🖤Sweet And Sour Event (May 21 - June 26)(JJK, MHA, KNY Characters Only!)❤️🖤
❤️🖤Sweet And Sour Event Masterlist❤️🖤
W: Breeding Kink, Sub! Mirko, Angst, NSFW, Dom! Reader, Male! Reader, Impact Play, Overstimulation, Daddy Kink, Revenge, Sex Tape
If you'd like to support my work (Check my Ko-fi and Throne!)
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Takeyama didn’t know what to think of you after you ignored her texts for the past two days. She knew she messed up and she knew she embarrassed you but you always came back to her. You always answered when she called, always responded to her texts when she’d send one. But, after a disastrous night out where you tried to pull her into a kiss after eating out at a restaurant she’d been dying to try, you hadn’t responded to any of the messages she had sent.
“For the love of fuck, Y/n. Answer me!” She grew frustrated with you. It wasn’t normal for her to be ignored. What could be so important that you felt the need to ignore her?
More days went by and eventually, she gave up on calling you. You ignored all attempts to be contacted and didn’t bother to interact with any of the mutual friends you both had.
“Yu, have you ever thought of going to your ex’s house?” Nishiya rolled his eyes at his roommate and sighed when he watched her deflate.
“Yu, do you even like Y/n romantically?” Takeyama’s eyes widened, offense clear on her face.
“Yes! Of course, I do! Why would you ever assume I didn’t?” Takeyama yelled. She felt her eye twitch as Nishiya judged her with his gaze.
“Are you serious right now?” He sighed. The stress of having to deal with her complicated emotions was too much for him.
“Yes! I love Y/n. He’s my boyfriend!” She whined.
“If he’s your boyfriend then why don’t you let him kiss you in public?”
“Because-” She tried to clarify herself but Nishiya cut her off.
“Why don’t you let him hold you or hug you, then? Why isn’t he able to call you or acknowledge you as his girlfriend while you’re both out, huh?” He raised his brow at her all while looking smug.
He knew every single detail and event of your relationships. It was embarrassing how much he knew about you and Takeyama. He knew how much you devoted yourself to her and how little she gave back. He watched how Takeyama spent hours on the phone talking to you about something that caught her interest and how attentive she became any time you spoke. He had to watch how you both cuddled on the couch during a movie night and how loud you fucked in Takeyama’s bedroom afterward. It disgusted him to hear how casually Takeyama dismissed you for quirkless nobody when I’m public and during interviews.
“Oh, him? Yeah, no, he’s just some mega fan who I like to take pity on. Poor guy is quirkless so he likes being around heroes.” The mocking and annoying laugh she would let out was just as vile as her words. He could see that she loved you, that she truly wanted something with you besides getting a quick lay. He saw it but so did her manager. 
Everyone around her told her that she had to pretend not to know you. Being seen with a quirkless was mildly disapproved of but dating willingly was the biggest insult to modern society. The hero world expected her to do her duty and to bring children into this world who would best her capabilities. But if they found out that a quirkless had managed to breed and fuck her full of their cum, the hero world would implode in a mix of joy and disgust. You were no one and nothing in their world and because of that, you were not allowed to be recognized as her partner.
“You know why. Do you think I’m happy with this? I want to be able to go out with my boyfriend on cute dates and be able to kiss him without feeling shame.”
“So you are shamed of him?” Takeyama covered her face as she thought to herself.
She wasn’t ashamed of you, not at all….at least that was what she told herself to cope with the circumstances. She was raised in a society that valued quirks and the type of quirk you possessed. She was practically destined to be a hero the moment her quirk manifested and spent her time being praised for doing the bare minimum. When she got with you, she was looking for an adventure, something new and foreign to her. She loved the simplicity of your life yet how difficult it was for you. The way you navigated life without a quirk made her completely enamored with you which sold her in the idea of committing herself fully to you. You were the “it” she had been looking for and once she got you in her bedroom after a night of clubbing, she knew that no one other than you would be able to satisfy her. 
Takeyama still remembered what her first time with you was like. You were gentle with her even as you noticed all of the scars and cuts that littered her body. You kissed her softly, your hands wandered over her body as your mouth made its way towards her breasts. You sucked on her nipples and played with them as she gasped. You relished her broken moans and made it your duty to take care of her in every way. Your fingers slowly plunged inside her and thrust at an even pace. She remembered arching her back and squirting all over your hand and face. She had never had someone touch her so softly and treat her like a princess. So when you finally had your sex inside her, when you finally had her pussy lips spread and wrapped around you, she couldn’t help but scream for you. You felt right, so, so right inside her. You made her realize that ambition of fame and adoration from nameless fans meant nothing if you weren’t by her side.
“I’m used to being around people who are like me. We don’t live in a place or time where having a quirkless partner is acceptable by most.” She wanted you with everything she had
“I love him. I want all of him and I want to spend the rest of my life with him.” Nishiya watched as the blond cried to herself. He would offer comfort but he also knew that by doing so he would be enabling her behavior and minimizing the seriousness of the situation. You both needed to talk and that was up to her to do.
Days went by and there was still nothing from you. She reached out, she even visited your apartment but you didn’t answer her. She spent most of her time going from work and then heading back home to cry over your absence. She couldn’t drink no matter how much she wanted to drown her feelings in alcohol and it sucked because the more she looked at the pictures she had hanging on her walls of the two of you, the more of an asshole she felt.
Takeyama was daydreaming of the date you were supposed to be on but was quickly snapped out of it once a package was shoved in front of her by Nishiya.
“What’s this?” She grabbed the small package and turned it around to see it was addressed to her.
“I have no idea but it’s for you.” Nishiya sighed before leaving the shared apartment.
Tired and battered after a long patrol, Takeyama took off her hero costume before heading to the bathroom to bathe, the package still in her hand. She made sure that the water was scolding hot before making herself comfortable in the bath. She relaxed and basked in the warm water and closed her eyes. She thought of what you would do if you were there to see her. Would you join her or would you sit beside the tub and massage shampoo into her hair? She opened her eyes and reached out for that package that she had placed on top of the toilet cover. She ripped the thing open, not caring that water splashed out onto the tiled floor.
“What?” It was a display hologram that contained a video. Confused, she opened the hologram and pressed play. 
The scene on the holographic screen was of you cuddling with Mirko. You had your head leaned against her own and your legs were tangled together. It looked normal apart from your hand that had wandered into Mirko’s underwear. She was in a sheer white top with panties and your hand was clearly playing with her clit. Mirko gasped as you quickened your pace and leaned into you in search of a kiss. You reciprocated and kissed her passionately. Takeyama watched as you slipped your fingers inside Mirko’s cunt with tears in her eyes.
Mirko screamed your name, her body responds to your every touch.
“Y/n, please. Make me yours. Please!” The dark-skinned woman moaned. You didn’t answer her but you instead shoved your tongue into her mouth before getting on top of her. Your back faces the camera but by the way, you brought your hand up to your mouth, Takeyama assumed you cleaned up your fingers with your mouth.
You pulled yourself out of your pants and moved Mirkos panties to the side before slapping her sex. The white-haired woman let out a yelp before lifting her legs up and flushed against her before reaching down and spreading her pussy lips for you.
“Fuck me, Y/n. Breed me, baby.” You grabbed her by the throat and shoved your dick inside of her slicked cunt.
You snapped your hips hard, the sound of your balls hitting her ass resonated throughout the entire room and was difficult to ignore. You growled as Mirko moaned like a bitch in heat and begged for your babies. Takeyama watched as you slapped the rabbit hero’s tits and cunt before sucking on her nipples with vigor. Slick drooled out of here while cum coated your cock as you continue your relentless pound into her now puffy pussy.
“Yeah? You want this dick to breed you, slut? You want daddy to fuck this cunt full?” You slapped her across the face and let out a growl when she only managed to choke out half of your name.
“Answer, slut.” You spat.
“Y-yes! Plea-se!!!!” Mirko arched as you continued to pound into her. 
You changed your positioning so that your thrust would go deeper and began to unexpectedly snap your hips to get her to yell. Mirko grabbed onto you, her legs now pressed flush against her by your hands, as she obeyed all of your orders. You told her not to cum until you thoroughly bred her pussy full and she happily obliged because she wanted to feel your warm seed inside her. She thought about having your babies before, cute little hybrids that were a mix of you and her that she would show off to the world. Cute babies that you could both build a nest with and raise together. Children who she could show off to Takeyama since the blond never publicly acknowledged you. 
Mirko begged for permission. You told her to hold it because you were close. She nodded and clenched so that her walls hugged your length and she quickly felt the urge to squirt. The knot that formed in her stomach began to loosen but with a quick spank to her leg, she tensed up and caused you to cum. You snapped your hips before completely burying yourself inside her wet and puffy cunt. You rubbed her clit and slapped it which got her over the edge too. She squirted all over your pelvis and came on your cock before collapsing and shaking under you. You laid on top of her and turned the both of you over so that she laid on top. This position allowed Takeyama to see that you had bred Mirko, your cum oozed out of the muscular woman’s sex. Mirko’s legs twitched and her tail wagged as you gently rubbed her ass and spread her. You groaned out loud before chuckling. Mirko turned her head around and weakly spoke to the camera with a dick-drunk grin.
“He’s mine now, stupid bitch.” You spanked Mirko’s ass and told her to cut it out before bringing her down for a kiss which she happily reciprocated.
Takeyama dropped the hologram onto the tiled floor and made herself comfortable inside her tub. She was crying in pure humiliation and horror at what she watched but she also hated the burning feeling she felt below her waist. She had played with herself while she watched you fuck another woman and impregnate her. She continued to clean herself before solemnly making her way to her bedroom. She would spend the rest of the night crying over you and how much of an amazing father you will be to Mirko’s children. 
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kirithots · 3 years
Kinktober Day 27- Hand Job
Shinji Nishiya x Reader
Disclaimers: smut with no plot
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You didn’t expect to have a hero in your bed when you woke up this morning, but you’re not gonna complain.
Kamui Woods sat at the edge of your bed, his cock in your hands.
“Fuck, your hands are amazing.”
You stroke his hard member, spreading around his pre-cum like lubricant.
He thrusts up into your hands and gasps as you squeeze him tighter.
You pick up your pace, massaging his wet tip with your thumb.
“Shit, I’m gonna cum.”
You move faster, and moan as his cum lands on your face and chest.
Kamui looks down at you with lust-filled eyes.
“Come here, baby. It’s your turn.”
Author’s Note: talk about some hardwood 😌
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skitzs · 2 years
Rin is super hot and that's okay
So, since I'm bored today, I have come up with a solution to fight it by talking about how pretty/gorgeous/handsome/freaking attractive Rin Matsuoka is, CANONICALLY.
Let's start with: How these fellows stated this themselves in a Staff Talk. There was quite a lot there, but I'll paste the ones I only need to highlight. [quit being lazy and read, damn]
Please tell us of something you established about their elementary school days during production.
Nishiya: As for their design, we started from their high school bodies and we used that as the base for their elementary school looks.
Utsumi: We made them wear shorts. It’s something you couldn’t even imagine them wearing now! Even though I’d like to see it.
Yoneda: That’s right! Shorts and white socks!
Nishiya: We called it “mama pride” didn’t we (lol)?
Utsumi: Since around this time, everyone wears clothes that their mother chose for them.
Nishiya: It really does have a feeling that they’re being forced to wear those things.
Utsumi: They definitely wouldn’t wear those things on their own.
Yoneda: Rin wore really stylish clothes though.
Utsumi: At that time Rin wore clothes he chose himself. That’s why he had more stylish children’s clothes!
Yoneda: and there were a lot of colors!
Nishiya: That’s right! It feels very different from his monotone now.
Yoneda: When I showed Utsumi-san and Nishiya-san the colors I had come up with for his clothes they told me to make them more colorful.
Utsumi: I said “Young! More young!” (lol)
Yoneda: She said to make the lining a different color and such.
Utsumi: He had a t-shirt with “LOVE” written on it! So stylish~!
Nishiya: That’s right (lol). I don’t think many people noticed that though.
Utsumi: Wearing clothes that are slightly embarrassing is cute. It’s that sort of age period.
Nishiya: Who was the one who said that Haruka should have white socks?
Yoneda: Someone said “The child version should wear white socks!” and it was decided.
Utsumi: Shorts and white socks are obviously a set!
Yoneda: We discussed it and everyone agreed.
Nishiya: It’s Makoto that I can’t relax about.
Yoneda: His legs make me fidgety! (lol)
Nishiya: I can’t really look at them! (lol)
Utsumi: Why!?
Nishiya: Because you can see his bare legs! When I think about it now, aren’t Haruka and Makoto’s sock lengths switched?
Utsumi・Yoneda: (lol)
Yoneda: Makoto’s outfit is “mama’s pride” too, isn’t it?
Utsumi: He looks like a good child. In season 1 there were times when his clothes were super cute too. I think the clothes he wore in episode 10 when they were talking on the stone steps!
Yoneda: Ah! I know! That parka that had lines on the lining!
Utsumi: Yes! That was cute.
Nishiya: Yeah. ……How was Rin’s hair different?
Yoneda: Was it different somehow?
Nishiya: Wasn’t it longer in length over all compared to now?
Utsumi: Even though you drew it yourself why are you so doubtful……(lol).
Nishiya: And then, the mysterious ‘X’ in his bangs wasn’t there, it had more of a sleek look.
Yoneda: That’s right.
Utsumi: It was really cute.
Nishiya: He was a bishounen.
Utsumi: Haruka and Makoto’s hairstyle didn’t change much from when they were high schoolers, but Rin’s was different.
Anddddd... We all know what bishounen means.
So that's one official fact. FACT. Rin Matsuoka, from the moment he was born, is naturally PRETTY. Like, c'mon, have y'all seen this boy?
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Then, have y'all seen his sister AND momma,,
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[yeah im pretty stoopid at finding images, sue me]
It's in their genes. Need I say more? Actually, I should.
I saw this one post - check it out please, if you haven't.
And I just squealed so hard after reading it and damn, I thought it made so much sense hahaha. Indeed, Rin and Haru met here for the first time, and they caught each other's attention at FIRST FREAKING GLANCE. Just at face value, they must've already thought like, "Who is this kid? I need to know. I feel like we're meant to know each other."
Which takes us back to the Staff Talk about Rin being "bishounen" in his younger days, right? Haru was first attracted to Rin, physically?? Before they raced each other, and thus became even more attracted to him. However you want to interpret what "attracted to him" could mean. Because attraction obviously means:
at·tract /əˈtrakt/ verb
past tense: attracted; past participle: attracted
cause to come to a place or participate in a venture by offering something of interest, favorable conditions, or opportunities.
Tsuntsun Haru, however, wanted to appear cool and unbothered, and UNINTERESTED [like pls, we can see through you, haru-chan] XD we know what's up. -don't skip the fuckin link, i can see u
MOVING ON,,, HARU, I know you can't resist ze beauty~ you even imagine young rin so PRETTILY. LMAO
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So there you have it, folks, it's clear as day, Rin is 8278493271% LEGIT NO CAP (REAL) gorgeous canonically!
He's even got long eyelashes to prove that.
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great body that even momo would [stop and stare] at rin's bo0bs (ikyk that scene in samezuka dormsss hehe), Isuzu to talk about him to Gou about some "rumors" that he, in fact, has a great body to the point of having cleavage (ikyk from which scene this was too), and for his own sister AKA the newly appointed president of the muscles department TM (sorry, mikhail, a new leader has been born) to be quite proud of his physique too-
(take that thing off, oniichan!! at the sakura pool) (although gou has demonstrated her proudest moments abt her broskie's muscles many times throughout the show) (if it were other siblings, they'd prolly be like ewww)
AND SO, let me just end this with a rinharu pic bc i can and i love my otp so damn much
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guess some things never change :')
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beccascribbles · 4 years
17 - Confessions of a Childhood Friend
previous - PART 17 - next
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"Hey," Kageyama greeted, rubbing the back of his neck as a nervous smile spread across his face. He stepped out of the way, welcoming you into his home. You shot him a slight smile, stepping into the entryway.
"Hi," you replied, debating stepping forward to pull him into a hug. If your meeting wasn't full of so much awkwardness, you would have greeted him as such. It was ordinary for you to hug, whether in greeting or when you needed the comfort of one. Instead, you settled for letting your hand briefly clasp his shoulder, the motion feeling unnatural.
Clearly, it felt unnatural to Kageyama as well, who stepped forward and wrapped his arms around your waist, tugging you into him. It was automatic for you to wind your arms around his neck and hold him close in return. You clutched onto him, relishing the normality in this action, the reassurance that came from his touch and the comfort it brought you.
It was with reluctance that he released you, turning to guide you into the living room where he had taken the effort to lay out some tea and food, something to occupy yourself with if things became too awkward. He settled into a chair, waiting until you were sat before he cleared his throat.
“Things have been weird between us since you sent out those google forms,” he declared, going straight to the point, the nervousness making the words rush out of him. A beat of silence followed as he fiddled with his hands, interlocking and disengaging his fingers. You watched the movement, letting him gather the confidence he needed to continue. “I think that’s mainly down to me. I-I struggle a lot with my emotions... how to express them. I guess I wasn’t really expecting it to feel so wrong when you started talking about Ushijima in that way, showing interest in him. It felt really strange, like, I don’t know, like my chest felt tight. Then you started showing interest in everyone else and...”
His voice dropped an octave, the next words coming out in a rushed mumble. “I kind of wished it was just me you were interested in.”
He looked at you then, blue eyes piercing your own, his gaze unusually steady considering his fingers were still continuing their hypnotic tangling. It was your turn to duck your head, heat rushing to your cheeks. Your words came out in a rush much like his, escaping before you could stop them. “It could have been you. It could still be you.”
He blinked, shock overtaking his features before he shook it away, ignoring your words in favour of continuing with what he had clearly prepared beforehand. “I guess I kind of let my jealously blind me. I was a dick to you, to everyone really, especially that night I got drunk. It wasn’t my best moment and shit did the managers have a lot to say to me. I definitely should not have tried to kiss you. Being drunk was not an excuse and I’m so fucking sorry. But I can’t ignore the feelings I have for you. I mean, I have no idea how long I’ve had them for but I know that I’m in love with you.”
“Tobio...” you breathed, voice low. You reached out between the space between you, resting your hand on top of his. He took it, tangling your fingers with his own. His eyes kept getting drawn back to you fingers, the way they curled around his own. He squeezed your hand gently. “You know I love you.”
He nodded in affirmation. After all, he had loved you for a long time. Maybe he had mistaken that love for purely platonic, but it had always been there. Unable to help himself, he brought the hand in his grip up to his lips, pressing a gentle kiss to the surface. Your breath caught in your throat as his own tickled at your skin.
“I don’t want to hurt you, Tobio,” you sighed, finding yourself leaning into him, wanting to be closer. He angled his head toward you, meeting your gaze once again, the softness in his eyes conveying everything he felt towards you. It was perhaps the most vulnerable sober Kageyama you had ever seen.
“You might,” he said, reaching up his other hand to idly brush against your cheek. It felt so natural to rest his hand there, and so natural for you to lean into his warmth in return, finding comfort in his gentle touch. “But that’s okay. I’m done being selfish. I just want you to be happy.”
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ajaviary · 3 years
Shatter Me
Summary: One misstep and your carefully crafted world will shatter and reveal the truth you’ve worked so hard to hide. The ugly, shame filled void that you haven't been able to drag yourself out of. You never expect to be on his radar, a string of circumstances bring you two closer and unfortunately he’s drawn into your world.
Some Dark Content with mentions of physical & emotional abuse. Hints at self harm in later chapters.
Rating: M (Explicit) - 18+
Chapters: 1
Word count: 4168
A/N: Thanks for reading and feedback is appreciated. I decided to expand on my Vulnerable Piece, this is the first chapter of that expansion.
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You felt your phone vibrate in the pocket of your leather jacket, but you ignored it as you leapt back out of the way of a fist that smashed against the street. You frown, doing a quick glance at the civilians in the area, too many were still lingering at the intersection, all the cars stopped, but that wasn’t before some of them had swerved to avoid hitting you as you’d suddenly appeared in their way. Your litheal body tucked itself, the palm of your hand glowed for a moment before you were able to attach the small gemstone to the car in a form of a really strong molding and pulled yourself in a twist onto the hood effectively avoiding the prospect of being roadkill.
You were a little too pretty to wind up the bug on someone's windshield today.
The radio in your ear clicked on effectively telling you the eta of your team. Kamui Woods was on his way, he’d gotten held up about three blocks away and that was still long enough for the guy you were facing to cause problems if you didn’t hold his attention. You hoped down off the hood of the car, your boots walking over the torn up roadway. “Throwing a tantrum now, what are you two years old?” you wonder with a tease as you grin. You’re not just the Pro Hero Gemini for shits and giggles, no you had earned the name and it was rising in popularity and your recent joining of The Lurkers.
You were rising in popularity. It was through your hard work. Everything you did was because of your dream to help people, but you weren’t delusional in assuming it wasn’t going to be hard fought to claw your way to the top, you weren’t aiming to be number one, but you were going to do your best.
“All that effort to rob that bank and to think you almost got away with it too, if only it wasn't for that meddling little Gemini.” Your grin was wide as you watched the large man sneer at you, his body glowing a brilliant blue at the center of chest and the color expanded outward along hands and down his legs before he was suddenly rushing you.
So predictable, but then again this is hired muscle for you.
You darted to the left avoiding his swing as you cupped your hand along his ear with a hard slap of sound. The blow left him staggering to the side, but blood oozed out his ear down his cheek. You’d blown out his ear drum.
This sort of thing affects things like balance and depth perception. Not to mention regular things like one's perceptions of sound.
“Oh look at you, all weak in the knees.” Your laughter is enough that even if he can only hear it out of one ear, he’s raising his venomous gaze to you and throwing out a large hand to smack you down.
The crowd expected you dodge and weave out of the way, but their cheers erupt as the smoke clears and your standing there having taken the blow, unmovable as you’d anchored your feet, and your legs are reinforced with the gemstones that gave you your Pro Hero name, your arms raised to block the swing as you hold him back.
The crowd cheering for Gemini shouldn’t have been such a booster to your confidence, you shouldn’t be looking for recognition in the public, when you should get that in your private life too, but you didn’t. When you took off the mask, took off your hero costume you were left with a shattered, broken (Y/N). Your freedom fell away and with it your confidence.
You break in thought, in focus is what left you realizing too late that he’d only hit you as test, but he’d been charing his attack for something else as his wide mouth opened and blue energy swirled inside his mouth, your eyes widened and you knew you couldn’t block that move, couldn’t move out of the way either, not with the civilians clustered behind you.
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Shinji Nishiya (Kamui Woods) showed up just in the nick of time, shouting out his special move. “Lacquered Chain Prison!” He throws out his arm as wood from his left arm and entangled the bad guy, his branches curling tightly over his mouth and noise and along his body forcing his hands to his sides and his body back away from you. The crowd was stunned for a moment in silence before their was the clicking of cameras and the sounds of cheers. You should have been upset by your mistake, you were and yet in that moment, as you had stared your death in the face, you were disappointed he hadn’t fired. It was that dark though that left you shaken to your core for more reasons than you wanted to look at right now. Instead you plaster a smile on your face and pull all the emotion you needed too into playing your role for just a little longer. Hoping Kamui hadn’t noticed anything that might give you away.
“I hope you have a good reason for being late,” you joke, poking him in the chest and he only stammers out an apology. He was a little too easy to tease.
“There was a- “ he paused, looking away. “There was a what?” You pressed, sly grin widening. “A cat, ” he mumbled, embarrassed. “that almost got run over in all the confusion,” he defended.
“I always knew you were a softy Kamui-Ichi,” You teased good-naturedly.
You squeeze his shoulder and the ribbing stops as the two of you were just discussing what you were going to do about the muscle head whose part of the crew in charge of a string of robberies lately.
The rest had slipped away in the chaos.
“We keep being a step behind, we have to do better,” your words are low and spoken so only he can hear you. It’s been no secret that this crew has been making a fool out of the heroes who wind up chasing them. They’ve been dubbed Resurgence, but it's their leader the mastermind behind each and every successful hit.
It didn't help that every time their scapegoat was caught he was effectively let go, with the team escorting him to Tartarus unable to provide any details on how it happened, their memories seemed to be altered and in some cases, completely wiped.
“Report Gemini, ” Edgeshot had arrived on the scene, you frown slightly surprised and yet not that your boss had shown up, it wasn't just your reputation on the line after all. He’d become increasingly frustrated that this group kept slipping through their fingers making quite the mockery of all involved.
You efficiently relayed everything that happened to the current moment. How you’d been patrolling and had stumbled upon them as they had fled. You gave chase, but in the confusion, you were left chasing Mr. Humanoid Godzilla over there. You should have been able to do more, you knew this was your fault, but if you were honest you couldn't be too upset. You were alive and that sentiment couldn't be shared with the others who faced them and were left in far worse shape than a scrap or two. You got lucky and you tighten your fist all, too conscious of that fact.
“Let’s double back to the bank,” Edgeshot advises and as a team you head that way it was only a few blocks and traffic wasn’t permitted to pass around the area. Mt. Lady was currently guarding Mr. Godzilla, you hadn’t bothered to remember his real name, it had been in the file this morning, but well you had paid more attention to his looks and his quirk than feeling it necessary to remember his name. It will come back to you eventually.
The bank doesn’t seem very special and you head for the door first as the others are talking a few paces behind you discussing possible scenarios. Your hand curls around the door and pulls it open just as the door opens fully there is a rush of heat and explosion as you’re thrown back.
Edgeshot had reacted by pulling you from the explosion, before you could get hurt by any of the buildings as it exploded outward. You react on instinct, even as you're pulled back into the air your body hardening, golden gemstones extruding from every visible area of your body, even as your fingers curl into the fabric of his shirt, as he pulls you closer. “Careful, you’re bleeding,” his voice was hard to hear around the ringing in your ears, but you nodded after a moment as he set you down in the middle of the street and the three of you were left to stare at the rubble of the bank as several other Heroes arrived on the scene to put out the fire, and help with clean up miraculously no one had been hurt.
Your phone buzzed again in your pocket and you swallowed as it vibrated again signifying a call coming in, your hands were clammy as you stepped away from your boss and put a little more distance between you. Your face grim as you were all too aware of the camera’s recording every second of your life. Your heart was pounding in your chest, he knew and he wasn’t happy.
It was a few days later before you could convince Eizan to agree to let you go out with Nemuri at a bar she regularly frequented, you hadn’t been expecting any visitors, it was just supposed to be you and her and then you wouldn’t be lying. He always knew when you lied to him. Luck wasn’t on your side, not when two other Pro Heroes showed up, not when he'd shown up with Hizashi. The meeting hadn’t been planned, but they had been invited to join all the same, Nemuir didn’t realize the predicament she was putting you in, the danger. Nemuri knew so many heroes sometimes you were still left with your head spinning trying to keep up with them all.
Eraser overheard what you had said about your boyfriend, his most recent show up at your interview, how he’d been possessive, harboring a quiet anger over the fact that your interview had been a surprise appearance with you boss Edgeshot, you were there to dispel the rumors of any sort of romantic relationship, a picture that the was running had been of the two of you just a tad too close to each other, but there hadn’t been anything to it, but it hadn’t looked great either way, not when his arm had been around your waist as he’d used his quirk to swiftly curl around you and pull you out of harm's way, only to reform with his hand along your hip and your fingers carefully pressed against his chest, bleeding from a blow to the head. Shinya Kamihara had handled the situation well, and you had too, you knew what to do in these situations, but that didn’t mean the internet wasn’t blowing up either way.
After the interview you’d stepped off stage and Eizan had been there, chatting with your coworkers like it was the most casual thing in the world. Shinya had given him an accessing stare and looked to you, you gave a subtle shake of your head and he didn’t comment, but he wasn’t happy and you could have sworn you saw concern in his gaze when he’d left the station, but he hadn’t made a comment or a scene and instead let you handle it.
Aizawa had shared a quiet look with you before he left to get a drink at the bar before he and Hizashi would join you at the table. Leaving you to finish your conversation with Nemuri in private. She’d placed her hand gently over yours and softly told you that you needed to drop him, that he wasn’t safe for you to be around.
“He was just in the area, ” You grin widely as though to help ease her misgivings, hoped that your smile would be bright enough, convincing enough to hide the truth. You knew she had a right to be worried about you. It hadn’t been a secret that Nemuri wasn't his biggest fan when you guys had started dating. You had been too blinded by love to see him the truth and now you were in far too deep to get out.
You knew that, deep down you knew and the reason you hadn’t left yet was because you were in denial, and then deeper than that was the fear and then shame that you were in this situation in the first place.
It kept you up at night as you wondered what signs you had missed, this sort of thing happened to others, you saved people from abusive relationships and yet here you were in the exact same situation and it was suffocating. It felt like you were walking on a tightrope and it would snap at any moment if any more weight was put on your shoulders.
The conversation didn’t go much further into the subject once the boys came back. The night wore on and eventually you were the only one still sober, nursing a coke with some ice. Your limit was one drink, and that was it, you knew your limit and you had to protect the pretty glass house you had built. If you had a little too much, you would spill your guts to anyone who would listen. You dirty little secret exposed to the world.
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Aizawa had stayed with you at the table and sipped his whiskey occasionally, his muscular arms exposed at the forearms as his dark grey long sleeved shirt was pulled up and he leaned his cheek against his fist. You hadn’t expected him to stay there once Nemuri and Hizashi went to play a game of darts as drunk as they were.
Instead you two had talked quietly about life, UA, the hero world and eventually movies and books. He’d warmed up to you after your animated telling of how Kamui had rescued a cat today and how you two had gone back and dripped the little guy off at a no-kill shelter after your patrol was over.
It was crazy for you to get along so well with anyone, most of all a guy who you’d just met, who didn't shut you up or seem like he wanted you to talk about something else. He listened to you, really listened.
You always had to be on, to say the right thing, to have your hero persona on.
This, this was just you, just (Y/N). No special title, just a young woman in way over her head.
“You should be respected and trusted,” the words were soft and you glanced at him, seeing the way he nursed his whisky, but wasn’t nearly as intoxicated as Nemuri and Hizashi as the two played darts in the back. “No man should own you.”
His words wouldn’t normally have caused tears to fill your eyes. You knew that, you knew that, but it was sort of like a wake up call. You blinked and a tear trailed down your cheek. You hastily reached up to wipe it away, an apology on your lips, but he beat you to it. His thumb brushed gently over your cheek as he wiped it away, you shouldn’t have leaned into his hand. It was just so nice, so warm. It wasn’t laced with possessive rage.
“Don’t apologize, ” he cut it, a soft smile curving up his lips.
You stare wondering if he can read your mind and he only slowly draws back and gives you a soft smile before taking a sip of his whisky.
The sounds from Nemuri as she lets out a screech of trumpet has you twisting on reflex toward the noise that he had ignored, but glanced toward once the laughter at Hizashi’s groan. You were just about to thank him for the advice; when fingers curl around your wrist and jerk you from your seat, you stumble in your strappy heels. Only barely managing to catch your feet.
Your mouth is shooting off before you can formulate or stop your words. “Who do you-” the words die in your throat as you take in the form of someone who has their fingers tight along your wrist and they only seem to tighten as he glares at the dark haired man with his hair pulled back into a low ponytail and tipped up, exposing his sharp features.
‘What is he doing here?’ You can’t help but wonder.
Aizawa who had set his glass down and was watching the scene with displeasure in his dark eyes and barely banked anger. He had been taught to respect women, he may have been brash, and inconsiderate sometimes, but he knew what not to do. He didn’t like what he saw, but he was giving you a chance to handle it. He didn’t want to step on your toes, but his hand tightened into a fist under the table, as the other was relaxed and curled carefully around the glass.
“Baby, I thought you said you were getting drinks with Nemuri, you didn’t mention anyone else would be there,” he pulled you closer to him, his grip bruising your slim wrist with the mark of his fingers. You wince, unable to help the movement...to hide it. This side of the abuse is what you desperately tried to hide from the world, you were (Y/N) (Y/LN)...the slightest negative news about Gemini could topple everything you’d been working so hard for. Everything you built and he knew that.
“These are friends of Nemuri, Eizan...her coworkers from UA High. Don’t embarrass me, please. People are starting to stare,” she dropped her voice at the last part, but it wasn’t low enough that Aizawa couldn’t hear every word. He’d also noticed that Nemuri and Hizashi were coming back to the table, Nemuri looked furious like she was ready to go to war for you.
“Embarrass you?!” he suddenly exclaimed loudly, as he jerked you closer forcing you on the tips of your toes, any higher and he’d have you off the ground as he stared with angry eyes down into your own. “Fucking seriously (Y/N)?” he sneers. “You’re embarrassing yourself out here dressed like that for all the men to see. Just trying to get a quick fuck, is my cock not good enough for you, now that you’ve gotten a taste of fame Gemini?”
For a moment you are stunned into silence, unable to formulate a set of words to go with what you had just heard and been accused of. You’d never cheat on him...that was then’t who you were. Guilt courses through you though anyway, as you wonder if you had done something wrong and then you were angry, angry because you hadn’t done anything!
‘You should be respected and trusted,’
Those words from earlier give you an unexpected rush of conviction in your next action, a rush of resolve. You dropped your weight and tried to gain back your footing. “Let go Eizan, just let me go! I’m out with my friends, you don’t get to act like an obsessive jerk!” Her gaze slid to the people who were starting to notice, and someone had their phone out. “Just go home, we’ll -” you fumble here, finally telling him completely what you wanted. “We’ll talk tomorrow.”
‘No man should own you.’
You can tell by the way his eyes widen he’d never expected you to attempt to turn this around on him, to make it out like he was the bad guy here, no he expected you to apologize like you always did. He was so hyper focused on you that he almost didn’t notice that Nemuri had come up on your left, her bare hand flush against his chest as she waited to shove him back or activate her quirk and put him to sleep and gladly watch him clumple to the ground. Hizashi was next to her, his hand on her shoulder, his eyes hard behind his glasses and Shota was on your right, his hand curling and tightening on his wrist, his grip was heavy, hard and held no remorse.
Eizan balled his hand and shot a nasty glare toward the man with long black hair. He was stronger than he looked, but now that he gave him another closer look, he recognized him. He was Eraserhead. Did everyone just think you were going to spread those pretty little thighs for them if they came to your rescue?
“You heard the lady, I suggest you take a walk before we get the authorities involved,” It wasn’t a threat exactly, there were plenty of other things he’d like to do, but Aizawa didn’t want to cause anymore of a scene, too many people were paying attention to them and some had heard your name dropped.
Eizan was livid and the look he shot Nemuri was murderous, it was clear who he blamed for this level of defiance. He smiled slowly and released your wrist and somehow that made your heart pound in your chest with a rapid cadence, so loudly it was all you could hear. It left you with such a stark fear, that you were sure something gave you away, because he slowly raised his hands, palms out in front of him. “We wouldn’t want any trouble, of course not,” he said passively, he gave up too easily but it was clear to you as he widened his smile in your direction for a moment before he turned and headed for the door he’d come in...this wasn't over.
“(Y/N)” Nemuri’s touch was gentle on her hand as she raised your wrist that had dropped to your side, the skin already darkening with a heavy bruise, one you knew you’d have to hide tomorrow. Her touch was so feather light you hadn’t felt it, still struggling to try and hear more than the pounding of your heart.
You didn’t wait to watch him leave, you were suddenly in a twist of limbs and legs as you blindly got some space as quickly as possible darting between your little group and shot for the restroom in the back, you didn’t run, but you moved with a stumble that was clear of the alcohol in your system. The shaking started the moment you shoved the door open, your arms curled around your shoulders as you shoved your fist against your mouth to silence the broken sob that tore from your lips.
No. No. No!!!
This isn’t over. You saw him, you saw him, you saw him!
Those were the only words your mind wanted to shout in your head as you flashed back to the look on his face, the dangerous glint in his eyes.
You were in trouble, you knew that, something bad was going to happen, something was going to happen, he was going to get even with you, he was going to hurt you.
“(Y/N)” the sound of your name spoken softly had you tensing, but you knew who it was, you knew the sound of her voice and somehow, somehow it made everything so much worse. You couldn't hide it now, everyone knew, everyone had seen.
It was another crack against your armor, another break in your chain, it exposed who you wanted so desperately to hide from the world.
Her arms were thrown around you as she drew you against her. “It’s going to be ok,” her words were soft and low in your ear.
Someone telling you everything was going to be ok, holding you with such care...it broke what tiny shred of your self control remained, your knees buckled and heavy soul wrenching sobs were expelled from your body as your fingers curled into the back of her shirt.
Nemuri sank to her knees when your legs gave out, she held you as you cried.
Outside Hizashi and Aizawa lingered outside the bathroom door, they had seen just a glimpse inside, but even the closed door couldn’t stop the sounds from escaping. Hizashi shoved his hands in the pocket of his jeans and looked up at the ceiling as he leaned his head against the wall. “What a night,” he muttered as he pressed his shoulder against his friends. Aizawa was silent for a long while, his gaze on the door, he was going over the night in his head looking for anything he might have missed. He knew leaving either of them alone wasn’t a good idea, not tonight...not for a while. Guys like that didn’t just give up. He sighed softly in the dimly light hallway. “Yeah,” he agreed as he let his gaze drift to the hand that he’d wiped your tears away with.
He knew he wouldn't be able to let this go.
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