#nixxie ceanki
knavestrolls · 4 months
This is the next part of Epic the Arc here on the blog! Warning for slight gore/blood and death if those things bother you! Find the drabble parts that precede this here in order: 1, 2, 3 ! I appreciate everyone's support through me making this and patience with it getting posted! Animatics are still new to me as far as making them myself goes, but a little gay hubris will get you anywhere. With any luck there will be at least one more animatic for this arc, but that won't come until far later!
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mik-mania · 5 months
some finished commissions for @knavestrolls !
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knavestrolls · 5 months
nixxie: if you could have dinner with up to any 4 individuals, living or dead, who would they be?
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 ⧖ My Darling, four times.  ⧖  ⧖ If I can't have only her then... ⧖  ⧖ My Darling, The current Grand Highblood, the current highest legislacerator, and the current lead threshecutioner.  ⧖  ⧖ I do love getting things done.  ⧖
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knavestrolls · 8 months
Man? Which man are you referring to, Nixxie?
⧖ The one Rae- ⧖
>She seems to catch herself, glancing to the door once more and sighing.
⧖ The fucker the Empress employs. ⧖ ⧖ Wastes his time with experiments. ⧖ ⧖ The moment she gets tired of him, I shall simply take care of him myself. ⧖ ⧖ He's acting far too high for someone so low. ⧖
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knavestrolls · 1 year
Hexyo Unknown! Ix'm Xannax! It's nixce txo mexet you! What's yoxur naxme? Ixf you doxn't mixnd mxe askxing!
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⧖ So they do still teach manners on Alternia.⧖ ⧖ I was worried we'd need another reform.⧖ ⧖ Though if Raegan wants one anyways we could make it happen.⧖ ⧖ My name is Nixxie Ceanki.⧖ ⧖ Have you been conscripted for the fleet yet, Xannax?⧖
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knavestrolls · 1 year
It's nixce txo mexet you Nixxie! Yoxur naxme ixs reaxlly prextty! It's alwxays bexen mxy dream txo bxe a memxber oxf the fleet but I was toxld mxy temperament ixs txo draixning!
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⧖ I got told that a lot as a wriggler too. ⧖ ⧖ I think we end up being the exact right amount of draining.⧖ ⧖ For the correct side. ⧖ ⧖ Do you have any training? ⧖ ⧖ What's your education like? ⧖ ⧖ Why not give me a resume? ⧖
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knavestrolls · 4 months
nixxie, are there any qualities your loved ones possess that you wish you had? do you aspire to have these qualities, or do you believe they are out of reach?
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⧖ You think my self esteem so low I think I need other qualities? ⧖ ⧖ No. ⧖ ⧖ I'm perfectly fine as I am. ⧖ ⧖ I don't need to change. ⧖ ⧖ I will only change if and when my Darling wants me to. ⧖ ⧖ So I will forever be useful to her. ⧖
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knavestrolls · 4 months
nixxie, what's one person you wished you never met, and why?
>The woman looks like she's sucked a particularly sour lemon. She does not answer the question by her eyes linger over the door of the medbay.
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knavestrolls · 5 months
hey nixxie, you believe in luck? got any tips for how someone might improve their own?
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⧖ Luck is the most fickle of mistresses. ⧖ ⧖ I don't care for her. ⧖ ⧖ Not when I already have a Mistress. ⧖ ⧖ But luck isn't all you have. ⧖ ⧖ You want better luck? ⧖ ⧖ Force it. ⧖ ⧖ Put yourself into the situation without luck. ⧖ ⧖ Work towards the goals instead of relying on chance. ⧖
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knavestrolls · 8 months
I see... Well I apologize for taking up so much of your time, Nixxie. I just heard about you on the wind and thought you'd be an interesting chat! And I was right to assume so
⧖ You apologize a lot, child. ⧖ ⧖ Do you see yourself only as an imposition? ⧖ ⧖ As a problem? ⧖ ⧖ You need more confidence. ⧖ ⧖ It was an interesting chat. ⧖ ⧖ A shame you have no interest in the fleet. ⧖ ⧖ I really must insist you rethink that choice. ⧖ ⧖ That reminds me, I wonder what happened to that sweet young troll? ⧖ ⧖ He must be conscripted as well. ⧖
>She stands, lazily, seemingly uncaring of the previous monitoring. Nixxie pulls out a palmhusk but seems to only struggle with it.
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knavestrolls · 8 months
Do you know if she has any use for the experiments this man is creating?
⧖ I do. ⧖
>She smiles at you, silent.
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knavestrolls · 8 months
Wow.... I uh- I'm sorry I asked then, Nixxie. Didn't know you'd have that strong of a reaction! Do you think he'll be around for much longer...? Surely the Empress will tire of him soon, right?
⧖ No, you've done nothing wrong child. ⧖ ⧖ I can only hope so. ⧖ ⧖ The rest of us tired of him ages ago. ⧖ ⧖ Bless my goddess, she still sees something of worth in him. ⧖ ⧖ Something entertaining. ⧖ ⧖ For as long as he dances for her, I shall endure. ⧖
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knavestrolls · 8 months
Why do you keep glancing at the door, Nixxie? Is someone there?
⧖ The lab is there. ⧖ ⧖ So there are several people there, in fact. ⧖ ⧖ Including one annoying ass bastard who'll happily report everything I say back to My Empress as if I needed to be spied upon. ⧖ ⧖ As if I would ever be untrustworthy to her. ⧖ ⧖ Or betray her in any way. ⧖ ⧖ As if he would be a better match for MY darling. ⧖
>Her face is in a full sneer, upper lip curled impossible up and inwards. You can see in doing so she's actually sliced her upper lip upon a tooth, and a small trickle of blood trails down her upper teeth.
⧖ There's a lab there. ⧖ ⧖ Full of atrocities. ⧖ ⧖ And the atrocities are still better than him. ⧖
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knavestrolls · 8 months
I mean... I've never pondered the IDEA that I might have powers like that! I don't really know if I do or don't. I just show up places! Like how I managed to show up here on your planet without anyone seeming to notice me
⧖ I see. ⧖ ⧖ Then it's probably not teleportation. ⧖ ⧖ To me, you have no body. ⧖ ⧖ You are like a message from a psiionic. ⧖ ⧖ A lingering impression of a person, with intention. ⧖ ⧖ That's why no one has noticed you here. ⧖ ⧖ Even if that...⧖
>Her face scrunches up in disgust as she gestures towards the now open door.
⧖ Man. ⧖ ⧖ Even if that "man" came in here, he'd find no one but me. ⧖ ⧖ Which is good for you.⧖ ⧖ He'd simply love to tear you open. ⧖
>Nixxie's grin is all predatory- far too many teeth.
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knavestrolls · 8 months
I am I've been told I'm interesting, but idk how interesting I'd be to the fleet or anything like that. I can just kinda... Show up places really! I've been asked how I got into places many of times.
>She seems to perk up.
⧖ You have teleportation powers? ⧖ ⧖ Do you control them well? ⧖
>There's a noise of metal sliding along the hallway outside the door. Nixxie's attention stays on it while she waits your for answer, seemingly unafraid of turning her eyes off you.
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knavestrolls · 8 months
Uhhh... Well in my way of telling ages I'm in my early 20s! Which for you guys I think would be like... Uh Between 9-10 sweeps
⧖ In your way of telling ages, you say? ⧖ ⧖ Not a troll then. ⧖ ⧖ Are you an interesting alien, or a useless one? ⧖ ⧖ Did you sign up for fleet duty? ⧖ ⧖ Our empress is ever so kind to even accept...⧖
>She pauses, once again glancing to the door.
⧖ Other applicants. ⧖
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