#nlw art
ghostorbz · 4 months
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I luv u moar than teh stars above >_<
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n1ght0f-nyx · 16 days
Eye of the storm
Ochako Uraraka x gn villian!reader angst
Uraraka is devastated when you join a group of villains. Confused and hurt, she confronts you, trying to understand why you’ve turned to the dark side. word count- 1171 words
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Ochako stood on the rooftop of a dilapidated building, her eyes scanning the city below, a mixture of rain and tears blurring her vision. Her heart pounded in her chest as she tightened her grip on the umbrella in her hand, though she barely noticed the cold. Somewhere out there, you were slipping further and further away from her—further into the shadows of a world she had sworn to fight against.
She couldn't understand it. You had always been by her side, always had that smile she had grown to love, a warmth that rivaled the sun. But now, there was only distance, the light between you two fading faster than she could grasp. The news of your defection had hit her like a gut punch. The disbelief. The pain.
The silence.
You had joined them. The villains. A choice that felt so wrong, so uncharacteristic, it shook her to her core. No one knew your reasons, and despite her best efforts, you remained an enigma. The other heroes said it didn’t matter. They called you a traitor, a lost cause, someone who had crossed a line that couldn’t be uncrossed.
But they didn't know you like she did.
Her head snapped to attention as the sound of movement reached her ears. A figure emerged from the shadows of a nearby alley, clad in a black cloak, their face obscured by the hood they wore. Ochako’s breath hitched in her throat as she recognized your gait, the way you moved—familiar and yet distant, almost like a stranger in your own skin.
"Y/N!" she called out, her voice carrying an urgency that matched the storm brewing in her chest. She took a step forward, her free hand reaching out, though you were still too far away.
You paused but didn't turn. For a brief moment, the tension between you both hung heavy in the air, the unspoken words louder than the raindrops crashing down around you.
“Why are you doing this?” she asked, her voice breaking slightly. “Why are you with them?”
When you finally turned, Ochako's breath caught. Your eyes—those eyes she used to find comfort in—were darker now, colder, haunted by something she couldn’t understand. The shadows of your new allegiance clung to you, casting you in a light she wished wasn’t real.
“You wouldn’t understand,” you said, your voice low, almost as if speaking to a stranger. “You never did.”
The pain in her chest tightened, a physical ache. “That’s not true. I know you. I know you. This isn’t you, Y/N. Please… talk to me. Tell me what’s going on.”
You shook your head, the faintest trace of a smirk crossing your lips, though it wasn’t filled with the warmth she had grown used to. “It’s too late for that. I made my choice.”
“No,” Ochako stepped closer, the rain forgotten as she moved towards you. “No, it’s not too late. You can still—”
“Still what?” you interrupted, your voice harder now, the coldness cutting through her like a knife. “Go back to being a hero? Pretend like the world isn’t messed up? Like there’s some magical line between ‘good’ and ‘evil’?” You laughed, but it was a bitter, hollow sound. “The world isn’t as simple as you think, Ochako.”
Her heart shattered at the way you spoke her name. There was a time when you’d said it with softness, with affection. Now, it was like you barely knew her.
“The world’s not perfect,” she said, her own voice growing stronger. “I know that. I’ve seen the darkness, the pain, the things that make you feel like giving up. But that’s not an excuse to throw everything away, to become the very thing we fight against.”
You took a step closer to her, and for the briefest moment, Ochako saw something flicker in your eyes—something she recognized. Pain. Guilt. Maybe even regret. But it was gone just as quickly as it had appeared.
“It’s not about giving up,” you said quietly. “It’s about surviving. And sometimes… you have to make sacrifices.”
Ochako shook her head, tears mixing with the rain on her cheeks. “What happened to you? What made you think this was the only way?”
You didn’t answer, your silence speaking louder than any words could. The rain fell harder now, drenching both of you as you stood there, a chasm between you that felt impossible to cross.
“I still care about you,” she whispered, her voice fragile. “I still believe in you.”
For a moment, it looked like you might respond, that maybe something inside you was struggling against the darkness that had taken hold. But then, just as quickly, the mask of indifference returned, and you stepped back into the shadows.
“You’re wasting your time, Ochako,” you said, turning away from her. “You should forget about me.”
“No!” she cried, stepping forward, her hands shaking as she reached out again, desperation in her voice. “I can’t! I won’t! You don’t belong with them. You belong with—”
“I belong where I choose,” you interrupted sharply. “And this… this is my choice.”
Ochako felt the weight of your words like a blow to her chest. Her fingers curled into fists, not out of anger but out of helplessness. She could feel you slipping further and further away, and she didn’t know how to stop it.
“You’re better than this,” she whispered, almost to herself.
You didn’t respond. The sound of your footsteps echoed in the distance as you disappeared into the night, leaving her standing alone in the rain.
Ochako collapsed to her knees, her heart aching in a way that made it hard to breathe. She wanted to scream, to cry out, to do something to bring you back. But all she could do was sit there, drenched and broken, wondering where everything had gone so wrong.
But you had walked away. And this time, you hadn’t looked back.
You were gone. At least, the person she had known—the person she had loved—was gone. And what was left was a stranger wearing your face.
But even as she sat there, defeated, a small, stubborn spark of hope refused to die inside her. She couldn’t give up on you. Not yet. Not ever.
“I’ll bring you back,” she whispered to the night, her voice barely audible over the rain. “No matter what it takes.”
The world around her felt as gray and hopeless as the storm overhead. Her body trembled, not from the cold, but from the emptiness left in your wake. She had thought she could reach you, had believed with every fiber of her being that if she just tried hard enough, she could pull you back from the darkness, no matter the pain.
Because that’s what love was—messy, painful, and relentless. And even if you had forgotten that, even if the world had twisted you into someone else, Ochako hadn’t forgotten.
She would find you, no matter how far you had fallen. She would reach you.
And she would bring you back.
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rebel-grrrl444 · 1 year
Garden Of Eden♡₊˚ 🦢・₊✧
While the rest of New York City goes to sleep at night, I lay awake thinking of you. You face so enchantingly beautiful it keeps me up at night.
I lay at night thinking of your voice. It glazes my memories of us like honey does. Your eyes so striking and green. I imagine this is what the Garden of Eden must look like. I clutch tiny notes and doodles you've given me close to my chest.
Every time I hear you mention your ex, I feel a slight jealousy rise in me. I'm jealous of the fact that they got to know you in ways I can only dream, could touch you in places that I wish I could, love you in ways I could never, and for you to be theirs and them to be yours . Envious of someone I've actually never met? How silly.
Here I lay, yearning to be loved by you and you to love me.
(this is ALL original writing please don't plagiarize)
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mimithealpaca · 8 months
i prefer girls ft. emily x noreem (OCs)
i gave in. i drew my fave sapphic ship. meme sourced from here~
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emily is the lady in the white dress. noreem is nonbinary, and they are the one lying down.
copy-paste infodump from ig:
more about the OCs in here! they're from a very angsty story i outlined (to an extent) in 2014. the woman in the white dress is named emily and she is the best friend of the main character noreem, who is the one lying down. noreem has secret feelings for emily that are complicated by their gender dysphoria and family situation, but before they could even confront any of these things, they get isekai'd to a fantasy world… it was really fun to depict these two! i think i have actually drawn them a total of twice (including the past 2 days where i was working on this) from 2014 to 2024 so… they're pretty neglected OCs… moreover, it was so fun to experiment with the colors in this piece! i didn't have such an analogous color scheme to begin with but look, i love dramatic yuri, and that is what you're gonna get.
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If this comic ain't sapphic af.... for obvious reasons lmao
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An 3 panel image of a separated pair of scissors missing the screw that connects them. The first panel is of the two of them with one of them thinking, "Do it now, be brave." In the second panel, the one who was thinking presents a screw to the other. In the third, they are connected by the screw and kissing.
End ID.]
Source: wawawiwacomics on Instagram
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sexyaialphamales · 5 days
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raphaelesbian · 5 months
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NLW CHAPTER 8 IS UP!! first time I've added art to this one ffsaghsdglk. Hope you all enjoy! c:
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gorefetishizer · 7 months
I have a need to explain myself throughly but i am so bad at it.
I have many thoughts and feeling and a lot of them have to do with things i am to scared toeven mention to mlst people. I have to keep writing down things because my head Is going to explode if i dont. Do this seem like the ramblings of a madman? Is it weird to jump from venting about being raped to how much i like the sink dog. Should i throuw in the mix that I've unblacklisted the young tag on E6, someone should go through my twitter likes. I feel like I'm waiting for punishment and social ridiculization. I wish it would just hapoen fast. Do i have to live a doublw life just cuz for some reason i developed paraphilias as a kid? I am so scared of going to uno not cuz of assigments wich i should bit more cuz someday i know someone Is going to find something and I Will be socialy anihilated. Like as a kid it happened cuz i liked anime and was showing clear sings of undiagnosed autism but i thought as an adulto i would be Rif of thatbut turns out that autism can also turn you into a disgusting pervert. It's not like I'm making it hard there's irls that follow me here. They just dont use it as much. One day i might suffer from infortunate timing tho. I like pee bit diapers are not for me, i think wet things are gross. There's ppl here that follow me from when i was 13, hi. There's ppl here who follow me from before i went into this rabbit hole, like two and a half years ago, did you like the pipeline? CUB PORN!!! even now i am using words that are less recognizable. Sometimes i can't look at myself in the mirror and itsnot cuz i feel guilty it's because i am a coward. I dont think i should post this but there's lots of things i shoulnt have done and I did them anyways, this is probably nothing. I haven't even done that much cuz i like myself too much to be in actual danger. Older adults offered me hard-ish drugs when i was younger but i said no like a good boy. I drank a lot and I didn't say no and you where younger than me so there's still a part of me that thinks it couldn't have happened. I am lucky i had an actual flashback por i would stillbe in denial. I still have clothes that you gave to me. Sometimes i can't look at myself in the mirror cuzthe sink has been not working for so long that i forgothow to do it every morning without going insane. My legs and face are so hairy and I dont feel desirable anymore. But i like that I'm gaining weight. I dont like that i have to jerk off More than once a day to not think about anything i hate that i made my body used to that. I think I'll be at school thinking about fucked up sex things and throw up. I can't make it nlt show up on my art cuz I'm incapable of lying to my art or about it. It's the only thing that makes me happy and I only can talk about it fully on the internet where nobody knows my real name. I dont know how to stop writing cuz once i do all this things Will be back in my headbuts faster and on top of each other. I should kill myself. I wanna be alive 30 years from now when the popular consensus on pregresive ppl Is that fantasies arent real. And that a thought Is not a crime. My intrusive thoughts that i hated the most are almost non existent nlw that i dont care about looking at lolisho shit on the internet. I am happier i am happier and healthier and More insane and happier and I am happier i swear i am isn't that a good thing. I feel better shouldnt that be a good thing. If anyone says anything to me short of there's nothing wrong with you i Will kill myself. This is a threat and you should take it seriously. I have learned that everyone deserves kindness exept ppl who are Wrong and Evil and I think I've been making myself into someone who Is Wrong and Evil. When is kink a paraphilia when is a paraphilia a sin.i would never do anything because anything real Is gross. I can't even be myself and not a character when i have sex because i geniunly think it's gross and unatractive. Turn off. Ick like the normal ppl say.
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transcendragon · 2 years
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Two variations of water themed digital art based on the nlw (nonbinary loving women) flag. The first is NLW Fountain - a digital painting of a fountain based on the nlw flag colors. The second one is NLW Caldera - a watery volcanic caldera based on the NLW flag. 
[Image descriptions: the first image is a digital painting of two large cylindrical stone fountains of light orange colors on a sandy ground. The taller fountain lets water stream down into the shorter fountain. Sunlight shines down from a light pink sky above and reflects down on the water of the shorter fountain. The second image looks down on a volcanic caldera inspired vaguely bye Yellowstone. It’s in a sandy basin. The edges are white with minerals and it steams gently. The water is bright orange and turns purple deeper toward the center. Stones within the caldera are just visible, though they disappear deeper into blackness in the depths of the caldera. End description.] 
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moomeecore · 3 years
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some marceline outfits!!! ofc tumblr ruined the quality of these ones REAL bad ur gonna have 2 click 4 a better view probably 😔
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ghostorbz · 11 months
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original prompt
This guy is literally a hacker in real life
+unblurry version
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clown-bear · 2 years
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I think they are neat and their story arcs are in a way narrative foils if you are willing to reach like I am willing to do so 💙💜
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sasswonfp · 2 years
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What is the moon to the sun but a lover in another life (alt text ID)
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ratboy-mm · 3 years
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I drew some clown doll girlfriends that belong to @teddy.bear.gutz on tik tok c:
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frostbite-the-bat · 2 years
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paint 3d (doodles?) of blank i did for practice, one with lightning + edited effects + one with no effects or lightning
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daydreaming-queer · 3 years
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[ID: a digital drawing showing a skinny Indian person with short choppy hair and piercings, and a fat white woman with long dyed pink hair and a birthmark on her jaw. The Indian person is wearing a black hoodie with a skeleton print, a pink pin of two connected female symbols, black jeans and several belts. He's leaning against a pole with a lesbian flag sticker on it with their head tiled up slightly. The white woman is wearing glasses, a black bandana around their neck, a brown blazer, a pink tank top, black and white striped leggings, and pale pink boots. The boots have a small trans flag heart. She is sitting on a ledge and leaning down with her face close to her girlfriends. They're both closing their eyes, smiling and blushing. The background is the ledge and a brick wall behind it, all of which are colored in the lesbian flag. end id]
Happy Birthday Lesbians
[he/they and she/they respectively]
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