#no I will not be making a whole thing out of Willex's ghost kitten
legolasghosty · 2 years
I want to hear all of your headcanons. 💜
Just so you know, I am laying down next to you on our fluffy rug and opening the skylight and looking up at the starry sky with you while Nixie purrs in between us.
Oh gosh, all of them? There's a lot! Here, let me grab the snacks and warm drinks real quick... Yes, Nixie, I have some treats for you too, don't worry!
Okay, here goes nothing!
Ray loves to barbeque. But he hasn't made ribs in a very long time. Reggie asks him about his ribs recipe at some point and Ray is just like, ".... I don't remember the last time I made those." And so, of course, in true Reggie Molina Found Family fashion, they get to work and whip up some great ribs together!
Alex loves stickers but is afraid of how permanent they are, so he has them stuck places with tape instead of using the sticky side. Willie, on the other hand, does not think barely at all before sticking things places, namely his water bottle and skateboard.
Everyone has emotional support water bottles except Luke (because he always loses everything and also likes squashing the disposable plastic ones). Julie's is a dark green translucent one with the signatures of her mom and all the Petal Pushers on it from their first concert that she got to go to. Reggie's is a bright yellow fake hydro flask covered in cowboy stickers. Carrie has an actual hyrdro flask, it's light pink and bedazzled. Hey, a bit of glitter never hurt anyone. Alex has one of those big ones that just barely doesn't fit into any cupholder. It's light blue and Willie keeps doodling on it. Willie's looks like a penguin(yes it's a thing) and has stickers all over its white tummy. Flynn has a pretty small one cause she always has it clipped onto her backpack(she forgets it everywhere otherwise). It's transparent and bright orange.
Tia Victoria is actually a terrible cook. No two ways around it, she just always manages to combine the wrong seasonings and not combine things fully and stuff gets burned a lot. But she loves giving people food and no one ever had the heart to tell her it was nasty. So.... she has no idea. Somehow.
Once it's established that borrowing clothing is okay, Alex and Julie totally swap sweaters. Alex likes her big smiley face one and she steals his pink hoodie.
Everyone messes with Luke's hair. It's just too easy.
Alex and Willie adopt a ghost kitten. I don't know how, but they do. They're cat parents forever.
By sheer force of will, Julie figures out how to touch the kitten cause she wants cuddles too.
The kitten is literally the only other being that is allowed to mess with Alex's drumsticks.
Darn I'm having too many thoughts about this kitten now.
Awwww, Nixie's asleep. Awww, so are you! *grabs some blankets to cover you up* Goodnight, sweet dreams!
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michelangelinden · 3 years
Anyone who asks (Everyone, really)
My guys!!! I finished the sequel to ‘Rambo the Hamster (don’t give Reggie a cat)’ and it’s pure Willex fluff. You can read it here or on AO3, please let me know what you think, I’m so excited!!
  Alex kicked open the door to the garage.
  “Somebody hand me a cat right now. I need to hold something or I’ll fucking break!”, he exclaimed as he marched into the studio. Luke, Reggie and Julie all turned to him looking shocked. He knew he was making a very dramatic entrance but he felt like he needed it, like he deserved it.
  “You can hold my hand!”, Reggie said, raising it into the air. “Both of them”, he added, raising his other hand too.
  “Thanks, man, but I’d rather squish a kitten than you.”
  Julie made a horrified face but Reggie jumped up immediately, picked James the cat off her lap and pushed it into Alex’ grabby hands. Alex accepted him, dropped himself onto the sofa between Julie and Luke and started petting the cat aggressively.
  “Are –“, Julie started, “are you okay?” She looked back and forth between Alex’ worried face and the cat comfortably squished between his hands. The question hung in the air for a minute and while Alex continued to pet James the cat at a rapid tempo and felt the concerned looks of his friends on his face, he calmed down a little.
  “Yes”, he answered eventually. “Or no. I don’t know yet.”
  “Can we, I dunno, help you? Or something?”, Reggie asked hopefully but also a little confused.
  “Where were you, by the way?” Luke gently put a hand on Alex’ knee but Alex flinched in surprise and he pulled back again.
  “Sorry”, Alex muttered and took a deep breath. He carefully loosened his grip on James the cat, who curled up on his leg and fell asleep immediately (Alex just had that effect on him). He continued to stroke him but much slower and more carefully.
  “I was down at the pier, with Willie.”
  “Oh. Is he okay? Did- did something happen?” Julie sounded worried.
  “What? No. No, he’s fine, just –“, Alex swallowed, “can I have a hug? Like not a I’m-sad-and-need-affection-hug but an I-can’t-believe-this-is-real-hug?”
  Both Julie and Luke nodded enthusiastically. Julie pushed one arm behind his back and hugged his stomach, her head on his chest, and Luke threw an arm around his shoulder and pulled him closer. Reggie, who had sad down on the floor in front of them, hugged his left leg.
  “Okay”, Alex started, “so we met on Sunset Boulevard, you know, like we always do.” Julie nodded against his chest. “And we walked for a bit and then he –“, he felt himself blush a little, “and then he took my hand and we poofed to the pier. And I thought like ‘okay, he took my hand so that I don’t get lost when we poof’ but then he– he didn’t let go? And I was a little confused by then.”
  “Nah, man, he likes you!” Luke punched him softly and chuckled.
  “Wait, wait, I’m getting there.”
  “Yeah, Luke, shut up”, Julie said and poked Luke in the side. He yelped and went to poke her back but Reggie cleared his throat and the two settled down again.
  “Yeah, so we just, you know, walk along the beach, as one does, he continues to hold my hand, ‘what the hell is up with that?’, I think and then we find a spot a little off from all the other people, not that they can see us, I mean, but it feels a little more private if there’s less people around, even though they can’t even see us …”
  “Yeah, yeah, we know, please continue”, Reggie interrupted him, patting his knee impatiently, and Alex took another deep breath.
  “Anyways. We sit down on the sand and he lets go of my hand, which, like, makes sense, because we’re not moving anymore. But then, as we’re sitting, and we both have our legs pulled up, he kind of pushes his knee against mine?” Julie gasped and lifted her head to look at him.
  “He didn’t!”
  “He did!” Alex nodded at her. “And we’re both wearing shorts so it’s – it’s weirdly intimate.” Julie shrieked a little and squeezed him.
  “Alex, that’s so exciting!”
  “Wait, wait, I’m not done.”
  “There’s more?”
  “Shush!” Both Julie and Reggie silenced Luke. Alex swallowed.
  “So we’re still talking, I don’t even remember what it was about, and then he takes my hand again, and I kind of start to freak out a bit, and then –“, he paused.
  “And then what?” Julie squeezed him again.
  “And then he kisses me.”
  A beat.
  Then yelling.
  Julie squealed again and hugged him even harder, Luke punched his side excitedly and Reggie jumped up to drum on his knee. James the cat woke up, hissed a little and fled off his lap but Alex couldn’t blame him.
  “Dude, that’s amazing!”, Luke yelled and Alex was sure he’d get a bruise on his shoulder.
  “What was it like?”, Reggie asked and Julie kicked him.
  “I don’t know.” Alex frowned. “Short. But, um, but sweet.” He paused and blushed again. “His, uh, his lips are really soft”, he all but whispered but Reggie still heard him and made gagging noises.
  “Hey, you asked”, Julie said and kicked Reggie again.
  Then Alex remembered the other thing.
  “I said ‘yowza’ afterwards”, he mumbled, barely audible.
  He cringed and cleared his throat.
  “I said ‘yowza’ afterwards.” He wasn’t proud of it.
  A beat and then Luke and Reggie started laughing loudly. Julie just looked at him with an incredulous grin.
  “Oh my god.” She laughed. “I can’t believe you.”
  “Yeah, he said so too.” He groaned. “But then he kissed me again, so I think I’m good.”
  The other two boys were still laughing, Luke had slipped dangerously close to the edge of the sofa and held his stomach.
  “Of course, you’re good! You kissed!” Julie shook him. “Alex, that’s so exciting. I’m so happy for you!”
  “I’m happy too”, Alex admitted, blushing. Julie grinned at him.
  Reggie and Luke began to calm down, they were both sitting on the floor, holding each other’s shoulders.
  “And what?” He frowned.
  “Did you talk about it? The kiss?”
  “Uh, no?” He thought back to what happened after they kissed the second time. “We just kinda stared at each other for a second and then we were talking again. And then I realized I was late for band practice so I came here. End of story.”
  “You didn’t even tell him you like him?” Reggie asked, a little shocked. Alex was surprised he was still following the conversation on the sofa.
  “Sorry, I was a little in shock, after, you know, being kissed by Willie.” He shrugged and they all laughed.
  “Sorry, you’re right.”
  “Besides, I don’t even know if he likes me back, so it probably would have been really awkward if I told him”, he shrunk back into Julie’s arms, now very much in doubt of the whole scene.
  In front of him, Luke and Reggie said “Dude” and “What the hell?” at the same time and Julie pulled her arms back from his body to put her hands on either side of his face, squishing his cheeks a little and making him look at her.
  “Oh Alex, sweet, sweet Alex. I don’t know if you know this, but when you kiss someone that means that you really like them, okay?” He nodded slowly, but he didn’t know if he did it himself or if Julie’s grip on his face made him. “There is absolutely no possibility that Willie doesn’t like you.” She let go of him and he looked down at where he had his hands clasped together in his lap.
  “You really think so? You haven’t even met him.”
  “We know so”, Luke said, “we’ve met him.” Alex looked up and saw that both him and Reggie were smiling at him. He looked over at Julie and she was smiling too.
  Yeah, maybe Willie did like him. He kissed Alex, after all. That had to mean something.
   It had been almost two weeks since Willie had kissed Alex for the first time. He had been so, so nervous, like close-to-throwing-up-nervous, but Willie had wanted to do that for so long that just kind of did it, when the opportunity arose. He still had no idea how he’d gotten the confidence to do it, but he’d done it and he didn’t regret it for one second.
  It had been short, not more than just pressing his lips onto Alex’, and he’d probably almost missed his mouth, and Alex had said “yowza” afterwards which was the reaction Willie had least expected from him, but they’d laughed and then they had kissed again and every time Willie thought back to that moment he had butterflies ice-dancing in his stomach.
  Since then, they had met twice. When they had met at the park by Julie’s house Willie had been afraid at first, that it would get awkward, they hadn’t really talked about the kiss. But it hadn’t been, really, they’d just talked and laughed, like they always did. And after they had chased each other around the lawns (which they hadn’t been allowed to step on, but no one tells ghosts what they can’t do), Alex had pulled Willie close and kissed him, long and slow, and then he’d run off again and Willie’d felt like he would combust at any second.
  They hadn’t kissed when they had met down at the pier again – or not really, at least. But Willie didn’t mind, they’d walked along the shore for what felt like hours, holding hands the entire time. And when it had been time for Alex to go home – he was always worried about being punctual – he had stroked Willie’s cheek softly and had pressed a gentle kiss on the corner of Willie’s mouth and when he had poofed away, Willie had to lay down in the sand to process it.
  Every time he thought about any of these situations, he felt his heart flutter and his chest bloom warmly, his hands itching to hold Alex’ and his lips yearning to be pressed against his. He missed him and an uncomfortable amount too, and he needed to put a stop to the uncertainty hovering around them every time they met.
  He was on his way to Alex right now, the wheels of his skateboard flying over the concrete, bringing him closer to the Molina’s house with every passing second and he felt the nervousness spread from his stomach all the way into his fingertips. He hadn’t known he was still capable of feelings like these up until he met Alex, but he was glad he could still feel all the exciting emotions that came with being giddy about a crush.
  He stopped his board in front of the driveway, taking a breath to calm his nerves. He hoped Alex was home, because if he wasn’t, the afternoon he had spent worrying about what to say when he saw him, had been for nothing.
  He could see the tips of the setting sun glowing behind the roof of the garage, basking it in soft, orange light.
  He took another breath before walking further, rounding the corner to walk down the steps. He stopped only for a second before phasing through the wooden doors of the studio, not allowing himself to think too much about it.
  He was greeted by an unexpected sight. The studio was empty apart from Alex laying on the couch, as asleep as he could be. There were three furry creatures curled up on his chest and only when Willie squinted could he identify them as- kittens?
  “What the-“, he started and Alex startled awake, his eyes flying open and meeting Willie’s in surprise. The three kittens rose up immediately, tumbling off Alex’ chest onto the couch and then onto the floor, meowing loudly (screaming, to be honest) as they made their way over to Willie as fast as they could.
  He lowered his board onto the ground and crouched down to greet them. They let him stroke their heads and only the black one tried to bite him, which he took with a laugh. They were cute and soft and Willie was momentarily distracting from his mind, which he greatly appreciated. His eyes crinkled in adoration as the grey one started purring under his hand, flopping to the side to let him tickle its stomach.
  “Hi, Willie”, he heard Alex say from the sofa, and Willie looked up to smile at him.
  “Why did you hide them from me? I would’ve come over much earlier if I knew that they were here.”
  Alex chuckled in response, finally sitting up on the edge of the couch.
  “Sorry”, he said, fiddling with a bracelet on his wrist.
  The black cat took another try at biting Willie's finger off.
  “That’s Andy, he’s a little rude sometimes”, Alex explained and Willie laughed at that.
  “Yeah, I noticed.” He turned to the black cat. “Please leave me my fingers, little guy, I need them.”
  When he looked back up at Alex he was watching them with a soft smile on his face.
  “What are the others called?”, he asked, turning back to pet the grey one, still purring on its side on the ground in front of him.
  “The spotty one is Michelle and the grey one is, uh-“, Alex paused, causing Willie to look back up at him, “that’s James the cat.”
  Willie squinted at him in amusement.
  “Why those names?”
  “Please don’t make me say it.”
  Willie just tilted his head a little and Alex sighed.
  “They’re our middle names. Andrew is Luke’s, Michael is Reggie’s and James-“, he sighed again, “is mine.”
  Willie smiled brightly at the new information about Alex and got up, careful not to scare the cats.
  “You didn’t pick them”, he said and it wasn’t a question, he already knew the answer. Alex shook his head.
  “Julie forced them out of us. She wanted to name them after us because we’re so similar.”
  Willie looked down at the grey cat, that has gotten up from the floor and was now tiptoeing around his legs, still purring.
  “Let me see”, he started, kneeling down again, to scratch it behind its ears. “Always seeking physical contact, very soft hair”, his gaze flicked up and met Alex’, “very cute. It fits.”
  Willie watched with a smile as Alex’ cheeks darkened in a blush and he looked down at his hands in his lap.
  “You can’t just say stuff like that”, he said quietly.
  Willie got up again, slowly walking over to the couch.
  “Why not?”
  He was standing in front of him now and leaned forward carefully, settling his hands on Alex’ knees. Alex looked up at him, the red on his cheeks deepening.
  “It makes me blush”, he almost whispered. He unfolded his hands and gently set them on top of Willie’s.
  “That’s the point”, Willie answered, squeezing Alex’ knees and leaning a little further into his space. “It’s cute”, he added.
  Alex hands slid a little further up Willie’s, his fingers slipping past the cuffs of Willie’s sweater, closing around wrists. Willie watched as Alex’ gaze flicked down to his lips, just for a second, before meeting Willie’s again.
  “Can I kiss you?”, Willie whispered and the warmth in his chest bloomed when Alex nodded.
  He closed his eyes and dipped his head a little lower to catch Alex lips with his own. He smiled against them when Alex grip on his wrists tightened. His lips were soft on his, the kiss sweet and gentle and Willie felt like he could get lost in it, if he wasn’t careful. He tilted his head a little, allowing Alex to push closer, his thumb stroking Willie’s forearm.
  They separated and he chased Alex’ lips with his, a quiet laugh escaping Alex and they were still so close that Willie felt it on his face.
  “What?”, Willie asked quietly and smiled. When he opened his eyes again, he saw that Alex' were still closed.
  “Nothing”, Alex whispered and leaned his forehead against Willie's. He slowly breathed in through his nose, taking in the warm feeling surrounding them.
  Willie took in a sharp breath and Alex pulled back immediately, his eyes flying open and looking at Willie in concern.
  Willie looked down his legs to see the black cat hanging onto his sock, its tiny claws piercing through it into his skin, and huffed a laugh.
  “Ow”, he said, more out of reflex than as a genuine reaction, because it didn’t hurt bad enough for him to be in actual pain.
  He pulled his hands away from Alex knees, Alex fingers sliding off his wrists and he missed the contact immediately, but plucking the cat from his leg was more important right now. He gently gripped its small body and tried to remove it, but its claws were so caught in his sock, that he had to crouch down to separate them one paw at a time. When he held the kitten in his hand, he raised it in front of his face, shaking his head at it, as if it was a small person.
  “I need my legs too”, he told it and carefully placed it back onto the floor. It didn’t plan to stay there, rushing forward again to climb onto his shoe. He chuckled and picked it up again, standing up with it and putting it down next to its sibling in hope that it got too distracted to jump at him again. It attacked the spotty one instead and the two started to scuffle around the floor.
  Willie turned around to see Alex watching him and smiled, walking over and lowering himself onto the couch next to him. Their shoulders were inches away from each other and Alex bumped their knees together.
  “Hi”, Willie said, only just remembering, that he never greeted him.
  “Hey”, Alex answered and for a minute the two fell into comfortable silence, just being in each other’s presence.
  Willie couldn’t help but think, that this was it, this had to be the moment, and the nervousness started to spread through his body again. His fingers tingled and he started to fiddle with the hem of his black shorts.
  Alex must have noticed, because he gently pulled Willie's hand away from his leg and intertwined their fingers. He squeezed Willie's hand and stroked his knuckles with his thumb.
  Yeah, that was it.
  “Hey Alex”, he said before he could stop himself and Alex' gaze lifted from their hands to Willie's face. They looked eyes for a second before it got too intense for Willie and he had to look down again.
  “What’s up?”, Alex asked and shuffled a little closer.
  “I-“, he started, “I was wondering-“, he broke off again, sighing. “We, uh, we’ve been spending a lot of time together, the past few weeks and, uh-“, he swallowed, “I really like it. This.” He squeezed Alex hand to stress his point. “And now I, uh, I was wondering if”, he had to pause again, gaining confidence for the next words, “if I could call you my boyfriend.” He was almost whispering.
  Alex seemed to have caught the words anyways.
  “Who would you tell?”, he asked quietly, matching Willie's voice. He lifted his free hand to tuck a strand of hair behind Willie's ear. Willie looked up, daring to hold his gaze.
  “Anyone who asks”, he answered. “Everyone, really”, he added, because that was probably closer to the truth.
  “I would like that”, Alex said, placing his hand on Willie's cheek and stroking his cheekbone with his thumb. Willie leaned into the touch.
  “Yeah.” Alex paused and Willie's eyes flicked over his face for any indication that he was lying. “I think I would like it if you called me your boyfriend”, Alex continued, as if he knew of Willie's worry.
  Willie lowered his eyes to Alex' lips, slightly parted and pulled into a soft smile.
  “Can I-“, he started but he felt Alex lips on his before he could finish his question, pushing into Willie and he pushed back just as eagerly.
  He pulled his hand out of Alex grasp to place it on the back of his head, pulling him closer, while he settled the other on his cheek. This kiss was different than the ones before, less gentle, because they were both starting to grin, but it still sent Willie's heart flying. Alex' hand, that was not still holding his face, slid down to the small of his back. His thumb slipped past Willie's sweater and graced his skin accidentally and Willie gasped at the sudden sensation of Alex cold thumb against his skin, pulling back a little. It didn’t take long for him to start laughing quietly and Alex joined him, removing his hand from underneath the sweater and looping his arm around his waist instead. Willie connected their foreheads, keeping his eyes closed.
  They stayed like that for a moment, but then Alex huffed a small laugh.
  “Can we please pretend, that I am the confident one in this situation?”, he asked, causing Willie to open his eyes and look at him, “because I’m totally freaking out on the inside.”
  A loud laugh burst from Willie and he had to lower his head onto Alex' shoulder to not accidentally spit on him.
  “No, please stop laughing”, Alex tried but Willie couldn’t help himself.
  It took another minute for him to calm down before Alex gently lifted Willie's head with his hand.
  “Please”, he said again, looking at him with soft eyes and Willie smiled.
  “Sorry”, he whispered and kissed him again, just because he could.
  He felt Alex smile against his lips, parting them slightly, to-
  A poofing-sound drove them apart, their hands staying where they are but their heads turning towards the source of the noise.
  Reggie appeared out of air, his back towards them, looking around.
  “Hey Alex, have you seen the cats?”
  Alex didn’t say anything, just kept looking at him.
  Reggie spotted them on his own, because they all stumbled towards him, yelling excitedly.
  “Oh, there they are, hi there!”, he exclaimed happily, crouching down and picking up the spotted one. Then he finally turned towards them. “Oh, hi Willie”, he said, looking down at the cats again, unbothered by the position he found Willie and Alex in.
  Reggie’s face snapped back up at them.
  “Willie!” He looked back and forth between the two. “You- and Alex- I interrupted something, didn’t I?”
  “Yes!”, Alex said pointedly, while Willie said “yeah, kind of”, a little softer, and Reggie gasped loudly.
  “Oh god, I’m so sorry!” He jumped up immediately. “Just- please give me a second, I-“, he carefully picked up the cats one by one, before shooting one last look at them. “Sorry!”, he said again and with another poof he was gone as quickly as he came.
  They stared at the spot where Reggie just stood, blinking in confusion.
  Alex groaned loudly, turning his head and pushing it into Willie's shoulder, his hand slipping from his cheek down his chest around his back. Willie laughed but slid his hands off his head and his arms around his shoulders, hugging him close.
  “I am so, so sorry about him”, Alex said, muffled against the fabric of Willie's sweater. Willie chuckled.
  “Don’t apologize.” He pressed a kiss into Alex' hair. “I am more than happy right now”, he whispered and felt Alex squeeze him.
  “Me too.”
  He squeezed him back.
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